SEASONS Newsletter of the Catholic Parish of St. Thomas More, Mount Eliza 14th June 2015 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time PCC=Parish Community Centre U=Undercroft C=Church MPR=School Multipurpose Room SSR=School Staff Room Diary This Sunday Film Group, Woman in Gold, 1.25pm, Mornington Cinema Monday Music Group, 1.30pm, PCC Wednesday Stewardship Programme Social Night, 7.30pm, PCC Choir Practice, 7.30pm, C Thursday First Eucharist Information Night, 7.30pm, MPR The Sacrament of Confirmation As we celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation in our Parish this weekend, it is a good chance for us all to reflect on the Spirit’s gifts in our lives. How do I experience the gifts of courage, knowledge, reverence, wonder & awe, right judgement, understanding and wisdom in my life? How do I share these gifts with others? We congratulate, celebrate with, and pray for our 48 young people as they take this next step in their faith journey this weekend, and we welcome Bishop Peter Elliott who will be here to lead us in our celebrations. 313 Canadian Bay Rd Mount Eliza Vic. 3930 Phone: 9787 7777 Fax: 9787 9734 Email: [email protected] Web: Pastoral Leadership Team Fr. Laurie (Parish Priest) Lys Crowe (Pastoral Associate) Peter Whyte (School D Principal ) Anne-Marie Hyde (Chairperson) Peter Leamon Ange Virgona John Bruitzman Bill Hunt Maree Taverna Jim Bourke Weekday Masses Monday Tuesday, Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion No Mass 9.15 am Wednesday 9.15 am Thursday, (followed by Rosa Mystica) 7.00 pm Friday, (School Mass) 9.15 am Sunday Masses Saturday Sunday Reconciliation Saturday 6:00 pm 8.00 am 10:00 am 5 - 5:30 pm Feast of St Thomas More As a Parish we will take the opportunity to celebrate The Feast of St Thomas More (Monday, 22nd June) at all Masses next weekend. At the 10am Mass, we invite you to please bring a plate of food to share for morning tea. At this Mass, there will also be a special blessing for those who are going on the Darwin/Kakadu/Katherine/Bathurst Island Pilgrimage which leaves on 25th June. Parish Directory Copies of the 2015 Parish Directory (containing information about all our Parish groups) are now available. Please take a copy home with you today. E LE V E NT H S U ND A Y I N O R D I NA R Y T I ME S E A S O NS PAGE 2 We pray for... Those who have died recently Peter McGrath those whose anniversaries fall at this time Peter Hellard, Bill Marshall, Barbara Owsianka, Joan Mitchell, Louise Kasperlik, Ellen Breen, Lorna MacGregor the Sick Fiona Lindner, Bill Hodges, Lilia Screaton, Helen Donnelly, Jacki Waite, Rory Wilson, Dee Rourke, David Rees, Dawn McGann, George Blowers (Queensland) and all of the sick at the George Vowell Centre & Ranelagh Gardens Nursing Home. and the parishioners of St Thomas More Parish, Tequinomata, East Timor. Liturgy - Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading: Ezekiel 17:22-24 I have made the small tree great. Responsorial Psalm Lord, it is good to give thanks to you. Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 Whether we are living in the body or exiled from it, we are intent on pleasing the Lord. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia! Alleluia! The seed is the word of God, Christ is the sower; all who come to him will live forever. Alleluia! Gospel: Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 The mustard seed, the smallest of all the seeds, grows into the biggest shrub of all. Financial Matters 20th & 21st June Rosters Thanksgiving Amount received last week ......................... $4999 Pledged last week .......................................... $5270 Average May .................................................... $2682 Mass Time Lector Commentator 6 pm Sat Judy Swann Judi Hannan 8 am Sun Sue Carr Pat McConvill 10 am Sun David Dole Alan Ryan Mass Time Ministers of the Eucharist 6 pm Sat Barbara Hunt (Book) Bill Hunt (Gifts) David Wirth (Gifts) 8 am Sun Mary Goss (Book) Dennis Cleary (Gifts) Lys Crowe (Gifts) 10 am Sun Peter Griffin (Book) Peter Royal (Gifts) Val Finnigan (Gifts) Counters Colleen McNamara Marie Alaimo Presbytery Amount received last week ......................... $1189 Thanks to all of you who give so generously to support our parish. *Please note that from now on, we’ll print the pledged Stewardship amount for the previous weekend, compared to what was received that weekend – a variable figure, depending on whether it’s the first weekend of the month, quarter or half year, when a lot of pledges “fall due”, including direct debits and credit card contributions. In the past, the pledged figure was reasonably stable, as it represented the average weekly pledge for all current contributors. Many thanks to all of you who give so generously to support our parish. E LE V E NT H S U ND A Y I N O R D I NA R Y T I ME S E A S O NS PAGE 3 What’s Happening Here St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria Good Works The next meeting of the Morning Star Conference, Mt Eliza will be held on Monday, 22nd June in the Undercroft, commencing at 9.30 am. Nametags: The Parish Pastoral Leadership Team invites you to wear a nametag to Mass! This is just one way of us getting to know each other better. You can BYO or we will have some stick-on ones available each week. STM Social Club (New Members Welcome) Fun & Friendship For All New Members Welcome. Please contact Christine 5975 6687 or Carol 9775 2315. The Welfare Officers for June are Gui Hone 9787 1449 or Anne Thomson 9787 8517. Film Group Tuesday, 23rd June - Walking The Camino. Meet at Mornington Cinema, for information contact Christine 5975 6687. Music Group will meet on Monday, 15th June @ 1.30pm in the Parish Community Centre. Your hostess will be Gui Hone 9787 1449. All most welcome. Sunday, 21st June, Drop In Night at the Parish Community Centre, 5pm to 6.30pm. BYO everything (including glass). Thursday, 25th June. Pizza at Doppiozero Pizzeria, Moorooduc Cool Stores 475 Moorooduc Hwy. Thursday 30th July. Mornington Golf Club, lunch @ 12.30pm. Contact Carolyn Gascoigne 9775 2315 to book. Rosa Mystica Please join us this (and every) Thursday at 7pm in the Church for Holy Mass followed by Marian Devotion and Eucharistic Adoration. Contemplative Prayer Group “Let tiny drops of silence fall gently through your day”. Silent prayer in the Church each Wednesday from 8:45 am - 9:15 am followed by Mass. Choir Practice - Reminder Our next choir practice will be held in the Church on Wednesday, 17th June commencing at 7.30pm. New members are most welcome to join us. Stewardship Program Social Night Thank you once again to all the Parishioners who completed a pledge card and a Time and Talent Sheet over the past couple of weeks and a big thank you to our hard working Follow-up Group. If you have not already done so, please remember to return all your cards to the Parish Office at the latest by 10.00am on Tuesday the 16th of June. Pledge cards are available at the back of the church if you were away or missed out. Completed pledge cards may be returned to the Parish Office. Time & Talent sheets are also available at the back of the church if you wish to volunteer for any of the ministries within our Parish. Program Social Night A reminder to all parishioners who have been involved in the Stewardship Program over the past few weeks that our Final Social Night is on Wednesday 17th of June at 7.30pm in the Parish Community Centre. Make sure you come along to hear the results of the Program and have some light refreshments with your fellow parishioners. The Winter Edition of Australian Catholics is available at the back of the Church. Baptisms These are held on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month at 11:15 am or at any of the Parish Masses on the 2nd, 4th or 5th Sundays. A compulsory preparation night for parents takes place on the first Tuesday of each month in the Parish Community Centre at 7:30 pm. Children to be baptised, and their families, are then invited to a Welcome Mass prior to Baptism where they are introduced to the Parish Community and welcomed by them. In order for this to happen, preparation needs to begin at least 4-6 weeks before the Baptism, with a call to confirm parents’ attendance at the Preparation Night. When children of school age are to be baptised an extended preparation time is required. It is important to remember that Baptism is about the initiation of a child into a community of Faith or a community of Disciples. There E LE V E NT H S U ND A Y I N O R D I NA R Y T I ME PAGE 4 What’s Happening Elsewhere… Annual Anniversary Mass Are you celebrating your 25th, 40th, 50th, or 60th70th wedding anniversary this year? The Life, Marriage & Family Office invite you and your families to join us at the Annual Anniversary Mass. The Mass will be celebrated at St Patrick's Cathedral on Sunday, 26th July at 11.00am by Archbishop Denis Hart. Couples who register will receive commemorative certificates and packs. To register visit: or contact the Life, Marriage & Family Office on: 9287 5587 or email; [email protected]. Achieving Pregnancy Naturally The Leprosy Mission aims to train 108 healthcare workers in leprosy diagnosis and treatment for work in rural areas. Early diagnosis and treatment prevents long term disability ensuring lives are not adversely affected. The Billings Ovulation Method® can assist you in having the baby of your dreams. Donations will provide training for health workers. The target is $2,500. If you have been trying to have a baby without success, our teachers can provide essential information, which will give you the best chance to achieve your pregnancy naturally. When: Time: Where: For a free information leaflet, please call Billings LIFE on 1800 335 860. Cost: Registrations will close Friday, 10th July. Saturday, 27th June 12noon for a 12.30pm start St James the Less, Anglican Church 105 Koetong Pde, Mt Eliza $20 per person, (lunch included) Please RSVP: to Elaine 5978 6251 or Pam 5979 1210 by Friday,19th June.