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February 2014
the official newsletter of: Heritage Health
Featured Articles
Nurses’ Notes pg. 2
Activities Corner pg. 3
Employee Service pg. 4
Management Staff pg. 4
Follow Us On
RESTORE Therapy pg. 2
Administrator’s Letter
By Cathleen Koch
As I sit in my warm office and look outside, I am
reminded of the blustery cold weather as I see the
snow flurries fly and the bare tree branches blowing
in the wind. Oh this reminds me of March weather.
But as I think of all this I can sigh with relief that
our Annual Health survey has come and gone. We
had a few tags which have been corrected and we
are cleared with the Illinois Department of Public Health. Let me tell you that makes a person feel
pretty good. We have also had our annual building survey. The important thing is that our plan of
correction has been set in place.
Focusing on 2014, we are starting to repaint our
resident’s rooms to an earth tone color. We are replacing the flowered curtains with a solid creme color and
the bedspreads are to be a coffee color. I know those
colors may sound rather dull, but with these colors the
family and residents can add any color of décor that
they want. The rooms do look 100% better and a little
more up to date. Little by little this task will be done.
It will be a slow process so I ask for your patience with
Activities Corner pg. 3
Cake Recipe pg. 4
We are proud to announce that Heritage Health in
Mt. Sterling is a Five Star Facility. Please visit us at: to learn more about what
it means to be a Five Star Facility!
Please know that my door is always open and please
come by anytime, or feel free to call, too. Our home is
your home and your family is our family.
Heritage Health
435 Camden Road • Mt. Sterling, IL 217.773.3377 •
RESTORE Therapy pg. 2
by Minda Staake
As the temperatures drop and the wind blows, some
of us have increasing difficulty with joint movements
and discomfort. We can expect to see our elderly population to have the same problems, only compounded
by other health related issues and deficits. That’s where
restorative therapy programs come in.
Restorative therapy programs are geared towards
keeping an individual’s ability to have free flowing
movement in their joints so they can participate in activities of daily living (ADL’s).
Residents are observed and tracked for their abilities to do and complete a specific task related to their
dressing, bathing, grooming, ambulation, etc. Individual programs are written to guide the staff in helping
each resident retain their core abilities and to maintain
what independence they have.
Restorative programs combined with everyday nursing care help residents achieve their daily goals and
provide quality of life!
nursing news
by Lisa Spann RN/DON
Influenza is the hot topic right now in health care. It is
so important for everyone to be educated to help prevent our residents from becoming ill and and to prevent the spread of this to others if someone does get it.
Common risks associated with administration of the
influenza vaccine are usually mild and are more likely
to occur in children than in adults. The most common
adverse effect(s):
1. Injection site swelling, itching, warmth, tenderness, soreness, or redness.
2. Soreness is most frequent. Adverse local reactions typically persist for up to two days.
3. Mild systemic side effects such as headache, low grade fever, weakness, can occur 6-12 hours after.
It takes about two weeks for the immunization to
take full effect and if exposed prior to or during that
time, you may get the flu anyway because your body
has not had time to build up the antibodies it needs
to prevent it. That is why it is important to get the immunization early in the season but it is never too late
if you haven’t had the flu yet. As always, please wash
your hands often!
Heritage Health
435 Camden Road • Mt. Sterling, IL 217.773.3377 •
“Don’t you mess around with me
You’re a heartbreaker, dream maker, a love
taker. Don’t you mess around, no no no...”
Can you name this song and artist?
Answer is on pg. 4
Activity Corner
By Tami Smith
All I can say is, wow! What a cold and windy past
Activites Corner
Valentine’s Day crafts!
Mt. Sterling Birthdays
Celebrate Good Times...
few months. We sure are looking forward to Spring.
To help keep us warm we like to do a lot of baking.
One of our community service projects was to bake
dog treats and donate them to a local dog rescue facility. Our residents really enjoyed this activity and
so did the dogs! It makes us all feel good to help the
animals in our local shelter.
Jell-O week is the second week of February and we
will be making Jell-O cake and Jell-O with bananas slices, topped with whipped cream. Baked Potato
Week is the next week and we are planning a baked
potato bar, with delicious toppings for all who want
to participate. The last week is Pancake Week and we
will be making pancakes for our morning snacks. We
will also have a Valentine’s Day Party and crown our
2014 King and Queen.
5th Teresa Lyons
17th Cassie Story
19th Emily Jones
In March, we’ll have Mardi Gras and St. Patrick’s
Day parties and the first day of Spring is March 20th!
We are looking forward to planting flowers and vegetables outside. Thank you to everyone who makes the
lives of our residents so complete!!
Laura Welty
Erika Gregory
Jennifer Gilham
Kayla Miller
Alberta Couch
Helen Barber
Our reigning 2013 King and Queen.
Heritage Health
435 Camden Road • Mt. Sterling, IL 217.773.3377 •
Save the DAte
Groudhog Day and
Super Bowl Sunday!
14th Valentine’s Day!
Mardi Gras begins!
Daylight Saving Time
St. Patrick’s Day!
First Day of Spring!
*Answer to question on pg. 3: Heartbreaker by Pat Benatar!
Employee service
Jody Bedenbender: 12 years in February
Theresa Huddleston: 14 years in February
Ellen Jones: 6 years in February
Keli Fowler: 2 years in March
Lisa Spann: 3 years in March
Rachel Zimmerman: 3 years in March
Amanda Thomas: 1 year in March
Carla Davis: 1 year in March
Management Staff
Administrator: Cathleen Koch
Activity Director: Tami Smith
Dietary Manager: Carrie Laning
Director of Nursing: Lisa Spann
Maintenance, Housekeeping and
Laundry Supervisor: David Vermillion
MDS Coordinator: Cindy Hogan
Office Manager: Alberta Couch
Restorative Nurse: Minda Staake
Social Services Director: Nikki Bridgman
Cake Recipe pg. 4
Strawberry Upside Down Cake
by Tami Smith
2 cups crushed fresh strawberries
1 (6 ounce) package strawberry flavored Jell-O® mix
3 cups miniature marshmallows
1 (18 ounce) package yellow cake mix, batter prepared
as directed on package
1. Preheat an oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
2. Spread crushed strawberries on the bottom of a
9x13 inch baking pan. Evenly sprinkle strawberries with the dry gelatin powder, and top with mini
3. Prepare the cake mix as directed on the package,
and pour on top of the marshmallows. Bake in the
preheated oven until a toothpick inserted into the
center comes out clean, about 40-50 minutes. Cool in
the pan for 15 minutes. Run a knife around the pan to
loosen the sides, and turn the cake out onto a serving
tray. Store cake in the refrigerator.
Heritage Health
435 Camden Road • Mt. Sterling, IL 217.773.3377 •