ANGELS OF C A T H O L I C - Los Angeles Catholic Worker
ANGELS OF C A T H O L I C - Los Angeles Catholic Worker
R SU LE C P R SH S O E O PP L IN UR M E IN AC FAV T G W O C R A O RT F S p. 2 U C A T H O L I C Graphic by Rufo Noriega AGITATOR INTERVIEWS JULIAN ASSANGE PFC. BRADLEY MANNING, JULIAN ASSANGE, EDWARD SNOWDEN: ANGELS OF TRUTH INCREASED COMMUNICATION MEANS YOU HAVE EXTRA FREEDOM ANGEL OF TRUTH CATHOLIC AGITATOR INTERVIEW WITH: WIKILEAKS’ JULIAN ASSANGE By JEFF DIETRICH I t was a chilly May evening in London, and security around the building was very high as two polite but insistent officers from the Metropolitan Police escorted me to the front door of the Ecuadorian Embassy, where I, despite my intimidation, spoke firmly into the intercom. “My name is Jeff Dietrich. I have an appointment with Julian Assange.” My friend, London Catholic Worker Ciaron O’Reilly, had arranged the meeting for me while I was on a recent speaking tour in England. I had fully expected Ciaron to go with me. However, at the last minute he explained that it was not possible. Now I was on my own to meet with the man some have called the “most wanted fugitive in the world.” I was a little nervous, after all I am not ABC or BBC or CNN; I am just the Catholic Agitator. A pleasant young woman met me at the door as the security guard patted me down. Almost immediately Julian Assange came down a side corridor in his stocking feet to greet me. He and the young woman escorted me into a comfortable sitting room and a few minutes later she brought us a pot of tea and a plate of snacks. The first thing I noticed about Julian is that, while he has quite a light complexion, he is not the washed-out vampire some news photos make him appear. The other thing is that, despite descriptions of him as introverted and difficult, he is quite the opposite—cordial if not jovial, and certainly friendly and welcoming. Yes, he was aware of the Catholic Worker and appreciated their support of the movement, and yes he had seen our Jesus Wikileaks bumper sticker and had sent some to friends. Unfortunately, I was not able to bring in a camera or tape recorder. Some portions of this article are quoted from Julian’s new book Cyberpunks. As I began the interview, Julian explained that the so-called “rape charges” pending against him in Sweden had been repudiated by the two women involved in the case and yet the Swedish government refuses to drop the charges, refusing as well to interview him in England rather than demanding extradition. I asked him if the U.S. government was pressuring Sweden. He said that it does not work that way. The majority of those in power in Sweden are conservative, many of them having The first thing I noticed about Julian is that, while he has quite a light complexion, he is not the washed-out vampire some news photos make him appear. The other thing is that, despite descriptions of him as introverted and difficult, he is quite the opposite— cordial if not jovial, and certainly friendly and welcoming. Yes, he was aware of the Catholic Worker and appreciated their support of the movement, and yes he had seen our Jesus Wikileaks bumper sticker and had sent some to friends. attended school in the U.S., and also the American conservative Karl Rove is an advisor to the government. “There is no overt pressure,” he said. “It’s just that friends know what their friends want.” He went on to say that the press and the U.S. government have done everything possible to demonize him. “They have called me every name in the book. I have been called anti-Semitic and pro-Zionist; I have been called a terrorist, a communist, and anti-capitalist.” This demonization and character assassination is, in fact, as we have seen with Edward Snowden, a well-coordinated and well-organized government policy purposefully designed to diminish public support for whistle blowers and deflect attention away from the government’s own wrongdoing. Regarding his personal security at the Embassy, Assange told me that recent elections in Ecuador re-elected the anti-American government that supported him and originally gave him asylum, so that for the time being he feels pretty secure. However, on a darker note, he told me that Wikileaks had recently gotten wind of a British commando plan to raid the Embassy and extract him. When news of the raid was posted on the Internet, the response, particularly from British ambassadors, was outrage because they know the security of every British embassy around the world would be jeopardized if the asylum rights of the Ecuadorian Embassy were so egregiously violated. It was not surprising that Assange has a well-formed reflective ideology about the practice of democracy and the need for transparency. He noted that historians have all of the information and documents needed to write a truthful articulation of the past, but this kind of information is not available to contemporary writers: “Increased communication,” he says, “means you have extra freedom relative to the people who are trying to control ideas and manufacture consent. Increased surveillance means just the opposite” (Cyberpunk, p.21). Assange stated that the Internet is an invention equivalent to, and even transcending, the printing press, which precipitated the Protestant Reformation, the Russian, French, and American Revolutions, and every revolution since. It freed the manacled mindset of humanity and allowed individuals to conceive of possibilities beyond slavery and serfdom. Continued on page 2 JULIAN HAS A WELL-FORMED DEMOCRATIC IDEOLOGY CATHOLIC AGITATOR / 1 PFC. BRADLEY MANNING, JULIAN ASSANGE, EDWARD SNOWDEN: ANGELS OF TRUTH SUPREME COURT RULES IN FAVOR OF L.A. CATHOLIC WORKER SHOPPING CARTS By JEFF DIETRICH O n June 24, the highest court in the land ruled to let stand the Ninth Circuit Court decision protecting the property rights of homeless people, including their right to possess the red shopping carts the L.A. Catholic Worker has been purchasing and giving to homeless people for the last 15 years. Despite rulings by the local Federal Court, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and despite numerous dismissals of city requests for “relief” from the original injunction by Judge David Gutierrez, and now, finally, a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court, our shopping carts continue to be confiscated and the personal property of homeless people continues to be seized. Oh, to be sure, the LAPD does indeed abide by the injunction; they no longer seize the so-called “unat- DIETRICH, cont’d from p.1 For better and worse, the Internet has only begun to set fire to the human imagination. It has ignited the desire for inter-communication around the globe, the desire for unity amongst all of humanity that transcends national borders, national controls, and sovereignty. That is why every state spies on its citizens and every other national and corporate entity in the world. That is why every state wants to control the Internet; within its open realm they see the real possibility of their own demise. Governments want to control and neutralize this technology before it makes them superfluous and antiquated. According to Assange, governments “see the Internet like an illness that affects their ability to define reality, to define what is going on.” “We need to control it totally (they say), we need to filter, we need to know everything they do…and that is what has happened in the past twenty years. There was massive investment in surveillance because people in power feared the Internet would affect their way of governance” (p. 23). Cyber spying has become extremely ubiquitous. Assange writes, that “ it is being done by everyone and by nearly every state, because of the commercialization of mass surveillance. And it’s totalizing now, because people put all their political ideas, their family communications and their friendships on the Internet…there is a battle between the power of this information collected by insiders, these shadow states that are starting to develop, swapping with each other, developing connections with each other and with the private sector, versus the increase of the commons with the Internet as the common tool for humanity to speak to itself” (pp. 21-22). Just as the common lands of medieval Europe were common to all people, so too do Assange and his “cyberpunks” conceive of the Internet as a “commons.” But unfortunately most of us are so infused with the notion of private property that we do not understand that the radio and television airwaves belong, not to commercial 2 / AUGUST 2013 tended” property of the homeless as they eat, shower, or relieve themselves. However, that does not mean that such actions no longer happen. Almost immediately after Judge Gutierrez’s federal court ruling, the LAPD did desist from taking LACW shopping carts as well as the personal property of homeless street people, but their surrogates, the “Red Shirts,” private security guards employed by the business community, boldly carried on. The “Red Shirts” had three of our legal shopping carts, filled with the possessions of the homeless, stashed in their pick up truck, right at the corner outside our soup kitchen. Like Joan of Arc I felt emboldened, not by a message from God, but by Judge Gutierrez’s recent ruling. I was emboldened by the power of the U.S. Constitution. “Those are my carts,” I said. “You are stealing my property. Take them off of your truck immediately.” “I am sorry, sir. This is abandoned property and our regulations do not allow us to remove property once it is on our truck. You will have to come to our warehouse in order to claim your property.” In the meantime, the actual owners of the property in our carts, who had been eating at our soup kitchen, showed up clambering for their possessions. Further emboldened, I hoisted my senior citizen body onto the truck and put my hand on what was actually the property of the LACW. A young security guard was behind me and said that I was trespassing on his truck. In a moment of inappropriate outrage, I looked him in the face and said, “Yeah, well what are you going to do about it?” He pulled out his handcuffs and called out to his companions, “Alright, take him down.” Fortunately his comrades were slow on the uptake and with the assistance and victory cheers of the homeless, I pushed the carts off of the truck and into the hands of their proper owners. Thanks to Judge Gutierrez, I was able to do what U.S. citizens are supposed to do: protect and defend the Constitution on the streets of Los Angeles. The “Red Shirt” security guards believe that the Ninth Circuit ruling applies only to the 50 square blocks of Skid Row. However, I sat in the courtroom for all Ninth Circuit Court proceedings in this case. And the court was in fact reluctant to rule on the issue, because they recognized that the real issue was about distinguishing between what is trash and what is personal property. This is why they requested that the City and homeless advocates submit the issue to arbitration. The City refused to arbitrate and the Ninth Circuit Court reluctantly ruled against the City. The court also understood that their ruling would affect every man, woman, and child in the entire Southwest region; that it had ramifications for drug cases, terrorist cases, lost luggage, and Paris Hilton’s personal bed frame deposited in front of her Beverly Hills home: Is that trash, a souvenir, or personal property? They did not want to open that can of worms, and neither did the U.S. Supreme Court. However, City Attorney Carmen Trutanich did. He did not care to negotiate trash and non-trash and thus he opened the entire city and all of the cities in the Southwest region from San Diego to San Francisco, from Los Angeles to Albuquerque to the problems of a few hundred people on LA’s Skid Row. Thank God the Ninth Circuit Court Justices and Judge Gutierrez thought that the Fourth Amendment rights of a few hundred people pushing shopping carts on Skid Row was worth all the cans of worms in the cities and states where they will indeed be opened. And now all we have to do is to finally persuade the LAPD and their “Red Shirt” surrogates to recognize the law of the land instead of the law of handcuffs and badges. Ω entities, but to all citizens within every nation. Assange explains that rather than an Internet commons, “the natural efficiencies of surveillance technologies…will mean that slowly we will end up in a global totalitarian surveillance society” (p. 62). He says that “communications is at the core. Your private life now moves over the Internet. So in fact our private lives have entered into a militarized zone. It is like having a soldier under the bed. This is the militarization of civilian life” (p. 33). We know from the work of Wikileaks, now confirmed by Edward Snowden, that meaningful oversight of this technology is virtually impossible because the legislators and judges who are supposed to be in control have virtually no technical background and often do not have a clue what they are signing. This is made even more complicated by the technology, which allows an operator, with the flip of a switch, to easily obtain private and personal information that obviates the need for an old-fashioned warrant. Snowden has made it clear that he could obtain the personal information of even the President of the United States. Assange argues that “this is a really big threat to democracy and freedom all around the world that needs a response, like the threat of atomic war needed mass response, to try and control it while we still can” (p. 47). I do not hold out much hope for large numbers of U.S. citizens to rise up in a mass movement to protest the loss of their basic human rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. In fact, polling results indicate that the majority of Americans are comfortable with bureaucrats and so-called experts being the arbitrators and dispensers of their Constitutional rights. I can recall scores of times over the past forty years of anti-war protests where I have been confronted by enraged veterans and active duty service personnel with the same mantra: “I really disagree with you, but I fought for your right to say it.” Yes, there are many who have served and given their lives to protect our Constitutional rights from the intrusion of nefarious foreign powers. However, very few of those individuals are willing or even able to protect those rights from the intrusion of what is possibly the most nefarious power of all: our own government. Assange writes of once walking past a U.S. gun shop. The words under the large neon sign GUNS said: “Democracy Locked and Loaded.” While Republicans and gun advocates are willing to go to the mat for the Second Amendment, they are willing to roll over like wimps on issues of Habeas Corpus, the Fourth Amendment right to security in your person and property, and frankly the entire Bill of Rights. It is probably trite to mention that what we are up against makes 1984’s Big Brother look like a benign kindergarten teacher. According to Assange: “There has been a shift in the last few years from intercepting everything going across from one country to another and picking out particular people you want to spy on and assigning them to human beings, to now intercepting everything and storing everything permanently…just record everything and sort it out later using analytic systems” (p. 38). That means the government stores the dates and times and content of every phone call, every internet session, every Google query, every Facebook entry, and every e-mail on mega computers at a secret location in perpetuity. Unfortunately, I fear that most people in this country are not overly concerned, thinking that “if you haven’t done anything wrong then you have nothing to fear.” However, if you merely voice opposition to government policy, such opposition could easily trigger a search through all of your personal life information as you come under investigation for sedition or even terrorism, which is exactly why we have a Fourth Amendment right to security in our “person, property and papers,” to protect us against just such intrusion by government or corporate entities. When George Orwell wrote his novel 1984 in the year 1949, the technology to keep constant surveillance over millions of individual citizens, as well as the ability to reach into the mind of a particular individual in order to recognize their most secret phobia seemed impossibly far off. Well, it is time to say hello to Big Brother. We must not forget the entire reason for 24/7 surveillance in the novel was the eternal and neverending war on terrorism—a war without end, perfect for the growth of the state, the war machine, and the total surveillance of all citizenry. Over half a century ago, the antitechnology prophet Jacques Ellul observed that one of the essential characteristics of technology is that it C A T H O L I C AUGUST 2013 Vol. 43/No.4 Editors: Jeff Dietrich, Martha Lewis, and Mike Wisniewski Managing Editor: Donald Nollar Staff: Faustino Cruz and Rev. Elizabeth Griswold The Catholic Agitator (ISSN-0045-5970) is published bi-monthly February, April, June, August, October, and December for $1 per year by the Los Angeles Catholic Worker, 632 N. Brittania St., Los Angeles, CA 90033-1722 ••••• Periodical Postage paid at Los Angeles, CA POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Catholic Agitator, 632 N. Brittania St., Los Angeles, CA 90033-1722 The LACW is not a 501(c).(3) non-profit organization and donations to the LACW are not tax-exempt. Editorial communications, new subscriptions, and address changes to: 632 N. Brittania St., Los Angeles, CA 90033-1722 323-267-8789 • • [email protected] Jeff Dietrich is a Los Angeles Catholic Worker community member and editor of the Agitator. Continued on page 6 THE TRAYVON MARTIN MURDER Previous experiences of being presumed guilty had so affected his trust in white people, in the world really, that Zimmerman following him struck the wrong chord: a dangerous chord. And Trayvon, a child who felt pursued and trapped, believed he had no choice but to confront his aggressor. STRIKING CLOSE TO HOME am sickened by those who want him to feel that he did nothing wrong. Our justice system is all too eager to convict him of his innocence. But if he has a heart, if he has a soul, if he has a conscience, he would know that Trayvon’s blood is on his hands. Ω By DAVID OMONDI “F reeze! Put your hands in the air!” It was late at night and the CVS Pharmacy in Columbus, Ohio only had three people in it: my brother Samuel, the cashier, and the police officer Sam had noticed in the aisles. The cashier had just wrung up his items: milk for the cereal in his dorm room and a hole punch to complete an architecture portfolio he was working on late at night while other students celebrated Thanksgiving with their families. He was reaching for his wallet when the command paralyzed him—the policeman had his gun pointed directly at him, Samuel. Pointed at my brother, a hardworking architecture student at OSU. Why? Because, he was obviously about to rob the store, being black and all. The policeman searched my brother, found nothing, and told him he was “free to go.” Not the same outcome as Trayvon, thankfully, yet the similarities are too eerie: young black man buying groceries at night, suspected of criminality simply due to his existence. It was a harrowing experience for Samuel, something akin to mortal fear; it strikes hot in your veins and grips your chest like a vice. And then easy dismissal with no apology, as if you are somehow not so human. After that comes relief, disbelief, anger, then an enduring pain and sadness. This whole Trayvon Martin saga just strikes too close to home. “Hey You! Come here! Even before hearing those words, I knew the policeman was coming for me. Walking up the front steps of the house, which belonged to a longtime friend of our family, I wondered why there was a police car screaming down the main road of a residential area, a well-to-do subdivision in northern Indiana, and the thought entered my mind that it might have something to do with me. It had seemed strange, the SUV going up and down the block earlier as I sat outside in the yard, slowing at certain points, and then pulling slowly into a garage a few houses away. When the police car screeched into our cul-de-sac, it was no longer just a thought. Sure enough, the vehicle stopped outside the house my family was staying in over Easter weekend. My back was turned to the street as I reached for the screen door to enter the house, anger already on the rise, just trying to keep composure. The policeman slammed his door shut, issued his command, and I turned to meet him on the steps as he rushed up the driveway. “Who are you? What are you doing here? Do you know the owner of the house? Is he home? I need to speak to him, let’s go in the house and talk to him.” “Can I just go in the house and get my ID and come show it to you? Or get the owner…” “No! That’s not possible. I need to see the owner. Let’s just go in the house now and find him…come on.” My body shook with anger as officer J. Beck escorted me through the door, down the corridor, into the living room where my mother and brother were seated. I said nothing, David Omondi is a Los Angeles Catholic Worker community member. WE WERE JUST SITTING THERE TALKING Trayvon Martin Trayvon Martin while my mother asked what the struck the wrong chord: a dangerous problem was. “There’s no problem chord. And Trayvon, a child who Ma’am. I’m just wondering if you felt pursued and trapped, believed know this gentleman?” he had no choice but to confront his “That’s my son.” aggressor. Officer Beck thanked her, said that George Zimmerman is guilty—at would be all, and left without any least guilty of precipitating the conwords in my direction. Never mind flict that ended Trayvon Martin’s life. that he never had a warrant to enter He profiled him through and through this private residence. Never mind and followed him on foot without that my mother is not the owner of identifying himself, which is against Neighborhood Watch protocol. He the house—she is white, and that was infected by stereotypes of seemed to make all the difference. criminal black youth, infected with Turns out the SUV was owned by a the deluding power of the gun, and member of the Neighborhood Watch infected with his own selfish desire who had reported a suspiciousto be a hero. looking person walking around the Yes, there’s a larger context inhouse. I am ‘suspicious,” like Trayvolved, beginning with seven robbervon, but my mother is not. ies in the neighborhood. However, This is the reality of the United the truth is, our whole fucking States of America in which we live. society is guilty. We have a justice Entire classes and races of people system that looks backward instead are every day denied dignity and of forward, seeking to ascribe legal excluded from equality in basic guilt, which is by far not the same respect. Over one lifetime, it can thing as moral guilt, and assess the breed anger, bitterness, and serious appropriate amount of pain to the violence. Over generations and genperpetrator. Rules and intentions are erations, it breeds rage and loathing, given more significance than actual which unfortunately are most often outcomes. That is, it is more importurned inward. tant that Zimmerman was defending There is no doubt in my mind that himself and seeking to “protect” the Trayvon was responding to Zimneighborhood than that he took the merman with a similar kind of rage life of an innocent seventeen-yearthat I felt towards Officer Beck on old child. What would restitution Good Friday, with the same frustralook like here? What is justice in tion that propelled Samuel’s gallon this situation? of milk onto a pharmacy wall in I do not wish death or prison upon Columbus. this man. I pray for his awakening to Previous experiences of being the rotten nature of the justice system presumed guilty had so affected his and the fallacy of his supporting it, trust in white people, in the world reof his pretense to being a protector. I ally, that Zimmerman following him By DOROTHY DAY W e were just sitting there talking when Peter Maurin came in. We were just sitting there talking when lines of people began to form, saying, “We need bread.” We could not say, “Go, be thou filled.” If there were six small loaves and a few fishes, we had to divide them. There was always bread. We were just sitting there talking and people moved in on us. Let those who can take it, take it. Some moved out and that made room for more. And somehow the walls expanded. We were just sitting there talking and someone said, “Let’s all go and live on a farm.” It was as casual as all that, I often think. It just came about. It just happened. I found myself, a barren woman, the joyful mother of children. It is not easy always to be joyful, to keep in mind the duty of delight. The most significant thing about the Catholic Worker is poverty, some say. The most significant thing is community, others say. We are not alone anymore. But the final word is love. At times it has been, in the words of Father Zossima, a harsh and dreadful thing, and our very faith in love has been tried through fire. We cannot love God unless we love each other. We know Him in the breaking of bread, and we know each other in the breaking of bread, and we are not alone anymore. Heaven is a banquet and life is a banquet, too, even with a crust, where there is companionship. We have all known the long loneliness and we have learned that the only solution is love and that love comes with community. It all happened while we sat there talking, and it is still going on. Ω Postcript from The Long Loneliness. EASY ESSAY By PETER MAURIN SHARE YOUR WEALTH What we give to the poor for Christ’s sake is what we carry with us when we die. As Jean Jacques Rousseau says: “When a man dies he carries in his clutched hands only that which he has given away.” Ω CATHOLIC AGITATOR / 3 PFC. BRADLEY MANNING, JULIAN ASSANGE, EDWARD SNOWDAN: ANGELS OF TRUTH The truth is not a secret. It cannot be hoarded and doled out as a common tyrant’s treasure trove. Its value, like love, lies only in the sharing, and increases as more people discover it, own it, and join to it. But lies require darkness, and the more pernicious the evil, the blacker the darkness. SAINTS, WHISTLEBLOWERS, AND ANGELS By FAUSTINO CRUZ L et us speak of saints, whistleblowers, angels, devils, and mortals. As this issue goes to press, the United States Army lawyers prosecuting Bradley Manning are putting the final touches on their case. I confess that I am having some trouble following the endless legal maneuvering, as brief and counter-brief, motion upon motion, pile up. However, I do understand that Judge Colonel Denise Lind’s recent ruling, allowing that Wikileaks’ involvement in the publication on the internet of top secret files provided by Manning most assuredly qualifies as aiding and abetting the enemy, does not bode well for PFC Bradley Manning. And yet even stuck in jail these past few years, Manning, truly, does remain free. Perhaps not physically, but whether imprisoned, holed up, exiled, or in limbo, he, Julian Assange, and Edward Snowden are quite free to complete their lives knowing that they are among the ever-so-few who can claim a clear conscience. Indeed, they can lay claim to that elusive Freiheit sought by all other nonviolent resisters whose words and more importantly deeds echo the statement of the members of the White Rose: “We will not be silent. We are your conscience…[we] will never leave you alone.” We have arrived at the apex of the North American and Western European good life. So how is it that every year over 30,000 U.S. citizens kill themselves, including eight active duty personnel suicides each week and another 22 veterans every single day? Add to this the 16,000 murders, and 40,000 drug overdose deaths (22,000 using their own prescription drugs). It turns out that modern “civilization” is not only adept at slaughtering its foes, but also, it seems, at killing its own. The deepest despair has settled in on those who have lost hope of ever living that oh so authentic life. It has been said that every cup of coffee has a drop of peasant blood in it (Juan Valdez not withstanding). So I ask you, how much blood in a gallon of gas or a quart of oil or in that onion, tomato, melon on your dining room table, or that factory-fresh cut of rib-eye on your plate? How much pain and suffering is staring back at you from the Ipod screen? And do you really think you can avoid having others’ agony seep seamlessly into your psyche? We don’t like death, especially if it is messy, yet as finite bodily beings we have become adept at dealing with it. With disastrous results we have come to fully embrace the moral reality of death. And death does indeed reign apparent, most cruelly, most wantonly, in all its sickening glory together with its consort, that filthy monstrous lie which hotly contends that nothing can be done, that all that is holy and powerful wants us to live this way. Yet hope in the distance appears. Before deliverance, had not the Israelites forgotten God and the truth that God wanted them free? Something was stronger than Pharaoh and 4 / AUGUST 2013 empire. Nuclear secrets, trade secrets, secret kill lists, military secrets, classified top secret, NSA (No Such Agency) secrets have all conspired to hide the biggest secret of all: We, as a nation, a global alliance of nations and the powerful, deal strictly in death, a veritable culture of death. The numbers are mind-boggling. Our military can kill millions and sustain thousands of dead, tens of thousands of horrifically wounded, and hundreds of thousands more (nearly one-third of all combat veterans) mentally and emotionally traumatized. Our military can apparently tolerate countless rapes and sexual abuses, illegal killings, friendly fire, green on blue attacks. But what our vaunted weapons systems and armies cannot survive is one single nobody low-level intelligence analyst spilling the beans. Nor can the spectacularly bloated, multi-billion dollar bureaucratic minions of the NSA combat one fellow saying what everybody already knows: Your own government is spying on you! Those in power are adept at cleaning up the bloodstains and moving on, shoveling the dirt over the now silent bodies. They can get along just fine without any of those people, and even though they do not like it, they can even put up with those misguided suicidal impulse mass murderers who might visit your local school hallway, theater, or fast food restaurant. Yet try defying the collective mindless nattering of a million tiny voices whispering, “You don’t matter. Join us in death and murder.” Still the mighty voice of conscience roars truth, and God and life reverberate like thunder in a refreshing rainstorm. I AM returns again to break iron bonds, to tumble down crowns and kingdoms, to lead his people to freedom. The truth is not a secret. It cannot be hoarded and doled out as a common tyrant’s treasure trove. Its value, like love, lies only in the sharing, and increases as more people discover it, own it, and join to it. But lies require darkness, and the more pernicious the evil, the blacker the darkness. Passage 21 of the Tao Te Ching: “At the center of everything is the life force. And at the center of the life force is truth.” That ancient awesome living wisdom echoed in the voice of the prophets counters the modern madness which counsels, “Don’t be a fool; don’t lift your head; do as I do; say as I say; look down and despair; join the others in a sea of desperation, an uninspired trail of terror and tears. There is no hope, no chance of reform or change. You’re only throwing your life away.” Quite an insistent chorus of “It won’t make a difference” versus the nobility and the bravery of the few determined to overturn this slavering death-dealing beast, to strike down the many lies which buttress this merciless culture of death. Regarding Manning, Assange, and Snowden, they have done their part. But what will you do in service of the truth and defense of the Lamb’s own to help end this murderous reign which feasts on the innocent poor, the weakest, the marginalized, the little ones? Continued on page 6 THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE EDWARD SNOWDEN HUNGER STRIKERS GUANTANAMO and CALIFORNIA By MIKE WISNIEWSKI By HEATHER MOLINE O But I do understand that Judge Colonel Denise Lind’s recent ruling, allowing that Wikileaks’ involvement in the publication on the internet of top secret files provided by Manning most assuredly qualifies as aiding and abetting the enemy, does not bode well for PFC Bradley Manning. And yet even stuck in jail these past years, Manning, truly, does remain free. Maybe not physically, but whether imprisoned, holed up, exiled, or in limbo, he, Julian, and Edward are quite free to complete their lives knowing that they are among the ever-so-few who can claim a clear conscience. n June 6 and 7 of this year, something significant happened in this nation that had some people reeling in shock, while others slipped into strong resentment and vindictive anger. Yet others, like myself, had our long-held suspicions confirmed: Our government’s secret data mining and Internet surveillance program encompasses nearly every person living in the U.S. and untold numbers of people and governments around the world, both friend and foe alike. The National Security Agency (NSA) has kept track of all our phone calls (both landline and cell), text messages, e-mails, posts on blogs and social networks, and queries on search engines like Google. Moreover, with the Apple Iphone, they have been able to track where our cell phone calls and text messages originate and even keep a record of our location. Nothing, repeat NOTHING is secret nor is anything private. Not one service provider has resisted government pressure; all (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, et al) have willingly provided our personal information when asked by the NSA or other government agencies, with or without a FISA court (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) search warrant. Apple, Google, Microsoft, Skype, and Yahoo, among others, have been equally forthcoming. The person responsible for revealing this information, which many consider to be the most important government leak in U.S. history, is whistleblower Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old high school dropout turned CIA and NSA analyst and employee of private security specialist Booze Allen Hamilton (whose current vice chairman, Mike McConnell, is a former NSA director). Snowden spent nearly a decade in the U.S. intelligence world. He lived his younger years in Elizabeth City, North Carolina; then his parents moved to Maryland, near the NSA headquarters in Fort Meade. In 2003, he enlisted in the U.S. Army and began training for the Special Forces. During training, he had an accident and broke both his legs, which earned him a discharge. A short time later he was hired as a security guard at the University of Maryland, an NSA covert operations facility. From there he went to the CIA, where he worked on IT security. His extensive computer programming background and his understanding of the Internet enabled him to rise in position fairly quickly. By 2007, the CIA stationed him with diplomatic cover in Geneva, Switzerland, where he gained clearance to access a wide range of classified documents. That access, along with nearly three years of association with CIA officers, led him to begin questioning the legality and morality of what he observed. In 2009, he left the CIA to work for a private contractor that assigned him to an NSA facility on a military base in Japan. Over the succeeding three years, he learned the deep functioning aspects of the NSA’s surveillance programs and realized they were an existential threat to democracy. Snowden discovered that what U.S. intelligence was doing to terrorist suspects around the world, it was also doing to nearly three hundred million unsuspecting U.S. citizens here at home. The militaryindustrial, intelligence-industrial complex has turned our nation into a massive surveillance state by bringing home the intrusive techniques of a militarized empire, with its hundreds upon hundreds of bases and special-ops forces garrisoned in dozens of countries. The U.S. government can keep the warrantless data collected on its citizens forever and do with it whatever it deems necessary as long as it obtains a follow-up warrant from the FISA court, which has granted nearly 100% of the warrants requested. Some consider the FISA warrant as an unconstitutionally sweeping warrant because of the court’s secrecy. The FISA court is always in session, yet its proceedings are always secret. Therefore, no real guidelines exist as the government moves from collecting data to spying on citizens with no oversight and no accountability. It has been likened to a “kangaroo court with a rubber stamp.” The Obama administration, under Attorney General Eric Holder, has charged Edward Snowden with three felonies, including two under the Espionage Act, the antiquated 1917 statute enacted to criminalize dissent against World War I. Before Obama’s presidency, there were three prosecutions of leakers under the Espionage Act, including the case against Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked what became known as the “Pentagon Papers” during the Nixon years. However, during Obama’s tenure, there are now seven such prosecutions—more than double the number under all his predecessors combined. How is this justifiable? Especially by a politician who, prior to his inauguration, made repeated pledges of transparency and vows to protect “noble” and “patriotic” whistleblowers—both in government and the corporate world? It is certain that Snowden kept close watch on those prosecutions, as well as on Bradley Manning’s torturous treatment and military trial. Snowden wanted to be certain he did not endure Manning’s fate, saying: “I carefully evaluated every single document I disclosed to ensure that each was legitimately in the public interest. There are all sorts of documents that would have made a big impact that I didn’t turn over, because harming people isn’t my goal. Transparency is.” He thought long and hard on how Continued on page 6 A t first I felt superfluous, brandishing a CLOSE GUANTANAMO sign, edges worn, outside the federal complex in downtown L.A. Lexus and BMW’s spewing exhaust, hardly hotter than the air, and trash trucks forcing their refuse up my nose in airborne particles, glided carelessly past. My blackened feet and resolve wobbled with every gust of automobile wind. Catherine Morris, whose witness makes me feel very small, may have sensed my uncertainly. She leaned towards me from the stubborn sidewalk place on a black stool she has staked out every other day for forty years, where she thrusts her JESUS LOVES WIKILEAKS sign onto oncoming traffic. “You know, on the 100th day of prisoner fasting, we did a special vigil for the detainees, and the prisoners in the federal detention center behind us were rattling their slit windows and shining light from their mirrors onto the street. Prisoners understand prisoners. They wanted us to know we were not alone.” Those who suffer understand each other. This is the beginning of radical compassion. And the struggle for justice is unified across geographical and thematic boundaries. On July 8, 30,000 California prisoners began a hunger strike in protest of inhumane conditions. Two weeks later, 2,300 continue their strike, organized by a leading group at Pelican Bay State Prison just south of the Oregon border. They are demanding an end to indefinite stays and tortuous practices of solitary confinement, which includes isolation for 23 hours each day, including the single hour permitted outside. They are demanding an end to group punishment, by which members of an individual rule breaker’s racial group are all punished for his violation. And some have affirmed that they are fasting in solidarity with their unjustly detained brothers in Guantanamo Bay. Previously, on May 17, the LACW and other peacemakers across the country and world united in fasting and activism, honoring 100 days of hunger strike by more than 100 GTMO detainees, who are protesting their continued detention without charges, 11 years after the founding of the prison and six years after thenPresidential hopeful Barack Obama’s initial promise to close it. For the United States public, and for Congress in particular, how to “deal” with the prison, a topic that has all vestiges of the human suffering it implies, has become an exasperating tug-of-war at best. President Obama has signed two unfulfilled executive orders regarding the prison, both of which have imploded in legislative complexities. In April 2011, suspected September 11 collaborator Khalid Sheikh Continued on page 6 CATHOLIC AGITATOR / 5 PFC. BRADLEY MANNING, JULIAN ASSANGE, EDWARD SNOWDEN: ANGELS OF TRUTH DIETRICH, cont’d from p.2 is “monistic,” meaning that it is of a single piece and the various pieces cannot be separated. “Every technical application,” he says, “presents certain unforeseeable secondary effects which are more disastrous than the lack of the technique would have been” (p.105 Propaganda, Vintage Books, 1964). Of all of Ellul’s difficult concepts, this one is the most difficult for people to grasp, because we are under the illusion that technology is a neutral tool that can be used for either good or evil. However, Ellul tells us that all individual “tools’ are inescapably integrated within the totality that he calls the “technological ensemble,” which has its own gravity and sets its own direction, and we cannot separate the positive aspects of technology from the negative aspects. For example, the invention of the automobile is experienced as positive, but its positive elements cannot be sepa-rated from its negative elements: air pollution and traffic fatalities that outnumber deaths from heart attacks and cancer, and of course, endless wars in the Middle East for control of oil. When I think of loss of privacy and ubiquitous spying, I am reminded of one of my favorite poems by the environmentalist/ farmer Wendell Barry who wrote: “As soon as the generals and politicals can predict the motions of your mind, lose it. Leave it as a sign to mark the false trail, the way you didn’t go. Be like the fox who makes more tracks than necessary, some in the wrong direction. Practice resurrection” (“Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front”). Generally speaking, I am a fan of practicing resurrection; but for those who seek more tangible approaches to our surveillance problems, I suggest that the outlook is not all that bright. The best hope we have to protect our rights is a bunch of anarchist cyberpunks on the front line—which is like saying that our best hope for ending nuclear weapons is a bunch of Catholic Workers and Plowshares activists on the front line. We are in big trouble. On the other hand, the Pentagon, as well as the NSA and the CIA, have recruited 50,000 “cyber warriors” since 2001. The only people who are capable of engaging them in cyber warfare are hackers who break into Pentagon and corporate computer systems just for fun. Government officials have noted that this demographic is prone to non-authoritarian tendencies, a less than patriotic attitude. What they do not say is that they have grown up, like Edward Snowden, admiring Julian Assange. So there is indeed some hope that many more of these young, anti-authoritarian “hacktivists” will come forward with further revelations about government spying. Ω Jeff Dietrich is a Los Angeles Catholic Worker community member and editor of the Agitator. CRUZ, cont’d from p.4 Oh, yes, I know you. I see you death and you are not God. You are a lie, a demon, a figment, a terrible illusion. As for the showcase trial—a greater exercise in futility I know not of—for Manning is guilty… guilty of telling the truth! All our lives we want to do great things, but of course it is the little things that matter the most! Wait for your own opportunity to do good, to serve truth like the prophets 6 / AUGUST 2013 of old, and remember to hold fast, even if the powerful and the rulers of this world will have none of it. Darkness cannot abide light at all, for even the smallest spark or the tiniest sliver of truth exposes it for what it truly is. It is light and truth that overcome darkness. Darkness added to darkness is darker still, but one flash of light is enough to bring hope, and as it has been written, “All that is hidden will be made known; all that is dark now will be revealed,” and “What you have heard in the dark, proclaim in the light. What you hear in whispers, shout from the housetops.” Ω Faustino Cruz is a Los Angeles Catholic Worker community member. WISNIEWSKI, cont’d from p.5 to distribute the documents he would release, how to convey his own motives before the government and corporate-owned and controlled media initiated their smear campaign against him. His choice was constitutional lawyer turned journalist Glenn Greenwald, with The Guardian of London. Immediately after the first stories broke, a twelve-minute interview with Snowden was released. In the interview he explained in detail how his choice was based on basic theories of civil disobedience: that the powers-that-be who control the law have become corrupt, that the law in this situation is a tool of injustice, which compelled him to break the law in order to expose these appalling acts and facilitate public debate and possible reform of what is now referred to as an “executive coup” against the U.S. Constitution. Over the past few years, Snowden has been very open with his friends about his troubled conscience concerning his intelligence work and its violation of the Constitution. The system he was part of, he believed, is incompatible with the democratic model. He observed, from the inside, how the system was growing more oppressive and he knew he could not remain silent and continue in his position. And as with all people of conscience, he took a huge risk and carried out an extraordinary heroic act that now forces him to live under the pressure of fear, a fear that would cause most of us to lose our bearings. Snowden made a solitary decision and sacrificed a prosperous stable career earning about $200,000 per year and a very comfortable home in Hawaii that he shared with his fiancée. He severed ties with a family he dearly loves for the sake of principles that all who value personal autonomy should respect. He stated: “The government has granted itself power it is not entitled to. There is no public oversight. The result is people like myself have the latitude to go further than they are allowed to. I’m willing to sacrifice all of that because I cannot in good conscience allow the U.S. government to destroy privacy, Internet freedom, and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they are secretly building.” Snowden did what he did because he knows that the largest and most secretive surveillance organization in the U.S. is the NSA, and he recognized the NSA’s surveillance programs for what they are: dangerous, unconstitutional activity that runs very close to a form of fascism. He has repeatedly insisted that he has no desire to be in the media spotlight; rather, he wants everyone to know what the U.S. government is doing. “I know the media likes to personalize political debates, and I know the government will demonize me. My sole motive is to inform the public as to that which is done in their name and that which is done against them.” His biggest fear “is the harmful effects on my family, who I won’t be able to help anymore. That’s what keeps me up at night.” When asked why he did it, Snowden said: “There are more important things than money. If I were motivated by money, I could have sold these documents to any number of countries and gotten very rich.” After the first weeks into the political controversy he said: “I feel satisfied this was all worth it, I have no regrets.” Snowden has revealed, through Glenn Greenwald, that if anything should happen to him, enough information will be released through various sources “that would cause more harm to the U.S. government in a single minute than any other person has ever done in U.S. history.” He has very sensitive “blueprints” detailing the inner workings of the NSA that would allow someone who studied them to evade or duplicate NSA surveillance. The thousands of documents involved constitute “the instruction manual for how the NSA is built.” These documents, which have been encrypted for safekeeping, would not be made public unless something happens to Snowden that would incapacitate him. This is his insurance policy. Snowden also has documents that detail how the United States captures transmissions in Latin America and the programs used in this practice. “This is accomplished through an undisclosed telephone company in the U.S. that has contracts with telecommunications companies in most Latin American countries.” This information is what prompted several Latin American nations to dare challenge the U.S. and offer Snowden asylum. Critics of Snowden insist that he has “greatly exaggerated the amount of information available to people like him.” Glenn Greenwald recently responded to this by stating, “I defy the NSA to deny Edward Snowden’s most radical claims under oath.” Snowden, as of this writing, was granted asylum in Russia for one year. He remains “calm and tranquil” as he now considers his options. He hopes to travel, unimpeded under international law, to a Latin American nation, most likely Venezuela, where he has already been granted conditional asylum. However, it is worth noting that the U.S. tends to treat international law as binding on everyone except the U.S.A. (and Israel). This has forced Snowden to have a deep concern about traveling since the plane carrying Bolivia’s President, Evo Morales, was forced to land in Vienna and held for 14 hours on July 2, on orders from the U.S., who (wrongly) believed Snowden was a passenger. With the government and media lambasting his behavior, it is clear his real crime was humiliating the State. He stood up to power and embarrassed it. For this, Snowden will be remembered in history as one of the United States’ most consequential truth-tellers. Please keep him, and all whistleblowers, in your prayers. Ω MOLINE, cont’d from p.5 Mike Wisniewski is a Los Angeles Catholic Worker community member and an editor of the Agitator. Heather Moline is a 2013 summer intern with the Los Angeles Catholic Worker. Mohammed was returned to GTMO for trial, a move The Washington Post called “the effective abandonment of the president’s promise to close the military detention center.” In January 2012, the State Department shut down the office of the envoy for closing the prison. More than 100 prisoners began their strike in February 2013. The strike revitalized U.S. consciousness about the forgotten torture chamber. On May 23, in response to public solidarity with the suffering prisoners, the President renewed his promise to close the prison during a national security speech. A new envoy was appointed in June 2013, three days after an overwhelming vote in the Republican-controlled House to keep the prison open. However, for the 166 detainees, the tug-of-war is no congressman’s quibble; it is a fatal pendulum. More than half of the prisoners, due to the lack of an approved relocation system, have been cleared for release but are denied that right. The number of detainees finally slated for trial has dropped from 36 to 20. More than a third of the 120 hunger strikers are being torturously forcefed through nasal tubes, an action which, together with Koran defamation and cruel punishments instigated by U.S. troops during the past 11 years, has been condemned as an egregious violation of human rights. It is now late July 2013, marking five months of fasting, and the month of Ramadan, during which Muslims everywhere testify to their faith by abstaining from food from sunup to sundown. However, these detainees are (supposedly) criminals in a system that swallows rights and opposition. They had no right to justice, nor to practice their faith. In fact, according to an Oakland attorney, some hunger strikers have dropped their fast “because they have been threatened with deprivation of the right to perform special communal Ramadan prayers if they do not eat.” As conscientious citizens we are once again exposed to the mayhem of power, to the illusion that democracy is a fair synthesis of all voices, that distant political agendas have room for the marginalized. As Christians we mourn with our brothers in GTMO, in whom Christ voicelessly waits, as long lines and red tape threaten to—or already do—erase them. We recognize the illusion of the political system, the buffoonery of those four bold words imprinted mindlessly on our daily transactions, IN GOD WE TRUST. And so, on my first day as a summer intern, instead of humoring the fleeting credo of a dollar bill, I clenched a poster-board and stood quietly on a sidewalk, amid the busyness of daily citizenry. I felt less alone when I glanced upward toward the three-inch glass slits in the federal detention center fortress walls. My sweat and salvation, I realize, are tied to theirs, and to all those who inconvenience or sacrifice themselves for the forgotten. I wonder if those inside, whether behind me, at Pelican Bay, or condensed into an empire’s dubious stronghold in Cuba, can hear my prayer, as Jeff Dietrich daily intones, “...that what we do may in some small way furΩ ther your Kingdom.” ON THE LINE TRANSFORM NOW PLOWSHARES UPDATE Sr. Megan Rice, Greg Boertje-Obed, and Michael Walli, currently are in the Irwin County Detention Facility awaiting their sentencing on September 23, 2013. (See page 2 of June 2013 Agitator.) You can write to them at: Sr. Megan Rice 22100 Irwin County Detention Center 132 Cotton Drive Ocilla GA 31774 Gregory Boertje-Obed 22090 Irwin County Detention Center 132 Cotton Drive Ocilla GA 31774 Michael Walli 4444 Irwin County Detention Center 132 Cotton Drive Ocilla GA 31774 Be sure to include your entire return address on the outside of the envelope. No staples or paperclips can be included in your mail; no oversized envelopes. Magazines and books must be sent directly from the publisher or Photocopies of brief articles are likely to be permitted. If you include inappropriate material or fail to comply with these rules, your mail will be returned to you. PROVOKING CHINA The United States Air Force will dramatically expand its military presence across the Pacific this year, sending jets to Thailand, India, Singapore and THE HOUSE JOURNAL Young Maria Zamora, more than twenty-four years after her initial time with us as a young guest with her family, has flown the coop for greener pastures in Bailey, Colorado, where she will begin nursing school. Grace, Jayme and Jeremy Kronmiller also moved on after an extremely helpful residence with us. They are off to the heartland where they will tend mother and hopefully not get too wilted in the 100° Kansas heat. We scored a cool batch of youngsters for our summer intern program from various locales throughout the nation. Dave Hayes, a local yokel out of Victorville, has put truck driving school on the back burner while he learns the intricacies of our weekly donation pick up at Little Sisters, in San Pedro. David also enjoys food flow and cart repair, as well as sautéing mushrooms, eggplant, potatoes, and snicker bars. Australia as bases are being prepared. The so-called “pivot to Asia” is very real. And the idea behind its pivot is simple: surround China with U.S. and allied forces. In Australia, for example, the Air Force will dispatch “fighters, tankers, and at some point in the future bombers on a rotational basis. In addition to the Australian deployments, the Air Force will be sending jets to Changi East air base in Singapore, Korat air base in Thailand, a site in India, and bases at Kubi Point and Puerto Princesa in the Philippines and airfields in Indonesia and Malaysia. The Navy and Marines have already started their pivot to Asia, with the Navy basing combat ships in Singapore and the Marines sending troops on their aforementioned deployments to Australia. Meanwhile, the Marine Corps is also refurbishing old World War II airfields on Pacific Islands. — CLIMATE CHANGE The world’s climate is changing 10 times faster than at any other point in the past 65 million years, Stanford climate scientists Noah Diffenbaugh and Chris Field have found in a new study published in Science Magazine. If climate change continues at this pace, temperatures will jump 5 to 6 degrees Celsius by the end of the century, placing ecosystems and species around the world under severe strain and forcing them into a struggle for We also picked up another nearby neighbor, Jedidiah Poole, who was kicking it with Occupy Santa Ana, where he became interested in advocating for the homeless. After spending some time picking up skills in electrical work and sales, Jed found his niche as an audio engineer for both studio and live sound. He enjoys chopping onions, serving oatmeal, and toasting bagels on our kitchen grill. Young Erin “Killer” Kast pines for a position in some priestly or veterinarian school. He currently attends Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania. An avid “Cheesehead,” giggler, and a cat-snuggler, Erin loves learning everything he can about cooking, and does a fine job of cleaning up everything afterward. Betsy Schmitz has temporarily left her job as a professional cheerleader/ dancer to attend Loras Lorax College. Betsy’s gifts include smiling, dancing, singing, gardening, and promoting world peace. The job she likes best on our breakfast line is passing out sweets to the sweets. Heather Moline recently returned from Nicaragua, where she perfected her Spanish and helped youngsters to enjoy reading and writing. After an idyllic childhood spent in McMinnville, Oregon, Heather attended LMU on a full scholarship, majoring in English. She dances as if she were a native Brazilian and plays both the guitar and the conga drum. At our kitchen Heather’s favorite job is wiping tables, sweeping up and offering a compassionate ear to our guests. MacBride Loftin, sporting a tengallon hat over his Hollywood coif, moseyed in from Houston. Mac now attends Boston University where he has perfected his chip n’ dip and has become a salsa dance aficionado. A junior mop and mom boy, as well as, survival. The study shows that the world is not only going through one of the greatest climate shifts in the past 65 million years but is hurtling towards this warming at an ever-accelerated and troubling speed. — OMAHA CW SENTENCED Omaha Catholic Worker Jerry Ebner was sentenced to six months in federal prison on July 25 for a line-crossing on Dec 28, 2012, the Feast of Holy Innocents, at Stratcom at Offutt AFB near Omaha, Nebraska. Jerry will self-surrender at an assigned prison within 30 days. TWENTY-FOUR ARRESTED IN KANSAS CITY On July 13, over 80 people sang and prayed at the entry road to a new facility in the U.S. nuclear weapons complex. By 10:15 a.m., two-dozen protesters had crossed the property line and were arrested. The fivebuilding facility will soon house the operations of where 85 percent of the non-nuclear parts for U.S. nuclear weapons are made or procured. Of the 24 arrested, 14 are Catholic Workers from across the nation. FAST FOOD WORKERS STRIKE Thousands of low wage fast food workers showed that they are ready for a fight as they walked off their jobs in seven cities across the nation from a prolific napper, Mac aspires to be a future desperate house-husband or an Episcopal priest. Joyous news reached the Karan Benton household with the birth of a bouncing baby boy, London Michael, six ounces and twenty inches weight. Grandma was able to spend a good ten days helping feather the nest and get mom and baby settled in. We offer heartfelt congratulations to Karan and her family. L.A. Catholic Worker historian and Episcopal priest, Larry Holben, keeps getting better and better as he refines probably the best talk ever on the means and motivations of Dorothy Day and Peter Marin, founders of the Catholic Worker movement. A gifted celebrant, Larry also led a fine Wednesday evening liturgy. Standouts Reverend Heidi Gamble, Fathers Tom Rausch, Vince Schwan, and Chris Ponnet, with our own Patty Carmody and Martha Lewis rounded out a fine summer line up of liturgical excellence. Rebecca joined long-time friend and kitchen volunteer, Pat Bonner, on a Witness for Peace trip to Colombia, where the effects of the U.S.’s failed drug war and the notorious Plan Colombia continue to have disastrous consequence for the indigenous peoples and forests of South America. We are grateful for all of Pat’s hard work on behalf of the forgotten victims of U.S. hubris. In June and July, visitors Anne and Manuel Beyer-Rogers, from the Hamburg Germany CW, joined us for a week, as did Emma, from our sister house the Open Door in Atlanta. Former community member Sarah Fuller, back from an extended stay at the London Catholic Worker, unleashed a wave of nostalgia during a three-week stay with us. Also stopping by for a visit, former community member Sheena Tseko, with cutie pie-curly- July 29 to August 1—the largest strike by fast food workers in U.S. history, and part of a growing movement calling for a living wage and the right to unionize. This is a mammoth industry and it will not concede quickly or easily. Therefore, we will see these types of actions continue to escalate, according to representatives of the Service Employees Int’l Union (SEIU) Workers in retail chains across New York City, Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, Milwaukee, Kansas City and Flint staged actions Monday through Thursday. — HUNGER STRIKER DIES On July 22, 32-year-old Billy “Guero” Sell was found dead in his cell at Corcoran State Prison, in California, the first apparent casualty of a widespread hunger strike organized by state prisoners. Sell’s fellow prisoners reported to outside advocates that he had been asking for medical attention since July 16. He died six days later. The strike was in its third week when Sell was found. It began on July 8, when more than 30,000 prisoners throughout California refused meals and more than 3,000 refused to attend work or educational programs. The combined strike and work stoppage spread across a full two-thirds of California’s state prisons. — On The Line is compiled and edited by Mike Wisniewski. haired Ian in tow, delighted all with reminiscences of old times and details of her life in Mexico. Josephine Burns and chant master Rufo Noriega organized several evenings of salsa dance instruction in preparation for an evening of fun filled festivities at the sizzling Salsa Night at the Gene Autry Museum. Interns Heather, Mac, Betsy, and friends of the community, Jennifer and Susan Anderson, and I joined Rufo, Josephine, and Sarah as we kicked up our heels and loosened our hips to the rhythms of live Latin music. A fantastic time was had by all. We were overwhelmed by a generous and heartfelt presentation from friend and artist John August Swanson. John, and the chaplains at St. Camillus, prepared a stunning visual display of his most eye-catching work. We give thanks for the gift and inspiration that John’s life has been for so many years and wish him continued joy and success. Nearly to the day of the sixty-seven year anniversary of the infamous Able Baker double nuclear bomb detonations at Bikini Atoll, theologian Ched Meyers, and Dennis Apel, from our sister house Guadalupe Catholic Worker, teamed up on a presentation detailing the systematic human rights violation of the indigenous people of the Marshall Islands. These longsuffering Islanders have been subject to forced evacuation from their home islands, now made uninhabitable by nuclear radiation on land and in water. Join us as we protest this unconscionable abuse of power at the gates of Vandenberg Air Force Base and pray for an end to the scourge of nuclear weapons. House Journal is written by Faustino Cruz. CATHOLIC AGITATOR / 7 • CHANGE OF ADDRESS • If you move or change your mailing address, PLEASE notify us before the change occurs, or as soon as possible, to save us return postage. With each issue this has been a drain on our finances. We would like to use the money you donate for more important matters rather than unnecessarily giving it to the USPS. Thank you. NEEDS We are in need of the following toiletries: Bar Soap; Lotions; Shampoo; and Toothpaste, which can be either personal size, similar to items found in hotels, or large size, both are needed— also needed are Anti-Fungus Cream; Toothbrushes; Maximum Strength Antacid Tablets; Multi-Vitamins; as well as small and medium pill containers; NEW Reading Glasses; and Mens White Socks (Medium and Large). Please send or bring them to Hennacy House. Thank you. Many Blessings. JOIN US FOR OUR WEDNESDAY EVENING LITURGY If you are not aware, or aware but never seriously thought about it, or have not attended in awhile, we invite and welcome you to join us for our ecumenical home liturgy every Wednesday, 6pm at Hennacy House, followed by a potluck dinner. Our liturgies vary from having ordained ministers/priests presiding or a lay presider depending on availability of our ordained friends. Our homilies/sermons are shared participation, which means everyone is welcome (but not obligated) to briefly share their thoughts and insights on the scripture passages used. After liturgy we socialize over dinner. It is a pleasant and rewarding evening. A good way to spend Wednesday evenings this summer...and beyond. 632 N. Brittania St., Los Angeles, 90033 • Phone 323-267-8789 HELP NEEDED Veterans for Peace, who each weekend, just north of the Santa Monica pier, set up Arlington West, a stunning and moving memorial for U.S. military personnel killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, desperately needs volunteers to help erect and take down the thousands of crosses and other symbols and memorabilia that remember and honor the dead. Please consider giving some of your time for this meaningful and momentous project. See: for more info. C AT H O L I C AUGUST 2013 Vol. 43/No. 4 SISTER HOUSE NETWORK: LOS ANGELES CATHOLIC WORKER: http: // 1. Ammon Hennacy House of Hospitality 632 N. Brittania St., Los Angeles, CA 90033-1722 (323) 267-8789 2. Hospitality Kitchen 821 E. 6th St., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 614-9615 ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST HOUSE OF HOSPITALITY 500 W. VanBuren Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 647-0728 ISAIAH HOUSE OF HOSPITALITY 316 S. Cypress Ave., Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 835-6304 SADAKO SASAKI HOUSE OF HOSPITALITY 1321 W. 38th St., Norfolk, VA 23508 (757) 423-5420 HOUSE OF GRACE CATHOLIC WORKER 1826 E. Lehigh Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19125 (215) 426-0364 PETER MAURIN CATHOLIC WORKER 1149 Crestwood St., San Pedro, CA 90732 (310) 831-3480 KIERAN PRATHER HOUSE OF HOSPITALITY 672 2nd Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066 (650) 827-0706 BEATITUDE HOUSE 4575 9th St., Guadalupe, CA 93434 (805) 343-6322 ST. BENEDICT HOUSE OF HOSPITALITY 4022 N. Cheryl Ave., Fresno, CA 93705 (559) 229-6410 — [email protected] HIGH DESERT CATHOLIC WORKER P.O. Box 3157, Apple Valley, CA 92307 (760) 247-5732 - [email protected] CASA COLIBRÌ CATHOLIC WORKER 011-52 - 386-744-5063 - [email protected] HALF MOON BAY CATHOLIC WORKER 160 Kelly Ave., Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 (650) 726-6621 - [email protected] BURDOCK HOUSE Anderson, IN 46016 (765) 274-1776 -