2016-17 Confederation Hockey Registration Package


2016-17 Confederation Hockey Registration Package
Registration 2016 Issue
Registration 2016-2017!
Registration for the 2016 -2017 season will begin online June 1!
We have two In-Person Registration dates that will be held at the Kinsmen Arena 1979-111 ST
Wednesday, June 1 from 530pm - 800pm and Sunday, June 12 from 11am-2pm
How to Register
Returning players receive a Registration Package by email and may register online, at the in-person day, or by mail.
New Players can register online, at the in-person day, or by mail, and please include a copy of their Birth Certificate OR
Passport, AND a copy of their Alberta Health Care Card AND Proof of Residency (utility bill, power, water with name).
Transferring players must register by paper and provide the same documentation as new players as well as a Parent
Declaration form found on our website. Confed Hockey will request a transfer for you.
Registration Requirements
In order for a registration to be accepted the Registration form or online submission must be completed in full, with any
requirements, documents, and payment included; the RIS Parents course must be completed; and the family must reside within the Confederation area of the SWZ (South West Zone) on September 1, 2016. Service Area on the website.
Payment Options
Cheque - in Full at registration or by September 1; or in two postdated payments by September 1 and by October 1.
Credit Card - in Full at time of registration by paper or online. Online credit card only, choice of multi payment options
of two payments, or monthly payments with $150 at time of registration and balance paid over 4 months on July 16,
August 15, September 15, and October 15. Discovery and Jr. Timbits do not have 5 payment option.
Any questions regarding registration should be directed to the Registrar,
Melissa at 780-289-6433 or [email protected]
Full Registration Instructions are available on our website at confedhockey.org
Registration Fees and Categories
Categories are determined by year of birth, please remember you must register in your designated age category.
* Discovery and Timbits categories should also consider skill appropriate program.
Jr Timbits
*2010, 2011
Sr Timbits
2008, 2009
2006, 2007
2004, 2005
Please Note: Returning Player Registrations received after July 15, 2016 will be subject to an $100 late fee.
We have payment options to make payment of registration fees easier for our families. Your registration
does not have to be paid in full by July 15th, but the online or paper registration fully completed and chosen
payment method arranged by credit card , cheque, or post dated cheque.
RIS Parents Course
Hockey Alberta mandated that at least one parent or guardian of each player registered in
minor hockey in Alberta had to complete the one hour, $12.60, online RIS Parent Program
as a condition of their participation. The Respect in Sport Parent program is a proactive,
educational program that empowers parents with the tools to ensure the game is enjoyable
and respectful for themselves, their children and all other stakeholders in the game.
PO Box 41042
Phone: 780-289-6433
Edmonton, AB T6J 6M7
[email protected]
Coaching and Assistant Coaching with Confed Hockey
Thank-you for your interest in Coaching or Assistant Coaching! Coaches and Asst Coaches are entered into the
Hockey Canada Registration system the same way as players and so we need to get you to register online too!
Please follow the registration instructions available on our website if you are not familiar with how to use the online
registration system used by Confed Hockey—make an account, or sign in to your existing account, choose
‘register a new participant’, select Bench Staff, then the Coach or Asst Coach Package, answer questions, and
select cheque to complete registration. Please select cheque to avoid Hockey Canada assessing a fee.
Please complete your registration as soon as possible as this will allow us to have your file complete and follow-up
with you during the summer months so you are ready to hit the ice at the beginning of the 2016-17 season!
Completing a Registration does not guarantee a position as a Coach or Asst Coach on a Confed team.
Information on Coaching Courses is updated on our Confed website as it is received.
Confed Hockey reimburses for approved Coaching courses for our Coaches and Assistants.
Please forward course receipt when completed to [email protected]
Mark your calendars for the 2016-17 Confederation Hockey Coaches Meeting September 30, 2016.
Questions on the Coach Registration Process please email [email protected] .
South West Zone Hockey
Peewee Major AA and Minor AA (Tier 1, Tier 2)
Atom Tier 1 and Tier 2
The South West Zone (SWZ) will be running the
following programs for 2016-17:
Peewee Major AA (Tier 1)
Peewee Minor AA (Tier 2)
Atom Tier 1
Atom Tier 2
Information and registration for tryouts can be found
on the SWZ website at swzhockey.ca .
If your child will be trying out at SWZ please do
not register for Confed until such time as you
know if they are returning to Confed.
The Confed Hockey Returning Player Late fee of
$100 as of July 16 does not apply to those registered to try out at SWZ for Peewee and Atom.
For the 2017-18 season the Novice Tier 1 and Tier 2
programs will also be moving to the SWZ.
Novice Tier 1 Tryouts
If your Novice player would like to tryout for the
Novice Tier 1 team this year, you need to select the
Non-Refundable Novice Tier 1 Tryout Fee ($100) on
your Registration. You may also contact the Registrar to add the tryout on after you have registered
up to August 15, 2016.
Please be aware that making the Novice Tier 1 team
will require extra ice time, extra commitment, and
extra fees on your team (TBD).
The tryout fee covers the additional pre-season ice
cost that is used for the tryouts and extra ice in
September. These players will not participate in
regular evaluations if already placed on a team.
The deadline to register for
Novice Tier 1 tryouts is August 15, 2016.
Tryout out for Novice Tier 1 is optional.
Novice 1 tryouts run August 27-31, 2016.
Details on the Confed website.
Player Evaluations
Please check under Important dates for the expected start date of
your child’s evaluations. If you are interested in helping
with Evaluations this year, please watch for the Volunteer sign up sheets in August.
Discovery and Jr. Timbits do not take part in Evaluations as Discovery is a learn to skate program and no
teams are formed and Jr. Timbits doesn’t have teams.
Sr. Timbits is planning on having Evaluations to place the players
on even teams, but this may change.
At Novice, Atom, and Peewee the purpose of Evaluations is to
place the children on teams with similar ability level players that
will play against similar tiered teams in the Hockey Edmonton program.
Dates and information on website under Evaluations.
Volunteer Deposit Program
Confederation Hockey is a volunteer-run organization, and as such, it
depends on the volunteer assistance of its members to function successfully. Volunteers are essential to maintaining and growing the Confederation Hockey Club. The more volunteers we have, the better our association becomes!
Overview of 2016-17 Volunteer Deposit Program:
Every family is required to complete volunteer commitments for 2016
-17 unless they have paid the volunteer opt-out fee on their registration.
The number of volunteer commitments for each family is dependent on
the number of players and which category they are in.
 It is important to note that we would rather have the family complete
a volunteer commitment and contribute to the success of the club than
pay the opt-out fee.
 Discovery and Jr Timbits player families are required to complete ONE
 Sr Timbits, Novice, Atom, and Peewee player families are required to
complete TWO VOLUNTEER COMMITMENTS per player.
 There are no exemptions to the volunteer requirements.
 There is no maximum number of commitments that a family can contribute in a given year.
 There is no roll-over of volunteer commitments from year to year.
 Volunteer deposit cheques will be collected for every player Discovery
to Peewee prior to the registration being accepted.
 In the event that a family does not complete their volunteer commitments, the deposit cheque will be cashed.
PO Box 41042
Phone: 780-289-6433
Edmonton, AB T6J 6M7
[email protected]
Confed Hockey Club D Programming 2016-17
Confed Hockey is thrilled to be offering another great line up of Club D programs for our members for 2016-17.
What is Club D? Club D, or Club Development, is a subsidized development program that Confed offers
to our members to allow for extra skill development sessions at a reasonable rate that will advance the skill of
Confederation players and coaches through positive learning experiences.
Our Club D programs are instructed by Eric Thurston, Wade Burt, and Ian Gordon.
We offer Individual Club D, Team Club D, Goalie Club D, Specialty Clinics, and Coaches Club D.
Sr. Timbits Player Club D— Tuesday, 415-515pm—planned 10 Sessions, $200
Novice Player Club D—Tuesday, 530-630pm—planned 10 Sessions, $200
Atom Player Club D—Monday, 530-630pm—planned 10 Sessions, $200
Peewee Player Club D—Monday, 530-630pm— planned 10 Sessions, $200
Goalie Club D—Tuesday, 2 groups, 415-515pm and 515-615pm— planned 20 Sessions, $600
Registration for Individual Club D and Goalie Club D will open on our website as soon as ice has been
confirmed —tentatively set to open June 15, 2016! Notice will be given by email to those registered.
Goalie Equipment
Did you know that Confederation
Hockey has its own custom goalie
equipment that is available for use
by our goalies free of charge?
We can outfit you with chest protector, blocker, catcher, and pads!
You can use these pads for any ice
hockey, even outside of your
Confed team games/practices, for
example summer camps, clinics, or
extra development sessions.
Contact our Equipment Team at
[email protected] to
make arrangements to sign out
Novice, Atom, and Peewee got brand new
jerseys for the 2015-16 season—lets do
what we can to keep them
looking good!
We ask that families not
allow coloured drinks in
water bottles to avoid
stains on the jerseys that will
shorten the jerseys live span
with the club.
Parents will be responsible
to replace any jerseys
ruined by coloured drinks.
Changes to Initiation - Discovery, Jr. Timbits, Sr. Timbits
Thank you for your patience in the last 6 months, as we have been meeting with the
hockey associations across Edmonton, to come to a final decision on the Initiation
program, as per the request of Hockey Edmonton.
The changes to make note of:
Discovery (Previously Initiation 1A) – this program is for brand new skaters, learning
to skate with hockey equipment and incorporate hockey skills throughout the season.
This will remain on Friday nights for Confed, have a paid instructor on the ice and be a
45 minute program. Ideally this will be for 2011/2012 birth years, dependent on skill
Timbits Program (Previously Initiation 2A/3A) – this program has been split into
two. The Timbits Program is for 2011/2010 birth years, but also dependent on skill
Jr. Timbits
The 1st Timbits program will be 1 hour Practice, once a week, on Saturday or Sunday –
this is called Jr.Timbits. There will be a Lead Instructor on the Ice for practices, with
several coaches assisting. The Lead Instructor position will rotate between the “on ice
coaches”, and they will use Hockey Canada’s Initiation Program Curriculum (available
for digital retrieval in the ProSmart system).
Sr. Timbits
The 2nd Timbits program will be two 1 hour ice times per week (on Saturday and Sunday) – 1 practice, 1 game – this is called Sr.Timbits. There will be a Lead Instructor
on the Ice for practices, with several coaches assisting. The Lead Instructor position
will rotate between the “on ice coaches”, and they will use Hockey Canada’s Initiation
Program Curriculum (available for digital retrieval in the ProSmart system).
During the Game session – there will be a game on each end of the rink, with the middle of the ice being used for active rest, drills the kids want to work on and unstructured small games.
We look forward to a GREAT 2016/17 Season in our Discovery and Timbits programs !
Confed Hockey uses name bars for
Novice, Atom, and Peewee only.
Players were given name bars last
year to last during their time in
Confederation Hockey. All players
going into first year Novice and
players that are first year Confed
in Novice, Atom, Peewee will be
given a name bar this year.
If you are a returning 2004-2008
player that has misplaced your
name bar you may order additional
name bars with your registration at
a cost of $20 each.
Bingo Credit
Bingos are OPTIONAL.
Confed offers bingos as an option
for individual family fundraising.
Families can choose to earn
credits towards future hockey
registration by working bingo.
Each single shift (5.5 hours)
worked will be worth $75.00 and
each double shift (7.5 hours)
worked will be worth $125.00.
The credits earned will be applied
to the family's account for use in
the 2017-18 season Registration
fees. If you want to work bingos
for future credits, please make
sure you indicate your interest
and your preferred email address
on your registration. The bingo
director will contact those that
advised they were interested on
August 15th for the September
2016 bingo date.
All the details regarding the bingo
program can be found on our
website, confedhockey.org
PO Box 41042
Phone: 780-289-6433
Edmonton, AB T6J 6M7
[email protected]
I have a New Player—What do I do?
Welcome to Confederation Hockey!
How to Register
New Players can register online (confedhockey.org), at the in-person dates listed below, or by mail. Please include a copy of
the players Birth Certificate OR Passport, AND a copy of the players Alberta Health Care Card AND Proof of Residency (utility
bill, gas or power showing the address and parents names).
In-Person Registration at the Kinsmen Arena 1979-111 ST
Wednesday, June 1 from 530pm - 800pm and Sunday, June 12 from 11am-2pm
Registration Requirements
In order for a registration to be accepted the Registration form or online submission must be completed in full, with any requirements, documents, and payment included; the RIS Parents course must be completed; and the family must reside within
the Confederation area of the SWZ (South West Zone) on September 1, 2016. Service Area on the website.
Payment Options
Cheque - in Full at registration or by September 1; or in two postdated payments by September 1 and October 1.
Credit Card - in Full at time of registration by paper or online. Online credit card only, multi payment options of two payments, or monthly payments with $150 at time of registration and balance paid over 4 months on July 16, August 15, September 15, and October 15.
New Parents Survival Guide!
Under New Players on our website you can find a New Parents Survival Guide that you may find helpful in answering your
questions such as differences in our programs, evaluations information, how teams are formed, extra costs, equipment needs,
and more!
Any questions regarding registration please contact the Registrar,
Melissa at 780-289-6433 or [email protected]
Full Registration Instructions are available on our website at confedhockey.org
Summer Camp Opportunities
The team of Instructors that lead our Confed Hockey Club D (Development) programs during the year also have
their own camps in the summer and throughout the year. Many of their camps are full, but still a few spots
available if you are looking for great quality instruction in a summer camp!
Eric Thurston—check out Eric Thurston’s—The Next Level Hockey Development!
Wade Burt—check out 200 Hockey Development!
Ian Gordon—check out Ian Gordon Goaltending!
KidSport Edmonton provides support for
families facing financial barriers so they can
participate in registered sport programs.
Did you know that Confederation Hockey
matches KidSport funding
received by our families!
More information at kidsportcanada.ca or under
Registration, KidSport on the Confed website.
Suggestions? Feedback?
We welcome suggestions or feedback about
our club at any time. Please email to
[email protected] and your comments
will be forwarded to the appropriate
Confed Hockey Executive member.
Important Dates
June 1 - Online Registration Opens for Players and Coaches!
June 1 - 530-800 pm - In-Person Registration at Kinsmen Arena.
June 12 - 11am-2pm - In-Person Registration at Kinsmen Arena.
June 15 - Club D Registration open **tentative
July 15 - Last day to register Returning Players with no late fee.
July 16 - Returning Player registrations now have $100 late fee.
August 15 - Registration Deadline for Novice 1 Tryouts.
August 27 - Novice Tier 1 Tryouts Start
September 5 - Expected start date of All Goalie Evaluations
September 5- Expected start date of Evals for Peewee
September 10 - Expected start date of Evals for Novice, Atom
September 26- Expected start date of Evaluations for Sr. Timbits
October 22, 23 - Club Pictures and Confed Wear!
December 27 - 30 - Confederation Christmas Tournament!
Expected dates will be updated on the Confed website as they are
PO Box 41042 , Edmonton, AB T6J 6M7
[email protected]
Player's Name and Address:
( Discovery, Jr. Timbits, Sr. Timbits, Novice, Atom, Peewee)
HC Membership # (if known):
Date of Birth (yyyy-mm-dd):
Community League:
Home phone:
New Player: Health Insurance #:
New Player: Birth Cert #
Player Information
Playing position:___
Shoots: Left
If Novice, interested in being 50% Goalie: Yes No
Father's name:
Mother's name:
Postal code:
Home ph:
Postal code:
Home ph:
Work ph:
Cell ph:
Work ph:
Cell ph:
Person to contact in case of accident or emergency, if parent not available:
By signing this document I agree to abide by the rules and regulations, and decisions and all duly approved amendments thereto of Hockey Canada, it's Board of Directors, its Branches and /or
divisions which may be restrictive in some areas such as movement from team to team, conduct etc. Further, the information requested above is required by Hockey Canada to facilitate hockey
programs on behalf of the registrant and Hockey Canada. Hockey Canada will treat this personal information with the utmost respect and in accordance with the Hockey Canada Privacy Policy at
all times. All registrations are subject to review by the Registrar and no registration will be approved until all fees are paid and required documentation is received. Registration is undertaken with
the understanding that additional team fees and/or fundraising may be required depending on the level of play.
Parent or Guardian's Name (print)
Player's Name (print):
(only if over 18 yrs old)
Parent or Guardian's signature:
Player's signature:
For Office Use Only
For Office Use Only
NEW PLAYERS: (Copy of)
Parent Decl.
Birth Certificate
Alberta Health Care
Volunteer Form
Volunteer Cheque
Fee Description
Utility Bill
Cash Cheque Credit Card or Bingo Credit
Player Status:
 Returning Player
First-time Player *
Transferring *
*First Time and Transferring Players please provide a copy of Birth Certificate or Passport AND Alberta Health Care card AND Proof of Residency.
All outstanding fees/commitments from previous year(s) must be settled before 20162017 registration can be accepted.
Fees may be paid in FULL or in payments depending on payment method.
Arrangements can be made if needed.
N.S.F. cheques will result in:
the full amount of all fees plus $20 service charge becoming payable immediately
your child will not be allowed to participate in any further on-ice activities
(i.e. games, practices, etc.) until all fees and charges have been paid in full.
Players who withdraw from Confederation Hockey Club:
PRIOR TO ANY EVALUATIONS may apply for a 100% refund of paid fees
minus $25 administration fee,
PRIOR TO PLACEMENT ON A TEAM may apply for a refund of 80% of paid
fees minus $25 administration fee,
AFTER PLACEMENT ON A TEAM by the Category Director(s) will be
Category ():  Discovery (2012, 2011*): $120
 Enter fees:
1 $____________
 Jr. Timbits (2011, 2012): $165
 Sr. Timbits (2010, 2011): $250
 Novice (2008, 2009): $560
 Atom (2006, 2007): $670
 Peewee (2004, 2005): $720
Volunteer Deposit Opt Out – Discovery, Jr. Timbits $50.00 (add only if NOT volunteering)............ ........................................2 $____________
Volunteer Deposit Opt Out – Sr. Timbits, Novice, Atom, Peewee $200 (add only if NOT volunteering)............... ..................3 $____________
Novice Tier 1 Tryout $100 (OPTIONAL for 2008-2009,making team involves extra ice time, commitment, and fees)...............4 $____________
Returning Player Late Fee $100 (add $100 if after July 15, 2016)..........
..............................5 $____________
Name Bar Replacement $40 (Only add if misplaced name bar provided. New players and first year Novice provided)
6 $____________
Fees Sub-Total (add 1,2,3,4,5,6)
...7 $____________
Credit for previously worked bingos (bingo slip emailed and credit entered online) ........................ .................... ............ 8 $___________
(please complete section below) OR CHEQUE (payable to “Confederation Hockey Club”)
Please charge my credit card the amount of $____________ (BALANCE DUE) for hockey registration for the 2015-16 season.
Card Number:____________________________________________________ Expiry Date:__________
Name on Card:_____________________________________Signature:___________________________
Please note the credit card number will not be retained by Confed Hockey. *Paper Registration payment in FULL. Online Registration payment in FULL or OPTION of multiple payments.
CHEQUE ( IN FULL or in 2 Payments)
Post-dated September 1, 2016 OR EARLIER
If dated prior to Sept 1 it will be deposited earlier
100% of Balance Due
Post-dated September 1, 2016 OR EARLIER
If dated prior to Sept 1 it will be deposited earlier
50% of Balance Due
Post-dated October 1, 2016 OR EARLIER
If dated prior to Oct 1 it will be deposited earlier
50% of Balance Due
VOLUNTEER: Parent(s) would like to assist with:
 Coach - Please complete RIS Coaches Course, Online Coach Registration, and contact Registrar to do Police Check
 Assistant Coach - Please complete RIS Coaches Course, Online Coach Registration, and contact Registrar to do Police Check
There are many other volunteer opportunities such as Evaluations, Manager, Timekeeper/Scorekeeper, Jersey Parent, Parent Liaison/Volunteer Coordinator,
Christmas Tournament Volunteer, Minor Hockey Week Volunteer, In Person Registration, Confed Wear/Picture Weekend Helper, Equipment Helper and more!
All these jobs can be signed up for once players are on teams and/or by replying to Club emails for help. More information on the Volunteer Program can be found
in the Registration package as well as on the website under Volunteer Deposit.
All registrations must include the 2016-17 Volunteer Form and Volunteer Deposit Cheque for each player .
Links (preferred team mates, maximum of ONE request) must be reciprocal and tier the same to be considered.
BINGO: If you would like to work bingos for Registration Credit for the 2017-18 Hockey Season please provide your preferred contact email:
If this registration is being completed by paper, please include Confederation Hockey Consent Form (on web), Volunteer Form and Volunteer Deposit Cheque.
Confederation Hockey Consent Form
I/we are aware that by giving this consent, I/we are permitting personal information about our child to
be posted to the Confederation Hockey website, which can be viewed by anyone who accesses the
Confederation Hockey Web site and that if consent is withheld, this posting would not occur.
Examples of the type of information that may be posted includes, name, photograph, group
photograph, hockey stats, awards/prizes received, etc. The Confederation Hockey website is
I/we consent that any information given to the Registrar during registration can be distributed to the
Confederation Hockey Board, the Director of the division which my/our child plays, and the
Coach/Manager/Parent Liaison of the team to which they have been assigned. Further that the
Coach/Manager may disclose my/our child’s phone numbers and emails to the other parents on the
team in the form of a contact list.
I/we consent to the Confederation Hockey Club and its Directors, Coaches and Managers sending
electronic messages to me/us for the purposes of the promotion of the Confederation Hockey
I/we further understand that this consent is valid for the time our child(ren) are with Confederation
Hockey Club and may be withdrawn by me/us at any time upon written notice to
[email protected]
In the event that consent is withdrawn, I/we understand that the information about our child will be
removed from the Website, no communication would be able to occur regarding our child and no
email communication would be received.
I/we have given this consent voluntarily.
By agreeing to this document, I/we consent to all of the above for the following players:
Signed at_____________________________on________________________
Place of signature
* For players under 18 years of age: signature of parent (or legal guardian)
Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian*
* Note: Only persons having lawful custody of the player may sign this consent form as parent or legal guardian. If both parents have lawful custody, one or both
may sign.
2016-17 Confederation Hockey Volunteer Deposit Form
The Volunteer Deposit is meant to share the load of Volunteer Commitments
between all Confederation Hockey families. Thank-you for volunteering!
Players Last Name:__________________________________
Players First Name:__________________________________
Please see the 2016-17 Confederation Hockey Volunteer Information Sheet included with registration
package or on the website under Volunteer Deposit for detailed information.
PLEASE make cheques payable to Confederation Hockey Club.
PLEASE either leave the cheque undated or date for March 31, 2017.
Discovery - $50 per player, 1 Volunteer Commitment
Submit one $50 Cheque
Jr. Timbits - $50 per player, 1 Volunteer Commitment
Submit one $50 Cheque
Sr. Timbits - $200 per player, 2 Volunteer Commitments
Submit one $200 Cheque
Novice - $200 per player, 2 Volunteer Commitments
Submit one $200 Cheque
Atom - $200 per player, 2 Volunteer Commitments
Submit one $200 Cheque
Peewee - $200 per player, 2 Volunteer Commitments
Submit one $200 Cheque
Please shred my cheque once I have completed my volunteer jobs.
Please hold my cheque for pick up by April 1, 2017 once I have completed my volunteer jobs.
I do not wish to volunteer and would rather pay to opt out now.
Please remember that we do want and need your time to help our Club run to its full potential!
Parents Name:____________________________ Parents Signature:_________________________ Date: __________
Office Use
Cheque # _________________. Return Date: ______________________. CHC_______________.
2016-17 Confederation Hockey Volunteer Deposit Program
Confederation Hockey is a volunteer-run organization, and as such, it depends on the volunteer assistance of its members to function
successfully. Volunteers are essential to maintaining and growing the Confederation Hockey Club. The more volunteers we have, the
better our association becomes!
Overview of 2016-17 Volunteer Deposit Program:
Every family is required to complete volunteer commitments for 2016-17 unless they have paid the volunteer opt-out fee on
their registration. The number of volunteer commitments for each family is dependent on the number of players and which
category they are in.
o It is important to note that we would rather have the family complete a volunteer commitment and contribute to the
success of the club than pay the opt-out fee.
Discovery and Jr Timbits player families are required to complete ONE VOLUNTEER COMMITMENT per player.
Sr Timbits, Novice, Atom, and Peewee player families are required to complete TWO VOLUNTEER COMMITMENTS per
There are no exemptions to the volunteer requirements.
There is no maximum number of commitments that a family can contribute in a given year.
There is no roll-over of volunteer commitments from year to year.
Volunteer deposit cheques will be collected for every player Discovery to Peewee prior to the registration being accepted.
In the event that a family does not complete their volunteer commitments, the deposit cheque(s) will be cashed.
Opportunities that count for 3 Volunteer Commitments for 2016-17 are:
Executive Board Members
Head Coach (one per team, entire season)
Opportunities that count for 2 Volunteer Commitments for 2016-17 are:
Assistant Coach (max 5 per team, entire season)
Team Manager (one per team, entire season)
Christmas Tournament Rink Manager or Committee Member
Opportunities that count for 1 Volunteer Commitments for 2016-17 are:
Team Manager (two per team, entire season)
Parent Liaison (one per team, entire season)
Jersey Parent (home or away for the entire season, bring to games and launder)
Special Events as communicated from the club
Time Keeping or Score Keeping (10 games)
In-Person Registration Volunteer
Evaluation Volunteer
o Check-in Table, Evaluator (Timbits), Timekeeper, Bench Help – all on a shift basis
Confed Wear Sales Volunteer
Confederation Raffle - Entire Club Hand-out or Hand-In day Volunteer
Christmas Tournament Volunteer – on shift basis, over 250 volunteers required
o 50/50 Seller
o Sign-in Table Greeter
o Office Support
o Silent Auction and Raffle Table
o Silent Auction and Raffle Item Solicitations
Minor Hockey Week Volunteer – on shift basis
o Timekeeper, Check in Table, Spotter
Special Events as communicated from the club
If you have additional suggestions/recommendations on ways to help out - bring them forward – the Confederation Board may want to
add them to the list of volunteer opportunities.
2016-17 Volunteer Deposit Program FAQs
How do I find volunteer opportunities?
Confederation Hockey identifies those interested in Coaching and Assistant Coaching help during registration, so please note your
interest on your child’s registration. Many club opportunities will come out via email from Confederation Hockey and involve a sign up
process to participate in those opportunities. There will also be opportunities available for each team that you can sign up for once your
child has been placed on a team. Still not sure where to sign up? please email [email protected] for information.
If I complete all my volunteer commitments, when will I receive my cheque back?
For 2016-17, after completing the minimum number of volunteer commitments your deposit cheque will be shredded or held for pick up
by April 1, 2017 depending on what you indicated on the 2016-17 Confederation volunteer deposit form at time of registration.
How are these volunteer jobs tracked?
The Parent Liaison will track the team volunteer commitments, along with the Confederation Administrator who is tracking the volunteer
commitments for the entire club. Parent Liaisons will submit a list of team commitments twice during the year directly to the
Confederation Administrator.
What if I have more than 1 child in Confederation Hockey Club?
For each player in Discovery or Jr Timbits you submit a $50 volunteer deposit cheque for one volunteer commitment. For each player in
Sr Timbits, Novice, Atom, or Peewee you submit one $200 volunteer deposit cheque.
Will I be contacted prior to my volunteer time as a reminder?
No, it is your responsibility to manage your volunteer commitment.
Will I be contacted prior to my volunteer deposit cheque being cashed?
Confederation Hockey will send out opportunities to volunteer to all members, but the responsibility is the family’s to ensure they have
volunteered so their cheque is not cashed. Our hope is we have no cheques to deposit.
Do donations, sponsorships, or gifts count as a Volunteer Commitment?
No, things like bringing snacks or other items to the team, team sponsorships, or event tickets do not count as volunteering.
If I pay out my volunteer does that excuse me from participating in any fundraisers for the club?
No, although we cannot make fundraisers, such as our Annual Raffle mandatory, participation in fundraisers such as these helps to
generate funds for our club and keep registration costs down as well as allow Confederation Hockey to offer the fantastic program we
What if I help the Coach or Manager with part of their duties throughout the year, does that count as a Volunteer
No, although taking on some extra little tasks may be helpful to the Coach or Manager to help with things like gamesheets, raffle tickets,
or planning a party, those tasks are already accounted for under other positions and do not count as a Volunteer Commitment.