weekly wyvern - Kings College


weekly wyvern - Kings College
NO. 11/13 24 MAY 2013
King's College
Upland Rd,
ST Lucia, QLD, 4067,
Ph: 61 7 3871 9600
Fax: 61 7 3871 9666
This weekend is a huge weekend for King’s. Elsewhere in the WW you will see all the
details and arrangements that are in place but suffice to say there is plenty happening.
We welcome large numbers of parents and families who are here to celebrate Parents’
Weekend which begins with the Sports Lunch on Friday – to raise funds for the completion of the all-purpose court at the rear of the College.
From the Master
On Saturday evening over 250 people will attend the Parents’ Cocktail party on the Terrace and Lawn. If your parents are attending it is expected that you will also. On Sunday,
we have the opportunity to watch one of the great ICC events – the ICC Regatta. Best
wishes to all crews for an incident free and successful morning. Congratulations to you
all on what has been achieved thus far.
Best wishes also to the choir who will perform in the ICC competition on Monday evening. They are doing a dress rehearsal at the Cocktail party on Saturday.
Deputy Master
The ICC Regatta and Choralfest are both worthy of your strong support. In advance of
the weekend, thank you for your support and co-operation.
Greg Eddy
Director of L&L
Trevor Heath
Choralfest Map
ICC Regatta
End of Semester
The Great Court
Hugh Donovan,
Joe Bisgrove,
Alistair Bondfield
and Gareth Kalell.
From the Deputy Master
Fresher name: Smegma
This weekend will see three functions as King’s. Today we are hosting the Sports
Lunch to aid the raising of funds to build a new all-purpose court (basketball, tennis and volleyball). We hope to raise the entire cost of the project ourselves for
your benefit and for those Kingsmen in the future. On Saturday night we are holding the annual Parents’ Cocktail Evening on the Terrace and lawn. Many of you are
attending with your parents. For those not attending please ensure that you are
aware of the event taking place. If you notice any lost parents please direct them
to reception. On Sunday we will be competing for the ICC Regatta, held at the
Brisbane Corso. It is timely to remind you of the standard of behaviour expected
of Kingsmen. There is a function organised after the rowing by the ICC…..don't
bring it back to King’s. We have extra staff on during the day to ensure that the
College will still be supervised (as most will be at the event).
Hometown: Delungra,
School: The Armidale
Our annual @ Home will be held next Thursday night. We want you all to have a
great time however you still must remember to look after each other and the
College. The following page will have clear guidelines and expectations for the @
Home next Thursday. I strongly recommend you read them and take note.
Course: B Economics
Congratulations to our Art Show organisers and exhibitors….a wonderful effort!
Interests: Supporting New Best of luck to our King’s Choir who perform at the ICC Choralfest on Monday
night. Times and info are also in this edition of the Weekly Wyvern - please read
South Wales, avoiding Uni.
them if you are attending the event. King’s is performing at 9:20pm on MonCareer goals: To crack the day night.
King’s kitchen and actually
sell them some good meat.
Something you don't
know about me is..: I’m
doing five subjects and
working two jobs.
“Being a Kingsman to
Dylan Brown
me means…..” always
backing your mates.
Image provided by Trevor Heath
From the Director of Learning & Leadership
And so the business end of the semester is upon us.
Please read Trevor’s piece carefully. I agree with everything he has to say. Treat
old exam papers with care. They are a useful tool only. If you are working through
old papers, do them against the clock.
To do well in your exams:
Fresher name: SCOAT
Hometown: Toowoomba
School: Concordia College
Course: B Exercise and
Sports Science
You have to make the decision that you are going to succeed – no matter
what distractions present themselves
You have to commit to success and do what is needed to achieve success
You have to motivate yourself. No one can do this for you
You have to believe in yourself. Confidence is a key determinant of success
You have to have a plan of action or a plan of attack. Don’t let the days roll
by. Decide what you are going to achieve for the day. Keep the tasks small so
they are not overwhelming. Get organised. Sort out your room.
You have to visualize yourself sitting in the exam room and being able to competently answer the questions that are on the paper. So you need to be prepared.
Interests: Skiing, getting
It is no different from competing in sporting events. You have to have a goal then
train / prepare yourself and then, on the day, harness all of your physical and mental
Career goals: To hopefully strength to drive yourself to succeed.
deep with the B2B crew
one day be accepted into a
On practical matters, this is cold and flu session. You cannot afford to get sick now.
So take care of yourself. Eat properly. Plenty of fruit and vegetables. Keep warm.
Something you don't
Don’t cough and sneeze over everyone. Use the hand sanitizers in the dining hall.
know about me: I have a Sleep. Manage your stress – exercise /come to yoga. Be happy.
Bachelor of Boseness
tattoo of a stickman
somewhere on me
“Being a Kingsman to
If you need help, please ask. Greg, Jamie, Trevor and I are here to help you.
(Disappointed that no one bothered to apologise for drawing over my textbooks)
Do your best.
me means…..” Sals, only
occasional treating and
never getting Christmas in
Louise Charlton
Tutorial Timetable - Semester 1
From Trevor Heath
Sorry, not much this time as sports and cultural activities have tapered off. But apart from that my opportunities to contribute were thwarted; I fear that the enemies of Peter Doobes may have been active. Part of the
problem was that I was still in the pre-driving, post-operative stage (though know not why!!), and had to rely
on wife Diana for transport.
On Saturday she took me to the Artfest, where we stayed much longer than planned because of a dead battery. That, however, did little to dampen my enthusiasm for the King’s contributions - and the entries overall
- which reflected more creativity and effort than I could remember. Fortunately the judge(s) also appreciated
the magnificent Wyvern by Salmon and placed it first in that category and the political/social commentaries (I
hope that’s an OK description) by KCSC Secretary Precious, placed third but deserved higher – and placed
King’s at fifth.
On Sunday morning I was dropped off to take rowing photos with the plan to be collected again after two
hours of family shopping. But at that time I could see no signs of rowers, and could find nobody who could
help. Then it became evident that I had forgotten about a note that had come my way some weeks previously:
this regatta would be in the afternoon. Felt pretty stupid. But it turned out that (a) UQSport had not sent details of the regatta until very late, and (b) others who might have been expected to know were similarly affected (except that they were not on crutches!!).
Eventually (nearly) all became clear(er), the rowers rowed really well, and the eight won for the first time in
2013. I was able to get a photo of this from near the finish, and it should be somewhere on these pages. Congratulations to all crews, and very best wishes for a magnificent performance at the ICC Regatta next Sunday
I’ve found another of the Letters to Peter D; this one dealing with the weeks leading up to exams - and hope
it helps, ever so slightly – and that you all are able to prepare to the extent that you can do great things in the
Finally, a huge thank you to all the Kingsmen who have expressed concern about the new hip and its owner.
Your thoughtfulness reminds me of the many great qualities of Kingsmen.
All the very best to you all
Tuesday 28 May
6:00pm in the Dining Hall with academic dress
Hello Peter
On preparing for exams
You mentioned that you now have your exam timetable, but are wondering how best to proceed. I suggest you try to follow the suggestions in previous letters, but organise them to suit the next few
weeks.For example:
take special care of body and mind, by taking regular exercise, eating well and getting enough
create a realistic timetable to take best advantage of the remaining time, and to give you the best
chance of being well prepared for each exam when it comes along. This can take careful thought,
especially if assignments are still pending, or the timing of the exams is not ideal;
find a place/time to work where distractions are minimal, remote from friends or computers that may entice you into alternative, nonproductive, activities;
try hard to work effectively; not to allow your mind to wander along nonproductive pathways;
divide up the mass of material into bits that can be managed in a single session, so as not
to be spooked by the size of the total task;
start with easier bits, so you can build up momentum to deal with the harder bits;
set realistic goals for each session and try to achieve them before quitting;
take breaks when things are going well, so it is easier to return and continue;
make sure to master any basic principles that underlie more applied work;
DO NOT place too much emphasis on past papers. They are valuable in providing an indication of and practice in the type of question that has been asked in the past. But the type of question
can and does change and those who base their learning on past questions rather than understanding
the whole subject often find themselves in trouble, especially if the type of question changes.
DO NOT pay much attention to stories that this or that will or will not be on the exam.
They generally have miniscule credibility.
Until next time…
your optimistic Godfather
Image provided by Trevor Heath
Chris Withers
Over 2,200 undergraduate students have now registered to participate in the UQ Advantage Award
Program. By utilising the Activities Guide, students have access to information about a wide range of
opportunities available at UQ that will allow them to extend themselves beyond the
note that the basketball
close from
We are
two information sessions for students in Semester One, weeks 2 and 4. Staff mem9:30pm each night out of
bers are
for also
living in J to register and attend.
Thursday 7 March, 9:00am – 9:30am
Tuesday 19 March, 4:00pm – 4:30pm
Please note that this
weekend (Friday-Sunday)
will be our Parents’
Weekend. There will be
functions held on all
three days.
The skip is still here
(near the basketball
courts) for those wanting to discard old items.
Please do so as end of
semester is approaching
Southbank Institute of Technology - Performance Centre
First VIII 2013
Alex Vella (stroke)
Harrison Struss
Matthew Learmonth
Dom Power
Will Struss
Andrew Hodges
Lachie McColl
Angus Chandler
Nic Redcliffe (cox)
ICC Regatta 2013
First IV 2013
2nd IV 2013
Curtis McLeod (stroke)
Harrison Struss
Matthew Learmonth
Lachie McColl
Nic Redcliffe (cox)
Alex Vella
Angus Chandler
Will Struss
Andrew Hodges
Nic Redcliffe (cox)
The 2nd Victory Dinner
for the academic year will
be held on Tuesday night
May 28. This is a student
run event and your
support is appreciated.
The ICC Choralfest will
be held at the Southbank Institute of Technology on Monday May
27. The event is always
an enjoyable one with
King’s traditionally a
strong competitor. ICC
expectations will be
placed in the WW next
week. Please ensure
you read them.
3rd IV 2013
4th IV 2013
5th IV 2013
Lachlan Grant (stroke)
Sean Fitzgerald
Charlie McMahon
Tom Graham
Simon Hoang (cox)
Matthew McCormack (stroke)
Tom Vaessen
Michael Harman
Joe Clay
Eli Bitzer (cox)
Jack Reynolds (stroke)
Sam Mather
Richard Kurney
Dominic Churchett
Joshua Chan (cox)
ICC Regatta 2013 - Draw