explorer - La Salle College High School


explorer - La Salle College High School
Fall 2009
The Official Magazine of La Salle College High School
The Official Magazine of La Salle College High School
The Promise
page 3
The Official Magazine of La Salle College High School
Annual Report Of Giving
Fulfilling The Promise
Page 3
Remaining Naming
Page 6
Donors to
Fulfilling The Promise
Page 8
Redefining Leadership
Report of Annual Giving
Page 15
Letter from the Chairman of the
Board of Trustees
Page 17
Honor Roll of Donors
Page 18
Endowment Funds
Page 50
Page 10
New Members of the
Board of Trustees
Page 12
Board of Trustees
From The Hip
Page 13
Page 2
Page 14
Letter from the President
Legacy Photos
Page 52
Class Notes
Page 53
Births, Deaths, and
Page 60
Front Cover
Al J. Gabriele, Chairman of Fulfilling The Promise,
Brother Richard Kestler ‘60, President,
and Charles E. Dunleavy, Jr. ‘61,
Chairman Emeritus of Fulfilling The Promise
The Whalen Courtyard made possible
through the generosity of Mr. John J. Whalan ‘67
and Mrs. Linda Rabbitt
2 Explorer Fall 2009
From The Hip
One of my favorite titles is “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?”,
the award-winning short story by Joyce Carol Oates. Although the plot has no
connection or correlation to La Salle College High School, the title certainly
applies to changes and developments at the school over the last few years.
I remember my father telling me stories about La College High School students
who occupied the second and third floors of Wister Hall on the campus of
La Salle College in the late 1950’s. In 1960, the school made the historic move
to a new building located in the rolling hills of Wyndmoor. As a student in the
late 1970’s and early 1980’s, I experienced firsthand a school that was head and
shoulders above the rest; however, never could I have imagined the La Salle
College High School of today.
Over the last twenty years, the school has acquired adjoining properties and
homes – Alumni House, Dunleavy Center, and Allinson House – have created a
bona fide campus. In September of 1993, St. Michael Hall opened. The five-level
addition featuring the McShain Library and state-of-the-art classrooms brought
art and technology to the forefront of the school’s curriculum. Nine years
later, the West Wing was built and provided much needed space for music
and athletics.
In 2004, the Board of Trustees adopted a Strategic Plan that identified the key
needs and priorities of the school over the next five years. The Board’s vision and
overall commitment to the school’s mission launched Fulfilling The Promise, a
$25 million capital campaign for land acquisition, construction, renovations, and
financial aid.
In 2007, the school acquired the 34-acres adjacent to Route 309 and Paper Mill
Road. Shortly thereafter, the land was developed into Ward Field, a baseball
complex that rivals some minor league ballparks, along with McCarthy Trail, the
Brother Gratian of Jesus Environmental Center, and two additional practice fields
for football, soccer, and/or lacrosse.
In the spring of 2007, construction began on a 40,000 square foot, four-level
academic wing that houses a counseling center, campus ministry area, study
commons, two laboratories, six classrooms, and a technology center. At the
center of the new addition is the Marian Chapel, which for the first time,
provides a dedicated place of worship within the school. Upon completion of the
new wing, renovations began to McLean Hall. All of the original academic areas
were sequentially renovated as were the administrative areas. New walls, ceilings, floors/carpeting, windows, HVAC, etc. brought new life to an aging building.
The final pieces of equipment moved out in late August and 1,069 boys moved in
on September 9, 2009. The facilities that these boys occupy are nothing short of
magnificent. Visitors stand in awe of new buildings and the technology operating
within. Nothing is outdated and everything shines, including the faces of the
faculty and students.
I walk the hallways and grounds and marvel at our accomplishments. La Salle
College High School has a long and storied history – one that makes us proud
of what we have and where we have been. Where are we going? Let’s just say
that the vision is clear and the future is bright. More importantly, it is a future in
which everyone will want to have a part.
Christopher M. Carabello ’82
The Official Magazine of La Salle College High School
Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ‘60
Joseph L. Marchese
Vice President of Institutional
Daniel L. McGowan
Christopher M. Carabello ’82
Editorial and Production Assistance
Barbara Franks
Cathleen P. Winning
Contributing Writers
Christopher M. Carabello ‘82
Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60
Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ’70
Greg Bobowski
Braden J. Bonner ’07
John J. Burns
Christopher M. Carabello ’82
Gary Donnelly
Drexel University
Mike Maicher
Brother James Rieck, FSC ’57
Artwork and Design
John Burns Graphic Design
La Salle College High School
8605 Cheltenham Avenue
Wyndmoor, PA 19038
215 233 2350 Phone
215 836 4502 Fax
[email protected]
The Explorer is published by
La Salle College High School.
The Explorer welcomes letters to the Editor concerning
alumni, school, and topics
published in the magazine.
The Editor of the Explorer
reserves the right to make
all decisions regarding the
content and information
published in the magazine.
3 Explorer Fall 2009
The Promise
by Christopher M. Carabello ’82 page 3
At the inaugural Founder’s Gala held in April of 2006, La Salle College
High School launched one of the most ambitious initiatives the school
has ever undertaken. The $25 million capital campaign, Fulfilling the Promise,
is the largest fundraising effort in the history of the school. The campaign is
aptly named after our founder, Saint John Baptist de La Salle, and his promise to
educate young men of various backgrounds. The success of the campaign would rely
on support from the entire La Salle community and the results of these efforts
would benefit the school’s greatest asset – our students as a commitment to provide
the best possible education and facilities for these young men continues to be
at the forefront of the school’s mission and vision.
Pictured Above
Seated (left to right): Joe Marchese, Principal, Susan Bilotta, President of the Mothers’ Club, and Andy Malone ‘78, President of the Alumni Association
Standing (left to right): Brother Ernest Miller, FSC, Assistant Director of Education and Lasallian Mission Formation, Ben Ventresca ‘70, Chairman of the
Board of Trustees, and Will Begley ‘10, Student Council President
4 Explorer Fall 2009
Campaign Leadership
Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ‘60
A. J. Gabriele
Campaign Chairman
Campaign Cabinet
James F. Basile, Esq. ‘82
Ernest M. Behr ‘73
Catherine A. Cassidy
Joseph J. Colistra, Jr. ‘64
Paul D. Colistra ’00
James D. Danella
Domenic M. DiPiero ‘63
Charles E. Dunleavy, Jr. ‘61
John E. Glaser ‘58
S. John Gorman IV ‘67
Christopher P. Haley ‘86
Timothy P. Hughes ‘72
Rev. Anthony W. Janton ‘69
Anthony J. Maginnis ‘76
Robert F. McAnespey ‘66
Michael D. McCarthy ‘65
Daniel L. McGowan
Frank J. McLaughlin ‘67
James T. McLaughlin ‘57
Robert P. Moran ‘69
Michael E. Osborne ‘65
Andrew T. Rakowski ‘98
Peter V. Scola ’92
Walter J. Small ‘38
Edward R. Solvibile ‘58
Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ‘70
John J. Whalen ‘67
Daniel J. Whelan, Esq. ‘63
La Salle College High School is an institution rich in
history and tradition. The “promise” is not limited
to the mission of our Founder and, in fact, is evident
every day. The dedication of our faculty and their
promise to develop each student’s unique God-given
talents. The commitment of the school administration and their promise to foster academic excellence,
service, and leadership. The faithfulness of our parents
and their promise to provide their son(s) with the best
possible education. The loyalty of our alumni and their
promise to take ownership in the school’s future.
The “promise” is at the core our very being. In the
151 years since our founding at St. Michael Parish in
North Philadelphia, our greatest resource has been our
mission and vision and our willingness and commitment to share it with the entire La Salle community.
Today, La Salle College High School continues to fulfill
its promise by providing an education that consists of
academic challenge, intellectual openness, emotional
security, and environmental safety. It was fitting that
Fulfilling The Promise be chosen as the name of this
$25 million capital campaign.
Charlie Dunleavy ’61 assumed the helm as the initial
Chairman of the campaign and was instrumental in
soliciting gifts that allowed the campaign to reach
$10 million. Al Gabriele succeeded Charlie early in
2008 as the Chairman of the Campaign.
Al recognized that like the first $10 million, raising the
remaining $15 million would require focused leadership and the efforts of a dedicated group of individuals. Over the course of the last eighteen months,
the capital campaign has raised $20 million, which
includes a major estate gift for endowment that represents the largest gift in the history of the school and
two seven figure gifts from alumni that provide naming opportunities for the new baseball field as well as
the Sacred Heart Courtyard.
One of the most remarkable
The $20 million that has already been raised secures
the land acquisition and development along with
the construction of the new academic building and
renovations to McLean Hall. Not only have the initial
phases of construction been completed, but the
projects are within the original budget. The remaining
$5 million represents the funds that are needed to
“fulfill” the endowment commitment to the
campaign, which will provide financial aid and allow
the school to keep its “promise” to remain
competitive and provide an affordable education
for all young men.
5 Explorer Fall 2009
Al Gabriele continues to work tirelessly with the
Office of Institutional Advancement and the Capital
Campaign Committee to stay focused on the vision
and the task at hand.
strength. In addition, the new fields and buildings
provide recognition for both the campaign and the
strategic plan and allow the La Salle Community to
see the objectives that have already been achieved.
With very little corporate or foundation money
available, the remaining efforts will rely heavily on
contributions from alumni, parents, and other friends
of the school.
An appeal to the entire La Salle community has begun
and the campaign cabinet is confident that the “
La Salle Faithful” will rise in support of these initiatives
and continue to “fulfill its promise” to the school’s
mission and vision.
$20 million
has been raised
achievements of the campaign is that the
from only two hundred gifts.
Faced with the task of raising an additional $5 million,
Al has expanded the campaign cabinet to include
a number of individuals who will play a key role in
identifying parents, classmates, and other alumni
who represent a new pool of potential donors. Al will
focus on major prospects and contributions, while the
campaign cabinet will be charged with the solicitation
of new donors as well as act as ambassadors for the
campaign within the La Salle Community.
The campaign will begin the solicitation of all alumni,
parents, past parents, friends of La Salle, foundations,
and those people and parties whose philanthropic
interests include a quality education. By waiting until
80% of the campaign goal has already been reached,
the campaign cabinet can solicit from a position of
The Capital Campaign Cabinet has begun to target
various classes in an effort to organize class gifts.
Individuals who would be interested in contributing to
a class gift, soliciting gifts from classmates, or assisting
in organizing their class, should contact the Office of
Institutional Advancement at (215) 223-2350. Additional information on Fulfilling The Promise can be
obtained from the Office of Institutional Advancement
or by visiting www.lschs.org and clicking Support
La Salle followed by Capital Campaign.
6 Explorer Fall 2009
Leave Your Legacy
Whalen Courtyard – Mr. John J. Whalen ’67
and Mrs. Linda Rabbit
Class of 1951 Courtyard – Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rodenbaugh ’51
Ward Field – Mr. and Mrs. George J. Ward ’58
Classroom 235
Mr. and Mrs. James T. McLaughlin ’57
Religion Office
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Sinnott
Display Case
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Behr ’73
Classroom 234
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Moran ‘69
Marian Chapel – Mothers’ Club
Where Would You
Like Your Name?
7 Explorer Fall 2009
Remaining Naming Opportunities
New Addition
Atrium Stairwell
Campus Ministry Meeting Room
Computer Laboratory
Computer Classrooms (2)
Chemistry Laboratory (2)
Classrooms (3)
Athletic Facilities and Campus
Dugouts (2)
Bullpen (2)
Bleachers (4)
Practice Fields (2)
Scoreboards (2)
Storage Building and Concession Stand
McLean Hall (Renovated Areas)
Biology Laboratory
Physics Laboratory
Classrooms (28)
Department Offices
• World Language
• Science
• English
• Social Studies
Seminar Room
Meeting Room (3)
Yearbook Office
Resource Centers (2)
Administrative Offices (4)
Administration Wing
Office of the Chaplain
Assistant Athletic Directors Office
Main Office and Reception Area
Faculty Work Room
Principal’s Suite
Academic Affairs Suite
Student Affairs Suite
Dean of Students Suite
Director of Diversity Office
Endowed Funds
Establish a fund which will provide financial aid to
future students.
8 Explorer Fall 2009
Benefactors $1,000,000+
Mrs. Jennie H. Leary in honor of Mr. Howard R. Leary ‘35
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rodenbaugh ‘51
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Ward ‘58
Mr. John J. Whalen ’67 and Mrs. Linda Rabbitt
Leadership Gifts $500,000 – $999,999
Mr. and Mrs. Domenic M. DiPiero ’63
The Donahue Family
• Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Donahue ’58
• Dr. and Mrs. Philip E. Donahue ’60
• Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Donahue ’63
• Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Donahue ’66
• Mr. and Mrs. John M. Donahue, Esq. ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Dunleavy, Jr. ’61
Mr. John E. Glaser ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Hughes ’72
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. McCarthy ’65
Mothers’ Club
Major Gifts $250,000 – $499,999
Christian Brothers Endowment Grant
Mr. William A. Geppert, Jr. ‘41
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Haley ’86
The Hansen Family
• Bud and Eileen Hansen ‘54
• Bud and Kate Hansen ‘86
Alumni Association
Men of La Salle
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Slabinski, III ’67
Special Gifts $100,000 – $249,999
Mr. and Mrs. David Bartynski
Mr. James F. Basile, Esq. ’82
Mr. Arthur J. Burke III, Esq. ’85
Connelly Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Connor ‘46
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Danella
The DePaul Family
The Driscoll Family
• Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Driscoll, Sr.
• Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Driscoll, Jr. ’76
• Mr. and Mrs. James C. Driscoll ’79
Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Dunton ’70
Mr. Robert J. Durney ’57
Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Eustace ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fabiszewski
Founder’s Gala
Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Gabriele
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Genuardi ‘66
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence P. Genuardi ‘69
Genuardi Family Foundation
The Estate of Rev. Father John P. Gutekunst ‘72
The Hagan Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hasson
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Koller ’69
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Lehman, Jr. ’60
The Lintner Family
• Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Lintner, Sr.
• Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. Lintner ’84
• Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Lintner, Jr. ’86
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Maginnis ’76
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Manion
in Memory of Travis L. Manion, USMC ’99
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Moran ’69
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Pyle, Jr. ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Pietro V. Scola ’92
Mr. Edward R. Solvibile ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Stephenson, Esq. ’68
The Tague Family
• Mr. Joseph L. Tague ‘21
• Mr. Vincent J. Tague, Sr. ’57
• Mr. Vincent J. Tague, Jr. ’81
Mr. and Mrs. Roderick K. von Lipsey ’76
9 Explorer Fall 2009
Supporting Gifts $50,000 – $99,999
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Behr ’73
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Brown ’76
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. DiBella ’71
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Fitzgerald, III ’81
Mr. R. Clark Hopkins in memory of Clark J. Hopkins ‘62
Mrs. Francy and Mr. John F. Kent, Esq. ‘68
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Maguire, Jr. ’64
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Markmann ’66
Mr. and Mrs. John L. McHale ’42
Mr. and Mrs. James T. McLaughlin ’57
Mr. and Mrs. Austin A. Meehan ’79
Mrs. William A. Meehan, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Ponti, PhD ‘56
Mr. Joseph J. Ragg, Jr. ’73 and Mrs. Cathlene Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Salvitti ’70
Mr. Robert H. Swartley
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wesner, Jr., Esq. ’66
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Whiteside, Jr., Esq. ’46
La Salle College High School Students 2008-2013
The Philadelphia Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Sustaining Gifts $10,000 – $49,999
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Angelo ’70
Mr. Michael F. Avallone, DO ‘51
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Calvitti
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Carabello ’82
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Carabello
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Carmody
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Cassidy, Esq. ’74
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Clark
The Colistra Family
• Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Colistra, Jr. ‘64
• Mr. Joseph J. Colistra, III ‘95
• Mr. Paul D. Colistra ‘00
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Connolly, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Connor, Esq. ’73
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Convey, PhD ’58
Dr. and Mrs. Walter W. Dearolf, III ‘74
Mr. and Mrs. William J. de Pasquale ‘51
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Donahue, III ’86
Mr. Timothy J. Erb, Jr. ’94
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Fenningham, Esq. ’68
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Flanagan ’55
Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Flynn ‘83
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Foley ’66
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Gillespie ‘68
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Grogan, Esq. ‘83
in honor of the Ministry of
Bro. W. James Steck, FSC
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Guerra ‘76
The Estate of Reverend John A. Guischard, PhD ’34
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Hartnett, Jr. ‘69
Mr. Gerald T. Hathaway ’72 and Ms. Kate McCauley
Mr. Michael J. Hathaway ’68
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Horan ‘69
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce J. Keating
Mr.and Mrs. Edmund P. Kehan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kilduff ’64
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Killian
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney J. Kowalczk ‘57
Mr. and Mrs. Denis J. Lawler, Esq. ‘66
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Liberatore ‘67
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Loftus ‘81
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Lombard, Jr., Esq. ’52
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Losier in memory of Steven F. Blust ‘79
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Lynch ’61
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Matthews III ‘86
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. McAnespey ’66
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. McMahon ‘69
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. McNichol
in Memory of Timothy J. McNichol ‘97
Mr. and Mrs. John P. McShea III ‘73
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Meehan, Jr. ‘67
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg R. Melinson ‘82
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Milligan ‘69
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mulholland
Dr. and Mrs. James F. Noone, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. O’Brien ’56
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Osborne ’56
Mr. Joseph M. Queenan ‘65
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Regli ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Riethmiller, Jr. ’55
Dr. and Mrs. P. Michael Schelkun
Shearon Environmental Design
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Sinnott
Mr. and Mrs. John V. Steinmetz Jr. ‘77
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Stonis ‘64
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Turk ‘63
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Ventresca ‘96
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent W. Walters ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Whelan, Esq. ’63
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Wynn ‘46
Assisting Gifts $1,000 – $9,999
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Angstadt ‘69
The Estate of James F. Barr
Mr. Louis J. Beccaria, PhD ‘63
Mr. Evan S. Behr ‘99
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Binder ‘69
Ms. Patricia Brabson
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Capetola
Mr. and Mrs. Josephh P. Cattie, Jr. ‘62
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Connolly, Sr. ‘50
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Creamer
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. DiBello ‘73
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Dooner, Jr. ’47
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Doyle ‘65
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Duszak, Jr. MD ‘81
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Dwyer ’53
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Dwyer, CPA ‘74
Mr. Louis C. Galzerano ‘63
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Genuardi
Mrs. Diane Giunta-Klein
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Guntle, Jr. ‘71
The Joe Hand Charitable Fund
• Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Hand III ‘76
• Mr. Joseph P. Hand IV ‘01
• Mr. Peter J. Hand ‘04
Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Holmes, Jr. ’83
Reverend Anthony W. Janton ‘69
Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Laskowski ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lynch ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. McGorry
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad J. Miller, Jr. ‘50
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Miller, Jr. ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Minnich ‘65
Mr. Kevin M. Noone ‘99
Mr. Timothy J. Pippet ’99
Mrs. Elaine Rose-Kennedy
Mr. Robert M. Sauter
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Schmitt ‘58
Sorella Rose
• Mrs. Lisa Agnew
• Mr. and Mrs. John D. Cumpstone
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Speitel ’48
Brother David Trichtinger, FSC
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Updegrave ’70
Mr. Carl Waldspurger, PhD ‘84
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Walsh ‘63
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton M. Wells and Family
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Whitaker ‘66
The Estate of Richard W. Whitney Sr.
in Memory of Richard W. Whitney Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Williams ‘73
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Winning ‘69
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Zapiec ‘67
Reverend Mr. and Mrs. Joel M. Ziff
Other Gifts
Mr. Gerard J. Brannigan ‘58
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Harris ‘73
Mrs. Janet B. Kovacs
Mr. Gary S. LaPalombara ‘73
Mr. and Mrs. John V. Mastranardo ‘73
Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Quinn, Jr. ‘79
Mrs. Suzanne and Joseph Russo
Mr. and Mrs. Myroslaw J. Ryndyk ‘63
Mr. Christopher M. Szal ‘73
Mr. Peter F. Talarico & Family
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Wasylenko, Jr. ‘69
10 Explorer Fall 2009
Redefining Leadership
In 1982, La Salle College High School became an
independent high school when it legally separated from La Salle University. This formal break
was the culmination of a natural progression that
visibly started when the doors of 8605 Cheltenham Avenue first opened in 1960, and it marked
the creation of the Board of Trustees. The authority and responsibility of the Board has evolved
over the years, most dramatically over the past
six years at the direction of the Provincial head
of the Christian Brothers.
Until June 2004, the Chairman of the Board was the
Provincial Head of the Baltimore District of the Christian Brothers. In July 2004, a major milestone in La
Salle’s history was set as Al Gabriele became the first
lay Chairman of the Board. Al and his wife, Barbara,
have two sons who graduated from La Salle (John ‘84
and James ‘87), and he served in leadership roles on
the Board since joining it in 1998. Prior to his election
as Chair, Al played an active role in the Forever
La Salle Campaign, as Chair of the Development
Committee, and participated in the planning process
for the 2004 Strategic Vision. As Chair, Al’s leadership, during a critical period of transition, forged a
new direction for La Salle and the function of the
Board – which is exemplary among peer institutions.
As part of the successful deployment of the 2004
Strategic Vision, Al guided the launch of the Fulfilling
the Promise Capital Campaign, of which he still serves
as Campaign Chair. Al stewarded the renaissance
envisioned by the 2004 Strategic Vision resulting in
the new academic wing and athletic fields, and the
total renovation of its existing academic facilities. Al’s
term as Chair ended in June 2009 but because of his
insight and management skills his impact on La Salle
will continue into the future.
In February 2009, the Members elected Ben Ventresca
’70 to be the next Board Chairman. Ben is a secondgeneration Lasallian (his father Ben, Sr. graduated in
the storied Class of 1945) and was followed by his
two sons Ryan ‘95 and Gregory ‘96. While their sons
were at La Salle, both Ben and his wife Susan were
actively involved in the school serving as Treasurers of
the Men of La Salle and the Mothers’ Club for three
years and co-chairs of LaSale in 1993, 1994, and
1995. Ben joined the Board in July 2001 and in 2003
chaired one of the four task forces in the planning
process that created the 2004 Strategic Vision. His
task force developed the current model for fundraising, communications, and branding. Throughout the
2004-2005 school year he played a leading role in the
reorganization and transition needed to achieve the
current model. During the eight years leading up to
his election as Chair, he served as Chairman of the Institutional Advancement Committee for four years and
as Board Vice-Chair for two years. He has also served
as one of the two Vice-Chairmen of the Fulfilling the
Promise Campaign.
Today’s Board of Trustees works in association
with the Institute of The Brothers of the Christian
Schools to define and protect the mission of
the School in the tradition of the teachings of
Saint John Baptist de La Salle. As envisioned
by the Province, La Salle’s Board is a governing Board of limited jurisdiction. This structure
allows the Institute to sponsor the school and
to perpetuate the Lasallian legacy through close
association with the Trustees of the Board and
the Administration.
11 Explorer Fall 2009
The Board of Trustees is an active governing body
that is comprised of twenty-nine men and women
who bring unique expertise and perspectives to the
challenge of leading and governing a progressive
school that is guided by Roman Catholic principles
and steeped in a rich Lasallian tradition and heritage.
The interests of the Christian Brothers are represented
by three senior Members of the Christian Brothers
Community. The Chairman is elected by the Corporate Members in consultation with the President and
elected Trustees.
The Trustees of the Board represent a melting pot of
La Salle’s heritage. They include people whose love
for the School stems from having been the child of a
former graduate, a “Brothers’ Boy”, a past parent, a
past teacher/administrator, or from a recognition of
the importance of a Catholic Lasallian education in
molding the men of tomorrow. These people share a
passionate commitment to keeping the vision of De
La Salle alive and relevant to young boys and their
families for decades to come.
La Salle’s Board is a working board. The work of the
Board is primarily performed at the Committee level,
and the purpose of the quarterly Board meetings
is to elicit a discussion that draws on the skills and
knowledge of the Trustees to address selective issues.
The Committees officially meet four times a year,
but through their task forces and sub-committees
individual Trustees meet on an almost-weekly basis.
The four committees of the Board mirror its primary
responsibilities and authority. They include: Finance
and Property, Governance and Leadership, Institutional Advancement,and Long Range Planning and
Mission. These committees work in concert with the
administration, faculty, and staff as well as with other
stakeholders as appropriate.
As it embarks on a new Board year, in addition to the
normal slate of responsibilities and issues that it will be
addressing, there are two major initiatives that form its
priorities. The first of these is the support of the successful launch and deployment of the Public Phase of
the Fulfilling the Promise Capital Campaign.
The second is the development of the 2010 Strategic
Vision which will set the standard, and general roadmap, for what La Salle will be in 2015. Both of these
are critical to the long-range vitality of La Salle.
La Salle College High School is an outstanding
place of learning and growth whose history is
surpassed only by its potential for the future.
The Board seeks to foster that potential by governing
with a keen understanding of the needs and interests
of each of the stakeholder groups that make up La
Salle. As the Board discerns the future of the School, it
will continue to build upon La Salle’s great legacy and
redefine its relevance.
12 Explorer Fall 2009
New Members of the Board of Trustees
The following men and women
completed their terms as members of the Board of Trustees:
Brother Andrew Bartley, FSC
Brother James Butler, FSC
Brother Timothy Froehlich, FSC
A. J. Gabriele
Anthony J. Gillespie ‘68
Timothy P. Hughes ‘72
Sister Matthew
Anita MacDonald, SSJ
William A. Whiteside, Jr., Esq. ’46
La Salle owes much to the
guidance of these individuals
during a period of strategic
planning and expansion
and greatly appreciates their
sixty-two years of combined
experience to the Board of
Trustees. In August, seven new
members joined the Board
of Trustees.
This year saw a significant “changing of the guard”
on our Board of Trustees as eight members completed
their terms. La Salle College High School is most appreciative of the valued service of these men and women;
particularly, Al Gabriele who served for six years as a
trustee and then five years as the first lay Chairman of
the Board.
La Salle College High School welcomes the following
new members of the Board of Trustees:
Louis J. Beccaria, PhD ’63 is President and CEO of The Phoenixville
Community Health Foundation, which is a $50 million foundation with a
grant budget of a minimum $2.5 million per year. Lou has formerly served
as President of the Stewart Huston Charitable Trust and Chief of Staff for the
State of Delaware Department of Health and Social Services. Lou holds a B.A.
in Social Science from La Salle University along with a MEd in Social Science,
a M.A. in Urban Affairs, and a PhD in Urban Affairs from the University of
Delaware. He has served as President of Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Delaware,
President’s Council at Salesianum High School, Board of Directors of United
Way of Chester County, Board of Directors of Pennsylvania Association of
Nonprofit Organizations (PANO), Board of Directors of the Phoenixville Area
Economic Development Corporation and Phoenixville Area Chamber of
Commerce, Board of Directors of the La Salle University Alumni Association,
and National Board of Directors of the 2,900 member Association of Small
Foundations. He has two children: David and Andrea.
Richard D. DiBella ’71 has over thirty years experience with two premier
national homebuilders: Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Company and Pulte
Homes. He has extensive experience in land acquisition and development,
sales and marketing, and homebuilding operations. With Pulte he served as
East Region President and oversaw operations with annual revenue in excess
of $5 billion for twenty-two homebuilding divisions from Florida through
New England involving capital strategy and allocations, zoning and entitlement approvals, and construction operations. He is a CPA and holds a B.S.
in Accounting from La Salle University and a MBA from Temple University.
He is married to his wife Madelyn and has three children: Julie, Matthew,
and Samantha.
C. Clark Hodgson, Jr., Esq. ’57 retired from the practice of law in 2007
and is a Latin Instructor at Regina Coeli Academy in Wyndmoor, PA. Previously he was Chairman of the Litigation Department at Stradley Ronon,
where he enjoyed a highly decorated career that spanned three decades.
He provided litigation services to an exceptionally broad spectrum of clients,
which includes large corporations, mid-size businesses, nonprofit organizations, and individuals. Clark was named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer® consecutively since 2004 by a vote of his peers. He was recently included in
the 2007 edition of The Best Lawyers in America, regarded as a definitive
guide to legal excellence in the United States. Selection for Best Lawyers
is based on a peer-review survey in which more than 1.8 million individual
evaluations are reviewed. Clark holds a A.B. in History from the College of
the Holy Cross and a J.D. from Villanova University School of Law. Clark is an
active member of the business community where he currently is a director
of Wissahickon Spring Water, a member of the board of directors of the Attorneys’ Liability Assurance Society Ltd. (Bermuda), and a Trustee, St. Charles
Borromeo Seminary. Clark is married to his wife Denise and has four children:
Cathleen, Kristin, Elizabeth, C. Clark III ’08.
Andrew J. Malone, CPA ’78 is currently the President of the Alumni
Association at La Salle College High School and wills serve a one-year
term concurrent with his presidency. Andy is a licensed CPA who practices
accounting through Mayer Hoffman McCann an independent accounting
firm. He is also a director of CBIZ MHM, LLC and responsible for a wide
variety of clients in all aspects of their engagements. Over the past 25 years
he has served clients in various industries, which include: Retail/Wholesale,
Sales/Distribution, Real Estate and Professional Services. Andy received his
B.S. in Accounting from La Salle University and his Masters in Taxation from
Widener University. A member of the American Institute of Certified Public
Accountants and the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants,
his work has been published in numerous professional journals. He is married
to his wife Maureen and has two children: Patrick ’08 and Colin ’11.
Brother Michael J. McGinniss, FSC, PhD ’65 became La Salle University’s
28th President in 1999 and is now in his third term. Under Brother Michael’s
direction, the University developed a new strategic plan and significantly increased enrollment, giving, and alumni involvement in the life of the University. Previously, Brother Michael served for five years as President of Christian
Brothers University in Memphis, TN. Brother Michael earned his bachelor’s
degree in English from La Salle in 1970 and both his masters degree and
PhD in theology from the University of Notre Dame. He has more than 35
years of teaching experience on the collegiate and graduate levels and has
served as Chair of the La Salle Department of Religion and Vice President of
the La Salle University Corporation. In 1992, he was honored with La Salle’s
Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching. Brother Michael serves on the
boards of the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Pennsylvania, the American University of Rome, Manhattan College, the Greater
Philadelphia Urban Affairs Coalition, and the Greater Philadelphia Chamber
of Commerce. Brother Michael is the North American Regional Director of the
International Association of Lasallian Universities. In addition, he is a member
of the Christian Brothers Regional Education Board.
James T. McLaughlin ’57 has previously served as a member of the Board
of Trustees. He was also President of the Alumni Association as well as the
Men of La Salle and was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1997. He is a realtor with Long & Foster and the former Senior Vice-President of the Municipal
Bond Department of Boenning and Scattergood. Jim holds a B.A. from La
Salle University and a MBA from Drexel University. Jim is a Past Trustee and
Past President of the Municipal Bond Club of Philadelphia and a Member of
the Pastoral Council at St. James Church. Jim is married to his wife Jeanne
and has six children: Michael ‘99, Bridget, Ian ‘03, Kathleen, Dennis ‘07 and
Brother Thomas J. Scanlan, FSC, PhD is the Auxiliary Provincial of the
Eastern North American District of the Christian Brothers. He served as
President of Manhattan College in New York from 1987 through 2009,
during which time the College had a 120% increase in applications and
a 100 point increase in average SAT scores; achieved AACSB and TEAC
Accreditations; added five-year programs in Education and Engineering;
raised over $225,000,000 in two capital campaigns; increased the Endowment tenfold; developed Enrollment Projection, Financial Aid Recycling and
Cost Study models. Brother Tom holds a B.A. in Physics from The Catholic
University of America, an M.A. in Mathematics from New York University,
and a PhD in Business Administration from Columbia University. Brother
Tom has served as a member of the Board of Directors, American Council on
Education, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the New York Commission
on Independent Colleges and Universities, Chairman of the Metro Atlantic
Athletic Conference, Provincial Council of the Brothers of the Christian
Schools New York Province, Executive Committee of the National Collegiate
Athletic Association, and on the Board of Directors of the Association of
Catholic Colleges and Universities.
13 Explorer Fall 2009
Board of Trustees
Front Row (left to right): Denis J. Lawler, Esq. ‘66, Francy Dooley Kent, Joseph L.
Marchese*, Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ‘60, Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ‘70, Patricia Brabson,
Richard D. DiBella ‘71, and Brother Ernest Miller, FSC
Middle Row (left to right): Ernest M. Behr ‘73, Alfred P. Salvitti ‘70, Mark A. Gibbons
‘92*, Robert P. Moran ‘69, Austin A. Meehan ‘79, Brother Gerard Molyneaux, FSC, and
Daniel L. McGowan*
Top Row (left to right): Michael L. Brown ‘76, John J. Whalen ‘67, Joel M. Ziff, C. Clark
Hodgson, Jr., Esq. ‘57, Andrew J. Malone, CPA ‘78*, Louis J. Beccaria ‘63, Edward Fitzgerald
‘81, Thomas R. Barna*, and James T. McLaughlin ‘57
Brother Dennis Malloy, FSC
Provincial Visitor, District of Eastern North America
Brother Thomas Scanlan, FSC
Auxiliary Provincial, District of Eastern North America
Brother Ernest Miller, FSC
Assistant Director of Education and Lasallian Mission Formation
Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ‘70
Chairman of the Board
Missing from the photo: Catherine A. Cassidy, Joseph H. Donahue ‘58, Brother Edward
Gallagher, FSC**, Gerald T. Hathaway, Esq. ‘72, John F. Lehman, Jr., PhD ‘60**, Julia K.
Maher*, Brother Michael McGinniss, FSC ‘65, Gregg R. Melinson, Esq. ‘82, Judith Paul,
Joseph J. Ragg, CPA ‘73, Brother Thomas Scanlan, FSC, Brother Robert Schaefer, FSC ‘85,
and Kathleen A. Smith*
Michael L. Brown ‘76
Vice Chairman
* Service Member
** Honorary Member
Joseph L. Marchese
Vice President of the Corporation
Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ‘60
President of the Corporation
Kathleen A. Smith
Secretary of the Corporation
Mark A. Gibbons ‘92
Treasurer of the Corporation
14 Explorer Fall 2009
Letter From The President
Mission Statement
adopted by the
Middle States Evaluation Team
March 2006
La Salle College High School,
a Catholic independent, college
preparatory school for young
men of varied backgrounds, is
conducted in the tradition of
St. John Baptist de La Salle.
Through a broad and balanced,
human and Christian education,
La Salle College High School
guides each student in the
development of his unique
God-given talents and fosters
a commitment to academic
excellence, service, and
Dear Alums and Friends,
As we begin our 151st year, we bring to an end two years of construction and renovations. I can assure you that
everyone was happy to see the last pieces of equipment depart and the doors opened to our “new digs”. Our
campus has been completely renewed and is ready to serve future generations of Explorers.
We would not have been able to break ground and embark on construction, were it not for the early financial
commitment of a select group of 200 faithful and loyal supporters of La Salle College High School. Hence the
pages of this publication contain not only information on our 2008-2009 Annual Fund, but also a snapshot of
the extraordinary initial success of our capital campaign – Fulfilling the Promise. We still have a goal to reach, so
I hope and pray that more of our faithful friends will show their support to the school and the campaign in the
coming year to help guarantee the future success of La Salle College High School.
At the same time, your generosity has allowed the school to increase financial aid to families in need. The extra
aid has been most helpful to families who desire a Lasallian education for their sons, but may not be able to afford one. Saint John Baptist de La Salle wanted education made available to all students and your support allows
us to continue the mission of our Founder.
I am often surprised to hear from alums who say that they haven’t been back to the campus since graduation.
I always encourage them to visit our campus to see how much we have changed over the years. Without fail,
everyone who takes me up on this invitation leaves with a greater pride in their La Salle. When in the area, be
sure to make a visit part of your plans.
La Salle has positioned itself among the very best in the Delaware Valley. Recognition of our academic success
at a national level was evident in our selection by the Siemens Foundation and the College Board to receive the
Siemens Award for student participation and performance in Advanced Placement math, science, and technology courses. La Salle was the only school in Pennsylvania to receive this honor. In addition, 83 students were
recognized as AP Scholars (scoring a 3 or higher on three or more AP tests) and ten students were recognized
as National Merit Finalists. The past academic year also saw La Salle as a leader in every sport by winning eight
championships along with State Championships in Hockey and Lacrosse. Over 150 students received All-Catholic
recognition and La Salle clearly established itself in its first year as a member of the PIAA.
In May, 252 graduates left our campus having earned over $26 million in college scholarships. These young men
will be attending colleges and universities in 22 states and the United Kingdom. We wish them every success as
they begin these next four years.
All of this would not have been possible without your support. I thank you for everything that you do in support
of La Salle College High School. Please join me in celebrating these good things and thank the Lord for His blessings upon La Salle.
Sincerely yours,
Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60
Annual Report
Of Giving
16 Explorer Fall 2009
By virtue of the generosity of the greater La Salle community,
2008/2009 Annual Giving initiatives raised over $910,000 in support
of the institution. The 2008/2009 De La Salle Alumni Annual Fund,
coupled with this year’s La Salle Responds Initiative, raised the majority
of the funds in support of La Salle College High School. In light of the economic landscape, we asked all of our alumni to make La Salle a
priority this year, and make a gift to the La Salle Responds Initiative to help
“Keep ‘em Blue & Gold”. This initiative proved to be exceptionally successful, and
it has allowed us to address and re-address many financial aid situations.
The Parent Annual Fund also once again drew strong support, raising over $130,000 in support of Professional Development. Also, there was once again great support from our internal La Salle community to the
Faculty/Staff Annual Fund, which supports the Student Emergency Fund.
In an effort to keep the cost of a La Salle education affordable to all qualified students, the school charges
a tuition that only covers 83% of the actual expense to educate a student at La Salle College High School.
The remaining 17% comes from various fundraising initiatives – primarily the De La Salle Annual Fund. Each
and every contribution has a real and immediate effect on our young men and their respective lives. We are
grateful for your continued support.
La Salle’s
Operating Budget
Sources of Support
Contributions to the
Annual Fund
Income from Tuition
(Friends, Trustees, ETC.)
The names appearing in this Annual Report of Giving represent those individuals, families, and companies who
supported La Salle College High School between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. Contributions made to La Salle
College High School after June 30, 2009 may not be reflected in this publication.
17 Explorer Fall 2009
Letter From The Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Dear Friend of La Salle,
“A successful team beats with one heart.”
This unattributed quote succinctly describes our La Salle family as we pass from year to year. This past year has
been remarkable for La Salle for so many reasons.
A student sells one more roll of wrapping paper…
Just looking around the campus tells a story of accomplishment. Our students dedicate themselves to realizing
their potential in the classroom, in the arts and technology, and in the forums of competition. Our faculty is
recognized for the long-term impact they make on their students; our parents continue to amaze with their
commitment and effectiveness; our Board and Administration are noted for their innovativeness and excellence;
and our alumni continue to distinguish themselves on the world’s stage as well as in our hallowed walls.
A mom attends the Spring Fashion Show and a dad takes his son to Camden Yards…
Speaking of hallowed walls, our campus stands as a testament to the vision of Saint John Baptist. These state
of the art buildings, fields, and open spaces are living monuments to the commitment to educate the whole
student, and to provide an environment in which young men can grow in their faith and discover their potential
again and again.
An alum joins a foursome with his friends at the Annual Golf Outing…
These accomplishments are earned by our students, teachers, parents, and all the stakeholders that make up La
Salle –this is the single heart pulsing throughout the school. But the reality is that none of this happens without
the lifeblood provided by the ever-present fundraising effort. While La Salle isn’t defined by its fundraising, it
certainly is sustained by it.
A teacher places a bid at the LaSale Silent Auction…
Your enthusiastic support of the Annual Giving Campaign, the fundraising efforts of the Mothers ‘ Club, Men of
La Salle and the Alumni Association make more than “a” difference, they make “all the” difference. Your support of the Capital Campaign is resulting in cementing the foundation on which La Salle will continue to build
the future.
A friend calls to tell about a major gift that he/she wants to make to support La Salle’s future…
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, and from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for all that you have done in
the past year and for all you will do in the coming months.
Sincerely yours,
Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ’70
Board of Trustees
19 Explorer Fall 2009
Giving Clubs 2008-2009
St. Michael
$10,000 and Up
A. Edward Allinson ‘52
America-Italy Society of Philadelphia
Ente Gestore
Raymond S. Angelo ‘70 CAP
Anonymous CAP
Mrs. Regina Avallone CAP
Mr. & Mrs. David BartynskiCAP
James F. Basile, Esq. ‘82 CAP
Ernest M. Behr ‘73 CAP
Michael L. Brown ‘76 CAP
Arthur J. Burke III, Esq. ‘85 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Calvitti CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Calvitti CAP
Christopher M. Carabello ‘82 CAP
Dr. & Mrs. John F. Carabello CAP
Carabello, Mansell &
Knouse Dental Associates
Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Carmody CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Cassidy CAP
Mark M. Chadwick ‘85
Chadwick Service
Company, Inc.
Christian Brothers Endowment Grant CAP
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Clark CAP
The Philadelphia Coca-Cola
Bottling Company CAP
Joseph P. Cattie, Jr. ‘62 CAP
Joseph J. Colistra, Jr. ‘64 CAP
Joseph J. Colistra, III ‘95
Paul D. Colistra ‘00 CAP
Connelly Foundation CAP
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Connolly, Jr. CAP
Gerald E. Connor, Esq. ‘73 CAP
James P. Connor ‘46 CAP
John J. Convey, PhD ‘58 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Danella CAP
Danella Construction Corp. CAP
Danella Line Services
Edward W. DeAngelis ‘67
Hightec HVAC
Walter W. Dearolf, III, MD ‘74 CAP
Orthopaedic Surgery &
Rehabilitation Associates
William J. dePasquale ‘51 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Peter DePaul CAP
Richard D. DiBella ‘71 CAP
Domenic M. DiPiero ‘63 CAP
The Donahue Family CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Donahue ‘58 CAP
Dr. & Mrs. Philip E. Donahue ‘60 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Donahue ‘63 CAP
Dr. & Mrs. Edward J. Donahue ‘66 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. John M.
Donahue, Esq. ‘70 CAP
James A. Donahue, III ‘86 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Driscoll, Sr. CAP
Michael J. Driscoll, Jr. ‘76 CAP
James C. Driscoll ‘79 CAP
Driscoll Construction Co., Inc.
Foundation Structures, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Dunleavy, Jr. CAP
Charles J. Dunton, MD ‘70 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Dunton CAP
Mrs. Margaret A. Dunton CAP
Robert J. Durney ‘57 CAP
Timothy J. Erb, Jr. ‘94 CAP
Harry F. Eustace ‘58 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Fabiszewski CAP
John C. Fenningham, Esq. ‘68 CAP
Edward (Ward) J. Fitzgerald III ‘81 CAP
Joseph C. Flanagan, MD ‘55 CAP
Sean P. Flynn ‘83 CAP
In Memory of Mr. Edward Flynn CAP
Timothy J. Foley ‘66 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Fox
Fox Bindery, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Al J. Gabriele CAP
Genuardi Family Foundation CAP
Charles A. Genuardi ‘66 CAP
Laurence P. Genuardi ‘69 CAP
William A. Geppert, Jr. ‘41 CAP
Anthony J. Gillespie ‘68 CAP
John E. Glaser ‘58 CAP
John J. Grogan, Esq. ‘83 CAP
Ronald S. Guerra ‘76
The Estate of Reverend John A.
Guischard, PhD ‘34 CAP
The Estate of Father John P.
Gutekunst ‘72 CAP
The Hagan Foundation CAP
Christopher P. Haley ‘86 CAP
Elmer F. Hansen, Jr. ‘54 CAP
Elmer F. Hansen III ‘86 CAP
Joseph F. Hartnett, Jr. ‘69 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hasson CAP
Gerald T. Hathaway ‘72 CAP
Michael J. Hathaway ‘68 CAP
Mr. R. Clark Hopkins CAP
John J. Horan ‘69 CAP
Timothy P. Hughes ‘72 CAP
Movers Specialty Services
Daniel J. Keating Company CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Pierce J. Keating CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund P. Kehan, Jr. CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Kelly CAP
John F. Kent, Esq. ‘68 CAP
Kent & McBride, P.C.
John M. Kilduff ‘64 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Killian CAP
James R. Koller ‘69 CAP
Sidney J. Kowalczyk ‘57 CAP
Denis J. Lawler, Esq. ‘66 CAP
Mrs. Howard R. Leary CAP
John F. Lehman, Jr., PhD ‘60 CAP
Robert G. Liberatore ‘67 CAP
The Lintner Family CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Dale E. Lintner, Sr. CAP
Eric D. Lintner ‘84 CAP
Dale E. Lintner, Jr. ‘86 CAP
William P. Loftus ‘81 CAP
John J. Lombard, Jr. Esq. ‘52 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Losier CAP
LSCHS Alumni Association CAP
LSCHS Men of La Salle CAP
LSCHS Mothers Club CAP
LSCHS Students –
Classes of 2008-2013 CAP
Joseph F. Lynch ‘61 CAP
Joseph C. Magarity ‘70
Magarity Group Anthony J. Maginnis ‘76 CAP
Daniel J. Maguire, Jr. ‘64 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Manion CAP
William J. Markmann, MD ‘66 CAP
Orthopaedic Surgery &
Rehabilitation Associates
J.P. Mascaro & Sons
William W. Matthews III, Esq. ‘86 CAP
Robert F. McAnespey ‘66 CAP
Michael D. McCarthy ‘65 CAP
John L. McHale ‘42 CAP
James T. McLaughlin ‘57 CAP
Edward F. McMahon ‘69 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent P. McNichol CAP
John P. McShea III ‘73 CAP
Austin A. Meehan ‘79 CAP
Utility Line Service, Inc. John F. Meehan, Jr. ‘67 CAP
Mrs. William A. Meehan CAP
Gregg R. Melinson ‘82 CAP
Andrew J. Milligan, PhD ‘69 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Mills CAP
Robert P. Moran ‘69 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mulholland CAP
Dr. & Mrs. James F. Noone, Jr. CAP
Charles J. O’Brien ‘56 CAP
Sally and James J. Osborne ‘56 CAP
David C. and Jane Ott ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. John T. Paul CAP
Pennsylvania Department of Education CAP
PNC Bank
Francis M. Ponti, PhD ‘56 CAP
Thomas F. Pyle, Jr. ‘58 CAP
Joseph M. Queenan ‘65 CAP
Joseph J. Ragg, Jr. ‘73 CAP
John C. Redmond III ‘71
The John C. and Kathryn S.
Redmond Foundation
William R. Regli ‘58 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Reilly CAP
Robert J. Riethmiller, Jr. ‘55 CAP
John F. Rodenbaugh ‘51 CAP
Alfred P. Salvitti ‘70 CAP
Dr. & Mrs. P. Michael Schelkun CAP
Peter V. Scola ‘92 CAP
Shearon Environmental Design CAP
Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Sinnott CAP
Joseph F. Slabinski III ‘67 CAP
Slabinski Funeral Home
Edward R. Solvibile ‘58 CAP
John V. Steinmetz ‘77 CAP
Andrew W. Stephenson, Esq. ‘68 CAP
Anthony M. Stonis ‘64 CAP
Mr. Robert H. Swartley CAP
Swartley Bros. Engineers, Inc. CAP
Joseph L. (Dec’d.)Tague ‘21 CAP
Vincent J. Tague, Sr. ‘57 CAP
Vincent J. Tague, Jr. ‘81 CAP
Tague Lumber, Inc.
Joseph E. Turk ‘63 CAP
Ryan P. Tyrrell ‘91
United States Roofing
Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ‘70 CAP
Gregory J. Ventresca ‘96 CAP
Roderick K. von Lipsey ‘76 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Walsh CAP
Vincent W. Walters ‘59 CAP
George J. Ward ‘58 CAP
Frank J. Wesner, Jr., Esq. ‘66 CAP
John J. Whalen ‘67 CAP
Daniel J. Whelan, Esq. ‘63 CAP
William A. Whiteside, Jr., Esq. ‘46 CAP
Charles C. Wynn ‘46 CAP
$5,000 to $9,999
Lawrence E. Angstadt ‘69 CAP
The Estate of James F. Barr CAP
Michael G. Belansen ‘49
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Benz
Gerard J. Binder ‘69 CAP
Joseph R. Buckley ‘65
Burt, Hill Architects
Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Capetola CAP
Richard M. Connolly, Sr. ‘50 CAP
The DePaul Group
Peter S. Dooner, Jr. ‘47 CAP
Christopher J. Doyle ‘69
Richard L. Duszak, Jr., MD ‘81 CAP
James G. Dwyer ‘53 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Ferrier
Firstrust Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Forster
William J. Galbally, Esq. ‘71
Stephen A. Gardner ‘72
Mr. & Mrs. James V. Genuardi CAP
James A. Goodyear ‘56
James R. Guntle, Jr. ‘71 CAP
Joseph P. Hand, Jr. ‘76 CAP
Joseph P. Hand IV ‘01 CAP
Peter J. Hand ‘04 CAP
The Joseph Hand Charitable Fund
John J. Horan ‘69 CAP
H. William Jesse, Jr. ‘69
Mr. Stephen B. Klein
La Salle University
Robert J. Laskowski, MD ‘70 CAP
Dennis P. Lynch ‘76
Thomas J. Lynch ‘58 CAP
Mrs. Diane Giunta-Klein CAP
William F. Maher, Jr. ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. McGorry CAP
Chuck Minnich IV, CFA ‘85 CAP
J. Anthony Mitchell ‘56
Mr. Robert Nicoletti
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Otis
John T. Schmitt ‘58 CAP
Gerald E. Speitel ‘48 CAP
20 Explorer Fall 2009
Mr. & Mrs. A. Richard Stefanowicz
Merit Metal Products Corporation
TD Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton M. Wells CAP
Eugene J. Whitaker, DMD ‘66 CAP
The Estate of Richard W. Whitney CAP
John L. Williams ‘73 CAP
Williamson Hospitality Services, Inc.
Charles J. Zapiec ‘67 CAP
20th & Olney
$2,500 to $4,999
Robert J. Bettacchi ‘60
Dr. & Mrs. Harry Bonet, Sr.
John D. Brinkmann, Esq. ‘70
Dugan, Brinkmann, Maginnis & Pace
The Bryn Mawr Trust Company
Richard S. Carlin, CPA ‘72
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Cleary
Creative Financial Group, Ltd.
Charitable Foundation
Sean P. Colgan ‘73
Mr. David E. Creamer CAP
Dr. & Mrs. Gary W. Crooks
Jerome F. Dean ‘71
Deloitte & Touche
Anthony J. DePaul ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Dieckman
Kirk H. Dolaway ‘90
Advanced Disposal Systems Christopher T. Doran ‘85
Marc Doyle ‘65 CAP
Gerald J. Dugan, Esq. ‘66 Dugan, Brinkmann, Maginnis & Pace
Joseph M. Evancich ‘59
Mrs. John F. Flannery, Sr.
Ms. Mary-Therese Gaab
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Giaimo
Edward J. Giera ‘80
Stanley J. Heleniak, DMD ‘77
North Penn Dental Arts
Carl W. Holmes, Jr., Esq. ‘83 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Houldin, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond T. Hyer
Rev. Anthony W. Janton ‘69 CAP
Johnson, Kendall & Johnson, Inc.
T. James Kavanagh Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kerrigan
Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ‘60 CAP
Kindt, Kaye & Wentz, Inc.
Eugene J. Maginnis, Esq. ‘69
Dugan, Brinkmann, Maginnis & Pace
Mrs. Julia K. Maher
David J. Martosella ‘83
Raymond J. McCaffrey ‘81
Michael P. Meehan, Esq. ‘74
Harry B. Miller, Jr. ‘58 CAP
Stephen P. Mountain ‘72
Enos Charles Ney ‘51
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Obermeier
ParecCyma Group
James M. Paulits ‘69
Paulits Foundation
Mr. Chad J. Quinn
Mrs. Joanne Quinn
John D. Rilling, CPA ‘83
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Rose
RSM McGladrey, Inc.
Mr. Dennis J. Stanton
Stanton Wash Systems, Inc.
Keith C. Tornetta ‘91
Tornetta Properties Inc.
James R. Trainer ‘54
Walter L. Updegrave ‘70 CAP
Carl A. Waldspurger, PhD ‘84 CAP
J. Michael Whitaker, MD ‘68
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Winning ‘69 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Young
$1,000 to $2,499
Abington Memorial Hospital
A Front Row Seat to Learning
Mrs. Lisa Agnew CAP
Sorella Rose Restaurant
Raymond P. Bain, PhD ‘71
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Beavers
John W. Becher, DO ‘61
Michael A. Becker, DO ‘79
Evan S. Behr ‘99 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Bennett
James J. Black, III, Esq. ‘77
Black & Gerngross
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Blanke III
Carl E. Blyskal ‘60
William J. Bogle ‘45
Ms. Patricia Brabson CAP
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Breitmayer
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Brunner
John J. Callan ‘46
David P. Campbell, PhD ‘56
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Camusi
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Caramenico
Mark A. Casale ‘82
Dr. & Mrs. Paul R. Casey
Joseph A. Checchio, DDS ‘75
Comcast Corporation
Jerome R. Cosgrove ‘58
Mr. William F. Coyle
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Cumpstone CAP
Sorella Rose Restaurant
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Curley
Cornelius G. Curran ‘80
Edward A. Dachowski, MD ‘78
John M. Daly, MD ‘65
Francis A. DeSantis ‘63
Nicholas A. DiBello ‘73 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Edward DiDonato
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Dolan, Jr.
The Dolaway Family
Allegheny Iron and Metal
Michael F. Doyle ‘61
Eugene A. Draganosky, MD ‘57
Thomas Durling, Esq. ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Duzinski
Joseph P. Dwyer, Sr., CPA ‘74 CAP
John J. Egan ‘57
Paul J. Egitto ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt R. Eisenschmid
Penn’s Grant Realty Corp.
Richard H. Emenecker ‘57
Essex Technology Group
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Fickenscher
Mr. Brendan Fitzpatrick &
Ms. Mary Lourdes Gibbons
Dr. Steven Flashner & Dr. Deirdre Collins
Gerard T. Foley, CIC ‘74
The Foley Insurance Agency
Patrick J. Friel, PhD ‘45
Joseph C. Gallagher, DO ‘62
Patrick J. Gallagher ‘70
Louis C. Galzerano ‘63 CAP
David A. Geppert ‘76
David Geppert Recycling, Inc.
Frederick J. Gerngross, Sr., Esq. ‘77
Black & Gerngross
William E. Gibbons ‘56
Timothy E. Gillespie ‘78
Gaetano P. Giordano ‘72
Phillip M. Goldman ‘80
James A. Gorman ‘94
S. John Gorman IV ‘67
John M. Hammond ‘97
Harry J. Harp ‘62
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Havard
Richard F. Heany ‘78
CDR Francis D. Heckler, USN(Ret.) ‘59
Francis J. Herron ‘59
W. Joseph Hetherington, Esq. ‘65
George C. Hines ‘46
John J. Hoban ‘70
C. Clark Hodgson, Jr., Esq. ‘57
Mrs. Anne B. Hoffman
Philip J. Horn, Jr., MD ‘75
International Materials, Inc.
Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC
John T. Kelly ‘41
Philip R. Kelly ‘51
Mr. David Koerner & Dr. Deborah Koerner
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Kowalski
James J. Land ‘57
Wissahickon Spring Water
John A. Loftus, PE ‘66
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Lynch
Robert W. Lynch ‘51
George T. Magnatta, Esq. ‘73
James F. Mahoney, CPA ‘70
Anonymous CAP
Peter M. McGonigle, Esq. ‘66
Stephen L. McGonigle ‘68
William P. McKee, Jr. ‘84
Cornelius P. McKelvey ‘59
Brig. Gen. Joseph J. McMenamin, USMC ‘70
McNeil Consumer Healthcare
Hon. William A. Meehan, Jr. ‘73
Microsoft Corporation
Conrad J. Miller, Jr. ‘50 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Miller CAP
Michael T. Miller ‘85
Frederick C. Mischler ‘80
Mark T. Mischler ‘81
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Mooney
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Moran, Esq.
Andrew J. Morrisroe III ‘92
Joseph T. Morrissey, Jr. ‘83
Vincent J. Murray, DDS ‘79
John J. News ‘44
Robert N. C. Nix III, Esq. ‘73
Kevin M. Noone ‘99 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Palermo
Frank C. Palopoli, Sr.
FCP Group, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Peruto, Esq.
Timothy J. Pippet ’09
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony W. Piscopo
Gerard A. Plourde, Esq. ‘71
Daniel Price ‘79
Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Primavera
Michael J. Quigg ‘73
John F. Quigley III ‘80
Norman J. Rahn III ‘83
Alan E. Reed ‘55
James J. Reilly, Jr. ‘44
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Resnick
Dr. John Richardson & Dr. Allyson Abbott
Mrs. Elaine Rose-Kennedy CAP
Philip Rosenau Co., Inc.
Myroslaw J. Ryndyk ‘63 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas K. Sabia, Sr.
D.M. Sabia Co., Inc.
Ms. Regina L. Sacco
Mr. Robert M. Sauter CAP
John J. Scocca, PhD ‘58
William J. Selph, Jr. ‘76
Hugh T. Sharp ‘47
Siemens Foundation
William J. Smart ‘77
Albert J. Solecki ‘58
Mr. & Mrs. Neil M. Spearing
Rev. Edmond J. Speitel ‘43
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Spinosa
Keller Williams Real Estate
Mr. & Mrs. George F. Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Stone
Capt. Hugh A. E. Strehle, USN(Ret.) ‘50
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Taormina
Facenda – Whitaker Lanes
Raymond J. Tatlow, Jr. ‘38
Francis P. Taylor, Jr. ‘46
Time Warner
Joseph H. Torrence ‘46
Bro. David Trichtinger, FSC CAP
United Way
21 Explorer Fall 2009
Mark F. Valenti ’65
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vecchione, Sr.
Joseph J. Wallace ‘65
Charles J. Walsh, Jr. ‘68
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Walsh
Lawrence J. Walsh ‘63
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Walter
William J. Wasylenko, Jr. ‘69 CAP
CDR Francis R. Wesh, USN(Ret.) ‘60
Westinghouse Lighting Corporation
Martin F. Whalen ‘58
Michael J. Williams ‘75
Williamson Caterers
George A. Winslow ‘82
Wisler, Pearlstine, LLP
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Worster, Sr.
John W. Wozniak ‘77
Daniel V. Wylde ‘44
George L. Young, Jr., Esq. ‘70
Rev. Mr. & Mrs. Joel M. Ziff CAP
Brothers’ Boy
$500 to $999
Joseph E. Abbott ‘70
Michael J. Adams, DMD ‘81
Mr. Kevin Agnew
Mrs. Judith Ahern
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Anella
Armstrong, Doyle & Carroll, Inc.
Joseph C. Atkinson ‘88
James R. Bacon ‘51
Mr. & Mrs. Alonzo M. Baiada
Barbara B’s Jewels
Lloyd C. Beck, Jr. ‘74
Thomas A. Belcher ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Bilotta
Resource Development Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Bloh
Brendan J. Boland ‘93
Dr. Carol D. Bowes-Lawlor
Chestnut Hill Family Care Associates
Stephen R. Brennan, Jr. ‘89
Mrs. Barbara Bresnan
Hugh J. Brolly ‘56
William J. Burger, Jr. ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Burke
Joseph S. Camardo, MD ‘70
Carl J. Cangelosi ‘60
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Caporizzo
Nicholas J. Caputo, DO ‘90
Carr & Duff, Inc.
Louis J. Casale, MD ‘54
John M. Casper ‘87
Philip E. Cassidy, Jr. ‘70
Mr. & Mrs. Donald V. Cericola
Joseph A. Ciasullo ‘82
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Ciccimaro ‘57
Bro. Kenneth Cook, FSC
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy T. Corcoran
Dennis W. Cronin, MD ‘60
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Cunnane
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Cunnane
David Cutler Group
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cymbala
Communications Services and Support
Curb Appeal by Linda Cymbala
D’Angelo Brothers, Inc.
Capt. J. Christopher Daniel, MD ‘76
Davidson Trust Company
Col. Edward E. Davis, USMC(Ret.) ‘36
Rev. Charles J. Day ‘49
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. DeCandido
Harvey R. deKrafft ‘82
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Diccicco
Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. DiGiacomo
L. A. DiGiacomo Funeral Home
Anthony M. DiLucia, Jr. ‘80
Robert F. Donahue ‘90
Charles H. Dougherty, Jr. ‘72
Stephen P. Dougherty ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Drain
Drexel University
Timothy J. Erb ‘66
Mr. Gerald R. Evans, Jr.
Mr. Pantaleon Fagel & Mrs. Maria Sicat-Fagel
Thomas A. Flannery ‘41
Kevin P. Flynn ‘67
Flynn & O’Hara
James M. Foley ‘56
Patrick M. Foley ‘76
The Southern Company
David L. Forde, MD ‘55
Franklin Realty Development Corp.
Robin F. Gallagher, DMD ‘67
William A. Garrity, Jr. ‘74
Puri L. Garzone III ‘98
Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Gebert
James F. Gentilcore ‘70
Joseph J. Gerngross ‘43
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony E. Giannetti
Mark A. Gibbons ‘92
Mrs. Sherry L. Gill
Robert J. Gizinski ‘60
Glanzmann Subaru, Inc.
Edward J. Grady III ‘70
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Grady, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Guarrieri, Jr.
Cooke Publishing Company
Mr. & Mrs. Wasyl Halczenko
William C. Hamilton, MD ‘66
Mrs. Frances M. Harper
William F. Hartman ‘68
Jerome F. Heavey ‘58
James A. Helwig, PhD ‘59
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Henrich
William P. Henry ‘56
Hibbeln Engineering
W. Mark Hinkel ‘72
Hon. Richard J. Hodgson ‘66
Edward E. Houseman, Esq. ‘63
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Houser
Howland, Hess, Guinan, Torpey & Cassidy
Mr. John J. Hubbert III
Robert M. Hughes ‘70
Daniel J. Hyman, DO ‘82
John F. Igoe ‘59
Mr. John Janda & Mrs. Kelley Grady
Steven M. Javie ‘72
Michael F. Jordan ‘67
John F. Keegan ‘56
Rev. Francis E. Kelly ‘47
Hon. John T. J. Kelly ‘49
Paul J. Kelly III, CPA ‘74 and
Honorable Kate Harper
Mr. & Mrs. H. Brad Kerr
John R. Kichula ‘87
Neill C. Kling, Esq. ‘81
S. Richard Klinges III, Esq. ‘49
Paul Kolodchak ‘47
Josef J. Kramer ‘78
Richard E. Kreipe, MD ‘67
William F. Kummerle, CPA ‘53
Bernard W. Kurek, DMD ‘64
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Lagreca
Lagreca & Quinn
Anthony M. Landis, DO ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lapowsky
John D. LaRocca, Esq. ‘80
William L. Leahy III
Christopher M. Lehman, PhD ‘67
Kellen G. Leister ‘75
Lincoln Investment Planning, Inc.
John J. Love III ‘76
Robert W. Lyons, MD ‘56
John M. Maguire ‘59
Domenic J. Maida ‘91
James F. Malloy ‘51
Andrew J.
Malone, CPA ‘78
John G. Malone, Esq. ‘73
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Marchese
William J. Marr ‘66
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Marzullo
John V. Mastronardo ‘73 CAP
Christopher J. Matthews ‘63
Frank J. Mauer, Jr. ‘47
J. Scott Maxwell, Esq. ‘59
Hamburg Rubin Mullin Maxwell & Lupin
Mr. & Mrs. Harry M. May
William R. May Funeral Home
Bernard J. McCormick ‘54
McCormick Distilling Company, Inc.
Thomas F. McDevitt ‘57
Timothy W. McDonald ‘99
Dr. & Mrs. Philip K. McElroy
James P. McFadden ‘61
Daniel McGill ‘78
Patrick T. McGinn ‘87
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. McGoldrick
McGoldrick Leasing Co.
Michael P. McKenna, Esq. ‘68
William L. McKernan, CPA ‘84
William J. McMahon ‘49
Robert N. McNally ‘51
David J. McNamara ‘88
Joseph P. McNichol ‘59
Hon. James R. Melinson ‘57
Mercy Suburban Hospital
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony T. Mirabile
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mirabile
Mission Grill
Robert J. Moran, Esq. ‘59
Paul M. Moser ‘48
Mount Saint Joseph’s Academy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Murkley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Murphy
Robert E. Murphy ‘55
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald T. Nichols
Northrop Grumman Corporation –
Ships System Sector
Mrs. Mary O’Brien
Thomas M. O’Brien ‘81
Thomas V. O’Kane ‘79
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Oliver
Mr. Joseph A. Parisi
Paul P. Partyka ‘66
Michael T. Pennington ‘05
Mrs. Barbara Perez-Mas
Francis W. Pfluger ‘50
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph S. Philomeno
Philomeno & Salamone
Joseph T. Pickard ‘45
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Piotrowski III
Joseph A. Pizzo, Sr. ‘57
William R. Powell ‘68
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Powers
Lima Co.
James D. Princivalle ‘80
Edward J. Quinn ‘79 CAP
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Quinn
Frank V. Radomski III ‘67
Frank V. Radomski & Sons, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Radvansky
Dr. & Mrs. William R. Rate
William C. Regli III, PhD ‘85
Dr. & Mrs. John F. Reilly, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Rooney
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Rose
Richard A. Rothwell, DDS ‘70
Chesheim Dental Associates
Mrs. Suzanne and Joseph Russo CAP
Anthony C. Santopolo, MD ‘68
Andrew M. Savysky, Esq. ‘89
Paul G. Schott ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Schuck, Sr.
Complete Scaffold, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Ward G. Schultz
Scoogi’s Restaurant
Thomas L. Scully, CPA ‘66
William C. Seiberlich ‘47
Sentry Hospitality, LTD
Mrs. Kathleen Seweryn
William R. May Funeral Home
22 Explorer Fall 2009
Joseph R. Sharpe III ‘58
Eric M. Shelton ‘90
Joseph B. Shott ‘82
Matthew J. Singer ‘78
Sloane Automotive Group
Walter J. Small ‘38
Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. David Souchik
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Stanowski
Adam R. Stefanowicz, Jr. ‘80
R. Brian Stefanowicz ‘82
Stradley, Ronon, Stevens & Young, LLP
Robert F. Stranix ‘59
Rev. Charles J. Sullivan ‘56
Michael E. Sullivan, PhD ‘58
Frank C. Sulzbach, ACSW ‘59
Robert T. Szostak, Esq. ‘72
Mr. Peter F. Talarico & Family CAP
Robert M. Thompson, Jr. ‘82
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Toner, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Tramo
Sentinel Process Systems, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tucker
Mr. Thomas Turner
Wilfred J. Vaudreuil ‘59
Drs. Nicholas Volpe & Dr. Francesca Volpe
John J. Waldron, Esq. ‘73
Joseph P. Wargo, Jr. ‘59
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Warrender, Jr.
John A. Weinrich ‘81
Weinrich Bakery
Joseph A. Weitzman ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Westley, Jr.
William J. Williams ‘59
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Williamson
Wilmington Trust of Pennsylvania
Michael R. Wisniewski ’74
Wissahickon Skating Club
Carl G. Wolf ‘57
Scott H. Wolpert, Esq. ‘84
Francis W. Worthington, Esq. ‘85
Dominic J. Yanni, Jr. ‘68
Mr. Carl S. Zegalia
Blue and Gold
$250 to $499
Rev. Mark C. Aita, SJ, MD ‘67
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Allegretti
Pennrose Service Co.
Ancillae Assumpta Academy
Martin J. Andrejko ‘80
Charles J. Ansel ‘41
Richard Ansel ‘72
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Bach
Mr. Thomas R. Barna
Thomas J. Barnes ‘95
Frank J. Bartl ‘57
Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Battista
Ronald M. Bean ‘86
John T. Becker, CPA ‘57
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Begley
Dr. Marcus Bell & Dr. Denah Appelt
Paul M. Benyovszky ‘78
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Benyovszky
Berks Schuylkill
Respiratory Specialists, Ltd.
Best Western – Kulpsville
Mr. Lee Blauvelt
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Bonnevie
LTC John Borek, USA ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bossow
Thomas M. Brasberger ‘00
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Breen ‘72 Rev. Robert H. Breen ‘45
Dr. & Mrs. Steven C. Bunting, DDS
Stephen J. Burns ‘74
Mr. & Mrs. Perry A. Cabrera
Mrs. Jacqueline H. Cain
B. James Cake, CPA ‘63
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Campbell
Alfred D. Campellone, MD ‘75
James J. Canalichio, DDS ‘55
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Caracausa
Coldwell Banker Premier/Caracausa
Mr. & Mrs. Jawood E. Carlin
Richard J. Carminati ‘99
James J. Carroll, Jr. ‘83
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Casciano, Sr.
William J. Cashin, Jr. ‘59
Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Cassidy
James P. Catalino ‘56
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Cero, Jr.
Joseph J. Cervino, Jr. ‘51
Kevin S. Christine ‘84
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Cipolla
Harry C. Citrino III ‘95
Bernard A. Clark ‘49
J. Peter Clark, PhD ‘60
Frank R. Colantuono ‘59
Mr. Mark Collins
Colonial Electric Supply
Mr. Carmen J. Conicelli, Jr.
Joseph M. Connell ‘73
Martin J. Connor ‘50
Stephen W. Cook ‘59
Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Cooper
Edward R. Corcoran, MD ‘57
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Corr
Robert F. Costello, Jr. ‘82
Matthew J. Costello ‘01
County Line Fence Company
Kevin M. Cregan, MD ‘82
Patrick J. Cronin ‘59
Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Cruz
J. Russell Cullen, Jr. ‘56
Joseph J. Curry, PhD ‘61
Michael T. Dachowski, DMD ‘77
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Dagit, Jr.
Lawrence W. Daly ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Daly-Leonard
John F. Danella, MD ‘78
Charles M. Day, Jr. ‘75
Gregory J. Dean, Esq. ‘55
Daniel M. DeDominic ‘90
James W. Degnan, PhD ‘65
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Demeter
Mr. Joseph Dempsey
Mr. & Mrs. Jon R. Derewicz
Mr. & Mrs. David T. Derr
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Devine
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Diasio
Peter M. DiBattiste, MD ‘74
David T. Diehl ‘55
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. DiGioacchino
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. DiNardo
John J. DiNella, DPM ‘71
Bro. William DiPasquale, FSC
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Dohony
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dominick
Mr. & Mrs. James Donahue
Michael F. Donohoe, DC ‘79
William T. Donohoe, Jr. ‘96
Christopher J. Dougherty ‘00
Matthew J. Dougherty, MD ‘76
Francis J. Driscoll ‘59
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Duffey
D.E. Duffey & Sons
Kevin J. Dunphy ‘83
Dunphy Ford
Michael D. Durkin ‘74
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Dwyer
Joseph D. Echelmeier, PE ‘51 Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Eckert
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin W. Eidenshink
Thomas C. Elsasser ‘59
David T. Espenshade ‘56
Lawrence J. Everling ‘58
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Farrington
Joseph J. Fayer ‘50
Edwin J. Feeny, Jr. ‘62
Martin E. Feeny ‘90
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Field ‘67 LTC Robert W. Filosa
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Finlay
Thomas A. Finley ‘68
Ms. Sharon O. Finnegan
Mr. Thomas J. Finnegan
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Fisco
John P. Fisher, DDS ‘63
Mr. & Mrs. Todd J. Fisher
John M. FitzSimmons, MD ‘67
Ms. Katherine Flannery & Mr. George Brown
James E. Fleming ‘50
Daniel B. Flynn ‘65
Kevin E. Flynn ‘82
Ms. Kristina R. Focht
Christopher J. Foley ‘83
Joseph L. Foley ‘81
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence J. Foley, Sr.
George S. Forde, Jr., Esq. ‘51
John W. Fornace, DO ‘73
William E. Francoeur ‘90
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Franks
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Frazzette
Michael F. Funchion ‘82
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Fus
Samuel J. Gabriel ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Gallagher
Michael J. Gallagher, DDS ‘70
Mr. & Mrs. Rafael J. Garcia, Jr.
James J. Garrity, Esq. ‘70
Kent H. Garson ‘54
Bro. Brendan Garwood, FSC
Mrs. Rosemary Gedeik
Charles L. Gemmi III, DMD ‘87
General Painting of Pennsylvania, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. John Gill
Donald J. Gimpel ‘53
Michael J. Ginieczki, MD ‘61
Bruce R. Givnish ‘73
The Great Room – Mrs. Karen Givnish
Thomas J. Givnish, PhD ‘69
Joseph A. Goldbeck, Jr., Esq. ‘65
S. John Gorman V ‘92
John A. Grady ‘55
Carl W. Graf ‘73
Mrs. Susan M. Grasso
William F. Grauer, CPA ‘46
Charles W. Greenberg ‘51
Charles M. Greenberg ‘82
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Greene
Frank T. Gregor ‘86
Michael P. Gregor ‘81
Gwynedd-Mercy Academy Elementary
Jay M. Haenn, Jr. ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Haesler
Paul W. Halczenko, MD ‘93
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Haney
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Hankinson
Roy D. Hanshaw, Jr. ‘70
Mrs. Roy Hanshaw, Sr.
Richard C. Harris ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Harvey
William W. Haury, Jr., Esq. ‘72
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Higgins
Charles Hilpl ‘79
Col. Gerald T. Hipp, USA(Ret) ‘57
Thomas J. Hoban ‘74
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Horgan
Horgan Brothers, Inc.
John M. Hubbs ‘70
Edward J. Hughes, Esq. ‘67
Frank L. Iaquinta, Jr. ‘65
Thomas E. James ‘47
Michael A. Jankowski, Esq. ‘73
William M. Janssen, Esq. ‘79
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Jaskowiak
23 Explorer Fall 2009
George D. Johnson, Jr. ‘79
J. David Johnson, CPA ‘64
Joseph J. Junod ‘54
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Kalkbrenner, Jr.
Walter J. Kaminski ‘62
Daniel J. Kane, MD ‘79
Leo P. Kane ‘53
Charles F. Kappler, Esq. ‘69
Peter J. Keenan ‘58
Albert W. Kellenbenz ‘68
Kevin V. Kelley ‘74
John J. Kelly, Jr., Esq. ‘58
Walter J. Kielar ‘74
Joseph F. Killoran ‘58
Klehr, Harrison, Harvey, Branzburg & Ellers
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Knight
George J. Koenig ‘59
Rev. James M. Kolb, CSP ‘58
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Konieczny
Donald E. Kotas ‘66
James M. Kowalczyk ‘60
Francis J. Krimm, Jr. ‘63
Albert G. Kroll, Esq. ‘65
James J. Kuhn, Esq. ‘54
Mr. David S. Lagner
John L. Langan ‘55
Gregory T. Lavin ‘93
Thomas J. Lavin, Jr. ‘55
E. Dennis Lehman, Jr. ‘69
Peter A. Lehman ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Lentz
Aqua Scapes of the Delaware Valley
Stanley J. Lepo, USAF(Ret.) ‘54
James P. Logue, Jr. ‘43
Ms. Donna Long
Philip J. LoPresti, MD ‘53
Vincent M. Lorusso, Jr. ‘94
William A. Loughery ‘03
William P. Loughery ‘70
Gerard M. Lowery, CPA ‘78
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Lukach
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. MacCrory
Mark F. Magarity ‘72
William M. Maguire ‘62
Sean E. Mahoney ‘82
Capt. Steven A. Malloy, USN ‘78
Mr. & Mrs. David Manion
Michael A. Marek ‘80
Dominic F. Marino ‘44
Del C. Markward ‘77
Robert J. Maro, Sr., MD ‘48
J. Ronald Martin, Jr. ‘82
Mr. & Mrs. Francis M. Martino
Francis Martino Insurance
Christopher L. Matthews ‘90
Mr. William J. McBride
James P. McCormick, MD ‘79
John B. McCormick ‘66
Joseph J. McCreavy ‘78
Mr. & Mrs. John P. McCrudden
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. McDonald
Gutter Shutter Company
Mr. & Mrs. Martin C. McElroy
John P. McElvenny, Jr. ‘50
John R. McGann, Jr. ‘83
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McGee
Mr. & Mrs. Paul P. McGee, Jr.
Capt. John B. McGill, USN(Ret.) ‘67
Thomas J. McGorry, Jr. ‘43
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. McGowan
Paul T. McGurkin ‘72
Brian J. McHugh ‘72
James P. McIntyre ‘67
Thomas W. McIntyre ‘65
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory E. McLaren
James P. McMenamin ‘40
John J. McMenamin, Jr. ‘67
James M. McMonagle ‘58
LTC John J. McOscar, USA(Ret) ‘52
Christopher R. Meagher ‘89
William J. Meis, DO ‘69
Thomas D. Michel ‘69
John J. Michele ‘71
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Miller
Edward A. Minguez ‘81
Vincent P. Miraglia, MD ‘58
Kevin M. Mirsch ‘83
John J. Mischler ‘82
Mobilease Modular Space, Inc.
Ms. Marilyn Moller & Ms. Joan Miller
Peter E. Moore, Esq. ‘71
Jeffrey N. Morgan, AIA ‘69
Hal F. Muller ‘65
Francis E. Murphy ‘67
Thomas F. Murphy ‘57
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Murphy
Austin J. Noonan, DC ‘89
Michael J. Normile ‘65
North Penn Art
Norwood-Fontbonne Academy
Dennis J. O’Brien ‘69
Edward J. O’Brien III ‘71
Mr. & Mrs. George O’Connell
John J. O’Connor, Jr. ‘51
Jason J. Olcese ‘98
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis B. Olejniczak
Gerald P. O’Neill ‘55
Joseph A. O’Neill ‘68
Joseph D. O’Neill ‘49
Orleans Homebuilders
PA House of Representatives –
Honorable Kate Harper
Robert J. Pannepacker, Sr. ‘66
Richard A. Panettieri ‘78
Joseph W. Pettit ‘52
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory T. Pierce
J. Gregory Pirmann ‘65
Philip F. Radomski ‘81
Dr. Daniel A. Rakowski, MD ‘91
Kenneth R. Rapchick ‘49
Rapid Circuits
Paul J. Read, MD ‘97
Region 20 CYO Athletic Board
David J. Rhoads ‘01
John F. Richardson ‘58
Norman W. Rickert ‘56
Donald W. Rider ‘61
Bro. James F. Rieck, FSC ‘57
Gregory P. Rietzke ‘88
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Ripley
Ralph V. Robb ‘48
Kevin M. Roddy ‘77
Kenneth M. Roessler ‘80
Donald J. Rongione ‘75
William F. Rooney ‘58
Peter S. Rosenman, D.M.D., PC & Associates
C. Alan Rowe ‘49
Michael J. Ruddy, MD ‘69
Sigmond S. Rutkowski, Jr., DO ‘61
Mrs. Rosina Ryan
Dr. Vincent Sacco
Brian F. Sandella ‘90
Mrs. Patricia Schaum
David J. Schlosser ‘73
David A. Schmel ‘98
Edward J. Schmid ‘50
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory M. Schmitt
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Schoen
Peter M. Schofield ‘78
University of Scranton
Kevin M. Scully ‘91
Raymond T. Shay ‘00
Thomas W. Sheehan, CPA ‘48
William J. Sheehan ‘49
Richard J. Sherman, Jr. ‘85
Peter R. Sigmund, Jr. ‘85
Signed, Sealed and Delivered
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Simone
Joseph F. Slabinski IV ‘01
Stephen A. Slawek, DDS
Christopher C. Smith ‘93
Patrick M. Smith ‘66
W. Ellis Smith, DMD ‘62
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Smolcynski
Mr. & Mrs. Piotr Sobilo
Mr. & Mrs. Brian M. Stone
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Stout, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Subers
Philip A. Sullivan ‘59
Huff United Paper Co.
Paul R. Sundermann ‘46
Mark D. Sutton ‘72
William T. Svihel ‘70
Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Szyszko
Target Take Charge of Education
Richard J. Target ‘99
Michael R. Taylor, CAE ‘66
Robert M. Taylor, Jr., Esq. ‘52
Mike K. Thompson, Esq. ‘72
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Thompson
Toft Woods Community Association
Mr. Robert L. Toner, Jr.
Toner Cable Equipment
Thomas F. Tucker, CPCU ‘45
Timothy E. Urbanski, MD ‘63
William D. Vare ‘49
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Vellner
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Vettori
Craig S. Vondercrone ‘95
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Walker III
Robert J. Walker ‘52
James J. Walsh ‘54
James J. Ward ‘55
William T. Ward ‘56
Arthur A. Warren, Esq. ‘69
James P. Waters, Jr. ‘56
James P. Waters III ‘84
Peter G. Waters ‘52
Wellpoint Associate Giving Campaign
West German BMW
Edward J. Whelan ‘47
Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Whelan
William A. Whiteside III ‘72
Michael J. Wilkin ‘66
Robert J. Wilson ‘54
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Wittenberg
John J. Wojciech ‘57
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred A. Wysocki
Joseph A. Zebrowski ‘82
Joseph A. Zeccardi, MD ‘57
Mr. & Mrs. Howard S. Zoeltsch
Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Zysk
24 Explorer Fall 2009
Annual Giving By Class
Class of 1936
William G. Burns
Col. Edward E. Davis, USMC(Ret.)
John J. McLaughlin, DO
Class of 1938
Raphael J. Altmann
William C. Foster
LTC William J. O’Donnell, USAF(Ret.)
Walter J. Small
Raymond J. Tatlow, Jr.
Class of 1939
Leon F. Brennan
Col. George J. Edelmann, USMC(Ret.)
LTC Robert W. Filosa
Francis E. Lafferty
James E. McGoldrick
Class of 1940
70-Year Reunion
Golden Explorers Luncheon
October 2010
Class of 1940
William J. Armstrong, Jr.
John F. (Dec’d.) Flannery, Sr.
Thomas J. Ginty
Edward B. Johnson, Jr.
James P. McMenamin
Class of 1941
Charles E. Adler
Charles J. Ansel
Francis P. Bogle
Richard E. Fairbanks
Thomas A. Flannery
William A. Geppert, Jr.
Harry J. Hagan
John T. Kelly
Philip P. O’Neill
Albert V. Pescatore
Peter J. Sweeney
Eugene F. Volz
Class of 1942
Alvin A. Buben
Robert J. Carabasi, MD
Ralph J. Cartwright
Hugh F. Convery
Gerald F. Crumlish
Robert F. Gallagher, DDS
Thomas B. (Dec’d.) Harper III
Eugene P. Hughes, Sr., MD
John L. McHale
Class of 1943
Charles M. Boyle
Rev. Sidney C. Burgoyne, PhD
James F. Cannon, Jr.
James F. Casey
Robert J. Foster
Joseph J. Gerngross
Vincent J. Hauck
James P. Logue, Jr.
Charles M. (Dec’d.) McDonald
Thomas J. McGorry, Jr.
John F. Moross
Joseph F. O’Brien
Arthur E. Seidl
Rev. Edmond J. Speitel
Class of 1944
Frederick V. Boccella
John F. Heilmann
Charles R. Hodges
John J. Kintsch
Robert H. Kitson
Dominic F. Marino
William A. (Dec’d.) Meehan, Esq.
John J. News
William J. Nolan, Jr.
Joseph G. Oschell
James J. Reilly, Jr.
Daniel V. (Dec’d.) Wylde
Class of 1945
65-Year Reunion
Golden Explorers Luncheon
October 2010
Class of 1945
William J. Bogle
Rev. Robert H. Breen
John J. (Dec’d.) Bresnan
Francis X. Cassidy
Eugene F. DiRe
Patrick J. Friel, PhD
Robert M. Gaughan
William F. Geisel
Paul E. Gillespie
Thomas E. Hoban
William J. (Dec’d.) Loughery
Peter J. Luksetic
John C. Mackin, Jr.
William J. Maher
David F. McGrath
Robert F. McMackin
James B. Mynaugh
Martin G. Pendergast
Joseph T. Pickard
Robert J. Rainey
Joseph F. Trinity
Thomas F. Tucker, CPCU
Thomas J. Welsh, Jr.
Class of 1946
William J. Bailey
Rev. Msgr. John P. Boland
Joseph L. Burke
John J. Callan
James P. Connor
Charles J. Dinger
John F. Gillin
William F. Grauer, CPA
George C. Hines
John W. Hochstuhl
William B. Kenney, Esq.
James G. MacEachern
E.H. “Ned” McDermott
Anthony J. Mianulli
John D. Morrissey
Richard W. O’Brien
Albert R. Pezzillo
G. Russell Reiss, Jr., MD
Edward J. Stemmler, MD
Paul R. Sundermann
Francis P. Taylor, Jr.
Joseph H. Torrence
James P. Ward
William A. Whiteside, Jr., Esq.
Charles C. Wynn
Stanley J. Zalecky
Class of 1947
Alfred E. Abbey, Esq.
Mario J. Albanese
Edward J. Bader
Ronald R. Bambach
William J. Burger
James J. Connelly
William J. Crosson, CPA
John M. DiGrazia
Peter S. Dooner, Jr.
Philip F. Drach
The Christian Brothers’ morals and ethics combined with rigorous
academic challenges and a sense of community are educational hallmarks,
which lay the background necessary for personal and professional success.
La Salle College High School provided me with those tools from which I benefitted
greatly. I support La Salle in an effort to ensure that other boys can receive the same.
William dePasquale ‘51
25 Explorer Fall 2009
Francis V. Grant
Francis W. Himes
Francis J. Hoban
Thomas E. James
Rev. Francis E. Kelly
John H. Kennedy
Paul Kolodchak
Nicholas J. Marino
Frank J. Mauer, Jr.
Ferdinand P. Morro
Francis W. News
August J. Ober, Jr.
Joseph M. Orlando
James J. Phelan
William C. Seiberlich
Hugh T. Sharp
V. Richard Sheridan
William J. Spielberger
William J. Trost
LTC Henry L. Waltrich, USA(Ret)
Edward J. Whelan
Thomas P. Kurek
John A. Kwoka
Edward F. Lagan
Felix J. Longo
Robert J. Maro, Sr., MD
Gregory J. McLean
Rev. Msgr. Francis A. Menna
Edmund I. Milewski
Edward T. Moore, Jr.
Paul M. Moser
Joseph M. Mulvaney
Francis R. Owsiany
Ralph V. Robb
Frank J. Rocca
Theodore M. Rogers, Jr.
Herbert E. Schweizer
Thomas W. Sheehan, CPA
James F. Shemeley
Gerald E. Speitel
James E. Sullivan
Albert R. Twaddell
Class of 1948
William A. Annan
Donald J. Burkhimer
Paul E. Campise
Joseph O. Cancila
Peter J. Daley
Ronald V. Donato
Charles F. Donnelly
Joseph N. Florio
Thomas A. Gannon
Class of 1949
Lionel A. Barker
Michael G. Belansen
Edward J. Bernier
Francis B. J. Branagan, Jr.
Costantino P. Cerini, PhD
Bernard A. Clark
Rev. Charles J. Day
Henry L. Dragun, PhD
Peter J. Finley, EdD
CDR Peter A. Flood, USN(Ret.)
Joseph F. Freeman, PhD
Robert E. Geisel
Gerard F. Gradel, Sr.
Edward M. Groody
Thomas I. Guerin, Jr.
Joseph J. Hanna, OD
I support La Salle College High School in order to
give underprivileged young men from the inner city
the same outstanding educational opportunity that
I was fortunate enough to experience. La Salle College
High School and the Christian Brothers mean the world to me. Without a doubt, La Salle was and is the very best high school
in the Philadelphia area. The Christian Brothers are the best
educators and the most caring dedicated men I have ever
encountered. Recalling my four years at La Salle brings
thoughts of happiness and fulfillment.
Bob Durney ’57
William M. Havard
James A. Heffernan
John E. Hughes, EdD
Hon. John T. J. Kelly
S. Richard Klinges III, Esq.
Joseph A. Lappin, Jr.
Joseph A. Margre
Thomas J. Mazza, Jr.
Joseph E. McGrath
William J. McMahon
Paul A. Mullin, Jr.
Joseph D. O’Neill
Guido C. Pacitti
Joseph A. Pettineo
Kenneth R. Rapchick
C. Alan Rowe
Edward J. Rowley, Jr.
James Sanzare
William J. Sheehan
Louis J. Smith, EdD
William D. Vare
Joseph M. Whinney
John G. Young
Class of 1950
60-Year Reunion
Golden Explorers Luncheon
October 2010
Class of 1950
Bro. Anthony Baird, FSC
Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Birch
Robert W. Bonner
MGen William F. Burns, USA(Ret)
Joseph F. Cannon
Michael J. Carey
Richard M. Connolly, Sr.
Martin J. Connor
Enda R. Coyne
Rev. Harold F. Dagle
Joseph J. Fayer
William A. Fitzgerald
James E. Fleming
Rev. Msgr. James J. Flood
John J. Gruber
Charles G. Happ
Frederick W. Hess, Jr.
Joseph E. Labrum
Philip J. Lembach
William T. Matonis
R. Barry McAndrews, Esq.
Bernard A. McAneney
Martin B. McCann, Jr.
Vincent T. McDermott, Jr., MD
John P. McElvenny, Jr.
Conrad J. Miller, Jr.
S. Lee Morton
Edward J. Nolen
Francis W. Pfluger
Felix M. Pilla
Joseph J. Rizzo
Louis J. Sannino
Edward J. Schmid
James E. Stanton
Capt. Hugh A. E. Strehle, USN(Ret.)
Thomas J. Whelan
Class of 1951
William T. Alter
James R. Bacon
Robert M. Ball
Redmond Barry
George H. Bittner
Paul J. Bromley
Bro. Barnabas L. Brownsey
Francis Callahan
Charles A. Cavanaugh
Joseph J. Cervino, Jr.
John H. Cobb
Anthony N. Coyle
Vincent A. Della Valle
William J. dePasquale
Thomas E. Donahue, Esq.
26 Explorer Fall 2009
Francis X. Donohoe
Rickard Donovan
Elmo E. Dorsey
John E. Duffy, ACSW
Joseph D. Echelmeier, PE
Rev. Mr. Gerard E. End, Jr.
Thomas S. Farragher
George S. Forde, Jr., Esq.
G. Vincent Foschi
Frederick W. Fox, Jr.
Harvey L. Fox
Robert J. Frank
Joseph F. Galen
Joseph Gallagher
James F. Garberina
Thomas J. Gola
David M. Graham
LTC John M. Grasmeder, USA(Ret)
Charles W. Greenberg
John J. Haggerty, Jr.
Clarence V. Harris
James V. Hart
Francis X. Hartmann
Joseph G. Harvey
Joseph M. Hogan, MD
Joseph Kane, Esq.
Philip R. Kelly
Thomas J. Kennedy, CFP
John J. Krimm
Armand J. Lupo, DO
John P. Lynch
Robert W. Lynch
Cornelius F. Madden
Malachy D. Magill
James F. Malloy
George J. Margraff, Jr.
John F. McAneney
Robert F. McCafferty
James J. McDade
Eugene A. McDonnell
Bernard J. McElvenny
Louis P. McFadden, Esq.
Richard P. McGarrity
James B. McGinn
Thomas A.J. McInerney
Dr. Charles J. McMahon, Jr.
Robert N. McNally
Daniel J. McNichol
James E. Moylan
William T. Mulligan
Edward J. Murphy
Rev. Msgr. Joseph W. Murray
Enos Charles Ney
Mr. R. Charles Niemczura, USAF(Ret.)
John J. O’Connor, Jr.
Robert F. O’Neill
Raulo M. Parmegiani, PhD
Joseph M. Penrose
William R. Petraitis
Thomas J. Regan
John F. Rodenbaugh
Robert L. Romaine
Carl A. Schreiber
Richard M. Shelton
David J. Smith
John Stallings
Louis J. Stief, PhD
Edward J. Strow, Jr., DDS
Joseph G. Sundermann
Edward A. Tarsa, Jr.
John A. Teefy
James E. Tierney
John J. Toner
Adolph J. Van Thuyne
Eugene R. Voegtlin
Thomas J. Wallace
William H. Wolf, Jr., Esq.
Robert M. Wurtz
Class of 1952
A. Edward Allinson
Cornelius W. Curran
Henry W. deLuca, Jr.
William F. Gallagher
John E. Granozio
Joseph A. Kane, PhD
James D. Kerwin, PhD
Donald J. Kieser
John F. Lee
John J. Lombard, Jr., Esq.
Patrick A. McMenamin
John A. McNichol
LTC John J. McOscar, USA(Ret)
Joseph W. Pettit
Albert W. Pfluger
Felix T. Russo
Walter A. Sellers, Jr.
William C. Smith, MD
Frederick J. Springer
Robert M. Taylor, Jr., Esq.
Robert J. Walker
Peter G. Waters
Class of 1953
John F. Ambrogi, Jr.
Vincent J. Barker
Albert R. Behner
Charles A. Beitz, Jr., PhD
Joseph P. Boyle
Frank R. Breslin
David J. Collins
Michael J. Cornely
William J. Cover III
Thomas J. Derago
James G. Dwyer
Herbert J. Fastrich
John P. Gall
CDR Victor M. Gavin, USN(Ret.)
Donald J. Gimpel
John J. Granahan, CFA
William J. Hall, MD
William J. Hansbury, Jr.
Howard F. Hansell
Leo P. Kane
Francis C. Keenan
Joseph A. Koch
William F. Kummerle, CPA
Philip J. LoPresti, MD
Edward A. Maguire, Jr.
James P. Malone, Sr.
Laurence J. Marhoefer, Esq.
Joseph F. O’Hora
Gabriel J. Pascuzzi
John P. Presto
Robert A. Romano
W. Miles Ryan
John J. Schiller, Jr., PhD
Joseph A. Schmitz
Henry F. Whalen, Jr.
Class of 1954
Thomas M. Boyle
William J. Bryson
Louis J. Casale, MD
Raymond A. Doyle
John A. Duffy, Jr., PhD
Anthony J. Froehlich, Jr.
Joseph V. Gallagher, Jr.
Kent H. Garson
Anthony M. Giampetro, Sr., MD
Richard J. Hamburger, MD
Rudy E. Harrer
Joseph J. Hogan
Adolph A. Holler
Joseph J. Junod
Robert J. Kosinski
James J. Kuhn, Esq.
John H. Lamprecht
Stanley J. Lepo, USAF(Ret.)
Martin J. Luff
Bernard J. McCormick
Frank P. McHugh
John C. Olesh
John F. Quigley, DO
Gerard J. St. John, Esq.
James R. Trainer
William M. Ulircuis
Joseph A. Walheim, Esq.
Fraser M. Wall
James J. Walsh
Robert J. Wilson
Class of 1955
55-Year Reunion
Golden Explorers Luncheon
October 2010
Class of 1955
William M. Barbour
William R. Barranger
Joseph B. Bloom
James J. Canalichio, DDS
Robert H. Cox, PhD
Stephen A. Cymerman, Jr.
Gregory J. Dean, Esq.
Richard D. Deasy
David T. Diehl
Bernard J. Dillon, Jr.
Joseph P. Dowling
James J. Durkin
Arthur W. Etchells III, PhD
Joseph C. Flanagan, MD
David L. Forde, MD
John A. Grady
Bruce J. Koegler
Frank J. Lamprecht
John L. Langan
Thomas J. Lavin, Jr.
Frank J. Miller, CPA
John J. Muir
Robert E. Murphy
Raymond J. Nolen, Jr.
Gerald F. O’Brien
Gerald P. O’Neill
James W. Quinn
Alan E. Reed
Francis F. Sorrentino
Edward J. Spanier, PhD
David M. Spratt, DO
Robert W. Suter, Esq.
William F. Taylor
Clayton H. Thomas, Esq.
James J. Ward
Marty Williams
Class of 1956
Hugh J. Brolly
Edmund P. Butler, Esq.
David P. Campbell, PhD
John S. Cape
Kevin E. Carey
Joseph F. Cassidy
James P. Catalino
J. Russell Cullen, Jr.
William J. Diamond
John B. Digan
David T. Espenshade
J. Raymond Fitzpatrick, Jr.
James M. Foley
27 Explorer Fall 2009
We support La Salle College High School to enable deserving and qualified students to experience
the same educational opportunities that we had as young men. Those opportunities in the unique
La Salle educational environment, at both 20th and Olney and the “new” La Salle campus on
Cheltenham Ave., which we experienced 40 to 50 years ago, gave us the tools, both academically
and spiritually, to confront the diverse challenges of life. Today’s La Salle clearly demonstrates
a continuing and very high standard of excellence across the board, in each of the key educational
“need” areas of academics, spirituality, athletics and facilities.
We were privileged to attend La Salle, and continue to support their educational legacy and the mission of the Christian Brothers, which
is developing and educating the whole person with the hope and the earnest desire that individuals of limited means can continue to
experience an exceptional Lasallian education.
Historically, for more than 300 years, Lasallian Institutions and the Christian Brothers, throughout the world, have meant devotion to
education of the complete person as they carried out the life work of St. John Baptist de La Salle. Today, at La Salle, a diminished group
of dedicated Christian Brothers and a highly effective school faculty carry on the tradition of a human and Christian education in a
continuing and awesomely superb manner, an education that is a powerful enabler in converting boys to La Salle Gentlemen, and in
preparing young men to address their future with confidence.
La Salle College High School is the embodiment, along with the highly effective Christian Brother’s leadership and participation, in the
ongoing implementation of the Lasallian traditions at the very highest level.
The Donahue Family – Joe ’58, Phil ’60, Mike ’63, Ed ’66, and John ’70
John H. Forrest
Raymond F. Frankson
Peter W. Frey, PhD
William E. Gibbons
Clifford M. Gillespie
James A. Goodyear
A. Carl Helwig
William P. Henry
Rev. Mr. Thomas J. Horan
John F. Keegan
Richard J. Labowskie, MD
Robert W. Lyons, MD
J. Anthony Mitchell
James J. Morrissey
Charles A. Murray, Jr.
Charles J. O’Brien
James J. Osborne
Hon. Peter E. Perry
Richard J. Pomfret
Francis M. Ponti, PhD
Bill Rafferty
Edward C. Rice
James T. Richard, EdD
Norman W. Rickert
Edward W. Schmid, Jr.
John F. Schmidt, PhD
Frank J. Sciulli, PhD
John S. Simpson, Jr.
Rev. Charles J. Sullivan
Thomas C. Tarpy
William T. Ward
James P. Waters, Jr.
John P. Whitecar, Jr., MD
Harry W. Woodcock, PhD
Class of 1957
John C. Altrogge
Joseph L. Ambrogi
Frank J. Bartl
John T. Becker, CPA
John L. Burke
Joseph P. Capozzoli
Thomas P. Connor, Jr.
Edward R. Corcoran, MD
Robert E. Cwik
Charles J. Doherty
Francis D. Donaghy
Eugene A. Draganosky, MD
Robert J. Durney
John J. Egan
Richard H. Emenecker
Lawrence A. Grassi
C. Joseph Hamburger, PhD
Richard L. Hepp
Col. Gerald T. Hipp, USA(Ret)
C. Clark Hodgson, Jr., Esq.
Sidney J. Kowalczyk
James J. Land
Thomas F. McDevitt
James J. McGill
James T. McLaughlin
Hon. James R. Melinson
Brian D. Monaghan, Esq.
James D. Morrissey, Jr.
Thomas F. Murphy
Charles A. Palmer
Vincent J. Pannepacker, Jr.
Joseph A. Pizzo, Sr.
Bro. James F. Rieck, FSC
George W. Ruth
Hugh J. Sheridan
Vincent J. Tague, Sr.
John J. Wojciech
Carl G. Wolf
Joseph A. Zeccardi, MD
Class of 1958
Paul C. Aita, MD
Raymond J. Christie, Jr.
William J. Clements
John J. Convey, PhD
Charles L. Conway, Sr.
Jerome R. Cosgrove
Cornelius A. Cunningham
Joseph S. Cymbor
Robert O. D’Ambrosio, Esq.
Edward J. Devinney
Louis R. Di Maria
Charles E. Dolaway III
Joseph H. Donahue
Joseph M. Downey, PhD
George A. Dudzek
28 Explorer Fall 2009
Harry F. Eustace
Lawrence J. Everling
John A. Gallagher
Jerome F. Heavey
Walter J. Horn
Peter J. Keenan
James J. Kelly
John J. Kelly, Jr., Esq.
Joseph F. Killoran
Rev. James M. Kolb, CSP
Thomas J. Lynch
James V. Marks
James M. McMonagle
Edward J. Miller, PhD
Harry B. Miller, Jr.
Vincent P. Miraglia, MD
John E. Osborne
Thomas F. Pyle, Jr.
William R. Regli
John F. Richardson
William F. Rooney
Robert E. Ryan
Charles R. Scally
Robert C. Schmidt
John T. Schmitt
John J. Scocca, PhD
Joseph R. Sharpe III
Albert J. Solecki
Edward R. Solvibile
Michael E. Sullivan, PhD
George J. Ward
George F. West
Martin F. Whalen
Robert J. Wilkin, Jr., CPA
Kenneth J. Woodring
Class of 1959
Arnold A. Buben
John E. Butkovich, Esq.
LTC Robert B. Byrnes, USA(Ret)
William J. Cashin, Jr.
Frank R. Colantuono
Patrick J. Conner
Stephen W. Cook
John W. Coyle
Kevin P. Coyle
Patrick J. Cronin
James D. Deasy, Esq.
Louis F. Donaghue, MD
James S. Dooley, Esq.
Joseph P. Dougherty, PhD
Francis J. Driscoll
Thomas C. Elsasser
Joseph M. Evancich
Mark J. Gallagher
Joseph C. Hall
Joseph E. Harkins
CDR Francis D. Heckler, USN(Ret.)
James A. Helwig, PhD
Gerald L. Henderson
Francis J. Herron
John F. Igoe
John B. Kaczur
John J. Kane, Jr.
Raymond E. Kerollis III
George J. Koenig
Lawrence G. Leese
Harry M. Magrisi
John M. Maguire
J. Scott Maxwell, Esq.
Francis X. McFadden, Jr.
Cornelius P. McKelvey
Joseph P. McNichol
Raymond J. Mergliano
Richard A. Miehle
J. Robert Mitek
Robert J. Moran, Esq.
Rev. Msgr. Thomas A. Murray
Robert J. Niessen
John L. O’Donnell
Louis E. Oswald
Arthur W. Pagan
Francis J. Pagano
Eugene J. Park
Thomas J. Quinlan, Jr.
Joseph M. Ridgway
John T. Rogalski
Thomas H. Ronan, Jr.
Daniel J. Sandman, PhD
Frederick J. Shaughnessy, Jr.
James H. Smith
Robert M. Smith
Robert F. Stranix
Philip A. Sullivan
Frank C. Sulzbach, ACSW
Wilfred J. Vaudreuil
Joseph A. Volk, Jr.
Joseph P. Wargo, Jr.
Raymond L. Weinmann
William J. Williams
Randolph E. Wise
Joseph H. Zilligen
Class of 1960
50-Year Reunion
In Conjunction
with Graduation
June 4-5, 2010
Class of 1960
H. John Appleton
Robert J. Bettacchi
Carl E. Blyskal
Carl J. Cangelosi
La Salle College High School means a caring institution managed
in the Christian Brothers tradition that tries, in many, many ways, to
foster the development of better young men who will make a
positive contribution to our society. I support La Salle because I think it is
a unique and outstanding high school. It has had a positive impact on the lives
of thousands of young men including me.
Charlie Dunleavy ’61
J. Peter Clark, PhD
James J. Coll, Jr.
Dennis W. Cronin, MD
Michael J. DeSantis
Laurence F. Elias
William L. Garberina, PhD
Robert J. Gizinski
Howard R. Guarini
Robert F. Guerin, Sr.
Henry J. Keller
Edward W. Kelly
Bro. Richard Kestler, FSC
Thomas P. Kilroy
James M. Kowalczyk
George M. Kozub
John F. Lehman, Jr., PhD
George J. Lordi, Jr.
Mark J. Malone
Eugene J. McGonigle, PhD
Thomas P. McGorry, MD
Thomas F. Murphy
John A. Newell
George P. Nicolaus
Richard E. Panati
Leslie E. Schmalbach, Jr.
CDR Francis R. Wesh, USN(Ret.)
David R. Woll
Class of 1961
John W. Becher, DO
Donald F. Burns
John L. Byrnes
William A. Cheney
Thomas R. Crow
29 Explorer Fall 2009
Joseph T. Cunnane, CPA
Joseph J. Curry, PhD
Michael F. Doyle
Charles E. Dunleavy, Jr.
Charles J. Durney
Col. John E. Feret, USA(Ret)
Michael C. Foley
Michael J. Ginieczki, MD
Patrick W. Givey
Donald A. Gordon
John T. Greene III
Thomas J. Hipp, MD
Raymond J. Leary
Joseph F. Lynch
James P. McFadden
Joseph P. McLaughlin, Jr.
Donald W. Rider
Sigmond S. Rutkowski, Jr., DO
Robert T. Schmitt
Carl J. Schwab
William R. Sharpe, PhD
Albert H. Them III
John D. Whiteman, PhD
Class of 1962
Joseph P. Cattie, Jr.
Donald D. Fanelle
Joseph A. Fanelli
Edwin J. Feeny, Jr.
Vincent J. Flynn
Joseph C. Gallagher, DO
Harry J. Harp
Thomas K. Hendrick
Walter J. Kaminski
Geoffrey J. Kierstead
James L. Littlefield, MD
William M. Maguire
Herbert C. Matthews, Jr.
Gerald V. McDevitt
Joseph E. McGonigle
Col. Paul E. Miehle, USA
Kevin M. O’Neill
Joseph M. Osborne
Thomas J. Pagan
William J. Schenkel
W. Ellis Smith, DMD
Victor O. Stango
Henry P. Stoebenau, Jr.
John R. Thomas
Joseph M. Weidner
James M. Wilson
Class of 1963
Louis J. Beccaria, PhD
Lawrence F. Cantono
James F. Casey
M. Alan Cinquino
Francis A. DeSantis
Edward J. Drach
Frank J. Eisenhart, Jr., Esq.
John P. Fisher, DDS
Louis C. Galzerano
John H. Halas
Daniel G. Heyberger
Edward E. Houseman, Esq.
Francis J. Krimm, Jr.
Anthony J. Le Storti
Stanley B. Lorek
Christopher J. Matthews
Michael J. McGee
Albert J. McGlynn
Joseph A. Nickels III
Reuben J. Nyvelt
Thomas M. O’Keefe
Joseph A. Ratkovic
Myroslaw J. Ryndyk
John M. Schmalbach, EdD
Edmund F. Swiacki
Joseph E. Turk
Timothy E. Urbanski, MD
Lawrence A. Walsh
Charles J. Walters
Daniel J. Whelan, Esq.
Col. Joseph C. Yannessa, USMC
Class of 1964
Arthur J. Ansert, Jr.
William J. Cattie III, Esq.
Joseph J. Colistra, Jr.
LTC Philip V. Coyle, USA(Ret)
James A. Cunningham
Thomas C. Gallagher, Esq.
Stephen J. Hodgson
J. David Johnson, CPA
James P. Joyce
Richard D. Kendrick
John M. Kilduff
V. Thomas Kozub
Bernard W. Kurek, DMD
Henry H. Lynch
Daniel J. Maguire, Jr.
John D. Markowski
G. Frank McKnight III
John J. McMahon
Joseph P. Mullen III, MD
Rev. Joseph V. Mulligan
Nicholas F. Piazzola
Francis W. Sauerwald
Anthony M. Stonis
John A. Whiteside, CPA
Robert A. Yacobellis
La Salle made a difference in my own life and continues to make a difference in
the lives of countless young men. My support of La Salle ensures that the school can
continue to do for others what it did for me. The success of its students and alums is tangible
evidence of La Salle’s success as well as my support of their efforts.
Michael McCarthy ’65
Class of 1965
45-Year Reunion
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Class of 1965
Edward J. Belcak
Francis J. Bogle, Jr.
Joseph R. Buckley
Jerald L. Caruso
James H. Crumbie III
John M. Daly, MD
Gerald P. Daskilewicz
James W. Degnan, PhD
John M. Derderian
Joseph F. Donoghue, PhD
Marc Doyle
Hon. David M. Duffy
Richard A. Durso
Ronald D. Fasano
Daniel B. Flynn
RADM John B. Foley III, USN(Ret.)
Glenn L. Fricke, EdD
Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Garvin
Joseph A. Goldbeck, Jr., Esq.
Glenn A. Haig
Robert F. Hamburger
W. Joseph Hetherington, Esq.
Larry P. Hill
Frank L. Iaquinta, Jr.
Michael F. Jeffers, Jr.
Michael C. Komelasky, MD
Albert G. Kroll, Esq.
Francis P. Laska
CDR Robert J. Logan, USN(Ret.)
Thomas V. McBride
30 Explorer Fall 2009
Brother Gratian of Jesus
Environmental Study Center
Route 309
Flannery Field
Ward Field
New Athletic Fields
Paper Mill Road
Hawthorne Lane
Fall 2009
Salle College
High School shared a campus with La Salle College until the fall of
1960 when it moved from 20th Street and Olney Avenue to its present campus in
Springfield Township, Montgomery County. The school was built on the on the former
Belcroft estate of Clarence E. Brown and with the move, La Salle College High School
remained in close proximity of the city, but had greater space in which to grow
and develop.
In 1992, the school began construction on a five-story academic wing that added a
new library and information center (McShain Library), a computer center, a media
broadcast center, a faculty work center and lounge, instructional classrooms, a lecture
hall, and an art studio. The new addition was named St. Michael Hall in remembrance
of the school’s humble roots at St. Michael Parish in North Philadelphia, where
La Salle College High School first opened its doors in 1858.
Upper Bartley Field
Lower Bartley Field
Christian Brothers’ Residence
David Center
Outdoor Pool
Marian Chapel
West Wing
Indoor Pool
Lourdes Shrine
McLean Hall
St. Michael Hall
Main Entrance/Exit
Alumni House
Allinson House
Tennis Courts
Meehan Field
Dunleavy Center
New Four-Level,
40,000 Square Foot Addition
In response to the needs of thriving athletic and music programs, the three-story
West Wing was built in 2002 and houses a large ensemble practice room, instrumental
instruction rooms, and a music computer lab. In addition, the facility is home to a
state-of-the-art fitness center and a multi-purpose practice facility.
In conjunction with the celebration of its 150th Anniversary, the school embarked on its
most ambitious project in an effort to improve facilities. Three new athletic fields, an
environmental study area, and a walking path were developed on 30 acres of adjacent land
that was acquired in 2007. A four-level, 40,000 square foot academic addition now houses
classrooms and science labs, a chapel, a campus ministry center, a counseling center,
a study commons, and a second technology center.
32 Explorer Fall 2009
Michael D. McCarthy
Bro. Michael J. McGinniss, FSC, PhD
Thomas W. McIntyre
Stephen J. McNichol
Edward F. Moore III
Hal F. Muller
Michael J. Normile
J. Gregory Pirmann
Joseph M. Queenan
Joseph J. Wallace
Mark F. Valenti
Bro. Robert R. Wilsbach, FSC
Class of 1966
John M. Bissell
Charles J. Boris
John J. Fitzgibbons, Jr.
Timothy J. Foley
Charles A. Genuardi
William J. Gibbons, MD
Dominic P. Girondo
William C. Hamilton, MD
Hon. Richard J. Hodgson
Albert W. Keller III
Donald E. Kotas
William G. Kozub, Esq.
Jan L. Krzywicki
Denis J. Lawler, Esq.
Thomas M. Lofgren
John A. Loftus, PE
William J. Markmann, MD
William J. Marr
Michael J. Masington
Robert F. McAnespey
John B. McCormick
John F. McDevitt, Jr., Esq.
Peter M. McGonigle, Esq.
John J. O’Donnell, MD
Robert J. Pannepacker, Sr.
Paul P. Partyka
Dennis J. Reid
Rev. Gerald C. Ronan
Thomas L. Scully, CPA
Patrick M. Smith
Michael R. Taylor, CAE
Frank J. Wesner, Jr., Esq.
Edward J. White
Michael J. Wilkin
Class of 1967
Rev. Mark C. Aita, SJ, MD
Thomas J. Baldino, PhD
Kevin G. Bogle
Stephen J. Bukowski
Wayne G. Campbell
Edward W. DeAngelis
Ellwood G. Derricks
Richard W. Fairchild
Robert E. Field
John M. FitzSimmons, MD
Kevin P. Flynn
S. John Gorman IV
Gerald M. Greco, VMD
Michael R. Hogan
Edward J. Hughes, Esq.
Michael F. Jordan
Edward L. Kershner
George F. Komelasky
Richard E. Kreipe, MD
Christopher M. Lehman, PhD
Robert G. Liberatore
John P. Lohn
Vincent M. Lorusso, Esq.
Capt. John B. McGill, USN(Ret.)
James P. McIntyre
John J. McMenamin, Jr.
Bro. Thomas McPhillips, FSC, PhD
John F. Meehan, Jr.
Paul H. Muessig
Francis E. Murphy
Joseph T. Murphy, Jr., Esq.
Anthony P. Neri
Ronald J. Pendrak
Frank V. Radomski III
Joseph F. Slabinski III
John M. Turzer
Samuel J. Viola
Robert P. Vogt
John J. Whalen
Charles J. Zapiec
Class of 1968
Raymond C. Andries, MD
Kevin F. Brett
Michael D. Burke
David P. Cattie
Raymond J. Colaianni
Michael R. Dickey
Harry K. Dolaway
Bernard P. Dowling
William M. Drayton
John C. Fenningham, Esq.
Thomas A. Finley
Anthony J. Gillespie
William F. Hartman
Michael J. Hathaway
Albert W. Kellenbenz
John F. Kent, Esq.
James A. Kuklinski
Stephen L. McGonigle
Michael P. McKenna, Esq.
Joseph P. Millet, Jr., RPh
Edward N. Molush, Jr.
Joseph A. O’Neill
Michael A. O’Toole
Mary and I support La Salle for a number of reasons. I am appreciative
of the quality and caring education I received and we are both
grateful for the lifelong friendships that developed with so many
classmates, Christian Brothers, lay faculty and staff. We wish to help other
young men enjoy the benefits of a Lasallian education. La Salle College High School
has become a home away from home for us. We have spent so many enjoyable
days and evenings at the school that it truly feels like home. Each year we are
impressed by the quality of young men who form the graduating class. Their
accomplishments – in academics, athletics, extracurricular activities, and service –
make us proud to be part of this tradition of excellence. Mary and Bob Moran ’69
Joseph G. Pigeon, PhD
Joseph J. Posimo
William R. Powell
Chester J. Salwach, PhD
Anthony C. Santopolo, MD
Michael E. Ternosky
Charles J. Walsh, Jr.
J. Michael Whitaker, MD
Dominic J. Yanni, Jr.
Class of 1969
Stephen F. Andrilli, PhD
Lawrence E. Angstadt
John J. Barrett
Gerard J. Binder
William F. Brinkmann, Jr.
Kevin C. Colgan
John A. Corr
William T. Cunnane
William R. Deiss, Esq.
Stephen P. Dougherty
Christopher J. Doyle
Vincent P. Everman, Jr.
William D. Fox, Jr.
John W. Furtek
Laurence P. Genuardi
Thomas J. Givnish, PhD
Joseph A. Greco
Robert J. Guerra, Esq.
Joseph F. Hartnett, Jr.
Edward B. Horahan III, Esq.
John J. Horan
Rev. Anthony W. Janton
H. William Jesse, Jr.
Charles F. Kappler, Esq.
James R. Koller
Walter J. Konopka
James W. Kurtz
33 Explorer Fall 2009
Anthony M. Landis, DO
E. Dennis Lehman, Jr.
Eugene J. Maginnis, Esq.
William F. Maher, Jr.
Salvatore V. Mattoccia, CPA
Joseph D. McGowan
Edward F. McMahon
William J. McManus, Esq.
William J. Meis, DO
Geoffrey A. Meyer
Thomas D. Michel
Andrew J. Milligan, PhD
Robert P. Moran
Daniel E. Morehouse
Jeffrey N. Morgan, AIA
Thomas J. Murphy, Jr.
Dennis J. Normile
Dennis J. O’Brien
Dennis J. O’Hara, PhD
Joseph M. Pascuzzo, DO
James M. Paulits
Michael J. Popkins, Esq.
John A. Pron, DPM
Timothy M. Reardon
Michael J. Ruddy, MD
Paul G. Schott
W. Trevor Swan, Jr.
Raymond J. Tatlow III
John F. Walsh, Esq.
Arthur A. Warren, Esq.
William J. Wasylenko, Jr.
Robert D. Willemin
Joseph T. Winning
Joseph J. Zaiss, Jr.
George G. Zoller
Class of 1970
40-Year Reunion
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Class of 1970
Joseph E. Abbott
Raymond S. Angelo
Henry J. Brady
John D. Brinkmann, Esq.
Joseph S. Camardo, MD
Philip E. Cassidy, Jr.
James L. Coffey
James F. Corcoran, CPA
John M. Donahue, Esq.
Charles J. Dunton, MD
Michael J. Gallagher, DDS
Patrick J. Gallagher
James J. Garrity, Esq.
James F. Gentilcore
Edward J. Grady III
James R. Hackney
Roy D. Hanshaw, Jr.
John J. Hoban
Frederick K.H. Hoeck
John M. Hubbs
Robert M. Hughes
Robert L. Jesse, MD
Dennis J. Kelley
Robert J. Laskowski, MD
Frank R. Lindh
Michael J. Logan
Joseph C. Magarity
James F. Mahoney, CPA
Brig. Gen. Joseph J. McMenamin,
Joseph A. Mirabile
William E. Morton
David T. Naab
Richard A. Rothwell, DDS
Alfred P. Salvitti
Richard J. Santangelo
Joseph G. Shea
William T. Svihel
Walter L. Updegrave
Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr.
George L. Young, Jr., Esq.
Class of 1971
Raymond P. Bain, PhD
Richard J. Barrett
Robert E. Biddle, Jr.
George F. Butler
Mark J. Christie
William J. Crawford
Jerome F. Dean
James J. Devery
Richard D. DiBella
John J. DiNella, DPM
Stephen T.(Dec’d. 2008) Dugan
Timothy F. Dwyer, CFP
Robert J. Fitzmyer, Jr.
James J. Flynn III
William J. Galbally, Esq.
James R. Guntle, Jr.
Thomas C. Lowry, Esq.
Robert J. McCreight, Sr.
John J. Michele
Peter E. Moore, Esq.
Dennis E. Nolen
Edward J. O’Brien III
Gerard A. Plourde, Esq.
Rev. Gerald P. Ragan
John C. Redmond III
Joseph A. Simone
Class of 1972
Richard Ansel
James T. Belcher
William J. Benz, Esq.
Christian J. Bradley
Richard S. Carlin, CPA
Rev. Steven E. Clark
Kevin J. Cornely
LTC James F. Dittrich, USA(Ret)
Charles H. Dougherty, Jr.
Stephen A. Gardner
William A. Geiger, Jr.
Gaetano P. Giordano
Father John P.(Dec’d. 2007)
Gutekunst Estate
Robert F. Harchut, Esq.
Gerald T. Hathaway, Esq.
William W. Haury, Jr., Esq.
Edward J. Heraty
W. Mark Hinkel
Timothy P. Hughes
Steven M. Javie
Gregory J. Kochanowicz
George J. Konesky III
Thomas P. Lehman, MD
Mark F. Magarity
Michael A. Maiale
Paul T. McGurkin
Brian J. McHugh
Stephen P. Mountain
Matthew P. Mullen, MD
Nicholas Rongione
Mark D. Sutton
Robert T. Szostak, Esq.
Mike K. Thompson, Esq.
P. James Toolan, Esq.
Thomas J. Walsh
Lawrence T. White
William A. Whiteside III
Vincent J. Wolfinger, Jr.
I support La Salle because it was the most important
educational experience I have had in my career. I realized
this when my nephew, C.J. ’11, told his parents that he
wanted to go to La Salle because he had heard me say
this to them. I never formally spoke to him but he understood
that I recieved excellent teaching and a desire for lifelong
learning at La Salle. I am proud to be in a position to help support
the mission of the Brothers and the academic goals of educating
young men and leaders of the future.
Charles Dunton ’70
34 Explorer Fall 2009
Class of 1973
Ernest M. Behr
Brian J. Burke
Sean P. Colgan
Joseph M. Connell
Anthony W. Coulter
Mark A. Daniele, Esq.
Nicholas A. DiBello
John W. Fornace, DO
Bruce R. Givnish
Carl W. Graf
Edward J. Grubb
Nicholas J. Harris
Vincent J. Hee
Michael A. Jankowski, Esq.
Thomas J. Keating
Mark C. Kradzinski
Gary S. LaPalombara
Rory J. Lawler
George T. Magnatta, Esq.
John G. Malone, Esq.
John V. Mastronardo
John P. McShea III
Hon. William A. Meehan, Jr.
Robert N. C. Nix III, Esq.
Henry M. O’Donnell
Michael J. Quigg
John J. Quinn III, Esq.
David J. Schlosser
Philip E. Smith
Christopher M. Szal
John J. Waldron, Esq.
Robert E. Wallace, PhD
Lee F. Weinstein
John L. Williams
Class of 1974
Gerald V. Angilletta
Lloyd C. Beck, Jr.
Stephen J. Burns
Mark B. Carney
Michael W. Cassidy, Esq.
Timothy D. Cherney
Walter W. Dearolf III, MD
Thomas DeBerardinis, MD
Stanley T. Depman, MD
Peter M. DiBattiste, MD
Donald J. Dolaway
Terence J. Dooley
Michael D. Durkin
Joseph P. Dwyer, Sr., CPA
Gerard T. Foley, CIC
William A. Garrity, Jr.
Thomas J. Hoban
Kevin V. Kelley
Paul J. Kelly III, CPA
Walter J. Kielar
Bruce D. Konopka
John A. Masucci, PhD
John F. McGeehan
Thomas J. McGovern III
Robert H. McLaren, CPA
Michael P. Meehan, Esq.
Ronald P. Moser
Timothy O. Nolen, Esq.
Terence C. O’Neill
Louis A. Santoro, Jr.
Christopher H. Strolle
Rudi H. Trickel
Joseph R. Whelpley
Michael R. Wisniewski
Class of 1975
35-Year Reunion
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Class of 1975
Thomas A. Belcher
Joseph A. Benz
John H. Brand
John F. Burns, Jr.
Alfred D. Campellone, MD
Joseph A. Checchio, DDS
Richard C. Connor
Charles M. Day, Jr.
Michael P. Donnelly
William E. Dougherty
Joseph J. Eble, USN(Ret.)
Paul J. Egitto
John S. Fioravanti, CPA
Gerard H. Gallagher, Jr.
Jay M. Haenn, Jr.
Joseph D. Harris, PhD
Richard C. Harris
John Harrison IV
Philip J. Horn, Jr., MD
Timothy J. Lawler
Kellen G. Leister
James J. McCleery
Joseph F. McKenna
Edward J. Mortka
Kevin M. Mulderig, Esq.
William J. Nolan
Donald J. Rongione
Larry P. Spinosa
Edward G. Stafford
John C. Suchy
David F. Wasilewski, RN
Joseph A. Weitzman
James T. White
Michael J. Williams
Joseph A. Young
Lance A. Zeglen
Class of 1976
Michael L. Brown
John M. Buonomo, DO
Richard B. Calvitti
William A. Clark, PhD
CDR William F. Danella, USN(Ret.)
Capt. J. Christopher Daniel, MD
Matthew J. Dougherty, MD
Michael J. Driscoll, Jr.
Thomas Durling, Esq.
Patrick M. Foley
David A. Geppert
Ronald S. Guerra
Joseph P. Hand, Jr.
Friedrich S. Kramer, PhD
Peter A. Lehman
John J. Love III
Dennis P. Lynch
Anthony J. Maginnis
John M. McHale
Matthew J. Mihalich
Patrick J. Noonan
David A. Ragan
William A. Rothwell III
William J. Selph, Jr.
James J. Staudt
James J. Stokes III
John P. Toy
Gary J. Uzelac, CPCU
Roderick K. von Lipsey
Col. Joseph G. Webster, USAF
Class of 1977
Thomas G. Bachinsky
James C. Braca
Toby W. Bracken
Joseph J. Brooks
Mark C. Brown
Scott A. Chesna
John L. Czarnecki
Michael T. Dachowski, DMD
We support La Salle for a couple of reasons. As an alum, I have relationships with fellow alums going back to the early
seventies and even further when I think that my brother started there in 1965. These guys are some of my best friends and
form a network of people that have the common thread of being heavily influenced by the Christian Brothers which fosters a strong
loyalty to each other. There is a solid core value theme that is also part of this experience which is reflected in family values and service
to others. The Christian Brothers helped foster this. We also have had the experience of seeing our sons enjoy their time and seeing the
same theme repeated. We have one son done and another in his second year. Those three years will pass too quickly, but the bonds will
last forever. Tony Maginnis ’76
35 Explorer Fall 2009
Donald M. Duffy, CPA
Frederick J. Gerngross, Sr., Esq.
H. Martin Grasmeder III, MD
Anthony D. Gulla, RPh
Stanley J. Heleniak, DMD
Sean H. Lutek
Paul J. Maginnis
Del C. Markward
Michael P. McIntyre
Brian J. McShea
Timothy M. O’Neill, RA
George T. Riley
Kevin M. Roddy
David J. Schofield
John J. Sciolla
William J. Smart
John V. Steinmetz
Gerardo D. Ventresca, Jr.
John W. Wozniak
Mark J. Zielinski
Class of 1978
Thomas J. Amodie
Michael D. Beatty
James F. Behr
Paul M. Benyovszky
Richard Catrambone, PhD
Christopher J. Cimini
Thomas J. Curran
Edward A. Dachowski, MD
John F. Danella, MD
Kevin A. Dunleavy, Esq.
Alfred A. Foley
Brian Gemzik, PhD
Timothy E. Gillespie
Richard F. Heany
Josef J. Kramer
Anthony Labella
Joseph M. Lehman
Bernard L. Lopez, MD
Gerard M. Lowery, CPA
Capt. Steven A. Malloy, USN
Andrew J. Malone, CPA
Anthony Mascino
Michael P. McCabe
Joseph J. McCreavy
Daniel McGill
Peter A. Nolan
Richard A. Panettieri
Timothy J. Przybylowski
Randall Reichelt
Peter M. Schofield
Matthew J. Singer
John C. Stipa
David J. Willgruber
Class of 1979
Michael A. Becker, DO
Mark A. Campellone
Stephen A. Cholewiak
James C. Driscoll
Robert C. Dunne
Patrick J. Farris, Esq.
Laurence P. Finnegan III
Charles Hilpl
William M. Janssen, Esq.
George D. Johnson, Jr.
Daniel J. Kane, MD
Patrick J. Kenney
Rodolphe Kraeher
John A. Loftus, Jr.
Dr. David P. McCarthy
James P. McCormick, MD
Scott R. McLaren
Austin A. Meehan
Al J. Menkhaus, Jr.
Vincent J. Murray, DDS
Thomas V. O’Kane
John S. Ondik IV
Sean P. O’Neill
Daniel Price
Edward J. Quinn
Joseph F. Rush
Riley T. Smith
Raymond C. Szmigiel
Frank J. White, MD
Michael J. Yuengling
Ronald J. Zoldy
Class of 1980
30-Year Reunion
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Class of 1980
Martin J. Andrejko
LTC John Borek, USA
William J. Burger, Jr.
Cornelius G. Curran
Damian D. Dachowski, DMD
Joseph E. Danella
Richard P. Deasy, DMD
Anthony J. DePaul
Anthony M. DiLucia, Jr.
Stefano DiPietro
Samuel J. Gabriel
James P. Gibbons
Edward J. Giera
Peter A. Glascott, Jr., PhD
Phillip M. Goldman
My financial support of La Salle College High School is a continuation
of my immediate and extended-family’s commitment to the school.
A commitment which began with my older brother’s enrollment, followed by my
own, and then several nephews. The rigorous curriculum, arts, and athletic programs offered a learning experience we have come to appreciate. These aspects,
supported by its Christian foundation, create a unique advancement experience
for young men; one in which we want to advance.
Chris Haley ’86
John D. Horger
John A. Keenan
John D. LaRocca, Esq.
Michael A. Marek
Dennis J. McFadden, Jr.
Michael A. McLane
Scott T. McNutt
Charles Mirarchi
Frederick C. Mischler
Walter F. Norris, Jr.
Joseph J. O’Connor
Craig F. O’Donnell
Thomas V. O’Kane
Thomas C. Porth
James D. Princivalle
John F. Quigley III
Timothy J. Rafter
James J. Rodden
Kenneth M. Roessler
Adam R. Stefanowicz, Jr.
Michael J. Tamburri
Menno L. Tielman
Class of 1981
Michael J. Adams, DMD
Dr. William B. Bachinsky, MD
James W. Durkin
Richard L. Duszak, Jr., MD
Edward (Ward) J. Fitzgerald III
Joseph L. Foley
Michael P. Gregor
Neill C. Kling, Esq.
William P. Loftus
LTC Michael J. Masucci, USAF(Ret.)
Raymond J. McCaffrey
Mark S. McNulty
Edward A. Minguez
36 Explorer Fall 2009
Mark T. Mischler
Joseph G. Motz
Thomas M. O’Brien
David C. Ott
Philip F. Radomski
Edward W. Ruane, DPM
Vincent J. Tague, Jr.
Paul D. Vozzo
John A. Weinrich
James M. Williamson
R. Brian Stefanowicz
Thomas M. Thistle III, Esq.
Robert M. Thompson, Jr.
John P. Toner
James H. White
George A. Winslow
Glenn J. Wolfinger, DMD
Robert F. Young
John N. Zacharko
Joseph A. Zebrowski
Class of 1982
James F. Basile, Esq.
Gregory J. Buck
Christopher M. Carabello
Mark A. Casale
Joseph A. Ciasullo
Kevin R. Connor
Robert F. Costello, Jr.
Kevin M. Cregan, MD
Harvey R. deKrafft
Charles E. Dolaway IV
Franco R. D’Orazio
David T. Espenshade, Jr.
Kevin E. Flynn
Kevin F. Funchion, CFA
Michael F. Funchion
Terence P. Gillespie
Charles M. Greenberg
Francis J. Harkins
Daniel J. Hyman, DO
Daniel P. Kelley
Sean E. Mahoney
Clifford M. Mars
J. Ronald Martin, Jr.
William P. McLaughlin
Andrew M. Meehan
Gregg R. Melinson
John J. Mischler
Christopher E. Murphy
Joseph B. Shott
Class of 1983
Thomas P. Burns
James J. Carroll, Jr.
Mark T. Celoni, PE
William J. Cummings, Jr.
Kevin J. Dunphy
Sean P. Flynn
Christopher J. Foley
Daniel J. Grasmeder
John J. Grogan, Esq.
Philip S. Harris
Carl W. Holmes, Jr., Esq.
James F. Keenan
Joby Kolsun, DO
Charles T. Lloyd
David J. Martosella
John R. McGann, Jr.
Joseph E. McQuillan
Stephen G. Meyer
Kevin M. Mirsch
Joseph T. Morrissey, Jr.
Norman J. Rahn III
John D. Rilling, CPA
Harry E. Smith III
Jay D. Susanin
John P. Young
Class of 1984
Matthew H. Bradley
Edward H. Busse III
David M. Casale
Kevin S. Christine
Vincent J. Cuce’
Michael F. D’Angelo
John R. Dolaway
David N. D’Orazio
Paul J. Grous
Eric D. Lintner
Thomas P. McGuckin
William P. McKee, Jr.
William L. McKernan, CPA
Robert G. Sykes
Richard Van Fossen
Carl A. Waldspurger, PhD
James P. Waters III
Scott H. Wolpert, Esq.
Class of 1985
25-Year Reunion
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Class of 1985
Joseph J. Bradley, Jr.
Arthur J. Burke III, Esq.
Joseph P. Cattie III
Mark M. Chadwick
Martin G. Dean
Christopher T. Doran
Joseph F. Hackman
Christopher T. Janssen
Brian F. McCaffrey
Timothy W. McNamara
John B. Millard III
Michael T. Miller
Chuck Minnich IV CFA
Mark A. Oberholzer
Keith J. Pensabene
James M. Price
Francis X. Rafter
Andrew J. Ragusa
What was great about my experience at La Salle in the 1980’s has only been improved
with time. The support and friendship amongst administrators, teachers, underclassmen
and upperclassmen was one of the things I loved about my time there, and this
appears to remain unchanged. The facilities speak for themselves. The depth of the academic,
artistic, and athletic offerings provides opportunities to all types of students. La Salle is such a warm
and welcoming community, there is no better place that I could imagine sending my sons.
Sean Flynn ’83
William C. Regli III, PhD
Bernard E. Saxon
Richard J. Sherman, Jr.
Peter R. Sigmund, Jr.
Francis W. Worthington, Esq.
Class of 1986
Ronald M. Bean
Marc J. Colletti
Lawrence W. Daly
Anthony R. D’Angelo
James A. Donahue III
Timothy J. Ernst
John F. Fitzpatrick, Jr.
Brian J. Grady
Timothy E. Green
Frank T. Gregor
Christopher P. Haley
Elmer F. Hansen III
Andrew M. Kraft
Dale E. Lintner, Jr.
John B. Londergan
Peter V. Lyons
William W. Matthews III, Esq.
J. Sean McCook
John J. Meko, Jr.
Keith T. Melinson
Edmund B. Moore II
Mark J. Noonan
Joseph J. O’Connor III
Thomas J. O’Malley, Esq.
D. Scott Porreca
Andrew D. Stockmal
Robert F. Weikel, Jr.
37 Explorer Fall 2009
Class of 1987
Joshua D. Baer
Christopher M. Bullick
John M. Casper
Brendan M. Coghlan
Anthony D. Consolo
Frank G. Gagliano
Charles L. Gemmi III, DMD
John R. Kichula
Edward P. Lemanowicz, Esq.
Patrick T. McGinn
Edward F. Moore IV
Stanley A. Szpindor, Jr.
Andrew J. Wiley
Stephen L. Williamson
Class of 1988
Joseph C. Atkinson
Michael J. Beveridge
John J. Coscia, Jr.
Paul C. Danella
Raymond T. Huggett, CPA
Kenneth J. Madden
William J. Maher
David J. McNamara
James D. Morrissey III
Gregory P. Rietzke
John J. Schaefer
Edward A. Wentz
Paul Wynn
Michael J. Ziff
Class of 1989
Stephen J. Bacica, CPA
Paetrus F. Banmiller III
Stephen R. Brennan, Jr.
Michael J. Clemente
Thomas F. Gibbons, Jr.
T. Christopher Kelly
David J. Kratz
Timothy P. McMahon
Christopher R. Meagher
Austin J. Noonan, DC
Sean T. O’Hara
Gregory R. Ryan
Andrew M. Savysky, Esq.
John M. Stack III
Brian G. Willis, PhD
Class of 1990
20-Year Reunion
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Class of 1990
Matthew P. Booth
Brendan P. Boyle
Nicholas J. Caputo, DO
Daniel M. DeDominic
Kirk H. Dolaway
Robert F. Donahue
Martin E. Feeny
William E. Francoeur
Jason R. Gathman
Kevin T. Hipp
Ryan R. Marsh
Christopher L. Matthews
Patrick J. McMonagle, Esq.
Brian F. Sandella
Christopher W. Schalleur
Eric M. Shelton
Christopher D. Swanson
Class of 1991
Mark D. Campbell
A. Christopher Dezzi, Jr.
Craig M. Fitzgerald
Kevin J. Koch
Erik M. Link
Domenic J. Maida
Stephen M. Matthews
Joseph F. X. Morrissey
Andrew J. Mullen
Brian J. Poehlmann
Daniel A. Rakowski, MD
Kevin M. Scully
Francis E. Sheridan
Michael E. Wilkin
Class of 1992
Leo J. Burke III
Thomas N. Craig
Richard J. Durso, CFP
Daniel S. File
Mark A. Gibbons
S. John Gorman V
William J. Jones, Jr.
Joseph P. Logan
James F. Maloney
Joseph W. Markmann
Andrew J. Morrisroe III
Craig J. Pensabene
Daniel J. Ryan
Class of 1993
Brendan J. Boland
Paul D. Cassidy
Kevin P. Conlin
Douglas J. Demeter
Paul W. Dolaway
Gerald J. Fasy
Paul W. Halczenko, MD
Gerard J. Hartey
Joseph M. Junod
Kevin D. Kent, Esq.
Gregory T. Lavin
James E. Maloney, Jr., PE
Timothy J. Maxwell
Francis J. McCann III
Morgan J. McClure
Patrick T. McGowan
Kevin M. McNichol
Kevin M. Olender
William J. Palm
Michael J. Parella
Bradley J. Sandella
W. Henry Sharkey
Christopher C. Smith
Joseph W. Zalewski
Class of 1994
William T. Bell
James S. Butcher
Stephen F. Duncheskie
Robert S. Duszak
Timothy J. Erb, Jr.
John F. Eriksen
Thomas J. Fithian
James A. Gorman
Robert B. Hendrick, Jr.
Christopher E. Holwick
C. Todd Lofgren
Vincent M. Lorusso, Jr.
John E. Markowski
John V. McKee, Jr.
Thomas J. McLaughlin III
Kyle S. Miller
Daniel P. Pritchard
Brian P. Romano
Daniel E. Shilkitus
James J. Watson
Michael J. Witkowski
Class of 1995
15-Year Reunion
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Class of 1995
Thomas J. Barnes
Harry C. Citrino III
Joseph F. Colistra, III
Adam N. Donahue
Michael W. Fedyna, Jr.
Kyle M. Gallagher
Charles A. Halpin IV
Ryan C. Harrington
Peter V. Madden
Thomas V. Madden
Patrick D. Murray
Frank C. Palopoli, Jr.
Joseph A. Santangelo
Robert F. Sautter, Jr.
John P. Tatu
Craig S. Vondercrone
Our reason for supporting La Salle College High School could not be said better than our son’s own words.
Before he left for his last deployment to Iraq, he sent a letter of recommendation to La Salle for a prospective
student. In that letter he spoke of the many aspects of the school that were so influential in his life. He went on to add that
with his responsibilities of leading our nation’s young men around the world he realized the power of his Lasallian education.
Finally, he said how great it was to visit La Salle and to see the place and people that so greatly impacted his ability to lead
and serve. Travis is recognized throughout the Marine Corps for his outstanding leadership and his selfless service to our
country and mankind. La Salle was a big part of nurturing those foundational characteristics that allowed Travis to make a
difference for others.
Tom and Janet Manion
38 Explorer Fall 2009
Class of 1996
Brian M. Appleby
Jeffrey M. Bauder
William T. Donohoe, Jr.
Daniel P. Fay
J. Raymond Fitzpatrick III, MD
Christopher Gange
Patrick W. Gorman
Matthew F. Lewandowski II
Craig A. Petruzzelli
J. Andrew Sharkey
Gregory J. Ventresca
Class of 1997
Patrick T. Casey
Carlos A. Castaneda, PhD
John M. Hammond
Thomas F. Lamprecht, Esq.
Michael A. Mattia
Stephen D. McElroy
Michael W. Morsell
Stephen T. Palopoli
Paul J. Read, MD
George G. Thiers
James L. Waters
Daniel J. Yu
Class of 1998
Keith P. Adams
Eric E. Andruczyk
Edward J. Bongard III
Justin E. Capetola
Stephen W. Crognale, Jr.
Thomas S. Cross, Jr.
Thomas Curran
Timothy S. Danaher
Saurabh S. Desai
Paul M. D’Orazio
Timothy B. Fenningham
Puri L. Garzone III
Matthew G. Holbert
Robert J. Miller
Rajesh C. Noronha
Jason J. Olcese
William J. Reid
David A. Schmel
Gregory P. Thomas
John E. Travers
Ryan M. Tuman
James C. Wilson
Class of 1999
Evan S. Behr
Kevin Brewster
Richard J. Carminati
Vincent A Carr, Jr.
Jeremy R. Cooke
Thomas J. Dowds
Sean P. Heron
Michael D. Kilkenny
Stephen J. Klarich
Matthew J. Lendzinski
Sean P. Matthews
Timothy W. McDonald
Kevin M. Noone
Timothy J. Pippet
Patrick R. Rose
James A. Sullivan
Christopher J. Williamson, Jr.
Class of 2000
10-Year Reunion
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Class of 2000
Matthew E. Albert
Kevin P. Baker
Timothy J. Black II
Thomas M. Brasberger
Paul J. Carroll
Paul D. Colistra
P. Matthew Cornely
Jason R. Dooney
Christopher J. Dougherty
Brett T. Foley
Andrew M. Grzybowski
Robert B. Haney, Jr.
Gregory T. Hylinski
John P. Poley
Raymond T. Shay
Christopher Staub
John H. White, Jr.
Class of 2001
David A. Bartynski, Jr.
Thomas W. Bloh
Michael J. Bondiskey
Joshua E. Borkowski
Patrick M. Dalton
James J. Edelen IV
Kyle M. Elliott
Thomas H. Gorman
Mark P. Grady
Joseph P. Hand IV
Brett R. Kochanowicz
Gregory P. Madden
Gabriel J. Marabella
Daniel T. Marvin, Esq.
Robert J. McCreight, Jr.
David J. Rhoads
David E. Skoien
Joseph F. Slabinski IV
Christopher J. Tuman
John A. Zaro
Class of 2002
Brandon M. Black
Dino Dedic
Matthew C. Derrick
James J. Devery III
Luke R. Field
Timothy J. Flynn
Sean M. Gallagher
Terence C. Kempf
John A. Reifsnyder
Kevin A. Rieffel
Andrew K. Ryan IV
Robert E. Sullivan
John C. Valentino
Class of 2003
Andrew M. Bartynski
Bradley D. Caracausa
Nicholas J. Covolus
Philip A. DiAntonio
Christopher R. Dougherty
Stephen A. Farrington
Sean D. Flynn
Kevin Gardner, Jr.
Gregory J. Giagnacova
Joseph R. Guerra
H. Brad Kerr IV
William A. Loughery
Patrick J. McGonigle
Michael M. Merlini
Stephen P. Miller
David A. Naab
Colin M. Whitaker
Class of 2004
5-Year Reunion
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Class of 2004
Andrew J. Degnan
Paul E. Gormisky
Peter J. Hand
Alexander L. B. Himes
Patrick V. Keenan
Kevin M. Lutsch
Matthew T. Markley
Anthony L. Massaro III
Michael J. McMullen
Joseph P. McPeak
Matthew R. Price
Rory W. Staub
William G. Warner
Class of 2005
5-Year Reunion
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Class of 2005
Kevin S. Heron
Patrick W. Montgomery
Michael T. Pennington
Class of 2006
Patrick J. Curran
The Class of 2004
and the Class of 2005
will both hold their
5-Year Reunion
on Saturday,
April 24, 2010.
La Salle High School provided me with a great education
and helped me to develop leadership skills through athletics
and extracurricular activities. I also developed lifelong friendships
with fellow La Salle Students and Faculty and continue to benefit from
La Salle’s strong alumni network. I support La Salle financially in
appreciation of the positive influence La Salle has had on my life. I also
support La Salle so the school can continue its commitment to academic
excellence and preparing young men for future leadership positions.
Tim Erb ’94
39 Explorer Fall 2009
Class Analysis
Donors Number Of Percent
Donors Number Of Percent
$8,955.00 1973
$9,665.00 27
$18,875.00 62
$9,630.00 31
$6,415.00 37
$8,447.40 31
$17,975.00 46
$5,355.00 28
$2,685.00 12
$10,043.00 28
$14,820.00 44
$5,765.00 29
$3,355.00 30
$14,665.75 22
$33,530.00 58
$22,675.00 24
$3,080.00 13
$6,360.00 23
$19,455.00 38
$4,430.00 24
$5,725.00 34
$460.00 4
$14,052.00 22
$5,770.00 19
$10,090.00 26
$6,720.00 20
$4,160.00 20
$2,215.00 19
$12,295.00 35
$17,600.00 17
$3,960.00 35
$1,930.00 19
$1,500.00 5
$3,270.00 20
$675.00 3
$1,370.00 19
$5,090.00 27
$4,610.00 17
$6,665.00 29
$4,350.00 15
$8,650.00 30
$1,405.00 17
$6,740.00 27
$2,350.00 14
$7,800.00 33
$1,710.00 15
$3,040.00 10
$1,810.00 15
$4,715.00 26
$655.00 15
$22,690.00 40
$2,525.00 14
$12,960.00 30
$7,050.00 12
$11,235.00 29
$2,470.00 12
$20,100.00 33
$2,125.00 13
$7,521.00 26
$1,500.00 11
$5,810.00 7
$1,980.00 12
$11,315.00 31
$625.00 13
$425.00 4
$620.00 11
$10,650.00 31
$12,295.00 27
$70.00 $511,529.15 The information appearing on this page represents only gifts to the De La Salle Annual Fund.
40 Explorer Fall 2009
Faculty Annual Fund
The 2008-2009 Faculty/Staff Annual Fund once again proved to be a very valuable initiative. Members of La Salle’s faculty and
staff contributed over $24,000 to the Student Emergency Fund. This fund was established to help students who may find themselves unable to pay for incidentals such as clothing, school lunches, transportation, field trips, yearbooks, or some other expense
deemed necessary for the good of the student’s La Salle experience. This outpouring of internal support to our young men is
truly a blessing. Thanks to the generosity of the following individuals, all students have access to the resources needed to be a
success at La Salle.
Faculty/Staff Annual Fund
Mrs. Lisa Agnew
Mr. Mark A. Angiolillo
Mr. Paul Arbogast
Mr. Thomas R. Barna
Brother Andrew Bartley, FSC
Mr. Dennis M. Bloh
Mrs. Lastenia Breen
Mr. Gerard M. Brett
Mr. Alex F. Brown
Mr. Jeremy Butt
Christopher M. Carabello ‘82
Brother Thomas Chadwick, FSC
Mrs. Janice Ciccimaro
Joseph F. Ciccimaro ‘57
Mr. Daniel J. Cipolla
Mr. Charles Cirelli
Mrs. Geraldine Clark
Michael J. Clemente ‘89
Mr. Nicholas Coggins
Joseph J. Colistra, Jr. ‘64
Paul D. Colistra ‘00
Mr. Mark Collins
Brother Kenneth Cook, FSC
Mrs. Rita Cooney
Mr. David W. Crowe
Mrs. Kathleen Curley
Mr. Stephan Daubney
Douglas J. Demeter ‘93
Mr. Joseph Dempsey
Ms. Pamala DeRose
Matthew C. Derrick ‘02
Mr. Patrick C. Devine
Mrs. Frances Diccicco
David T. Diehl ‘55
Brother William DiPasquale, FSC
Mr. Michael E. Dolan
Mr. Michael Dominick
Mrs. Linda Donahue
William T. Donohoe, Jr. ‘96
Mrs. Margaret Doyle
Stephen F. Duncheskie ‘94
Mr. Gerald R. Evans, Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth Field
Brett T. Foley ‘00
Mrs. Ann Ford
Mrs. Barbara Franks
Mr. James Fyke
Brother Brendan Garwood, FSC
Mrs. Rosemary Gedeik
Mr. Paul Gehman
William A. Geiger, Jr. ‘72
Mark A. Gibbons ‘92
Mrs. Connie Gill
Mr. Joseph Glacken
Mrs. Carol V. Haggerty
Gerard J. Hartey ‘93
Mr. Michael Hearn
Ms. Jean Holt-Brabson
Christopher E. Holwick ‘94
Mr. Martin J. Jackson
Mr. John Janda
John A. Keenan ‘80
Mr. Michael Kennedy
Ms. Paulette Kensey
Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ‘60
Mr. Thomas Lang
Mr. William L. Leahy III
Mr. Frank J. Lichtner
Ms. Donna Long
Joseph F. Lynch ‘61
Mrs. Julia K. Maher
Mr. David Manion
Mrs. Dorothy Marchese
Mr. Joseph L. Marchese
Mr. James Marsteller
Brother Anwar Martinez, FSC
Robert F. McAnespey ‘66
Mr. William J. McBride
Mr. Daniel L. McGowan
Mrs. Diana McInaw
Mrs. Barbara Miller
Mr. Gerald Miller
Mrs. Kelly Minton
Brother Lawrence Monroe, FSC
Mr. Walter Muehlbronner
Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen
Mr. Daniel Muller
Mr. Joseph Nero
Mr. Geoffrey L. Nicoletti
Mr. Mark D. Norman
Mrs. Kathleen O’Connell
Mr. Joseph A. Parisi
Mr. Robert W. Peffle
Mr. Alfred O. Puntel
Mr. Joseph J. Radvansky
Mr. Anthony Resch
Brother James F. Rieck, FSC ‘57
Kevin A. Rieffel ‘02
Mrs. Rosina Ryan
Mrs. Sue Sayer
Mrs. Patricia Schaum
Raymond T. Shay ‘00
Peter R. Sigmund, Jr. ‘85
Mr. John Smith
Mrs. Kathleen Smith
Mrs. Mary Jo Smith
Mrs. Helen Spearing
Brother James Steck, FSC
Mr. Gregory Teperman
Brother Michael T. Toan, FSC
Brother Minh M. Tran, FSC
Brother David Trichtinger, FSC
Mr. Thomas Turner
Mr. Joseph Vettori
Mr. Dennis Wasko
Mrs. Phyllis Wells
Mrs. Lisa Whelan
Mr. Daniel Williams
Mrs. Cathleen Winning
Mrs. Barbara Wisotzkey
Ms. Cheryl L. Wolgamott
John P. Young ‘83
Mrs. Nancy Zoeltsch
I believe in heroes. Heroes are people on whose shoulders we stand and on whose actions we depend to give rise to our ambitions and
to raise our expectations. Heroes are beacons who attract the best and serve as role models who encourage us to do more than we thought
possible. Heroes are ordinary people who do extraordinary things which change the lives of others; often beyond their own intentions and
sometimes beyond their own expectations. Every institution must identify and celebrate its heroes and when they find them they must put
them on center stage.
La Salle has a true hero in Dave Diehl ‘55. His contributions over the past fifty years have shaped our identity, guided us into the 21st century and confirmed the
path for our future. Throughout his entire professional life, Dave has given us his clarity of thought, his common sense, courage, compassion, loyalty, good humor and
tough-mindedness as a teacher, counselor, coach, administrator, principal, parent, distinguished alumnus and Christian gentleman. More remarkably, Dave is still
teaching, administering, coaching, counseling and serving as a role model for Lasallians with the same integrity and energy as when he came to us in 1960.
I support the La Salle Capital Campaign because I believe it is necessary for all alumni to step forward and recognize their La Salle heroes. This support will be more
than symbolic; it will be a statement of reality that defines in no uncertain terms the best that we have to offer. It will send a resounding message that we expect
excellence from ourselves and from each other. The values that our heroes personify are the qualities that are at the heart of the Christian Brothers mission. They are
what we want to attract and develop in young men. They encompass the best of our past and present and raise the limits of our possibilities.
My La Salle has heroes. I support the La Salle Capital Campaign in honor of one La Salle hero. Does your La Salle have heroes?
Joseph J. Colistra ’64
41 Explorer Fall 2009
Parent Annual Fund
The 2008-2009 Parent Annual Fund, co-chaired by Cathy Cassidy and Greg McLaren, raised over $130,000 in support of La Salle’s
Professional Development Fund. The Professional Development Fund, used by our faculty and staff to pursue post-graduate degrees and certifications, allows La Salle to attract and maintain the best and brightest from the teaching profession. The past and
continued growth of this fund is mostly attributed to the work of the Parents’ Advisory Council, whose leadership and dedication
have greatly impacted its success. We thank the following parents, whose commitment to and support of Professional Development has proven immensely valuable to our faculty and staff.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Abbott
Mr. Francis S. Anao
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Anderson
Mr. Timothy J. Arizin
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Bach
Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Battista
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Beavers
Mr. & Mrs. Oliver J. Becker
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Begley
Dr. Marcus Bell and Dr. Denah Appelt
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Bender
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Bilotta
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Blanke III
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Bonnevie
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Bono
Mr. & Mrs. Toby W. Bracken
Mr. & Mrs. Francis H. Braithwaite
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Breitmayer
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Brunner
Dr. & Mrs. Steven C. Bunting
Dr. & Mrs. John M. Buonomo
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Burger, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Burgmann
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Callahan
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Campbell
Dr. & Mrs. Alfred D. Campellone
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Camusi
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Caporizzo
Mr. Michael J. Carey
Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Carmody
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Carr
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Casciano, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Paul R. Casey
Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Cassidy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Cassidy
Mr. & Mrs. Mario A. Catanese
Mr. & Mrs. Donald V. Cericola
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Cero, Jr.
Dr. & Dr. Kenneth M. Certa
Mrs. Lai Tam Chong
Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale J. Ciammetti
Mr. Joseph Ciasullo and
Dr. Nancy Ciasullo
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Cognetti
Mr. Carmen J. Conicelli, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Connolly, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Connors
Mrs. Emma M. Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy T. Corcoran
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Corr
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Cranch
Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Crone
Dr. & Mrs. Gary W. Crooks
Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Cruz
Mr. & Mrs. Jose L. Cruz
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Cunnane
Mr. Gil Cunningham and
Ms. Lisa Adams
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Curley
Mr. & Mrs. Dominic D’Addona
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Daly-Leonard
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D’Angelo
Mr. & Mrs. Francis L. Davey
Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Dean
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Dearden
Dr. & Mrs. Walter W. Dearolf III
Dr. Donald DeBrakeleer and
Dr. Lynne DeBrakeleer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. DeCandido
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. DeMaria
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Demeter
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Dempsey
Mr. & Mrs. Jason D. DeNofa
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. DePaul
Mr. & Mrs. Jon R. Derewicz
Mr. & Mrs. Donato C. DiAntonio
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Diasio
Mrs. Kathleen Digney
Mrs. Sandra A. DiMezza
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Doherty
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Dohony
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Dooney
Mr. David N. D’Orazio
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Driscoll, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Duncheskie
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Dunton
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Durkin
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Dwyer
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Dwyer
Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Eckert
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Egan
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt R. Eisenschmid
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard A. Fasano
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Ferrier
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Fickenscher
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Finlay
Mr. Thomas J. Finnegan
Dr. & Mrs. John F. Fischer
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Fisco
Mr. & Mrs. Todd J. Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Fenton J. Fitzpatrick
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. Fitzpatrick
We believe in the goals and ideals of a Christian Brothers’
education, which I received at La Salle College High School and
both Susan and I received at La Salle College. It was an education
that prepared us for life and an experience that allowed us to be
successful. We feel that is important for us to give back so others can
receive the same opportunity.
Susan and Chip Dearolf ’74
Dr. Steven Flashner and
Dr. Deirdre Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Sean P. Flynn
Ms. Kristina R. Focht
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence J. Foley, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Foley
Mr. & Mrs. George V. Foos
Dr. & Mrs. John W. Fornace
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Forster
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Franks
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Frazzette
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Fus
Ms. Mary-Therese Gaab
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. Rafael J. Garcia, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Gazzara
Mr. & Mrs. James V. Genuardi
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Giaimo
Dr. William J. Gibbons
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Terence P. Gillespie
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Gillespie
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Greene
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Grover
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald S. Guerra
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Haesler
Mrs. Angela P. Haney
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Hankinson
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Harvey
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Heinsdorf
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Heleniak
Mr. Daniel Helmick
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Higgins
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Higgins
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Hoffman
42 Explorer Fall 2009
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Houldin, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Hutchinson
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond T. Hyer
Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Iannuzzi
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Jaconski
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Jeitner
Mr. & Mrs. Gary T. Johnson
Ms. Karen M. Jones-Carey
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Joyce
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund P. Kehan, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin V. Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard M. Kensil
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Killian
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Frank I. Klusek
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Knight
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Kochanasz
Mr. David G. Koerner and
Dr. Deborah Koerner
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Kowalski
Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Kramer
Mrs. Joseph E. Lavin
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Letcavage
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Losier
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Loughery
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Lukach
Mr. & Mrs. Gary K. Lutsch
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. MacCrory
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Maginnis
Mr. & Mrs. George Maguire
Mr. & Mrs. Sean E. Mahoney
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Malone
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Maloney
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Markley
Mr. & Mrs. J. Ronald Martin, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Francis M. Martino
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Martosella
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis McAnulty
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. McBride
Mr. & Mrs. Charles McCabe
Mr. & Mrs. Duane C. McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. McCreavy
Mrs. Margaret McCrudden
Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Martin C. McElroy
Dr. & Mrs. Philip K. McElroy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McGee
Mr. & Mrs. William F. McGlynn
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. McGoldrick
Mr. & Mrs. Brent M. McKeehen
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. McNally
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph E. McPeak
Mr. & Mrs. Austin A. Meehan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Meehan
Mr. Kevin W. Merlini
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Merritt
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Migliarese
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Mikochik
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. George Mirsch
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Mischler
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Monahan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Montgomery
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Mooney
Mrs. Kathleen A. Moran-Gannon
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Mulderig
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan J. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Newell
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald T. Nichols
Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. C. Nix III
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Nolan
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Noonan
Mrs. Mary O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Oliver
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Otis
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Palazzo
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Palermo
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Patrick
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Peifer, CPA
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Pelone
Mrs. Barbara Perez-Mas
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Peruto
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Petrellis
Mr. & Mrs. George C. Pinchock
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony W. Piscopo
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Pizzo
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Pleskunas
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald R. Pospisil
Mr. & Mrs. Michael V. Power
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Price
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Price
Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Primavera
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Pyne
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Quaglia
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Quigley III
Mr. Chad J. Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Quinn
Mrs. Joanne Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Radomski
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Razzano
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Redmond III
Dr. & Mrs. John F. Reilly, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Reimel
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Resnick
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Restaino
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Reynolds
Dr. John Richardson and
Dr. Allyson Abbott
Ms. Bonnie J. Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Rotzal
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence O. Ryder
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas K. Sabia, Sr.
Ms. Regina L. Sacco
Dr. Vincent Sacco
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Samanns
Dr. & Mrs. P. Michael Schelkun
Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Schluckebier, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Paul E. Schnupp
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Schoen
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Schuck, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ward G. Schultz
Ms. Terri Sciolla and
Mr. Andrew Trevelise
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Scott
Mrs. Kristine Shields
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Shott
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Simone
Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Sinnott
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas W. Sistrun
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Piotr Sobilo
Mr. & Mrs. David Souchik
Mr. & Mrs. Neil M. Spearing
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Speese
Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Spera
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Sperger
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Stanowski
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Staudt
Mr. & Mrs. Adam R. Stefanowicz, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Stern
Mr. & Mrs. George F. Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Subers
Mr. Robert H. Swartley
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Sweeney
Dr. & Mrs. Les A. Szekely
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Toner, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Tramo
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tucker
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Vasoli
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vecchione, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Vellner
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent P. Veneziano
Ms. Bernadette G. Vida
Drs. Nicholas Volpe and
Dr. Francesca Volpe
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Walker III
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Warrender, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wasylenko, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Weitzman
Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Whelan
Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. White, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Milton F. Whitehead
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Whitmire
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Wilker
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Wilkins, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Wisdo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Wood
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Worster, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Worthington
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Young
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Zoldy
La Salle College High School means tradition, Catholic values, and an environment
of caring staff and teachers. We support La Salle because of the long tradition our extended
family has in attending La Salle and in memory of Megan’s brother Steven. We also know that tuition does not cover all of the costs necessary to run the school and that additional financial support
is vital to the running of the school.
John and Megan Losier
43 Explorer Fall 2009
Grandparent Annual Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Bell
Mrs. Silvana Bonet
Mrs. Rosario R. Carino
Francis X. Cassidy ‘45
Mrs. Jean Ciabattoni
Mrs. Alvah T. Connolly
Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Cordivari
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence W. Creter
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Cupchak
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Dailey
Mrs. Karen De Bellis
Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Dearolf, Jr.
Mr. Dan H. Dolack
Mr. & Mrs. Philip E. Dolan
Mrs. Mary E. Draganescu
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Ferren
Mrs. Angela L. Foley
Mrs. Clare B. Fuhs
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Furia
Mr. & Mrs. Rafael J. Garcia
Mrs. & Mrs. Bernard F. Gatti
Mr. & Mrs. Scott K. Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Gorman
Mrs. Joan T. Healy
Mr. & Mrs. John Jankowski
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Konieczny
Mrs. Margaret LaCorte
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Lyle
Mrs. Helen L. Mageeney
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Martinek
Mr. & Mrs. James J. McCabe
Mrs. Margaret McCrudden
Mrs. Lucille J. McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. John R. McGann
Mrs. Margaret McIntyre
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. Jerrold L. McPartlin
Mr. James T. Mooney
Mrs. Eleanor J. Nagele
Mr. Robert Nicoletti
Mrs. Elizabeth A. O’Neill
Mrs. Mary P. O’Neill
Mr. & Mrs. John Pileggi
Mr. & Mrs. James Pollino
Mr. & Mrs. Lubomir B. Pyrih
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos O. Ramirez
Mr. & Mrs. Grahame P. Richards
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Rooney
Mr. Thomas Ryan
Mrs. Frances Shields
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Shott
Mr. Charles R. Shuman
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Simone
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Smalley
Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Speziale
Mrs. Rita M. Steinmetz
Mrs. Patricia A. Stillwell
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Jules S. Vallay
Mr. Nicholas G. Volpe
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Wallo
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred A. Wysocki
“How wonderful
for you to honor us
“Thank you for all you did for the Grandparents’ Day!
The picture came yesterday and that was
the highlight of the day.”
44 Explorer Fall 2009
La Salle Auction
November 1, 2008
Presenting Sponsor
Chadwick Service Company
Platinum Sponsors
Burt Hill
Daniel J. Keating Company
TD Bank
Gold Sponsors
The Bonet Family
Dale Corp
The Giunta-Klein Family
Global Packaging
Parec – CYMA Group
Philadelphia Coca-Cola Bottling
Williamson Hospitality Group
Silver Sponsors
Ambler Sports Academy, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Al Gabriele
Oral & Maxilliofacial Surgery –
Dr. Michael Schelkun
The Quinn Family
Utility Line Services, Inc.
Bronze Sponsors
Abington Memorial Hospital
Blue Bell Private Wealth Management
D.M. Sabia, Inc.
David Geppert Recycling, Inc.
Eble One2One Custom Designed
Personal Tutoring
Essex Technology
H.F. Lenz
Janey Montgomery Scott LLC
McNeil Consumer Healthcare
Mr.and Mrs. Robert Moran ‘69
North Penn Dental Arts
Ortho Surgical & Rehab Associates, PC
RSM McGladrey, Inc.
Swartley Brothers Engineers, Inc.
The Foley Insurance Agency, Inc.
Full Page Sponsors
Armstrong, Doyle & Carroll, Inc.
Colon Rectal Surgery Associates, PC
Communications Services and Support
Cooke Publishing Company
Danella Companies, Inc.
D’Angelo Brothers, Inc.
David Cutler Group
Davison Trust Company
DiGiacomo Funeral Home
Drexel University
Dugan Brinkman Maginnis
and Pace
F C P Group, LLC
Facenda-Whitaker Lanes, Inc.
Frank V. Radomski & Sons, Inc.
Franklin Realty Development
Glanzmann Subaru, Inc.
Hibbeln Engineering Company
Howland, Hess, Guinan,
Torpey & Cassidy
Lagreca and Quinn Real Estate
Lima Company
Lincoln Investment Planning, Inc.
The James McLaughlin Family
Men of La Salle
Mercy Suburban Hospital
Mothers’ Club
Mount Saint Joseph Academy
Philomeno and Salamone
R.M. Electric
Sloane Automotive Group
Southern Company
Stanton Systems
Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Ventresca
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Whalen
William R. May Funeral Home, Inc.
Williamson Caterers
Wilmington Trust
Half Page Advertisers
Ancillae-Assumpta Academy
Best Western – Kulpsville, PA
Chestnut Hill Family Care Associates
Coldwell Banker Premier
Colonial Electric Supply
Complete Scaffold, Inc.
Dunphy Ford
Flynn and O’Hara School Uniforms
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cassidy
Gwynedd Mercy Academy Elementary
Hamburg, Rubin, Mullin,
Maxwell& Lupin
HealthCare Advocates, Inc.
Horgan Brothers, Inc.
Klehr, Harrison, Harvey,
Branzburg & Ellers
McGoldrick Leasing
Orleans Homebuilders
Pennrose Service Company
Region 20 CYO Athlectic Board
Sentinel Process Systems, Inc.
Shearon Environmental Design
The Great Room
Trenchtech, Inc.
Wissahickon Skating Club
Quarter Page Advertisers
Charles E. Dunleavy, Jr.’61
Chesheim Dental
Creative Financial Group
D.E. Duffey and Sons, Inc.
General Painting
Mobilease Modular Space, Inc.
North Penn Art
Norwood-Fontbonne Academy
Penn’s Grant Realty Corporation
Peter S. Rosenman, DMD,
PC and Associates
Rapid Circuits, Inc.
Signed Sealed Delivered, Inc.
State Representative Kate Harper
The Gregor Family
Toner Cable Equipment
West German BMW
Business Card Advertisers
Ambler Athletic Club
Andrew M. Meehan, Inc.
Baum, Smith and Clemens, LLP
Bruce’s Plumbing & Heating
Carr & Duff, Inc.
Central Bucks Urology
Cer-Mac, Inc.
Choice Hotels International
Chris Cawley Remodeling
Cigars Unlimited
ConferSave, LLC
Edwards Printing Company
Flourtown Sunoco, Inc.
Francis Martino Insurance
Free Shop
Fresh Start Credit Restoration, LLC
Law Office of Rosemary R. Ferrino
Lisa’s Tailor Dressmaker
Palladio Custom Framing
and Wall Design
RDC Resource Development
Temple University
The Rhoads Garden
45 Explorer Fall 2009
49th Annual Alumni Golf Outing
Monday, June 29, 2009
Presenting Sponsor
La Salle College High School
Alumni Association
Course Sponsor – Wissahickon
Mike Dinda ‘82
Course Sponsor – Militia Hill
The DePaul Group
Anthony DePaul ’80
Golf Cart Sponsors
United States
Roofing Corporation
Ryan Farragut ’93
Ryan Tyrell ‘91
Hospitality Cart Sponsor
Williamson Hospitality
Services, Inc.
Mike McCabe ‘78
Dan McGill ’78
Jim Osborne ‘56
Jim Osborne, III ’82
Putting Green Sponsors
Wistler Pearlstine, LLP
Michael Clement, Esq. ’67
James Garrity, Esq. ’67
Black & Gerngross
James Black III, Esq. ’77
Fred Gerngross, Esq. ’77
Driving Range Sponsor
Daniel J. Keating Company
Prizes Sponsor
John M. Casper ’87
Corporate Sponsors
Chadwick Service Company
Mark Chadwick ‘85
Deloitte & Touche
Stephen Gardner ’72
Driscoll Construction
Micahel Driscoll ’76
James Driscoll ’79
Dugan, Brinkman, Maginnis &
Gene Maginnis, Esq. ’69
Global Packaging
Anthony Maginnis ’76
Johnson Kendall Johnson
Doug Friel ’93
As an alum and the father of two sons who have
attended La Salle, my experiences with both the school
and the teachings of the Christian Brothers has been
a guiding influence throughout my life. La Salle and the
Christian Brothers welcome impressionable boys entering the
school as freshman and through their teachings and spiritual
guidance the boys are transformed into respectful young men
with well defined spiritual values and morals. The fraternity that
La Salle and the Christian Brothers nurture is one that lasts
a lifetime.
Austin Meehan ’79
Kent & McBride, PC
John Kent ’68
Ernie Koschineg ’91
Kindt, Kaye & Wentz, Inc.
Edward Wentz ‘88
Slabinski Funeral Home
Joseph Slabinski, III ‘67
Joseph Slabinski, IV ‘01
David Martosella ’83
Jay Kerrigan
Utility Line Services, Inc.
Austin Meehan ’79
Zelenkofske Axelrod, LLC
Richard Carlin ‘72
Alumni Contributors
Michael Adams, DMD ’81
Ron Bean ’86
Lloyd Beck, Jr. ‘74
Bill Benz, Esq. ‘72
Phil Cassidy ’70
Jim Donahue ’86
Michael Donohoe, DC ‘79
Ed Feeny ’62
Steve Gardner ‘72
Tony Gillespie ’68
Neil Fitzpatrick ’81
Andrew Malone, CPA ’78
John Malone, Esq. ’73
Bob McAnespey ‘66
Brian McGeehan ’95
Jim McLaughlin ’57
Bill Regli ‘58
Walt Small ’38
Bob Szostak ‘72
46 Explorer Fall 2009
Tribute Gifts
Mrs. Maureen McAnespey Acchione
Mrs. Florence M. Ward
Steven Blust ’79
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Losier
Mr. Peter R. Bossow ’86
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bossow
Mr. Harry J. Bradley, Esq. ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Bloom, Jr.
Ms. Kathleen F. Coulston
Mr. Willaim A. Coyle
Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Daniels
Delaware County Bar Association
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Franklin
Gallagher, Schoenfeld, Surkin and Chupein
Mr. and Mrs. Enrico J. Guerrieri
Mrs. Robert Henry and
Mrs. Heather Dooley-Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Implazo
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Jelus
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Kincade
Dr. and Mrs. William Kozin
Mr. Felix J. Longo ’48
Maryanne Christopher Salon
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. McCalla
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard P. McGinley
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Migatz, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Pagano
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Perlingiero
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Rhodes
Mr. Martin Rudman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Saopp
Mr. and Mrs. Mick Schlegel
Ms. Patricia H. Steiert
Suburban West Realtors’ Association
Mr. Rocco P. Taraborelli
Toft Woods Community Association
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Trainer ’54
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Walsh
Mrs. Margaret Wanenchak and
Ms. Constance Egan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Wanenchak
Mr. John J. Bresnan ’45
Mrs. Barbara Bresnan
Brother Edward Cannon, FSC ’37
Ms. Marilyn Moller and Ms. Joan Miller
Mr. Michael A. O’Toole ’68
Dr. Edward A. Dachowski
Mrs. Jacqueline H. Cain
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Carabello
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Chestnut
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E Clavan
Ms. Jennifer L. Clements
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Coffey ’70
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Covolesky
Mr. and Mrs. Marion E. D’Angelo
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. DePaul ’80
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. DiGiacomo
Mr. Steven DiMauro and Ms. Gina Esposito
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Echelmeier
Mr. Pantaleon Fagel and
Mrs. Maria Sicat-Fagel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Falcione
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Fishman
Mrs. Ruth Fitzpatrick
Mrs. Constance Fox
Dr. G. Joel Funari
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Gabriel ’80
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gallagher
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Giannetti
Mrs. Elsie M. Harpf
Holzer Clinic
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Karras
Mr. Robert F. Kaupp
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Lang
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Leahy
Mrs. Marie S. Lepley
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. McNally, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Meinhart
Dr. Jerome L. Millan
Mr. Ferdinand P. Morro ’47
Naulty, Scaricamazza and McDevitt, LLC
Dr. Charles B. Nissman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. O’Kane ’79
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Pellecchia
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Pomper
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ristey
Mr. John J. Schaefer ’88
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Schaeffer
Dr. and Mrs. P. Michael Schelkun
Seitz, Leatherman and Kolb LLC
Mr. and Mrs. George Stiftinger
Dr. Michael A. Tomeo
Weinrich Bakery
Honoring Harry Donahue’s 60th Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Fenningham ’68
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kent ’68
Mr. Joseph V. Dunton
Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Dunton ‘70
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Dunton
Mrs. Margaret A. Dunton
Honoring Mr. Richard H. Emenecker ’57
Comcast Corporation
Mr. John P. “JP” Fenningham, Esq. ’93
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Cross, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Durkin
Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael Whitaker ’68
Mr. John F. “Tex” Flannery, Sr. ’40
Patrick J. Curran ’06
Ms. Katherine Flannery and
Mr. George Brown
Mrs. Rosemary Flannery
John F. Igoe ’59
Mr. John F. Flannery, Jr. ’73
Ms. Katherine Flannery and
Mr. George Brown
Mrs. Mary Catherine Flannery
Mr. John J. Hoban ’70
Honorable Francis V. Griffin ’46
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Abbott ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Royce A. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Bell
Bowie and Jensen, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Burns
Mr. Edmund P. Butler, Esq. ’56
Mr. John J. Callan ’46
Mr. Francis X. Cassidy ’45
Claremont Prep Association, Inc.
Mr. Michael F. Dineen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Dweck
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Elswit
Exhibits and Special Events
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Farber
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Foley, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Friend
Mr. and Mrs. Elischa Givoni
Mr. Donald A. Gordon ’61
Mr. Charles J. Halfpenny, Jr. ’82
Mr. Daniel F. Hendrie
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hersh
Mr. John R. Hinrichs
Mr. William R. Householder, Jr.
47 Explorer Fall 2009
Mr. Howard E. Jensen
Mrs. Madeleine M. Keehan
Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Loughran
Mr. and Mrs. David J. McCourt
Mrs. Georgette M. Most
Mr. James W. Nally
Mrs. Philomena G. O’Hanlon
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson E. O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. O’Neill, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephan P. Oppenheimer
Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Peszka
Mrs. Susan B. Peterman
Mr. Richard J. Pomfret ’56
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Pugh IV
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schlacter
Mr. Ross F. Schriftman
Mr. Frank V. Smith
Springfield Township Historical Society
Mr. Richard L. Stafford
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Stinton
Mrs. Patricia A. Stinton
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Stinton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Stover
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Streibig
Ms. Nancy M. Stroh
Mrs. Patricia I. Thibault
Dr. and Mrs. W. Michael Tuman
Mr. Kenneth D. Truscott
Western Main Conference
Mr. William A. Whiteside, Jr. ’46
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Woodring
Mr. Michael M. Yuengling ’79
Mr. Thomas B. Harper, III ’42
Mrs. Frances M. Harper
Honoring Reverend Anthony W.
Janton ’69
Ms. Dorothy J. Wolff
Mrs. Sue Kolsun
Dr. Joby Kolsun ’83
Mr. and Mrs. William Leahy
William L. Leahy III
Messrs. Martin Sr., Martin, Jr. ’63 and
Edward Longstreth ’74
Mrs. Roy Hanshaw, Sr.
1st. Lt. Travis L. Manion, USM ’99
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Carmody
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Manion
Mr. Terrence P. McCann ’03
Mr. Timothy W. McDonald ’99
Dr. Paul J. Read ’97
Dr. Joseph D. McGeary ’41
Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Hannigan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Sarlo
Mr. Timothy J. McNichol ’97
Mr. Thomas M. Lofgren ’66
Mr. Kevin M. McNichol ’93
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. McNichol
Mr. David A. Naab ’03
Mr. and Mrs. William L. O’Connor
Mr. Miles K. Miller ’04
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Clayton, III
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Miller
Mr. Peter P. Muessig ’45
Mr. David F. McGrath ’45
Mr. William H. L. Sullivan ’37
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bowman
Ms. Anne Bromley and Mr. Thomas White
Daniel J. Keating Company
Mrs. Marie F. Lebair
McCormick Distilling Company, Inc.
Mount Vernon Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Schaufler
Honoring Mary Vesey’s 80th Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Meehan
Mr. Andrew J. Wallace ’92
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Wallace ’65
Mr. Joseph W. Wesner ’73
Mrs. Frank J. Wesner
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wesner, Jr. ’66
Honoring Pearl Wesner’s 80th Birthday
Mrs. Concetta R. Greenberg
Mrs. Hilda Haisfield
Mr. and Ms. Richard Nagle
Honoring William A.
Whiteside, Jr., Esq. ’46
Police Athletic League of Philadelphia, Inc.
Mr. Daniel V. Wylde ’44
Mrs. Anne Marie Wylde
I give to La Salle because of
Big Frank, Big Joe, Big Tom, and
Little Joe (you know who they are)
and the kindness they showed
Mr. Martin J. and
Mrs. Anna Gertrude Hoban
Mr. John J. Hoban ‘70
Mr. Edward J. Murphy ’42
Mr. Christopher E. Murphy ’82
Mr. Edward B. Hoffman ’51
Mrs. Anne B. Hoffman
Mr. Richard A. (Drew) Panettieri ’05
Mr. Richard A. Panettieri ’78
Brother Jeremy, Brother Edward Cannon,
Mr. Charles G. James
Mr. Kevin Agnew
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bucci
Mr. Lew Clark
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Dwyer ’53
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Greenway
La Salle College High School David Center
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Seidman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sise
Brother William Quaintance, FSC, EdD ’50
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Lembach ’50
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Worster, Sr.
Gerry Tremblay, Brother Anthony, Brother
a 13-year old boy from the city. I give
to La Salle because of Brother David Albert,
Brother Declan Lewis, Tex, O’Bie, Joe Moran,
Gratian of Jesus, and Brother William, all of
who made our Class of 1961 the Men of
La Salle that we are. I give to La Salle for
the Brothers I have not named, the Brothers
today, and the Brothers of the future.
Joe Lynch ‘61
48 Explorer Fall 2009
Matching Gifts
ACE INA Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Dwyer
Aetna Foundation
John M. Donahue ’70
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. Fitzpatrick
American Express Foundation
Anthony J. Gillespie ‘68
American International Group, Inc.
Patrick T. McGinn ‘87
Amica Mutual Insurance Company
Mrs. Jacqueline H. Cain
Joseph A. Greco ’69
AON Risk Services
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Subers
ARAMARK Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Stanowski
Peter M. DiBattiste ‘74
Bank of America Foundation
Gerald E. Connor ‘73
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. DeCandido
Christopher J. Dougherty ’00
Boeing Company
Thomas I. Guerin, Jr. ’49
Mark J. Malone ’60
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Edward J. Bongard III ’98
Brian Gemzik ’78
R. Brian Stefanowicz ‘82
Citigroup Foundation
Mr. Thomas Durling, Esq. &
Mrs. Hilary S. Blust
Congoleum Corporation
Ronald J. Pendrak ’67
General Electric Foundation
Donald J. Gimpel ’53
Joseph H. Torrence ’46
James P. Waters III ’84
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Donahue ‘58
William A. Fitzgerald ‘50
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Fus
Robert F. Harchut ‘72
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Harvey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Killian
Robert P. Moran ’69
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Peifer
GMAC Commercial Mtg.
Holding Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Maloney, Jr. ’93
W.W. Grainger, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Hannigan
Microsoft Corporation
James J. Edelen IV ’01
William J. Selph ’76
The Greater Kansas City
Community Foundation
A. Edward Allinson ’52
Morgan Stanley
Edward V. France ’69
Hewitt Associates
Kellen G. Leister ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Caporizzo
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Scott
Honeywell International
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Williamson
John Nuveen & Co., Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent P. McNichol
Ingersoll Rand
Robert E. Murphy ’55
ITT Industries, Inc.
James F. Malloy ’51
Deutsche Bank
Thomas M. Brasberger ’00
DST Systems, Inc.
A. Edward Allinson ‘52
Johnson & Johnson Consumer
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley J. Bonner ’81
Fannie Mae Foundation
Peter M. McGonigle, Esq. ’66
First Horizon Financial
Joseph M. Evancich ’59
Matthew P. Beagle ’89
Sean T. O’Hara ’89
Graver Technologies LLC
John B. Millard ‘85
J.P. Morgan Chase
Timothy J. Erb ’94
Richard E. Fairbanks ‘41
Edward J. Giera ’80
Timothy E. Green ’86
Exelon Corporation
Rudi H. Trickel ‘74
Merck & Co., Inc.
Raymond P. Bain ’71
Jeffrey M. Bauder ’96
John T. Becker ’57
Kevin J. Cornely ’72
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Donahue ’58
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Frazzette
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Haesler
Mr. & Mrs. Wasyl Halczenko
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Harkins
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Kowalski
Clifford M. Mars ’82
Timothy P. McMahon ‘89
Joseph T. Morrissey ’83
D. Scott Porreca ’86
James J. Reilly, Jr. ’44
Pacific Gas and Electric Co.
Frank R. Lindh ’70
Plainfield Asset Management
Timothy S. Danaher ’98
Prudential Financial
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cashin Jr. ’59
Edwin J. Feeny ’62
John J. News ‘44
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Young
Raytheon Company
Friedrich S. Kramer ’76
Resolute Management, Inc.
Salvatore V. Mattoccia ’69
RohMax USA, LP
Mr. & Mrs. David Souchik
SAP America, Inc.
Frank R. Colantuono ‘59
Tamburri Associates, Inc.
Michael J. Tamburri ’80
Time Warner
Walter L. Updegrave ’70
Towers Perrin
Brian M. Appleby ’96
John W. Furtek ’69
Daniel M. De Dominic ’90
Dennis P. Lynch ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Oliver
Unilever United States
Foundation, Inc.
Richard A. Panettieri ‘78
United Technologies
John B. McGill ’67
Vanguard Group, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Danella ’88
Donald D. Fanelle ‘62
Frank G. Gagliano ’87
Charles T. Lloyd ’83
Kevin M. McNichol ’93
Kevin M. Scully ’91
Verizon Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Donald V. Cericola
James A. DeMerlis ‘74
Patrick D. Slattery ’99
Wachovia Foundation
Matching Gifts
Richard A. Durso ’92
John J. Hoban ‘70
Michael P. McIntyre ‘77
Matthew J. Mihalich ’76
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Noonan
Joseph J. Wallace ’65
Washington Group International
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Worster
WellPoint Associate
Giving Campaign
Thomas J. Barnes ’95
The H.O. West Foundation
Joseph E. Abbott ’70
Joseph S. Camardo ’70
Albert W. Kellenbenz ’68
XL Design Professional
Martin J. Andrejko ’80
49 Explorer Fall 2009
Signum Fidei Society
The Signum Fidei Society is a special group of La Salle
supporters who have made financial provisions to the school through
bequests, charitable trusts, annuities or gifts of life insurance.
Through their thoughtful and generous gift planning they are leaving
a legacy to benefit future generations of La Salle students. We are
pleased to honor the members of the La Salle’s Signum Fidei Society.
Joseph G. Albright, Esq. ’49
John W. Behan, Esq. ’60
Dr. & Mrs. John F. Carabello
Gerald F. Crumlish ’42
J. Russell Cullen, Jr. ’56
James G. Dwyer ’53
Mr. & Mrs. A.J. Gabriele
Dr. William J. Hipple ’47
Mrs. Jennie H. Leary
James T. McLaughlin ’57
Francis M. Ponti, PhD ’56
Thomas W. Sheehan, CPA ’48
Gerald E. Speitel ’48
Martin F. Whalen ’58
Dr. & Dr. Mario Alonso
Michael J. Brennan ’76
James P. Connor ’46
Joseph D. Crumlish, Esq. ’40
Philip F. Drach ’47
Thomas J. Flood ’55
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hasson
J. Michael Kovac ’89
Vincent W. Madden, Jr. ’65
Robert P. Moran ’69
John F. Rodenbaugh ’51
Edward R. Solvibile ’58
Michael E. Sullivan, PhD ’58
Charles C. Wynn ’46
The Office of Institutional Advancement welcomes the opportunity
to explore the possibilities and opportunities of creative gift planning
as a way to support La Salle’s mission while ensuring your family’s
financial security. For more information, check out our website
at www.lschs.org/plannedgiving or call our office at (215) 233-2350.
Pennsylvania Educational
Improvement Tax Credit
The following businesses have graciously supported La Salle
College High School’s Scholarship Fund while receiving a substantial
tax credit through the Pennsylvania Educational Improvement
Tax Credit Program (EITC).
Carabello, Mansell and Knouse Dental Assocates
Danella Line Services
Facenda-Whitaker Lanes
Geppert Brothers. Inc.
Hightec HVAC
J.P. Mascaro andSon, Inc.
Merit Metal Products Corporation
Philip Rosenau Co., Inc.
Shearon Environmental Design
The Bryn Mawr Trust Company
Utility Line Service, Inc.
Danella Construction Corp.
Driscoll Construction Co., Inc.
Foundation Structures, Inc.
Global Packaging, Inc.
International Materials, Inc.
Joe Hand Promotions, Inc.
Matthew 25 Management Corporation
PNC Bank
Tague Lumber, Inc.
United States RoofingCorporation
Westinghouse Lighting Corporation
To find out if your business qualifies, check out www.NewPA.com
or call the Office of Institutional Advancement at (215) 233-2350.
Special Fundraising Groups
We graciously acknowledge the generous gifts of time, energy, talent,
and financial resources from the members of the following special
groups. Over $1.2 million was raised by and through these groups in
support of their individual clubs and associations. Their tireless efforts
truly enhance the academic and extracurricular life at La Salle.
Alumni Association
Baseball Parents
Crew Parents Association
Golf Parents
Lacrosse Crease Club
Men of La Salle
Soccer Booters Club
Takedown Club
Band Parents
Basketball Booster Club
Forum Parents
Hockey Booster Club
LaSale (Auction)
Mothers’ Club
Swim Team Parents Association
Touchdown Club
We sincerely believe that all our gifts to La Salle College High School are not donations like gifts to community organizations, police, firefighters,
even our local parish church for example. These gifts are clearly investments, the return on which is the educated and future leaders of the world, the students
we graduate every year. That investment is clearly targeted according to the school’s needs; we know how our investments will benefit that objective because we have
a clear and realistic vision of those needs. Our gifts, like all gifts, will benefit the present and future students, and continue the tradition of excellence achieved over
many decades. It will help provide a broad and balanced Christian education in the tradition of St John Baptist de La Salle, the Christian Brothers brand of education,
the brothers who become life-long friends and counselors to their students. There is an increasing attitude toward secularization in our country, and it is more important
than ever that we help our young people provide the defense against this attempt, and La Salle is the right place to learn how to do that. Irrespective of the amount of
our investment and gift to La Salle, we are confident that we will make a difference in the lives of the students.
Al and Barbara Gabriele
50 Explorer Fall 2009
Endowment Funds
The Office of Institutional Advancement is proud to oversee a growing number of named endowment funds that have been
established to provide financial assistance in perpetuity to students who wish to attend La Salle College High School. In most
instances, the individuals who established these funds outlined specific criteria for disbursing the annual interest earnings on the
funds. These funds have been established by alumni, parents and friends of La Salle College High School.
Named Endowment Funds as
of August 2009
The A. Edward Allinson ’52 Grant Fund,
established in 1999, provides financial assistance to
students demonstrating need.
The Alumni Association Grant Fund, established
in 1997, provides financial assistance to sons and
grandsons of alumni.
The Brother Andrew Bartley, FSC Scholarship
Fund, established in 1997, provides financial
assistance to students demonstrating need.
The James & Barbara Basile Grant Fund,
established in 1998 by James Basile, Esq., ’82
to honor his parents and provide financial
assistance to students from the Roxborough
area of Philadelphia.
The Robert S. Blasi Family Trust Fund,
established in 1987 by the Hon. and Mrs. Robert S.
Blasi, funds the Principal’s Medal at graduation
for the senior with the highest scholastic average
for four years.
The Amadio Buccini ’59 Scholarship Fund,
established in 2001, provides financial assistance to
students demonstrating need.
The Phil and Jane Cassidy Financial Aid
Endowment Fund, established in 2001,
provides financial assistance to students
demonstrating need.
The Beatrice Dachowski Trust Fund, established
in 1983 by Dr. Edward Dachowski, in memory
of his wife, Beatrice, provides an annual award
to a graduating senior who best exemplifies the
principles of St. John Baptist de La Salle and the
Christian Brothers.
The D’Alfonso Family Scholarship Fund, established in 1998 by Bro. John D’Alfonso, FSC ’55 to
honor his parents, John and Anna, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The James & Mary Jo Danella Grant Fund,
established in 1999, provides financial assistance to
students from the Conshohocken area.
The Richard D. DiBella ’71 Grant Fund,
established in 2006, provides financial assistance
to students demonstrating need.
The David T. Diehl ’55 Scholarship Fund,
established in 2002, provides financial assistance
to students demonstrating need.
The Donahue-Fitzpatrick Endowment Fund,
established in 2006, provides financial assistance
to students demonstrating need with special
consideration to candidates from Philadelphia and
St. William Parish.
The Saint Katherine Drexel Scholarship Fund,
established in 1998, provides financial assistance
to students demonstrating need from the Gesu
School and / or surrounding neighborhoods in
North Philadelphia.
The Charles and Gertrude Dunleavy Grant
Fund, established by Charles Dunleavy ’61 in
honor of his parents. This fund provides financial
assistance to students from the Wyndmoor area.
The Joseph Vincent Dunton Grant Fund,
established in 2007, provides financial assistance
to students demonstrating need with special
consideration to candidates who are sons or
grandsons of Philadelphia Police Officers primarily
and Philadelphia Fire Fighters secondarily.
The Robert J. Durney ’57 Endowment Fund,
established in 2007, provides financial assistance
to students demonstrating need with special
consideration to candidates of African-American
descent graduating from St. Malachy School.
The James G. Dwyer ’53 Scholarship Fund,
established in 1999, provides financial assistance
to students demonstrating need.
The John Feeny ’64 Trust Fund, established
in 1979 in his memory by his sisters and brothers,
provides financial assistance to students
demonstrating need.
The J.P. Fenningham ’93 Grant Fund provides
financial assistance to students demonstrating
The John “Tex” Flannery ’40 Trust Fund,
established in 1983 by friends of this distinguished
alumnus and longtime football coach, on the occasion of his 25th year as a coach at La Salle College
High School.
The Haley Group Fund, established in 2004,
provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Hansen Family Grant Fund, established in
2009, provides financial assistance to students
demonstrating need.
The Hathaway Grant Fund provides financial
assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Clark J. Hopkins ’62 Scholarship Fund,
established in 2007, provides financial assistance
to students demonstrating need with special consideration to candidates who demonstrate a true
sense of the meaning and value of friendship.
The Hughes Family Grant Fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Rev. Anthony W. Janton Scholarship Fund,
established in 2008, in honor of Father’s affiliation
as a Christian Brother, provides financial assistance
to students demonstrating need.
The John J. Kane Trust Fund, established in
1986 by John E. Kane ’75 in memory of his father,
provides financial assistance to fatherless boys.
The Koller Scholarship Fund, established in
2007, provides financial assistance to students
demonstrating need with special consideration to
candidates of sound academic potential living in
the Roxborough/Manayunk/Andorra area.
The Patrick Leahy Scholarship Fund, established
in 2000, provides financial assistance to students
demonstrating need.
The Howard R. and Jennie Leary Grant Fund,
established in 2000, provides financial assistance to
sons of police officers and firefighters.
The Dr. Joseph D. Lehman Endowment Fund
provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need and exceptional potential.
51 Explorer Fall 2009
The Julia Maher and Dr. Joseph D’Angelo
Scholarship, established in 2007, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Charles J. “O’Bie” O’Brien Trust Fund
provides financial assistance to students
demonstrating need.
The William H. Vincent, Jr. ’56 Grant Fund
provides financial assistance to students
demonstrating need.
The 1st Lt. Travis J. Manion ’99 Grant Fund,
established in 2007, provides financial assistance
to a current student demonstrating need who
has been identified as having the character traits
that embodied Travis Manion during his years as a
student at La Salle College High School.
The Frank M. Ponti ’56 Grant Fund, established
in 2006, provides financial assistance to students
demonstrating need.
The Karl and Mary-Elizabeth von Lipsey
Scholarship Fund, established in 2009 by
Roderick K. von Lipsey ’76, provides financial assistance to students of demonstrated need, who
possess scholastic aptitude and growth potential,
and whose principal financial sponsor is a public
The Christopher Matthews ’63 Grant Fund
provides financial assistance to students
demonstrating need from the city of Philadelphia.
The Charles F. and Verna M. McCafferty Grant
Fund provides financial assistance to students
demonstrating need.
The David T. McCarthy ’66 Scholarship Fund,
established in 1999 by his family and friends,
provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Timothy J. McNichol ’97 Grant Fund provides financial assistance to students from St. Philip
Neri Parish in Lafayette Hill, PA.
The Jack Meehan ’38 Trust Fund, established
in 1989 by his family. Mr. Meehan, an affiliate
Christian Brother, was a long time benefactor of
La Salle. This fund provides financial assistance to
students demonstrating need.
The Ernest J. Mehr Trust Fund, established in
1985 by Muriel Mehr, retired faculty member, in
memory of her husband. This fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Men of La Salle Endowment Fund assures
that no student of La Salle College High School will
have his education interrupted due to the death of
a primary wage earner.
The Miles Miller ’04 Grant Fund, established
in 2004, provides financial assistance to students
demonstrating need.
The J. Anthony Mitchell ’56 Grant Fund
provides financial assistance to students
demonstrating need.
The Joseph L. Moran ’45 Trust Fund, established
in 1976 by La Salle College High School Alumni,
provides monies for an outstanding student of
Spanish to study/travel to a Spanish-speaking
country in the summer preceding his junior year.
The Joseph M. Queenan ’65 Scholarship Fund,
established in 2004, provides financial assistance to
students demonstrating need.
The Frank and Mary Radomski ’40 Trust Fund,
established in 1989 in his memory by the Radomski
Family, provides financial assistance to students
demonstrating need.
The David and Elizabeth Savaiano Grant Fund,
established in 2001, provides financial assistance to
students demonstrating need.
The Mae Kutzer Schmitt Fund, established in
1983 by John Schmitt ’58 to honor his mother,
provides aid to a “La Salle student of character
and promise”.
The Scola Family Scholarship Fund in memory
of Pietro and Vito Scola, established in 2007, provides financial assistance to a student demonstrating need with special consideration to candidates
who are of Italian-American decent and reside in
either Northeast or South Philadelphia.
The Brother Robert F. Shea, FSC Trust Fund,
established in 1990 by Brother Robert from gifts
that he received on the occasion of his 25th
anniversary as a Christian Brother, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Andrew Wallace ’92 Endowment Fund
provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Brother Anthony Wallace Trust Fund,
established in 1986 by Thomas J. Ryan ’60 in
honor of Brother Anthony and his many years of
devoted service at La Salle, provides financial
assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Florence M. Ward Scholarship Fund,
established in 1990 by the Class of 1950 in honor
of Mrs. Ward, former Director of Alumni Affairs,
on the occasion of her retirement.
The Joseph W. Wesner ’73 Scholarship Fund,
established in 2002, awarded by the art
department to talented current students.
The John Whalen ’67 Grant Fund, established
in 2006, provides financial assistance to students
demonstrating need.
The Elizabeth B. Slabinski Scholarship Fund,
provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need from the city of Philadelphia.
The Charles C. Wynn ’46 Grant Fund,
established by Charles C. Wynn ’46, provides
financial assistance to the rowing program.
The Brother Fred Stelmach, FSC ’46 Endowed
Scholarship Fund, established in 1996 by La Salle
College High School alumni and friends of Brother
Fred, provides financial assistance to students
demonstrating need.
If you are interested in establishing a named
endowment fund, please contact Paul Colistra,
Major Gifts Officer in the Office of Institutional Advancement at (215) 402-4811.
The Gerald A. Tremblay ’53 Scholarship Fund
provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need from the city of Philadelphia who
demonstrate exceptional ability and promise.
La Salle made me believe that anything in life was possible.
Jake Whalen ‘67
The Robert J. Walker ’52 Scholarship Fund,
established in 2002, provides financial assistance
to students demonstrating need.
52 Explorer Fall 2009
Legacy Photos
Second Generation Explorers
The Class of 2013 includes forty-five “legacies,” students whose fathers, grandfathers or
great grandfathers are graduates of La Salle College High School. These students are pictured
above with Principal Joseph Marchese and President Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 at the
Freshman Orientation on Tuesday, September 8, 2009.
First Row (left to right): Principal Joseph Marchese, Michael Avallone, Eric Bridgeford, James Carroll, Michael Casey, Michael Celoni, Matthew Chadwick,
Anthony Checchi, Breandan Colgan, and Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ‘60
Second Row (left to right): Zachary Connor, Thomas Coyle, Michael deLuca, Nicholas D’Orazio, Patrick Finlay, Brian Fischer, Mark Grasela, Denis Harp,
and Peter Hildebrandt
Third Row (left to right): Steven Hladczuk, Luke Kane, Brendan Koch, Kurt Lutter, Mark Lynch, Joseph Maginnis, David Malone, Joseph Markmann,
and John Mastronardo
Fourth Row (left to right): William Mischler, Patrick Morrissey, Thomas Noonan, Kevin O’Donnell, Philip Plourde, James Princivalle, Christopher Rocco,
and Erik Scannapieco
Top Row (left to right): Trent Simmons, Riley Slusarski, Matthew Strolle, Robert Suter, Sean Waters, Ryan Williams , Ryan Winslow, Alexander Wolanin,
and Andrew Yeamans
Missing from the photo: Brian Robinson and Sean O’Brien
Third Generation Explorers
Pictured with Principal Joseph Marchese
and Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 are five
boys from the Class of 2013 whose fathers and
grandfathers are graduates of La Salle College
High School.
(left to right): Principal Joseph Marchese, Joseph Markmann,
Robert Suter, Michael Avallone, Sean Waters, Ryan Williams,
and Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ‘60
53 Explorer Fall 2009
George Guld ’47 reports that after living in a two-story log home for twenty-seven years in the Pocono Mountains, will be moving to Schuylkill County.
LTC William O’Donnell, USAF (Ret.) ’38 plays golf three days a week
and still shoots under his age (89).
Nicholas Marino ’47 welcomes emails from his classmates to [email protected].
Joseph Gavaghan ‘39 is enjoying his old age visiting son Patrick Gavaghan
‘62 at his homes in Raleigh, NC and Jackson Hole, WY.
August Ober, Jr., ‘47 writes that his granddaughter, Candice, made him a
great-grandfather this year.
James McGoldrick ’39 is a retired WW II Naval Aviator. Jim and is wife
Mildred celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary in May 2009 and
Jim has retired as a City Councilman in North Wildwood, NJ. Jim and Mildred
are the parents of three children, seven grandchildren, and eight
Robert Jardel ‘48 and his wife Dorothy have a new great-grandson –
Michael James Allison, born April 19, 2009.
Gerald Speitel ’48 was awarded the Drexel 100 Medal at the Rittenhouse
Hotel in Philadelphia on May 2, 2009 by C.R. Pennoni, President of Drexel
University and Dominic Caruso, Chairman of the Drexel 100. The Drexel 100
is the Drexel University Hall of Fame and only 194 graduates have received
this honor. These outstanding alumni embody Drexel’s heritage of excellence
and achievement in their professional accomplishments, public service, and
philanthropic activities.
Philip O’Neill ’41 writes that the O’Neill’s continue their travels. They have
gone on 39 trips including 70 countries, 42 trans-Atlantic crossings, and 23
cruises totaling 900 days at sea.
Leonard Whalen ’42 writes that he is still enjoying life in Florida and lives
with his daughter. “God Bless to All”.
Joseph Bergan ’44 sadly lost his wife Marion on January 6, 2009 after a
25-year long courageous battle with breast cancer. They had just celebrated
their 46th wedding anniversary and months earlier, welcomed their eighth
Dominic Marino ’44 regretfully reports they he has lost two daughters, but
is delighted to have eight grandchildren and is proud of the Catholic influence
in their education.
Carl Helwig ’45 is having a get together with some 1956 classmates
and their wives at Michael’s Cove on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake
Bay: Jim Goodyear, John Tuohy, Kevin Carey, and Cliff Gillespie will be
in attendance.
James W. Jones ’45 is taking his grandson, Matt Lamson ’08 on a trip to
Spain. He will be entering his sophomore year at La Salle University. His four
years of Spanish at La Salle College High School will be a big help.
Martin Pendergast ’45 watched with pride as his grandson, Kyle Finlay,
graduated from La Salle College High School in May of 2009. A second grandson, Patrick Finlay, will be entering La Salle in the fall, following his brother’s
and grandfather’s footsteps.
William Sharpe ’48 finally made his long-awaited trip to the Galapagos
Islands this year. The Tour Guide mentioned Mendel as well as Darwin.
Gerald received a BS in Civil Engineering from the Drexel Evening College in
1963 and a MS in Engineering Management from Drexel University School
of Engineering in 1967. He was President of Speitel Associates, a Consulting
Engineering firm specializing in Civil and Environmental Engineering. He
founded the firm in 1972 and it grew to 140 employees before becoming part
of BCM Engineers in 1996. He was a licensed Professional Engineer in seven
states and a licensed Land Surveyor and Professional Planner in the State of
New Jersey.
Gerald has been President of the New Jersey Consulting Engineers Council,
the South Jersey Branch and New Jersey Section of the American Society of
Civil Engineers. On the national level, he was ASCE Director of District One
and Zone One Vice President. He was elected the 1989 Delaware Valley
Engineer of the Year and was later selected for the New Jersey Engineer of
the Year and the Distinguished New Jersey Civil Engineer Awards.
Drexel previously recognized Gerald with the College of Engineering Alumni
Service Award, the Mary S. Irick Drexel Medal, the Key “D’ Award, the Joseph
Vetter Service to the University Award, and the Twenty-Year Attainment
William Bailey ’46 is happy with his move to Richmond, VA.
Gerald serves on the Ocean City High School Advisory Board for “Project Lead
the Way”, a program which encourages students to consider a career
in engineering and architecture.
Harry Reckner ’46 is still working with his youngest son making glass eyes
for taxidermy. They make machinery for the company in his machine shop at
home. Harry is restoring an Austin Healy sports car. Peter Finley, EdD ’49 and his wife Nancy celebrated their golden anniversary this summer. They took their three grandchildren on a trip to Ireland to
visit one of their ancestral homes in County Donegal.
Charles Wynn ‘46 was named “Volunteer of the Year” for visits to patients
in convalescent hospitals in San Rafael, CA. Charlie was a participant in
“Human Race” fundraiser for affordable housing in Marin County, CA.
Joseph Margre ’49 now has sixteen grandchildren and three
James Fallon ’47 has been married to his wife, Dolores, for 58 years, resulting in eight children, thirty-three grandchildren, and fifteen great-grandchildren. Jim is Secretary of Fort Dix Retiree Council. He retired PARNG as SGM.
Ted Regan ’49 is very proud of La Salle Academics and Sports! 54 Explorer Fall 2009
J. Raymond Fitzpatrick, Jr. ‘56 has his first grandson Liam Raymond
Fitzpatrick, born March 31, 2009.
Reverend Monsignor Thomas Birch ’50 celebrated his 50th Jubilee on
May 7, 2009.
Robert Lyons, MD ’56 received the 2009 Distinguished Alumni Service
Award from Yale School of Medicine in June 2009. Bob graduated from Yale
School of Medicine in 1964.
Mike Carey ’50 is pleased with his son, Devlin, who is a Presidential Scholar
in the Class of 2010.
Charlie Happ ’50 is still playing music. He belongs to six different groups;
two concert bands, two big band jazz orchestras, and two quartets.
Bernard McAneney ’50 is grandfather of nineteen.
Reverend William Spencer ‘50 has become of the Pastor of a second parish, in addition to being Pastor of Our Lady of Lake Huron Catholic Church,
Harbor Beach, MI, Father Spencer is now also the Pastor of St. Anthony of
Padua, in Helena, MI.
William dePasquale ’51 has traded his violin bow from the Philadelphia
Orchestra days, for a conducting baton. Bill is in his 3rd year as conductor
of the Philadelphia Youth Orchestra’s string orchestra, PRYSM. The PRSYM
enrollment has doubled each year.
Robert Walker ’52 is traveling to Germany and Lichtenstein this year. Last
year, he went to Russia – first time for Bob and second time for his wife.
He will attend two family reunions this year – one in Virginia and one in
Lou Casale ’54 and his wife Thelma (Hare) celebrated their golden
wedding anniversary at a party given by their children for family and friends. In attendance were fellow classmates: Dr. and Mrs. Francis Boland ’54,
Mr. and Mrs. William Bryson ’54, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Martin Grasmeder ’54.
Martin O’Donnell ’57 has moved back to the Philadelphia area after spending twenty-four years in Lexington, KY.
Jim Osborne ’56 recently retired and is enjoying Avalon, along with his wife
of forty-nine years, Sally. They enjoy visits from their family and friends, in
addition to boating and golf. Jim does miss his frequent visits to “La Salle’s
fabulous campus” and seeing so many friends, associates, and the enthusiastic students.
Honorable Peter Perry ’56 was appointed to the position of Supervising/
Managing Judge, Workers’ Compensation Office of Adjudication,
Southeastern District of PA.
Frank Ponti, PhD ’56 is now serving on the President’s Recovery Acts
Transparency Board representing the Department of Defense.
John Singiser ’56 celebrated his 70th with his family (three daughters and
son-in-laws, six grandchildren) at Islamorada in the Florida Keys in March. He
had a great time and is still selling athletic equipment.
Reverend Charles Sullivan ’56 retired as pastor of St. Bernard Church
in June of 2008. Now Father Sullivan is Senior Priest (semi-retired) at St.
Michael’s in Levittown, PA. He celebrated his 43rd anniversary of priesthood.
James Waters ’56 retired from the Abington School District on June 30,
Anthony Giampetro, Sr., MD ’54 visited with classmates at John
Lamprecht’s restaurant, The Blue Bell Inn, and had a great time. He is thrilled
to be semi-retired and still working three days a week.
John Becker, CPA ’57 is proud to report that, with the graduation of his
grandson Christopher on May 30, 2009, three generations of Becker’s have
graduated from La Salle College High School.
Richard Deasy ‘55 is now retired from the Department of the Navy and is
now working for a Defense Contractor.
Robert Durney ‘57 is now Associate Professor of Business at Chestnut Hilll
College and has been voted Pennsylvania Advisor of the Year by the Future
Business Leaders of America College Division.
Reverend Monsignor James Foley ’55 the Pastor Emeritus of Saints Peter
and Paul Parish in West Chester, PA was appointed Parochial Vicar with the
status of Senior Priest at Saint Eleanor Parish in Collegeville, PA.
Robert Suter ’55 is proud of Robert W. Suter, III, a member of the Class of
2013. Robert, III will be a third generation Explorer at La Salle College High
James Catalino ’56 is proud of his seventh grandson, Michael Catalino, who
will be a member of the Class of 2013.
William Regli ‘58 asks the Class of 1958 to Save the Date of Wednesday,
December 16, 2009 for their annual Christmas Party at Manufacturer’s Golf
and Country Club.
Stephen Cook ’59 and his wife Anne are celebrating their 41st wedding
anniversary; they have four grandchildren.
Louis Donaghue, MD ’59, a Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon, retired in
2007 after thirty-four years in practice.
Tom Elsasser ’59 came out of retirement to take a position with Mayor
Nutter’s Administration in Philadelphia.
55 Explorer Fall 2009
Michael Komelasky, MD ’65 reports that his daughter joined the US Navy
Medical Corp in June 2009 as a Psychologist.
Jim Coll ’60, after retiring, has been working as a member of the
Maintenance Staff at Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Parish in
North Wales, PA.
Harry Vantine, PhD ’65 retired in 2007 and lives with his wife Kathy and
daughter Kelly in Livermore, CA. Harry enjoys golf and has a 13.9 index. He
still works two days a week at Livermore Lab.
Dennis Metrick, PhD ‘60 officially retired from his position of Program
Manager for the Maricopa County Justice Courts on May 22, 2009. Dennis
hopes to become a docent for The Phoenix Art Museum.
Gene Cattie ’66 has moved to Cattie Consulting, which assists schools and
small businesses in improved use of marketing and sales through print and
electronic mail.
William Smith ’60 holds patents in the United States, Canada, and Israel.
William Gibbons, MD ‘66 is Chairman of the Department of Medicine at
Holy Redeemer Hospital in Meadowbrook, PA. Bill is proud of his son,
Brian ‘06.
John Greene III ’61 is retired and living in Atlanta, GA. On Labor Day last
year, John met with Dennis Crowley, Buck Durney, and Rob Becker for golf
outing in Somers Point, NJ.
Joseph Lalli ’61 is “pop-pop” to ten grandchildren, the oldest of whom just
turned eight. Reverend Dave Givey ’62 is busy working at several parishes in Ocean
City, NJ. His book on “The Social Thought of Thomas Merton: The Way
of Nonviolence and Peace fro the Future” has recently gone into a Second
Edition. It is published by St. Mary’s Press, 2009. Recently turning 65, Father
Dave says “at my age, I guess it’s better to be in a Second Edition than to be
out of print”.
Walter Kaminski ’62 is retired in Plantation, FL. He misses announcing
Explorer football and basketball games more than cheese steaks and hoagies.
Louis Beccaria PhD ’63 recently was appointed by the Chester County
Commissioners to the Advisory Board of the Chester County Food Bank,
which raises funds and collects food to assist the many in Chester County
who daily lack enough food.
John Fisher, DDS ‘63 was elected President Elect of Massachusetts Dental
Society as well as elected into the International College of Dentists.
Anthony Le Storti ’63 was presented by the American Creativity Association
with the Champion of Creativity Award for his work in fostering creative
thinking and innovation.
Chris Matthews ’63 has just published “The Hardball Handbook”; which
is packed with advice for the college graduate. Chris just delivered the
Commencement Address at St. Joseph’s University.
Joseph Yannessa ’63 is still doing federal background investigations since
retiring from the Marine Corps. He is working closely with local law enforcement agencies. He and his wife Anne are still raising teenagers.
Tom Gallagher, Esq. ’64 had a great time at the 45th reunion – “nice to
see time has not changed any of us”. Larry Hill ’65 has accepted a position as the Delaware Valley Regional
Chapter Coordinator with the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition. NOCC is
a non-profit organization with the mission of educating women and doctors about ovarian cancer, the most deadly of gynecologic cancers. Larry is
responsible for coordinating their fundraising and awareness events in the tristate area. Larry lost his wife to ovarian cancer in October 2008.
Paul Partyka ’66 was elected President of Oviedom – Winter Springs
Regional Chamber of Commerce – which is 630 members strong.
Thomas Baldino, PhD ’67 is serving as Interim Dean of the College of Arts,
Humanities and Social Sciences at Wilkes University.
Rob Liberatore ’67 retired from Daimler a year ago and is doing non-profit
work, including a fellowship at a transatlantic think tank called the German
Marshall Fund. He and his wife Patty are spending most of the summer in
Martha’s Vineyard.
Ed Molush ’68 rode 162 extremely hilly miles for the benefit of MS Society in
“Dutch Tour” bike event on July 18, 2009.
Andrew Stephenson, Esq. ’68, while on business to the UAE, met John
Bang, a 1989 alum and an attorney with the law firm of Bae, Kim & Lee in
Seoul, South Korea. Andrew and John spent a week in Abu Dhabi and Dubai.
Gerry Binder ’69 recently joined Janney Montgomery Scott in Wyncote, PA
as a Financial Consultant.
William Brinkmann ’69 is proud of his company, Brinkmann Brothers;
they’ve been doing slate, copper, tile and conventional roofing since 1865.
Kevin Colgan ’69 has a son, Brendan, in the Class of 2013 who is a goalie
for the Junior Flyers AAA Hockey Team.
John Corr ’69 reports that 2010 marks his 20th year in the wine industry. Geoff Meyer ’69 became a grandfather for the second time on April 3, 2009
and had a wonderful time at his 40th Reunion. “Thanks to all…what a great
Thomas Pilong ’69 recently retired from NFL Films and is enjoying his time
with his first grandchild.
Joe Zaiss ’69 said it was a phenomenal 40th Reunion for the great class of
1969. The Reunion Committee did a super job to put it together.
56 Explorer Fall 2009
Phil Cassidy ’70 that he just returned from his 21st consecutive year visiting
the Saratoga Springs Racetrack – fellow alums were Mike Cassidy ’74, Joe
Winning ’69, John Wozniak ’77, Bill Benz ’72, Gerry Lowery ’78 and Connell
McConeghy ’88. Men of La Salle fathers on the trip included Kevin Agnew,
Joe Ferrier and Joe Winning.
Gerald Burke, MD ’71 graduated from Rutgers Camden Law School in May
2009, while continuing to practice medicine on a full-time basis. He was fortunate to pass the PA and NJ bar exams in February of 2009.
Gerald Hathaway, Esq. ’72 was elected as a fellow to the College of Labor
and Employment Lawyers. Jerry works in the New York City office of Littler
Mendelson, P.C. Election as a Fellow is the highest recognition by one’s colleagues of sustained outstanding performance in the profession, exemplifying
integrity, dedication and excellence.
The fourteenth installation of Fellows will be held November 7, 2009 in
Washington, DC, coincident with the American Bar Association’s Labor and
Employment Section’s Continuing Legal Education Conference. With the
current installation, the College is represented by over one thousand
members in forty-three states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico
and Canada. The College was the vision of a number of the Fellows. The idea was to
further establish this profession in all its aspects as one uniquely important
to the world of labor and employment law, individual rights, collective bargaining and dispute resolution. The College was established in 1995 through
an initiative of the Council of the Section of Labor and Employment Law of
the American Bar Association. It operates as a free standing organization
recognizing those who, by long and outstanding service, have distinguished
themselves as leaders in the field.
Nicholas Rongione ’72 was elected to Board of Directors of the West Boca
Community Counsel, an umbrella organization consisting of over one hundred
homeowners associations in Boca Raton, FL.
Kevin Weinstein, Esq. ’72 and his wife, Mary, welcomed their first grandchild this past January.
John Fornace, DO ’73 writes that his two sons, Christopher ’06 and Daniel
’07, along with his nephew Liam O’Neill ’07 have all graduated from La Salle
College High School and now attend Drexel University.
Vincent Hee ’73 after thirteen years of installing and repairing slate, tile,
metal and asphalt roofing, gutters and siding; nine years as a Sales/Project
Manager and five more years as a Sales Manager for Russell Roofing, has
successfully started Vince Hee Roofing and is ready to help any alum.
Thomas Keating ’73 has been elected to the Iowa High School Athletic
Association’s Board of Control and will be inducted into Iowa Volleyball
Coaches Hall of Fame in November 2009.
Rory Lawler ‘73, together with his son Darcy, has opened a shop named
Darcy’s in the Flourtown Farmers Market in Flourtown, PA.
Gerard Foley ’74 asks his class to contact him at gfoley@foleyinsurance.
com. He is initiating Class of 1974 gatherings, communications, e-mails and
on-line discussions…join in!
Mike Hoehn ‘74 and classmate Pete Salmon are working to improve the golf
games of their fellow classmates Bob Gerngross and Phil Kelly.
Ronald Tomasso, AIA ’74 had a wonderful trip to Sicily in June.
John Suchy ’75 in addition to representing the Lindal Cedar Homes, is
currently the Associate Broker and Office Manager of Coldwell Banker
Hearthside in Ottsville, PA. Their office is in what was the Harrow Inn – Chef
Tell’s old restaurant! “We think the place is haunted by his spirit – a good
John Toy ’76 is entering his seventh year with Capgemini and just about
recovered from Hurricane Ike.
James Young ’78 sends his regards to all his classmates.
George Johnson ’79 is working at JP Morgan Chase in Commercial Lending
Group. His son, Kevin, graduated in May as a member of the Class of 2009. 1980’s
John Borek, LTC (Ret) ’80 accepted a position with the Defense Department
as a Senior Intelligence Analyst.
Paul Kollmer-Dorsey ’81 joined the Broadcasting Board of Governors as
Deputy General Counsel and Acting General Counsel. The Broadcasting Board
of Governors, encompassing all US civilian international broadcasting, is an
independent federal agency that broadcasts in sixty languages to key
audiences around the world and acts as an example of a free and professional press. Paul currently resides in Washington, DC and has more than twenty
years of legal experience supporting global technology and communicationsbased enterprises.
LTC Michael Masucci, USAF ’81 retired from USAF last year after twentythree years of service. Michael is now flying as a corporate pilot for XOJet,
Inc, an owner and charter private flying service flying the Citation X Aircraft.
John Toner ’82 is enjoying his “second-time” through La Salle College High
School with his sons, John ’10 and Billy ’12.
William O’Brien, III, DO ’83 is CEO of HyperOx, Inc., a hyperbaric oxygen
company that was awarded a federal grant to start Autism Research.
Mike Stoughton ‘83 is one of those people willing to take a chance.
Leaving the corporate world behind. While so many people dream about it,
not many actually have the gumption to do it.
After working as a software developer for the majority of his adult life, the
43-year-old Medford resident decided he was going to
pursue his dream.
“My whole life I’ve been told ‘you have a great voice, you love
baseball…you’ve got to do something about it’,” said Stoughton.
“I figured, if I could get a job that pays me to go to baseball
games, that would be heaven.”
57 Explorer Fall 2009
Stoughton realized the jobs weren’t going to come to him, so he started
calling around to minor league teams to see if there were any opportunities
available. And after a year, nothing came of it.
But that didn’t stop him and with the 2009 season rolling around, he
continued his pursuit, this time at a job fair for the Lakewood BlueClaws,
the Single A affiliate for the Philadelphia Phillies.
“They weren’t looking for a PA announcer, but I figured let me take a
crack at it and maybe somebody would hear me and they’d like my voice.”
And that’s exactly what happened. Stoughton’s booming baritone voice
struck a chord with officials at the job fair and a few weeks later, he received
a phone call and a job offer. No audition, no formal interview. Just an
It turns out that the regular PA announcer for the BlueClaws, Kevin Clark,
wanted to scale back his schedule, leaving half the season available. It was
perfect timing for Stoughton.
The married father of three was offered 35 games, announcing batters,
starting lineups, pitching changes, promotions, special guests and more.
“It’s a tight show we put on, but we still manage to have a lot of fun,”
added Stoughton. “I knew this was going to be a blast, but I had no idea
just how much fun this would be.”
The PA announcing job field is not exactly a burgeoning one, but Stoughton
plans to keep pursuing his dream and hopes opportunities continue to arise.
A recent visit with Phillies iconic PA announcer Dan Baker only reinforced
Stoughton’s ambition.
“Consummate gentleman doesn’t even begin to describe him,” said
“I jokingly told Dan that I aspire to replace you. He said ‘I’ve been doing it
for thirty-eight years and god willing I hope to do it another twelve to hit that
fifty mark.’”
And after just half a season and with no formal training, Stoughton said he
feels right at home in the booth and is ready to keep chasing the dream.
“It was surprisingly easy right out of the chute. I didn’t know if I would be
nervous, but it’s almost like there is no time for the nerves to get a hold of
you. Now, I’m really comfortable with it.”
Peter Tripodi ’83 has a new business. In addition to ATRIPOD Associates, he
has started Solar Advantage in Trevose, PA.
Steven Gavarone ’84 married Dawn Barnikel on May 24, 2009.
Tom Gizzi ’85 and Joseph Logan ’90 are coaching Collegiate Women’s
Division I Basketball at Loyola College in MD.
Joseph Hackman ‘85 is now a Project Management Professional (PMP).
Francis Worthington ‘85 has a son, Francis, Jr., in the Class of 2012.
Christopher Haley ‘86 recently resigned from Wachovia Securities to join an
independent real estate advisory firm, Ridgeway Capital, LLC, as principal.
Terry Burke ’88 was promoted to Vice President of Quest Diagnostics.
John Maher, Jr. ’89 married Allison Wilson in Philadelphia on July 19,
2008. John is working for a health care consulting firm, Premier Consulting
Solutions as a Director. He and Allison live in Rittenhouse Square.
Joseph Cullen, Esq. ’91 is a shareholder at Stark & Stark in Newtown, Bucks
County, PA. Joe specializes in personal injury litigation and medical malpractice litigation.
Craig Fitzgerald ’91 was appointed the head weight and strength coach for
football under Steve Spurrier at the University of South Carolina in Columbia,
SC. He was formerly the head weight and conditioning coach at Harvard
University. Craig is a former football player and graduate of the University of
Timothy Micsko ‘92 is currently the Associate Producer of the USA Network
TV show, “Psych” which airs on Friday nights at 10:00 PM on USA.
Kevin Conlin ’93 is entering his tenth year of teaching at Abington Senior
High School.
Sean McDermott ‘93 was officially named Defensive Coordinator of the
Philadelphia Eagles on July 24, 2009. McDermott took over on an interim
basis on May 18, 2009 after Jim Johnson began an indefinite leave
of absence to cancer treatments.
McDermott joined the coaching staff of the Philadelphia Eagles in 2000 as an
assistant to the head coach and has quickly climbed the coaching ranks. He
has held the positions of Defensive Assistant in charge of Quality Control,
Coach of the Safeties, Linebackers Coach, and most recently was in charge of
the Secondary. Prior to coaching for the team, McDermott began his involvement with the Eagles as a Marketing Intern in 1996.
Joseph Zalewski ’93 has joined the board of the non-profit Red Fern Theatre
Company and will help produce their first premiere “All Through The Night”
this October.
J. Raymond Fitzpatrick, III, MD ’96 is completing a surgical residency at
the University of Pennsylvania and is pursuing a career as a Cardiac Surgeon.
Robert Miller ’98 married Jennifer Marboury on June 17, 2009 in Great
Mills, MD. Groomsmen included Terence Fallon ’98, Mark Smalley ’98, and
Frank Stieber ’98. Also in attendance was the groom’s uncle, Harry B. Miller,
Jr. ’58.
LT Scott T. Miller ’99 is on his third deployment to Middle East – Kabul,
Afghanistan. “See everyone in January 2010.”
LTJG Patrick Salvitti ’99, a Navy Pilot, is currently serving in Kuwait.
58 Explorer Fall 2009
Paul Carroll ‘00 is the Director of Music at St. Louis Church in Clarksville,
MD. He holds BA and MA degrees in Organ from the Peabody Conservatory
of Johns Hopkins University where he studied with Donald Sutherland from
2000-2005. As a keyboardist, Paul has performed as a soloist, an accompanist, and with orchestras in the United States, Italy, Russia, Germany, Austria,
Spain and Israel as an organist, pianist, and harpsichordist. Fall of 2009,
Paul will begin a doctoral program in Sacred Music at the Catholic University
of America in Washington, DC.
At age 15, Paul took his first position at church in his native Lansdale, PA.
Soon after, he served first as Organist and later as Music Coordinator for
Youth Ministry at Corpus Christi Church in Upper Gwynedd, Pennsylvania.
While studying at Peabody Conservatory, Paul held positions of Organist
at the First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Odenton, MD and Organist for
Spanish Liturgy at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle in Washington,
DC. As a church musician, Paul has played in St. Peter’s Basilica in the
Vatican, Martinskircke in Oberlennigen, Germany, and the Church of Saint
Bartholomew in Seville, Spain. From 2002-2007, Paul was the Director of
Music Ministry at St. Clement Church in Lansdowne, MD.
In April 2003, Paul won first place in the Washington, DC Chapter
Competition of the American Guild of Organists (AGO). In October 2005,
he was a finalist in the Marcello Galanti International Organ Competition
in Mondaino, Italy.
Paul supports many different types of music. He first emphasizes the works of
seminal French Romantic Composers such as Charles-Marie Widor and
Louis Vierne. As he explores various other avenues of musical performance,
Paul has performed and directed many Broadway musicals. He has performed
at a variety of venues including Toby’s Dinner Theater in Maryland as well as
the Bristol Riverside Theater in Pennsylvania. He is a member of the American
Guild of Organists and is currently the Dean of the Baltimore Chapter. In
addition, he was the Chair for Publicity of the 2007 Baltimore Regional
Convention of the AGO.
Save The Date!
Grand Reunion for the Classes of
1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990,
1995, 2000, 2004, and 2005
Thomas Devlin ’00 has completed his fifth year of teaching at La Salle
College High School and recently purchased a home in the Mt. Airy section of
Kyle Elliott ‘01 graduated from the Villanova University School of Law
in May 2009. In the fall, Kyle will be clerking for the Honorable Thomas
I. Vanaskie in the United States District Court for the Middle District of
Pennsylvania located in Scranton, PA.
Peter Hand ‘04 is now living in New York City, working for ZoCo
Productions as an assistant to the executive producer. Along with Oprah
Winfrey, the company is launching a new television show called “The Doctor
Oz Show”.
Joel Worster ‘04 is working for this family owned and operated business,
Stitch Graphics, Inc. Recently, they started a new division of the company,
Screen Printing, of which Joel is in charge.
Gerard McEvilly ’05 graduated from Cabrini College in May of 2009 with a
BA in Criminology.
Dan O’Toole ‘05 graduated in May from Haverford College, magna cum
laude, with majors in Economics and in English. He was selected a member of
Phi Beta Kappa and awarded the Newton Prize for highest honors in English.
A four-year member of the cross country and track teams, Dan was named
the Outstanding Meet Performer in Track at the Centennial Conference
Outdoor Track and Field Championships earlier this spring. He was also
named to the 2008-2009 Philadelphia Inquirer Academic All-Area collegiate
team chosen by area Sports Information Directors in July.
Felix Manzi ‘07 is going on tour as the drummer for the Glenn Miller
Orchestra. He will be spending a whole month in Japan with the orchestra.
Important Verification Needed
Please Call 215.402.4813
We are asking the entire La Salle community to update
their contact and other pertinent information. La Salle
College High School has recently launched a comprehensive
data verification project. We have assembled all of the
information currently listed in our database and now need
your assistance to confirm the accuracy of data to insure
that you receive future issues of the Explorer as well as
electronic publications.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
6:00 pm
La Salle College High School
$60 per person
Please contact Tami Moore at (215) 402-4813 or
[email protected] at your earliest convenience should you
have any changes or additions to your contact details
including: mailing address, phone numbers, email addresses,
employment, education, and family information.
If you would like to help in the planning or your reunion(locating lost
classmates, organizing the evening as well as other potential activities, calling
classmates to increase attendance, setting-up that day, etc.), please contact
Mary Frances Kelly, Director of Alumni Relations at [email protected]
or (215) 402-4814.
We need your help so you can continue to
hear from us.
59 Explorer Fall 2009
Annual Alumni
Golf Outing
Monday, June 1, 2010
Philadelphia Cricket Club
6025 West Valley Green Road
Flourtown, Pennsylvania
Play will take place on both courses
Wissahickon (Old) and Militia Hill (New).
For additional information, please
contact Mary Frances Kelly at
(215) 402-4814 or [email protected]
Celebrating 50 Years of Brothers‘ Boys
60 Explorer Fall 2009
Scott Wolpert, Esq. ’84 and his wife,
Amy, a girl, Grace Elizabeth, on May 27,
Daniel Keenan ’91 and his wife,
Jessica, twin boys, Daniel and Michael, on
September 11, 2008. The boys are named
after their father and dear friend Michael
Costello who perished in the World Trade
Center terrorist attacks exactly seven
years prior.
John Rider ’91 and his wife, Julie,
welcomed their first child, a boy, James
Jefferis, on December 23, 2008.
Michael O’Hara, PhD, MBA ’93 and
his wife, Kristen, a girl, Paige Lauren, on
February 18, 2009.
Brian Romano ’94 and his wife, Megan,
their third child, a girl, Erin Margaret, on
June 29, 2009.
John Collins ‘95 and his wife, Patti, a
girl, Rory Eileen, on July 2, 2009.
J. Raymond Fitzpatrick, III, MD ’96
and his wife, Colleen, welcomed their first
child, a boy, Liam Raymond, on March 31,
Ryan Foley ’97 and his wife, Katie, a girl,
Charlotte Fitzgerald, on August 7, 2009.
Tim Fenningham ’98 and his wife Katie
Durkin, their first child, a boy, Aiden
Patrick, on January 16, 2009: He has
already committed to La Salle College High
John Travers ’98 and his wife, Ashley,
welcomed their first child, Jack William, on
October 15, 2008.
Nick Coggins and his wife, Stacey, their
third son, Liam Nolan, on July 16, 2009.
John C. Ansel, MD ‘67
Joseph F. Bisciotti ‘69
Jerome F. Bradley ‘45
Edward “Ted” Byrne III ‘78
John F. Daly ‘51
Robert “Chip” D’Ambrosio ‘58
Joseph P. Earley ‘47
Michael J. Heaney ’64
Edward J. Holmes ‘89
Kevin R. Kierstead ‘69
James A. Kelly, Sr. ‘54
James L. Keogh, III ‘48
Walter A. McCool, DMD ‘46
John C. Nolan ‘44
James C. O’Rourke ’57
James G. Shields ‘47
Peter Sigmund ’85 received the Drexel University
Harold W. Pote Behind Every Graduate Award for
Excellence in Secondary School Teaching from the
LeBow College of Business on June 13, 2009.
In an effort to acknowledge the influence of excellent teaching, Drexel
University established the Harold W. Pote Behind Every Graduate Award to
provide an opportunity for at least one such teacher to be recognized during
their commencement. The university asked all of their graduating seniors to
nominate a teacher that has made a difference in their lives. A committee of
Drexel faculty and students then chose among those nominated. The recipient exemplifies outstanding teaching, role modeling, and a commitment to
students. Pete was nominated by Kevin Lutsch ’04, a former Lab Manager
at La Salle and a business administration major who graduated from LeBow
College of Business.
In his nominating letter, Kevin praised Pete for recognizing the importance of
experimental learning. “Mr. Sigmund recognized that high school students
could hone and develop their technology and people skills by participating
in a technology team management program.” Due to this life-transforming
experience, Kevin will pursue a career in technology consulting upon his graduation from Drexel. Kevin further stated, “Mr. Sigmund embodies the spirit of
the Harold W. Pote Award. He guided me to choose Drexel for its cooperative
learning experiences, prepared me for the challenges of a collegiate education, emphasized the importance of business principles, and continues to help
students to succeed in college and life.”
Pete received a $2,000 prize and an additional $2,000 was donated Drexel
University to La Salle College High School in the name of Pete Sigmund and
Kevin Lutsch.
Michael T. Vesey ‘77
Joseph Benz, father of Joseph ‘75 and
grandfather of Thomas ‘10
Jennifer Bradley, the mother of
Dylan Ozuna ’12
Richard E.Buck
Ronald Carapellotti, father of Ron ‘12
and Alex Carapellotti ‘11
Daniel J. Clipner, father of
Dan Clipner ’89
Ann Coleman, mother of Patrick ‘09
John Draganescu, father of John
Draganescu, MD ’75, Mark Draganescu
(Current Parent), grandfather of
Mark S. Draganescu ’11
Bernard Freitag
Col. Willliam B. Fynes, Sr. (Ret.), father
of Bill ‘65 and John ‘68
Anthony A. Galante, father of Anthony
A. Galante ‘02
Jacqueline Anne Hughes Hathaway
Gouin, mother of Richard ‘65, Michael
‘68, George ‘69 and Gerald ‘72
Cathering Koenig, mother of George A.
Koenig ‘59
Rosario “Roy” Lomanno, father of Mark
‘71 and James ‘73
Daniel J. McCollum, III, father of Joe
McCollum ‘08
Andrew Weaver, father of Michael
Weaver ’84
The Golden
Age of T V:
A Really
Big Show
THE 2009
P le a s e j oi n t he
Men of L a S a l le a nd
t he Mot her s’ Clu b
a s w e celebr ate
t he memor ie s a nd
t he m a g ic of t he
G olden A ge of T V.
S a tu r d ay, Nove mbe r 7, 20 0 9
La S a l le C o l lege H ig h S c hoo l
6 : 0 0 P M C o c k t a i l s, H o r s d’oeuv r es a nd S i le nt Auc t io n
7: 45 D i n ne r ~ 9 : 0 0 P M Live Auc t io n
Fo l lowed b y M a ss a nd C o nt i ne nt a l B r ea k fa st
Sp ons or ed by
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or cont act t he auct ion of f ice
at 215 - 4 02 - 4915 or auct ion @ l s ch s.or g
The Official Magazine of La Salle College High School
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