Tascam 238 Brochure
Tascam 238 Brochure
TASCAM Recorder 238 ffi;,,,ette Murtitrack rlIlIl Extmodinary llansportPrecision & Stablllty ::1 ir ': Hysteresis Tension ServoControl system-the pFessure padis completely cassette separated padlifterduring fromtheheadsby a special operation, Perfectly eventapetravelwithno tape-path is ensured, deviation sotheunique peformance heads usedcandeliver optimum at alltimes.In the Hysteresis Tension Servo Control system tapetension is contr0lled at thesupply reelbya non-friction electromagnetically-driven servo. Backtension on thetape remains thesamethroughout theentirereel, providing consistently idealtape-to-head contact anda significant reduction in wowand flutteraswellas modulation Further, noise. thisadvanced system is unaffected byextremes of temperature or humidity operation soflawless is assured under allconditions. The238capstan is a precision direct-drive design controlled byan FGservosystem thatguarantees unvarying speed andtorque at the stability (3-3/4ips)tape 238's 9.5cm/second speed. High-quality reproduction from8 tracksona standard compact is quitea comcassette mendable achievement. Anyone whois familiar withtapereproduction systems willimmediately Heads andElectronics realize thatthistypeof performance could onlyhavebeenachieved through significant The238'srecord/repro performance improvements in theoverall acof duceheadsystem tuallyconsists thetapetransport andheads. In fact,the of two designed 238employs oneof themostsophisticated specially 4-channel hasever unitswhich cassette transport systems TASCAM to create developed. Forexample, tape-to-head contact arestaggered an8-trackformat. This is optimally maintained solelybyadvanced headconfiguration transport design andTASCAM's original tl ltlt II allows 8 tracks to berecorded onthenarrow punch-in andoutpoints arepositioned and codebased location andmanymoreadvanced 1/8" tapeusedin compact cassettes while howthefinalresult willsoundbefore actually functions. Withtheability to interface with problems avoiding crosstalk thatwouldbe recording. When,you're satisfied thateverythingexternal equipment, the238becomes anideal encountered withanin-line 8-track design. is setupcorrectly, simplypress theAUT0 for evenfairlysophisticated choice and Theheads themselves feature top-quality PUNCH lN/OUT production button to initiate thefully large-scale needs. quality Sendust coresforoptimum punch-in/out sound process. and automated 'maximum wearresistance. Tofurther enhance performance, reproduction low-noise lowdistortion Another headamplifiers notable feature havebeenusedto of multitrack recording Tomaketheproduction process runas is thatit involves couple theheads to theE0amplifiers. moretape"shuttling" The to smoothly andaseasily aspossible, the238 passages locate finishing touchis provided specific thanalmost bya built-in anyother hasbeenprovided with3 auto-locate functypeof recording. switchable dbxnoisereduction The238'sShuttle system that control tions:RTZ(Return to Zero)plustwomemory provides a drarnatic improvement thekindof cueing in signal-to- provides convenience and locations. Further, anindependent MEM0RY precision noiseratio.Allthiscareandattention thatis a majoradvantage to the of open(locate-point) display is provided in addtion finest design details hasresulted in an8-track reeltapeequipment. When theshuttle is to the4-digitelectronic switch tapecounter, sothe reproductior. performturned 0N,rotating system whichdelivers theshuttle control adjusts currently pointis always selected locate visible. thetorque ancethatis equal to thatof high-performance applied to thesupply andtake-up There's alsoa "1-2"repeat function that reelsallowing 4-channel variable-speed cassette recorders. cueing to any automatically repeats thetapesegment between pointonthetape. desired memory locations 1 and2. Thetapecounter itselfoffersextraversatility withswitchable Sincethe238SYNCASET@ is essentially a index andtape-run-time display modes. creative tool,extraemphasis hasbeenplaced The238goesmuchfurther thanmerely onfacilitating creative functions likepunch-in providing 8 tracks on cassette tapeandan recording-perhaps oneof themostfrequently excellent range of control features. lt alsooffers usedandtrickiest techniques in employed external Recording c0ntrol situations capability thatcantakethe varygreatly and,particumultitrack recording. The238greatly simplifies multitrack process recording to a levelof profes- larlyif the238is rackmounted, it maynot andautomates thisprocess withanadvanced sional precision beconvenient andversatility. to operate it viathe A serial interfaCe always AutoPunch-in/Out function thatalsofeatures port0nthe238'srearpanel controls. TASCAM allows fullcontrol front-panel offersanopa Rehearsal mode. Intherehearsal mode the of the238fromanexternal control unit(RC-88) forthe238 computer orspeciAl tionalremote 238automatically switches fromtapeto source TASCAM whichincludes control unit(tobeannounced allrecord function select, locate soln). points at punch-in andpunch-out thatyou Thecontrol andAutoPunch-in/Out unitwillallowprecision controls forfullmastel/ program, you s0 canhearexactly howthe slave function synchronization control fromanyconvenient between 238units,timelocation. ir l .Precision direct-drive capstan m0t0r .Hysteresis tensionservocontrolsystemachieves unfaltering tapetensionunderanyconditions. .dbx NRsystemswitchable in 4-channel groups. .INSERT buttonpermitstapemonitoring in recordready m o d et o t a c i l i t a tpeu n c h - i n . .3- pointmem0rylocatorfunction. .4-digit counterandmemorydisplays. . S e l e c t a bt a l ep e - r u n - t i maen di n d e xc o u n t em r odes. . 1 2 - s e g m e Ln E t Db a r - g r a pphe a km e t e rts0 r e a c ht r a c k , .1 12010 pitchcontrot. continuously variable .Tapesyncswitchwithlevelcontrol. . 0 p t i o n apl u n c h - i n / o uf ot o t s w i t c( R h C-30p). . 1 9 " r a c km o u n t i ndgi m e n s i o n s . I I I TTI I I SPECIFIGATIOlIS & COI{]{EGIORS REARPAl{EtCO]{TROLS Hl-bias Compact Cassette, fiypell) Tape I.channel Fomat 8.track, Track (erase 2 head andrec0rd/reproduce) Heads FGServo DDCapstan Motor Molors DCReel Motor lvlotor DCAnciliary (3.3/4ips)10.50/0 9.5cm/s TapeSpeed + 12Vo PitchContml lorC-60 Approx, FaslWindlno Tlme 70seconds (NAB, 0.04% Weighted) WowandFlutlol + 0.08V0 (DlN Peak / IEC /ANS|, Weighted) - 10dBVi30 kohms Inpul - 1OdBV/100 ohms 0utput 5. BPSSEIESTSWITCH 1_8 1. INPUT JACKS Response Frequ6ncy inter' matches thebaudrate0f the238'sRS232C Thisswitch 1_8 2. OUTPUT JACKS t3dB(-10VU) (Record/Roprcduce) 30-16kHz, usedl0r automated control. facet0 thatof a Dersonal comouter SWIICHES & TEVET COI'IIROL 3. IAPESYNC Rallo Si0nal-to-ilolso optimize syncsignal andlevel control Thetapesyncswitches 2 CONI{EGTOR 6. ACCESSORY (Raforonced to 3%THD) precl' ensuring maximum synchronization recording andplayback, provides serialdata access to the2385RS232C Thisconnector 93dB dbxtN 0HFA MD) When usingtrack8 of thetapel0ranFSKor sionandreliablility. l0r fully computer intertace, andcanbe connected to a pers0nal 20Hz 20kHz) 90dB(Unweighted, lN/oUTswitch automated signal theTAPE SYNC S|\,1PIE/EBU rynchronization control of alllunctions. (rHF A MD) 58dB dbxOUT dbxNR-citcuit turns oflthechannel'8 should besetto "lNl'This - 20kH4 PUI{CH-IN/OUT JACK 7. REMOTE 20Hz 54dB(Unweighted, TheTAPE SYNC SYNC LEVEL control, andactivates theTAPE Footswitch canbe RC-30P Punch.in/out (400H2, dbxlN) 0VU, Dlslodlon0.8% TolalHarmonlc sional recording An optional sync isused to settheoptimum LEVEL control l00tc0ntrol ol punchin and herel0r convenient c0nnected (dbxlN) Soparallon 70dB Channsl "lN" when recor' lN/OuT switch canbesetto lwel.TheFILTER punch. operatrons. outrecording (dbxoUT) 50dB 0f reducing thepossibility sync signal, significantly dinganFSK (1kHz) 70dB Erasurc CONI{EGTOR CO]{TROI 8. REMOTE dataerrors. x 345mm (Wx H x D) 482x 132,4 remote control unit. Dlmsnslons RC.88fulllunction Acceots theootional 4. DBX NR SWIICHES (19"x 5'1i4'x 13'5i8") qatem beturned reduction can internal dbx noise The 238's 9.5ks (21,0lbs) Wolght(not) groups: 1-4 channels fortwochannel 0Nor OFFindependently 5-8. andchannels 'ln Iape to 1.0Voltrms. odBVis referenced thesesoecilications, 'Changes without notice' maybemade in specilications andleatures or obligation. 'dbxis a reoistered ot dbxincorporated. trademark PERIPHEBATS 238 USEFUT i,lTs-30IilDl TapeSynchronizer M'200SedesMIrlngGonsoles PB-32SeilesPatchBays match Mixinq area perfect TASCAM M-200series Consoles quality torthe238in termsof control, sound andmixing of 8 tapereturns flexibility. Theyteature a fullcomplement making themdirectly anddualoutputs onallfourbusses, youhave tormat. Further, withthe238's8-track compatible models to meet a choice of 8-. 16-or 24-inoutchannel yourmixing (M-208, M-216or M-224). The requirements t0 forma well238andanM-200series console combine multitrack recording system. rounded, high-performance precise, reliable synchronization of anyserious TheMTS-30 ofiers fororganizing A goodpatch bayis essential patch lt even music to tapeplayback. baysaredesign- MlDl-c0mpatible equipment ThePB-32series recording system. playback measure fromanyspecified Alloffer32patch andversatility. allows synchronized reliability edtoroptimum MlDlcontrol points ldealloradding withtheupper-row con' within a composition. in 2 rowsof 16connectors, "normalled" row capability to the238. t0 thelower neclors pinjacks(rear) PB-32H:114"phoneiacks(front)/RCA PB- 32R: RCApinjacktype. P B - 3 2 P : 1 1 4p" h o n e i a c kt y p e . it.224 Mrs-30 PB.32ll TEAC CORPORATION:15-30,Shimoreniaku4-chome, Mitaka, Tokyo,Japan Phone 10422)45'n41 OF AMERICA: Z/33 TelegraphRoad, Montebello,California 90640 Phone: (213)726-0303 TEAC CORPORATTON TEAC UK LIMITED: 5 Marlin Hous€, Marlins lvleadow,The Croxley Centre, Watlord, Herts, WDI 8YA, U.K. Phone: 0923'225235 OntarioL4Z 2C2,CanadaPhone:416-890-8008 TEAC CANADALTO.:340Brunel RO, l\4ississauga, TEAC AUSTRALIAPTY.,LTO.:106 Bay Street, Port Melbourne victoria 3202 Australia Phone: 646-1733 . T-241C PRINTED IN JAPAN . O988X2O TASCAM TEA€ ProfessionalDivision