""""JlJ::! Human Body Systems Cards INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM Teacher Instructions: Print out these cards onto cardsiock (in color, if possible). Prinl enough for each pair of students to receive one set. Laminate, cut apart, and bag the cards. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM "_l5i*-' VAt- 6+ Flexible and responsive organ Made up of a series of glands lhal release chemicals direclly into bloodstream Exteriof layer of epidermis helps prolect from exposure to bacteria, heat, and chemicals Controls body through reiease of hormones " ---w N Main organ is the skin and covers body surfaces e t\ l{;f;-" "'\ - Intefiof layer of epjdermjs has melanjn to help protect body cells from damage by Hormones prov;de :nformation lo body cells about metaboljsm, growth, development, and behavior. solar radiation Helps maintain homeostasis by regulaling internal body temperature Works wlth the neryous system to naintain h0meostasis Funclions as a sense organ Organs include: thyroid, pituilary gland, and Produces essential viiamins hypothaJamus "----{ NERVOUS SYSTEM rf. 1\ EXCRETORY SYSTEM Responsible for waste removal Includes: kidneys, urinary tract, bladder, ureteas, and urethra Kidneys filter the blood to remove wastes from it, helping to maintain homeoslasis of body fluids. Relays infomation to and from skin and skeletal muscles '[.' I ,lr' i!.' lncludes: neryes, brain, and sp:nal cord Relays information to internal organs : r l'"1 lli Conkols organs .n Lmes of stress and when body is al rest Easic siructure unit is the neuron rlr Kidneys also help control level ofsodium level in the blood. MUSCULAR SYSTEM Three types: skeletal, smoolh, and cardiac RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Smooth: involuntary: lines organs; and most often squeezes to exerl pressure on the space jnside the tube or organ it sutro!nds in orderto move material thfough it Includes: mouth, nose, Jungs, and dlaphragm lnvolved in getting oxygen to yo!r body cells and femoving carbon dioxide Cleans the dirty air you breathe Cardiac: involuniary; interconnected network that helps head contract efilciently Controlled partjally by chemistry ofthe blood Skeletal: volLntary: atlaches to and moves bones Able to contracl to do woft and move the oooy DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Breaks down food you eat into molecules that can be used as energy for your body cens Breaks down food both mechanically and chemicaily Includesi molth, slomach, small and lafge ,,,LEJililsJi 4ru EJUP'rcV!. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM/ CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM lncludes: heart, veins, and arteries Veins carry blood to the head. Arteries caoy blood away from the head. White blood cells: lafget several types: all have nuclei; defend body againsi disease Red blood cells: transpo.t oxygen and some carbon dioxide; lack a nucleus: contain hemoglobin Platelels: cell ffagments needed for blood clotting Plasma: liquid; has protejnsi transpods.ed and white blood cells, piaielets, nutrients, enzymes. hofmones, gases, and inorganic sa[s REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM :d lncludes: testes and ovanes Controlled by homones Ivlales produce spefm via meiosis Females pfoduce eggs via meiosis ;=ryq Events in meiosls helP maintain chromosome number in humans z-----4/ Ni\@h$ rnnrE/d!tuqr4Nd IMMUNE SYSTEM Variety ofwhite blood cells to defend againsl invasion of Palhogens Skin, mucus, oil, sweat, tears, and saliva also work io prevent pathogens from entering the body. consists of lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, tonsils, sPleen, and thymus SKELETAL SYSTEM | . rncludes: bones. tisaments, tendons, and joinis . Pfoduces red blood cells in . Stoaes minerals and fat . Allows for body movement by provlding points of attachmenl for muscles . . Protects internal organs . Provides a framework for body tissues . Two types of bone tissue (compact bone and spongy bone) thai difier in density narow Cells of Human Body Systems ' Modificaticfns of Hurnan Cells o Blood cells are smooth and round, so they can easily move through our veins and arteries. o Musctre cells are elongated so they can stretch. c Epithelial cells are ftrattened cells that are modified in various ways to protect from dehyclration, prevent foreign invaders, and help regulate body temperature, o Nerve cells have a cell body where the nucleus is located and axons which can be up to a meter long, Axons function to transrnit messages from the nerve cells throughout the o o body" Eone cells are arranged in circular osteon systems {A single bone cell is an osteocyteJ.; they are moclified to produce red blcod cells and store fat and rninerals. Sperrn cells have long flagella to aid in their movement. Egg cells are modified to allow sperm cells to attaeh and enter the cell fcr fertilization. M . echanisms of Homeostasis What e9o y*u think is the difference between a negative feedback rr'lechanisrn and a positive feedback nnechanism? ' NEgg€ivE: Goal is to return to "norrnal" Lry shutting off or reducing the original stimulus . Excmples: body temperature regulation, breathing rate and blood pressure . Positjve: Goal is to stray farther from "normal" b3' increasing the original stimulus , Examples: childbirth and blood clatting TIIE HUMAN BODY SYSTEMS fnteroctionsWorking with Other Mojor Orgons 1. w/circulotory - Digestive 2. w/musculor - 3.w/nervous - 1. Circulotory w,/respirotory 2. w/digestive . - - 3.w/excretory - 4. w/lymphotic 5^ w/immune - 6. w/nervous - 7. w/endocrine - - Controls qll other systems Nervous Hypotholomus - System Function 1. Diogrom f nteroctionsWorking with Other Systems Mojor Orgons 7. w/circulotory - Excretory 2. w/'tttngs - 3. w/integumentory 2. 1. w/ circulotory - Respirotory 2. w/excretory - 3. w/nervous 4. w/musculor - 1. Skeletal 1. w,/musculqr - 2. 2. w/circulotory - 5. 3. w/immune - 4. 4. w/circulatory ond 5. respirotory - Sysfem Function fnteracf ionsWorking with Other Mojor Orgons Systems l. w/skeletal - Musculqr 2. w/digestive - 3. w/respirotory - 4. w/circulatory :.i ej Endocrine 5. w/nervous 6lqnds - - t. w/ circulotory * - I * * 2. w/nervous rk' - :t :k * *' 3. w/reproductive - 4. w/skeletal - 6lqnds produce Hormones fmmune White Blood t. w/circulotory - Cells - 2. w/lymphqtic - -produce ontibodies *Mocrophoges Skin 3. w/skeletol - ' ' 4. w/integumentory - System Function Diogrom fnteroctionsWorking with Other Mojor Orgons Systems 1 fntegumen- SKIN ff4rw"is tqry I w/excretory - 2 w/nervous - *Dermis 4. - sweqt gland - sebqceous glond (oil) - hoir follicle - blood 5., vessels - nerves 3. 1 w/immune - 1. 1 w/immune - Lymphotic '2. w/iirculotory i Reproductive Ovories "*produce L. w/endocrine - 2. w/musculqr Testes *produce - .*-,*,.-...., ,rrryj:J?ctions - calo-y-9.?sltinteractio_n_at_Ieast two colors. c"ttiii*.*'{{{i-'-{"{{'''-V'71;'717;7;';-:;;;!'!'i,1-1-; The phorynx is the pasio;"-"y Horrnones con nucus to keep fissue for both food and oir. contribute to osthrna fhe brain stem controls ihe heart rate. Slood corries hormones ihroughout the body. \utrients are carried to fhe body using blood ressels in the urnbilical :ord-. )lotefets rnoke scobs uhen the skin is cut. ttt/hite blood cef fs ottock nvqders, llsste products ore 'iltered frorn the blood n fhe kidneys. ihe heort beots every econd of your lif e. ottqcks. Muscfes agitate the stornoc'fi after eating. ,.rpiioffi Mucus lining in the possoges helps to trop Breothing rate incr eoses during lqbor os the wornon pushes out her boby. corries digested nutrients to body cells. BlFood Controction and refoxotion of muscles yg:_9the bones. Protection ogoinst dryness ond infections. Helps rnointain body tarnperefure. Sneezing involves involuntory rnuscfes. The diophrogm r"lox"s person exholes. oio The brain stem regutatii (ionfrols) breothing. Fevers help fight infectio 'our breathing rate rcreoses during "gooseburnps" xertcise. worrn. Tiny rnus cles give you to keep you Controctions during fobor push out the Corbon dioxide is removed fro the The nn rib cage exponds os the diophrogm c-gntocts to breqthe. An exchange of goses 9-9-9y:_r_9t rh e q tveo I i. Horrnone levels puberty, couses pimples ond rnuscle Ffurnon SodY SYsfems fhteraction Yo$il,illbeidentifyinginteractionsbetweenbodysystems.Usethe on body systems are interoctions which ijentify to color codebelow the bock. Color Code Instructions Digr,stive-Blue ResPiroforY- Red CireulotorY - Yellow Raproductive -PurPle Nervous - Qr-utge ExcretorY -Green IntegumentorY -Light Blue Sketetsl - Light PurPle Endseri ne-Li tht Or onge Immune - Light Green Musculor- Pink DoEestlve Resplratorv ClrctlnatorY R*prodtrctlve Nervotns ExcretonT/ Inte$unrentary Slcenetan '\-ra Tl o lbnclocrnne Imo-nnune Ni[tlscunar I.iu;ttar: gCC eJ tlU,b* Ccmpiete the cube for ihe humair bod;r Respond to the questions on eacir side to analyze,vour f,) yoff bcriy systern. in <iepth. Use this patlern or create your orvn cube. b,oCy systen'l Cornpare and contrast your body system \ rith another svstem. List all of the organs i.n your body system and describe their function. Discuss what r'r'ould happen if your body system stopped w-orking. Name one disease that affects your body system. \\lhat are the symptoms and how does it affect your body system? Describe how your body system works with ihe other Systems in the body. @ Pru-frock Press Inc- . DifereniiatingWth Instruci:ion ]4e?uts: Science This page may be photocopied or reproduced rvitlL permission fcr studert use. t3 I