February - The Monty
February - The Monty
February Issue 2008 www.themonty.com Heat Treat News Introduction In the introduction to our January 2008 issue of “The Monty” we included a list of our predictions for the upcoming year. One of our predictions was how captive and commercial heat treaters in North America would fare this year; “captive and commercial heat treaters on the US West coast will continue to see the good times roll as a direct result of the aerospace industry. Likewise Texas and the southern US will continue to boom because of the oil and gas industries. On the other side of the coin Michigan, Ohio and Canada will see heat treaters continue to struggle to some extent because of the downturn in the domestic auto industry, with Canada in particular struggling because of the increase in value of the Canadian dollar vs.; the US dollar. Don't get us wrong though, the large commercial shops in these areas will reap the benefits of continued outsourcing within the auto industry while the smaller operations will have "challenges" in 2008. Outside of these geographic regions we are of the opinion that most areas will not change a great deal in 2008.” In light of the turmoil in worldwide stock markets, the expanding crisis in the banking sector and the very real possibility of a recession in the US do we have any reason to rethink our mainly optimistic outlook for heat treating in North America? No and the main reason why we think this is ironically enough based on these exact forecasts, which have partly been responsible for a dramatic drop in the US dollar compared to virtually every other currency in the world. Using the Euro as an example we see that in early 2003 the USD was almost at par with the Euro, as of January 28/08 we are looking at a dollar being worth $.67 Euro. The world has changed over the years and very few successful North American manufacturers are not exporting a large portion of their production. Turning to our own industry as an example we can think of a number of small companies involved in the heat treating industry (sales of under $10 million USD/year) that are seeing exports increase dramatically and becoming a very significant portion of their business. Why? Simple look at growing foreign markets, expanded global trade and then tack on what is now a decrease of over 40% in manufacturing costs over the past 5 years because of a lower USD and you have a recipe for expanded manufacturing in North America based on exports. There are other factors in play here and a very definite possibility that the US will experience a recession but at the end of the day we firmly believe that American manufacturing will prove as resilient as it has always been in the past. We continue to forecast that while captive and commercial heat treating in North America might not have a record setting year it will be one that at least proves to be “good”. Heat Treat News Overton Gear Corp./Addison, Illinois, USA. A large supplier of custom gears for the wind, transportation and construction industries (please note the wind portion of this statement), Overton has now finished a 10,000 square-addition to its in house heat-treating facility. As far as heat treat equipment goes this includes two new pit carburizing furnaces, along with an 84-inch quench press unit. These furnaces will join Overton's existing five pit furnaces and five batch IQ furnaces. With this expansion Overton will now be able to heat treat gears up to 90” in diameter. The large gear industry is a growing one, especially for components for windmills and this expansion comes as no surprise as Overton has for quite some time been debating between adding internal heat treat capacity or outsourcing. At the end of the day there are very few companies that can handle this sort of capacity; our guess is that probably not more than 10 in North America have the available capacity to handle gears of this size. An interesting debate about furnaces this size is whether to go with pit style furnaces or batch IQ. Pit furnaces are a far simpler style and cheaper to purchase. On the other side we have Batch IQ furnaces that transfer the load to quench far faster and you do not lose all your 2 atmosphere after heat treating a load. Take you pick-there are a lot of other pluses and minuses on both sides of the coin. Jog our memory about the advantages and disadvantages of both down the road and we will be glad to tell you why some companies choose one style and others go a different route. January 30/08 Ammonia Pricing/The latest Bogeyman? Our ignorance of ammonia dissociators came through loud and clear the other day in an article we printed about the rising price of Ammonia. While large users of ammonia have been approaching us recently about a way of producing ammonia on site to counteract the rising prices, ammonia dissociators work exactly the opposite of our impression. In such a unit ammonia is “cracked” into Hydrogen and Nitrogen rather that producing ammonia. However after doing some research we have not come across any methods of producing ammonia on site which means the only alternative to rising pricing is to change atmospheres, a solution which is not viable in most cases. Life is a continual learning curve. January 30/08 FPM Ipsen/Cherry Valley, Illinois, USA. The bane of heat treaters are fires and unfortunately a very regular occurrence. One of the largest commercial heat treaters in North America suffered a fire just this past Monday, January 28/08. FPM Ipsen in Cherry Valley, Illinois went thought a fire that required Firefighters from 10 area departments to control, a fire that was triggered supposedly by a fire which travelled up a ventilation system and onto the roof at this very large facility. Sounds like 20 employees were inside the plant at the time of the fire, but in spite of that nobody was hurt. Over the years we have had many, many news items about FPM form the time they were for sale to the time they were entering into a partnership with Overton Gear for pres quenching (Overton is mentioned above) to the time they were taken off of the market. A company that has had it's ups and owns but had survived and appears to be doing well these days. January 30/08 Commercial Automotive Heat Treating/North America. In regards to our write up about Commercial automotive heat treating a bit further down the page dated January 23rd, below are a sampling of 3 some comments we received. Most preferred to be anonymous and the individuals who did identify themselves asked that we not use their names if we printed their thoughts. From some of the thoughts we gathered our first impression was that some readers have a real comprehension problem. We have no problems with disagreement as what we presented was our opinion only but nonetheless some responses were so obnoxious that they caught us off guard. January 29/08 "In regards to your predictions on Commercial automotive heat treating, I am not sure you know what you are talking about, why would the big shops prosper when we all know the North American Automotive industry is in decline? Your ideas make no sense to me." Joseph, Detroit "I have worked with a few of the large commercial heat treats and although I agree with you to a large extent, we will be looking elsewhere." George, Canton "Interesting predictions and thought on the Commercial Auto Heat Treating industry in NA. Going overseas is becoming a more attractive option for us." Unknown "I agree...It's becoming harder for us to keep doing things in house, will always look for other options." Fred, Houston "As a commercial heat treater we are doing everything we can to NOT work with Detroit. We are focusing on more work from Toyota and Hyundai. With GM you wake up one day and they are running my company and telling me what to do." Please do not use my name. Used Equipment Available. Added today an Inconel insert for a pit type furnace. We lowered the price on the Mocco Thermal Industries, 4 drop bottom, aluminium, solution treatment furnace, on the Thermcraft 1400°F Box Temper Furnace & on a Despatch Oven listed on the Draw/Temper page. On the Continuous page we just added an Area Electric (now Sinterite) Sintering Furnace. Something a little different - we have a complete Fastener Plating & Phosphate Department for sale that comes with 2 Recirculating Air Belt Tempering Furnaces. Some new listings are 2 Pifco Rotary Hearth Sintering Furnaces, a 1996 Vac Aero, 6-Bar Pressure Quench Vacuum Furnace & an excellent condition CI Hayes Vacuum Temper that has the added bonus of a new lower price. We also have a CI Hayes Vacuum Oil Quench Furnace in “mint” condition, a Vac Aero Model HR20 Vacuum Furnace and a B.O.C./Edwards Vacuum Pumping System. Moving to a different area of heat treating we have a very nice looking Car Bottom Furnace, listed at $19,000 USD. Kind of a wild card is a Holcroft Gas Fired Continuous Atmospheric Annealing Furnace. Two other furnaces, which in our opinion are well worth mentioning are 2 Ipsen T-7 Batch IQ furnaces - great shape and a great price. Last but not least are 3 1970’s vintage Surface Super 30 Allcase furnaces capable of FNC, in good condition and ready to go. Please keep in mind that this is just a small sampling of what we have available and if you don’t see what you are looking for let us know and we will find it for you. January 29/08 Accurate Steel Treating/SSI. Accurate is a commercial heat treater located in Southgate, California, USA that has for some time done gas nitriding. As we can see from the press release below they made the decision to go with a Super Systems gas nitriding control system for several of their furnaces which represents an impressive investment. It’s interesting that just a few short years ago pretty well the only company offering complete gas nitriding control systems was Montreal, Canada based Nitrex, the fact that SSI should also choose to enter this field shows that nitriding is a growing field in the eyes of many, something which we would certainly agree with. January 29/08 'Accurate Steel Treating of Southern California has implemented a multi-furnace nitriding system from Super Systems Inc. Since 1962 Accurate Steel Treating has been leading the way with one of the most advanced heat-treating facilities in the industry. 5 The Super Systems nitriding system includes all the controls and safeties to provide a fully automated nitriding process. The installation supports a multi-furnace configuration where the furnaces can be selected for automated controls. The various sizes of gas nitriding furnaces utilizing these automated controls provides Accurate with flexibility to run a variety of part and load sizes. The control system provides automatic cycle controls with less operator involvement, creating an error free environment, delivering repeatable, traceable and higher quality products. “Our goal was to install a system which provides us flexibility for various load sizes and a wide variety of customer specifications that could deliver precise control”, says Mike Bastian of Accurate. “SSi has delivered just that, a proven automated nitriding system incorporating a multi-furnace manifold system which gives us outstanding results and a greater value added for our customers”, continues Mike. “Accurate has seen fantastic metallurgical results for a variety of materials for various customer specifications”, says Steve Thompson of Super Systems. “We are excited about the implementation of a multifurnace gas nitriding system so Accurate Steel Treating can now utilize the automation for precise control and repeatability across multiple retorts. This system handles different load sizes and processes to maximize furnace utilization.” TFL Inc./Refractories. You will find below that TFL has given us a few interesting thoughts about refractory in heat treating furnaces. January 29/08 "TFL Incorporated brings new technology to an often ignored problem – Refractories. There are many reasons why refractories often get overlooked when it comes to proper maintenance of heat-treating furnaces. Refractory hearths, linings and support piers are expensive, they are difficult to repair, and it is rare these days for a typical heattreating operation to have refractory knowledge and expertise inhouse. In an effort to simplify refractory maintenance for its customers in the heat treating industry, TFL has taken a new approach, combining proper refractory material selection with the concept of using precast and prefired shapes to line furnace doors, walls, hearths, seals and curb areas. Refractories in car-bottom furnaces typically see severe thermal cycling under normal operations. This “thermal shock” can be severely damaging to conventional castables, resulting over time in cracking, spalling, and premature failure. For heat treating furnace linings, TFL has selected a particular castable that uses fused silica as its principal 6 aggregate. Because of the low thermal expansion rate of this aggregate, linings made with this material are much less likely to crack and spall. Secondly, TFL has shown its customers the real cost-saving benefits from using precast and prefired shapes. Casting hearth blocks, door shapes, curbs, seals, and piers in a controlled shop environment, and then firing them in a controlled manner prior to shipment makes for refractory components that last longer, are easier to install and maintain, and are less costly in the long haul. Refractory shapes designed to fit a particular furnace can be pre-ordered and kept on hand as spare parts. Replacement can usually be done without the need for an expensive refractory crew on site. TFL, Incorporated is a 30-year old supplier of refractory materials and related services located in Houston, Texas, and is a leading manufacturer of custom-designed precast refractory shapes." Ammonia Pricing/The latest Bogeyman? In 2007 we had record breaking prices for nickel resulting in record breaking prices for furnace alloy components which in turn resulted in heat treaters seriously looking at their alloy requirements and possible alternatives (we will point out though that the price of nickel dropped in late 2007 and so did alloy pricing). Also in 2007 we had record breaking pricing for Methanol causing many heat treaters to reconsider Nitrogen/Methanol atmospheres in favour of Endo Generators. For 2008 the latest nightmare for heat treaters could be the rapidly escalating price of ammonia most commonly associated with Carbonitriding and Brazing applications. Why the price for ammonia has risen so dramatically is rather ironic, the world stampede to Ethanol fuels (to reduce greenhouse gases) which is largely derived from corn has meant tremendous growth in the demand for fertilizers which in turn requires a great deal of ammonia, which of course means in turn rising demand, short supply and increased prices. We became aware of this issue fairly recently after the third or fourth heat treater expressed a strong interest in used ammonia dissociators. It would appear that the issue of rising ammonia costs is with us for some time to come so the question becomes what alternatives are there? Ammonia dissociators or in the case of brazing applications a switch to a Hydrogen/Nitrogen atmosphere? We are going to have a look at this 7 in the coming weeks but as usual any readers with greater knowledge and insight into this than ourselves would find their comments quite appreciated. And by the way who the heck even makes new ammonia dissociators these days? January 28/08 Enrique Cruz/Bodycote International. Going back some time we mentioned Enrique Cruz as being Quality Control Manager at the Bodycote (commercial heat treating) facility in Maple Heights, Ohio. We have had no reason to keep in touch with Enrique recently, however we did just hear that he is the new General Manager of the Bodycote facility in Santa Anna, California, USA. This operation has made our news page over the years and was run by Marty Keylon until he retired and moved to northern California a few years back. It’s a real shame that we cannot find some photos we posted of this plant some years ago. As we recall it was a very impressive commercial heat treat, with one of the first Ipsen International “lights out” batch IQ lines in North America (depending upon whom you speak with this was either an overwhelming success or not quite so much of an overwhelming success), some very nice continuous lines and the nicest floors we have ever seen in a commercial heat treat shop. All in all this is a nice facility and with Enrique in charge we have no doubt but that it will continue in this vein. January 28/08 Business Opportunities. One of the fastest growing commercial heat treaters in California, USA, Thermal-Vac is looking for a Director of Quality Assurance/Manager, if you are interested please follow the link and send them your resume directly. Quite a few people looking for positions: a Dynamic Professional with 24 plus years experience in the commercial heat treating industry - this is an individual that we hold in high regard and will personally recommend, we also have a very qualified Mechanic looking for a new opportunity, a senior level sales professional with over 20 years experience, a Metal Treatment/Metals Manufacturing Specialist looking for a position, a Metallurgist looking for a position, a top notch Maintenance guy looking for work & an Experienced Induction Heating Service/Installation Engineer looking for a job. Heat Treating Services Unlimited, Inc. (HTSU) is seeking a Technician & a Southeast US Aerospace/Commercial Brazing & heat treat facility is currently looking for a General Manager. January 28/08 Datapaq. Readers might well have noticed our most recent advertiser, Datapaq. A well known, well respected company they very kindly provided this brief summary of their firm and what they do and join our list of advertisers who are getting their message out to over 8 14,000 heat treaters around the globe each and every month. January 28/08 "Founded in 1984, Datapaq manufactures in-process temperature profiling and analysis systems to help users improve quality, reduce rejects, minimize fuel costs and find faults quickly. With a reputation for accuracy, ease-of-use, and reliability, Datapaq has set the industry standard for excellence. Datapaq is the preferred choice in temperature profiling and continues to provide systems that exceed the demands of the heat treating industry. Datapaq Inc., 187 Ballardvale St., Wilmington, MA 01887 Phone 978-988-9000 http://www.datapaq.com" Where Are They Now? Ralph Brown. From time to time readers ask what has happened to individuals that they have lost track of in the heat treating industry. This is always a request that we are happy to help out with and rather enjoy. In this case we have had at least 4 companies in Canada ask what happened to a long standing, well known individual very involved in the Canadian vacuum heat treating industry-Ralph Brown. Ralph has been involved in the Canadian vacuum heat treating business for as long as we can remember, most recently as the Ipsen International (New Vacuum and Atmosphere furnaces) Service Manager in Canada. Our note below from May of 2007 tells us that he parted ways with Ipsen but since that time we have not heard a word from him and it would appear that most other people haven't either. If anybody can provide us with a recent "Ralph Sighting" it would be appreciated as a number of potential customers would like to hear how they can get in touch with him. Along the same lines a large vacuum heat treater in Canada asked who the local Ipsen service individual is. We don't know but if somebody at Ipsen could let us know it would be appreciated. January 25/08 "Ralph Brown/Ipsen International. For quite some time now Ralph Brown has been the Service Centre Manager for the Ipsen International location in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. This location services and installs all of the Ipsen products (new heat treating furnaces) in Canada. Things change and while Ralph will still be servicing Ipsen equipment he is now doing this on an independent basis." May 31/07 9 Seco Warwick/Westinghouse Specialty Metals. As part of our continuous efforts to find out the top 10 everything in the heat treating industry (10 largest commercial heat treaters in North America, 10 largest in the world, most influential individuals in the industry and 10 largest furnace builders in North America) the Seco Warwick name came up (by the way all these lists are linked on the right side of this page). Seco came up as the 5th largest new furnace builder in North America and the press release below is one of the reasons why. January 25/08 "Westinghouse Specialty Metals Plant in Blairsville, PA has purchased a High Vacuum Retort Annealing Furnace to process zirconium tubes. Westinghouse is increasing their plant capacity to meet the needs of customers in both China and the United States. The Vacuum Annealing furnace is custom engineered to meet the exceptionally tight uniformity standard of ±5ºF in the 48 inch x 6 inch x 216 inch hot zone. The furnace is rated for 1200ºF and will be equipped with a cold cap High Vacuum diffusion pump. About Westinghouse Specialty Metals Plant Westinghouse Electric Company offers a wide range of nuclear plant products and services to utilities throughout the world, including fuel, service and maintenance, instrumentation and control, and advanced nuclear plant designs. With headquarters in Monroeville, Pennsylvania – near Pittsburgh – Westinghouse now has operations in twelve states and fourteen countries, with annual sales of approximately US$1.8 billion. After designing the world's first commercial pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant in Shippingport, Pennsylvania, in 1957, Westinghouse and its licensees provided more than 40 percent of the world’s 434 operating commercial nuclear plants, the world’s largest installed base of operating plants. All of this experience places Westinghouse at the forefront of the nuclear industry. But most importantly, Westinghouse applies its expertise to ensure that nuclear power will continue to provide safe, reliable and economical electricity without producing carbon emissions or other greenhouse gases." 10 Brite Metal Treating/Cleveland, Ohio, USA. A medium sized commercial heat treater in the Cleveland area, (George Mokrytzky, President, Airfasco, parent company) this company has really grown recently with the addition of another location. In December of 2007 they acquired a former Bodycote facility in Maple Heights, Ohio. What this means is that they now have had a great deal of continuous capacity in this plant which will compliment the capabilities they now have in their current operation. While commercial heat treating around North America has strong areas and weak areas the Cleveland area finds most captive and commercial heat treaters continuing to do well these days. January 24/08 Commercial Automotive Heat Treating/North America. On the right side of this page you will see a link which will take you to a list of the 10 largest commercial heat treaters in North America in terms of annual sales. A scan through this list will tell you that at least half are heavily automotive, generally doing heat treating for Ford, General Motors and Chrysler as opposed to foreign auto manufacturers. With declining sales for the “Big 3” what can some of the largest heat treaters on the continent expect to see? Outsourcing of auto parts is already a given and will continue to grow. Focusing on the heat treating aspect only, we have seen GM outsource most components for their 6 speed transmissions to Bodycote and ALD, in the case of Ford, we see a mixture and Chrysler, surprisingly enough, is building a brand new auto components plant in Michigan which will incorporate a new heat treat department. However the writing is on the wall and at the end of the day the amount of heat treating done in house will continue to decline. When we look at this outsourced work we have basically four options, parts continue to be made internally and the heat treating sent to commercial shops, the entire component going to independent auto parts makers such as Linamar Machine, Magna, Dana, TRW etc., who generally do all their heat treating in house, work going to independent auto parts makers that farm out their heat treating and the last option which is outsourcing to Asia or other lower cost areas. Extrapolating from these options, we see two possible cases which will take more of the heat treating out of the hands of the Big 3 and into the hands of commercial heat treating, straight outsourcing of heat treating and parts makers choosing to make parts but not heat treating. We have debated these scenarios with a number of the largest commercial heat treaters in NA and generally opinions are mixed. Everybody is in agreement that the volumes are dropping, everybody is pretty much in agreement that there will be more outsourcing of components which will probably mean more work to commercial shops-but will it? Perhaps in their efforts to further reduce 11 costs so many components will be outsourced outside of North America that between smaller overall volumes and larger volumes going out of the continent that at the end of the day the pie becomes so small that most commercial shops will be struggling? We’re going to give you our prediction; Overall volumes will continue to shrink, outsourcing outside of NA will grow, but at the end of the day, the large commercial heat treaters specializing in automotive work will prosper BUT only the operations with the resources to invest in new technologies, quality systems and the endless parade of new specifications that must be adhered to. We know darn well that most commercial heat treaters in North America are frantically looking for opportunities outside of automotive heat treating and that we are bucking the trend on this prediction. Course it's not our money and we'll all know who is right in a year or two won't we? In the meantime though, bet good money on the large automotive commercial shops prospering. January 23/08 Nitrogen/Methanol vs.; Endo Generators. It continues to be a source of amazement to us that any captive or commercial heat treater in North America with a good reliable supply of natural gas should still be using Nitrogen/Methanol in carburizing applications purely for the reason that Endo generators produce a carburizing atmosphere for substantially less money than Nitrogen/Methanol. This is an issue that we have brought up in the past on a number of occasions but some companies continue to stubbornly stick to Nitrogen/Methanol. From a maintenance standpoint there is very little difference between the two systems which brings us to the economic factors. Consider that over the past 6 months that the "themonty.com" has looked at least a half dozen captive and commercial operations in Canada and the US that are currently using Nitrogen/Methanol and are considering going back to Endo Generators. In each and every case the payback period was from 6 months to an extreme of 1 1/2 years (the main difference being whether it was a new or used endo generator being considered and also the local gas costs). In our experience a payback period for any new project of 1 year or less is a no brainer which should make this very attractive. To take it right down to the bottom line a medium sized captive shop that we looked at recently would see a payback of about 8 months which represents a 12 savings of over $200,000 USD/year in the future and this was with a brand new generator. There are virtually no changes a heat treater in North America can make that will bring such an immediate cost savings with so little effort! If you have any doubts let us know and we will gladly run the numbers for you. Switching strides but staying on the topic of furnaces gases will the rising price of ammonia cause companies to start to consider Hydrogen/Nitrogen in Brazing applications? An upcoming topic. January 22/08 VAC AERO’s Coatings plant Receives its AS9100B Standard Accreditation. Oakville, Ontario, Canada Vac-Aero is one of Canada's largest commercial heat treaters as well as being one of the largest builders of new vacuum furnaces in North America. Read on about their latest Accreditation. January 22/08 "BOUCHERVILLE, Quebec, (January 21, 2008) – After conducting an assessment of VAC AERO’s management system to the requirements of the AS 9100B standard, Intertek Testing Services NA, Ltd. has recommended VAC AERO for the AS9100B standard certification which was delivered to the Boucherville facility in November 2007. VAC AERO’s facilities in Quebec and Poland offer thermal spray coatings (plasma and HVOF), grinding and inorganic coating services to international Aerospace and other high-tech companies. The aircraft and aerospace industries are quickly embracing AS9100 as a means of improving quality and on-time delivery within their supply chain. Public demand for safety and reliability drives the need for product quality to approach near perfection. The only way to work towards perfection is to work through continuous improvement. Quality management systems in conjunction with third party audits are integral to continuous improvement. Certification to the AS9100 standard provides: · Qualification to be considered as an aerospace supplier · Public recognition · Internal validation · Independent feedback to foster continual improvement About VAC AERO’s Coating Division VAC AERO’s Boucherville facility is equipped for applying a variety of protective coatings to both small and large components and specializes in developing new coating solutions. Services to the Aerospace and high-tech industries include; plasma and HVOF spray coatings, inorganic paint and pack coatings as well as grinding. Extensive knowledge and experience, coupled with a unique approach to understanding client’s challenging needs and requirements has positioned VAC AERO as a leading provider of innovative surface 13 engineering and coating solutions. A global focus enables VAC AERO to service international companies such as Bombardier, Pratt & Whitney and Siemens-Westinghouse to name a few. VAC AERO operates coating facilities in Canada and Poland." Linamar De Mexico, S.A. While the North American auto parts business remains bruised and battered these days it is still an enormous industry and parts manufacturers continue to invest although not at the rate they were just a few short years ago. A Canadian manufacturer, Guelph, Ontario, Canada based Linamar Machine has done quite well over the years and continues to do well. Their Mexican operation, located near Monterrey is a large viable operation which is staying busy and has enough demand to necessitate an expansion of their in house heat treating. As this is written Linamar is just completing the installation of two more batch IQ furnaces to compliment their existing batch and Induction heat treating department. While we are mentioning Linamar we will also say that one of their plants in Guelph, Ontario is now on the verge of starting up two ECM vacuum carburizing systems. Continuing in this vain we can also say that Linamar is one of just a handful of companies in Canada that can offer vacuum carburizing. Our best guess is that perhaps 3 companies at most are involved with this in the Canadian market. In the photo below you can see the Linamar De Mexico facility as it appeared one year ago. The two individuals in the foreground are on the left Eric Jossart of Atmosphere Engineering and Damian Bratcher of SSI. January 21/08 CHS-ASIA. Owned and run by Randy Simmons and David Pickup, CHS has done well over the years as a manufacturer of new furnaces, rebuilder and HT systems integrator in the Asian market. With the order below valued at $1.5 million USD it would appear CHS is moving into the big leagues. January 21/08 14 "Singapore S.E.A. – CHS-ASIA with Facilities throughout Asia, received a Purchase Order from its Singapore Office for a Turn Key Heat Treatment Facility comprising of, One (1) High Temp (Max Temp 1200o C) Pit Type Carburizing Furnace, One (1) High Temp (950o C) Pit Type Tempering Furnace (With Nitrogen ATM), One (1) Polymer Quench Tank, One (1) Forced Air Cool Quench and accessories. The total order value with the Turn Key Installation will approach S$1,500,000. The furnaces will heat treat, anneal, and Temper Alloys alike Inconel 925, 725 and 718 as well as conventional materials etc. The furnace work dimensions are 1.0m Diameter X 4.5m Deep with a Gross work load of 9000lb. The Furnace depth being known as the deepest in South East Asia, Is designed, based on its already proven systems installed, achieving less than +/- 5o C. Uniformity throughout the Temperature Range. The whole facility incorporates CHS-ASIA’S Electrical and Process Gas Controls C/W, Touch Screen and PLC Controlled Recipe Programmable Smart Process and later expandable to CHS-ASIA’S Smart Factory Suit. All Systems and equipment are Compliant with NFPA 70, 76 & 86 Codes. The Heat Treatment facility will be handed over Mid July 2008. For Further Information, Please contact David Pickup at [email protected] " Solar Manufacturing/V.S.M.P.O. We very seldom print rumours, so it was very odd that in mid December/07 we printed two rumours that we felt were very credible. The first had to do with a large US based commercial heat treater being acquired-this turned out to be Metroplex HT in Arlington, Texas, USA. The second one concerned a large vacuum furnace order being placed and our initial story is below. This also turned out to be true as you can read below. We have included a photo showing a typical Solar car bottom vacuum furnace-that is if you consider such monsters to be typical. As this order is worth almost $7 million USD this will we're sure rank as one of the larger new furnace orders for 2008. January 18/08 "New Vacuum Furnace Order? While we very seldom print rumors from time to time we run across one that we consider reliable enough that it is worth printing. Such is the case today. We have a reliable rumor that an order will be placed before the end of this year for two very large, high vacuum furnaces with a US based manufacturer of new vacuum furnaces. The furnaces are to be shipped to the largest Eastern European titanium supplier in the world and this company is a major supplier of titanium for the aerospace industry. Hopefully we can confirm this and give you more details in the very near future. December 13/07" 15 "Souderton, PA – A contract has been signed for Two (2) Large Car Bottom vacuum furnaces for shipment to V.S.M.P.O. Salda, Russia. The total order value with shipment and installation will approach US $7,000,000. The furnaces will heat treat, anneal, and high vacuum degas titanium and titanium alloys like V.S.M.P.O. grade 5553 for the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner and other aircraft or related applications. The furnace design is based on US Patent NO. 6,936,792 B2 specifically covering the critical hot zone and car bottom design which features under hearth heating zones. The identical furnace hot zones are 24’ deep x 84” diameter with work load capacity to 50,000 lbs. each. Operating temperature is to 2400°F and high vacuum to 10-5 torr with two 35” Varian high vacuum diffusion pumps per furnace. Each furnace is powered with a one megawatt dry type phase angle controlled Magnetic Specialty Inc. five zone power supply and Honeywell micro processor based pyrometer controllers. A PC-based data acquisition system backed by redundant Eurotherm data acquisition instrumentation is provided for thermal work monitoring and order processing input and retrieval. For additional information contact Richard A. Jones, Solar’s International Sales Manager." Fisher Barton Specialty Products/Fountain Inn, SC. As a very large manufacturer of lawn mower blades and agricultural components, Fisher Barton will probably rank as one of the larger captive heat treaters doing austempering. With 3 plants around the US and each having a captive heat treat department they are an impressive operation. Business is obviously good for them and consequently they are investing in new equipment to keep up with demand which brings us to our news item for today. As we speak the Fountain Inn, South Carolina, USA facility is installing a brand new Ajax, 2700 pound/hour austempering line. While there is a lot of debate about where the US economy is going these days, well run companies continue to grow and prosper, this is yet another example. January 17/08 16 Zinc Phosphate Removal Response. In response to our question yesterday (which you will find below) , one of our readers kindly emailed us this information: "In regards to the question on stripping zinc phosphate, send them here: http://www.pfonline.com/" A second response had this to say " Hi Gord, here is what I found on the web, but your correspondent may not like it ... http://www.finishing.com/114/42.shtml ... ughhh ... Chromic Acid ... in my view an even worse scenario. So there you have it, There are solutions but they are not necessarily easy ones. Send us your questions and we will get your answers! January 17/08 Mike Lesiak/Hi-Temp LLC. Hi-Temp with three locations in Northlake/Melrose Park Illinois, USA one in Greensburg, Indiana and overseeing Rock River HT in Rockford, Illinois is part of one of the largest commercial heat treaters in North America, Bluewater Thermal. For today we can tell you that the longstanding President of Hi-Temp, Jim Carlson retired at the beginning of this year and that the new President is an individual by the name of Mike Lesiak. While we do not know Mike personally we have so far heard very good things about him. January 16/08 Zinc Phosphate Removal. Now this is an unusual question and one we have never run across before. Any suggestions would be appreciated. January 16/08 "Could you point me to sources of non-caustic formulations for removal of zinc phosphate prior to heat treatment?" ALD-HOLCROFT Literature. January 16/08 “New technical literature has been released by ALD-Holcroft Vacuum Technologies Co., Inc., Wixom, MI, to announce the availability of multiple quench options for its ModulTherm® vacuum-based heat treating systems. User can specify high pressure gas quenching, reverse flow gas quenching, oil quenching, press quenching, and water 17 quenching. This quench flexibility allows a single installation to handle multiple tasks ranging from low pressure carburizing to vacuum aging, annealing, case hardening, through hardening, nitriding, and normalizing. The new ALD-Holcroft literature provides technical details on ModulTherm vacuum chamber furnaces, a shuttle-mounted high pressure gas quenching system, a heated transfer shuttle for moving work to floor-mounted quench systems, and support equipment for integrated, fully automated operation. To illustrate the production flexibility of ModulTherm systems, the new ALD-Holcroft literature includes a two-page schematic drawing of a turnkey heat treating system that integrates eight vacuum treatment chamber furnaces and a track-mounted heated transfer shuttle with a floor-mounted 20 bar high pressure gas quench system, an oil quench system, a water quench system, a holding chamber for press quenching, a helium gas recovery system, a tempering furnace, a pre-wash system, a preoxidation line, and a multi-level, multi-slot load storage and retrieval system. ALD-Holcroft manufactures vacuum-based thermal processing systems engineered to accommodate the operating practices and production requirements of heat treating facilities in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The company has the in-house capabilities to manage major projects on a turnkey, single supplier basis." www.aldholcroft.com . Texas Heat Treating. So what do commercial heat treaters in Texas, USA do for fun? Hunting! We at “themonty.com” were very fortunate (and very privileged) to be able this past weekend to join the annual Goose hunt hosted by Lone Star Heat Treat of Houston, Texas, one of the largest commercial heat treaters in the Southern US. We’ve spoken about this company in the past and going through our archives these notes (below) will tell you everything you want to know. To summarize about Lone Star, three facilities in the US, Houston, Texas, Denver, Colorado and Torrance, California. For today though have a look at the photos further down and see what Texas heat treaters (and Canadians) do for fun. January 15/08 "Lone Star Heat Treating Co., Ltd. Everything is bigger in Texas and the heat treaters are no exception. Since 1945 Lone Star Heat Treat has been a privately owned commercial heat treater currently owned 18 by the Van Dorfy family, Mike Van Dorfy Senior (CEO) and Mike Van Dorfy Junior (President). To the average heat treater Lone Star is a real strange operation, no vacuum furnaces (at least at this location), no pushers, mesh belts or even many batch IQ furnaces, what you mainly see are a number of very large continuous furnaces for processing bar stock for the oil industry, large tip up furnaces, Induction systems and some batch capability. This is a nice setup, clean for a commercial shop but unlike probably 95% of the commercials out there. To see a commercial heat treat with literally millions of pounds of heat treating lined up in the yard outside to be processed is every heat treaters dream but Lone Star is one of the few to realize this dream. The Van Dorfy's are good people and Texans? Texans are not like the rest of us. Bigger, louder, more full of life, brasher but they probably would be in the running for some of the friendliest people in the world (real opinionated too but that's a topic for another day). I will say though that they are incredible hosts! To cut to the chase Lone Star is one of the largest commercial heat treaters in the US and will quite possibly make our list of the "The Ten Largest" Commercial heat treaters in North America. January 2007" Gord Montgomery (themonty.com), Mike, Van Dorfy, President, Lone Star, HT. Please note that what makes this photo the most interesting is the hat that Mike is wearing. While it is hard to see in this photo it says "Advanced Heat Treat, Ultra Glow". Advanced is a very large US commercial heat treater with 3 locations in the US (head office, Waterloo, Iowa) and probably the largest commercial ION Nitriding in the US. Interesting to know why Mike is wearing this hat. From Left to Right; Bud Van Rooyen, GM Lone Star HT, Jason Van Rooyen, Mike Van Dorfy (Jr.), President, Lone Star, Jordan Montgomery (themonty.com), 19 Mike Van Dorfy (Senior), CEO, Lone Star HT. From left to right; Gord Montgomery (themonty.com), Jordan Montgomery (themonty.com), Dwayne Comer, Maintenance and Purchasing Manager (Lone Star HT) Blackstone Acquires GSO for $930 Million USD. No we are not turning into the “Financial Times”, this is a heat treat news item. The details are below but to cut a long story short GSO Capital Partners LP are the owners of Bluewater Thermal, the largest US based commercial heat treater with 18 locations around North America http://www.bluewaterthermal.com/ and annual sales of at least $100 million USD. Whether this will mean any sort of change to the status of Bluewater Thermal is unknown to us and probably most people but in our humble opinion probably will make no difference in the near to medium term and quite possibly even in the long term. The announcement below is brief summation of this transaction but we are sure if you would like further details they are easy to come by. January 15/08 “Blackstone Group LP, the world’s largest buyout firm, agreed to buy hedge fund manager GSO Capital Partners LP for as much as $930 million USD, a sign it expects debt markets to rebound from subprimelosses. GSO founded by former Credit Suisse group executive Bennett Goodman, will add $10 billion in leveraged loans and distressed debt investments to Blackstone’s $35.8 billion in hedge fund assets, Blackstone said Thursday, January 10/08”. Odds and Ends. We are now going to look at a few brief items about the heat treating industry. ITD Precision (captive heat treating) recently installed a mesh belt austempering line purchased from JL Becker Company at their plant in Texas. While this was originally planned for Mexico, plans changed and it is now going to their plant in 20 Texas which also does Powder Coatings. As we all know Bodycote (commercial heat treating) recently purchased Metroplex HT in Arlington Texas from the owner Jerry Luce. Jerry plans on staying on and running this operation for at least two years. A real asset to this operation in our opinion. John Deere, one of the largest captive heat treaters in North America has embarked on a major redevelopment of their site in Waterloo, Iowa. This will involve Deere donating the land and buildings to a non profit group which will develop the area. Part of these donations involves the former Deere heat treat building, a lower grey single-story structure which will be removed and a new exhibition pavilion will be constructed in its place. This might or might not bring tears to the eyes of previous John Deere heat treat employees. Bernie Parry (in our humble opinion one of the most experienced sales guys in the new furnace business) is now General Sales Manager at AFCHolcroft, a promotion well deserved in our opinion. Commercial heat treat acquisitions in North America will be amongst the most numerous ever this year with several announcements within the next few months. January 14/08 Home Page Photo. As regular readers of "The Monty" know our home page photo changes on a regular basis and shows different captive and commercial heat treating operations around the world. If you can guess the location we will give you a free ad on "The Monty". Our last photo (which nobody guessed and is below) was a rather obscure one, Commercial Spring in Monterrey, Mexico which we visited almost exactly one year ago. While not a large captive heat treat, what it lacks in size is more than made up by the fact that it is absolutely immaculate! January 11/08 Selas Heat Technology/New Rep. When we think of Selas we think of rotary retort style furnaces of which they made a million (well at least quite a few) over the years. Still a well known name in the industry their name comes up on a periodic basis. By the way their name came up about a year ago as a result of a question we received about whatever happened to Pacific Scientific-the answer of course was that they were bought by Selas some time ago. That's the background, now you can read the exciting news about their new reps. January 11/08 21 “Montgomeryville, PA -Selas Heat Technology Co. LLC today announced an agreement with Heat Equipment and Technology, Inc. (H.E.A.T.) to represent the company in the states of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, and West Virginia. In addition to H.E.A.T.’s headquarters in Cincinnati, the firm also maintains offices in Cleveland, Columbus and Detroit. H.E.A.T. Inc. has been providing solutions and equipment for thermal processing for over 30 years. From single components such as temperature controls and gas pressure regulators to complete industrial burner systems, H.E.A.T. Inc. has the product range and experience to help improve the combustion performance of Selas’ current and future customers. In addition to product sales, H.E.A.T. will also offer installation assistance and field service of Selas products as well. Revitalized and committed to growth, Selas Heat Technology Company LLC has been dedicated to providing quality heat technology solutions since 1896. In that time, Selas has served the advanced thermal processing needs of tens of thousands of customers, providing radiant and low NOx burners, combustion gas mixers, gas blender valves, flame arrestors and blowouts, BTU monitors and controls, flow meters, heat processing furnaces, and much more. Selas delivers heat technology solutions to the glass, steel, non-ferrous metals, chemical, petrochemical, automotive, and plastics industries with the highest quality products, customer service and aftermarket support.” Heat Treat Equipment Wanted. The demand for good used heat treating equipment remains very strong these days. As a service to our readers we are always more than happy to source used items for them. Today we have several items that readers are very seriously looking for. If you have surplus equipment that matches what we are looking for please let us know. January 11/08 -a used 15,000 CFH Exo Generator -forge furnaces. These can either be a box style or rotary hearth style. Temperature required is 2100-2250F. A box type furnace would need working dimensions of approximately 6’ wide X 7’ deep X 43” high. A rotary style would need to be 10’ diameter and 5’ high. -large pit carburizing furnaces. There is a tremendous demand these days for this style of furnace. A 72” diameter unit would be optimum but most large sizes are in demand. 22 Commercial Heat Treat Shops for Sale. WG Montgomery Ltd., (themonty.com) is the only independent organization in the world that puts buyers and sellers of commercial heat treat companies together. We have done this for a number of years, have a proven track record and can offer references as well as guaranteeing complete confidentiality. Currently we have several such operations available, ranging from medium sized right on up to very large. Should you have any interest in acquiring a commercial heat treat shop or conversely selling yours please contact us at 905 822-4004 or by E-mail [email protected] .We have lots of sellers of heat treat shops and serious buyers! January 10/08 Xtek, Inc. / HTF, Inc. Lets' go to a captive heat treater for this new item. Xtek is a, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA based company with a very impressive captive heat treating operation that is always on the leading edge of heat treat technology. According to the notes below they have just purchased a brand new bell carburizing furnace from HTF Inc. of Wisconsin. January 10/08 "Xtek, Inc., a power transmission manufacturing company in Sharonville, OH, serving the steel industry worldwide has placed an order with HTF, Inc. (www.heattreatfurnaces.com) of Sturgeon Bay, WI for a large dual hearth bell carburizing furnace. The furnace hearth is 90 inches working diameter and the work zone height is 72 inches. HTF will use Super Systems Inc. for atmosphere and temperature controls. The furnace will be electrically heated and is designed without a retort. The dual hearths will allow Xtek personnel to build and tear down loads on one hearth while parts on the other hearth are being processed. HTF, Inc. is represented at Xtek by Stahl Engineering of Indianapolis, IN and West Chester, OH." Ipsen, Inc./New Additions to staff. We would describe this press release as a "state of the union address". You can find out all you ever wanted to know about how Ipsen International in Rockford, Illinois, USA (new vacuum furnaces) is doing. January 10/08 23 '"New Staff At Ipsen Confirms Continued Strong Growth January 7, 2008 (Rockford, IL) - Due to strong customer demand and a positive outlook, Ipsen, Inc added 12 new hires to its North American team in the fourth quarter of 2007. The engineering and production departments were both expanded by four each while the remaining talent is assigned to quality control, purchasing and aftermarket services. Ipsen’s HR Manager John Menne stated, “Adding a balanced mix of experienced and entry level positions at the Rockford (IL) and Souderton (PA) sites assures that we can deliver high performance for years to come.” Menne added, “We are taking initiatives now to relaunch a revitalized Ipsen internship program in the first half of 2008 to ensure that we also train the experts of tomorrow.” Ipsen, Inc. finished 2007 with one of its best years in its history, and continued strong bookings into 2008 have fuelled the hiring initiatives. 2007 also caps a year in which the VFS brand (Vacuum Furnace Systems Corp) was merged into the Ipsen family, to form the most experienced and diversified vacuum furnace provider in the industry. Ipsen, Inc. designs and manufactures industrial vacuum furnaces, atmosphere furnaces, and supervisory control systems for a wide variety of thermal processing markets including: aerospace, commercial heat treating, medical, nuclear, chemical, tool & die and automotive." Brad Hynes/Heat Treating Services Corporation of America. We’re going to call this a “human interest story”. Brad Hynes, VP of Heat Treating Services in Pontiac, Michigan (one of the larger commercial heat treaters in Michigan) was recently featured in a story called “Grays on Trays”, which is about “older individuals” taking up snowboarding with their kids. The only catch to this is that Brad is only 44! Here is a brief excerpt from the article which appeared in “Crains Detroit Business”. January 9/08 "Brad Hynes can no longer straighten his left arm. The persistent 10 percent bend is a souvenir from a father-son snowboard trip to Lake Tahoe last year. While trying to keep up with his sons, Troy, 19, and Jeff, 17, Hynes spotted a sign that said "CLIFF." At the last second, he grabbed a tree to stop and hyper-extended his elbow. Troy and Jeff, who either didn't see the sign or didn't care, shot off the overhang (it turned out to be about 3 feet high) and rode on down the mountain. Hynes, 44, got up and rode the rest of the day but came home with a round of physical therapy ahead of him. I've got (snowboarding) pictures all over my office," said Hynes, vice president of operations at Heat Treating Services Corporation of America, a family-owned business with three plants in Oakland County. "Most people want to know about it, but they say they're too old to try. You're never too old 24 to try it. You just need a little Motrin." Hynes, who is a seasoned skier, has been snowboarding with his sons since they were 3 and 5. "I got them on skis really early, and they just weren't progressing like I wanted them to," said Hynes, who also coaches White Lake's Lakeland High School snowboard team. "I got a sore back carrying them down the hill, so I bought them snowboards. Within four hours, they were on the black diamonds. It looked like fun, so I bought one for myself." Boeing/Aluminum Heat Treating. Did you know for the past 8 months Boeing and other Washington, USA based aerospace companies requiring large aluminum parts to be heat treated had to send their work all the way to California? Earlier this year the only Puget Sound, Washington based company that could heat treat big aluminum parts for Boeing lost it’s approval to do so meaning a long trek to California. However after 8 months of longer lead times and additional costs, a company by the name of Vector Industries in the Puget Sound area bought a new oven to be able to handle the large Boeing parts. Vector (which has for some time been a commercial heat treater) saw an opportunity, stepped up to the plate and is now (as far as we know) the only commercial heat treater in Washington with the capacity and certifications to be able to handle some of the largest Boeing aluminum parts. January 8/08 The Principles of Proper Vacuum Furnace Maintenance/Anaheim, California USA. Everything and more that you ever wanted to know about looking after vacuum furnaces. January 8/08 "March 18-19, 2008 Doubletree Hotel Anaheim Anaheim, California USA All vacuum furnaces require the maintenance of a leak-free environment in order to control the transformation of materials to 25 meet strict product quality requirements. Heat treating professionals, technicians, and engineers involved with vacuum furnace technology, will all benefit from this two day event which is focused strictly on vacuum maintenance. Located in the heart of the worlds aerospace and high technology markets, Anaheim California is the location for this vacuum maintenance symposium. Don’t miss your only opportunity this year to meet and learn from some of the top experts in the field of vacuum maintenance. Topics for this symposium include: * Leak Detection * Pumping Systems * Pyrometry per AMS2759 Rev NADCAP accreditation * Instrumentation Controls * Hot Zone Designs * Cooling Systems * Specialty Gas Choices * Preventative Maintenance This technical seminar includes a round table discussion staffed by experts who know how to keep multi million dollar pieces of equipment running at their top performance daily. We look forward to seeing you in Anaheim!" Ionic Technologies / TS 16949 and AS 9100. Part of the Aalberts Industries conglomerate Ionic Technologies (Greenville, SC, USA) is proof that Ion Nitriding is here in North America, here to stay and that this technology has a very definite place in the heat treating industry in North America. January 8/08 "Dale, Gord, Happy New year! Ionic Technologies located in Greenville, SC part of the Aalberts Industries Material Technology Group (AIMT) has obtained TS 16949 and AS 9100 quality certificates as of January 4th. Ionic has Ion Nitriding, Vacuum Hardening, Cryogenics and PVD Coating processes. Best Regards, Ray Monahan, President, Ionic Technologies, Inc" 2008 Heat Treat Predictions. Glance down this page to our "2008 Predictions" of January 8/08 and you will see a rather mixed bag of our predictions for the heat treating industry in 2008. Based upon a 26 reasonable amount of feedback we can say that we had some agreement and some disagreement. Our predictions about nickel and consequently alloy pricing remaining fairly stable for 08 met with some skepticism, Ion Nitriding growing did not meet with much favour, our comments about Induction Heat Treating growing met with substantial agreement because as one large captive heat treater told us "in the right application Induction is 30% more energy efficient" (a rather remarkable figure-have to research that one) and some of our predictions met with complete agreement (or at least no such strong disagreement as would prompt a reader to write to us). One of the more complete responses we received is below and came from Randy Simmons of CHS-ASIA, a new furnace builder in Thailand. We disagree with Randy's comments about Ion Nitriding (personally we see this as a growing segment of the heat treating market and will bet good money on it) but his comments about exporting Batch IQ units and Vacuum furnaces, while controversial could have some merit. Please let us know your thoughts [email protected] January 7/08 "Your predictions are quite interesting, some are obvious givens and some are risky guesses. Weak dollar = more exports - yes Oil prices high = Texas economy good - yes Plasma nitriding = big business - wait and see - there are problems with this technology and the SSI gas nitride system gives better results as per a local customer. I agree that North American Companies are not going to risk purchasing equipment from unproven and unsupported Asia manufactures. Asia Companies also feel the same way about North American manufacture not supporting there equipment over here. Most of our orders come from Western Companies like Ford, TRW, and others wanting local support. We just got a large order from an American Company because we offer local support and turn key installation. Equipment such as Vacuum Furnaces and Sealed Quench lines are so low tech that I predict less being exported each year. Why pay 30,000 USD just to ship an unsupported Vacuum furnace across the pond when you can purchase it locally? I predict more equipment to be built in the market it is sold in and less export in either direction. Cheers, Randy" 27 CMC Impact Metals. While CMC is not a company we know a great deal about (being outside of what we would call mainstream heat treating, carburizing, nitriding, vacuum heat treating etc.) obviously they have carved out a very nice niche of the commercial heat treating business and are doing well at it. January 7/08 "CMC Impact Metals, formerly known as Allegheny Heat Treating, recently received ISO-9001 registration for its Youngstown, Ohio facility. The Youngstown facility had no findings at its registration audit which was conducted by SRI Quality System Registrar. CMC Impact Metals was established in 1979 in Chicora, Pennsylvania. It is now part of the Commercial Metals Company and has facilities in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Alabama. CMC Impact Metals heat treats long products including special bar quality (SBQ) rounds and structural flats, plate, and shapes. It serves the needs of various steel using markets including steel service centers, truck trailer and other OEMs, oilfield equipment, and military. The Chicora, PA, facility has been ISO 9001 registered since 2004. Efforts are now underway to implement ISO at the recently opened facility in Pell City, Alabama." Diamond Heat Treat/Rockford, Illinois, USA. A thriving commercial heat treater in the Chicago area, Diamond HT has been mentioned by us a couple of times in the past as you can see from our previous news further down. Immediately below this introduction you can see why they come up today-an announcement of a major addition to the business which will double the size of the company. This is further proof that gas nitriding (which is what Diamond specializes in) is a growing business although we do not mean to take away from their batch IQ work which is represented in the form of Beavermatic batch IQ units as is mentioned in this formal press release. The photos further down show the partially completed addition and a picture of Bill Denning, VP. January 4/08 "The County Board voted at their December 13th meeting to assist the expansion of Diamond Heat Treat with a tax abatement. The company which is locally owned and operated has over twenty-five years of experience in the field. Diamond Heat Treat, a commercial heat treating business proposes to expand to serve manufacturing and aerospace companies, as well. The company provides commercial heat treatment to alter the physical properties of materials. The company proposes to double their current 25,000 square foot building to 50,000 square feet. The current facility is state of the art and features new Beavermatic internal quench furnaces. The company will retain the existing 43 jobs, as well as creating four new jobs upon completion of 28 the addition. The goal is to add a total of 16 new full-time jobs by 2012. Some of Diamond Heat Treat’s current customers include Caterpillar, John Deere, CNH, Case and New Holland. The company operates three shifts, 24 hours per day." "Bill Denning/Diamond HT. This is almost like a school reunion. The 2 owners of Diamond HT (commercial heat treating) in Rockford, Illinois, USA use to work for an individual by the name of Bill Denning at Ipsen Commercial Heat Treating in Cherry Valley, Illinois a number of years ago. The owners left to start Diamond HT in 1997 and Bill Denning left to work as the General Manager at Rock River HT again in Rockford. Just recently Mr. Denning was hired by the two Bills at Diamond HT as the GM. For a little more background we can tell you that Ipsen Commercial Heat Treating was purchased by FPM HT (one of the largest commercial heat treaters in the Chicago area), Rock River HT is part of Bluewater Thermal, the largest US based commercial heat treater and Diamond HT is a thriving commercial shop specializing in Gas Nitriding. May 23/07" "Diamond Heat Treat. We ran across a newspaper report saying that this commercial Heat Treat Shop in Rockford, IL sustained a million dollars in damage due to fire earlier this week. We want set the record straight on this one - it turns out the damage was closer to $50,000 6 pellets burned and there was some water damage caused by the sprinkler. Far better news than originally reported. Diamond Heat Treat is still up and running. We've had a number of dealings with one of the owners, Bill Akre and he is a super guy. One other thing we would like to add about this company is that they do a lot of gas nitriding. Sept. 1/06" 29 Drag Racers/Heat Treating. If you want an example of how heat treating (little known to most people) can affect our lives look no further than this story. Some time ago an individual very involved in US drag car racing approached us with a story of how drag racers could be inherently unsafe because the tubing used in the chassis structures were not being heat treated or not being heat treated as they should. We ran this story at the time and it would appear that "themonty.com" has become a sounding board for this very heated debate. We have taken a small clip from this story but the whole story can be read at http://competitionplus.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=vie w&id=4358&Itemid=24 For our readers outside of North America that are not familiar with drag racers very briefly it is a form of auto racing probably unique to North America. January 4/08 "The heart of this issue is whether heat treated 4130 chrome moly (sometimes referred to as “hardened) tubing is fit for use in some portions of Top Fuel and Funny Car chassis, or should these volatile machines be welded together using only Condition N, or “normalized” tubing. Since there now seems to be some disagreement as to what “normalized tubing” consists of, and to avoid confusion, from here on we’ll stick solely with the term “Condition N,” as that seems to be universally accepted. Cracking is definitely not a new problem. The SFI Top Fuel chassis spec (2.3M) currently being used does call for the use of heat treated tubing in some portions of the cars, and has apparently resulted in some incidents that have gone largely unreported." Nitrion/Bodycote International. While Bodycote International as the world's largest commercial heat treater needs no introduction Nitrion will require some background. Located in Munich, Germany Nitrion is a larger than average commercial heat treater that offers two processes, Ion (Plasma) Nitriding and gas Nitriding which means they are going after a very specialized (but profitable) market. This is a company which has been very successful over the years, mainly for the reason that they developed their own Ion Nitriding equipment which offers some very unique advantages. A number of years ago we at "themonty.com" introduced John Hubbard (CEO of Bodycote) to the owner of Nitrion, Michael Motschmann with the result that on December 18/07 Bodycote acquired Nitrion, making this the second acquisition Bodycote has made in the past month (the first being Metroplex HT in Arlington, Texas, USA which we were the first to announce just before Christmas 07). For a number of reasons we feel that the Nitrion acquisition is an excellent one for Bodycote. Not only 30 do they acquire a "high end", modern, commercial shop in a growing area of Germany but they now have access to Nitrion's Ion Nitriding technology which we assume will be "exported" to other Bodycote facilities around the world. While Bodycote does offer Ion Nitriding in a number of their plants the Nitrion design has proven over the years to offer some real advantages which will conceivably translate into Bodycote acquiring a larger share of the growing worldwide Ion Nitriding market. If it sounds like we're enthusiastic about Nitrion you would be exactly right! Well run, clean, new, profitable commercial heat treat companies such as Nitrion are the way all commercial shops should be. The photos below were taken when this whole process started which was in 2004 if memory serves us correctly. As a footnote to this story we can say that the owner and President of Nitrion, Michael Motschmann will be leaving the company to continue his endeavours in the world of venture capital, while the technical expert behind Nitrion's technology, Wolfgang Singewald will be remaining with Nitrion. Please note that while Nitrion also has a location in Brazil this is not part of the acquisition. On a more personal note this marks the 9th or 10th commercial heat treat company we have helped to find a new owner for, giving us a proven track record. Should you have an interest in selling your commercial heat treat business we would be very pleased to help. January 3/08 From left to right; Dale Montgomery (themonty.com), Karen Parsinen, Sabina Motschmann, Jan Elwart, Managing Director Bodycote, Central Europe (which means he oversees all the Bodycote facilities in Central Europe, real witty guy by the way), Michael Motschmann, John Hubbard (Bodycote) and Peter Parsinen (Nitrion, USA). Nitrion, Munich, Germany 31 From left to right; Wolfgang Singewald (Nitrion, Technical Director), Gord Montgomery (themonty.com), Peter Parsinen and the fellow on the right we apologize but for the life of us we cannot remember his name. 2008 Predictions. In retrospect the year 2007 will generally be fondly remembered by most captive and commercial heat treaters in North America and around the world.. Granted the wild ride that nickel pricing took us on, escalating energy costs and trials and tribulations within the automotive industry caused a certain amount of anxiety but overall it was a good year for most. Will it continue in 2008? This is our forecast for the upcoming year; January 2/08 -captive and commercial heat treaters on the US West coast will continue to see the good times roll as a direct result of the aerospace industry. Likewise Texas and the southern US will continue to boom because of the oil and gas industries. On the other side of the coin Michigan, Ohio and Canada will see heat treaters continue to struggle to some extent because of the downturn in the domestic auto industry, with Canada in particular struggling because of the increase in value of the Canadian dollar vs.; the US dollar. Don't get us wrong though, the large commercial shops in these areas will reap the benefits of continued outsourcing within the auto industry while the smaller operations will have "challenges" in 2008. Simply put to handle automotive volumes and specifications you need deep pockets. Outside of these geographic regions we are of the opinion that most areas will not change a great deal in 2008. -after a slow year for acquisitions within the commercial field watch for a substantial increase in 2008 as a direct result of the increased profits of 2007. What better time to sell than when you're coming off of a couple of banner sales years? -while most of the new furnace builders had a very good 2007 watch for a decrease in new orders from North America with some increase in new orders from overseas-due to the weakness in the US dollar. At the same time you will find European manufacturers of furnaces definitely struggling to sell into NA with Asian manufacturers remaining pretty much where they now are, an insignificant portion of the new furnace market. North American companies are not yet ready to buy new 32 equipment from overseas companies with no proven track record and no established service network. -one of the fastest growing segments of the heat treating business will be that having to do with wind generation. Already large used pit furnaces for windmill gears have become almost impossible to find, resulting in growth of the sale of new pit furnaces and batch IQ units. -a trend that we remarked upon earlier this year was the switch from Nitrogen/Methanol to Endo generators due to lower costs from Endo generators. On this one we were dead on the money and a number of captive and commercial shops made the switch over the past year with more to follow in the very near future. -while we do not see any enormous growth in vacuum carburizing in the near future certainly auto parts makers (in particular gear manufacturers) will continue to push for more VC as an alternative to traditional carburizing systems. While we are talking about technologies we continue to believe that Ion Nitriding will grow along with increases in the Induction field. -our longest shot prediction? Nickel pricing will not see the enormous fluctuations that it did in 2007 and will remain fairly stable. But don't buy your alloy or not buy it based upon this prediction. Gord, SSI Training Seminar. Super Systems Inc of Cincinnati, Ohio is scheduling a training seminar January 16/08 in Anaheim, CA, USA. If this is of interest to you please E-mail Herb Bond at SSI [email protected] January 2/08 PLACE: Anaheim Marriott, 700 West Convention Drive. Anaheim, CA, 92802. Phone 714 750-8000 DATE: January 16, 2008 TIME: 8:00AM – 12:30PM (Continental Breakfast & Lunch to be served) This seminar will increase the attendee’s understanding of the tools that are available to assist in meeting the many and varied customer 33 · · · · · · · · · · · · specifications that are inherent to the heat treating industry. SSi will discuss the two “hot” buttons, AMS 2750 D and CQI-9 and how they affect current heat treat practices. Discussion with respect to atmosphere and temperature control for processes including carburizing, gas nitriding, and vacuum. Also some ideas about maintaining a working atmosphere generated by an endothermic generator. Discussions will include maintenance and methods for troubleshooting carbon sensors. Other topics discussed will be the benefits of infrared analysis using either portable or dedicated analyzers and the benefits of data logging either or all of the process information available from most systems today. Training Itinerary: Meeting Industry Requirements AMS 2750 D CQI-9 Managing Process Variables with Programmable Controls Carburizing Endothermic Generators Nitriding Vacuum Data Acquisition Redundant Data Paperless Environment Benefits of Infrared Analysis for Heat Treating Portable analyzers Dedicated analyzers Carbon Sensor Troubleshooting and Maintenance Techniques Burnoff Rebuild Disclaimer. This section is provided with the intention of sharing information; rumors and news about the heat treat industry. We try to insure that all of the information contained herein is correct but we cannot guarantee it. If you feel that any of this information contained in this section is incorrect please let us know and it will be changed or removed immediately (a more detailed description of our publishing policy is found on the "News Policy" page of this website). 34 Used Equipment Most items for sale have a price listed in either Canadian or US Funds. For our American readers I would like to point out that the Canadian dollar is worth approximately $.82 US which means when converting to US Funds about 22% less. I will list for free any items my readers would like - with the exception of used junk, which I would consider vastly overpriced. Please price items realistically! When listing equipment please E-mail [email protected] or fax Victoria all pertinent information including asking price (which I strongly recommend), age, condition and if possible photos. Before listing we will require a signed copy of the "Terms and Conditions". For sellers please keep in mind that this is NOT an exclusive sales agreement - if we don't sell it we don't get paid - PERIOD. “Notice: We have attempted to describe all equipment accurately from the information we have available. Any mistakes are unintentional. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the information, nor can we guarantee the performance of the equipment or suitability to your application. The equipment is sold as-is, where-is. We strongly encourage your personal inspection of the equipment before purchase.” Please visit www.themonty.com for the latest in used equipment. Batch Item #B229 Carbottom Furnace. Constructed in 1993. The shell is well built with .375" plate and reinforced with angle iron and C channel. The motorized car bottom is constructed with heavy 4 x 4 angle and .500" plate. The car bottom is powered with two electrical 30 ton capacity. The car bottom is insulated with 2 layers of fire brick. Oven is insulated with 7" Ceriwool, Burners are 2.5" Tempest burners Blower is D-D 5 hp flame, 8864 Flame supervisory panel, DC 3002 temp controller, DC 2000 high temp controller, blower starter. CX 300 solid state timer, Honeywell UDC digital controller, Honeywell chart recorder. The door a vertical lift that is motorized. The oven overall size is 136" long x 126" deep x 80" tall with the door mast 149". Interior is 116" x 108" x 58". Oven is currently operational but is scheduled to come out of service soon. It will be dismantled and 35 package for shipping. Two burners, rated for 1250 maximum operating temperature. Asking $19,000USD. Item #B228 Sunbeam Atmosphere Integral Quench Furnace. Priced to Sell, Used Sunbeam Atmosphere Integral Quench Furnace, Work Zone handles approx. 24"Wide x 48"Deep x 24"High baskets, Automatic Load Transfer, Marathon Monitors "Carbpro" Carbon Control and Probe Burn-off System, Current owner purchased but never hooked it up. Some wiring required, and needs mechanical work. GasFired with Recuperated Burners and U-Tubes, Top Cool Chamber (no fan in top cool), Brick-lined, MMI Unipro Temperature Control and Quench Oil Temperature Control. Honeywell Hi-Limit. Chessel Strip Chart Recorder. Door Opening is 28"W x 27"H. Price: $9,500US Immediate Availability, Location: Northwestern U.S. Item #B227 Ipsen T-7 Furnaces. We have run across 6 T-7 units ranging in age from 1955 to 1977. These have working dimensions of 30" X 48" X 20" and are currently using a Nitrogen/Methanol atmosphere. They are all still installed and were in operation until very recently. Most of the controllers are Honeywell units with SSI oxygen probes. The controls have been updated in the past 4-10 years depending upon the furnace. Voltage: 240. There are 4 Basket Liners, 4 Spare Hearths, 7 spare tubes and 13 Used Baskets. Overall Width is 101", Length: 173". Height from cylinder: 154". Height from top of furnace without cylinder: 111". Quench oil coolers are air/oil. Most have ceramic fiber insulation. Condition of the furnaces varies anywhere from completely rebuilt and never used to very basic. All have Eclipse recuperated burners. Many spare tubes and spare parts available. Also available is a Waukee spray washer and a CEC temper. Approx. cost to move and load a furnace into an ocean shipping container $3,500.00US per furnace. Asking price for each is $9,000 USD. We have more pictures if needed. Item #B225 Surface Combustion “Super 36” Allcase Furnace. Working dimensions of 36” wide X 48” deep X 36” high. Natural gas with Eclipse recuperative burner system. Operating temperature 1400F/1800F. Surface Combustion Casemate control system with Honeywell control and overtemp instruments. Excellent condition! Less than 10 years old and very limited usage. Complete with dual quench cylinders, Waukee flo-meters and rear handler. 480/3 phase/60. Asking price $187,500US which is approximately half the price of new. Item #B223 Pacific Scientific 500lb. Atmosphere Integral Quench Furnace. Refurbished 1976 Pacific Scientific Model PKM-50 36 Electric Endothermic Atmosphere Integral Quench Furnace, with top cool capability for loading during gas cool cycle, 76 kVA, 480V/3Ph/60Hz, 1950°F, for Carburizing, Deep Case Hardening, Neutral Hardening and has enrichment gas addition and control for Carbo-Nitriding. Work zone is 24"w x 36"l x approximately 20"h. It takes a 24" x 36" grid and basket. Outside dimensions (footprint) are approximately 9'w x 19'l x 11'hl. It has a stand-alone control cabinet that is 5'w x 7'h x 20"deep. Finally, the power panels are approximately 5'w x 8'h x 2' deep. 500 lb. Capacity, with Quench Oil Temperature Control system with heating and cooling of quench oil (SBS Cooler), Front end loading and unloading with motorized drive table, Carbon Control System with Honeywell controls and new SSI Gold Probe oxygen sensor, Brick-Lined and brick is in good condition, Honeywell temperature control and high limit, operational and can be demonstrated. Approx. 15 spare heating elements and 6 spare oil heaters. No water cooling (safety issue). All cooling is done by SBS oil cooler. It is currently set up for using endothermic gas. It has an endothermic gas flow meter, a natural gas flow meter, an air flow meter, and an ammonia flow meter for carbonitriding. Price: $14,500US Location: Northwestern U.S. Item #B221 Ipsen Batch IQ Furnace. Model TQF-11-GM. Built in Cleve, Germany 1982. Furnace was professionally disconnected in 1995 and is now in storage. Located in Israel. Excellent condition! Includes, Control Panel, temperature recorder, gas panel (Nitrogen/Methanol) and oil/water heat exchanger. Asking $45,000 USD. Item #B218 Surface Combustion Pit Carburizer. This is a gas fired unit with working dimensions of 36" X 72". Overall in not bad condition, but all the instruments are missing and will need to be replaced. Currently located in a heat treat shop but not installed. Item #B212 Ipsen T-4 Atmosphere Lines with Top Cool. 2 Ipsen T-4 Lines 30" Tall available. They share loaders and an SBS oil cooler, so those items have been broken out separately, giving you the choice of lines plus the support equipment you need: A. Line #1: Ipsen Model RT-4-GS(30") Gas-Fired, Radiant Tube Atmosphere Hardening Furnace with Top Cool Feature. 30" Tall work zone. Work Zone is 24"W x 36"D x 30"H. Includes Gas-Fired Temper Furnace, Ipsen Model DLR-4(30")G, alloy grids, baskets, fixtures (1/2 of what's available) Carbon Control Panel, and a Union Carbide 37 Nitrogen/Methanol Mixing Panel (if you want it). Asking Price for Line #1: $48,000US Location: SE US B. Line #2: Ipsen Ipsen Model RT-4-GS(30") Gas-Fired, Radiant Tube Atmosphere Hardening Furnace with Top Cool Feature. 30" Tall work zone. Work Zone is 24"W x 36"D x 30"H. Includes Gas-Fired Temper Furnace, Ipsen Model DLR-4(30")G, alloy grids, baskets, fixtures (1/2 of what's available) Carbon Control Panel, and a Union Carbide Nitrogen/Methanol Mixing Panel (if you want it). A few years newer than Line #1. Asking Price for Line #1: $52,000US Location: SE US C. Optional Items: (Shown as a package, can sell individually) 1. Track Loader, Ipsen Model T-4 Unloader/Loader 2. Fork Loader, Crown Fork-Style Walk-behind Loader 3. SBS Quench-Air™ Oil Cooler Price for All Optional Items Together: $14,000US Item #B210 Surface Combustion "Super" 30 Batch IQ Furnaces (3 available)These are all early 1970's vintage with the single quench cylinder. 2 are capable of FNC. All are in very good condition with fairly new "Waukeetronics" flow meters and good condition SBS quench oil coolers. Currently installed but not in use. L & N Micromax control systems. Asking price for each is very attractive at $35,000 USD. Also available is another unit with working dimensions of 30" X 48" X 20" high. Beyond this the description is identical to that above. Asking price for this unit is $30,000 USD. Item #B204 Batch IQ Furnaces Ipsen Batch IQ Furnaces. (3 Available). Available are one Ipsen T-7 with working dimensions of 30" wide X 48" deep X 22" high and 2 T-8 units with working dimensions of 30" X 48" X 24" high. All 3 furnaces are electrically heated, and range from 1982 vintage to 1989, complete and overall in good condition. S/N’s 59215, 35423II and 48733. Not installed they are packed and braced for shipping which means no rigging costs. Each comes with an SBS quench oil cooler and the Ipsen "Carboprof" atmosphere control system. Also available is an Ipsen dunk/spray washer and 2 charge cars. Vendor has set a very attractive asking price of $35,000 US for each high heat furnace, $15,000 for the dunk/spray washer and $5,000 for each of the charge cars. Item #B201 Surface Combustion “Tip Up” Furnaces (7 available). These are all 1980’s vintage with working dimensions of 16’ long x 8' deep x 48" opening. 5 are electrically heated and 2 have been converted to direct fired gas. Furnaces are currently installed but not being used. Maximum operating temperature 1700°F. There are 2 38 separate quench tanks available, a stacker crane, storage and loader racks. Overall condition is good. Asking price $45,000 US each. Stacker crane $15,000 US Item #B198 Carbottom Furnace Line with Quench Tank and Handler. Overall Dimensions of this unit are 13'4" WIDE X 17' Long X 16'5" to highest point of furnace door frame assembly. Inside working dimensions on top of car are 6'6" WIDE X 10' LONG X 5' High. The quench tank holds approximately 10,000 gallons of oil and has 6 props and two props per shaft. Overall tank is size is 8' 9" wide X 16'10" long X 10' deep (this needs a pit that is about 9' deep). Actual work area of the oil quench tank are the same as the car, 6' X 10' X 5'. Handler is over the top of tank and/or car and is overall 16' X 20' X 17' 6" High. Also included are 12 brand new THERMJET Eclipse burners and related flame safety upgrades that are still in their boxes and that cost $25,000 in January of 2006. Furnace is currently installed and in good operating condition. The furnace and car should be relined with insulation when the new burners are installed. A serpentine grid (see pictures) also can be included with the line. Quenching sequence works like this: 1. Turn on quench oil agitators. 2. Open the door to the carbottom furnace to the full "up" position -by the air cylinder. 3. Tow the furnace car and the hot load (westward) out to stops on floor with a regular shop forklift. 4. Get up into the cab behind the handler. 5. Press "forward" button to move the handler (Southward) from over the oil tank till forks are under the side of the load grate and between the piers. (The logic in the handler and the limit switches on the ceiling will not let you pull the handler into position unless the forks are in the "before quench height.") 6. Press the "up" button on the fork carriage and it will lift the load and grate about 6" above the car's piers. 7. Press the reverse button on the handler and the handler will move North and stop in the correct position over the center of the oil tank. (Again, the limit switch on the ceiling will not let you pull the handler into the wrong position and quench.) 8. Then press the quench/down button and the load carriage and forks will go into the oil with the load. Once the hot load hits the "floor level" (just above the oil level) a dump valve uses gravity to make sure the load goes all the way down to the stops in the bottom of the quench tank, even in case of a power failure or operator error.... 9. Once the parts are quenched, press the lift button on the handler and lift the handler forks out from the oil with the load and the grate. 39 Move the handler either to a oil drip area to the North of the oil tank, or go back (South) to the furnace car bottom and set the load down for tempering and pull the handler back (North). Then replace the car with the shop forklift and close the furnace door. There are railroad tracks in the floor for the carbottom that are oriented East/West; there are also steel bars on the floor (approx. 2"w X 1"h) running North/South on either side of the oil tank for the handler mechanism. Vendor is asking $50,000.00US without the alloy grid and $60,000.00US with the grid. This is less than 25% of what a new unit would cost. Item #B190 Blue-M Hot-Cold Dual Chamber. Model WSP109C-5. Electrical: 240/1Ph/60hZ. Electric Fuel. Maximum Temperature: Cold = -75°C TO 0°C Hot = 85°C TO 200°C. Zones: (2) Hot - Cold. Type of Control: Blue-M Control for hot. Honeywell Diatrol for Cold. 2 Timers for Hot - Cold. Excellent Condition. Asking Price: $10,500.00US. Item #B189 Lindberg Box Furnace. Model 363624-E14. Working Dimensions: 36" x 36" x 24". Power required: 230 volt 50 kw 3 phase. Temperature range: 1400°F. Description: Box furnace with brick lined heating chamber and air operated vertical rise door. Spare elements. This furnace was previously used in an Aerospace company. Controls: Enclosed panel with Yokogawa UT-15 Temperature controller, Barber Colman 560 Hi-Limit. Good Condition. Asking Price: $12,500.00US New Price: $9,500.00US Item #B181 Dayton Process Retort Furnace with heat source, retort and lid only. Needs a control system and gas panel. Max operating temperature 2000 degrees F. Retort size 46" diameter x 51" deep. Heating elements on sides and bottom. Asking $19,000 US. Item #B179 Guler Horizontal Retort Furnace. Max operating temperature 1400 degrees F. Work zone size within the retort is 37" wide x up to 30" high x 84" deep. The retort has a roller hearth. It can be used as an air furnace or controlled atmosphere unit. There is a recirculating fan in the retort. It needs a new control system (and gas panel if it is to be used for controlled atmosphere work). Pictures are of a similar, slightly smaller unit to give you an idea off what it looks like as well as a picture of the retort out of the furnace. More information & pricing to come. 40 Item # B144 Accu-Therm / Thermcraft BHSF-242436-1371 Controlled Atmosphere Heat Treating Furnace. Temperature Capability: 1400-2500ºF Temperature Uniformity: +/- 25ºF. Chamber Size: 24" H x 24" W x 36" L. Flame Supervision Interlocks. Automatic Flame Curtain Using Natural Gas or Propane. Automatic Ignition of Flame Curtain and Burnoff. Shell made of continuously welded 3/16" plate steel - front frame of 3/4" steel plate 1-1/2" thick silicon carbide plates on elevating piers make up the hearth. Wall and roof insulation rated to 2800ºF. New Price: $17,000US Item #B141 Keith Model 1515153100, combo (2) air-fired electric elevator kilns. Each unit: chamber size 15" cube, 100# load, 3100˚F, 480/3/60, 16.5KW, hydraulic lift, West 4400 controller, 6700 overtemp, 33" W x 84" H x 35" D overall dimensions. Price includes loading table between both units. Inspected and crated by Keith Co. Ready for shipping Asking Price $30,000.00US complete or best offer. Continuous Furnace Item #C206 Area Electric (now Sinterite) Sintering Furnace. Built in 1994 this is a Model SRPM 18 – 6Z unit. 18” wide belt with 3 preheat zones, 3 hot zones, and water cooling jackets. SCR controlled, 265 KW 480V-- 3PH. It does not have a belt but the muffles are in good shape. Currently in indoor storage. Asking price is $18,000.00 USD. Item #C205 Pifco Rotary Hearth Sintering Furnaces (2 available). These electrically heated furnaces are approximately 20 years old and were built by Pifco (now part of AFC-Holcroft). Both units are the same. Hearth OD is 8’ and ID is 4’8”. Outside diameter is 13’ and height is 8’ 7”. Both furnaces are capable of 2500F. Atmosphere is Hydrogen / Nitrogen / Nat. Gas, mix manifold /flow scopes on each zone. Voltage is 460/3 phase. Heating is by U element “Globars”. Spang transformers/SCR’s. Overtemp controls on each zone. Please note that zone walls have been removed from both furnaces although they can be replaced. Door opening is 9” X 11”. Furnaces utilize a common control panel. Hearth drive is a 460V AC frequency drive. Furnace #1 was rebuilt in 2002 and Furnace #2 was rebuilt in 2001. Furnaces are currently not in operation. Asking $30,000 USD each. 41 Item #C204 Holcroft Gas Fired Atmospheric Annealing Furnace. Maximum temperature 1450 Degrees F., Maximum length 27' 6", 4zone. Opening 8" H x 80" W. 1561 lbs per hour, conveyor speed 8.3' through 24.9' per hour. 30' charge table. Compete with Maxon gas valve, exhaust hood blower and Holcroft control panel. Serial Number CJ 4614, Build 1992. This unit is still installed. Asking Price to come. Item #C203 2100°F Belt Atmosphere Furnace. Completely Reconditioned. Lindberg™ 20" Wide x 12" High Belt Atmosphere Furnace, Electric (Globar elements), 2100°F (may be 2150°F) Max. Temperature, 10ft Heating with 30ft Cooling, Set up for Exothermic (combustible gas) atmosphere, Burn-off, Guillotine End Doors, SCR Control, Complete rebuild included but was not limited to: new brick, new cooling muffles, new elements, new belt, etc. Does not require a muffle, Contact us for full details. Reconditioned, packed and ready for quick shipment. Price: $75,000US Location: Midwestern U.S. (Harrisburg, MO) Item #C202 Electric Furnace Co. EFC, Roller Hearth Annealing Furnace. Used for Copper tube annealing. 120ft including charge and discharge roller tables. 20ft heating zone, 75 Ft. cooling zone. Max. 3700 pounds per hr. Used 4% Exo gas. max 1650°F. 10 top, 10 bottom straight, non recuperative burner tubes, North American burners. 2 roof mounted fans in heating zone, 4 in cooling zone. Stainless steel curtains on charge and discharge. New brick, rolls and most tubes in 1999. Recently cleaned and painted. Unit shut down in Jan. 06. 1964 original model. Spare include 10 rolls, 10 tubes, 1 fan, full change out of cooling tubes and 7K#s of 310ss trays. No water leaks in furnace when decommissioned. Blower and water cooling tower is included. Controls: Allen Bradley PLC for roll drives. Waukee flow meters. 2- Honeywell UDC zone temp. controls, 2 Honeywell paper chart recorders. Price to come. Item #C202b Seco Warwick Exothermic Generator. 20,000CFH max. North American burner and 1999 model flame controls, safeties. Unit decommissioned in Jan 2006 in full working order. 1970 model. Price to come. Item #C199 Single Row Pusher Furnaces (2 available). These were both used for processing aluminum. Maximum temperature 1200°F although they were run at 1100°F. Gas fired, no recuperation. Utility requirements 440V AC, natural gas (for burners), compressed air, water. Both have 3 zones gas heated with 2 recirculating fans. 42 Each unit has SBS air heat exchanger. One unit has a load size of 36"W x 24" D x 18"H. The other One has a load size of 24"W x 24"D x 24"H. One unit is 23 feet in length, the other 21 feet in length. Water quench. Mechanically both furnaces are complete although the quench tanks are separated from the furnaces and the one furnace is missing instruments. The condition of furnaces is fair. Currently in storage. Asking Price: $60,000US each furnace. Item #C194 AFC Mesh Belt Austemper Line. Operating life of equipment was 1979-2005. Equipment was in full production until plant shutdown. The equipment was refurbished in 2002 by Great Lakes Company (located in the Detroit area). Rework on the austenitizing furnace consisted of all new Yokogawa temperature control instruments with paperless temperature and carbon control recording, all new recuperated radiant tube burners, re-work of cold belt return and water sealing under the furnace. Original AFC hand drawings are available. Original AFC operating instructions are available. Technical Details Austenitizing Furnace • Production capability is 900 pounds per hour based on belt loading of 10#/ft2 and time in the furnace of 26 minutes. • Furnace belt 36” wide x 16’-8” effective length. Roller hearth design with variable speed. • Three (3) zones of temperature control with one (1) zone of automatic carbon control. • Paperless recording of temperature and carbon. • Burner input of 2,500,000 Btu/hour with 5 HP combustion air blower. Austemper Tank • Capacity of 85,000 pounds of salt. Insulated tank with a maximum temperature of 750°F. • Quench conveyor is 42” wide with variable speed control. • Quench curtain pump is 2 HP. Salt agitation pump is 18” diameter propeller with 7½ HP motor. • Gas fired heating system is 1,000,000 Btu/hour with 3 HP combustion air blower. • Individual temperature controls and separate gas safety train. Holding Tank • Capacity of 85,000 pounds of salt. Non-insulated tank. • Gas-fired heating system, 1,000,000 Btu/hour. • Temperature controls, combustion air blower and gas safety train shared with the austemper tank through a selector switch. 43 Wash Tank and Rinse Tanks • Capacities 1200 gallons of water. • Mesh belt conveyors 42” wide with fixed speeds. Asking Price: $250,000 USD. Item #C193 C.I. Hayes High Temperature Tube Furnace. Model MY-0002.528. 2-1/2" ID tube x 28" long heating chamber, 1700 deg. C, 10.5 kW, single zone control with overtemp. Protection, 75"h x 32"w x 91"l, auto tray loader, hydrogen atmosphere with nitrogen purge. Price: 18,000.00US OBO. Item #C192 Holcroft 2 Row Pusher Carburizer. This line was new in 1995 and has a tray size of 24" x 30", with a clearance height of 18". Each row holds 19 trays. The Furnace is designed for a gross heating capacity of 1050 lbs./hr. at 1700 Deg F. Zone 1 has a heating capacity to heat parts to 1700 Deg F. This furnace has five zones Zone 1 Heat to 1700 Deg Zone 2 Carburize at 1700 Deg F Zone 3 Carburize at 1700 Deg F Zone 4 Carburize at 1700 Deg F Zone 5 Diffuse at 1650 Deg F. The temper is designed to yield 1,050 lbs./hour gross at 350 Deg F. The maximum operating temperature of the tempering furnace is 750 Deg F. Furnace is currently installed. Asking price $175,000 US. Item #C184 New, 2001 Model Year, Surplus 1700°C CM Pusher Furnace. 2001 CM High Temperature Furnaces. Atmosphere Pusher Furnace, Model: 4612-96-4Z, Electric Heating, 480V/3Ph, 250 kVA, 1700°C, SCR Control, Pushes 12” x 12” work carriers, Approx. total heated length: Preheat (5 zones) approx. 12 ft Long, Hi-Heat (4 zones) approx. 10 ft Long. Cooling Section approx. 14ft long, (*Used for only a few weeks since new because the owner did not win the business contract bid for which it was purchased), Still in Like New Condition, Floor Space Requirement is approx. 9 ft Wide x 56 ft Long x 8 ft High, Set up for multiple input gases: Hydrogen, Argon, Nitrogen, Methane. Honeywell temperature control, Includes 2 built-in dew point instruments, and a Sierra Instruments “Flo Box®” Mass Flow Controller for hydrogen, nitrogen and methane. Spare Parts Kit. Excellent Condition, Installed and could be demo operated. This furnace is still on the books for a fairly high value. But before you automatically dismiss it, if you have a need for this type of equipment, consider that: 1. This furnace is still substantially less money than a new one (approx. $200,000 savings) 2. You don't have to wait half a year for another one to be built, 3. It's already completed its "shakedown cruise". The bugs are out. 4. The technology used is still state-of-the-art, and the manufacturer can still support it. 5. Leasing 44 options are available for this furnace, just as they would be for a 2007 model. (If you aren't aware of the advantages of leasing, ask us. You can step into a piece of equipment like this with no capital expenditure. Tax benefits are substantial.) Asking Price: $497,000US. Location: Western U.S. Immediate Availability. Item #C182 C.I. Hayes High Temp Pusher Furnace. Model MY040860-60ph. 4" opening x 8" wide tray . Pre heat, 60"long, 1100 deg. C, 3 zones, 21 kW. High heat, 60" long, 1500 deg. C, 3 zones, 45 kW. Automated pusher and return conveyor system. Everything mounted on a single skid 70" h x 86" wide x 395" long. Asking Price: $110,000.00US Item #C180 HARPER Gas Fired Pusher Furnace System. Model GOU-297360-PT-THK-33-FDE consisting of Main Twin Pusher, Entrance Chamber, Heating Chamber, Twin Hearth, Process Muffle, Exit Purge Chamber, Exit Cross pusher and drive, Natural Gas heated section, High-heated section length 390 inches, Ten (10) zones of independent control in heated section, Gas tight entrance bellow assembly to take muffle expansion, Gas tight high temperature alloy process muffle for atmosphere containment, Electric power supply connection is 460V/3Ph/60Hz, 3 wire. 1,472 °F operating temp / 1,600 °F max temp. 1.4 Million BTU Capacity. System overall dimensions are approx. 262" Wide x 140" High x 62 FT Long. All zones are fully baffled and have independent temperature controls. In order to achieve optimum temperature uniformity within the process load space, the heating chamber has sufficient room over and under the load for excellent cross-radiation and reflection of heat. This unit was manufactured in 1994 but was not put into service. New, the furnace system would be approximately $1,500,000 US. Vendor is asking $300,000US for everything on an "as-is" basis, but will consider offers. Vendor can upgrade per customer's requirements. Item #C179 2400°F Atmosphere Belt Brazing, Sintering, Heat Treating Furnace. 1997 Sinterite™ Model PM12HT-4Z, Atmosphere Belt Furnace, 12" Wide, 8" High Opening, Rated for 2400°F with ceramic belt (not included), currently has 2000°F max. metal belt. Electric Heat, 6 Zones of Control (2 Preheat, 4 High Heat), 2 Heating Chambers (Preheat & High Heat), Initial Cooling Rate 75°F/min., SCR Power Control, Heating: 182 kW, 480V/3Ph/60Hz, 220 Amps, Control: 2000 VA, 120V/1Ph/60Hz, 16.7 Amp, Cooling Length: 14 feet Gases: Nitrogen 1500 CFH, 1.0 PSI, Typical Usage: 1140 SCFH Hydrogen 100 CFH, 1.0 PSI, Typical Usage: 60 SCFH Natural Gas (if needed): 5 CFH, 1.0 PSI, Typical Usage (if used): 2.5 CFH Utilities: Water - 10 GPM at 45 10 PSI; Electrical - 220A, 480V/3Ph, 182 kW; Natural Gas (Pilots): 20 CFH at 10 PSI Production Rating: 90 lb/hr up to 2400°F Belt Width: 12", Belt Speed: 1/4" to 1-1/2" per minute Original belt loading density: 12 lb/sq. ft. Max. Opening: Est. 3" High New muffle, new cooling chamber, new elements recently. New spare belt. Asking Price: $110,000US Location: Western U.S. New Details Item #C178 Pacific Scientific Rotary Retort Furnace. Endothermic Atmosphere Rotary Retort Furnace, Throughput ~300 lb/hr, Owner has gone through the equipment thoroughly in preparation for start-up. But minor rewiring remains for furnace to be ready to operate. Pacific Northwest Location. Asking Price: $55,000US. Item #C177 Surface Rotary Hearth Furnace. 10 feet in diameter. Built in 1973. Very good condition. Hearth outer diameter: 7' 7-1/2", Door opening: 9-1/2" high X 18" wide. Natural Gas. Controls: Temperature and over-temperature controllers are Honeywell 2000 UDC & atmosphere flow meters are Waukee. Will heat up to 1600°F with out problems. Internal alloy is in excellent shape. Much of the alloy (arms, hearth grid support, hearth plates, radiant W tubes, tube hangers, etc.) was replaced in 2002. The hearth has been rebricked. Refractory brick work is good. Asking price: $29,000US. Item #C175 Surface Combustion Cast Link Belt Line. Operating temperature is 1700°F, 36" wide belt, 3,000 pounds/hour. High heat is 24' long, U-tubes with recuperators and Eclipse burners. Belt would appear to be brand new! Loading system is a computerized "Metro Weighing & Automation" system loading on to a mesh belt conveyor which feeds the furnace. Oil quench tank with mesh belt conveyor. Draw is brick lined, 2 zone 46" wide, direct fired with 28' of heating and 1300°F maximum operating temp. Outside Dimensions: Hardening Furnace; 28' 5" long x 8'9" wide x 9'8" high. Quench Tank; 14' 5" long x 9'9" wide x 7' deep. Draw Furnace; 32' long x 10'9" wide x 10'8" high. Loading System; 24' long x 5' wide x 9' high. Currently not in use. 1970's vintage. Line is in good shape and ready to go. Asking $220,000 US. Item #C167 Shaker Hearth Hardening Line. 400 lb/hr Sunbeam Shaker ("Shuffle Hearth") Hardening Furnace Line, Includes Automatic Part Loader, Electric Shaker Furnace, 1800°F, 112 kW, Quench Tank with Dragout Belt, Rotary Parts Washer and 1000°F Continuous Belt Temper Furnace, 50 kW. Overall Line Length, if in straight line is approx. 61 ft. Overall Height is approx. 8ft-6in., Max. Overall Width is approx. 7ft-3in. with piping. Still under power for demonstration. Extra 46 spare shaker hearth and spare belt for temper. Price: $50,000US whole line. Item #C128 Ipsen P-6 Pusher Furnace. 24” X 24" X 18" high, holds 6 trays. 1969 Vintage. Three heat zones each with a fan (although the first zone fan is missing). The second zone needs some rebricking. 16 of the 32 tubes are new. Instruments include 3 Honeywell UDC 2000 hi-limit controllers. Charge zone has a Honeywell 4500 circular chart recorder. All 3 zones are Honeywell type digital controllers. The carbon sensor is Honeywell controlled. All mechanical parts, (quench drives, etc.), were in good working order when shut down. Fair condition overall. Asking Price: $16,500US Item #C127 Ipsen P-4 Pusher Furnace. 27” X 30" X 18" High. Holds 4 Trays. 1975 Vintage, in operation until October 2004 when it was shut down. Excellent operating condition although the front arch needs some minor repair. Front zone instrument is a Honeywell DR4300 circular chart recorder. The controllers and hi-limits are Honeywell UDC type. Currently in indoor storage. Asking Price: $22,000US Item #C103 Electric Furnace Co. Roller Hearth Normalizing Line. This line, which was purchased new approximately 10 years ago was only used for a very brief period of time and is in immaculate condition! Originally sold for $2 million US it is complete and currently in indoor storage. All electric with heavy duty rolls on 9" centers it has an atmosphere cool and a temper. Uses 36" X 36" trays. 40" wide work zone, 20" high, 3-4,000 pounds/hr. Brick lined with an operating temperature of 1650F. Vendor is asking $450,000US. Complete drawings are available on request. If you are looking for a large normalizing line and are considering new I would suggest that this is a good way to save $1.5 million. By the way the company that disassembled the furnace took video tape for reassembly purposes. Uses a 36" x 36" tray with a 20" high door opening. A typical roller hearth cycles at a preset time and advances the load, one tray at a time, through the furnace. Based on the dimensions, the normalizing furnace should hold 13 trays at a time and the tempering furnace should hold 16 trays. If you advance the normalizing furnace every 18 minutes, you will move a tray through the furnace in about 4 hours. If you advance the tempering furnace every 15 minutes, you will move a tray through the furnace in about 4 hours. Both the high heat and the temper have atmosphere. The high heat max temperature rating is at least 1650°F. New Information & Pictures 47 Draw/Temper/Ovens Item #T166 Recirculating Air Belt Tempering Furnaces (2 available). While one was built by Standard Fuel Engineering and the second by Therm Alliance for all intents and purposes both are virtually identical. Overall furnace width inside 6’ 6”, conveyor width 6’, height above belt 12”, furnace overall width 11’ 6”, overall furnace length 52’, overall height 11’, furnace length 42’. Capacity at 400F 5,000 pounds/hour. Maximum operating temperature 750F. Electrically heated, maximum heating input 400KW, 480/3 phase/60HZ. Recirculating fan capacity 40,000 CFM. The Standard Fuel Engineering was built in 1977 and the Therm Alliance was new in 1994. Price at that time was $171,600.00 USD. Both ovens are in good shape and ready to go although not currently operating. Asking price for the Standard Fuel unit is $30,000 USD. Asking price for the Therm Alliance furnace is $57,000 USD. Contact us at The Monty for more detailed information. Item #T165 Thermcraft 1400°F Box Temper Furnace. Thermcraft Model# BHAF-182436-760 Serial # 93233 Maximum Temperature 1400°F Working Zone 18"H x 24"W x 36" D 36kw 230/460 Volt 90/45 Amps Built in June 1993 Overall outside Dimensions 90" Wide x 94" Tall x 64" Deep Honeywell DR4200EV1 Chart Recorder High Limit alarm and shutoff Electronic Controller In very good condition Asking $7,900.00US Will Consider Offers Location: Western U.S. Item #T164 CI Hayes Temper Furnace. Model HBO-242436-12 Tempering Oven. Work zone is 24 " x 24 " x 36 " Long. New in 1989. Electrical 600 V, 3Ph, 60 Hz, 40 KVA. Maximum operating temperature is 1150F. Currently installed and in excellent operating condition. Asking $15,000.00. Item #T162 Mocco Drop Bottom Furnace. Mocco Thermal Industries, drop bottom, aluminium, solution treatment furnace that is for sale, internal dimensions 700 x 900 x 1,000mm (27 x 35 x 40"). Foot Print: 6,000L x 3,000W x 6,000mm H Load Size: 1,000L x 700W x 900mm H Load Weight: <500kg Temperature: 545deg C +/- 5deg C. Power: 76kW Voltage: 240 / 415 V Phase: 3phase Process Gases: Nil, no atmosphere control required Water Quench: 4,500 l Agitator: 1kW Heater: 5kW Pump: 3,500rpm Mechanical Drive 1kW Asking Price: $55,000US. New Price: $45,000US 48 Item #T161 Despatch Oven. Model PWB2-63-1E. Line voltage 480V, 3 phase, 60Hz Electric control voltage 120V, 1 phase, 60Hz Heater 28.9 Amps, Motor 1.7 Amps, Total Motor 2.5 Amps. Maximum Temperature: 350°F. Overall dimensions: 76"W x 42"D x 84"H. Working Dimensions: 48"W X 36"D X 61.5"H. Type of control: Partlow MIC-6000 Honeywell DR-4200 Chart Recorder. Excellent Condition. Asking Price: $8,500US Item #T160 Despatch V-34 Standard 500’F MOT batch oven. E&G. 36”W x 36”D x 36”H inside dims. 3 adjustable shelves, round chart recorder/controller, high limit. Refurbished, 90 day warranty. Asking Price: $4150.00US F.O.B. Item #T159 Despatch V-34 Standard 500’F MOT batch oven. E&G. 36”W x 36”D x 36”H inside dims. 3 adjustable shelves, indicating controller, high limit, motorized exhaust. Refurbished, 90 day warranty. Asking Price: $4150.00US F.O.B. Item #T149 CEC Type Box Draw Furnace. Gas Fired. Size I.D.: 24" wide X 36" long X 24" high. Maximum temp.: 1000°F. Controls: Honeywell digital Temperature Control, Honeywell Digital Overtemperature Control And Honeywell Dr4200 Round Chart Recorder. General: Air Operated Vertical Lift Front Door. Gas Heated, The Interior Is Lined With Light Weight Refractory, (2) 30" Long Roller Rails And A Belt Driven Circulating Fan In The Roof. Outside dimensions are 9’ High x 7’ long x 6’ wide. (These take into account all piping and the control cabinet which is on the side of the unit). F.O.B.: Ohio. Asking Price: $10,000US Item #T148 Pacific Scientific Temper. Model PKMD-50, 23" wide X 36" long x 18" high, Gas fired. 1972 Vintage. 1250 F operating temperature. Asking Price $6,000US. Item #T129 Lindberg Box Temper. Estimated to be almost 20 years old but surprisingly enough don't think it was ever used and the internals certainly look brand new. Working dimensions of approximately 12" X 12" X 18" high. Operating temperature of 1400°F. Asking Price: $6,000 Canadian (a little over $5,000.00 US). Immaculate condition. Generators Item #G140 1000 CFH Electric Endothermic Gas Generator. Used Pacific Scientific Endothermic Gas Generator, Model EN1000, 49 Electric, 120V/2-phase, 15kW, 1 Zone, 1950°F max., S/N P-2214, Elements in good condition (new in July, 2004), Retort & Catalyst probably due soon for change, Rebuilt mixing pump installed in May 2003, Air-cooled heat exchanger (no moving parts), Honeywell controllers, Operations manual & wiring diagrams included. Includes 480V/3phase to 120V/2phase Transformer. Asking Price: $6,500US Location: Northwestern U.S. Item #G139 Surface Endo Generators (3 available). These units are all identical 5600 CFH endo generators in excellent condition. Atmosphere control and water cooling. Pumps are new, catalyst is new and retorts are in good shape. Please note that in the photos the top hats have been removed for shipping which of course means a visual inspection of the catalyst and retorts is very easy. Asking $25,000 USD each. Item #G138 Seco Warwick Exothermic Generator. 20,000CFH max. North American burner and 1999 model flame controls, safeties. Unit decommissioned in Jan 2006 in full working order. 1970 model. Item #G137 Ammonia Dissociator, Sunbeam Model AME-20, 2000CFH, 36 KW, 480/3/60, Approx. Dim. 90"H x 76"W x 46"D, WT. 4200 #, refurbished with 30 day warranty. Price $21,500 US Item #G136 Surface Combustion 5000 CFH Endo generator. This generator appears to be in excellent condition. Gas fueled. BarberColeman strip with digital recording instrumentation and over-ride controls. Max. temp: 1950°F. Approx. outside dimension: 8'5"W x 10'1"H x 8'11"L. Air cooled. Asking Price: $29,500US. Item #G131 Ipsen Endo Generator. Model G750G. Gas fired, 750 CFH capacity, Honeywell controls, spare retort, water cooled. Asking Price: $4750.00US Item #G127 Gas Atmospheres Nitrogen Generator. Model HND600. Brand new in 2001. Capacity estimated at 6000 CFH. Some spare parts are also available. Excellent Condition. New this was just under $200,000. Asking Price: $75,000US Induction Item #I135 Lepel LSS-7.5 Induction Heating Power Supply. 10 KVA, 230 volt, 16 amps, 60 hz, 3-phase. In like new condition. Manufactured in 1992 but never used. Asking Price: $5000US. 50 Item #I134 Denki Kogyo / DENKO Induction Hardening Systems (2). 50Kw 100 kHz TG3-100-50 II with integrated gantry parts loaders for Toyota differential line. 2005 “as new“ conditionnever in production. Includes: 2 station HT and parts loading. quench and water cooling unit with 2 heat exchangers, quench and cooling water circulating system, Showa exhaust system, and touch panel controls. Mitsubishi PLC Complete set of manuals for each machine. While this is very specialized equipment we can truly say that it is state of the art and in immaculate condition. Best offer. Item #I133 Large 250 KW Tocco Mechanical Generator in good condition available. Generator comes with modern soft start and motor contol units all in line with a large custom Capacitor cabinet. The unit has a motorized table top unit used for induction hardening. System has over a ton of tooling available upon request. Unit is connected and ready for inspection. Asking $40,000.00US Item #I132 High frequency horizontal scanning system with auto-feed option, this unit is designed to run constantly in the background without an operator or hand feed. Power supply is a 450khz Lindberg heavy duty unit updated with a modern computer control system and touch screen interface. Unit comes with a feed-all hopper that attaches to unit and tooling for various size parts. Unit connected and ready for inspection. Asking Price $40,000.00US Item #I131 Horizontal Induction Scanner with pick and place robot loader. Unit is a dual station scanner handling up to 9 inch long part currently tooled for up to 2 inch diameter part. Scanner has a 10khz Raydne power supply with a American Induction capacitor cabinet and DI water system. Custom built computer system with touch screen interface. Unit is still connected and ready for inspection. Asking Price $70,000.00US Item #I129 Lepel 25kW, Medium Frequency Induction Unit. Used Lepel Model LSP-12, 25kW/30kHz, All Solid State Induction Generator, 460V Input, 3-Phase, 33kVA Typical Applications: Brazing, Annealing, Soldering, Heat Treating, Price: $16,900US Location: Western U.S. Item #I128 Lepel 15kW, RF LSS-15, 15kW/50-200kHz, All 230V/480V Input, 3-Phase, requirement, Overall Size: 25"W Induction Unit. Used Lepel Model Solid State Induction Generator, 20kVA, 4 GPM/30PSI waterflow x 25"D x 32"H, 180 lb. Same model 51 as typical (newer) units shown in photo below. Typical Applications: Brazing, Annealing, Soldering, Crystal Growth, Heat Treating, Catheter Tipping. Price: $11,900US Location: Western U.S. Item #I126 Lepel Induction Heating Generator. Model T-20-3KC-TL 46KVA, 480V, 58Amp 1 extra spare vacuum tube, 1 remote control console with timers for heat and quench cycles 1 self contained cooling water refrigeration unit consisting of: - 2ea. 5 ton independent refrigeration units - Stainless steel glycol tank - Automatic temperature control of distilled cooling water - Turbine circulation pump - Misc. tools including Lepel made induction coils and adapters - Manuals and schematics In Excellent condition. Asking $9,900.00 US. Item #I125 Lepel Induction Power Supplies. We have run across a number of used Lepel power supplies, too many to list. These are the power supplies themselves and the recirculating water cooling systems. These range from 5Kw,250kHz to 400kHz to 50 kW units,10 Khz. Lepel medium frequency induction power supplies, model # LSP 12-50/10 & LSP 12-100/30. Lepel self oscillating 100% solid state induction power supply model # MR-7.5. Lepel RF generator model T5-3-KC-SW, Lepel heat exchanger model # RWWEX-50 & RWWEX-100. Please ask for pricing and details. Item #I124 3 kW/ 50-485 kHz Induction Heating Units. 2 Each, (new in 2000) Ameritherm Nova Star® 3kW, 50-485 kHz Induction RF Heating units, Each has generator, 10 ft cable and heating station, 220V/440V 3 phase operation, Automatic resonant frequency tuning, Generator Dimensions: 17" x 8.6" x 27.1", Std. Heat Station Dimensions: 4" x 8" x 5". Shipping Wt.: 100 lb. Rack Mountable. Asking Price: $3,900.00US/each (Terms or Rental/Lease Available). Additional units may become available. Ask us. Leak Detectors Item #L102 Veeco Leak Detector: Veeco MS-20, Bench Model with digital display, Diffusion Pumped, includes roughing pump, Has gross leak checking capability, Starts up in approx. 10 minutes. Rebuilt Price: $8,800 US rebuilt with 6 month warranty. 1 Week ARO 52 Item #L101 Alcatel Leak Detector: We have an Alcatel Model ASM110T Turbomolecular-pumped helium leak detector available in rebuilt, warranted condition. Operates using a throttle valve for leak testing at higher pressures, 5 minute start-up, Quiet, Good Shape, Bench Model, Alcatel 2008 Mechanical pump, Price: $8,450US rebuilt with 6 month warranty 2 Weeks ARO. Miscellaneous Item #M223 Inconel insert for a pit type furnace. It is in perfect condition and has been used for Air Tempering only. The side is solid material as the pictures show and the bottom is a heavy cast grate material. Inside Dimensions: 36" Deep by 33" Diameter. Asking Price $4,500 US. Item #M222 Fastener Plating and Phosphate Department. We have available for sale a complete fastener plating and phosphate department. This consists of the following equipment, the ancillary equipment, numerous spare parts and two baking ovens. Further details, more photos and pricing to come. Equipment can be sold individually or as a package. Jessup Automatic Plating Line 60’’ Barrels 21’’ Diameter (94038). Built in 1994. Asking price for the complete ready to go line is $150,000 USD. Jessup Automatic Plating Line 48’’ Barrels 21" Diameter (8441). Built in 1984, asking price is $100,000 USD. (Both of the above lines have plastic barrels). Jessup Automatic Zinc Phosphate Line 42’’ barrels 30’’ Diameter (8168). Barrels are Carpenter 20Cb. Asking $90,000 USD. Recirculating Air Belt Tempering Furnaces (2 available). While one was built by Standard Fuel Engineering and the second by Therm Alliance for all intents and purposes both are virtually identical. Overall furnace width inside 6’ 6”, conveyor width 6’, height above belt 12”, furnace overall width 11’ 6”, overall furnace length 52’, overall height 11’, furnace length 42’. Capacity at 400F 5,000 pounds/hour. Maximum operating temperature 750F. Electrically heated, maximum heating input 400KW, 480/3 phase/60HZ. Recirculating fan capacity 40,000 CFM. The Standard Fuel Engineering was built in 1977 and the Therm Alliance was new in 1994. Price at that time was $171,600.00 USD. Both ovens are in good shape and ready to go although not currently operating. Asking price for the Standard Fuel unit is $30,000 53 USD. Asking price for the Therm Alliance furnace is $57,000 USD. Contact us at The Monty for more information. Item #M221 B.O.C./Edwards Vacuum Pumping System. Blower Stokes Model 900.607-001x5, Serial# RS 0037762. Pump Ser.# 12297439. 20 HP, 1750 RPM motor. Manufactured 2006. Asking $18,000.00US Item #M220 Cincinnati Sub-Zero Freezer. 1988 Cincinnati SubZero Freezer, Model T-21-2-2-EXP-S/WC, S/N 88-11124, Certified in range of -30ºF to + 25ºF, Surveyed at +/- 10ºF, 460V, 3-Phase, 60Hz, 15Amp, Work Zone Size: 24"W x 60"L x 26"H Price: $7,500US Immediate Availability, Location: Portland, Oregon. Item #M219 SBS "Quench Airs" (2 available). One of these units is rated for a continuous furnace of 4,000 pounds/hour and one is rated for a 2,000 pounds/hour continuous furnace. The larger unit is 15’ long X 5’ wide with 3 fans. The Smaller unit has approximate dimensions of 8’ X 4’ and has 2 fans. Both are installed and in good condition. The larger one is approximately 10 years old, the smaller one is about 20 years old. New the larger unit would be about $15,000 USD and the smaller unit about $10,000 USD. Asking $2,500.00 USD for the larger cooler and $1,500 USD for the smaller one. Immediate availability. Item #M217 Alnor Dewpointer. Used Alnor Dewpointer, Model 7000U, in good working condition. 110V A/C, alt. 6 Volt Battery Operation, circular calculator, filter and filter material, tube connector Price: $950.00US As-Is, with 30 day right of return for full refund. Location: Coeur d'Alene, Idaho Item #M215 Complete Surface Combustion 7200 CFH Generator Pumping System. Includes the roots blower, Motor, all regulators, flowmeters that were installed with the system. Also included will be the motor starter for the mixing pump. Asking Price: $2,500US New Price: $950.00US OBO Item #M211 Moly Nuts. 1/4-20 Moly nuts 4.50 ea, 3/8-16 Moly nuts 8.00 ea, 1/4-20 x 1" Moly studs 3.00 ea, Prices are F.O.B. South Gate CA. Item #M203 Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer Unit/TURNER ENVIROLOGIC. A rather unusual item. Very briefly this unit is used to burn VOC's from solvent based coating processes. This system was 54 new in 2004 and was only used for 6 months. The current vendor purchased it and never installed it, currently it is being stored in an indoor heated warehouse. It is in excellent condition, complete and fully operational. A new unit this size would be approximately $220,000 US, vendor is asking $75,000 US. Please let us know at "The Monty" if you require further details. Item #M197 VFS Moly Elements. (2) new factory moly elements for a model HL36HS vacuum furnace. Asking Price: $800.00US each. F.O.B. South Gate CA. Item #M193 ITE Distribution Panel. 1600 AMPS 227/480 Voltage, 11 breakers ranging from 100 to 400 Amps. 1974 Vintage. Excellent condition. Asking Price $6,000US. Item #M175 Vanadium carbide system fits in an area 25 x 50 feet. The coating line measures 8 feet x 28 feet, and consists of a preheating furnace, the vanadium carbide coating vessel, an oil quenching tank and a wash station. Assembled loads are moved from station to station using an overhead hoist. Controls for the line may be housed in a remote location. View of line from pre-heat furnace The specifications for the production system are as follows: 1. Direct Fired Gas Preheat Furnace. · Temperature of Operation: 650°C (1200°F) · 425,000 Btu/hr input · Work chamber 36 inches X 36 inches X 36 inches · Automatic cover drive 2. Gas Fired Retort Furnace for VC coating · Temperature of Operation: 1065°C (1950°F) maximum · Type 310 alloy retort, 24 inch diameter X 36 inch deep, 3/8 inch thick · Two zone gas fired burner system (total 750,000 BTU/hr gross) · Work locator and support rails for positioning fixtures · Automatic cover drive 3. Radiant Tube Gas Fired Oil Quenching Tank · Designed to quench 1000 pounds maximum from VC treatment temperature · Operating temperature 200-250°F, variable speed quench agitator · Internal bath size 60 inches X 72 inches X 48 inches deep ( quenching shroud 36 inches X 36 inches X 36 inches), Oil capacity 850 gallons. · Rated at 300,000 BTU/hr heating capacity · Air cooled quench oil heat exchanger 4. Radiant Tube Gas Fired Hot Water Rinse Tank · Internal size 42 inches X 42 inches X 56 inches deep · Rated at 65,000 BTU/hr, 180°F operating temperature · Submerged spray educator system 55 5. Load/unload Station for Fixture 6. Variable Speed Mixer for VC Salt 7. The equipment was designed by Metlab. The equipment was manufactured by Upton Industries in Detroit. 3. The pot size, as shown is 24 inches diameter by 36 inches deep x 3/8 deep. The retort for the system currently needs repair/and or replacement. The equipment is approximately three years old, and has seen relatively light usage. Except for the retort, it is in almost new condition. Asking Price: $85,000.00US. Item #M164 AGF D/A Generator. 1500 CFH. Model 7.5 Serial#831341.Natural gas Fired. Retort recharged in 1995 using Koeble nickel catalyst. At the same time the electrical system and valve system were also rebuilt. Since that time it has really not been used. Appears to be in good shape although it is missing the controller (an Omega CN 4401TR-A) and the blower is missing. Shipping weight 2,000 pounds, overall height is 7' 2". Electrical ladder diagram available. Asking price $9,000 US. Item #M149 Surface Combustion Charge Car. Single ended unit for use with a Surface Super 30 Allcase furnace. 575V. In operation until very recently. Currently in indoor heated storage. Reasonable condition. Asking $9,000 US. Item #M148 Surface Combustion Washer. For use with a Super 30 Allcase furnace. Early 1980's vintage, spray only, electric with 2 new heaters. Model VC-42278-1. 65 KW, 480 Volt. 200F maximum operating temperature. Good condition. Asking $10,000 US. Vacuum Furnaces Item #VF176 6-Bar Vacuum Heat Treating Furnace. 1996 Vac Aero, 6-Bar Pressure Quench Vacuum Heat Treating Furnace, Model # VAH 4848 MP6, Work Zone: 36"W x 48"D x 30"H, (Alternate load size by raising hearth: 48"W x 48"L x 22"H), 2400°F, 200 HP 10,000 CFM External Cooling Blower, 480V/3Phase/60Hz, 285kVA, Hunterdon VRT Power Supply, 2,000,000 BTU/hr Gas Cool Heat Exchanger, Load Rating: 2500 lb. at 2400°F, Vacuum Pumps: Stokes 412-11 with Roots 615RGS Blower, Honeywell S9000 Temperature Controller with UDC3000 Hi-Limit, Edwards AGC Vacuum Control. Currently still installed, but will be removed for storage later in December. Removal 56 costs will be added to price. Includes water cooling system and Loader Price: $295,000US Location: Midwestern U.S. Item #VF175 Vac Aero Model HR-20 Vacuum Furnace. Work zone is 16 " wide x 12 " high x 24 " long. Electrical 600 V,3 Ph, 60 Hz, 80 KVA. Gas quenching pressure 5" Hg. New in 1978. Control System upgraded in 1993 includes AB SLC500 PLC with Honeywell DCP-700 Programmer. PLC replaced in 2000. Hot Zone upgraded in 1997. Included is a spare diffusion pump and spare parts valued at $10,000. Currently installed and in excellent condition! Asking $45,000.00 Item #VF174 CI Hayes Vacuum Oil Quench Furnace. Model VSQD091824, built in 1989. Work zone is approximately 9" high x 18" wide x 24 " long. Capacity approximately 200 pounds. Insulation is graphite, heating elements are solid graphite. Maximum operating temperature is 2400 degree F. Hearth level is 48 1/2". Total power 75 KW, connected load 60 KW (heating chamber). Operating range 500 microns. Furnace is currently installed. Overall this unit is in excellent condition! Asking $70,000.00. Item #VF173 One Signature Vacuum Furnace. Model SC-2436 graphite hot zone, front loading, vacuum furnace in accordance with the attached specification outline, and including the following equipment for operating temperatures to 1425°C, with partial pressure to 10 Torr H2. Vacuum Chamber - 54" diameter x 54" long, carbon steel with carbon steel water jacket Hot Zone - 18" H x 24" W x 36" L, graphite retort - 500 lbs. gross load at 1350°C Pumping System - 150 cfm mechanical pump Power Supply - 150 kW, 480 volts, 3 phase, 60 Hertz, VRT Cooling System - Fan mounting flange with blind cover plate only for optional Recirculated Gas Cooling Fan Control Instrumentation - Automation Direct PLC for logic control of furnace sequence, process gas, alarm logic, time/temperature profile, and data acquisition - Over temperature limit controller - Two (2) type “S” thermocouples Vacuum Instrumentation - Thermocouple type - pumping system Dual Baratron type - furnace Load Truck - 500lbs. capacity Cooling Tower System - Capacity 85 ton @ 130gpm & 20°F delta - Furnace requirement 45 ton @ 67gpm & 20°F delta 57 Asking Price for this furnace including a fork truck type loader and cooling tower is $220,000.00US. This furnace is 1 year old and used for only 9 months. It will be warranted as new equipment with the exception of the vacuum pump. Item #VF172 Ipsen Bottom Loading Vacuum Furnace. Model VVFC(BL) 48X60(24)R. For operating temperatures to 2400°F with inert gas partial pressures: Vacuum Chamber - 76" diameter x 95" high, stainless steel with carbon steel water jacket. Hot Zone - 48" diameter x 60" high, graphite element Graphite fiber insulation 3,000 lbs. gross load at 2400°F Pumping System - Mechanical booster pumping system not included 32” diameter, 32,000 l/s diffusion pump. Power Supply - 450 kW, 460 volts, 3 phase, 60 Hertz, VRT. Cooling System - 40hp, recirculated inert gas at 700 torr. Control Instrumentation - Honeywell DCP700 temperature controller - Honeywell DC300 overtemperature limit Vacuum Instrumentation - Televac II – 2 station TC gauge Asking Price: $50,000US Item #VF171 40+ Bar Brew Sinterhip Vacuum Furnace. Rebuilt 1987 Brew Sinterhip Vacuum Furnace, max. 1400°C, (approx. 1000°C with retort), Stokes 212H-11 with Stokes 401 Blower (rebuilt by United Vacuum approx. 10 operational hours ago), No diffusion pump, Ultimate Vacuum is 30 microns (clean, dry & empty), Rated for 600 PSIG (Code Stamp says 660 PSIG) internal pressure for HIP operation, Operating pressure range: 50 microns to 500 PSIG. Useable work area: 18" Dia. x 24" Electrical: 480V/3Ph/260 kVA, 350 Amp Breaker, Cooling water requirements: 50 GPM at 50 PSIG and 70°F. Chamber has been Ultrasonic inspected for integrity. Practically new condition, less than 100 hours estimated total use. VRT Power Supply with watercooled cables. Bottom elements are not installed in photos below, and retort door is not shown. Location: Western U.S. Price: $175,000.00US New Price: $125,000US Offers considered. Item #VF169 Ipsen Model VFC-427-R. Built in 1966. Working dimensions of 24” X 36” X 12”. Operating temperature of 2400°F. 1 Bar Nitrogen quenching. The hot zone has been removed for maintenance. Construction is Graphite board with graphite rod elements but it will require work. Asking $20,000US Item #VF168 Lindberg 2 Chamber Vacuum Furnace. Working dimensions of 24” X 36” X 20”. Capable of both .85 Nitrogen 58 quenching and oil quenching. Operating temperature of 2150°F. Complete but in need of some work. Asking $20,000.00 Item #VF167 Ipsen Model VFC-321. Built in 1966. Working dimensions of 24” X 36” X 12”. Operating temperature of 2400°F. 1 Bar Nitrogen quenching. Hot zone needs work. Asking $20,000. Item #VF166 Surface Combustion Vacuum Furnace. Working dimensions of 24” X 36” X 12”. 2400°F operating temperature. 1 Bar Nitrogen quenching. Asking $20,000.00. Complete but will need hot zone repairs. Item #VF163 C.I. Hayes Vacuum Temper: Model:VMH-T-363648 Work Chamber: 36” High x 36” Wide x 48” Long (Full Round Hot Zone) Insulation: 4” High-Purity Ceramic Fiber, Heating Elements: Wound Chromel-Alumel Wire Type, Floor Space:120”H x 191”W x 160”L, Temperature: Uniformity: ±15°F *,Work Loading:3,000 lb. OEM Rating, Operating Temperature 1450°F Maximum, Power Requirements:120 KVA, Heating (480/3/60 input), Ultimate Vacuum: A conditioned, clean dry empty and outgassed system will pump to 100 microns or less within 20 minutes *, Operating Vacuum: During tempering the normal operating pressure is between 400 to 600 torr, Fan Assembly:10 HP motor, Compressed Air Requirements: Intermittent demand at 90 psig, Cooling Water:20 to 30 GPM, Nitrogen Backfill:330 Cubic Feet, Vacuum Pumps: Stokes 412-11 and Roots 615RGS,both recently rebuilt, Controls: All new control panel including instruments, controllers and vacuum sensors recently, Honeywell HC 900 temperature controller Overall Footprint as currently installed:13ft D x 16ft W x 9.5ft H Current Location: Northwestern U.S. Price: $85,000US New Price: $79,500US Terms:50% Down, Balance prior to loading unless otherwise agreed by owner. F.O.B.: Current Location, As-Is *Original OEM specs, Not guaranteed on used equipment (Hot zone photo is an older file photo. The others are current.) Item #VF158 Surface Combustion 2 Bar Vacuum Furnace. New in 1986 this furnace is installed and in production. It has working dimensions of 38" Wide X 64" Deep X 30" High. 13 PSI Nitrogen Quenching. Quench motor is being upgraded to 50 horsepower from 25 hp. Variable speed drive. Controls have been updated very recently and the hot zone was replaced less than 1 year ago. Please note that the vendor will repair the front of the hot zone prior to sale. Comes with "surge" tank and "Big Joe" loader. This furnace is in very good condition and ready to go. Asking $129,000 US. 59 Item #VF156 Surface Combustion 9 PSi Vacuum Furnace. Working dimensions of 36" x 48" x 30". Operating temperature of 2200°F. Updated controls. No diff. pump or port. This would fit the bill for somebody looking for a basic vacuum furnace for hardening. Asking Price: $89,500.00US Item #VF155 Vacuum Industries Centorr Vacuum Furnace. 1989, but like new, used only 6 months, Vacuum Industries Centorr Series 3500, Model 363672-1500C, vacuum heat treating furnace, 2Bar capable, but this furnace has no internal heat exchanger, so it not a fast cooler. Internal 25 H.P. cooling/circulation fan in door. Work Zone: 36"W x 72"D x 36"H, 1500°C (2732°F), 3,000 lb load, including end elements for tighter temperature uniformity, Hot zone is moly lined with 2 layers of Safil™ (alumina ceramic fiber) insulation and stainless steel outer layer, moly rod elements, moly hearth, 600kVA VRT Power Supply, 665Amp total service, 460V/3Ph/60Hz, Vacuum Pumps: Stokes 412MB combination mechanical pump and blower with oil mist separator and particulate filter. Controls are Honeywell DCP700 with Honeywell DPR-1500 recorder. Full opening doors at both ends make maintenance much easier. Set up for both nitrogen and argon gases. 70 GPM cooling water requirement @ 40 PSIG max. Asking Price: $215,000US New Price: $175,000US Location: U.S. West Coast. New Photos Item #VF154 Large Diameter Crystal Growth Furnace based on patented process. Can be used as a large vacuum annealer. 12 foot diameter by 16 foot tall. 2ea 20" diffusion pumps and pneumatic valves. Comes complete with Allen Bradley Slick 500 control panel with ladder logic controlling two each 120KW power loops manufactured by Spang Electronics. All schematics included. Vacuum levels sustained at 0.5mmTorr at temps of 1600°C. Graphite resistive heaters used along with Polycarbon rigid felt insulation. Asking Price: $110,000US Item #VF150 Ipsen Vacuum Deoiler. Purchased New in 1993. Model HR 50x48DG. Nominal Work Zone: 36" x 30"H x 48"D. Max. Load & Temperature: 3000lbs @ 650°F. Operating Temp: 250-650°F +/-10°F. Cleanup Temp: 800°F (Max. 2 hours). Roughing Pump: 400/300 CFM. Partial Pressure: Nitrogen. Gas Cooling: 50 HP Motor, external. Backfill Gas: Nitrogen. Programmer: Honeywell DCP200(singel channel). Overtemperature Instrument: Honeywell UDC2000. Vacuum Instrument: Leybold Inficon PG-3. Asking Price: $80,000US. 60 Item #VF144 CI Hayes Vacuum Oil Quench Furnace with updated Honeywell control system. Working dimensions are 48" deep, 30" wide by 32" high. Equipped with an automated vacuum carburizing system. The furnace includes two load carts and a wash system. Furnace is in good operating condition and was in use until very recently. Asking Price: $89,000CDN New Price: $79,000CDN Vacuum Pumps Item #VP114 B.O.C./Edwards Vacuum Pumping System. Blower Stokes Model 900.607-001x5, Serial# RS 0037762. Pump Ser.# 12297439. 20 HP, 1750 RPM motor. Manufactured 2006. Asking $18,000.00US Item #VP113 BOC Edwards Vacuum Pump. Specs are: 900-612030-XS 20 HP. Single motor dual drive. BOC -900-607-001XS. MFG. Date 6/27/06. Asking Price: $20,000.00US. Item #VP112 35" CVC Diffusion Pump, RAV and Torr Cryo-Trap: Warranty Rebuilt CVC Model PMC-32C, 35 inch, 50,000 l/s, 440Volt Diffusion Pump, Direct replacement for Varian NHS-35, with minor change in foreline piping length, Also available: Torr Vacuum Products Model RVS322C Cryogenic Baffle All components are rebuilt, primed and painted, ready for immediate use. (12 Mo. Warranty) Discounted price, only if you purchase both at once is $23,900US Total West Coast Location (Coeur d'Alene, ID Zip 83814) Price: Warranty Rebuilt 35" Diffusion Pump Alone $12,900 Alone 35" Ref. Cryobaffle Alone $13,500 Alone Salt Salt Equipment. Besides the items listed below we have several other salt lines available. These include an "Indexing Carousel" type system that works very well consisting of a preheat, highheat, quench, draw and rinse, capacity 800 pounds/hour. Also we have available 3 neutral salt lines ranging from very good condition to needs work. Two are 700 pounds/hour capacity and one is 800 pounds/hour. Best offer for each of these lines. Item #S004 Automated Straight Salt Line. Consists of preheat, high heat, quench, draw, rinse an rust inhibitor tank. Installed but not 61 running. Line was shut down within the past 2 months. Capacity is 800 pounds/hour. High heat has working dimensions of 24" wide X 24" long X 30" deep. Complete, ready to go and in good condition. Best offer. Item #S003 Upton Industries Automated Salt Line. This was brand new in 2003 and is currently installed but not in use. It has a rated capacity of 1200 pounds/hour and the high heat pot has dimensions of 27" Wide X 23" Long X 30" Deep. The line includes a prewash, preheat, high heat, quench, draw, rinse, rust inhibitor tank and dryer. The high heat was operating at 1600F and the quench is rated up to 900F. New in 2003 this line was over $500,000 USD. Best offer. Testing Equipment Item #P105 Wilson Superficial Hardness tester. Series 500, Model 8503-S. Asking price: $1,000US. Location Cleveland. Item #P104 Wilson Rockwell Hardness tester. This is a series 500 unit, Model 8503-R. Asking price: $1,000US. Location Cleveland. Surplus Furnace Parts PART NUMBER A03396/P8681 A03397/P8680 A03398/P8682 A4530/P12851 A4536/P8665 COMBUSTION COMPONENTS AND VALVES PRICE-U.S. DOLLARS DESCRIPTION BALL VALVE, JAMESBURY #21-1136TT-01, 1", BRASS/SS W/TFE SEAT W/V60 ACTUATOR, DBL $286.00 ACTING, LINKAGE KIT 900 V BALL VALVE, JAMESBURY #21-1136TT-02, 2", BRASS/SS W/TFE SEAT W/V60 ACTUATOR, DBL $363.00 ACTING, LINKAGE KIT 900 V BALL VALVE, JAMESBURY #21-1136TT-01-1/2", 1-1/2" BRASS/SS W/TFE SEAT $330.00 W/V60 ACTUATOR, DBL ACTING, LINKAGE KIT 900V BUTTERFLY VALVE, ECLIPSE #110BV $105.00 2-1/2" $209.00 PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE #7377-1-5 QTY. AVAILABLE 6 7 2 5 1 62 A4653/P19138 $28.00 A4672/P27772 $352.00 A4680/P34384 $336.00 A4703/P34667 $473.00 A4707/P34720 $22.00 A4713/P11758 $28.00 A4739/P12737 $88.00 A5347/P2310 $72.00 A4020/P3385 $160.00 A5360/P20892 $1,463.00 A5349/P1179 $72.00 A5438/P6222 $5,252.00 A5358/P20890 $412.00 A5359/P20891 $765.00 A5275/P965 $100.00 A5355/P1178 $116.00 A5353/P2515 $72.00 A5354/P1494 $187.00 N.A. BALL VALVE, APOLLO #80-107-01 11/2 Y STRAINER, MUELLER, 758, 4" FLANGED, 40 MESH SCREEN, BUNA-N GASKET, W/PLUG, FOR USE WITH NATURAL GAS, LEVER VALVE, ROSS #3126A4010 1/2" 4/3 WAY 6" BUTTERFLY VALVE AND ACTUATOR, SIEMENS #SQM50.384R1G4R W/6" BALL VALVE, APOLLO #70-104-4127 3/4" AUTO DRAIN, W/LATCH, LOCK LEVER 1-1/4 BRASS BALL CHECK VALVE #T480 BUTTERFLY VALVE, ECLIPSE, MANUAL #108BV 2" BUTTERFLY VALVE, ECLIPSE 104BV, 1" ADJUSTABLE SPARK IGNITER, #4055-M, N. AMER. 3" CROSS CONNECTED RATIO REGULATOR, ECLIPSE ES369-10316, MANUAL BUTTERFLY VALVE, ECLIPSE #106BV 1-1/2" ACTUATOR, WORCESTER 4039SN, SPRING RETURN, PNEUMATIC, MTD.TO L90SP4 PULSAIR MICROPROCES-, SOR POSITIONER, 4-20 MAW/POSITION FEEDBACK REGULATOR, ECLIPSE ES363-20312, 1-1/2" CROSS CONNECTED RATIO REGULATOR, ECLIPSE ES36810315, 2" CROSS CONNECTED RATIO SHUT OFF VALVE, HONEYWELL V5055A1038, 2" LIMITING ORIFICE VALVE, ECLIPSE ALO-5, 1-1/4 IPS LIMITING ORIFICE, VALVE ECLIPSE ACL-3, 3/4" IPS LIMITING ORIFICE VALVE, ECLIPSE ALO-4, 1"IPS 3 1 2 1 1 6 1 8 10 5 5 1 9 5 39 20 32 19 63 A5467/P13192 $1,270.00 A5357/P20889 $105.00 A5352/P12412 $100.00 A4938/P2516 $94.00 A4506/P566 $72.00 A4983 $182.00 A4515/P29300 $143.00 A4513/P11983 $170.00 A5361/P20113 $616.00 A5362/P20435 $616.00 A5302/P8659 $847.00 A4836/P7069 $143.00 A5273/P257 $193.00 A4905/P3662 $1,656.00 A4595/P11365 $495.00 TURBINE GAS METER, AMERICAN METER SZ-2 WITH 1 PULSER, 1"NPT PROPANE SERVICE 2000 CFH @ 6 PSIG REGULATOR, ECLIPSE ES36615939, 1"CROSS 10 CONNECTED RATIO BUTTERFLY VALVE, ECLIPSE 112 BV, 3" 8 REGULATOR, NORTH AMERICAN 7344-01, 1/2" 6 SOLENOID VALVE, ASCO 8262G230, 1/4", SS BODY N.C., 8 120V/60HZ COIL 3" BRAIDED FLEX HOSE W/FIXED FLG 1 4" FULL PORT BUTTERFLY AIR CONTROL VALVE, 1 AIR CONTROL VALVE,ECLIPSE #501230, 16BV-AB 4" FLEXIBLE NIPPLE #8777-7 3 RADIANT TUBE BURNER, ECLIPSE TFB-030 TO FIRE INTO 6-5/8"OD X 6-1/8"ID U-TYPE RADIANT TUBE MAX. CAP. OF 9 275,000 BTU/HR W/NAT. GAS. AIR TUBE "B" DIM. LENGTH IS 16-7/8"* RADIANT TUBE GAS BURNER. ECLIPSE TFB075NAG3NNHL W/ B DIMENSION OF 13-7/8" THERM 9 THIEF SERIES. COMPLETE WITH AIR METERING ORIFICE, GAS METERING ORIFICE, FOR NATURAL GAS. REGULATOR RELIEF VALVE, NORTH AMERICAN 1 7335-3-32, 1-1/2" ,W/7377 ENHANCED SPARK IGNITER, NORTH AMERICAN 4051-D 1 ACTUATOR, HONEYWELL V4055A1031 16 GAUGE, 6" ABSOLUTE, WALLACE & TIERNAN, CAPSULE PANEL MOUNT, 1/8 FPT CONN. 2MM GRADUATIONS, 1 SERIES 300 PSI OUTLET REGULATOR, EQUIMETER 1 64 A4599/P32633 $237.00 A4631/P24488 $204.00 A4632/P7753 $33.00 A4717/P22563 $11.00 A4742/P19212 $149.00 A4744/P11297 $66.00 A4760/P24794 $55.00 A4762/P24997 $61.00 A4795/P22317 $138.00 A4863/P5507 $83.00 A4959/P2516 $484.00 A5483/P14637 $2,607.00 #122-8 1-1/4" WITH ORANGE SPRING, 1-1/2 RELIEF REGULATOR, FISHER #289H 10-20 PSIG 1 SPRING RANGE 1" FPT W/UNBLOCKED PETO TUBE SOLENOID VALVE, ASCO, #8342G20 1/4" DUAL, 120V/60HZ, BRASS, MECHANICAL DETENT TO HOLD 3 LAST POSITION ON LOSS OF ELECTRICAL POWER OR AIR PRESSURE FLOW CONTROL VALVE, DELTROL #FMF20BK 1/4 63 BALL CHECK VALVE, NIBCO T480 1/2 BRASS 8 SOL. VALVE, ASCO #8215B50 NC 1" 120V/60HZ 3 PRESS GAUGE, DWYER #2015, 0-15" WC MAGNEHELIC 1 PRESS GAUGE, ASHCROFT 100MM1008-AL-02B-30#/KP W/U CLAMP LIQUID FILLED,PANEL MOUNT 3 0-30 PSIG 4" DIA. SOL. VALVE, ASCO #8263G206V 3/8 110V/60HZ 2 LEVEL CONTROL, #16HMJ1B0 WARRICK 2 SOL. VALVE, ASCO #8215G30 3/4 120V/1PH/60HZ 4 GAS VALVE, ASCO #8043A67 1-1/2" N.C. 120V 60HZ FM APPROVED WITH 5# SPRING W/POSITION 1 INDICATOR SLIDING CONTROL VALVE, JORDAN MK70SP-50DIPTT3V3Q3Q3N30ROD WITH SLIDING GATE 1 SEATS FEATURING SHORT STROKE, RESULTING IN FAST RESPONSE, HIGH ACCURACY & ANSI CLASS IV SHUT-OFF, 1/2" DUCTILE IRON BODY WITH THREADED ENDS (NPT THREADS) SPRING LOADED TEFLON PACKING, ACTION: REVERSE (AIR TO OPEN) WITH A 65 A4032/P28679 $77.00 A4031/P6372 $66.00 A5407/P11021 $187.00 A4558/P19212 $149.00 CV=0.84,TRIM & SEAT MATERIAL: 303SS/JORCOTEACTUATOR: 3-15 PSI REVERSE/35M, ELECTRO-PNEUMATIC SIDE MOUNTED FOXBORO MODEL 6986 (INCLUDES GAUGES). SOLENOID VALVE, ASCO #8210G094,1/2" 24VAC NC 2 WAY PILOT OPERATED, BRASS, SOLENOID VALVE, ASCO #8263G206V, 3/8" NPT 110V/60HZ FOR #2 OIL. BALL VALVE, WORCESTER #5846R, 2", SERIES 58, CARBON STEEL, BARSTOCK TYPE, FPT, VACUUM RATED TO 5 MICRONS, SOLENOID VALVE, ASCO #8215B50 NC 1" 120V/60HZ 2 2 1 10 MOTORS PRICEU.S. PART NUMBER DOLLARS DESCRIPTION 400 IN-LB TORQUE MOTOR, SQM56.680R1G3, 2 LIMIT SWITCHES & 6 AUXILIARY A4611/P32587 $1,040.00 SWITCHES, NO SHAFT, SHAFT OPTION, UL, CSA, CE APPROVED, AC MOTOR, BALDOR, VM3558T, 2 HP, 1725 RPM, 145TC A4687/P27797 $220.00 FRAME, TENV, 208-230/460V 3 PH, 60 HZ, FOOTLESS, AC MOTOR, BALDOR, VM3554, 1-1/2 HP, 1725 RPM, 56C A4710/P27795 $176.00 FRAME, TENV, 208-230/460V 3 PH, 60 HZ, FOOTLESS AC MOTOR, 7-1/2 HP, 415V/3PH/50HZ, A4605/P22620 $671.00 1500 RPM, TEFC 213 T FRAME, FOOTED, CLASS "H" INSUL, MTG W-7 MOTOR, 40 HP, 1800 RPM, HIGH EFFICIENCY, TEFC ANTI-FRICTION BEARINGS. NEMA STD. A4815/P1580 $1,452.00 NAMEPLATE, QTY. AVAILABLE 1 1 1 1 2 66 SHOWING CONT. DUTY HP, RPM, FRAME SIZE, VOLTAGE, SERVICE FACTOR, LOCKED ROTOR CURRENT, TEMP. RISE, AND MAXIMUM TEMP RATING 230/460V/3PH/60HZ MOTOR, SF415-845-409, 1-1/2 HP, 3 A4825/P21772 $523.00 AMP VARIABLE AC DRIVE, AC TECH PART NUMBER A4589/P28593 A4592/P14415 A4610/P331 A4714/P34594 A4773/P4895 A4874/A4546 P22646 A5162/P6967 A5338/P27119 MECHANICAL COMPONENTS PRICE-U.S. DOLLARS DESCRIPTION DIE SPRING, RAYMOND $77.00 #106832, 2" HOLE DIA, 1" ROD DIA, 8" FREELENGTH, EXTRA HVY DUTY SHEAVE, BROWNING, 2BK110H, 2 GROOVE $138.00 $149.00 ATQ-1 DRIVE TIGHTENER CYLINDER, TOL-0-MATIC #CCVS-40-SK48HI, 100 PSI AIR, 4" BORE $1,660.00 CYLINDER STEEL TUBING, 48" STROKE WITH VITON SEALS. (1) 1" STROKE, AUTOMATIC TENSIONER, AIR CYLINDER, HYDROLINE R5C, 4" BORE, 13" STROKE, 1" ROD, #2 ROD END, CUSHION BOTH $616.00 ENDS, VITON SEALS, 1/2 NPT PORTS, LOCATION 1, HINGE, #15665A735 0.25 $143.00 THK. X 3" OPEN WITH 0.625 PIN DIA. X 72" LONG AIR CYLINDER, HYDROLINE R5R, 3-1/4" BORE, 31-3/4" STROKE, 1" ROD DIA, EOD END STYLE #2 $380.00 (3/4"-16 THD), NPT PORTS, NON-CUSHIONED, AIR CYLINDER, MILLER, 2" BORE, 36" STROKE #1-SR-A-SF-74-B-2-B-2-365/8-60-DA $369.00 WITH OPTIONAL SPRING 3 QTY. AVAILABLE 2 1 1 2 1 108 1 1 67 P14256 $8,250.00 A4777/P1026 A4723/P9909 $61.00 / FT. $25.00 / FT. A03608/92829A $484.00 RETURN FAN PLUG ASSEMBLY WITH 7.5/1.9 HP 2 SPEED MOTOR 26-1/4 SQUARE ASSEM. WITH 26" DIA. AXIAL FAN 4 WHEEL, DOWN BLAST AIRFLOW, V-BELT DRIVE, WATER-COOLED CONSTRUCTION, 15,000 CFM @ .5"sp, OPERATION UP TO 1600-1800 DEGREES ROLLER CHAIN, 80SS RIVETED 46 FT. ROLLER CHAIN, #40 304SS 5 FT. MESH BELT PINCH ROLL 21"OAL X 12-1/4" ID 1 WITH 1/2" VULCANIZED COATING BLOWERS, PUMPS & HEAT EXCHANGERS PRICEU.S. PART NUMBER DOLLARS DESCRIPTION AIR FILTER, NAFCO #11020-0014, 2" A4960/P5069 $149.00 IPS BLOWER, COMPACT GI 125 3HP 1800 RPM 440/3/60 MOTOR *304 SS* W/ FLANGED A5319/P22049 $1,133.00 OUTLET, PLAIN PIPE INLET & DRAIN, RATED @ 200 CFM @ 1.61 SP 1769 RPM 0.09 BHP @ 70 DEG F PUMP, 811 3X1-1/2X6, 316 SS 10 HP, A5320/P22045 $4,329.00 3500 RPM 440V/3PH/60HZ 150 GPM AT 60 PSI COMPRESSOR ONLY FOR CONDENSING A5365/78230 $1,287.00 UNIT HEAT EXCHANGER, AMERICAN A5482/P4321 $649.00 PRECISION INDUSTRIES 5A06A04036, TYPE 500, SIZE 04036 QTY. AVAILABLE 1 1 1 1 8 SCR'S, TRANSFORMERS, CONTROL COMPONENTS & SENSORS PRICEU.S. QTY. PART NUMBER DOLLARS DESCRIPTION AVAILABLE ENCODER, DANAHER #HS35-0500-H1005 500 PPR, 68 1-1/8" HOLLOWSHAFT, SINGLE ENDED A4519/P22196 $451.00 UNIDIRECTIONAL 5-26V IN, 5-26V OPEN COLLECTOR OUT,6 PIN CONNECTOR, PLUS MATING CONNECTOR MOTOR STARTER, ALLEN BRADLEY A4538/P7845 $440.00 #505-BOD, SIZE 1, REVERSING 120 VAC COIL, PILOT LIGHT, ALLEN BRADLEY #800TA4539/P23192 $100.00 PT16A PUSH-TEST 120 V PILOT LIGHT, ALLEN BRADLEY #800TA4540/P1928 $100.00 PT16R, 120V, RED PITT SELECTOR SWITCH, ALLEN BRADLEY A4541/P576 $55.00 #800T-H2A TWO POSITION STRAIGHT UV SCANNER, ECLIPSE A4561/P19136 $138.00 #5600-91 OUTPUT MODULE, MITSUBISHI A4629/P34052 #AY11E, DC SOURCE, 16 POINTS CPU, MITSUBISHI, #Q4ACPU, 4096 A4662/P32502 $5,060.00 I/O, 124K STEPS LIMIT SWITCH, SQUARE D #9007A4673/P19160 $154.00 C62B2 EMITTER, BANNER #SMA30SEL SS HOUSING, 12-240 VAC "POWER ON" LED INDICATOR A4693/P6479 $176.00 W/ATTACHED 6 FT LONG PVC COVERED CABLE RECEIVER, BANNER #EM2A30SRLNC AC SS HOUSING, 24-240 VAC, 2-WIRE, N/C N/C OUTPUT, DARK A4694/P6480 $179.00 OPERATE W/ATTACHED 6 FT PVC COVERED CABLE CURRENT TRANSFORMER, TROTT A4698/P33133 $22.00 2SFT201 200:5 RATIO SENSOR, ALLEN BRADLEY A4700/P34563 $336.00 #802PRLBAR108 PROXIMITY INDUCTIVE CURRENT TRANSFORMER, TROTT A4701/P5635 $22.00 2SFT151, 150:5 RATIO PRESSURE TRANSMITTER, ASHCROFT, IX3F0242ST1IW, 0-1" W.C., A4730/P21206 $963.00 DIFFERENTIAL 4-20 MA OUTPUT SIGNAL, FOR USE WITH NATURAL GAS 1 2 7 4 6 1 2 1 1 10 10 3 1 1 1 69 ZERO SPEED SWITCH, ROTACH #M5000, 110 VOLT, 60HZ WITH MOUNTING BRACKET & 2A4758/P5552 $446.00 1/2" MAGNET DISK PRESET 250-350 RPM A4768/P21972 $66.00 PRESSURE SWITCH, KDI GAO-A4-4-6 CIRCUIT BREAKER, SQUARE D A4834/P9263 $445.00 #FAL360501121, 50 AMP, 3 POLE WITH UNDER VOLTAGE TRIPS CIRCUIT BREAKER, SQUARE D A4835/P1803 $242.00 #FAL36025 25 AMP 600V 3 POLE POWER SUPPLY, ALLEN BRADLEY A4910/P12821 $138.00 #1794-PS1 THERMOCOUPLE INPUT MODULE, A4911/P13622 $1,056.00 ALLEN BRADLEY #1794-IT8 IEC CONTACTOR, TELEMECANIQUE A4951/P6740 $451.00 #LC1-F150G6, 3 POLE, 200 AMP, 120V/60HZ COIL RECEPTACLE, HUBBELL A4952/P28541 $429.00 #HBL5200RS1W, 4POLE, 5WIRE, 200A, 600V, BOX MOUNT ENHANCE GENIUS COMMUNICATION A4961/P7442 $919.00 MODULE SERIES 90-30 PLC, GE FANUC #IC693CMM302 CIRCUIT BREAKER, SQUARE D A4964/P5927 $896.00 #KAL361501121, 150 AMP, 600 V, W/ UNDERVOLTAGE TRIP 2 WIRE TERM. BASE, ALLEN BRADLEY A5169/P12826 $215.00 #1794-TB2 13 SLOT CONTROLLOGIX RACK, ALLEN A4028/P33343 $572.00 BRADLEY #1756-A13 FUSED HOLDER, ALLEN-BRADLEY A4024/P33314 $61.00 #1492-FB2J60, 60A, 2 POLE, 600V, FOR CLASS J FUSES, ENCODER, NORTHSTAR A4021/P34188 $638.00 #MH1281T0S01 PANELVIEW 550, ALLEN BRADLEY A4906/P10564 $1,660.00 #2711-K5A2 TRANSFORMER, 100 KVA 480V 3PH PRI-60V 2PH SEC (2) 2-1/2% TAPS ABOVE & BELOW,115 A5131/P12385 $5,660.00 DEG C RISE, 7 2 1 1 1 1 4 5 4 2 7 2 2 2 1 2 70 ALUMINUM XFORMER W/NEMA 12 ENCL W/FORCED FILTERED COOLING AIR UV AMPLIFIER, HONEYWELL #R7849BA5277/P7897 $127.00 1021 THERMOSTAT, E7656000 500 AMP A5433/P24124 $5,159.00 380V 3PH 50HZ SCR ZERO CROSS W/CURRENT LIMIT, N.C. OVERTEMP SCR POWER CONTROLLER, SPANG, A4849/P6845 $1,778.00 #FC7G5-B-2151A20 150 AMP, 480 V PHASE ANGLE FIRED, CURRENT LIMIT. POWER CONTROL, SPANG, MC7G5-A8251020 250 AMP 480V/60HZ 3 PH. 2 LEG A4850/P22164 $1,660.00 SYNCHRONOUS FIRING, 208 KVA UNIT W/ N.C. TEMPERATURE SWITCH WALL MOUNT AUTOMATIC FLOAT A4770/P1010 $253.00 SWITCH W/NEMA 1 ENCLOSURE ALLEN BRADLEY, #840A1 50 1 2 1 1 Business Opportunities Item #O346 Director of Quality Assurance/Manager of Quality Assurance The duties include but are not limited to: -Maintain NADCAP and ISO certifications through implementation and follow-up -Perform internal audits -Maintain customer approvals and qualifications -Monitor the Continuous Improvement program -Assist in developing and implementing Strategic Priorities -Apply delegation and accountability to direct reports. Has final authority over hiring and dismissal of Quality employees. Direct reports are, but are not limited to, Manager of Quality and Quality Engineer. Reports to the President. Responsibilities: -This position is responsible for upholding all quality requirements of the corporation. It also has the responsibility for growing the company through development and implementation of the Mission, Passion, Values, and Vision. 71 Qualified candidates will have at least 5 years of progressive experience and/or a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering or related field. Full company benefits package including: Retirement savings, medical, dental, AFLAC, paid vacation and sick time. Please visit us at www.thermal-vac.com Please forward your resume and salary history/requirements to [email protected]. Item #O345 Maintenance Individual Looking for Position. This individual supervised the maintenance department at a large commercial heat treat shop in Michigan from 2001 to the present. He was responsible for creating PM systems, ordering parts, setting up, installation, trouble shooting and programming of PLC's. Experience with AB, Honeywell, Yokogawa, BC, Marathon, Shinko and Cutler Hammer instruments. Experience in rebuilding furnaces, burners and ignition systems. Experience in temperature uniformity studies. Willing to consider relocating. If you are interested in this individuals resume please let us know at The Monty & quote the Item#O345. Item #O344 Dynamic Professional with 24 plus years experience in the commercial heat treating industry with 18 years service in quality assurance and operations management seeks a challenging position that will capitalize on a diverse skill set. This candidate possesses strong metallurgical, sales and team building skills as well as a thorough working knowledge of quality and environmental standards including, ISO 9001/2000, ISO 14001, CQI-9 and AS9100B. Strong process control and process development skills contributed to this individuals established long term record of consistent sales growth and profitability during their most recent employment as general manager of a large commercial heat treating facility. Currently residing in the southeastern U.S./willing to relocate if necessary. Please contact The Monty directly for more information. Item #O343 Mechanic looking for a new opportunity. Experienced hands on mechanic with extensive experience in vacuum furnaces and controls is looking for a new opportunity. Currently employed with the largest heat treater in the United States with regional engineering experience. Background in pyrometry (working 72 knowledge of AMS 2750D, AMS 2759, BAC 5621, etc.). Direct supervision of pyrometry department doing instrument cals, SAT(s) and TUS(s). 30 years experience rebuilding vacuum pumps, blowers, diffusion pumps, cyro pumps, etc. Knowledge of all types of hot zone construction (all metal using doped lanthanum molybdenum, TZM or pure moly and all types of graphite hot zones and heating elements). Hands on guy that is just as happy doing all the work alone or supervising a group of people. Electrician, certified welder, inside machinist, technical writer, and process engineer. Knowledge of vacuum brazing and vacuum heat treating. Experience in training furnace operators, knowledge of confined space policies, and experience in all industrial gases. Related experience in all types of combustion furnaces. Looking for a position in the Southern California area with relocation as a possibility. Hard worker that thinks nothing of putting in 60+ hr. weeks. Please contact The Monty directly for more information. Item #O342 Sales Professional seeking employment. A senior level results oriented sales professional with over 20 years Sales Management experience in industrial sales in progressively responsible positions. Selling in to the metallurgy sector in North America as one key target sector, is seeking a new role. Specializing in vacuum technology related system sales but considering other avenues in which to utilize my skills, with a dynamic and forward-looking company. Proven record for driving revenue and profitable growth in business development with engineered products and systems. Action oriented with a high tech comprehension, and managed teams of direct sales engineers and manufacturers representatives. Seeking to be part of a growing company with innovative products that is looking for a resilient and results oriented individual. Please contact The Monty directly for more information. Item #O341 We are looking for Sales Representatives who are experienced in industrial and manufacturing sales in the Mexican states of Sonora, Chihuahua and Coahuila and can represent Phoenix Heat Treating for a broad range of heat treating services. We are located in Phoenix about 160 miles from the Mexico-US border, and as one of the largest heat treat companies in the southwest, PHT is ideally positioned to heat treat gears, assembly components, stamped parts, small parts, as well as parts that require certification - Nadcap, MIL-Std-45662, MIL-Q-9858, MIL-H-45208A, among others. We pay on a percentage of sales, or can discuss other arrangements based on experience and capabilities. We will provide training so the individuals are fluent in our heat treating specialties and can competently 73 represent PHT in Mexico. Interested individuals need to contact Peter Hushek, president, Phoenix Heat Treating: 602-258-7751, or email Peter at [email protected] Item #O340 Metal Treatment/Metals Manufacturing Specialist looking for position in technical management or business development. Global industry experience. Mech Engineer, 15 yrs experience and 5 years as president of a successful commercial heat treatment shop. High level expertise in plant, process and metallurgy. Contact Robert at [email protected] Item #O338 Metallurgist looking for a position. 20 years of professional work experience in Metallurgical Engineering. Process experience in heat treatment and surface treatments. Material experience in ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. Expert in metallography, mechanical testing, failure analysis and x-ray diffraction. Experience in ecology friendly and cost effective surface treatment of automobile components. Thorough knowledge of manufacturing processes. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Team Player and Permanent Resident. If this is of interest please send resume in confidence to The Monty.com Item #O337 Heat Treating Services Unlimited, Inc. (HTSU) is seeking a Technician to perform calibrations, repair/corrective maintenance services for temperature control systems and instrumentation at different client locations throughout the Southeast. This field service position requires a focus on customer service and a quality conscious work ethic. Overnight travel is required. Our technicians calibrate, troubleshoot, install and service control instruments, as well as perform temperature uniformity studies on industrial furnaces used for steel processing. Wee utilize state-of-theart equipment with a focus on electronic technology for our primary source of data collection, management and communication HTSU is a rapidly growing company with aggressive long-term goals. We employ motivated and organized self-starters and offer opportunities for growth and advancement. Qualifications Ø Must enjoy working with people and solving problems Ø Must have good electrical and mechanical aptitude 74 Ø Must have basic computer skills for communication Ø Have the ability to work with basic hand tools Ø Knowledge in the use of test equipment such as millimeters/calibrators Benefits and Compensation HTSU provides comprehensive benefits package with competitive wages. Our benefits include: Ø Medical Insurance – Healthcare Ø Life Insurance Ø Paid Vacation Ø Personal Days Ø Sick Days Ø Holidays Ø Company Provided Vehicle Ø Daily Meal Allowances Ø 401(k) Plan Ø Relocation Assistance (if applicable) Please apply with résumé to Kevin Ruff eat Treating Services Unlimited, Inc. Email: [email protected] Item #O335 Position available for General Manager of a southeast US. Aerospace/Commercial brazing and heat treat facility. Candidates should have 5 years minimum experience in this field with management and P/L responsibility. Sales and engineering are the major focus required for this assignment. The aerospace and commercial sales in this area are very strong and present a great opportunity for the right person. Salary would be commensurate with experience. Company offers competitive compensation with possible relocation available also. Please forward your resume to The Monty along with the Item #. Item #O332 Maintenance Position. Diamond Heat Treat, Rockford, IL., has an excellent opportunity for an individual with three years experience in machine repair. Fabrication skills and a strong electrical background are desired. We provide an excellent wage and benefits package. Send resume to 3691 Publishers Drive, Rockford, IL. 61109 Attn. Bill Denning Item #O331 Operations, Quality & Maintenance. Bodycote Livonia has several opportunities in the operations, quality and maintenance departments in preparation for the next program launch. Bodycote - Livonia processes transmissions gears for a new six-speed automatic transmission program under a long term contract. Bodycote 75 Livonia is a world class center for low pressure carburizing with high pressure gas quenching. This new technology is the state of the art and represents the future of carburizing processes. Contact Mike Thomas at [email protected] with your resume if interested. Item #O324 Experienced Induction Heating Service/Installation Engineer Available. • Performed equipment and system start-up at customer’s plant. • Worked on medium frequency (0.7 KHZ – 30 KHZ), high frequency (100 KHZ – 400 KHZ) solid-state and Tube Oscillators (Power range from 5 KW to 1200 KW). • Tested power supplies and systems in-house before shipping to customer. • Conducted equipment runoff in-house as well as at customer’s plant. • Troubleshoot equipment over phone and also by visiting customers all over the world • Provided customers with training and support in the operation and maintenance of the installed equipment. Available On Contract or as Fulltime employee. Contact The Monty stating Item # if interested. Item #O299 WANTED: Mechanical Engineer/Designer. Vacuum/pressure furnaces T-M Vacuum Products Inc. has been a leader in the design and manufacturing of vacuum furnaces, ovens and thin film deposition equipment since 1965. T-M Vacuum Products is a well established company providing competitive pay, full benefits, paid holidays, paid vacation and sick pay and an employer matched 401K plan. Job description: . Conceptualize, design and detail high vacuum high temperature vacuum furnace equipment. . Design mechanical and electromechanical systems; applying principles of mechanics, thermodynamics, hydraulics, heat transfer, and materials. . Develops mechanical and electromechanical products by studying customer requirements . Plans mechanical drawings by reviewing sketches, descriptions, specifications, and supporting documents; conferring with other engineers and product designers. . Create CAD drawings and BOM . Perform engineering calculations 76 . Apply working knowledge of engineering codes and standards . Assist sales department with estimates and proposals and provide technical support Qualifications: . BS in Mechanical engineering and 5 years experience in conception, design and manufacturing of industrial equipment with relevancy in vacuum furnace technology. Or; . Mechanical Designer with exceptional "on the job training" with 7-10 years experience in high temperature high vacuum furnace technology. . Proficient in AutoCAD, Windows based PCs, Word, Excel. Please call 856-829-2000 or email resume to [email protected] Item #O295 Quality Assurance Representative for Braddock Metallurgical in Bridgewater, NJ. Must have a strong working knowledge of AS9100, NADCAP and with a minimum of 5 years of experience. If interested, please forward your resume and salary requirements to [email protected]. Item #O285 Industrial Furnace Process Engineering Manager. LOI, one of the world’s largest suppliers of industrial furnaces for the ferrous and nonferrous metal working industry, has an immediate opening in the Pittsburgh based division for a Process Engineering Manager. This person will be responsible for the operation of the mechanical engineering department. The successful candidate will possess a four year bachelor’s degree in engineering, and a minimum of ten years experience in industrial furnace process design and engineering. Ideally, the candidate will have experience in steel and aluminum heat treating furnaces. This position requires a "hands-on" leader who has excellent communication and computer skills. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package, and are an equal opportunity employer. Please send resumes to: LOI Inc. 333 Technology Drive Suite 109 Canonsburg (Pittsburgh), PA 15317 Or [email protected] ph : 724.743.1120 fax : 724.743.1131 Item #O270 Experienced Heat Treater looking. Have been in the industry for 27 years. Currently looking for a managerial, supervisory or sales position in the heat treating industry. Travel is not a problem. Would prefer to work days and take care of a 24/7 shop. Great customer and employee skills. Relocation is not a problem, even international would be OK. If you have an interest in this ad, please contact The Monty & quote the Item# for complete 77 information. Item #O250 Metallurgist Consultant. Recently retired metallurgist wants to apply his knowledge to your problems. This will keep him sharp and you profitable. Forty-years of experience in the following can be yours: 1. Metallurgical Laboratory operations and supervision, 2. Heat Treat Process Development from initial concept to finished product, with all processing, quality, and production standards generated, and capital equipment purchased and installed, 3. Conformance of all facets of material and metallurgical process to EPA, OSHA, and Quality Requirements (QS,ISO, Customer Specific), 4. Experience in Vendor/Customer Relations. Vendor survey, and Approval, 5. Experience in Failure Analysis. Most experience in highvolume, automotive type product. I am very anxious to provide this service to you on a per-job or part-time basis. Please contact the Monty & quote the Item# to reach me. Buying or Selling of Heat Treat Shops Shops for Sale Commercial Heat Treat Shops For Sale. Currently we have several commercial heat treating operations for sale in the USA and Canada. These range from relatively small right on up to multi plant locations. Please ask us for details. South American Business Opportunity. A very large South American commercial heat treat company is looking for an investor/partner/buyer. This is a successful, profitable, growing company that is looking to expand even further and requires capital to carry this out. In the event of a new owner, current management would be willing to stay as long as required. If this is of interest to you please let us know at "The Monty" and following a signed non disclosure agreement we can give you all the details. If interested, please use our Feedback Form. Selling of Heat Treat Shops One of the services that we offer at "The Monty" is putting buyers and sellers of heat treat operations together. Since we started "The Monty" we have been approached a number of times from both buyers and sellers of heat treat shops about selling or buying. We are pleased to say that we have been successful in a few instances. If you are interested in selling your shop or are interested in buying a new 78 operation. please contact us and we'll be more than happy to help you out. Several commonly asked questions are below; 1) Is my inquiry confidential? 100% guaranteed! In all cases both potential buyer and seller will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement before the 2 parties are put in touch. 2) Is there a fee involved? We charge a modest finders fee for our services. In some cases this is paid by the buyer, in other cases by the vendor. 3) Will negotiations be conducted through WG Montgomery Ltd? Not unless you wish it. Generally we put buyers and sellers together but we are not involved in the negotiations. 4) What happens if I have already been negotiating with a potential buyer? Do I have to pay WG Montgomery Ltd. a finders fee? No. If you have already been speaking with a potential buyer no finders fee would be applicable as we did not bring the buyer to the table. 5) How would WG Montgomery Ltd. go about finding a buyer for our operation? We would first approach a number of potential buyers that we have worked with in the past. In conjunction with this we would also put a description of your shop on the site with an overview of your capabilities but not enough details to identify the shop. 6) As a potential buyer what if I don't see what I'm looking for on your site? Please let us know what you are looking for and we'll see what we can do. We would like to stress that we are aware of a few shops for sale which are not mentioned on our site. 7) For more details about our commission structure please let us know using our Feedback Form. In Parting, We always enjoy comments, feedback and constructive criticism. Thanks for your feedback and don’t hesitate to let us know your thoughts. Don’t forget to visit us daily at www.themonty.com 79 Gord Montgomery, W.G. Montgomery Limited Phone: 905 822-4004 Fax: 905 403-0812 Email: [email protected] Happy Valentine’s Day! 80