Comenius-Marey`s News


Comenius-Marey`s News
Lycée Etienne Jules Marey
5 rue du 16ème Chasseurs
mardi 30 septembre 2014
Comenius-Marey’s News
Today we made use of our rubber
boots and sampled the water of the
stream going through Montabaur.
We were divided in
teams of three or four
and were tasked to carry
out chemical and biological experiments in order
to gauge the level of pollution of the river with
analysis kits and tried
and saw if we could find
animals in the river.
Rédaction :
In the end we came to the conclusion that the river was clean (level
2 out of 5). It was fun to stay in the
water for 3 hours.
Mme Babic - Gevaudan
Mme Boillée
Pilote du projet :
M. Ferrer
In the afternoon, it was recreation time as
we all went to a Climbing Park. We all had
a good time and we could measure up our
strength and love of height at leisure. We
were more adventurous than our teachers
who stayed on solid ground most of the time.