Arizona Republic Newspaper:Scottsdale Edition_Alley
Arizona Republic Newspaper:Scottsdale Edition_Alley
SCOTTSDALE REPUBLIC WEDNESDAY^JUNE 16,2010___________________scottsaalcazcentral.com________________ ___ Z9 SECTION SR rv iHAHCF.c Umt SilOWS probSem .££!£ ! Offforjeer honored ... ... r , Zmh™ helping teen ith ret Bremen! plan ...... would have helped. PAGE 5 ^an Antrim earns Meritorious Service Award after finding home for boy. PAGE 8 V fa raqui arasi paints murai as auroras legacy By Ofclia Madrid ^/ "fe^ le i'- bd.^&^J ^ ACF^ ; il^lL^V * .« > L- J Iw* ™a^B£-- , /\^ \ | 100 The tonsRepublic of mud'to provide !B slipperyArtist goodMario time for kids Martinez walks along the V Mighty Mud Mania returns Saturday. southern end of the Vista del Camino Penjamo Community mural and points to * ?Jfefcft^_ ™GE2« a painting of the Milky Way. The sun is representative of the father, and the mother is represented through the moon, Martinez said. "We came fromtown the limits Milky Way," he % « '"1, ' JmS^^^X^^^SA J into Paradise Valley represents mark henle/the republic 'said. Move"The shouldbeginning improve response times. the in¬ Artist Mario Martinez, a ' r>domitable A r c •? spirit we have." , ,. • ' £ h* Yaqui from Scottsdale's The KrtUfc Yaqui / artist grew up in the small (J-73** V "V^J ! Penjamo neighborhood,_________________________ ________ * " i * '-i r*% |T .A J m* 1 -A , \ *\ . . * I **' Nsffm^fiP^r''^mSs^ot Ambulance service relocates Scottsdale neighborhood of Penjamo, a Yaqui Indian community between Scottsdale and Hayden roads, just north of McKellips Road. Martinez, a contemporary artist who lives in Brooklyn, recently returned to Penjamo to direct and paint the mural for an alleyway that serves as a gateway to the Penjamo neighborhood and Scottsdale's Vista del Camino Community Cen¬ ter. "This is a legacy to my people" said Martinez, 47, whose work has been fea¬ tured in the Smithsonian's National Mu¬ seum of the American Indian in New York. He painted "Sonoran Desert: Yaqui Home," a 22-foot mural for the Heard Museum. Scottsdale artist Joan Baron, who served as project manager, has worked p . L . , , J mark henle/the republic with the city for several years on its pub- Environmental artist Joan Baron, the project manager, looks at an old photo used in the mural painted in an alleyway in the lie art projects. Baron created the tile mo- Scottsdale neighborhood of Penjamo. The mural aims to discourage graffiti while honoring a Yaqui Indian community, saic work on the mural, which is a narra¬ tive piece that presents various symbols to depict the passage oftime for the Yaqui The mural project was funded through a grant from Salt River Pima-Maricopa Go see this mural people. . Indian Community gaming shared reveVisit the Vista del Camino Penjamo Insidethecommunitycenterisacom- nue Community mural at the alley on Roosepanion mural that Martinez completed in Martinez explained the mural's storyveit streel between Hayden and Mji|er 1999/ . , . . . line du,™g a re«nt interview, pointing roads. It's on the south side of the road, Theprojocthasgivenaboostothear- out symbols, such as the, white directly across from Vista del Camino ea, providing an inviting path that many and red Yaqui flag with a cross, suns and Community Center, 7700 E. Roosevelt neighbors previously avoided. moons. St "The actual alley allows for children to "This is where we have been, were we cross the street safely and serves as emer- came from and where we are now," Mar- gency-vehicle access," said Kathy Breen, tinez said. "The talking tree predicted all these Human Services Manger for the center. Toward the middle of the mural is the changes," Martinez said. "People didn't feel safe with their kids Yaqui creation story of the talking tree The mural continues with the work walking bv, so we wanted to make it a that is believed to have predicted the fu- the Yaauis did to comolete the Salt River Danny Gallegos, the project's contract administrator, views the mural that rf«»ni<-t« th* Vamti'e nnccaoa nt t;m»