Kyusho Aiki Jutsu


Kyusho Aiki Jutsu
The Art of Striking Hand
Kyusho Aiki Jutsu Int’l -- vol. 2 - 2012
This article is second part of
Let us consider in more detail the pressure (nerve) points
as part of the application of techniques (Kyusho). Tuite is
a key component in this part of the article as well,
because the use of the pressure points is one of the core
principles in the Art of Grabbing hand as well in the Art
of Striking hand.
What is the value of pressure points for self-defense techniques?
the three article serie, which
was published in Kamppalijamagazine 2012. All these
articles have been writen in
co-operation with Kyusho Aiki
Jutsu instructors Janne
Tähtinen, Kai Arola and
Santeri Aura. Also some
students were helping in
photoshoot. Pictures by
Marko Simonen – check
The principles of our method and techniques with pressure points
allows you to develop a humane self-defense skills. Pressure point
techniques are not based on the physical strength of usage of
force, which is why their use allows the controlled use of strength
wtihin self-defense situation and yet effective techniques.
Stopping the attacker and / or incapacitate, can be done with the
pressure point techniques without inflicting physical harm. Selfdefense situation, the aim should be to end the situation quickly,
and getting away from it without the excessive use of force. Even
self-defense laws requires, in many countries, that the attacker is not
harmed without decent reason, and that the amount of force used
must be suitable to the situation. In many scenarios, such as a kick in
the groin and blow to the face or breaking a joint with excessive
use of force, either intentionally or accidentally, may result in legal
action agaist the defender themselves.
Paralyzing or controlling the
attacker does not require
physical strength.
”How to use
pressure points?”
During the usage of pressure points an attacker paralyzing or
controlling is not based on the use of force, but unbalancing the
body, and sending controversial commands to opponents body,
this inconsistent data will lead to decreased level of consciousness
(this will be discussed more, later in this article)
How to use pressure points?
Kyusho points, or nerve points (are named after acupuncture point
names, for example, TW-11, triple warmer/warner #11) are the areas
of the human body, which can provide to the body a certain
"command" or to produce the certain desired reaction. These
targets can be used to cause nerve pain, unbalance opponents
body or for example, trigger the reflex. By using these areas we can
attack to the weaknesses of the opponent's body and / or weaken
the body's strengths.
Pressure points can be activated in three different ways, which are,
by the touch, massage and strike. For this reason, Kyusho and Tuité
can not be looked separately from each other. Pressure point selfdefense techniques are most effective in situations where the
attacker is at close range of the defender.
Using several points in a appropriate way (taught in various
combinations) the effect can be multiplied, when compared to
usage of the individual points. Combination of techniques can
cause excruciating pain, paralyze of the limbs, control your
opponent's body by affecting motor functions and result in a
technical or a full knockout (TKO / KO, even more proper way is talk
of the instant sleep). Using the combinations of the points, allows to
use extremely little force.
Activation of the Pressure Points, the use and combining them in
applications will require a lot of training from students. The main
issue is the use of your body control. The use of natural motions, as
well as utilization of the power of the body are the keys to truely
effective use of the pressure points. Training will also teache to
"read" the opponent's movements and reactions, as from that level
to "find" the right follow up technique.
Kyusho Aiki Jutsu Int’l Publication
Mind the
Kyusho Aiki Jutsu Int’l
Grandmaster Jack Hogan (Hogan Karate International), says the
words "No wasted motion" will hide one of the most biggest keys
within pressure point techniques.
When developing or practicing the combinations of the pressure
points, it should be noted that different points react with each
other in different ways (or will cause a different effect in the
attacker). The certain points have links to each other and to use
the right point with right technique will revealand set-up the next
point to use. The point, which is set-up will have multiplied effect if
compared to a point which is not set-up for use. The links between
the points can be viewed from a Traditional Chinese medicine
(TCM) and/or Modern Western Medicine (MWM) point of view. On
the other hand, use of these theories is not required on a basic
level of training, only things that is required is the active training.
”No wasted
- Jack Hogan
Chinese medicine point of view, all pressure points are located in
the meridians, which are connecting lines between the points.
Theory of meridians is also background of acupuncture, and it is
widely used to explain the effect of pressure points in the
different styles. Meridians are part of Yin and Yang concept, and
two meridians are one of the five elements - fire, metal, wood,
earth and water. Each meridian is always associated to a
particular organ in the human body (exept the triple warmed
channel). Using the pressure point activation can cause
interference within the flow of meridian and in the related body
organ and from that reason it will cause the weakness in the
body. Using more points, will creating more problems to the
energy flow. When the various points of certain elements is
affected in a certain order (the order of certain element theory),
they may cause unconsciousness or paralysis.
In the Modern Western Medicine (MWM), the nervous system is
divided into the central nervous system and peripheral nervous
systems. Parts of the central nervous system is the brain and spinal
cord. The peripheral nervous system includes all the other nerves.
The peripheral nervous system is divided into the somatic and
autonomic nervous system. Somatic nervous system includes the
motor nerves that controls the muscles and sensory nerves that
among other things, transmit pain information, a sense of warmth
and a sense of body position.
Kyusho Aiki Jutsu Int’l Publication
Most of the pressure points are
located in the peripheral
nervous systems, somatic region.
Properly made technique to
point in the motor nerve can
cause pain and / or partial
paralyze. When targeting to the
Sensory nerve point can lead to
an incredibly high pain. In
addition, it can be useful to
mention that the somatic
nervous system has direct
contacts with visceral
autonomic nerves.
Several pressure point technique
effects can be explained by
changes in the autonomic
nervous system activity. The
autonomic nervous system
controls blood pressure, heart
rate, digestion, urination,
defecation, sleep and breath.
The autonomic nervous system is
divided into the sympathetic
and parasympathetic nervous
system, which among other
functions, regulate the activity of
internal organs.
Different levels of consciousness.
Roughly it is divided into four
The human body has also a
complex reflex system, which
controls and "supervises" variety
of different functions. Reflexes
can be used to explain part of
the effects of pressure point
techniques. Reflexes are
automated, and can get out
with right type of pressure point
techniques. By activating certain
reflexes, the attacker's power
can be turned to help defender
himself. Unconscious reflexes will
take the body and / or limbs off
the threat by withdrawal reflex.
This reflex is designed to protect
your body from injury. Another
example, there are the reflectory
type of reflex, which affects to
the opposite limb, which is not
under direct thread (crossed
extensor reflex). This means that
when the withdrawal reflex
happens (ie. right hands finger
touches the hot stove), the right
hand being pulled away from
the thread and the left arm is
extended at the same time to
balancing the movement.
As an example this allows to
make the left hand elbow lock
very effective way (see ikkyo /
Affecting the attacker's level of
consciousness (Kyusho
Kyusho to knockout or knockout
by pressure point occurs by
activating the three points in
the human body correctly and
in the proper order. This causes
a certain reaction in the central
nervous system, which lead to
different levels of altered states
of consciousness. Changes in
the mode of consciousness or
concrete takedowns can be
achieved by brute force, such
as hitting a baseball bat, or with
the fist, but this is not a reaction
where the pressure point
techniques aimed at. By
studying the structure of the
human body, as well as the
strengths and weaknesses by
true understanding the body's
anatomical structures, we can
find ways to reduce the effort
needed to it. By understanding
how this knowledge of strengths
and weaknesses, as well as the
nerves can be used, we can
achieve some amazing
reactions without any damage
to human body. The following
list shows the four levels of
consciousness, broken down by
simple categories.
Level 4 - Normal level of
Level 3 - Body paralyze or
"Technical Knock Out (TKO)".
The opponent is still up
standing, and the eyes may be
open, but he is not able to
defend himself. At this level, the
body loses its ability to move for
a while. Self-defense point of
view, this is sufficient to effect
an attacker, because it gives
the opportunity to leave the
area. Legal point of view, in
mind, this level does not, at
least, not exceed the marks of
usage of excessive force.
Kyusho Aiki Jutsu Int’l Publication
Level 2 - "TKO - Knock-out (KO)".
This level of consciousness, the
changes are easy to recognize
by the fact that the opponent
kick the legs out from under his
or her, or the body's muscles
are under strong tension. The
body will lose motor control of
the body temporarily. However,
sometimes the eyes are still
open and / or the attacker
hears what is happening
around. The opponent seems
to be aware of time and place,
but this is not necessarily always
the true. This level of effects are
very similar to those at level 3,
but the opponent has much
higher number of deficiencies
in motor coordination or muscle
control abilities.
Level 1 - "Knock-out (KO). This is
the level which is generally
classified as a knockout. At this
level, after Kyusho-technique
the person falls asleep and
completely lose muscles motor
control skills. The attacker's eyes
are usually closed. This level is
legally speaking a little
questionable, since the
attacker loses his consciousness
and may get injured due the
fall to the ground or even die
from the impact to the ground.
These effects on consciousness
is brought up by pressure point
techniques, when sufficient
information is sended to the
central nervous system to
cause certain type of disorder.
Old Masters and
comprehensive training you will
The old masters from China,
Okinawa and Japan, has left
behind plenty of clues of
martial arts they developed
and used. When we have
studied the notes of Funakoshi,
Ueshiba and Kano, as well as
many other well-known and
respected masters, it has been
noted that there is a lot of
information, which is not widely
spoken (or may not even be
known). Because many of the
old masters hide their teachings
to the writings and series of
movements (kata’s). These
kata’s still includes true battle
methods of the masters, other
words, the techniques they
used and targets they were
aiming to.
When looking at the series of
movements developed by the
masters we should remember
the basic key rules. Techniques
must be useful, and should be
suitable to modern threat
situations. The forms (kata) has
hidden information, as well as
the principles of the
techniques, including targets.
Kata does not include blocking:
or dodges, but there are
techniques for activating
certain parts from the attacker's
Each cover technique from the
from is the pressure point
technique. Points can be used
by hitting, rubbing and
touching. Kata will generally
show the correct targets and
the way to activate it. Since the
points are activated not only
by hitting, it is difficult to
separate KYUSHO to its own art.
As use of the Kyusho points are
also the central part of the Tuité
principles. When training kata,
Its essential to visualize your
own applications of the
techniques practiced during
the training.
Kata also does not contain any
unnecessary movements, such
as hand returning to the waist,
but returning the hand is
intended to activate the
attackers points of to take
advantage of two way
action/direction principle. It is
often more effective to
activate two or more points at
the same time by using twohand techniques, than just
depend on one point at the
Kyusho Aiki Jutsu Int’l Publication
The Healing aspect
While training Kyusho Aiki Jitsu,
students must also master the
knowledge and skill of
restoration methods. This is
increasingly important,
particularly through a more
advanced level, where
students must be cabable to
restore unconscious opponent.
It is also stated that when done
correct kyusho technique, the
person does not wake up on
their own without proper
There are two different types of
technqiues – life giving and life
According to the views of
others waking up procedures, it
should happen automatically
at some point. Yet, we cannot
be absolutely sure, because in
our studies / trainings we have
not waited long for awakening
from safety reasons. In practice,
in the reviving process the
opponent is awaken after a
knockout and to shown to his
body, that everything is all right
and in order.
Restoration techniques that are
incorporated in our teachnings
at Kyusho Aiki Jutsu, will
balance the energy in the
human body in certain
meridians. We teach for restore
the basic methods of the
treatment, but some alternative
treatment methods may also
be used, for example reiki or
acupunture. In the end, the
human body is itself the best
healer, but without the external
assistance to fully balance the
body takes about 24-72 hours.
Without the proper restoration
of training partner may
experience nausea and
dizziness, and headaches.
Kyusho Aiki Jutsu Int’l Publication
Toni Kauhanen, Hämeenlinna, Finland
I am responsible all mistakes in the translation.
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