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Layout 1 (Page 1) - Fairhope Yacht Club
The Mainsheet October 2014 Opti Fleet sailors line up on the beach preparing to race! Volume 47, Number 10 Latitude: 30°32’29”N Longitude: 87°54’14”W Threatening weather that didn’t show up . . . The Wadewitz regatta has come and gone and this years event was a great success! We had beautiful weather, a favorable breeze and one hundred and thirty six sailboats. These boats sailed on six different courses and had the help of approximately forty volunteers. The classes that participated were the Optimist Green, Optimist Red, White and Blue, Sunfish, Laser Radial, Fish and 420's. Also we had our PHRF/ Portsmouth fleet, Finn Class and our GYA Capdevielle Event. Our FYC Capdevielle Team scored “in the silver” and did a great job representing our club. The results will be on the FYC Web Page. It was nice to see such a large turn out of sailors, families and friends and seeing everyone having fun. I want to give a special thanks to our FYC Employees who did a great job accommodating all of our guests and members throughout this busy weekend event. John Hirsh FYC Rear Commodore The Capdevielle race results: PCYC took first place followed by SYC in second and FYC in third. The team for FYC was Joe Comer, Chris Morrison, Sarah Boyd, Margaret Ollinger and David Bolyard (PontYC). Randy Fitz-Wainwright FYC Fleet Captain Winners of the reestablished Wadewitz perpetual trophy for the overall winner of the Capdevielle race, Kevin Northrop (FYC/PCYC), Millie Ollinger (FYC), Thomas Duffy (PCYC) and GYA PC Danny Killeen Jr (PCYC). Not pictured, John Dane,III (PCYC) From the GY Rear Commodore At the 2012 GYA Winter Meeting, the GYA John Board of Directors voted to replace the Pereira, Flying Scot as the Capdevielle boat for interPhillip club competition, with 2018 being the first Dobbins, year the new boat will be used. While the and Mitch Flying Scot has served the GYA well, as did Powell, old its predecessor the Fish boat, sleeker designs Opti friends and technology propelled the GYA in this direction. back on the Under the guidance of GYA Commodore Corky Potts water togeth(SYC) a subcommittee was appointed to study possible er again in boats and make a recommendation to the Board of Lasers! Directors at the 2015 Winter Meeting to be held at Biloxi Yacht Club Jan. 9-11. Members of the subcommittee include the GYA Executive Committee, Chair of the Capdevielle Committee, and 2 representatives each from Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. The ‘New Boat Selection Committee’ is working to determine the best criteria of a new boat (cost, length, # of crew, ease of rigging, ease of travel, etc.). The criteria is derived, in part, from answers to the questionnaire sent to all GYA clubs in 2012. As you can imagine, there are many, many options from which to choose. Once the list of possible boats is narrowed, a demo will take place (most likely in November and either on Lake Pontchartrain or on Mobile Bay) to give all interested parties an opportunity to see the boats and Chef Rob’s Fall Gourmet Tour was a delectable tour de cast an informed vote at the 2015 Winter Meeting. force enjoyed by everyone who tasted the offerings. PC Cathy Cromartie The success assures us that it will be repeated! Rear Commodore, GYA Fall Gourmet Tour The Bowl Regatta will be sailed on November 1! Plan for it now! The Mainsheet is published monthly by the Fairhope Yacht Club, a member of the Gulf Yachting Association and United States Sailing Association. Circulation includes all Fairhope Yacht Club members and GYA affiliated clubs. The Mainsheet, Fairhope Yacht Club, P. O. Box 1327, Fairhope, AL 36533, or e-mail to [email protected] by the 20th of the month prior to publication. BRIDGE Commodore Vice Commodore Rear Commodore Fleet Captain Fleet Surgeon Secretary Dan Herzog Gary Garner John Hirsh Randy Fitz-Wainwright Dr. Bill Goetter Marie Bidney BOARD OF GOVERNORS Glen Cunninngham Mark Elliot Tommy Fuller PC Cathy Cromartie, PC Steve McClure Chris Dabney Ernie Berger COMMITTEE CHAIRS Finance Kay Robberson Memorial Pat Colvin 928-3276 Entertainment Gary Garner 533-2599 Building/Grounds Harvey Cunningham 928-1905 Food & Bev Chair John Nelson Insurance/Marine Safety David Barr 928-8809 Harbor John Adams 402-9985 Associates PC Barbara Brown 605-5197 Sarah Johnston-Cox 928-0986 Membership Brian Snider 423-0495 Offshore Randy Fitz-Wainwright 377-8419 Cruising Tere Mills Adult Sailing John Helmstadter (956)495-5147 Race and Regatta John Hirsh 928-9360 Junior Commodore Jarrett Laird Juniors Advisors Mikeal & Joel Donald 454-4381 Historians PC Barbara Brown 605-5917 Sarah Johnston-Cox 928-0986 Guardian John Adams 402-9985 GYA Coordinator Randy Fitz-Wainwright 377-8419 Rhodes 19 Fleet Gary Garner 533-2599 Star Fleet Carl Wainwright 377-8419 Mainsheet Editor Nancy Fitzpatrick 928-3089 Mainsheet Photography Jacque McCants 604-3030 Long Range Planning Sabe Fink ICRC Geoff Kennedy Pool Gary Garner 533-2599 FYC Auxiliary Tracy Hirsh 928-9360 Office: Mon-Fri 8:00am-12:00, 1:30-4:30pm Phone: 251-928-3276 Fax: 251-990-8602 Email: [email protected] Club Office: 101 Volanta, Fairhope AL 36532 Mailing Address: Box 1327, Fairhope AL 36533 Web address: From the Commodore What an excellent event the Wadewitz Regatta turned out to be--with dry weather and light to medium winds -we had two days of fine sailing. Thanks to all the volunteers for organizing and providing first class racing for all the competitors. Rear Commodore John Hirsh and his many volunteers are to be commended. This year's Regatta had one of the largest turnouts in years. It was especially nice to see our Green Fleet Competitors (our youngest age sailors) with over double the number of racers from last year. This year's Regatta resulted in the the unveiling of a new Wadewitz Cup Trophy. The original trophy was lost in Hurricane Katrina. Now 10 years after the last awarding of the original Wadewitz Cup to the winning Capdevielle Regatta competing club, FYC is proud to have a new Wadewitz trophy. Congratulations to this year's winner, Pass Christian Yacht Club. They will get their name added to the trophy base. Sarah Johnston Cox had the idea to replace the Wadewitz Trophy, and assisted by Past Commodore Barbara Brown moved the idea forward. Past Commodore Paul Ring donated the base which he beautifully crafted from mahogany. Paul carved the half model of the Flying Scot (the sailboat now utilized for this event) that was applied to the base. Chris Banjanin helped locate this cup and get it hand-engraved. In the past, the original Wadewitz trophy always stayed at Fairhope Yacht Club. Going forward the tradition will continue with the winning club's name added each year. A quick note on the dredging project. We are still planning to dredge around the island sometime in October. Sufficient notice will be given to move boats as needed. It will certainly be good to finish this much needed project. See you at the Club and on the water. Dan Herzog Commodore At Half Mast: JIMMY SCHLUMPF From the Rear Commodore Celebrating the best on the Bay . . . FISH! We have two more races on the horizon that will occur on October 25th and November 1st. They are the Double Handed Regatta and the Regatta. The Double Handed race is a race where there can be only two sailors per boat and the challenge is sailing without a full compliment of crew. The Regatta is sailed with PHRF, Portsmouth, youth and one design classes and offers good sailing, and nice football tickets to the bowl. Both of these regattas are a lot of fun and I look forward to seeing you out on the course. And then, there’s Dauphin Island 2015. Fairhope Yacht Club is hosting the Dauphin Island Race next year and we are working on our Regatta Brochure. This brochure is where the history of the race is explained along with the Sailing Instructions for the race and other important information is explained. We also sell adds that are printed in the brochure and use these funds to help offset some of the expenses for the event. One interesting thing the the Hirsh Family did last time FYC hosted the race is we bought an ad and used a family picture with the caption "We wish FYC and all Sailors Fair Winds". I thought that this was pretty cool and invite others to do this as well. After all, it is for a good cause. John Hirsh FYC Rear Commodore Youngest, Andrew Brennan in second place with Louise From the GY Rear Commodore At the 2012 GYA Winter Meeting, the GYA Board of Directors voted to replace the Flying Scot as the Capdevielle boat for interclub competition, with 2018 being the first year the new boat will be used. While the Flying Scot has served the GYA well, as did its predecessor the Fish boat, sleeker designs and technology propelled the GYA in this direction. Under the guidance of GYA Commodore Corky Potts (SYC) a subcommittee was appointed to study possible boats and make a recommendation to the Board of Directors at the 2015 Winter Meeting to be held at Biloxi Yacht Club Jan. 9-11. Members of the subcommittee include the GYA Executive Committee, Chair of the Capdevielle Committee, and 2 representatives each from Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. The ‘New Boat Selection Committee’ is working to determine the best criteria of a new boat (cost, length, # of crew, ease of rigging, ease of travel, etc.). The criteria is derived, in part, from answers to the questionnaire sent to all GYA clubs in 2012. As you can imagine, there are many, many options from which to choose. Once the list of possible boats is narrowed, a demo will take place (most likely in November and either on Lake Pontchartrain or on Mobile Bay) to give all interested parties an opportunity to see the boats and cast an informed vote at the 2015 Winter Meeting. PC Cathy Cromartie Rear Commodore, GYA Douglas, 3rd, and Denny Bloom (on his knees since he is twice Louise’s height) 1st, show off the trophies for the Fish Class race. They shared the wins as well, with Denny taking 2 races and Andrew and Louise winning one each. Interesting East winds sent the racers toward the high bluffs which always challenge the skill of the skipper! Thanks to Joe McIntosh for the One-Design photographs Joe McIntosh received the Yacht Club of Quebec (Canada) burgee from their CEO, Mr. André Blais. Junior Commodore Meet the newest members of Catherine Donald the FYC Junior Sailing team!!! Even though summer is over, there is still more sailing to join in on. The Fall Dingy Series started Sunday, September 21st. It was a slow kick off, but hopefully more can come out to join on October 4! This is for all classes of boats. A big thanks to Jessica Yeager for doing a great clinic for the Opti green fleet sailors. Over this past weekend, September 26- 27, there was great participation from the FYC Juniors in Wadewitz. Catherine Donald Jr. Commodore If you have seen more activity on the beach the last several Sundays, it is because Jessica Yeager has been working with this new group of sailors to get ready for their first Opti Green RegattaWadewitz. The clinics were held over three Sunday afternoons and the sailors worked on figure eight drills, follow the leader, tacking, jibing and starting a race. We look forward to seeing them grow up in the Jr. Sailing program. Sunday, September 21st was the KickOff of the Fall Dinghy Series. The series will run on Sunday afternoons at 2pm through November 2. All participants are welcome, you can sail an Opti, Sunfish, 420 or Laser and the finishes are adjusted with each boats PHRF rating. Opti Green Clinic Participants From left to right- Gray Smith, Carter Smith, Winston Smith, Amelia Koser, Jake Loftin, Isabel Havard, Nate Hartwell and Cruz Dabney FYC Juniors participated on 4 Wadewitz Junior Courses The Juniors had a great turnout for Wadewitz this year! We had 4 Club 420s, 2 lasers, 2 sunfish, and 8 opts racing! The 80% chance of rain never material- ized and thanks to three great race committees, each course ran at least 5 races! Great Job to all new skippers and thanks to everyone for supporting our home regatta! At right, Skipper Caleb Milham and Crew Max Morgan in his first race- they are in second place at the end of day 1 At left, Margaret Ollinger at the helm. Junior photographs by Elizabeth McGriff More pictures on the 2 next pages Lasers, Sunfish, 420s and the best Juniors in the GYA! The 80%chance of rain never materialized!! The Wadewitz regatta was a huge success and we had several juniors that braved the bad forecast to represented our club. FYC juniors took 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the 420 class, 1st in Lasers, 3rd in Sunfish and we had 8 sailors in the Opti green fleet. Thanks to everyone for supporting the regatta and all the support boats and PRO who made it happen. Thanks to all the coaches, parents and friends of FYC Juniors who submitted pictures for this Mainsheet. The Opti Green Fleet on the next page The Green Fleet outnumbered everyone! This fleet of small white butterflys filled the grey day with activity. Their personal PRO Jessica Yeager took them through the steps of racing and put them on the water for a day for fun, bumping boats and instruction under close guidance. Parents, after wading in to help rig the boats, watched from the fishing pier and cheered their sailors as they passed. Green Fleet photographs were submitted by first-time Green Fleet parent, Amanda Comer. Please LIKE us on Facebook at Fairhope Jr. Yacht Club! Restaurant & Bar Hours Of Operation (251-928-8888 for Dinner Reservations) Happy Hours 4-7pm EVERY NIGHT! Sun 11am-8pm Mon 4-9pm(Bar) Tue 4-9pm(Bar) Wed 4pm-9pm Thu 4pm-9pm Fri 11am-10pm Sat 11am-10pm October~2014 1 6:30 JrYC 2 7:30 M’ship Meeting 5 Associates Mixer 4-6pm 6 7 6pm PotLuck Taco Tuesday! 12 WFORC 13 PYC 6pm PotLuck FISH WORLD BucYC 19 20 Porch Social 6pm PotLuck 6pm-8pm 26 Fish Class 27 Curran Cup 6pm PotLuck BucYC 14 8 Membership 9 Comm. 15 21 Wine & 16 Auxiliary Meeting 11am-1pm Movie Night 6:30pm 17 23 23 24 29 30 31 Taco Tuesday! Clean-Up! 11 10 WFORC PYC FISH WORLD BucYC FYC Aux YardSale 18 25 Fish Class Curran Cup BucYC FYC Food & Wine Show! Food Paring Benefit Taco Tuesday! 28 4 Saturday Seafood Jubilee Beer & Bingo 6:30 to 8:30 Taco Tuesday! 3 Halloween! 7-10PM GoDaddy Bowl Regatta! 30 31 Weekly dinner specials: 6pm PotLuck Wed: Fried Catfish; Thurs: Country-fried Steak; Fri: Prime Ribs; Sat: Baby-back Ribs. Let us keep your kitchen cool while we cook for you this Summer! WHAT’s Happening! First Saturday Grounds Clean-Up! Join in the fun, meet more members and help keep your club clean. Sunday Fun Races: Every Sunday, 2:00pm, sign in at the bar and check your handicap start time. Monday night Pot Luck: 6:00, Bring a dish and enjoy the evening with FYC members. Tacos on Tuesday: Sunset on the Bay and tacos. 2nd Fridays: Movie night and supper for our young members while you enjoy the service in the Dining Room. Beer and Bingo: 3rd Wednesday-in the Ballroom Oct 3, Auxiliary Lunch: A special presentation of the history of service at FYC and voting for officers. $10 annual dues. Don’t miss this meeting! Oct 5, Associates Mixer: A special program has been prepared for our new associates. You are invited to meet the Bridge and Committees, learn about the history and traditions of our club and enjoy refreshments. Oct 11, Nautical Yard Sale: Underneath the club, 8am - 1pm, open to all. Come set up a table and make a little money for your new sail fund! Oct 17, Seafood Jubilee: The bounty of the Bay and Gulf, prepared for you in style. Oct 19, Porch Social: Our best on the porch! Enjoy finger foods and drinks with your friends at sunset. Oct 21: Wine and Food Paring with Silent Auction and Raffle, benefiting Alabama Free Clinic (501c3 organization providing health care for the medically disadvantaged citi- zens of Baldwin County, 6:30 PM, $40 per person; $75 per couple. Tickets by mail from AFC, POB 1284, Bay Minette, Al 36507 or contact Bill Goetter Oct 25, Double-handed Regatta: The Challenge is only 2 sailors on board! October 25, 2nd Annual FYC Food & Wine Show! $25 per person or $45 per couple, +tax and gratuity. Join us for a fun-filled evening of food & wine presented by our restaurant staff. You will be able to try new wines paired with a unique menu to include live action cooking stations, meet wine and food vendors, watch a cooking demonstration by Chef Rob and perhaps win one of the door prizes! Last year’s event was a huge success so make your reservations early! There will be no regular dinner service this evening, but Game Day items will be provided in the bar. Oct 31, Halloween Costume Party: 7:00-10:00 PM underneath the club. We will have prizes for the best costumes for men and women and special appetizer specials all night. Nov 1, Bowl Regatta: Want a ticket to the bowl game? Sail the Regatta! Nov 12, Auxiliary Bake Sale: at USA School of Nursing. Drop off individually wrapped baked goods Tuesday afternoon at FYC. Sign up to work a short shift at November meeting. Nov 27, Thanksgiving Feast: Let the club take the effort out of your holiday with a fantastic buffet. Restaurant & Bar Hours Of Operation (251-928-8888 for Dinner Reservations) Happy Hours 4-7pm EVERY NIGHT! Sun 11am-8pm Mon 4-9pm(Bar) Tue 4-9pm(Bar) Wed 4pm-9pm Thu 4pm-9pm Fri 11am-10pm Sat 11am-10pm November~2014 Weekly dinner specials: Wed: Fried Catfish; Thurs: Country-fried Steak; Fri: Prime Ribs; Sat: Baby-back Ribs. Look for special Holiday closing hours Thanksgiving Week 2 9 3 4 6pm PotLuck Taco Tuesday! 10 11 6pm PotLuck Taco Tuesday! 16 17 Porch Social 6pm PotLuck 18 23 24 25 6pm PotLuck Taco Tuesday! 6pm-8pm 30 Taco Tuesday! 5 6:30 JrYC 7:30 M’ship Meeting 12 7 Auxiliary Meeting 11am-1pm 8 13 14 15 Movie Night 6:30pm 20 Beer & Bingo 6:30 to 8:30 26 GoDaddy Bowl Regatta 6 Membership Comm. 19 1 2 27 Thank 21 Seafood Jubilee sgiving 28 22 29 31 Meet our Staff! MEET CHEF ROB JUR “October 18 will be my fourth anniversary here,” says Chef Rob Jur. “It’s hard to believe it has been that long.” Chef Rob and his family already knew the area when they moved here from Indiana, since he had family in the area and his wife’s parents had a vacation home on Dauphin Island. “I knew I wasn’t going to need a snow shovel here, and that was an important factor.” Chef Rob and his wife Jenny are happy with the weather, the proximity to the beach and to their favorite city, New Orleans. “We spent some time in Paris, and New Orleans has the same old-world vibe,” he says. The couple also finds the Gulf Coast a great place to indulge in their shared interest in motorcycles. “I’m not a motorcycle mechanic, but I’m getting there, and I’m working on Jenny’s bike right now. We really enjoy being able to get out and ride, and there are so many places we can go around here.” When the chef isn’t riding, or visiting the Big Easy, he can be found in the club kitchen, working on new menu items, special events, and ways to make things better for the members. “The challenges of private club food service were bigger than I thought, and I am grateful that the club has been patient and allowed me time to make it all work,” he says. “I’m proud of my excellent staff, and I’m excited that we continue to show increased sales and member participation at the club. Basically, the members vote on what we do by continuing to show up.” Last month, Chef Rob presented the first annual “Fall Gourmet Tour,” a ten-course gourmet tasting dinner. This month, he is offering a winetasting. “These events aren’t for everyone – there is no one event that appeals to all the members. But we will continue to try new concepts and see which ones have staying power. And we want to hear from the members about what they’d like to see on the calendar.” One innovation that is here to stay is the “Small Plates” menu. Chef says it has been a huge success, and it will continue to evolve, taking advantage of seasonal ingredients and member input. “The concept works,” he says, “and now we want to make it better. We will change menu items about quarterly, and at the end of the year we will have a good idea of what to repeat and what to change.” “I really love the career I’ve chosen,” says the chef. “Cooking–feeding people–satisfies the social, communal instincts. People have to eat, but they like to eat as part of a community, as a social outlet. This is very satisfying to me.” He admits he doesn’t do much cooking at home, though, as he is spoiled by the commercial kitchen and the wide variety of equipment and ingredients. “We have a great kitchen. It’s a beautiful club. I’m happy here.” Just Crusin’ Thank goodness the heat of summer is gone. We are ready to get out on the water and go have some fun cruising. The next outing is to Point Yacht Club for the Lost Bay Regatta. That event will be held October 4. We will leave the club on Friday and return Sunday. You can call Barber Marina to reserve a slip for Friday and Saturday night for $25.00 per night. Tell them you are with the Lost Bay Regatta when you make your reservation. Some cruisers like to stay at Ingrams Bayou or Pirates Cove on Friday night and Barbers Marina Saturday night for the cook out and party. Barbers Marina leaves their rest rooms and showers open all night for us. In November we will sail to Pensacola to the Naval Air Station Pensacola. We will be there to watch the Blue Angels show. This year the NAS Pensacola is celebrating its 100th Anniversary. NAS Pensacola was established in 1914. The website is We usually anchor at Ft McRee. On Sunday December 7 we will have the Harbor Open Boat. We ask that everyone in the FYC harbor and parking lot decorate their boat for this. You may also open your boat to visitors on Sunday afternoon and provide cookies and punch. All members are welcome to come and see the Christmas Decorations and visit on the boats, in the parking lot, bar and restaurant with our members. Fair Winds and Seas and a Leak Free Boat Tere Mills FYC Cruising Captain Club racing & sailing 9/7/14: We are off and running (I mean sailing). The weather looked a little tentative with a light wind and some boomers banging around. However, 5 boats took a chance and were rewarded with a fairly nice day of sailing and racing. The wind was fairly steady about 5 to 8 knots and not a drop of rain fell on the course. Skedadle passed all to finish1st (Off to a good start Rick) about 1 and 1/2 minutes ahead of Damn Yankee with a new boat (OGOPOGO) just 20 seconds later in 3rd place. I understand Ogopogo has something to do with a Big Sea Monster so watch out! Hoping Fall weather will be here soon for some pleasant sailing and racing and you call all be out there 9/14/14: Quite an interesting day. Usual chance of thunderstorms and half way decent winds. 6 (maybe 7...see below) boats showed up for the start. Once we got started Damn Yankee took off like a bat and never looked back. The wind slowed way down and it took awhile to get to the 3rd mark where the wind kicked up really quick (maybe to 12 knots ???) and made the last leg the best sail of the day and somewhat exciting. Once Damn Yankee crossed the finish line 1st (would you believe 15 minutes ahead of anyone else? Whatever you are doing Rick, it's working great), Then Ogopogo (2nd) Patriot (3rd), and Skedadle (4th) all crossed within a minute of each other. NOW THAT HAS GOT TO BE SOME EXCITING RACING. . 9/21/14: Not too bad a day and 7 boats were there for the race. Winds were light < 10 knots and the Sport Boats were back. Two of them anyway, and they do go fast as they beat the pack by about 50 minutes. STOKED! was 1st and Miss Scarlett not far behind. Great job Chappie. Whatever you did to the boat worked. 3rd place went to Ogopogo. Would you believe the wind freshened just as the race ended (for me way in last place) so I had a great sail for another hour. FYC Auxiliary News This month's October 3rd, meeting starts our new year and 2014/2015 looks like it is going to be a great one! We will be welcoming Auxiliary members Tallulah Bung and Anna Myers as speakers in October and they will share some history on FYC and the original Auxiliary. We are looking forward to hearing about what the Auxiliary did then and how they helped to make the FYC we know now! With the start of our new year, we will be electing new officers at the October meeting. Elections will be held for President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Nominations will be made from the floor, according to our by-laws, and voting will immediately follow. Do not miss this meeting and your chance to vote or serve and help determine the direction for the coming year. Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 11th. The Auxiliary will host a Nautical Yard Sale from 8am - 1pm underneath the club. Bring your items for sale and set up your own table and start selling or trading! The proceeds from your sale are yours to keep. You may choose to bring new or used boat items, nautical decor or anything else! If you have items you would like to get rid of but don't want to bother with selling, donate them to the Auxiliary and we will sell them instead! Call or email Tracy Hirsh, to arrange for pick up of any items you would like to donate. All proceeds raised through sales from the Auxiliary table will go to our general fund. Any unsold items will be donated. If you don't have anything to sell, come on down and check out the items available! You are sure to find a treasure! Tracy Hirsh FYC Auxiliary President From the Fleet Surgeon: Chain, China, Shackles and Swivels To allow my windless of 2 years to do the "heavy lifting" of my ground tackle, I recently added 110 feet of chain to my system. The shackle connecting to chain to the 35# CQR was old (the CQR is 29 years old) and seemed to me to be the "weak link" in my system. I purchased the correct size of galvanized steel shackle but froze when I saw "CHINA" stamped in the new steel. I reconnected chain to anchor with the old shackle and made a note to self to buy one the next trip to the marine chandlery. Am I being too cautious? Perhaps, but I will sleep better at anchor. Swivels came into discussion very recently with the report of loss of an anchor due to swivel failure and concerns over the use of swivels on joining multiple anchors during a tropical storm. To provide clarity to the questions regarding swivels I pulled out Don Bramford's book Anchoring from my sailing reference library. On page 82 he advises against placing a swivel between an anchor and chain. The swivel of the same size of the the chain is significantly weaker than the chain and thus IS the "weak link". However, on page 145 he quotes Larry Pardey on the use of a swivel to connect multiple anchor chains for mooring a boat with anchors. Bramford repeats this recommendation on page 175 when discussing hurricane anchoring. These swivels for this application are massively constructed and are a totally different from the swivel which may be used to connect an anchor to the chain of an anchor rode. Marine anchor systems Monohull System Shown for illustration only, always use hot dipped galvanized shackles and seize the pins with monel wire per Colligo Marine guidelines. Shown with anchors placed at 120 degrees from each other and with the system hanging about 5 feet below the boat, in the water. If you are placing your boat on an anchoring system in preparation for a storm, then this product is for you. It allows you to place 3 anchors and couple them together with a swivel and then run two or three lines back to your monohull or multihull boat, respectively. The boat can then swivel on the anchors without getting the anchor chains twisted around each other. We recommend running chain from your anchors to the system and then nylon lines to your boat. Safe anchoring, Dr Bill Goetter Fleet Surgeon What: Wine and Food Paring with Silent Auction and Raffle Why: Fund Raiser for Alabama Free Clinic (501c3 organization providing health care for the medically disadvantaged citizens of Baldwin County When: Tuesday Oct 21 6:30PM Where: Fairhope Yacht Club Tickets: $40 per person; $75 per couple How: Tickets by mail from AFC, POB 1284, Bay Minette, Al 36507 or contact Bill Goetter September Membership Report Invited to Associate Membership: Warren Adam Vicki Armitage Mark Breslin Leo Francendese Greg Fuquay Mary Ludvigsen Chris Moore Brad Morgan Mary Younce Approved for Equity Membership: Trisha Bohlen Doug Carter Luke Engeriser Todd Landau Douglas Redman Welcome aboard, Brian Snider, Chair Transitional Membership at FYC As your children reach their majority, their privileges as a family member terminate. While they are certainly welcome to enjoy the club as your accompanied guests, they no longer are considered for club purposes to be part of your immediate family. Transitional membership offers young adults who wish to enjoy the use of the club as a member a more affordable option than the traditional equity membership. Eligibility is limited to young adults aged 21 to 30. Annual dues are one half regular dues and no debenture or security deposit is required. Transitional members cannot vote nor hold office nor have a permanent slip, but otherwise have full privileges of the club. Please consider sponsoring a young adult for membership-it will help build your club. Harbor report New procedures for attaining harbor slips are in the process of being codified. The Harbor Committee is presenting them to the Board of Governors for approval and will be publishing them for the membership when they become final. Please remember that the Harbor Committee is charged with providing the most equitable possible allocation of available slips. Please support the Members whose Ads aupport the Mainsheet SAILING LESSONS US Sailing Certified Finn McCants 251-295-8735 [email protected]
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