better bodies - Corporate Bodies International
better bodies - Corporate Bodies International
Engagement Engagement InjuryPractice Rate / Cost Best Health Attitude Absenteeism ? BETTER BODIES Health Attitude Needs Assessment Culture Health Awareness Best Practice ? Participation The single biggest factor in determining your program’s Return on Investment Health Awareness Participation Engagement Health Behaviour Culture Health Behaviour Presenteeism Health Attitude Health Ownership Engagement Absenteeism Health Ownership Reduced Fatigue Risk Health Awareness zzz ? ? WHY HAVE A TAILORED INJURYPREVENTION PROGRAM FOR YOUR BUSINESS? Improved Fitness Health Attitude Best Practice Improved Fitness Reduced Health Risk Health Behaviour Improved Productivity Health Awareness Culture Improved Productivity Staff Retention Health Ownership Improved Workplace Environment Health Behaviour Each workplace is unique, so we personalise our bestpractice injury-prevention solutions to fit your specific needs. The Better Bodies program helps reduce injury risk Health Attitude Injury Rate / Cost through sustainable, positive shifts in employee behaviour. Improved Productivity Engagement Improved Workplace Environment Improved Fitness Injury Rate / Cost Health Ownership Needs Assessment Improved Fitness Health Awareness Needs Assessment Improved Workplace Environment Participation Improved Productivity Absenteeism Health Behaviour Participation • Risk identification and analysis enables early detection of ‘at risk’ workers and? areas ? • In depth consultation with the site health and safety team to customise Better Bodies for your workers Injury Rate / Cost Presenteeism Improved Workplace Environment Best Practice Absenteeism Health Ownership Presenteeism zzz ? Needs • Assessment Delivered on-site by a Accredited Exercise Physiologist Reduced zzz Injury RateFatigue / Cost Risk Culture ? Best Practice Improved Fitness Risk Reduced Fatigue Participation Reduced Health Risk Needs Assessment Engagement Culture Improved Productivity Reduced Health Risk Presenteeism Staff Retention Participation Health Attitude Engagement Improved Workplace Environment Staff Retention Reduced Fatigue Risk Presenteeism Health Awareness Health Attitude Injury Rate / Cost Reduced Health Risk Reduced Fatigue Risk Health Behaviour Health Assessment Awareness Needs OUTCOMES zzz Health Ownership Understanding that people need to drive their own change, we fully engage your employees Best Practice A comprehensive, systematic approach incorporating Australian and global research Health Behaviour Small changes really do add up over time - everyone can progress Injury Rate / Cost Reducing injury risks and ensuring injured workers return to work faster - a double win for your business Absenteeism A largely-preventable $7 billion drain on our economy, costing business $1,000pp pa Needs Assessment Culture, behaviours, policy, procedures and the environment make your workplace one-ofa-kind Culture Ensuring staff feel valued and part of your team, improving satisfaction and loyalty zzz Staff Retention Reduced Health Risk Health Ownership Health Behaviour Participation Staff Retention Improved Fitness Health Ownership Presenteeism Improved Productivity ImprovedFatigue Fitness Risk Reduced zzz Improved Workplace Environment Improved Productivity Reduced Health Risk Injury Rate / Cost Improved Workplace Environment Staff Retention Needs Assessment Injury Rate / Cost Participation Needs Assessment Presenteeism Participation zzz 1300 21 31 41 BETTER BODIES HOW IT WORKS The Better Bodies program provides a tailored injury prevention solution, unique to your workplace. Delivered by our team of Accredited Exercise Physiologists over a 3 month period, our professional expertise are shared to reduce your company risks. Phase 2: Employee Risk Assessment The combination of company risk identification, employee injury risk screening and onsite education interventions, enable a targeted focus on behaviour modification to reduce injury rates. • one-on-one review consultations for ‘at risk’ employees Phase 1: Company Risk Identification • Functional Movement Screens (FMS) • Needs evaluation Phase 3: Risk Reduction Interventions • Whole of workforce group education • Review FMS for ‘at risk’ workers • Evaluation and Reporting • Workplace injury statistics review • Onsite task analysis using the international recommended PErforM framework PARTICIPANT BENEFITS ORGANISATIONAL BENEFITS • Increased individual understanding and ownership of known injury risks • Reduction in ‘at risk’ employees • Improved awareness of stretching, strengthening and manual handling • Contribution to ideas to improve workplace practices, creating safer work every day • Improved morale and employee ownership of risk management • Comprehensive reporting at week 4, 8 and 12 including ongoing recommendations WHERE A CBI BETTER BODIES PROGRAM WORKS WELL Industry Type Gender Age Program Type Organisational Health Program Blue and white collar Both genders All age groups Initiator or component New or existing 1300 21 31 41 Suite 802, 68 Alfred Street, Milsons Point NSW 2061 Proprietary and © Corporate Bodies International 2016
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