Poetry Out Loud!!! - Jackson County School System
Poetry Out Loud!!! - Jackson County School System
Issue 3 Basket Tosses, Soccer Balls, and Mile Runs The Most Athletic Teacher November 23, 2009 By: Amanda Jefferson and Sarah Nichols Hey! Who knew that we have really athletic teachers at this school?!?!? Okay, I’ll admit that I did know that, but I digress. Two of the most outstanding athletic teaches at our amazing school are Coach Brubaker (sound familiar?) and Mrs. McMenomy. How do I know this tidbit of information, well y’all voted, that’s why. Both teachers felt honored that they won this “prestigious” award, but Mrs. McMenomy was... “Well pretty shocked, because I haven’t been working out as regularly now that I’m not coaching cheerleading, but of course honored!” While Brubaker loves getting in and running around, playing mostly soccer, ultimate, football, racquet sports and tether ball, McMenomy likes to do more of the watching/ walking combo (watching her son play ball while she walks); her favorite “doing” activities are elliptical and tennis. So why is the most athletic teacher athletic? “A sound body makes a sound mind. I’ve always enjoyed the outdoors and competition,” notes Brubaker, while Mrs. McMenomy takes a different approach to exercise, “it is so important to be athletic obviously so my pants fit, but mostly because it makes me strong, my heart strong, and gives me more energy. When I exercise, I’m setting a good healthy body image for my children. God just intended for us to do physical activity.” Both teachers think it is important to be athletic as a good influence to their families and the students they teach. Brubaker remarks, “It is very important for students to be athletic so they will be healthy and live a long time. You can also work harder academically and are less stressed when you are active; it helps your whole being.” McMenomy agrees saying, “Students should enjoy this time when they can play sports at a competitive level and with organization. They should take advantage of the time they have and the resources provided to better themselves, while having few other responsibilities.” D y n a m ic Dr a k e By: Colleen Colvin and Angela Edge Do you know Drake Corbin? He’s a normal freshman here at JCCHS–But he’s not so average anymore! Drake has been selected for the Georgia Student Advisory Council. Every year in late spring, students all across the state choose to go through a long application process before possibly getting selected for this prestigious honor. Jackson County’s very own Drake Corbin of grade nine got accepted to the SAC. We caught up with Drake and asked him a few questions about his acceptance. “The Student Advisory Council is a council of students formed by Kathy Cox [State Superintendent of Schools] to improve the Georgia education system,” Drake told us. Drake states that he wanted to be on the council because he wanted the chance to help out Georgia. He also said it looks really good for college applications. “The kids on the council are just average students, though some are dynamic,” he further explained. Since the whole purpose of the SAC is to better Georgia education and to make significant changes to the school system, we asked Drake what he would like to see changed. “I would like to see more personalized classes and getting more choice on the courses that you can take,” Drake replied. There is no doubt that Drake will be doing great things for our school and Georgia. This student has one very bright future. The Sound of Progress By: Preston Brooks The first study on the effect of music on the human brain was later coined as the “Mozart Effect.” Because of this, portable mp3 players hit the office , and the music industry has, in recent years, skyrocketed itself to fame. But what actually happened in the experiment that changed our standard of living to include music? ...Continue on page 3 Index ETC Entertainment Sports Local News World News Op ed 2 3 4-5 6 7 8 made in photoshop by Cassie Cofield They told me to take my pants off By: Jonpaul Bruner Friday the 13th, the luckiest day of the year. All the students were planning on taking this day on the chin and dressing a little more comfortable. Nothing inappropriate, nothing offensive, just pj’s. Somehow, the administration was alerted and over reacted like everyone knew they would, leaving everyone with the same question “Really?!”. Being punished for being comfortable is nothing other than asinine. Teachers and administration have their blue jean days; let us have our pj’s. To send a student home, to put one of our much loved students in iss for something so ridiculous is childish. In response to this statement, the administration might ask “Why do it if it’s so ridiculous?” The answer is simple. It’s because we’re tired of the daily grind, the “punishment”, the idiocracy. We do ridiculous things to bring us back to reality. We have very little freedom, and you wonder why so many people stare blankly into space during class. This article is not to “attack” or offend any certain member of the administration, but to open their eyes, and open the student’s eyes. We (students) have done something every other week, whether it be a game or wearing something silly, only to “relieve” ourselves. Let kids be kids while we still can, before we become numb to life. The Administration Defense By: Lex Mosely In the business world, the adults have a dress down day where they are able to wear jeans instead of their nice dress pants (like what the teachers do here at school). So, I asked if teachers can wear jeans instead of dress pants, then why can’t we, the students, wear pajamas instead of jeans? McGhee’s answer was that we are not kids, but “young adults”, and wearing pajamas would not help “prepare us for the future” in our jobs, and that pajamas at school are “inappropriate at this age”. “Even the most normal, appropriate pajamas, could reveal too much of the body, which is never acceptable,” and this brought him to his second point: it is against the school’s code of conduct/dress code. Basically, those are the rules, and that it’s “never ok to break the rules”; Friday the thirteenth was no exception. McGhee also wanted to let students know that all the kids who got ISS were the kids who came to school in proper dress code and then pulled off a sneaky stunt: they changed into pajamas after the administrators had already cleared them to enter the building. Don’t forget about: Poetry Out Loud!!! Meeting every Tuesday in B18 at 3:30pm The Panther Pause Etc. Issue 3 Page 2 My adventure to Europe is only a year and a half away and I still don’t have a job. Instead of applying for jobs everywhere I find myself spending my days after school on my friend’s back porch complaining about the dilemma in which I find myself. Europe is an expensive place to spend even a small amount of time and I’m staying for six months. Needless to say, I’m more than a little stressed. Marrying a rich guy is always an option, but that wouldn’t say much about my character, so I guess I’m job hunting this weekend. The sooner I find a job, the sooner I can leave. Obviously, I won’t have much money to work with so how can I save money while I’m there? The thing I have to worry about the most is living expenses. A hotel is out of the question because I can’t afford to pay for luxury. Unfortunately, I will have to stay in hostels which are often shared with up to 10 other people on bunk beds. I’m just going to look on the bright side and think of it as a bonding opportunity with complete strangers. Maybe I’ll make friends. Another expensive necessity is a Eurail pass (European train). A three month pass costs 1,089 USD! That’s about enough to feed me for the entire six months (if I spend five USD on food a day). If Europe weren’t so big, I would be walking. Fine Arts Band Drama Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship: Scholarship information Europe on a Shoestring Follow-up on Travel after High School By: Nicole Heaslip November 23, 2009 Amount: $1500 scholarship Deadline: January 11, 2010 To be eligible, must · Be a legal resident of Georgia · Be a citizen of the United States, a national, or a permanent resident who meets the residency requirement listed above, and provides documentation from the Immigration Naturalization Service. · Have applied or been accepted for enrollment in a qualified institution of higher education. This includes posts secondary vocational institutions. · Shows promise of continued academic achievement.*A student attending a military academy is ineligible to receive a Byrd scholarship. Gates Millennium Scholars Scholarship: You must be something other then white such as African American, Native American, etc. By: Samantha Kennett Like the football team, the marching band too is winding down their season. A Christmas Carol No more “on the field action.” Other than the Athens Christmas Parade that December 9 – 12 at 7:00 PM they are participating in on December 3rd, the marching drums and horns will Presented by the Drama Department be packed away and the concert music and horns will come out. The band’s first concert is the Christmas Concert on December 14th. and Also starting up with concert season are the Jazz Bands: Jazz I, Jazz II, and Jazz Combo. Jazz I practices Tuesdays through Thursdays mornThe 2009 Annual Christmas Concert ings, Jazz II practices Mondays after school, and Jazz Combo practices Friday December 12th and 13th mornings. Their first concert is in February. On December 12th, over fifty students will be auditioning for DisPerformed by the JCCHS Chorus trict and All State band. They will perform a prepared etude and major scales that are previously practiced, as well as sight read an etude, all while being judged. As I am writing this “lil ed” aka Christina Romo is finishing up some final edits for this edition beside me. This past month has definitely been the most stressful month I think that I’ve ever had to endure. I have learned that everything has a deadline, even if it doesn’t hold the title. A perfect example of this was the day that I found out that my Hope GPA was borderline. Yes I have sat through countless lectures from Dr. Wyrick but no I never checked my Hope GPA. Not only was I shocked when I saw how low my GPA was but then I realized that it was to late. I have had four years to bring my GPA up but when I found out during my senior year I was devistated. Deadlines have a way of sneaking up on you and sometimes when you find out, it’s too late to do anything about them. I encourage all of the underclassmen to start caring. If you’re thinking about going to college then care about your grades. Care about every step that you take in high school, it all counts! I hope that all of you learn from this now and not your senior year of high school. You want your senior year to be fun and not have to worry about anything. As Preston would say “hakuna matata”. ·MUST have a GPA 3.0 or higher ·MUST be a legal permanent resident of the United States. ·Show leadership abilities through several different ways ·Meet the Federal Pell Grant criteria and have ALL three required forms completed (Nominee Personal, Nominator, and Recommender Forms.) ·Preferred to have all this submitted online. ·DUE JANUARY 11, 2010 Kroger’s Earning plus Learning for High School Seniors Scholarship Amount: $25,000 in scholarships for the selected 25 finalists. Amount varies. Deadline: February 1, 2010 To be eligible, students must: • Be graduating high school seniors • Have a GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4-point unweighted scale (or equivalent on another scale) • Be U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident of the United States • Be pursuing continued education from an accredited two or four year college, university, technical or trade school • Have taken the SAT or ACT • Provide a sealed transcript submitted with application • Include a submission of creative expression of the 2009-2010 theme “Active! Mind. Body. Community.” You can now find our newspaper on the school’s website! So go check it out. - Advisor Natalie Peterson - Editor-in-chief Hilary Bradford - Assistant Editors Kasey Dixon Christina Romo - Layout Designers Stephaine Vickery David Serna - Columnists Brittany Bryant Angela Edge Hillary Hudgins Colleen Colvin Brandy Peebles Brent Vanfleet Kyle Funderburk Samantha Kennett Jonpaul Bruner Curly Compton Josh Evans Seth Snyder Preston Brooks Tyler Ladanyi Nicole Heaslip Alex Shuman Crystal Stichcomb Cassie Cofield Sarah Nichols The Creeper’s Guide to People Watching By: Cassie Cofield Stuck waiting for a ride from school or the mall? Instead of getting frustrated and sending angry complaint texts to your friends, you could try out watching all of the people around you. You go to zoos or aquariums to observe the way animals live, right? It’s just as amusing, if not more, and free. People watching can be a sort of art form. Humans are very complex and have stranger mannerisms, so you’d never be bored. The first rule in people watching is you have got to be inconspicuous. If the subject of your attention spots you staring them down, they’ll get creeped out and flee. It’s best to hide behind a book, cell phone, or laptop. Act like you’re staring off into space if you happen to make that awkward eye contact with the subject. The second rule is you need to choose an appropriate location to exercise your observation skills. Some good places are parking lots, food courts in malls, a long bus ride on the highway, or cafes. A good activity to exercise your creativity is summing up their life story in a few words. A few examples of this would be “failed marriage”, “burned out frat boy”, or “hard-working single mother raising well rounded children”. Yeah, judging someone is wrong, but not when you’re doing it just to be malicious. The third and final rule is to realize that this is not stalking and you are not a freak. Watching someone is not following them around all day and memorizing their daily schedule. Don’t go overboard with it. This is a fun activity meant to be a tool to fight away the demon of boredom. It’s also not freaky to observe. If you’re uncomfortable with people watching, think of movies. People who make movies are like archivists of human activity. You’re participating in artificial people watching when you go to the theater. Remember, everyone does it. As Jack Johnson once beautifully sang “Well I’m just people watching the other people watching me and we’re all people watching the other people watching we.” ENTERTAINMENT Issue 3 The Panther Pause Page 3 November 23, 2009 Life As We Knew It By: Brandy Peebles Capitalism: A Movie Review By: Preston Brooks Life As We Knew It gives you a whole new perspective on life as we’ve never known it before. Imagine walking home from school one day, with assignments from four classes in eighty-five degree May weather, worrying about how you can possibly pass your math test on Friday. Now imagine the very next day when the temperature is below zero, chaos is in the streets, and when you look to the sky, all you see is the immense moon looming above you. Written in the form of a teen’s diary, this book is a page turner. With an intriguing storyline and a realistic heroine for the main character, it’s a great read for anyone: the character-driven plot and events will keep you guessing until the final page. Miranda is a sixteen year old girl whose daily routine consists of 92’s in history and checking Brandon Erlich’s fan site. That is until an asteroid is scheduled to hit the moon. Little did she know that this asteroid would not only sky-rocket the moon out of orbit but also her life. Suddenly the world begins to change: tsunamis, earthquakes, and negative degree weather are killing thousands daily and those who survive feel like they are on a rollercoaster heading towards the end of the world. Miranda, her mother, and two brothers struggle to survive in this new world. She cannot turn to anyone because everyone is struggling to keep their heads above the rising water of this crisis. When Miranda is not hungry, freezing, or worrying about her family, she writes in her diary. She wonders: When will this end? How much worse could things get? How long can their food last? What will happen when the temperature keeps dropping? How much longer can they survive? And what if there is no survival- if this asteroid was not only sending the moon towards the earth…but the world closer to the apocalypse? Goin’ Classic: Violent Femmes By: Cassie Cofield The 80’s were filled with many experimental looks, generic hair-band metal, and lots of keytars. Very few bands stood out in that decade, but amongst all the glitz and hard drugs there were the Violent Femmes. This trio of unconventional musicians kicked off 1983 with an album that everyone has come to adore still to this day. Gordon Gano, the innocent devout Baptist from Milwaukee, put all of his frustrations into the Femmes’ first album. Mix confusion and angst with some awesome acoustic bass guitar and you have the one and only Violent Femmes’ self titled album. It starts with the very well known “Blister in the Sun” which channels all of Gano’s troubles and personal conquests with a girl into a very catchy and upbeat song. It was the one that helped the album’s sales skyrocket eight years after its release. The album continues with the raw acoustics and profane language that young people everywhere treasure. These songs can give a frustrated, lovedrunk, and somewhat potty mouthed teenager something to relate to. The closer of this self titled album of glory is “Good Feeling”. It is one of the few songs with subject material that doesn’t make you want to kill yourself. Despite this, it can double as a non-traditional break up song that makes life so much harder to bear. Overall, this album is a work of genius that gives you the warm fuzzy feeling/cold stab of despair that only music can bring. This is one of my favorites because it’s the little bit of eccentric that the music world needs. Everyone should at least give it a listen. Holiday Calendar Stone Mountain Christmas Stone Mountain November 14th- December 30th, all times Sleigh Rides Stone Mountain November 14th- December 30th Lights at Lake Lanier Lake Lanier Islands November 22- December 30 Snow angel fireworks Stone Mountain November 14th- December 30th Athens parade of Lights Athens December 3rd at 7p.m A Christmas Carol Atlanta Civic Center December 15-20, 2009, times vary Polar Express 4d Stone Mountain November 14th- December 30th Nutcracker Atlanta Fox Theatre December 12th, 2p.m Radio City Christmas Spectacular Atlanta, Fox theatre November 19th- December 6th 8p.m-11p.m Christmas Laser show Stone Mountain December 12th-December 23rd The band will be performing in the Athens Parade of Lights. So come support your Panther Band December 3rd at 7 p.m. “I am here to make a citizen’s arrest of the Board of Directors of AIG.” -Michael Moore From the infamous director, activist, and producer, Michael Moore, another movie spawns in his endless pursuit of uncovering the truth (and of course how he thinks mistakes should be corrected). Capitalism: A Love Story, like all of his well known movies, attacks Moore’s deep seeded enemy of poverty, and critiques our economic structure. In Capitalism, Moore makes collaboration out of his past movies, in an attempt to answer his ultimate question: Who are we, and why do we behave the way we do? The film starts off with clips of past infomercials and advertisements, which are exclaiming over the wonderful capitalism (almost portraying it as brainwash). We see the development of America, or more specifically, the development of capitalism. Moore makes it blatantly obvious that, unlike many of his opposition, he doesn’t view capitalism as an American characteristic, even going so far as to inspect the original constitution in hopes of seeing an economic clause in it. Needless to say, there wasn’t one. Moore is well known for his inter-personal interviews with completely relevant people. In his Fahrenheit 911, Lila Lipscomb (from his own hometown Flint, Michigan) was interviewed over her change in heart after her son dying in the war, in Sicko many interviews with people under socialized healthcare, and Moore continues his legacy with even more interviews of victims of capitalism. The main point to be made is that the average American citizen knows very little about the insurmountable consequences of our beloved capitalism. Another plus for Michael is his balanced organization. The movie moves from serious, to saddening, to hilarious, and back again. Moore exposes a dark side of our economy, with on-site videos of victims to foreclosure, pay deduction, financial Coup D’Etat, and again, many interviews to prove his points against the profit-driven capitalism. Hilarious protests are used, like in his other movies, to poke fun at the subject matter. In this film, Moore circles Wall Street with crime scene tape, using a megaphone to project his claim, that he is making a citizens arrest for all those using our tax dollars. While all of his words cannot be taken as pure fact, everyone could learn something from Moore’s movies, and especially Capitalism: A Love Story. Touching on topics such as Alan Greenspan, “Real Estate Vultures”, Dead Peasant Insurance (please spend some time researching this one), Religious intervention with capitalism, Plutonomy and Aristocracy, the 2008 Stock Market Crash, The Bank Bailout, and FDR’s 2nd Bill of Rights, this movie is an openopener. I recommend that everyone, no matter what side of the political spectrum or your opinion on Moore is, see this movie. For more information, please visit Capitalismalovestory. com or Michaelmoore.com. Capitalism: A Love Story is released on DVD on December 29th of this year. As of this point, the movie has hit the screens generating $9,095,191. The Sound of Progress By: Preston Brooks (continued from front page...) The study concluded that listening to Mozart had little to no effect on the brain processes. College students tested their IQs, both with and without Mozart music; With Mozart, their IQs raised an average of a few miniscule points for about 15 minutes. There have been many studies preceding this, and all but a few contradicted these results, showing significant differentiation. But a mass opinion has been dictated, concluding that no effect is sufficient to consider the Mozart Effect valid. So then what could possibly come out of adding music to the workplace, or even school? If it scientifically doesn’t provide more intelligence for the listener, why SHOULD music be allowed? To begin with, while the IQ differences aren’t substantial, emotional changes are. Some people claim that their emotions are decided from the music they listen to. Some people claim the attitude they are in decides the type of music they listen to. Either way, music and attitude seem to go hand-in-hand. I personally feel that both apply. Is it not true that when your favorite song comes on, your thought processes change and you are happy? What’s so wrong with being happy these days? Of course, its good to note that not every instance involving music is positive. In fact, most students, I feel, would take advantage of any sort of musical entertainment and stop working diligently to enjoy themselves. I’m sure that this is the original reason for abolishing music in school, and there is some truth behind that. It’s easy to become distracted with music blasting in your ear, whether you realize it or not. There are more things to be said in favor of music though. Another situational positive is returning to distractions. Distractions are everywhere, especially in a room full of attention-span-lacking teenagers. If everyone is talking, it’s even more difficult to do your work than with music blasting in your ear. Some would say, omit the talking and the problem is solved, but its just not that easy. That is unfair to group work, to social conversation, and to valuable educational opportunity. People need to talk back and forth. It provides us with stress-relief, comprehensions assistance, and personality building techniques. So how do you solve a crisis like this? How do you ensure both social positives and productivity? Teacher Discretion. Those two words are a step towards solving the student vs. Administration issue. Teachers, unlike administration, actually teach the students on a daily basis, and therefore know students personally enough to decide what is positive. In every single case, music is not a necessary tool to enhance a learning experience, but there are times when it helps a good deal. Teachers are the only adults with mature decision-making skills and enough hands-on experience to judge when music could be appropriate. From this class, journalism (where we are all working at different stages to develop the school newspaper), I see a real need of music. To drown out noise, talk, typing, and to really center your thought processes on whatever you are writing. You see, music has the potential to be a wonderful tool, if it is used in good means. Ideally, students would be more pleased, and pleased students should mean better work ethic. I think JCCHS should adopt and experiment with my above stated “teacher Discretion” rule, and test for results before punishing potentially beneficial ideas. Sports Issue 3 PLAYOFFS! Don’t Talk About Playoffs By Kyle Funderburk It was eight years ago when Jim Mora, then coach of the Indianapolis Colts, uttered the word PLAYOFFS! During a post game interview he was asked if the team could make the playoffs, he went ballistic in what is now commonly seen on Coors Light commercials. For the past several years the entire college football world has uttered that word playoffs. Fans from every corner of the country have been vocal about wanting a playoff in college football. And it’s not just the fans, after the 2007 season University of Georgia President Michael Adams led the charge with several other university presidents to go after the BCS. A few years before that SEC Commissioner Mike Slive brought the idea of a four team playoff to the NCAA and BCS. And both those attempts still didn’t work. Even congress has looked into the BCS controversies. In 2005 Joe Barton, who was chairman of the congressional committee that looked into the BCS controversy, called the system “deeply flawed”. He went on to say “Too often college football ends in sniping and controversy, rather than winners and losers,” and “The current system of determining whose No. 1 appears deeply flawed.” If you don’t completely know the issue here is quick history of the Bowl Championship Series. In 1998 the Bowl Championship Series was started, replacing the old format for championships where if the number one team beat whoever they played they were champs if they lost the number two team had a chance if they won. Instead of a fair and organized system they came up with organized chaos. Their idea was that they would take champions of each of the “big six” conferences (SEC, Pac 10, Big 10, Big 12, Big East, and ACC) and 2 “At Large” teams to play in each BCS bowl championship game. After the last week of the regular season the BCS was supposed to pick two out of eight teams to play for a championship, but some times another team claimed to deserve a shot at the BCS national championship. For instance the 2003 USC Trojans were 12-1 and they finished first in the AP poll but didn’t have a chance to play in the BCS championship game. Instead Oklahoma who lost in the Big 12 Championship game played in the national championship game and loss to LSU. A year later Auburn won the SEC title and was 13-0 after the SEC Championship Game but was past over by Oklahoma and Southern Cal because USC and Oklahoma started the year first and second and Auburn was outside the preseason top ten. Then their was 2007 where Georgia was ranked fourth going into Conference Championship week where West Virginia and Missouri both lost and Georgia should’ve slid up to second to play Ohio State for a National Title instead SEC champs LSU went up to second because Georgia didn’t get to play for a SEC title. Elsewhere in 2007 Hawaii went 12-0 in the regular season and made the BCS bust but because they weren’t in a big six conference they didn’t get to play for a national title, now given they did get the tar beaten out of them by the, should’ve been national champion, Georgia Bulldogs. Then what about Utah’s argument in 2008. They as well were 12-0 in the regular season and went to the Sugar Bowl to play Alabama but instead of sharing the same fate as Hawaii did a year before they embarrassed Alabama, finished 13-0 and were the nation’s only unbeaten. And when Texas, Texas Tech and Oklahoma all finished in a three way tie for first the Big 12 South last year the BCS was called upon to sort out the mess. And when they picked Oklahoma all the fans in Austin, Texas were angry because they’re Longhorns whipped Sooners in the Red River Shoot out. Then if they picked Texas all the fans in Lubbock, Texas would have been furious and continued to cry out what about the Texas vs. Texas Tech game where we all can still see Michael Crabtree catching the ball inside the five and somehow managed to tiptoe his way down the sideline as he ran into the end zone for the game winning touchdown. The bottom line is that the BCS needs to change, and that doesn’t include adding another game like they did in 2006 when they added the BCS National Championship Game as a different bowl game. So far we are headed down the same path with Florida, Alabama, Texas, TCU, Iowa, Boise State, and Cincinnati all undefeated and several others are in a position to make it to the National Championship game. Under the BCS system several teams are going to be very disappointed come bowl season. But change won’t come until at least 2015 because BCS resigned the deal saying that they would stay with this system for another six years. Even all of Obama’s talk about reforming the BCS and starting a sweet sixteen style playoff can’t get past the signature on the contract. And so it seems we are stuck with this format for six more years. Six years of teams having great eleven and twelve win seasons and not making the BCS National Championship Game. Six more years without one true National Champion. The Panther Pause Page 4 November 23, 2009 H e y ! G u e s s W hat You Missed F r iday Night? By: Brent VanFleet In the beginning of the school year, I wrote a degrading close to beating Buford in the playoffs—history was being article (to say the least) about the Jackson Co. fans. If made. I remember correctly, I claimed them to be “fake” and The season was not what many envisioned “disloyal.” Boy—I was pretty close to nailing it. Before I after the 3-0 start, but the Panther football team posted get on my “rant,” I want to thank many who deserve it. a record of 4-6, our best record in 12 years. Also, with I want to thank the band, the cheerleaders, the win over Stephens Co. it penciled in the first victory the small group of students and parents who were in against them in school history. History aside, this was the stands. You were the individuals who supported the arguably the best game in JCCHS history. Just ask those football team through the glorious 3-0 start as well as the who witnessed it. losses that came along during the season. In my mind, you Darien Rollins, senior safety and receiver, are just as important as the players out on the field. Thank carried the team on his back with a receiving, rushing and You. passing touchdown; an extraordinary feat that rarely hapNow—the moment you have all been waiting for….. pens on any level of football. You could have seen it all On the week of our last football game, I but you didn’t. You decided to not come or go to another heard something that absolutely astounded me. school’s game. “Are you going to the Jefferson game,” I heard I understand that some may have had personal from a student. You are kidding right? issues and could not attend but for the others who said, It shocked me. “Oh, it’s an hour away,” that is a lame excuse. I bet if we I have never been to a school (remember were undefeated like East Jackson or Jefferson you would I have been to 13) that chooses another high school have found your way to The Reservation. over their own especially with it being the last game of After the 3-0 start, it just seemed everyone the season. Like I said before, the football team is what was enthusiastic and excited for what the rest of the represents the student body. When I heard this ridiculous season was to bring. Yet, as the players glanced into the question, I was furious; but when I look back on it—it stands week after week, the crowd began to shrink, I think was your loss. they actually saw a tumbleweed flying past the real fans See while some of you were watching the and the remainder of the empty stands. Which brings me Jefferson and East Jackson—which by the way was a to the question, where were the so called panther fans death sentence for one of them because neither will come then? Issue 3 UpComing Sports Basketball: By: Stephaine Vickery Basketball tryouts were the highlight of the year for some – and a disappointment to others. Over 60 boys and girls came out, but only 17 per team made the cut. The boys’ team is preparing for the season with optional morning workouts from 6:00a.m. to 7:45a.m. and a strict after school practice schedule for a couple hours everyday. The girls as well are getting geared up by practicing everyday with intense conditioning workouts. Returning members Macy Latty and Danni Cunningham are ready to start working hard for what they hope will be a winning season. Wrestling: By: Hilary Bradford It’s one of the most misunderstood sports in our school and also one of our strong points. For the past three years we have had many state placers including two state champions. Finally it has rolled around to that time of year, it’s wrestling season. This wrestling season we’re adding new faces to our team. With around seven freshman starting, this season is surely a fresh start for us. Our first tournament will be held this Saturday, November 21st, at Altoona. While I know most of you won’t make it out for that one I STRONGLY encourage you to come out to our first home meet of the season. This much anticipated meet will be held in the Gordon Street gym, where the East Jackson Eagles will be paying us a visit. The more faces we have in the stands the better so come out Tuesday the 24th so support our Panther wrestling team! Sports A Step in the Right Direction By: Brent VanFlet After a cold and frigid night at The Reservation, the Panther football team finished their season beating Stephens Co in dramatic fashion with a last minute touchdown. The football team improved their record to 4-6, the best record in 12 years. According to many of the players, this season was not about the final record, but about the “firsts” for the high school. “As a team, this season was a huge success, even getting the four wins we had this year,” Senior Zack Sticher said. This year brought a whole new look to the JCCHS Panther squad such as new uniforms, a new pre-game chant and the sledge hammer—Excalibur. Before each of the games, the Panthers huddled around a cement block with their opponent painted on it. Then, one of the seniors would obliterate it with Excalibur to get the players pumped and focused. “The new traditions were great this past year,” Captain Rob Williams said. “It really got us fired up.” The fan’s favorite was the pre-game chant: “We’re gonna fight till’ we can’t fight anymore,” the football team would yell. “It really pumps up the crowd, we all scream our heads off,” one fan said. “We love it!” This season, the Panther football team went 3-0 for the first time since the Page 5 November 23, 2009 80’s. To add on to their accomplishments, they won their first homecoming game since (well let’s just put it this way) Coach Billy Kirk was a child. “The feeling you have when you are exhausted from going all out during a game and you look up and see you have more points on the scoreboard than the other is unreal,” Williams said. The school got state recognition with the Fox 5 Team of the Week. Many believed this brought the community together because people from all over Jackson Co. voted for days, to make sure we won. The football players were grateful and glad to be a part of something as exciting as the Fox 5 Team of the Week. “It’s great to have the community behind you. Williams said. When the seniors graduate, the upcoming seniors have big shoes to fill: the Panthers have moved to division AA. Their new opponents are Jefferson and East Jackson. This is something that Kirk has waited for since he got the job. “I have waited three years for this. They can’t hide anymore,” Kirk said. Coaches and players said they have an expectation to live up to. Winning is no longer a long shot, as the football players would say “it can be done.” “This year we did well, but next year we have to exceed that expectation,” junior lineman Josh Campbell said. Can coach Kirk and the Panthers keep the progress going and do something that has not been done in a long time—a winning season? Only time will tell; next season will definitely be one to look forward to. Brittany ’s Legit By: Kyle Funderburk The Panther Pause The past three years have been huge for Jackson County’s girls cross country team. They have made it to state and finished high at region each of these last three years. One girl has run beyond and basically dominated every one she has faced. I’m talking about Brittany Aikens. She has been running cross country since she was in eighth grade and said she remembers when she realized she could run and “didn’t have to keep her butt on the couch all day”. She can also remember winning which shouldn’t be to hard, this past season Brittany won six races including a first place finish at the region championship meet. Out of all of them she said that the Riverside Meet this past October was her best where she ran a 19:15 and broke her own school record. Yes people she is human even with all the wins she has racked up over the past three years she still feels pressure,” a lot” she said, “so nervous I could throw up”. And about going to state? She said the course and the whole state championship meet feeling is all familiar and that there wasn’t as much pressure the third time around. Her greatest accomplishment she would say was finishing seventh at state amongst all the great runners across the state. Her run to beast status wasn’t an easy one ether. She said that she runs everyday “rain, snow, sleet, hail” she’ll run through anything. And what about the other girls? She says she likes them and thinks they’re all great runners and supports them all. And next year? She predicts another great run to state. Only time will tell if Brittany will end her illustrious tenure at Jackson County with a state championship. Outdoorsmen November Update By: Hillary Hudgins I am hoping the hunters reading this have had the opportunity to bag a deer, male or female. This deer season has, and will be, a good one. The deer are moving a lot more now that the cold weather has arrived. The deer have clearly started moving more on the property I hunt in Greene County. With this much movement I think the rut may here within the next few days. The rut is the time when female does are in estrus and when mating occurs. The bucks are moving around to find the does and they end up crossing lines with a hunter. This is why many mature bucks are killed during this time. It’s not simple to hunt during the rut. No one can pin point exactly when the rut is or we would all have trophy bucks hanging on our walls. We can use the information from previous years, but every season is different. There are many factors that contribute to the rut: the size of the deer heard, male to female deer ratios, the weather, and even moon phases. You have to go on instinct, trust your gut, and use what you have seen or experienced in the woods. It truly is the prime time of the season. However, if you’re in the woods every weekend of the season, your bound to be hunting during the rut. Good luck this season! The Panther Pause Local News Issue 3 Page 6 November 23, 2009 Download Your Future By: Seth Snyder A special thanks to Akins Ford Dealership in Jefferson for showing their support for our school by giving up a brand new drivers ed car. You are 17, young, and reckless, but most of all excited about graduation. Everything in your life is about to change, you are stressed about college, and trying to piece together some sort of plan in order to survive this final year of high school. There are so many things going on with your friends, and your family life is getting a little hectic. You are trying to take in as much as possible, and suddenly a thought crosses your mind. What am I actually going to do when I graduate? With the economy the way it is, many teenagers are afraid of not being able to find a stable place of work where they can succeed and enjoy their lives. The average teenager is poorly informed about all the job opportunities in their community. It would be wise to find out all the information now, before it’s too late right? Of course, everyone knows that. The problem is where to find this information. Let me give you a hint, it starts with a G, and ends with CIS. That’s right valued student! It’s GCIS.com! GCIS is a website stuffed with all sorts of career information, just be sure to get the password from a media specialist in the library. Whether you want to believe it or not, it is becoming ever more difficult to get a great paying job that fits to your skills without a college education. According to GCIS, one of the fastest growing industries in today’s economy is the computer industry. At this day in age, almost every business in America relies on some sort of computer system. Whether it’s advertising, design, construction, or just creating a database used to organize financial information. Computers are key in a successful business. Imagine the work force as a fully functional human body, computer technology is like blood to the human body. It is the vital life force necessary in order for any industry to operate efficiently. The good news is that there is a huge demand for computer specialists, and there are plenty of schools providing the proper education. ITT tech. is a technical college that is becoming very popular due to all of the available “one on one” computer classes that are provided to students. From web site design, to computer programming, the odds are if it requires a computer, ITT tech has what you need to get some great experience in the technological field. Other great schools include Collins College, Devry University, and of course UGA. Okay, so there are tons of colleges that provide computer training, everybody knows that right? Some students may not know that there are plenty of computer classes here at JCCHS. Some of our available classes are, business document processing, computer applications, desktop design, and java programming. All of these classes are great places to obtain a basic understanding of different computer programs, arming you with the necessary weapons to fight the recession in the work field. No matter what you decide to pursue, make an effort to grasp as much computer training as you can while you are young. Who knows, you may surprise yourself with your own success. Photos by: Alex Shuman Student Representation by: Curly, Hillary Hudgins, and Josh Evans As students we want to be represented fairly and by organizations that will help us to achieve our goals as a student body. We need to be led by those willing to work to help us achieve our goals. As of this moment we have three student led groups: Student Government, Student Council, and the Student Advisory Committee. The Student Council is a body of students that dosent hold elections. Mrs. Roberts wants the council to be run like the English Parliament: she wants every individual or group to be represented. Since everyone’s voice should be heard by other students, teachers, and staff they ask that a representative from every club, class, student group is sent to the Student Council. “We try to make the elements of student life, and school wide events better by taking suggestions from their peers into getting everyone’s voice heard.” stated Mrs. Roberts. Suggestions for school events, changes in the agenda, as well as student activities are discussed, implemented, or presented to the JCCHS staff and Administration for their opinion on the matter. Mrs.Roberts has only heard from 40% of the clubs on campus and if we, as students, want our voices to be heard we need to participate. Our Student Government that we elected has yet to do any thing productive. We elected fellow students to help change things around the school. They haven’t changed anything, they hardly ever meet, so in all honesty we have just given them the ability to put it on their college applications without actually doing anything. As for the Student Advisory Committee they helped change things the past few years, but as of this year nothing. If we want to leave a mark on our school being involved is necessary. We can’t just elect people to sit around and do nothing. We need to become involved and make and effort to change our school for the better. A Premature Epilogue: Graduating Early By: Preston Brooks For some of us, senior year is no more special than any other year of the drama-filled, redundant block scheduled, and seemingly endless work of high school. Parents always tell you that high school days are the best, simply because after them, you are alone in the real world. Anyone who feels they are irresponsible and do in fact need excessive years of getting hardly anything done would agree, but I ostracize myself here. I can easily imagine not being tied down to the repressive 7 hours a day, everyday except for weekends and summer - It’s all about cramming in as much information as possible, with more memorization than actual learning. Hardly do I see any pros in continual attendance of high school, and thankfully, the option to graduate early is given. For those of you who anticipate early graduation, begin soon. This privilege requires you to have 28 complete credits by December of your senior year; this means either don’t fail, or make it up over the summer. Alongside these prerequisites, the classes you take must fulfill either your Tech Prep Degree or your College Prep Degree (and in some cases, the Dual Seal). You will find that in order to acquire the classes, every year will invariably become more difficult, but “Good things come to those who wait…” says the old proverb. You see, one of the exceptional pluses to graduating early, assuming you are furthering your education, is that you get to leave this petty day-in-day-out schedule. “In College, you aren’t just a student, but a customer, and that makes all the difference,” as Michael Tillotson, an ex-JCCHS student and now attendee of GSC put it. Another obvious positive is the inescapable, horrifying, agonizing, grievous, burdensome time you have to wake up. I, personally, wake up at 6am every morning in order to prepare for school, and waking up later is always welcomed. Plus, what could possibly be better than Taco Bell for brunch, or even a home-cooked meal? Definitely not Cafeteria food. For those of you attending prom, you no worries. All early-graduates are still fully able to attend. And finally, early graduates can still walk in May, with the normal grads. Though, of course, there are those who find refuge in leaving high school as late as possible. These points were addressed by Mrs. Hanzel, as such: You miss out on your last semester of high school, you might possibly get stuck with 3 academics in first semester (to acquire all the necessary credits), and you would be missing participation in spring activities and sports. To some, these negatives outweigh the positives. To others, these are miniscule drawbacks. My point is, hardly are there any negatives that even remotely compete with the vast number of positives of graduating early. In fact, I myself cannot think of a single one. Unless you just love going to high school, I suggest you invest time into pursuing early graduation. “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” -Dr. Seuss Issue 3 National News The Panther Pause Page 7 November 23, 2009 When iPod Ruled the World By: Samantha Kennett Credit to apple inc. Made by: Cassie Cofield Just when you thought they had done it all, Apple one-upped itself again. Not only is their 5th generation iPod Nano’s screen slightly larger, it now comes with a built in video camera and microphone! The camera can record hours of video at 30 frames per second. There are fun, new capabilities such as different settings like black and white or thermal that allow you to spice up your videos. The videos taken are just the right size that can be easily uploaded to youtube or facebook. According to users, one of the problems that have been encountered is the placement of the camera. It is located at the bottom of the iPod on the back where you would usually have your hands. The easiest way to record is to hold it sideways in landscape view. In addition, the camera itself does not have any type of stabilizer. So unless you have a steady hand, the video is a bit shaky. As far as sound quality, at short distances it works well, but it is difficult to hear at longer ones. Other than a new camera, the Nano also now has FM radio and a pedometer. The radio has somewhat of a TiVo characteristic to it: you can pause and rewind live radio up to 15 minutes. Fifth generation iPod Nanos can be purchased with 8 and 6 GB capacities at prices of $150 and $180. This 5th generation iPod Nano is available now and can be purchased with 8 and 6 GB capacities at prices of $150 and $180. The Fight over Peace By: Christina Romo The Nobel Peace Prize is perhaps on of the most prestigious prizes in existence, known all over the world, and considered a true honor if received. Usually reserved for someone who has made visible strides in making right the world’s problems, people around the nation were shocked when US President Barack Obama received the honor for his work in diplomacy. Many people questioned this decision. What has Obama done to win it? We must look to the creator himself to answer this question. Mr. Alfred Nobel, a prominent scientist and inventor, left a large amount of his will to the establishment of the Nobel Prizes. In his will, he outlined the requirements that each nominee, and subsequently each winner, should meet. In regards to the Nobel Peace Prize, he wrote: “during the preceding year [the nominee] shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations…or promotion of peace congresses.” Though President Obama fits the basic criteria, speculation rages on with varied responses. Some believe his efforts to strengthen international diplomacy has made him worthy of the honor. Others continue to fire back, saying he has not made any strides on improving diplomacy, just merely talked about it. Yet another group of people say that it was awarded prematurely, saying maybe he could make strides in the near future, but has yet to do so. President Obama said the Norwegian Nobel Committee’s decision to award him the prize has “surprised and deeply humbled him.” Obama, who was nominated early on in his presidency, has since stated that the award was less a response to his achievements, but rather a “call to action” regarding diplomacy. The 5-person Nobel Peace Prize committee, based in Norway, has been noted in the past for strongly supporting multilateralism, which is when nations work together to solve international problems. The Nobel Peace Prize, unlike the other Nobel Prizes, carries a sort of social standing with its name. In the past, the Nobel Peace Prize has been the subject of political controversies, such as those of fellow Democrats Jimmy Carter and Al Gore. Though other presidents have won the prize in the past, Woodrow Wilson was the last president to win the award while still in office. Current Winners of the Nobel Prize Name Subject What they won for Physics For groundbreaking achievements concerning the transmission of light in fibers for optical communication. Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith Physics The invention of an imaging semiconductor circuit - the CCD sensor Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, Thomas A. Steitz, and Ada E. Yonath Carol W. Greider, Elizabeth Blackburn, and Jack W. Szostak Chemistry For studies of the structure and functions of the ribosome Physiology or Medicine For the discovery of how telomeres are protected from progressive shortening by the enzyme telomerase With the concentration of poetry and the frankness of prose, depicts the landscape of the dispossessed For his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples Charles K. Kao Herta Müller Barack Obama Elinor Ostrom and E. Williamson Literature Peace Economics Analysis of economic governance, especially the commons Depression By: Tyler Ladanyi Ethan looked up to his new friend, waiting for him to greet him like he did everyday. There was no one else Ethan’s age on the bus, and the teenager was the only person he could talk to; all the others would brush Ethan away, not wanting to deal with the four-year old. Today however, his new friend was surrounded by a few other teenagers. Ethan waited patiently, hoping to get a response. After nearly an hour on the bus they turned to the child, “Go away, Ethan,” one of them said, “we don’t want you around us.” What Ethan felt was simply a part of life that everyone experiences, but when I saw his disappointed face I regretted what had been done. Even at early childhood we face depression. Ethan felt rejected, but I had no reason to care because he was a kid, he would recover from it in an hour or so. The kids who are constantly rejected by their parents, the teen who is abused by her boyfriend and the man who finds failure in everything he does all face something similar, but they struggle with something more difficult and more magnified. Depression is a psychological problem that can last for years. The depressed become de-motivated, gloomy, and they lose interest in what they once enjoyed. Without understanding from the people around them, depression takes a long time to heal Rejection as a child is one of the most difficult things to experience. It is often times a learning experience –the child needs to know his boundaries- but when a child is rejected the care of his parents or the love of his family, depression can seem to become fixated in his personality. Known as dysthymia, this form of depression is often times ignored and left uncared for. Rejection can continue as we grow, and it occurs constantly at school. Some people don’t realize what they’re doing when they frequently criticize the same person. You may understand the tension that builds in a room after someone makes a harsh comment about your friend, followed by a wave of derogatory laughs from the others. This will make the person feel misunderstood. I have known many great, kind people who are afraid to say anything in front of a crowd for fear of failure. The depression that stems from rejection and failure is often times kept inside. Perhaps the biggest cause of depression is abuse, especially abuse during the earlier years of life. Frequent insults and abuse not only damage the victim psychologically, it harms the people around them. In some cases, neglect gives the person the belief that he or she is worthless. That person feels that they are used as a tool for the desires of the abuser. “I am not worthy of being loved,” the victim tells him or herself, “I have no reason to be happy.” Many people have origins in the past that can cause one of the worst problems in the human psyche, but even chronic depression can be understood and resolved. Some physicians view the issue simply as a condition caused by weak signals of neurotransmitters in the brain. They believe that depression is an issue repairable by anti-depressant medication. However, the issue faced can be resolved without risky medication. In any situation, whether it is a fear of failure or the death of a loved one, the subject should never be kept alone. Friends and family, psychologist and school counselors are there to help and listen. For someone who is facing depression, the thing that will repair their problems the most effectively is the understanding of good people. I have been blessed to know a few people who are truly supportive. These people are wise enough to know not to be judgmental. There isn’t fear, no matter how bad someone looks or how they act, that these people will say something crudely judgmental to them. The biggest healer of depression, sadness and many worldly problems is understanding. Be supportive to other people, there are people who have given up and need someone to talk to . In many cases, their depression can only be resolved with the understanding of mature, kind friends. What Romo Says Issue 3 The End Trend The Panther Pause Page 5 November 23, 2009 By Christina Romo December 21st, 2012… The end is coming, and we have been warned. Mass hysteria has gripped the nation with news: the coming years will bring the human race’s ultimate demise. Our end has been predicted a million ways by a million different people in every culture imaginable. But here’s the thing: this is the millionth time it has happened. Is this not a classic case of a boy calling wolf ? Time and time again, the extinction of the human race has been foretold. Something we might have forgotten is the infamous year that we all lived through, but few of us remember: Y2K, otherwise known as the new Millennium, or the year 2000. In addition to being a landmark year of the human race, it was also the predicted end of the human race. Fueled by a million bloggers and spectators alike, rumors grew larger and larger until that fateful New Year’s Eve. And of course, when the clock struck midnight, nothing exploded. Nothing ended with a deafening roar. And there was no mass human extinction. The predicted “end” had passed. 2012, a movie recently released, showcased the end of the world in a wild show of complete destruction and mind exploding computer graphic effects. That includes crushing bridges as if they were nothing but paperclips, and folding whole cities like they were omelets in a frying pan. While most of the people who made 2012 the #1 movie of the weekend bought a ticket to simply see a movie with high quality visuals, it seems that some people actually thought they were buying a ticket to view the future. The movie has only further frightened audiences into believing the end is looming. Of course, the movie alone does not deserve the blame. Is it really Columbia Picture’s (the studio that distributed the movie) fault that they banked in something people were interested to see? No, of course not. The blame is placed almost entirely in the people who believe, embrace, and spread the rumors. Where do the rumors originate? Where else: the Internet. If I’ve learned one thing about the internet, it’s that you shouldn’t believe anything you hear and less than half that you see. Think about the crazy things you see and hear on the slew of questionable websites available. What I am saying is that, basically, the internet is not the most reliable source for the biggest news in the history of mankind. Though to me these tall tales are almost laughable, the reactions and emotions that others around the country are experiencing as a result of these stories is deeply troubling. According to an NPR interview with a Nasa astrobiologist David Morrison, he has been debunking rumors ever since they started. “People are afraid of things like the changing polarity and dark dust clouds. It’s just all vapor! It’s all irrelevant. The world is not ending any time soon,” he explains. But the things that really are disturbing are the letters people send him for help. He further talks about these letters which include notes from people contemplating suicide, thinking then they can escape the end of the world. All I can say to that is that they need to stop and take a deep breath to relieve their anxiety. I think that some people are all are too quick to believe anything they hear. What I have never understood about these rumors is that people contuniue to get scared over things they hear on the internet and ignore the facts from people as knowledgable as David Morrison. The “end” has been predicted before. Has it been right any of those times? No. So why would it be this time? When 2012 comes, it will go out like any other year: with everyone still standing. Wrestling meet agaisnt East. Tuesday 24th, 2009 Be There at gordon St.!!! Jacks 1929 Hwy 211 Hoschton, GA 30548 Beef O Bradys - Jefferson 1679 Old Pendergrass Road Jefferson, Ga 30549 m/ riv t eam t w. w w co ia. :// p htt Donations benefit Banks-Jackson food bank Sponsored by FBLA, GCSA, & Student Council For more details see Ms. Beatty-E13, & Ms. Waldrip-E12, & Ms. Roberts-Drama Loft Help Others for Thanksgiving & Christmas