Spring 2015 - Bowhunters of Wyoming, Inc.


Spring 2015 - Bowhunters of Wyoming, Inc.
Spring 2015
Bowhunters of Wyoming Officials
Committee Chairpersons
Steve Martin
483 Quadrant Drive
Rock Springs, WY 82901
[email protected]
Bowhunter of the Year
Brad Jones
43 Kenwood
Newcastle, WY 82701
[email protected]
Public Relations
Tom Hurley
1703 Popular Trail
Sheridan, WY 82801
[email protected]
Randy Burtis
3550 Luther Place
Cheyenne, WY 82001
[email protected]
Education Committee
Jeff Capron
608 9th Street
Cody, WY 82414
[email protected]
Records Committee
Tom Zerbst
405 DeSmet Street
Newcastle, WY 82701
[email protected]
Joel Hoenk
74 Edison Avenue
Gillette, WY 82716
[email protected]
Legislative Committee
Randy Burtis
3550 Luther Place
Cheyenne, WY 82001
[email protected]
Michell Anderson
11 Burro Lane
Laramie, WY 82072
[email protected]
Susan Barrett
P.O. Box 126
Dayton, WY 82836
[email protected]
Convention Committee
Deb Anderson
387 Upper Road
Sheridan, WY 82801
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor
Michell Anderson
11 Burro Lane
Laramie, WY 82072
[email protected]
Past President
Jeff Capron
608 9th Street
Cody, WY 82414
[email protected]
Membership Committee
Desarae Starck
227 Westhills Loop
Gillette, WY 82718
[email protected]
[email protected]
District Representatives
Area One
Warren Hatcher
P.O. Box 362
LaBarge, WY 83123
[email protected]
Cover photo: Mike Samp 2015 Nebraska turkey
Pictured with sons Mason and Jack.
Area Two
Dan White
56 Appaloosa
Cody, WY 82414
[email protected]
Area Five
Jim Mallon
2115 Phillips Place
Cheyenne, WY 82009
[email protected]
Area Three
Wayne Anderson
387 Upper Road
Sheridan, WY 82801
[email protected]
Area Six
Rod Schmidt
103 E. Larsen Street
Rawlins, WY 82301
[email protected]
Area Four
Harvey Dalton
P.O. Box 197
Farson, WY 82932
[email protected]
Area Seven
Glen Reed
31 Ridgecrest Drive
Newcastle, WY 82701
[email protected]
Bowhunters of Wyoming
Spring 2015
From The President
Hello everyone!
Another BOW
(hereafter known as
the BOW ConvenSteve Martin
tion) is in the books
BOW President
and what a great
time it was! Our organization even raised a lot
of money! Thanks to all those who attended
and contributed to the fundraiser in Sheridan. It
was great to visit with old friends and meet new
ones with the same passion for bowhunting!
Hats off to Deb and Wayne Anderson as well as
the rest of the banquet committee for putting
together a great weekend for all of us! A lot of
topics were discussed in the general meeting
that are listed elsewhere in this newsletter. We
also had several key executive council positions
to fill and I want to thank those members who
stepped up to those positions. I want to give a
big thank you to all the members of executive
council who have served and continue to serve
this great organization. The minutes from the
general meeting are printed elsewhere in this
newsletter. Thanks to Commissioner Charles
Price for authorizing BOW to market the
commissioner’s license. A huge to thank you
goes out to Susan Barrett for spearheading the
raffle. We sold all 300 tickets for $15,000!!!
The highlight of the evening for me was I had
the honor of presenting the Bowhunter/
Sportsman of the Year to my good friend,
longtime member, great hunter, family man,
and longtime supporter of this organization,
Mr. Harvey Dalton. I want to thank all those
who made donations to help us raise money for
this great organization! We had some great
items in the banquet auction and as always
John Gibbens was extremely entertaining.
I want to thank everyone for coming out to
support our organization. The executive council
agreed to host the 2016 BOW Convention in
Casper, so start making plans for a great time!
Several members of the executive council
attended a reception in Cheyenne on January
22nd for the outgoing G&F commissioners
Aaron Clark and Mike Healy, where Randy
Burtis and I presented both commissioners with
plaques to show our appreciation for their work
on the commission.
This event was cosponsored by BOW.
[email protected]
Inside this issue:
Members of the executive council also attended
a sportsmen’s reception on February 5th to visit
with legislators and other sportsmen groups
about pending legislation. This event was
co-sponsored by BOW and nine other
sportsmen organizations.
I attended the G&F Commission meeting on
January 22nd in Cheyenne. I also had a great
opportunity to visit with Commissioner Price
and thank him for authorizing the license that
we raffled at the winter meeting. There were no
big issues discussed during this meeting. I also
attended the G&F Commission meeting on
March 27th in Newcastle.
I had a great
opportunity to meet the new commissioners
Patrick Crank from Cheyenne, and David Rael
from Cowley.
The next G&F Commission
meeting is scheduled for April 22nd and 23rd in
Casper. The big discussion topic will be the
approval of proposed seasons for this fall.
Continued on page 2...
Bowhunters of Wyoming
From The President Continued…
I also attended the G&F season setting meeting in Green River
where there are few changes proposed for the 2015 fall
seasons, most being reductions in license numbers in elk hunt
area 100 and deer hunt area 102. I received some good news
as they informed us of the proposed changes that will include a
type 9 offering for an elk area in the Green River region!
On an education note, Jeff Capron conducted a bowhunter
education class in Cody on February 21st and I conducted
classes in Rock Springs on February 21st as well as in Gillette
on February 28th. I also assisted my good friend Bill Jackson
with a class in Evanston on March 7th. Jeff Capron and I, with
assistance from NBEF Executive Director Marilyn Benz,
conducted a bowhunter education instructor class on March
In closing I would like to wish everyone good luck in the
upcoming turkey and black bear seasons! Also remember to
apply for the limited quota drawing and good luck. Please
attend one of many 3D shoots that our affiliated clubs put on
during the summer. The Firehole Archers will be holding our
annual shoot on June 6th and 7th south of Rock Springs.
Remember to proudly represent BOW with ethical behavior in
the field. Take a new hunter or sportsman with you if you can.
Keep ‘em Sharp,
Steve Martin, President
From The Vice President
Hello BOW,
Randy Burtis
BOW Vice President
Well it’s spring again, the bears are
waking up, the coyote pups are hungry,
antlers are falling and the gobblers are
strutting. Cabin fever relief is here. The
hounds and I had a great winter, I almost
lost my Aspen to a lion but she hasn’t let
the incident slow her down. I even got
married in the middle of lion season.
I am a lucky man.
The Convention in Sheridan was a huge success thanks to all
the hard work put in by so many. So my hat’s off to the team in
Sheridan; you all blew it out of the water. I am looking forward
to Casper next year.
A lot happened over the last quarter with the legislative general
session and Game and Fish regulation updates. There were
some great things, some scary things and some dumb things.
We worked with Representative Blackburn to introduce a
lifetime archery license bill. A long list of legislative members
joined on to that bill as co-sponsors including our own Rep.
Baldwin. Also Representatives Allen, Edmonds, Gay, Jennings,
Lindhollm and Piiparinen as well as Senator Hicks all joined in
to support this bill. I send a big thanks to them and hope that
you all will as well. The cost of the license will be $200 and will
be available late this year or early next year. There was a long
list of bills that dealt with licensing issues. If any of you would
like information about these, you are welcome to email or call
me and I will do the best I can to get you informed. The short
story is the only bill that passed that really affects license
holders allows the reservation of licenses for all limited quota
big game in the event the holder cannot use it due to a medical
or unforeseeable incident. This is good for people who get hard
to draw deer and pronghorn tags.
I cannot stress enough the importance of involvement in these
issues. I hear over and over how our voices matter and I see
the evidence. BOW needs your help to build a stronger
membership base. Wyoming sells 14,000 archery licenses a
year. BOW should have close to that many members. Reach
out and get your friends and fellow hunters involved. Every
time I talk to legislative members, Game and Fish personnel
and government types, they want to know how many hunters
we represent. Numbers are critical.
I challenge everyone to get involved somehow, some way small or big it doesn’t matter. There is always room for you to
be part of the preservation of bowhunting and the change for
the better.
Pick up your bow and shoot often. Good luck in the draws.
Every shot the same shot,
-Randy Burtis, Your Young Vice President
Pronghorn Custom Bows
Herb Meland
2491 W. 42nd St.
Casper, WY 82604
(307) 234-1824 evenings
Rich Wormington
280 Hwy 14A East
Lovell, WY 82431
email: [email protected]
Spring 2015
From The Treasurer
Greetings All,
We had a great convention on the weekend of March 21st in
Sheridan at the Holiday Inn. There are several articles in this
newsletter to let everyone know what events and activities
occurred, contests and winners, raffles and winners, and
projects funded. Thanks to everyone who planned and put it all
together and to everyone who attended, donated, participated,
purchased, joined BOW, and just had fun.
the end of March and first half of April). It
should be available by the time you get this
Susan Barrett
BOW Treasurer
One milestone this year is that all 300 tickets in the
Commissioner’s Tag Raffle were sold, which gave us $15,000
available for projects. We had a hiccup in the middle of the
raffle with the credit card service and have therefore changed
our credit card system and are now able to swipe cards and
also handle all sales on the internet.
We have some new merchandise with new designs that were
presented and sold at the banquet. These will be available for
purchase on the BOW webpage after the middle of April (it is
taking just a little time to get everything set up with the new
shopping cart and other scheduled commitments and activities
Have a great summer, attend some shoots, get ready for
archery season, and enjoy all the great outdoor opportunities
we have here in Wyoming.
-Susan Barrett, Treasurer
From the Secretary
Happy Spring to all of you! Another winter is past, as well as
another Winter Meeting and Fundraising Convention. Oh what
fun it was in Sheridan! Hats off to Deb and Wayne Anderson
and the whole Sheridan crew for the tremendous job they did
with the banquet. It was awesome! Thanks a million to all of
the sponsors who helped make it a success also. I hope
everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. I wish there was a way to
make it last longer though.
Our Executive Council meeting was another success, and a
huge welcome to the new council members. Glen Reed is the
new Area 7 Rep, Tom Hurley is the new Public Relations
Chairperson and Desarae Beery is on the Membership
Committee. We also have Deb and Michell Anderson serving
as new Committee Co-Chairpersons. I am glad you are all
willing to help out! And thank you to Tom Zerbst and Brad
Jones for your past contributions. See the minutes in this
newsletter for more meeting details.
South Cox, bowyer and owner of Stalker Stickbows, was our
guest speaker and also shared a presentation on hog hunting in
California. I most certainly enjoyed both of his presentations.
Game and Fish Director Scott Talbott talked at length about
what’s happening with the Game and Fish. Tim Thomas, G&F
Biologist, shared an excellent presentation on Brucellosis. Joey
Puettman shared a fly fishing event for the kids as well as an
Awaken Your Senses outdoor seminar. Josh Morgan shared a
presentation on Wilderness First Aid and
Safety. And last but not least, Maxie
Wuerker provided entertainment during
the start of the banquet.
Tom Zerbst once again shared all of the
Big Game Awards, and Randy Burtis
Joel Hoenk
shared the Photo Contest results.
I certainly enjoy shooting my camera as
well as my bow, and I was happy to
share some of my experiences from last spring and fall.
Congratulations to all of the other successful archers and
photographers who won awards.
Casper will be the site for the 2016 BOW Convention (new,
shorter name, same great event).
I have been spending most of my spare time shooting my new
Yellowstone Longbow that I purchased from Rich Wormington
at the convention. What a sweet thing it is, thanks Rich!
I hope you all have a great spring and good luck to all of you
turkey and bear hunters. Hopefully you are not getting your butt
kicked by the turkeys (on stepstools) like I have been this
Shoot straight, and shoot often!
-Joel Hoenk, Secretary
Page 3
Bowhunters of Wyoming
Area One Report
Howdy! I hope this newsletter finds all
in good health and enjoying great spring
activities like bear hunting, shed
hunting, camping and the like. Though
it has been a blessed mild winter here
in Western Wyoming, we are quite
ready to get outdoors and enjoy this
Warren Hatcher
Area One
I was not able to attend the Winter
Meeting in Sheridan, but it was a huge
success by all accounts. A heartfelt THANKS to all involved
and, if the good Lord is willing, we will see you in Casper next
year for the 2016 gathering.
As mentioned, we had a very mild and open winter this year
with our herds carrying over very well. By some miracle the
high country snow pack came in at normal and above in spite of
the dry winter range. This should make for some good fat elk
and deer, and hopefully lessen the summer wild fire danger.
With all the bark beetle killed timber we are no doubt in for
forest fires in this area at some point but hopefully they will
come in manageable sized events and not be of catastrophic
millions of acre sized.
As always, I encourage Area One members to contact me with
concerns and ideas. Do we want to pursue an earlier opening
date for archery deer in areas with a September 15 rifle opener?
I have mentioned this to some local G&F folks in the past and
the response was generally positive. Please share summer 3D
shoot dates for all area clubs as well. We could all use the
practice and the opportunity to meet new bowhunters and swap
stories is always welcomed.
Now is a good time to ramp up the exercise program in
preparation for fall hunting. You don’t have to be a marathoner
to hunt elk, but being in better shape no doubt increases your
odds for success. I’ve noticed that the hunters who consistently
tag out look like they consistently exercise as well. Food for
thought. :)
Hunt every day like it may be your last...
-Warren Hatcher, Area One Representative
Area Two Report
Hello All,
I’ve attended several Game and Fish
meetings in the last few weeks and I’ll try
to summarize what is important to Bighorn
basin bowhunters. The Greybull River
mule deer herd study and analysis is
done. The herd objective has not been
met in many years and has realistically
Dan White
reduced. The reduction of deer in
Area Two
this trophy area near Meetetse has been
influenced by years of drought and an
increase in both elk and whitetail deer numbers. It seems to me
that the Game and Fish folks are doing all they can to increase
mule deer numbers by reducing mule doe permits and
increasing whitetail harvests. However, I don’t think we’ll see
the mule deer herds of the 90’s, despite the good efforts.
We’ve had good discussions about type 9 licenses and I think
they should stay about the same. However, until we get some
type 9’s in other parts of the state (most are in Cody and the
Bighorns) we probably won’t see any increase in the basin.
As mountain goats move south into prime Bighorn country there
is growing concern over competition and disease transmission.
The Game and Fish opinion is that lots of places have great
goat populations, but nowhere is there the 5,000 sheep of the
Absorkas. In the future there may well be more hunting to limit
the expansion. The drawing odds may improve a bit from the
1/240 now, but don’t cancel your trip to Alaska.
Turkeys are now general tag in most of the Bighorn basin. The
biologists are watching this closely to see how it works in our
area of scattered populations.
At the public comment meetings there were many questions
about the status of wolf and grizzly seasons, but since they are
out of the hands of science, no one knows where our crazy
political process will end. Just in case you are worried, we have
plenty of both species!
Winter has been pretty average, the biologists say the herds are
in good shape. That bodes well for adventures of fall. Let me
know if you have any concerns and get out and have a great
Dan White, Area Two Representative
Spring 2015
Area Three Report
Howdy all,
It was good to see all who came to the banquet. Hope
everyone had a good time. It is not too early to start planning to
attend next year’s banquet in Casper.
Wyoming, which are concerns for the
Game and Fish. There is also discussion
regarding the use of drones for hunting,
which may trigger legislation in the future.
Here is an update on the tags in the Sheridan Region. Antelope
areas 1, 3, 7, 15, 16, and 19 quotas are up and the rest will stay
the same or go down. Deer tags have some areas up, some
down, some with a shortened season. Elk area 2 quota is up
and the rest are the same or down; area 38 being hit the
hardest with 100 tags, 50 archery tags. Moose areas 1 and 34
are down and 42 stayed the same.
I am planning a highway pickup on
Thursday, June 25, 2015, for Sheridan
area members. We will meet at 6:30 pm
at the lower parking area at Sibley Lake
on Highway 14 in the Bighorns.
Other interesting things happening in the area include a few
Native Americans trying to use their tribal hunting rights in
-Wayne Anderson
Area Three Representative
Be sure to apply for your tags before the
deadline. Good luck and be safe.
Wayne Anderson
Area Three
Area Four Report
Another BOW Convention has come and gone and I have to
share with those of you who were unable to attend that you
missed one fantastic event. The folks from Sheridan put on one
fantastic banquet/conference. Kudos to Deb Anderson for ram
rodding this group of folks and for organizing BOW’s annual
banquet. The challenge is out to all future hosts to equal what
we experienced for three days.
The auctions, both silent and live, were a great success and of
course the raffle for the commissioner’s tag was a sell out. The
executive board and the approval of the general membership
approved the support of many projects that were funded for the
full amount of the money raised from our commissioner’s tag.
Congrats to this year’s winner of the commissioner’s tag.
I have been looking at the G&F website daily to see if Terry and
I have had luck in the beginning of the big game draw. This is
an exciting time of the year in anticipation of the draw and also
the excitement is enhanced by the thought of getting back into
the bear country. We tried to get some bait set out last
weekend and could only manage to get within 4 miles of our
sites. By the time this newsletter hits your door step, I am sure
there will be stories of success, near misses and some great
pictures on the game cameras.
Our local clubs in area four are quickly approaching their final
shoots and watch for our outdoor shoot that usually takes place
during June. And all three clubs in our area also sponsor
various “special shoots” or benefits. Contact your local club’s
president or secretary for dates of these events. I personally
would like to see more of these local club members becoming
members of BOW. Whether you are strictly a target shooter,
hunter or simply enjoy the sport, BOW’s executive board clearly
works extremely hard to support your
love of the sport. Encourage your friends
and family to sign on as members.
The G&F is extremely busy in their
mission in being the stewards of our
wildlife and the habitat that they roam.
G&F Director Scott Talbott shared his
Harvey Dalton
valuable time with us at our general
Area Four
membership meeting in Sheridan. It is
always great to hear first hand what is
taking place with this department. As usual, grizzly bears,
wolves, sage grouse and the department budget hit the front
burners, as well as bills being introduced good or bad in the
legislature session. Mr. Talbott encouraged BOW members
and non-members alike to attend G&F regional meetings on
various topics and discussions. I must admit that the G&F was
very well represented at our BOW conference this year. It goes
to prove that the G&F is very interested in what we support and
stand for as an organization.
In closing, I would like to once again thank the individuals who
nominated me for the special award that BOW presents each
year. And a heart felt thank you goes out to my colleagues for
your support. Thank you to my family for your constant support
and love. I am humbled to join such an elite group of wonderful
and dedicated individuals who have received this award in the
Life is great at full draw.
-Harvey L. Dalton, Area Four Representative
Page 5
Bowhunters of Wyoming
Area Five Report
Hello from Area Five
Jim Mallon
Area Five
The 2015 BOW Winter Conference has
come and gone. Special thanks to all the
people who make this event happen! It
could not be the success it is without all the
great sponsors, and of course the people
who drive the many miles to attend. Thank
Special thanks to G&F Commissioner
Charles Price for the donation of his commissioner’s tag. All
300 tickets were sold. BOW used the $15,000 to help fund
conservation projects that will benefit Wyoming’s wildlife, and
wildlife enthusiasts around the state. Thanks again Mr. Price!!!
Moose in area 38 are being watched pretty closely. Thirty-three
cows were tagged with collars this spring to help biologists
better locate where cows will calve. These collars also help
biologists keep a check on population and health. Without
these collars, monitoring the health of this herd would be very
Winter range for deer hasn’t seen much snow this spring. Deer
weren’t as bunched up as in years past, but thought to be doing
pretty good. They started the winter in the best shape they’ve
been in for years and hopefully will come out of the winter in
good shape.
Cheyenne Field Archers will be hosting another Access Yes
shoot in May. This club has donated over $11,000 to the
Page 6
Access Yes program in past years, and looks to add more funds
to the program in hopes of providing more access for all
sportsmen statewide! This is a group of sportsmen who know
the value of public access! Thank you CFA!!!
The Cheyenne Field Archers will also be hosting a carp
shooting contest at the end of May. This is one of the many
events the field archers host to show people that archery is a
sport to be enjoyed year round. If you’re interested in shooting
some carp, please keep an eye out on the CFA website, or visit
their facebook page for more information.
Thanks to Representative Jim Blackburn, archers will have the
option of a lifetime archery license in 2016. Mr. Blackburn
rounded up an army of co-sponsors to help carry the lifetime
archery license bill that met very little resistance. This bill has
been in the works for three years now, and the persistence of
BOW has finally paid off! Thanks again Mr. Blackburn, and to
all the other co-sponsors who helped make this bill a reality!
Well, it’s that time of year when we turn our attention to the
computer or check our mailboxes daily to see if we’re one of the
lucky ones who drew our bison and moose tags, and I’m sure
everyone is paying close attention to all the season setting info
just out in hopes of drawing that special tag we all dream of.
I want to wish everyone the best of luck in the draw. I can’t
Keep on shooting :-)
-Jim Mallon, Area Five Representative
Spring 2015
Area Six Report
Greetings from area six,
Well, it appears that spring is here to stay in southern Wyoming,
as the snow conditions in the high country are just not up to
riding snow machines any longer. I am not so sure of the
percent of snowpack out south, but I do know that we were
always about 1 1/2 or 2 feet behind the accumulated depth that
we had last year in comparison, each time we went riding.
First of all, let me congratulate Harvey Dalton as our new
Bowhunter/Sportsman of the Year. It is always a pleasure to
shake the hand of someone so deserving of the award. We
have such a great group of people, and you never really get to
know them all real well until after the fact, but it takes such an
award to bring to light just what they have done, and what they
stand for. Well done, Harvey!!
Next up, thanks again to Deb Anderson for putting together
such a great Winter Extravaganza! And, thanks to Wayne, too,
as I am sure he was plenty of support. The dance, fresh
promotional ideas, and endless energy in setting the bar so high
deserves a BIG salute. Nice job you two, and also to all you
others who play such a big part each and every year at the
event! You all know who you are, that we could not operate
One thing that still sticks out in my mind from the banquet that I
want to bring to light is this: My daughter Kaitlyn and I were at
the silent auction item table where we could see the whole
room, when Dave Baer asked us all to stand for the National
Anthem. As it was played, I could not help
but notice just how RESPECTFUL and
REVERENT each and every individual
there stood for it, not to mention during
Dave’s table prayer.
Anymore, when
attending social/sporting events where it is
normally played, you have so many people
disrespectfully still wearing their hats,
standing with hands in pockets, etc...jerks,
to say the least. I cannot begin to express
how proud it makes me to be affiliated with
such a great group of people. You all
deserve a salute, and round of applause
too. Thank You!!
Rod Schmidt
Area Six
Well, season setting meetings have been underway and most
likely are about done for the upcoming hunting season. For the
most part, we have had a pretty mild winter down this way and
animal numbers should be up. My only concern is that the lack
of moisture could have a detrimental affect on those numbers in
the months to come. Let’s all hope and pray for plenty of rain
as we head into spring and early summer.
That is about all I know anything about, at this time. Here’s
hoping you all draw those coveted tags for the upcoming
season. Take care and we’ll talk soon.
Go make a memory!
-Rod Schmidt, Area Six Representative
Area Seven Report
First I’d like to thank everyone for the opportunity to be your
representative for BOW for Area Seven. It’s a privilege.
The big concern in our part of Wyoming and most of the rest of
the State is the extremely dry conditions, not just in the field but
everywhere. There have already been two fires in our area that
got out of control when the authorities were in charge, so show
extreme caution out there. Help protect our countryside and the
animals that live there.
We’ve seen a good number of turkey hunters out enjoying the
spring weather and showing some success, too. I’ve seen fair
numbers of turkeys in northeast Wyoming.
Hope everyone is looking forward to the
summer outdoor season, tournaments,
camping and all summer activities.
Good luck to everyone in your quest to draw
tags for your favorite hunt areas and good
luck in your spring turkey season.
-Glen Reed
Area Seven Representative
Glen Reed
Area Seven
Page 7
Bowhunters of Wyoming
2015 Convention
Above Left: Executive council meeting
Left: Terry Waugh and the Wild Night Outlaw Band
Above: Guest Speaker South Cox
Below: Member trophy display (2 photos)
Page 8
Above: Game and Fish Director Scott Talbott
Right: BOW Vice President Randy Burtis and President Steve
Martin present the Bowhunter/Sportsman of the Year award to
Harvey Dalton.
Below Left: Steve Martin and Dave Baer accept the Little Horn
Award, as well as some friendly razzing.
Below Right: Saturday evening banquet.
Page 9
Bowhunters of Wyoming
2015 Convention
General Membership Meeting - March 21, 2015
-The 2015 meeting was called to order by President Steve Martin.
-Steve welcomed all, and introduced all of the guests in attendance. South Cox, bowyer and owner of Stalker Stickbows, our Guest
Speaker and Hog Hunting presenter; Game and Fish Director Scott Talbott; Tim Thomas, G&F Biologist and presenter of the
Brucellosis study; Joey Puettman, presenter of the fly fishing kids events and Awaken Your Senses Outdoor Seminar; Josh Morgan,
presenter of the Wilderness First Aid and Safety Program; and Maxie Wuerker, our special entertainment during the start of the
-Minutes from the March 29, 2014 Winter Meeting as printed in the Spring 2014 Newsletter were approved as written, a motion was
made to accept them by Ron Niziolek and seconded by Michell Anderson. All members voted in favor of accepting the minutes.
-Treasurer’s report was prepared by Susan Barrett:
2014 income $35,184.49, expenses $32,379.14, profit $2,855.03
Balances as of March 2015:
$ 89,340.22
Total Funds
-Treasurer’s report was accepted as presented, and a motion was made by Randy Burtis and seconded by Jason Stafford.
All members voted in favor of accepting the treasurer’s report.
-Correspondence: Conservation Officer Kim Olson from Baggs has sent a nice thank you for the funds to purchase trail cameras. Last
year’s commissioner’s tag raffle winner did not fill his license, as he was holding out for a larger bull, but he did have a fabulous hunt
-Committee Reports:
-Winter Meeting: Deb Anderson shared the agenda for the Winter Meeting and all of the activities that were scheduled.
-Bowhunter/Sportsman of the Year: Brad Jones shared that there were four nominations for Bowhunter of the Year, and two
of those had multiple nominations.
-Records: Tom Zerbst had the archery awards ready to present and stated that the number of entries were down in six
-Legislative: Randy Burtis shared information on a busy legislative session. HB0135 Lifetime Archery License passed. It will
become available on January 1, 2016 for $200. Thank you Jim Mallon and Representative Blackburn! SF0114 preference
point bill for resident elk, deer, and antelope died in the First Committee. HB0208 bill for a 5-year waiting period after
drawing elk, deer tags with less than 10% drawing odds failed in the Senate Committee. HB0012 bill regarding restitution for
economic value for Game and Fish violations failed. HB0207 and SF0069 bills to change the tag allotments for resident/
nonresident moose, sheep, mountain goat, and grizzly tags both failed. HB0149 bill to change the allotment of more
expensive Special Draw tags from 40% to 60% failed in the third reading. SF0108 bill regarding restricting entry on private
land for enforcement without permission was removed from consideration. SF0056 bill to study the management of federal
land by the state passed both House and Senate, and Governor Mead signed it budgeting $75,000 to be spent.
-Public Relations: The Sheridan Radio spot was beneficial, and George Rogers definitely has a “radio voice”. The Club has
been using the statewide broadcasting network for increased publicity, and it seems to be working very well. The new
clothing line will be available with newly designed t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, and hoodies.
-Fundraising: The African Safari hunt ticket sales have been slow. All of the commissioner’s tag raffle tickets are sold.
-Education: Jeff Capron shared that we have had four Bowhunter Education classes so far this year. An instructor class will
be held on Sunday morning. The online program should be up and running in April, and will work in conjunction with the
4-hour field day instruction. The 10-hour classroom instruction will continue to be offered.
-Webpage: Susan Barrett shared the recent changes with electronic payment options on our webpage.
-Affiliate Club Renewals: A motion was made by Rod Schmidt and seconded by Susan Barrett to renew all of our affiliate club
memberships, those being US Sportsman’s Alliance, Wyoming Wildlife Federation, Physically Challenged Bowhunters, and
the Wyoming State Archery Association. All members voted in favor of renewing our affiliate club memberships.
Spring 2015
-We will continue with our current liability insurance for another year, and a motion was made by Neal Perkins and seconded
by Kendal Cheatham. All members voted in favor of continuing our existing liability insurance.
-Executive Committee Officers:
-Steve Martin will continue as president.
-Randy Burtis will continue as vice president.
-Joel Hoenk will continue as secretary.
-Susan Barrett will continue as treasurer.
-Jeff Capron continues as past president.
-Michell Anderson continues as newsletter editor.
-Warren Hatcher continues as the area one representative.
-Dan White continues as the area two representative.
-Wayne Anderson continues as the area three representative.
-Harvey Dalton continues as the area four representative.
-Jim Mallon continues as the area five representative.
-Rod Schmidt continues as the area six representative.
-Glen Reed was voted in as the area seven representative. Moved by Tom Zerbst, seconded by Brad Jones, all approved.
-Brad Jones will continue to be the bowhunter of the year chairperson.
-Randy Burtis will continue as legislative committee chairperson.
-Tom Hurley was voted in as the public relations chairperson. Moved by Michell Anderson, seconded by Sam Davis, all
-Tom Zerbst will continue as records chairperson.
-Jeff Capron will continue as education committee chairperson.
-Deb Anderson (nominated by Dave Baer) and Michell Anderson (nominated by Wayne Anderson) were voted as convention
-Michell Anderson will continue as webpage coordinator.
-Desarae Beery volunteered to serve as the membership chairperson.
-2016 Convention:
-No proposals were received to host the 2016 Convention, and on Friday the Executive Council discussed holding a centrally
located event coordinated by the Executive Council. So, the 2016 Convention will be held in Casper.
-Director Talbott’s Game and Fish Discussion:
-Game and Fish is working hard to regain state wolf management, and Representative Lummis is working on a congressional
fix to stop all of the litigation that handcuffs the Game and Fish. Senator Orrin Hatch is working feverishly to complete the
nationwide wolf delisting.
Continued on page 12...
Conservation Projects Funded in 2015
Stockade Beaver Creek Conifer Removal
Wiggins Fork Elk Migration Capture & Collar
PLPW Access Yes
Red Canyon WHMA Aspen Enhancement
Antler Hunting Law Enforcement Equipment
Law Enforcement Supplies
Eaglenest Creek Riparian Enhancement
Fawn Survival Project
Snowy Range Winter Range Gates
Total funding for 2015
$ 2,000.00
Many thanks to the Game and Fish Commissioners! Without them, this level of funding would not be possible.
Page 11
Bowhunters of Wyoming
2015 Convention
Director Talbott’s Game and Fish Discussion Continued…
-Grizzly bears have met delisting criteria since 2003, and $40,000,000 has been spent studying them. They were filed for delisting in
2007, and litigation occurred immediately.
-The Game and Fish is working with Cattlemen’s, Wool Growers, and Sportsman’s groups to develop a Wyoming sheep plan defining
core areas in NW Wyoming, emphasis and non-emphasis areas. There is one area in the Upper Green where conflict still occurs.
-Regarding sage grouse, Wyoming leads this study and is in the process of revising and reevaluating the model for the west. Almost
$1 billion has been spent in the last seven years studying the sage grouse.
-There are eight mule deer initiatives taking place currently, with the largest involvement being the Platte Valley Initiative.
-Director Talbott provided us with Governor Mead’s pen that was used to sign the Lifetime Archery License bill into effect. Governor
Mead most likely will get license #1, and BOW will pursue obtaining license #2.
-Game and Fish damage payments are costing $1,800-2,500 per animal for cattle killed by bears and wolves, and nine claims were
paid out totaling $330,000 last year.
-Game and Fish has put 23 job positions on hold, and conservation education as well as habitat have taken financial hits. The annual
budget was increased $6.5 million mostly due to legislative issues. Funds received from the Pittman Robertson Act have increased
from $6 million to $18 million, mostly due to firearms and ammunition sales.
Convention Sponsors
Many Sheridan area businesses sponsored the 2015 BOW Convention this year. There were three levels of sponsorship: Gold at
$250, Silver at $150, and Bronze at $75. The following are the 2015 Convention Sponsors at their sponsorship level:
Big Horn Trading LLC
Pony Bar & Grill
Nationswide Sports
Sheridan Motors
Ramaco LLC
Rocky Mountain Exteriors
Sheridan Travel & Tourism
Wyoming Roofing & Supply
Vacutech LLC
Zowada Plumbing & Heating Inc
Xtreme Auto Body
(Others: Eliason Financial, PO News & Flagstaff Café)
The above cash contributions were used for the following items during the convention:
The Friday night band and snacks
The Saturday evening musical entertainment
Fishing rods (4) for the youth rod building class
Printing of flyers on the pizza boxes
Convention programs
Purchase of items for the auction from local businesses at discounted prices
Carroll’s Furniture
Hammer Chevrolet
Quik Sak
Sheridan Orthopedic Associates
Join us for the
2016 Convention
in Casper,
A total of 189 adults and 6 children attended the banquet this year.
Ladies Poker Run: The following downtown Sheridan area businesses participated in the Ladies Poker Run on Saturday and we
would like to thank them for their help in making the poker run possible.
Chocolate Tree
Riddle’s Jewelry
Foot of the Bighorns
The Clothing Company
Accents of Wyoming
D J Coins
Boot Barn
PO News & Flagstaff Café
Best Out West Mall
Bighorn Design
Bucking Buffalo Supply Co
JC Penneys
King’s Saddlery
High Mountain Mercantile
Kraft’s Jewelry
Cottonwood Shop
45th Parallel
Fly Shop of the Bighorns
The Sports Stop
Over the Moon
Twisted Hearts
Paisley & Pearls
Big Horn Trading LLC
Sugar Boot
Little Willow Traders
At the banquet, the ladies who participated formed their best poker hand and the winner, Baylee Stafford from Cody, was presented
with a $25 Walmart Gift Card.
Poop Guess Contest: Each year all banquet attendees are given a chance at the Poop Guessing Game. This year was a flower pot
from Landon’s Greenhouse and Nursery with a blooming Amaryllis and a great number of pellets. The winner with the closest guess
was Jeffrey Sanderson of Rock Springs and he won $50 from BOW.
Spring 2015
Big Game Trophy Display Contest: Each year, members are asked to bring their trophies for display at the convention events. This
year there were 40-50 heads, racks, skulls and hides on display. From all the trophies displayed a name is drawn and the winner gets
a $100 Cabela’s gift card from BOW. This year’s winner was Sam Davis of Sheridan with his Wyoming bull elk.
Life Member Plaques: Between March 2014 and March 20, 2015, three BOW members purchased life memberships. On purchasing
a life membership, the member is presented with a life member plaque. These plaques were presented at the banquet to Troy
Fieseler, Jimmy Hurley, and Steve Osminski.
2014 Bowhunter/Sportsman of the Year: This award is one of the highest honors a BOW member can receive. The recipient for 2014
was Harvey Dalton from Farson.
Entertainment: Friday evening entertainment was a dance with the band, Terry Waugh and the Wild Night Outlaw Band. Saturday
evening during the social hour, music was presented by Maxie Wuerker. The banquet speaker was South Cox with a presentation on
Bowhunting High Country Mule Deer.
BOW Raffle Winners: This year there were two different raffles conducted by BOW. The first was our general raffle that consisted of
a bow and a cooler. Tickets were sold for $1 each. We wish to thank the donors and everyone who purchased tickets. There were a
total of 1,462 tickets sold. The second raffle consisted of an African hunt and these tickets were sold for $5 each or 3 for $10. A total
of 110 tickets were sold. The raffle items, donors and winners are listed below. Please remember to support the people who
continually donate to BOW and make these raffles possible. We really appreciate your continued support of our organization.
Yellowstone Longbow - made and donated by Rich Wormington of Lovell - won by Shelby Martin of Rock Springs
Yeti Cooler - purchased and donated by BOW executive council members - won by Randy Burtis of Cheyenne
South African Hunt with TDK Safaris - donated by Dakota McAtor - TDK Safaris of Cody - won by Dwight Pochant of Rapid City
Commissioner’s Tag Raffle: A 2015 commissioner’s tag was given to BOW by Commissioner Charles C Price from Daniel. We wish
to express our sincere thanks to Commissioner Price for his support of BOW this year and in previous years. This tag was raffled with
300 tickets made available at a cost of $50 per chance. All 300 tickets were sold bringing in $15,000. The winning ticket belonged to
Rory Shogren of Casper, WY. Congratulations Rory. Thanks to everyone who purchased tickets to make this a great fundraiser for
Wyoming’s wildlife and hunters. BOW returns 100 percent of the funds raised from this commissioner’s tag for projects to benefit
wildlife and hunting in Wyoming. Please find the list of projects funded on page 11 of this newsletter.
Seminars: Seminars were presented on Friday evening and on Saturday afternoon. Thanks to all the presenters for taking the time to
inform and entertain us - we really appreciate it. The seminars were as follows:
Brucellosis Study by Tim Thomas, Sheridan Wyoming Game and Fish Wildlife Biologist
Awaken Your Senses Outdoors by Joey Puettman of Sheridan
Wilderness First Aid and Safety by Josh Morgan of Sheridan
Hog Hunting by South Cox of Futana, CA
Prussic Knot Safety Video by Mike Barrett of Dayton
Special Thank You Gifts: Thank you gifts of framed prints by Jenny Wuerker were presented to Steve Martin, President; Randy
Burtis, Vice President; Joel Hoenk, Secretary; and Susan Barrett, Treasurer.
A thank you gift of an acrylic plaque was presented to South Cox for being our guest speaker.
Pack Weight Guess: There was a new contest this year—a Slumberjack Rail Hauler Frame Pack was purchased with donated funds
and then loaded with chains and other items. Anyone could lift the pack, purchase a $5 ticket and put in their guess on the pack
weight. A total of 49 guesses were made and the closest guess was by Cindi Kaster Wulff from Sundance, and the prize was the
Antler Judging Contest: The antler judging contest consisted of three mule deer sheds and three whitetail sheds. The closest score
was made by Dan White of Cody and his prize was a $25 Walmart gift card.
Card Raffle: A card raffle was held for a Pronghorn Longbow donated by Pronghorn Custom Bows by Herb Meland of Casper. Herb
has donated bows to BOW for many years and we really appreciate all the continued support he has given us. This year we held a
card raffle of two decks of cards at $10 per card for the bow and sold all 104 cards. The winning card drawn was purchased by
Kaitlyn Schmidt from Laramie. Congrats Kaitlyn and thank you Herb.
Memberships: This year anyone becoming a new member during the Convention on Friday and Saturday were entered into a
drawing for a BOW t-shirt or hoodie. The month before and during the Convention we gained 22 new members.
Page 13
Bowhunters of Wyoming
2015 Convention
Live Auction: The auction was a huge success this year. Everyone had fun and we were entertained by our auctioneer,
John Gibbens of Rock Springs. We would like to express our thanks and appreciation to John and Margaret Gibbens for their
services as auctioneer and helper for the last many years; we could not do it without them. We would also like to thank everyone who
helped during the auction. And finally, a big thank you to everyone who donated items for the auction and those who bid and
purchased items. Listed below are the auction items, the donors, the buyers and the purchase price. Please remember to thank all
the donors for their support to BOW.
Dozing Off metal art
Tree saw and pole
European Mount Stand
Fleece Camo jacket/pants
Archery Target
BOW Elk Sign
Wooden Cutting Board
Sleeping Bag
Mirror Hanger
Leather Arm Guard
Rifle Case and Bow Sling
Wool Camo Day Pack
Elk Welcome Metal Art
Pen From Lifetime Archery Bill Signing
Knitted Kids Hats and Books
Jerky Basket
Head Nets
Bino Harness
Whitetail Metal Art
Wine Basket
Blackout Ground Blind
Dozen Cedar Arrows
PNQ Hat and Shirt
Fishing Flies
Bag, Cap, Etc.
Wooden Bow Rack
Elk Ivory Pendent
Coors Shirt, Hat, Etc.
Deer Antler Wreath
Music Box
Wild and Free Elk Print
Sunlight Thru Trees Print
Bears and Bear Paws Quilt
Bino Harness
Whitetail Canvas Wall Art
Dozen Goldtip Arrow Shafts
Dozen BOW Cedar Arrows
Basket Coors Glasses
Hunting DVD’s
End Table
Stealth Hunter Vanes
X-treme Arrow Rest and Hat
Target Alarm clock
3 Oil Changes and Truck Detail
Knife/Green Sheath
2 DVD’s and Hats
Wood Frame Chalk Board
Campfire Book and Subscription
Buckle Jewelry
2 Insulated Mugs
Block Target and Easton Arrows
2 DVD’s
Canvas Duffle Bag
Antler Cribbage Board
3 Knitted Hats
Jewelry Bags
HI Gift Card and Flashlight
Basket Coors Glasses
Kaitlyn Schmidt/Weston Mueller
Home Depot, Sheridan
Don Lampert
M&S Barrett
Sheridan Co Sportsmens Association
Fab Shop
Harvey & Terry Dalton
Harvey & Terry Dalton
Neal Perkins
Slumberjack / Neal Perkins
M&S Barrett
Rod and Talli Schmidt
Governor Matt Mead
M&S Barrett / Sheridan Stationery
Shadow Mountain Water
M&S Barrett
A&C Creations
Don Lampert
Steve Martin
Maven Outdoor Equipment Co
Dave and Vicki Baer
PNQ - Sam Davis
Fly Shop of the Big Horns
Cloud Peak Energy
Yellowstone Custom Bows
Riddle’s Jewelry - Zowada Plumb
Metz Beverage
Harvey & Terry Dalton
Steve Martin
Accents of Wyo - Rocky Mountain Ext
Accents of Wyo - Ramaco LLC
M&S Barrett
Accents of Wyo - Ramaco LLC
Sports Lure
Rodney Albers
Metz Beverage
Eastman Publishing Inc
Wayne & Deb Anderson
Trophy Taker Inc
Trophy Taker Inc
Eric & Michell Anderson
Midas and Martini’s Auto Detail
Bennett Blades
South Cox
Pam & Randy Giesey
Traditional Bowhunter
Verdine Davis
Neal Perkins
Sheridan Co Sportsmens Assoc & Easton Archery
George Rogers
Sheridan Tent and Awning
Dean Davis
M&S Barrett
Verdine Davis
Holiday Inn - Cloud Peak Energy
Metz Beverage
Beth Burtis
Kendel Cheatham
Tom Hurley
Luke Roush
Sam Davis
Kendel Cheatham
K Homestead
Sam Niziolek
Kaitlyn Schmidt
Steve Martin
Sam Davis
John Lundberg
Bruce Burr
Sam Davis
Pam Giesey
Cody Dalton
Beth Burtis
Kendel Cheatham
Frankye Chandler
Kaitlyn Schmidt
Jeff Sanderson
Tom Hurley
Steve Martin
Ava Stafford
Doug White
Jake Morgan
Weston Mueller
Tom Roush
Ethan Olson
Steve Martin
Jeffery Sanderson
Shawn Staal
Luke Roush
Seith Konrath
Kendel Cheatham
Pam Giesey
Joel Hoenk
Kendel Cheatham
Talli Schmidt
Jared Augustin
Beth Burtis
Doug White
Zach DeWitt
Dustin DeCroo
Zach DeWitt
Shawn Staal
Luke Roush
Jake Morgan
Dwight Pochant
Karl Cheatham
Susan Barrett
Zach DeWitt
Tom Zerbst
Zach DeWitt
Zach Harnish
Shawn Staal
Codee Augustin
Zach DeWitt
Jake Morgan
4 Gift Cards
Knitted Hat and 3 Gift Cards
2 Gift Cards and Mathews Mug
Colorado Hunting Cabin Rental
Bow Set With Arrows and Accessories
Silver Dollar & Gift Card
Car Washes and Dog Grooming
Bear Canvas Wall Art
Beetle Clean, Dozen Easton Arrows, Subscription,
and Bow Holder
Black Velvet and Basket Coors Glasses
Gift Basket
Block Target
3 Knitted Hats
BOW Etched Wine Glasses
Faucet Set and ATV Bow Rack
Elk Welcome Sign and 2 Knitted Hats
Two Gift Certificates
Glen Del Full Rut Target
Boot With Wine & Llama Wool Knitted Hat & Scarf
ND Whiskey & Basket Coors Glasses
Wood Frame Chalkboard
ATV Bow Rack and Gambrel
Hand Forged Knife (to Access Yes)
Whitetail Knife and Sharpener
Elk Ivory Necklace and Wool Hat
Granite Table
Eastman’s Bowhunting Subscription & Broadheads
Warrior Bow Set, Head Net, Glove
Elk Welcome Sign and Skull Plaque
Knitted Afghan and Chalkboard
Wine Cooler
Shotblocker Target and Thunderhead
Koltiska Whiskey and Hat
Ribz Front Pack
Knife / Blue Sheath
Red Canyon Print
Sweetwater Microfilter
Area Rug
Chocolate Pearl Necklace
HI Gift Card and Flashlight
Blacktooth Brewing, Pony Bar,
Bighorn Smokehouse, Firewater Bar
M&S Barrett, Blacktooth Brewing,
Rib & Chop House, Firewater Bar
Walmart, Lancaster Archery, Rocky Mountain
Discount Sports
Wildskies Cabin Rental
J A Sanderson
D&J Coins, Lancaster Archery
Let-R-Buck Car Wash, Pride and Groom
Accents of Wyoming, Ramaco LLC
The Bug House, Easton Archery, Traditional
Bowhunter, Sports Lure
Star Liquor and Metz Beverage
Muley Fanatics
Sheridan Stationary
Sheridan County Sportsmens Association
M&S Barrett
M&S Barrett
Winnonelson, Peak Power Sports
Wayne Jordan, M&S Barrett
Sheridan Printing, Pride & Groom
Rocky Mountain Discount Sports, Wyoming Roofing
And Supply
Pearl Martinez, Wayne & Deb Anderson, M&S Barrett
Stan Stafford and Metz Beverage
Pam & Randy Giesey
Peak Power Sports, Harvey & Terry Dalton
Yellowstone Custom Bows
VDR and Neal Perkins
Ed Barbula, M&S Barrett, Wayne & Deb Anderson
Sheridan Custom Stone & Heritage Woodworks
Eastman’s Publishing Inc & Stan Stafford
Neal Perkins
John Gibbens, Rocky Mountain Discount Sports
Cambria Bowhunters & Larry Burtis
M&S Barrett, Pam & Randy Giesey
Home Depot Sheridan
Sports World, Stan Stafford
Rocky Mountain Discount Sports
Bennett Blades
Wayne and Deb Anderson
Cheyenne Field Archers
The Woods
Krafts Jewelry
Holiday Inn - Cloud Peak Energy
Zach DeWitt
Talli Schmidt
Keith Dana
Jeramy Ohmstede
Jeff Sanderson
Ethan Olson
Ron Olson
Luke Roush
Shawn Staal
Tom Zerbst
Zach DeWitt
Bruce Burr
Ron Niziolek
Deb Anderson
J Homestead
Tom Hurley
Patrick Hurley
Weston Mueller
Shawn Staal
Patrick Hurley
Kendel Cheatham
Wayne Roadifer
Randy Burtis
Zach DeWitt
South Cox
Zerbst Pumping and Services
Sports World
Metz Beverage
Dave & Vicki Baer
Interior Images
Peak Power Sports
Peak Power Sports
M&S Barrett
Harvey & Terry Dalton
John Lundberg
Tim Hoenk
Terry Dalton
Terry Dalton
Ethan Olson
Bob Peters
Frankye Chandler
Jeffrey Sanderson
Jeffrey Sanderson
Patrick Hurley
Aaron Wuerker
$ 40
$ 854
Patrick Hurley
Patrick Hurley
Shawn Staal
Shawn Staal
Levi Jones
Beth Burtis
Pam Giesey
Steve Martin
Ethan Olson
Jake Morgan
Brad Jones
Mike McCalla
Zach DeWitt
Sam Davis
Zach DeWitt
Codee Augustin
Susan Barrett
Jake Konrath
Silent Auction:
Stalker DVD and Cap
Deer Welcome Sign
Shotblocker Target
Basket Coors Glasses
Alaskan Ulu Knife
Gift Certificate
Trail-Tex Cargo Bag
Bow Utility Holder
3 Knitted Hats
Page 15
2015 Shoot Schedule
1, 2&3
23 & 24
Marked 3D Nationals, Redding, CA
Riverton 3D
LAA-Casper (3rd Leg 3D TC)
PAC-Gillette Mothers Day 3D
Thermopolis-Kostelecky 3D
12, 13 & 14
13 & 14
20 & 21
27 & 28
Riverton 3D
Newcastle 3D
Big Sky-Grand Junction, CO
CAC-Cody K-Z 3D
Fort Collins Archery Assoc Jamboree
State Target-Cheyenne
LAA-Casper Fun Shoot
Wyoming Contacts:
State Shoots
Lynell Preston
Andy Turnquist
Mike Hoover
Carl Lenardson
Melanie DeBusk
Neal Ruebush
Eric Bohlander
11 & 12
11 & 12
18 & 19
25 & 26
Thermopolis 3D
State Field-Cheyenne
Grouse Mountain 3D, Buffalo, WY
—Call Brett for details 307-684-9212
Riverton Mountain Shoot 3D
State 3D-Wheatland
14, 15 & 16
CFA-Cheyenne Bowhunters Weekend
Big Horn Mtn 3D at Bear Lodge Resort
LAA-Casper Traditional Shoot
Newcastle 3D
899-9280, [email protected]
257-7509, [email protected]
220-2325, [email protected]
746-9937, [email protected]
899-6919, [email protected]
251-6468, [email protected]
241-0321, [email protected]
Fort Collins Archery Association:
Matt Dworak, President, 970-231-8348
Mark Bogner, Membership, 970-686-8867
To add your affiliate club events to future newsletters, email Michell Anderson at [email protected] with the information.
Feature from Dan White...
When meeting with our Game and Fish people I am always discussing ways to increase bowhunting opportunities.
Especially when these can be done with no negative effects to other groups, it makes good sense to pursue the
ideas. As I’ve hunted deer or elk in September, several times fall turkey permits that become valid in October have
been in my pack. Many states such as Texas, Florida, Nebraska and others have archery turkey seasons that run
concurrently with archery big game seasons. Why not a September bow season for turkeys? I think it can happen,
but it will take lots of suggestions and a bit of pressure statewide to make it a reality and add another fine game
animal to our fall hunts!
For many years September was the “HOLY MONTH” for archery. Drought and other factors have forced game
managers to move more and more gun seasons into September and even August. The quality of hunting
experiences have declined in many areas. Most of these seasons have a type 6, 7 or 8 license to kill or disperse
problem animals on private lands. Why not add a 15-day archery season to each of these license types? It would
harvest a few animals and get hunters into these problem areas sooner. I know several sugar beet farmers who
would be happy to have deer and antelope moved as soon as possible. Many of these hunts would be before school
starts when young hunters have busy schedules that don’t include much hunting time. Yes, they will be
mostly does and cows, but to most of us all, archery taken game is special! I got a fairly positive reception in Cody
with Game and Fish people and I encourage everyone to bring up these season ideas with your local managers.
Archery turkey and type 6, 7 and 8 preseasons make good management sense and would add a lot of quality days to
our favorite sport.
Let’s start the change,
Dan White, BOW Area Two Representative
Page 16
BOW Members
Trophy Section
Stalker Coyote Bow,
Beman Arrow, and
Woodsman Elite
Cole Kayser
2014 Wyoming bull taken by this Sheridan High School junior.
Mathews Heli-M Bow, Carbon Express Arrow, Rage
Broadhead, Nikon rangefinder, Mossy Oak Break-Up Camo
Hoyt Protec, GoldTip
Pro 7595 Arrow,
Rocket Hammerhead
Page 18
Mike Samp
Rabbit harvest
from this winter,
while sporting a
Susan Barrett
stocking cap.
Send submissions for the BOW newsletter to Michell Anderson at [email protected].
Page 19
Bowhunters of Wyoming
Spring 2015
Bowhunters of Wyoming
P.O. Box 126
Dayton, Wyoming 82836
[email protected]
Affiliate Clubs
Black Mountain Archery
20 West Drive
Wheatland, Wyoming 82201
Cody Archery Club
P.O. Box 3095
Cody, Wyoming 82414
White Mountain Archery Club
P.O. Box 1258
Green River, Wyoming 82935
Bridger Valley Archers
P.O. Box 1076
Mt. View, Wyoming 82939
Firehole Archers
P.O. Box 864
Rock Springs, WY 82902
Wind River Archers
P.O. Box 2105
Pinedale, Wyoming 82941
Cambria Bowhunters
P.O. Box 669
Newcastle, Wyoming 82701
Fort Collins Archery Assoc.
P.O. Box 270493
Fort Collins, Colorado 80527
Wyoming State Archery Assoc.
91 Marquette Drive
Cody, Wyoming 82414
Cheyenne Field Archers
P.O. Box 20790
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82003
Soldier Creek Archers
335 Pheasant Place
Sheridan, Wyoming 82801
Wyoming Pope and Young Official Measurers
Newsletter Deadlines
Winter, December 31
Spring, April 15
Summer, June 30
Fall, October 15
Delivery Dates
Winter, Early Feb.
Spring, Early May
Summer, Early Aug.
Fall, Early November
Page 20
Ronell Skinner
Mike Barrett
Jack Morey, Jr.
Rene Suda
Richard Bonander
Pat McAteer
Joel Hoenk
David Pawlicki
Rick Parrish
Randy Burtis
Ron Niziolek
Green River
Jon Bloom
Eric Boley
Robert Bergquist
Rock Springs
Keith Dana
Vic Dana
Patrick Malone
Kenneth Morgan
Robert Hanson
Jerry Bowen
Dan Hart
Bowhunter/Sportsman Of The Year
Ray Rynio, Rock Springs
Mark Chapman, Rock Springs
Vern Butler, Evanston
Mike Barrett, Dayton
Vaughn Cross, Rock Springs
Jim Downey, Cheyenne
Terry Constable, Sheridan
Gary Cole, Newcastle
Terry Fieseler, Rock Springs
Rick Parish, Cheyenne
John Backs, Lander
Susan Barrett, Dayton
Mike Lindahl, Casper
Rod Schmidt, Rawlins
Claude Rauch, Cody
Ron Niziolek, Cody
Steve Deroche, Cody
David Moss, Basin
Steve Martin, Rock Springs
Gary Shinn, Cody
Jeff Capron, Cody
Tom Pindell, Wheatland
Mark LeFaivre, Rock Springs
Herb Meland, Casper
Jason Stafford, Cody
Joel Meena, Cheyenne
No nominations
Neal Perkins, Cheyenne
Warren Hatcher, LaBarge
No nominations
Brad Jones, Newcastle
Randy Burtis, Cheyenne
Steve Martin, Rock Springs
Harvey Dalton, Farson
What will BOW do for me?
Many times the question has been asked, “Why should I belong to Bowhunters of Wyoming?” Or, “What will BOW do for me?” These are valid
questions and ones that deserve good answers to anyone who might be considering spending some time and money to participate in the sport of
bowhunting here in Wyoming. First and foremost BOW’s purpose is to promote the enjoyment and betterment of the sport of bowhunting. We believe
this can only be accomplished by the sincere effort of those who participate. To answer what BOW will do, let’s have a look at what BOW has done.
BOW speaks for you with the State Legislature and the Game and Fish Department. We have sponsored legislation to do away with the four separate
archery licenses (we now only buy one), allow bird hunting (including trophy) with a bow, provide pre-season archery hunting (at one point we had lost
it), elevate the black bear to trophy game status and take the bear tag off the elk license. Additionally, BOW helped convince the governor to veto a bill
that would have allowed the use of muzzle loaders during archery pre-seasons. Working with the Game and Fish Department, we have promoted
longer seasons (15-30 days in most areas, where it was originally 10 days), some archery only licenses (which allows you to hunt longer), and adjust
season dates so that all species do not have to be hunted in the same timeframe.
During the past several years BOW has donated money to the Game and Fish Department for different projects including windmill repair, spring
developments, whitetail poaching decoys, goose nesting structures, pitting of elk pastures, habitat burning projects, and more. BOW provided the
initial funding and support to bring the International Bowhunter Education Program (IBEP) to Wyoming. We are currently working with the Game and
Fish Department to make the IBEP program mandatory for anyone bowhunting in Wyoming. We are the only organization in the state that keeps big
game records and have published the first record book (two editions) for Wyoming bowhunters. BOW members have grouped together and taken on
six Adopt-A-Highway program areas across the state.
Communication between bowhunters is provided through our newsletter, which is published quarterly. Anytime other important issues come up,
postcards or letters are sent to all members to inform them of the issues and where to make their comments. With our Affiliate Club Membership, there
is another way to keep more bowhunters informed of the issues through their local clubs and also provides another avenue for local club liability
Winter banquets, summer jamborees, and meetings give members an opportunity to socialize and discuss concerns pertaining to bowhunting. Each
year we have big game awards, a photo contest, a guest speaker, manufacturer booths, and much more at our winter meeting. The summer jamboree
is family oriented and provides fun for all ages with outdoor animal rounds, fun shoots, contests, and refreshments.
Next time you hear these questions, why not ask, “Do you really enjoy bowhunting, especially in Wyoming? Are you anxious to go hunting in those
early archery seasons? Do you know who represents the bowhunter’s voice in Wyoming?” Bowhunters of Wyoming is a respected organization
dedicated to the promotion and education of bowhunting and bowhunters, and to wildlife conservation. Support an organization that supports you!
There is still a lot to do!
When you become a member of BOW, you gain an active interest in supporting bowhunting and bowhunting laws by receiving BOW voting rights, a
quarterly newsletter delivered to your residence, a window decal, and a coupon for one year of Bowhunter Magazine for a reduced rate.
Enclosed is my check or money order. Please enter my membership in BOW. (Membership purchase is also available on the BOW website.)
NAME_________________________________________ ADDRESS__________________________________________________
CITY/STATE__________________ ZIP__________ PHONE___________________ EMAIL_________________________________
___ Regular Membership $25
___ Family Membership $35 ___ Affiliate Club Membership $40 ___ Life Membership $400
Name of Current BOW Member Who Referred You _______________________________
Send to: Bowhunters of Wyoming, PO Box 126, Dayton, WY 82836
Bowhunters of Wyoming
P.O. Box 126
Dayton, Wyoming 82836
Sportsmen and women who choose
to elevate the standards of
NOTICE: Due to technical complications, we’ve had to start a new Facebook page but have been
unable to get Facebook to remove the old page and are unable to remove it ourselves. Please be
sure to find our new page and give us a like! The new Bowhunters of Wyoming page has “2015”
with the profile photo (as pictured below).
Thank you and we apologize for the confusion!