OVERVIEW - AMX Solutions, Inc.
OVERVIEW - AMX Solutions, Inc.
OVERVIEW AMX-4 Plus Signature Series© AMX-4 Plus 2702 Mike Padgett Highway Augusta, GA 30906 p: (706) 793-2697 f: (706) 793-8051 amxsolutionsinc.com COMPANY PROFILE We know that great things happen when you partner with your customers and solutions come from asking the right questions of the right people. AMX Solutions, Inc. came into existence as the result of years of intensive research with Directors of Radiology, Bio Med, Clinical and Field Engineers. We asked what they saw as the ideal set of circumstances under which they could streamline work processes, reduce maintenance issues and eliminate downtime. As in the “Field of Dreams” they told us “you build it . . . we’ll come.” The result of this research is a combination of services crafted into intelligent solutions to fulfill all your AMX requirements. AMX Solutions, Inc. specializes in the GE AMX line of portable x-ray machines. When you specialize, you’ve got to be good at what you do! With 25 years experience in the field, we know this product...each model... we are the best in the industry and we stand 100% behind our work. When you purchase equipment from AMX, you’re not just buying a portable. You’re buying years of knowledge and experience built on quality, integrity and total customer satisfaction. Our specialty is rebuilding and upgrading the AMX 4 with all the features, functionality and reliability of the AMX 4 Plus. We are dedicated to helping engineers eliminate downtime. It is our belief that a unit should never be down for more than 24 hours and our purpose is providing solutions to meet that goal. Our company was originally founded in Augusta, Georgia and is comprised of a well qualified staff with extensive experience working with GE AMX portable x-ray machines. Our staff of certified engineers and technicians is qualified in rebuilding units ranging from the CMX to the AMX 4 Plus. Our 26,000 sq. ft. facility houses state of the art test equipment in individual assembly stations where the various AMX components and parts are built and prepared for installation and sale. We stock and extensive inventory of fully rebuilt portables as well as new, used and rebuilt OEM parts. As you map out your budget strategies, consider how we can assist you with your requirements for portable x-ray machines. It will be the best decision you ever made when it comes to portables. ̧̧̬̥ɳʊʌʆɶʂʅʈʆʕʕɮʊʈʉʘʂʚ ɧʖʈʖʔʕʂ̡ɭɧ̨̥̮̥̫ ʑ̨̢̧̯̝̬̥̫̞̬̮̫̮̬ ʇ̨̢̯̝̬̥̫̞̬̮̭̥̪̦ amxsolutionsinc.com ɸɫɨɻɯɲɺɴɵɺɸɫɬɻɸɨɯɹɮɫɪ You made the right choice years ago when you chose the AMX portable x-ray system and though it may now be a little worse for the wear, you may be surprised by how much useful life it still has. Doesn’t it make sense to get all the value out of your AMX system that was built into it? Our purpose is to rebuild not refurbish GE AMX portable x-ray machines to extend the life of these units. We rebuild units from top to bottom, inside out and virtually everything in between proving that there is a world of difference between simply refurbishing and actually rebuilding your AMX unit. Each unit is fully rebuilt under the following guidelines to OEM specifications: ʭɩʐʎʑʍʆʕʆʐʗʆʓʉʂʖʍʐʇʎʆʄʉʂʏʊʄʂʍʂʏʅʆʍʆʄʕʓʊʄʂʍʄʐʎʑʐʏʆʏʕʔ ʭɹʕʓʖʄʕʖʓʂʍʓʆʊʏʇʐʓʄʆʎʆʏʕʔ ʭɧʍʍʘʐʓʏʂʏʅʃʓʐʌʆʏʑʂʓʕʔʓʆʑʍʂʄʆʅʘʊʕʉɵɫɳʑʂʓʕʔʊʏʄʍʖʅʊʏʈ̯ ʭɩʐʍʖʎʏ˅̧̬̥˄ɸʐʕʂʕʊʐʏ ʭɮʐʓʊʛʐʏʕʂʍɧʓʎɸʆʑʍʂʄʆʎʆʏʕ ʭɩʐʎʑʍʆʕʆʃʂʔʆʂʔʔʆʎʃʍʚʘʊʕʉʎʐʕʐʓʔ̡ʅʓʊʗʆʃʆʍʕʔ̡ʆʕʄʓʆʑʍʂʄʆʅ ʭɴʆʘʉʂʏʅʔʘʊʕʄʉʘʊʕʉʏʆʘʄʂʃʍʆʄʐʎʑʍʆʕʆʘʊʕʉʓʆʎʐʕʆʇʊʆʍʅʍʊʈʉʕʐʑʕʊʐʏ ʭɩɶɻ̡ʄʉʂʓʈʆʓʃʐʂʓʅ̡ʆʕʄ̣ ʭɧɳɾ̩ɶʍʖʔɮ̤ɼɩʂʃʍʆʔ ʭɧɳɾ̩ɶʍʖʔɳʂʊʏɩʂʃʍʆʔ ʭɴʆʘʔʕʚʍʆʘʊʓʊʏʈʉʂʓʏʆʔʔ ʭɴʐʊʔʆʔʖʑʑʓʆʔʔʐʓʔ̡ʇʊʍʕʆʓʔ̡ʈʓʐʖʏʅʊʏʈʄʂʃʍʆʔ ʭɨʂʔʆʂʏʕʊʭʔʕʂʕʊʄʈʓʐʖʏʅʊʏʈʄʂʃʍʆ ʭɲʂʕʄʉʖʑʈʓʂʅʆ ʭɩʉʂʔʔʊʔʓʆʊʏʇʐʓʄʆʎʆʏʕ ʭɸʆʃʖʊʍʕʅʓʊʗʆʎʐʕʐʓ ʭɴʆʘʄʐʍʍʊʎʂʕʐʓʄʂʃʍʆ ʭɴʆʘʓʐʕʐʓʄʂʃʍʆ ʭɩʓʐʔʔʉʂʊʓʘʊʏʅʐʘʓʆʑʍʂʄʆʅ ʭɴʆʘʂʓʎʍʐʄʌ ʭɴʆʘʃʖʎʑʆʓʑʂʅʔ ʭɧʍʍʃʆʂʓʊʏʈʔʊʏʔʑʆʄʕʆʅʂʏʅʓʆʑʍʂʄʆʅʂʔʏʆʄʆʔʔʂʓʚ ʭɸʆʊʏʇʐʓʄʆʅʄʂʔʔʆʕʕʆʅʓʂʘʆʓ ʭɳʂʊʏʇʓʂʎʆʄʉʂʔʔʊʔʓʆʊʏʇʐʓʄʆʎʆʏʕʊʏʔʕʂʍʍʆʅʕʐʑʓʆʗʆʏʕʄʓʂʄʌʊʏʈ ʭɴʆʘʉʐʔʑʊʕʂʍʈʓʂʅʆʄʐʓʅʄʂʑʘʊʕʉʄʐʓʅ ʭɩʐʎʑʍʆʕʆʔʚʔʕʆʎʄʂʍʊʃʓʂʕʊʐʏʊʏʇʖʍʍʄʐʎʑʍʊʂʏʄʆʘʊʕʉɨɸɮʔʕʂʏʅʂʓʅʔ ʭɧʍʍʓʆʑʂʊʓʔʂʏʅɵɫɳʓʆʇʊʏʊʔʉʊʏʈ ʭɩʐʎʑʍʆʕʆʔʆʓʗʊʄʆʅʐʄʖʎʆʏʕʂʕʊʐʏ ʭɺʘʆʍʗʆʎʐʏʕʉʔʕʆʄʉʏʊʄʂʍʔʖʑʑʐʓʕ ʭ̧̦ʎʐʏʕʉʑʂʓʕʔʘʂʓʓʂʏʕʚ ʭ̧̦ʎʐʏʕʉʎʂʏʖʇʂʄʕʖʓʆʓʪʔʇʖʍʍʓʆʑʍʂʄʆʎʆʏʕʘʂʓʓʂʏʕʚʐʏʕʖʃʆ̧̰̦ʎʐʏʕʉʑʓʐʓʂʕʆʅ warranty on batteries 2702 Mike Padgett Highway Augusta, GA 30906 p: (706) 793-2697 f: (706) 793-8051 amxsolutionsinc.com S.W.A.P. (Save With Awaiting Portables) In keeping with our focus on eliminating down time, we stock an inventory of rebuilt AMX 4 portables upgraded with all the features of the AMX 4 Plus. Our S.W.A.P. program provides an unparalleled opportunity to trade your existing AMX 4 portable for a completely rebuilt/upgraded unit that includes all the features and functionality of the AMX 4 Plus thus allowing you to continue your normal operations, eliminate equipment shortages, downtime and reduce freight costs. TECHNICAL SUPPORT 24/7 Our goal is to be available with solutions for your staff when they encounter problems such as specification issues, error codes and any other issues with your AMX portables that they have difficulty solving. Our technicians have the solutions when you have a problem and they are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Technical support is provided free with the purchase of one of our rebuilt portables. OEM PARTS - NEW USED & REBUILT We can help maintain your AMX portables at substantial discounts with our extensive inventory of new, used and rebuilt OEM parts for the complete line of GE AMX portables. We stock an extensive inventory of parts that cannot be found elsewhere and are the source other suppliers come to for that hard to find item. Our customers can realize dramatic savings with new or rebuilt OEM parts. RENTALS / LOANERS PROGRAM Rental units available for long or short term lease. We also have loaner units available for use while we rebuild your portable. Contact us for pricing and availability on these programs. 2702 Mike Padgett Highway Augusta, GA 30906 p: (706) 793-2697 f: (706) 793-8051 amxsolutionsinc.com PM PACKAGES Give your GE AMX 4 or 4 Plus portable x-ray unit a new lease on life with a cosmetic make-over along with your preventative maintenance routine. This is a cost effective way to quickly and efficiently make your portable look brand new in just a couple of hours. AMX will provide all the major OEM components assembled and ready to bolt on. The pre-assembled kits also include all original OEM decals, labels, bumpers and screws. Below is a complete listing of all components for each of the PM Packages.. DESCRIPTION Top Cover Cap Key Shoulder Screw #6 Flat Washer Key Switch Top Cover Latch Label Kit AMX 4 PLUS 46-303626G4 46-303652P2 46-170024P8 6NWSM 46-303993G1 46-279104P1 2201783 QTY 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 AMX 4 46-303626G3 46-279023P1 46-170024P8 6NWSM 46-303652P1 46-279104P1 2201782 QTY 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 FRONT & SIDE COVERS On Decal 46-279773P1 Off Decal 46-279772P1 Wear Strip 28.8” 46-270782P2 Wear Strip Stiffener 46-270785G2 Batt Charge Warning 46-279022P1 Right Side Cover 46-303785G2 Left Side Cover 46-303784G2 Label Side Cover 2170180 Label Side Cover 2170181 Ball Stud 46-120145P4 Hand Switch Label 46-316783P1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 46-279773P1 46-279772P1 46-270782P1 46-270785G1 46-270785G1 46-303785G1 46-303784G1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 46-230145P4 46-316783P1 10 1 MISCELLANEOUS COMPONENTS Cassette Drawer Hdle 46-270729P2 Decal - Hdl/Warning 46-315954P2 Drawer Mat 46-270238P1 Cassette Tray Assy 46-270231G2 1 1 1 1 46-270729P1 46-305954P2 46-270238P1 46-270231G2 1 1 1 1 2702 Mike Padgett Highway Augusta, GA 30906 p: (706) 793-2697 f: (706) 793-8051 amxsolutionsinc.com FIRST AID KIT No more hunting for just the right screw, nut or that amp fuse that always seems to wind up missing. First Aid kits contain common hardware for your AMX that is designed to save you time and money by reducing and eliminating down time. First Aid Kit Includes: PART # M3X6 6/32 X 3/8 4/40 X 1/4 10/32 X 3/4 46-268418P1 46-219036P1 46-303376G1 4/40 X 1/4 10/32 10/32 X 1-1/4 46-302409G1 46-279306P1 46-136334P54 06F8228 Q85/Q86 6/32 X 3/8 10/32 X 1 1/4 X 20 X 3/4 1/4 X 20 X 3/8 46-303652P1 46-270799P1 6/32 X 1/2 10/32 X 7/8 WASHERS 46-221914P4 FUSES 46-303993G1 DESCRIPTION COLLIMATOR COVER SCREWS SIDE PANEL SCREWS DRIVE HANDLE COVER SCREWS CORNER BUMPER SCREWS POINTER COLLIMATOR BOLTS COLLIMATOR HANDLE PARTS SIDE PANEL SCREWS SPLASH GUARDS & CPU MOUNTS COLUMN BRAKE COVER SCREWS CORNER BUMPER SCREWS SENSOR ASSY BRAKE ENABLE SWITCH DRIVE HADLE MICROSWITCH FETS TOP COVER COLLAR SCREWS HV CABLE CLAMP SCREWS ON ARM KICKPLATE & TUBE YOKE SCREWS HV TERMINAL COVER SCREWS CAP KEY LIGHT SWITCH TERMINAL BLOCKS & GROUND STUD SCREWS HV CABLE CLAMP SCREWS ON COLUMN BUMPERS, ANGLE BRACKETS, ETC. BATTERY CHARGE INDICATOR LAMP 2, 6, 8, 10 & 15 AMP (1 BOX EACH) KEY SWITCH ̧̧̬̥ɳʊʌʆɶʂʅʈʆʕʕɮʊʈʉʘʂʚ ɧʖʈʖʔʕʂ̡ɭɧ̨̥̮̥̫ ʑ̨̢̧̯̝̬̥̫̞̬̮̫̮̬ ʇ̨̢̯̝̬̥̫̞̬̮̭̥̪̦ amxsolutionsinc.com ɺɫɩɮɴɯɩɧɲɺɸɧɯɴɯɴɭ Portable x-ray units are one of the most predominantly used and misused machines in the medical field. Due to the very nature of their environment, they can experience mechanical and electrical failures if problems are not recognized and corrected quickly. Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to successfully troubleshoot and repair the most common problems encountered by these indispensable units as well as perform preventative maintenance to ensure proper functionality. Prior to receiving a Certificate of Completion, participants will understand and be able to evaluate the following: ʭɧʔʔʆʎʃʍʚɪʆʔʊʈʏʂʕʐʓʔ ʭɺʉʆʇʊʗʆʎʐʅʆʔʕʐʕʉʆʔʆʓʗʊʄʆʔʘʊʕʄʉ ʭɳʂʋʐʓʄʓʊʕʊʄʂʍʔʊʈʏʂʍʔ ʭɬʖʔʆʔ ʭɸʐʕʐʓʄʐʏʕʓʐʍʔ ʭɨʂʕʕʆʓʊʆʔ̡ʄʉʂʓʈʆʓʂʏʅʄʂʑʂʄʊʕʚ ʭɯʏʗʆʓʕʆʓ ʭɪʓʊʗʆʎʐʕʐʓʄʐʏʕʓʐʍ ʭɩʐʍʍʊʎʂʕʐʓ ʭɵʗʆʓʂʍʍʔʚʔʕʆʎʑʆʓʇʐʓʎʂʏʄʆ ʭɺʓʐʖʃʍʆʔʉʐʐʕʂʏʅʓʆʑʂʊʓʎʆʄʉʂʏʊʄʂʍʂʏʅʆʍʆʄʕʓʐʏʊʄʑʓʐʃʍʆʎʔʐʏʂʍʍ components of the unit ʭɶʆʓʇʐʓʎʂʄʐʎʑʍʆʕʆʂʏʅʕʉʐʓʐʖʈʉʑʓʆʗʆʏʕʊʗʆʎʂʊʏʕʆʏʂʏʄʆʊʏʔʑʆʄʕʊʐʏ ʭɬʐʍʍʐʘʄʊʓʄʖʊʕʐʑʆʓʂʕʊʐʏʔʐʇʔʚʔʕʆʎʅʆʕʂʊʍʃʍʐʄʌʅʊʂʈʓʂʎʔ ʭɫʗʂʍʖʂʕʆʆʓʓʐʓʄʐʅʆʔʂʏʅʕʂʌʆʄʐʓʓʆʄʕʊʗʆʂʄʕʊʐʏʔ Course Prerequisites Participant must have a working understanding of state-of-the-art electronics, test equipment and mechanical aptitude. Previous experience with X-ray aparatus is required. 2702 Mike Padgett Highway Augusta, GA 30906 p: (706) 793-2697 f: (706) 793-8051 amxsolutionsinc.com TECHNICAL TRAINING This comprehensive, five-day course provides hands on training dedicated to teaching participants to quickly recognize and correct common problems. The first three days are spent disassembling and reassembling an AMX 4 Plus portable focusing on the major components listed below: COLUMN (Disassemble and reassemble) Sh e l l I n n e r we a r s t r i p s Carriage Carriage wear strips Carriage bearings Counter weight Counter weight bearings Upper / lower braking Main and safety cable tensions Detente plates Bearing packing Apron hanger COLLIMATOR Co l l i m a t o r a l i g n m en t Sid tape Co l u m n l i g h t Cr o s s h a i r wi n d o w Face plate Release handles Column handle Column cable Column knobs HORIZONTAL ARM (Disassemble and reassemble) Inner, center, outer covers Wear strips Tracking chain and gear Locking plunger Latch holder Yolk Détente bearings Compression washers Inner brake cable X-RAY TUBE P r o p e r a sse mb l y C o ve r s HV Cables Alignment of collimator Rotor cable Tracking serial numbers End caps BASE D r i ve mo t o r ELECTRONIC PACKAGE Frame Power supply CPU board Drive boards MA & KV board Rotor board Cord reel Latch assembly Hand switch TRANSFORMER Connectors Oils Gasket replacement BASE D r i ve mo t o r D r i ve w h e e l s Mounting brackets Drive belts Proper grounding Column support (tub) Front bumper Switches Corner bumper pads Installation of batteries Casters Belt tension springs Day four is devoted to theory of operation and day five is dedicated to running diagnostics, calibration, understanding error codes and troubleshooting common problems. Class size is limited to six participants. Schedule and order of criteria is subject to change depending upon enrollment. Five CEU Credit Equivalents earned upon completion of class. Application The AMX-4+ X-ray unit is a completely t Large front casters (20.3cm / 8 in.) t Fully counterbalanced collimator/tube for easier crossing of thresholds assembly, with the center of gravity (e.g. elevator), expansion joints. self contained battery driven, mobile radiographic system which operates from a rechargeable battery pack. at points of rotation, so tube stays positioned through light friction locks t Narrow base of unit measures 60.2 cm (29.7 in.) wide at midpoint. without the need for adjustable locks. Detents at ±90º for both axes. Mobility and ease of use make the AMX-4+ ideally suited for all routine radiographic t Capable of climbing an incline of 5°. procedures, within intensive care units, expose and the collimator light. The handswitch is molded from a light- emergency and operating rooms, pediatrics, neonatal units, orthopedics, and clinics. Operator Ease of Use t Unique column rotation in clockwise or counterclockwise direction from Features Maneuverability t Independent rear wheel drive servo- t Ergonomic handswitch controls prep/ weight, impact-resistant plastic. t Compact manual collimator with the park position significantly built-in SID button-on collimator face. increases setup speed by eliminating Skin spacer is provided to meet BRH the need to reposition the patient or requirements of 30cm focal spot to the system. The column may be skin minimum distance. Rotary knobs rotated up to ±270º from the park adjust field size with calibrations at controlled motors enable the system position to handle the most demand- 100 cm and 180 cm (40 in. and 72 in.) to turn within its own radius. ing imaging cases in tight spaces. A positive centering detent is also t Electromechanical friction locks for provided to further simply the tube column rotation, arm elevation and parking parking process process. a arm rm extension extension movements movements. Locks Locks are released with a single switch on collimator. t Integrated front bumper stops unit and activates brakes when hit. Sides of bumper slide into unit to prevent catching on objects such as cords, poles, etc. Base Assembly t Two position ON/OFF key switch with removable key in the OFF position. t Single drive handle control (with "deadman" brake and drive lock) t Touch panel or handswitch activated functions ergonomically with drive technique selection; two point (kVp motors to permit superior and mAs) control. maneuverability. Drives respond to t Digital readout of kVp and mAs in two force applied to handle in both forward and reverse. locations: -Angle of Top cover--1.9 cm (3/4 in.), t Top speed of 4.8 kph (3 mph) in Column Assembly forward and reverse. t Handle grips on both sides of t Speed totally variable in both reverse and forward. t Top speed is limited to 2.4 kph (1.5 mph) if tube is not in transport always on when ready for exposure. -Message display--0.95 cm (3/8 in.), when making selection. collimator for single-hand positioning of tube. Lock release buttons which t Forty-eight segment bar graph activate all lock releases indicates battery charge status (i.e., simultaneously at the back of the power remaining). Message center handles. displays "RECHARGE RECOMMENDED" 1 position. power remaining, exposure is in- at 10% power remaining. At 0% (see Product Data Sheet D1046). side covers for servicing. hibited, but will drive before all power is cut off. Message display will read t 43 cm x 43 cm coverage at 100 cm "RECHARGE IMMEDIATELY X-RAY SID (17 in. x 17 in. coverage at 40 INHIBITED." inch SID). t All displays are blue vacuum t Generator is closed loop kVp design fluorescent; readable in high ambient using microprocessor regulation to light such as surgical suites. assure constant and accurate kVp at all battery conditions. t Positive tube arm extension lock for transport position prevents tube from sliding out during transport. t mAs integrator measures, actual mA to insure accuracy, reproducibility and station-to-station linearity of all t large 30.5 cm (12 in.) drive wheels exposures. within protective enclosures will not mark walls. t Efficient medium frequency mobile generator operates at 1,000 Hz and t Side molding extends the entire length of cabinet. provides exceptional battery power utilization. AMX-4 Plus t Collimator field light can be activated from collimator or handswitch. t All units capable of 110 or 220 V nominal 50 or 60 Hz charger operation. t Digital microprocessor control with Operates until rotor is prepped. On service diagnostic software includes time is programmable between 5 - 45 self-check program, initiated at seconds. t Audible tone and light on control panel indicates X-RAY ON. Batteries t Batteries are sealed lead -acid requiring no maintenance over normal expected life or five years. Batteries start-up. t Calibration software reduces installation time and time to repair. are "minimal liquid," film electrolyze t Apron hanger on column. technology that will not leak, even if damaged. t Message readout displays selfdiagnosed errors on top panel. t Cassette storage of ten (10) 35 cm x 43 cm cassettes. t All units capable of 110 or 220 V nominal, 50 or 60 Hz charger operation; t Storage tray on top cover holds pens, lead markers and tape. t High reliability dome switches for technique selection (mAs, kVp). requiring no extra parts except wall plug. t Heavy duty welded steel mechanical chassis for extended life t 20,000 mAs usable battery power Generator Performance/Tube t 0.75 mm focal spot (NEMA); 3 inch storage. t Tube column support includes integrated wear strips and high t Automatic battery voltage sensor strength column base casting with rotating anode; GE X-ray tube model protects batteries from deep-discharge oversized bearings for improved HRT09. and thereby prevents permanent durability. battery damage. t 275,000 HU anode heat storage capacity. t Tube arm latch supports arm in all Reliability, Durability and Serviceability t 15º target angle. relief of column while transporting units over floor imperfections such as t Modular electrical chassis design for t Low-speed (3000 rpm) operation only three dimensions for safety and stress ease of service. elevator thresholds or hall expansion joints. 2 t Motor drives are belt driven using advanced high technology belts for Batteries t Type Sealed lead acid "Minimal t mAs long-life operation. Belt mounting kVp facilitates easy removal installation. Range mAs classifies battery as dry. Cannot 50-90 0.4-320 leak if punctured 95-105 0.4-240 110-125 0.4-200 Specifications AMX-4 Plus Unit Consists Of: liquid" or film electrolyte technology t Pack Nine 12-volt packs connected All in 25% increments, 20% in series (10 V nominal). Runs both decrements motor drive and X-ray from same pack. t Control, Microprocessor t mA 100 mA nominal t High-Tension Transformer t Digital readouts, blue vacuum t Unit is shipped with batteries fully charged. fluorescent. t Top 1.9 cm (3 4 in.) kVp and mAs. Battery Charging System t Automatic battery status sensing with t Message 0.95 cm (3 in.) all programmed overcharging protocol for message. maximizing battery life. t Battery Status 0.95 cm (3 in.) bar t Charger cord provided with retraction graph. into base. Hospital grade line plug fits standard wall receptacle. t Switches are dome-type yp p push s l sP buttons under mylar cover. t Maximum line draws 5 A, 110 V; 2.5 A, 220 V. t On Off Two Position Switch -Off Remove ey t High-Voltage Cables -Off t Rotating Anode X-ray Tube The drive System and X-ray work t Unit designed to be charged in any -On corridor or room space with normal ventilation. Unit should not be charged in closets, etc., or in areas using t only in ON position. Charger works t Collimator in either position. t Base and Cabinet Handswitch controls the rotor prep, isolated power, e.g., surgery. t Charger operates in any key switch position as charger mode has t exposure and remote field light. precedence over all other modes t Tube Stand (transport exposure). The system Audible Tone X-ray On t Motor Drive can neither be moved, nor used for t X-ray if it is recharging. Charger Generator t Batteries status displayed on message t readout. requency 1,000 Hz t Battery Charging System t t Operational and Diagnostic Software t Voltage 50 to 125 kVp Power 12.5 k Mechanical Dimensions t Overall idth (includes front bumper) nominal 63.9 cm (25 in.). t Technical Control t kVp 50 to 76 in 2 kVp steps t kVp each or 150 kVp for pair. 0 to 125 in 5 kVp steps ederal type connectors. Cables Vinyl covered, rated to 75 t idth at Midpoint 60.2 cm (23. in.). t Overall Height 193 cm (76 in.). decrease normal film optical density. t Tube Height In (transport look over) 3
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overview - AMX Solutions, Inc.
All units capable of 110 or 220 V
nominal, 50 or 60 Hz charger operation;