09 January 2014 - Weekly Gazette
09 January 2014 - Weekly Gazette
The Weekly Gazette 50c Serving Honey Grove, Ladonia, Pecan Gap, Windom, Petty & Surrounding Areas For All Emergencies.... Please Dial 9-1-1 For Assistance Established September 16, 1999 Phone: (903) 378-3558 Email: [email protected] New Website: www.honeygroveweeklygazette.com Volume 16 Number 16, January 9, 2014 Honey Grove VFW $65,000 Drug Bust in Fannin County By: Sheriff Donnie Foster PLANS, PLANS, PLANS for YOUR Local V.F.W. By: SHARON VEGA Monday night pool 8-Ball Tournaments will be moved to Sunday nights. We will also be having 42 Tournaments (Dominoes) on Sunday nights as well. Friday and Saturday night January the 10th and 11th, Jason Walton will be playing at the post. His song “The Cure” can be heard on your radio station of FM 104.3, the River. He will also be bringing along singer songwriter Tamera Martinez. It will be $5.00 cover charge at the door. This Holiday Season brought some unusual “presents” to Fannin County and landed the “elves” in the Fannin County jail. The Fannin County Narcotics Unit working with the assistance of Bonham Police Narcotics Officer recently located Methamphetamine with a Oakwood Cemetery News street value of approximately $65,000. The meth was intended for distribution in Fannin County communities. Investigators initially recovered 9 ounces of Methamphetamine with a street value of an estimated $15,000. Later that evening investigators netted over a kilo of the drug, By: D. Jackson The Oakwood Cemetery Association would like to thank everyone who sent donations for the cleanup after the ice storm in December. Your generosity was appreciated very much. Memorials were given in the month of December 2013 for the following: Thomas Pascal Members of the Loyd Blair Family Remember to check out the Fannin County GenWeb site for Oakwood Cemetery at http://txfannin.org/cemetery.php?cem id=92 Each person buried at Oakwood has their own separate memorial page, which contains a photo and transcription of the tombstone. Many pages Doc’s Corner 1502 West Main Honey Grove 903-378-7104 also include obituaries, death certificate information, funeral cards and personal photographs. We encourage those of you with relatives, loved ones and friends buried at Oakwood to share your photographs and obituaries so that they can be added. You can make an appointment for the scanning of photos with Malinda Allison by calling the Library at 903-378-2206. Or you may email your photos, etc., to [email protected]. You may also mail information such as this or memorials and donations to: Oakwood Cemetery Association P.O. Box 96 Honey Grove, TX 75446 with estimated street value of $50,000. Sheriff Donnie Foster said, “The investigators worked in text book fashion, starting with the smaller street dealers and working their way up the organization to the larger wholesaler.” Three people have been arrested to date. One of the sus- pects was found with a loaded gun that was confirmed stolen from Hurst , Texas . All three suspects remain in the Fannin County Jail on 1st and 2nd Degree Felony Charges. The names of the arrestees are being withheld at this time, due to ongoing investigations. Donnie Foster, Sheriff VFW Honey Grove By: Sharon Vega A big thanks goes out to Big Kuntry Karaoke for the amazing job this weekend. Thank you to McQueens in Paris for the propane tank that they donated for the grill that was used to cook with. Thank you to Sam Sisson and Brad Moody for their time on the grill and in the kitchen; and thanks to everyone that came out and had a good time with us!!! This coming Friday and Saturday, January 10th and the 11th Jason Walton will be with us, along with special guest singer songwriter Tamera Martinez. Friday January the 17th we will be having a 70th birthday party for Jim Blaine, Big Kuntry Karaoke will be back playing that night for the Birthday Party. S a t u r d a y DOC’S COUNTRY COOKING New Hours - Open Sunday thru Wednesday 6a.m til 2 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday 6 a.m. til 8 p.m. Special Thursday - Half Price Burgers of your choice; also Homemade Pies Friday and Saturday from 4p.m. til 5p.m. 20% off for Seniors also on Friday and Saturday - Buy one and get one for 1/2 price (903) 378-7104 January 18th Dakota Ragsdill Band will be with us. January the 24th and 25th Big Kuntry Karaoke will be back for the weekend. January the 31st we will be celebrating Scotty Holmes’ 50th Birthday Party, Dee and the Full Moon Band will be with us for Scottys 50th. All bands will require a $5.00 cover charge at the door. Doc’s Corner 1502 West Main Honey Grove 903-378-7104 PAGE 6, JANUARY 9, 2014 WEEKLY GAZETTE New Year, New Offerings at Children’s Center For many people, the dawn of a new year means new resolutions or goals. The Children’s Center is currently has several new offerings that may help individuals pursue or achieve those goals, including new CASA advocate training, Courage Group and child abuse prevention classes. CASA Advocate Training For those interested in giving back in the new year, the Center will be offering a new training class for CASA volunteers. CASA stands for Court Appointed Special Advocates. “Becoming a CASA advocate is a very meaningful way to volunteer your time and give back to our community,” said Sandy Barber with the Children’s Center. After completing and passing background checks and personal interviews, volunteers must successfully complete 34 hours of training in order to be sworn-in as a CASA advocate. Once assigned to a case of a child or sibling group of children in the custody of Child By: Sandy Barber Protective Services, the CASA advocate will visit the child regularly, as well as other people involved in the child’s life, including family, caseworkers, attorneys, doctors, therapists, foster parents, teachers, etc. CASA advocates attend meetings and all court hearings regarding their child. For court hearings, the CASA prepares a written report to the court and gives a verbal report during the hearing too. For more information or an application, go to www.fanninccc.org or contact CASA Program Director Sandy Hood at (903) 583-4339. Courage Group - For adult women who were sexually abused as children, the new Courage Group at the Children’s Center is an opportunity for hope and healing. Past participants have reported that participating in the group helped them gain confidence, forgiveness, more friends or a bigger support group and the ability to stand up for herself. Participants also noticed that Allens Chapel Cemetery On-Line they felt less guilty, less anger and less need to be in control. Many noticed an increase in trusting others and healthier relationships with friends, boyfriends and others. Several women observed that they felt more open, gained peace and found their selves by coming to the group regularly. The new Courage Group will meet once a week, from 6-8 pm at the Children’s Center. For more information, contact Sandy Hood at (903) 583-4339 or [email protected]. Child Abuse Prevention Classes - “We also hope many folks will make a new year’s resolution to protect children from abuse,” said Barber. The Center has scheduled several free classes for adults to learn how to prevent, recognize and respond to child abuse. These classes are ideal for parents, teachers, day care workers, coaches and others who work or volunteer with children and youth. The “Recognize & Report” class is 1.5 hours and Honey Grove BOOK CLUB By: Malinda Allison The Fannin County GenWeb project is delighted to announce that Allens Chapel Cemetery is now on-line, with all new photos of tombstones. This beautiful historic cemetery north of Honey Grove has 282 documented burials, and the website contains a separate page for each person known to be buried there, including 61 obituary transcriptions and 39 photos of individuals. This old cemetery contains a large number of burials from before 1900. The website can be accessed from www.txfannin.org. Click on the Cemeteries tab, and scroll down to Allens Chapel. The site contains information on 163 cemeteries in Fannin County. If you have photos, obituaries or other information on those buried at Allens Chapel, please contact the GenWeb project at [email protected] or contact the Bertha Voyer Memorial Library in Honey Grove at 903370-2206 and someone from the GenWeb project will get back to you. By: da Malin n Alliso In December the Honey Grove Book Club read and discussed Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford. This book of fiction concerns a relationship between two teenagers in World War II, one a Red River Family Practice Opening Soon Red River Regional Hospital welcomes David Candelario, D.O. to Bonham. Dr. Candelario is a graduate of the University of North Texas Health Science Center - Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine. He received his residency training at the Community and Family Medicine Residency Program at UT Southwestern Medical Center, treating patients at Parkland Hospital, St. Paul/University Hospital and Children's Medical Center - Dallas. He is eligible for Board Certification through the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians. Dr. Candelario is a husband, father and physician and has previously worked as an electronic systems engineer. He enjoys amateur radio in his spare time and has previously volunteered as a youth pastor. Dr. Candelario is committed to quality, patient centered care to patients of all ages and looks forward to providing care to the residents of Fannin County and the surrounding communities. Beginning on January 13th Dr. Candelario’s office will be located at the newly established Red River Family Practice office located at 2105 N. Center Street. covers signs and symptoms of all types of child abuse and how to respond appropriately. Three different times are available: Jan 21 from 5:30 – 7:00 pm, Jan 23 from 12:00 – 1:30 pm and Feb 3 from 5:30 – 7:00 pm. The “Stewards of Children” class focuses on child sexual abuse and will be offered on Feb 10 from 5:30 – 7:30 pm. Participants will learn signs and symptoms, as well as concrete ways to prevent sexual abuse from happening to children and how to respond appropriately when abuse is suspected. All classes will be held at the Children’s Center at 112 W. 5th in Bonham. There is no charge for these classes, but reservations are required, as seating is limited. Contact Tara at (903) 583-4339 or [email protected] to sign up. The Children’s Center is a non-profit agency with a mission to promote safety and improve the lives of abused and neglected children. For more info, go to www.fanninccc.org. Chinese American and the other a Japanese American whose family is sent to a interment camp. This book was greatly enjoyed by Book Club members. The book for January is Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake, a memoir by Anna Quindlen. This book will be discussed at the Book Club meeting on Tuesday, January 28. The Book Club meets at noon in the Civic Center, and participants bring a sack lunch. The book is available from the Library, and new members are welcome. Advertising for 2,500 paid readers to see... For only $5.00 per week!! Call 903-378-3558 to start your ad today!!! Honey Grove Chamber Sets First Mixer of 2014! COME ONE ~ COME ALL!! By: Patti Hicks Everyone is invited to attend the first mixer of 2014 at Doc’s Country Cookin’ Restaurant, 1502 W. Main, Honey Grove. Come out and join us on January 27 from 6pm to 8pm. There will be good food, good fellowship and the opportunity to learn about what the Chamber has planned for 2014. This is the official membership kick-off for the Honey Grove Chamber of Commerce and is open to anyone seeking information about joining our organization, or who is already a member and just ready to renew for 2014. Levels of membership include: Business $50.00; Family - $40.00 and Individual - $25.00. For more information check out our website www.honeygrovechamber.com or our Facebook page. You may also e-mail inquiries to [email protected]. We look forward to seeing lots of folks at our mixer on January 27. Come on, you’re ALL invited!!! Letter to the Editor: By: Tammy Biggar, Fannin County Clerk The information I provided with regard to eligibility to sign an Independent Petition was only partially correct. Mr. Graves came in to get clarification and we called the SOS this afternoon. To be clear: If a voter votes in the Republican Primary that voter cannot sign an Independent’s petition because the Republican party has a person on the primary ballot for the JP 1 office. The Democrat Primary does not have a candidate for the JP 1 office and therefore ANY Democrat may sign Mr. Graves’ petition. Here is the language we struggled with: Independent Candidates You may have your name placed on the general election ballot as an independent candidate if you are not affiliated with a political party. Tex. Elec. Code Ann. § 1.005(9). If you vote in a party’s primary elections or participate in a party’s conventions, you thereby affiliate with the party. Tex. Elec. Code Ann. §§ 142.008, 162.003, 162.007. File a Declaration of Intent to Run as an Independent Candidate between November 9, 2013 and 6:00 p.m. on December 9, 2013 (Tex. Elec. Code Ann. § 142.002(b)(2)), with the county judge (county or precinct offices) or the Secretary of State (district and state offices). Tex. Elec. Code Ann. § 142.005. After the primary elections, collect signatures from registered voters, who support your application for a place on the general election ballot. Tex. Elec. Code Ann. § 142.009. The signers must be registered voters who have not participated in the general primary election or the runoff primary election of a party that has nominated, at either election, a candidate for the office you seek. Tex. Elec. Code Ann. § 142.009. File the application, along with petition, by 5:00 p.m. on June 26, 2014, with the county judge (county or precinct offices) or the Secretary of State (district and state offices). Tex. Elec. Code Ann. §§ 142.005, 142.006. Contact the Secretary of State’s office concerning the number of signatures required. http://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/candidates/guide/ind.shtml Tammy Biggar Fannin County Clerk 101 E. Sam Rayburn Drive, Ste 103 Bonham, TX 75418 Tele: 903-583-7486 Fax: 903-640-4241 Got An Upcoming Event? We’ll put it in our calendar... FREE!! PAGE 5, JANUARY 9, 2014 WEEKLY GAZETTE Windom SNAP Center Menu CALENDAR OF EVENTS First Tuesday of Each Month: Ladonia City Council Meeting, 6:30. Second Monday or Each Month: Honey Grove City Council Meeting, 7:00. Do you know of an upcoming event in the area? Call us... it’s free to publish here! 378-3558 -----------------------------------------Monday, January 13th Sausage & Kraut, Oven Fried Potatoes, Purple Hull Peas, Okra, Tomatoes, Onions, Cornbread, Dessert. -----------------------------------------Tuesday, January 14th Meatloaf, Stewed Potatoes, Pinto Beans, Salad, Bread, Dessert. ----------------------------------------Thursday, January 16th Fried Chicken, Creamed Potatoes / Gravy, Salad, English Peas, Carrots, Onions, Hot Rolls, Honey. for Thought Paris Regional Medical Center Becomes Food Mary Sue Cole, R.D., L.D., CFLE Baylor Scott & White Health Affiliate County Extension Agent-Family and Consumer Sciences Paris Regional Medical Center and Baylor Scott & White Health, the largest notfor-profit health system in Texas, have signed an affiliation agreement effective immediately. With this five-year affiliation, Baylor Scott & White Health will provide Paris Regional Medical Center advisory expertise, continuing medical education opportunities and enhanced emergency preparedness capabilities. “For years, we have served patients from Lamar County who have been referred to Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas for expanded services,” says Joel Allison, CEO, Baylor Scott & White Health. “We are excited for this affiliation to further strengthen Baylor’s relationship with the community.” “We are excited to affiliate with Baylor Scott & White Health as part of our commitment to improve access to quality care for the people of Paris, Lamar County and the entire Northeast Texas/Southwest Oklahoma area,” says Marty Rash, executive chairman, RegionalCare Hospital Partners. “Baylor Health Care System, By: Julie Smith, [email protected] now part of the new Baylor Scott & White Health, is known throughout North Texas as the region’s leading provider of quality health care and we believe that this affiliation will allow us to expand the level and quality of services available at Paris Regional Medical Center.” The affiliation will mean advisory expertise in areas including cardiology, digestive diseases, neurology, oncology, orthopedics, women’s services (highrisk obstetrics and neonatal intensive care unit services), and with the implementation of quality and safety programs. The agreement also provides for limited access to ongoing education programs, internship and advanced clinical programs and additional as-needed consultation services. “The medical staff and employees at Paris Regional Medical Center are delighted with this new affiliation,” says Stephen Grubbs, CEO, Paris Regional Medical Center. “Many of our physicians and clinical staff trained at Baylor Health Care System hospitals, so there is a natural connection Regional,” which has become the region’s most comprehensive cardiac care center. There are over 100 physicians representing 35 medical specialties. Paris Regional Medical Center is part of the eight-hospital multi-state RegionalCare Hospital Partners system. About Baylor Scott & White Health Baylor Scott & White Health is a not-for-profit health care system with total assets of $8.3 billion* and the vision and resources to offer its patients continued quality care while creating a model system for a dramatically changing health care environment. The new system includes 43 hospitals, more than 500 patient care sites, more than 6,000 affiliated physicians, 34,000 employees and the Scott & White Health Plan. More Information? ww.BaylorScottandWhite.com Physicians are members of the medical staff at one of Baylor Health Care System's subsidiary, community, or affiliated medical centers and are neither employees nor agents of those medical centers or Baylor Health Care System. Funeral services for Hazel Janice (Allen) Finney were held Nov. 15th at 11:00 a.m at Antioch Baptist Church of Dallas. Dr. Karny D. Wesley did the Eulogy. Final resting place was Oakwood Cemetery in Honey Grove. Lincoln Memorial Funeral Home of Dallas was in charge. Funeral services for Judith D. (Smith) Brown were held Saturday, December 21, 2013 at Calvary Baptist Church of Wolfe City. Rev. Cecil Jones was the eulogist. Earthly Resting place was Mount Carmel at Wolfe city, Tx. Services were entrusted to Grace and Mercy-Grundy Funeral Home of Greenville. Dot’s Happy Notes by: Dorothy Harrison At the pre-dawn of Christmas morning, looking from the window near my writing desk I admired the wonders of the atmosphere, bright stars were shining in the heavens. A deep feeling of being blessed arose within my soul. I recalled how the weather had changed, all the damage done from the ice storms that hit various towns and counties. The weather was brutal yet later calm and made a beautiful picture to behold. Nature has a way of replenishing itself with a new sight daily. Cleaning and clearing may be costly yet listening to the music from the sound of chain saws let me know people were busy (like ants as they stay on the move always preparing as they move forward.) (Ps. 147: 15-1) Ps. 15 states He sends out His command to the Earth. Ps. 18: He causes His winds to blow and the waters to flow. Ps. 149: 8: states fire, hail, snow and clouds, stormy winds fulfilling His word. Praise, Praise, Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. I went to Super One of Greenville for some last minute items for Christmas Dinner. People were busy yet in festive moods. There were a lot of hellos and Merry Christmas to you. Baskets were filled to the brim with all the stuff one would fix to share with family. Our family members began arriving Christmas Eve. Lenora, Jarri, Brianna and the newest addition, N,J, who was passed from arm to arms as we welcomed him to the clan. (Lubbock). Nephew David Johnson from Sherman had plenty of hugs also. Sister Teddy was picking greens and marinating chicken to be fried later. Dot put on a and level of comfort with the organization in the event that our patients need a higher level of care. We are also looking forward to sharing best practices and learning from Baylor Scott & White Health staff so that we can continually improve the level of care and safety we provide our patients.” Baylor Scott & White Health selectively affiliates with other hospitals when those hospitals complement its own service offerings and when the affiliation will help to meet the health care needs of a community. Paris Regional Medical Center will continue to be part of the RegionalCare Hospital Partners system. About Paris Regional Medical Center Paris Regional Medical Center is a 368-bed hospital providing a wide array of services and medical specialties to the people of Lamar County and the Northeast Texas/Southwest Oklahoma area. Services include a 23-bed inpatient rehabilitation center, 16-bed Intensive Care Unit, a 12-bed geriatric psychiatric unit and a cardiac center of excellence, “The Heart Hospital at Paris pan of dressing as a sample to the ones that would follow later Brianna stated: I’m glad to be home to get some down home cooking. My reply it’s ready if you want to get started. She had the biggest smile on her face. I thought about the movie “Soul food” where all the sisters were in the dining area preparing their Sunday Dinner at “Big Mama’s House.” Brother Moses Gaffney wasn’t able to have Christmas Dinner with the family due to being in the hospital at Dallas. Brothers John and Roy have been there to visit and cheer him up, several times as well as sisters, Juanita and Deborah. He and I have had several phone calls. He is on the road to recovery and we thank all for their prayers. Watch meeting - Disciples of Faith - New Years Eve. It was a wonderful event. Brother Roy and Junior, Dorothy, Deborah, Juanita and Theadora attended. Music, talks, testimonies filled the church. The Devotion was led by Deacon Roy Gaffney. Deborah sang “Because He Lives.” The family rendered two selections. I’m Going Home On The Morning Train and Call Him Up. Testimonies came from various people from the congregation. Elder Morris of Cooper talked on Job and Faith. Job 1.2. Rev. J.W. Scott spoke from 2nd Cor. 5:17 “A New Life.” The closing remarks and prayer came from Elder Morris and Deacon Gaffney. Disciples of Faith Youth had two selections. One being “Shake The Devil Off.” A New Year brunch was served. Good Blackeyed Peas and Cornbread being part of the menu. Got An Upcoming Event? Call us!!! 903-378-3558 We’ll put it in our calendar... FREE!! Q. What’s a person to do? We eat chicken 4-5 times a week, but now I am concerned about reports that say all kinds of bacteria are found in chicken. How can I protect my family? A. It is true that several different pathogens have been identified as being present in poultry . Among them are salmonella,, campylobacter, and E. Coli among others. These are potent bacteria that can cause foodborne illness. However, all of these bacteria can be killed with proper cooking temperatures, which is 165 degrees F. for poultry. Best management practices for handling poultry in the home also include keeping food cold, preventing cross contamination of cooked and raw product, and washing hands before and after handling raw poultry. One of the myths of preventing foodborne illness from poultry has to do with washing chicken before cooking. I still talk to people from time to time that believe raw chicken should be washed before cooking. This can actually increase your risk of foodborne illness. Bacteria can actually spread all over your kitchen, up to 3 feet from the sink, when chicken is washed. Better practice is to cook the chicken to the recommended temperature; any bacteria will be destroyed when the chicken is cooked to an internal temperature of 165 degrees F. Q. My kids love hot dogs, but we never use the whole package for a meal. How long is it safe to keep hot dogs after opening the package? A. Food experts recommend using hot dogs and deli meats within three days after the package has been opened. You will notice that there is a “use by” date on the package; however, once the package is opened that date no longer applies. Use or freeze the rest of the hot dogs within three days of opening the package. Q. Readers, I know many of you are enjoying smoothees and blender drinks to boost protein and increase fruit and vegetable intake. Try this “Berry Bean Smoothie” that has beans and a variety of fruits in it. Only 125 calories in a 6 ounce serving, but 4 grams of protein and 3.5 grams of fiber. BERRY BEAN SMOOTHIE 15 ounces cooked and cooled Great Northern beans (if using canned, drain and rinse) 1 cup orange juice 2 cups quartered strawberries, fresh or frozen 8 ounce can crushed pineapple with juice 3 tablespoons honey 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract 6 to 8 ice cubes (crushed works best) Process al ingredients, except ice cubes, in a blender or food processor. Add ice cubes and blend until smooth. Serve immediately. City of Ladonia P.O. Box 5 Ladonia, Texas 75449 (903) 367-7011 NOTICE OF DEADLINE TO FILE APPLICATIONS FOR PLACE ON THE BALLOT (AVISO DE FECHA LÍMITE PARA PRESENTAR SOLICITUDES PARA UN LUGAR EN LA BOLETA) Notice is hereby given that applications for a place on the City of Ladonia Regular Election ballot may be filed during the following time: (Se da aviso por la presente que las solicitudes para un lugar en la boleta de la Elección Regular (Especial) de City of Ladonia se pueden presentar durante el siguiente horario:) (Fechas y Horario para Entregar Presentaciones) Granny’s Place 10 S. Plaza Ladonia, Texas Filing Dates and Times: Start Date: January 29, 2014 February 28, 2014 End Date: (Fecha Inicio) (Fecha Límite) (Horario de la Oficina) Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Physical address for filing applications in person for place on the ballot: (Dirección a física para presentar las solicitudes en persona para un lugar en la boleta ) 100 Center Plaza, Ladonia, TX 75449 Address to mail applications for place on the ballot (if filing by mail): (Dirección a donde enviar las solicitudes para un lugar en la boleta (en caso de presentar por correo)) P. O. Box 5, Ladonia, TX 75449 Tara Tucker, City Secretary Granny’s Place Offering A Little Bit of Everything! VENDOR SPACE AVAILABLE @ Isaac’s Emporium Now Featuring Sue Reel’s Antiques & Collectibles Donna Barrett’s Antiques & Collectibles Shirley Wright’s Scentsy & Donna Cullings and Maida Smith Horse Tack & Western Decor 101 W. Main, Ladonia, Texas (903) 367-7095 PAGE 4, JANUARY 9, 2014 WEEKLY GAZETTE & WOLFE CITY MIRROR Classified /Legal -------------------------------------DO YOU NEED... your house or an office that needs to be cleaned?? Do you have rental property (houses) that need to be cleaned??? We we are your crew!! We can work at night, or anytime. Call (903) 227-6157 or (903) 227-3257 or (903) 2271881. Annette, Dustin, Cherry. ----------------------------------j9 FALL CLEANING? Getting home ready for the holidays? Just need a break from house cleaning? Call today for a free quote, by honest, local citizens. Local references/referrals given upon request. Fannin, Lamar & Hunt Counties. Call Bev today at (903) 268-8775. tfn Honey Grove Barber Shop 105 S. First (34 N. Ladonia Hwy.) (903) 450-6516 Vicki Hill Thu &Fri 9-5:30 Sat 9-1 Haircuts: $10 Call Today for Appointment! -------------------------------------- YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER welcomes all “Letters to the Editor” from individuals, although they do not reflect the opinion of the newspaper, editor, or employees. All letters MUST include the signature, address and telephone number of the author for verification. NO unsigned or anonymous letters will be published. If you would like your “Letter to the Editor” to appear in the newspaper, please follow the above guidelines. Letters may be sent to: P.O. Box F, Wolfe City, Tx 75496; P.O. Box 165, Honey Grove, Tx 75446; faxed to (903)378-3588, or emailed to: [email protected] Windom to conduct Mayor and two City Councilmen election May 10th The City of Windom will conduct an Election for Mayor and two City Councilmen on May 10, 2014. The first day to file for a place on the ballot is January 29, 2014. The last day to file for place on the ballot will be February 27, 2014 at 12 noon on Thursday. An application for a place on the ballot is available at City Hall located at 510 Maple St. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 12 noon, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Advertising for 2,500 paid readers to see... For only $5.00 per week!! Call 903-378-3558 !!! Routine Monitoring Violation Total Coliform Rule McCraw Chapel WSC ID # 0740039 failed to collect the required number of bacteriological samples for coliform monitoring of the water distribution system during August 2013. This monitoring is required by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s “Drinking Water Standards” and the federal “Safe Drinking Water Act,” Public Law 95-523. Bacteriological samples are used to monitor water quality and indicate if the water is free of coliform bacteria. Our water system is required to submit ONE bacteriological sample each month. Failure to collect all required bacteriological samples is a violation of the monitoring requirements and we are required to notify you of this violation. If you have any questions regarding this violation, you may contact McCraw Chapel WSC Director, John A. Smith, (903) 367-7509. City of Ladonia P.O. Box 5 Ladonia, Texas 75449 (903) 367-7011 New at Charlene’s this week... New at Charlene’s this week - a beautiful Ladies wingback recliner, several framed print with beautiful matting and framing from sizes 32x26 to 48x60, a must see. And other smalls. You’ll find us in Honey Grove off the square. There are now 7 shops around the square. Come see us. Phone 903-227-5716 PART-TIME POSITION AVAILABLE Closing Date: January 20, 2014 at Noon City of Ladonia is seeking a public works/meter reader. Applicants must: Be at least 18 years of age have the legal right to work in the United States be able to work flexible schedule and on an as needed basis pass a drug screening pass a background check have a valid driver’s license and driving record acceptable to insurance carriers Duties and responsibilities of the position include but are not limited to: Reading the water meters when the meter reader is unavailable Assisting Water Supervisor in water line repairs Mowing, cleaning grounds, street maintenance Animal Control Dealing effectively with the public Interested persons who meet the above criteria may pick up an application from Tara Tucker, City Secretary at Jeff & Rebeca Hazaleus DuranI Stockyards MARKET REPORT 12-19-2013 ~ 889 Head Weight 200-300 300-400 400-500 500-600 600-700 700-800 800-900 Steers &Bulls Heifers Market Report 6-6-13 $ 222-242.50 $ 185-205 Head$ 200-240 400 $ 170-200 $ 165-205 $ 146-169 $ 135-158 $ 131-144 $ 120-151 $ 101-217.50 $ 155-190 $ 139-166.50 $ 121-157.50 $ 122-151 Ladonia City Hall 100 East Plaza P.O. Box 5 Ladonia, TX. 75449 The City of Ladonia is an equal opportunity employer which is nondiscriminatory in regard to race, gender, religion, age, national origin, disability, veteran status or sexual orientation. Hi yielding slaughter bulls sold $ 96-103.50 Lower yielding bulls sold $ 60.50-94 Hi yielding slaughter cows sold $ 84.50-91 Lower yielding slaughter cows sold $ 58-84 Lower yielding bulls sold $ 95-96.5 Stock Cows $1125-1550 Hi yielding slaughter cows sold $ 74-79.5 Lower yielding slaughter cows sold $ 60-73.5 Advertising for 2,500 paid readers to see... For only $5.00 per week!! END-OF-THE-YEAR SALE SCHEDULE Thursdays receipts were shorter than normal9due to the rain, but we are Thurs, December 19; Thurs., January sure glad to have it! Thurs, January 16; Thurs, January 23 Thurs,isJanuary 30 ownership! Jeff and Rebeca Hazaleus Durant Stockyards under NEW have purchased the market as of March 1, 2013. Cattle sales are still Thursdays 11am, Sheep and Goats June 22nd @ Thanks 11am to everyone that braved the icy roads two weeks in a row to allow us to market www.DurantStockyards.com your cattle! www.Facebook.com/DurantStockyards Call 903-378-3558 !!! Office: 580-924-1850 Jeff: 580-380-6300 www.DurantStockyards.com www.Facebook.com/DurantStockyards Office: 580-924-1850 Jeff: 580-380-6300 Cattlemen’s Livestock Commission Co. 1354 Clement Road, Paris, Texas Sale Begins at 11:00 A.M. For More Information Call: Barn (903)784-7800 Barn (903)784-2238 Charles Mallicote (903)785-7191 Charles’ Mobile (903) 739-0682 Steers 400-500 lbs 1.50 2.25 500 and up 1.20 2.00 Heifers Under-300lbs 1.50 2.40 300-400lbs 1.40 2.25 Slaughter Cows Bulls .45 1.00 .77 1.16 Baby Calves 145 - 380 400-500 lbs 1.25 500-600 lbs 1.00 Open 8-5:30 Mon-Fri Pat Doyle & J.R. Mechanics Owens Funeral Home Prompt - Courteous Understanding Prearranged & Prepaid Plans Available 903-496-2331 200 Santa Fe, W.C. Something Serious Can Happen To Your Business Without Advertising... NOTHING Call 903-378-3558 Sale Date Saturday, January 4, 2014 Head Count 1424 Week Ago 1694 Sale Every Sat. at 11 a.m. Under 300 lbs 1.70 2.50 300-400lbs 1.65 2.45 DOYLE’S GARAGE 2.05 1.80 Stockers Stocker 500.00 1625.00 Pairs 1050.00 1975.00 Holstein Steers 75-1.05 Golden West Apartments: Now Accepting Applications for 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments. Water, sewer, garbage, appliances, lawn maintenance provided. Laundry facility. Rent is based on your income. 62 years of age or older, handicap/disabled, regardless of age. Call (903) 496-2320. “This Institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer” Leonard Pharmacy www.leonardpharmacy.net Pharmacists Eugene Kegans & Kacey Blackerby 122 W. Collin, Leonard, Tx 587-3363 Got An Upcoming Event? Call us!!! 903-378-3558 We’ll put it in our calendar... FREE!! PAGE 3, JANUARY 9, 2014 WEEKLY GAZETTE & WOLFE CITY MIRROR Ramblings By: Lena Shaw Hayden Thomas went with a group of other young people on a mission trip to Juarez, Mexico. They have returned home with a feeling that they touched several people in that area. Hayden is the youth minister at First Baptist Church Ladonia. The year has begun with several days of cold, windy weather which, of course is typical for January. Although we are one of the hottest areas in the nation during the summer, we can’t compare our cold days to the enormous amounts of cold in the Northeastern states. Sadly, the year begins with loss of life. Bill Erwin was in Ladonia Wednesday and has lost his wife, Eleanor. Graveside services will be held for her later in the year. The Erwin family attended the First Christian Church when they lived in Ladonia and the former members of the Church are sad to see how the building is going down. Bill is one of the six remaining members of the 1941 class of graduates of Ladonia High School. Sympathy is extended to Bill and his sons in their loss. Sympathy is extended to Eddie and Debby Brewer Frey and family in the loss of her mother recently. Young Brad Parsons was fatally injured while riding a four wheeler last week. Visitation was held from 6 – 8 Friday night January 3rd at Owens Funeral Home in Wolfe City and the funeral services were held Saturday morning at 10:00 a. m. there. Sympathy is extended to his wife and children, the Stailey family and all other family and friends. Tom and Oma Hulsey of Ladonia and Greg, Alicia and Tyler Hulsey met on January 1st at the home of Charlie, Lesa, Tommy, Haley and Ashtyn Lawhon in Honey Grove for a double celebration, Oma’s birthday and to welcome in the year of 2014. January 2nd Harold and Jo Nan Mills Miller drove down from Mesquite to Ladonia for a visit with Tom and Oma. Nancy Hoover is home after surgery in the Greenville Hospital. Here is hoping you have a speedy recovery, Nancy. Birthday greetings on Jan. 10th to Betty Byers McDonald, Tommy Hulsey and Linda Hilburn; on Jan. 11th to Sue Scott Woodfield and Jerrod Kinniard; on Jan. 12th to Berry Burnett and Debbie Smith; on Jan. 13th to Francis Williams Sandlin, Jennifer Osborne Webb and Jennifer Cuba; on Jan. 14th to Jean Stewart and Elizabeth Mabry White; on Jan. 15th to Mickey Duncan; on Jan. 16th to Mary Snell, Sarah Rhea and Lindsey Graham Tharp and on Jan. 17th to Debby Crofford and Jan Hulsey. Belated Happy Wedding Anniversary on January 1st to a special couple, Jimmy and Vickie Rhodes. Happy Wedding Anniversary on January 10th to Chuck and Robin Bryce. Happy Wedding Anniversary on January 13th to Grandchildren Travis and Tiffany Shaw Happy Anniversary also on January 13th to Mike and Julie Miller. There were eighteen present for the regular meeting of the Ladonia Chamber of Commerce held Saturday January 4th, 2014. After President Debby Frey opened the meeting Doug Franklin gave the invocation and discussions began on past and future plans. There was no meeting in December, so the minutes and treasurer’s reports from November were given by secretary/treasurer Cliff Isaacs. Mayor Jan Cooper wished everyone a Happy New Year and stated that the packets for entering the race for seats of two city councilmen and the mayor would be available January 29th and prospective candidates would have several days after that to enter the race. The election will be held May 10th. Names of the proposed candidates for officers of the Chamber for 2014 were given by nominating chairman Ken Karl and, duly elected were Debby Frey as President; Ted Maines as Vice-President and Anita Akers as secretary/treasurer. Gayle Pevey is working on the web page for the event to honor Bill Boyd and it will be ready soon. There was a discussion on how to apply for grants and about getting a tax exempt status for the Chamber. It is time to pay dues for the year and the membership drive is ongoing. The latest one to join is Judge Blake of Bonham. The Beta Club has been helping with many of the events held by the organization and a vote passed to give the Beta Club a money gift in honor of their willingness to help. Doug Franklin reported the status of Lake Ralph Hall. The State Permit for the lake was approved on December 21st. The Army Corps of Engineers is expected to issue their permit soon regarding the building of the lake and the rules and regulations governing the use of the lake. It is expected that they will hold a meeting later for citizen input. Ladonia and other parts of Fannin County will have ten percent of the water rights which would allow much more water usage than the town now uses. Doug Franklin is one of several who picture Ladonia going forward and points out the positive aspects of the town and surrounding area. We are in the line of the migration of ducks and 39 species of birds have been seen lately. Many native grasses and plants thrive here also. The next meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will be held at 9:00 a. m. Saturday January 11, 2014 at City Hall. Grandson Travis calls his home The Texas Embassy of Kingston Springs, Tennessee. Negating an earlier statement made in this column, Welcome to the Arctic Circle of Texas. DEMONS & ANGELS By: Reuben Trussell, Pecan Gap Billy, Larry and Dewey were looking for a wild hog one night. The hog had been destroying the grounds of the local cemetery. In their determination to find the hog they wandered onto Weldon’s pastureland. They suddenly heard Weldon’s pickup followed by a shout from Weldon that “you poachers need to get off my land.” Then, Weldon fired off a shotgun. The guys, not wanting to risk getting shot, did not stay around to explain their presence. They started running toward a nearby barn. Weldon took off after them with a shotgun. After a few minutes of running they darted into the barn. Once inside they each hid in an old sack against the barn wall. Weldon went into the barn but did not see where they went, he was about to turn back when he saw three suspicious looking sacks. He walked forward and prodded the first sack with his gun. Billy inside said... ''Meow'.' "Just cats," he thought. He then prodded the second sack. Larry, hearing how Billy got off said... ''Woof'.' "Just dogs," he thought. As he walked towards the last sack, Dewey worked out what he was going to say. As soon as the farmer prodded his sack he said... ''Corn'' Demons and Angels Do you believe in Demons and Angels? The Bible teaches that both are real and active in the lives of people. Jesus believed in demons and even attacked them. Space does not allow a lengthy account on this subject. Mark Chapter 5 and Matthew Chapter 8 and Matthew 12:22-29 are only a few of the accounts of Jesus going against demons. The Apostle Paul warns the Christians at Ephesus (as well as Christians today) that “we struggle against … the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil n the heavenly realms”. (Ephesians 6:10-20). He is speaking of demonic powers. The Biblical history of Satan and his Fall from Heaven, along with his conflict with God and the Children of God, those who believe in Christ Jesus for the salvation of their souls, is recounted in Ezekiel 28:12-19; Isaiah 14:12-14; Luke 10:18; II Peter 2:4; Jude 6 and Revelation 12:4 and 7-12. Even as you believe in Angels and their service to God and God’s Children, so should you understand that there are demons who strive to defeat God and His Children. Read the following and understand why this is important. Think of four specific instances in the New Testament where Satan’s power against God’s followers is pointed out. First, in Luke 22:31, Satan requests of God to test Simon Peter. Again, with Peter, Satan had so influenced him that Jesus Advertising for 2,500 paid readers to see... For only $5.00 per week!! Call 903-378-3558 remarked to Peter, but addressing Satan, “Get thee behind me, Satan.” (Matthew 16:23). Jesus noted that Satan was using Peter to become a stumbling block to Him. And, note that this came shortly after Peter had declared that Jesus was “The Christ, The Son of the Living God!” in Matthew 16:16. Satan worked on the disciples to instigate jealousy and create dissension, as found in Matthew 20:20-28. He entered into the heart of Judas, as found in John 13:37. Paul writes that Satan seeks to fool the followers of Christ by masquerading angel of light. Simon Peter, no doubt wrote from his personal experience in his warning that our “adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking for someone to destroy.” (I Peter 5:8). Why all of this concerning the devil (Satan, Lucifer, Adversary, Antichrist, Apollyon, Beelzebub … there are more than twenty names to describe the devil in the Bible)? He seeks to divide, destroy, discredit and defame. He uses lies, gossip, rumors and well-meaning Christians to foster his dissent. Recently, a serious breach of trust and respect disrupted the harmony of a close-knit family. This family lives in another state, but this local Baptist pastor counseled with some family members by long-distance. The father, a minister of the Gospel, had acted in an unfaithful way toward his wife and the Lord. When the deed became known he was dismissed as pastor. Though the minister is not a Baptist, this Baptist minister sought to reach out to him, as well as to personal friends within the immediate family. It should be mentioned that the immediate family is now divided over who to believe and who to trust. In reference to the daughter of the minister, one family member expressed amazement and shock that she has wholeheartedly defended her father and literally disowned others in her family. The point of this article is that this is exactly what Satan and his demons do! They are real. They seek to destroy and disrupt. They enjoy creating havoc in God’s family. Don’t be surprised when these things happen. Satan is at work. God’s family must work more diligently to restore order. We need to love and forgive and work to restore the one who has sinned. We need to encourage and comfort the ones who are hurt. We need to become God’s agents of healing the wounds of mistrust and disrespect. We need to pray that the Holy Spirit will work within that family and through us to bring a once useful minister and his family back to usefulness in God’s Kingdom, making them even more useful than before. Remember, John 4:4 records that “Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.” The family described in this article has fresh wounds and healing will require time. Perhaps you know of a family with similar needs. Satan is at work, but God is Greater and desires to do His work through you. Don’t be surprised at the work of Satan, BUT stand amazed in the presence of Almighty God. NOTE: This family is not known locally and will not see this article. This is written for your encouragement and not to embarrass some family. FREE LOCK WITH EACH NEW CUSTOMER Honey Grove Self Storage Now with 24-Hour Surveillance Cameras!!! 903-449-0378 903. 815. 4723 903. 587. 2004 Fannin Bank P.O. Box 160 Bonham, TX 75418 (903) 583-5522 901 East Main Honey Grove, TX 75446 (903) 378-2200 Member FDIC www.fanninbank.com Obituaries WEEKLY GAZETTE, PAGE 2, JANUARY 9, 2014 The Weekly Gazette, Serving Honey Grove, Ladonia and Surrounding Areas is published every Thursday except the last week of July and the last week of December by Lorrie Page at 511 North 5th Street, Honey Grove, Texas 75446. (USPS018319) Subscription price is $35 annually in the United States. Periodical Postage Rate is paid at the Honey Grove Post Office on a weekly basis. Send subscription orders and address changes to: TEXAS PRESS P.O. Box 165, Honey Grove,Tx 75446 MEMBER Phone: (903) 378-3558 Fax:(903) 378-3588 1999-2014 Email Address: [email protected] The Weekly Gazette Suzzi Ray C Bu ustom om ds t 903-623-4072 s Cu She s & G ilt Sh e t ed Yards Custom l i a o Bu azeb Mowing - Trimming - Raking - Tilling zebo s es &G Flower Beds - Gardens - Yard Maintenance m17 Walker Construction Local, Dependable For all your ROOFING, Painting, Add-on’s or General Construction Work Call 903-623-4072 903-227-7960 Mahan’s Welding Service 1306 East Main St. Honey Grove, Tx (903) 378-3977 (903) 249-5990 Joann Thompson Memorial services for Joann Thompson, 53, of Paris, TX were scheduled for Saturday, January 4, 2014 at 4:00 P.M. at the Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Home Chapel in Honey Grove, TX. Mr. Emery Banker presided over the service. Family visitation was held from 2:00 P.M. until 4:00 P.M. prior to the service in the chapel at the funeral home. Joann passed away on Monday, December 30, 2013 at the Paris Regional Medical Center. Joann Thompson was born on October 12, 1960 to Calvin Clemet and Stella (Newton) Clemet in Roswell, NM. She married Danny Harold Thompson in Dalhart, TX on November 22, 1977. She was a homemaker. Joann is survived by her husband Danny of the home, daughter, Carmen Thompson of Wichita, KS, son, Quincy Thompson of Dodd City, son, Curtis Thompson of Paris, son, Alex Thompson of Paris, daughter Julia Grimes of Paris, mother, Stella Clemet of Paris, sister, Glenda Ryan of Paris, sister, Barbra Wade of Amarillo, TX and 8 grandchildren: Dominque Paige Boyer, Elijah Hunter Boyer, Kamui Harold Thompson, Isara Haley Thompson, Jaraiya Dustin Thompson, Ausha Naomi Grimes, Emmitt Anthony Grimes and Mason Lane Thompson. She was preceded in death by her Father and 2 Brothers. Oiva K. Lehtinen Oiva K. Lehtinen, Jr. passed away on December 26, 2013, at the age of 61, at the Texas Health Presbyterian Wilson N. Jones Hospital in Sherman, Tx. He had been in failing health for several years. He was born July 2, 1952, in Honey Grove, Tx. to Oiva K. Lehtinen, Sr. and Oppie (Massie) Lehtinen. He graduated from Honey Grove High School and remained in Honey Grove where he farmed for several years. He was a member of the St. James Lutheran Church at the Allens Chapel community. Oiva then moved to Dallas, Tx. where he worked for the Lighthouse for the Blind for several years. For the last 15 years he has lived in Alvarado Cleburne, Glen Rose and lastly in Sherman, Tx. He was preceded in death by his parents and his brother, Ryan Lehtinen. He is survived by one brother, Clark Lehtinen and wife, Deborah of Cleburne, Tx. and one sister, Sherry Pate and husband, Mack of Sherman, Tx. one niece, Carrie Patrick and 5 nephews, John Pate, Barry, Jay, Casey and Cory Lehtinen, aunts, uncles and many cousins and friends. Graveside services will be held at 3:00 p.m. on January 11, 2014 at Allens Chapel Cemetery. Got An Upcoming Event? Call us!!! 903-378-3558 We’ll put it in our calendar... FREE!! Metal Buildings Metal Roofs ONSITE & PORTABLE WELDING Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Home 803 East Main Street Honey Grove, Texas (903) 378-2291 Family Owned and Operated “Serving Area Since 1939” Funeral Home, Inc. “Caring Service Since 1942” DIGNIFIED CREMATION... $895 Affordable Graveside Services We will honor all pre-paid plans & insurance policies from other funeral homes. 1-800-809-5079 1209 Live Oak, Commerce, TX Brown, 4 brothers, Douglas Johnson, Ross Smith, Billy Smith and Joe Davis, 2 sisters, Catherine Smith and Eleanor Smith and one child, Christopher Brown. Survivors include sons, Edward Brown (Lawana) and Francisco Brown (Kendra) both of Sherman, Tx., Darrell Brown (Shanta) of Commerce, Tx. and Keith Brown (Charolett) of Wolfe City, daughters, Felicia Brown (James), Katrina Brown (Keith), Clarissa Brown (Randal) and Veronica Brown (Courtney) all of Wolfe City, two special sons, Jerry Mumphrey and Gregory Anderson, a special grandson, Darrius Brown along with 19 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren. Life Reflections of our Queen On October 9, 1932, Clarence and Virginia Allen of Honey Grove, Tx. welcomed into the world a beautiful baby girl that they named Hazel Janice. Hazel was adored by her five brothers, Warren, Joseph, Charles, James and Frank. She also has a loving sister, Juanita. Hazel grew up in a God fearing home and professed her love for Christ at an early age and worked i many capacities of the church including usher, choir member, mission leader, secretary, treasurer and deaconess to name a few. Mom grew up and attended school in Honey Grove and at a very young age met her prince charming, Leroy Finney and married him on Christmas Eve in her parent’s home by the Christmas tree in 1948. Even though many people thought that she was too young and the marriage would never last, the marriage lasted for 57 wonderful years! Education was always important to mom. She attended Paris Junior College to become a dietitian and helped to open the Grove Manor Nursing Home in Honey Grove. Throughout the years she and dad opened many businesses around the town including a washateria, a cafe, a beauty shop and a successful plumbing business! Mom had much pride about her community and her heritage and started the Afro-American day celebration in Honey Grove, which was and still is celebrated by many. She was able to raise money to give others scholarships to attend college. She also volunteered much in the community and was even on a TV commercial! Reading and writing was her passion! She wrote an article for many years for the Honey Grove Signal. she loved getting mail from people who rad her articles. She also loved to travel and some of her favorite places that she visited were Hawaii, Jamaica and the Bahamas. she also visited many states in the United States. After the death of her beloved husband, Leroy, she moved to Dallas and united with the St. Phillips Missionary Baptist Church and the Antioch Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church. She loved both of these churches, pastors and members dearly. If you visited with her at any length, she would tell you that the proudest accomplishments of her life were her children and grandchildren, who are left here to carry on her legacy. They are Howard, Gary (Sandra), Stanley (Lamonica), Lesia (Danny), a stepson, M.T. (Clarice), 4 grandchildren and one great grandson and many step grand and great grandchildren. She also leaves a sister/cousin, Mary Compton, an uncle, Arnold Allen, two sisters-in-law, Erma and Belle Allen and many cousins, nieces, nephews, close friends too numerous to name. Her parents, husband, siblings, uncles, aunts and one stepson, Leroy Finney, Jr. preceded her in death and await a joyous reunion. Pallbearers were Deacons of St. Phillips, Antioch and West Dallas Community Churches. Honorary bearer were, Curtis Pruiett, Gene Turner, Eddie Jackson, Daniel Spradling, James A. Allen and X.L. Finney. Final resting place Oakwood Cemetery at Honey Grove, Texas. Lincoln Memorial Funeral was in charge of arrangements. cxvtÇ ZtÑ axãá Delta Funeral Home Jones ~ Walker & Son Funeral services for Judith D. Brown were held Saturday, December 21, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. at Calvary Baptist Church in Wolfe City, Texas. Services were conducted by Cecil Jones and Pastor Monte Weaver. Mrs. Brown passed away December 13, 2013. She was born September 5, 1943 in Pecan Gap, the daughter of Lera McKinney and Odell Smith. She received her education at Clark High School in Ladonia, Texas and married Jim Allen Brown on May 7, 1962. She was a housewife and member of Yeager Chapel in Wolfe City. She was preceded in death by her parents Lera and Odell Smith, her husband, Jim Allen Got An Upcoming Event? We’ll put it in our calendar... FREE!! Gerald & Judy Howard, Owners 451 SW First St. Cooper, Texas 75432 (903) 395-2165 Judith D. Brown By Nelda Campbell Sixteen folks from Pecan Gap gathered at the Lone Star Eatery Sunday after church to celebrate two birthdays. Lois Amundson's birthday was January 3rd and Bob Cadenhead's birthday will be January 12th. Happy Birthday to two special people! Beni Mays spent last week with his grandmother, Dona White, and his uncle John Jay. Beni had a great time and enjoyed some activities in Pecan Gap. Madison White spent part of last week with her grandparents, Morris and Wanda White. They all went to Canton Trade Day on Saturday and battled the strong wind. Pecan Gap's Exotic Animal Captivator, Morris White, is needing a large trap the size of a pick up. Morris discovered a large foot print near his shop that is 8 inches side by side and 34 inches from front to back. Morris copied the foot print out of plaster of paris and will probably want to charge folks to view the foot print. Ha! The so called “experts” think it is a either cougar foot print or maybe a “Pecan Gap Panther” foot print. Never a dull moment around here! Ed Pickard and his cousin Sharline Freeman are always trying get the attention of each other. So, Ed has related this true story to me for my article. Ronnie Beeler saw Weldon Freeman (Sharline's husband) in the grocery store and Weldon's shopping cart only contained a box of Cherrios Cereal and a gal. of milk. Ronnie made the comment, “Weldon, is that all you are buying, a box of Cherrios Cereal and a gal. of milk”? Weldon's reply, “Yes, that's all Sharline knows how to cook”. I know this story is not going to end here and I know that Ed's pay back is going to be bad. Stay tuned. Our sympathy goes to the family of Bobbie Manes Beckman who passed away Friday, January 3rd. Funeral services were to be held at the Methodist Church in Mt. Vernon Monday, January 6th. Bobbie lived in this area and went to school in Pecan Gap through the 4th grade. Devin Moss, Flower Mound, Tex., and granddaughter of Joan and Peggy Moss recently graduated from Texas Women's University, Denton, Texas. She will be teaching in the Lewisville ISD this next semester. Congratulations Devin! John and Peggy Moss celebrated John's 82nd birthday this past weekend with their family, son Kyle and wife Shelly, granddaughter Devin and friend Anthony, grandson Nick and granddaughter Sydni enjoyed skeet shooting at Wayne Cornitius's shooting range, picking up tree limbs from the recent ice storm, eating the good fish in Pecan Gap and having lunch at Webb Hill Country Club in Wolfe City. Happy Birthday John! Be in prayer for Judy Adams who is in the Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas. Also, keep Richard in your prayers.
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