moroccan pavilion
moroccan pavilion
MOROCCAN PAVILION STAND 2 E 164 / E 180 SUMMARY INSTITUTIONAL PARTICIPANTS 5 MAROC EXPORT 7 FENIP 10 MAIN SECTORIAL INDICATORS 13 EXHIBITORS COMPANIES 31 ALIMANI COOPERATIVE AFOULKI COOPERATIVE APIA DALIA CORP DARI COUSPATE FACONEX GIE TIZARGANE INDUSALIM KAYNA GROUP KING PELAGIQUE KOMEZMAR LES CONSERVES DE MEKNES DAKHLA MAR DE ALTURA MAROC MAROCAPRES MAROC TASWIQ MOGADOR HUILERIE MOROCCAN SWEET SAIMACO SOMAFACO TRIA GROUP 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 INSTITUTIONAL PARTICIPANTS 5 MAROC EXPORT Who Are We? The Moroccan Center for Export Promotion is a governemental institution founded on December 17, 1976 (Hija 25, 1396) by Dahir NO 1-76-385. The Center is in charge of promoting the export of industrial and agricultural products, services, and any products that do not fall under the jurisdiction of other administrations or organizations, by virtue of law or regulation. In fact, handicrafts and tourism promotion are governed respectively by The House of Handicrafts and The National Office of Tourism. Contact : Add: 23, rue BnouMajed EL Bahar 20000, Casablanca MOROCCO Phone : +212 5 22 30 22 10 Fax : +212 5 22 45 05 57 Web : Mrs. Zahra MAAFIRI Managing Director Mrs. Nadia RHAOUTI Sectorial Manager E-mail : [email protected] Mrs. Loubna Alqoh Head of Agribusiness Department E-mail : [email protected] Mrs. El Mahi Mariame Export Advisor [email protected] Mrs. Hasnaa ALAOUI Communication Manager Mrs. Fatima-Zohra TAMER Head of Event Communication Department 7 MAROC EXPORT MAROC EXPORT Our Strategic Missions Our Activities • Promoting Moroccan exportable goods in international markets, in accordance with national sectorial strategies; • Expanding markets for Moroccan exports; • Supporting the internationalization of Moroccan companies; • Organizing business information systems at the international level, in collaboration with economic and trade representations abroad • Conducting studies on the exportability of Moroccan products and on the characteristics of foreign markets; assisting exporters in their marketing efforts and advertising Moroccan products abroad; • Providing input in the development of global trade policies and a consistent program for promoting the exportation of manufactured products; • Assisting export-promotion, credit system and export credit insurance institutions, simplifying and standardizing export-related documentation and procedures; • Guiding public and private investors towards products that can be quickly assimilated into foreign markets with the best possible conditions; • Contributing to the training of foreign trade professionals in export promotion techniques, information and marketing; • Proposing legislative and regulatory texts necessary for the accomplishment of its mission. • We organize Moroccan participation to professional international sector-based fairs to increase international exposure for the products and services oriented export; • We set up business missions with B-to-B meetings for direct marketing towards foreign customers in targeted markets; • Our high level institutional missions target decision makers of major international prime contractors in order to strengthen their sourcing from Morocco. • Our large-scale multi-sectorial missions facilitate the penetration of Moroccan exporters into the sub-Saharan and MENA markets; • Our Sectorial communication campaigns guarantee a better positioning of the Moroccan products and services oriented export on international markets; • Our Business-to-Consumer (B-to-C) operations facilitate the referencing of Moroccan agricultural products with major international retail chains; • We invite foreign decision makers to Morocco in order to promote Moroccan quality and know-how. • We conduct training and information sessions to help identify the Moroccan products and services oriented export. 9 FENIP Company Profile : The Moroccan National Federation of seafood processing and valorization industries (FENIP) is a professional organization that has been created to fulfill the following objectives: • To represent and defend the professional interests of its members. • To study suitable measures to develop seafood processing industries and to improve conditions of production, distribution and sale of the products. • To provide assistance to its members in promoting and developing their activities. Seafood processing industries group present seven branches; six of which are represented by professional associations: • Semi-preserved fish industry • Fishmeal and fish oil industry • Freezing and elaboration of Seafood • Conditioning of fresh seafood and aquaculture • Seafood transformation and valorization industries in Agadir • Canned-fish industry • The sector of Seaweeds Processing. Contact : FENIP, 7, Ghamara Street Longchamp District Casablanca – MOROCCO Phone: (+212) 522 36 57 43/94 48 94 (+212) 661 72 75 34 Fax: (+212) 522 36 61 54 E-mail : [email protected] [email protected] Web : Date of creation : • 1996 Products : • Canned fish • Semi-preserved fish • Fishmeal and fish oil • Frozen seafood • Conditionned fresh seafood • Agar Booth location : STAND E164 - 4 M. Hassan SENTISSI CEO Mrs. Lamia ZNAGUI 11 MAIN SECTORIAL INDICATORS 13 Processed fruits and vegetables 65 Thousand tons of exports Olives : Export Markets Maghreb 6% NAFTA 24% Processed fruits and vegetables 1,1 billions 55 dhs turnover Operators Export Regions Other 5% EU 64% 16 Thousand tons of exports Capers / Pickles : Export Markets Other 1% NAFTA 7% Gharb Saiss: 12% 392 Millions Tensift: 64% Operators Export Regions Other 9% Other 6% Centre 13% Gharb-Saiss 45% other American countries 13% Centre: 23% 30 dhs turnover EU 70% Tensift 36% 15 Processed fruits and vegetables 10 Canned fruits : Thousands tons of exports Export Markets Maghreb 13% Processed fruits and vegetables 186 Millions 37 dhs turnover Operators Canned vegetables : Export Regions Export Markets Maghreb 5% Other 6% 4 Thousands tons of exports 136 Millions 49 dhs turnover Operators Export Regions Other 4% NAFTA 5% Other 15% Centre 30% Other 25% Centre 50% Souss 23% EU 81% Tensift 25% EU 86% Gharb Saiss 32% 17 Processed fruits and vegetables 8,5 Juices : Thousands tons of exports Export Markets Processed fruits and vegetables 64 Millions dhs turnover Export Regions 8 Operators Fruits and Vegetables frozen : Export Markets Asia 2% 71 Thousands tons of exports 826 Millions 43 dhs turnover Operators Export Regions Other 2% Other 6% Other 9% Other 20% Centre 25% EU 44% Maghreb 36% Centre 91% North 73% EU 96% 19 Processed fruits and vegetables 4,2 seeds –legumes : Thousands tons of exports Export Markets Processed fruits and vegetables 52,2 Millions 25 dhs turnover Operators Spices / MAP (Plants aromatic and medicinal) : Export Regions 50,2 Thousands tons of exports Export Markets 973 Millions dhs turnover 120 Operators Export Regions Other 5% Other 8% North 10% Other 15% Other 21% Maghreb 20% EU 53% other european countries 19% North 17% other european countries 7% Centre 68% EU 64% NAFTA 8% Centre 85% 21 Processed fruits and vegetables 23 Vegetable oils : Thousands tons of exports Export Markets Biscuit chocolate and confectionery 490 Millions 98 dhs turnover Operators Export Regions Biscuit Industry, Chocolate and confectionary : Export Markets Other 7% Other 15% Other 18% 17 Thousands tons of exports 300 Billions dhs turnover 10 Opérators Export Regions Other 10% Asia/Middle East 13% EU 42% Other African countries 19% Gharb-Saiss 20% Centre 65% Africa 80% Centre 90% NAFTA 21% 23 Fishery Products Canned fish : Fishery Products 122 Thousands tons of exports Export Markets 4,2 Billions dhs turnover 58 Operators Semi-preserved anchovy : Export Regions Other 9% Export Markets NAFTA 7% Other 12% 19,6 Thousands tons of exports 1,3 Billions 39 dhs turnover Operators Export Regions Other 3% Other 9% Middle East 10% Other African countries 43% Safi 27% Souss 34% North 57% Souss 61% EU 38% EU 90% 25 Fishery Products Fishery Products 16 Fish / Shellfish fees : Thousands tons of exports Export Markets 808 Billions dhs turnover Export Regions 88 Operators 193 Fish / Shellfish Frozen Thousands tons of exports Export Markets 5,5 Billions dhs turnover 228 Operators Export Regions Other 1% Other 5% Other 16% Other 30% EU 99% UE: EU 99% 44% Souss 50% Centre 11% South 45% North 73% Other African contries 12% South America 14% 27 Fishery Products Fish Flour : 89 Thousands tons of exports Export Markets 924 Millions 17 dhs turnover Operators Export Regions Other 9% Middle East 7% Other 16% CEEC 14% Souss 15% EU 70% South 69% 29 EXHIBITORS COMPANIES 31 ALIMANI Company Profile : Alimani is a private company specializing in Food production juice, madeleines, cookies and dried fruit. Alimani offers a diversified range of both traditional products based on a careful selection of ingredients to respond effectively to customers’ satisfaction, In order to accomplish this, we developed a strategy based on the combination of three key factors: Date of creation : • 2006 Products : • The quality of our products. • Madeleines • Cookies • Dried fruits • Juice • Continuous research and development. Export : Our team is committed to provide the material, human resources and catalyze energies to provide suitable the conditions of our success so that our goals will be met. • Belgium • Netherlands • Mauritania • Senegal • Competitiveness of material and human. Contact : Lot N326 Z.I Mejjat Meknès – Morocco Phone : +212 535 401 645 / 212661186875 Fax : +212 535 525 404 E-mail : [email protected] Web : Booth location : Mr. Abdelhak AMGHAR CEO Mr.Mohamed ASRIH General Manager Mme. Zineb AlAOUI Sales Manager STAND E164 - 8 33 COOPERATIVE AFOULKI Company Profile : The Afoulki cooperative is in the middle of the Moroccan arganeraie (forest of argan trees) 50 km in the northeast of the Agadir city.Afoulki means in Berber language: beauty, a beauty which the members of the cooperative share with enjoyment through their products certified biological and 100 % natural. Afoulki is exclusively female, her main radius of action is the production and the commercialization of the biological 100 % natural argan oil, and its by-products. The cooperative also offers to her customers an outfit of natural products of an excellent quality. As an example the offer includes some oil of prickly pear, the oil of nigelle, fines soft or still some pure biological honey, as well as the famous dough of Amlou; The offer also includes other products made on the basis of natural materials; we find shampoos, soap, green or white natural clay. Since its creation in 2004 the cooperative settled a double objective: improve the living conditions of the members, supply to her customers natural products with an irreproachable quality. Our products are mostly certified by ECOCERT, a French organization of control and certification, pioneer in the field of organic agriculture. Date of creation : • 2004 Products : • Argan oil • Oil barbarie Export : • Worldwide Booth location : STAND E180 - 6 Contact : Village aït Hssaïn, Commune Idmine, Km 50 Rte de Marrakech, 80000 Agadir - Morocco E-mail : [email protected] Web : Mohamed FAOUZI Dir Marketing Communication Mobile : +212 620 920 825 E-mail : [email protected] 35 COOPERATIVE APIA Company Profile : The Apia cooperative was created in 1998 in the province of Ouazzane. Date of creation : Respectful of the moroccan ethics, Apia offers a wide-range of local moroccan products such as olive oil, argan oil, honey, ... Our spices, our fruits, our oils are all unique ingredients that magnify «Moroccan Tradition». APIA is the cooperative of fragrances and flavors: a history and knowledge lies in the light of the Moroccan soil, has its rich heritage and the production of natural properties. • 1998 Products : • ARGAN OIL • EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL • RED HOT PEPPER • GREEN & BLACK PITTED OLIVES • OLIVE CREAM, CEPS, CAPER • COSMETICS APIA DERM’ (ARGAN OIL, BODYMILK, BLACK SOAP, NATURAL SOAP, SHAMPOO, ...) Contact : Km 8 Route nationale Tanger, Douar Lamekhlig, Kenitra - Morocco Phone : +212 537 321 943 Fax : +212 537 321 950 E-mail : [email protected] Web : Booth location : Abdelilah DAOUDI CEO - Founder of the cooperative E-mail : [email protected] mobile: +212 6 61 17 45 84 STAND E180 - 11 37 DALIA CORP Company Profile : DALIA Corp produces a wide range of products under the DALIA brand: Wheat flour, durum semolina and couscous. DALIA Corp is part of a family group of companies specialized in the field of grain and mills since 1958. For over half century, the company has been implementing and following the evolution in technology, and has grown to become a national and international successful supplier of grain based products. DALIA Corp is the first group in Morocco benefiting from a fully integrated industrial complex in the same site. The complex is made up of a grain import company with a storage capacity of 40 000 tons, a flour mill company producing 400 tons per day , a semolina mill producing 200 tons per day and a couscous and pasta production unit with a capacity of 110 tons per day. DALIA Corp is a pro-active company, willing to react in a fast changing sector thanks to the competence of its resources, the control of processes and a wise selection of its partners. DALIA Corp is in the process of HACCP – ISO22000 certification, this is the proof toward all its partners of a real commitment to maintaining and improving the quality of all products and services. Date of creation : • 1958 Products : • Couscous • Wheat flour Export : • Africa • Europe • America Booth location : STAND E180 - 10 Contact : DALIA COPR, 46, Sahel Industrial Area 26400, Had Soualem – MOROCCO Phone : +212 522 964 464 Fax : +212 522 964 462 E-mail : [email protected] Web : M. Moulay Driss Jamaleddine General Manager E-mail : [email protected] M.Kadiri El Mehdi Marketing and Export Director E-mail : [email protected] 39 DARI COUSPATE Company Profile : DARI is the Morocco’s leading company in Couscous & Pasta Markets, it is also the largest exporter. DARI Couscous is available in more than 35 countries (USA, Canada, Brazil, France, UK, Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Russia, and other European countries, Australia, Japan...) and is listed main retail chains in Europe like Carrefour, Auchan, Leclerc and Metro. DARI is currently expanding its distribution outside Europe, especially in USA and Canada. DARI is specialized in premium quality couscous, with a wide range of products : Premium Moroccan Couscous, Barley Couscous, Whole Wheat Couscous, Corn Couscous and the new Pearled Couscous. DARI is listed in Casablanca Stock Exchange since 2005 and operates currently under international quality standards such as ISO 9001 and ISO 22000. In 2012, DARI was awarded “Best Moroccan Brand” during The “Morocco Awards”, an annual competition organized by Ministry of Trade and Industry which promotes the best moroccan brands. Certifications : ISO 9001 v2008, ISO 22000 v2005, HACCP, FDA compliant. Contact : DARI COUSPATE, Quartier Industriel Zahra El Oulja - Sale - MOROCCO Phone : +212 537 80 87 21 / 38 +212 537 81 11 15 / 19 Fax : +212 537 80 87 43 E-mail : [email protected] Web : M. Amine KHALIL Business Development Manager Phone : +212 537 81 11 19 Date of creation : • 1995 Products : • Premium Couscous • Pasta • Barley couscous • Whole Wheat couscous • Corn couscous. Export : • Europe • Asia • Africa • USA • South America • Australia Booth location : STAND E180 - 1 41 FACONEX Company Profile : FACONEX is a Moroccan company specialized in confectionary production and distribution both at the local and international level. FACONEX is the first company in Africa producing cotton candy with different flavors in 50 and 20 grams, (Strawberry, Apple, Banana, Vanilla, Lemon, Tutti-Frutti and Mongo) and caramelized popcorn in buckets. The production conception is made with respect to international standards of hygiene and quality. The company plans to develop other products in the confectionary sector. On one hand, FACONEX enjoys a remarkable reputation among the Moroccan consumer and foreigners as well thanks to the quality of its products, its innovation and for being at the level of their expectations. On the other hand, FACONEX exports a 90% of its production abroad. Thus, with plans to expand to the international market, the company intends to reach an international dimension. FACONEX has expanded its customers’ database to include the MiddleEast (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Lebanon, Bahrain and UAE), Europe (France, Netherlands, UK and Belgium) and Africa (Algeria, Libya, Egypt and Gabon). Date of creation : • 2008 Products : • Cotton candy • Caramelized popcorn in buckets Export : • Middle-East • Europe • Africa • USA Booth location : Contact : FACONEX, ZI Ain Atiq, 12040 Temara Rabat MOROCCO Phone : +212 5 37 74 96 67 Fax : + 212 5 37 74 96 06 E-mail : [email protected] Web : M. Hamid Mouhim Mobile : +212 6 61 35 35 42 STAND E180 - 13 43 GIE TIZARGANE Company Profile : GIE Tizargane is an economic interest group founded in 2007 by women’s cooperatives that combine traditional know-how to more modern extraction techniques to produce a golden oil of high quality. The EIG Tizargane is specialized in the packaging and marketing of argan oil to ensure women members a salary that allows them to raise their standard of living. Argatiz : roasted Argan oil With its flavor of roasted hazelnuts, its fine texture, Argatiz brings flavor to your favorite recipes. Incorporated into salads, tagines or couscous, argan oil brings a unique flavor to your culinary dishes. In addition to its authentic and subtle flavor, argan oil has dietary and nutritional properties. The oleic acid had an important role in reducing the cholesterol levels in the blood, and possible to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Huil’Ange : Cosmetic argan oil Cosmetic Oil 100% pure, it is a wonderful beauty secret, the elixir of youth, capable to regenerate skin and strengthen hair and nails. Huil’Ange can be used in both light massage on the face, that local application areas body particularly dry. It moisturizes, revitalizes, softens the skin and protects against dryness. it reduces also chapping and cracking caused by the cold winter, wind or salt and prevents wrinkles. Argan oil Improves skin softness and elasticity and it is the best treatment of acne. Argan oil allows hydrating hair and protecting scalp from dandruff. It reduces scalp dryness and itchiness, keeps the scalp healthy, prevents hair loss and increases hair growth.Argan oil helps also to keep nails strong and healthy, strengthens brittle nails. Amlou : exotic Moroccan almond spread Amlou is an almond and argan oil spread, generally used as a spread or dip for breads and crackers. Amlou is traditionally used by certain Berber tribes of Morocco for pastry making. It was consumed by the nomads who crossed the desert. Contact : n°81, bloc « E », amicale des fonctionnaires, Tiznit - MOROCCO Phone : +212 528 860 031 Fax : +212 528 860 031 E-mail : [email protected] Web : Date of creation : • 2007 Products : • Roasted argan oil • Cosmetic argan oil • Amlou Export : • Italy Booth location : STAND E180 - 2 Zahra Sidki CEO Mobile : +212 662 721 247 Houria Ben Fakih General Director Mobile : +212 653 938 099 45 INDUSALIM Company Profile : Starting 1987, INDUSALIM was first to launch a table margarine under the brand “Magdor” in Morocco. This was representing then the first step for INDUSALIM towards an innovation based strategy focusing on providing the consumers with the best products for their well-being and health. Very Quickly, INDUSALIM started a diversification strategy through the launch of new brands and categories in order to anticipate consumer’s specific needs. Nowadays, INDUSALIM operates in several Market and categories. Its strategy is based on: • Strong brands : Familia, Magdor, Ledda. These brands succeeded in building a very strong equity among loyal consumers in different African markets. • Product quality : As a result to its quality policy, INDUSALIM is ISO 9001 certified and is applying the HACCP method for the whole production process in its different plants. Thanks to its quality process, INDUSALIM is delivering superior quality products that benefit from best in class raw materials products. • Research & development: Indusalim is continuously striving to improve the quality of its products and to anticipate consumer’s and customer’s needs. • Two production units equipped with modern manufacturing tools in line with international standards and allowing big manufacturing capacity. INDUSALIM is specialized in the design, development, production and delivery of foodstuffs covering the following categories and brands: • Couscous and pasta : Familia • Table margarine and Yellow Fat spreads : Familia, Magdor • Pastry Margarine : Ledda, Famillia • Bakers range : Ledda toppings, Ledda margarine for puff pastry, Ledda Cream Filling and glazes,… Since its creation, INDUSALIM is focusing on the development of its local markets while looking for strategic export markets opportunities. Thus, Indusalim is pursuing its strategy of market expansion with the highest priority. Contact : Address: 6 rue Al Mortada – Casablanca 20340 - MOROCCO Couscous & pasta Abdelabarie El ALAOUI Phone: (+212) 537 37 82 00 / 537 37 82 01 Mobile : (+212) 620 300 304 E-mail: [email protected] Margarine M. Othman BELHOUCINE DRISSI Phone: (+212) 522 23 69 67 / 522 23 79 48 Mobile : (+212) 661 41 83 22 E-mail: [email protected] Date of creation : • 1987 Products : • Couscous • Pasta • Spaghetti • Table margarine • Puff pastry margarine • Solutions for patisserie Export : • Africa • Europe • USA • Canada Booth location : STAND E180 - 8 47 KAYNA GROUP Company Profile : KAYNA GROUP is a large company that produces and sells pasta, couscous, semolina and flour. The Production unit has one of the most advanced technologies with monthly production capacity of around 2,400 tons between pasta and couscous. Our knowledge and our selection of High quality raw materials allow us to become a major player on the nationally and internationally. The group already has its four active mills durum wheat, one for wheat, two others for barley, a unit of pasta and couscous. KAYNA GROUP is being certified for hygiene and food safety for all stages of manufacturing (HACCP and ISO 22000 version 2008). Products : • Pasta (durum wheat) • Couscous (durum wheat, barlely) • Flour (durum wheat, soft wheat, barley) • Semolina (durum wheat, barley) Booth location : STAND E164 - 1 Contact : KANYA GROUP Lot.N°7, Industrial Area 26100, Berrechid - MOROCCO Phone : +212 522 326 040 / 055 Fax : +212 522 326 044 E-mail : [email protected] Web : M. Nour Eddine BAHJI Export Manager E-mail : [email protected] 49 KING PELAGIQUE BENIS PELAGIQUE GOLD SEA FISH MAROC SURIMI ERG CONSERVE BENIS PECHE ERG DELICE KING PELAGIQUE Company Profile : King Pelagique Group. is a pelagic company with headquarters in the fishing port of Dakhla, Morocco , a very important port for pelagic. King Pelagique S.A. is part of a fishing Moroccan group with more than 20 years of experience in the market. The excellent location of the company, just a few miles from one of the richest fishing grounds on earth, gives King Pelagique Group. not only the advantage for the maintenance of high quality in all our products, but the possibility of having our vessels to discharge almost everyday, satisfying the quality requested and the quantity of orders. Date of creation : As we know the importance of quality in the final product, our RSW vessels have been fitted with the most sophisticated and recent equipments, to ensure sustainable method of fishing and cooling in first class quality. • Frozen Mackerel WR and In order to provide and maintain high quality products, we rely on the back-up of our excellent cooling equipment on board; we are capable of maintaining the fish down to -2 º C. Our product complies with all traceability exigencies, maintaining the temperature at below 0ºC in all process up to packing and freezing in our processing plants. Contact : KING PELAGIQUE, Z.I 234-235 Hay Essalam BP 321 Dakhla Oued Eddahab Phone : +212 661 45 41 32 E-mail : [email protected] Web : M. Reda Chami Managing director • 1984 Products : • Canned Sardine and Mackerel • Surimi Base • Frozen Sardine Pichardus WR and HGT in BQF and IQF HGT in BQF and IQF • Frozen Sardinella Aurita WR and HGT in BQF and IQF • Meatballs of sardine • Balls fish of selmon • Burger of sardine • Nugget of fish cheese Export : • Europe • Africa • Middle Est Booth location : STAND E164 - 7 51 KOMEZMAR Company Profile : Established in 2005 KomezMar is a family business specializing in processing anchovies. It has built a solid reputation over the years and has become a significant operator in its sector. Date of creation : The processing plant is based in Kenitra, a port city located conveniently near major fishing ports of the Kingdom. Products : Komezmar has built its reputation through a strict selection of raw materials and rigor in respecting the standards of quality and food safety during production. This helped the company to be certified ISO 22000 - 2006 version in December 2013. Export : Values of the Company : • Continuous improvement of the overall quality; • Respect for the environment during supply and throughout the production; • Corporate Social Responsibility through a decent and respectful working • 2005 • Marinated anchovies • Spain • France • Belgium Booth location : STAND E164 - 5 environment; • Flexibility and adaptation to the tastes and trends of each market. Contact : Lot 99, Industrial Zone Bir Rami, Kenitra 14090, Morocco. Phone : +212 537 36 64 27 / 38 Fax : +212 537 36 57 82 E-mail : [email protected] Web : Meziane Othmane Mobile : +212 661 074 775 E-mail : [email protected] 53 LES CONSERVES DE MEKNES Company Profile : LES CONSERVES DE MEKNES established in 1929, has built its reputation of excellence around the famous brand of jams AÏCHA before extending its expertise to tomato paste, sauces tagines, condiments and refined oils and olive oil. True to its tradition of quality “beyond the norms” LES CONSERVES DE MEKNES has become a reference in the agro-food industry in Morocco. Starting with the selection of raw materials to satisfying the on-going changing needs of consumers and the introduction of new technologies in the production process LES CONSERVES DE MEKNES gives itself the best assets to reinforce a well-deserved leadership. To find out more about LES CONSERVES DE MEKNES-AICHA, please visit our website: Contact : LES CONSERVES DE MEKNES - AICHA Quartier Industriel Aïn Slougui - B.P. 217 50000 Meknès Phone : +212 535 501 790 Fax : +212 535 501 642 Web : Mrs. Jamila Aitakka International Operations Director Mobile : +212 618537853 E-mail: [email protected] Date of creation : • 1929 Products : • Jams • Tomato paste • Sauces tagines • Condiments • Refined oils • Olive oil Export : • Europe • USA • Canada • Middle East • Japan • Africa Booth location : STAND E164 - 2 55 DAKHLA MAR DE ALTURA MAROC Company Profile : We are based in Dakhla (south of Morocco). We are offering frozen sefood like: Cephalopodes, Octopus, Cuttlefish, Squid, Baby Squid-Puntilla, Frozen Fish, Sardines, Mackerel, HorseMackerel Whole Round, Bloc, IQF and Filets. Our commercial policy is focus on the total environment respect and balance and respecting the norm rules, and quality control such as iso, traceability, … We want to link our registred brands : Netmar, Pacific, Mar de Altura, Pescargen, Private label, as total quality labels. We import for the Moroccan market farmed shrimps vannamei, black tiger, gambon from Argentina, Precoocked shrimps, peeled red shrimps, surimi, squid tubes abd rings, hake filets, hake HGT, sword fish, mussels meat, panga filet, French fries, pizzas, nuggets, hamburgers hallal, precoocked products for the supermarkets chains and industrial use. We can offer you a large range of fish, cephalopod and pelagic (sardines, mackerels, …). We also can process for you fish filets and we do also canning sardines, mackerels and tuna made in Morocco. We also developp kosher line products with certification : Kosher U , and any other kosher labels. Contact : Commercial office : 44 avenue Hassan Souktani - Quartier Gauthier - 20100 Casablanca - Morocco Head office : 4 avenue Alwalae - 73000 Dakhla Morocco Phone / Fax : +212 522 279 895 E-mail : [email protected] Web : Charles Shalom Benibghi Ouaknine Export Manager Mobile : +212 600 045 884 / 885 +212 610 563 785 E-mail : [email protected] [email protected] Date of creation : • 1997 Products : • Frozen fish • Cephalopods (octopus, squid, cuttlefish) • Pelagic & Seafood (sardines, mackerel sardinella, horse mackerel) • Green lobsters • Canning products : sardines, mackerel, tuna (all kind of process) Export : • Europe • Brazil • Middle East • Russia • Ukraine • Lituania • Bielorusse • Croatia Booth location : STAND E180 - 9 57 MAROCAPRES Company Profile : Founded in 1935 in Morocco, MAROCAPRES is part of an important family owned group of companies specialized in food processing with a long tradition of quality products. Date of creation : The firm produces and exports worldwide condiments such as CAPERS, OLIVES and PEPPERCORNS in its 3 states of the art processing centres in the cities of FEZ, MARRAKECH and SAFI. Over the past few years, as part of our modernization efforts, our company has equipped its factories with two new assembly lines fully tailored to washing, grading and sizing, thus doubling its overall output capacity. We have also integrated a fully automated and computerized assembly line designed for jar packaging. As a PRODUCER of CAPERS, all the production process from FRESH capers to the finished product is under our control. Products : Our CAPERS and OLIVES are processed in compliance with the highest international quality and safety standards, respecting all regulations relating to the most stringent production, hygiene and control norms. Our factory has been approved by various laboratories elected by some of the largest distributors in Europe : BRC, IFS, HACCP... Moreover, we can provide certified Star K KOSHER and Ecocert ORGANIC products. Today’s our company is the number one producer of capers in the world. Contact : 17-20 rue de Nador BP2341 - 30000 Fes - Morocco Phone : +212 535 62 45 58 Fax : +212 535 65 05 16 E-mail : [email protected] Web : • 1935 • Capers • Olives • Condiments Export : • Worldwide Booth location : STAND E164 - 6 M. Yves Niddam Export Sales Manager Phone : +377 93 10 51 81 Fax : +377 93 10 51 89 E-mail : [email protected] 59 MAROC TASWIQ Company Profile : Maroc Taswiq is a public organization specialized in domestic and international trade commodities, known since 1965 as “Office de Commercialisation et d’Exportation”. From 2011 it becomes a major actor for solidarity economy which has as missions to support aggregation for the cooperatives, enhancement and commercialization of their products. Maroc Taswiq federates almost 800 cooperatives representing 16500 producers, with 67% of women from the 16 regions of the country. A large part of these cooperatives has already been certified as a fair-trade or Eco-Cert businesses, and they mainly product Argan Oil, Saffron, Honey, Olive Oil, Couscous, Cactus products, … Our main target is to insure sustainable and fair revenue for all small farmers of these cooperatives in order to give them an economic vision and a social dignity. Maroc Taswiq aims to guarantee a high quality and fair price to encourage the customer to consume useful and healthy. Our wide range of alimentary and cosmetic products are available on our websites: • Contact : 45, Avenue des FAR, Casablanca - Morocco Phone : +212 522 46 40 62 /64 E-mail : [email protected] Web : Samah DEHMANE Phone : +212 522 46 40 30 E-mail : [email protected] Date of creation : • 1965 Products : • Argan Oil • Saffron • Honey • Olive Oil • Couscous • Cactus products Export : • Saudi Arabia • China • France • Italy • Mexico, • Poland • Hong Kong, • Canada • Belgium, • Germany • Spain Booth location : STAND E180 - 7 61 MOGADOR HUILERIE Company Profile : MOGADOR HUILERIE produces the culinary and cosmetics argan oils through an extraction process in cold. We also produce spread Amlou; it is a homemade product: Roasted argan oil, orange pure honey and roasted almonds. Date of creation : The industrial unit is located in Essaouira city, behind the big supermarket Asswak Assalam. Products : We are more than 220 women and men working directly and indirectly to provide you the best of Argan Oils. The company products are multi-certificates: ECOCERT (Europe), NORMACERT (Bio), IGP-Argan (Morocco), NOP - USDA (USA - Canada) and JAS (Japanese agricultural standards). • 2011 • Roasted argan oil • Unroasted argan oil • Spread Amlou • Oils gifts in a beautiful cedar packaging Export : • Europe • USA • Middle East Contact : Siège : 63, Rue d’agadir - BP:426 - Essaouira 44000. Usine : Lot N° 9-B Zone Industriel Frina - Essaouira 44000 Phone : +212 524 785 185 / 249 Fax : +212 524 476 560 E-mail : [email protected] Web : Booth location : M. Salem TIBOKKA General Director E-mail : [email protected] STAND E180 - 5 63 MOROCCAN SWEET Company Profile : We are a company based in Tanger city,the north of Morocco,specializing in almonds Moroccan handmade cookies. We offer a various almonds moroccan cookies :Almond’s Fingers,Mini Mhancha, Fekkas,Gazelle Horn’s,Briwate ,Almond’s Ghoryba,….etc. Every single thing we make is measured,cooked,dipped, wrapped and packaged by a real-live person. We use only the best local and natural ingredients we can find without using any arificial additives. Date of creation : • 2005 Products : • Almond moroccan cookies Export : Our aim is to share with you wherever you are the delicious and scrumptious Moroccan Sweet we bake and wholesale cookies to restaurants, coffee shops, non-profits, specialty markets and catering companies • France • UAE • Kuwait • Saudi Arabia Workers : 45 persons. Booth location : Contact : MOROCCAN SWEET, 1, Okba Bnou Nafîî Road Tanger - MOROCCO Phone : +2125 39 38 53 95 Fax : +2125 39 38 53 95 E-mail : [email protected] Web : STAND E180 - 12 Amzough Amal Mobile : 00 212 6 61 11 12 88 65 SAIMACO Company Profile : We are a Moroccan company specialized in agro-industries and our main activity is managing industrial units that conserve, treat, condition and distribute processed vegetable-related products such as Cherry Peppers, Olives, Capers, Apricots, Truffles. Many factors guarantee the quality of our products among which we can cite the Moroccan climate as being the most favorable to the production of these particular condiments. It is no secret that Moroccan olives named ‘Picholine’ and apricots are among the finest in the world. For Cherry Peppers we are producers and suppliers of an Exceptional mild pepper in different sizes that is irresistibly flavored. Its tropical and fruity aroma will awaken your taste buds; Ideal for the preparation of rice and sauteed vegetables recipes. • Concerning the Olive, we provide a broad range of processed variety, like: - Color: black, green, pink and other colors; • Shape: whole, pitted, and sliced; • Size : 19-21, 22-25, 26-29, 30-33, 34-37, 38-42, 42-45; - Packaging: metallic cans, glass jars and others. • Concerning the Capers, the large part of the global capers’ production in the world comes from Morocco. As far as the quality of the Moroccan truffles is well-known worldwide. • With these natural factors coming into contribution, our mission statement is to take natural products that are already among the finest in the world at their natural, unprocessed state and work them through a smart production system that respects all health and environmental norms. • We are exporting these products worldwide and our success story has no secret but proper selection and outstanding industrial processing. Contact : SAIMACO, Quartier Industriel de Sidi Brahim II, lot 7 Fes Phone : +212 535 641 715 +212 535 659 301 Fax : +212 535 659 299 E-mail : [email protected] Web : Date of creation : • 1985 Products : • Cherry Peppers • Olives • Capers • Apricots • Truffles Export : • Europe • Canada • Australia • USA • Poland Booth location : M. Khalid BENNOUNA Managing director and founder STAND E180 - 4 67 SOMAFACO Company Profile : As a Moroccan leader specialised in food products, SOMAFACO main activity consists in manufacturing and packaging of sweet and savory culinary aides as well as delicatessen meats and seafood. Several brands that are well recognised on the market for their quality such as “IDEAL”, “ASSILA” or “DEL PACHA” are flagship brands available in mainstream stores as well as in modern channels. Beyond its leading position in the kingdom, SOMAFACO continues to strengthen its international presence through different continents and countries. It is precisely this state of mind that made SOMAFACO the undisputed leader on the domestic market. Our passionate commitment to ever-better quality products contributes to successful food preparations. This is why SOMAFACO relies and builds on customer’s renowned expertise. It is by paying attention to their needs, anticipating their expectations and constantly innovating. SOMAFACO made the commitment to provide its customers with premium quality products. SOMAFACO embodies its values by meeting the most demanding international quality standards. Contact : SOMAFACO, Km 10.5 Route d’El Jadida Lissasfa – 20230 Casablanca - MOROCCO Phone : +212 522 65 09 00 Fax : +212 522 65 09 27 E-mail : [email protected] Web : M. EL OUARDI HICHAM Export Manager Mobile : +212 665 180 416 E-mail : [email protected] Date of creation : • 1958 Products : • Culinary aides • Soups & Broths • Pastry aides • Desserts • Spices & Food Colorants • Delicatessen Export : • Africa • North Africa • Europe • North America • Middle East Booth location : STAND E164 - 3 69 TRIA GROUP Company Profile : TRIA GROUP is a very strong and well positioned business in both local and international markets, producing and distributing a great variety of products: Couscous, Pasta, Flour, Tea, Canned vegetables and fruits... Quality Reference : ISO 9001, ISO 22000, HACCP Date of creation : • 1977 Products : • Couscous • Pasta • Flour • Tea • Canned vegetables • semolina • Canned fruits Export : Contact : TRIA GROUP, Km 11.500 ancienne route de Rabat-Casablanca Phone : 212 522756748 Fax : 212 522756750 Web : • USA • Canada • Africa • Europe • UAE M. SOW IDRISSA YERO Export Manager E-mail : [email protected] Mrs. KARIMA ZOUHOU Export Dept E-mail : [email protected] Booth location : STAND E180 - 3 71 Ministry Delegate to the Minister of Industry, Trade, Investment and the Digital Economy, in charge of Foreign Trade. Mr. Mohamed ABBOU Minister Delegate to the Minister of Industry, Trade, Investment and the Digital Economy, in charge of Foreign Trade. Address: 63, avenue Moulay Youssef, 10000 - Rabat Phone: +212 5 37 70 06 22 / +212 5 37 70 63 21 Fax: +212 5 37 72 05 53 Moroccan Embassy in Madrid Address: Calle Serrano, 179 - 28002 Madrid Phone: +34 915 63 10 90 Fax: +34 915 61 78 87 E-mail : [email protected] 23, rue Bnou Majed EL Bahar 20000, Casablanca - MOROCCO Phone : +212 522 302 210 Fax : +212 522 450 557 Email : [email protected]
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