SGB Minutes 2007-2008 - KUnited
SGB Minutes 2007-2008 - KUnited
STUDENT GOVERNMENT BOARD KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY Minutes of October 2, 2007 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:07 pm II. Attendance At-Large Justin McCleary Elaine Mara Rachel Morris Nili Goldberg Aaron Smyk Samantha Dennis Randi Meredith Elizabeth Schroeder Non Resident Matthew McDonnell Shaina Geltman Jason Correll Scott Shapiro Mark Koenig Barbara Kurtz New Students Christopher Haines Alyssa Bigbee Monet Thomas-Anderson Kristine Killingsworth Advisor Bob Watrous Resident Melissa Liesner Jamie Cartergena Jennifer Wilson Lisselot Molina Members Absent Nicholas Manento Guests Katie Turner Julisa Medina -Criminal Justice Assoc. Olivia Muiru -ISO Lisa Kowalski -KUSSI Standing Committees Kathleen Horner-RHA Josh McKee-ACE Katie Grow-UGC Linda Beyer-RSCC Erin Kershaw-OCAC III. Approval of Minutes Motion: entertain a motion to approve the minutes of September 25th. So moved: N. Goldberg Second By: A. Bigbee Corrections: Elizabeth and Nicholas were present last meeting. Greg Bamberger was present as a guest. Kristina Christmas-Kunkle filled in for Bob Watrous Abstentions: S. Geltman Motion: Passed I. Public Comments None II. Executive Committee Reports A. President - M. Koenig directed everyone to the quote for the day. - M. Koenig announced that Christopher gave the golden bear to Monet for stepping up and being Pride and Historian chair. - M. Koenig announced the dates for the BSGP regular meeting, November 2nd-3rd. Please send Mark and email if anyone is interested in going. -BSGP leadership conference is November 30-December 1st at Shippensburg. Mark will be emailing everyone a reminder. - M. Koenig announced that President Cevallos will be attending the November 13th meeting. - M. Koenig announced that the safety forum will be on October 16th at 11am the free hour. - M. Koenig thanked everyone who attended the open house market place. - M. Koenig announced that in the pass around folder there is a list of sub committee chairs. - M. Koenig announced that there is a dinner being planned with Dr. Cevallos. - M. Koenig yielded the floor B. Vice President - L. Molina announced that she and Melissa attended the home coming meeting. - L. Molina announced that SGB will be involved in the parade and tent city - L. Molina asked that everyone attend their sub committee meetings - L. Molina announced that the leadership conference is coming and the applications are in the pass around folder. - L. Molina reminded committee chairs that checks and balances are after the meeting. - L. Molina yielded the floor C. Parliamentarian - S. Shapiro apologizes for the incorrect times for the market place and thanks those who attended. - S. Shapiro thanked Lisa Kowalski and the Bookstore. MOTION 1: "I move to grant the Geographical Society Gold Status effective immediately.” Made By: S. Shapiro Second By: S. Geltman Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed MOTION 2: "I move to accept the Allies revision of their bylaws for the next two years.” Made By: S. Shapiro Second By: S. Geltman Discussion: Abstentions: M. Thomas-Anderson Motion: Passed MOTION 3: "I move to open discussion about the revision to the constitution about vacancies.” Made By: S. Shapiro Second By: E. Mara Discussion: There are a lot of vacancies on the board and the constitution currently only allows us to elect new student representatives and not fill the vacancies. The revision will be in the office hour folder in the office. Abstentions: L. Molina Motion: Passed MOTION 4: "I move to close discussion.” Made By: S. Shapiro Second By: L. Molina Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed - S. Shapiro announced that he met with the Kutztown Borough, Public Safety, KU Ambassador, and the Mayor about having volunteers to walk in groups, keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity and reporting it. - S. Shapiro announced that October 22nd is the training session for this event and the location is TBA. - S. Shapiro asks that standing committees take this information back and gather volunteers. D. Treasurer -S. Dennis announced that no one showed up for Budget and Finance. - S. Dennis stressed that it is important that the members of the Budget and Finance committee show up for the meeting. MOTION 5: "I move to allocate $10.00 from line A999-6106 Private to KUSSI for business cards. Made By: S. Dennis Second By: S. Geltman Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed . - S. Dennis yielded the floor. E. Secretary -J. Wilson announced that if anyone did not receive a binder to let her know. - J. Wilson yielded the floor III. Business and Discussion A. Unfinished Business None B. New Business MOTION 6: “I move to allocate up to but not exceeding $2,300 from line S999-6365 SGB Conference funding for registration to the student leadership conference.” Made By: L. Molina Second By: R. Morris Discussion: Abstentions: A. Smyk, L. Molina Motion: Passed IV. Standing Committees A. Residence Hall Association (RHA) - RHA is planning the pep rally for October 25th in the Old Main Concourse at 6pm; this will lead to the pep rally afterwards. - Semi-formal committee meetings start this evening at 7:30pm in the Johnson Hall Conference room. It was a huge success last year and they look forward to it being as popular and fun as last year. B. Association of Campus Events (ACE) - Past events - Gym Class Heroes’ total attendance was 2,690, which 78% were KU Students and 21% were general public and the average cost per KU student was $13. - Texas Hold’em was Thursday September 27th and 40 people attended, and it also went over because of the turn out. - Upcoming events - Comedian Jen Kober will be coming on Thursday October 11th from 5-11pm in the MPR. - NACA - Sending 4 delegates, it will be taking place in Lancaster PA on October 4th-7th. C. Off Campus Advisory Club (OCAC) - Briar Cliff BBQ, Friday October 5th from 4-6pm - Bingo at Saucony Cross on Thursday on October 4th from 6:308:30pm - Contact Erin Kershaw at [email protected] if anyone is interested in volunteering, the event will happen every month. C. United Greek Council (UGC) - Formal recruitment was held this weekend. All sororities participated and received new members. One new member from each new member class must attend all CPC meetings. Each Chapter is allowed 50 girls; there fore continuous open bidding will take place for some chapters who have not yet met that number. - IFC is hosting “Top Ten Things Your Employer Wants To See” at 6pm in the MPR on October 12th. - October 17th, 2007 is “Love Your Body Day”, which CPC is trying - - - - - - to co-sponsor with the Women’s Center. CPC will be hosting a dodge ball tournament to raise money. The date is TBA but it is an open event. It will be $10 a team, with five people, and they must have a theme. CPC will also be selling bracelets for their Kyle Quinn scholarship. They will say “Stop the Violence” and sell for $1.00 each. The date, time and location are TBA. Phi Sigma Sigma is holding a bake sale in the sub October 31st from 9-3. Theta Phi Alpha will be holding a Silent Auction in the MPR on October 11th from 11-2. They will also be holding an event called “Pi a Theta Phi” on October 18th on the SUB lawn. The time is TBA. This Thursday in the MPR at 7pm is “Where Free Speech End and Harassment Begins”, which discusses way to handle violent protestors. The members of E-Board on UGC just revised their By-laws. A Walk to Cure Diabetes will be held Sunday October 21st, 2007 to Gring’s Mill Park, Reading, PA. I will hand out a sign up sheet to the Student Government Board. Elissa Ewing from AST was elected as MSU Rep for UGC. “Rootbeer Fest”, an anti-alcohol event, will be held on October 24th at 8pm in the Student Rec Center. It’s hosted by Kappa Sigma. E. Recreational Sports and Club Council (RSCC) - Dance Team is going to NYC to attend Broadway dance center and take classes there. - Equestrian Team had a Hunt Seat show over the weekend and came in 3rd place over all. They have a Western show this coming weekend hosted by IUP. - Ice Hockey played two preseason games over the weekend and lost both games. - Men’s Rugby won their game over the weekend against Maryland 55-15. This weekend they are playing Virginia Tech. V. Sub Committees A. Budget and Finance - S. Dennis asks that all members please show up to the meeting. MOTION 5: "I move to approve the recommendation of the Treasurer to grant ISO a budget of $4,500 form line S998 016643 Fall Contingency.” Made By: S. Dennis Second By: N. Goldberg Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed . MOTION 5: "I move to approve the recommendation of the Treasurer to grant Criminal Justice Association a budget of $425.00 from line S998 01-6643 Fall Contingency.” Made By: S. Dennis Second By: E. Mara Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed B. Constitutions and Policy - Please review the constitution revision in the office hour folder C. Fundraising - Possibly doing Dorney Park volunteer fundraiser on October 28th, earning $50 per person and 10 people are needed. Possibly having a basketball tournament. D. Planning - Shocktober fest on Thursday October 18th at 7pm - 25 people needed for group rate and possibly making it open to everyone. E. Historian and Pride - Monet Thomas Anderson is the new chairperson - Meetings are 3:30pm if any one has any ideas please come to the meeting. F. Investigations and Public Relations - M. Liesner: Float theme is the 80’s o People are needed to walk along the float, to drive the float o Sign ups for decorating October 25th from 1-5pm and October 26th from 2-9pm. Day of parade is October 27th starting at 8am. o Taking pictures for the SGB poster. - J. Correll: Haven’t had a meeting yet o Nothing to investigate yet. VI. Ad-hoc Committee Reports None VII. University Committee Reports J. McCleary: Office of Human Diversity (Silent Witness Training in the Academic Forum on October 4th) E. Mara: Library Committee: Committee attended the Library Liaison’s Roundtable where ideas of getting more students in the library and to get them into more information literacy sessions. Orientation and tours were also discussed. VII. Club and Liaison Reports None IX. Advisor’s Report -B. Watrous announced the silent witness training October 4th -B. Watrous announced the Town Gown meeting at Trinity Lutheran at 7pm -B. Watrous announced that there will be a detox after care session from 11am- 3pm from Repent America protest. X. Announcements - Keynote speaker at 11am on Thursday for Disability Awareness Month - Connections applications are out. For more information XI. Adjournment A. Motion to adjourn at 6:30pm. Made By: L. Molina Second By: N. Goldberg Motion: Passed Respectively submitted, Jennifer L. Wilson Secretary; Student Government Board STUDENT GOVERNMENT BOARD KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY Minutes of October 9, 2007 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:02 pm II. Attendance At-Large Justin McCleary Elaine Mara Nili Goldberg Samantha Dennis Randi Meredith Elizabeth Schroeder Rachel Morris Non Resident Matthew McDonnell Shaina Geltman Scott Shapiro Mark Koenig Barbara Kurtz Jason Correll New Students Christopher Haines Alyssa Bigbee Nicholas Manento Monet Thomas-Anderson Kristine Killingsworth Advisor Bob Watrous Resident Melissa Liesner Jennifer Wilson Lisselot Molina Members Absent Jamie Cartergena Aaron Smyk Guests Wyatt McCastle -MAC Jessica Parsons -Anthropology Club Chris Hamm -Sunshine Players Lisa Kowalski -KUSSI Steve Kenny Standing Committees RHA-absent Josh McKee-ACE Katie Grow-UGC Tom Nestor-RSCC Erin Kershaw-OCAC III. Approval of Minutes Motion: entertain a motion to approve the minutes of October 2nd. So moved: N. Goldberg Second By: A. Bigbee Corrections: missing people and motion 5 Abstentions: S. Geltman, N. Goldberg Motion: Passed I. Public Comments None II. Executive Committee Reports A. President - M. Koenig directed everyone to the quote - M. Koenig announced that Monet gave the golden bear to Randi for being a good committee member for Pride and Historian Committee - M. Koenig announced that the student body responded positively to the Repent America group. - M. Koenig announced the date for the meeting Dr. Cevallos will be attending. - M. Koenig will send all information about the BSGP conference - M. Koenig yielded the floor B. Vice President - L. Molina announced that the leadership conference applications are due Thursday by 4pm -L. Molina announced that she will be finished with sub committee chair one on one’s this week. Binders will be made. -L. Molina announced that checks and balances is after the meeting -L. Molina yielded the floor C. Parliamentarian - S. Shapiro thanks Lisa Kowalski and bookstore helped with the silent witnessing program - S. Shapiro announced that the safety walk is October 16th at 7:30pm. And two volunteers are need besides executive board committee to be note takers - S. Shapiro announced that a vending machine is being place in Old Main - S. Shapiro suggests that SGB should be involved in the crime watch D. Treasurer -S. Dennis thanked all those who came to Budget and Finance MOTION : "I move to allocate $29.85 from line S999-6105 Office Supplies for committee chair binders.” Made By: S. Dennis Second By: N. Goldberg Discussion: For the creating binders for the committee chairs Abstentions: Motion: denied MOTION : "I move to allocate $350.00 from line S999-6376 BSGP for BSGP dues. Made By: S. Dennis Second By: S. Shapiro Discussion: BSGP conference dues Abstentions: Motion: passed MOTION : "I move to rescind the motion of allocating up to but not exceeding $2,300 from line S999-6365 SGB Conference funding for registration to the student leadership conference.” Made By: S. Shapiro Second By: N. Goldberg Discussion: motion to resend motion on conference Abstentions: Motion: passed MOTION : "I move to allocate $2,345 from line S999-6365 conferences for National Leadership Conference registration fee. Made By: S. Dennis Second By: S. Shapiro Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: passed . - S. Dennis yielded the floor. E. Secretary -J. Wilson announced that if anyone did not receive a binder to let her know. -J. Wilson reminded everyone to continue to do their office hours. - J. Wilson yielded the floor. III. Business and Discussion A. Unfinished Business None B. New Business MOTION : “I move to open discussion on the safety forum and crime watch with Steve Kenny”. Made By S. Shapiro Second By: C. Haines Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed MOTION : "I move to close discussion.” Made By: J. McCleary Second By: R. Morris Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: passed IV. Standing Committees A. Residence Hall Association (RHA) No report B. Association of Campus Events (ACE) -Past Events: - NACA- Everyone came back Sunday and they will be booking about 8 events for next semester - Coming Events: - Jen Kober, October 11th at 8pm in the MPR - Retreat is the first weekend of November at Trout Lake - Saturday is the Washington DC trip C. Off Campus Advisory Club (OCAC) - Bingo night was last Thursday and was very successful at Saucony Cross - Block Party November 3rd from 1-4pm - Volunteers are needed for block party committees - Pumpkin painting at Saucony Cross is planned for late October. C. United Greek Council (UGC) - On October 11th Lambda Sigma Upsilon is hosting and AIDS awareness seminar in the Shaeffer Auditorium at 7pm. The seminar will be hosted by Dr. Felipe Arias, and HIV/AIDS Specialist. They are looking for volunteers. Anyone that is interested can contact [email protected]. There will also be information about AIDS testing. - Zeta Tau Alpha is having a bake sale for Breast Cancer awareness on October 15th. On Family Day they are also having a “Kiss Away Cancer” fundraiser for Breast Cancer awareness. - If Student Government Board made up a team for the Walk for Juvenile Diabetes they need to return their form to the United Greek Council by tomorrow night at 6pm. You can place it in the SUB or contact UGC’s president, Elyse Giordano at [email protected] - UGC has just revised their Bylaws for a second time and once they are voted upon they will be emailed to SGB’s Vice President for approval. - Don’t forget to attend Kappa Sigma’s Rootbeer Fest on October 24th at 8pm in the Rec Center. - The University Conduct Board is looking for students to serve as representatives on the board to help maintain and uphold standards of our community. Anyone that is interested may contact UGC’s secretary, BreAnne Barrow, at [email protected] - Kutztown University is also looking for students to apply as Connections facilitators. You can go online and apply - The Third Annual Beat Tracks for life 5K will be held Saturday, October 20th. If anyone is interested in volunteering or running they may contact UGC’s secretarty, BreAnne Barrow at [email protected] - Volunteers are needed at Saucony Cross, an elderly person’s home, for BINGO on the first Thursday of every month. Anyone interested in volunteering may contact BreAnne Barrow at [email protected] - UGC elected Eric Jamis of Lambda Sigma Upsilon as Greek Week Committee head. D. Recreational Sports and Club Council (RSCC) - Men’s Lacrosse is hosting the First Annual Lacrosse Classic at Healthquest in Flemington, NJ. - Equestrian Team has a horse show this Sunday at Briarwood Farms - Dance Team visited the Broadway Dance Center in NYC yesterday. - V. Men’s Rugby shutout Va. Tech 57-0 last weekend and will be traveling to Penn State this weekend. Ice Hockey began their season and will be playing Penn State Delco this Saturday Sub Committees A. Budget and Finance - S. Dennis asks that all members please show up to the meeting. MOTION : "I move to approve the recommendation of the Budget and Finance committee to grant SIFE a budget of $3800 from line S-998-6645 Budget Reserve Made By: S. Dennis Second By: J. Wilson Discussion: SIFE just received gold status Abstentions: Motion: Passed . MOTION : “I move to approve the recommendation of the Budget and Finance committee to grant MAC a budget of $3000 from line S998-6645 Budget Reserve.” Made By: S. Dennis Second By: J. Wilson Discussion: MAC didn’t submit a budget packet last year Abstentions: N. Goldberg, J. Wilson Motion: Passed MOTION : “I move to approve the recommendation of the Budget and Finance committee to grant the Anthropology Club a budget of $500 from line S998-6645 Budget Reserve.” Made By: S. Dennis Second By: J. Wilson Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed MOTION : “I move to amend last week’s motion to grant ISO a budget of $4500 from line S998 01-6643 Fall Contingency to come out of line S998-6645 Budget Reserve.” Made By: S. Dennis Second By: N. Goldberg Discussion: Moving from Budget reserve instead of Fall Contingency. Abstentions: A. Bigbee, C. Haines Motion: Passed MOTION : “I move to amend last weeks motion to grant the Criminal Justice Association a budget of $425 from line S999 01-6643 Fall Contingency to come out of line S998-6645 Budget Reserve.” Made By: S. Dennis Second By: S. Shapiro Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed - Budget and Finance is meeting Thursday at 11am in conference room 323 msu B. Constitutions and Policy - Please ask to rise to a point of personal privilege. MOTION : "I move to open discussion on the revision of the constitution.” Made By: S. Shapiro Second By: C. Haines Discussion: Any vacancies occurring during the semester will be filled by a student of the same constituency though a nomination from any current Student Government Board. Abstentions: Friendly Amendment: Time limit of 10 minutes Second By: M. Liesner Motion: Passed MOTION : "I move to close discussion.” Made By: J. Wilson Second By: S. Shapior Discussion: Abstentions: A. Bigbee Motion: Passed - Safety forum six people are needed to be at the forum and wear your polos and will be passing out brochures at the doors. C. Fundraising .- J. McCleary spoke with Dorney Park they need to have volunteers this weekend sat from 11-7pm - October 28th keep in mind E. Planning - M. McDonnell announced events dates: - elections for the spring November 12th - spring retreat January27th - spring elections April 7th -11th - thanksgiving dinner - can drive boxes in the dorms pizza party for the dorm the wins - clothing drive - Shocktober fest on Thursday October 18th at 7pm F. Historian and Pride - M. Anderson announced that: - Meetings are 3:30pm if any one has any ideas please come to the meeting. - 4 people for homecoming to help for the float - 4 people to volunteer for the decorations G. Investigations and Public Relations o M. Liesner: taking pictures after the meeting o Sign up sheet for float is in the pass around folder - J. Correll: No report VI. Ad-hoc Committee Reports None VII. University Committee Reports E. Mara: University senate: Middle States- preliminary visit to review self-study and the University’s preparedness for reaccreditation. Meeting with University senate president, Dr. Cevallos and APSCUF president—general education, budget APSCUF contractual agreement safety issues—announced SGB forum—university safety council panic buttons in offices with heavy student contact. 1:30pm student faculty judiciary VII. Club and Liaison Reports None IX. Advisor’s Report -B. Watrous announced the he wants us to do what we can to secure our safety. -B. Watrous our safety forums are critical and it is essential for us to be there. -B. Watrous announced that a lot of students participated in the silent witness program today for the Repent America group -The university students took the lead in responding to the group in a mature, calm, respectful way. X. Announcements - - Connections applications are out. For more information XI. Adjournment A. Motion to adjourn at 6:55 pm. Made By: N. Goldberg Second By: L. Molina Motion: Passed Respectively submitted, Jennifer L. Wilson Secretary; Student Government Board STUDENT GOVERNMENT BOARD KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY Minutes of October 16, 2007 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:10pm II. Attendance At-Large Justin McCleary Elaine Mara Nili Goldberg Samantha Dennis Elizabeth Schroeder Aaron Smyk Rachel Morris Non Resident Matthew McDonnell Shaina Geltman Scott Shapiro Mark Koenig Jason Correll New Students Christopher Haines Alyssa Bigbee Nicholas Manento Monet Thomas-Anderson Kristine Killingsworth Advisor Bob Watrous Resident Melissa Liesner Lisselott Molina Jennifer Wilson Jamie Cartergena Members Absent Randi Meredith Barbara Kurtz Guests Kaitlin Pankowski - Phoenix Group Bianca Owens - NAACP Chris Hamm - Sunshine Players Adrienne Wrona - Sunshine Players Lisa Kowalski - KUSSI Standing Committees Kathleen Homer- RHA Josh McKee- ACE Erin Kershaw- OCAC Katie Grow- UGC Kati Fulkerson- RSCC III. Approval of Minutes Motion: entertain a motion to approve the minutes of October 9th So moved: N. Goldberg Second By: E. Mara Corrections: Rachel is an At Large representative Abstentions: M. McDonnell, S. Geltman Motion: Passed I. Public Comments Sunshine players want to use all three vans for November 27th 28th and 29th II. Executive Committee Reports A. President - M. Koenig directed everyone to the quote. - M. Koenig announced that Saturday the Dorney Park volunteering was successful. - M. Koenig announced that the safety forum was constructive and Safety walk is tonight at 7:30pm meeting behind the administration building. - M. Koenig announced that we will be sending emails out announcing who will be going to the conference in Florida. - M. Koenig announced that the crime watch training at Kutztown middle school October 22nd. - M. Koenig yielded the floor B. Vice President - L. Molina announced that committee chairs are to meet with her during checks and balances. - L. Molina announced that we will be switching to the constituencies and wants everyone to read about it in the folder. MOTION: "I move to allocate $88.44 from line S999-6555 printing expenses to KU copy centers for alumni letters.” Made By: L. Molina Second By: S. Geltman Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: passed -L. Molina yielded the floor C. Parliamentarian - S. Shapiro thanks everyone who came to the safety forum. - S. Shapiro everyone should be attending the safety walk. - S. Shapiro announced that the web site is going through the final stages of getting done. - S. Shapiro announced that the constitution revision has to be voted on by the SGA. - S. Shapiro yielded the floor. D. Treasurer - S. Dennis thanked all those who came to Budget and Finance - S. Dennis announced that budget packets are due October 19th - S. Dennis announced the she needs people to come for budget hearings. . - S. Dennis yielded the floor. E. Secretary -J. Wilson announced that if anyone is having problems with your University committees to see her. - J. Wilson reminded everyone to do their office hours and keep the office clean. - J. Wilson yielded the floor III. Business and Discussion A. Unfinished Business None B. New Business MOTION: “I move to grant Sunshine Players use of all three SGA vehicles for November 27, 28,29th Made By S. Dennis Second By: J. Wilson Discussion: Abstentions: J. McCleary, N. Goldberg, S. Dennis Motion: Passed MOTION: "I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance committee to grant conference funding of $116.66 to OCAC from line S998-6365 Conference Funding.” Made By: S. Dennis Second By: S. Geltman Discussion: Abstentions: J. McCleary Motion: passed MOTION: "I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance committee to grant conference funding of $511.49 to RHA from line S998-6365 Conference Funding.” Made By: S. Dennis Second By: J. Wilson Discussion: Abstentions: S. Dennis, C. Haines, A. Bigbee, N. Goldberg, J. Cartergena Motion: passed MOTION: "I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to give the Phoenix Club a budget of $550.00 from line S998-6643 Fall Contingency.” Made By: S. Dennis Second By: J. Correll Discussion: Abstentions: E. Mara Friendly amendment: Phoenix group By: A. Smyk Second: M. McDonnell Motion: passed MOTION: "I move to remove Jaime Cartergena from Student Government Board due to the violation of the attendance policy effective immediately.” Made By: J. Wilson Second By: S. Dennis Discussion: Missed four Budget and Finance meetings and one General Board meeting Abstentions: Friendly amendment: vote by secret ballot Made by: S. Shapiro Second: J. Wilson Motion: denied MOTION: "I move to open discussion about NAACP’s Gold Status.” Made By: S. Shapiro Second By: C. Haines Discussion: There was a break in the 15 weeks toward Gold status. Abstentions: Friendly amendment: Time limit of 10mins By: M. McDonnell Second: N. Goldberg Motion: passed MOTION: "I move to close discussion.” Made By: S. Geltman Second By: S. Shapiro Discussion: Abstentions: J. Wilson, C. Haines Motion: passed MOTION: "I move to approve NAACP for Gold Status with an exception of consecutive 15 week provision.” Made By: J. Correll Second By: J. Wilson Discussion: Friendly amendment: Approving gold status By: S. Shapiro Second: K. Killingsworth Abstentions: N. Goldberg, S. Geltman, A. Bigbee, C. Haines, J. Wilson Motion: passed IV. Standing Committees A. Residence Hall Association (RHA) -RHA is getting ready for homecoming events - Prep and Pep rally are on October 25th - Casino night is on October 26th and the homecoming and tailgate city is on October 27th. - RHA is also getting ready for HARLOWEEN which is October 28th, which they are extremely excited about. B. Association of Campus Events (ACE) - Past Events - Jen Kober was October 11th, 70 people showed up - NACA o Booked 6 performers o Waiting to hear back from 4 performers o They saved $10,215.25 altogether - - Upcoming Events o Shockober Fest possibly October 30th o This is a private event coming from their A account and inviting SGB to go. Spamalot ticket sales o October 18th at 11am in room 153 o $25 for KU students, $35 for non-KU students o Actual event is November 4th o Stevie Starr the “Regurgitator” October 22nd at 8pm in MPR C. Off Campus Advisory Club (OCAC) - OCAC meeting on October 12th was attended by 14 people including a community resident who heard about us from the Town Gown meeting. - October 24th, Merchant Trick or Treat night, OCAC will be involving six volunteers and will be purchasing candy to hand out to children. The Borough is expecting about 1000 children to participate in the event. OCAC will be involved in judging, crown control, and assisting in handing out candy. - Bingo and both Briar Cliff and Saucony BBQ went very well. For next semester we will be changing the BBQ dates to earlier in the week. Erin K. has designated October 23rd for HALLOWEEN ARTS AND CRAFTS NIGHT from 6:30-8pm at Saucony Cross. - November 3rd STEP IT UP: Beautify and Block Party, OCAC has been getting much positive feedback from the community about the event. Residents of Kutztown have called to request tables to set up for their organizations, clubs and even high school bake sales. Other community residents have just voiced positive feedback. One person living at Saucony Cross left a message about wanting transportation provided to the older adults in the community, but did not leave their contact information for OCAC to get back to. OCAC has gotten in touch with management to let them know that we have passed the message on to the Dean regarding this issue. - - We have a list of about 15+ volunteers for this program. There will be a kids “korner” where KU students will be assisting children in “recycled” art projects. There is a committee for security, advertising, the clean up walk, and set-up and clean up. Currently there are 4 students interested in the kid’s korner, 4 students interested in the security/safety committee, and 2 students interested in the advertising. Currently the Environmental Club will be sponsoring the walk and The ArtEducation Club volunteers once the information gets to the clubs specifically. We do not have the exact number of volunteers at this time from those clubs. T-shirts from Mission T’s have been ordered for volunteers. They say OCAC on the front and Volunteer on the back. They are fluorescent yellow and ALL VOLUNTEERS MUST WEAR THEM. The Kutztown Bookstore will have a table and we will be giving away free pencils etc from KU. The Women’s Center, Bamboula, and the other local agencies will be setting up a table with information and products from their businesses. SPUDS recently offered 25 cent hot dogs as well. We will have 4 walkie talkies for the safety crew, as well as donated popcorn machine for OCAC to use for fundraising (borrowed from ACE). A new freshman volunteer group called Care Bears have also volunteered and there will be up to 20 members from that group. C. United Greek Council (UGC) - Love Your Body Day is tomorrow, October 17th in the MPR and is sponsored by CPC. Make sure you come out and enjoy getting hand massages, your nails painted, and more! - There will be an all Greek clean up on November 15th where all members of Greek Life at Kutztown will be cleaning up the Kutztown community. - This Sunday, October 21st will be the Walk to Cure Juvenile Diabetes as Gring’s Mill Park in Reading PA. The walk starts at 12 but you can arrive at 10 to register. Or you can register online at It’s $10.00 a person; you can walk individually or in teams. - On October 23,24,and 25 CPC will be selling black bracelets that say “Stop the Violence” to raise money for Kyle Quinn - Alpha Sigma Tau’s having a bake sale on November 15th for Kyle Quinn. Also on October 25th they’re going to a Children’s Hospital in Easton to have a Halloween party with the children there. - Don’t forget to attend Kappa Sigma’s Root beer Fest in the rec center on October 24th from 8-10pm - Also don’t forget to support Zeta Tau Alpha in their bake sale on October 17th in the SUB and their Kiss Away Breast Cancer fundraiser on October 20th. On October 4th Phi Sigma Sigma is collecting children’s books for Reading area classrooms. They can be new, used or in very good condition. They’re also having a Halloween bake sale in the SUB from 9-3pm on October 31st. D. Recreational Sports and Club Council (RSCC) - Women’s lacrosse has a game at Drexel this weekend - Men’s lacrosse has a game here Saturday at 1pm - Equestrian Team went to a show last weekend and got 1st place in western and they have another show in New Jersey this weekend. - Many clubs will be participating in the Homecoming parade and other various Homecoming events. V. Sub Committees A. Budget and Finance - S. Dennis: Budget and Finance meetings are room 324 at 11am Oct 25th Greg Bamberger is attending. B. Constitutions and Policy - Extending the shuttle bus time for the next few weeks. Oct 25th until Thanksgiving hours are extended to 2:30 am - Found a flaw in constitution and amendments must be submitted to SGA and it must be sent out to the whole campus. And can’t be voted on this week. MOTION: "I move to accept the recommendation of the Constitutions and Policy committee to change the current policy and now any vacancies occurring during the semester may be filled by a student of the same constituency through a nomination from any current SGA member to the executive committee of the Student Government Board. He/she will be selected upon approval by majority vote of the Student Government Board. The term of the appointment will be until the next election.” Made By: S. Shapiro Second By: S. Dennis Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: defeated C. Fundraising - No report E. Planning - M. McDonnell talked about dates and get a calendar in the office - Canned food drive and give a Boy Scout group. F. Historian and Pride - Meetings at Thursday at 3:30 - If u want to see the homecoming banners come to the meeting - Any ideas for tailgate tent city attend meeting - Ideas or future plans for spirit events MOTION: "I move to allocate up to but not exceeding $70 from line S999-6385 for supplies for Tail Gate City and Homecoming banners to Wal-Mart.” Made By: L. Molina Second By: A. Bigbee Discussion: Abstentions: Friendly amendment: Wal-Mart in Reading By S. Dennis Second: K. Killingsworth Motion: passed G. Investigations and Public Relations - Jason had a meeting o Talked about investigating the ice machines and the recycling issues - Melissa MOTION: “I move to allocate money from line S999-6760 up to but not exceeding $100 for float materials to AC Moore in Allentown.” Made By: M. Liesner Second By: S. Shapiro Discussion: For float materials Abstentions: Motion: passed - Float decorating Thurs Oct 25th and 26th -Any ideas please let her know -Still need polo pictures VI. Ad-hoc Committee Reports None VII. University Committee Reports Chris: Attended the University Safety Council meeting today. I was the only student in attendance this council is missing a commuter student rep, and a resident student from RHA. In the meeting there was talk about changing the bylaws, mission statement and the name to the council. There was an election of a new chair person. There are many KU safety/ security groups- safety council is one another is Emergency management Team, promotion of University Leadership for a Sensible environment (PULSE team). Health, safety and environment team (Cluster Group). New parking lot is open for students assigned to fairgrounds with more than 30 credits. VII. Club and Liaison Reports None IX. Advisor’s Report -B. Watrous was disappointed with the turn out at the safety forum -B. Watrous announced that Kristina Christmas Kunkle is resigning and moving back to western PA - B. Watrous suggested that we do something for her X. Announcements - Safety walk meeting - New parking lot is for are assigned to the fairgrounds but have more that 30 credits -Connections applications are out -October 22nd crime watch training - BSU table on October 25th and 30th breast cancer awareness - Karaoke night at 7pm in MCC - Stylistic Swagga Organization is having Kutztown’s next top model - ZTA is having events for breast cancer - Tuesday October 23rd 10-2pm alcohol awareness. - Disability awareness panel discussion - Multicultural center polish event and Greek heritage event XI. Adjournment A. Motion to adjourn at 6:55pm. Made By: N. Goldberg Second By: S. Shapiro Motion: Passed Respectively submitted, Jennifer L. Wilson Secretary; Student Government Board STUDENT GOVERNMENT BOARD KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY Minutes of October 23, 2007 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:06pm II. Attendance At-Large Elaine Mara Nili Goldberg Samantha Dennis Elizabeth Schroeder Rachel Morris Non Resident Matthew McDonnell Shaina Geltman Scott Shapiro Mark Koenig Jason Correll New Students Christopher Haines Alyssa Bigbee Nicholas Manento Monet Thomas-Anderson Kristine Killingsworth Advisor Bob Watrous Guests Noralva Zavala - PSLC Amanda Keltn - SVC Laura Castrianni - SVC Lisa Kowalski - KUSSI Resident Melissa Liesner Lisselott Molina Jennifer Wilson Jamie Cartergena Members Absent Aaron Smyk Justin McCleary Standing Committees Danielle NeuBauer- RHA Josh McKee- ACE Erin Kershaw- OCAC Katie Grow- UGC Linda Beyer- RSCC III. Approval of Minutes Motion: entertain a motion to approve the minutes of October 16th So moved: N. Goldberg Second By: A. Bigbee Corrections: Abstentions: S. Geltman Motion: Passed I. Public Comments None II. Executive Committee Reports A. President - M. Koenig directed everyone to the quote. - M. Koenig announced that Randi has given the golden bear to Lisa because of her positivity. - Florida Leadership conference delegates were selected - M. Koenig wants delegates to meet with mark and lisa for information about what to expect and what to bring back to the board - BSGP Nov. 1st conference and Chris was selected - Committees needed to be filled events advisory council - Those interested email mark why you want to be on the committee - Undergraduate commencement speaker committee rep needed - Thursday 8pm at 324 W Main Street down town safety walk and Dr. Cevallos will be attending - Start of the new shuttle program trial period for 4 weeks 11:303am on Thursdays and Fridays - M. Koenig yielded the floor B. Vice President - L. Molina. Reminds everyone to check your emails regularly - Committee chairs are to fill out report sheets -Extending the deadline for committee schedules - AVI is interested in knowing how we feel about them being on campus. - Constituency model is in the folder and encourages everyone to read it . A presentation will be taking place about the new model -L. Molina yielded the floor C. Parliamentarian - S. Shapiro thanks those who attended the safety walk. - S. Shapiro will email everyone who wants to attend the meeting with Bill Mioski - S. Shapiro is meeting with AVI managers to discuss new options and concerns from students in the SUB - S. Shapiro wants to thank those who came to the crime watch on Monday. - Signup sheet will be passed around for those orgs to participate in the crime watch and they will be trained for the crime watch - E-board will be meeting about changing somethings about the constitution and some other concerns for the new constituency model. - Off campus safety walk - S. Shapiro yielded the floor. D. Treasurer - S. Dennis in the sign up folder there are signups for budget hearing sign ups. - Thursday Budget and Finance is in room 323 Greg Bamberger is attending -Fill in for Rachel on Thursday - Will be discussing the AEF proposal . - S. Dennis yielded the floor. E. Secretary - No report - J. Wilson yielded the floor III. Business and Discussion A. Unfinished Business None B. New Business MOTION: “I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to grant SVC a budget of $2800.00 from line S998-6643 Fall Contingency.” Made By S. Dennis Second By: S. Geltman Discussion: Received gold status Abstentions: Motion: Passed MOTION: "I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to grant PSLC a budget of $250.00 from line S998-6643 Fall Contingency.” Made By: S. Dennis Second By: S. Geltman Discussion: P.S.L.C. gold status Abstentions: Motion: passed MOTION: ".I move to open discussion on Homecoming float with a time limit of 10 minutes.” Made By: S. Dennis Second By: S. Geltman Discussion: Driver and co driver is needed for the float Volunteers are needed for the actual parade and for decorating Abstentions: Motion: passed MOTION: "I move to close discussion.” Made By: S. Shapiro Second By: J. Wilson Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: passed IV. Standing Committees A. Residence Hall Association (RHA) - RHA is getting ready for homecoming weekend - Harloween is Sunday October 26th - Pep Rally is October 25th at 6pm in the Old Main Concourse - Tailgate city- October 23rd 11-3pm on the practice field - Post game tailgate- October 27th 3-7pm on the practice field - Housing renewal is November 5-7th - Fall fest November 17th 7pm in the South Dining Hall B. Association of Campus Events (ACE) - Past Events o Family Day- Saleesh: Saturday 10/20/07 and 200 people attended o Steve Starr was Monday 10/22/07 and 150 people attended - Upcoming Events o Shocktober fest on November 1st at 7:30pm o College Humor Live Tour on Wednesday at 8pm: Comedians Dan Bloger, Dan Levy, and Nikki Glasser, and? C. Off Campus Advisory Club (OCAC) - Saucony Cross Arts and Crafts activity tonight, 5+ volunteers - October 24th Merchant Trick or Treat night, 10 volunteers - November 3rd Block Party, 20-40 volunteers: Meeting for volunteers will be on Thursday October 25th 324 Main Street D. United Greek Council (UGC) - Thursday October 29th, Delta Zeta will be dressing up in costumes and trick or treating for canned goods to donate from 48 throughout the Kutztown area. - Kappa Sigma’s Rootbeer fest is tomorrow night at 8pm at the Rec Center and is cosponsored by UGC - Don’t forget to support CPC by buying a bracelet saying “Stop the Violence” for just $1.00 each to raise money for Kyle Quinn and his family. - There will be a table in the SUB throughout the day until Thursday - Sigma Pi is having a haunted house tomorrow night from 6-12 at 30 E Main. All proceeds from the event go to Friends Inc, a nonprofit organization that helps needy families in the Lehigh Valley region - UGC’s revised by laws and have been voted on and have been emailed to SGB before the end of the week. E. Recreational Sports and Club Council (RSCC) - RSCC had their second meeting of the month October 16th. They had a guest speaker at the meeting who spoke about special offers for clothing. They received an Adidas catalogue. - Women’s Lacrosse is going to NYU for a conference on Saturday and they have a game on November 3rd vs. Drexel - Equestrian Team’s hunt seat show over the weekend October 20th, fundraising Gertrude Hawk Chocolate, and they are having a western show this weekend. - Men’s Lacrosse beat Penn Tech 14-8 - Black Flame, Breakers and men’s lacrosse are involved in the homecoming parade. The Breakers performed today at Alcohol awareness. V. Sub Committees A. Budget and Finance - Budget and Finance meetings Thursday @ 11am Greg Bamburger is coming B. Constitutions and Policy - Working on the Constitution C. Fundraising - Dorney park day on Sunday - 10 people are needed F. Planning - Shocktober fest: drivers are needed - Canned food drive pending approval from RHA and donating them to Friend Inc G. Historian and Pride - Tail gate city on Saturday - Thursday 3:30- 5pm and 8:30 to 10pm MOTION: "I move to allocate up to but not exceeding $70 from line S999-6385 for hoagies, drinks and other refreshments for the Tailgate city tent to Subway Kutztown PA.” Made By: M. Thomas- Anderson Second By: S. Shapiro Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: passed H. Investigations and Public Relations - J. Correll had a meeting no one came - Putting recycling in good areas - M. Liesner: will be designing the display board and we need more money in private for the polos - Wants to work on business cards and who is interested in having business cards - Please help with float VI. Ad-hoc Committee Reports None VII. University Committee Reports Mel: wed Nov 7 love sex and health 3-5 commission on status of women Eve Ensler 7:30 in Shaeffer RAndi: VII. Club and Liaison Reports None IX. Advisor’s Report • • • X. Watrous announced homecoming this weekend Suggests a strong presence of S.G.B. Have a great homecoming week Announcements - Connections apps due oct 31st please don’t forget about off campus safety walk 7:30 meeting in the office - BSU is having a karaoke night with faculty on Thursday - BSU is having a table for the American cancer society and infor on prostate cancer - NAACP is having a Hip Hop vs America debate on November 14th - Multicultural center is having a lot of cultural event XI. Adjournment A. Motion to adjourn at 6:15pm. Made By: scott Second By: nili Motion: Passed Respectively submitted, Jennifer L. Wilson Secretary; Student Government Board STUDENT GOVERNMENT BOARD KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY Minutes of October 30, 2007 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:09 pm II. Attendance At-Large Justin McCleary Elaine Mara Nili Goldberg Samantha Dennis Elizabeth Schroeder Aaron Smyk Rachel Morris Randi Meredith Non Resident Matthew McDonnell Shaina Geltman Scott Shapiro Mark Koenig Jason Correll Barbara Kurtz New Students Christopher Haines Alyssa Bigbee Nicholas Manento Monet Thomas-Anderson Kristine Killingsworth Advisor Bob Watrous Resident Melissa Liesner Lisselott Molina Jamie Cartergena Members Absent Jennifer Wilson Guests Lisa Kowalski - KUSSI Standing Committees - Amy Yorden- RHA - Erin Kershaw- OCAC - Katie Grow- UGC - Tom Nestor- RSCC III. Approval of Minutes Motion: entertain a motion to approve the minutes of October 23th So moved: Second By: Corrections: No minutes from last week Abstentions: Motion: Not Passed I. Public Comments -None II. Executive Committee Reports A. President - M. Koenig directed everyone to the quote. - M. Koenig announced that Greg Bamberger won’t be at the meeting today. - The golden bear was given by Lisa to Matt for stepping up in his committee and doing a great job. - Nov. 12th at 5pm we are invited to dinner with President Cevallos at his house, please RSVP to the contact person in the letter. -Please keep the office clean and don’t use it for a game room. Please stay away from E-board desks and no private phone calls made from office phones -Nov. 13th President Cevallos will be at our SGB meeting and next week Provost Dr. Vargas will be attending our meeting -An e-mail will be sent out to graduating SGB members about the graduation cords. - M. Koenig yielded the floor B. Vice President - L. Molina thank you to those who helped out with homecoming events -The constituency model is in the office hour binder, please read; it will be discussed at next week’s meeting - Nov. 14th at 2pm in Alumni Auditorium we will be having an open meeting about the constituency model. -The Florida delegates need to meet with Lisa and Mark to go over some information. -L. Molina yielded the floor C. Parliamentarian - S. Shapiro asked members to please try to avoid picking classes next semester that occur at 5pm during our meeting time. -We need other volunteers and not just seeing the same faces at the volunteer events. -The Shuttle Bus results so far have resulted in a decent amount of students riding the bus at the trial times on Thursday, Friday and Saturday late night -Last Admissions open house on Friday 11/1 at 11am in the MSU Multipurpose room; we need volunteers so that SGB presence is made to the prospective students attending the open house. Those volunteering please take SGB banner, cups, and tri-fold board for the open house. -We get an approval for an SGB website; if you are interested in helping with the website, please talk to Scott. - S. Shapiro yielded the floor. D. Treasurer - S. Dennis from the Dorney Park fundraiser we made enough money to get polo’s for the board -Sign up for budget hearings Motion 1: “I move to allocate $166.08 from line S999-6106 Operating Expenses for Alumni letters.” Made By: S. Dennis Second: N. Goldberg Discussion: Sent letters out to Alumni about tent city Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 2: “I move to allocate $1574.00 from line S999 6365 Conference Funding to Berklehigh Travel for airfare to NCSL.” Made By: S. Dennis Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: Airfare for Florida Conference Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 3: “I move to allocate $1679.00 from line A999 6106 Private for vans to Dorney Park.” Made By: S. Dennis Second: A. Bigbee Discussion: Van for Dorney Park Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 4: “I move to allocate $240.00 from line S999 6307 Socials and Dances to Shocktober fest for trip.” Made By: S. Dennis Second: N. Goldberg Discussion: To pay for Shocktoberfest of all who signed up to go. Meeting at 7:30pm at the SGB office. Abstentions: none Motion: Passed . - S. Dennis yielded the floor. E. Secretary -B. Kurtz announced that there is an attendance sheet in the pass around folder. Please sign in so you get credit for being at the meeting. -B. Kurtz announced the standing committees need to give me their reports once they are done reporting. -B. Kurtz yielded the floor III. Business and Discussion A. Unfinished Business None B. New Business None IV. Standing Committees A. Residence Hall Association (RHA) - This past week in RHA, they had the Pep Rally for their housing court member, which was highly successful. - They are helping SGB with promotion for the shuttle services new hours and helping SGB with the canned food drive. B. Association of Campus Events (ACE) - Past Events: College Humor Live Tour Wed. Oct 24th at 8pm in Shaeffer; 135 people attended - Tailgate City: Saturday Oct 27th on the Practice Field Float was displayed and they served pizza, subs and drinks - Upcoming Events: -Shocktober fest November 1st at 7:30pm -Roommate Rivalry Thursday November 8th at 8pm in MPR -Dan Cummins with free ice cream floats Monday November 12th at 8pm in the MPR - New Business - Elected in Traditions Coordinator: Kristy Lopez - Nominations are open for a new Spotlights Coordinator - Voted on 3 new members on Monday C. Off Campus Advisory Club (OCAC) - Continued efforts with Community Watch, OCAC will remain the “umbrella” organization for KUBOK and will contribute funds to provide flashlights for Community Watch nights, as well as provide volunteers for nightly walks. - November 3rd Block Party - Moon Bounce was donated with generator - “Kids Korner” arts and crafts - Live Music: Post Junction and Sticky Rix - KUR Mobile DJ and Broadcasting Live from the event - Performances by High School students, KU Breakers, and special organizations form campus - Free give aways from KU Bookstore, Recreational Center and more - Enjoy popcorn, hot chocolate and treats from Global Libations and Uptown Café - Total volunteers were about 40 students and community members - Please sign this final volunteer sheet if still interested in volunteering C. United Greek Council (UGC) - CPC made a total of over$560 selling the “Stop the Violence” bracelets for the Kyle Quinn Scholarship. They also received a lot of emails about people who missed the sale so CPC will be ordering another 200 or 300 more to sell. Some sorority women also got interviewed by The Keystone for the sale. - On November 15th there will be an “all greek clean up” around the Kutztown community - Phi Sigma Sigma is having a bake sale this Wednesday in the SUB - Zeta Tau Alpha is having a bake sale in the SUB November 5th - UGC is votion on changing the name of the Greek Life office to the United Greek Council. They are also working on various fundraisers and Greek Week. - Steph Kelly from Delta Zeta won Homecoming Queen! And Steve DeAngeles from Kappa Sigma was named Runner Up! D. Recreational Sports and Club Council (RSCC) - Men’s Rugby will host The Naval Academy this Saturday at 2pm - Dance Team will be performing at the games - Men’s Lacrosse is practicing and preparing for their Alumni game - Equestrian team was awarded high point team this past week in West Virginia - Ice Hockey will play at Scranton this Sunday - Women’s Rugby qualified for their championship Tournament and will be playing this weekend at Gettysburg to advance to the Championship. V. Sub Committees A. Budget and Finance -Meeting this Thursday at 11am in MSU room 324; will be putting together the budget B. Constitutions and Policy -No report C. Fundraising -Please sign up for the SGB Letter Stuffing Party of Graduation Flower Sale on Nov. 7th at 6pm. E. Planning -The canned food boxes are in the office and will be placed in the dorms tomorrow -Shocktoberfest is on Thursday Nov. 1st MOTION 5: “I move to allocate up to but not exceeding $30.00 from line S999 6802 for refueling cost of to SGA van to be used to drive to Shocktober fest.” Made By: M. McDonnell Second By: S. Shapiro Discussion: Refueling vans Abstentions: None Motion: Passed F. Historian and Pride -Will be sending out the award to the Alumni of KU this week -Thanks for those who came out to the Homecoming events : G. Investigations and Public Relations -Please investigate the Library computers that don’t have Microsoft Word on the computers and why there aren’t more computers with the Microsoft Programs. -Public Relations: MOTION 6: “I move to allocate up to but not exceeding $20.00 from line S999 6760 for supplies for the display board from the Student Book Store.” Made By: M. Liesner Second By: A. Bigbee Discussion: for SGB display board Abstentions: None Motion: Passed VI. Ad-hoc Committee Reports -None VII. University Committee Reports -Campus Beautification Committee: we have an opportunity to make this campus more beautiful; the meeting will be this Thursday. Please forward your ideas to Chris -MSU Advisory Board: They are using the fire side louge as storage and creating a lift to access the upstairs part of the Bear’s Den. Also the movies in the MSU could be cancelled if more people don’t start going to see the free movies. -University Senate meeting on Thursday in Boehm room 261, please show up if you are on that committee VII. Club and Liaison Reports -NAACP dinner this Thursday at 7:30 in the MPR of the MSU -Iota fraternity is having a pageant program at 7pm this Saturday IX. Advisor’s Report -B. Watrous please keep participating in the upcoming programs -Nov. 9th at Golden Bear Food Court will be open till 2am for a trial period and will be serving breakfast food -Very appreciative of SGB for taking the lead on the safety of the campus and the borough. X. Announcements -Please clean up the room after the meeting. -Tomorrow is the last day to turn in the connections application -Nov. 10th the Multicultural center will be having a training session -Need people to sign up for the budget hearing XI. Adjournment A. Motion to adjourn at 5:57pm Made By: N. Goldberg Second By: A. Bigbee Motion: Passed Respectively submitted, Jennifer L. Wilson Secretary; Student Government Board STUDENT GOVERNMENT BOARD KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY Minutes of November 6, 2007 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:06pm II. Attendance At-Large Elaine Mara Nili Goldberg Samantha Dennis Elizabeth Schroeder Randi Meredith Non Resident Matthew McDonnell Shaina Geltman Scott Shapiro Mark Koenig Jason Correll Barbara Kurtz New Students Alyssa Bigbee Nicholas Manento Monet Thomas-Anderson Advisor Bob Watrous Resident Melissa Liesner Lisselott Molina Jamie Cartergena Jennifer Wilson Members Absent Justin McCleary Aaron Smyk Rachel Morris Scott Shapiro Christopher Haines Kristine Killingsworth Guests Jason Davis -BSU Lisa Kowalski -KUSSI Jared Kleinsmith - CSA Swapna Mudigonda - CSA Standing Committees Matthew Wetlesn- RHA Josh McKee- ACE Katie Grow- UGC Tom Nestor- RSCC III. Approval of Minutes Motion: entertain a motion to approve the minutes of October 30th So moved: N. Goldberg Second By: A. Bigbee Corrections: Abstentions: S. Geltman Motion: passed I. Public Comments -BSU is requesting all three SGA vans for December 7th for their skating party - Technology committee needs a representative for their committee II. Executive Committee Reports A. President - M. Koenig directed everyone to the quote. - The golden bear was given by Matthew McDonnell to Barbara Kurtz for driving to shocktober fest. - M. Koenig announced that voting is today polls are still open - The meeting on November 27th will be in the Academic Forum in room 103 - Dinner with President Cevallos is November 12th at 5pm. - Attended the BSGP meeting this past weekend, thanked Chris Haines for attending with him. - November 30th is the leadership conference for BSGP; M. Koenig needs to know who wants to go to the conference. - M. Koenig announce that he will send emails out with the details about the conference - On November 13th Dr. Cevallos will be attending our general board meeting - Nov 14th meeting for constituency model change - M. Koenig yielded the floor B. Vice President - L. Molina announced she will be presenting the constituency model with former vice president Dan Craig. - L. Molina needs to meet with all committee chairs after the meeting -L. Molina yielded the floor C. Parliamentarian - No report D. Treasurer - S. Dennis announced that the phone in the office is to be used for SGB use only. - S. Dennis asked members to sign up for budget hearings on Thursday and Friday - S. Dennis asked members to please come if you sign up for hearings - Budget &Finance Committee will be going over the budget and if you are on the committee please come to the next two meetings for putting together the budget. Motion 1: “I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance committee to grant the College Republicans an additional allocation of $600.00 from line S998-6643 Fall Contingency.” Made By: S. Dennis Second: E. Mara Discussion: college republican’s additional allocation for t shirts and bowling trip. Abstentions: L. Molina, N. Goldberg, J. Cartergena Motion: Passed Motion 2: “I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to grant Commuter Student Association a budget of $820.00 from line S998-6643 Fall Contingency.” Made By: S. Dennis Second: N. Goldberg Discussion: commuter student association budget and the just became gold status. Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 3: “I move to accept the informal recommendation of the Treasurer to grant the College Republicans Conference Funding of $359.67 from line S998-6643 Fall Contingency.” Made By: S. Dennis Second: M. McDonnell Discussion: college republicans conference funding Abstentions: S. Geltman, J. Correll Motion: Passed . - S. Dennis yielded the floor. E. Secretary - J. Wilson apologized for missing minutes - J. Wilson yielded the floor. III. Business and Discussion A. Unfinished Business None B. New Business Motion 4: “I move to open discussion on placing an ad in the KU Equestrian Team programs for their horse show that they are hosting on November 17th and 18th with a time limit of 10 minutes.” Made By: R. Meredith Second: E. Mara Discussion: placing an ad in the KU Equestrian team programs for their horseshow Abstentions: Motion: Passed Motion 5: “I move to close discussion.” Made By: M. McDonnell Second: E. Mara Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed Motion 6: “I move to accept the request of the Black Student Union for the rental of the SGB vans for a skating party on December 7th.” Made By: N. Goldberg Second: E. Mara Discussion: Abstentions: N. Goldberg, J. Wilson Friendly amendment: All three vans By: S. Dennis Second: L. Molina Motion: Passed Motion 7: “I move to place an ad in the KU Equestrian Team program for a $25.00 half page.” Made By: R Meredith Second: E. Mara Discussion: Ad for KU Equestrian team $25 Abstentions: Friendly amendment: line S999 6760 Public Relations By: S. Dennis Second: L. Molina Motion: Passed Motion 8: “I move to suspend the normal order of business.” Made By: L. Molina Second: J. Wilson Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed Motion 9: “I move to open discussion on the new constituency model.” Made By: L. Molina Second: S. Dennis Discussion: Discussing the new constituency model and the transition of the board. Abstentions: Motion: Passed Motion 10: “I move to close discussion.” Made By: S. Dennis Second: J. Wilson Discussion:. Abstentions: Motion: Passed Motion 11: “I move to reinstate the normal order of business.” Made By: S. Dennis Second: E. Mara Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed IV. Standing Committees A. Residence Hall Association (RHA) - Housing renewal; the last day to renew your housing is Wednesday November 7th. - RHA will be collecting canned goods tonight to help support the SGB can drive. - They will be preparing for two events so mark your calendars for November 17th. - They are also having a fall festival and the theme is a Kutztown Carnival; it will be held in the South Dining Hall from 7-10:30. There will be a cardboard corn maze, games and prize galore, yummy food, the band chromosome 23 will be performing, and free T shirts to the first 150 people. - December 7th is RHA semi formal B. Association of Campus Events (ACE) - Past Events - ShocktoberFest: November 1st with SGB, it went well Thank You SGB - SPAMALOT November 4th in NYC; - There were no complications with the trip and everyone seemed to enjoy the show. - Upcoming Events - Roommate Rivalry: Thursday November 8th at 8pm in the MPR - Retreat at Trout Lake November 9th and 10th: leaving KU at 4:30 and leaving Trout Lake at 2pm. - Dan Cummins with free ice cream floats: Monday November 12th at 8pm in the MPR - Johnnie Cardinale: Tuesday November 13th at 8pm in the MPR - New Business: Elected Spotlights Coordinator: Shirley Dipillo-Caputi C. Off Campus Advisory Club (OCAC) - Continued efforts with Community Watch, OCAC will remain the “umbrella” organization for the KUBOK and will contribute funds to provide flashlights for Community Watch nights, as well as provide volunteers for nightly walks. - OCAC has donated leftover food and drinks to Community Watch - November 3rd Block Party was a success - News: OCAC is planning a Block Party for the Spring semester, they are in the planning stages for a community yard sale, they are in the process of developing a newsletter for all off campus students, their Merchant Trick or Treat night on October 24th had 42 volunteers and about 1000 trick or treaters and they plan to help with Christmas on Main Street Kutztown. C. United Greek Council (UGC) - Root beer Fest, hosted by Kappa Sigma, was a great success. They had over 120 attendees. - The United Greek Council showcase, located across from the PSECU in the SUB, will soon be displaying pictures of each chapter’s new member class. - Sigma Pi’s Haunted House was also a great success. - Tonight at 7pm in the MPR, IFC’s hosting an event called “Scholars, Dollars, Budgets & Bills!” This presentation will discuss the appropriate use of credit, the basics of banking and more. - December 4, 2007 in Schaeffer Auditorium, Project Runway is coming to speak. CPC will be going together as a Pan-Hellenic Sisterhood event. - November 26th from 8-11pm is Up Til Dawn’s letter writing event, where you can come and write letters and cards to the children of St. Jude’s Hospital. CPC’s president, Marisa Pelligrino, is organizing the event so come out and support her. - Phi Sigma Sigma just initiated 14 girls - On November 14th, Alpha Sigma Tau will be cooking for Berks Women in Crisis. Their Mr. KU pageant is also coming up. D. Recreational Sports and Club Council (RSCC) - The RSCC held its most recent meeting today (11.6.07) at 11am in the SUB. The next meeting will be held November 20th. - The Men’s Lacrosse team has their Alumni game this Saturday in the Stadium at 1:30pm - The Men’s Rugby team defeated Navy this past weekend and will host Delaware this upcoming weekend. - The Women’s Rugby team lost this weekend in the collegiate tournament and are finished until Spring. - The RSCC PR committee is beginning to work on the new RSCC newsletter. - The Outdoors club is planning their annual Thanksgiving trip to Kentucky - Roller hockey won their first game this weekend 2-0 - Equestrian will host a show on November 17th and this will be their last of the semester. - Men’s Rugby has moved from Div-1 to a premier league this year, because of poor local competition. V. Sub Committees A. Budget and Finance -Meeting this Thursday at 11am in MSU room 323; will be putting together the budget B. Constitutions and Policy -No report C. Fundraising - Graduation flower sale may be going bad - Letter stuffing is to be announced E. Planning -The canned food drive is still going on -Shocktoberfest was a success - Everyone should bring an imperishable next meeting - Party is being planned for SGB F. Historian and Pride - no report G. Investigations and Public Relations -Spoke to community outreach center about community wide recycling initiatives - investigating why Microsoft office suite is not on all computers in the library - contacting the MSU advisory board for any events having recycling bins where there are refreshments VI. Ad-hoc Committee Reports -None VII. University Committee Reports -University Senate: APSCUF did not pass a motion at its meeting approving the installation of panic buttons in offices and highlytrafficked areas on campus. - The strategic plan begins in January but the Senate is not directly involved. - January 7-8th Strategic Planning retreat - Middle States Preliminary Visit -October 29th and 30th – Dr. Speert from the evaluation team visited and said: Some parts of the self-study must be rewritten to reflect the fact that the team knows nothing about Kutztown University. The document needs to include more achievements of the university, more self reflection, and needs more positive experiences. It needs to not include the gripes of the faculty, staff and students. - The Academic Disruption Policy was discussed - Formation of an Environmental Task Force: generate new ideas in environment and inform campus of changes in processes. - The Center for the Enhancement of Teaching is looking for a new Director. VII. Club and Liaison Reports -Late night in golden bear food court IX. Advisor’s Report -B. Watrous late night shuttle pilot is going well. -B. Watrous announced the late night in golden bear food court; things are being moved to be made more comfortable. - B. Watrous asked that everyone please be at the presidents dinner if you signed up - B. Watrous announced that the constituency model discussion went well X. Announcements - Dress business casual for President Cevallos’ dinner - Nov14th NAACP Hip Hop vs America at KU Debate - Multicultural Center is looking for organizations to help raise money for Hurricane Noel victims - BSU skating party tickets $10 and food XI. Adjournment A. Motion to adjourn at 6:54pm Made By: N. Goldberg Second By: S. Dennis Motion: Passed Respectively submitted, Jennifer L. Wilson Secretary; Student Government Board STUDENT GOVERNMENT BOARD KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY Minutes of November 13, 2007 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:06 pm II. Attendance At-Large Randi Meredith Elaine Mara Nili Goldberg Samantha Dennis Elizabeth Schroeder Aaron Smyk Rachel Morris Non Resident Matthew McDonnell Barbara Kurtz Scott Shapiro Mark Koenig Jason Correll New Students Christopher Haines Alyssa Bigbee Nicholas Manento Monet Thomas-Anderson Kristine Killingsworth Advisor Bob Watrous Guests Bianca Owens Marcia Smith President Cevallos Ezekiel Mack Ehren Steiner Lisa Kowalski - KUSSI Resident Melissa Liesner Lisselott Molina Jamie Cartergena Members Absent Justin McCleary Shaina Geltman Standing Committees RSCC (Linda Bayer) RHA (Kathleen Horner) OCAC (Erin Kershaw) ACE (Josh McKee) UGC (Katie Grow) I. Approval of Minutes Motion: entertain a motion to approve the minutes of November 6, 2007 So moved: Lisa Second By: Elaine Corrections: None Abstentions: None Motion: Passed II. Public Comments -None III. Guests *President Cevallos -Talked about the environmental issues and improvements on campus: having a hybrid maintenance vehicle, creating a task force to discuss issues and improvements for the campus (which will include students on the task force). -Discussed the issue of cigarette smoking on campus as a student expressed that the "cigarette smoking is getting out of hand". No one is to be smoking within 20 feet of any building on campus. Ash trays have been put all over campus to have students throw their cigarette butts in the ash trays versus having them thrown on the ground. -President Cevallos stated that the University will be looking into possibly making the campus a "non-smoking" campus, although the University sells tobacco products on campus. -Discussed about the relationship with Borough members after the Town Gown meeting. The University wants to help the Borough in regards to helping with the security issues within the Borough. The University Foundation granted the Borough $25,000 grant money to have walking security officers patrolling the Borough on Thursday thru Saturday night. -Discussed the status of the Early Learning Center (ELC). The University is still locating a suitable facility where the ELC could be relocated. The University extended having the ELC for another year until they find a suitable facility. -President Cevallos asked for three student government board members to serve on the Environmental Task Force. IV. Executive Committee Reports A. President - M. Koenig directed everyone to the quote. - The golden bear was given by Barbara to Sam Dennis for her dedication to budget hearings. - Reminder no SGB meeting next week due to the start of Thanksgiving Break; Next meeting is November 27th in the Academic Forum room 103 -BSGP conference- look for e-mail if you are a delegate going to the conference - M. Koenig yielded the floor B. Vice President -The University Constituency Model meeting was cancelled and will meet after the Thanksgiving Break. -Monday, Nov. 19th please come into SGB office to help stuff graduation flower sale letters throughout the morning into the afternoon. -Will be meeting with the Graduate Student Association (GSA) to discuss the constituency model. -L. Molina yielded the floor C. Parliamentarian -Apologized for being sick last week Motion 1: I move to accept the recommendation of the Constitutions and Policies Committee to grant Kutztown Christian Fellowship Gold Status effective immediately. Made By: Scott Second: Nili Discussion: The organization received gold status. Mission to talk to people on campus about Jesus and Christianity. Funding will be used towards conferences, retreats, and concerts. They have about 150 members and are one of the most active organizations on campus. Abstentions: Nili, Sam, Jamie, Jason, Randi Motion: Passed -Wish those attending leadership conference a safe trip. - S. Shapiro yielded the floor. D. Treasurer -Thank you to everyone that came to the Budget Hearings -Next Budget meeting in MSU room 323, will be putting the budget together Motion 2: I move to allocate $92.70 from line S999-6105 office supplies to KUSSI for partial payment of computer lease. Made By: Sam Second: Scott Discussion: Leasing the computers in the SGB office and this payment is for July-October. It's leased through the University and billed to KUSSI. Abstentions: None Motion: Passed Motion 3: I move to allocate $214.00 from line S999-6802 transportation to Andrew’s Transportation for conference transportation. Made By: Sam Second: Nili Discussion: Transportation to and from the airport for the leadership conference. Abstentions: Elaine, Kristine Motion: Passed Motion 4: I move to allocate up to but not exceeding $50 from line A999-6106 private for transportation gratuity. Made By: Sam Second: Matt Discussion: To pay for gratuity for the driver of the van to and from the airport Abstentions: None Motion: Passed Motion 5: I move to reimburse Bob Watrous $135.00 from line S999-6802 transportation for shuttle bus conference payment. Made By: Sam Second: Scott Discussion: For the shuttle bus to and from the hotel in Florida. Abstentions: None Motion: Passed . - S. Dennis yielded the floor. E. Secretary -B. Kurtz announced that there is an attendance sheet in the pass around folder. Please sign in so you get credit for being at the meeting. -B. Kurtz announced the standing committees need to give me their reports once they are done reporting. Motion 6: I move to accept the resignation of Jennifer Wilson effective immediately. Made By: Barbara Second: Scott Discussion: Voluntary resignation as Secretary and of the board. Abstentions: Sam, Lisa, Monet, Chris, Scott Motion: Passed -B. Kurtz yielded the floor V. Business and Discussion A. Unfinished Business -None B. New Business MOTION 7: I move to open nominations for the Secretary position Made By: Scott Second By: Chris Discussion: Need to have been on the board for at least two semesters. The term will only be for the Spring 2008 semester. Abstentions: None Motion: Passed Nominees: Matt (accept), Nili (accept), MOTION 8: I move to close nominations Made By: Scott Second By: Chris Discussion: None Abstentions: None Motion: Passed MOTION 9: I move to open discussion on the new constituency motion with a time limit of 10 minutes Made By: Nili Second By: Kristine Discussion: Has some questions with the new model Abstentions: Randi, Chris, Elaine, Barbara Motion: Passed -Never made a motion to send the new model to the SGA members. Needs to be looked over by SGB before is goes out to SGA. -Wants to reconsider the motion of the model before putting it out to SGA. -Dan did research of other colleges that have the Academic model and maybe use that research to answer some of our questions. The research showed that no two colleges have the same model or carry it out the same way. MOTION 10: I move to close discussion Made By: Nili Second By: Jamie Discussion: None Abstentions: None Motion: Passed VI. Standing Committees A. Residence Hall Association (RHA) RHA is collecting stuffed bears for the Ronald McDonald house; we are getting ready for Fall Fest which is this Friday. We are also planning the Semi-formal “A magically evening” on December 7. B. Association of Campus Events (ACE) -Wants to have a snow tubing event with ACE, SGB and UGC; and having a pizza party beforehand. Past Events -Roommate Rivalry, Thursday, November 8. -70 students showed up, Nili Goldberg won. -Retreat at Trout lake, Friday, November 9. -Dan Cummins, Last night @ 8pm in Multipurpose Room. -Floats provided and Black Flame performed. -150 people in attendance. Upcoming Events -Johnny Cardinale, tonight @ 8pm the Multipurpose Room -Smoothies provided/Black Flame will perform -Bridget Grey, Wednesday November 14 @8pm in Bear’s Den New Business -Holding nominations for Centerstage coordinator -Voted on two new members -Working on an ACE manual C. Off Campus Advisory Club (OCAC) November 3rd Block Party was a Success! We had over 300 guests, 20 vendors, 2 bands, 85 bags made by children given back to Weis, an article in the Reading Eagle and Keystone plus positive feedback from the community. Thanks to Barbara for all of your help! OCAC needs volunteers for its Potluck dinner on November 27 at Saucony Cross! Please sign up to volunteer and bring a dish. OCAC is to be involved with Friends of Early Learning Center silent auction on November 30 at the Tavern from 5-9pm. All proceeds will benefit the Early Learning Center and donations are being accepted until November 21. Six volunteers are needed to set up, watch tables, and clean up. Refreshments are included! Finally, OCAC is to sponsor KUBoK by providing arm badges and flashlights for neighborhood watch efforts. C. United Greek Council (UGC) -E-Board will be choosing a Chapter of the Month with certain guidelines -Check out current showcase featuring new member classes of each chapter on campus -This Thursday is the all Greek Clean-Up, where each sorority and fraternity will be paired up and cleaning the streets of Kutztown together. -November 26 is an all Greek letter writing event for Up Till Dawn, but anyone is welcome to come and write letters and cards for the children of St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. The event will be running fro m8-11 in the MPR and is being run by Marisa Pelligrino, CPC President. -Right now AST has 39 members, DZ has 37 members plus 9 new members, Phi Sig has 37 members, Theta Phi Alpha has 27 members plus 11 new members, ZTA has 27 members plus 18 new members. D. Recreational Sports and Club Council (RSCC) The Rugby team is the Premier League Champions. The Equestrian Team had a team dinner over the weekend. They are also hosting a horse show this weekend at the farm. Men’s Lacrosse is hosting a tournament in Flemington, New Jersey at Health Quest Center November 31-December 1. Their alumni game occurred over the weekend with a great turnout. Finally, Volleyball has a tournament in Swarthmore on December 1. VII. Sub Committees A. Budget and Finance -Meeting on Thursday in MSU room 323 at 11am B. Constitutions and Policy -No report C. Fundraising -Graduation Flower Sale Letter stuffing all day Monday. E. Planning -Canned food drive went well and the cans are going out Monday -Look for an e-mail in regards to the Thanksgiving dinner F. Historian and Pride -presenting Kristina Christmas Kunkle with a surprise gift -Plaque for Covington -New layout for SGB book in office -For first KU Basketball game will be doing a tattoo station for KU Pride G. Investigations and Public Relations -No Report -Public Relations: MOTION 11: I move to allocate $121.25 from line A9996106 private for polo’s from All American Graphics in Allentown. Made By: Melissa Second By: Scott Discussion: None Abstentions: None Motion: Passed VIII. Ad-hoc Committee Reports -None IX. University Committee Reports -University Beautification Committee-won't be meeting till next semester; Chris took it upon himself to talk to Matt Santos about his ideas on different beautification aspects for the campus. X. Club and Liaison Reports -None XI. Advisor’s Report -No report XII. Announcements -No meeting next week; the following meeting in the Academic Forum room 103 -Black Flame will be performing tonight XII. Adjournment A. Motion to adjourn at 6:16 pm Made By: Nili Second By: Kristine Motion: Passed Respectively submitted, Barbara Kurtz Student Government Board STUDENT GOVERNMENT BOARD KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY Minutes of November 27, 2007 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:13 pm II. Attendance At-Large Rachel Morris Elaine Mara Nili Goldberg Samantha Dennis Elizabeth Schroeder Aaron Smyk Non Resident Matthew McDonnell Shaina Geltman Scott Shapiro Mark Koenig Jason Correll Barbara Kurtz Resident Melissa Liesner Lisselott Molina New Students Members Absent Christopher Haines Monet Thomas-Anderson Randi Meredith Shaina Geltman Jamie Cartergena Kristine Killingsworth Ayssa Bigbee Nicholas Manento Advisor Bob Watrous Guests Lisa Kowalski - KUSSI Standing Committees I. Approval of Minutes Motion: entertain a motion to approve the minutes of November 13th, 2007 So moved: Scott Second By: Elaine Corrections: None Abstentions: Jason Motion: Passed Motion: entertain a motion to approve the minutes of October 23rd, 2007 So moved: Scott Second By: Elaine Corrections: None Abstentions: None Motion: Passed II. Public Comments -None III. Guests None IV. Executive Committee Reports A. President - M. Koenig directed everyone to the quote. - The golden bear was given by Samantha Dennis to Lisa Molina for picking up the fundraising position and working on the graduation flower sale - welcomed everyone back from break -BSGP conference this Friday, look to leave after 3:00 pm - M. Koenig yielded the floor B. Vice President -This Thursday there will be a MSU Advisory Board meeting, email her concerns. -The flower sales will be put together during finals week -December 15th is graduation, please fill out housing form to stay on campus. Motion 1: I move to allocate 18.28 from line S999-6555 printing for graduation letters to the printing shop. Made By: Lisa Second: Scott Discussion: None Friendly Amendment: change to private line A9996106 By: Scott Second: Nili Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 2: I move to allocate up to but not exceeding 260.00 from line S999-6802 Transportation to Manderbach Ford for vans for the BSGP Leadership Conference Made By: Lisa Second: Elaine Discussion: Money for vans for BSGP Conference Abstentions: Jason Motion: Passed -L. Molina yielded the floor C. Parliamentarian -Thanked Lisa for all of her hard work -wished everyone luck during finals week -Idea of doing a secret santa or buddy gift before semester is over - S. Shapiro yielded the floor. D. Treasurer -No report - S. Dennis yielded the floor. . E. Secretary -No report -B. Kurtz yielded the floor V. Business and Discussion A. Unfinished Business -None B. New Business MOTION 3: I move to open nominations for the Secretary position Made By: Scott Second By: Lisa Discussion: none Abstentions: None Motion: Passed MOTION 4: I move to close nominations Made By: Scott Second By: Lisa Discussion: None Abstentions: None Motion: Passed MOTION 5: Move to open elections for Secretary Made By: Scott Second By: Lisa Discussion: None Friendly Amendment: Voting for elections be done by secret Ballot By: Barbara Second: Nili Abstentions: None Motion: Passed -New Secretary for Spring 2008 is: Matthew McDonnell MOTION 6: I move to close elections Made By: Scott Second By: Barbara Discussion: None Abstentions: None Motion: Passed VI. Standing Committees A. Residence Hall Association (RHA) -Winter Social- December 7th -Ticket sales November 26, 29, and 30th 11-1pm and 57pm in South Dining Hall -Bearfare ends November 30th -December 9th Deck the Halls 7pm December 9th Late Night Breakfast -Elections for RHA president for next semester end today, November 27th B. Association of Campus Events (ACE) -No report C. Off Campus Advisory Club (OCAC) -No report C. United Greek Council (UGC) -Next semester College Panhellenic Council will be holding a recruitment style presentation to all sororities on capus displaying different recruitment styles so they can choose which one they like best -This Wednesday evening at 7:00pm in the MPR is Alpha Sigma Tau’s “Mr. KU Pagent”. Please come out and support AST. All proceeds will benefit the Kyle Quinn Scholarship Fund. CPC will also be selling more “Stop The Violence” bracelets to benefit the Fund as well. -They will also be having an anti-hazing presentation on December 6th -DZ had a thanksgiving dinner and collected six boxes of canned goods for a local food bank -TPA is selling lollipops to raise money -This week is ZTA’s “Zeta Week”. Their new members get initiated on Saturday -Tonight in the AF, room 200, at 7pm LCA will be doing a Social Host Responsibility workshop. -Next semester there will be a possible expansion of fraternities here on campus. SAU will be coming to do a presentation on KU’s Greek Life next semester. -The All Greek Clean-up was canceled due to rain and will be rescheduled for next semester -LSU will be having a workshop entitled “The First Immigrants” on Wednesday , November 29th at 8pm in the Multicultural Center’s Unity room. It will be a workshop on the first immigrants such as the Irish and Germans. -PSS’s annual Rock-A-Thon is coming up on Wednesday December 5th and Thursday December 6th from 3-7pm. It will be at the Wal-Mart in Trexlertown and all donations will benefit the National Kidney Foundation which is their philanthropy -The Greek Life Office was voted by UGC to be re-named as the United Greek Council Office D. Recreational Sports and Club Council (RSCC) -Men’s Lacrosse hosting a tournament in Fleetwood, NJ -Ice Hockey is continuing their season -All the clubs are currently fundraising and volunteering. The semester is coming to an end, we are looking to schedule our spring orientation VII. Sub Committees A. Budget and Finance -Samantha will be in contact with committee about putting together the budget -Meeting will be on Thursday at 11pm B. Constitutions and Policy -No report C. Fundraising -Watch for an email for putting together flowers for graduation flower sale E. Planning -Planning an end of the semester party MOTION 6: I move to allocate up to but not exceeding 60.oo from line S999-6307 Socials and Dances for end of the year party supplies from Weis Market in Kutztown Made By: Rachel Second By: Elaine Discussion: None Abstentions: None Motion: Passed F. Historian and Pride -Working on getting a tattoo station at the basketball games G. Investigations and Public Relations -Still investigating the recycling issue on campus H. Public Relations: -Polos have been ordered, should be here in two weeks -Working on display board and printing pictures VIII. Ad-hoc Committee Reports -None IX. University Committee Reports -Elizabeth Schroeder met with four other members of the board to discuss the purpose of the committee. -Reviewed the Grade Appeal Board Constitution revisions -After coming to an agreement the members approved the changes -Next meeting TBA X. Club and Liaison Reports -None XI. Advisor’s Report -Congratulations to the Florida delegates who went to a lot of sessions during the conference -There might be some cost to taking shuttle bus to off campus locations in the future -campus is doing well with bringing the nighttime events for students -As students we need to change the culture and start to change the way by reporting situations and start protecting ourselves and others XII. Announcements -December 5th, speaker will be on campus in the MPR; tickets on sale in Multicultural Center -Skating party next Friday, BSU, $5.00 -Samantha is getting accepted to ZTA, Congratulations XII. Adjournment A. Motion to adjourn at 6:09 pm Made By: Nili Second By: Scott Motion: Passed Respectively submitted, Barbara Kurtz Student Government Board STUDENT GOVERNMENT BOARD KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY Minutes of December 4, 2007 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:10 pm II. Attendance At-Large Elaine Mara Nili Goldberg Samantha Dennis Rachel Morris Elizabeth Schroeder Aaron Smyk Non Resident Matthew McDonnell Randi Meredith Scott Shapiro Mark Koenig Jason Correll New Students Christopher Haines Alyssa Bigbee Nicholas Manento Monet Thomas-Anderson Kristine Killingsworth Advisor Bob Watrous Guests Lisa Kowalski - KUSSI Resident Melissa Liesner Lisselott Molina Jennifer Wilson Jamie Cartergena Members Absent Shaina Geltman Justin McCleary Elizabeth Schroeder Aaron Smyk Standing Committees RSCC RHA UGC I. Approval of Minutes Motion: entertain a motion to approve the minutes of November 27, 2007 So moved: Nili Second By: Elaine Corrections: Sam was absent, Kristine was present Abstentions: None Motion: Passed II. Public Comments -None III. Guests -None IV. Executive Committee Reports A. President - M. Koenig directed everyone to the quote. - The golden bear was given by Lisa to Elaine because she has been a central part of the board and staying on top of all information. -This is our last meeting -Committees need to be filled; Who's Who Committee we need 1 student to serve on this committee; Student Services of Campus Life and they are looking for 1 student to serve on the committee. -First meeting of next semester will be on January 15th -Motion 1: I move to approve official Student Government Board honors for Barbara Kurtz for December 2007 graduation Made By: Mark So moved: Lisa Second: Matt Discussion: for the honor cord for graduation Abstentions: Barbara Motion: Passed - M. Koenig yielded the floor B. Vice President -Thank you for your hard work this semester -Elections will be next semester during the week of Jan. 25th -The retreat date is for Jan. 27th which is tentative -We will need chairs for the planning and fundraising committee -Graduation Flower sale sign up sheet for graduation day; please sign up to help out! -L. Molina yielded the floor C. Parliamentarian Motion 2: I move to remove Justin McCleary from the board effective immediately Made By: Scott Second: Nili Discussion: Justin has been absent for more than 3 meetings and never sent in a letter of resignation Abstentions: Sam Motion: Passed Motion 3: I move to grant the executive board voting power on behalf of the Student Government Board effective at the end of the meeting until the 14th of January Made By: Scott Second: Nili Friendly Amendment: to Jan. 15th Made By: Lisa Second By: Elaine Discussion: Giving voting power to Executive Board over the break for any emergency motions that need to be made Abstentions: Sam Motion: Passed - S. Shapiro yielded the floor. D. Treasurer Motion 4: I move to amend last week’s motion to allocate 18.28 from line S999-6555 printing to come out of A999-6106 Private Made By: Sam Second: Nili Discussion: Last week it was taking out of printing but it needs to come out of private because we are using it for the flower sale Abstentions: None Motion: Passed Motion 5: I move to allocate $43.18 from line A999-6106 Private for flower sale envelopes Made By: Sam Second: Chris Discussion: Needs to be taken out of private not printing Abstentions: Jamie Motion: Passed Motion 6: I move to reimburse Barbara Kurtz $19.40 from line S999-6802 transportation for the trip to Shocktoberfest Made By: Sam Second: Nili Discussion: Barb drove to Shocktoberfest Abstentions: Barbara Motion: Passed Motion 7: I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to grant National Student SpeechHearing Association conference reimbursement of $96.16 from line S998-6365 conference funding Made By: Sam Second: Kristine Discussion: Reimbursement for 1/3 of conference for 5 delegates Abstentions: None Motion: passed Motion 8: I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to allow newsbreak to use their operating budget to make a capital purchase of up to but not exceeding $1,500.00 Made By: Sam Second: Nili Discussion: Want to use their operating budget to purchase a new computer to produce the news show. Abstentions: Chris Motion: Passed - S. Dennis yielded the floor. E. Secretary -Thank you for your support with electing me secretary Motion 9: I move to accept the resignation of Randi Meredith from the Board effective at the end of today’s meeting Made By: Matt Second: Scott Discussion: needs to resign due to schedule of next semester Abstentions: Randi, Monet, Sam Motion: Passed -M. McDonnell yielded the floor V. Business and Discussion A. Unfinished Business B. New Business MOTION 10: I move to open discussion with Crystal Taylor Made By: Lisa Second By: Chris Friendly Amendment: Regarding shuttle bus concerns and no traffic concerns Second: Matt Discussion: None Abstentions: Barbara Motion: Passed -The shuttle bus for going to Walmart will be one bus and will be leaving at 6pm and returning at 10pm; if needed they will have more than one bus -Is there a way to have the bus go from Walmart to a restaurant; this first trip will only be to Walmart, in the future it could extend to other parts of Trexlertown -The late night shuttle bus was pretty successful and the numbers increased as the weeks went on and would like to see this program continue in the future -Please check your e-mail in regards to a survey about the shuttle bus MOTION 11: I move to close discussion with Crystal Taylor Made By: Lisa Second By: Nili Discussion: None Abstentions: None Motion: Passed MOTION 12: I move to open discussion on the question list in the pass around folder. Made By: Monet Second By: Chris Discussion: The information from the questions will be used on the bulletin board Abstentions: None Motion: Passed MOTION 13: I move to close discussion Made By: Matt Second By: Nili Discussion: None Abstentions: None Motion: Passed VI. Standing Committees A. Residence Hall Association (RHA) -Friday December 7th hosting annual semi-formal dance -Saturday December 8th members will be going to the Ronald McDonald House to donate soda tab collection and the Hershey Medical Center to donate the bares from the barefair collection -Sunday December 9th the deck the halls competition will be held in all halls -Sunday December 10th their awards breakfast will be held B. Association of Campus Events (ACE) -No report; absent C. Off Campus Advisory Club (OCAC) -Community Yard Sale Collection will be held December 10th14th -Operation Snowflake will start January 15th D. United Greek Council (UGC) -Alpha Sigma Tau is holding an Anti-Hazing program December 6th in the Alumni Auditorium at 7:30pm -Phi Sigma Sigma’s Rock-a-Thon at the Wal-Mart in Trexlertown will be held December 5th and 6th from 3-7pm -UGC’s first chapter of the month was Mu Sigma Upsilon and the new Student Rec Center Rep elected was Pat McNamee -LSU aids week was held last week in the SUB -Theta Phi Alpha is having a candy sale this week -New amendments will be added to the by -laws E. Recreational Sports and Club Council (RSCC) -Men’s Lacrosse just won the Kutztown Falls Lacrosse Classic this past weekend going 4-0 - Dance team will be performing this Saturday at the Men’s basketball game at 3pm - Black Flame will be performing tonight at 8pm as a part of ACE’s project Runway -The Equestrian and Men’s Rugby teams finished first place in their respective competitions -Ice hockey plays Muhlenberg and Franklin and Marshall this weekend VII. Sub Committees A. Budget and Finance -Meeting on Thursday in MSU at 11am in the SGB office to finish the budget B. Constitutions and Policy -No report C. Fundraising -Expect an e-mail for those helping out with graduation flower sale E. Planning -Thank you Rachel, Alyssa and Elizabeth Motion 14: I move to allocate $27.99 to Matthew McDonnell from line S999-6106 Private for party supplies Made By: Alyssa Second: Elaine Friendly Amendment: To come from line A999-Private Made By: Matt Second: Rachel Discussion: None Abstentions: None Motion: Passed F. Historian and Pride -Jan.16th at Keystone Arena at 6:30pm program for the basketball game involving tattoos; will be in the office binder in folder B Motion 15: I move to allocate up to but not exceeding $229.00 from line S999-6385 for face/body tattoo event to KUSSI Bookstore for face/body tattoos Made By: Monet Second: Nili Discussion: Need to buy the tattoos from KUSSI with the KU logo; buying a total of 400 tattoos Abstentions: None Motion: Passed Motion 16: I move to allocate $5.00 from line S999-6385 to Weis for face/body tattoo event for paper towels Made By: Monet Second: Scott Discussion: Buying paper towels Abstentions: None Motion: Passed G. Investigations and Public Relations -Investigations: *There are two full time people whose job is to empty the recycling bins and in charge of getting more recycling bins along with using maintenance to make sure they get emptied-Public Relations: *Polo's will be here next week and put in the mailboxes *The bulletin board will be done by next week VIII. Ad-hoc Committee Reports -None IX. University Committee Reports -Status of Minorities: will be having a meeting during finals week to discuss their dinner and will resume next semester X. Club and Liaison Reports -None XI. Advisor’s Report -During week of Dec. 10-14th there will be an interview process for the candidates Public Relations and Director of Student Services and Campus Life -Junk in your Trunk program will be run through the Fairgrounds -PA Campus Compact, KU contributed about $40,000 in community service and programs -During spring semester there will be revisions on student conduct issues and revisions on students rights and welfare -Wish good luck on final exams and a good holiday break XII. Announcements -Project runway tonight at 8pm in Shaeffer Aud. -Skating party on Friday -University Senate meeting on Thursday at 3pm Motion 17: I move to amend the previous motion to allocate $43.18 from line A999-6106 Private to up to but not exceeding $62.46 Made By: Sam Second: Elaine Discussion: thought it was first $43.18 and needs to be $62.46 Abstentions: None Motion: Passed XII. Adjournment A. Motion to adjourn at 6:21pm Made By: Barbara Second By: Nili Motion: Passed Respectively submitted, Barbara Kurtz Student Government Board STUDENT GOVERNMENT BOARD KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY Minutes of January 15, 2008 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:06 pm II. Attendance At-Large Rachel Morris Samantha Dennis Elaine Mara Nili Goldberg Samantha Dennis Non Resident Mark Koenig Matthew McDonnell Scott Shapiro New Students Christopher Haines Alyssa Bigbee Nicholas Manento Monet Thomas-Anderson Elizabeth Schroeder Advisor Bob Watrous Guests Lisa Kowalski - KUSSI Resident Jamie Cartergena Melissa Liesner Lisselott Molina Members Absent Jason Corell Aaron Smyk Kristine Killingsworth Standing Committees ACE (Joshua McKee) OCAC (Tara Beretsky) UGC (Katie Grow) RSCC (Allison Brewer) I. Approval of Minutes Motion: Entertain a motion to approve the minutes of November 27, 2007 So moved: Sam Second By: Elaine Corrections: None Abstentions: None Motion: Passed II. Public Comments -None III. Guests -None IV. Executive Committee Reports A. President -Welcome back -Applications are out for elections -The golden bear was given to Melissa from Elaine -Mark directed everyone to the quote -Spring Retreat is January 27, 2008 from 12-4pm -College Bowl is coming up, five Kutztown University Students are needed to be held at California University of Pennsylvania - M. Koenig yielded the floor B. Vice President -Applications are at the SUB, online and OCAC office for SGB elections -Voting will be 23rd-25th -Committee chair meeting after the meeting, two open positions in Fundraising and Planning -Office Access sheet is in the pass around folder -L. Molina yielded the floor C. Parliamentarian -Welcome back -Thank you Lisa for your work with the elections -An ad-hoc committee will be created concerning the new constituency model - S. Shapiro yielded the floor. D. Treasurer -No meeting for Budget and Finance this week -Budget posted on SGB door for appeal process from organizations -Meeting with the Florida Delegates after the meeting -Motion 1: I move to reimburse Mark Koenig 39.64 from line S999-6105 office supplies for office supplies Made By: Sam Second: Elaine Discussion: For office supplies Abstentions: Motion: Passed Motion 2: I move to freeze ACE's budget until they attend two consecutive meetings based on absences on November 27th, November 20th and December 4th, 2007 Made By: Sam Second: Scott Friendly Amendment: To be voted on by secret ballot Made By: Scott Second: Matt Discussion: ACE has missed three consecutive meetings Abstentions: Motion: Defeated - S. Dennis yielded the floor. E. Secretary -There is a sign up sheet for new Office Hours in the pass around folder -If there are any questions about University Committees please see me -M. McDonnell yielded the floor V. Business and Discussion A. Old Business B. New Business Motion 3: I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to modify the AEF funding allocations to no less than seventy percent (70%) and no more than ninety percent (90%) for scholarships and no less than four percent (4%) and no more than twenty-four percent (24%) for improvements and a minimum of six percent (6%) to the principle of the AEF Made By: Sam Second: Scott Discussion: The AEF is being revised, a request to use more of a percentage of money for scholarships Abstentions: Chris, Jamie, Elizabeth Motion: Passed Motion 4: Open discussion with a time limit of 10 minutes to talk about concerns with the faculty about the Student Recreation Center Made By: Nili Second: Alyssa Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed -Faculty members want some kind of discount for use of the Student Recreation Center -Student fees would then be subsidizing the Student Recreation Center Fees Motion 5: Motion to close discussion Made By: Rachel Second: Nili Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed Motion 6: I move to allow AEF funds carried over from the 2006-2007 budget, for scholarships, in 2007-2008 Made By: Sam Second: Elaine Discussion: The facility improvements funds were rolled over this year. Allow athletics to use the money that was rolled over for scholarships Abstentions: Chris Motion: Passed VI. Standing Committees A. Residence Hall Association (RHA) -No report, absent B. Association of Campus Events (ACE) -Past Events: Poster sale in the South Dining Hall January 13th and 14th -Upcoming Events: Lachlan Patterson will be performing on January 23rd at 8pm in Schaffer Auditorium -Barry Scott will be speaking Thursday, January 24th at 8pm -the ACE Retreat will be held on February 2nd at 9pm in SUB250 -New Business: Nominations are being held for Competitions Coordinator and Historian Coordinator C. Off Campus Advisory Club (OCAC) -The Yard Sale raised $500, $400 of which was donated to Friends Inc. -Volunteers are needed for Operation Snowflake -Plans are in the works for a Block Party on April 27th 1-4pm -Plans for another Yard Sale are in the works -Newsletter to be developed for all off-campus students -"Moving Off-Campus Program" in SUB250 February 6th -Planning for Arbor Day -Members are participating in the President's Rountable on Alcohol and Other Drugs Pilot Program, Open Alternatives, coffee house for five Fridays in February and March C. United Greek Council (UGC) -Greek Life Open House In SDH from 8-10pm -Winter Involvement Fair in the Multipurpose Room this Thursday from 10:30-1:30pm -Sigma Alpha Upsilon will be coming to campus on January 23rd to give a presentation about Greek Life In the Alumni Auditorium at 6:45pm -Kutztown University's Greek Life webpage was just updated -All-Greek Clean-Up will take place on March 20th at 4pm -Theta Phi Alpha Is currently selling candy bars and cookie dough D. Recreational Sports and Club Council (RSCC) -Board member meeting on Thursday, January 17th -Systems are being updated for clubs to add new members VII. Sub Committees A. Budget and Finance -No report B. Constitutions and Policy -No report C. Fundraising –No report E. Planning -No report F. Historian and Pride -Tattoo event tomorrow at the Men’s and Women’s basketball game at 5pm in the Keystone Arena G. Investigations and Public Relations Investigations: -No report, absent Public Relations: -Polos are here for the members that need them -The SGB board in the SUB lobby will be postponed until new members are elected VIII. Ad-hoc Committee Reports -None IX. University Committee Reports Chris -Human Diversity Committee spot will be filled by Chris X. Club and Liaison Reports -None XI. Advisor’s Report -Welcome back -There are binders for University Governance Committees -February 14th will be a meeting of all University Committee chairs to encourage student involvement -Talk up elections process, answer questions and promote SGB -KUSSI fan appreciation night is tomorrow night at the basketball game XII. Announcements -Elections can not be stressed enough, we really need a big turn out -Retreat scheduled for January 27th, in room 250SUB -Check mailboxes -Involvement Fair on Thursday from 10:30-1:30 -Weekend of Service is this weekend, the Multicultural Center is helping with a program at Albright in Reading, PA on Thursday at 6:30 -Meeting next week, not a Monday schedule XII. Adjournment A. Motion to adjourn at 6:19pm Made By: Nili Second By: Alyssa Motion: Passed Respectively submitted, Matthew McDonnell STUDENT GOVERNMENT BOARD KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY Minutes of January 22, 2008 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:05 pm II. Attendance At-Large Rachel Morris Elaine Mara Nili Goldberg Samantha Dennis Non Resident Matthew McDonnell Jason Correll Scott Shapiro Mark Koenig New Students Christopher Haines Monet Thomas-Anderson Nicholas Manento Kristine Killingsworth Advisor Bob Watrous Guests None Resident Melissa Liesner Lisselott Molina Jamie Cartergena Members Absent Aaron Smyk Alyssa Bigbee Standing Committees RHA ACE OCAC UGC RSCC I. Approval of Minutes Motion: entertain a motion to approve the minutes of November 27, 2007 So moved: Nili Second By: Elaine Corrections: Change date to 2008 Abstentions: None Motion: Passed II. Public Comments -Laura Springman came to introduce herself; she is a Programming Assistant here at KU III. Guests -None IV. Executive Committee Reports A. President -Mark drew everyone’s attention to the quote -The Golden Bear was given to Monet from Melissa -Spring Retreat is this Sunday, January 27th. Board is to show up at 12:30 -Meeting with Dr. Cevallos on Thursday at 11am, any concerns direct to him - M. Koenig yielded the floor B. Vice President -Today was the last day for applications for the Board, fifteen applications were turned in -Elections start at 12pm tomorrow -Voting ends Friday at 8pm -Information for office access is in. The Board will gain access to the office by the end of this week -Open Chair positions should be filled by the Retreat -Thanks to Monet, Nili, Jamie and Chris for the Tattoo event -L. Molina yielded the floor C. Parliamentarian -Thanks to Melissa, the board in the SUB looks great -Ad-Hoc Committee for the Constituency Model will be holding a meeting to be determined - S. Shapiro yielded the floor. D. Treasurer -Florida delegates see me after the meeting - S. Dennis yielded the floor. E. Secretary -Office Hour sign-ups are in the pass around folder, sign up for a time and day for the Spring 2008 semester -Any questions with University Committees please contact me -M. McDonnell yielded the floor V. Business and Discussion A. Old Business -None B. New Business Motion 1: I move to allocate up to but not exceeding eightyfive dollars from line S999-6105 Office Supplies to the Water Guy for a water dispenser in the office Made By: Scott Second: Lisa Discussion: There is no water cooler near the SGB office, it is nine dollars a month and five dollars per water jug Abstentions: Nick, Matt Motion: Passed Motion 2: I move to allocate $1,700 from line S999-6106 Operating Expenses for St. Patty’s Day on the Hill funding Made By: Sam Second: Nili Discussion: A fun event that gathers KU students on St. Patrick's day, SGB subsidizes some of the cost Abstentions: Motion: Passed VI. Standing Committees A. Residence Hall Association (RHA) -The Executive Board had a retreat and started planning for Committees, programs and improving communication among members -They will be holding their first meeting on the 22nd of January -Chris noted a problem with CA’s getting to know their residents and the RHA representative vowed to take this back to RHA B. Association of Campus Events (ACE) -Upcoming Events: Retreat on February 2nd, Lachlan Patterson performing stand-up comedy on January 23rd at 8pm in the Multi-Purpose Room, Barry Scott an inspirational speaker will be speaking on January 25th at 8pm in the MultiPurpose Room -Past Events: Hairspray Tickets sold out on January 22 -New Business: Elections for Spotlights, Historian and Competitions coordinators are being held C. Off Campus Advisory Club (OCAC) -Thank you for coming to Operation Snow-flake, it went really well with over thirty volunteers D. United Greek Council (UGC) -Greek Life open house was a success -Greek Life is in the process of recruitment -Sigma Alpha Upsilon will be coming to campus this Wednesday evening at 6:45pm to present in the Alumni Auditorium E. Recreational Sports and Club Council (RSCC) -Men's Lacrosse started to practice in the Field House -The Equestrian Team has started riding lessons for this semester last week and they received jackets for the new members -KU Breakers are holding an event called "Bring Da Noize" taking place in the Multipurpose Room on February 1st -KU Dance Team held elections for their new 2008/2009 Executive Board. They will be dancing at the 76ers game on February 9th VII. Sub Committees A. Budget and Finance -No meeting this Thursday B. Constitutions and Policy -no report C. Fundraising -Applications are out for Committee Chairs D. Planning -Applications are out for Committee Chair . E. Historian and Pride -Thank you everyone for their help with the Tattoo Event F. Investigations and Public Relations -Investigations: -No report -Public Relations: -The board is almost finished in the SUB Common VIII. Ad-hoc Committee Reports - Constituency Model Ad-Hoc Committee should meet after the meeting to set up time and place for next meeting IX. University Committee Reports -None X. Club and Liaison Reports -None XI. Advisor’s Report -Looking forward to new members joining the Board -We need to set an agenda with the new members and represent your constituents XII. Announcements -Pajama Party in the South Dining Hall this Thursday -Retreat at 12:00pm on Sunday XII. Adjournment A. Motion to adjourn at 5:30pm Made By: Nili Second By: Scott Motion: Passed Respectively submitted, Matthew McDonnell STUDENT GOVERNMENT BOARD KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY Minutes of February 5, 2008 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:05 pm II. Attendance At-Large Mauel Guzman Elaine Mara Nili Goldberg Samantha Dennis Elizabeth Schroeder Estephania Ramon Rachel Morris John Burnett Non Resident Matthew McDonnell Erin Kershaw Scott Shapiro Mark Koenig Jason Correll Tara Beretsky Todd Ryan Folk Gislaine Exantus Daniel Walker New Students Christopher Haines Alyssa Bigbee Kristine Killingsworth Monet Thomas-Anderson Advisor Bob Watrous Guests Lisa Kowalski - KUSSI Jason Barkley Angela Hardy -Allies Resident Erwin Sitt Lisselott Molina Katielynn Milbrandt Jamie Cartegena Nicholas Brusch Members Absent Melissa Liesner Ashley Dailey Tavia Minnich Zac Roberts Nicholas Manento Standing Committees RHA (Nicholas Mariotti) ACE (Josh McKee) UGC (Katie Grow) RSCC (Linda Boyer) OCAC (Jessica Fero) I. Approval of Minutes Motion: Entertain a motion to approve the minutes of January 29, 2008 So moved: N. Goldberg Second By: E. Mara Corrections: Discussed staying neutral in motion 8 to be added Abstentions: N. Goldberg Motion: Passed Motion 1: Move to suspend the normal order of business Made By: L. Molina Second: E. Mara Discussion: In order to discuss the Student Leadership Scholarship Abstentions: Motion: Passed Motion 2: I move to award the Student Leadership Scholarship by leadership position Made By: L. Molina Second: M. Thomas Anderson Discussion: The executive board decided the scholarship be awarded by leadership and brings approval to the Board Abstentions: S. Dennis, T. Beretsky, N. Goldman, K. Killingsworth Motion: Passed Motion 3: I move to reinstate the normal order of business Made By: L. Molina Second: N. Goldberg Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed II. Public Comments -None III. Guests -None IV. Executive Committee Reports A. President -M. Koenig gave the Golden Bear to T. Folk for his fervor for the Board -Welcome to John Burnett who has joined the Board as an At-Large writein -Goals were printed up and will be on display in the office -Things-to-do in the office poster will also be placed in the office for reference -Next week is the induction ceremony -Make-up retreat after next meeting to get them the key information -The vote of confidence will be brought up in Old Business - M. Koenig yielded the floor B. Vice President -Sub-Committees were readjusted and a sheet is placed in the pass around folder -Checks and Balances meeting is Tuesday at 4:30 in the office -Sub-Committee assignments for Committee chairs were delegated -L. Molina yielded the floor C. Parliamentarian - Everyone is doing a great job with their responsibilities -The late night shuttle bus will be up and running this Thursday -Advertisements will be available in the office tomorrow please pick up five copies to be handed out - S. Shapiro yielded the floor. D. Treasurer Motion 3: I move to allocate up to but not exceeding $250.00 from line S999-6167 General Assembly for Induction refreshments Made By: Sam Second: Scott Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed Motion 4: I move to allocate $371.30 from line A999-6106 Private for flower sale postage Made By: Sam Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed - S. Dennis yielded the floor E. Secretary -Office hours are in the pass around folder -M. McDonnell yielded the floor V. Business and Discussion A. Old Business -Motion 5: I move to un-table the motion from last week about the vote of confidence Made By: S. Shapiro Second: L. Molina Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed Motion 6: I move to open discussion on the vote of confidence with a time limit of fifteen minutes Made By: S. Shapiro Second: L. Molina Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed -M. Koenig suggests that the Board takes a neutral stance on this in favor of the students -It was determined that the Executive Board would draft a preliminary resolution to be brought to the Board to be voted on next meeting Motion 7: I move to close discussion on the vote of confidence Made By: S. Shapiro Second: J. Cartegena Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed B. New Business Motion 8: I move to make a neutral statement in favor of the students Made By: S. Shapiro Second: L. Molina Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed Motion 9: I move to open discussion on how we present our neutral statement Made By: S. Shapiro Second: M. McDonnell Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed -T. Beretsky suggests that we should address and inform the students on the issue in the statement -M. Guzman suggested we send an email of the statement or contact the newspaper -M. Thomas-Anderson suggests that the E-board write the statement -J. Burnett suggests that we should keep the statement short and sweet included our support for Students, Staff and Faculty Motion 10: I move to close discussion Made By: R. Morris Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed Motion 11: I move to open discussion on the Senate decision for limiting paper Made By: T. Folk Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: Friendly Amendment: Time limit of 10 minutes Abstentions: E. Schroeder, G. Exantus, J. Correll Motion: Passed -T. Folk informed the Board on the University Senate decision to move forward with considering a limit on paper use in the library Motion 12: I move to close discussion Made By: S. Shapiro Second: L. Molina Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed Motion 13: I move to formally accept the resignation of Ashley Dailey from the Student Government Board effective immediately Made By: M. McDonnell Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: Abstentions: S. Shapiro, L. Molina, S. Dennis, M. McDonnell Motion: Passed Motion 14: I move to formally remove Tavia Minnich from the Student Government Board effective immediately Made By: M. McDonnell Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: Abstentions: S. Shapiro, S. Dennis, L. Molina, M. McDonnell Motion: Passed Motion 15: I move to open discussion on the St. Patty’s Day on the Hill funding with a time limit of 5 minutes Made By: S. Dennis Second: Discussion: The one card office has offered to fund $500.00 for t-shirts in addition to our allocation Abstentions: Motion: Passed -The point on the table is if we should rescind the motion to allocate the amount last week Motion 16: I move to close discussion Made By: S. Shapiro Second: J. Cartegena Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed Motion 17: I move to open discussion on food services forum with a time limit of 10 minutes Made By: C. Haines Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Defeated Motion 18: I move to open discussion on the SGB website with a time limit of 5 minutes Made By: C. Haines Second: Discussion: Abstentions: E. Schroeder Motion: Passed -M. Koenig stated that the website is under construction and it has been an ongoing process to rebuild it -C. Haines stressed the importance of having a new website Motion 19: I move to close discussion Made By: N. Goldberg Second: A. Bigbee Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed VI. Standing Committees A. Residence Hall Association (RHA) -Bearfest committees are being created -Bearfest will be five nights long because it is the 30th Anniversary B. Association of Campus Events (ACE) -Past events: Texas Theme night drew 300 people, ZTA included it in their recruitment celebration -Upcoming events: Nets vs Lakers game tonight, Build-A-Bear Thursday, February 7th from 6-11pm in the South Dining Hall C. Off Campus Advisory Club (OCAC) -Moving Off Campus informational session in MSU 250 at 7pm on February 6th -Operation Lifesaver will be held on February 20th in MSU 250 at 7pm -Community Development Speaker on March 26th at 7pm in MSU 223 D. United Greek Council (UGC) -March 3rd Is National Badge Day for all sororities -Greek Life is currently selling cookie dough and participating in the Responsibility and Wellness exhibit challenge on February 12th in the MPR -UGC is hosting the Sexual Assault Prevention Risk Management activity on Wednesday at 8pm In Boehm 145 -Phi Sigma Sigma is Chapter of the Month E. Recreational Sports and Club Council (RSCC) -The Dance Team will be performing at the Philadelphia 76ers game VII. Sub Committees A. Budget and Finance Motion 20: I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to allocate Allies $1,788.31 from line S999-6365 Conferences for one third of their conference expenses Made By: S. Dennis Second: N. Goldberg Discussion: The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force is sending delegates to their National Conference Abstentions: J. Cartegena, N. Goldberg Motion: Passed Motion 21: I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to grant an additional allocation of $5,225.00 from line S998-6644 Spring Contingency for late-night shuttle bus service Made By: S. Dennis Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: This is an additional allocation given to OCAC to help fund the late-night shuttle bus Abstentions: S. Shapiro Motion: Passed Motion 22: I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to grant P.A.C. $925.00 from line S998-6644 Spring Contingency for a budget Made By: S. Dennis Second: N. Goldberg Discussion: Participation Academics and Campus Life have come for gold status; the same packet is being approved except for fall funding Abstentions: Motion: Passed B. Constitutions and Policy Motion 23: I move to grant Vidette Gold Status pending their resubmitting of their constitution and bylaws Made By: S. Shapiro Second: L. Molina Discussion: Vidette needs to resubmit their constitution and by-laws for them to be passed Abstentions: Motion: Passed Motion 24: I move to accept the Commuter Student Associations update of their mission statement Made By: S. Shapiro Second: C. Haines Discussion: The CSA has revised their mission statement and it has been reviewed by the Constitutions and Policies Committee Abstentions: Motion: Passed C. Fundraising -Members will be receiving an email on meeting times D. Planning -Members should be expecting an email E. Historian and Pride -The fishbowl award is being granted to organizations -Tattoo event set for March 4th at the Basketball game, any other sports games you would want to promote at is open for suggestion F. Investigations and Public Relations -Investigations: -no report G. Public Relations: -no report VIII. Ad-hoc Committee Reports -Constituency Model Ad-Hoc Committee -Grad representation was taken in to consideration IX. University Committee Reports -None X. Club and Liaison Reports -BSU is having their Cabaret this weekend, a semi-formal event -Political Science Club has launched a register to vote program XI. Advisor’s Report -Behavioral Conduct standards are being reviewed and an up to date report should be compiled by Spring Break -The preliminary results of the Freshman Alcohol EDU rendered very positive results -A grant was received through the Department of Community Development of the Commonwealth concerning University security; a small group of SGB members should be formed -Valentines Day the University Committee on Committees will have a meeting of the chairs of all the Committees -University Senate will take a vote on the Academic Disruption Policy on Thursday -February 27th in MPR 10pm-3pm Volunteer Fair XII. Announcements -The Multicultural Center is holding a "Women that Inspired you" pamphlet -Library book surveys are still available by E. Mara XII. Adjournment A. Motion to adjourn at 7:19pm Made By: S. Dennis Second By: N. Goldberg Motion: Passed Respectively submitted, Matthew McDonnell STUDENT GOVERNMENT BOARD KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY Minutes of February 26, 2008 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:40 II. Attendance At-Large Mauel Guzman Elaine Mara Nili Goldberg Samantha Dennis Elizabeth Schroeder Estephania Ramon Rachel Morris Adrianne Doll Non Resident Matthew McDonnell Erin Kershaw Scott Shapiro Mark Koenig Jason Correll Tara Beretsky Todd Ryan Folk Daniel Walker New Students Christopher Haines Alyssa Bigbee Nicholas Manento Monet Thomas-Anderson Advisor Bob Watrous Guests Lisa Kowalski - KUSSI Resident Melissa Liesner Lisselott Molina Erwin Sitt Jamie Cartergena Nicholas Brusch Members Absent Zac Roberts Gislaine Exantus Kristine Killingsworth Standing Committees RHA (Nicholas Mariotti) ACE (Josh McKee) OCAC (Jessica Faro) UGC (Katie Grow) RSCC (Linda Beyer) I. Approval of Minutes Motion: M. Koenig entertained a motion to approve the minutes of February 5, 2008 So moved: N. Goldberg Second By: E. Mara Corrections: Jessica Faro, Tattoo event on the 1st, Motion 5 was not marked as seconded Abstentions: S. Dennis, J. Corell, M. Guzman Motion: Passed II. Public Comments -None III. Guests -None IV. Executive Committee Reports A. President -M. Koenig directed everyone to the quote -T. Folk gave the golden bear to L. Molina for running the AdHoc Committee on the Constituency Model -M. Koenig proposed an Ad-Hoc Committee for the Student Leadership Scholarship -Make-up retreat after this meeting - M. Koenig yielded the floor B. Vice President -Checks and balances meeting went well -Thank you for taking the initiative on the snow day, C. Haines and M. Anderson -Ad-Hoc Committee meeting went well and further information will be given in the Ad-hoc committee report -L. Molina yielded the floor C. Parliamentarian -Elections will be coming up shortly, look out for applications and e-board positions -Please stay professional throughout the meetings, thank you - S. Shapiro yielded the floor. D. Treasurer -Need volunteers for St. Paddy’s Day on the Hill Motion 1: I move to allocate $45.00 from line S999-6106 Operating Expenses for retreat room Made By: S. Dennis Second: E. Mara Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed - S. Dennis yielded the floor. E. Secretary -Check the various proposals and information in the pass around folder -Attendance policy should be reviewed -Thanks everyone for doing there office hours, please remember to sign in and if there are any questions please speak to me -Card access will be granted by at least Friday for everyone who does not have it now -The minutes are now going to me emailed to everyone and should be reviewed that way, a hard copy will also be available in the office folder -M. McDonnell yielded the floor. Motion 2: I move to allocate up to but not exceeding $25.00 from line S999-6105 Office Supplies for dividers for the new binders that were put together Made By: M. McDonnell Second: E. Mara Discussion: The new members that have just received binders need dividers which will be ordered by KUSSI Abstentions: Motion: Passed Motion 3: I recommend the removal of Gislaine Exantus from the Student Government Board effective immediately Made By: M. McDonnell Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: G. Exantus has moved to Florida and will no longer be attending Kutztown University Abstentions: Motion: Passed Motion 4: I recommend the removal of Zac Roberts from the Student Government Board for violating the attendance policy effective immediately Made By: M. McDonnell Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: Z. Roberts has had a snowboarding class and has been unable to make the meetings; he has been fulfilling his University and Sub Committee obligations Abstentions: none Motion: Denied -M. McDonnell yielded the floor V. Business and Discussion A. Old Business B. New Business Motion 5: I move to suspend the normal order of business Made By: L. Molina Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Denied Motion 6: Motion to move into executive session Made By: L. Molina Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: To discuss our vote of no confidence statement Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 7: I move to approve the resolution on the vote of no confidence Made By: S. Dennis Second: S. Shapiro Friendly Amendment: Discuss instead of vote on the motion Made By: S. Shapiro Second: L. Molina Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 8: I move to close discussion Made By: N. Goldberg Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 9: I move to close executive session Made By: N. Goldberg Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 10: I move to approve the resolution on the vote of no confidence Made By: S. Dennis Second: E. Mara Discussion: Mark read the resolution Abstentions: none Motion: Passed - WHEREAS the Executive Committee of the Kutztown Chapter of the Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties (APSCUF) has drafted a bill of particulars stating their discontent for President Cevallos' performance in pursuance of a faculty wide vote of no confidence. WHEREAS President Cevallos has responded to each point in a letter submitted to University faculty, staff, and students. WHEREAS an open forum to discuss possibility of a no confidence vote was held and attended by members of the Student Government Board. WHEREAS the Student Government Board recognizes the challenges posed by a growing University and respects the views of APSCUF concerning the academic quality of this institution. This Board recognizes the efforts required of both Faculty and Administration and urges efforts from each as a top priority. Consistent with the effort of Faculty and Administration, this Board encourages the continued communication of both through the appropriate process in order to come to resolution most favorable to the Students. WHEREAS The Student Government Board, in upholding the interests of the Students of Kutztown University, continues to regard the academic quality of the institution as a top priority. This Board will continue to stay informed on this issue. WHEREAS the Student Government Board has taken and will continue to take positions to become as informed as possible on this issue. Resolved by the Student Government Board, that at this time the Board chooses to remain neutral in all matters concerning decisions of a no confidence vote of President Cevallos by APSCUF. Motion 11: I move to open discussion with John Bowlby with a time limit of five minutes Made By: S. Dennis Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed -J. Bolby has created a Facebook group to create awareness for the Student Government Board -M. Koenig suggested that J. Bolby brings his concerns in writing before the meetings Motion 12: Move to close discussion Made By: S. Dennis Second: N. Goldberg Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 13: I move to open discussion on the AVI Food Service Forum with a time limit of five minutes Made By: C. Haines Second: T. Folk Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed -There is a Food Service Forum tomorrow night at 6:30 in the Academic Forum 201 Motion 14: I move to close discussion Made By: S. Dennis Second: L. Molina Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed Motion 15: I move to open discussion regarding the "Best of the Best" Field Day with a time limit of five minutes Made By: M. Anderson Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed -M. Anderson is proposing a Field Day for Student Government Board and the various organizations Motion 16: I move to close discussion Made By: N. Goldberg Second: A. Bigbee Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 17: I move to open discussion on campus wide surveys and SGB website with a time limit of five minutes Made By: C. Haines Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: none Abstentions: J. Cartegena Motion: Passed -There is a survey that is going to go out to all students concerning the Food Forum; suggestions are needed for other surveys -S. Shapiro suggested parking as an issue -E. Kershaw suggested security to be an issue -T. Beretsky suggested waste reduction and environmental issues -A. Bigbee suggested safety on the walkways Motion 18: I move to close discussion Made By: N. Goldberg Second: M. Guzman Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Denied -Motion 19: I move to close discussion Made By: A. Bigbee Second: L. Molina Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 20: I move to open discussion about the rapes that occurred on campus Made By: M. Guzman Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: none Friendly Amendment: five minute time limit Abstentions: M. Anderson, E. Kershaw Motion: Passed -M. Koenig suggests that an administrator from RHA to come to our meeting for further information Motion 21: I move to close discussion Made By: E. Mara Second: L. Molina Discussion: none Abstentions: M. Guzman Motion: Passed Motion 22: I move to open discussion with Dr. Jackson from APSCUF Made By: J. Burnett Second: A. Bigbee Friendly Amendment: Time limit of 10 minutes Made By: J. Burnett Discussion: S. Shapiro Abstentions: none Motion: Passed -There will be a Town Hall Style meeting on Monday at 6:30 in the South Dining Hall to discuss the APSCUF vote Motion 23: I move to close discussion Made By: C. Haines Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 24: I move to accept the informal recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to allocate $1,778.99 from line S998-6365 Conferences to FMLA for 1/3 of their conference funding Made By: S. Dennis Second: E. Mara Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 25: I move to accept the informal recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to allocate $400.00 from line S998-6644 Spring Contingency to the Health Career Society for pathology recital Made By: S. Dennis Second: C. Haines Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 26: I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to grant KU Percussion Ensemble an additional allocation of $686.00 from line S9986644 Spring Contingency for musical workshop Made By: S. Dennis Second: E. Mara Discussion: A musician is going to be brought in to play with them and they need additional funding Motion to Table the Motion: S. Shapiro Second: J. Cartegena Motion: Passed Motion 27: I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to grant BSU an additional allocation of $2,000.00 from line S998-6644 Spring Contingency to partially fund Omar Tyree Made By: S. Dennis Second: A. Bigbee Discussion: The Budget and Finance Committee was asked to fundraise their event while having the SGA Budget fund $2,000.00 Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 28: I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to grant the Jazz Ensemble an additional allocation of $2,500.00 as requested on 02/14/08 at the Budget and Finance Committee meeting Made By: S. Dennis Second: C. Haines Discussion: They requested $2,500.00 and their large budget increase should have covered this cost for touring Friendly Amendment: They be allocated $0 Made By: L. Molina Second: E. Mara Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 29: I move to open discussion on St. Paddy's Day on the Hill with a time limit of five minutes Made By: S. Dennis Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed -The St. Paddy’s Day on the Hill budget was read by S. Dennis Motion 30: I move to close discussion Made By: M. Liesner Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 31: I move to a five minute recess Made By: T. Folk Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Denied VI. Standing Committees A. Residence Hall Association (RHA) -Volunteer Fair on February 27, 2008 in the MPR from 10am3pm -Bearfest registration forms due to room 106 Old Main by April 1st -The Harlo Players will have a performance March 3rd in Rothermel Hall rec room at 7:30 B. Association of Campus Events (ACE) -Past Events: ANTM w. Joanie Dodds and Brittany Brower, about three hundred in attendance; Myq Kaplan in the Alumni Auditorium, about thirty people in attendance -Upcoming Events: Skirmish Trip 3/27/08 tickets go on sale Tuesday for $25.00; tickets for the Baltimore Trip also go on sale Tuesday -Old Business: Voted on five new members -New Business: Working on new member recruitment and retention; Hoagie Sale starting 3/3/08 and ending 3/27/08 C. Off Campus Advisory Club (OCAC) -Community Block Party April 27th -Community Yard Sale April 28th-may10th -Arbor Day April 12th -Saucony Cross Prom April 22 -The KU radio show is going well, Mayor Sandy Green was interviewed on 2/26/08 -Thanks to the SGB for your help with Operation Snowflake -Please sign up to volunteer at the Block Party D. United Greek Council (UGC) -This evening in the MPR at 8:30pm Is CPC's Recruitment Style Workshop -This Thursday from 6-8pm at the Wal-Mart in Temple, Delta Zeta will be holding a canned food drive -Phi Sigma Sigma is selling raffle tickets for an I-Pod -Theta Phi Alpha is holding a 3 v 3 basketball tournament -Phi Sigma Sigma Is currently Chapter of the Month E. Recreational Sports and Club Council (RSCC) -The Dance Team is performing at the basketball game on 2/27 and 3/1 -Black Flame is holding Black and Loving it dance show on 3/1 at 6pm -Roller Hockey will play on 3/2 at 10 and 11am -Ice Hockey is in the playoffs and will play 2/29 at 8pm, 3/1 at 1 and 4pm and 3/2 at 12pm VII. Sub Committees A. Budget and Finance -Come to Budget and Finance meeting B. Constitutions and Policy -no report C. Fundraising -Bake Sale on Monday in the works from 11-3 -Meetings are Wednesday -Next table is on Wednesday April 2nd -A packet fundraiser will be handed out to sell during spring break -Cross programming with OCAC and PR is in the future D. Planning - Planning a game afternoon for SGB members Sunday April 6th from 2-4pm -RSVP by March 25, games should be brought E. Historian and Pride -Tattoo event this weekend, March 1st at 12pm Motion 32: I move to allocate $134.70 from line S999-6385 for the tattoos for the March 1st Tattoo Event from the bookstore Made By: M. Anderson Second: C. Haines Discussion: This time only 50 were ordered because we have extra Abstentions: none Motion: Passed -32 Flavors of SGB will be presented in the office bulletin board Motion 33: I move to allocate $15.00 from line S999-6385 for the decorations for the office bulletin board from the bookstore Made By: M. Anderson Second: E. Mara Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed F. Investigations and Public Relations -Investigations: no report -Public Relations: The new members need to have their pictures taken for the board in the SUB -Relay for Life volunteers are needed VIII. Ad-hoc Committee Reports -Constituency Model Committee -the group was split up and there were formative decisions were made -The Graduate seat was discussed -At-Large constituency discussed that three spots will be reserved for new students and five for At-Large representation IX. University Committee Reports -Under Graduate Speaker selection Committee is having a meeting on Thursday @ 11am -MSU Advisory Board was talking about the new Technology in the SUB and talk of video conferencing calls X. Club and Liaison Reports -Political Science Club is still heading Operation Vote -Comedy Night by BSU tonight -Environmental Action Club is organizing Earth Day on April 21st will be moved to the DMZ XI. Advisor’s Report -Have a great night everyone XII. Announcements -none XII. Adjournment A. Motion to adjourn at 8:06pm Made By: L. Molina Second By: S. Dennis Motion: none Respectively submitted, Matthew McDonnell STUDENT GOVERNMENT BOARD KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY Minutes of March 4, 2008 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:10 pm II. Attendance At-Large Mauel Guzman Elaine Mara Nili Goldberg Samantha Dennis Elizabeth Schroeder John Burnett Rachel Morris Non Resident Matthew McDonnell Erin Kershaw Scott Shapiro Mark Koenig Jason Correll Tara Beretsky Todd Ryan Folk Daniel Walker New Students Christopher Haines Alyssa Bigbee Nicholas Manento Monet Thomas-Anderson Kristine Killingsworth Advisor Bob Watrous Resident Melissa Liesner Lisselott Molina Erwin Sitt Jamie Cartergena Nicholas Brusch Zac Roberts Katielynn Milbrandt Members Absent Adrianne Doll Estephania Ramon Guests Standing Committees Dr. Cevallos Rich Orwig -Pres. Council Trustees Andrew Smouse -Student Trustee Lisa Kowalski - KUSSI I. Approval of Minutes Motion: entertain a motion to approve the minutes of February 26, 2008 So moved: E. Mara Second By: N. Goldberg Corrections: Sam was absent, Kristine was present Abstentions: T. Folk, E. Kershaw, J. Cartergena Motion: Passed II. Public Comments -Erica Hesselson from OCAC informed us of the Block Party -Jackie and Daughter and the Bark on Main will be sponsoring the block party -Planning on having a dunk tank, moon bounce and rock wall -Thank you everyone who signed up to volunteer -Arbor Day is April 12th, contact OCAC to sponsor a tree -Sacouny Prom April 22nd III. Guests -Dr. Cevallos introduced Mr. Orwig, the chairman of the Council of Trustees -The Council of Trustees are always available to meet with the students IV. Executive Committee Reports A. President -L. Molina gave the Golden Bear to Rachel Morris for her excellence in the Fundraising Committee -Members of the SGB will be able to meet with the guests of the Decision Makers Forum at a press conference March 27th -Faculty commencement speakers were selected, Dr. Arnold and Dr. Rapp for the afternoon and morning ceremonies respectively -Student speaker slot for seniors is available -Code of Conduct in the process of being revised, there is a draft in the office -Relay for Life group assignment copy in the pass around folder -R. Watrous will donate ten dollars for every SGB member who joins -Fundraiser to be held over Spring Break, Candle Sale - M. Koenig yielded the floor B. Vice President -Thank you to the Chairs at Checks and Balances -Thank you for attending Sub-Committee meetings -As a team we have to fundraise for Relay for Life, a jar is being passed around to start fundraising -General Board election dates will be April 14th-18th, applications should be in by Wednesday, April 9th -L. Molina yielded the floor C. Parliamentarian -Please be on time to the meetings -The Constitution and Policy Committee are reviewing the Conferences Policy - S. Shapiro yielded the floor. D. Treasurer Motion 1: I move to reimburse M. McDonnell $28.50 from line S999-6106 Operating Expenses for make-up retreat pizza Made By: S. Dennis Second: E. Mara Discussion: Abstentions: M. McDonnell Motion: Passed -M. Anderson and M. Leisner were chosen to help with St. Paddy’s Day on the Hill -The Budget will be brought up next meeting - S. Dennis yielded the floor. E. Secretary -Thank you everyone for doing their offices hours, please remember to sign in the office hour folder and read the materials in folder A, B, or C -M. McDonnell yielded the floor V. Business and Discussion A. Old Business B. New Business Motion 2: I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to grant an additional allocation of $600.00 to the Gospel Choir from line S998-6644 Spring Contingency for performance Made By: S. Dennis Second: T. Folk Discussion: The Gospel Choir is having a performance on April 12th and needs additional funding Abstentions: Motion: Passed Motion 3: I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to allocate $1,742.40 from line S9986365 Conferences for one third of the conference cost to NAEA Made By: S. Dennis Second: N. Goldberg Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed Motion 4: I move to open discussion on the AVI Food Service Forum with a time limit of five minutes Made By: M. McDonnell Second: S. Dennis Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed -The AVI Food Service Forum went well, there were many SGB members in attendance, thank you for the support Motion 5: I move to close discussion Made By: S. Shapiro Second: E. Mara Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Denied Motion 6: I move to reopen discussion on the Food Service Advisory Council Made By: S. Shapiro Second: N. Goldberg Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Denied VI. Standing Committees A. Residence Hall Association (RHA) -NACURH Program 4/11 B. Association of Campus Events (ACE) -Past Events: Gideon Yago 2/27, about 450 in attendance, Lynn Koplitz 2/27, about 75 in attendance -Upcoming Events: Skirmish Trip 3/27, $25.00 per ticket, Baltimore Trip, $10.00 per ticket; Murder Mystery, Thursday 3/6 MSU MPR at 5pm; Xbox Domination, Wednesday 3/5 MSU MPR 7pm -Old Business: Voted on 1 new member Monday -New Business: ACE Preview Day, April 1st 10am in MSU MPR; Hoagie Sale, $3.00 per hoagie on sale now C. Off Campus Advisory Club (OCAC) -see Public Comments D. United Greek Council (UGC) -Delta Zeta Is holding a Fundraiser at Bostons on March 18th, they also raised over $200.00 for Painted Turtle Camp -Sigma Pi completed a highway clean-up on Route 22 -Kappa Sigma will having a date auction on Facebook at the end of March -Phi Sigma Sigma are selling raffle tickets for $5.00 to win an Ipod nano -Theta Phi Alpha raised $30.00 for cancer awareness E. Recreational Sports and Club Council (RSCC) -no report, absent VII. Sub Committees A. Budget and Finance -Meeting on Thursday at 11am B. Constitutions and Policy -Committee doing a great job -Further work on the Conference Policy Motion 7: I move to accept the recommendation of the Constitutions and Policy Committee to grant Vibrato Indoor Color Guard Maroon Status effective immediately Made By: S. Shapiro Second: T. Folk Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed Motion 8: I move to accept the recommendation of the Constitutions and Policy Committee to grant AEYC Maroon Status effective immediately Made By: S. Shapiro Second: T. Folk Discussion: Abstentions: J. Cartagena Motion: Passed Motion 9: see card Made By: S. Shapiro Second: R. Morris Discussion: Abstentions: J. Cartegena, C. Haines, K. Milbrandt Motion: Passed C. Fundraising -Thank you for your help with the Bake Sale, $32.68 was deposited in our account -The lollipop raffle is still in the office -Cross programming with the Pride Committee D. Planning -Game event will not be able to go through because of time constraints; they will be combined into a BBQ E. Historian and Pride -The office board will be done this Thursday Motion 10: I move to allocate up to but not exceeding $10.00 from line S999-6385 Pride for binders from the bookstore Made By: M. Anderson Second: R. Morris Discussion: Abstentions: S. Dennis Motion: Passed -Pride event April 2nd for the Best of the Best Field Day F. Investigations and Public Relations -Investigations: Thanks for hard work in the Committee -D. Walker researched info on the Philadelphia Eagles gogreen program -The floor plans for recycling and waste in the doors are being worked on G. Public Relations: -Thank you for putting change in the cup Motion 11: I move to open discussion on the Relay for Life with a time limit of five minutes Made By: M. Leisner Second: T. Folk Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed -As a team we need to set a goal of how much money we want to raise Motion 12: I move to close discussion Made By: S. Shapiro Second: M. Leisner Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed VIII. Ad-hoc Committee Reports -The Grad student policy and finishing up final proposal will be discussed at the next meeting IX. University Committee Reports -none X. Club and Liaison Reports -FSAC meeting tomorrow -Phoenix group holding a discussion tomorrow in Boehm 261 -Trail Cleanup from 1-3 on March 29th with the Environmental Club XI. Advisor’s Report -We should think about donating a tree to the park for Arbor Day, SGB has a legacy of doing so -The SGB in a leadership position has the responsibility to make decisions and check in with your constituents, use the Committees that exists to help resolve issues -Remember to be responsible during Spring Break, be safe XII. Announcements -University Senate meeting on Thursday, March 6th -New members stay after XII. Adjournment A. Motion to adjourn at 6:50 Made By: N. Goldberg Second By: S. Dennis Motion: Passed Respectively submitted, Matthew McDonnell STUDENT GOVERNMENT BOARD KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY Minutes of March 18, 2008 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:08 pm II. Attendance At-Large Mauel Guzman Elaine Mara Nili Goldberg Samantha Dennis Elizabeth Schroeder Rachel Morris Todd Ryan Folk John Burnett Non Resident Matthew McDonnell Erin Kershaw Scott Shapiro Mark Koenig Jason Correll Tara Beretsky Daniel Walker New Students Christopher Haines Alyssa Bigbee Kristine Killingsworth Monet Thomas-Anderson Advisor Bob Watrous Guests Lisa Kowalski -KUSSI Dawn Williams -KUSSI Matthew Lowther -KUSSI Resident Melissa Liesner Lisselott Molina Erwin Sitt Jamie Cartergena Nicholas Brusch Zac Roberts Katielynn Milbrandt Members Absent Estephania Ramon Nicholas Manento Standing Committees RHA OCAC RSCC UGC ACE I. Approval of Minutes Motion: entertain a motion to approve the minutes of March 4th, 2008 So moved: E. Sitt Second By: N. Goldberg Corrections: Erwin Sitt was absent, Alyssa and Monet for St. Paddy’s Day on the Hill Abstentions: S. Shapiro Motion: Passed II. Public Comments -None III. Guests -None IV. Executive Committee Reports A. President -R. Morris gave M. Anderson the Golden Bear for doing the board in the SGB office -Graduation chords will be going out soon -The Budget will be presented tonight -M. Koenig has invited a representative from IT for further clarification on the new printing quota system - M. Koenig yielded the floor B. Vice President -Election dates are being switched to April 7th-11th, deadline for applications will be April 2nd -Health and Wellness Center will be having their National Alcohol Screening Day on April 3rd, SGB members are needed for greeters -The majority of the Board are willing to pay for new hoodies, there is a drawing contest for the design, deadline for submission is this Monday at 5pm -L. Molina yielded the floor C. Parliamentarian -E. Board positions are open for everyone who has been on the Board for two semesters -Next Monday is a Friday schedule - S. Shapiro yielded the floor. D. Treasurer -Thank you A. Bigbee and M. Anderson for your help with St. Paddy’s Day on the Hill Motion 1: I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to allocate $0 from line S999-6644 Spring Contingency to KUR for additional conference funding Made By: S. Dennis Second: T. Folk Discussion: KUR came and requested conference funding, but the amount was already allocated in their budget Abstentions: J. Burnett Motion: Passed Motion 2: I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to grant the Geology Club an additional allocation of $1,330.48 from line S998-6644 Spring Contingency for excursion reimbursement Made By: S. Dennis Second: N. Goldberg Discussion: Most of the trip was paid for by them, this is for transportation costs Abstentions: T. Beretsky Motion: Passed - S. Dennis yielded the floor. E. Secretary -Hope everyone had a great spring break -There have been members continually missing office hours, if there are any problems please contact me Motion 3: I move to recommend the removal of Estephania Ramon from the Student Government Board effective immediately Made By: M. McDonnell Second: T. Folk Discussion: none Abstentions: M. McDonnell, S. Shapiro, L. Molina, J. Burnett Motion: Passed -M. McDonnell yielded the floor V. Business and Discussion A. Old Business -none B. New Business Motion 4: I move to move Standing Committee reports to before New Business Made By: S. Dennis Second: A. Bigbee Discussion: We are reviewing the Budget so in the interest of time we want would like to move the Standing Committee reports ahead Abstentions: Motion: Passed Motion 5: I move to go into Executive Session Made By: S. Dennis Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: The Budget will be discussed Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 6: I move to close Executive Session Made By: S. Dennis Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 7: I move to accept the 2008-2009 proposed budget with an increase of $3.50 in the Student Activity Fee to $109.00 Made By: S. Dennis Second: N. Goldberg Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 8: I move to sponsor a tree for Arbor Day Made By: S. Shapiro Second: N. Goldberg Discussion: We would like to sponsor a tree for Arbor Day in the Kutztown Park to help out OCAC Abstentions: T. Beretsky, E. Kershaw Motion: Passed Motion 9: I move to open discussion on the printing quota system with a time limit of five minutes Made By: E. Sitt Second: M. Guzman Discussion: Abstentions: Motion: Passed -The majority of the Board does not feel that it is an unfair pilot program Motion 10: I move to close discussion Made By: S. Shapiro Second: N. Goldberg Discussion: Abstentions: T. Beretsky Motion: Passed VI. Standing Committees A. Residence Hall Association (RHA) -April 11th We Sleep, We Rock, We Chalk 24hr Program starts at noon -RHA EBoard voting is happening now -Bearfest 30 is April 22-26th -Magazine Drive is happening now until March 28th B. Association of Campus Events (ACE) -Past Events: Murder Mystery Dinner, 3/6 was sold out; Xbox Domination, 3/5 75 people in attendance -Upcoming Events: KU Idol 3/18, MPR at 7pm; Skirmish Trip 3/27, 3 tickets left at $25.00 per ticket; Baltimore Trip 3/29 tickets available in MSU153 $10.00 a student ID; Wicked on Broadway 4/2, Sold Out -Old Business: Voted on one new member Monday -New Business: ACE Preview Day April 1st at 10am in MPR, Hoagie Sale going on now through 3/27, $3.00 per hoagie C. Off Campus Advisory Club (OCAC) D. United Greek Council (UGC) -Delta Zeta is having a fundraiser tonight at Boston’s so please support them -All the sorority and fraternities will be participating in the All Greek Clean-up this Thursday beginning at 4pm E. Recreational Sports and Club Council (RSCC) -Men’s Rugby played last weekend against Old Gaelic and won 48-11, this week they play Syracuse at Home -Men’s Volleyball play PSU Berks tomorrow, they won last Saturday against Philadelphia University -Men’s Lacrosse beat Rutgers University, they play Bloomsburg this Thursday at 8pm -Women’s Lacrosse plays their first game 3/29/08 against Princeton and The College of New Jersey -The Equestrian Team competed both weekends of spring break, Hunt seat show 3/8 in Briarwood and 3/9 in Lithia Valley, Western 3/15 and 3/16 in Morgantown, WV VII. Sub Committees A. Budget and Finance -Meeting on Thursday at 11am B. Constitutions and Policy -We have been in the process of revising the Conference Policy, a sheet will be in the office folder for two weeks, make sure you read it C. Fundraising -Sign up sheet the pass around folder for the Bake Sale next Monday -There will be a table for the Block Party -Candle Sale is still going on -No meeting tomorrow D. Planning -Game Day RSVPs by the 25th of March, sheet in pass around folder -End of the Year Party set for April 26th E. Historian and Pride -If you haven’t turned in a favorite put it in M. Anderson’s mailbox -April 2nd is the Best of the Best field day -Any organizations interested please contact M. Anderson F. Investigations and Public Relations -Investigations: Discussion of recycling is ongoing; Jeff Grimm was contacted -Public Relations: Everyone needs to bring in three names and addresses for Relay for Life, Please stay after for pictures, there are promotional items being ordered for SGB VIII. Ad-hoc Committee Reports -Today was the last New Constituency Model meeting, the proposal will be ready by Monday, March 24, 2008 IX. University Committee Reports -Library Committee met at the end of February, National Library Week is the week of March 15th X. Club and Liaison Reports -none XI. Advisor’s Report -none XII. Announcements -Constitutions and Policy cancelled for next week -Next Sunday there will be a heritage tour in NYC, see N. Goldberg for more information -Rosie Perez will be here in two weeks in honor of Women’s History Month -The library is piloting an information commons program, having all the services at the service desk, any concerns contact E. Mara XII. Adjournment A. Motion to adjourn at 6:51pm Made By: S. Dennis Second By: N. Goldberg Motion: Passed Respectively submitted, Matthew McDonnell STUDENT GOVERNMENT BOARD KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY Minutes of March 25, 2008 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:09 pm II. Attendance At-Large Mauel Guzman Elaine Mara Nili Goldberg Samantha Dennis Rachel Morris Non Resident Matthew McDonnell Erin Kershaw Scott Shapiro Mark Koenig Jason Correll Daniel Walker New Students Christopher Haines Alyssa Bigbee Nicholas Manento Monet Thomas-Anderson Kristine Killingsworth Advisor Bob Watrous Resident Melissa Liesner Erwin Sitt Katielynn Milbrandt Jamie Cartergena Nicholas Brusch Zac Roberts Members Absent Todd Ryan Folk Elizabeth Schroeder Lisselott Molina Adrianne Doll Tara Beretsky Guests Rich Zera- VP IT Mike Gifford- Director IT Tech Support Lisa Kowalski - KUSSI Standing Committees RHA (Wesley Potter) UGC (Katie Grow) OCAC ACE (Jeremy Snyder) I. Approval of Minutes Motion: entertain a motion to approve the minutes of March 18, 2008 So moved: N. Goldberg Second By: E. Mara Corrections: J. Cartergena was here, Abstentions: J. Corell, R. Morris, N. Goldberg Motion: Passed II. Public Comments -None III. Guests -Rich Zera from IT -R. Zera came to SGB a year ago to present the idea of a quota system -There has already been a 50% reduction in one week when this pilot quota system was implemented last week -The Board asked questions that were answered by R. Zera and M. Gifford regarding the pilot printing quota system IV. Executive Committee Reports A. President -The Golden Bear was given to S. Dennis by M. Anderson for her work -Graduating seniors should see M. Koenig after the meeting -The Budget was passed last night at the KUSSI meeting -College Bowl will be held March 31st in the MSU-MPR -Elections will be coming up soon, April 7th-10th; applications are in the pass around folder -Executive Board elections will be held two weeks after the general election -There are spots open for SGB members to attend the press conference on Thursday for the Decision Makers Forum at 5pm - M. Koenig yielded the floor B. Vice President -no report, absent -L. Molina yielded the floor C. Parliamentarian -D. Walker put the Conference Funding proposed changes in the office folder to be read this week for next meeting - S. Shapiro yielded the floor. D. Treasurer Motion 1: I move to allocate 1,125.00 from line S999-6167 General Assembly to Bearfest for Strawberry Sundae Festival Made By: S. Dennis Second: N. Goldberg Discussion: Every year the SGB makes a donation to help with Bearfest Abstentions: N. Manento Motion: Passed -If you are planning to run for treasurer next year please see S. Dennis - S. Dennis yielded the floor. E. Secretary -Thank you to everyone for doing their office hours this past week, if there are any questions or problems please contact M. McDonnell -M. McDonnell yielded the floor V. Business and Discussion A. Old Business Motion 2: I move to untable the motion tabled on February 26th, 2008 to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to grant KU Percussion Ensemble an additional allocation of $686.00 from line S998-6644 Spring Contingency for musical workshop Made By: S. Shapiro Second: C. Haines Discussion: none Abstentions: R. Morris Motion: Passed Motion 3: Motion to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to grant the KU Percussion Ensemble $686.00 from line S998-6644 Spring Contingency for musical workshop Made By: S. Shapiro Second: C. Haines Discussion: The KU Percussion Ensemble needs contingency money to help get one of two musicians to hold a workshop for them; there is no one here present from KU Percussion Ensemble to answer questions Abstentions: S. Dennis, A Bigbee, K. Killingsworth Motion: Denied B. New Business Motion 4: I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to allocate $2,055.00 from line S9986644 Spring Contingency to KCF for Spring 2008 Budget Made By: S. Dennis Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: KCF received Gold Status in the beginning of the year and now want to request an allocation for their budget Abstentions: N. Goldberg, A. Bigbee, S. Dennis Motion: Passed Motion 5: I move to open discussion on whether or not the SGB in light of recent events of campus, would like to take part in/promote the "Women's Safety Workshop" with a time limit of five minutes Made By: D. Walker Second: A. Bigbee Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed -D. Walker made an inquiry to the women of SGB if they would like to get involved in the Women’s Safety Workshop -An informal vote was taken and every female member of SGB showed interest in participating in the workshop Motion 6: I move to close discussion Made By: S. Shapiro Second: J. Burnett Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 7: I move to open discussion on the Best-of-the-Best event on April 14th Made By: M. Anderson Second: M. Guzman Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed -M. Anderson made an appeal to the standing committees to get them involved in the Best-of-the-Best Field Day Motion 8: I move to close discussion Made By: N. Goldberg Second: A. Bigbee Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed VI. Standing Committees A. Residence Hall Association (RHA) -They have elected their new officers for next year -They are hosting the 4-1-1 program -Finishing up the semester with Bearfest and annual banquet to be held in May B. Association of Campus Events (ACE) -Past Events: KU Idol 3/18, Emmanuel Zervos won, 120 in attendance -Upcoming Events: Dynamic Duo 3/28 - Poetry, MSU MPR 8pm; Skirmish Trip 3/27, $25 per ticket; Baltimore Trip 3/29, Sold Out -New Business: Hoagie Sale, hoagies go out 3/27; E-Board elections 3/26; Coordinator nominations are next week C. Off Campus Advisory Club (OCAC) -Block Party 4/27, 1-4pm -Saucony Prom 4/22 D. United Greek Council (UGC) -New E-Board and chair positions to be voted on next week -Delta Zeta Is planning their Alumni Weekend held April 5th -Kappa Sigma's Shave to Save will be held on April 24th -Phi Sigma Sigma made Easter Baskets and wrote letters to troops in Iraq -Theta Phi Alpha is going to a children's hospital the first week of April E. Recreational Sports and Club Council (RSCC) -absent, no report VII. Sub Committees A. Budget and Finance -Meeting on Thursday, 11am, special funding will be discussed B. Constitutions and Policy -Thank you D. Walker for placing the Conference Policy changes in the proposal, please go over it -Any questions should be directed at E-Board -Meeting next Tuesday at 3pm C. Fundraising -Sign up in the folder for tomorrows bake sale, 11am-3pm as well as a sign up for next Wednesday -Candle forms are due tomorrow -Next meeting will be at the bake sale table -April 2nd, 11th, and 18th are the next bake sales D. Planning -Game afternoon on April 5th Motion 8: I move to allocate up to but not exceeding $200.00 from line S999-6307 Socials and Dances for refreshments for the SGB game afternoon Made By: E. Mara Second: M. Guzman Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed -Check your mailboxes for information on the end of the year banquet E. Historian and Pride -April 14th is the Best-of-the-Best event Motion 9: I move to allocate up to but not exceeding $1,200.00 from line S999-6365 for T-shirt for the Best-of-theBest field day Made By: M. Anderson Second: M. McDonnell Discussion: The T-shirt will be Burgundy with Gold text Abstentions: M. Guzman, J. Burnett Motion: Passed F. Investigations and Public Relations Investigations: -The RAD project has been discussed -Composting and Recycling are still being worked on -E. Sitt is working on increasing the Email capacity on the KU server Public Relations: Motion 10: I move to allocate $86.25 from line A999-6106 Private to All American Graphics for SGB Polos Made By: M. Liesner Second: A. Bigbee Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed -There is a table rented in the MSU for SGB applications and some fundraising, please sign up for those two dates -Posters and table tents were ordered to be placed around campus, please sign up to take and place them around -Congrats to everyone for helping with the Relay for Life donations VIII. Ad-hoc Committee Reports -None IX. University Committee Reports -none X. Club and Liaison Reports -The Political Science Club hopes everyone votes smart XI. Advisor’s Report -This Saturday is the second of three visitation weekends -Middle States will be here starting Sunday -The revisions to the Student Code of Conduct should be reviewed, it is in the office -Thursday, March 27 from 2-3pm in MSU324 there is an open meeting with consultants for risk assessment through environmental design XII. Announcements -M. Guzman’s birthday is on Friday -Decision Maker’s Forum is on Tuesday XII. Adjournment A. Motion to adjourn at 6:42pm Made By: N. Goldberg Second By: E. Mara Motion: Passed Respectively submitted, Matthew McDonnell STUDENT GOVERNMENT BOARD KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY Minutes of April 4, 2008 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:10 pm II. Attendance At-Large Mauel Guzman Elaine Mara Rachel Morris Samantha Dennis Elizabeth Schroeder John Burnett Non Resident Matthew McDonnell Erin Kershaw Scott Shapiro Mark Koenig Jason Correll Tara Beretsky Todd Ryan Folk New Students Christopher Haines Alyssa Bigbee Nicholas Manento Monet Thomas-Anderson Kristine Killingsworth Advisor Bob Watrous Guests none Resident Melissa Liesner Lisselott Molina Erwin Sitt Jamie Cartergena Nicholas Brusch Katielynn Milbrandt Nick Brusch Members Absent Zac Roberts Daniel Walker Nili Goldberg Adrianne Doll Standing Committees RHA (Kathleen Horner) ACE (Stephanie Applegate) UGC (Katie Grow) OCAC (Jessica Faro) RSCC (Linda Beyer) I. Approval of Minutes Motion: I move to accept the minutes from March 25, 2008 So moved: J. Correll Second By: J. Burnett Corrections: none Abstentions: E. Kershaw, J. Correll, M. Anderson, N. Brusch, E. Schroeder Motion: Passed II. Public Comments -None III. Guests -None IV. Executive Committee Reports A. President -S. Dennis gave the Golden Bear to R. Morris for all of her fundraising work -M. Koenig thanked everyone for participating in the bake sales -Election applications are due Thursday at 4:30pm -Last Tuesday night was the BSGP conference call, the State System of Higher Education are in contact with Microsoft for reduced rates for Office -BSGP meeting April 12th in Harrisburg -The Student Leadership Scholarship was discussed at a meeting with ACE and RSCC, the final form will be brought to the Board within the next few weeks -There are only four meetings left in the semester -Graduation Honors applications are out now, please see M. Koenig after the meeting if you did not fill one out - M. Koenig yielded the floor B. Vice President -Election application deadline has been changed to Thursday, April 3 -National Alcohol screening day is tomorrow; please attend if you have signed up -Any members interested in Chair positions or Vice President, see Lisa after the meeting -L. Molina yielded the floor C. Parliamentarian -Thank you everyone for participating in the fundraising -The Late Night Shuttle Bus has had over 600 riders so far this year - S. Shapiro yielded the floor. D. Treasurer -Thank you for everyone who participated in the fundraiser and College Bowl -April 15th there will be a Special Funding Prioritization list brought to the Board -If you are planning on running for Treasurer please see S. Dennis after the meeting - S. Dennis yielded the floor. E. Secretary -Thanked everyone for participating in the bake sales last week -If there are any questions or problems with office hours or University Committees please contact M. McDonnell as soon as possible -M. McDonnell yielded the floor V. Business and Discussion A. Old Business -none B. New Business Motion 1: I move to allow Sunshine Players to use all three SGA vehicles on the dates of April 22nd, 23rd, and 24th 2008 Made By: S. Dennis Second: C. Haines Discussion: There is a show coming up and they need the vans for their tour to area elementary schools Abstentions: S. Dennis Motion: Passed Motion 2: I move to accept the recommendation of the Constitutions and Policy Committee to approve the revision of the Contingency Conference Funding Policy Made By: S. Shapiro Second: T. Folk Discussion: The Contingency Conference Policy has been passed out and the Board reviewed the revisions Abstentions: J. Correll, J. Burnett Motion: Passed Motion 3: I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to allocate $206.23 from line S9986365 Conferences to the Philosophy Club for 1/3 of conference expenses Made By: S. Dennis Second: E. Mara Discussion: The Philosophy Club is going on a conference to Indiana University; two students will be presenting papers Abstentions: S. Dennis Motion: Passed Motion 4: I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to allocate $3,069.31 from line S9986365 Conferences to NBS for 1/3 of conference funding Made By: S. Dennis Second: E. Mara Discussion: The NBS went to Anaheim, California, 29 members went on the trip and that is why the funding is so much Abstentions: E. Kershaw, A. Bigbee Motion: Passed Motion 5: I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to grant Men's Rugby an additional allocation of $7,000 from line S998-6644 Spring Contingency for expenses relating to playoff games in New Mexico contingent upon their eligibility to play Made By: S. Dennis Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: The initial proposed allocation was $34,000 and the Budget and Finance Committee decided that $7,000 was the most that could be allocated; the school will get a lot of publicity out of the Men’s Rugby Team Abstentions: S. Dennis Motion: Passed Motion 6: I move to open discussion on Taylor and Byrnes hours in the library with a maximum time limit of two minutes Made By: S. Shapiro Second: C. Haines Discussion: Taylor and Byrnes are only open till 8pm in the Library and S. Shapiro would like to get a sense of the feelings of the Board on this matter Abstentions: none Motion: Passed -There is a general concession that the Board would like to see Taylor and Byrnes to be open later Motion 7: I move to close discussion Made By: S. Shapiro Second: L. Molina Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed VI. Standing Committees A. Residence Hall Association (RHA) -Hall Councils are having their elections for EBoard this week and next week -4/11 BBQ and Ray gives it away; Movie about Darfur, Lemonade Stand, Rock-a-thon w/ movies and video games, Chalk the line, All money goes to charity -Bearfest-April 22-26- Toga Party, Pig Roast, Pudding Slide, BBQ, Carnival, and much more B. Association of Campus Events (ACE) -Past events: Dynamic Duo 3/28, 20 attended; Baltimore 3/29, 54 in attendance; Find your place in ACE 4/1 -Upcoming Events: The Evansons 4/1, MSU MPR 8pm; Battle of the Sexes 4/3, MSU MPR 8pm; Wicked Trip, NYC 4/2 Sold Out -New Business: Voted on new Executive Board, PresidentSteph Applegate, V.P. Finance-Jaimie Gantt, V.P. MarketingSteve Daunno, V.P. Administration-Samantha Buchanon, V.P. Hospitality-Ali Nuber C. Off Campus Advisory Club (OCAC) -Arbor Day- April 12th @ noon -Block Party- April 27th 1-4pm -Saucony Cross Prom- April 22 6:30-8:30pm -Cliffs Barbeque- May 1st D. United Greek Council (UGC) -Greek Week plans are in the works -Delta Zeta and Alpha Sigma Tau's Alumni event will be held this Saturday -Kappa Sigma's Shave to Save will be held April 24th -Zeta Tau Alpha's family picnic will be April 27th at Kutztown Park E. Recreational Sports and Club Council (RSCC) -Equestrian team sent three riders to Western Zones 3/293/30, Hunt Seat Regional are 4/5 -Men's Rugby Playoffs 3/29-3/30 in Richmond, VA, they qualified to play in the Sweet 16 in New Mexico -Men's Lacrosse, 6-0 record played Penn Tech 3/29, This weeks games; Shippensburg 4/3 at 8pm, Millersville 4/4 at 7pm, Wilkes on 4/5 and Lehigh on 4/6 at Lehigh at 3pm -Women's Lacrosse play Drexel on 4/5 at 5pm at Drexel -The Dance Team will be performing on 4/3 at the Men's Lacrosse game VII. Sub Committees A. Budget and Finance -Special Funding is coming up in the next few weeks B. Constitutions and Policy -Next Tuesday the Committee will be working on a new Conference Policy C. Fundraising -Thank you to everyone that has helped with the Fundraising tables -There is no table tomorrow; April 11th and 16th are the next one -Over $100.00 has been raised in the past two weeks -Tomorrow’s meeting is at 1pm -Please leave April 27th open for volunteering at the Block Party D. Planning -The email for the game afternoon RSVP was sent out, it is this Sunday afternoon -Picnic and Banquet plans are in the works E. Historian and Pride -The Best of the Best Field day is still on, the schedule and set up date is planned F. Investigations and Public Relations -Investigations: Recycling initiative is continuing; RAD training is still being discussed; the floor plans were received for the buildings on campus -Public Relations: The posters and table tents were late but they will be in tomorrow, April 2, so pick them up in the SGB Office; The pens, bags and notepads have been ordered, allocation should be next Tuesday; Relay for Life information is in the pass around folder VIII. Ad-hoc Committee Reports -None IX. University Committee Reports -None X. Club and Liaison Reports -Political Science Club would like to let you know about the Philadelphia clean up initiative on Saturday, April 5th XI. Advisor’s Report -The Middle States visit, tomorrow 12:30 in the Alumni Auditorium is their leaving Conference -Relay for Life is an important cause and R. Watrous would like to see everyone participate -Don’t spread yourselves too thin in this hectic time of year -Next Friday at noon the Chambliss Award will be awarded for certain aspects of academic achievement -University Heritage Day is April 27th -There have been consultants for risk assessment vulnerabilities as they relate to the University and the Town XII. Announcements -University Senate meeting is this Thursday XII. Adjournment A. Motion to adjourn at 6:24pm Made By: S. Dennis Second By: S. Shapiro Motion: Passed Respectively submitted, Matthew McDonnell STUDENT GOVERNMENT BOARD KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY Minutes of April 8, 2008 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:10 pm II. Attendance At-Large Mauel Guzman Elaine Mara Nili Goldberg Samantha Dennis Elizabeth Schroeder Rachel Morris Non Resident Matthew McDonnell Erin Kershaw Scott Shapiro Mark Koenig Daniel Walker Tara Beretsky Todd Ryan Folk New Students Christopher Haines Alyssa Bigbee Nicholas Manento Monet Thomas-Anderson Advisor Bob Watrous Guests -none Resident Melissa Liesner Lisselott Molina Jamie Cartergena Katielynn Milbrandt Nicholas Brusch Erwin Sitt Members Absent Zac Roberts Nick Manento Kristine Killingsworth Jason Correll Standing Committees RHA (Kathleen Horner) ACE (Josh McKee) UGC (Katie Grow) OCAC (Erica Hessleson) RSCC (Kati Fulkerson) I. Approval of Minutes Motion: Entertain a motion to approve the minutes of April 4, 2008 So moved: N. Goldberg Second By: M. Guzman Corrections: None Abstentions: T. Beretsky, A. Doll Motion: Passed II. Public Comments -Erica Hesselson presented the OCAC report, see VI. Standing Committee reports for full information III. Guests -None IV. Executive Committee Reports A. President -R. Morris gave the Golden Bear to N. Brusch for his help with fundraising -Apply for Graduation chords if you are available -Elections are going on now, please vote and encourage write in candidates -Next week we will begin nominations for executive board -The USA Today readership program is being looked at, there are packets in the office for Board members to look at - M. Koenig yielded the floor B. Vice President -There are many resident positions open in elections, please encourage write-ins -Thank you to everyone who participated in National Alcohol Screening Day -There are applications for Committee Chair positions in the folder -Please sign up for Relay For Life -L. Molina yielded the floor C. Parliamentarian -If you are interested in running for Parliamentarian please contact S. Shapiro - S. Shapiro yielded the floor. D. Treasurer -So far no one has talked about being Treasurer Motion 1: I move to freeze RSCC’s Budget for violation of the Attendance Policy on the dates of March 4th and March 25th Made By: S. Dennis Second: A. Bigbee Discussion: They have missed two meetings, March 4 and March 25th Friendly Amendment: Freeze their Budget for 1 week Made By: M. Guzman Second: L. Molina Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 2: I move to reimburse E. Schroeder $39.34 from line S999-6307 Socials and Dances for Game Day food Made By: S. Dennis Second: N. Goldberg Discussion: The PO did not get to KUSSI in time so we need to reimburse E. Schroeder Abstentions: E. Schroeder Motion: Passed - S. Dennis yielded the floor. E. Secretary -Thank you everyone for doing your office hour last week -The is a walk for Justice for All Victims on Saturday, April 19 at 9:00am -M. McDonnell yielded the floor V. Business and Discussion A. Old Business -none B. New Business Motion 3: I move to open discussion about UGC for Organization Spotlight Made By: M. Anderson Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed -M. Anderson thanked UGC for all of their help and informed the UGC representative of their nomination Motion 4: I move to close discussion Made By: S. Shapiro Second: S. Dennis Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed VI. Standing Committees A. Residence Hall Association (RHA) -April 11th, Party people DJ at 12pm, Free BBQ at 5pm, 6pm Prize giveaway, 7:30pm Darfur Movie, 9:00pm Raffle, 9:15pm video games on the DMZ -BearFest 30 starts Tuesday April 22nd B. Association of Campus Events (ACE) -Past Events: Evansons on 4/1, about 100 people attended; Battle of the Sexes, 4/3 gave out $300.00; Wicked Trip, 4/2 -Upcoming Events: Ronnie Jordan, 4/9 in the MPR at 8pm; DMC, 4/26 at 7pmin Schaeffer Auditorium -New Business: Voted on our new coordinators for next year C. Off Campus Advisory Club (OCAC) -Arbor Day held in Kutztown Park on April 12th from noon3pm -Senior Prom on April 22nd from 6:30-9pm at Saucony Commons -Block Party on April 27th from 1-4pm -Community Yard Sale April 29th-May 2nd, collection from 124pm, sale if from May 5th-11th from 12-4 D. United Greek Council (UGC) -April 23rd the Greek Awards Ceremony will be held In the MPR and Alumni Auditorium -Delta Zeta won three awards at their Region Day -Phi Sigma Sigma held a Parents and Alumni Picnic last weekend and also participated in a Cystic Fibrosis Walk -Sigma Pi won Chapter of the Month -Kappa Sigma's Save to Shave Is April 24th -Theta Phi Alpha visited the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia E. Recreational Sports and Club Council (RSCC) -Men's Lacrosse went 3-2 during their five game stint bringing their record to 9-2 for the season -The Dance Team is preparing for their annual showcase this Sunday -Ultimate Frisbee is practicing for games against Millersville and Westchester -Men's Rugby is preparing themselves for their trip to New Mexico -Women's Lacrosse lost a hard fought game against Villanova last night and dropped to 0-4 this season -The board is currently working with next year's board, preparing them for transition VII. Sub Committees A. Budget and Finance -Finalizing of Special Funding prioritization B. Constitutions and Policy Motion 5: I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to change Black Flame to The Black Flame Made By: S. Shapiro Second: E. Mara Discussion: They want to change their name from Black Flame to The Black Flame Abstentions: none Motion: Passed C. Fundraising -We made almost $300.00 so far in fundraising; the Candle Sale went really well -Next meeting we will be discussing volunteer opportunities, Wednesday at 12pm -Next Wednesday there is a Bake Sale table as well as this Friday Motion 6: I move to allocate $30.00 from line A999-6106 Private for the Rita’s Sale Made By: S. Dennis Second: M. McDonnell Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed D. Planning -Thank you for attending the game afternoon -Picnic April 20th at Kutztown park from 5-7pm -End of the year Banquet plans in the work, tentatively May 1st -Senior Gift and executive sheet as well as superlatives information will be in your mailbox E. Historian and Pride -Best of Best event April 14th from 3:30-7:30pm, sign up sheet in the office folder Motion 7: I move to allocate up to but not exceeding $120.00 from line S999-6365 for the Best of the Best event supplies to Wal-Mart Made By: M. Anderson Second: N. Goldberg Discussion: We still need supplies for the Best of Best event Abstentions: none Motion: Passed F. Investigations and Public Relations -Investigations: -Floor plans for every academic building have been received; plans will be submitted after inspection of all buildings -E. Sitt is investigating the print quota and J. Correll is looking into a rape prevention workshop for men -Public Relations: -$310.00 is raised for Relay for Life, eight people are signed up -Promotional backpacks have come in and there are also pens and post-its on the way -Polos are in M. Liesner will pick them up on Thursday -The website is under construction, there is a two week window -Meetings are Friday at 1pm VIII. Ad-hoc Committee Reports -None IX. University Committee Reports -Task force for Student Involvement are redoing their constitution -A pregnancy policy is being put in place for student athletes, S. Dennis reported for Athletics Policy and Procedures Committee X. Club and Liaison Reports -The Phoenix Group is hosting a trip to Dorney Park on May 3rd; the first 19 people who RSVP get a free to the Office of Human Diversity -The Political Science Club announces that Madeline Albright will be here to support Hilary Clinton, tomorrow in the Georgian Room at 11am -Asian Heritage event on Thursday in the MPR XI. Advisor’s Report -As we enter the last four weeks of school please keep in mind that you should not have to burn yourself out -Saturday at 1pm there will be an intra-squad scrimmage, R. Watrous will head coach one of the teams XII. Announcements -Ms. KU is the 28th of April -Please still bake if you have signed up for Friday -There is a talent show on Friday at 6pm in the Alumni Auditorium -Next week is National Library Week Motion 8: I move to allocate up to but not exceeding $75.00 from line A999-6106 Private for dogs, buns and chips for fundraising @ the Best of the Best field day for Costco Made By: R. Morris Second: N. Goldberg Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed XII. Adjournment A. Motion to adjourn at 6:31pm Made By: S. Shapiro Second By: A. Bigbee Motion: Passed Respectively submitted, Matthew McDonnell STUDENT GOVERNMENT BOARD KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY Minutes of April 15, 2008 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:10 pm II. Attendance At-Large Mauel Guzman Elaine Mara Nili Goldberg Samantha Dennis Elizabeth Schroeder Rachel Morris Non Resident Matthew McDonnell Erin Kershaw Scott Shapiro Mark Koenig Daniel Walker Tara Beretsky Todd Ryan Folk New Students Christopher Haines Kristine Killingsworth Monet Thomas-Anderson Nick Manento Advisor Bob Watrous Guests -Lisa Kowalski KUSSI Resident Melissa Liesner Lisselott Molina Jamie Cartergena Katielynn Milbrandt Nicholas Brusch Erwin Sitt Members Absent Zac Roberts Alyssa Bigbee Standing Committees RHA (Nick Mariotti) ACE (Josh McKee) UGC (Katie Grow) OCAC (Jessica Faro) RSCC (Linda Beyer) I. Approval of Minutes Motion: entertain a motion to approve the minutes of April 8, 2008 So moved: N. Goldberg Second By: J. Correll Corrections: None Abstentions: A. Doll, J. Correll Motion: Passed II. Public Comments -None III. Guests -None IV. Executive Committee Reports A. President -The Golden Bear was given to J. Correll from N. Brusch for his work with Investigations -The Student Leadership Scholarship will be further discussed in New Business -Nominations will be opened today -Make all motions during New Business - M. Koenig yielded the floor B. Vice President -There are two new members that have been elected to the Board for next year -A runoff election will be held with the write in candidates next week -April 23, from 4:30-7pm is the Rape Awareness Program -Thank you M. Liesner and the PR Committee for your hard work -No Checks and Balances meeting this Thursday -Applications for Committee Chairs are in the pass around folder, May 2nd is the deadline -L. Molina yielded the floor C. Parliamentarian -Nominations for Executive Board will be held today -Thank you M. Anderson for doing a great job with the Best of the Best Field day - S. Shapiro yielded the floor. D. Treasurer -Special Funding will be brought up in New Business - S. Dennis yielded the floor. E. Secretary -Thank you everyone for doing their office hour this week -M. McDonnell yielded the floor V. Business and Discussion A. Old Business -none B. New Business Motion 1: I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to approve the Special Funding prioritization for 2008-2009 Made By: S. Dennis Second: N. Goldberg Discussion: S. Dennis went over the Special Funding prioritization Abstentions: J. Correll, N. Goldberg, S. Dennis Motion: Passed Motion 2: I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to grant BSU an additional allocation of $200.00 from line S998-6644 Spring Contingency Made By: S. Dennis Second: E. Mara Discussion: BSU requested an extra allocation for their spring BBQ Abstentions: D. Walker, N. Goldberg, S. Dennis Motion: Passed Motion 3: I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to grant the Kutztown University College Republicans an additional allocation of $273.00 from line S998-6644 Spring Contingency for Earth Day festivities Made By: S. Dennis Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: The College Republicans would like to have pamphlets for environmental solutions to be distributed at Earth Day Abstentions: S. Dennis, C. Haines, T. Beretsky Motion: Passed Motion 4: I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to allocate $110.00 from line S9986644 Spring Contingency for Spring Budget to the Vidette Made By: S. Dennis Second: M. Guzman Discussion: The Vidette would like to have an annual battlefield excursion so they need contingency funding Abstentions: S. Dennis Motion: Passed Motion 5: I move to accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to allow KUR to make a capital purchase of $848.94 for an office computer from their current operating budget Made By: S. Dennis Second: E. Mara Discussion: KUR is not requesting any money they are just requesting to make a capital purchase Abstentions: S. Dennis, J. Correll Motion: Passed Motion 6: I move to recommend the removal of Zac Roberts from the Board for violating the attendance policy effective immediately Made By: M. McDonnell Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: Zac has missed a total of six meetings and shows no interest in coming back to the Board Abstentions: A. Doll, M. McDonnell, S. Shapiro, L. Molina, S. Dennis Motion: Passed Motion 7: I move to recommend the removal of Kristine Killingsworth from the Board effective immediately for violating the attendance policy Made By: M. McDonnell Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: K. Killingsworth has missed three meetings Friendly Amendment: vote by secret ballot Made By: S. Shapiro Second: T. Folk Abstentions: M. McDonnell, S. Shapiro, L. Molina, S. Dennis Motion: Denied Motion 8: I move to recommend the removal of Nick Manento from the Board for violating the attendance policy effective immediately Made By: M. McDonnell Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: Nick has missed three meetings Friendly Amendment: vote by secret ballot Made By: S. Shapiro Second: L. Molina Abstentions: M. McDonnell, S. Shapiro, L. Molina, S. Dennis Motion: Denied Motion 9: I move to allocate up to but not exceeding $20.00 from line A999-6106 Private to the Bookstore for end of the year thank you cards Made By: L. Molina Second: N. Goldberg Discussion: These are going to thank-you cards for all of the offices that have helped SGB this semester Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 10: I move to open nominations for all e-board positions Made By: S. Shapiro Second: E. Schroeder Discussion: none Abstentions: None Motion: Passed Motion 11: I move to open nominations for President Made By: S. Shapiro Second: E. Mara Discussion: S. Shapiro read the duties of the President Abstentions: none Motion: Passed -S. Dennis and C. Haines were nominated Motion 12: I move to close nominations for President Made By: S. Shapiro Second: E. Mara Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 13: I move to open nominations for Vice President Made By: S. Shapiro Second: E. Mara Discussion: S. Shapiro read the duties of the Vice President Abstentions: none Motion: Passed -M. Liesner, R. Morris and M. Anderson were nominated Motion 14: I move to close nominations for Vice President Made By: S. Shapiro Second: E. Mara Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 15: I move to open nominations for Parliamentarian Made By: S. Shapiro Second: N. Goldberg Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed -S. Shapiro read the duties of Parliamentarian -J. Correll, C. Haines, K. Killingsworth and R. Morris were nominated Motion 16: I move to close nominations or Parliamentarian Made By: S. Shapiro Second: E. Mara Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 17: I move to open nominations for Treasurer Made By: S. Shapiro Second: N. Goldberg Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed -S. Shapiro read the duties of the Treasurer -M. Anderson was nominated Motion 18: I move to close nominations for Treasurer Made By: S. Shapiro Second: J. Burnett Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 19: I move to open nominations for Secretary Made By: S. Shapiro Second: N. Goldberg Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed -S. Shapiro read the duties of the Secretary -E. Mara and R. Morris were nominated Motion 20: I move to close nominations for Secretary Made By: N. Goldberg Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 21: I move to approve the Student Leadership Scholarship as amended Made By: L. Molina Second: E. Mara Discussion: There was a meeting and there were changes made to the format of the Scholarship, these changes were discussed Abstentions: M. Anderson, J. Correll, C. Haines, M. Liesner, S. Dennis Motion: Passed Motion 22: I move to allocate $1,487.35 from line S999-6760 Public Relations to Custom Creations Ad Specialties for bags, pens and post-its Made By: M. Liesner Second: S. Shapiro Discussion: These are the promotional items for the Student Government Board for this year Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 23: I move to allocate up to but not exceeding $10.00 from line S999-6760 Public Relations for materials from the Bookstore for the display board Made By: M. Liesner Second: N. Goldberg Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 24: I move to allocate up to but not exceeding $100.00 from line A999-6106 Private to Knights Rentals in Wyomissing for cotton candy rental Made By: R. Morris Second: N. Goldberg Discussion: This is for Bearfest and the Block Party events Abstentions: none Motion: Passed Motion 25: I move to reopen nominations for Treasurer Made By: S. Shapiro Second: E. Mara Discussion: There has been interest expressed in a member running for Treasurer Abstentions: none Motion: Passed -J. Cartergena was nominated for Treasurer Motion 26: I move to close nominations for Treasurer Made By: S. Shapiro Second: E. Mara Discussion: none Abstentions: none Motion: Passed VI. Standing Committees A. Residence Hall Association (RHA) - 4-1-1 went very well, $1,200 was raised for D.A.R.F.U. and Alex's Lemonade Stand B. Association of Campus Events (ACE) - Past Events: Ronnie Jordan, 4/9 about 250 in attendance -Upcoming Events: DMC, 4/26 at 7pm in Schaeffer Auditorium; Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament, 4/24 on the DMZ at 7pm; Massage on the Go, 5/7 in the MSU250 at 10am C. Off Campus Advisory Club (OCAC) -Thank you SGB for awarding us Spirit Prize -Upcoming Events: Block Party on April 27th; Senor Prom on April 22 at Saucony Cross; Briar Cliff BBQ on May 1st -Arbor Day went well, ten trees were planted D. United Greek Council (UGC) -Alpha Sigma Tau Is holding a Blood Drive April 24th -Bracelets will be sold in the MSU on April 28th and 30th for the Kyle Quinn Scholarship E. Recreational Sports and Club Council (RSCC) -Orientation is on 4/15/08 -The Equestrian Team had four members compete in Zone 3 at Del Val this past Sunday -The Dance Team raised $1,256 this past Sunday -Men's Rugby beat UConn this past Saturday and is in the Sweet 16 this Saturday, 4/19 in New Mexico VII. Sub Committees A. Budget and Finance -Last meeting next Thursday B. Constitutions and Policy -None C. Fundraising -Thanks for helping at the Bake Sale last Friday, no table tomorrow -Sign-ups for Bearfest and the Block Party are in the pass around folder -Congrats to M. Anderson with her event yesterday D. Planning -The end of the year banquet is May 4th at 5:00 in the MSU E. Historian and Pride -OCAC won the spirit award and third place, BSU awarded second place and SGB awarded first place in the Best of the Best Field Day -Thank you everyone for your help F. Investigations and Public Relations -Investigations: There has been a lot of work done on Recycling, everyone is pitching in -Public Relations: T.V. access was granted for the MSU; Thank you E. Mara for the pictures; thank you A. Doll for helping with the chalking of the walkways; Polos are in; there are 12 members signed up we have raised $370.00; Sign up for times is in the pass around folder for the Relay for Life VIII. Ad-hoc Committee Reports -None IX. University Committee Reports -The Campus Beautification Committee -Campus Beautification committee met on April 10, 2008 which was the final meeting of the year. On the agenda the New Grounds manager was in attendance to introduce himself to the committee and outline his goals. Work will get done over the summer, Moreover sidewalks will be widen between Old Main and Rothemel + new sidewalk created between AF and BSH + 4 lanes of traffic for cars will be created between Roth + GBVW. KU pride flags are still in the planning stages. Next meeting will be held in September. X. Club and Liaison Reports -A week from today is the Pennsylvania Primary, the Political Science Club would like to remind you to vote XI. Advisor’s Report -Tomorrow from 10pm-2pm there will be a display on the Library lawn for Virginia Tech -Women’s Leadership Institute is looking for applicants, April 28th is the deadline, June 22-27th are the workshop dates at Slippery Rock, more info contact Faith -The Maroon Squad beat the Gold Squad in the football game last weekend -R. Watrous presented checks for Relay for Life on behalf of himself and the Maroon Squad XII. Announcements -R. Watrous’s birthday is this Sunday -Bearfest starts April 22-26th -Arbor Day went well, 10 trees were planted XII. Adjournment A. Motion to adjourn at 7:09pm Made By: S. Dennis Second By: N. Goldberg Motion: Passed Respectively submitted, Matthew McDonnell