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here - Pickups Limited – Orange County Chapter
Orange County Chapter
The Official Publication of Orange County Pickups Limited
July - August 2008
26th Annual F-100 Western Nationals...
June 20-21, 2008...
by Chris Travers
with photos from Bob Amaral, Larry Willett, & Ron Jacobs
The 26th Annual F-100 is history, but the memories will linger for a long time. There were a ton of new challenges for us this year. With gas prices moving close to $5.00 per gallon, the national economy going down
the drain, and most other local shows registering a 10% to 25% decrease in participation, there was a lot to
think about. Add to that an unseasonable heat wave that brought temperatures in the park as high as 108º,
who knew what to expect? But this is a Truck F-100 truck show at that. Everything was perfect.
Sure it was hot, but that’s what water is for isn’t it? Not only did we match last years total for trucks and vendors, but we even had long haulers from Nebraska, Utah, Oregon, and Arizona. Who says there is no spirit
Speaking of spirit, what about the vendors and
sponsors that Steve & Chris lined up this year
and their support. The Truck Shop was our main
suponsor with great contributions from Colorado
Customs, Dennis Carpenter, No Limit. Flat Out
Engineering, Dan Carpenter’s Specialities, Mid
Fifty F-100 Parts, TORCO, LMC Truck Parts, Pure
Power, BOBCO, Glenn’s Alignment & Brake, Bruce
Horkey’s Wood & parts, First Place Powder Coating, The Truck Shop, CPP, Totally Stainless, Hot
Rods & Custom Stuff,
and or course Lynette
Fisher, how could we
go wrong?
Hauln’ Freight An extra thanks to my
good friend Bob
Amaral who seemingly will do anything
for a new T-shirt.
Bob took many of the
photos for me in this
issue. So sit back,
turn the page, and
enjoy the coverage of
the event with me.
26th Annual F-100 Western Nationals...
Bag Stuffing...
The “Spray
Can” becomes
the “Bag Man”
during the
stuffing party.
Plenty of people
gets the job
done fast. We
were finished
in about 45
we finally got
started that is.
Stuffing the goody bags is a job that nobody wants to do. This year Bill and Andrea Crisel allowed
us to trash their lovely home with bags, flyers, pens, pencils and other goodies for the show
entrants. With plenty of pizza and people, this job really moves along quickly. Thanks to all who
...and Setup
A special thanks goes out the setup crew. We have never had such a precise vendor layout as we
had this year thanks to Gene and Jerry helping. Dale had Pete, Bill and a few others helping with
the parking and everything went quite smoothly.
How many guys
does it take to
move a trailer?
More than we
had at the time,
that’s for sure.
How do you fit
a pickup bed
inside a pickup
bed? Just ask
Pat...he can
do it!
With the Dan
Carpenter bed
now out of Pat’s
truck, it looks
like the guys
are having a bit
of a tug-of-war
over it!
Hauln’ Freight
Thanks For Coming
by Ed Oe - Vice President
Thanks for attending the 26th
F-100 Western Nationals. The
quality of trucks was outstanding
this year. The judges had
their work cut out for them.
Gary Coe’s 1957 F-100 took
“Best Of Show”. There were
truckers from Nebraska, Utah,
Washington, Oregon, Arizona,
Nevada, Southern and Northern
California. We even had a few
mates from Australia who came
just for the show!
The weekend started on Friday
morning with about 25 trucks
heading to Newport Beach on
“Jeff’s Beach Cruise”. They
returned by 3:30pm to the John
Force Race Station in Yorba
Linda for a guided tour then
headed for dinner and drinks,
or drinks and some dinner at El
Torrito next to the Ayres Hotel.
O’dark-thirty came quick on
Saturday with everybody quickly
in place for the show. We even
had the gates open by 6:30am
and had a very organized move
in. The park quickly filled up and
by 9:00am I was looking for my
first of many waters
on what was to be
one of the hottest
days of the year.
Debbie Baker
was on hand and
was presented an
appreciation award
from Pickups Limited
of Orange County
for her work with
UCLA Jonsson
Cancer Center. A
check for $500.00
(the proceeds from
sales of autographed
pelons) was also
given to her for
Prostate Cancer Research.
The awards started about
2:00pm and ended with the
drawing of Grand Prizes; a set
of Colorado Custom Wheels,
a complete bed from Dan
Carpenter, and a suspension kit
from Flat Out was completed by
year and to my fellow club
members who were there to
support me during the year and
who worked the show to make it
a successful one.
See you on June 20th, 2009.
Ed Oe - Show Chairmen
VP-Pickups Limited - Orange County
[email protected]
A special thanks to our vendors
who supported the show this
Orange County Pickups Limited - a chapter of Pickups Limited of So. California
PRESIDENT- Jeff Hornsby - [email protected]
VICE PRESIDENT- Ed Oe - [email protected]
TREASURER- Ron Grey - [email protected]
SECRETARY- Larry Lopez - [email protected]
SGT. AT ARMS - Ron Jacobs - [email protected]
SAFETY COORDINATOR - Rudy Weber - [email protected]
WEBMASTER- Dale Beverley - [email protected]
NEWS LETTER & ACTIVITIES - Chris Travers - [email protected]
Hauln’ Freight Orange County Chapter
Copyright ©2008
Pickups Limited Orange County
Chapter. All Rights Reserved.
Nothing whole or in part may
be used, republished or copied
without the written consent of
Pickups Limited Orange County
Chapter. Deadline for this
newsletter is the 10th of the
month before publication. All
submissions become property
of Pickups Limited.
26th Annual F-100 Western Nationals...
...Beach Cruise
Friday brought the Beach Cruise and a special visit to the
john Force Race Station. Craig Hoelzel who is the Director of Special Promotions for John Force Racing took our
group on a guided tour of the entire facility including the
machine shop and John’s upstairs private collection of
cars, trucks and his Funny Car bodies. I have seen this
several times, but it is always something special to see.
...John Force Race Station
This Place is a toy store
within a toy store. The
goodies never ended.
Hauln’ Freight
26th Annual F-100 Western Nationals...
...The Show
After all of the planning, blood, sweat, and tears, show day finally arrived. The work crew arrived around 6:00am as requested and everybody jumped in to look after their assigned task. Dusty and Jim Gozzo
(that’s right, Jim) took their place as the “Official Greeters” taking care
of the registration along with Ron and Gloria. Gene and his crew including Mike, Don, & Bob organized all of the shirts and goody bags while
Larry, Ronda, and Glenn took care of the raffle items. It seems that
Glenn even brought a buddy with the promise that they would “take in
a car show after Glenn bought breakfast”. It was Glenn and this buddy
that made the 50/50 the success that it was with their hard work.
While all of this was going on, Dale, Ted, Carlos, JD, Pete, Larry, Abe
& Carl, were busy parking the truckswhile Dan was spinning the tunes
and trying to
make everybody
happy. We had
trucks from out
of state including
Iowa & Oregon
and spectators
from as far away
as Australia!
The Vendor row
was outstanding
giving everybody
a great cross
section of what
the aftermarket
has to offer.
Then, with what
seemed like the
blink of an eye, it
was over...wait
until next year
someone said as
they were leaving. The problem
is, I can’t wait,
this was too
much fun!
Hauln’ Freight
26th Annual F-100 Western Nationals...
Best of Show -- Gary Coe-’57 F-100
Top 15 Trucks (in no particular order)
Terry Vanholisen 1955 F-100
Charles Haubrick 1956 F-100
Al Ubran 1956 F-100
Randy McDaniel 1938 COE Car Hauler
Barb Baxter 1956 F-100
Jack Andersen 1957 F-100
Glen Van Buskirk 1965 F-100
Wayne Tweedt 1956 F-100
Darren Sanchez 1955 F-100
Randy Walk 1946 Pickup
Albert Larrea 1556 F-100
Chuck Cliff 1941 Panel
Dave Albright 1940 Pickup
Bill Degaine 1956 F-100
Ron Smith 1956 F-100
Best Paint -- Roger Baugle ‘56 F-100
Engine -- Larry Thweatt ‘50 F-1
Interior -- Jack Williams ‘56 F-100
Chassis -- Louie Hernandez ‘56 F-100
Bed -- Fritz Ruiz ‘56 F-100
Custom -- Norm Marshall ‘52 F-1
Daily Driver -- Tom Vanulaytia ‘65 F-250
Under Construction -- Ray Simpson ‘53 F-100
Hard Luck -- Wendell Conner ‘56 F-100
Host Club Award -- Mike Stone ‘53 F-100
Men’s Choice -- Glenn Van Buskirk ‘65 F-100
Ladie’s Choice -- Barb Baxter ‘56 F-100
Long Distance -- Randy Paul - Thirroul, Australia
Club Participation -- Pickups Limited - San Diego
Spirit Award -- Chris Travers - Pickups Limited O.C.
Special Appreciation -- Debbie Baker
Hauln’ Freight
26th Annual F-100 Western Nationals... say it all!
Hauln’ Freight
The Heap of the Week...
So you want your next trip across the English Channel to be a quick one? Check
out this rig that drug runners were using between England and Holland. Who
says you can never have too much horsepower?
This Must be one of those new long distance electric vehicles...
Hauln’ Freight
Editors Ramblings...
by Chris Travers
Believe it or not, it is time to start thinking about next year.
I know that sounds crazy but besides being the editor of this
rag, I also have the task of planning the events calendar.
With the hundreds of events that happen around us and the
dozens of places to see on any given weekend, it’s a tough
job. To make things even harder, this all needs to be done
with YOU in mind...after all it is your club isn’t it?
At the request of YOU the members, 2008 has brought us more
events than 2007 had, but there seems to be an underlying buzz
that you may want more drive to sight seeing type of outings. It
really does not matter to me, but I am not a mind reader. What I
am looking for is your ideas. Just think of the great places we have
gone to in the past. The tour of Palos Verdes, Swap Meet in Long
Beach, Tour of Orange, Junk Yard Day and the 2008 Oh Canada
Tour were well attended as have been the Edelbrock Show, Cruisin
for a Cure.
It is time for you to put on your thinking caps and communicate with me. What would you like and what is
good for the club? Remember WE ARE FIRST AND FOREMOST A TRUCK CLUB! Maybe we should have
more driving events. You know, use our trucks and be seen around Southern California. What better way to
grow our membership. I know that some of you are thinking that with gas prices being what they are...but at
$20 to $40 for a show entry to someplace you need to drive to anyway, is there really much difference? And
another thing...YOU CAN PLAN AN EVENT TOO! Remember how long in advance the events calender is
published. Each newsletter covers a two month window with the events often stretching out 4 to 6 months in
advance. So get thinking and let me know.
The July event is a great example of things that are available to us with our trip to the Peterson Automotive
Museum. We will do some street tours on the way to and from with an interesting lunch stop. Are you going?
Chris Travers - NEWS LETTER & ACTIVITIES - [email protected]
Last Issue I talked a bit about my bucket list so I just wanted to
brag about what a great experience the Indy 500 was and to
share a few pictures with you...
Hauln’ Freight
part 1
by Chris Travers with Dale Beverly
The F-100 Western Nationals is a busy time for those of us that help to produce it and often times we
just do not have the available time to visit properly with old friends. This was the case for Dale Beverly
and me this year so I said to Dale, “what are you doing on Monday”. To which he replied, “not much,
what do you have in mind?” With that the 2008 informal Dale & Chris Shop Tour was created. Yes we
did have some actual jobs to accomplish like returning everything to the club storage locker and returning the display from Flat Out Engineering, but heck, that would only take an hour or so. Let’s trash the
whole day I said.
Stop #1 on this event built for two was in Lake Elsinore at BOBCO. I only had a few minutes to visit
with Bob at the show and wanted to see what new creations he was working on. Recent nasty
RUMORS that BOBCO was out of business just did not seem logical to me and I wanted to see for
myself what was going on.
It Seems that over the past two years, Bob was required to move out much of his “outdoor parts bin”
by the City and County which to some un-informed people meant no private salvage yard, no business.
I am here to tell you that nothing
could be farther from the truth.
Bob and Mike were as busy as
ever with 4 or 5 projects going
at one time including Bob’s own
truck that he just can’t seem to
have to work on. The phone was
ringing off the hook the entire
time we were visiting so yes,
these guys are busy.
And what a visit it was. I could
not have found a better person to
be with today than Dale. As these
Hauln’ Freight
two started talking and talking, I was learning a bit of our F-100 aftermarket history. As the story goes, Bob
started a repair/hot rod business in his dad’s garage in Huntington Beach around 1974. Things were going
good until one day the City came along and wanted to know what was going on in this residential area. After
they found out that it was a for profit business, a time schedule was produced so that Bob would come into
compliance (that’s one of my day job words) with local municipal codes for running a business. Bob and his
Dad found a spot near Slater and Gothard that was available to rent and began to move stuff in. To Bob’s
surprise, he could not get the utilities activated without a business license. The things you learn.
Anyway, down to City Hall they went to get the license. When the person at the counter asked what the
company name was, Bob and his dad just looked at each other speechless (if you can imagine that one).
He looked at his father and said, “it’s my company...Bob’s Company...let’s just call it BOBCO” and a spot in
F-100 history began.
Someplace in the midst of this Bill Lee (who at the time was THE guy to put a Volare front end on your F100) introduced Bob (who was the up and coming Mustang-2 suspension guy) to our own Dale Beverly. It
seems that Dale was creating these cool reverse flip hood kits using BMW parts and Bob wanted to buy
some. Dale was making all of these he had time for and selling them for Bob, CPP and others that were into
the now booming F-100 scene. Small world isn’t it!
BOBCO moved to the current Lake Elsinore location in the 90’s and things really
took off. In 1993 Mike Briggs who had
an extensive background in frame building from Fat Jack, Lombardos, and Boyd,
joined Bob to help create one of the finest
all purpose shops around and one of the
only ones that specializes in F-100’s. Over
the past 15 years, Mike and Bob have
installed an average of 10 Mustang-2 type
suspensions per year on top of the newer
Flat Out - Corvette and Dodge Dakota
I know that dozens of us including Dusty,
Gib, Gene, and me have had everything
from minor touch ups to full suspensions
installed by BOBCO and I am sure that
there will be dozens more in the years to
come. If you want it done right, give Bob
and Mike a call at (951) 674-0575.
Hauln’ Freight
part 2
Bill & Maria DeGaine’s First Place Powder Coating
by Chris Travers with Dale Beverly
What is Powder Coating anyway? According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Powder Coating is a type
of dry coating, which is applied as a free-flowing, dry powder. The main difference between a conventional liquid
paint and a powder coating is that the powder coating does not require a solvent to keep the binder and filler
parts in a liquid suspension form. The coating is typically applied electrostatically and is then cured under heat to
allow it to flow and form a “skin.” The powder may be a thermoplastic or a thermoset polymer. It is usually used
to create a hard finish that is tougher than conventional
paint. Powder coating is mainly used for coating of metals,
such as “white goods”, aluminium extrusions, and automobile and motorcycle parts.
Part two of the Dale and Chris shop tour took us to Banning for a visit to Bill and Maria DeGaine’s First Place
Powder Coating. This is a “start up” business for these two
long time F-100 lovers and they are approaching it just
like Bill has with his trucks...all first class with new equipment. Bill’s goal is to powder coat an entire truck and he
has the equipment to do it. His oven and spray booth will
handle entire frames and cabs so it looks like he is ready
to go. Bill says that no job is too small, which we could
see from the pedal car he was working on, but while we
were there, an ongoing job from the Morongo Resort just
down the road also came in. At least he did not make us
unload the truck for him. Next time you need something
painted and want it to last, check with Bill at (951) 8491279. He can come up with most any color you need.
Hauln’ Freight
by Chris Travers with Dale Beverly
part 3
Flat Out Engineering
Stop #3 in our Magical Mystery Tour took us to Flat Out Engineering in Orange. Flat Out manufacturers Corvettebased suspension kits for classic Ford & Chevy pick-up trucks and fat
fendered Fords. It seems that after 25 years in the Hot Rod and Classic Truck business, making everything from bare frames to complete
rolling chassis, Donnie McNeil of Flat Out Engineering realized the
need for a good, well engineered front/rear suspension package, that
was designed to “go together”, and provide superior ride, handling,
and cornering ability. It should be affordable and use readily available
components. He felt that the 1984 and newer (C4) Corvette-based
suspensions were the only thing that met these demands.
Our job here at Flat Out was to return the “demo” rear suspension
that Donnie loaned us for the F-100 Western Nationals. The display
was there to help promote the rear suspension kit that was donated
to the event. The shop at Flat out is totally full of parts and projects
as well as a complete section for manufacturing and shipping. For a
small company there is a ton going on all of the time. Donnie spent
some time with us to explain the workings of his F-100 kit. This is truly a bolt in kit that I think even I can install. There is no welding needed
for the rear kit and very little
for the front. Independent
suspension on a pickup makes
for a real sweet ride that this
appears to be among the best
there is.
Kevin Lee of Classic Trucks
magazine did a series of installation articles titled Independent Thinking that shows the
step by step process of transforming your ‘56 F-100 Truck
into a Corvette suspended
road grabber. All of the work
was preformed by Mike Briggs
of BOBCO. To view this article
check out:
If you really want to know how
good it is, just ask Gib and
Marsha Prescott as their
white ‘56 is equipped with this
setup all around OR check
with Rudy “Big Foot” Weber in
a few months and he will tell
you how he likes the ride of
this setup, since he was the
winner at the fact, I
think I need one of these too!
Hauln’ Freight
What’s Going On...
JULY 2008
Official club events in bold print
Long Beach High Performance Swap Meet - - (800) 762-9785
10 Monthly Meeting 12 Braille Rallye 2008. Here is your chance to not only drive your truck all around Southern California, but to
acomplish something special at the same time. You will be the host driver for the day to a teeager from the Braille Institute. That teenager is your navigator for the day and boy can things get interesting! I have won this rallye several times and the reward is all in the face of the youngster that is your partner. I plan to be there, how about you? For more information contact Pat West at [email protected]
Bixby Knolls Dragster Expo & Car Show - 3pm-9pm - Atlantic Between Carson & San Antonio Long Beach
INFO: (562) 595-0081 /
Pomona Swap Meet - - (714) 538-7091
Rock Around the Block - Torrance, CA - Torrance Historical Society & Museum - 5:00-8:00pm INFO: Carl @ (310) 781-7590 or Janet (310) 328-5392 -
Seabreeze Hot Rod Show - $25 prior ro 7/3/08 - INFO: (714) 968-9871 /
20 Cruise to the Peterson Museum...AND a tour through some “unique areas” of Los Angeles
and Hollywood. Our trucks will be part of the museum display for the day with special prefered parking on the upper level - Depart from the South parking lot of the Los Cerritos
Center near Macy’s at 8:00am for a driving tour of a few of LA’s famous parks on the way to the museum...Guided tour begins at 10:00am. If you want to meet us there, the
Peterson Automotive Museum is located at 6060 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90036 at the corner of Wilshire & Fairfax -
For our lunch spot, we will be going to Pink’s picked again as one of the 64 greatest things about LA. Pink’s has been a Hollywood Legend since 1939
serving some of the greatest hod dogs anywhere. For those that want to
join in after the tour, Pink’s is just a short drive away from the Peterson at 709 N. La Brea Blvd.
INFO: Chris Travers - [email protected]
Cruise on Down - 8am-3pm - Ricky & Ronnie’s 1301 W. Sepulveda, Torrance - INFO: (310) 326-1213
SUPER TOUR 6 -- Oregon Trails Tour - INFO: Bill Lee (951) 833-5416
19th Annual Big Bear “Fun Run” - 495 Assigned parking spaces for the weekend - Saturday Show ‘n Shine INFO: (909) 585-8448
Long Beach High Performance Swap Meet - - (800) 762-9785
Monthly Meeting 8th Annual Uptown Whittier Car Show - In Historic Uptown Whittier - 9am - 4pm - $30 before 8/4/08
INFO: (562) 696-2662
1st Annual Wounded Warrior Car Show - INFO: (310) 377-6900 or e-mail at [email protected]
North / South Run - $80 for a double packet - $50 a single packet includes t-shirt,
banquet, awards ceremony and more - San Luis Obispo Embasy Suites is the host hotel
INFO: Jim Moore (909) 948-2444 or Earl Pecka (209) 835-7629
6th Annual Corn Feed Run - $20.00 before Aug. 10 & $25.00 after. Free tee shirt to all
participants - Chino City Hall Lawn, 12330 Central Avenue in Chino 8:00am-3:00pm WE HELP PAEK CARS! - INFO: Walt Pocock at 909-591-4162 or [email protected]
Pomona Swap Meet - - (714) 538-7091
10th Annual Enderle Center Classic Car Show The Great Labor Day Cruise - Orange County Fair Grounds - INFO: (714) 826-1948 /
Hauln’ Freight
27 Long Beach High Performance Swap Meet - - (800) 762-9785
BAG STUFFING PARTY FOR CRUISIN FOR A CURE - at Debbie Baker’s in Lake Forest - INFO: See Ed Oe
3rd Annual Beach’n 101 Cruise - 9:00am - 3:00pm - Del Mar to Oceanside
$25.00 entry - INFO:
19th Annual Belmont Shore Car Show - Pre-1975 Cars & Trucks $25 pre-registeration/$30 day of event - INFO: (562) 421-6436 / (714) 894-8411
Monthly Meeting 18th Annual Street Rods Forever - NOW IN PASADENA IN FRONT OF HISTORIC PASADENA CITY HALL Limited to the first 400 cars - INFO: (626) 285-7725
9th Annual Cruisin for a Cure - INFO or (949) 752-5115 ext. 10
Fullerton Car Show - Downtown Plaza - Limited to the first 200 cars INFO: / (714) 239-9875
18th Annual Loma Linda Veterans Car Show - LIMITED TO THE FIRST 1200 VEHICLES! - Jerry L. Pettis Memorial VA Medical Center, 11201 Benton in Loma Linda - INFO: 909-350-9816
39th Annual All Ford Picnic - Pre 1968 Ford vehicles only La Palma Park in Anaheim (Harbor & La Palma) - 8am - 3pm - $25 day of event only
Monthly Meeting 22nd Annual Placentia Heritage Festival - Tri-City Park - 9am-4pm - INFO: (714) 524-8535
Long Beach High Performance Swap Meet - - (800) 762-9785
Relics and Rods annual Run to the Sun - Lake Havasu, AZ. INFO: (928) 855-0933
Pomona Swap Meet - - (714) 538-7091
Long Beach High Performance Swap Meet - - (800) 762-9785
Monthly Meeting Long Beach High Performance Swap Meet - - (800) 762-9785
John Force Holiday Car Show - John Force Race Station - 10am - 4pm BRING A $10 UNWAPPED TOY FOR KIDS - $40 before 11/10/08 INFO: - (714) 921-1651 - [email protected]
Pomona Swap Meet - - (714) 538-7091
Monthly Meeting Long Beach High Performance Swap Meet - - (800) 762-9785
Now is the time to think about 2009 events and trips if there is a place that you think would be
fun to bring the group to, speak up...better yet, get some information on it and organize a trip
yourself! Get involved in your club.
APRIL 2009
27 Rev’ved Up 4 Kidz - Presented by Edelbrock at Vic’s Garage in Torrance - 9am - 3pm
1st & Last Sunday of each month - Million Dollar Breakfast Cruise - 7-11am - Enderle Center in Tustin - 55 fry & 17th St. at Yorba - Info: (714) 731-2911
1st Wednesday of each month beginning in April – Twilight Cruise Night - NHRA Museum 1101 W. McKinley Ave. - 4:00pm - 8:00pm - Info: 909-622-2133
Every Wednesday - Downey - Frisco’s Drive-In - Chariot’s Car Club - 5:00pm - 8:30pm Info: 562-927-9514 or 562-941-7455
Every Thursday - Fullerton - Giovanni’s Pizza - Imperial Hwy. & Harbor - 4:30-7:30pm. - Info: 714-773-4044
THIRD SATURDAY - The 401k Club Hot Rod Shop - 4329 E. La Palma, Anaheim - NOON to 3:00pm - 714-993-4015
Every Friday - Garden Grove - 12891 Historic Main Street - 4 - 8:30pm. - 714-394-1370 - $3.00 entry fee
Every Friday - Burbank - Bob’s Big Boy - (818) 843-9334
Every Friday - Ricky & Ronnie’s - 5:00pm - 9:00pm - 1301 W. Sepulveda Bl. Torrance (310) 326-1213
Every Saturday - Huntington Beach - Donut Derelicts, Magnolia & Adams in front of Adams Avenue Donuts - 6:00am - 8:30am (949) 859-8549
Every Saturday - Cars & Coffee - Ford Design Center in Irvine 5 Freeway north of the “Y” - 7:00 - 9:30am -
Every Saturday - Caffine Cruisers - SE corner of Artesia & Hawthorne in Torrance - 7:00-10:00am -
Every LAST Saturday - John Force Race Station - 4-8pm - 22722 Old Canal Rd., Yorba Linda, CA 92887 - (714) 921-1651 -
2nd Saturday of each month - Open House at Boyd Coddington’s - 811 East Lambert Rd. - 9am – Noon - 562-691-8215
For a comprehensive listing of events in Southern California and elsewhere, log on to these great web sites: ○ ○ ○
Hauln’ Freight
Big Foot Speaks
by Rudy Weber, Safety Coordinator
AAA (Auto Club) is not needed on the road when you belong to
Pickups Limited of Orange County...
On our road trip to the San Diego Chapter’s Fords & Friends picnic in
Ramona, a problem turned out which shows how our club Members work
together. Ed Oe came to the rescue and showed us how a flat tire was no
problem. You see, Ed carries a
universal spare tire. If your electric
fuel pump stops, call Ed again, he
carries a spare.
This all happened to Rich and his
‘36 Ford pickup on our road trip to
the car show in. Just 4 miles short
of the show, the left rear tire on his
‘36 Ford came apart.
Ed Oe had a universal spare that
fit Rich’s truck, and a jack. One
roadside repair and on to the show.
During the show Rich bought 2 new
tires to take care of the problem
for good in Ramona at Big-O Tire.
Great show and day, We all left
together and 2 miles out, the ‘36
stopped running again (tires OK
this time). The electric fuel pump
stopped working and again Ed Oe
had a spare, he crawled under the
‘36 and replaced the pump as we
all stood around and tried to help...
do you need anything ?
Electric tape, plastic ties slot driver,
where did that clamp go? In 10
minutes Ed had it all together again.
What a great road trip, unless
maybe your make is Rich. This is
how our club works together.
The big problem here was that
Rich’s ‘36 tires were years too old.
We all need to check the age of
our tires by reading the date code
on the side walls. This is a Julian
code with examples in the chart to
the right. If anybody needs help in
understanding the code that is on
their tires, let me
know and will help.
Big Foot
Pantone 021 Orange
Pantone 806
Rudy has something here for all of us to look at. Having collector type
vehicles that do not get driven every day, we tend to let something like
this slip by. I checked my tires this morning and found 3 different codes
with the oldest being July 14th, 2001! It’s time for a change...ed.
Day Year 485 Red
029 098 Reads January 29 of 1998
029 202 Reads January 29 of 2002
Hauln’ Freight
LA Roadster’s Father’s Day Show
June 20-22, Chris Travers
The L.A. Roadsters Car Club was formed in 1957 and is still going
strong. The Club is well known for their beautiful 1936 and older
roadsters and their Club uniform of red shirts and white pants. Each
year, the L.A. Roadsters puts on one of the largest roadster shows,
swap meets, and commercial vendor shows in California. 2008 marks
the 44th time the Los Angeles Roadster Club has produced its worldrenowned show and the 29th year it has been held at the L.A. County
Fairplex in Pomona. This year, the L.A. Roadster’s paid a special tribute to Barry Meguiar for his outstanding contributions to the hobby of
hot rodding and for Meguiars many years of support of their show.
So where does that leave the gang from Pickups Limited of Orange
County? In the Speciality parking lot that’s where. O’dark-30 arrived
at it’s usual hour. At this event it is really important to be the early
bird for parking. If you have ever been to the Fairplex for the drag
races or swap meets, you
know just how big that lot
is. We found our spots
and Steve, Bob, Dusty,
and I started pulling gout
the EZ-Ups and chairs
so mark our real estate.
The Prez showed up a
bit later as did dozens of
old friends from all over.
The best thing about this
event is that we can sit
around all day and tell
stories about each other
until our eyes all start to
turn dark brown from all
of the you-know-what. You
can see from the photo
below what looks like a
fishing story that my buddy
Craig is laying on the
crowd. Pat Ford was also
there displaying for Dennis
Carpenter during his West
Coast swing.
The parking lot is all about
what is good in the Street
Rod world. There are hundreds of cars and trucks...
some good and some not
so good, but each one
belongs to a dreamer like
you and me. The swap
meet again this year was
a total overload of goodies
to see and dream about.
It is obvious why this is a
2½ day show. You need
that much time just to see
everything once!
Hauln’ Freight
Give Me A Brake
by Glenn Kerr
Why It’s Important to Flush Your Brake System
Chris has extended an invitation to me to do a technical column for the club
newsletter. So here I am. I’d like to introduce myself. I was born at a young age
of goodly parents. My name is Glenn Kerr. I own Glenn’s Alignment & Brake
Service in Costa Mesa with my partner Russ Robinson.
I’ve been in the automotive repair business since I was 17. My first job was at Gemco’s tire center in
Fountain Valley (does that date me?). After that, I spent some time at Sears, Goodyear and Firestone
auto centers.
In the early 70’s I went to work for Jerry Hall Firestone in Costa Mesa. From there, Glenn’s Alignment
& Brake Service was formed six years later in 1979. We started with one alignment rack and one
hoist. Today we’ve got 10 lifts and two alignment racks. It’s been all down hill from those early days.
Somehow things seemed a lot easier then. Maybe I just didn’t know any better.
We work on all types of vehicles, but about 60% of our business is classic, hot rods and custom cars.
We have a division doing all phases of classic Mustang repairs. This is one of Russ’ specialties. He’s
the west coast authority on these cars.
One thing I do know for sure is this. The more I know the more I realize how much more there is to
learn. In this column I’ll share things we’ve learned over the years. If I don’t know something I’ll find the
answer. If I can’t find an answer I’ll make something up that sounds good and has some plausibility.
I could go on, but I’m sure I’ll embarrass myself in a hurry. So let’s get to it.
Brake Fluid and Your Classic Vehicle
Let’s talk about brake fluid and how it affects our classic vehicles. The obvious thing is it allows us to stop,
hopefully safely. It’s part of a direct link from the brake pedal to the pads or shoes.
Brake fluid is a specially formulated liquid used in the brake hydraulic system. Brake fluid must meet one of
three U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) specifications. DOT3 and DOT4 are glycol-based fluids, which
absorb water. DOT5 is a silicone-based fluid and does not absorb water. The main difference is that DOT3 and
DOT4 absorb water, while DOT5 doesn’t and is silicone-based. Most cars use DOT 3 fluid from the factory.
The fact that the most common types of brake fluid absorb water is a two edged sword. The bad thing is
that brake fluid absorbs water. This causes the brake fluid boiling point to lower. This isn’t good with the high
temperatures braking produce. Remember, brakes convert forward motion to heat through friction.
The good thing is that brake fluid absorbs water. If not, there would be water bubbles suspended in the fluid.
This is one of the problems with DOT 5 fluids.
If brake fluid can’t absorb water, like DOT5, water bubbles develop. Water boils around 212 degrees. Boiling is
when a liquid is turned into a gas. Liquid basically doesn’t compress, gas does. Gas in the brake system isn’t
good. With a brake fluid boiling point over 400 degrees, we don’t need the water bubbles boiling at 212. Boiling
causes a soft spongy brake pedal. It happens when the brakes are over heated from heavy braking. Exactly
when we don’t need poor performance.
How does brake fluid get water in it? The system is closed for the most part. Here’s how it happens. Brake
fluid is hygroscopic. That’s a college word that means it absorbs moisture from the atmosphere. How can that
happen you might wonder? Moisture is absorbed through rubber brake hoses, past seals and through the vent
in the master cylinder lid. I know. How can moisture penetrate rubber brake hoses your thinking? Trust me, it
Hauln’ Freight
Ad to this is the fact that DOT 3 and DOT 4 brake fluid is highly corrosive. It will ruin paint and cause chrome to
rust. Add water and air the mix and it gets worse. With steel, brass, aluminum and other materials in contact
with this corrosive mixture and it’s a recipe for disaster if neglected.
Meet Joe Customer
This is a true life story and a text book example why you should flush your hydraulic brake system every year or
Joe Customer makes an appointment for his 1946 Ford Woody to have his brake system flushed. I greet him
at the service counter and get the normal stuff, name, address, etc. Joe tells me he’s here to have his brake
system flushed. I’m thinking “this is good. He’s got the right idea”. I ask him a few more questions. Any problems
with your brakes? “No they work fine”. How long has it been since they were last serviced? “I’ve got about
10,000 miles since you replaced the master cylinder. I just
thought it was time for a flush”, he says. Great, we should
be done early as this appears to be just a straight forward
brake service.
I enter his name and car in the computer and pull the service
history. He’s right. It’s been about 10,000 miles since we
last serviced the brakes... 11 years ago, in 1997. I’m thinking
“Joe we’ve got to talk. You need to drive this car more often”.
But I don’t say anything and figure we’ll wait and see what we
Joe heads off to get
some breakfast, we
get his car up on
the hoist and give it the once over. By the way, this was a real nice car.
Late model drive train. Beautiful wood, straight body and shinny paint.
The first red flag was a leak from the back of the master cylinder.
Not good. We pull all the wheels for a full fledged brake inspection. So
much for a quick routine job. The rear brakes and rear cylinders were
in good shape. But the front, what a mess. Behind the wheel cylinder
dust boots was nothing but rust and mud. This is not good. Fortunately
for Joe, the brake lining wasn’t soaked yet. Joe was in for more work
than just a routine brake service.
Is It Time For A Change?
So what’s the point here? Not only does brake fluid need to be changed periodically like engine oil, but not
driving our classic cars and trucks often isn’t good for them either.
They need to get up to operating temperature regularly. We see way more problems from vehicles sitting or
stored for long periods of time than we do from too much use. Motorhomes suffer from the same problems if
they aren’t used often enough too.
Changing your brake fluid regularly does more than help protect your brake system from deterioration. It’s an
opportunity to do a safety inspection of the rest of the vehicle systems. Belts, hoses, electrical, suspension,
fluid levels and these types of things.
Whether you do these things yourself for have them done, they do need to be on your regular maintenance
schedule to prevent a costly repair or worse, the embarrassment of a breakdown on that next cruise.
Orange County Chapter
Hauln’ Freight
FINK REUNION June 5-7 2008, Manti, Utah
Photos & text by Bill Lee
Everyone knows who ‘Big Daddy’ Ed Roth
was. With his passing in April of 2001, his
close friends and family wanted to keep his
memory alive so they started the Ed Roth
Memorial Cruise. It was held this year in
Manti, Utah (just north/east of Anabella)
where Ed lived and passed away. He is
buried there in the cemetery across from
the Manti Temple of the LDS church.
As you can tell from the pictures of his 80’
x 160’ shop (and I felt I had a big one),
there are loads of his priceless drawings,
doodling, original t-shirt artwork, and even
his silk screens which he made his own
shirts from. There is just too much to list it
all. We had seen it before during the Super
Tour 5 but still spent over 3 hours looking around his shop.
A lot of the shots were of the inside of the house. The Rat
Fink angel was painted on the ceiling in the main living room
the first year of the Memorial Cruise by all the artists that
showed up. They moved all the furniture out of the room set
up scaffolding and laid on there backs Michelangelo style
and painted the ceiling in shifts. This is one of the most
impressive drawings of a Rat Fink that I have ever seen. A
life size Big Daddy stands in the main living room to greet all
the come to see his legacy. Also in the pictures are shots
of the Rat Fink Store which is inside the shop. Hundreds of
different designs on t-shirts, sweat shirts, rat fink hats, key
chains, again you think of it they had it Rat Fink style.
Hauln’ Freight
But back to the Cruise…there were 10 different pin
stripers and air brush artists from all over the county
that make this trip once a year to remember there
friend and honor him in there own way. Each one of
them make a one of a kind award Rat Fink style that
they hand out to a vehicle of there choice at the car
show. Double Ugly won one of these awards for the
best use of color in a flame job. There were lots of
vehicles as you can tell from the shots of the show
on Saturday. They had 117 registered vehicles and
a lot out on the street that just came to be a part
of this event. The town of Manti shut down Main
Street for over an hour while everyone cruised with
open headers and blew their horns. You know I was
blowing the train horn in Bonnie’s truck while we were
cruising. What is really amazing about them shutting
down the Main drag in town is that no one gets mad
and complains about having to detour around the
outside of town. In fact most of them just stop and
watch till it’s over then continue on there way. It is
very different here in that respect. Can you imagine
shutting down Harbor Blvd at 4:00 in the afternoon
for an hour and no one getting mad?????
We hope all of you enjoy these pictures on the Ed
Roth Memorial Cruise. Drop us a line next time you
are passing through Utah.
You’re F-100 Buddies,
Bill & Bonnie Lee
[email protected]
Hauln’ Freight
Ed Roth was truly a trendsetter as is evident in the artwork that survives him. A talent like this comes along only once. As a kid I remember
going over to his shop on Gage Avenue in Bell to hang out and see what
was going on. It’s easy for us to see cars, but what really made this guy
tick was the artwork...the cars will come later.
Hauln’ Freight
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ed “Big Daddy” Roth (March 4, 1932 – April 4, 2001) was an artist and cartoonist who created the hot-rod icon Rat
Fink and other extreme characters. As a custom car builder, Roth was a key figure in Southern California’s “Kustom
Kulture”/Hot-rod movement of the 1960s. He grew up in Bell, California, attending Bell High School, where his classes
included auto shop and art.
Roth is best known for his grotesque caricatures — typified by Rat Fink — depicting imaginative, outsized monstrosities
driving representations of the hot rods he and his contemporaries built. Although Detroit native Stanley Mouse (Miller)
is credited with creating the so-called “Monster Hot Rod” art form, Roth is accepted as the individual who popularized
it. Roth is less well known for his innovative work in turning hot rodding from crude backyard engineering where performance was the bottom line into a refined artform where aesthetics were equally important, breaking new ground with
Fibreglass bodywork.
In the 1960s, plastic models of many of Roth’s cars, as well as models of Rat Fink and other whimsical creatures created by Roth, were marketed by the Revell model company.
Numerous artists were associated with Roth, including painter Robert Williams, Rat Fink Comix artist R.K. Sloane and
Steve Fiorilla, who illustrated Roth’s catalogs.
Roth was active in the field of counterculture art and hot-rodding his entire adult life. At the time of his death in 2001, he
was working on an innovative hot-rod project involving a compact car planned as a radical departure from the dominant
“tuner” performance modification style. In his later years, Roth’s telephone number was listed in the directory, and he
encouraged fans to contact him: he was always generous with his time and enthusiasm.
Hauln’ Freight
Fords & Friends Picnic
or Ed (The MacGyver) to the Dan Cangro
The San Diego Chapter of
Pickups Limited held their 21st
Annual Fords & Friends Picnic
in Dos Picos Park, just below
Ramona California. Wildlife is
abundant and visible as you
meander up the winding two
lane highway that is reminiscent
of country life as it once was and
of days gone by for us city folk.
Our motley little group traveled
past a picturesque country side
dotted with homes and ranches
with most having horses and
farm type animals, both two
and four legged types. Even the
weather gods cooperated by
making sure there was nary a
cloud in the sky. It was simply
a picture perfect day, with
sunny skies and cool breezes
to welcome us to the Fords &
Friends Picnic.
Our members met at 6:00 AM
at Toms located on Lakeview and
the 91 freeway. I guess most
members stayed close to their
homesteads, what with high fuel
prices, spring builds and home
projects, as we ended up being
just shy of a respectful showing
at our sister clubs annual fund
raising event. Rich and Randi
were first to cruise in a grey 36
Ford pickup followed by Jeff who
was riding shotgun for Ed. Rudy
and Edith were right on their
heels and as we greeted each
other we learned that Steve
had gone ahead with Pat Ford
because as they were elected
to tow a Dennis Carpenter
trailer filled catalogs for the
show guests and patrons. Oh
yes, an honorable mention to
Chris who could not attend but
nevertheless sent his application
and registration fee in to
support our sister chapter in
their annual fund raising event.
We headed down the road at
a very respectful and may I
say surprising and
appreciated 60 miles
per hour. You see, I
have found that when
traveling in concert
with our fellow club
members, all the
lead in the country
resides in their feet.
It is either that or
their mussel control
in none existent, as
they tend to travel comfortably
at 75 and 80 miles per hour.
Anyway, as we were traveling
Rudy noticed Rich had no brake
lights, no problem though as he
would let Rich know when we
stop for breakfast in Temecula.
(Everyone who attended the
Temecula run last November will
remember the breakfast we had,
big portions and good food). We
met Steve and Pat Ford at the
breakfast table where everyone
swapped stories, both big and
small and when it comes to
whoppers, well I’ll leave that one
to your imagination.
All fat a sassy and full of vim
and vigor, we headed for the
nearest ATM for“cash out” of
our equity for gas money and got
back on the road again. Then it
happened, incident number two;
Rich’s left rear tire blew out as
we are heading up Poway road,
I say road because it’s two small
to be considered a highway by
today’s standards.
Hauln’ Freight
I wouldn’t normally mention the width of the lanes or lack their of unless you just happen to be on that
very narrow winging road with your truck on the side of it, and your back side sticking out into traffic
that is coming out of a blind curve. Fortunately Ed (The MacGyver) had a spare tire with a wheel that
had universal mounting lug nut holes. I grabbed a few flags to slow down and alert oncoming traffic
while Cathy and Randi used their beauty and charm to get the oncoming traffic to slow down, I tell ya
my little flags didn’t stand a chance against that! Once the tire was changed, we were on our way again.
Arriving at the Fords & Friends Picnic, we were greeted with BBQ that wasn’t bad and live music to
sooth our tired souls. As the day wore on Rich got the hard luck trophy which turned out to be an
omen for what was to happen next. Incident number three; because of the brake lights and the flat
tire we had decided to travel home as a group. It was a smart decision as we had barely left the Fords
& Friends Picnic when Rich pulled over (on a wider stretch of road). We checked his electrical for
problems and finding none we moved on to the fuel system where it was quickly determined his fuel
pump had failed and wouldn’t you know it, Ed (The MacGyver) had a spare fuel pump. (History; the pump
was purchased when Ed was having trouble with fuel delivery while driving to the Super tour in 2006. It
turns out his gas cap was not vented causing a vacuum to build thus preventing proper fuel delivery. So
he never used the fuel pump and now you know why he
was running around with a spare fuel pump in his truck.)
Anyway, back to the story. With fuel pump in hand, Ed
(The MacGyver) dove under Rich’s truck while the rest
of us played nurse getting him whatever tools he needed
to get the job done. Well within minutes the pump was
changed and we headed home without any further
Tired, dirty from the day’s activities, it never seems to
matter because in retrospect, every time I’m out with
the guys and dolls from Pick-Ups Limited, I find I’m
better off for having been with them. For more photos
on this event check out
Until that time….Dan, The Music Man
Hauln’ Freight
Couple travels 3,000 miles in a Model T
If you were with us on the tour of southland shops in January with our friends from Canada, you will
remember a buddy of mine Phil Reed from Santa Fe Springs. Phil was the guy with the outrageous
collection of fine vintage cars that included 2 Mini Coopers and a brand new Mustang GT 500. Here is
a recent story from the San Gabriel Valley Tribune about Phil and his latest undertaking....ed
Couple travels 3,000 miles in a Model T
By Bill Bell
Correspondent – San Gabriel Valley
Tribune –
Reed and his London-born wife, Joy,
have returned home to Whittier after
assuring themselves a mention in
automotive history books.
Come September 27th 2008, Ford
Motor Company will celebrate the
100th anniversary of Henry Ford’s first
Model T automobile rolling off the
production line in Detroit.
Dubbed the “Tin Lizzie” and
“Flivver,” The Model T marked the
beginning of industrial assembly-line
production and became known as “the
car that put America on wheels”.
Phil and Joy Reed returned home on
Wednesday May 28th from a 23-day,
3,000-mile cross country odyssey
of 20 Model T owners and their
owners driving their vintage cars from
Baltimore to the West Coast. Phil took
honors as the group’s oldest driver at
age 88.
The car’s seats were like slivers, she
said, too small for a 3,000 mile trip
lasting 23 consecutive days. But she
laughed as she found humor in the
telling of the long ordeal.
They traveled between five and seven
hours daily. Phil estimated their
average speed at 35mph with speed
bursts up to 45 or 50amph. He said
the car and tires performed beautifully
throughout the trip. Phil said that three
of the 20 cars that signed on for the
journey dropped out due to difficulties.
Phil estimated that his little Model T
coupe averaged about 16 miles per
gallon on the coast-to-coast trip. At
$3.95 per gallon, the fuel cost would
have been $733. He said all of the
other expenses – lodging, meals, and
special events – totaled about $10,000.
Good natured Joy however said
she wasn’t overjoyed with the ride.
She complained about being quite
uncomfortable ensconced next to Phil
in the narrow, two-seated Model T
Hauln’ Freight
May 31st
Over its twenty-two year history, the Huntington Beach Concours has grown to be one of the outstanding automotive events in
Southern California. First staged in 1986, the Concours has its home on the picturesque lawns of Huntington Beach Central
Park in Huntington Beach. Central Park lies adjacent to the Huntington Beach Public Library & Cultural Resource Center at
Talbert and Goldenwest. Our field of entrants includes the best domestic, British, European and Asian, vintage to current
automobiles and motorcycles. Recently, vintage and racing bicycles have also been added to the event.
When the event was staged in 1986, its premise was not the usual
Concours event that favors the elite marques of the automotive world.
The Steering Committee, led by Founder, Bart P. McGrath, envisioned
an event that would truly feature and favor all automotive makes whether Ferrari or Ford, MG or General Motors. The Committee understood
that prince and pauper alike, all car guys have lavished time, effort and
expense on their automobile or motorcycle of choice, and all entries are
deserving of recognition. Moreover, whether a car guy, motorcyclist or
cyclist; everyone has an appreciation for the broad spectrum of entries at the event. The Committee felt that a Ferrari owner would enjoy
seeing the Fords and Street Rods. Likewise, a Muscle Car man would
equally enjoy Mercedes or Maserati. Over the years, the Committee’s vision has been proven out time and time again, as many of our entrants
who enter the event on a regular basis own a variety of foreign and domestic makes, and enter them each year. Comments from the entrants
also validate the Event as they very much enjoy seeing the wide variety
of manufacturers and builders represented.
Additionally, the
Committee made
changes in the
traditional judging of entrants
of the Concours
by initiating a
“Concours” class
for entries driven
less than 1,000
miles per year,
and a “Concours
Street” Class for
those driven on
a regular basis.
It was unfair to
ask entrants to
compete on only
one level, and
had kept a lot
of people who
would otherwise
enter automotive events from
This year our own
Dan Cangro was
awarded one of
th top honors for
Stars ‘n Stripes
Hauln’ Freight
You and your
1948 - 1956 FORD F-1 & F100 TRUCKS
Name: _________________________________
City: ___________________________
Address: ______________________________
State: _____________ Zip: _______________________
Area Code: ______ Phone: ___________________
e-mail: _____________________________
F-1’s & F-100’s Currently Owned
Year: _____ Model: ______________________
Year: ______ Model: _____________________
Year: _____ Model: ______________________
Year: ______ Model: _____________________
Year: _____ Model: ______________________
Year: ______ Model: _____________________
We are collecting photos of members and their cars for our web site If you
would like your truck displayed for all the world to enjoy, please include photos and any history, specs,
or stories with your application. Please write your name on the back of any photos...better yet, you
can e-mail this information to [email protected]
Pickups Limited - Orange County Chapter Membership Dues: Dues are $10 per month or
$110 per year if paid annually by February 1. New members joining after January may prorate
their membership fees at a rate of $10.00 per month. There is a one time initiation fee of $40 for
any new members. Please send check or money order payable to Pickups Limited to:
Orange County Chapter
P.O. Box 4631
Anaheim, CA 92803
We have our business meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each
month. For directions to our current meeting place and meeting times, check the Pickups Limited web site at
We often meet at another time of each month for cruising.
Call for details! Questions? Call Ed Oe at (714) 493-0703
Hauln’ Freight