btbj JUNE 2011 final.qxp - Beth Tikvah B`nai Jeshurun


btbj JUNE 2011 final.qxp - Beth Tikvah B`nai Jeshurun
ikvah-B’nai J
B et
June 2011
Volume 7
Issue 5
Iyar - Sivan
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Minyan 7:00 am
Minyan 9:30 am
Minyan 9:30 am
Confirmation Services
7:00 pm
Tikun Leil Shavuot
9:00 pm
Shavuot Services
9:30 am
Minyan 9:30 am
Shavuot Services
9:30 am
11:00 am
Shabbat Syn*Ergy
7:30 pm
Minyan 7:00 am
Board Meeting
7:30 pm
Services 6:00 pm
Minyan 7:00 am
Minyan 7:00 am
Minyan 9:30 am
Minyan 7:00 am
Preschool Graduation
10:30 am
Services 6:00 pm
Installation of Officers
7:30 pm
MInyan 7:00 am
Services 9:30 am
Bat Mitzvah of
Alexa Chapman
Services 9:30 am
Honoring Rabbi Grife
for his Degree of
Doctor of Divinity
Extended Kiddush
Services 9:30 am
B’nai Mitzvah of
Allison Cohen and
Max Silvers
Services 9:30 am
Minyan 7:00 am
Minyan 7:00 am
Have a wonderful summer!
1001 Paper Mill Road
Erdenheim, PA 19038
215-836-0211 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
Light candles........................................................8:04 p.m.
Services................................................................6:00 p.m.
Installation of Officers...........................................7:30 p.m.
Services................................................................9:30 a.m.
Light candles.........................................................8:11 p.m.
Services................................................................9:30 a.m.
Alexa Chapman, daughter of Beth and Andrew Chapman
will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah
Confirmation Services..........................................7:00 p.m.
Light candles........................................................8:06 p.m.
Services................................................................9:30 a.m.
Shavuot Services.................................................9:30 a.m.
Services................................................................9:30 a.m.
Shavuot Services.................................................9:30 a.m.
Yizkor..................................................................11:00 a.m.
Light candles........................................................8:00 p.m.
Light candles........................................................8:09 p.m.
Services................................................................6:00 p.m.
Services................................................................9:30 a.m.
Services................................................................9:30 a.m.
Light candles........................................................7:53 p.m.
Light candles........................................................8:12 p.m.
Shabbat Syn*Ergy................................................7:30 p.m.
Services................................................................9:30 a.m.
Services................................................................9:30 a.m.
Allison Cohen, daughter of Jennifer and Jack Cohen will
be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah
Max Silvers, son of Denise and Sam Silvers will be
called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah
Light candles.........................................................7:45 p.m.
Services................................................................9:30 a.m.
Light candles.........................................................8:13 p.m
Light candles.........................................................7:34 p.m.
Services................................................................9:30 a.m.
Services................................................................9:30 a.m.
Light candles........................................................8:15 p.m.
Light candles.........................................................7:24 p.m.
Services................................................................9:30 a.m.
Services................................................................9:30 a.m.
Light candles........................................................8:14 p.m.
From the Desk of Rabbi Saul I. Grife
and together we’ll see where it leads! I’m so looking forward to being a part of this new learning
adventure – Tzay U’lemad: Come & Learn!”
BTBJ U: I am so proud of all the adult students who have comprised our BTBJ U program for
the past 13 years! Some have come and gone; the
overwhelming majority have been fixtures since day
one. Jewish learning is designed to be a life-long
pursuit; therefore, I am so thrilled that so many of you
have put your Jewish education as a major priority in
your lives as you pursue one of the greatest levels of
Jewish education - Torah Li’Shma: Learning for its
own sake! In honor of the recent completion of
Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz’s edition of The Talmud, we will
add a component of Talmud study to our ongoing pursuit of the meaning of Parshat HaShavuah, the
weekly Torah portions and Pirke Avot, the Teachings
of the Sages. The 63 tractates of the Talmud represent the greatest compilation of Jewish law, literature
and lore. The work of Rabbi Steinsaltz and his staff
has brought the riches of the Talmud to contemporary
Jewish students, enabling them greater access to its
text, interpretation and significance for our times.
BTBJ U has been a spirited inspiring class for well
over a decade now. Everyone is cordially invited to
join us whether you are a “once in a while” student, a
“whenever you can make it” student or a bimonthly
regular. I am happy to report that we have picked up
a number of new students in recent years. It is never
too late to further one’s Jewish education and deepen the joy of one’s Jewish identity! So join us whenever you can – without apologies or regrets - to enrich
your Jewish education – one idea, one sentence, one
lesson at a time!
Sisterhood’s Lunch and Learn Series: I have
greatly enjoyed the annual Sisterhood Lunch and
Learn series that brings us together 4 times a year for
lunch and Torah study with the eager students of our
Sisterhood group. Pirke Avot (3:3) teaches, “When
two people or more meet and do not exchange words
of Torah, they are regarded as an unfulfilled company. However, when two people or more meet and discuss words of Torah, it is believed that the Shechina
(God) dwells among them and blesses them.” I am
happy to relate that at every Sisterhood luncheon we
pursue words of Torah and further the knowledge and
commitment of our Sisterhood students from year to
year. In recognition of Rabbi Steinsaltz’s Talmudic
achievements, we will pursue a course of study next
year entitled, “Four Obscure Esoteric Lessons
from the Holy Books”. Over the course of our four
meetings we will consider a little known lesson from
four sources: the Torah, the Prophets, the Writings
“Tzay U’lemad:
Come & Learn!”
“All the mitzvot are
important… and the
study of Torah leads
to them all!”
As the school year of 5771 (2010-2011) draws to a
close, I am excited to share with you some of the
dynamic plans we have in store for learning for all
ages next year!
Teens Together!: For over 10 years, BTBJ’s
Teens Together! program has given our post Bnai
Mitzvah students a chance to continue their Jewish
education, socialize and enjoy a positive Jewish
learning experience and environment here at BTBJ a safe, secure and comfortable second home to so
many of our students. I am thrilled to report that several of our teenagers and their parents have requested that we offer an accelerated class of higher
Jewish learning so that they can enjoy the richest
Jewish learning atmosphere they possibly can within
the context of our program. Therefore, I am pleased
to announce and present the start of “Tzay U’lemad:
Come & Learn!” as a new part of Teens Together!
starting in the fall. This class, which I will direct and
teach, will be open to all of our Teens Together! students from grades 8th through 10th and also for our
students of post-Confirmation age, our 11th and 12th
graders. This course will allow us to take an inspiring journey together to explore the riches of the
Jewish heritage. Our travels will take us from Jewish
history to philosophy, through Talmud and Rashi, in
and out of Kabbalah and through whatever else calls
to us, excites us, motivates and inspires us with lots
of surprises in store! I will share the year’s syllabus and course of study at our opening session in the fall (if not before!) so everyone can get
excited about the upcoming year’s events. So
many of our students already enjoy what our Teens
Together! program has to offer. In response to the
interests of many, I am pleased to now offer this new
class for those who want to concentrate and be
exposed to a more intense level of Jewish knowledge. We hope that all of you who are interested in
this compelling venture will look forward to being a
part of it in the fall! “Tzay U’lemad: Come &
Learn!” promises to take us on an enlightening
Jewish adventure! Come take the journey with us
Rabbi Grife (continued)
T ikkun Leyl S tudy Session
& the Talmud. So come join us for the excitement of
exploring our Sifrei Kodesh, our Holy Books, on a
new level as we join together to investigate the wealth
of Jewish knowledge!
Elementary School Enrichment: This past
year I have made it a priority to pop in on our elementary classes on a regular basis with surprise visits,
candy and lessons to supplement their already strong
track of education. I am happy to report that the students so enjoy these unscheduled visits and the
excitement that pervades the room over Torah and
snacks! Next year, I look forward to doing the same
with our Aleph through Gimmel students. Sometimes
I play off the lessons that the teachers are presenting;
sometimes I bring something completely new to their
attention. So many of our young ones are so eager
to learn! You can see the joy illuminate their faces as
they are exposed to new Jewish lessons! I am happy
to be a part of it and to spring them with surprise visits to deepen their understanding and commitment to
Jewish education and life! Yasher Koach to our
educational director, Hazzan Unger, our teachers,
our Parent-Support Group and to all our supportive parents who make it a priority to actively
transmit the joys of Judaism to our children to
produce a new generation of energetic and
knowledgable Jews for the future!
As much as the Jewish people open our
sacred texts, our sacred texts have exposed us to
the riches, passion and significance of the
Jewish experience! So whether you join us once
or always, know that here at BTBJ we offer a
broad spectrum of opportunities to further our
Jewish knowledge and awareness. Remember
that some of our greatest lessons and learning
experiences occur during services – Friday
nights, Shabbat morning and holidays. These
programs always provide an opportunity to deepen our Jewish appreciation. A sound Jewish education bestows upon us the keys to the kingdom!
An involved and committed adult generation is
more likely to produce an involved and committed younger generation. Our future depends on
producing devoted knowledgeable Jews of all
ages! Here at BTBJ we strive to make every
Jewish experience as spirited, enriching and
inspiring as possible. So be a part of this grand
Jewish journey and “Tzay U’lemad: Come &
Learn” with us whenever you can!
The Jewish future depends on it! Our
Jewish souls will be glad we did!
Our Annual Tikkun Leyl
Shavuot Study Session
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
9:00 p.m.
On this 1st night of Shavuot 5771...
when we celebrate the
Revelation of the Torah...
join us to explore our
new Mahzor - Lev Shalem
as we prepare to enter
the High Holiday season of 5772
inspired by the presence of our
new spiritual text and guide
On behalf of the congregation, thanks to all of the
devoted minyan supporters who give of their time so that
members of our BTBJ community can be assured of a
minyan when they need to say Kaddish for a loved one.
Please remember that morning minyan
doesn't go on summer vacation!
Minyan services are held
Mondays & Thursdays at 7 a.m., Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
If you can attend once a month or more,
or for more information about minyan,
please contact Marcie Lowe,
Minyan Task Force Coordinator,
at 215-233-4593 or [email protected]
Notes From Hazzan Arlyne Unger
Installation of Officers
students to attend both a Dalet open-house and a
special Prophet-rama so the parents could learn
about the prophets along with their children. We
have also had a number of focused Tzedakah opportunities this year, including providing Shalach Manot
for Israeli soldiers, raising money to save retired greyhound dogs, and collecting funds for rebuilding in
Japan. Our parents and children have participated
seriously in contributing towards these significant
causes, and studied the mitzvot behind them.
As Jews, we know the importance of learning.
In fact, Torah study involves us in a life-time of learning. I am delighted that so many of our parents have
willingly joined their children in Jewish study and I
look forward next year to engaging our parents even
further in this important task.
Hazzan Arlyne Unger,
Hazzan and
Educational Director
It is hard to believe that the 5771 school year
is coming to an end! We had a year full of learning
and special events, and I am quite proud of both what
our students and our teachers have accomplished!
BTBJ Religious School is a Ner Tamid school.
This is a special designation of honor bestowed upon
us by the Auerbach Central Agency – Jewish
Outreach Partnership, an educational affiliate of
Jewish Federation. In order to earn this title, we must
have at least 75% of our faculty attending a minimum
of 12 hours of officially recognized professional
development. This professional development included attendance at the city-wide Yom Limmud (Day of
Study), whose theme was engaging families in religious school learning.
We have used this theme as a focus of our
education this year. Of course we already boast a
successful family Shabbaton, which brings parents
and children together in an informal context for
Jewish study and prayer. Many of our teachers have
increased the opportunities to involve the parents in
learning along with the children. For example, Lori
Feldstein-Gardner regularly sends home packets with
her Bet students, which the students complete along
with their parents.
We brought a large number of parents in for
our Journey to Israel program, which was a learning
opportunity both for the students and the adult volunteers. I was pleased that a number of parents chose
to attend our Pesach Around the World program,
which introduced the family to a wide variety of new
perspectives of the holiday. I hope that some of these
activities were successfully included in our families’
Every year we invite the Primary parents to be
involved in their children’s learning at the “Parents
Day in Primary” program. Throughout the year,
numerous opportunities present themselves for the
parents of our youngest children to be engaged in
learning with their children. On the other end of
the spectrum, we invited the parents of our Dalet
I wish you all a wonderful and safe summer.
Our deepest sympathy to:
Jay Harris and family on the passing
of their beloved father and
grandfather, Nathanial Harris
Roy Stander and family on the passing
of their beloved mother, grandmother
and a long time congregant of BTBJ,
Eleanor Stander
You are cordially invited
to the Installation of
Officers and Board of
Directors, of our
Synagogue, Men’s Club
and Sisterhood
for 2011-12
Friday, June 3, 2011
7:30 p.m.
Mazel Tov Marcie and Richard Lowe!!
Jonathan Picker
Men’s Club
I want to thank all of the officers and board of
directors for their commitment in making this a great
year. It is hard to believe the year is over. Looking
back we had a very successful year. Last week we
had our second annual steak dinner. This was an
absolutely awesome event. I would like to thank our
gourmet Chef Larry Axelrod and his fabulous crew
including Ivan Bell, David Schwartzman, Harris
Bookfor, David Nuddle, Moss Walden, and Rich
Gersh. These gentleman spent the entire day, cooking and setting up for a wonderful evening. I would
also like to send out a very special thank you to Mark
Halsman for our souvenir glasses. The food was delicious. If you have not attended the steak dinner you
definitely do not want to miss next year. I would also
like to thank Milt for all of his help with the set up and
clean up for the event.
Congratulations to Ivan Bell, the 2011 Men’s
Club Man of the Year. Ivan does so much for the
Men’s Club and for all of BTBJ. Ivan truly manifests
all the virtues that the award stands for. He works
tirelessly at all of our events including helping Larry
with food prep, along with many other projects for the
entire synagogue.
I want to remind everyone to sign up for the
Who’s Who and What They Do Directory that will be
coming out along with the Community Directory for
2011-2012. This is a great opportunity to let the
entire BTBJ Community know what you do.
For the next year I would like to challenge
folks to get involved with the Men’s Club. Come to a
meeting, play softball, have a steak and have some
fun! We have some great ideas for the next year.
Please feel free to contact me at any time.
Membership dues letters will be sent out in
the next few weeks. Please consider joining the
Men’s Club if you did not this year. If you are a new
member to the synagogue, your first year dues are
I hope everyone has a very relaxing summer
and gets rejuvenated for a spectacular new year!
USCJ Ateret Kavod Event
Dorene Karasick, daughter of Ruthe Schwartz was also
honored at the Ateret Kavod Event.
Deena Friedland
10. Our FUNdraising event, The Dueling
Pianos, was a lot to sing about!!
11. Congregants enjoyed receiving the
Misloach Manot Purim Baskets put together by
Sisterhood. We raised money to help us support
BTBJ and Sisterhood.
12. We met our annual WLCJ financial goals
and received a “Torah Fund Award”.
13. We run the Sisterhood Gift Shop as a wonderful service to our congregants and community and
to support our Synagogue.
14. We have contributed and supported BTBJ
by our donations: $1,800 to the BTBJ Debt Reduction
program, $500 to the Beatles Night Celebration and
$150 to the Heart and Soul Community Shabbat.
15. The BTBJ Sisterhood Gift Shop contributed $5,000 of profits to the Synagogue Operating
16. We provided a free bus for congregants to
the Susan G. Komen Mother’s Day Breast Cancer
Walk in Center City Philadelphia.
17. Funds raised at this year’s Torah Fund
Dinner, honoring Debbi Goldich will help the
Conservative movement’s teaching institutions to
educate Rabbis, Cantors and lay leaders.
18. The 2011/2012 Sisterhood Board looks
forward to working with all the BTBJ affiliates next
Have a wonderful summer!!
We are a strong and vital Sisterhood with many
accomplishments this year. We met our goals due to
the hard work and dedication of the Sisterhood
Officers, Directors and Program Chair People. Our
work continues to support BTBJ, the community and
the women of Sisterhood. Here are our 2010/2011
Sisterhood “CHAI” Lights:
1. Meredith Jacobs, author of the book The
Modern Jewish Mom’s Guide to Shabbat: Connect
and Celebrate, was our guest speaker at our
Opening Program.
2. Our very own, Debbi Goldich, Mid-Atlantic
Region President for Women’s League for
Conservative Judaism (WLCJ), was our guest speaker at our Membership Dinner.
3. Sisterhood ladies had a wonderful day in
the Big Apple and saw the Broadway Show
“Promises, Promises”.
4. Our Sisterhood celebrated Jewish Book
Month by having a Book Discussion of the WLCJ
book selection, Pictures at an Exhibition by Sara
5. At Our Annual Adult Education Program the
“Lunch and Learn” Series with the Rabbi, we
explored Women in the Bible, Current Events and
Pesach. Funds were collected to support BTBJ’s
Sandwich Making Drive.
6. We continued our tradition of Membership
Appreciation Night with Movie Night and Dinner. We
screened the Israeli movie, “Lemon Tree”.
7. We enjoyed an inspiring Sisterhood
Shabbat and Dinner when our members lead the
service in prayer and song. The Shabbat theme was
“Kehillah Kedoshah”, “Celebrating Community
Woman to Woman”. This is the theme of this year’s
WLCJ Torah Fund Pin.
8. We had a Community Q&A Program with
Whitemarsh Township Chief of Police, Eileen W.
9. We created beautiful Passover Seder
Plates and Miriam Cups at Mermaid Art Studio.
Save the Date!!!
Annual BTBJ Shabbaton
January 20 - 22, 2012
More information to follow
Tefillah Club sings at the Riversharks game
Confirmation and Shavout
Shavuot Services
You are Cordially Invited to Attend
Wednesday, June 8
Services 9:30 a.m.
Confirmation Services
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
6 Sivan 5771
7:00 p.m.
Thursday, June 9
Services 9:30 a.m.
Yizkor 11:00 a.m.
Our Preschool Graduates!
Senior 1
Jessica Barrack
Katherine Cohen
Keiran Cohen
Lauren Collacchi
Zachary Goldin
Haiden Haley
Zayne Kolodner
Jake Laigaie
Senior 2
Lily Angelo
Daniel Gendron
Jonathan Gendron
Noah Gibbs
Samuel Goren
Carley Lefkowitz
Orli Rabinowitz
Joshua Salkin
Samuel Tonkon
Andrew Walters
Benjamin Weston
Mazel Tov Graduates!
High School Graduates
College Graduates
Julie Aranowitz graduated from Upper Dublin High School
Evan Dvorak graduated from the University of
and will be attending the University of Maryland.
Pennsylvania School of Engineering and Applied Science
with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering. His group
senior design project, the Alpha bike, won first place and
received the William K. Gemmill Memorial Award for outstanding creativity in an engineering design project in the
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied
Robbie Cohen graduated high school and will be attending
the Thames Academy at Mitchell College.
Judy Cuker graduated from Upper Dublin High School and
will be attending New York University, The Steinhardt
School, majoring in Studio Art.
Rachel Engleman graduated from the University of
Maryland, College Park, with a BA in Psychology and a
Certificate in General Business.
Samantha Ellis graduaed from Friends Central School and
will be attending the University of Pennsylvania.
Samantha is a National Merit Finalist.
Michael Form graduated from Boston University with a
Master’s Degree in Computer Information Systems.
Deanna Form graduated from Plymouth Whitemarsh High
Lindsay Gordon graduated from Pennsylvania State
University with a BA in Broadcast Journalism and a
Kinesiology Minor. She has a Post Bachelor Internship
with Tierney Advertising and PR Agency.
School and will be attending Temple University for
Ariel Ingber graduated from Plymouth Whitemarsh High
School and will be attending The George Washington
Gabby Grife graduated from the School of Visual Arts with
a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree.
Zoe Rosoff-Verbit graduated from Upper Dublin High
Jamie Harris graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the
School with honors and will be attending The College of
University of Michigan. She plans to work in New York.
High School and will be attending Penn State University.
Rachel Ingber graduated with honors from Lafayette
College with a BA in Math and Economics and will be
working at the SEI Corporation in Oaks, Pa.
Jason Weisbaum graduated from William Penn Charter
Jeriel Kessel graduated from The George Washington
Margaux Weinraub graduated from Plymouth Whitemarsh
University. She will attend Temple University School of
Medicine Post Baccalaurente Program.
High School and will be attending Emory University.
Farryl Leshner graduated with honors from West Chester
University with a BA in Elementary and Special
Special Honors and Awards
Annette Dvorak, a sophomore at the University of
Maryland, was accepted into the Design and Innovation in
Marketing Fellows program at the Robert H. Smith School
of Business. This summer, she will be participating in the
Franklin C. Ash summer internship program at JEVS.
Amanda Lightman graduated from Emory University
Marisa Weisbaum won the Outstanding Achievement
Business of Pennsylvania State University with a BS in
Supply Chain Management and Information Systems. He
will be working at Sears in Chicago, Ill.
School of Business. She will be working in investment
banking in NYC.
Adam Madvedoff graduated from the Smeal School of
Award at George Washington University this year for
being in the top 2% of the sophomore class.
Carly Stanton graduated from the University of
Massachusetts, Amherst with a BA in Psychology. Carly
was on the Dean’s List. She is planning on going to graduate school for music therapy or speech pathology.
Lloyd Tannenbaum graduated from Ursinus College with
Distinguished Honors and will be attending Jefferson
Medical College.
Adam Taupin graduated from the University of Rochester
with a bachelors degree majoring in psychology.
Purim Ball
Save The Date
We would like to acknowledge the super accomplishments of all our talented congregants. We want to
honor our children, our families and our friends. So, if
you know of a special award or accomplishment of
one of our congregants, please let us know.
We are most
excited to announce
Mazel Tov To:
The BTBJ Purim Gala Ball
Carli Fine for sharing First Place in the William
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Jeanes Library Teen Poetry Contest.
Beth and Mitch Sargen on the engagement of their
son, Josh to Meghan Houlihan.
To my extended family at
Beth Tikvah B’nai Jeshurun:
The contributions, cards, letters and good wishes
have been unbelievable. My hospital stay has left me
with such a warm feeling of appreciation and how fortunate to have the friends I do.
The Purim gifts, all the books I received and the lovely flowers. The prayers that were said for me at services and the visitors good wishes all carried some
weight with some higher authority.
at the
National Museum of
American Jewish History
I thank our Rabbi for his calls and hospital visits and I
thank my dear and sweet friend, Jeanie Gallop for
taking over my synagogue responsibilities and for
handling my public relations.
101 S. Independence Mall East
Philadelphia, Pa.
I am truly blessed,
Hannah Rubin
Our Honoree
The Queen of our Ball
Linda Grife
The following ladies made the May sandwiches:
Ethel Herman, Barbara
Markowitz, Susan Rees
and Myra Weissberger.
Thank you dear ladies, we
couldn't make a difference
without your help. See you next first Friday in June.
An evening of
dinner, dancing &
for Social Action,
Jeanie Gallop
Purim Festivities
Mrs. Blossom Kauffman
Nathanial Harris
Ms. Florence Kobran
Jerome Elgarten
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lamberg
Herman Kanoff
Dr. and Mrs. Gerhard Maerker
Ben-Joseph Livnat
Inge Oppenheimer
Mrs. Martie Martin
Mary Ruth Bowens
Gerald A. Martin, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller
Fannie Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell and family
Martin Schecter
Mrs. Anita Nason and Mr. Fred Nason
Hyman Cohen
Benedict Nason
Mr. Morris Pullman
Sylvia Pullman
William Pullman
Mr. and Mrs. John Rees
Eleanor Stander
Nathanial Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Richards and family
Nathanial Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Risler and family
Nathanial Harris
Mrs. Fay Rudnick
Tillie Rudnick
Mrs. Ruthe Schwartz
Eleanor Stander
Mrs. Edith Schwarz
Eleanor Stander
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Silverman
Israel Yablansky
The Simmens and Barbash families
In memory of the father of Rich Schector
BTBJ Sisterhood
Eleanor Stander
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Stone
Eleanor Stander
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Weintraub and family
Lawrence M. Koenig
Dr. and Mrs. Laurence Belkoff and family
Nathanial Harris
Arthur Bodenheimer
Mrs. Grace Blumberg
Nathanial Harris
Dr. Nathan Brillman
Louis Brillman
Mrs. Ruth Bronenberg
Rabbi Martin Bronenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cohen and family
Molly Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cuker and family
Nathanial Harris
The Edelman Family
Norman Edelman
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Ellis and family
Nathanial Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Dar Feinman and family
Nathanial Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Fulmer and family
Eleanor Stander
Mrs. Harriet Gallop
Irvin Dubin
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gallop
Ruth Rachman Gallop
Nathanial Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gersh and family
Nathanial Harris
Mr. Benzion Ginn
A. Isaac Hirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Green and family
Eleanor Rothouse
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Halsman and family
Nathanial Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Harris and family
Roslyn Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hochbaum and family
Nathanial Harris
Mr. and Mrs. David Ingber
Samuel Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Ingber and family
Nathanial Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weissberger and family
Rose Jacobson
The Weiswasser Family
Ned Weiswasser
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wenzel
Nathanial Harris
Eleanor Stander
Mrs. Betty White
Evelyn Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Zacharjasz and family
Luis Zacharjasz
Arthur Bodenheimer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dvorak and family
In honor of the engagement of Rachel
Knieriem to Jonathan Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weissberger and family
In memory of Barbee Baron
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Flaks and family
Mazel tov to Marcie and Richard Lowe on
their Ateret Kavod Award
Mr. and Mrs. James Kaufman and family
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Jacob
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Korman and family
In honor of the B’nai Mitzvah of Sydney and
Brett Brown
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Sophie
Continued good health wishes to Carli and
Susan Fine
Mazel tov to Marcie and Richard Lowe on
their Ateret Kavod Award
Mrs. Ruthe Schwartz
Thanking Leigh Brosof for her Shelach
Manot visit
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Simmens
In memory of Theodore Shuster
Mrs. Marla Sones and family
Continued good health wishes to Carli and
Susan Fine
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Engleman and family
In honor of the Confirmation of Allison Cohen
In honor of the Confirmation of Leah Cuker
In honor of the Confirmation of Stephanie
In honor of the Confirmation of Spencer
In honor of the Confirmation of Dannah
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Weisbaum and family
In honor of the Confirmation of Jared
In honor of the Confirmation of Dannah
In honor of the Confirmation of Jacob O’Brien
In honor of the Confirmation of Robert
In honor of the Confirmation of Stephanie
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Zacharjasz and family
In honor of the Confirmation of Leah Cuker
In honor of the Confirmation of Dannah
In honor of the Confirmation of Spencer
In honor of the Confirmation of Jacob and
Robert O’Brien
In honor of the Confirmation of Stephanie
In honor of the Confirmation of Rachel
In honor of the Confirmation of Allison Blum
Mrs. Gloria Gordon and family
In honor of the marriage of Amanda Berman
to Charles Osterhout
Mazel tov to Marcie and Richard Lowe on
their Ateret Kavod Award
In memory of Nathanial Harris
Mrs. Janice Spivack
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Sophie
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tabak and family
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Alexa
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Zacharjasz and family
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Sophie
Thank You For Your Contributions
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hochbaum and family
Thanking Cindy Axelrod for coordinating the
bus for the Susan G. Komen Walk
Mr. and Mrs. David Ingber
In honor of the 90th Birthday and 65th
Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Becker
Mazel tov to Marcie and Richard Lowe on
their Ateret Kavod Award
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Karasick and family
Wishing Hannah Rubin a speedy recovery
Extended Hands of the Minyanaires
Mazel tov to Marcie and Richard Lowe on
their Ateret Kavod Award
In memory of Nathanial Harris
Mr. and Mrs. John Rees
Continued good health wishes to Carli and
Susan Fine
Mazel tov to Marcie and Richard Lowe on
their Ateret Kavod award
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Silvers and family
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Sophie
Continued good health wishes to Susan and
Carli Fine
Mrs. Marla Sones and family
In memory of Nathanial Harris
Mazel tov to Dorene Karasick on her Ateret
Kavod award
Mazel tov to Marcie and Richard Lowe on
their Ateret Kavod award
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wasserman and family
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Adam
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Weisbaum and family
Mazel tov to Debbi Goldich on her Torah
Fund honor
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wenzel
Mazel tov to Marcie and Richard Lowe on
their Ateret Kavod award
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Yuter and family
Continued good health wishes to Susan and
Carli Fine
Drs. Kendra and Jerry Zuckerman and family
Mazel tov to Marcie and Richard Lowe on
their Ateret Kavod award
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Abrams and family
Mazel tov to Marcie and Richard Lowe on
their Ateret Kavod Award
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Axelrod and family
Good health wishes to Susan and Carli Fine
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Sophie
Mr. Alfred Baltz
In honor of the baby naming of Ilana Adar
Dr. and Mrs. Laurence Belkoff and family
In honor of the marriage of Rebecca
Kornberg to Martin Lehr
In honor of the engagement of Marc Mandel
to Rachel Wolfe
Mrs. Grace Blumberg
Mazel tov to Marcie and Richard Lowe on
their Ateret Kavod Award
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cohen and family
Mazel tov to Marcie and Richard Lowe on
their Ateret Kavod Award
Get well wishes to Bruce Engleman
The Ellis Family
Mazel tov to Debbi Goldich on her Torah
Fund honor
Mazel tov to Marcie and Richard Lowe on
their Ateret Kavod Award
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Engleman and family
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Jacob
Continued good health wishes to Hannah
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Alexa
Mazel tov to Marcie and Richard Lowe on
their Ateret Kavod Award
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Emily Usatch
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Max Silvers
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Sophie
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gallop
Mazel tov to Jerry and Ruth Berman on the
marriage of their granddaughter Amanda
Berman to Lieutenant Charles Osterhout
Mazel tov to Dorene Karasick on her Ateret
Kavod Award
Mazel tov to Richard and Marcie Lowe on
their Ateret Kavod Award
Thank You For Your Contributions
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Albert and family
In memory of Claire Meyers
In honor of the graduation of Farryl Leshner
Mrs. Karen Leavitt and Mrs. Robin Connell
In honor of the graduation of Farryl Leshner
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gallop
Many thanks to the Cuker family for a
wonderful Holocaust program
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hochbaum and family
In honor of the graduation of Adam
In honor of the graduation of Farryl Leshner
In honor of the high school graduation of
Seth Nuddle
In honor of the high school graduation of
Rory Mitchell
In honor of the college graduation of Rachel
In honor of the high school graduation of
Ariel Ingber
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Max Silvers
Mrs. Shelly Hochbaum and Mrs. Lori Madvedoff
Get well wishes to Ronan Rabinowitz
Get well wishes to Mark Einhorn
Mrs. Marcie Leshner and family
In honor of the college graduation of Adam
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Madvedoff and family
In memory of Nathanial Harris
In memory of Arthur Bodenheimer
In honor of the college graduation of Farryl
The Salkin Family
In memory of the father and grandfather of
the Schecter family
Mrs. Amy Veloric
Thanking the Cuker family for the Musical
Holocaust Program
In memory of Albert Bernstein
In memory of Nathanial Harris
The Baker Family
In memory of Dorothy LaSov
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Zacharjasz and family
In memory of Saluna Zacharjasz
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Laudenbach and family
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Jacob
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Paul and family
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Max Paul
Dr. and Mrs. Ben Usatch and family
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Emily Usatch
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Zacharjasz and family
In memory of Saluna Zacharjasz
The Aranowitz and Weisbaum families
In memory of Louis Berkowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Engleman and family
Mazel tov to Rabbi Grife on his Doctor of
Divinity Degree
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Fulmer
In memory of Bruce Fulmer
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Laudenbach and family
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Jacob
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Paul and family
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Max Paul
Mr. and Mrs. John Rees
Mazel tov to Rabbi Grife on his Doctor of
Divinity Degree
Dr. and Mrs. Ben Usatch and family
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Emily Usatch
The Wachs/Braun Family
In memory of Charles Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Zacharjasz and family
In memory of Saluna Zacharjasz
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Drobny and family
Get well wishes to Bruce Engleman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goldenberg and family
Get well wishes to Bruce Engleman
Mr. Herman Seltzer and Ms. Ruth Fisher and family
In memory of Lee Aronson
Rabbi Grife Receives Honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity
You are cordially invited to attend
graduation ceremonies for the
Sunday, June 12, 2011
2:30 pm Temple Sinai, Dresher, Pa.
At this time, Rabbi Saul Grife will be
presented with the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity
in recognition of 25 years of devoted service to the Jewish
people as an ordained member of the rabbinate.
In celebration of the prestigious milestone,
You are cordially invited to join us for
Shabbat morning services,
Saturday, June 11, 2011
beginning at 9:30 am
at Beth Tikvah B’nai Jeshurun
This morning, Rabbi Saul Grife will be called to the
Torah for an aliyah and be recognized for his
upcoming honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity from
the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College.
A celebratory Kiddish will be held after services
in honor of Rabbi Grife's achievement