BMW X THE BMW X. BMW EFFICIENTDYNAMICS. LESS EMISSIONS. MORE DRIVING PLEASURE. Sheer Driving Pleasure 5)&#.89 7&34"5*-*5:8*5)065-*.*54 5)&.0%&-4)08/ #BMWstories BMW stands for sheer driving pleasure. And the joy of driving a BMW is a uniquely individual experience. Discover countless personal stories at GET MORE FROM YOUR BROCHURE. Films, image galleries and much more – discover exciting digital content on every page with a QR code. Download a QR code reader from your operating system's store. Start the QR code reader app, and hold your smartphone or tablet camera over the QR code. #.89Y%3*7&EY-*/& #.85XJO1PXFS5VSCPGPVSDZMJOEFSEJFTFMFOHJOFL8 IQ MJHIUBMMPZXIFFMT:TQPLFFYUFSJPSJO.JOFSBM 8IJUFNFUBMMJDTFBUTJO.PDIB/FWBEBMFBUIFSXJUIBQQMJRV©T BOEJNQSJOUTIJHIHMPTT'JOFMJOF"OUISBDJUFJOUFSJPSUSJN 'VSUIFSJOGPSNBUJPOPOGVFMDPOTVNQUJPOBOE$0FNJTTJPOTDBOCFGPVOEPOQBHFT]PS DPOTVMUZPVS#.8QBSUOFS *//07"5*0/"/%5&$)/0-0(: #.858*/108&3563#0&/(*/&4 5IFIFBSUPG#.8&GfiDJFOU%ZOBNJDT #.8&''*$*&/5%:/".*$4 .BLJOHMJHIUXPSLPGMPXFSGVFMDPOTVNQUJPO #.8$0//&$5&%%3*7& 4FSWJDFT"QQTBOEESJWFSBTTJTUBODF $)"44*4 *OOPWBUJWFTZTUFNTGPSNPSFESJWJOHQMFBTVSF 4"'&5: 5FDIOPMPHZBUUIFIJHIFTUMFWFM */%*7*%6"-*5:"/%7&34"5*-*5: BMW BROCHURES You can also find out more about the BMW X3 online: just download the BMW Brochures app for your device, and select the model you're interested in. &26*1.&/5#.8Y-JOFBOE.4QPSUQBDLBHFFRVJQNFOU IJHIMJHIUTXIFFMTBOEUZSFTBOE0SJHJOBM#.8"DDFTTPSJFT $0-0634"XPSMEPGDPMPVSGPSUIFFYUFSJPSBOEJOUFSJPS 5&$)/*$"-%"5"8FJHIUFOHJOFUSBOTNJTTJPOQFSGPSNBODF GVFMDPOTVNQUJPOXIFFMTBOEEJNFOTJPOT #.84&37*$&#.84FSWJDF#.8'JOBODJBM4FSWJDFTBOE #.8&YQFSJFODF Internet use, depending on your mobile contract, may incur costs. LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST! The BMW X – built for both the small and large challenges that every day brings. Whether it’s on the way to work, or at the weekend. With family or for some quality time alone. And with precisely the right mixture of sporting character, appealing design, impressive efficiency and clever functions, every adventure is child’s play. Discover your urge to explore – and act on it: with the BMW X. EXPERIENCE ALL OF THE HIGHLIGHTS IN THIS SHORT VIDEO. SHORT SPRINT. LONG RANGE. When the BMW X accelerates, it doesn’t just inspire its driver. It also captivates anyone who sees it. Its sporting character is revealed in an extremely dynamic driving experience with simultaneously impressive efficiency – and fascinating design that emphasises the athletic character of the BMW X. You decide where the road goes: the BMW X knows how to assert itself where there is no fixed route. The four-wheel drive BMW xDrive system ensures greater traction and safety on every surface. This makes every journey an unforgettable experience – no matter how far from the city you venture. / 0550013&55: 5 01-":%*35: THERE’S EVEN MORE SPACE IN THE GLOVEBOX. 5IFSFѳTOPOFFEUPUIJOLUPPIBSEBCPVUXIBUUP UBLFXJUIZPVѭUBLFFWFSZUIJOH5IF#.89JT BMXBZTQFSGFDUMZQSFQBSFEXJUIBHFOFSPVTJOUFSJPS GFBUVSJOHBIPTUPGTUPSBHFQPTTJCJMJUJFTBOEKVTU MJLFUIFMVHHBHFDPNQBSUNFOUѭMJUSFT JT FRVBMUPFWFSZDIBMMFOHF5IF#.89BMTPPGGFST BOPUIFSMBSHFTDBMFBUUSBDUJPOUIF1BOPSBNBHMBTT SPPGQSPWJEFTBQFSGFDUWJFXPGFWFSZUIJOHZPVSEBZ IBTJOTUPSF # 3*/(0/ 5)&/&95 " %7&/563& 8IBUJTUIFCFTUUIJOHBCPVUBSSJWJOH #FJOHBCMFUPESJWF PGGBHBJOѭJOUIF#.89*UTDPNGPSUJUTDBCJOTQBDF JUTBHJMJUZBOEJUTTQPSUZEFTJHOBOTXFSFWFSZDIBMMFOHF &YQFSJFODFWFSTBUJMJUZBUJUTNPTUDPNQFMMJOHѭBOEMPPL GPSXBSEUPBEWFOUVSFTFWFSZEBZXJUIUIF#.89 INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY. BMW TWIN POWER TURBO ENGINES: The heart of BMW EfficientDynamics. BMW EFFICIENT DYNAMICS: Making light work of lower fuel consumption. BMW CONNECTED DRIVE: Services & Apps and driver assistance. CHASSIS: Innovative systems for more driving pleasure. SAFETY: Technology at the highest level. 18 | 19 Innovation and technology BMW TwinPower Turbo engines. At the heart of BMW EfficientDynamics. 5PSRVF/N 5PSRVF/N Thanks to BMW TwinPower Turbo technology, the innovative new generation of BMW petrol and diesel engines from the BMW EfficientDynamics engine range guarantee even more thrilling power delivery and excellent responsiveness even at low engine speeds, while also keeping fuel consumption and emissions to a minimum. Increased efficiency and optimal dynamics make driving a BMW more enjoyable than ever. 0VUQVUL8 0VUQVUL8 &OHJOFTQFFESQN *NQSFTTJWFFGfiDJFODZUIF#.85XJO1PXFS5VSCP GPVSDZMJOEFSEJFTFMFOHJOFJOUIF#.89Y%SJWFE NEW-GENERATION BMW TWIN POWER TURBO FOUR-CYLINDER DIESEL ENGINES. The BMW X3 xDrive20d and the BMW X3 sDrive18d increase their impressive output to 140kW (190hp)1 and 110kW (150hp)1 respectively. Their combination of CommonRail direct injection and a turbocharger with variable turbine geometry, meanwhile, ensures plenty of torque. At the same time, the diesel engine’s fuel consumption remains low, which is supported by the optional eight-speed Steptronic transmission. This additionally provides higher shifting and driving comfort through finely tuned gearing and near-seamless gearchanges. Along with the increased fuel economy and comfort, the system also noticeably enhances dynamics. BMW EFFICIENTDYNAMICS. #.89Y%SJWFE #.89Y%SJWFJ ╸#.85XJO1PXFS5VSCPJOMJOFTJYDZMJOEFSEJFTFMFOHJOF XJUIL8IQ BOE/NPGUPSRVF ╸"DDFMFSBUJPOѭLNIT UPQTQFFELNI ╸$PNCJOFEGVFMDPOTVNQUJPOMLN ╸$0FNJTTJPOTHLN ╸#.85XJO1PXFS5VSCPJOMJOFTJYDZMJOEFSQFUSPMFOHJOF XJUIL8IQ BOE/NPGUPSRVF ╸"DDFMFSBUJPOѭLNIT UPQTQFFELNI ╸$PNCJOFEGVFMDPOTVNQUJPOMLN ╸$0FNJTTJPOTHLN #.89Y%SJWFE #.89Y%SJWFJ ╸#.85XJO1PXFS5VSCPJOMJOFTJYDZMJOEFSEJFTFMFOHJOF XJUIL8IQ BOE/NPGUPSRVF ╸"DDFMFSBUJPOѭLNIT UPQTQFFELNI ╸$PNCJOFEGVFMDPOTVNQUJPOѭMLN ╸$0FNJTTJPOTѭHLN ╸#.85XJO1PXFS5VSCPGPVSDZMJOEFSQFUSPMFOHJOF XJUIL8IQ BOE/NPGUPSRVF ╸"DDFMFSBUJPOѭLNIT UPQTQFFELNI ╸$PNCJOFEGVFMDPOTVNQUJPOѭMLN ╸$0FNJTTJPOTѭHLN #.89Y%SJWFE #.89T%SJWFJY%SJWFJ ╸#.85XJO1PXFS5VSCPGPVSDZMJOEFSEJFTFMFOHJOF XJUIL8IQ BOE/NPGUPSRVF ╸"DDFMFSBUJPOѭLNIT UPQTQFFELNI ╸$PNCJOFEGVFMDPOTVNQUJPOѭM<ѭM>LN ╸$0FNJTTJPOTѭ<ѭ>HLN ╸#.85XJO1PXFS5VSCPGPVSDZMJOEFSQFUSPMFOHJOFXJUI L8IQ BOE/NPGUPSRVF ╸"DDFMFSBUJPOѭLNIT9Y%SJWFJT UPQTQFFELNI ╸$PNCJOFEGVFMDPOTVNQUJPOѭMLN 9Y%SJWFJѭMLN ╸$0FNJTTJPOTѭHLN 9Y%SJWFJѭHLN #.89T%SJWFE ╸#.85XJO1PXFS5VSCPGPVSDZMJOEFSEJFTFMFOHJOF XJUIL8IQ BOE/NPGUPSRVF ╸"DDFMFSBUJPOѭLNIT UPQTQFFELNI ╸$PNCJOFEGVFMDPOTVNQUJPOѭM<ѭM>LN ╸$0FNJTTJPOTѭ<ѭ>HLN LESS EMISSIONS. MORE DRIVING PLEASURE. 'VFMDPOTVNQUJPOBOE$0FNJTTJPOTEFQFOEPOXIFFMBOEUZSFTJ[F4FFQBHFT]GPSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPO PXFTUWBMVFEFUFSNJOFEXJUIDPTUPQUJPO".MJHIUBMMPZXIFFMT4USFBNMJOF *OGPSNBUJPOPOQFSGPSNBODFGVFMDPOTVNQUJPOBOE$0FNJTTJPOTBQQMJFTUPWFIJDMFTXJUITUBOEBSEUSBOTNJTTJPO 7BMVFTJO< >SFGFSUPWFIJDMFTXJUIPQUJPOBMFJHIUTQFFE4UFQUSPOJDUSBOTNJTTJPO 20 | 21 Innovation and technology BMW EfficientDynamics Less emissions. More driving pleasure. Whether the goal is maximum performance or minimum fuel consumption – for us, the focus is always on delivering quintessential BMW driving pleasure. BMW EfficientDynamics is the strategy developed by BMW to minimise fuel consumption and CO2 emissions while simultaneously increasing dynamics and driving pleasure. It is a comprehensive technology package that includes the drive train, energy management and the vehicle concept – and is standard in every BMW. %3*7&53"*/ 5IF#.85XJO1PXFS5VSCPUFDIOPMPHZDPODFQUGFBUVSFTJOBMMQFUSPMFOHJOFT*OOPWBUJWFUVSCPDIBSHJOHUFDIOPMPHZJODPNCJOBUJPO XJUI)JHI1SFDJTJPO*OKFDUJPOBOE7BMWFUSPOJDGVMMZWBSJBCMFWBMWFDPOUSPMJODMVEJOH%PVCMF7"/04JODSFBTFTPVUQVUGPSNPSF TQPOUBOFPVTSFTQPOTFTFWFOBUMPXFSFOHJOFTQFFETBOEBUUIFTBNFUJNFSFEVDFEGVFMDPOTVNQUJPO #.85XJO1PXFS5VSCPUFDIOPMPHZJOUIFEJFTFMFOHJOFTDPNCJOFTUIFWFSZMBUFTUGVFMJOKFDUJPOUFDIOPMPHZGPSJODSFBTFE FGfiDJFODZBOEGVMMZWBSJBCMFUVSCJOFHFPNFUSZGPSIJHIFSEZOBNJDT5IFZBSFBMMCVJMUJOMJHIUXFJHIUBMVNJOJVNBOEFBDIJT FRVJQQFEXJUIBNBJOUFOBODFGSFFQBSUJDVMBUFfiMUFS 07&3"--$0/$&15 1SFDJTFMZDPPSEJOBUFEBFSPEZOBNJDTNFBTVSFTPQUJNJTFUIFESBHDPFGfiDJFOUXIJDIJOUVSOIBTBQPTJUJWFFGGFDUPOPWFSBMM FGfiDJFODZ'FBUVSFTUIBUDPOUSJCVUFUPUIJTJODMVEFQBOFMMJOHUIBUDSFBUFTBflBUVOEFSCPEZBOEBFSPEZOBNJDBMMZPQUJNJTFE XJOHNJSSPST &/&3(:."/"(&.&/5 &$0130NPEFDBOMFBEUPGVFMTBWJOHTPGVQUPEFQFOEJOHPOJOEJWJEVBMESJWJOHCFIBWJPVS"OPUIFSDBOCF HBJOFEUISPVHIBEEJUJPOBMGVODUJPOTTVDIBTѶ$PBTUJOHѷPOMZXJUIFJHIUTQFFE4UFQUSPOJDUSBOTNJTTJPO UIF3PVUF"IFBE "TTJTUBOUPOMZ/BWJHBUJPO4ZTUFN1SPGFTTJPOBM BOE&$01303PVUFPOMZXJUI/BWJHBUJPO4ZTUFN1SPGFTTJPOBMPS#VTJOFTT OUTSTANDING: BMW EFFICIENT LIGHTWEIGHT The structure of the BMW X3 uses a wealth of high-tech materials. They include lightweight aluminium in the front and the chassis, high-strength steel in the body and ultra-modern plastics and magnesium. This intelligent lightweight construction reduces the weight of the components and creates exceptional body rigidity for enhanced passive safety for the driver and passengers. It also improves driving dynamics thanks to balanced weight distribution between the front and rear axles. 5IF"VUPNBUJD4UBSU4UPQGVODUJPOTXJUDIFTUIFFOHJOFPGGXIFOUIFWFIJDMFDPNFTUPBUFNQPSBSZTUBOETUJMMFHBUUSBGfiD MJHIUTPSJOBUSBGfiDKBN UPSFEVDFPWFSBMMGVFMDPOTVNQUJPO8IFOUIFESJWFSQSFTTFTPOUIFDMVUDINBOVBMUSBOTNJTTJPO PSUBLFT UIFJSGPPUPGGUIFCSBLF4UFQUSPOJD UIFFOHJOFBVUPNBUJDBMMZTUBSUTVQBHBJOJOBGSBDUJPOPGBTFDPOE 5IF0QUJNVN4IJGU*OEJDBUPSSFDPNNFOETUIFNPTUFGfiDJFOUHFBSGPSFWFSZESJWJOHTJUVBUJPO5IFSFTVMUJOHXFMMUJNFETIJGUT MFBEUPOPUJDFBCMZMPXFSGVFMDPOTVNQUJPOQBSUJDVMBSMZJOVSCBOBOEJOUFSVSCBOUSBGfiD*OBMM#.8NPEFMTXJUIBNBOVBMUSBOTNJTTJPO UIFPQUJNVNHFBSJTJOEJDBUFECZBEJTQMBZJOUIFDPDLQJU 8JUI#SBLF&OFSHZ3FHFOFSBUJPOUIFBMUFSOBUPSHFOFSBUFTFMFDUSJDJUZQSJNBSJMZXIFOUIFESJWFSCSBLFTPSUBLFTUIFJSGPPUPGG UIFBDDFMFSBUPS1SFWJPVTMZVOVTFELJOFUJDFOFSHZJTUSBOTGPSNFEJOUPFMFDUSJDBMFOFSHZBOEGFEJOUPUIFCBUUFSZ 6OMJLFDPOWFOUJPOBMIZESBVMJDTZTUFNT&MFDUSJD1PXFS4UFFSJOHFOBCMFTQSFDJTFTUFFSJOHBUBOZTQFFE*OBEEJUJPOJUSFEVDFTGVFM DPOTVNQUJPOBTJUTFMFDUSJDNPUPSѭJODPOUSBTUUPBIZESBVMJDQVNQѭPOMZVTFTFOFSHZXIFOTUFFSJOHTVQQPSUJTBDUVBMMZSFRVJSFE 22 | 23 Innovation and technology BMW ConnectedDrive So connected, you’re free. Our world is becoming more closely connected every day. And for BMW drivers it goes without saying that they can request information, communicate via telephone or email and always be up to date – all while they're on the go. The BMW ConnectedDrive1 concept encompasses all the services and innovative technologies that link BMW vehicles and their passengers to the outside world and surrounding traffic. #.8$POOFDUFE%SJWFXJUIJUTJOUFMMJHFOUTFSWJDFTBOEBTTJTUBODFTZTUFNTJTBMXBZTSFBEZXJUIBMMUIFSJHIUFRVJQNFOU #.8$POOFDUFE%SJWF4FSWJDFT"QQTPGGFSNPSFGSFFEPNCZQSPWJEJOHWFSTBUJMFDPOOFDUJPOTCFUXFFOUIFESJWFSWFIJDMF BOEPVUTJEFXPSME#.8$POOFDUFE%SJWF%SJWFS"TTJTUBODFTZTUFNTNBLFESJWJOHB#.8TBGFSBOENPSFDPNGPSUBCMF "OEJOUFMMJHFOUTZTUFNTNBLFMJGFFBTZGPSUIFESJWFSBOENJOJNJTFUIFEBOHFSTPGUSBGfiD 5IF%SJWJOH"TTJTUBOU1MVTPQUJPOPOMZXJUI4UFQUSPOJDUSBOTNJTTJPO JODMVEFT"QQSPBDI8BSOJOHBOE-BOF%FQBSUVSF 8BSOJOHBTXFMMBT"DUJWF$SVJTF$POUSPMXJUIUIF4UPQ(PGVODUJPO*OUIJTXBZ%SJWJOH"TTJTUBOU1MVTFOIBODFTESJWJOH TBGFUZBOEDPNGPSUPONPUPSXBZT The BMW ConnectedDrive Services* option provides the driver with a wide range of information, entertainment and service features on the road. It also includes BMW Online, which enables you to access current, localised information such as weather, news and an online search powered by Google™, as well as various office functions. You can also combine individual services and features such as webcams, fuel price info, parking information, travel and hotel guides in the "Applications" menu. The secure and comfortable use of selected smartphone applications is also included for an unlimited period of time. The ConnectedDrive Services option also includes access to the BMW ConnectedDrive Store, in which services and apps can be booked, extended and selected according to individual needs, at any time and from any place. The ConnectedDrive Services option also offers much more to make each journey in a BMW into a real experience. * May not be available in all countries. Please consult your BMW partner. 1 For further information on BMW ConnectedDrive, please visit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| 25 Innovation and technology Chassis. A solid foundation for superior driving dynamics. A wide range of innovative technology in the BMW X3 is there to make sure that you thoroughly enjoy every journey. Many systems are intelligently networked, allowing you to experience maximum driving pleasure in the utmost safety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fiUUFEBTTUBOEBSEMFUTUIFESJWFSDIPPTFCFUXFFOUIFTUBOEBSE$0.'035NPEF&$0130 NPEFXIJDIJTHFBSFEUPXBSETFGfiDJFODZBOE41035NPEFXIJDIFOBCMFTFWFONPSFEZOBNJDESJWJOH&$0130BEKVTUT UIFDIBSBDUFSJTUJDTPGUIFBDDFMFSBUPSQFEBMBOEUSBOTNJTTJPOBTXFMMBTUIFIFBUJOHBJSDPOEJUJPOJOHTFUUJOHTUPTVJUUIFESJWJOH TJUVBUJPO 5IFfiWFBSNSFBSBYMFJTQBSUJDVMBSMZSJHJETPJUFOBCMFTQSFDJTFXIFFMDPOUSPMѭBNVTUGPSFYDFQUJPOBMMZEZOBNJDESJWJOH 5IFBYMFJTBMTPFYQFSUMZEFTJHOFEGPSDPNGPSUBCMFDPBTUJOH'VSUIFSNPSFUIFflBUDPOfiHVSBUJPOXJUIXJEFMZQMBDFETQSJOH TUSVUTBMMPXTGPSBMFWFMMVHHBHFDPNQBSUNFOUXJUIBMBSHFMPBEJOHXJEUI THE INTELLIGENT BMW ALL-WHEEL DRIVE SYSTEM xDRIVE. This system adapts perfectly to even the most challenging road conditions, ensuring outstanding traction at all times. With xDrive and Dynamic Stability Control (DSC), the vehicle remains directionally stable and on track. Split-second response times allow xDrive to distribute drive power flexibly between the two axles for optimum grip. In this way, xDrive combines the advantages of all-wheel drive – traction, directional stability and safety – with classic BMW agility. 26 | 27 Innovation and technology Safety. Unparalleled safety with the latest BMW technology. The BMW X3 is full of cutting-edge technology that can always be relied on. Superb handling and innovative equipment come as standard, giving the driver exactly the right support for any situation. It all means that you can feel safe in all road conditions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fiDVMUTVSGBDFTXIJMFBMTPJODSFBTJOHTBGFUZBOEESJWJOH QMFBTVSF Multi-faceted functionality. Singular safety. The BMW X3 offers a wide spectrum of cutting-edge safety systems. Dynamic Stability Control (DSC), for example, can detect the onset of a loss of traction and prevents the vehicle from veering off course. There are also the optional Adaptive Headlights with variable light distribution for increased comfort and safety. The swivelling headlights follow the turns of the steering wheel to guarantee optimum visibility through every corner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| 31 Equipment BASIC. [ / ] The BMW X in the optional exterior colour Mineral Silver metallic with optional " light alloy wheels Streamline . [ ] The leather steering wheel with optional multifunction buttons offers satisfying grip. <>5IFTFBUTJOUIFPQUJPOBMDMPUIMFBUIFSDPNCJOBUJPO1FBSMQPJOU"OUISBDJUFPGGFSDPNGPSUBOEFMFHBODFJOUIFJOUFSJPS<>MJHIUBMMPZXIFFMT7TQPLFTUZMF+YXJUI3 UZSFTTUBOEBSEGPS9Y%SJWFJ9Y%SJWFJ9Y%SJWFEBOE9Y%SJWFE 32 | 33 Equipment xLINE. 4UBOEBSEFRVJQNFOU 0QUJPOBMFRVJQNFOU BMW xLine interior equipment features: BMW xLine exterior equipment features: door sill finishers in Aluminium with the BMW designation Seats with Carve cloth/leather combination in Amber/Black with Active Red contrast stitching Seats in Mocha, Black or Ivory White Nevada leather (each with appliqués and imprints on the head-restraints) or Nevada leather in Beige, Saddle Brown or Oyster Sport leather steering wheel (optionally available with multifunction buttons) or M leather steering wheel interior trim finishers in Dark Copper high-gloss interior trim finishers in fine-wood trim Fineline Anthracite, Fineline Light or Burled Walnut – each with Pearl-Gloss Chrome accent line, or interior trim finishers in Aluminium, finely brushed lengthwise loading sill trim in stainless steel car key with Aluminium satinised detailing " light alloy wheels Y-spoke style " light alloy wheels Y-spoke style with mixed tyres, other wheels are available BMW kidney grille with exclusively designed slats in Aluminium satinised front bumper with characteristic design elements and underbody protection design element in Aluminium satinised rear underbody protection design element in Aluminium satinised side skirts in Aluminium satinised side window frames and window recess finishers in Aluminium satinised, B-pillar and C-pillar in Black high-gloss tailpipe trim in Aluminium satinised [ / ] The BMW X xLine in the optional exterior colour Deep Sea Blue metallic and the " light alloy wheels Y-spoke style (shown here with the optional Adaptive LED headlights). [ ] " light alloy wheels Y-spoke style with mixed tyres. Front: . J x with / R tyres. Rear: . J x with / R tyres. [ ] The xLine front profile is particularly striking: the BMW kidney grille plus air inlet elements in satin-finish-look aluminium give the BMW X a strong presence (shown here with the optional Adaptive LED headlights). [ ] Seats in optional Mocha Nevada leather upholstery give the interior a very sophisticated appearance. 1 Only in conjunction with Sport seats for driver and front passenger. <>%PPSTJMMGJOJTIFSTJOBMVNJOJVNBOEXJUIUIF#.8Y-JOFMPHPHSFFUUIFESJWFSBOEGSPOUQBTTFOHFSPOCPBSEJOH<>MJHIUBMMPZXIFFMT:TQPLFTUZMF+YXJUI3UZSFT <>5IFDPDLQJUXJUIUIFTUBOEBSE4QPSUMFBUIFSTUFFSJOHXIFFMPQUJPOBMNVMUJGVODUJPOWFSTJPOTIPXOIFSF BOEUIFPQUJPOBM#VSMFE8BMOVUGJOFXPPEUSJNXJUIBDDFOUMJOFJO1FBSM(MPTT $ISPNFDPOWFZBMPPLPGOBUVSBMFMFHBODF 34 | 35 Equipment M SPORT PACKAGE. Standard equipment Optional equipment M Sport package interior equipment features: M Sport package exterior equipment features: M door sill finishers and M driver footrest Sport seats for driver and front passenger in cloth/leather combination ‘Pearlpoint’ Anthracite Seats in Ivory White and Mocha Nevada leather (each with appliqués and imprints on the head-restraints) or in Black, Beige, Oyster or Saddle Brown Nevada leather, additional upholstery options available interior trim finishers in Aluminium, finely brushed lengthwise Fineline Anthracite interior trim, Fineline Light or Burled Walnut, each with accent line in Pearl-Gloss Chrome BMW Individual headliner in Anthracite M leather steering wheel with multifunction buttons shortened gear lever with M logo Car key with blue detailing " M light alloy wheels Star-spoke style M " M light alloy wheels Double-spoke style M with mixed tyres or " M light alloy wheels Double-spoke style M with mixed tyres M Aerodynamics package with front apron, side skirts, wheel arch trims, claddings in body colour, rear apron with Dark Shadow metallic diffuser insert BMW Individual High-Gloss Shadow Line or BMW Individual Exterior Line in Aluminium satinised BMW Individual High-Gloss Shadow Line roof rails or roof rails in Aluminium satinised Sport suspension settings; alternative options: standard suspension or electronic damper control M logo on the sides exclusive paint finish in Carbon Black metallic [ / ] The BMW X with the M Sport package featuring the optional exterior colour Space Grey metallic and optional " M light alloy wheels Double-spoke style M with mixed tyres (shown here with the optional Adaptive LED headlights). [ ] " M light alloy wheels Double-spoke style M with mixed tyres. Front: . J x with / R tyres. Rear: J x with / R tyres. [ ] The Sport seats provide particularly good hold and, with the optional Ivory White Nevada leather with appliqués and imprints on the head-restraints, underscore the sporty appearance of the BMW X with the M Sport package. <>5IF#.8*OEJWJEVBMIJHIHMPTT4IBEPX-JOFSPPGSBJMTDPNQMFNFOUUIF.4QPSUQBDLBHF<>.MJHIUBMMPZXIFFMT4UBSTQPLFTUZMF.+YXJUI3UZSFT <>5IF.MFBUIFSTUFFSJOHXIFFMJODMNVMUJGVODUJPOCVUUPOTBOETQFDJBMMZGPSNFEUIVNCSFTUTDPOUSJCVUFTUPQSFDJTFWFIJDMFDPOUSPM5IF'JOFCSVTIFEBMVNJOJVNJOUFSJPSUSJNVOEFSMJOFT UIFTQPSUZMPPLBOEGFFM 36 | 37 Equipment EQUIPMENT HIGHLIGHTS. 4UBOEBSEFRVJQNFOU 0QUJPOBMFRVJQNFOU [ ] Xenon Headlights with low-beam and high-beam functions include automatic headlight range control as well as parking lights, side lights and daytime running lights. [ ] Adaptive LED Headlights incl. low- and high-beam and LED indicators, BMW Selective Beam (anti-dazzle High-Beam Assistant) and Adaptive Headlights with variable light distribution for city and motorway. Cornering lights for optimum road illumination are also featured. [ ] The LED fog lights’ bright white light allow for a better view and increased safety when visibility is poor. [ ] The Panorama glass roof provides fresh air and ensures a welcoming, light-flooded ambience in the interior. [ ] BMW Individual Exterior Line incl. trim strips and window recess finishers in satin-finish Aluminium. [ ] The trailer tow hitch with electronically pivoting tow ball (not visible) and stability control is capable of pulling heavy loads of up to ,kg (depending on model and transmission). [ ] The roof rails in satin-finish aluminium provide the base for a multifunctional BMW roof rack unit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| 39 Equipment EQUIPMENT HIGHLIGHTS. 4UBOEBSEFRVJQNFOU 0QUJPOBMFRVJQNFOU [ ] The rear view camera shows the area behind the car on the control display. Interactive track lines assist the driver. [ ] The full-colour BMW Head-Up Display projects relevant driving information directly into the driver’s line of sight, incl. instrument cluster with ." info display. [ ] The instrument cluster features four analogue dials including a speedometer, rev counter and coolant temperature display, as well as a ." Info Display. [ ] Speed Limit Info incl. no-overtaking indicator provides information on speed limits as well as no-overtaking zones. [ ] The Driving Assistant combines the Lane Departure Warning and Approach Warning systems. [ ] Surround View is a visual parking aid. The immediate -degree environment is shown on the Control Display via cameras on the vehicle. [ ] The Lane Change Warning detects other vehicles when changing lanes and warns the driver through vibration in the steering wheel and a triangular warning symbol on the wing mirror. [ ] Driving Assistant Plus (only available with Steptronic transmission) incl. Approach and Lane Departure Warning, Active Cruise Control with Stop&Go function. [ ] The Parking assistant makes parallel parking easier. It does the steering while the driver remains in control of the accelerator and brake. 1 2 The display is not fully visible when wearing polarised sunglasses. The exact content shown on the BMW Head-Up Display will depend on the equipment options chosen. Further optional equipment is required for the display. Not available with 20" M light alloy wheels 310 M. <>5XPGSPOUDVQIPMEFSTPGGFSQSBDUJDBMTUPSBHF<>5IFNVMUJGVODUJPOCVUUPOTPOUIFTUFFSJOHXIFFMDBOCFVTFEUPPQFSBUFUIFUFMFQIPOFWPJDFDPOUSPMBOEBVEJPGVODUJPOTBTXFMM BTUIF$SVJTF$POUSPM<>%SJWJOH&YQFSJFODF$POUSPMMFUTUIFESJWFSDIPPTFCFUXFFOUIFTUBOEBSE$0.'035NPEF&$0130NPEFHFBSFEUPXBSETFGGJDJFODZBOE41035NPEF <>5IF.MFBUIFSTUFFSJOHXIFFMGFBUVSFTNVMUJGVODUJPOCVUUPOTNPSFQSPOPVODFEUIVNCSFTUTBOEBUIJDLFSSJNGPSCFUUFSHSJQ<>4UFFSJOHXIFFMIFBUJOHRVJDLMZXBSNTVQUIFSJNPGUIF XIFFMBUUIFQVTIPGBCVUUPOѭBDPNGPSUGFBUVSFXIJDIJTFTQFDJBMMZVTFGVMJOXJOUFS<>%ZOBNJD4UBCJMJUZ$POUSPM%4$ DPOUJOVPVTMZNPOJUPSTESJWJOHDPOEJUJPOTBOEPQUJNJTFTEJSFDUJPOBM TUBCJMJUZBOEUSBDUJPO<>5IFTQFFE4UFQUSPOJDUSBOTNJTTJPOPGGFSTTNPPUIHFBSTIJGUTBOENPSFDPNGPSUBCMFESJWJOHBUUIFTBNFUJNFBTMPXFSDPOTVNQUJPOUIBOLTUPDMPTFMZTQBDFEHFBS SBUJPTBOETNBMMFOHJOFTQFFEUSBOTJUJPOT<>5IFFJHIUTQFFE4UFQUSPOJDTQPSUUSBOTNJTTJPOBMMPXTTUZMFTSBOHJOHGSPNDPNGPSUBCMFDPBTUJOHUISPVHIUPUIFWFSZEZOBNJD 40 | 41 Equipment EQUIPMENT HIGHLIGHTS. 4UBOEBSEFRVJQNFOU 0QUJPOBMFRVJQNFOU [ ] The Sport seats for the driver and front passenger provide optimum hold through adjustment of the backrest widths, fore-and-aft positions, seat heights and the angles of the backrests and seats. [ ] The roller sunblind for the rear side windows can be manually raised and lowered and protects against direct sunlight while also providing privacy. [ ] The seat heating for the driver and front passenger enables the entire seat and backrest surfaces to be heated, including contours. [ ] Electronic seat adjustment makes operation easier and the memory function allows users to save their desired settings for the driver's seat and wing mirrors. [ ] Lighting package, partially LED: Reading lights, vanity mirror lights, footwell illumination, two-colour ambient lights (shown above) and more. [ ] Automatic air conditioning with two-zone regulation, Automatic Air Recirculation (AAR), microfilter, fogging and solar sensors, black panel-look centre console. [ ] The one-zone air conditioning cools or heats the interior of the vehicle to the correct temperature in any season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| 43 Equipment WHEELS AND TYRES. Standard equipment Optional equipment Accessories 0 3*(*/"-#.8"$$&4403*&4 [ ] " light alloy wheels Double-spoke style with mixed tyres. Front: . J x with / R tyres. Rear: . J x with / R tyres. [ ] " light alloy wheels Double-spoke style , J x with / R tyres. [ ] " light alloy wheels V-spoke style , J x with / R tyres (standard for X xDrivei, X xDrivei, X xDrived and X xDrived). [ ] " light alloy wheels Y-spoke style , . J x with / R tyres. [ ] " light alloy wheels V-spoke style , . J x with / R tyres (standard for X sDrive/xDrivei, X sDrived and X xDrived). [ ] " light alloy wheels Streamline , J x , / R , help to reduce fuel consumption and CO output. [ ] " BMW light alloy wheels Y-spoke style , Bicolor, matt Black, burnished on visible sides and with mixed tyres. Front: . J x with / R tyres. Rear: J x with / R tyres. [ ] " BMW M Performance light alloy wheels Double-spoke style M, forged, in Bicolor matt Black, burnished on the visible sides, with four-colour M Logo and mixed tyres. Front: . J x with / R tyres. Rear: J x with / R tyres. 1 Only available with the X3 sDrive20i/xDrive20i, X3 sDrive18d and X3 xDrive20d. <>#.8TVSGCPBSEIPMEFS#.8MJHIUBMMPZXIFFMT:TQPLF<>#.8(SPVQ+VOJPS4FBUTVJUBCMFGPSDIJMESFOGSPNBQQSPYNPOUITUPZFBSTBCPVUѭLH "WBJMBCMF JOUXPDPMPVSTQJDUVSFEXJUITVOCMJOE <>#.8SFBS%7%TZTUFNJOGSBSFETUFSFPIFBEQIPOFT<>4OBQJOBEBQUFSXJUI64#JOUFSGBDFGPSVTJOHUIFUFMFQIPOFBOEMJTUFOJOHUPNVTJD <>#.8IPMEFSGPSUIF"QQMFJ1BEBUUBDIFTCZNFBOTPGBCBTFTVQQPSUNPVOUFEUPUIFGSPOUIFBESFTUSBJOUCBST<>'JUUFEMVHHBHFDPNQBSUNFOUNBUBOUJTMJQBQFSGFDUGJUBOENBEF JOEVSBCMFQMBTUJD %JTDPWFSBIPTUPGJOOPWBUJWFTPMVUJPOTGPSUIFFYUFSJPSBOEJOUFSJPSGPSDPNNVODJBUJPOBOEJOGPSNBUJPOBOEGPSUSBOTQPSUBOEMVHHBHF:PVS#.8QBSUOFSXJMMCFIBQQZUPBEWJTFPOUIFDPNQMFUFSBOHFPG0SJHJOBM#.8"DDFTTPSJFT BOEXJMMBMTPCFBCMFUPQSPWJEFZPVXJUIBTQFDJBMCSPDIVSF'VSUIFSJOGPSNBUJPODBOCFGPVOEBUBOZUJNFBUXXXCNXDPNBDDFTTPSJFT 44 | 45 Colours EXTERIOR COLOURS. 4UBOEBSEFRVJQNFOU 0QUJPOBMFRVJQNFOU Non-metalllic Alpine White Metallic A Space Grey .FUBMMJD"%FFQ4FB#MVF Non-metallic Black Metallic A Mineral Silver .FUBMMJD".JOFSBM8IJUF Metallic A Glacier Silver Metallic Black Sapphire .FUBMMJD#4QBSLMJOH#SPXOXJUICSJMMJBOUFGGFDU GO DIGITAL AND DISCOVER YOUR FAVOURITE COLOUR FOR THE BMW X. 1 2 Available as standard with the M Sport package. Also optionally available with the M Sport package. .FUBMMJD".FMCPVSOF3FE .410351"$,"(& .FUBMMJD$BSCPO#MBDL <$PMPVSTBNQMFT>5IFTFDPMPVSTBNQMFTBSFNFBOUUPHJWFBGJSTUJNQSFTTJPOPGQBJOUTBOENBUFSJBMT&YQFSJFODFIBTTIPXOIPXFWFSUIBUQSJOUFEWFSTJPOTPGQBJOUBOEVQIPMTUFSZDPMPVSTDBOOPUJOBMMDBTFTGBJUIGVMMZ SFQSPEVDFUIFBQQFBSBODFPGUIFPSJHJOBMT8FUIFSFGPSFSFDPNNFOEUIBUZPVDPOTVMUZPVS#.8QBSUOFSPOZPVSQSFGFSSFEDPMPVSDIPJDFT5IFZXJMMCFIBQQZUPTIPXZPVTBNQMFTBOEBTTJTUZPV XJUIBOZTQFDJBMSFRVFTUT 46 | 47 Colours INTERIOR COLOURS. 4UBOEBSEFRVJQNFOU 0QUJPOBMFRVJQNFOU UPHOLSTERY COLOURS. Y-*/& Nevada leather LUB Beige with Mocha contrast stitching, 61)0-45&3:$0-0634 Ribbon cloth AYAT Anthracite Nevada leather LUSW Black with Grey contrast stitching $MPUIMFBUIFSDPNCJOBUJPO$BSWF $7-/"NCFSXJUI"DUJWF3FEDPOUSBTUTUJUDIJOH Ribbon cloth AYB Beige Nevada leather LUD Saddle Brown with Mocha contrast stitching, /FWBEBMFBUIFS-6/&*WPSZ8IJUF XJUI4QPSU3FEDPOUSBTUTUJUDIJOHBOEBQQMJRV© BOEJNQSJOU Cloth/leather combination Pearlpoint FHAT Anthracite with Grey contrast stitching Nevada leather LUCX Oyster with Mocha contrast stitching, /FWBEBMFBUIFS-6/'.PDIBXJUI"DUJWF3FE DPOUSBTUTUJUDIJOHBOEBQQMJRV©BOEJNQSJOU INTERIOR COLOURS INTERIOR TRIMS Black CG Satin Silver, matt FV Fine-wood trim Fineline, light, with accent line in Pearl-Gloss Chrome, Beige AD Fine-brushed aluminium FW Fine-wood trim Burled Walnut with accent line in Pearl-Gloss Chrome, .410351"$,"(& */5&3*0353*.4 $MPUIMFBUIFSDPNCJOBUJPO1FBSMQPJOU ')"5"OUISBDJUFXJUI(SFZDPOUSBTUTUJUDIJOH "%'JOFCSVTIFEBMVNJOJVN "MTPPQUJPOBMMZBWBJMBCMFXJUIUIFY-JOF "MTPPQUJPOBMMZBWBJMBCMFXJUI.4QPSUQBDLBHF "EEJUJPOBMVQIPMTUFSZDPMPVSTBOEJOUFSJPSUSJNTBSFBWBJMBCMFBTTIPXOPOUIFTFQBHFT 0OMZJODPOKVODUJPOXJUI4QPSUTFBUTGPSESJWFSBOEGSPOUQBTTFOHFS /PUBWBJMBCMFJODPOKVODUJPOXJUITQPSUTFBUT Please note that over time even correct use can lead to unrecoverable upholstery damage. This can be caused in particular by non-colourfast clothing. /FWBEBMFBUIFS-642#MBDLXJUI(SFZDPOUSBTU TUJUDIJOHBOEBQQMJRV©BOEJNQSJOU 61)0-45&3:$0-0634 FU Fine-wood trim Fineline Anthracite with accent line in Pearl-Gloss Chrome, */5&3*0353*.4 -%BSL$PQQFSIJHIHMPTT kg [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Max. permissible kg [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Permitted load kg Permitted axle load front/rear kg / / / / / []/ / / Permitted roof load kg Permitted load, unbraked kg Permitted load, braked max. % gradient kg [] [] Permitted load, braked max. % gradient kg [] [] Permitted towbar download kg Tank capacity, approx. l Luggage compartment volume l – – – – – – – – 1678 Unladen EU 1 0 33 Weight/volume 9 94 X xDrived X xDrived X xDrived X sDrived X xDrivei X xDrivei X xDrivei X sDrivei 48 | 49 Technical data 1616 858 2810 1881 989 4657 Capacity Stroke/bore Output/engine speed Max. torque/engine speed Compression ratio cc mm / / / / / / / / ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. kW/rpm / – / – / – / – / / / / (hp/rpm) (/ – ) (/ – ) (/ – ) (/ – ) (/ ) (/ ) (/ ) (/ ) Nm/rpm / – / – / – / – / – / – / – / – . . . . . . . . : 1632 2089 Transmission Standard transmission ratios Final drive ratio 1458 Cylinders/valves 1483 Engine, I/II/III: ././. ././. ././. ././. ././. ././. ././. ././. IV/V/VI: ././. ././. ././. ././. ././. ././. ././. ././. VII/VIII/R: ././. –/–/. –/–/. –/–/. : . . ././. ././. . . . . ././. ././. . . "MMEJNFOTJPOTJONJMMJNFUSFT Performance Top speed km/h [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Acceleration –km/h s [.] . [.] [.] [.] . [.] . [.] [.] [.] Acceleration –km/h in IV/V gear (with standard transmission) s – –/. – – –/. –/. – – [. – .] . – . [. – .] [.– .] [.] . – . [. – .] . – . [. – .] [. – .] [.] [. – .] [.] . – . [. – .] .– . [.– .] [. – .] [.] Fuel consumption, Urban l/km Extra urban l/km [.– .] . – . [. – .] Combined l/km [.– .] . – . [. – .] [. –.] [.] .– . [. – .] . – . [. – .] [.– .] [.] g/km [ –] – [–] [ – ] [] – [ –] – [ –] [ –] [] CO emissions Wheels Tyre dimensions / R V / R V / R W / R W / R V / R V / R W / R W Wheel dimensions . J x . J x J x J x . J x . J x J x J x Material Light alloy Light alloy Light alloy Light alloy Light alloy Light alloy Light alloy Light alloy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| 51 BMW Service WELL TAKEN CARE OF WITH BMW SERVICES: When you buy a BMW, you can look forward to superb service and comprehensive customer care. For example, the Condition Based Service independently tracks both service fluid levels and the condition of parts subject to wear and then notifies you in the display when the vehicle requires servicing. So you only need to go to your BMW service partner when it’s really necessary. When you do go, our qualified BMW service specialists take care of your vehicle using the newest workshop technology and only original BMW parts. This service is available worldwide in more than , BMW service partner establishments in over countries, to provide you with limitless driving pleasure. BMW SERVICE. BMW Service Inclusive*: The BMW Service Inclusive service packages ensure that costs for maintenance, inspection and worn parts are covered for the duration of your contract, allowing you to focus on unlimited driving pleasure. This service is available worldwide from all participating BMW service partners. For more information please visit BMW Guarantee extension: The BMW guarantee extension packages offer extended protection for your newly purchased BMW, in additional to the legal guarantee period. So you can enjoy another three years of carefree driving (up to the vehicle’s th year). Find out more at 4)"1*/(5)& '6563& ѭ3&410/4*#-: BMW FINANCIAL SERVICE. BMW Mobile Service*: This service is there for you in case of a breakdown, day and night. Specially trained BMW technicians do everything necessary, on the phone or on-site, to get your car back on the road as fast as possible. We offer a comprehensive country-specific mobility package for breakdowns and insurance that covers you in the event of an accident or theft. And in case of an accident, call us at the BMW accident hotline! We’ll take care of calling the police, an ambulance, a tow truck, a replacement car, notifying your insurance company and much more. For more information visit BMW Teleservices*: With Condition Based Service, you’ll be automatically notified in the display of your next necessary service appointment. Provided you’ve consented, the most important vehicle data required for analysis will be relayed to BMW automatically. Your assigned BMW service partner will access the information and contact you free of charge to make a service appointment – if one is necessary. To access BMW Teleservices, the vehicle must be equipped with the optional Intelligent Emergency Call or ConnectedDrive Services. If necessary, the service can be deactivated at any time. For more on this topic please visit BMW Financial Services: Tailor-made finance: BMW Financial Services offers you attractive leasing, finance and insurance packages. For further information visit or ask your local BMW partner to make you an individual offer. THE BMW EXPERIENCE. BMW TV BMW TV*: enables you to experience the BMW brand in all its diversity. Features, portraits and background reports provide you with information on automobiles, innovations, sports and lifestyle topics. BMW Driving Experience: The better you control your BMW, the more enjoyment you will derive from driving it. Use our training courses to learn for yourself what it means to reach a car’s physical limits on various types of surfaces, and what you have to do to control your vehicle even in extreme situations. For further information please visit BMW Welt: Collecting a new car at BMW Welt ranks among the best moments any driver can experience. Turn this moment into an unforgettable day, and make the handover of your new BMW part of a unique programme of activities tailored to your personal preferences. With the BMW Plant, the BMW Museum and the BMW Group Headquarters, you will be surrounded by fascinating history, a breathtaking present and spectacular visions of the future. Find out more at BMW Magazine: In BMW Magazine, experience the newest BMW models in front of stunning backdrops. Discover new design trends, travel destinations and the richness of modern life. Encounter people with visionary ideas who are changing the world. Find out more at * May not be available in all countries. Please consult your BMW partner. *OUIF#.8(SPVQXBTPODFBHBJOSBOLFE UIFNPTUTVTUBJOBCMFDBSNBOVGBDUVSFSJOUIFXPSME CZUIF%PX+POFT4VTUBJOBCJMJUZ*OEFY*UJTUIF POMZBVUPNPUJWFDPNQBOZUPIBWFGFBUVSFEPOUIF SFOPXOFEJOEFYFWFSZZFBSTJODFJUTJODFQUJPO5IF EFWFMPQNFOUPGFGfiDJFOUWFIJDMFDPODFQUTBOEFDP GSJFOEMZQSPEVDUJPOQSPDFTTFTVQUPBOEJODMVEJOH SFDZDMJOHJTBOJOUFHSBMQBSUPGPVSFOHJOFFSJOH QIJMPTPQIZ#.8&GfiDJFOU%ZOBNJDTTUBOEBSETIBWF FOBCMFEVTUPDVUUIF$0FNJTTJPOTPGPVSflFFUPG OFXWFIJDMFTJO&VSPQFCZNPSFUIBOCFUXFFO BOEUPEBZ8FѳSFBMTPBJNJOHUPSFEVDFUIF BNPVOUPGSFTPVSDFTTVDIBTXBUFSBOEFOFSHZVTFE JOQSPEVDUJPOCZCFUXFFOBOE 1SPEVDUJPOBUPVSFOHJOFQMBOUJO4UFZSIBTCFFO XBTUFXBUFSGSFFTJODF"OEPGDPVSTFFBDIPG PVSWFIJDMFTJTEFTJHOFEGPSFBTZBOEFDPOPNJDBM SFDZDMJOHBGUFSJUTMPOHSVOOJOHMJGF1MFBTFDPOUBDU ZPVS#.8QBSUOFSPOBMMNBUUFSTSFHBSEJOHZPVSFOE PGMJGFWFIJDMF'PSGVSUIFSJOGPSNBUJPOQMFBTFWJTJUPVS XFCTJUFT XXXCNXDPN&GfiDJFOU%ZOBNJDT XXXCNXHSPVQDPNSFTQPOTJCJMJUZ XXXCNXDPNSFDZDMJOH More about BMW Sheer Driving Pleasure The models illustrated in this brochure show the specifications of vehicles produced by BMW AG for the German market. In part, they include optional equipment and accessories not fitted as standard. According to the specific requirements of other markets, alterations in models, standard and optional equipment, as described in this brochure, may occur. For more precise information about country-specific vehicle versions, please contact your local BMW partner. Subject to change in design and equipment. © BMW AG, Munich/Germany. Not to be reproduced wholly or in part without written permission of BMW AG, Munich. BB. Printed in Germany .
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