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GO the Riteway
Commercial Services W I N T E R
School Bus Division Bast Family Message Human Resources Safety Ma ers Other News | Events Photos
H O L I D AY FESTIVITIES Mark your Calendars 12/11 ‐ Pewaukee Lunch 12/12 ‐ Edgerton Breakfast 12/12 ‐ Cedarburg Lunch 12/15 ‐ Milton Breakfast 12/15 ‐ Columbus Lunch 12/16 ‐ Milwaukee Lunch 12/17 ‐ Random Lake Breakfast 12/17 ‐ Germantown Lunch 12/18 ‐ Oak Creek Lunch 12/19 ‐ Slinger Breakfast 12/19 ‐ Portage Lunch Commercial Services
E D I T I O N 2 0 1 4 / 1 5
submitted by Dan Koehler
GO Riteway Customer Service Representa ve, Sandra Cervantes, was one of five honored recipients of the General Mitchell Interna onal Airport (GMIA) Customer Service Award on November 19, 2014. The award ceremony took place during a Sta on Managers mee ng in the airport’s Sijan Conference Room. Other recipients included staff members of Prospect Airport Services and HMSHost Services. Recipients of the GMIA Customer Service Award are nominated anonymously by airport travelers who wish to recognize the dedica on to outstanding service by airport personnel who make air travel safe, enjoyable and trouble free. GO Riteway airport shu le passengers are well acquainted with Sandra’s skill and exper se in gree ng and guiding them from check‐in at the company’s airport desk, to boarding our shared‐ride shu le vans in a friendly, helpful and professional manner. During the current renova on of GMIA’s baggage claim area, where GO Riteway’s airport desk is located, Sandra’s encyclopedic knowledge of airport opera ons has been of immeasurable value to our managers, dispatchers, drivers and reserva ons agents. And like all of us, countless non‐passengers who encounter Sandra at our desk have come to know and rely on her as an unofficial ambassador for GMIA and the City of Milwaukee. For our company and our passengers – whether new or long‐term ‐ Sandra has been a constant source of expert travel assistance and advice, especially as we have all a empted to maneuver temporary and permanent changes due to airport construc on work that has been ongoing since early 2013. Sandra’s reassuring demeanor has helped many red and dispirited travelers persevere through adverse weather condi ons and delays that regularly affect both air and land travel. The employees of GO Riteway Commercial Services join together in congratula ng Sandra as the recipient of this well deserved Customer Service Award, and thank her for her dedica on each day to truly living our mo o – “We GO The Extra Mile” Thank you Sandra! PAGE
From our School Bus Division
Mark Your Calendars!
Submissions by: Patty Raschig, Jackie Lopez, Casey Longhenry, Jim Stevens, Nate
Hamilton, Dan Cramer, Justin Olson, Michael Wohlfert, Brandon Shearier
School Bus Driver
Recognition Week
February 9-13 2015 Those of you joining or returning to our School Bus Division we W
of you! all Germantown; James Seiser, Laura Schowalter, Karen Zarder, Beverly Thompson, Heather Hinkforth, Shamika Anderson, Samantha Juarez Milton; Mari Katzenmeyer Oak Creek, 10th Street; Ardie T, Lisa M, Sco L, Orlando J, Jim M, Kenyta C, Kizzie L, Judy N, Endalyn A, Lionel G, Samantha H, Amanda H, Ugbana O, Morrie G, Jennifer F, Donell J, Mike Avery, Mike Ackley, Pierre B, Caston L, Jada G, Elona O, Laurie W and Jamie B. When it comes to the weather in Wisconsin there is never a dull moment. Our ever changing climate keeps everyone on their toes, as we were all reminded by November’s untimely winter weather. Be mindful of the conditions and be sure to read the Safety Matters article in this newsletter. In mid‐October we celebrated National School Bus Safety Week. Festivities were held at each school bus location as were safety drills. Throughout the month, successful evacuation drills were conducted at the schools. Thank you to all drivers who make safety on the road a priority every single day. As a thank you from GO Riteway drivers at all school bus terminals were treated to breakfast or lunch, or games with prizes. Ron Pechstein at the Germantown location won 242 chocolate eyeballs in the “keep your eyes moving” contest! Way to go Ron! Congratulations to Terri Messig, Germantown, Felicia Patterson, Milwaukee, Gaylord Hooker, Milton, Rebecca Lemerand, Portage and Lumard Nunez, Oak Creek for completing the State Certified 3rd Party Examiner program in Appleton. Well done! It’s important to reflect back on accomplishment and successes and the Portage/Columbus team offers the following: So far this year we have implemented a student bus pass system for Portage Community School District, reduced mileage through efficient routing and collaborative work among drivers in the Poynette School District, and added additional work in the Columbus School District. All of these items were accomplished in addition to safe and accident free driving. In addition to the many new school bus drivers in our Milwaukee location, the new 64th Street Building, formerly Parker Welding is “Open for Business”. Jason Ebert has done an amazing job coordinating the contractors so Milwaukee could bring everyone back home. Besides pestering Jason with “is it done yet(s)”, Milwaukee keeps busy with new routes and charters. If you’ve never made it to Edgerton for the annual Chilimania event, 2015 may be the year to do so. The Riteway team did a great job and we’re proud to announce we came in in the people’s choice award for the Best Chili! That’s out of nearly 70 teams who participate annually. Thanks to Casey Pewaukee; Samantha Price‐Bertrand, John Carroll and Ashley Luick. GO THE RITEWAY
School Bus continued...
Longhenry’s talented husband, we even had a new eye‐catching school bus booth that was definitely a draw and conversation starter. Casey and the Milton team have been helping out all over the great state of Wisconsin and have been happy to do so. Thank you Cliff, Eugene and Jim for keeping our buses road ready and starting them early on these cold mornings. In Oak Creek school times for the school district were changed. Thank you to all of our drivers who made the change a success. In addition, a number of Milwaukee public and private school routes were added. As a result, we have grown to over 100 drivers at the Oak Creek School Bus location! We appreciate all the extra effort and attention to detail that our office and shop staff put in to ensure that we had a successful school startup. Oak Creek SB extends a warm welcome to Stephanie Shay. Stephanie has been crucial to our success in recruiting and welcoming new drivers, assisting in dispatch and taking on multiple special projects. To our shop staff we welcome Christopher Pischke, our newest mechanic. Chris brings years of experience in the school bus field and plays a key role in ensuring our school bus and commercial services fleets stay in excellent shape throughout the upcoming winter months. We are proud of our excellent service to our newest school district, Pewaukee. From the Pewaukee School Board, this is “the best service we have had in years”. A big thank you to all of the drivers who helped us start out strong. From chili lunches to brace against the early winter temperatures, to Halloween celebrations, Packer/Bear tailgate pot luck lunches and Pearl’s traditional election day chili and pumpkin pie, the holiday season is off to a festive start. We continue to focus on safety and are always KEEPING the message alive in EVERYTHING we do. We are proud of what we have accomplished and look forward to the challenges the New Year brings. HAPPY HOLIDAYS from the SLINGER TEAM 2013‐14 SAFE TERMINAL of the YEAR 
To all of You, from all of us in School Bus, we wish you a Happy and Safe Holiday Season and New Year. Portage/Columbus Goals and Resolu ons for the NEW YEAR Con nue to be safe and help everyone else be safe both at work and at home 
School Bus Driver
Appreciation Week
Bast Family Message
2014 has been a busy year with
significant growth in all of our service
areas. With growth, comes change and
with change comes adjustment. We
welcome each new person (393 of you)
to the GO Riteway family as a valued
member of our team.
Thank you to all of you who have been
flexible and willing to step up to follow
new procedures, learn new systems,
move into, and set up new locations, and
welcome new staff members to the team.
As we look ahead to 2015 we anticipate
our growth to continue. As folks settle
into new roles, we ask for your continued
cooperation, patience and positive “can
do” attitude that you each display to
assure our Mission is fulfilled and Quality
Service is provided every day.
During the holiday season and each day
we are grateful to you for the attention to
detail and commitment you exhibit daily
as part of the GO Riteway family.
We wish each of you a joyous and safe
holiday season to celebrate with friends
and family. Thank you for all that you do
to maintain a positive attitude and
GO the Extra Mile. Happy New Year!
Pearl, Ron, Rochelle,
Wendy, RJ
Be Patient – Be Safe – With a Smile
-submitted by Dale Duley, Director of School Bus Safety
The above mo o helps to accomplish the GO Riteway core value of providing safe transporta on in well maintained vehicles, driven by service and safety conscious professionals. The staff in Milwaukee has heard the phrase and it is posted in the driver’s room as a daily reminder. Having a li le more pa ence with the passenger who won’t stay in their seat or doesn’t come out the door prepared may make our day a bit less stressful. If we are stuck in traffic, a li le pa ence will get us to our des na on safer and less stressed. There is so much to gain if we are pa ent in our daily lives. Being safe is what we all try to achieve from the me we get out of bed un l we go back to bed at the end of the day. We handle sharp knifes safely because we don’t want to cut ourselves. We teach our children and grandchildren not to run into the street because we don’t want them to get injured. We all want to drive safely because at the end of the day we want to go home to our family and friends. The simple gree ng of our passengers with a smile can make an unhappy person smile back at you. We may be the only person who smiled at that person today. We all need to do our part in making the best day possible for our passengers. At the end of each day being pa ent, safe and smiling will allow us go home to the ones we love and reduce our risk of having a crash or near misses. GO THE RITEWAY
Human Resources
submitted by Mary Mroczenski
Employee Benefit Insurance Renewal: It is not so far away for our plan renewal of February 1, 2015. We are working on plan and pricing nego a ons with insurance carriers. This year we hope to let you know much sooner than last year of what the op ons will be. Watch for further communica on. 401(k) Re rement Reminder: Quarterly enrollments and changes are effec ve January 1, 2015. Be sure to get your forms to Human Resources by Friday, Dec. 19th. Good Health & Wellness: We’ve entered into the cold and flu season and it will be around for a few months. We can’t be germ‐free but can become more aware of germs and take some steps to decrease or avoid illness. How? Wash your hands o en; keep germs away as much as possible. Each day we expose ourselves to bacteria and viruses by touching people and many things around us. Then we transfer the germs when we touch our eyes, nose, mouth and other people or objects making us more suscep ble to illness. Using soap and water is best, but when that is not available use a hand sani zer or wipes with at least 60% alcohol. This is a great start. Stay healthy! Weight Management: Holidays and staying indoors more during the winter season tempts us to eat larger amounts of food and many foods higher in fat and sugar content and move less. Yes, the food and beverages taste really good but the calories can add up quickly especially when we sit s ll. Set some small goals of what and how much you are going to choose to eat or drink; offset it with some form of exercise or movement. Did you know that a slice of pumpkin pie is 323 calories and it takes 8250 steps to burn those calories? Whew, that is a lot of steps. And, some yummy sweet potato fries of 170 calories takes 4200 steps to get rid of the calories. Pumpkin Spice La e (with skim milk) and whipped cream, 200 calories and 5,000 steps. Special treats at this me of year add up quickly.  Walking is a good, increase the number of steps you take and add other physical ac vi es that you and your family like. Burn the calories and feel more energized.  Plan ahead, write down the food and beverages with calorie count “before” you consume, and the exercise needed to make be er choices.  Make good choices and keep moving! Holidays can be stressful and hec c; share the responsibili es with others. It is okay to ask for help. Take me to add fun and laughter to the prepara ons; relax and enjoy. Have a “healthy” season! 2014 Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon
submitted by Dan Becher
Early Sunday morning, October 5th, 27 GO Riteway school buses were on the move to pickup many of the 3,100 registered runners par cipa ng the 2014 Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon. Passengers were transported from the Italian Community Center and various Milwaukee area hotels to Gra on to make the 26.2 mile run back to Veterans Park on Milwaukee’s lakefront. Special thanks to GO Riteway’s Oak Creek school bus office staff, drivers and mechanics who arrived bright eyed at 4:00 a.m. to make the day a success. Sonya, Paresh, Nate, and all drivers, you did a great job in making this part of the event a success. Next year the Marathon will be held on October 4th. Registra on will open in January of 2015.
Safety Matters
by Dan Becher, Safety Manager
Winter is here!!!! Be Prepared to drive in Winter Weather Condi ons Many people dread driving in poor winter condi ons. But the reality is, our fellow drivers and we, can’t just stay home and let winter pass un l spring arrives. We need to transport our customers and students in all types of hazardous road condi ons. These ps for safe driving during the winter months will help everyone:  Turn your headlight on to increase your visibility to others on the road with you.  Keep both hands on the steering wheel at all mes.  A slower driving speed allows more me for a necessary response; leave yourself plenty of room to stop. You should try to keep at least a 10 second gap between you and the vehicle in front of you.  Do not pump the brakes. All of the vehicles in our fleet have ABS brakes. Apply steady pressure to the brakes. You will feel the brakes pulse ‐ this is normal.  Plan your braking, and brake gently to avoid skidding. If your wheels start to lock up, ease off the brake. Keep a light touch on the brakes to regain control of the vehicle.  Be especially careful when driving over bridges and infrequently traveled roads, which will freeze first. Even at temperatures above freezing Black Ice condi ons might occur.  Adjust the vehicles’ hea ng and defrosters to always have the windows clear of condensa on and make sure the windshield solu on is full and the wiper blades are in good working condi on. Tips to Prevent Slips, Trips and Falls Work place safety is an important ma er and we all can help to prevent work place injuries. These ps are important to read to stay on your feet:  Wear footwear with heavy tread for increased trac on.  Keep your hands out ready to steady yourself in case of slips.  Look ahead where you are going and an cipate obstacles; like uneven ground and ice.  Avoid carrying too many things to your vehicles. Heavy items may p your balance.  Test slippery areas before you get out of any vehicle. This will save you from slipping and falling.  Walk slowly and in small shuffling steps. (like a Penguin) to prevent slipping.  Walk along grassy edges for maximum trac on if the walkway is covered in ice. Remember, safety should always be the top priority in every season, at all mes. The Safety Department wishes everyone a safe and crash free 2015. ‐ Wendy Bast, David Butcher, Dan Becher, Dale Duley, Denvelt Harris, Ryan Bernico and Tim Lu GO THE RITEWAY
Other News
On November 12, about 400 Milwaukee students got to hang with
Milwaukee Bucks players, coaches and mascot Bango, as part of
the 17th annual “Sam’s Hope Words Matter” reading rally.
This annual event was developed to help children understand the
importance of reading and learning. Sam’s Hope Literacy
Foundation, founder of the event, provided books for each child to
take with them at the end of the day. Additional book contributions
were made to the schools.
GO Riteway salutes everyone on our team who transported
students and chaperones from Milwaukee area schools to
Discovery World where the event took place.
GORiteway is the Official Transporta on Provider for the Milwaukee Bucks GO Riteway welcomes the return of David Butcher in his role as Safety Director. Dave’s home base will be our Oak Creek, South 6th Street facility. Note the Safety Step Shoes he’s wearing ‐ do you have yours? If you’re in the area stop in to welcome him back. 37th Briggs and Al’s Run submitted by Dan Becher
On September 13, 2014 a team of GO Riteway Transportation
drivers, mechanics and staff from our Milwaukee and Oak
Creek terminals spent Saturday morning safely transporting at
least 13,000 runners and walkers from the Summerfest grounds
to the Marquette University campus for
the annual Briggs and Al’s Run. To
accomplish this and provide transportation to this wonderful event
for Children’s Hospital we used 60 school buses including
wheelchair buses.
Thanks to everyone at both locations for taking the time from the
school start-up, to make sure we had drivers, support staff and
mechanics available for this special event.
P.O. Box 398, Germantown, WI 53022
Phone: 262.677.3282 | Fax: 262.677.3121
GO the RITEWAY is published for GO Riteway
employees. Your comments and suggestions are
welcome. To submit your story ideas, contact Catherine
Quabius via email: [email protected].
! Family-owned and operated.
Providing safe & dependable
transportation for
Over 55 years!
Fall Fun 2014
Mary Olszewski with Bucks Players gton Washin nt e
ty Eve
Recruit umane Socie
Team Edgerton Jim Blaesius ‐ Milton