The Eagle Eye - Hudson`s Bay High School


The Eagle Eye - Hudson`s Bay High School
April Eagle News
Eagle Eye
April 2014
Volume 7, Issue 5
1601 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA 98663
MAIN OFFICE: 360.313.4400
April has “sprung” upon us and Spring Break will be here soon! A colleague of mine mentioned how Spring Break can
rapidly lead to spring fever and the temptation of believing that things are either hopeless or that the work has already been
done. Neither is true! We still have a little over two months of school left. Although we have accomplished a lot and
wrapped up many important events, we still have a lot of exciting and important activities ahead!
In March we completed:
HSPE Testing
The Eagle Eye
Forecasting for the 2014-15 School Year
Student Led Conferences
I was very proud of all of our students who attended the Student Led Conferencing. We had a good turn out and tables
were buzzing with self-reflection and talk of future plans. I see a lot of value in students taking ownership of their education, especially around choosing their academic pathway and 13th year plan. This truly is conducive to creating life-long
learners and compassionate citizens.
Still ahead for April and May:
Student Academic Achievement Recognition Assembly
A full spring sports season
AP Exams
School performances in music and drama
Senior Project Presentations
I could keep going ….but I think you see we still have lots to do before this year is done in addition to the two full quarters
of learning left in the school year.
As a staff, we are staying the course for April and May, continuing our focus on student achievement. PLCs are meeting
regularly to review student data to understand how students are learning, what they are struggling with and what they
know. We continue to review our School Improvement Plan (SIP) to ensure we are monitoring our progress towards the
goals set. As a staff we are also gearing up for our Accreditation visit/review. This is a very reflective process where a
group works with a team at Bay to review our SIP, meet with various groups (students, staff, parents), and observe various
classrooms to ensure Bay should be titled an “Accredited” High School. It is a very interesting process and we are hopeful
to get important feedback on what we do well and areas we can improve in as a staff.
I am excited to enter this home stretch with the Bay community. I hope that you and your family enjoy some time together
this break and are able to reconnect.
Thank you and I look forward to seeing you soon.
Val Seeley, Principal
Inside this issue:
Spring Sports Schedule
Student Honors
Music and Art at HBHS
Dates to remember…
April 7-11 Spring Break
Parent Information
Senior Information
Superintendent Info
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Music and Art at Hudson’s Bay
Director Robin Sonderland took 32 of Hudson's Bay Orchestra students on
a Northwest Tour in March. We went to Western Washington University
Orchestra Festival in Bellingham, WA on Saturday. Fifteen high school orchestra groups participated in the WWU Orchestra Festival. The Hudson's
Bay String Orchestra earned a Silver Performance Award at the WWU Festival. On Sunday, the HBHS Orchestra traveled to Seattle and performed
for a live, international audience at the Experience Music Project in Seattle,
WA as part of their STAR (Students Training in Artistic Reach) Program.
News from the Art Department…..
Four Hudson's Bay Photographic Artists have received recognition in
the Regional High School Art Show. Jamie Aldridge is a Regional Winner so his work will go to state competition. Ashley Kourn and Austin
Collins are ESD 112 winners and Jamie Aldridge and Maranda Heckler
both received honorable mentions. The quality of the student’s work has
received an indirect compliment from the people at a local store that
processes the prints for the students. The store did not want to release
the photos because they did not have a photographer's copyright clearance. The work looked that professional. Way to go Photographers.
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Vancouver's All District Orchestra Festival is being hosted by Hudson's Bay
High School on Tuesday, April 22nd in the Hudson's Bay Gym. All of Vancouver's middle school and high school orchestra students will combine to
form three giant orchestras and perform a joint concert. The concert starts
at 7:00 p.m. Admission is free and open to the public.
If your child is on a boundary exception to attend Hudson’s Bay High
School and has not renewed for next year, please have your child come
to the main office to get the form.
News from the choral world
The Lower Columbia River Music Educators Association (LCRMEA) held its annual Solo
and Ensemble Competition on March 8, 2014 at Washougal High School. Last year, Bay
had no competitors, but this year five Bay students trained after school for two months for a
chance to move up to the state level event. Dakota Daniel sang a solo while Daphne Fletcher, Austin Collins, Kaitlin Mutchie, and Madeline Hanel sang as a quartet. Though they
weren’t chosen as one of the top 16 to continue to state, good marks were received all
around. Congratulations on a strong effort!
The Hudson’s Bay Choir next competes in the LCRMEA Choral Festival on April 17, 8:30
am at Fort Vancouver. Come support your musicians!
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Seniors Awards Ceremony Thursday, June 5
Seniors who have been offered scholarships and those who are receiving HBHS
department awards and other types of national and state academic and athletic
recognition will be in the spotlight at the Senior Awards Ceremony on Thursday,
June 5. The program will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the Commons.
Seniors who will be recognized will receive a written invitation at school. Also,
their parents/guardians will receive an invitation in the mail.
Seniors who want to be recognized during the ceremony for the scholarships they
have been offered must notify the Career Center in writing prior to May 29. They
should do this by completing a “Scholarship Notification News” form. Copies of
the form are available in the Career Center and from the senior class counselors. In
many cases, Hudson’s Bay is not notified when a student is offered a scholarship
by a college, university or community organization.
A dessert reception will follow the program.
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*Hello Seniors and Senior Parents/Guardians*
The Senior Grad Party Committee is very excited to tell you about our upcoming events, fundraisers and opportunities.
Ongoing Events:
Baccalaureate Service: Tuesday June 10th at Hudson Bay Gym – Evening – Details TBD – Save the Date! If any senior or parent would like to help with planning this event or during the event, please contact Nancy Janney, 360-903
Concession Sales: We are selling concessions during the Boy's Home Soccer Games at Kiggins. Dates are April 3, 16,
22 and May 2 and 6. We need volunteers to help sell. Please contact Nancy Janney (360-903-5971).
Senior Wall: It is pink and it looks great! Names will go up over Spring Break and the wall should be completed within the next few months. Check it out...Thank you to all students who have helped with the wall to date and to Devon Panosh for his design. The Wall looks Great!
Senior Hours: Consider volunteering at Senior Class Celebration events. Make your hours, have fun and support your
class! Contact Nancy Janney to make arrangements.
Dilly Bar sales: Every Thursday from 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. the senior committee (parents) will sell Dilly Bars for
$1 to support our seniors. You can find us at the bottom of the airport hallway.
Senior Shirts: Designed by Derek Woodruff. Now until spring break receive a FREE Dilly Bar with the purchase of a
senior shirt for $15. Shirts can be purchased during Dilly Bar sales or in the business office. Make checks payable
to HBHS Senior Class Celebration (and include your student’s name on the memo line). Senior Parent shirts are
available to order at $15. Forms for both shirts are available in the business office or Facebook page. Buy your
shirt and show your class spirit!
Facebook & Twitter: Need more information; find us at (Facebook) HBHS CLASS OF 2014 Senior Party and
(Twitter) HBHS2014party and sign up for both. Great way to stay connected / notified of upcoming events.
Come to a committee meeting and see what we’re all about. Our next meeting is Monday, April 7th at 6:30pm at
Burgerville on 4th Plain and Fort Vancouver Way (2200 E 4th Plain Blvd,)
SENIORS: Buy your Senior Tickets now. There is still time to buy your tickets at the $65 price. Ticket price goes up
after prom to $75. You can buy your tickets during Dilly Bar sales on Thursdays and in the Business Office.
PLEASE remember to complete the permission form when you purchase your tickets. You need to turn in all
paperwork with your ticket money to Michelle Carvelho. If you need financial assistance, please contact Nancy
Janney at 360-903-5971 or see Nancy during Dilly Bar Sales. Consider volunteering at Senior Class Celebration
March Recap:
1. Concession Sale-March 24th. Joe and Rochelle Czech and Nancy Janney sold product. We earned $22. Buy drinks
and snacks at future home boys soccer games and support your senior class! See above for dates.
2. Burgerville Night: (Hwy 99 and 99th Street) March 27th. Will report on results next month.
3. Carl's Jr. Coupon Book Sale: Saturday, March 29th at Carl's Jr on Hwy 99 near Regal Cinemas. Will report on
results next month.
4. Texas Hold'em/Bunco Event: March 28th. Will report on results next month.
Restaurant Nights: McDonalds (Hazel Dell) Date and Time TBD. See our Face Book and Twitter for details.
Car Wash: May 3, 2014 at Collins Building 7017 NE HWY 99 (10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.) Need Volunteers. Contact
Nancy Janney (360-903-5971) to volunteer.
Casino Bus Trip: May 31, 2014 to Spirit Mountain. See Face Book and Twitter for details.
Hawaiian Luau: Tentative Date May 17th... Details to follow...
Seniors: 83 days and counting... Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
“Nelson Mandela”
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Thank you to the many sponsors who helped make our annual Texas Hold'em/Bunco
event on March 28, 2014 a success! The Hudson's Bay Foundation and Senior Class
Celebration Committee appreciate the support from these community partners:
Allen Crosley Lanes
Alloro Vineyards
Athlete's Corner
Beaches Restaurant
Beastie Boutique
Bed, Bath & Beyond
BJ's Restaurant
Black Rock Coffee
Blind Onion
Block Family (See's Candy Bars)
Buffalo Wild Wings
Cascade Pack & Paddle
City Liquidators
Collins Family
Confluence Winery
Domino's Pizza
Dulin's Village Cafe
West Vancouver Dutch Bros
Erik Runyan Jewelers
Farrar's Bistro
First Response(Ariana Watson)
Fred Meyer
Golden Skate
Gray's At The Park
Grocery Outlet
Heathman Lodge
Home Video Studios
Randy Howard
Ice Cream Renaissance
Joe's Crab Shack
Andrea Johnson-Kappa Quilts
LaBella Mama
LaBottega Restaurant
Les Schwab
Magenta Theater
Main Event Sports Grill
Dr. Chris Martin (stained glass)
McGrath's Fish House
Mint Tea
Mountain View Ice Rink
Myrtle Tea House
Neo Pinot Spa
Northwest Personal Trainer
Olive Garden
Oregon Symphony
Papa John's Pizza
Patti's Hallmark
Peacehealth Plastic Surgery
Peachtree Restaurant
Peet's Coffee
Pine Crest Golf Course
Red Robin
Revive Espresso & Tea
Karen Rhodes (Quilt)
The Rock Pizza
Rosemary Cafe
Savona Coffee House
Karla/Mike Schlosser-Class 1969
Silpada Design(Gail Carbajal)
Starbucks (Jantzen Beach)
Stein Beverage
Stumptown Stages
Thai Orchid
The Grant House
Tommy O's
Total Wine
Trader Joe's
Vancouver Cyclery
Vancouver Pizza Co.
Vancouver Symphony B C
Widmer Brothers Brewery
Willems On Main
World Cup Coffee
Yard N' Garden
Yo 2 Go
Yogurt Time
Vancouver Spine/Orthopedic Rehab Center
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Join Superintendent Steve Webb on Friday, May 2, as he showcases dynamic learning opportunities at Sacajawea Elementary School and Fort Vancouver High School. Patron tours are the
best way to find out what’s new in your school district.
Both schools will showcase applications of Vancouver Public Schools’ Design II Strategic Plan
and the district’s commitment to preparing students for college, careers and life. The tour of
Sacajawea will feature elementary students following the sustainability practices that earned the
school a U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon award. Fort Vancouver, a school rich in
diversity, has been successfully working with students to increase on-time graduation rates. The
visit to Fort also will feature welding/fabrication, video production and culinary arts classes.
The tour will begin and end at the Bates Center for Educational Leadership, 2921 Falk Rd. The
tour starts at 8:30 a.m. and concludes at 1 p.m. After the school tours, a delicious lunch prepared by Vancouver culinary arts students is available for $4 per person.
Everyone is welcome, so please plan to attend and invite co-workers, friends, neighbors and
family members, too. To register for a tour, go to or call Sue
Knable at 360-313-4720. Space is limited, so sign up today.
We hope to see you on May 2!
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Education is the
most powerful
weapon which you
can use to change
the world.”
― Nelson
N o tice o f N o n d isc rim in a tio n
T h e V an co u v er S ch o o l D istrict is an E q u al O pp o rtu n ity d istrict in ed u catio n p ro g ram s,
activ ities, serv ices, an d em p lo y m en t. V an co u v er S ch o o l D istrict d o es n o t d iscrim in ate o n th e
b asis o f race, creed , co lo r, relig io n , sex , n atio n al o rig in , m arital statu s, sex u al o rien tatio n ,
in clu d in g g en d er ex p ressio n o r id en tity , ag e, fam ilies w ith ch ild ren , h o n o rab ly d isch arg ed
v eteran o r m ilitary sta tu s, th e p resen ce o f an y sen sory , m en tal, o r p h y sica l d isab ility , o r th e
u se o f a train ed d o g g u id e o r serv ice an im al. W e p ro v id e eq u al access to th e B o y S co u ts o f
A m erica an d o th er d esig n ated y o u th g ro u p s. W e also co m p ly w ith S ectio n 5 0 4 o f th e
R eh ab ilitatio n A ct o f 1 9 7 3 , S ectio n 4 0 2 o f th e V ietn a m E ra V eteran s R ead ju stm en t A ct o f
1 9 7 4 , th e A m erican s w ith D isab ilities A ct o f 1 9 9 0 , th e C iv il R ig h ts A ct o f 1 9 6 4 , th e A g e
D iscrim in atio n in E m p lo y m en t A ct, O ld er W ork er P ro tectio n A ct, an d all o th er state, fed eral,
an d lo cal eq u al o p p o rtu n ity law s.
If y o u h av e a p h y sica l o r m en ta l d isab ility th at cau ses y o u to n eed a ssistan ce to a ccess sch o o l
facilities, p ro g ram s, o r serv ices, p lease n o tify th e sch o o l p rin cip al. T h is d istrict en d eav o rs to
m ain tain an atm o sp h ere free fro m d iscrim in atio n an d h arassm en t. A n y p erso n w h o b eliev es h e
o r sh e h as b een d iscrim in ated ag ain st sh o u ld co n tact th e sch o o l p rin cip al an d co m p lete th e
ap p ro p riate g riev an ce o r co m p lain t fo rm .
Y o u m ay also co n tact an y o f th e fo llo w in g p eop le b y w ritin g to th em at V an co u v er S ch o o l
D istrict, P O B o x 8 9 3 7 , V an co u v er, W ash in g ton 9 8 6 6 8 -8 9 3 7 o r b y callin g 3 6 0 -3 1 3 -1 0 0 0 :
A D A – M issy H allead ; T itle V II, 5 0 4 an d ID E A – S ally C h aru h as; A ffirm ativ e A ctio n – M issy
H allead ; T itle IX E lem en tary , M arian n e T h o m p so n ; T itle IX S eco n d ary , K ath y E v erid g e;
A th letic E q u ity , M ick H o ffm an .
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Vancouver School District
PO Box 8937
Vancouver, WA 98668
Hudson’s Bay High school
1601 E. McLoughlin Blvd.
Vancouver, WA 98663
Vancouver, WA
Permit No. 233
Phone 360.313.4400
Fax: 360.313.4401
April 2014
Spring Break
Spring Break
Spring Break
Spring Break
Spring Break
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