p. 1 1. Correspondence from the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation
p. 1 1. Correspondence from the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation
TOWNSHIP OF ESSA CONSENT AGENDA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22,2015 A -ITEMS RECEIVED AS INFORMATION p. 1 1. Correspondence from the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA) dated April 1, 2015, re : NVCA 2015 Municipal Levy. p. 3 2. Correspondence from the Municipal Policing Bureau dated April 14, 2015, re : Reminder of OPP Policing Services Agreement Expiring on June 30, 2015. p. 4 3. Correspondence from the Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade dated April 2015, re: Nominations for the Lincoln M. Alexander Award 2015. p. 5 4. Correspondence from the Minister Responsible for Seniors Affairs dated April 2015, re: Nominations for the Senior Achievement Award . p. 6 5. County Council Updated -Issue 74 - March 2015. p. 10 6. NVCA Conservation Update - April 2015. p. 14 7. Newspaper Article "Community Partners Matter", re: RBC Donation of $22,400 to Essa Public Library "Jump" Program . p. 15 8. Correspondence from the Town of Innisfil, re : Notice of Passing of Zoning By-law Amendment , By-law No. 026-15 "Town-Wide Provisions for Health Canada Licensed Medical Marihuana Production Facilities". B -ITEMS RECEIVED AND REFERRED TO SERVICE AREA FOR ACTION None to be presented. C -ITEMS RECEIVED AND REFERRED TO SERVICE AREA FOR REVIEW AND REPORT TO COUNCIL None to be presented. 1\-1 April 1, 2015 Mayor Terry Dowdall & Council The Township of Essa 5786 County Rd. 21 Utopia, Ontario LOM lTO Member Municipalities Dear Mayor Dowdall & Council: Adjala-Tosoron tio Re: NVCA 2015 Municipal Levy Amaranth Barrie The Bl ue Moun tains Bradford-West Gwillimbury Clea rview Collingwood Essa Grey Highlands On March 27, 2015 the NVCA Board of Directors approved the circulated 2015 NVCA Budget. As you are aware, the NVCA circulated our Draft 2015 Budget to our 18 member municipalities on December 2, 2014 for a 60 day review and comment. The NVCA Board and staff look forward to implementing the 2015 Conservation Authority programs supported by the approved budget including: Inni sfil Melancthon Mono Mu lmu r New Tecumseth Oro-Medonte Shelburne Springwater • • • • • • • Private land stewardship, restoration and reforestation Conservation Authority education and recreation Flood forecasting and warning Municipal source water protection Natural Hazard and Natural Heritage protection in accordance with the Planning Act and Provincial Regulations Environmental monitoring and preparation of watershed report cards Implementing the NVCA 2015-2018 Strategic and Business Plans. Wasaga Beach Watershed Counties Dufferin Grey Simcoe The approved budget will enable the NVCA, in partnership with our local Municipalities, and residents to continue to protect and restore the environment, reduce and or prevent flood and erosion hazards to property and persons, and continue to support the health of the local residents and the health of our local economy. Member of Conservation ONTARIO N.lurI' Ch,mpklM NOTIAWASAGA VA LLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY • Joh n Hix Conservation Ad min istration Centre \ Tiffin Conservation Area • Telephone: 705.424, 1479 • Fax: 705.424.2115 ~ Centre for Conservat ion 8195 8th line • Utopia, O n LaM lTD Web: www.nvca.on .ca • Email: admin @nvca.on. ca A\ Further to the interim levy invoice issued in March by the NVCA, the next installment invoice will be issued in May and will reflect the approved budget. Should you have any qu estions regarding the approved NVCA budget or associated conservation programs please contact me directly. Thank you again for your ongoing support of the NVCA. I would like to also thank the NVCA Board Members for their continued governance, ensuring that the watershed conservation needs are best served. Sincerely, D. Gayle Wood, CMM3 Chief Administrative Officer Copy: NVCA Board Members, Keith Whi,te & Michael Smith Municipal Clerk, Bonnie SandeV' Municipal CAO, Greg Murphy Ontario Provincial Police Police provinciale de I'Ontario Municipal Policing Bureau Bureau des services policlers des municipalites 777 Memorial Ave. Orilli. ON L3V 7V3 Tel: 705329-6051 Fax: 705 329-6050 777, avenue Memorial Orilli. ON L3V 7V3 Tel. : 705329-6051 Telee.: 705 329-6050 File Reference: April 14, 2015 Dear Mayor/CAO: We would like to thank you for the sign-off of your short-term, six month agreement for policing services with the Ministry of Conununity Safety and Con-ectional Services. The short-telm agreement option was provided to your municipality to build up your knowledge of the new Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) billing model and accommodate your transition to a long-term contract. This letter is to remind you that your agreement for the OPP policing services will expire on June 30,2015. Starting July 1, 2015 all the municipalities that are currently policed under the shortterm agreement, which have not entered into a long-term three to six year agreement will start to be policed and billed under s.5.1 ofthe Police Services Act (PSA). If your municipality is considering receiving policing services tmder s.1 0 of the PSA starting July 1,2015, please contact your Contract Analyst, Municipal Policing Bureau, OPP to an-ange for a meeting as soon as possible. Please let me know if you have any questions and/or would like to discuss any matters related to your contract status. I appreciate your continued support and cooperation. Yours truly, ~~ rQ: Phi." (lljok) Superintendent Commander, Municipal Policing Bureau Inv Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and Inter/iational Trade Ministi"e des Affalres civiques, de l'lmmlgration et du Commerce international Minister Ministre 6"' Floor 400 University Avenue Toronto ON M7A 2R9 Tel. : (416) 325·6200 6' ,!tage 400 .. avenue University Fax: (416) 325·6195 Toronto ON M7A 2R9 Tel. : (416) 325·6200 Talk: (416) 325·6195 April 2015 Ontarlo TO"'INSHIP OF ESSA APR 0 1 2015 LINCOLN M. ALEXANDER AWARD 2015 l _ _RECEIVED _ _ _ _ _---' Dear Friends, Every year since 1993, the Government of Ontario has presented the lincoln M. Alexander Award to honour young Ontarian s who have demonstrated exemplary leadership in contributing to the elimination of racial discrimination. I am pleased to ask you to support this program by nominating an outstanding young person whom you believe to be deserving of recognition . As the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade, I will join the lieutenant Governor in officially recognizing the award recipients at a special ceremony at Queen's Park on January 21, 2016, to mark lincoln Alexander Day in Canada. Nomination forms and information outlining details of the program are available on my ministry's website at www.ontario.ca/honoursandawards please take thi s opportunity to acknowledge a young person from your school or community who has made an important contribution to eliminating racial discrimination in Ontario. For further information, please contact the Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat: 416314-7526, toll free 1 877 832-8622 or TIY 416327-2391. The deadline for nominations is May 31, 2015. Thank you for taking the time to consider a deserving young Ontarian for the lincoln M. Alexander Award . Yours truly, Michael Chan Minister Minister Responsible for Seniors Affairs th 6 Floor 400 University Avenue Toronto ON M7A 2R9 Tel. : (416) 314-9710 Fax: (416)325-4787 Ministre delegue .ux Aft.ires des personnes agees e 6 etage 400, avenue University Toronto ON M7A 2R9 Tel. : (416) 314-9710 Telec. : (416) 325-4787 { 10WNSKIP Or ESS~ ~ ~ Ontario t>,PR 0 alUiS RECE.NCD ..J April 2015 Dear Friends, Each year, the Government of Ontario celebrates the accomplishments and contributions many of our wonderful seniors make to communities across Ontario. This year, the Senior Achievement Award will once again highlight the significant voluntary and professional achievements made by individuals after they have reached the age of 65. I encourage you to participate in the 20 IS Senior Achievement Award Program by nominating a deserving senior. Here is what you need to do to nominate: I. Visit ontario.calhonoursandawards; 2. Under the "Medal and Recognition Programs" section, click on the Senior Achievement Award link; 3. Download the appropriate PDF form; 4. Read the eligibility criteria and instructions carefully; and 5. Complete the nomination, attach the necessary documents and submit it no later than June 15, 2015. hlstructions for submitting your nomination can be found at ontario.calhonoursandawards under the "How to Nominate" section. If you have any questions, please contact the Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat: Email: Phone: Toll-free: TTY: [email protected] 416314-7526 I 877-832-8622 416327-2391 Thank you in advance for taking the time to consider putting forward the name of a special senior in your community. Sincerely, ct~ti The Honourable Mario Sergio Minister 5 ;T Y CO UN C IL ISSUE 74 I March 2015 / 1 . i \ M untain upport Warden's Ski Day raises funds for projects at Georgian Village Warden Gerry Marshall hosted the Warden's Ski Day on March 12, 2015 to raise funds for long-term care and seniors' services in Simcoe County. Participants enjoyed a beautiful bluebird day on the slopes at Mount S1. Louis Moonstone, helping raise approximately $10,000 to support the County of Simcoe's Georgian Village Fundraising Campaign. Continued on Page 4 CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS Allan Greenwood, Editor Director, Corporate Communications [email protected] 70S. 72&9300 Extension 1230 Text: Municipal and media reproduction permission granted. Logos wordmarks, identifiers, non·stock photographic images: © 2015 The Corporation of the County of Simcoe ... SIMCOE~' . ... -~- for rhr Grmlrr Good ~ 1£: Deputy Warden Terry Dowdall addresses guests at the Warden's Ski Day on March 12. Left, Tiny Township Mayor George Cornell hits the slopes. Gerry M ars hall. Wa rd en M ark A itk en , Chief Ad mini strati ve Offi cer The County Clerk's Dept. maintains the official record for all County government proceed ings, This publication is intended to identify highlights of Comm ittee and Council meeti ngs. PAGE 2 COUNTY COUNCIL UPDATE HOSPITAL ALLIANCE Museum Update City of Barrie's Winterfest Museum staff participated in the City of Barrie's annual Winterfest celebrations, February 7-8. To promote the new ternporary exhibit, Game Over? The Story of Arcades, museum staff provided visitors with a chance to playa variety of arcade-themed games and handed out prize packs to daily winners. County of Simcoe Warden Gerry Marshall, bottom right, addresses the crowd at the Hospital Alliance appreciation breakfast at the County of Simcoe Administration Centre. Top, the County presented the Alliance with a cheque for $3 million as part of its ongoing funding commitment. Left, Janice Skot, president and CEO of Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre and Chair of the Simcoe County Hospital Alliance, and Guy Chartrand, President and CEO of Collingwood General and Marine Hospital and incoming Chair of the Simcoe County Hospital Alliance, provided County Council with an update on hospital operations and funding. Local festivals named among Ontario's best The County of Simcoe knows how to host a party. Festivals and Events Ontario (FEO), an educational, marketing, and advocacy services organization, recently announced its 2015 top festivals and events in Ontario, placing seven County of Simcoe and area events in the top 100. Carrot Fest (Bradford) International Plowing Match (Ivy) Alliston Potato Festival (Alliston) Barrie Automotive Flea Market (Oro-Medonte) Collingwood Elvis Festival (Collingwood) First Light at Saint -Marie among the Hurons (fay Township) • Barrie Winterfest (Barrie) The International Plowing Match also received a Level of Distinction frorn the FEO. The organization named 1 the Town of Collingwood one of two winners as Municipality of the Year (population less than 50,000). Collingwood was also recognized for its Elvis Festival advertising campaign. The FEO also announced its Achievement Award winners. Clearview Township's Small Halls Festival was narned Best New Festival or Event in the $100,000-$500,000 category. Marketing Study Lord Cultural Resources, a museurn consulting firm, began a Council-directed marketing study in February. When cornpleted it will serve as a guide to increase awareness, visitation, revenue, and digital engagement. Stakeholder consultation began in February and continued into March. Input is being collected frorn rnembers of County Council and appOintees, Museum partners, mernbers, volunteers and staff, as well as the general public through interviews, surveys, the County's website, and social media. CCW 15-101 COUN1Y COUNCIL UPDATE PAGE 3 County supports Oro church restoration The County of Simcoe is supporting the Joumey " to Freedom fundraising -campaign to restore and preserve the historic Oro African Methodist Episcopal Church and cemetery, in the Township of OroMeeonte. The County has been instrumentai in the preservation and restoration efforts of the church dating back to the 1940s. Once again, efforts to preserve this important piece of Canadiana are requirec to ensure future generations will have the chance to learn about the area's rich history. Recently, the County provided $10,000 in funding as part of the 2014 Historical and Cu~urai Grant Program, as well as an interest-free loan of more than $73,000. 'We are committee to supporting and preserving this vaiuable historicai site, proud of its heritage and proud to be a long-term partner in restoring the church," said Warden Gerry Marshall. Ramara Mayor Basil Clarke, left, and Ramara Deputy Mayor John O'Donnell, centre, accept the Warden's Fundspiel Municipal Challenge Trophy from Warden Gerry Marshall. Eighteen teams participated in the annual event at the Penetanguishene Curling Club, raising more than $12,000 to support the County of Simcoe's Georgian Village Fundraising Campaign. Local Immigration Partnership update Working with regional libraries to create welcoming hubs The County of Simcoe entered into an agreement with Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIG) in 201 1 to establish a Local Immigration Partnership in Simcoe County, one of 35 in Ontario. The initial activities of the LIP included the development of a Partnership Council, and research leading to the publication of a Community Settlement Strategy - launched in October 2012. The LIP has collaborated with community stakeholders to implement recommendations of the strategy. This work has been accomplished through ongoing meetings of the Partnership Council, two sub councils, and other working groups. Highlights include: Annual Newcomer Recognition Awards Quarterly newsletter Capacity-building activities with ethnocultural and faith- • based organizations Four awareness raising activities for the employment and business development sector Community Forum Research project designed to explore barriers hindering immigrants' use of funded employment services Pilot project to establish libraries as welcoming community hubs. CCW 15-097 PAGE 4 COUNlY COUNCIL UPDATE WARDEN'S SKI DAY Proceeds will be used to help complete major projects at Georgian Village, including the Village Woodworking area, Georgian Blooms Greenhouse, and a Therapeutic Pool-which will be part of the new Fitness Centre that opened in late 2014 as a direct result of funds raised by the campaign. "I want to express gratitude to all our sponsors for continuing to support community-based projects at Georgian Village and thank all our skiers for hitting the slopes for a great cause," said Warden Gerry Marshall. "With an aging population, it is important that we make strategiC investments in long-term care and seniors' services to maintain a high quality of life for all our residents. These projects wouldn't be possible without fundraising efforts and generous support from our partners." Georgian Village opened in 2013 and is a stateof-the-art seniors lifestyle community in the Town of Penetanguishene. With a focus on aging-in-place, Georgian Village campus offers a continuum of housing options to help -_II1IISlMCOE4~ (or thrCn'Qlrr Good n~ • seniors find the kind demonstrating excellence of care they need for in the use of innovative whatever stage of life they approaches to improve are in. In 2014, capital and/ the County "These projects or operating of Simcoe efficiency, and wouldn't be received the to generate possible without prestigious effectiveness Peter J. through fund raising Marshall Award altemative efforts and from the service delivery Association of initiatives and generous Municipalities support from partnerships. Ontario Including (AMO) for the proceeds our partners." Georgian Village raised through Gerry Marshall Redevelopment the Warden's Warden project. Fundspiel The Peter earlier this J . Marshall Award year, and the Warden's Ski recognizes those Day, the Georgian Village municipal governments Fundraising Campaign County of Simcoe 1110 Highway 26, Midhurst, Ontario LOL lXO 705-726-9300 PartiCipants enjoyed a beautiful day on the slopes at Mount SI. Louis Moonstone, helping raise approximately $10,000 to support the County of Simcoe's Georgian Village Fundraising Campaign. has now raised more than $627,000. The Campaign goal is $807,000. CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT q For media inquiries, contact [email protected] For more information on the County of Simcoe and our programs and services, please visit simcoe.ca NVCA conservationUPDA TE A month lv newslettQ r b~O\J9ht to vo ... tly thQ NottaW'asaga Vallev Conservation Authority APRIL 2015 Spring Tonic Maple Syrup Festival Enjoy a Taste of Spring this weekend! Th e annual Spring Toni c Maple Syrup Festival runs April 11 and 12 from 9 a.m. t o 3 p.m. at th e Tiffin Cen t re fo r Co nservation. Visit ou r sugar shack to learn how sap becomes syrup and th en enjoy a pan cake breakfast with sa usages and Simcoe Co unty maple syrup. Take a horse -drawn wagon ride, listen to li vely old time fiddle music and vis it with historic re-enactors from pioneer days. Kids ca n build a bird house ($5 fee to cover the cost of materials), meet local fire and police officers, and check out the Zoo-to -Yo u animal show . Admission: $10 for adults, $5 for children 2 to 12, and free for infants. (Cash only please .) Special thanks to our Spring Tonic partner, the Rotary Club of Barrie, and the many local businesses that support this event. All proceeds from Spring Tonic support local programs, including many at the NVCA. Oak Ridges Moraine Report Card spring, the Gove rnm ent of Ontario is reviewing fo ur .... rov in cia l land use plans that look to manage growth and protect v 'OO....." natural reso urces in our area: Growth Plan for the Greater .,..;.~ - Golden Horses hoe and t he Niagara Escarpment, Oak Ridges ! _ _ Moraine and Greenbelt plans . To inform this review, the Conservation Authorities Morain e Coalition, of which the NVCA is a member, relea sed a Report Card on the En vironmental Health of the Oak Ridges Moraine and adjacent Greenbelt Land. Local findings for the Upper Nottawasaga River, Bailey Creek and Beeton Creek sub wate rsheds, which fall into the Oak Ridges Moraine, were also released. For more information on these reports, visit the NVCA website under Watershed Report Cards. Wanted! Tree Planting Volunteers NVCA and our community partners are looking for volunteers to help with a number of streamside tree plantings in the Nottawasaga Valley this spring. To register for any of these events, click on the date: • Saturdav, April 25 - Adjala-Tosorontio (9 am to 12 noon) • Sunday. April 26 - Mono (9 am to 2 pm) • Saturday, May 2 - New Tecumseth (9 am to 12 noon) • Saturday, May 2 - Shelburne (10 am to 1 pm) • Sunday, May 3 - Innisfil (1 to 4 pm) • Saturday, May 9 - Essa (9 am to 12 noon) • Saturday, May 9 - Collingwood (9 am to 12 noon) • Saturday, May 16 - Minesing Wetlands (9 am to 2:30 pm) • Saturday, May 23 - Bradford West-Gwillimbury (1 to 4 pm) Groups and individuals welcome, as are high school students in need of community hours. For more information on volunteering, visit the NVCA website. Tile Drain Control Boxes now eligible for Healthy Waters Grants this year, tile drain control boxes have been added to the list of prcl)e'C[S eligible for funding under NVCA's Healthy Waters Grant Incentive fJ:Qgr]!f!, Tile drain co ntrol boxes allow farmers to control th e ischarge from their tile drain systems, retaining soil water and ents for crop growth. Grants of 60% of project costs, up to $2,000 per box, are available. l For more information on this and other stewardsh ip grants, visit the NVCA website at www.nvca.on.ca or contact Shannon Stephens, Healthy Water Program Coordinator, at 705-424-1479 ext. 239 or [email protected]. NVCA Arbour Day Tree Sale, May 9 looking for trees for your property? NVCA's annual Arbour Day Tree Sale takes place Saturday, May 9, in Utopia and Wasaga Beach. • 8 a. m. to 12 noon at the Tiffin Centre for Conservation, Utopia (map). Trees are sold in bundles of 10 for $20. Cash or credit card paym ents only. • 9 a.m. to 12 noon at Blueberry Trail at the Nordic Centre, Wasaga Beach (map). Trees are sold individually. Cash only please. Thanks to the Ganaraska Hiking Club ofWasaga Beach for hosting this event. This year's sale features a variety of native trees and shrubs, including white spruce, white cedar, white/red pine, balsam fir, Norway spruce, hybrid poplar, stag horn sumac, red oak, black walnut, Nannyberry, and red/silver maple. iscover Summer at Camp Tiffin perience, Explore, Enjoy! :';LOCi3tE!d at the Tiffin Centre for Conservation, Camp Tiffin ummer day camp offers outdoor fun and learning for kids ages 5 to 12. Activities include canoeing, wilderness skills, scientific investigations, crafts, drama and interactive games with a focus on learning about nature. New this year - Camp Tiffin is offering a Junior Leadership Camp for youth ages 13 to 15. Contact [email protected] for details. Registration information and forms are available on the NVCA's website at \"3.. www.nvca.oll.ca. Guided Canoe Trips through the Minesing Wetlands Get your paddles ready! Join the Friends of Minesing Wetlands for a guided canoe through the internationally significant Minesing Wetlands. Local paddling guides will lead the tours, will talk about the ecology of this special place. Two dates are available - April 18 or May 9. The trip will take approximately 5 hours and basic paddling know-how is required. Pre-registration is required as there is a limit of 20 boats per trip. The cost is $40 for non-member and $20 for members. To register, contact: • April 18 - Kristyn Ferguson at 519-826-0068 ext. 222 or [email protected] • May 9 - Sean Rootham at s [email protected] Upcoming Events April 11 & 12 - Spring Tonic Maple Syrup Festival Tiffin Centre for Conservation, Utopia - 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day May 9 - NVCA Annual Arbour Day Tree Sale Tiffin Centre for Conservation, Utopia - 8 a.m. to 12 noon Nordic Centre, Wasaga Beach - 9 a.m. to 12 noon May 13 & 20 - Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) Workshop Tiffin Centre for Conservation, Utopia - 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. A program under the Growing Forward 2 initiative. For information on any of these events, visit nvca.on.ca or call 705-424-1479. l?J Co unity a ers a er. BY LEIGHSAH MILLWARD Staff Writer T hanks to a free after school program called "Jump," run by the Angus Branch of the Essa Public Libnuy, the children who partIcIpate have been positively impacted. Library officials, representatives of RBC and Essa Township , as well as the children of "Jump," gathered last week to receive a $22,240.00 donation from RBC Afterschool Grants, which funds the "I just think it's so fun. We get to do lots of activities and have lots of fun , play together and make new friends. I just love how they do the afterschool program. I've learned a lot of stuff. I've learned it doesn't matter how you look or how you are, that you can always be a friend and have someone solve problems with their peers , and a focus on acceptance and kindness. "It's just an absolute privilege to able to do this. To see what actually happens with this money in this community, the smiles on these children's faces when 1 heard Holly speak about the confidence that's being built with these children. it just shows the power of a few I"'-_~;j dollars and the impact that RBC can make ," com- mented ChlU'lotte Wallis, Regional Vice President of RBC for Barrie and Area . "The children program. are able to have "Jump" which connections with has been successfulkids from other ly running since schools and in 2011 , allows the communitheir children to have ty," explained somewhere safe to Holly Elliott, go after school Coordinator of where they can Children ' s learn new skills , Services at the p lay recreational Representatives of the Essa Public Library, RBC, Essa Township, and "It 's Library. sports, get outside the "Jump" program gather to receive a large donation from RBC very meaningful and get acti ve and Afterschool Grants to fund the "Jump" program. for us because it learn about nutri---makes a dltTertion with a healthy in the li ves ence snack. "Jump" also takes advantage of skilled community there to help." explained participant, of the children who come and patticipate everyday. 1've seen them make members, who partner with the pro- Ashley Poupore, age 9. Children who participate find an really positive changes in their liveS." gram to teach the children things like gardening, chess or handcntfting for increased sense of confidence and positive self-image, improved ability to example. 1 TO'NNSHIP OF ESSA APR 1 5 2015 PLANNING SERVICES By-Law No. 026-15 NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY·LAW AMENDMENT TOWN·WIDE PROVISIONS FOR HEALTH CANADA LICENSED MEDICAL MARIHUANA PRODUCTION FACILITIES TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Innisfil passed By-law No. 026-15 on the 8th day of April, 2015 . THE PURPOSE AND EFFECT is to establish Town-wide zoning provisions for Health Canada licensed medical marihuana production facilities and to allow them on land that is zoned 'Industrial General - IG' and 'Industrial Business Park - IBP' in the Town of Innisfil. Any potential facilities will be subject to Site Plan Control and must also meet other zoning provisions such as being located a minimum of 70 metres away from community sensitive land uses such as residences, schools and parks. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect to the By-law by filing with the Clerk, Town of Innisfil, 2101 Innisfil Beach Road, Innisfil, Ontario, L9S 1A1, no later than the 7th day of May, 2015, a Notice of Appeal setting out the objection to the By-law and the reasons in support of the objection. A fee of $125.00 is required by the Ontario Municipal Board payable to the Minister of Finance in the form of a certified cheque or money order. The OMB prescribed Appellant Form (A 1) must be filed with any appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board. This form is available in the Customer Service area of the Municipal Office or online at www.omb.gov.on.ca. The complete By-law is available for inspection at the Clerk 's Office at 2101 Innisfil Beach Road during regular office hours and on the Town's website (www.innisfil.ca). Only individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal the Zoning By-law to the Ontario Municipal Board. A Notice of Appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated body or group. A Notice of Appeal may, however, be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of an incorporated association or group on its behalf. No person or public body shall be added as a party to the hearing of the appeal unless, before the by-law was passed, the person or public body made oral submissions at a public meeting or written submissions to the Council or, in the opinion of the Ontario Municipal Board, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party. Dated at the Town of In i if this 9th day of April, 2015. 2C~ Karerri'raser, Acting Clerk Town of Innisfil 2101 Innisfil Beach Road Innisfil, Ontario L9S 1A1 Town of Innisfil • 21011nnistil Beach Rd., Innis!il ON Li~A 1 • 705-436-3710 • ! -888-436-3710 • Fax 705-436-7120 wwl " isfil. ca
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