Contest Health Base Movies Auto Matters Around Town NMCSD`s
Contest Health Base Movies Auto Matters Around Town NMCSD`s
DISPATCH Marine Corps • Coast Guard • Army • Air Force AT EASE • ARMED FORCES Navy S a n D i e g o N a v y / M a r i n e C o r p s D i s p a t c h • w w w. a r m e d f o r c e s d i s p a t c h . c o m • 6 1 9 . 2 8 0 . 2 9 8 5 Serving active duty and retired military personnel, veterans and civil service employees 20% OFF FOR ALL MILITARY PERSONNEL 25 Taps, $2 Select Pints Everyday Open to Close St. Archer Tap Takeover & March Madness This Weekend &URZQ9DOOH\3DUNZD\0LVVLRQ9LHMR)UHHZD\ ATTENTION MILITARY & VETERANS FREE 1 (855) 479-7473 C H I RO P R A C T I C A D J U S T M ENT New clients only. Not valid with any other offer. 4/3/14 Contest 2 passes College Area Taste ... 4 Health Base Movies ... 21 Classifieds ... 24-25 Around Town ... 26 SAN DIEGO - The Navy accepted delivery of USNS John Glenn (MLP 2) March 12. Delivery marks the official transfer of the ship from the shipbuilder to the Navy. Constructed by General Dynamics NASSCO, the Mobile Landing Platform (MLP) is a highly flexible platform that provides logistics movement from sea to shore, supporting and executing a broad range of military missions including humanitarian support and sustainment of traditional military missions. John Glenn is the second MLP to be delivered to the Navy following delivery of USNS Montford Point in May 2013. “It’s noteworthy that less than a year after the delivery of Montford Point, a first-in-class ship, we have come together with industry to deliver the program’s second ship,” said Capt. Henry Stevens, Strategic and Theater Sealift Program Manager, Program Executive Office, Ships. INDIAN OCEAN - Searching a combined 15,000 square miles since March 10, USS Kidd and its MH-60R helicopters completed their search of the Andaman Sea and have been detached from the MH370 Search and Rescue (SAR) effort as of March 18. No debris or wreckage associated with an aircraft was found. “The dedication of this crew is amazing. Three-hundred fourteen Sailors were out here operating for 24 hours a day, standing extra watches and volunteering for extra duties because they knew if it were their loved one missing on MH370, they’d want the best U.S. Navy capabilities involved in the search,” said Kidd’s Executive Officer Cmdr. T.J. Zerr. The move was made in consultation with the government of Malaysia. With the search area expanding into the southern Indian Ocean, long range patrol aircraft such as the P-8A Poseidon and P-3C Orion are more suited to the current SAR mission. ... 10-11 ... 21 Navy accepts delivery of USNS John Glenn Kidd completes Andaman Sea search; Detached from search and rescue Dietary Supplements Auto Matters FIFTY THIRD YEAR NO. 41 THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 NMCSD’s message to avoid drinking and driving Navy musician Nina Church works the crowd at last Saturday’s NAF El Centro’s Air Show. Photo by MCC Anastasia Puscian WELCOME BACK We thank our Heroes! SERVE WITH PRIDE. RIDE WITH POWER. Triumph salutes all of our active duty and retired military personnel. and to thank you for performing such a great service to your country, we want to help you get a high performance Triumph motorcycle. UP TO $ 1000 OFF YOUR PURCHASE* *Non-current models. See dealer for details 1890 Auto Park Place Chula Vista, CA 91911 Navy San Diego community warned of measles exposure by Scott Sutherland staff writer SAN DIEGO - An increase of measles cases in San Diego County has links to travelers from the Philippines which has trickled down to San Diego’s Navy community. According to Philippine health officials, over 1,100 cases of measles and a number of measles deaths were reported on the island nation during the first 11 days of 2014. In the past few weeks, San Diego health officials reported four measles cases, one in a traveler returning from the Philippines and three others they say who were exposed to that traveler. “Travelers can protect themselves by making sure everyone in the family has had two doses of the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine,” said Harrison Bolter of the County’s Health and Services Agency’s (HHSA) Epidemiology and Immunization Services Branch. Last week in a posting on their public website, County Health and Services officials stated that a person diagnosed with measles “may have exposed others to the disease at four different locations in the County from March 3-10.” Two of those locations have links to local military - the Veterans Affairs clinic in Chula Vista and the Naval Base San Diego Main Navy Exchange. County health officials were able to narrow the days and times of those possible exposures. At the VA clinic, if you were there from March 3-7 or March 10 from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., then you may have come into contact with a measles carrier. The time frame at the Navy Exchange was detrmined to be on March 9 from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Individuals may have also have been exposed the Naval Base Commissary. The time frame for exposure there wasn’t available. HHSA also reported on March 12 that people may also have been exposed at the 24 Hour Fitness Center on Amena Court in Chula Vista and at Mater Dei Catholic Church on Magdalena Ave. in Chula Vista. “Anyone who was at any of the specific locations should watch for symptoms and contact their health care provider by phone if they show any signs of the disease,” said Wilma Wooten, San Diego County public health officer. “We ask people with symptoms to phone their doctor’s office in advance, rather than visit an office directly, so that infection control measures may be implemented to prevent exposure to others.” evaluation and preventive treatment if appropriate. Those who are without a health provider can contact the HHSA Epidemiology Branch at (619) 692-8499. In the Philippines, most of the cases are from metropolitan Manila, Calabarzon, and Central Luzon. Last year, there were over 1,700 cases reported and 21 deaths in the PI. Measles develops seven to 21 days after exposure. Early symptoms include cough, runny nose and red eyes. The distinctive red rash usually appears one to four days after early symptoms appear. A person is considered contagious four days before the rash appears. The rash begins on the face and head then proceeds downward and outward to the hands and feet. It fades in the same order it began, from head to feet. Measles All persons born in 1957 or after should have documentation of at least one dose of MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine or other evidence of immunity to measles. The CDC recommends two doses of the vaccine: the first at 12 months of age, and the second between ages 4 - 6. Complications from measles are more common in children younger than 5 years old and adults 20 years and older. Complications can include diarrhea, ear infection and pneumonia. Death can occur from severe complications and the risk is higher among younger children and adults. There is no treatment for measles. Bed rest, fluids and fever control are recommended. People with complications may need treatment for their specific problem. T h e County reports that the newlydiagnosed individual is linked to a previously reported San Diego resident who contracted measles after a recent trip to the Philippines. This is the third additional case linked to the original exposure. For more information about measles, other vaccine-preventable diseases and the shots that protect against them, please call the HHSA Immunization Branch at (866) 358-2966 or visit the website at “Measles is a very contagious disease that can be spread easily by coughing, sneezing or being in the same room with an infected person,” said Wooten. Cover Naval Medical Center San Diego posted information online March 13 informing Navy beneficiaries of the most recent measles case. Sources at the Naval hospital’s public affairs office said Navy health officials are collaborating with San Diego County Health to “trace, contact, and process all patients potentially exposed at NMCSD, MCAS Miramar, or the NBSD Commissary.” SAN DIEGO (March 14, 2014) - Naval Medical Center San Diego (NMCSD) and Navy Medicine West Command Master Chief Hosea Smith Jr. holds up a sign encouraging Sailors to not drink and drive. The “Same Day, No Way” and “Keep What You’ve Earned” rally was put on by NMCSD’s Drug and Alcohol Programs Advisor to encourage those leaving base to make safe decisions. HHSA, VA and Navy public health officials are contacting individuals who were known to be at the listed locations during the exposure periods to determine if they have been vaccinated. People who have not been vaccinated, or who have not had measles, should contact their doctors within one week of the date of exposure for Navy photo by MC3 Class Pyoung K. Yi FRANK FRANK TOYOTA SERVICE SPECIALS X WAS 11995 4-WHEEL ALIGNMENT $ 89 $ FULL 95 3UHFLVLRQFRPSXWHUL]HGZKHHODOLJQPHQW $GMXVWFDVWHUFDPEHUWRH,QVSHFWVXVSHQVLRQIRUZHDU &HQWHUVWHHULQJZKHHO,QVSHFWWLUHV 2 • • THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 7R\RWDVRQO\0RVWPRGHOV0XVWSUHVHQWFRXSRQ&DQQRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHURIIHU RUGLVFRXQWDQGFDQQRWEHDSSOLHGWRZDUGSUHYLRXVSXUFKDVHV9DOLGRQO\DW)UDQN7R\RWD 2IIHUH[SLUHV BATTERY TRUE-2 SPECIAL 60 MONTH PRO-RATE WARRANTY 95 99 X WAS 12995 $ $ +tax Z([FKDQJH ,167$//$7,21,1&/8'(' 7R\RWDVRQO\0RVWPRGHOV0XVWSUHVHQWFRXSRQ&DQQRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHURIIHU RUGLVFRXQWDQGFDQQRWEHDSSOLHGWRZDUGSUHYLRXVSXUFKDVHV([FOXGHV+\EULGV 9DOLGRQO\DW)UDQN7R\RWD2IIHUH[SLUHV FAST LANE OIL & FILTER CHANGE Military Special Only X 29 $ ,QVWDOO*HQXLQH7R\RWDRLOILOWHU WAS 5HSODFHHQJLQHRLOSHUIDFWRU\VSHFLILFDWLRQV $ 3495 7RSRIIXQGHUWKHKRRGIOXLGV FREE&KHFNVHWWLUHSUHVVXUHWRYHKLFOHVSHFLILFDWLRQV FREE 0XOWLSRLQWLQVSHFWLRQ Oil & Filter Change. FREE &DU:DVK We Make it easy! FREE %DWWHU\7HVW 95 +tax 10% OFF SALES: SERVICE: & PARTS 5XQVFDQWRROWHVW 5HWULHYHGLDJQRVWLFFRGH 5HSRUWQHHGHGUHSDLUVRUIXUWKHU GLDJQRVWLFQHHGV FREE )XUWKHUGLDJQRVWLFPD\EHQHHGHGDWDGGLWLRQDOFRVW7R\RWDVRQO\0RVWPRGHOV&DQQRWEH FRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHURIIHURUGLVFRXQWDQGFDQQRWEHDSSOLHGWRZDUGSUHYLRXVSXUFKDVHV 3OHDVHSUHVHQWFRXSRQDWWLPHRIZULWHXS9DOLGRQO\DW)UDQN7R\RWD2IIHUH[SLUHV FUEL INDUCTION SERVICE 6\QWKHWLF2:2LOH[WUD7R\RWDVRQO\9DQG9HQJLQHVDGGLWLRQDO3OHDVHSUHVHQWFRXSRQDWWLPHRI SXUFKDVH&DQQRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHURIIHURUGLVFRXQWDQGFDQQRWEHDSSOLHGWRZDUGSUHYLRXVSXUFKDVHV 3OHDVHSUHVHQWFRXSRQDWWLPHRIZULWHXS9DOLGRQO\DW)UDQN7R\RWD2IIHUH[SLUHV MATURE TOYOTA SAVINGS SPECIAL CHECK ENGINE LIGHT HELP INCREASE FUEL ECONOMY ALL SERVICE OR REPAIRS FOR VEHICLES WITH 100,000 MILES OR MORE 7R\RWDVRQO\([FOXGHVRLOFKDQJH0XVWSUHVHQWFRXSRQ&DQQRWEH FRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHURIIHURUGLVFRXQWDQGFDQQRWEHDSSOLHG WRZDUGSUHYLRXVSXUFKDVHV9DOLGRQO\DW)UDQN7R\RWD 2IIHUH[SLUHV Monday-Friday 8:30AM - 9:00PM Sunday 9:00AM - 7:00PM Monday-Friday 7:00AM - 6:00PM Saturday 8:30AM-8:00PM Saturday 7:00AM-6:00PM 888.217.1866 95 119 X $ &KHPLFDOO\FOHDQLQWDNHSOHQXPDQG GHFDUERQLQWDNHYDOYHV &OHDQWKURWWOHERG\SODWH WAS $GGLQMHFWRUFOHDQHUWRIXHO $ 95 +tax 139 7R\RWDVRQO\0RVWPRGHOV0XVWSUHVHQWFRXSRQ&DQQRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHURIIHU RUGLVFRXQWDQGFDQQRWEHDSSOLHGWRZDUGSUHYLRXVSXUFKDVHV9DOLGRQO\DW)UDQN7R\RWD 2IIHUH[SLUHV National Military Navy SEALS board ‘Morning Glory’ tanker ship W ASHINGTON - American forces March 16 boarded and took control of a commercial tanker ship that was seized earlier this month by three armed Libyans, Pentagon Press Secretary Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby said in a Defense Department news release issued March 17. “No one was hurt tonight when U.S. forces, at the request of both the Libyan and Cypriot governments, boarded and took control of the commercial tanker ‘Morning Glory,’ a stateless vessel seized earlier this month by three armed Libyans,” Kirby said in the release. The boarding operation, approved by President Barack Obama and conducted just after 10 p.m. EDT on March 16 in international waters southeast of Cyprus, was executed by a team of U.S. Navy SEALs attached to Special Operations Command Europe, Kirby added. “The SEAL team embarked and operated from the guided missile destroyer USS Roosevelt,” Kirby said in the release. USS Roosevelt provided helicopter support and served as a command and control and support platform for the other members of the force assigned to conduct the mission, he said. release. “The ship and its cargo were illicitly obtained from the Libyan port of As-Sidra.” “The ‘Morning Glory’ is carrying a cargo of oil owned by the Libyan government National Oil Company,” Kirby said in the USS Roosevelt is homeported in Mayport, Fla. and is deployed as part of the George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group, Kirby said. Aircraft carrier Bush extends operations in Mediterranean Sea by Sgt. 1st Class Tyrone C. Marshall Jr. WASHINGTON - Aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush will remain in the Mediterranean Sea a few days longer than originally scheduled, a Defense Department spokesman said here March 14. The “Morning Glory” will be underway soon to a port in Libya with a team of Sailors from USS Stout embarked, Kirby said. The Sailors will be supervising the transit, he added. Col. Steve Warren told Pentagon reporters the extension allows for additional training and enhances maritime capabilities in the region. “This is a few more days over what the original plan was,” he said. “There’s two reasons: one is to conduct these additional training opportunities, and frankly, because a lot of what we’re doing there now is an effort to reassure our allies.” Transportation official urges planning before PCS moves by Amaani Lyle WA S H I N G TO N - Wi t h warmer weather comes peak moving season, so when orders are in hand, people should plan ahead to ensure the most hasslefree relocation, a senior official who oversees personal property moves for military families said in a recent interview. Capt. Aaron Stanley, personal property program director for U.S. Transportation Command’s Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command, told the Pentagon Channel that peak moving season is a moving industry phenomenon in which government and private-sector moves compete for the same resources during busy summer months, typically between the Memorial Day and Independence Day holidays. “Whether moving this summer or any time, do your homework, be flexible and know what your rights are,” Stanley said. The main moving issue is volume, with most families opting to relocate after their children are out of school for the year, he said. “By having multiple dates in By using the online Defense Personal Property System at, Defense Department personnel and their families can self-counsel and submit their applications online, track their shipments, file “By having multiple dates in mind, we have the best chance of getting you the dates you’re after.” - Capt. Aaron Stanley mind, we have the best chance of getting you the dates you’re after,” Stanley said. “And because of the busy summer season, the better you understand what the movers are supposed to do on your behalf, the better [prepared you will be] to hold them accountable to do exactly that.” a claim, and settle directly with the moving company to get full replacement value of lost and damaged goods, as opposed to depreciated value offered in the past, said Stanley. “There are some changes being made to the claims module Navy Marine Corps Dispatch/At Ease (619) 280-2985 Published by Western States Weeklies, Inc. P.O. Box 600600, San Diego, CA, 92160 email: [email protected] Publisher.........................Sarah Hagerty The Dispatch is published weekly on Thursdays, by Western States Weeklies, Inc., as a commercial, free-enterprise newspaper. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Department of the Navy and is no way associated with the Department of the Navy. The editorial objective of the Dispatch, however, is to promote support for a strong military presence. The opinions and views of writers whose materials appear herein are those of the writers and not the publishers. Appearance of advertising does not constitute endorsement by the Dispatch or Western States Weeklies, Inc. Consumers should make informed decisions when purchasing products and services, and when considering business opportunities, and research before investing. Subscription by mail is $65 per year to CONUS or FPO address. that should make it more userfriendly,” he added. On the situation in Ukraine, Warren said the department continues to monitor situation “very closely” and continues to call on Russia to de-escalate the situation. Officials have been responsive to customer feedback, Stanley said, and he noted that a higher customer survey response rate - currently at about 35 to 45 percent - would improve their ability to see that the best moving companies get the most business in moving military families. “Russian intervention in Ukraine, we’ve said all along, is a violation of international law and international agreements to which Russia is a signatory,” he said. “That customer satisfaction survey is the underlying foundation for the program, and its best-value approach accounts for 75 percent of the formulae to allocate shipments for [transportation service providers],” he said. This week’s contest box is on page 4. Send us your entry form - postal or electronic mail. Perry Infiniti Escondido 4,*p+( p+p *p,*5 Active & Retired ,QÀQLWL*-RXUQH\ $ 269 PR *MSRP $36,635 closed end lease $269.76 (plus tax) for 24 months to well qualified customers through Infiniti financial services subject to “tier 1” credit approval. $1999 due at signing plus 1st payment, title, registration, & bank fee. Dealer contribution may affect consumer cost. Disposition due at lease termination. No security deposit required. 10k miles per year. $.25 per mile in excess. Includes: all available incentives. Advertised special available on all in stock at this price. Expires 4/30/14. ,QÀQLWL3UHPLXP4 $ 349 99 PR *MSRP $41,405 closed end lease $349.99 (plus tax) for 24 months to well qualified customers through Infiniti financial services subject to “tier 1” credit approval. $1995 due at signing plus 1st payment, title, registration, & bank fee. Dealer contribution may affect consumer cost. Disposition due at lease termination. No security deposit required. 10k miles per year. $.25 per mile in excess. Includes: all available incentives. Advertised special available on all in stock at this price. Expires 4/30/14. /D7HUUD]D%OYG(VFRQGLGR&D 760.796.5500 ZZZSHUU\LQILQLWLHVFRQGLGRFRP THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 • • 3 Stanley said the Defense Department conducted 520,000 moves last year, with about about 40 percent occurring from May 15 to Aug. 15, with similar numbers projected this year. Stanley encouraged those with a permanent-change-of-station move on the horizon to propose multiple windows or dates for moving consideration. The carrier left Norfolk, Va., to support maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations. CNO: ‘No plan’ to change retirement by MCC Julianne Metzger WASHINGTON - In a oneon-one interview last week and during March 18 all hands call in Mayport, Fla. Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Jonathan Greenert asserted that changes to the military retirement system are far from taking effect and that there is no plan in place to change it. Greenert made it clear at the all hands call and in a recent “Conversation with a Shipmate” interview, “If you wear the uniform today, today’s retirement system is your retirement system.” Pushing back on recent retirement articles, Greenert told Sailors in Mayport, “There is no plan today to change retirement.” Greenert said the rumors of retirement changes stem from the Department of Defense recommendations to the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission reviewing military retirement for Congress. The President established the commission to conduct a review of military compensation and retirement systems. The commission is tasked to submit a report of its findings, along with its member’s recommendations, by May 1, 2014 to the President and Congress. Destroyer Squadron 26 leaves for Joint Warrior 14-1 ... NORFOLK - Six ships, led by Commander DESRON 26, departed the for Scotland March 14 to participate in Joint Warrior 14-2, a semiannual, United Kingdom-led training exercise designed to provide NATO and allied forces a unique multi-warfare environment in which to prepare for global operations. Sailors aboard USS Leyte Gulf (CG 55), USS Vella Gulf (CG 72) USS James E. Williams (DDG 95), USS Cole (DDG 67), USS Ross (DDG 71), USS Samuel B Roberts (FFG 58), and fleet replenishment oiler USNS Kanawa (T-AO 196) will participate in the exercise. “Any retirement change that would take place is quite a ways down the road,” said Greenert. When asked about the possibility of a new retirement system, Greenert said “It’s going to be a few years before we get one put together, studied, voted on and implemented.” An overhaul to military retirement is being considered to ensure fiscal sustainability for the Armed Forces as well as ensure quality of life for service members who choose to make the military a career. CNO Adm. Jonathan Greenert and Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Mike Stevens speak with Sailors during an all hands call held March 18 aboard NS Mayport. Navy photo by MC2 Adam Henderson Greenert said if there are changes, service members will have the option to transition to a new system but will still have the option to stay in the current retirement system they signed up under. Obama presents long-overdue Medals of Honor to 24 Soldiers by J.D. Leipold WASHINGTON - Twentyfour Army veterans from three wars - World War II, Korea and Vietnam - received upgrades to the highest military decoration for uncommon bravery and gallantry at a White House ceremony March 18. necks of the three living veterans from the Vietnam War. President Barack Obama presented posthumous Medals of Honor to family members and representatives of 21 of those Soldiers, and draped the skyblue ribbon and five-pointed star-bearing medals around the “This ceremony is 70 years in the making and today, we have the chance to set the record straight,” the president said, noting that more than a decade ago Congress mandated a review to ensure heroism of veterans wasn’t overlooked due to prejudice or discrimination. During that review, the 24 soldiers - Hispanic, Jewish and The Armed Forces Dispatch wants you to be a WINNER! Two passes for College Area Taste Enjoy a culinary adventure at over 20 college area dining destinations. You’ll get a kick out of the hippest spots in San Diego. 4 • • THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 National military news briefs Sun., April 13 UU 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Rules: Fill out the entry form below and send it to us at: Dispatch Newspaper/College Area Taste, P.O. Box 600600, San Diego, CA 92160. Entries must be in our office by Wednesday, March 26, 2014. One entry per family. Must show ID upon pickup. Entries may also be submitted via e-mail to [email protected] Subject: College Area Taste. Include all information requested below in online entries. Winners notified by telephone. Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper/College Area Taste Deadline is Wednesday, March 26 2014, at noon. Please answer all questions to be eligible. name____________________________________ address_ _________________________________ city, state, zip______________________________ phone___________________________________ What radio station do you listen to?_______ Active duty military (which base): _______________________________________ Military spouse/family member Civilian Retired military Each of the 24 had received a Distinguished Service Cross for the same fearless actions for which they were now receiving long overdue upgrades to the Medal of Honor. African-American - were identified as deserving of the Medal of Honor. “This is the length to which America will go to make sure everyone who serves under our proud flag receives the thanks that they deserve,” Obama said. “So with each generation, we keep on striving to live up to our ideals of freedom and equality, and to recognize the dignity and patriotism of every person, no matter who they are, what they look like, or how they pray.” Obama invited each living Soldier to the stage, one at a time, dressed in uniforms they could have worn in their 20s. Need An Apartment.... $ 0 App. Fee* / $ 99 Deposit (oac) Sommerset Apartments Alderwood Apartments 3265 Sweetwater Springs Blvd. Rancho San Diego, CA 91978 619.670.6001 1, 2, & 3 Bedrooms Laundry Hook Ups 1121 Fourth Ave.. Chula Vista, CA 91911 619.425.5446 1 & 2 Bedrooms Garages Available Greenbrier Apartments Woodland Hills Apartments 0RVV6WUHHW&KXOD9LVWD&$ ¶&·6WUHHW&KXOD9LVWD&$ %HGURRPV*DWHG&RPPXQLW\ %HGURRPV6SDFLRXV8QLWV 619.585.7336 619.691.8219 Visit us at ZZZVGUHQWLQJFRP *(See manager for details) Sexual assault reports: Week of Mar 3-9 ... WASHINGTON - This week’s overview of alleged sexual assaults is compiled based on eleven initial reports across the Navy from March 3-9. This time frame reflects only the receipt of the initial reports; one of these reported incidents also occurred during this period. Every one of these reports will be fully investigated. Looking at this snapshot in time, we see the following: * Six reports come from events that occurred on-base and five from events that occurred off-base. * All twelve of the alleged offenders were male. The vast majority were known to their alleged victims. One was E-7 or above, five were petty officers, one was E-3 or below, four were civilians, and one was unknown. * Six of the reported incidents are alleged to be service member on service member. * Among the alleged victims, six were petty officers, three were E-3 or below, one was a civilian, and one was unknown. Of these reported, eight were female, two were male, and one was unknown. SECNAV releases Washington Navy Yard report ... Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus released March 18 the Navy’s investigation into the circumstances surrounding the tragic events of Sept. 16, 2013, at the Washington Navy Yard. The investigation team focused on the prior military and employment history of the shooter, Aaron Alexis; the events of Sept. 16; and post-incident response. The team also assessed how well the Navy implemented programs and policies designed to safeguard people and protect mission capabilities. Specific details of the shooting and Alexis’ possible motives are the subject of the ongoing criminal investigation and are not part of this investigation.The investigation was convened under the Manual of the Judge Advocate General (JAGMAN). Mabus acknowledged acceptance of the JAGMAN investigation. A number of actions to deter insider threats and improve implementation of force protection, physical security, incident response and emergency management policies have already been taken. “Safeguarding our people remains critical to our national security,” said Mabus. “Through all of the actions taken as a result of the investigation, we seek to improve our ability to protect our people, and reduce the likelihood that events like this will happen again.” Self-healing paint could halt rust on military vehicles ... ARLINGTON, Va. - A new additive could help military vehicles, including the Marine Corps variant of the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle, heal like human skin and avoid costly maintenance as a result of corrosion, officials annonuced March 18. Developed by The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in partnership with the Office of Naval Research, polyfibroblast allows scratches forming in vehicle paint to scar and heal before the effects of corrosion ever reach the metal beneath. “Corrosion costs the Navy billions of dollars each year,” said Marine Capt. Frank Furman, who manages logistics research programs for ONR’s Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare and Combating Terrorism Department. “This technology could cut maintenance costs, and, more importantly, it could increase the time vehicles are out in the field with our Marines.” Polyfibroblast is a powder that can be added to commercial-off-the-shelf paint primers. It is made up of microscopic polymer spheres filled with an oily liquid. BUY YOUR TICKETS ON BASE AND SAVE San Diego Zoo - 1 Day Pass (Adult) Gate price ... $44 MWR price ... $36 (Child, 3-11 yrs.) Gate price ... $34 MWR price ... $28 10460 Mission Gorge Rd Santee, CA 92071 619-749-0742 • Truck Bed Covers • New and Used Camper Shells • Side Steps • Bed Liner • Trucks Racks • Tool Boxes • Fuel Tanks • Carpet Kits • Tow hitches • Mufflers • MILITARY DISCOUNT Get $25.00 off $300 or more with this ad You name it, We’ve Got It SeaWorld (Adult) Gate price ... $78 MWR price ... $63.75 (Child) Gate price ... $70 MWR price ... $63.75 AMC movies tickets Box office price ... $12 MWR price ... $8 Centennial World War I commemoration effort gears up by Jim Garamone WASHINGTON - It was called The Great War even as it was going on. It engulfed the world, and the world is still feeling its effects. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the start of World War I, and U.S. officials are gearing up to mark the centennial. In his day job, Robert J. Dalessandro is the director of the U.S. Army Center of Military History at Fort Lesley J. McNair here. He also is the acting chairman of the World War I Centennial Commission. The Great War began in July 1914 with the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand. This triggered an interconnecting network of alliances to spark mobilization, bringing in the empires of Europe. England, France and Russia lined up against Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire. A generation of men died in battle on the fields of France. The Somme, Verdun, Ypres and Meuse-Argonne became killing grounds. On the Eastern Front, millions of Germans, Austrians and Russians battled. Overall, about 16.5 million people were killed in the war. plan programs and develop an education program targeting America’s youth,” Dalessandro said. At first, the United States stayed out of it. In fact, when President Woodrow Wilson ran for re-election in 1916, his campaign slogan was “He kept us out of war.” But on April 7, 1917, the U. S. declared war on Germany and the other Central Powers and raised a military force of more than 4 million men. The U. S. lost 116,516 service members in World War I. Another 205,690 were wounded. While the U. S. didn’t enter the war until 1917, the U.S. commemoration commission is beginning its mission of education now to provide Americans some context for the epochal war. “You can’t just drop into World War I in April of ‘17 without understanding the road to war,” Dalessandro said in an interview. “It was complex politically and internationally, and Americans today need to know what Americans then thought about the war.” This summer begins the centennial, Dalessandro said, calling the archduke’s assassination “the Fort Sumter of World War I,” referring to the site of the The education aspect may be the commission’s most important challenge, he added. “We need to wake up the interest of a new generation of Americans on the effects of World War I,” he said. Courtesy photo of World War I-era artwork. U.S. Civil War’s first engagement. Congress chartered the commission to encourage private organizations and state and local governments to organize activities commemorating the centennial. The panel will coordinate activities throughout the U. S. tied to the centennial and will serve as a clearinghouse for the dissemination of plans and events, he said. While its charter covers the United States, the commission also is looking at international events, and will mark those appropriately, he said. “We want to lead efforts that raise awareness, that encourage a spectrum of organizations to Americans today need to know that World War I changed everything for America, Dalessandro said. In the short term, he explained, the experience of the slaughter of the Western Front turned America away from entangling alliances in Europe. But the lesson for leaders, he added, was 180 degrees from that. “They learned we have to be engaged in Europe and involved in business,” he said. While the Civil War saw a draft, Dalessandro said, World War I saw the first universal draft. “The first question is if you have a universal draft for men, what do you do with AfricanAmerican men?” he said. African-American leaders were determined that black men fight as combat soldiers and fight in integrated units. They also pushed for black officers, Dalessandro said. “Part of that happened,” he added. Courneya testifies on Capitol Hill FRA National President (NP) Virgil Courneya testified before a joint hearing of the House and Senate Veterans Affairs Committees last week, asking Congress to work to reduce the large backlog of disability claims at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), expand presumption for Blue Water Vietnam veterans exposed to Agent Orange herbicide while serving off the cost of Vietnam, and authorize two-year funding for the full VA budget to avoid the agency having to stop providing benefits and adjudicating disability claims during a government shutdown. Courneya thanked Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.), Chairman of the Senate Committee, and Rep. Jeff Miller (Fla.), Chairman of the House Committee, for their efforts to repeal the one-percent cost-of-living-adjustment for military retirees, including their sponsorship of legislation S. 1982 and H.R. 3789, respectively. Sanders’ legislation also contained numerous FRA-supported provisions improving veteran’s benefits. NP Courneya cited other issues addressed in the Association’s full statement, including full concurrent receipt for all disabled military retirees, expanded suicide prevention programs, veteran’s status for Reserve Component with 20 or more years of service, and reform of the Uniform Services Former Spouse Protection Act (USFSPA). Senate approves sexual assault legislation The Senate last week passed by 97-0 the “Victims Protection Act” (S. 1917), sponsored by Sen. Claire McCaskill (Mo.), that reforms how the military handles sexual assault cases. Before the bill was approved, there was vigorous and extensive debate between two of the Senate’s female legislators (Senators Kristin Gillibrand from New York and the bill’s sponsor Claire McCaskill). The bill would prohibit military commanders from overturning jury convictions on sexual assault; the statute of limitations for military rapes would be eliminated; and victims would receive their own independent counsel in sex crime cases. The bill would also require civilian review if a commanding officer decides not to prosecute a sexual assault case. The bill now goes to the House for further consideration, and members can use the FRA Action Center at Do more than dream about your dream kitchen. branch 800.209.BANK (2265) Home Equity Line of Credit Introductory Rate for 6 Months 1.99 % APR* Rate available 03/03/14-05/11/14 Rates are subject to change Rates as low as 3.99 % APR* Variable rate after Introductory Period *1.99% Introductory Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is available on Equiline Home Equity Lines of Credit with a 70% or 80% loan-to-value (LTV) or less, depending upon the market. The introductory interest rate will be fixed at 1.99% during the six-month introductory period. A higher introductory rate may apply for an LTV above 70%. Offer is available for new applications submitted from March 3, 2014 to May 11, 2014. Existing customers are eligible with at least a $20,000 increase in balance and commitment amount. After the six-month introductory period: the APR is variable and is based upon an index plus a margin. The APR will vary with Prime Rate (the index) as published in the Wall Street Journal. As of March 3, 2014, the variable rate for home equity lines of credit ranged from 3.99% APR to 8.99% APR. Higher rates may apply for a credit limit below $125,000 (depending upon the market), an LTV above 70% or 80% (depending upon the market), a low credit score and/or not having a U.S. Bank personal Package Checking account. The rate will not vary above 18% APR, or applicable state law, or below 1.99% APR. Choosing an interest only repayment may cause your monthly payment to increase, possibly substantially, once your credit line transitions to the repayment period. An annual fee of up to $90 may apply after the first year and is waived with a U.S. Bank personal Platinum Package Checking account. See the Consumer Pricing Information brochure for terms and conditions that apply to U.S. Bank Package Checking accounts. The Equiline offer is subject to normal credit qualifications and program guidelines. Rates are subject to change without notice. Customer pays no closing costs, except escrow related EQUAL HOUSING funding costs. Property insurance is required. Consult your tax advisor regarding the deductibility of interest. Other restrictions may apply. Home Equity Loans and Lines of Credit and Deposit products are offered through U.S. Bank National Association. © 2014 U.S. Bank. Member FDIC. THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 • • 5 Get a home equity line of credit with no closing costs. Our rates are low. Our terms are flexible. And our bankers make it easy. Apply today. Career & Education Tools detailers use for fleet manning An increase in enlisted critical at-sea billets has Navy community managers reminding Sailors of the various incentive programs available to them. “The Navy has several incentive programs that the enlisted community managers and detailers use to fill vacancies at sea,” said Ron Dodge, deputy director of enlisted distribution at Navy Personnel Command. “We want to give Sailors good reasons to choose sea duty because that is where we need them.” Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus announced in March an upcoming increase in Career Sea Pay (CSP) and Career Sea Pay Premium incentives for eligible Sailors and Marines serving aboard ships whose primary mission is conducted at sea. This increase, the first since 2001, is intended to compensate Sailors for extended deployments, and is expected to take place early this summer. Additionally, Sailors may qualify for Sea Duty Incentive Pay (SDIP), if they serve in specific ratings, pay grades and/ or NEC’s and agree to remain on sea duty past their Prescribed Sea Tour (PST), volunteer for a back-to-back sea tour, or curtail their current shore duty and return early to sea duty. ever, we know that ‘journeymen’ requirements are also important, particularly within the technical (NEC) skills. With this initiative we are trying to create a more holistic improvement in sea duty manning by expanding this initiative to E4-E9 Sailors,” said Dodge. Sailors who wish to extend at sea or return to sea duty early may be entitled to receive an incentive pay along with a choice of duty station via the Voluntary Sea Duty Program (VSDP). Updated instructions outlining the VSDP guidelines are forthcoming, but Sailors can continue to refer to NAVADMINs 043/12 18 YEARS Navy detailers now will have increased flexibility in filling anticipated fleet vacancies on time with a fully trained and qualified relief, according to NAVADMIN 058/14. This is one more tool to ensure proper manning of the fleet for all Sailors. and 205/12 until the updates are released. Take classes online, anytime. 0HGLFDO2I¿FH6SHFLDOLVW&0$$ 0HGLFDO%LOOLQJ&RGLQJ&3& +RVSLWDO%LOOLQJ&RGLQJ&3&+3KOHERWRP\7HFKQLFLDQ&37 3KDUPDF\7HFKQLFLDQ37&%'HQWDO$VVLVWDQW3URJUDP 0HGLFDO7UDQVFULSWLRQ,&'%227&$03IRU0HGLFDO&RGHUV *URXS)LWQHVV3HUVRQDO7UDLQLQJ The Chief Petty Officer (CPO) Early Return to Sea, announced in NAVADMIN 230/12, authorized detailers to fill opening high priority E7-E9 sea duty billets using their authorized transfer window in conjunction with the candidate’s current length of time on shore, recent advancement, fleet experience, and Navy Enlisted Classifications. “When the CPO Early Return to Sea initiative was implemented, we were focused very hard on improving the “Supervisor” (E7-E9) manning at sea. How- Payment Plans Available! VA and MYCAA approved. (866) 516-8274 A NEW WAY TO ACHIEVE WEB: Western Towing is looking for self-motivated individuals to fill positions as Inbound Call Center Dispatchers. These positions are full-time. Qualified candidate should possess excellent communication and computer skills, be able to multi-task and handle multiple phone lines, work independently and must be punctual and reliable. Candidate must also have excellent decision-making skills. Prior dispatching experience preferred. We offer competitive pay and a comprehensive benefits package, including 401(k), medical, dental, life insurance and more. Email resume to: [email protected], fax resume to 619-923-3211 or apply in person at 4380 Pacific Highway, San Diego. ONLINE COURSES PROVIDE CHALLENGE AND FLEXIBILITY National University Virtual High School helps students stay on track, accelerate their progress, and take supplemental coursework to enhance their academic experience. • Over 100 high school courses EOE • College prep and AP® courses • Media-rich, instructor-led courses School Directory • Part-time or full-time enrollment • Approvals: WASC, UC “a-g,” College Board, NCAA, and NAIA Mira Mesa Christian Schools • Online SAT Prep Program available Preschool (Lic. # 376600879) & K-6th Homeschool Options available Partnering with parents for excellence LEARN MORE! 858-578-0262 Public Charter School Grades K-8 Open to all San Diego County Families 858.271.1414 © 2013 National University 13103 6 • • THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 Dispatchers Drug-free Sailors man the rails aboard the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Roosevelt (DDG 80) during a routine port visit to Koper, Slovenia. Roosevelt is on a scheduled deployment en route to support maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th and 6th fleet areas of responsibility. U.S. Navy photo by MC2 Justin Wolper Call toll-free 866.366.8847 or visit A N A F F I L I AT E O F T H E N AT I O N A L U N I V E R S I T Y S Y S T E M Interpersonal Edge: If you want power, try a little powerlessness by Dr. Daneen Skube Q. I have some peers in my workplace that drive me crazy. They expect my employees to help them with their projects, tell me what to do, and make promises to customers my team needs to deliver. No matter what I say, they don’t stop. I go to work every day expecting a new battle. How do I get the power to make them back off? A. You can get your peers to back off by using your powerlessness. The central problem is what you are not acknowledging: that you are not the boss of your coworkers. The behaviors you don’t like about your peers are actually their attempts to boss you around. But you are responding by bossing your peers around right back. The truth is that neither of you is the boss. Instead of getting in deeply entrenched authority struggles with your peers, turn their supervision over to the person who actually has that power - the manager you both report to. Let your boss know the request your peer has made and let the boss tell you what he or she wants you to do. Make certain you keep a neutral stance in what you tell your boss about your peer. No manager is impressed by a grown-up that is whining like a baby about a coworker. Instead, impartially state your peer’s request and what the tradeoff would be if you comply. Then let your boss make the judgment call. If your boss feels like you keep running to him or her saying the equivalent of, “My brother keeps hitting me,” your boss will decide you and not your peer are the problem. The way a manager will do relationship math is to decide the complaining employee equals the problem employee. SEE Power, page 10 THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 • • 7 S t. Columba Catholic Church & School Pastor: Rev. Mario Elias 3327 Glencolum Drive, San Diego, CA 92123 CH: 858-277-3863 SCH: 858-279-1882 Confessions: Sat 4-5 pm, Saturday vigil Mass: 5:30 pm Sunday Masses: 7:30,9:30,11:00 am, & 5:30pm Family Life S M ission San Luis Rey Catholic Church & School Your Catholic Church home in Oceanside welcomes you Weekend Masses Sat. 5pm Eng 7pm Spanish--Serra Center Sunday 7am (Eng in the Old Mission) 8am, 10am, 5pm English. 12 noon Spanish--Serra Center Confessions Saturday 10-11 am 4070 Mission Avenue Oceanside, Ca 760-757-3250 t Anthony Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church Apostolic worshipmoms from where "the Disciples first called Christian" Top tips for to werestay better organized 2825 Merton Ave, San Diego, CA 92111 (858) 586-0288 Finally open after extensive remodel! Thanks for your patience! For busy moms always on the theLindacreasing role in parenting, from Embedded within Vista military community go, it’s crucial toGreat find new Sat ways keeping in touch with the kids Vespers at 5:30PM Sunday Matins 8:45AM Sunmoney, Divine Liturgy 10AM to save time and while to using organizational apps. reducing daily hassles. Let these organizational tips help you stay on track: Make Mornings Easier hectic e of Destinies when Manifested" you’re preparing the eneet at the Rancho California Water District Bldg. tire family for the day. Simplify 5 Winchester Rd. Temecula those852-8357 early hours by prepping ys 10:00 am (951) certain things the night before. dom HarvestMornings Ministries, Inc are always For example, pack the kids lunches as you’re getting dinner ready. There’s always downtime to put together a few sandwiches while something is marinating, chilling or heating. Spend a few minutes with your children on Sunday nights picking out their clothes for the week. You’ll thank yourself on weekday mornings. Organize your bag the night before. You’ll be less likely to leave something behind when you aren’t in a rush. h Keep Track There’s no doubt about it. Technology is playing an in- 4/3 4/10 4/17swap C Unfortunately, one in eight moms who use mobile electronic devices and have an on-the-go lifestyle say they lose or misplace their smartphone”very often” or “often,” according to a 2014 Essentials for Mobile Life Survey. But replacing a smartphone is expensive, time-consuming and stressful. Moreover, mom’s smartphone is often a ‘keeper’ of a tremendous amount of personal, confidential and workrelated information. New technology is making it possible to keep track of your phone, as well as other essential appendages, like backpacks, keys and handbags. For example, a new Proximo app made by Kensington includes a fob for your keys and up to four tags on other items to alert you when you’re leaving behind something valuable. It can also help locate the misplaced item with the touch of a button, saving you time and money. More information can be found at Tierrasanta hrist Community Church Easter is Sunday, April 20! Join us to celebrateChurch Holy Week! Lutheran Maundy Thursday, 4/17 at 7:00 pm; Good Friday, 4/18 at 7:00 pm Sunrise Easter Service at 6am at Hourglass Park in Mira Mesa Lenten Services Weds. at 7pm, March 12-April 9th Celebration Family Easter Services at 9 and 10:30 am at the church forMira Easter” Children’s after school 9535 “Waiting Kearny Villa Rd., Mesa 92126; Located just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 SURJUDPHDFK:HGVDWSPVWDUWLQJ0DUFKWK Sundays at 9am, 10:30am & 6pm; or (858) 549-2479 )UHHWRDOONLGV3UH.WK&DOOWRVLJQXSWRGD\ 3OHDVHMRLQXVIRU6XQGD\:RUVKLS 7UDGLWLRQDO6HUYLFHDP &RQWHPSRUDU\0XVLF6HUYLFHDP 6XQGD\6FKRRODWDP 6XQGD\HYHQLQJVDWSP Pastor Bohdan Vadis &ODLUHPRQW0HVD%OYG 7/&3UH6FKRRO/LFHQVH "Reaching, Loving, Caring" 1111 5th St, Coronado, CA. 92118 Ch: 619-435-1000, Sch: 619-435-0286 Sunday Worship 10:15 am (with child care) "Welcoming all to experience and share Christ's love" Face of Defense: Third-generation Marine continues tradition New military families are moving to San Diego by worship Cpl. Pedro Cardenas every day. Invite them to with you For most recruits here, their in the Dispatch Church Directory. Chore Chart arrival to recruit training is their (619)280-2985 Why do all the work yourself? A chore wheel can help you remember what tasks need to be completed weekly. By involving everyone, you can make each member of the family feels their contributions are important. R esurrection Lutheran Church & Preschool first taste of the Marine Corps. But for some, it is a way of life passed on from generation to generation. New military families are moving to San Diego every day. Invite them to worship with you in the Dispatch Church Directory. (619)280-2985 Places of Worship Assign age-appropriate tasks to each member of the family and rotate jobs from week to week. Even the youngest children can learn to pick up their own toys or help with simple tasks in the kitchen. Post the chore wheel in a centralized location, such as on the refrigerator at a height everyone can see. A third-generation Marine, Pfc. Lucas M. Polk is continuing his family legacy. But before he enlisted, he said, his future was heading in a completely different direction. Polk went to college briefly, majoring in communications. While in college, he decided to give the music world a try. He was part of two heavy metal bands: Damien Deadson and Surreal Spectrum. He toured the United States and released a CD with each band. Make Extra When you get home after a long day, leftovers can be a blessing if you’re too tired to But the 22-year-old Tampa cook. Sure you can order in, but Bay, Fla., native said he was a for april 10 & 17 onlyperson swap then. He had even that will get old. Plus, the different food you cook at home is often long hair, he said, and sometimes ollege Avenue Baptist Church healthier and less expensive A multi-ethnic, multigenerationaldressed community in dark clothes. The to prepare. Save yourself We invite you to join usthe this Easter, April 20: bands split, leaving Polk look8:30 - dinner 9:30 am -nightly Enjoy a complimentary hassle of making ing forbreakfast a new line of work. He 10 amthan - Worship by cooking more youServices need in English & Spanish retired Marine (Children's Ministry is available called for babieshis thrufather, grade 4 @10am) and freezing4747 or College storing some Corps Maj. Morgan M. Polk, to Ave, San Diego 92115 (near SDSU) for later. 619.582.7222 - seek advice. C starts mar 27/ april 3,24 /may all /june 5,12,19/ Being a mom means juggling His father told him that enlistmany different things at once. ing in the Marine Corps was one ollege But don’t stress. FindAvenue ways toBaptist of the Church best decisions of his life, A multi-ethnic, multigenerational community make life easier for yourself he said. We invite you to join us this Sunday: instead. 8:45 am - Bible Studies & Seminars for all ages 10 am - Worship Services in English & Spanish While attending his brother’s (Children's Ministry is available for babiestraining thru grade 4graduation @10am) recruit in 4747 College Ave, San Diego 92115 (near SDSU) May, Polk recalled, Marines 619.582.7222 - yelled the traditional “Ooh-rah!” Enjoy the in response to the senior drill instructors’ final dismissal. . That moment, he said, solidified his decision to become a Marine. “It was really inspiring,” he said. “I knew then that I would be back.” C Dispatch to place an ad call (619)280-2985 While growing up, Polk lived Marine Corps Pfc. Lucas M. Polk climbs a hill as part of the Basilone’s Challenge event during The Crucible at Edson Range, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, starts 3/27 Calif., Feb. 19, 2014. Polk is a third-generation Marine. U.S. Marine Corps photo Cpl. Pedro Cardeirst Baptist Church of by Mira Mesa nas "Helping People Find and Follow Jesus" F Sundays at 9:00am and 10:30am at several Marine Corps stations,kids,because of the Marine Corps.” Ministries for preschool, youth & adults Awana, Wednesdays at 6:15pm including Marine Corps Base 10770 Rd., SaninDiego, Ca 92126 Quantico, Va., andRickert overseas Polk said his grandfather, also 858-566-3671 Panama. He always had a good a Marine, told him in his childtime being around Marines, he hood he, too, would become one. said, so becoming a Marine was Polk’s grandfather graduated second-nature. from recruit training here in 1948. Polk also recalled wear“I always thought about the ing T-shirts emblazoned with Marines, because I was raised the slogan, “I’m not a kid; I am by Marines,” he said. “I had dis- a future Marine.” cipline instilled in me and had a very structured childhood. I feel “My father always had camlike I had an awesome childhood SEE Marine, page 10 8 • • THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 Places of Worship B ayview Baptist Church F aith Tabernacle Church alvary Chapel Coronado F irst Baptist Church C hrist Community Church H C ity of Praise C 6126 Benson Avenue, SD 92114 (619) 262-8384 Sunday 7:45 am and 11 am Worship Service Wednesday 6pm Youth Fellowship,7pm WNL Wednesday Nig "A Multi-Cultural, Multi Ethnic, Multi Generational Church" 1224 10 St Suite 103 Coronado CA 92118 (619) 435-8233 Sunday Worship 9:30 -11(childrens Sunday school) Wednesday Bible Study 7pm to 8:30 pm Come back to church in 2014! Bring the entire family! Sundays at 9:00 am & 10:30 am with Children's Ministries for All Kids! Friday Evening Youth Ministries - Middle & High School - 6:30 pm 9535 Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 or (858) 549-2479 The Perfect Place for Imperfect People to Mature in Christ! A place to belong with exciting life related messages for everyday living. See you at Sunday School - 9:00am & Sunday Moring Celebration-10:30am Tues Bible Connection-7pm Location: 2321 Dryden Rd., El Cajon, CA 92020 619.749.1767 visit us at & twitter@citybishop Bishop Stephen M. Brunson, Senior Pastor, USN, Retired I 4019 48th Street San Diego, CA 92105 Sunday & Sunday School @10am & 7pm, Wed @7:30 pm Friday Bible Study and youth @ 7:30pm / 619-440-2393 A full gospel multi-ethnic church "Reach Up, Reach Out, Reach the World" Pastor Cameron Bernard Sunday Bible Study 8:45 am, Sunday Worship Service 10 am, Thursdays Women's Bible Study 9:30 am (childcare available) 445 C Ave, Coronado,CA 92118 (619) 435-6588 [email protected] ope Lutheran Church Multicultrual, Everyone is welcome!! 7371 Brookhaven Road, San Diego 92114 Sunday Bible Study: 9am Sunday Worship 10am Pastor Jogy Olivar (619) 623-3135 Pastor Jogy [email protected] Please come and join us in Worship! mmaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church Pastor: Rev. André Ramos 537 E Street, Ramona CA 92065 760-789-0583 Confessions: Sat 3:30pm Saturday Mass: 5 pm Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 (in Spanish) M esa View Baptist Church M t. Moriah Christian Church P Dr. Darrow Perkins, Jr., Th.D. Pastor/Servant Seeking Sinners; Saving Souls, Strengthening Saints Sunday School at 9:30 am, morning worship at 11 am New Worship location: 13230 Pomerado Rd, Poway CA 92064 858-485-6110 "Purpose Driven" Gospel Church Multi- Cultural, Non-Denominational Services on Sunday at 9 a.m. Near Miramar Base L.J. Thomas - Sr. Pastor 7055 Carroll Rd, San Diego CA 92121 (858) 335-5795 rince of Peace Lutheran Church Lenten Worship SVCS Ash Wed March 5, 7pm Wednesdays 7pm Holy Week Worship Palm Sun April 13, 9am April 14,15,16, 12pm Maundy thurs April 17, 7pm Good Friday April 18, 7pm Easter Vigil April 19, 7pm Easter Worship 9:30am Allied Gardens 6801 Easton Court (619)583-1436 W estminster Presbyterian Church Sharing Lives, Building Families, Deepening Faith 3598 Talbot Street, San Diego, 92106 - Phone: (619) 223-3193 Sunday Adult Seminar: 8:45 am - Sunday Worship: 10:00 am Men's Bible Study is 1&3 Tuesdays at 7:00 pm Women's Bible Study is 1&3 Tuesdays at 6:30 pm E-mail: [email protected] - Website: On Base & On Board Woof Walk ~ THIS Saturday! Presented by MWR and USAA Saturday, March 22 • 9 am-Noon Take a walk on the wild side! Grab a leash and your four-legged friend and head over to Admiral Baker Picnic Area for a dog-gone good time ~ LIVE music, Pet Expo, dog contests and more! All registered participants receive an adorable ruffpack! Event is open to the public. All proceeds benefit Navy MWR programs. Register today at The Navy’s 28th Bay Bridge Run/Walk is Coming! The Navy’s 28th Bay Bridge Run/Walk, presented by MWR, SDG&E, and Northrop Grumman, is Sunday, May 18. It’s a family fun 4-mile run/walk and your only chance to walk across the Coronado Bridge! Register today at Get a FREE GAME Get a FREE game of bowling each time you order a Bowler Burger, fries and drink combo! Good any time at Admiral Robinson Recreation Center, NBSD, 619-556-7486 or Sea ‘N Air Lanes, NASNI, 619-545-7240. One coupon per person per visit. Sunday Group Dance Classes $5 per person per class ~ 6 pm Beginner, 7 pm • Intermediate Head over to Admiral Robinson Recreation Center every Sunday to learn Salsa, Rumba, Cha Cha, Mambo, Merengue, Samba, Swing, Waltz, Fox Trot, Tango, Hustle, and Night Club Two Step. Plus, LINE DANCE Classes NOW OFFERED! Every Sunday at 8:30 pm after the group classes, learn the Electric Slide and other popular line dances. Cost is $5 per person per class. HAPPENINGS LISTED FROM PREVIOUS ISSUES…. BINGO COVERALL game pays $750 every Saturday night! All Main Pack games pay $200. The BINGO Hall opens at 4 pm every Saturday night with Fun Games beginning when 5 or more players are present. Main session begins at 6:30 pm. For more information contact the Admiral Robinson Recreation Center, NBSD, Bldg. 3223, at 619-556-7486. Bike Rentals Naval Base Coronado is proud to offer its bike rental program available at three locations: Liberty.Rec, NASNI, Bldg. 2000 • 619-545-2878 Q-Zone, NAB, Bldg. 337 • 619-437-3190 Fiddler’s Cove Marina, Hwy 75 • 619-522-8680 LIBERTY San Diego’s Own Belmont Park Trip open to all active duty and a guest, 18+. Liberty Hall, NBPL, NMAWC: 619-524-6587 Friday, March 21 • 4 pm • $10 Join Liberty Hall on an adventure out to one of the best beaches in San Diego, Mission Beach! We will tour the most historic rollercoaster on the California coastline, the Giant Dipper. If you haven’t been to this little piece of history, you don’t want to miss this opportunity! Keep On Swimming Trip open to all active duty and a guest, 18+. Liberty Hall, NBPL, NMAWC: 619-524-6587 Saturday, March 22 • 9 am • $45 Explore the wonders under the ocean’s surface with Liberty Hall! We’re taking the day and visiting Aquarium of the Pacific in Pre-book tee times Long Beach – swim aboard! Monday-Thursday 9:30 Mt. Woodson Hike Trip open to all active duty and a guest, 18+.Q-Zone, NAB: 619-437am-12 pm for two golfers 3190 Saturday, March 29 • 7 am • $5 active/$10 with cart and save $3 on guest The trip to the peak, via Lake Poway, is a each golfer. 7.5 mile out and back trail offering breathtaking vistas definitely worth the effort. Cost includes your ride and water. April Fool’s Comedy Night Event open to enlisted active duty and a guest, 18+.The RECYARD, NBSD: 619-556-5078 Tuesday, April 1 • 7 pm • FREEThe RECYARD has been known to bring in some of the funniest comics in town. Tonight is no different! Mystery HikeTrip open to all active duty and a guest, 18+.Liberty.Rec, NASNI: 619-545Book your 2878Saturday, April 5 • 9 am • $5 active or guest tee time using Everyone loves surprises including the Liberty.Rec Promo Code: Book online at or trip leaders! Join us on a spectacular San Diego WW2WC. Not trail hike. It could be coastal, mountains, desert, call Admiral Baker Golf Course at 619-487-0090 valid with any or maybe even urban. Either way it will be great other promoSea ‘N Air Golf Course at 619-545-9659. exercise and full of intrigue. Bring good walking shoes, water and appropriate exercise attire. Also, have your camera ready for breathtaking photo opportunities. Cost includes transportation and Liberty staff to lead the way. Mid-Week Races Trip open to all active duty and a guest, 18+. 619-524-6587 Sunday, April 13 • 8 am • $15 Liberty Hall is heading Liberty.Rec, NASNI: 619-545-2878. Thursdays, April 10 & 24 • 5 out to the desert for a hiking adventure like no other! We’re exploring pm • $27 active or guest Get hooked on speeding, K1 Speed that the mud caves and silt canyons of this beautiful area. We may even is! It’s the best karting action in San Diego and Liberty.Rec is taking slip on over to a palm tree oasis! Stop in to sign up today! SPORTS & FITNESS you to experience the thrill! NEW ~ WARRIOR WORKOUT Mondays 7:15 am Gain funcWhale Watching Eco Tour Trip open to all active duty and a guest, 18+. Liberty Hall, NBPL, NMAWC: 619-524-6587 Saturday, April tional strength and improve cardiovascular fitness levels while prepar12 • 9 am • $50 It’s a beautiful day to explore the ecological wonders ing for the PRT! Try it this Monday at Peak Physique Fitness Center, of the Coronado Islands. Liberty Hall is heading out on the Daiwa NAB, Bldg. 170. For more information call 619-437-2984. Get More Out of Your Workout! FREE fitness instruction is ofPacific for a five-hour tour and the chance to see some gray whales. fered at all base MWR Fitness Centers for all MWR patrons…that Come in to sign up today! Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Trip open to all active duty and a means YOU! Individual or small group sessions are available. For guest, 18+. Q-Zone, NAB: 619-437-3190 Saturday, April 12 • full details or to schedule an appointment, contact the base Fitness 9:30 am • $35 active/$40 guest Literally bounce off the walls! Cost Center nearest you or visit for locations. Also, did you know FREE, and low cost, group exercise class schedules are includes your ride and a two-hour jump pass. Scenic Sunday: Anza Borrego Mud Cave Adventure Trip open now online? Bookmark today! Stay fit with to all active duty and a guest, 18+. Liberty Hall, NBPL, NMAWC: MWR! Tee Time Golf Specials THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 • • 9 About Your Health Dietary supplements: Potentially unsafe unless informed March is Navy Nutrition Month and the Navy’s Nutrition Office, part of the 21st Century Sailor Office, is committed to spreading the word on healthy eating. A recent article in Nutrition Journal suggests that people looking to take a dietary supplement already have somewhat of a healthy eating pattern with regular exercise in their routine. Supplements may be necessary if adequate nutrition is not available through food due to reasons such as medical conditions that affect the digestive system, food allergies, intolerances, or being on a medically supervised special diet with food restrictions. Otherwise, having a well-balanced dietary pattern with a variety of foods is adequate and more effective than taking supplements. Dietary supplement marketing claims to solve numerous health problems, from relieving symptoms of simple medical concerns like the common cold to stopping a heart attack dead in its tracts. If dietary supplements really worked and produced a true quick and lasting solution to any health concern, then we would all be in optimal health without the need to visit the doctor. The Los Angeles Times reported in 2013 that Americans spend just under $30 billion each year in dietary supplements including vitamins, herbs, and other such products that promise more energy, weight loss, or more muscle mass. It’s foolish to believe the marketing and hype surrounding a product without doing the proper research. Some news articles claim supplements to be safe, where science and research may say otherwise. Supplement labeling and ingredients are not always accurate and sometimes misleading. Last year the DoD removed Jack3d and Oxyelite Pro, along with 17 other supplement brands, from the retail stores on military bases. This was because the label claimed one of the ingredients, geranium, as a natural plant derivative, when in actuality, the real ingredient in these supplements was 1,3dimethylamylamine (DMAA), a synthetic drug used in the 1940s as a nasal decongestant. DMAA has been linked to severe CRIMINAL & DUI EXPERT LEGAL DEFENSE FOR ALL CRIMES Little or $ 0 Down* 10 • • THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 & Affordable Payments Call 24 hrs - FREE Consultation BANKRUPTCY &+&+'(%71(*27,$7,21 $ 0 Down* Affordable Payments $ 300 Off* Attorney fees Present Military ID at consultation Our attorneys have over 100 years of combined legal experience 1-619-234-3333 Free info by phone As seen on TV *David Weil, Supervising Attorney. No money down to begin most misdemeanor cases and Bankruptcy cases if requested in San Diego County. Filing and Legal fees need to to be paid before filing. side effects like heat injuries, seizures, brain hemorrhages, and heart problems. There may be numerous other supplements currently on the market that have unknown and potentially harmful ingredients in them. Visit Operation Supplement Safety (OPSS) at http://hprc- opss to get the latest tools and resources to help you make a wise and informed decision when purchasing supplements. Sources: 1. 2. content/13/1/14 Marine especially happy when he did. ouflage paint, and when we were out in the woods, he would teach us how to shoot,” Polk said. “I knew the weapons safety rules since I was a kid. When I got here, I knew why my dad taught them to us.” “I told him what my dad told me: ‘You don’t know what you are getting into. This will be an abrupt awakening,’” said the retired major, who began his career here in January 1982. “I didn’t influence him to become a Marine, but it fills me with a sense of pride.” continued from page 8 Polk’s father said he did not expect his son to enlist in the Marine Corps, but that he was For Polk, the next step in his training is to attend the Japanese-St yle Massage Comfort your body & mind! 20% OFF :LWKWKLVDG Electronics Technician 2nd Class Jonathan Taylor reads information on nutritional supplements during the Medical Department’s health fair aboard the amphibious transport dock ship USS New Orleans (LPD 18). New Orleans is currently deployed in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of responsibility conducting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts as part of the Power Boxer Amphibious Ready continued from page 6 Group. U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Joe Bishop Once you have a clear directive from your boss, communi3. http://www.ingentacon- cate that decision to your peer. If your peer doesn’t like that idea, /00000065/00000002/art0000 graciously remind them that they 1;jsessionid=80b9a77bo1dhq. can talk to the boss about it. Do victoria not gloat or do a victory dance 4 . h ttp ://jo u r nals . lw w. that your boss agrees with you. com/nutritiontodayonline/Citation/2014/01000/Summit_ Remember, all bosses enjoy on_Human_Performance_and_ having their authority respected. Dietary.5.aspx Managers appreciate an em5. http://www.environmental- ployee who knows they will ultimately be blamed or praised tin/choose-nutrient-rich-foods- for the results of their team. over-supplements_152576- When you encourage your boss 1.html to decide how you use your time, 6. your coworker can no longer news/dod-finds-risks-in-dmaa- tussle with you about power. supplement-but-no-link-todeaths-1.234203 If your coworker ends up For more information about the Navy Nutrition Program, visit mil/bupers-npc/support/21st_ Century_Sailor/navynutrition/ Pages/default2.aspx. School of Infantry at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Calif., to become a rifleman. He said he hopes to continue his education and possibly to become a commissioned officer like his father. “I feel privileged to be able to continue my family tradition,” he said. “I feel proud to serve. I was supposed to do this. It’s in my blood.” We have the best girls! Relax with a soothing massage in an Asian Inspired atmosphere at a very upscale and quiet location! Deep Tissue, Swedish, Relaxation, Shiatsu Massages, Luxurious Table Shower, Body Scrub or Jacuzzi Available Oriental Spa 2SHQ'D\V6XQ:HGDPSP7KXUV)UL6DWDPSP 10433 Friars Rd. Suite A San Diego, Ca 92120 619.284.1266 fighting with your boss, the good news is you are out of the conflict. The other good news is that people who fight with their bosses generally have shortlived careers in that position. In either case, your quality of work life just improved. In my work as an organizational consultant, at least 50 percent of my time with corporations is solving these kinds of power struggles between peers. Ironically, nobody in these disputes realizes that neither party has the power to decree the behavior of a peer - that is why God invented mangers! The last word(s) Q. I’m just starting my career and noticing many people in my industry take advantage of others and zoom ahead. I know people say that what goes around comes around, but are there really practical downsides to short-term wins at others’ expense? A. Yes, it is hard to keep your eyes on the road ahead when you have to keep looking over your shoulder at who might be planning to get even with you. Parmela Sawhney, MD. FAMILY MEDICINE HOLISTIC MEDICINE 705 Palm Ave. Imperial Beach, CA 91932 1222 1st St., Unit 6 Coronado, CA 92118 Call for an Appointment Call Military Discount Parmela Sawhney, MD. Inc. 619-424-5106 Ayurvedic Integrated Wellness 619-435-4488 on Body Treatments WE TAKE TRICARE & MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED Visit our website at: March is National Nutrition Month Three ways to get healthier, from the inside out A major part of living healthy is eating the right kinds of food to give your body the essential nutrients it needs. We also need to temper this with limiting the kinds of food that cause unnecessary weight gain. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ National Nutrition Month® is a great time for us to assess our dietary and nutritional needs for optimum health. Children and adults have specific dietary needs although the total number of calories a person needs each day varies depending on several factors, including age, gender, height, weight, and activity level. To maintain a healthy weight, calorie intake must be sufficient but not exceed calories burned. Carbohydrates, protein, and fat are the main sources of calories. Most foods and beverages contain combinations of these macronutrients in varying amounts. TRICARE covers well-child care from birth to age six. This includes height and weight assessments as well as health guidance and counseling (including breast feeding and nutrition). While nutritionist/dietician services for adults are not covered by TRICARE, many military hospitals and clinics have Nutrition Clinics where you can schedule an appointment with a registered dietician or attend nutrition classes. While there certainly is a lot to learn about nutrition, in time you can become very knowledgeable. The sooner you get started, the sooner you will learn how to feed yourself and your family the healthiest foods. This could mean fewer sick days, lower health care costs, healthier bodies and stronger minds. For more information about nutrition and dietary health, visit For information about TRICARE health plans, visit Heart health should be a yearround consideration for anybody looking to lead a healthy life. While that may sound like a daunting task, better heart health can be possible with a few steps in the right direction. Iconic television, stage and screen actor, Tony Danza, makes his health a top priority, even when facing a busy schedule. Danza, who knows the importance of diet, exercise and “doing good to feel good,” offers his go-to tips for fitting health and wellness into your daily lifestyle: • Turn Your Daily Habits Into Exercise. Most people know that exercise, in addition to a healthy diet, also plays a key role in bettering your overall health. However, many people have trouble fitting exercise into their busy schedule or think they have to look to costly private training options to see results. What most don’t realize is fitting in exercise can be as easy and cost-efficient as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or going for a walk on your lunch break. Encourage others, like your friends or family, to join you on these mini exercise sessions. Having a support system of people who are looking for ways to be healthier can help provide motivation to keep going on your journey to better health. • Get Your Fiber Up. Fiber is a crucial component to our diet, but most Americans are not getting the recommended daily amount of 25 to 38 grams of fiber, according to the American Dietetic Association. Many people know that fiber can help promote digestive health, but few know that it can also promote heart health. Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that include seven grams of soluble fiber per day from psyllium husk, as in Metamucil, may reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol. One adult dose of Metamucil has at least 2.1 grams of this soluble fiber. • “Metamucil has been an important part of my health regimen for over 20 years. It’s a simple way to get multiple health benefits and an extra fiber boost since it can be hard to get all the fiber you need from food alone,”says Danza. SELF STORAGE • Do Good; Feel Good. Overall health and wellness also comes from how you feel about yourself as an individual. Danza makes giving back to the community a regular practice and lists it among his healthy habits. • “Giving back is good for the soul and really warms the heart. You will be amazed to see how much you do for yourself as a person, when you are helping and giving back to others,”says Danza. More tips and information on healthy living is available at Metamucil’s Facebook Fan page at Metamucil. There are many ways to work healthy routines into your daily life. ACTIVE MILITARY BAD CREDIT? WE CAN HELP MOTORCYCLE SPRING SAVINGS EVENT 02725&<&/(6 877-917-7990 ----------------------ALL BRANDS---------------------- WE BUY, SELL & CONSIGN Puddin’s Wholesale Wheels 0LVVLRQ5G6WH(VFRQGLGR 10% MILITARY DISCOUNT 3XGGLQV:KHHOV#\DKRRFRP ZZZ3XGGLQV:KROHVDOH:KHHOVYSZHEFRP California Vet & VA Home Loans “Number #1” San Diego VA Loan Officer 100% Financing - 3.5% Fixed NO CLOSING cost loans available VA loans down to a 500 credit score A+ Rating with the BBB Proud Support of the Wounded Warrior Project Call me for your FREE loan approval! David Stein 858.337.9744 NMLS #343820 [email protected] APR on above rate 3.625%. Rates subject to change New Energy Massage 3817 University Ave. • SD, Ca 92105 1 B lock W est of I-15 Block West 619.795.0955 $ 10 Discount on any Massage Open 7 Days a Week • 9am-10pm NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY !!Attention Military!! The Oceanside Swapmeet Open Saturdays & Sundays Admission Saturday $1 & Sunday $2 Military Get in 2 for 1 Do Your Garage Sales on Saturday $5 3480 Mission Ave., Oceanside, Ca 92058 Office 760-966-3160 or call Gino 760-535-8880 Microdermabrasion Facial Only $45 (Reg. $125) Body Wraps $40 (Lose inches fast) New Set of Mink Lashes $49 (Safe & Waterproof) Permanent Makeup: Liner $100 Eyebrow $120 • Lip $300 Skin Tag or Mole Removal $15 each ARIES SALON Call Ann 619.462.7579 CASH FOR CARS Running or not 619-464-1717 919 GRAPE SPA & MASSAGE By the beautiful San Diego Harbor, next to the Airport THE PLACE TO GO BEFORE YOU GO ANYWHERE! Email: [email protected] 7888 Dagget St, Suite 102, San Diego, Ca 92111 (858) 292-2888 THINKING OF BUYING OR SELLING? Call me for a Complimentary Market Analysis & a Hassle Free Listing • Deep Tissue • Swedish • Shiatsu • Reflexology & More $ 10 OFF 1st Visit 919 W W.. Grape Street • SD 92101 619.255.8885 619-944-6901 THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 • • 11 Business & Service Directory Local Military HIGHER EDUCATION— THE SERVICES AND SUPPORT YOU DESERVE RIGHT HERE AT SAN DIEGO Aviation Ordnanceman Airman Dale Robinson, assigned to the Redcocks of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 22, helps maneuver a loaded bomb skid from the bomb farm on the flight deck aboard USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) while the ship was underway Feb. 8. Navy photo by MC2 John Philip Wagner Jr. USS Carl Vinson crash and salvage team hone skills in NATTC course by Lt. Jonathan Bacon PENSACOLA, Fla. - A flight deck crash and salvage team from the nuclear powered aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) completed refresher training at the Naval Air Technical Training Center on board NAS Pensacola March 14. Take the first step toward advancing your career. During their week at the training center, team members received hands-on training in fighting flight deck fires, crash and salvage procedures, and safely lifting and moving damaged aircraft. Carl Vinson’s crash and salvage team came to NATTC for the specialized training, bringing new members up to speed and refreshing veteran members’ skills. • Speak with experienced military advisors who can help you maximize your veterans benefits. • Earn an undergraduate or graduate degree in high-demand fields like cybersecurity, IT and management. Chief Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) Bradley Johnson, Carl Vinson’s Crash and Salvage team LCPO explained that half of Carl Vinson’s crash and salvage team has transferred and been replaced since the team last visited NATTC a year and a half ago for training. Johnson explained that coming to Pensacola is vital to getting all of his new members up to speed and working as a team before their upcoming deployment. AT YOUR SERVICE SINCE 1947 “We practice on the ship, but there is only so much you can learn from just reading the book, running drills, or just simulat- Since the Carl Vinson team last visited NATTC in 2012, the crash and salvage course has been updated based on input from the fleet, and to make the training even more realistic. Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) 3rd Class Devin Shughart is one of the remaining team members who was on the team the last time they came to Pensacola, and said the changes to the course have greatly increased its value. “The course is even more handson this time, and the training is more realistic,” said Shughart. “We now enter the aircraft and retrieve the pilot while the fire is being fought on the outside. I think it gives the new team members a greater sense of what a real rescue will be like.” The changes to the course are based upon fleet feedback and reflect what a crash and salvage team will actually do in an emergency. The teams now use the A/S 32 P-25 firefighting vehicle to clear a path to the cabin door on the Mobile Aircraft Firefighting Training Device. While hose teams fight the exterior fire on Next stop: Los Angeles County Air Show Online classes now enrolling Call 619-550-1537 • 3444 Camino Del Rio North, Ste. 104 14-MIL-063 Ad Refresh_AFD_HRR7.indd 1 • March 21-22 Lancaster San Diego, CA 1/9/14 5:30 PM 12 • • THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 • Access academic and financial aid counseling, transfer credit information, complimentary degree mapping and career services. ing something,” said Johnson. “The new team members learn so much more here where they can move actual aircraft, fight live fires, and get real hands-on experience.” the MAFTD, a team enters the smoke filled aircraft, retrieves the simulated crewman, ‘Rescue Randy,’ and exits the plane. Another element that has been added is that after the fires have been put out, an overhaul team goes through with a thermal imaging camera, looking for remaining hot spots that need to be extinguished and cooled. Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) 1st Class Charles Ellis, an instructor at NATTC, spoke about the valuable feedback that the fleet teams provide as they go through the training. “We use the feedback each team provides to help the next team that comes through,” he said. “We will take a lesson learned or good technique from one ship and teach it to the next.” For Ellis, being an instructor at NATTC has been personally rewarding. “I train these Sailors as they go through A-school, and then see them as they come back through as members of the crash and salvage teams. I get to watch them ‘grow up’ in the fleet,” he said. Since its commissioning in 1942, NATTC has been committed to delivering training and increasing readiness within the Naval Aviation Enterprise. NATTC graduates approximately 15,000 Navy and Marine students annually. The majority of the student population is made up of enlisted personnel attending “A” schools, where they learn the skills and knowledge required to perform as apprentice-level techs in the fleet. The center also provides airman apprenticeship training, personal financial management, and shipboard aircraft firefighting training. Wayne E. Meyer departs on WestPac SAN DIEGO - Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS Wayne E. Meyer (DDG 108) departed Naval Base San Diego today on an independent deployment to the Western Pacific Ocean. Wayne E. Meyer has a crew of nearly 300 officers and enlisted Sailors and is a multi-mission ship designed to operate independently or with an associated strike group. While deployed, the ship will conduct theater security cooperation and maritime presence operations with partner nations. CAMP PENDLETON (March 10, 2014) - Marines with 1st Reconnaissance Battalion prepare to board USS Freedom from a zodiac during on and off loading drills three miles off the coast of Del Mar beach. The training helped to find out if the Marines could launch and recover a zodiac, a small inflatable boat with a hand steered engine, onto a littoral combat ship. photo by Lance Cpl. Christopher J. Moore MCAS MIRAMAR (March 14, 2014) - Marines with the Silent Drill Platoon perform during a Battle Colors Ceremony Miramar. The silent drill platoon reminds onlookers of the proud esprit de corps found in Marines serving all around the globe. Photo by Lance Cpl. Raquel Barraza “USSWayne E. Meyer for this upcoming deployment and we are excited to be headed to the 7th Fleet Area of Responsibility,” said Cmdr. Randy J. Van Rossum, Wayne E. Meyer’s commanding officer. “We are ready to execute the missions required of us.” Wayne E. Meyer is named after the late Rear Adm. Wayne E. Meyer, who is regarded as the “Father of Aegis,” for his service as the AEGIS Weapons System Manager and later his development of the AEGIS Shipbuilding Project Office. This will be the ship’s second deployment since it was commissioned Oct. 10, 2009, in Philadelphia. er Di s nn yo wants u to be a h c wi t pa Enter today to win. Turn to page 4 Navy photo by MC2 (SW/AW) Sean P. Lenahan EL CENTRO (Mar. 15, 2014) - Musician Second Class Nina Church sings with spectators during the Naval Air Facility El Centro’s Air Show. The annual air show helps to keep the public informed of military services preparedness, demonstrate modern weapons systems, enhance community relations, and promote recruiting. Photo by MCC Anastasia Puscian SAN DIEGO (Feb. 26, 2014) - Lt. j.g. Molly Shanks of the Directorate of Nursing Services at Naval Medical Center San Diego, receives the High Reliability Hero “Good Catch of the Month Award” from Capt. Lisa Mulligan, NMCSD deputy commander, for intercepting what would have been an inaccurate medication. The High Reliability Hero “Good Catch of the Month Award” is an award given in recognition of one’s valuable contribution to patient safety at NMCSD. MyCAA A CAREER IN DENTISTRY IS A WONDERFUL THING Programs Offered Include: 'HQWDO/DE7HFKQLFLDQ 'HQWDO$VVLVWLQJ7UDLQLQJ 'HQWDO)URQW2IILFH 'HQWDO&(8·V&RXUVHV $YDLODEOH ZHHNVORQJ7XHV7KXUV %LOOLQJDQG&RGLQJ ‘07 Ford Mustang GT #75226678 $14941 ‘05 Toyota Highlander 66,616 mi # 50123099 $CALL ‘08 Ford Mustang Bullit #85172710 $CALL ‘08 Nissan Altima 53,874mi #8C123534 $CALL ‘09 Nissan Frontier #9C425224 $CALL ‘09 Ford Ranger #9PA68333 $CALL ‘07 Dodge Charger #7H640773 $CALL ‘09 Toyota Yaris #95229522 $CALL ‘12 RAM 1500 HEMI 37458 mi #CG250727 $CALL ‘12 Fiat 500 Cabrio Lounge 32,261 mi #CT111188 $CALL ‘11 Mazda CX-7 #B0398944 $17498 ‘10 Toyota Corolla 36,356 mi #AZ379443 $CALL ‘11 Infiniti G37 #BM210992 $26941 ‘08 Honda Accord # 8A137010 $CALL ‘10 Nissan Xterra 39496 mi #AC525538 $CALL ‘10 Nissan Altima 2.5 56,021 mi #AN421167 $CALL ZHHNHQGVORQJ6DW6XQ California Dental Board Approval Provided #4164 California Dental Certifications Bob Baker Quality PreOwned Vehicles Telephone 858.722.8504 Available from 8am - 10pm ‘08 Mazda3 S #81878741 $CALL *ÊUÊ ,9-, "ÊUÊ, ‘2011 Jeep Patriot Latitude X 23128mi #BD219338 $CALL ‘10 Jeep Wranger Rubicon 44224 mi #AL129654 $CALL ‘03 Subaru Outback #37644920 $6990 (877) 363-2393 5555 Car Country Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (15 minutes from Pendelton.) All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Subject to prior sale. Vehicle pictured may not be the color of vehicles in stock. Expires 3-23-2014. THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 • • 13 FREE FOR MILITARY SpOUSES! CHRYSLER JEEP DODGE RAM MAZDA FIAT 1st Law Enforcement Battalion learns to spot, identify IED devices by Lance Cpl. William Perkins AMP PENDLETON Marines with 1st Law Enforcement Battalion trained to combat Improvised Explosive Devices here from March 11-13. like pre and post IED response operations and how to communicate in a suspected IED area. The training provided noncommissioned officers with the ability to lead their Marines past the enemy’s effective weapons. One of the techniques discussed was the honesty trace, during which the planning of an intended patrol route is mapped out and compared with previous C The training consisted of formal lectures and practical applications, which taught Marines the basics of dealing with IEDs in a deployed environment. 1st Lt. Daniel Herrin, with 1st Law Enforcement Battalion, said they’re using the training to ensure everybody from top to the bottom of the chain of command are on the same page. Herrin also said that in a bestcase scenario combat engineers can be used as a resource to spot IEDs, but that’s not always the case. “You might not have those assets out there, so [IED training] teaches the Marines how to identify the IEDs, not dismantle them,“ said Herrin. The classes focused on topics - Daniel Herrin T At a Special Court-Martial at Camp Pendleton, California, Private First Class G. Chavez was convicted by a military judge alone of unauthorized absence. The military judge sentenced the accused to 90 days confinement, reduction to E-1, a bad-conduct discharge. device: predicting, detecting, preventing, avoiding, neutralizing and protecting from IED attacks. Lance Cpl. Jake Vargas, a military policeman with the 1st Law Enforcement Battalion, said since the unit is deployable, they need to know how to identify an IED and how to take care of the situation. patrol routes to avoid consistent troop movement. When the planned route intersects any point of a previous patrol, the area is marked as a danger area. The training also familiarizes the Marines with the equipment used such as Holly Sticks, a 16foot-long pole with a hook used to locate potential IEDs, and metal detectors. The classes also taught the fundamentals of defeating the To conclude the training, Marines conducted patrol opera- UPDATE YOUR RIDE Serving San Diego’s Military for 10+ years #1 in Satisfaction, Guaranteed The job is done right the first time Security You Can Rely On Free Tint for Military Alarms, Rims & Stereos Payment Options 10% OFF 14 • • THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 T At a Special Court-Martial Feb. 21 at Miramar, Sgt. M. L. Freeberg was convicted by a military judge alone of violating a lawful general regulation, false official statement, wrongful use and possession of a controlled substance, and adultery. The military judge sentenced the accused to 90 days confinement, reduction to E-1, and a bad-conduct discharge. T At a Special Court-Martial at Camp Pendleton, Lance Cpl. J. A. Frauche was convicted by officer and enlisted members of unauthorized absence and disrespect toward a noncommissioned officer. The members sentenced the accused to reduction to E-2, one month hard labor without confinement, and a letter of reprimand. Deploying preventative measures and stopping an IED attack before it happens were the main concern during the classes. “You might not have those assets out there, so [IED training] teaches the Marines how to identify the IEDs, not dismantle them.“ Recent Marine Corps General and Special Court-Martial dispositions WITH THIS AD CERTIFIED CAR AUDIO 6670 Miramar Road #A, San Diego, CA 92121 • 858-453-7787 Marines with 1st Law Enforcement Battalion gather around an instructor to learn about traditional improvised explosive devices placement aboard Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Calif., March 11. photo by Lance Cpl. William Perkins tions that simulated real-world situations. Through applying what was learned in the classroom and demonstrations, the Marines endured a day-long course where they patrolled through an IED territory set up by instructors. T At a Special Court-Martial at Miramar, Cpl. A. D. Wilson Jr. was convicted by a military judge alone of absence from place of duty, failure to go to appointed place of duty, communicating threats, disrespect toward a noncommissioned officer, and violation of lawful orders. The military judge sentenced the accused to 11 months confinement, reduction to E-1, and a bad-conduct discharge. T At a Special Court-Martial at San Diego, Sgt. A. Medina was convicted by a military judge alone of violating lawful written orders, larceny, fraud against the government, and assault. The military judge sentenced the accused to 90 days confinement, forfeiture of $1,020 pay per month for 3 months, reduction to E-1, and a badconduct discharge. T At a Special Court-Martial at Camp Pendleton, Lance Cpl. N. R. Fuller was convicted by members with enlisted representation of assaulting a superior commissioned officer, disobeying a lawful order, assaulting a staff non-commissioned officer, and violating a lawful general order. The members sentenced the accused to 6 months confinement, forfeitures of $1,020 pay per month for 6 months, reduction to E-1, and a bad-conduct discharge. T At a General Court-Martial at Camp Pendleton, Lance Cpl. D. Montalvo III was convicted by members with enlisted representation of rape. The members sentenced the accused to 9 years confinement, reduction to E-1, and a dishonorable discharge. Special and General Courts-Martial for February 2014 WASHINGTON - The following reports the results of Special and General CourtsMartial tried within Navy Region Southwest in February 2014. General Court-Martial * At a General Court-Martial in San Diego, SH2 Jim Villanueva, was tried for two specifications of forcible sodomy. On Feb. 14, a panel of members returned a verdict of guilty to one specification of forcible sodomy. The members sentenced him to be discharged with a Dishonorable Discharge and confinement for 1 year. * At a General Court-Martial in San Diego, an E-6 was tried for rape and assault consummated by a battery. On Feb. 20, a panel of members returned a verdict of not guilty. * At a General Court-Martial in San Diego, CE3 Nathan Karanja, was tried for sexual assault and making indecent visual recordings. On Feb. 28, the military judge returned a verdict of guilty to sexual assault and sentenced him to be discharged with a Dishonorable Discharge and confinement for 33 months. Special Court-Martial * At a Special Court-Martial in San Diego, CS2 Jeremy Weaver, was tried for attempted sexual assault, sexual assault, making false official statements, and obstruction of justice. On Feb. 21, a panel of members returned a verdict of guilty to making false official statements and obstruction of justice. Purchase Power 76768 Gaming Ad for Armed Forces Dispatch— T: 10.25 x 12.75 Non Bleed release 4/18/13 Don’t let hidden fees push your buttons. Hidden fees. Credit check. Ballooning interest. Tight budgets. Plenty of things to make you angry when you want to have a little fun. Luckily, as a government employee*, you’re automatically eligible for a smarter way to buy. Purchasing Power. Through simple payroll allotments, you can get the latest PS4 gaming console without the hassles you’re used to. You deserve better. You deserve Purchasing Power. Get started today at 76768_PP_2014_Q1_Print_Gaming.indd 3 2/3/14 5:47 PM THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 • • 15 * Must meet eligibility requirements. “A Better Way to Buy” is a trademark and “Purchasing Power” is a registered trademark of Purchasing Power, LLC. Other trademarks or registered trademarks used are the property of their respective owners. © 2014 Purchasing Power, LLC. All rights reserved. GULF OF ADEN (March 8, 2014) - A Sailor dons a self-contained breathing apparatus mask during a general quarters drill aboard USS Boxer (LHD 4). Boxer is the flagship for the Boxer Amphibious Ready Group. Navy photo by MC2 Kenan O’Connor r pene on o Seas SANTA ANA, Calif. (March 5, 2014) - Navy Recruiting District San Diego’s, Electrician’s Mate 1st Class Terry Caldwell demonstrates to Navy Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps cadets how the Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS) works during Navy Recruiting Command’s Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Tour at Santa Ana High School. Navy photo by MCC Anastasia Puscian EL CENTRO (Mar. 15, 2014) - The Blue Angels jet pilots - wearing “throwback” gold flight suits - commence their pre-flight walk-down at the first Blue Angel flight demonstration of the 2014 air show season at Naval Air Facility El Centro. Throughout the Blue Angels’ history, the gold flight suit has been worn to commemorate special milestones for the Navy and Marine Corps’ premiere flight demonstration squadron. Today, the Blue Angels pilots and officers are wearing the commemorative gold flight suit to celebrate the team’s return and the 2014 season. Navy photo SAN DIEGO (March 14, 2014) - Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) Mike Stevens high-fives a child during a visit to the Silver Strand Elementary School. CAMP PENDLETON (Feb. 27, 2014) - Sgt. Maj. Bernard C. Coleman, left, sergeant major, Combat Logistics Regiment 15, and Col. Tracy W. King, commanding officer, CLR-15, 1st Marine Logistics Group, donate money to the Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society. NMCRS provides grants and zero-interest loans to Marines in need allowing them to focus on their jobs and alleviate the financial stress they may face at home. photo by Lance Cpl. Shaltiel Dominguez Navy photo by MC2 Martin L. Carey Surr gate Alternatives, Inc SURROGATE MOTHERS NEEDED 16 • • THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 Through Surrogacy and Egg Donation, we specialize in helping couples unable to have a child. We have assisted over 1,000 couples around the world since 1998. Help make someone’s dream come true! Compensation ($35,000+), life and health insurance and all expenses are paid by the couple you help. Please contact our surrogate intake manager for information 619-397-0757 ext. 126 Arts & Entertainment Father, son compete for marksmanship title by Lance Cpl. Shaltiel Dominguez The smell of black powder lingered as gunfire cracked through the firing line. Elmo Anderson watched his son, Marine Corps Sgt. Erik Anderson, squeeze off controlled and accurate rounds from his M-16A4 service rifle. For Erik, the range here was not much different from the wilderness of Lake Preston, S.D., where his father taught him how to hunt pheasant as a child. The sergeant -- a motor transportation operator with Combat Logistics Regiment 15, 1st Marine Logistics Group -- competed against his father in the Western Division Matches here from Feb. 24- to March 7, where the top Marine Corps shooters on the West Coast gathered to test their marksmanship skills. “We shoot together and are a team,” Elmo said. “For the 2014 Western Division Matches, we were on the same relay together during the whole first week. We’ve always been competitive, so we challenged each other.” Erik joined the Marine Corps to follow in the military footsteps of his father, who is a former medical technician with the Air Force and officer in the Army National Guard. Throughout his career, Erik used the marksmanship skills he learned from his father to do his job as a machine gunner with 1st Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, and the Army’s 10th Mountain Division, deploying to Iraq four times before coming back to the Marine Corps to become a motor transportation operator. “When I was a kid, all the neighborhood kids would want to go out and play,” said Erik, who added that he longed to join them. “At the time, I didn’t think it was too fun when my father would have me stay with him and do schoolwork or learn shooting or how to be a mechanic,” he said. “But looking back, there are so many things I’m thankful for. He taught me everything I needed to be a man.” For the Andersons, learning how to shoot was a family tradition. Both father and son learned how to shoot at an early age. “My dad and grandfather taught me how to shoot when I was 10 years old,” said Elmo, now 60. “I got Erik involved in shooting .22-caliber rifles and the .410-gauge shotgun at a young age, too.” Elmo became a medical pharmaceutical director after his military service. His work gave him opportunities to travel with his family. “We traveled SEE Father, page 19 Easter Egg Hunt on the Beach at Belmont Park YOU LIVED IT. NOW USE IT. Back by popular demand, Belmont Park will stage their second annual Easter Egg Hunt on the beach as well as a hunt within the park itself. There will be even more prizes and fun to be had by everyone this year. What is more San Diego than an Easter Egg Hunt on the beach? It is on Easter Sunday, April 20th. The eggs will be filled with candy and vouchers for single rides, single attractions and other park goodies. There will be “Golden Eggs” that feature unlimited ride passes, free days at the park and there will be ONE egg filled with ONE Free Birthday Party up for grabs at each hunt! The egg hunts on the beach will start at 9am and will cost $5.00 per child. Children must be registered online prior to the hunt at easter. Because of the popularity of this hunt last year, we will be breaking up the kids by age group to allow more available spots. The breakdown is as follows: 9am – 0-3 years old 10am – 4-5 years old 11am – 6-8 years old 12pm – 9-12 years old For the hunt in the park, it will start at noon and will go until supplies last. This hunt is FREE to children. Guests will “hop” store to store collecting eggs from various stops in the park such as: The Coaster Museum, the arcade, various midway games, The Sweet Shoppe, and Sun Diego. Learn more about your potential transfer credits and the Ashford Military Grant to get a head start on your education. CALL 888.243.1123 VISIT MILITARY.ASHFORD.EDU And of course the Easter Bunny will be around for pictures from 2pm – 4pm to say hello! Our photographer will be onsite to capture all the fun memories! For more information on the Easter Egg Hunt or Belmont Park, please visit 14 A C RP 0 0 0 9 • A C - 0 25 5 P RIN T E D 1 / 14 400 North Bluff Blvd. Clinton, IA 52732 THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 • • 17 Your military training and previous college courses may have earned you credits toward a Bachelor’s degree. Crisis response for crisis responders: The Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society by Lance Cpl. Shaltiel Dominguez Within the span of two months, Staff Sgt. Kristen Rios was struck with a series of tragedies: her grandfather committed suicide, her grandmother was admitted to a hospital for open-heart surgery and her father was diagnosed with cancer. In addition, her husband was involved in a motorcycle accident rendering him unable to work. “The events during those two months had a ‘domino effect’ on me and my family,” said Rios, a maintenance management chief with Combat Logistics Regiment 15, 1st Marine Logistics Group. “My husband couldn’t work, so we didn’t have the funds to get myself home.” Fortunately, the financial assistance provided by the Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society helped her get back on track. “They fixed my vehicle, assisted me with a grant and provided me with a zero-interest loan,” said Rios, a native of Tampa, Fla. “It was everything. Without that help, I wouldn’t have been able to transport my husband to the hospital or visit my family.” The NMCRS provides a safety-net for Marines in times of emergency and unexpected events by offering zero-interest loans and grants depending on the situation. “Things happen,” said Rios. “We can’t plan for all the bad things that are going to happen to us. It’s sometimes hard for junior enlisted Marines, without proper planning and financial stability, to pick up the pieces and keep moving.” This safety net ensures Marines are able to focus on their missions, and alleviates the financial stress they may face at home. “People matter in our organization,” said Col. Tracy W. King, commanding officer, CLR-15, 1st MLG. “If a Marine isn’t worrying about his house or his family, then he can be 100 percent ready. We are supposed to be America’s force in readiness, ready to fight, any fight, today. [The NMCRS] is one of the tools we can use to ensure our Marines remain combat ready at all times.” In 2013, more than 600 Marines with CLR-15 sought help from the NMCRS, totaling $372,762 in grants and loans. This is part of the $65.5 million raised throughout the year through loan repayments, contributions, thrift shops and reserve fund withdrawals. “To me, the [NMCRS] is about keeping faith with our Marines and sailors,” said King, of Oklahoma City. “Just from this regiment, we have benefited from nearly half a million dollars in loans and grants. It’s all about peace of mind, especially when Marines are deployed.” Despite the large contributions made by the NMCRS, active-duty service members from Camp Pendleton have only contributed $90,000. The leadership of CLR-15 believes that awareness is important in ensuring the NMCRS can continue helping Marines and sailors in need. “It’s all about messaging,” said Sgt. Maj. Bernard C. Coleman, sergeant major, CLR-15, 1st MLG. “This is one of those programs which people don’t understand until they’re the ones in need. I have Marines every week that come across crises and get that $500 grant and there are times when they have not donated to the organization before.” In order to receive grants or loans, service members go through a rigorous screening process to ensure that they are eligible for the monetary assistance that the NMCRS provides. Ultimately, CLR-15 leaders believe that the NMCRS is an important tool in ensuring both troop welfare and mission accomplishment. “Troop welfare leads to mission accomplishment,” said Coleman, of Norfolk, Va. “I’ve had several families that were supported by [the NMCRS] while the Marines were forward deployed. Those Marines were fully focused on their missions, and to me, that’s awesome.” Recently, Headquarters and Support Battalion, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, held a base-wide dodgeball tournament on Camp Pendleton, Calif., March 3, 2014. The festive and informative event included Marines from 1st Maintenance Battalion, CLR-15, 1st MLG, and was held as an attempt to raise funds and increase awareness about the NMCRS. Marines that wish to donate or seek assistance may visit the NMCRS building at E St. & 14th St. Building 1121, Camp Pendleton, Calif., 92055-5006 or visit their website at Staff Sgt. Kristen Rios, of Tampa, Fla., is a maintenance management chief with Combat Logistics Regiment 15, 1st Marine Logistics Group, received financial assistance by the Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society when WE UNLOCK, FLASH, JAILBREAK, REPAIR ANY PHONE, WATER DAMAGE AS WELL WE BUY, SELL, TRADE PHONES her family fell upon some hard times last year, with her grandfather passing away, her husband getting injured in an accident and her grandmother being admitted to a hospital. The NMCRS provides grants and zero-interest loans to Marines in need allowing them to focus on their jobs and alleviate the financial stress they may face at home. Family Owned and Operated Since 1940 REPAIRS • RENTALS • SURFBOARD BLANKS SURFBOARDS • WETSUITS Mexican Restaurant & Catering “As seen on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives” A Gold Medallion Winner “Best Mexican Casual Dining” - California Restaurant Assoc. Wireless Phone Repair & Service 24/7 Text or Call with any questions & free quotes OR TEXT 619-362-6328 619-934-3608 2281 Flower Ave. San Diego, CA 92154 18 • • THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 The only company in San Diego as seen on Travel Channel’s El Indio thanks our Military for their service with a Discount 10% Everyday FULL WETSUITS 3780 Mission Blvd. • Mission Beach 619.299.0333 (858) 488-9374 2QHEORFNVRXWKRI:DVKLQJWRQ6WUHHWDW, Dining Directory Free Fries $ BEST CHINESE CUISINE KING’S GARDEN 3DFLÀF+HLJKWV%OYG San Diego, CA 92121 NLQJVJDUGHQPPQHW MILITARY DISCOUNT 858-587-3916 On clothing & accessories Dinner Special Catering Special Entire Check when placing a catering order of $100 or more 30% OFF when spending $20 or more valid 3pm-9pm daily & Sat-Sun full day. Not valid on Special Menu items, Banquet Menus & any other offers. One per table. Expires 4/30/14 $ 20 OFF valid 3pm-9pm daily & Sat-Sun full day. Not valid on Special Menu items, Banquet Menus & any other offers. Expires 4/30/14 Chinese New Year Special 20% OFF BANQUET MENU Expires 4/30/14 BUY ANY LARGE COMBO MEAL AND GET A SMALL SUB FREE Calypso Cafe When you bring this coupon into any Smashburger San Diego store. Not valid with any other offer. *No copies of this coupon will be accepted. 95 79 3280 Main St., San Diego, CA 92113 619.231.1800 With this coupon or Military ID. Not valid with any other offer. Offer expires 4/30/14 San Diego Locations 15% FREE PARKING ,QGLD6WUHHW6DQ'LHJR “Mexican Food Paradise” *UDQG&DULEH&VZ\&RURQDGR 619.423.5144 LQ&RURQDGR&D\V MILLION DOLLAR VIEWS BREAKFAST, LUNCH OR DINNER Buy One - Get One 1/2 OFF WKHHTXDORUOHVVHUYDOXHPHDO:LWKWKH THANK YOU TO OUR MILITARY!! SXUFKDVHRIGULQNV Happy Hour Specials Daily 3:00pm - 7:30pm $ 3 Wine & $2 Beer Father Omarr’s weekly continued from page 17 to Washington, Colorado and Nebraska, which are all good hunting states,” he said. “We hunted deer, elk, pheasant and antelope.” As Erik progressed in skill, Elmo trained him in the more complex aspects of marksmanship and handling of firearms such as reloading ammunition, sighting in different weapons and building their own weapons platforms. “We do a lot of target shooting, so we get a lot of experience with different rifles and different sights,” Elmo said. “I also make him reload his own ammo so he understands how the ballistics tables and coefficients work.. “Erik and I just recently made an assault rifle platform,” he continued. “He bought the lower receiver and drilled it out, while I bought the upper receiver and customized the iron sights.” To this day, Erik said, he continues to hone his skills alongside his father, and frequently visits him at his home near Las Vegas. Training together paid off for the father-son duo. Erik won a bronze medal in the rifle portion of the 2014 Western Division Matches. Before this, he won medals in the 2013 Western Division Matches and the 2012 All-Navy Marine Corps Sgt. Erik A. Anderson, left, his father, Elmo Anderson, right, are greeted by Marine Corps Gen. Vincent A. Coglianese, center, commanding general of the 1st Marine Logistics Group during in the 2014 Western Division marksmanship matches at Camp Pendleton, Calif., March 5, 2014. The father and son competed against about 200 Marines stationed on the West Coast, with Erik taking home a bronze medal for his proficiency with the M-16A4 service rifle. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Shaltiel Dominguez Marksmanship Competition for his proficiency with pistols. Erik plans on participating in the All-Navy Marksmanship Competition later this year and other local marksmanship competitions in the future. The father and son said they enjoy being able to support each other while having some friendly competition. “It’s just a matter of me being there,” Elmo said. “Of course, that ended quickly when he beat me,” he added jokingly. “He’s way better than me now, but I’ll always be there for him.” Astrological ARIES (March 21-April 19): Accept what you can’t change. There is a focus on sharing with others and abiding with their decisions. If you’re under a deadline at work in the week ahead, don’t blow it off or be casual about fulfilling commitments. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): There’s an old saying: “Only he who has traveled the road knows where the holes are deep.” Remain respectful of the experiences of others in the week ahead. Though you may be ready to leap into action, don’t ignore sound advice. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Do unto others. Exerting some warmth and kindness will thaw even the chilliest situation in the upcoming week. Have faith that a nagging financial problem can be solved and you’ll quickly see the simplest solution. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): The Full Moon in your sign today could kick off a week in which you reap the benefits of partnership. As they say, it’s often who you know rather than what you know that can make a huge difference to your success. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Do your part and take part. Think about the great things you can contribute to the community. You don’t need to wait for an invitation to participate in something satisfying. Put your people skills to good use this week. CANCER (June 21-July 22): You’re too generous for your own good. If you’re approached by someone with an offer or proposal, it might do more to enrich the other person than you. Don’t fritter away your financial security; hang tough in the week to come. forecast SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22Dec. 21): Don’t throw good money after bad. Watch out for a tendency to spend money too freely this week. You should be able to make a persuasive proposal and get people to cooperate or support your aims. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Like mold, the longer you ignore a problem, the more quickly it grows. During the week ahead, don’t shrug off repeated reminders about serious responsibilities or take it for granted that someone else will do the job. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): The glowing embers of romantic desire can be fanned into warm, invigorating flames in the week ahead. You could get a nod of approval when you approach others with sales ideas or business deals. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Do your homework. Develop plans for improvements, but don’t be in a rush to implement them. Conflicts that may hold you back in the upcoming week will evaporate quickly without a need for a confrontation. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Roll up your sleeves and wear your heart proudly. A straightforward approach works best. Don’t fret about making commitments, as you have the tools needed in the week to come. Light a fire under a romantic idea. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Your love light must remain on low until you accomplish other objectives in the week ahead. Keep a firm grip on achieving your goals once the work week begins. Play romantic music this evening. Navy Blue Angels Air Show season is here by Cmdr. Tom Frosch It is with great pleasure that I announce the return of your U.S. Navy Blue Angels to America’s skies. In short, the Blue Angels are back! This year promises to be our most exciting year yet, and we could not be more pleased to kick off the 2014 air show season Saturday right here at our winter training home, Naval Air Facility, El Centro, Calif. The mission of the United States Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron is to showcase the pride and professionalism of the United States Navy and Marine Corps by inspiring a culture of excellence and service to country through flight demonstrations and community outreach. Our goal for 2014 is to inspire young men and women not just to pursue a career in naval aviation or the military, but also to aspire to excellence in all areas of their lives. Your 2014 Blue Angels consider it an honor to continue the rich tradition of excellence instituted by the teams who have gone before us, since 1946, and set the standard. Our new mission statement Most importantly, while we are privileged to wear the Blue Angel uniform, we never forget that we represent the more than 540,000 Sailors and Marines – our brothers and sisters – deployed around the world, around the clock. They are serving far away from their families, protecting our freedoms and way of life. At every show, we strive to serve as positive representatives of their hard work and sacrifice. The Blue Angels’ 130 Sailors and Marines truly represent the rich tradition of excellence instituted by those who have served before us, and upheld by those serving now. But at the end of the day, we never forget – we represent the fleet. We come from the fleet, and we will return to the fleet. Each of us serves as a Blue Angel knowing that there are tens of thousands of America’s finest young men and women deployed around the world protecting and defending America right now. And it is for them that we must continue to serve as the very best representatives of the Navy and Marine Corps. Our passion for naval service and naval aviation is the message we wish to convey to young men and women across our great nation and across the globe. My challenge to you, air show fans, is to come out to one of our air shows during the Blue Angels 2014 season and be inspired and motivated by what you see our Navy and Marine Corps men and women accomplishing today! You can take a look at our 2014 and 2015 show schedules by visiting our website, or following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. I know I’m inspired by our team every day, and I know you will be, too. I’ll hope to see you at a show! THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 • • 19 When I was asked to write a guest blog for Navy Live, I struggled at first with the decision to breach the subject of last year’s sequestration. It’s a sensitive topic for us all. When sequestration took effect last year and the Navy was forced to make cuts, including the cancellation of our 2013 air show season, your Blue Angels were grounded. However, we didn’t just sit still. Instead, we refocused our energy on community outreach, contributing more than 5,000 hours of community service at more than 500 events. We also took the opportunity to reevaluate our team mission and goals as a flight demonstration squadron. Through this evaluation, a new mission statement emerged that I am proud to share with you today: reflects this broadened focus. Sports & Events SDSU welcomes eight teams for NCAA hoops tourney San Diego State University will play host to eight of the top men’s collegiate basketball programs at Viejas Arena next weekend for the second and third rounds of the 2014 NCAA championships. Four second-round games will be played on Friday, March 21, followed by two third-round contests on Sunday, March 23. The first games Friday involve four teams in the West Regional bracket. Top-seeded Arizona (30-4) takes on Big Sky Conference champion and No. 16 seed Weber State (19-11) at 11:10 a.m. (PDT), while No. 8 seed Gonzaga (28-6) battles ninth-seeded Oklahoma State (21-12) in the second matchup of the day, starting at approximately 1:40 p.m. From the South Regional bracket, No. 5 VCU (26-8) is set to tangle with the Southland Conference champion and 12thseeded Stephen F. Austin (31-2) at 4:27 p.m., while the final game of the day features a second Pac-12 representative in No. 4 seed UCLA (26-8) against 13thseeded Tulsa (21-12), tipping off at approximately 6:57 p.m. Sunday features third-round action with the two winners from the West Region and South Region squaring off against one another in their respective brackets. An extremely limited ticket supply still remains for next weekend’s games at Viejas Arena and can be purchased at www. In addition, if the par- LOCAL ATTRACTIONS BREWERY TOURS OF SAN DIEGO ticipating schools fail to utilize their entire ticket allotment for games in San Diego, then those remaining tickets would be available for purchase on Thursday, March 20. The NCAA men’s basketball championship is returning to Viejas Arena for the first time since 2006. San Diego is one of Geif named to record fourth All-League Tournament team Navy’s Jade Geif (Sr., Lakeville, Minn.) was named to the 2014 All-Patriot League Tournament Team March 15 after the conclusion of the event. With this accolade, Geif becomes the first women’s basketball player in league history to garner all-league tournament honors in each of her four seasons. Geif was selected as the MVP of the 2011 and 2012 tournaments before earning all-league tournament honors in both 2013 and 2014. She is one of three players in league history to have been selected as the MVP of the event twice in a career. Geif averaged 17.0 points and 7.5 rebounds a game while shooting 59.0 percent (13-22) from the floor in Navy’s tournament games this year against Lehigh (14 points, 7 rebounds) and Holy Cross (20 points, 8 rebounds). In 11 career Patriot League Tournament games, Geif scored in double figures nine times, tallied at least 20 points on three occasions and shot 52.6 percent from the floor. Additionally, she snared at least seven rebounds in nine games including 10 or more boards three times. Her 156 career points and 87 career rebounds are Navy Patriot League Tournament records. Seven other players have earned a trio of all-league tournament laurels, including Geif’s teammate, Alix Membreno (Sr., Loxahatchee, Fla.). 20 • • THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 619-961-7999 *GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE” Navy will learn its WNIT opponent when the 64-team field is announced late Monday night. Women’s basketball players with at least 3 All-Patriot League Tournament honors 4 - Jade Geif, Navy: 2011 (MVP), 2012 (MVP), 2013, 2014 3 - Lauren Maney, Holy Cross: 1994, 1995 (MVP), 1996 3 - Anna Kinne, Holy Cross: 1998, 1999 (MVP), 2000 (MVP) 3 - Jeanette Paukert, Holy Cross: 2000, 2001, 2002 3 - Molly Creamer, Bucknell: 2000, 2002 (MVP), 2003 3 - Cara Enight, Army: 2005, 2006 (MVP), 2008 3 - Erica Prosser, Lehigh: 2009, 2010, 2011 3 - Alix Membreno, Navy: 2011, 2012, 2013 (MVP) $ 10 COMP WITH CAB RECEIPT FROM CAMP PENDLETON +$,/)$5(:(//+($'48$57(56 0,/,7$5<%5$7681'(5($7)5(( 6ome restrictions apply. ) 2)))25$//0,/,7$5<3(56211(/ 13th Annual Gator By The Bay A Louisana Zydeco, Blues & Crawfish Festival %((56217$3$3,176$7$//6 7:+$33<+28566(9(1'$<6$:((. Mother’s Day Weekend May 8, 9, 10 & 11, 2014 eight sites around the country and just one of two locations in the Pacific Time Zone to play host to the second and third rounds in 2014. 2014 NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Championship Second & Third Rounds (Viejas Arena - San Diego, Calif.) All times PDT Friday, March 21 - Second Round West Region Game 1: 11:10 a.m. - No. 1 Arizona vs. No. 16 Weber State Game 2: 1:40 p.m. (approx.) - No. 8 Gonzaga vs. No. 9 Oklahoma State South Region Game 3: 4:27 p.m. - No. 5 VCU vs. No. 12 Stephen F. Austin Game 4: 6:57 p.m. (approx.) - No. 4 UCLA vs. No. 13 Tulsa Sunday, March 23 - Third Round Winners of Games 1 & 2 - TBD Winners of Games 3 & 4 - TBD SDSU’s Shanieka Thomas wins NCAA triple jump title San Diego State’s Shanieka Thomas won the triple jump at the 2014 NCAA Track and Field Championships March 15 in Albuquerque, N.M. It was the second career NCAA title (also 2013 outdoor triple jump) for Thomas and the first indoor championship. It is the sixth individual national title for the Aztecs. An SDSU athlete has now won an individual title at three of the past four NCAA Championships (also Whitney Ashley in 2012 outdoor discus throw and Thomas in 2013 outdoor triple jump). Thomas, who also was a runner-up at the 2013 indoor meet and 2012 outdoor meet in the triple jump, beat out 15 other entrants with a best of 45 feet, 10 inches (13.97m). The mark, which came on her sixth and final attempt, was more than a foot and a half farther than the runner-up Marshay Ryan of Auburn (44-00.50 (13.42m)). In fact, Thomas would have won the NCAA title in four of her five jumps (she passed on her third attempt). Thomas, who was seeded first heading into the event with a mark of 45-03.00 (13.79m), is now a three-time first-team indoor USTFCCCA All-American (2012-14) and one-time indoor USTFCCCA All-American (2011). Thomas was one of 10 on the preseason list for The Bowerman Trophy (top collegian). Allison Reaser also competed at the NCAA Championships, taking 15th in the pentathlon with 3,996 points. It was the second-highest total of her career for Reaser, who has won six multi-event titles (2011-13 indoor pentathlon, 2011-13 outdoor heptathlon) at the MW Championships over the past three-plus years. Reaser started the day by taking fifth in the 60-meter hurdles in 8.32 seconds. Next up was the high jump, where she was 16th with a mark of 5-02.25 (1.58m). In the shot put, Reaser came in 14th at 36-05.00 (11.10m). Next up was the long jump, where Reaser had the 11th-best performance with a leap if 19-02.75 (5.86m). The pentathlon ended with the 800, where she came in eighth in an indoor personal record of 2:20.37. Thomas’ 10 points gave San Diego State a tie for 19th place out of 58 scoring teams, which was the team’s best-ever indoor finish. The Aztecs have now finished in the top 10 in each of the past two NCAA indoor meets and in four NCAA meets overall (2013-14 indoor, 201213 outdoor). Oregon won the meet with 44 points, edging Texas (43.5), Florida (40.5) and Georgia (40.5). The rest of the team began their outdoor campaign Saturday at the UCSD Collegiate Challenge in nearby La Jolla. Results are listed below. GUN STORE Hours: Tues - Sun 10am - 6pm SPECIAL MILITARY DISCOUNT AT THE GATE with proper ID Spanish Landing Park - Across from Airport 27741 Crown Valley Parkway & the 5 Freeway Mission Viejo Carlsbad/760.444.1100 I’ve been eagerly looking forward to seeing “Need for Speed” for weeks, no doubt due in part to the early and heavy promotion of it. Add in the popularity of the video game franchise to which the movie owes its very existence, and this had all the makings of being a terrific car movie. Unfortunately, that is about as good as “Need for Speed” gets. I found the acting to be shallow and superficial. The characters are little more than caricatures of heroes and villains, which left me not caring much for any of them – or for the eventual resolution of the plot. I’d heard that they went to great lengths to make the many high-speed, mega-action car sequences realistic, and in that respect “Need for Speed” really lives up to the hype. The chases – at least when the cars remain on the ground, do look believable. They are exciting. To make things even worse, I saw the film in 3-D. Now don’t get me wrong, I tend to like 3-D, but since I need glasses to see distances I have to wear the 3-D glasses over my regular glasses. These 3-D glasses were quite heavy and, over the course of the film, my nose started to hurt. That was distracting. I would much rather have seen this movie without the 3-D. When the vehicles frequently get airborne, however – well, that is just too much. There’s no So, on the AutoMatters scale of up to five pylons (pointy orange traffic/autocross cones), I barely give “Need for Speed” a three. That’s disappointing. Now let’s move on to a film that’s sure to put a smile on your face. In “Muppets Most Wanted” the whole crazy gang returns to their roots with much of what made the original Muppet Show so popular on TV – except now we can watch on a bright, sharp, big screen – which is better. I’m pretty sure that I watched every episode when they first aired. Back then the show was set in a cozy theater and truly famous celebrity guests regularly dropped by to briefly visit in cameos each week. The stars were the who’s who of the entertainment industry. In this new movie that happens too, except a t the Bases Lowry Theater – NASNI, Naval Base Theater - NBSD, Thursday, March 20 6:00 p.m.Vampire Academy (PG-13) 8:00 p.m.About Last Night (R) Thursday, March 20 5:50 p.m.Robocop (PG-13) 8:10 p.m.Endless Love (PG-13) Friday, March 21 6:00 p.m.Non-Stop (PG-13) 8:10 p.m.Pompeii - 3D (PG-13) Friday, March 21 6:00 p.m.Pompeii - 3D (PG-13) 8:10 p.m.Non-Stop (PG-13) Saturday, March 22 1:00 p.m.The LEGO Movie - 2D (PG) 3:00 p.m.Non-Stop (PG-13) 6:00 p.m.Pompeii - 3D (PG-13) 8:00 p.m. Non-Stop (PG-13) Saturday, March 22 1:00 p.m.The LEGO Movie - 3D (PG) 3:00 p.m.Pompeii - 2D (PG-13) 5:50 p.m.Non-Stop (PG-13) 8:10 p.m. Pompeii - 3D (PG-13) Sunday, March 23 1:00 p.m.The LEGO Movie - 3D (PG) 3:00 p.m.Pompeii - 3D (PG-13) 6:00 p.m.Non-Stop (PG-13) 8:10 p.m.About Last Night (R) Sunday, March 23 1:00 p.m.The LEGO Movie - 2D (PG) 3:00 p.m.Pompeii - 2D (PG-13) 5:50 p.m.Non-Stop (PG-13) 8:00 p.m.Winter’s Tale (PG-13) Monday, March 24 6:00 p.m.Non-Stop (PG-13) 8:10 p.m.Pompeii - 2D (PG-13) Monday, March 24 6:00 p.m.Pompeii - 2D (PG-13) 8:00 p.m.Endless Love (PG-13) Tuesday, March 25 6:00 p.m.Non-Stop (PG-13) 8:10 p.m. Endless Love (PG-13) Tuesday, March 25 5:50 p.m. Non-Stop (PG-13) 8:00 p.m. The Monuments Men (PG-13) Wednesday, March 26 6:00 p.m.The Monuments Men (PG-13) 8:20 p.m.Pompeii - 2D (PG-13) Wednesday, March 26 6:00 p.m.Robocop (PG-13) 8:20 p.m.About Last Night (R) Thursday, March 27 6:00 p.m.Non-Stop (PG-13) 8:10 p.m.Pompeii - 3D (PG-13) Thursday, March 27 5:50 p.m.Non-Stop (PG-13) 8:10 p.m.Pompeii - 3D (PG-13) 619-556-5568, Bldg. 71 I said there is a cool car in this movie and there really is. Imagine a tall, Inspector Clouseau-like character (Ty Burrell as Interpol agent Jean Pierre Napoleon) shoe-horned into a tiny circus clown car (green, of course), the word “Interpol” on the doors and him driving all around Europe chasing bad guys – with CIA agent Sam the Eagle (the especially patriotic Muppet) riding shotgun. The scene where they try to outdo each other with the size of their police badges is priceless. Agent Napoleon’s miniature car is so narrow that Ty cannot even fit his left elbow inside when he drives. It truly looks like a child’s toy as it cruises the streets of Europe and is dwarfed by size of the other cars. It is hilarious. Speaking of hilarious, Tina Fey plays a love-struck Russian prison guard (the prison musical revue is priceless). Ricky Gervais is Dominic Badguy (pronounced “Bad – Gee” – it’s French you know!) – the evil number two to an even more evil Kermit lookalike, who has a heavy accent and an identifying mole. His name is Constantine. Miss Piggy gets quite involved in that deal. I give this film a solid four pylons. Check out the previews and more at and, as always, please write to [email protected] with your comments and suggestions. Copyright © 2014 by Jan Wagner – #324 AutoMatters Q-Zone Theater- NAB, 619-437-5487, Bldg. 337 Thursday, March 20 12:00 p.m. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (PG) 5:00 p.m. Delivery Man (PG-13) Friday, March 21 5:00 p.m.The Best Man Holiday (R) Saturday, March 22 2:00 p.m.Last Vegas (PG-13) 5:00 p.m.Dallas Buyers Club (R) Wednesday, March 26 5:00 p.m.Closed Circuit (R) Thursday, March 27 12:00 p.m. Free Birds (PG) Bob Hope Theater – Miramar 858-577-4143, Bldg. 2242 20-Mar Thur 6:30 PM *Labor Day PG-13 21-Mar Fri 6:30 PM Non-Stop PG-13 9:00 PM About Last Night R 22-Mar Sat 3:00 PM The LEGO Movie (3D) PG 6:30 PM Pompeii (3D) PG-13 9:00 PM Robocop (3D) PG-13 23-Mar Sun 1:00 PM The Monuments Men PG-13 6:30 PM *Vampire Academy PG-13 26-Mar Wed 6:30 PM *Endless Love PG-13 27-Mar Thur 9:00 PM *That Awkward Moment R Endless Love (PG-13) Drama | Romance - 104 min The story of a privileged girl and a charismatic boy whose instant desire sparks a love affair made only more reckless by parents trying to keep them apart. Camp Pendleton Theater 760-725-9217 closed mon-tue Thursday, March 20 6:30pm Robocop (PG13) Friday, March 21 6:30pm Pompeii (PG13) 3D* 9:00pm Non-Stop (PG13) Saturday, March 22 CLOSED Sunday, March 23 1:00pm Non-Stop (PG13) 3:30pm FREE MOVIE Frozen (PG) 6:30pm Pompeii (PG13) THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 • • 21 M ov i e s 619-545-8479, Bldg. 650 that the theaters are all over Europe. My favorite celebrity cameo appearance was by the incomparable Celine Dion. She stays around long enough to sing a song. Speaking of songs, the song and dance numbers are quite entertaining with catchy new tunes and lots of Muppets. Need for Speed – ©2014 DreamWorks Pictures This week AutoMatters goes to the movies with reviews of “Need for Speed” and Disney’s “Muppets Most Wanted.” They both feature cool cars. way that a car can soar a great distance through the air, come crashing down really hard and yet still somehow manage to keep on going. That is too over the top, as are the obligatory chase scenes where police cars in pursuit spectacularly crash into each other, letting the good guy get away. He has help, but I won’t spoil that surprise for you. Impossible aerial maneuvers notwithstanding, the action is pretty good. So was seeing the new 2015 Mustang on-screen. Miss Piggy & Kermit – Muppets Most Wanted – ©2014 Disney Need for Speed & Muppets Most Wanted TV Listings WEEKDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON TVData© XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G m7:30 m8 am m8:30 TLC USA m9:30 m10 am m10:30 The 700 Club CBS This Morning Let’s Make a Deal The Price Is Right Good Morning America Live! With Kelly and Michael The View Sesame Street Today Curious George Cat in the Hat Peg Plus Cat Dinosaur Train m11 am m11:30 Jake and the Mickey Pirates Mouse SportsCenter SportsCenter m12 pm America Now America Now We the People CBS News 8 Varied Judge Judy at 11AM Programs 10News Midday The Chew Sesame Street Daniel Tiger Super Why! NBC 7 News Access Hollywood Mickey ESPN2 am San Diego Living Cal. Wild Doc West McStuffins SportsCenter Sofia the First Mickey Mouse MLB Preseason Baseball First Take Numbers Never Lie Varied Programs A Baby Story A Baby Story Quints by Surprise Varied Programs The Little Couple DISN Mouse ESPN m9 Wake Up San Diego at 7 Doc Mickey McStuffins Mouse Varied Programs Varied Programs m12:30 m1 pm m1:30 m2 pm We the Justice for All Justice for All Paternity People Court Bold/Beautiful The Young and the Restless The Talk m2:30 Paternity Court m3 pm © Zap2it XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G BREATHE IN A foreign-exchange student jeopardizes the familial harmony of a piano teacher, his wife and their teenage daughter. R Cast: Guy Pearce, Amy Ryan, Felicity Jones, Mackenzie Davis, Matthew Daddario, Ben Shenkman Release date: March 28, 2014 Genre: Drama pm m5:30 m6 Judge Judy Judge Judy Katie RightThisMinute WordGirl RightThisMinute Wild Kratts Sid the Sci- Thomas & ence Kid Friends Days of our Lives Daniel Tiger Peg Plus Cat Cat in the Hat Curious Arthur George Steve Harvey The Ellen DeGeneres Show NBC 7 News at 4 Mickey Mouse Little Einsteins NFL Live Little Einsteins Caillou Access Hollywood Live Octonauts 19 Kids and Counting Varied Programs Jessie Around the Pardon the Horn Interruption NFL Insiders ESPN FC SportsCenter Varied Programs pm Varied Programs Dog With a Dog With a I Didn’t Do Blog ’ Blog ’ It ’ MLB Preseason Baseball New York Yankees at ESPN Boston Red Sox. (N Subject to Blackout) 2013 World Series of 2013 World Series of ESPN2 Poker Main Event. Poker Main Event. Island Island Long Island Medium TLC Medium Medium “Sailing With Spirits” Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special USA Victims Unit “Flight” Victims Unit ’ (CC) XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G NOAH God chooses Noah for a great task before an apocalyptic flood destroys Earth. NR Cast: Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Emma Watson, Anthony Hopkins, Ray Winstone, Logan Lerman Release date: March 28, 2014 Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Historical Drama SABOTAGE Members of an elite DEA task force are eliminated one by one following their successful raid on a powerful drug cartel’s safe house. R Cast: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sam Worthington, Olivia Williams, Terrence Howard, Joe Manganiello, Harold Perrineau Release date: March 28, 2014 Genre: Action, Crime Drama, Thriller m7 pm m7:30 m8 pm m8:30 Jessie ’ A.N.T. (CC) Farm ’ Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC) 2013 World Series of Poker Main Event. Welcome to Myrtle Manor ’ (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Pursuit” m9 pm m9:30 Reign “The Darkness” (N) ’ (CC) CBS News 8 Special Edition (N) (CC) Grey’s Anatomy Callie shocks Derek. (N) Hollywood Game Night (N) ’ (CC) Radio Rebel (2012, Drama) Debby Dog With a Ryan, Sarena Parmar. ’ Blog ’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) Olbermann (N) (Live) Olbermann (CC) (CC) Here Comes Honey Boo Here Comes Honey Boo Boo ’ (CC) Boo (N) (CC) Law & Order: Special Suits “Moot Point” (N) Victims Unit ’ (CC) (DVS) m10 m6 m6:30 m7 pm m7:30 m8 pm m8:30 Community Community The Simp- The Simp- The Middle The Middle Whose Line Whose Line (CC) (CC) sons ’ sons ’ (CC) (CC) Is It? Is It? 2014 NCAA Basketball Tournament 2014 NCAA Basketball Tournament Kansas State vs. Kentucky. TBA vs. Wichita State. (N) Second round. From St. Louis. (N) (Live) (CC) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) 10News at World News 10News at Inside Edi- Last Man The Neigh6pm (N) 7pm (N) tion (N) Standing bors KPBS Nightly World News KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Washington Roundtable Evening Business Evening ’ (CC) Week NBC 7 Nightly NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Dateline NBC (N) ’ (CC) News at 5 News (CC) Fortune (N) (CC) Austin & Dog With a Radio Rebel (2012, Drama) Debby Ally (CC) Blog ’ Ryan, Sarena Parmar. ’ College Wrestling NCAA Championships, Semifinals. From Oklahoma City. (N) ESPN (Live) (CC) Karate Boxing Friday Night Fights. (N) (Live) (CC) Win, Lose ESPN2 USA 22 • • THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 m7:30 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G Justice League Dr. Chris Pet Vet Good Morning Sesame Street NBC 7 News Doc m8 am m8:30 Wake Up San Diego (N) m9 am m9:30 Four Weddings ’ (CC) Four Weddings ’ (CC) NCIS A Navy diver is murdered. ’ (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Bully” pm m11:30 Seinfeld ’ (CC) Letterman Jimmy Kimmel Savor San Diego Tonight Show Jessie ’ A.N.T. (CC) Farm ’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) NFL Live (N) (Live) (CC) Here Comes Honey Boo Boo ’ (CC) Psych “A Nightmare on State Street” Borrowed, Borrowed, New New Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ (CC) A.N.T. Farm Dog With a (N) Blog (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Olbermann (N) (Live) (CC) Say Yes, Say Yes, Dress Dress Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Totem” m9 pm m9:30 m10 pm m10:30 m11 I Didn’t Do Liv & It ’ Maddie SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Olbermann (CC) Say Yes, Dress Modern Family ’ Randy Knows Modern Family ’ pm Seinfeld ’ (CC) News Hart of Dixie A party for San Diego 6 News at Lemon. (N) (CC) 10pm (N) CBS News 8 Special Entertain- The Insider Edition (N) (CC) ment Ton. (N) ’ Shark Tank (N) ’ (CC) 20/20 ’ (CC) (DVS) Great Performances Jewish artists excel on Broadway. ’ (CC) Grimm “The Show Must Hannibal “Takiawase” Go On” (N) ’ (N) ’ m11:30 Seinfeld ’ (CC) Letterman 10News at Jimmy 11pm Kimmel Austin City Limits ’ (CC) NBC 7 News Austin & Jessie ’ Ally (CC) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) College GameDay (N) (Live) (CC) Borrowed, Borrowed, New New Modern Modern Family ’ Family ’ Tonight Show Jessie ’ Jessie ’ (CC) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) NBA Tonight Baseball (N) Tonight Say Yes, Randy Dress Knows Modern Chrisley Family ’ Knows MARCH 22, 2014 am m10:30 Dragon Ball Z Digimon Kai ’ Fusion (N) 2014 NCAA Basketball Tournament (N) (Live) (CC) m11 am Yu-Gi-Oh! (CC) m11:30 m12 pm m12:30 m1 pm Yu-Gi-Oh! TV Star Paid Program Dr. Ordon’s ZEXAL (N) Confesses Secret! 2014 NCAA Basketball Tournament (N) (Live) (CC) m1:30 TV Star Confesses m2 pm m2:30 m3 pm m3:30 Paid Program Dog Bounty Dog Bounty The CleveHunter Hunter land Show 2014 NCAA Basketball Tournament (N) (Live) (CC) m4 pm m4:30 The Cleveland Show Recipe Re15 Minute NCAA hab ’ (EI) Meals Basketball 10News This Morning at Jack Hanna Ocean Born to Sea Rescue The Wildlife Expedition Hiring I Hate My World of X Games (N) (CC) ESPN Sports Saturday (N) Burn Notice “Necessary 8am Saturday (N) (CC) Mysteries Explore ’ (EI) Docs Wild ’ (EI) America (N) Hair! Evil” (CC) Curious Cat in the Hat Peg Plus Cat The African Americans: The African Americans: Many Rivers to The African Americans: The African Americans: Many Rivers to The African Americans: The African Americans: Many Rivers to George ’ (EI) Many Rivers to Cross Cross ’ (CC) (DVS) Many Rivers to Cross Cross ’ (CC) (DVS) Many Rivers to Cross Cross ’ (CC) (DVS) The Chica Noodle and Justin Time Tree Fu Tom 2014 Paralympic Winter PGA Tour Golf Arnold Palmer Invitational, Third Round. From Bay Hill Club & Lodge in Orlando, Fla. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) Sharp Health Paid Program On the Make Way for Show (N) Doodle (EI) (EI) (DVS) (EI) Games (Taped) (CC) Money (N) Noddy Jake and the Sofia the First Dog With a I Didn’t Do It Pirates (CC) Blog (CC) ’ (CC) SportsCenter College Basketball NIT Tournament: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) ESPN (N) 30 for 30 Women’s College Basketball NCAA Tournament: Teams ESPN2 TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Extreme Extreme TLC (CC) (CC) (CC) Couponing Couponing Paid Program Paid Program STEALTH Psych “A Nightmare on USA HEALTH State Street” DISN McStuffins m10 m10:30 m11 Austin & GoodAlly (CC) Charlie SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) College GameDay (N) (Live) (CC) Welcome to Myrtle Manor (N) ’ (CC) Sirens (N) Modern Family ’ SATURDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON TVData© pm MARCH 21, 2014 pm DISN or Draw TLC I Found the Gown San Diego 6 News at Seinfeld ’ 10pm (N) (CC) Entertain- The Insider News ment Ton. (N) ’ Scandal “Kiss Kiss Bang 10News at Bang” (N) ’ 11pm DCI Banks A hitman kills Keith Rothwell. ’ (CC) Parenthood “The Offer” NBC 7 (N) ’ (CC) News FRIDAY EVENING m5:30 I Found the Gown MARCH 20, 2014 m6:30 Win, Lose pm Varied Programs The Little Varied Programs Couple Law & Order: Special Varied Programs Victims Unit Community Community The Simp- The Simp- The Middle The Middle The Vampire Diaries (N) (CC) (CC) sons ’ sons ’ (CC) (CC) ’ (CC) 2014 NCAA Basketball Tournament 2014 NCAA Basketball Tournament Arizona State vs. Texas. Wofford vs. Michigan. (N) Second round. From Milwaukee. (N) (Live) (CC) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) 10News at World News 10News at Inside Edi- Once Upon a Time in 6pm (N) 7pm (N) tion (N) Wonderland (N) ’ KPBS Nightly World News KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Viewer Favorites Evening Business Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 Nightly NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Community Parks/RecNews at 5 News (CC) Fortune (N) (CC) (N) ’ reat TVData© m5 m4:30 Rachael Ray DISN or Draw CESAR CHAVEZ Famed labor organizer and civil rights activist Cesar Chavez is torn between his duty to his family and his commitment to securing a living wage for farmworkers. PG-13 Cast: Michael Pena, America Ferrera, Rosario Dawson, John Malkovich, Eli Vargas, Jack Holmes Release date: March 28, 2014 Genre: Biography, Docudrama pm Dr. Phil THURSDAY EVENING TVData© m5 m4 Engagement Engagement General Hospital What Not to Wear COMINGSOON m3:30 The Bill Cunningham Show The Cleveland Show Jessie ’ Dog With a A.N.T. Farm Austin & Ally A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm Jessie ’ Jessie ’ Jessie ’ Jessie ’ Austin & Ally Austin & Ally Dog With a (CC) Blog (CC) ’ (CC) (CC) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) Blog (CC) World Series of Poker - Europe 2013 Final 2013 World Series of Poker Final Table. From Las Vegas. NASCAR NASCAR Racing Nationwide Series: March Auto Club Race. From Auto SportsCenter Table. (CC) (CC) Countdown Club Speedway in Fontana, Calif. (N) (Live) (N) NCAA Studio Women’s College Basketball NCAA Tournament: Teams NCAA Studio Women’s College Basketball NCAA Tournament: Teams NCAA Studio Women’s College Basketball NCAA TournaUpdate TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) Update TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) Update ment: Teams TBA. (N) (CC) Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Dateline: Real Life Mysteries Dateline: Real Life Mysteries Dateline: Real Life Mysteries Dateline: Real Life Mysteries Couponing Couponing Couponing Couponing Couponing Couponing “Mean Girls” ’ ’ (CC) (CC) (CC) Chrisley Chrisley ››› Enchanted (2007, Fantasy) Amy Adams, Patrick ›› The Game Plan (2007, Comedy) Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. A ››‡ Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins Knows Knows Dempsey, James Marsden. carefree football player learns he has a daughter. (2008, Comedy) Martin Lawrence. SATURDAY EVENING TVData© m5 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm m6 pm m6:30 MARCH 22, 2014 m7 pm m7:30 m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm Futurama ’ Futurama ’ Love-Ray- Love-Ray- The Middle The Middle Community Community Seinfeld ’ (CC) (CC) mond mond (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) 2014 NCAA Basketball Tournament (N) (Live) (CC) San Diego Humane Society & SPCA Telethon for the Animals 10News at 5pm NewsHour Wk 1st Look ’ World News 10News at Red Carpet 6pm KPBS The Lawrence Welk Spectrum Show “Spring” Nightly NBC 7 Fast Joint News News at 6 Relief Burn Notice A paranoid kidnapper. (CC) As Time Keeping Up Goes By Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune ’ (CC) Dog With a Dog With a Liv & Liv & Jessie ’ Jessie ’ Blog ’ Maddie Maddie (CC) (CC) College Wrestling NCAA Championships, Final. From Oklahoma City. (N) ESPN (Live) (CC) Wm. NCAA The Fab Five (CC) ESPN2 Basketball Update Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life TLC Mysteries ’ (CC) Mysteries ’ (CC) Mysteries ’ (CC) Welcome ›› He’s Just Not That Into You (2009) Ben Affleck. Men and USA Hme women navigate through complex relationships. DISN Blog ’ 2 X 3” ad m5:30 Marvel Studios: Assembling a Universe Father Brown ’ (CC) Dateline NBC ’ (CC) m9:30 Seinfeld ’ (CC) m10 pm m10:30 m11 San Diego Engage6 News ment 48 Hours ’ (CC) pm m11:30 The Office ’ (CC) Criminal Minds ’ Nightline Prime (N) ’ 20/20 ’ (CC) 10News at Sports (CC) 11pm XTRA Great Performances Steve Martin and Edie Brickell. Globe Trekker ’ (CC) ’ (CC) (DVS) Crisis A field trip ends as NBC 7 Saturday a national crisis. News Night Live ››› The Muppets (2011) Jason Segel. A greedy Mighty Kickin’ It ’ oilman wants to raze Muppet Studios. Med ’ (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) (CC) 30 for 30 (CC) College GameDay (N) NBA Tonight (Live) (CC) (N) Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Obsession: Dark Desires Mysteries (N) (CC) Mysteries (N) (CC) “Paging Sarah” Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ The Office ’ (CC) News Dog With a Dog With a Blog ’ Blog ’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) NASCAR Racing Dateline: Real Life Mysteries ’ (CC) Sirens He’s Just Not TV Listings SUNDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON TVData© XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G m7:30 m8 am m8:30 Paid Program Wake Up San Diego (N) CBS News Sunday Morning Face the (N) ’ (CC) Nation (N) Good Morn- 10News This Morning at ing 8am Sunday (N) (CC) Sesame Curious Cat in the Hat Street George NBC 7 News Meet the Press (N) (CC) m9 am m9:30 MARCH 23, 2014 m10 am m10:30 m11 am m11:30 m12 pm m12:30 m1 pm m1:30 m2 Paid Program New TV Offer! Paid Program TV Star ››‡ Nim’s Island (2008) Abigail Breslin. A girl’s father Confesses goes missing from their island home. 2014 NCAA Basketball Tournament (N) (Live) (CC) 2014 NCAA Basketball Tournament (N) (Live) (CC) This Week With George Stephanopoulos (N) Peg Plus Cat Dinosaur ’ (EI) Train Skiing U.S. Alpine Championships. (Taped) (CC) pm m2:30 m3 pm m3:30 m4 Jake and the Sofia the First ››› The Muppets (2011, Comedy) Jason Segel. A Dog With a I Didn’t Do It Pirates (CC) greedy oilman wants to raze Muppet Studios. ’ Blog (CC) ’ (CC) SportsCenter College Basketball NIT Tournament: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) PBA Bowling League Quarterfinals: Pittsburgh Jackrabbits ESPN (N) vs. Philadelphia Hitmen. (Taped) (CC) Sports ReSportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Women’s College Basketball NCAA Tournament: Teams NCAA Studio ESPN2 porters (N) TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) Update Faith-Dr. Frederick K.C. Price Paid Program Four Weddings “... And a Four Weddings “... And a Four Weddings “... And a TLC (CC) Love Lasso” ’ (CC) Bodyguard” ’ (CC) Super Storm” (CC) David JerPastor Chris Joel Osteen Suits “Moot Point” (CC) Sirens Sirens NCIS: Los Angeles “Callen, USA emiah (N) (CC) (DVS) G” ’ (CC) Doc DISN McStuffins Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck Austin & Ally Charlie ’ Charlie ’ Charlie ’ (CC) Women’s College Basketball NCAA Tournament: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) Cheerleading Cheerleading Cheerleading From Orlando, (N) (N) Fla. (N) Four Weddings Mardi Gras Four Weddings “...and a Indians perform. ’ Talking Orchid” (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles “Over“Standoff” ’ watch” (CC) (DVS) Austin & Ally (CC) NCAA Studio Update Cheerleading TVData© m5 Four Weddings “... And a Taxi Cab” ’ (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles “Tin Soldiers” (CC) (DVS) Four Weddings “... And a Candle Bar” ’ (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles “Familia” (CC) (DVS) pm m5:30 Futurama ’ Futurama ’ (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm Edwards; Cecchetto. 10News at World News 5pm NewsHour Ken Kramer’s Wk S.D. LazyTown Nightly ’ (EI) News m6 Four Weddings A 1920s venue with light sabers. NCIS: Los Angeles “Lange, H.” ’ MARCH 23, 2014 pm m6:30 SAF3 “Adrift” The team’s helo crashes. Evening News News 10News at Let’s Ask 6pm America Ballykissangel “” ’ (CC) NBC 7 Sharp News at 6 Health m7 pm m7:30 m8 pm m8:30 White Collar Peter offers America’s Funniest Neal full immunity. Home Videos (CC) 60 Minutes (N) ’ (CC) The Amazing Race (N) ’ (CC) America’s Funniest Once Upon a Time “The Home Videos (N) ’ Tower” (N) ’ Doc Martin: Revealed Cast and crew Ken Kramer’s of “Doc Martin.” ’ (CC) S.D. The Voice A recap of the American Dream Buildbattle rounds. (N) ers ’ (CC) m9 pm m9:30 m10 pm m10:30 m11 ››‡ High School Musical 3: Senior Year (2008) Teen Beach Movie (2013, Musical) Ross Lynch, I Didn’t Do Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens. ’ Maia Mitchell, Grace Phipps. ’ It ’ Women’s College Basketball NCAA Tournament: SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (CC) ESPN Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) 2013 World Series of 2013 World Series of 2013 World Series of 2013 World Series of College GameDay (N) ESPN FC (N) ESPN2 Poker (CC) Poker Main Event. Poker Main Event. Poker Main Event. (Live) (CC) Four Weddings ’ (CC) Four Weddings “... And a My Five Wives ’ (CC) Island Island Island Island My Five Wives (N) ’ TLC Volcano” ’ Medium Medium Medium Medium (CC) Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special USA Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit “Smut” Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit “Gray” Victims Unit “Goliath” Austin & Austin & Ally (CC) Ally (CC) SportsCenter (CC) ›› High School Musical 2 (2007) MONDAY EVENING TVData© m5 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm m5:30 Community Community (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm Edwards; Cecchetto. 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Nightly Business Nightly News m6 The Simpsons ’ Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News m6:30 m7 pm m7:30 The Simpsons ’ News The Middle The Middle (CC) (CC) Entertain- The Insider ment Ton. (N) ’ World News 10News at Inside Edi7pm (N) tion (N) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! (CC) Fortune (N) (CC) Dog With a Dog With a Dog With a Dog With a Jessie ’ Blog ’ Blog ’ Blog ’ Blog ’ (CC) College Basketball College Basketball NIT Tournament: Teams TBA. ESPN (N) (Live) Wm. NCAA Women’s College Basketball NCAA Tournament: ESPN2 Basketball Update Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) Island Island Island Island Island Island TLC Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium NCIS: Los Angeles “Hu- NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles USA man Traffic” ’ “Black Widow” ’ “Personal” ’ Win, Lose m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 Star-Crossed (N) ’ (CC) The Tomorrow People “Endgame” (N) How I Met 2 Broke Mike & Mom (N) ’ Girls (N) Molly (N) (CC) Dancing With the Stars (N Same-day Tape) ’ (CC) Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow “Baton Rouge” (N) “Atlanta” (CC) The Voice “The Battles Continue” Advisers offer their help. (N) ’ (CC) m10 m5:30 Community Community (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm Edwards; Cecchetto. 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Nightly Business Nightly News Win, Lose I Didn’t Do It ’ College Basketball DISN or Draw ESPN Women’s College ESPN2 Basketball TLC USA Little People Big World: Down Under Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ (CC) m6 m6:30 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G Community Community (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm Edwards; Cecchetto. 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Nightly Business Nightly News The Simpsons ’ Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News m6:30 The Simpsons ’ News pm m7:30 The Middle The Middle (CC) (CC) Entertain- The Insider ment Ton. (N) ’ World News 10News at Inside Edi7pm (N) tion (N) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! (CC) Fortune (N) (CC) m8 pm pm m7:30 The Middle The Middle (CC) (CC) Entertain- The Insider ment Ton. (N) ’ World News 10News at Inside Edi7pm (N) tion (N) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! (CC) Fortune (N) (CC) m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m8:30 The 100 “Pilot” ’ (CC) m9 pm m9:30 Supernatural “Mother’s Little Helper” (N) NCIS A former NCIS NCIS: Los Angeles “Zero agent is found dead. Days” (N) ’ Marvel’s Agents of The Gold- Trophy S.H.I.E.L.D. ’ (CC) bergs ’ Wife ’ Story of the JewsStory of the JewsSchama Schama The Voice Advisers offer About a Boy Growing Up their help. (N) ’ (N) Fisher MARCH 26, 2014 m7 m9:30 Arrow “Birds of Prey” (N) The 100 “Earth Skills” (N) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Survivor (N) ’ (CC) Criminal Minds “Route 66” ’ The Middle Suburgatory Modern Mixology (N) ’ (N) Family (N) (N) (CC) Nature A study of how NOVA “Cold Case JFK” plants behave. ’ (PA) (CC) Revolution ’ (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ (CC) 2013 World Series of Poker Main Event. Island Island Medium Medium Sirens Suits “Pilot” m10:30 m11 ›››› WALL-E (2008) Voices of Ben Phineas Dog With a Liv & Burtt, Elissa Knight. ’ and Ferb Blog ’ Maddie SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) (CC) College Basketball NIT Tournament: Teams TBA. College NBA Tonight (N) (Live) GameDay (N) Extreme Cougar Wives Extreme Cougar Wives Extreme Cougar Wives ’ (CC) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) WWE Monday Night RAW (N Same-day Tape) ’ (CC) Austin & Austin & Dog With a Jessie ’ Cloud 9 (2014, Drama) Dove CamLiv & Ally (CC) Ally (CC) Blog ’ (CC) eron, Luke Benward. ’ Maddie College Basketball NIT Tournament: Teams TBA. SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) NCAA Women’s College Basketball NCAA Tournament: Olbermann (N) (CC) Baseball Update Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) Tonight Little People, Big World Little People, Big World Little People, Big World Little People, Big World ’ (CC) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) (N) ’ (CC) Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Modern Modern Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit ’ (CC) Family ’ Family ’ Jessie ’ Jessie ’ Jessie ’ Dog With a Jessie ’ ››‡ 16 Wishes (2010) Debby Ryan, Dog With a (CC) (CC) (CC) Blog ’ (CC) Jean-Luc Bilodeau. ’ Blog ’ NBA Basketball Miami Heat at Indiana Pacers. From Bankers Life NBA Basketball Memphis Grizzlies at Utah Jazz. From EnergySoESPN Fieldhouse in Indianapolis. (N) (Live) lutions Arena in Salt Lake City. (N) (Live) College Basketball College Basketball NIT Tournament: Teams TBA. SportsCenter (N) (Live) Olbermann (N) (CC) ESPN2 (N) (Live) (CC) Island Island Island Island The Little Couple “Our My 600-Lb. Life (N) ’ Hoarding: Buried Alive TLC Medium Medium Medium Medium First Christmas” (CC) (N) ’ (CC) NCIS A terrorist with a NCIS An officer thinks he NCIS Searching for Eli Modern Modern Psych “The Break-Up” USA chemical weapon. is being followed. and Jackie’s killer. ’ Family ’ Family ’ (Series Finale) (N) Win, Lose DISN or Draw m7 The Simpsons ’ News WEDNESDAY EVENING pm Sports Wrap pm Seinfeld ’ (CC) News m11:30 Seinfeld ’ (CC) Letterman 10News at Jimmy 11pm Kimmel Makers: Women Who Make America ’ NBC 7 Tonight News Show GoodDog With a Charlie Blog ’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Baseball NASCAR Tonight Now (N) Extreme Cougar Wives ’ (CC) Sirens Total Divas (CC) MARCH 25, 2014 pm The Simpsons ’ Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News SD News at 11 m10 pm m10:30 m11 San Diego 6 News at 10pm (N) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation ’ Nashville (N) ’ (CC) Secrets of the Dead (N) ’ (CC) (DVS) Chicago PD (N) ’ (CC) pm Seinfeld (CC) News m11:30 Seinfeld ’ (CC) Letterman 10News at Jimmy 11pm Kimmel Makers: Women Who Make America ’ NBC 7 Tonight News Show Liv & A.N.T. Gravity GoodMaddie Farm ’ Falls ’ Charlie SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) ATP Tennis Sony Open, Men’s and Women’s Quarterfinals. From Miami. (CC) The Girl With Half a Face Hoarding: Buried Alive ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Psych After Pshow (N Modern Chrisley Same-day Tape) Family ’ Knows m10 pm m10:30 m11 pm San Diego 6 News at Seinfeld 10pm (N) (CC) Person of Interest “AlNews legiance” (N) ’ Mind Games “Cauliflower 10News at Man” (N) ’ 11pm Frontline “TB Silent Killer” Families fight tuberculosis. (N) (CC) Chicago Fire ’ (CC) NBC 7 News m11:30 Seinfeld ’ (CC) Letterman Jimmy Kimmel MakersWomen Tonight Show Jessie ’ A.N.T. GoodA.N.T. (CC) Farm ’ Charlie Farm ’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) NBA Tonight NFL Live (N) (CC) NASCAR (N) Now (N) The Little Couple “Our Little People, Big World First Christmas” ’ (CC) Chrisley Modern Modern Sirens Knows Family ’ Family ’ START TALKING BEFORE THEY START DRINKING Kids who drink before age15 are 5 times more likely to have alcohol problems when they’re adults. To learn more, go to or call 1.800.729.6686 2 X 3” ad THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 • • 23 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm pm San Diego 6 News at 10pm (N) Intelligence Gabriel is suspected of murder. Castle The murder of a Wall Street trader. Independent Lens (N) ’ (CC) (DVS) The Blacklist “Ivan” (N) ’ (CC) TUESDAY EVENING TVData© m5 Rock TV with Miles News MARCH 24, 2014 pm DISN or Draw m6 m11:30 Paid Program Criminal Minds ’ 10News at Sports 11pm XTRA Father Brown ’ (CC) DISN Zac Efron. ’ m5:30 pm America’s Funniest San Diego EngageHome Videos (CC) 6 News ment The Good Wife “Dramat- The Mentalist Grace is ics, Your Honor” kidnapped. (N) ’ Resurrection The Revenge “Disgrace” A mystery is deepened. public showdown. Masterpiece Classic “Mr. Selfridge: Part 8” Explorer Ernest Shackleton arrives. (CC) Believe “Origin” (N) ’ Crisis Dunn and Finley uncover a secret. XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm m4:30 Austin & Ally ››‡ High School Musical (2006) Zac Efron. Students (CC) conspire against two teenage singers. ’ Women’s College Basketball NCAA Tournament: Teams NCAA Studio TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) Update Cheerleading SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter Featured SUNDAY EVENING CROSSWORD PUZZLE TVData© m5 pm Sanctuary The team stages Da Vinci’s Inquest “An Act of The CleveThe Clevea bank heist. ’ God” (CC) land Show land Show 2014 NCAA Basketball Tournament (N) (Live) (CC) Entertainment Tonight ’ (CC) Joel Osteen Paid Program I Hate My Hair! Paid Program Paid Program New TV Offer! Whiten Teeth! Extreme Weight Loss “Ashley” Chris helps a woman get RightThisInside Edition (CC) healthy. ’ (CC) Minute (N) Moyers & Washington KPBS Round- Charlie Rose Great Performances “Broadway Musicals: A Jewish NOVA “Great Cathedral Mystery” ExperiNature The wolverine is an efficient carniCompany Week table Legacy” Jewish artists excel on Broadway. ’ mental mini-Duomo. ’ vore. ’ (CC) (DVS) Golf Digest Equipment PGA Tour Golf Arnold Palmer Invitational, Final Round. From Bay Hill Club & Lodge in Orlando, Fla. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) Graham I Hate My Justin Time Tree Fu Tom Special (N) ’ (CC) Bensinger Hair! (EI) (EI) CL ASSIFIEDS ARMED FORCES DISPATCH CLASSIFIEDS To place your ad, please call the Classified Advertising Department (619) 280-2985. Deadline to place an ad is Tuesday at noon. See your ads in print, and on the web, on Thursday! ANNOUNCEMENTS Did you serve during all 3 of the Gulf, Iraq & Afghanistan Wars? ATTORNEYS BANKRUPTCY • LITIGATION BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE LAW WILLS & TRUSTS Law Offices of Pamela Kleinkauf Attorney at Law - 21 Years Experience LEGAL EXPERIENCE YOU CAN TRUST 858.675.1105 [email protected] AUTOS WE BUY CARS – MOTORCYCLES – MOTORHOMES – Running or not. Lost title Ok. $Cash paid $ 888-244-9039. [email protected] Frannie the clown 10% Discount for 2 hour Party for 20 kids or less 619.295.2625 ATTORNEYS ________________________ LOW COST BANKRUPTCY Recordon & Recordon, Attorneys STOP 24• • THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 Creditor Calls Home Foreclosure Repossessions PAYMENT PLANS Free Consultation (619) 232-1717 Mission Valley ... 283-7777 El Cajon ............ 442-6999 Chula Vista ....... 427-3404 _______________________ LOW COST DIVORCE CASH FOR CARS Running or not 619-464-1717 Advertise your job openings Call today! 619-280-2985. 760-721-2698 HEALTH & BEAUTY LOANS WEAVES & BRAIDS – Private atmosphere, no waiting. Same day appts. Reasonable prices. Call Karla 619-931-3150 3/20 Pamela Sawhney MD Family Medicine & Holistic Medicine 705 Palm Ave. Imperial Beach, CA 91932 619-424-5106 619-435-4488 CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT CALL FOR MILITARY DISCOUNT INTERESTED IN THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRY? This is a great opportunity in a fast growing field. We are looking for professional minded people. No experience necessary, will train. Call 760-548-8158 3/27 _________________________________ FREEDOM IS A CLICK AWAY. I’m looking for 3 self-motivated individuals who would like to earn P/T income while working from their home computer. 4/10 _______________________________________________ IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH & WEALTH!! A leading nutrition company is seeking serious individuals who are interested in improving their health and helping others to do the same. Training is provided! Call 347.435.1141 for more information! 1996 WILDERNESS 5TH WHEEL- Beautifully redone, 25ft, new flooring in kit/BA, new carpet in living/dining area, all new lights outside, solar panels, frig, stove, AC & furnace fully operational. Asking $5900 OBO. Call Vicki 619-820-5877 Bad Credit - No Credit Ok! Cash Loans-Grants-Business Loans FAST APPROVALS for all types of loans. Military & Federal Loans Available! GUARANTEED HELP! Call Toll Free 1-800-615-6818 MEMORIAL SERVICES BURIALS AT SEA/MEMORIALS on board the last operational World War II Vessel in San Diego. 619-234-9153 ext 102. Visit our website: MODELING Do you suffer from: Make up to $2500 in a few hours - NO JOKE! Local studio needs in-shape models (over 18 yrs old). Set your own hours. Professional, clean and SAFE atmosphere. Gigs are adult themed. Please apply at: Let Recovery International help you. We do not take the place of the professional, we work in conjunction with. Low cost self help group with daily meetings through out San Diego County. (619) 275-0364 also check out our phone meetings. T/F Good Morning…McDonald’s! Earn Extra $$$! Mornings with McDonald’s Afternoons/Evenings with your family. McDonald’s now hiring-flexible hours. Apply at McDonald’s MCAS Miramar. TFN ______________________________________ CALYPSO CAFÉ IS HIRING for the following positions: Breakfast Cook Sandwich Maker Bus Boy Please call Hanan at 619-423-5144; 619-2538767 or apply in person at 507 Grand Caribe Cswy, Coronado PROPERTY MANAGER FOR 73 UNIT APT COMPLEX IN SACRAMENTO. Position includes all management duties. Must have strong sales background, be computer literate, have record keeping skills, be responsible & self motivated. Background Prequired. Email [email protected] or fax 619-5930336 3/20 MOTORCYCLES ________________________ WE BUY BIKES Top Price Paid - All Models Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki 100 used bikes to choose from SOUTH BAY MOTORSPORTS CAREER Free Consultation (619) 232-1717 QuickBooks ® & Peachtree ® Enrolling Now! ACCOUNTING ACADEMY (or on the job) • Train in our six-month program • Acquire a valuable set of skills • You learn by doing the books BRE #01900160 Call 760-604-3354 MOTORCYCLES --------------ALL BRANDS-------------We also buy & sell used Harley Davidson Parts PUDDIN’S WHOLESALE WHEELS 0LVVLRQ5G6WH(VFRQGLGR 760.746.0958 ZZZ3XGGLQV:KROHVDOH:KHHOVYSZHEFRP PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WE DO STUMP GRINDING, ROTOTILLING & MORE 858-997-7062 4/10 PROXY MARRIAGE or DIVORCE in as little as one day 50 years experience 4/10 ____________________________________________________ 3/20 _____________________________________ SPRING VALLEY – Large 2BR/2BA, all appliances, AC/Heat, laundry onsite, $950/mo + $500 dep. $200 Off 1st Month’s Rent. 619270-9532 4/3 ___________________________________________________ [email protected] AVAILABLE NOW CALL ME FOR INFO ON OUR 1, 2 or 3 BR’s Apartments, WEEKL O AN SEMIN ARS WEEKLYY VA LLO SEMINARS Townhouse & Houses REAL ESTATE-Houses MOVE-IN SPECIAL ! SPRING VALLEY – Location, location! Huge 4BR/2BA, fplc, 2 car gar, family neighborhood in cul-de-sac, all for $355k OBO (VA approved). Call Victoria 619-517-5142 lic#00965791 [email protected] LEADINGHAM 3/27 REAL ESTATE-Property CAMPO – For Sale, 2 parcels equals 30+ acres, only $395k OBO, has been surveyed, livestock welcome. Build your dream ranch. Call for map & details. Victoria 619-517-5142 lic#00965791 [email protected] 3/27 REALTY 1062 Palm Ave., Imp. Beach 619-424-8600 TFN ___________________________________________________ FURNISHED ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED Hotel Occidental RENTALS APARTMENTS _____________________________________ EL CAJON – Large 3BR/1BA w/lrg fncd yrd, new crpt/paint/stove & bath, $1350/mo, W/D hk-ups, off-st prkg, small pet ok. WILL GO FAST! Call 858-505-8110 offers great value, location and hospitality to San Diego locals and world travelers alike. Situated conveniently between Hillcrest & the Gaslamp, our WEEKLY room rentals start at $175 PER WEEK! WE ALSO OFFER $20 ACTIVE MILITARY, STUDENT, SENIOR, AND CORPORATE DISCOUNTS OFF OUR FULL & HALF BATH ROOMS. We are filling up fast, so call now 1-800-205-9897 or 619-232-1336 [email protected] 4/10 ____________________________________________________ IMPERIAL BEACH – LARGE 2BR/2BA & 3BR/2BA, $1325 & UP, LOW DEPOSIT, AC, W/D HOOK-UP, WALK-IN CLOSETS, PATIO/ BALCONY, POOL/SPA, TOT LOT. **CALL FOR MOVE-IN SPECIALS** 1394 ORO VISTA RD 619-575-4428 3/27 ____________________________________ LA MESA - $1125/mo, remodeled 2BR/1BA, gar, laundry room, near all. 4584 ½ Acacia Ave. 310-373-3282; 619-261-9848 3/27 ___________________________________________________ NATIONAL CITY - **2 WEEKS FREE RENT** (2) 2BR’s Avail Feb 1. $1025/mo, close to 32nd St NB & shopping, no pets. Mgr 930 N Ave Apt#1. 619-474-4945 3/27 ____________________________________ CHULA VISTA 1 BR Furnished Apartments $825 & Up. w/low $150 Deposit Close to shopping & trolley EZ Move In 521 Parkway (Off Broadway, Near 5th & G) Office Open Daily CALL 619-420-5084 PAINTING CONTRACTOR CAREGIVERS WANTED FT & PT Caregiver shifts available. CNA preferred. Must enjoy working with the elderly. Benefits available. Will train. Also seeking Medication Care Managers, Cook and Bus Driver with Class B license. Apply online: or in person at: Sunrise Senior Living at La Costa 7020 Manzanita St., Carlsbad, CA 92011 (760) 930-0060 858-836-1420 Your Real Estate Resource Center Specializing in supporting Military Financing • Buying & Selling Your Home • VA Loan Experts • Property Manager Experts • Home Maintenance Specialists 3/20 WE BUY, SELL & CONSIGN 4/10 SPRING VALLEY - **MOVE IN SPECIAL** $100 OFF 1ST MONTH, 8770 Lamar St #B, large upstairs 1BR/1BA in a small 3 unit complex, lam wood floors, cer tile, ceiling fans, new paint & new stove, free laundry onsite, off-st prkg, common yard in back of property, sml pets ok. $895/mo + $800 dep. Craigslist search for Oliver 619-715-5459 CORONADO – Large 2BR/2BA, secure building, gated underground parking space w/storage, Laundry onsite, No smoking/pets. $1800/ TFN _____________________________________ mo. Call 619-957-0422 or [email protected] 978-443-8387 3/27 ALREADY EMPLOYED? Build a business while keeping your present job. Let me show you what I did. 3/27 619-224-2300 HELP WANTED TFN ______________________________________ CAMPERS NEED A LOAN? 11/6/14 WE TAKE TRICARE & MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED POINT LOMA - $1750/mo, 2BR/2BA, panoramic ocean, bay & sunset views, 1264sf, huge balcony, spacious closets, new carpet, pool, fitness & rec room, saunas, non-smoking unit, no pets. 619-226-8158 Thomas Jacobucci REALTOR® 1222 1st St. Unit 6 Coronado, CA 92118 CLAIREMONT – WOW JUST LISTED! Beautiful 2BR/2BA with fplc, patio, W/D hook-ups, pool in complex, $500 painting allowance, all for $235k (VA approved). Call Victoria 619-517-5142 lic#00965791 [email protected] REAL ESTATE 24hr/7 days 2 locations to serve you helplessness, hopelessness? BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY If extra $ sounds good to you. Now hiring PT, flexible hours. worry, anger, fears, Make More Money DOING BOOKKEEPING AT HOME! LOW 800.464.6420 mood disorders, fatigue, sleeplessness, • SUPPORT • • CUSTODY • • VISITATION • • MEDIATION • • ADOPTION • Mission Valley ... 283-7777 El Cajon ............ 442-6999 Chula Vista ....... 427-3404 ________________________ ATTENTION: ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY stress, tension, anxiety, panic, in our “Help Wanted” classifieds. Recordon & Recordon, Attorneys PAYMENT PLANS NEW MATTRESSES 5/8 _________________________________________________ If YES, you have earned the right to proudly wear the banner of All 3 War Veterans Assn. of America. For info re: this unique “Band of Brothers” call 888.452.3434 or email: HELP WANTED All sizes with factory warranty. Many styles, pillow top, orthopedic. Queen sets as low as $169. RENTALS APARTMENTS REAL ESTATE-Condos FURNITURE Lic#374601134 PARRETT PAINTING Interior/Exterior. Commerical & Residential Competitve Prices Acoustic Ceiling Removal & Texturing Crown Mould, Base & Trim. Flat Roof Repair Lic #743976. Brian Parrett 619-253-8593 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ARE YOU A HOMEOWNER OR RELOCATING? 10 year expert in property managing. Call for a free property evaluation. Immediate response. Bianca Caliguri, licensed real estate agent, at 619-840-0282; [email protected]. Advent Property Management. 10/10/15 CASHOUT TO 100% on REFINACE LOANS VA HOME LOANS - LOW RATES! 12'2:13$<0(1712&/26,1*&2676$9$,/$%/( 12&26735(48$/,),&$7,216 ),1$1&,1*21385&+$6(6 Call VETERAN Steve Burns TODAY NO Funding Fee 619.540.6550 to Disabled BRE #01300759 NMLS #314086 Vets View ads online at • (619) 280-2985 RENTALS CONDOS SHARE RENTALS APARTMENTS RENTALS HOUSES SPRING VALLEY – Share must see condo w/1, prvt BR/BA, gated prkg, pool, beaut lush green, quiet, 2 lrg closets, hwy nr, SD & beach 15 min, $675/mo. 619-823-5591 “Military Friendly” PACIFIC LEGACY PROPERTIES 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms available throughout San Diego County. Online Rental Hotsheet 4/3 RENTALS COTTAGES 619-423-7500 IMPERIAL HOUSE APTS Move-in Special LA PACIFICA RV PARK – 1BR/1BA + den, park model home, perfect for 1 or 2 people, pool/clubhouse/WiFi/cable/laundry, $995/mo + utilities. 619-428-4411 *Military Discount* La Pacific RV Park offers long term stays! Conveniently located to your station in San Diego. We are a quiet community already housing some of your colleagues. Beaches are 3 miles away. Local shops and restaurants on the doorstep. We only have a limited amount of long term, affordable opportunities. 619.428.4411 4/3 1 MONTH FREE RENT 25/mo Discount RENTALS DUPLEX $825-$1125/mo. Onsite laundry Assigned parking $ for active military! CORONADO – Quaint, sunny, upstairs 2BR/ 1BA, appx 1000sf, old time charm w/views of San Diego skyline, fncd yard, small patio, stove, frig, DW, laundry in garage. Quiet Village community, near schools. Utilities 1/2pd. $1975/mo. 619-435-0728 619-423-6070 WANTED TO BUY SERVICES OFFERED [email protected] RENTALS CONDOS 3/20 ____________________________________ CHULA VISTA/SUNBOW VILLAS - **A MUST SEE**, 1 BR/1BA, 715sf, resort style living, granite slab counters, cer tile floors, stainless steel sink & appliances, two-tone designer paint, large walk-in closets, plenty of storage, W/D in unit, playground, BBQ area, pool/spa, 1 reserved prkg, pets ok. $1250/mo + $1000 dep. Month to month. 705 Paso de Luz #204. Craigslist search for Oliver 619-715-5459 3/20 ____________________________________ CLAIREMONT – 2BR/1BA, upgraded, gated comm, nr shops/frwys/schls. $1500/mo, No pets. 4131 B Mt Alifan Pl. 858-449-0475 3/27 3/27 ___________________________________________________ EAST SAN DIEGO – 3BR/1BA, large backyard, garage, stove/frig, 1 small pet ok. $1500/ mo. 619-463-8573 or 619-750-7056 3/20 ___________________________________ IMPERIAL BEACH – 4BR/2BA house for rent! 50% SPECIAL DISCOUNT! 3202 Veralee St. Call 619-423-6070 4/3 ___________________________________________________ MIRA MESA – 4BR/2BA, newly renovated, 2 car garage, near all, cul-de-sac. **A MUST KEARNEY MESA – READY NOW! $2300, SEE!** $2250/mo. 619-987-7570 3/27 3BR/3BA with garage, 8703 Plaza Square, ___________________________________________________ 92123. Agt 619-271-3999 PARADISE HILLS – Fabulous view, great 3/20 ____________________________________ home, 1500sf, 3BR/2BA, 2 car gar, hardwood MIRA MESA – Upstairs 1BR/1BA, appls, WD, flrs, W/D hook-ups, frig w/ice maker, beautiful wtr pd, good for 2 people only, no pets/smkg. new deck, $1995/mo. 6311 Viewpoint Dr. Call $1200/mo + $1000dep. Call Ray 858-775- Rick 619-254-5378 4/3 7093 3/20 _____________________________________ ____________________________________ SANTEE - Newly Remod 2&3 BR Mobile hms PARADISE HILLS – 2BR/1BA, new carpet, for rent in all age park. $1000- $1350 Move in paint & appliances, central heat, onsite laundry, garage, comm pool, $1250/mo. 619-534- Special!!! Mission Del Magnolia 619-449-1500 3/27 ___________________________________________________ 4/3 4/10 ____________________________________ PARADISE HILLS – 3BR/2BA w/view, $1700/ mo + $1500 dep, new pnt/crpt/blinds, remodeled kit, all appls incld, W/D hk-ups inside, central AC, sml enclosed yrd, no pets/no smkg, 2 prkg spaces, cls to Hwy 54/shopping/transportation. Avail 3/15. 619-421-5627 (leave message) 3/27 HORSE BOARDING CARLSBAD $350/month Western casual, family-oriented ranch. We have roomy 12x48 or 24x24 corrals and provide a veterinarianrecommended diet twice daily. 760.840.0187 _____________________________________ SERRA MESA – 5BR/3BA, newly painted, remodeled, fplc, lrg living room & family room, fncd yard, 2 car gar, no pets. 858-484-5131 or 858-354-5046 (leave msg) 3/20 ___________________________________________________ Short Term & Long Term Available Visit our website: to view all our properties Coronado Cays 20 Antigua Ct. May & June Call for Pricing & Availability 2BR/2BA Upstairs Condo on the Water - No pets Coronado Cays 53 Delaport Place Availabile June - Sept $3500-$5500/mo. 2BR/2BA Seasonal Coronado Cays Coronado Cays Coronado Cays Coronado Shores 40 Kingston Ct. 46 Antigua Ct. 2BR/2BA Furn. - March or April Condo on the Water $3500/mo. Available June - August 2BR/2BA - Upstairs Call for Condo on the Water Pricing & Availability 53 The Point Unfurn. - Long Term $6500/mo. 3+BR/4BA 75’ Boat Dock Home on the Water 1005 Las Palmas Available April $3500/mo. 1BR/1BA Furn - Long Term Beach Front (619) 429-4120 Wolfgang Puck: Welcome spring with a healthy salad of fresh kale ROOMS for RENT _________________________________ EASTLAKE – Beautiful area, 5 mins from Southwestern College, cbl & utils incld, pool/spa/tennis, no smkg/pets/drugs, $500/mo + $300 dep. 619-755-3232 3/27 _________________________________ IMPERIAL BEACH - **SUPPORT THE TROOPS SPECIAL**, Furn Master BR in 2BR/2.5BA twnhse, 1 person, utils incld, W/D, gated/pool/spa, close to all, 15 mins to North Island, nice & quiet, “Must See”. $595/mo. 625 13th St, 92154. Call 619-423-6601 3/27 _________________________________ OTAY MESA – BR w/private Bath, $530/ mo, utilities incld, near bus & trolley, no kitchen/drugs/alcohol/smoking. M pref. 619-495-2769 4/3 _________________________________ WILDOMAR - $850/mo + $350 dep, utils included (cable & internet), kitchen & lndry privileges, possible car pool if you work at MCAS Miramar. Call or text Angel 619453-6551 by Wolfgang Puck Springtime’s arrival announces the start of a wonderful time in farmers’ markets, as some of the freshest, brightest, most tender and flavorful produce begins to fill growers’ stands. I love strolling among the stalls with my sons, enjoying what can sometimes seem like a neverending buffet of tender, crisp leaves in a variety of shades, baby peas, the first slender young shoots of asparagus, and other vegetables, not to mention the citrus fruits holding over from winter and, in places, the earliest of the berries that will make their biggest impression from late spring to summer. It’s no wonder that spring inspires cooks and food lovers everywhere. Every meal can feel like a fresh discovery. Some of the easiest ways to translate springtime produce for the table _________________________________ are salads. Choose greens that look SOUTHEAST SAN DIEGO – Furn MB w/ good to you, whether one variety or prvt BA, $550/mo + $50 utils; shared BA several; rinse them with cold run$500/mo + $25 utils, wifi/cbl, quiet neighborhood, close to transportation & amenining water and dry them thoroughly ties, 10 mins to 32nd St NB. 619-646-2857 with a salad spinner or simply with a (lv msg) clean kitchen towel or paper towels; 3/20 add a dressing that complements the _________________________________ greens’ flavors and textures, as well as suiting your own preferences; SPA throw in a few other ingredients for bright contrasting sparks; and you’ve GRAPE STREET SPA & MASSAGE got a dish that celebrates the season 919 W. Grape St., SD and satisfies the appetite.One of the 619-255-8885 most popular salad greens in recent years, which seems in no danger of 5/22 waning in its appeal, is kale, whose crinkly dark-green leaves pack as TAXES much healthful nutrients as they do robust flavor and texture. Many peoMILITARY TAX SPECIALIST ple think of kale as a largely a coldFREE State Income Tax Reviews weather green. But, in fact, not only Military Tax Experts in all 50 States does it thrive well into spring but also, thanks to its popularity, now seems to Please call (619) 252-9419 be widely available in markets round.If you haven’t enjoyed kale in a salad before, now is a perfect time 4/3 to give it a try, especially in the recipe I share here for Kale Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette, Golden Raisins, and Pine Nuts, from my new book, “Wolfgang Puck Makes It Healthy,” published this very week. I like to serve this healthful salad as a first course. But you can also offer it as a side with grilled, broiled, or roasted seafood, poultry, or meat, or make a double batch to serve as part of a buffet.If you’re counting calories, something many people do in springtime as they see summer swimsuit season approaching, you’ll be pleased to learn that the recipe, a generous and filling plateful of greens, is only 230 calories per serving. Yes, about half are fat calories; but most of those come from the heart-healthy fat of the olive oil in the zesty dressing. So, please give my recipe a try, and see how easy, pleasurable, and healthful it can be to eat your springtime greens. pletely. Set the raisins aside to soak and plump up for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, put the pine nuts in a small nonstick pan. Cook the nuts over low heat, stirring frequently, until they turn golden brown, 3 to 5 minutes. Transfer the nuts to a bowl and set aside. With a sharp knife, cut out the stems and tough ribs from the kale leaves. In batches, stack the leaves, roll them up lengthwise, and cut them crosswise into strips 1/2 inch wide. You should have about 8 cups packed of shredded kale. Thoroughly drain the plumped raisins. In a large bowl, combine the kale, raisins and toasted pine nuts. Drizzle with the Lemon Vinaigrette and season to taste with salt and pepper. Toss lightly but thoroughly. Transfer the salad to individual chilled serving bowls or plates, taking care to divide the ingredients evenly. Garnish with Parmesan, if you like. LEMON VINAIGRETTE KALE SALAD WITH PINE Makes about 1/2 cup NUTS, RAISINS, AND LEM1 tablespoon grated lemon zest ON VINAIGRETTE Serves 4 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1/4 cup golden raisins 1/4 cup pine nuts 1 bunch organic kale, about 1/2 pound, leaves rinsed with cold running water and thoroughly dried 6 tablespoons Lemon Vinaigrette (recipe follows) Kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper Freshly shaved Parmesan, for serving (optional) 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard 1 teaspoon sugar 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil Kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper In a small nonreactive bowl, combine the lemon zest, lemon juice, Dijon mustard and sugar. Stir with a whisk until thoroughly blended. Whisking continuously, slowly drizzle in the olive oil to form a smooth emulsion. Season to Put the raisins in a small mix- taste with salt and pepper. Use iming bowl. Add hot water to the mediately or cover and refrigerate bowl to cover the raisins com- for up to 1 week. THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 • • 25 ____________________________________ ____________________________________________________ CORONADO – Unfurn 3rd floor 2BR/2BA w/ IMPERIAL BEACH – 3BR/2BA house for rent! views of Bay & Bridge, 1100sf, 1 prkg space, SPECIAL DISCOUNT!!!! 584 13th St. Call 619balcony overlooking pool/spa, other ameni- 423-6070 4/3 ties, secure bldg, no smkg. $2300/mo. Avail ____________________________________________________ now, lease. 333 Orange Ave 619-437-8708 327 IMPERIAL BEACH – MOVE IN SPECIAL!!! ___________________________________________________ 50% DISCOUNT! 3BR/1BA house. 514 DelaEL CAJON - **MILITARY MOVING SPE- ware St. Call 619-423-6070 4/3 CIAL** $200 OFF 1ST MONTH, 800 N Mol____________________________________________________ lison Ave # 3, 1BR/1BA, gated complex, ss apIMPERIAL BEACH - House/ granny flat for pls, frig, stove, DW, built in micro, stacked W/D rent. Quiet, lrg, 2-story, 1BR/ 1BA w/bal, wlkin unit, lam floors, cer tile, upgraded light fixin-clst & nice yard. $1085/mo. 619-424-9832 tures, fans & crown molding, two-tone custom or 619-948-4118 paint, comm pool, 1 assigned prkg, work out 3/27 room, no pets. $950/mo + $700 dep. Craigslist ___________________________________________________ search for Oliver 619-715-5459 LEMON GROVE – Two 1BR/1BA, fully remod3/20 eled $995/mo + utils included; other $750/mo ____________________________________ + utils included. No pets. 619-697-7594; 619LA MESA – 2BR/1BA, $1250/mo, like new, 1 415-6252 block from downtown La Mesa, covered car3/27 port, pool, no pets. 619-997-4301 6036 STABLES 3/27 ___________________________________________________ CHULA VISTA – 2BR/1BA, attached 1 car gar, quiet neighborhood, no pets, frig, stove, W/D, micro, lrg bkyrd, mins to downtown & military bases, $1650/mo + $1650 dep. 619-632-8100 Clothing • CDs • DVDs LPs • Electronics • Books Cool Stuff 2947 El Cajon Blvd 619-261-1744 3939 Iowa • North Park 619-444-CASH 1416 Garnet • Pacific Beach 858-272-7283 4879 Newport Ave. • Ocean Beach 619-222-5011 For Large Quanities Call Jeff 858-382-7396 Now view your ads online at RENTALS HOUSES CARLSBAD – Excellent area near schools, shops & park; 3BR/2.5BA, DW, W/D, AC, sec system, fplc, pool/spa w/heater, 2 car gar, sunCASA DE ORO/SPRING VALLEY – 9860 room, corner lot, $2500/mo + $1200 dep, pool Dale Ave, Unit A9, large 1BR/1BA, upper level, maint & gardener incld. 760-814-2522 3/20 granite counters, stainless steel appls, oven, ____________________________________ stove, dishwasher & frig w/ice maker, custom CHULA VISTA – 2BR/1BA, garage, updated cer tile in kitchen & BA, gated complex w/pool, kitchen/bath, large yard, frig, stove, W/D, lndry onsite. $945/mo + $800 dep. Craigslist $1650/mo + $1650 dep, no pets. 619-632search for Oliver 619-715-5459 3/20 8100 4/3 ____________________________________ ___________________________________________________ CHULA VISTA – Beautiful 3BR/3BA, walking CHULA VISTA – Nice house, $1950/mo, dist to elementary school & near I-805, 1 car 4BR/2BA, 2 car gar, fplc, big patio cover, view. gar + 1 prkg spc, fenced back yard, pool, no Available Now Vacant; 258 East Moss. 619pets, $1775/mo. 619-871-7251 216-0133 WANTED! CASH PAID! Thrift Trader 3/27 OR EMAIL: Homes & Condos for Rent Around Town Schedule subject to change. Be sure to verify events before going. ConDor Convention, Fri.-Sun., March 21-23. Fri. noon-11 p.m.; Sat. 10 a.m.-midnight; Sun. 10 a.m.-4 p.m.. $15-$25. San Diego’s longest running sci-fi/fantasy media & literature convention. Festivities highlight best that independent scifi/fantasy has to offer. Panels, art, classes, dances, exhibits, and more. Town & Country Resort, 500 Hotel Circle, Mission Valley. A Symphony of Orchids: Orchid Show & Sale, Fri.Sun., March 21-23. Fri. 3-7 p.m.; Sat. 9-6; Sun 10-4. $7-$10. Fabulous displays, plants for show plus plants for sale in all price ranges. Lectures for all levels of orchid lovers. Scottish Rite Center, 1895 Camino del Rio South, Mission Valley. Looking for critters, Sat., March 22, 8:30-10 a.m. Free. Chance animal sightings increase in early Spring open lands. Join informative and fun trail guide-led walk and see nature’s offerings. Meet at Campground Entry Station. Kumeyaay Lake Campground, Two Father Junípero Serra Trail, Santee. South Park Spring Walkabout, Sat, March 22, 6-10 p.m. Free. Browse, shop, explore neighborhood of South Park. Fun-filled evening festival-shops are open late, plus entertainment, specials and surprises. South Park neighborhood, San Diego, 30th & Fern Streets, between Juniper & Beech. (619) 233-6679 Guided Bird Walk, Sat., March 22, 8-11 a.m. Free. Join field ornithologist Jeanie Anderson on a path in Penasquitos Canyon with many birds, both visible and calling. Bring sturdy shoes, binoculars, and cover-ups. Handouts and checklists will be provided. Meet at the west end of Canyonside Park Driveway, one block west of Black Mountain Road at the Preserve sign at the beginning of the white ranch house fence. Canyonside Park & Recreation Center, 12350 Black Mountain Rd., Rancho Penasquitos. 858-484-3219 Guided Trail Walks, Sat.-Sun., March 22-23, Wed., March 26, 9:30-11 a.m. Free. Walk amid scenic wonder as your MTRP trail guide leads you into the world of nature, giving insights and fun facts about local history, indigenous animals, and plant life. Meet inside Visitor Center. Mission Trails Regional Park, One Father Junípero Serra Trail, San Carlos. Weekly Inspiration From Colette Success is a journey not a destination -Ben Sweetland Healthy Living Festival, Sat.Sun., March 22-23, Sat. 10-6; Sun. 10-5. Free admission. Pay parking? San Diego’s Largest Health & Fitness Expo. learn more about eating healthier, finding a healthy weight, getting into healthy activities and keeping a healthier home. Free medical testing and screening. 200 exhibitors: sample organic foods and beverages, visit health professionals and sports and fitness experts, more. Del Mar FairgroundsExhibit Hall,2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Ma.r. (858) 793-5555. 2014 Turf Bocce Ball Tournament, Sun., March 23, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 9 a.m. registration. Del MarSolana Beach Sunrise Rotary Club’s 18th Annual Turf Bocce Ball Tournament fundraiser at the beautiful Del Mar Horsepark’s grand prix field. Blue Sky Walks Slow-paced guided walks for the whole family. Wear comfortable shoes. 9 a.m. Saturdays and Sundays Bring bottled water. 26 • • THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 Blue Sky Ecological Reserve park entrance kiosk on Espola Rd., Poway (858) 679-5469. Free Experienced and first-time players will have a great time. Del Mar Horsepark,14550 El Camino Real, Del Mar. www. Hot Chocolate 5/15K, Sun., March 23, 6:45-9:15 a.m. $45-$65. 5K start time: 6:45am; 15K start time 7:35am. Road race begins at Petco Park, winds downtown, Golden Hill, North Park, and back to Petco Park. Participants can choose their course, run off a few pounds, then put them back on again by attending the post-race party with music, hot cocoa, and treats dipped in chocolate fondue. Petco Park, 100 Park Blvd., downtown San Diego. Tailgate Lot at 14th & K Streets. San Marcos Alive, Sun., March 23, 10 a.m-4 p.m. Fine arts fair includes craft vendors, art demos and displays. Hands-on art projects, community mural painting project. Entertainment by local dancers and musicians. Food available for purchase. San Marcos Civic Center,3 Civic Center Dr., San Marcos. (760) 744-9000. Race Legal, Fri., March 28, 5 p.m.-midnight. 1/8th Mile Street Legal Drag Racing. Race Legal is the safer and sanctioned track alternative to illegal street racing. The event takes place Friday nights, several times a year at Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego. Qualcomm Stadium, 9449 Friars Rd., Mission Valley. (619) 265 8159. Ironman 70.3, Fri.-Sat., March 28-29, Friday is an expo. Saturday race! Cheer on Ironman athletes as they endure a 1.2-mile swim course in Oceanside Harbor, a 56-mile bike course that includes the challenging inland hills of Camp Pendleton and a 13.1-mile run through the coastal neighborhoods of Oceanside. Oceanside Harbor & Pier Ampitheater, Oceanside. (813) 868-5940. Beer & Bicycle Ride, Sat., March 29, 9:30 a.m. Age 21+ $45. Enjoy challenging, scenic 25-mile ride. Sample worldclass beer. Three tasters along the route, at Modern Times Beer, Stone Brewing, and Mission Brewing, full pint at Mike Hess Brewing, and a coupon for a free pint at either Waypoint Public or Tiger!Tiger! Mike Hess Brewing North Park, 3812 Grim Ave. Ironman Oceanside California, Sat., March 29. $310$670. 1.2 mile swim in Oceanside Harbor, a 56-mile bike ride through the Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base and a 13.1-mile run along the Pacific Ocean. Concerts Kings of Leon and Local Natives, Sat., March 22, 6 p.m. Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 2050 Entertainment Cir., Chula Vista. (619) 671-3600. Landes, Thurs., April 17, 7:30 p.m. Pop/rock. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. Temptations and Four Tops, Fri., Apri 18, 8 p.m. Pop. $30-$50. Pala Events Center, 11154 Hwy 76, Pala. (877) 946-7252. Rodney Carrington, Fri., April 18, 8 p.m. Comedy. The Grove of Anaheim, 2200 E. Katella Ave., Anaheim, Orange County. (714) 712-2750. Chubby Checker, Sat., April 26, 8:30 p.m. Rock. Sycuan Casino Showcase Theatre, 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon. (619) 445-6002. Venice, Sat., April 26, 7:30 p.m. $22. Acoustic. AMSDconcerts, 1370 Euclid Ave., San Diego. (619) 303-8176. Blame Sally, Sun., April 27, 7:30 p.m. $20. Acoustic. AMSDconcerts, 1370 Euclid Ave., San Diego. (619) 303-8176. Gavin DeGraw plus Nick Gardner, Tues., April 29, 8 p.m. The Grove of Anaheim, 2200 E. Katella Ave., Anaheim, Orange County. (714) 712-2750. www.citynationalgroveofanaheim. com May Please confirm concerts before attending. NOTE: Some venues are age 21+ only. March Lindsey Stirling, Wed., May 14, 8 p.m. Electronic. The Grove of Anaheim, 2200 E. Katella Ave., Anaheim, Orange County. (714) 712-2750. Solana Beach. (858) 481-8140. Christina Perri, Wed., May 14, 8 p.m. Pop. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. BOB BAKER (SHKI'LEPPIRKIV7<8 9'SRRIGXKF,EVH(VMZI%YXS8MPX'VYMWI 1764 &SF&EOIV(MWGSYRX 7IPPMRK4VMGI *EGXSV]6IFEXI &SRYW'EWL 1MPMXEV]6IFEXI Net Cost 22,490 $ EXXLMWTVMGI), .IIT;VERKPIV7TSVX\ .IIT'LIVSOII7TSVX\ WTIIH%YXSQEXMG'(4PE]IV8MPX'VYMWI 1764 &SF&EOIV(MWGSYRX 7IPPMRK4VMGI 1MPMXEV]6IFEXI Net Cost 21,990 $ EXXLMWTVMGI); 6%1)\TVIWW\ %YXSQEXMG%MV'SRHTG,EVHXST&PYIXSSXL7MVMYW WTIIH%YXSQEXMG'(4PE]IV8MPX'VYMWI 4YVGLEWIJSVSRP] TIVQS XE\ $ (S[R 4E]QIRX $ 361 999 1764 &SF&EOIV(MWGSYRX 7IPPMRK4VMGI *EGXSV]6IFEXI 1MPMXEV]6IFEXI EXXLMWTVMGIEL183365 On approved above average credit. Payments+tax & License for 84 Months at 3.9% APR Financing. $999 Customer Down Payment + $500 Military Rebate* = $1499 Total due at signing. (SHKI(EVX0MQMXIH 0IEXLIVWTIIH%YXS&PYIXSSXL'(148MPX'VYMWI Net Cost 21,990 $ EXXLMWTVMGI(+ 2013 Dodge Chargers &SF&EOIV(MWGSYRX *EGXSV]6IFEXI 1MPMXEV]6IFEXI 2IX7EZMRKW JVSQ1764 5500 $ *ÊUÊ ,9-, "ÊUÊ, MRWXSGO 0% for 72 Months! On approved above average credit. $13.88 per thousand financed. In lieu of factory rebate. See dealer for details (877) 363-2393 5555 Car Country Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (15 minutes from Pendelton.) Camp Pendleton Cannon Rd. Car Cntry Rd. * Must present valid Military ID. 1YWX½RERGIZILMGPI[MXL'LV]WPIV'ETMXEPAll advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Subject to prior sale. Vehicle pictured may not be the color of vehicles in stock. Expires 3-23-2014. THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 • • 27 Steve Gillette & Cindy Mangsen, Fri., March 21, 7:30 p.m. $20. Acoustic. AMSDconcerts, 1370 Euclid Ave., San Diego. (619) 3038176. Air Dubai & K. Flay, Fri., March 21, 7:30 p.m. $13-$15. Hip-hop/rap. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 299-2583. G. Love & Special Sauce, Ethan Tucker, Fri. March 21, 8 p.m. Age 21+. $25-$28. Blues/ rock. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 2992583. Spring Jam Magic 92.5 ft Keith Sweat, GUY, Job B, Dru Hill, Sat., March 22, 8 p.m. Valley View Casino Center (San Diego Sports Arena), 3500 Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego. (619) 224-4171. Iration, Sat., March 22, 8 p.m. The Grove of Anaheim, 2200 E. Katella Ave., Anaheim, Orange County. (714) 712-2750. www. Ellis Pal, Sat., March 22, 7:30 p.m. Folk. AMSDconcerts, 1370 Euclid Ave., San Diego. (619) 303-8176. Sharon Jones & The DapKings, Sat., March 22, 8 p.m. Age 21+. $30-$35. Funk. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 299-2583. Lady Antebellum, Kip Moore, Kacey Musgraves, Sun., March 23, 6:30 p.m. Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 2050 Entertainment Cir., Chula Vista. (619) 671-3600. London Grammar, Sun., March 23, 8 p.m. $15-$18. Rock. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 299-2583. Wonder Years, Defeater, Citizen also Real Friends, Tues., March 25, 8 p.m. Rock. Soma, 3350 Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego (Midway district). (619) 226-7662. Anthony Jeselnik, Thurs., March 27, 8 p.m. Stand-up comedy. The Grove of Anaheim, 2200 E. Katella Ave., Anaheim, Orange County. (714) 712-2750. www. Creedence Clearwater Revisited, Fri., March 28, 8 p.m. Rock. Pala Events Center, 11154 Rodney Carrington, Fri., May 2, 8:30 p.m. Country. Sycuan Casino Showcase Theatre, 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon. (619) 445-6002. Eliza Gilkyson, Fri., May 2, 7:30 p.m. Acoustic. AMSDconcerts, 1370 Hwy 76, Pala. (877) 946-7252. Euclid Ave., San Diego. (619) Of Mice & Men and Bring 303-8176. Me The Horizon, Fri., March 28, Ricky Nelson Tribute, Sun., 8 p.m. Rock. Soma, 3350 Sports May 4, 6 p.m. Sycuan Casino Arena Blvd., San Diego (Midway Showcase Theatre, 5469 Casino district). (619) 226-7662. Way, El Cajon. (619) 445-6002. Dave Stamey, Fri., March David Wilcox, Sun., May 4, 28, 7:30 p.m. $20. Cowboy 7:30 p.m. Acoustic. AMSDconentertainer/country/folk. AMScerts, 1370 Euclid Ave., San Dconcerts, 1370 Euclid Ave., San Diego. (619) 303-8176. Diego. (619) 303-8176. Johnny Clegg, Fri., May 9, Keith Sweat, Fri., March 9 p.m. Reggae/ska/rock. Age 28, 8 p.m. R&B. Dinner show. 21+. Belly Up Tavern, 143 South The Grove of Anaheim, 2200 E. Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. (858) Katella Ave., Anaheim, Orange 481-8140. County. (714) 712-2750. www. Cherry Poppin’ Daddies, Fri., May 9, 7 P.M. jazz/pop. Sycuan Casino Showcase TheApril atre, 5469 Casino Way, El Mint Condition, Thurs., April Cajon. (619) 445-6002. 3, 8 p.m. Dinner Show. The Grove El Mariachi Los Camperos of Anaheim, 2200 E. Katella Ave., de Nati Cano, Sat., May 10, Anaheim, Orange County. (714) 7 p.m. Latin. Sycuan Casino 712-2750. www.citynationalgroShowcase Theatre, 5469 sino Way, El Cajon. (619) 445Willie Nelson, Fri., April 4, 6002. 7:30 p.m. Country. Humphrey’s Lindsay Stirling, Tues., May by the Bay, box office 2241 Shel13, 7:30 p.m. Folk. Humphrey’s ter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. Polo Poloi, Fri., April 4, 7 & 9 :30 p.m. World. Sycuan Casino Showcase Theatre, 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon. (619) 445-6002. The Fab 4, Sat., April 5, 8 p.m. Dinner show. The Grove of Anaheim, 2200 E. Katella Ave., Anaheim, Orange County. (714) 712-2750. Rob Thomas, Sun., April 6, 7:30 p.m. ROck. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. Volbeat with Trivium, Digital Summer, Sun., April 6, 7:30 p.m. Metal. The Grove of Anaheim, 2200 E. Katella Ave., Anaheim, Orange County. (714) 712-2750. Sevendust, Thurs., April 10 8 p.m. Alternative. Sycuan Casino Showcase Theatre, 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon. (619) 445-6002. Mark Chesnutt, Sun., April 13, 8:30 p.m. Country. Sycuan Casino Showcase Theatre, 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon. (619) 445-6002. City & Colour, Tues., April 15, 7:30 p.m. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. Bryan Ferry and Dawn by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. Stephen Marley, Wed., May 14, 8 p.m. Rock. Age 21+. Belly Up Tavern, 143 South Cedros Ave., Think Fuller Ford Fuller Fuller Honda Get Your Fuller Kia SALE ,*5p((* , p * $ Just Minutes From Anywhere in San Diego! OVER 500 NEW FORDS AVAILABLE!! Thru Honda Financial Services 3p*p2,*+ 2014 Ford Fiesta 4 Dr. Sedan SE MSRP..................$16,245 Fuller Discount.....-$2,768 Sale Price............$13,477 Retail Customer Cash...... ..........................-$1,000 Retail Bonus Customer Cash ..............................-$500 Retail Trade-in Assistance Bonus Cash............-$500 2014 Ford Military Appreciation............-$500 38 MPG! 500 DOWN PAYMENT or CAP REDUCTION ASSISTANCE* *Must be current active duty military (all branches), active reserve, or ready reserve. Spouse elgibility. See dealer for details. 0.9% 1.9% 1.9% For 60 Months* For 72 Months* For 60 Months* On all 2013 Fits & Civics On all 2013 Fits & Civics On all 2014 Accord, & CR-V *Must have Tier One or Two credit. See dealer for details. 2014 Honda CIVIC Sedan 4 Dr. LX AUTOMATIC $ $10,977 *Must finance thru Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. Prices plus any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges and any emission testing charges. **On approval of credit. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 3/24/14 On approved Tier one & two credit. . 1 at this price #142577. Prices off MSRP include customer incentives. MSRP..................$29,265 Fuller Discount.....-$3,788 Sale Price............$25,477 Retail Customer Cash...... ..........................-$1,500 Ford Credit Retail Bonus Customer Cash.....-$1,500 2014 Ford Military Appreciation............-$500 $ 0 Due at Customer Signing $ 0 DOWN $ 14,995 OR LEASE FOR $ MO. 199 Plus Tax $0 security deposit. 35 remaining payments of $199 plus tax. $0 due from customer at lease signing. Residual of $11,210.85. 12,000 miles per year with 20c per mile in excess. On approved Tier one & two credit. 1 at this price #E7045771. Must finance through Kia Motors Financial. 2014 KIA SPORTAGE LX $ 0 DOWN 259 LEASE FOR $ $21,977 2014 Ford Edge SE FWD *Must finance thru Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. Prices plus any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges and any emission testing charges. **On approval of credit. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 3/24/14 On approved Tier one & two credit. 1 at this price #A33999. Prices off MSRP include customer incentives. *Must finance thru Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. Prices plus any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges and any emission testing charges. **On approval of credit. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 3/24/14 800-507-1644 560 AUTO PARK DR. CHULA VISTA $ $ MO. Plus Tax 2013 KIA OPTIMA SXL $0 Due from customer at lease signing. Excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees. 36 remaining payments at $259. $0 security deposit. Residual Now $13,891.55. 12,000 miles per year. 15c per mile in excess. Tier one credit. 5 at this price. 259 Loaded, SX Premium Touring Package, Technology Package, SX Limited Package with Chrome Cargo Mat, Cargo Net, Tray, Ipod Cable, Temporary Spare Tire, SX Panoramic Roof MSRP.........................$35,759 Fuller Discount............-$4,960 Sale Price..................$30,799 NET SALES COST LEASE FOR $ PLUS TAX PER MONTH $ 0 Due at Customer Signing $ 619-656-2600 580 AUTO PARK DR. CHULA VISTA 30,799 0 DOWN 5 at this price. Must finance through Kia Motors Financial. $0 Due from customer at lease signing. Excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees. 36 monthly payments of $259. $0 security deposit. Residual $14,470.50. 12,000 miles per year. 15c per mile in excess. Tier one credit. 5 at this price. SAVING ZONE 249 $0 security deposit. 35 remaining payments of $249 plus tax. $0 due from customer at lease signing. Residual of $13,367.75. 12,000 miles per year with 20c per mile in excess. On approved Tier one & two credit. Includes $400 military rebate. 5 at this price.. Must finance through Kia Motors Financial. $ 0 Due at Customer Signing SOUTHBAY’S 20,999 OR LEASE FOR NEW 2014 CR-V 2WD 4 Dr. Wagon LX 27 MPG! NET SALES COST AUTOMATIC PLUS TAX PER MONTH $ With Popular Package MSRP.........................$24,305 Fuller Discount............-$2,406 Sale Price..................$21,899 Kia Motors Bonus........ -$500* Military Rebate........... -$400** NEW 2014 Honda Accord LX 4 Dr. Sedan *Must finance thru Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. Prices plus any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges and any emission testing charges. **On approval of credit. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 3/24/14 On approved Tier one & two credit. 1 at this price #F97093. Prices off MSRP include customer incentives. 28 • • THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 199 LEASE FOR $0 Due from customer at lease signing. Excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees. 36 remaining payments at $199. $0 security deposit. Residual Now $12,187.80. 12,000 miles per year. 15c per mile in excess. Tier one credit. 5 at this price. NET SALES COST $26,977 MSRP.........................$17,865 Fuller Discount............-$1,870 Sale Price..................$15,995 Kia Motors Bonus......-$1,000* PLUS TAX PER MONTH 2013 Ford F-150 4x2 Supercab NET SALES COST 2014 KIA SOUL NET SALES COST NET SALES COST MSRP....................$30,245 Fuller Discount.......-$3,268 Sale Price..............$26,997 Retail Customer Cash...... ............................-$1,500 Ford Credit Retail Customer Cash.......................-$500 Retail Trade-in Assistance Bonus Cash..............-$500 2014 Ford Military Appreciation .................................-$500 NOW ALL KIA’s ARE PRICED TO SELL BUYING SERVICE *Excludes taxes, titles and fees. Not all buyers may qualify. Subject to limited availability. See dealer for complete details. All prices plus government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer document preparation charge and any emission testing charge. Residency restrictions apply. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Dealer installed options are extra. Alarms can be purchased at additional cost or removed at customers option. Vehicles to retail customers only. No wholesale transactions allowed. See dealer for complete details. Prices & Terms expires 3/24/14 *Warranty is a limited power train warranty. For details see retailer or go to 800-507-1644 540 AUTO PARK DR. CHULA VISTA *Prices plus government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges, and any emission testing charges. “On approval of credit”. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 3/24/14