CaliberRM User Guide.. - Department of Computer and Information


CaliberRM User Guide.. - Department of Computer and Information
User Guide
Borland Software Corporation
100 Enterprise Way
Scotts Valley, California 95066-3249
Made in Borland® Copyright © 2004 Borland Software Corporation. All rights reserved. All Borland
brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of Borland Software Corporation
in the United States and other countries. Microsoft, Windows, and other Microsoft product names are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Linux
is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. All other marks are the property of their respective
owners. Corporate Headquarters: 100 Enterprise Way, Scotts Valley, CA 95066-3249 o 831-4311000 o o Offices in: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, France,
Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, New Zealand,
Russia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
About CaliberRM . . . . . . . . .
What’s New in this Version . . . .
Technical Enhancements . . . . .
CaliberRM Documentation . . . .
About this Manual . . . . . . . . .
Conventions Used in This Manual
Borland Support . . . . . . . . .
System Requirements . . . . . .
Internationalization . . . . . . . .
Logging On . . . . . . . . . . . .
StarTeam Toolbar . . . . . . . . .
StarTeam Toolbar Window . . .
Toolbar Options . . . . . . . .
Adding a Tool Shortcut. . . . .
Modifying a Tool Shortcut . . .
Deleting a Tool Shortcut . . . .
StarTeam Message Broker (MPX)
User Connections Monitor . .
User Connections View. .
Product Connections View
Client Logout . . . . . . .
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Project View . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
User View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Group View . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
User Connections Monitor View . . . .
Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
File Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Edit Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Find in Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . .
View Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tools Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Modifying Framework Administrator
Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Report Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Help Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 11
. 11
. 11
. 11
. 12
. 12
. 12
. 12
. 13
. 14
. 14
. 15
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating a Project . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Project Creation Wizard . . . . . . . .
Creating a Project Using Expert Mode .
Defining Project Information. . . . .
Assigning Groups . . . . . . . . . .
Advanced Steps . . . . . . . . . . . .
Modifying the User List . . . . . . .
Setting Security in a Project . . . . .
Enabling Automatic Notification . . .
Modifying a Project . . . . . . . . . . .
Deleting a Project. . . . . . . . . . . .
Project Glossaries . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating a Glossary . . . . . . . . . .
Assigning a Glossary to a Project . . .
Modifying a Glossary . . . . . . . . . .
Deleting a Glossary. . . . . . . . . . .
Importing Glossaries . . . . . . . . . .
Sample .xml Format . . . . . . . . .
Exporting Glossaries . . . . . . . . . .
Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
User Access Levels . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating a User . . . . . . . . . . . . .
User Creation Wizard. . . . . . . . .
Creating a User Using Expert Mode .
Defining User Information . . . . .
Adding the User to Groups . . . .
Setting the User Password . . . .
Modifying a User . . . . . . . . . . .
Deleting a User . . . . . . . . . . . .
Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating A Group . . . . . . . . . . . .
Group Creation Wizard . . . . . . . .
Creating a Group Using Expert Mode
Defining Group Information . . . .
Assigning Users to a Group . . . .
Modifying a Group . . . . . . . . . .
Deleting a Group. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Users and Groups
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
. . . . . . 16
. . . . . . 16
. . . . . . 17
Password Administration . . . . . . . . . . . .
Enterprise Password Administration . . . . .
User Account Password Administration . . .
Setting Up Automatic Notification . . . . . . . .
Departments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating a Department . . . . . . . . . . .
Modifying a Department . . . . . . . . . . .
Deleting a Department. . . . . . . . . . . .
Security Profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
License Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Making License Changes . . . . . . . . . .
Usage Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Moving the Usage Report Data to Microsoft
Excel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Getting Started in Framework
Chapter 4
Chapter 2
Framework Administrator Overview
. 19
. 19
. 20
. 21
. 21
. 21
. 22
. 22
. 23
. 23
. 24
. 25
Chapter 6
Overview . . . . . . . . . .
Security Profiles . . . . . .
Default Security Profile .
Creating a Security Profile .
Modifying Security Profiles
. . . 28
Deleting Security Profiles . . . .
Access Profile Examples . . . .
Individual Access . . . . . .
Group Access . . . . . . . .
Combining Security Profiles .
Enforcing Security for a Project.
Database Backup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Restoring a Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Scheduling a Daily CaliberRM Database Backup
DB Manager Command Switches . . . . . . . .
Creating a New DataBase Using DB Manager . .
Increasing Database Size Using the Defrag
Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating a User-Defined Attribute Using Expert
Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95
Defining the Attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96
Setting the Standard Options . . . . . . . . . .96
Setting the Attribute Type Options . . . . . . .96
Setting the Attribute’s Default Security
Access. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Modifying a User-Defined Attribute . . . . . . . . . 104
User-Defined Attribute Ordering. . . . . . . . . . . 105
Deleting a User-Defined Attribute . . . . . . . . . . 105
Assigning User-Defined Attributes to a
Requirement Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Chapter 7
Database Administration
Chapter 12
Requirements Manager Overview
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . .
User Interface . . . . . . . . . .
Project View . . . . . . . . .
Requirement Type View . . .
Requirement View . . . . . .
Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
File Menu. . . . . . . . . . .
Edit Menu . . . . . . . . . .
View Menu . . . . . . . . . .
Insert Menu . . . . . . . . .
Format Menu . . . . . . . . .
Requirement Menu . . . . . .
Tools Menu . . . . . . . . . .
Changing Your Password .
Report Menu . . . . . . . . .
Help Menu . . . . . . . . . .
CaliberRM Options . . . . . . .
General Tab . . . . . . . . .
Hide Tabs Tab . . . . . . . .
Appearance Tab . . . . . . .
Communications Tab . . . . .
Clipboard Tab . . . . . . . .
Wizards Tab . . . . . . . . .
Spelling Tab . . . . . . . . .
Using Spell Checker . . .
Spelling Checker Options .
Dictionary Options . . . .
Cache Tab . . . . . . . . . .
Custom Tools Tab . . . . . .
Creating Custom Tools . .
. . 68
Chapter 8
CaliberRM Server Settings
Server Control Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Chapter 9
CaliberRM Administrators
CaliberRM Administrative Tasks . . . . . . .
Creating CaliberRM Administrators. . . . . .
Enabling Shared and Mapped Requirements
Enforcing Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Maintaining Project Glossaries . . . . . . . .
Creating and Defining a Term . . . . . . .
Modifying a Term . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deleting a Term . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 10
Requirement Types
Creating a Requirement Type . . . . . . . . .
Requirement Type Creation Wizard . . . . .
Creating a Requirement Type Using Expert
Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Defining the Requirement Type . . . . .
Setting the Default Security Access for a
Requirement Type . . . . . . . . . . .
Modifying a Requirement Type . . . . . . . . .
Deleting a Requirement Type. . . . . . . . . .
Setting Requirement Types Within a Project . .
The Requirement Type View . . . . . . . . . .
Creating Custom Tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deleting Custom Tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Adding a Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . 77
. . . 77
. . . 81
. . . 81
System Attributes . . . . . . . .
Modifying a System Attribute . .
Setting the Standard Options
Customizing Values . . . . .
User-Defined Attributes. . . . .
Attribute Types. . . . . . . .
Creating an Attribute . . . . . .
Attribute Creation Wizard . .
. 107
. 107
. 108
. 108
. 109
. 109
. 109
. 110
. 111
. 112
. 112
. 113
. 114
. 115
. 116
. 116
. 117
. 117
. 117
. 117
. 118
. 118
. 118
. 119
. 119
. 120
. 120
. 121
. 121
. 121
Creating a Requirement . . . . . . . . .
Defining the Requirement . . . . . . . .
Requirement Descriptions . . . . . .
Formatting Text . . . . . . . . . .
Glossary View. . . . . . . . . . .
Adding Tables to Requirement
Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . .
Adding Pictures to Requirement
Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . .
Adding Hyperlinks to Requirement
Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . .
. 123
. 124
. 124
. 125
. 126
Chapter 13
Chapter 11
. . . . . . 126
. . . . . . 127
. . . . . . 127
Assigning Attribute Values . . . . . . . . . .
Assigning Responsible Users . . . . . . . .
Validation Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Copying Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Modifying a Requirement . . . . . . . . . . . .
Field Changed Indicator . . . . . . . . . . .
Requirement History . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Viewing the History Record . . . . . . . . .
Viewing Change Detail. . . . . . . . . . . .
Comparing Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . .
Comparing a Requirement to a Previous
Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Comparing a Requirement to Another
Requirement or Version . . . . . . . . . .
Changing the Requirement Order . . . . . . .
Searching for a Requirement by Name . . . . .
Searching for a Requirement by Description . .
Deleting a Requirement . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Displaying Requirement Identification Numbers
Registered Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Traceability Matrix. . . . . . . . . . .
Opening the Traceability Matrix. . . . .
The Matrix View . . . . . . . . . . . .
Saving Traceability Matrix Views . . . .
Open a Previously Saved Matrix View .
Filtering the Traceability Matrix . . . . .
Modifying Trace Links in the Traceability
Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Printing the Traceability Matrix . . . . .
Overview . . . . . . .
Detail Report. . . . .
Status Report . . . .
Responsibility Report
Exporting Reports . .
About Traceability . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating a Traceability Link . . . . . . .
Modifying Traces on the Traceability Tab
Deleting a Traceability Link . . . . . . .
The Traceability Diagram . . . . . . . .
Viewing the Diagram. . . . . . . . .
Requirement Objects . . . . . . .
Suspect Links. . . . . . . . . . .
Circular Traces . . . . . . . . . .
. 165
. 165
. 167
. 167
. 168
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Project Level Discussion. . . . . . . .
Requirement Level Discussion . . . .
Unread Discussion Indicator. . . . . .
Unread Discussion List . . . . . . . .
Viewing the Unread Discussion List
Reading a Message . . . . . . . . . .
Replying to a Message . . . . . . . .
Posting a New Message . . . . . . . .
Updating The Message List . . . . . .
. 169
. 169
. 169
. 170
. 170
. 171
. 171
. 171
. 171
. 172
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating a Document Reference . . . . .
Linking Text Within a Reference . . . . . .
Setting a Document Reference as the Key
Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating a Text or Web Reference. . . . .
Creating a Requirement from a Document
Viewing Document References . . . . . .
Modifying a Referenced Document . . . .
Deleting a Document Reference. . . . . .
. . . . . 173
. . . . . 173
. . . . . 174
. 175
. 176
. 176
. 177
. 178
. 178
Chapter 20
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating a Project Baseline . . . . .
Creating a Baseline in CaliberRM
Creating a Baseline in Framework
Administrator . . . . . . . . . .
Initializing a Baseline . . . . . . . .
Modifying a Baseline. . . . . . . . .
Locking a Baseline. . . . . . . . . .
Deleting a Baseline . . . . . . . . .
Electronic Signatures for Baselines .
Adding a Signature . . . . . . . .
Signature Details . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 16
Document References
Chapter 19
Chapter 15
Shared Requirements. . . . . . . .
How Shared Requirements Work
Enabling Shared Requirements .
Mapping a Requirement . . . . .
Unmapping a Requirement . . .
Mapped Requirements Diagram . .
About the Diagram . . . . . . . .
. 159
. 159
. 160
. 160
. 161
. 161
. . . . . 162
. . . . . 162
Group Discussion
. . . . 144
. . . . 144
. . . . 145
Shared/Mapped Requirements
Chapter 18
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Opening the Requirement Grid . . . . . . .
View All Requirements in this Baseline .
Open a Previously Saved Grid. . . . . .
Search for Specific Data . . . . . . . . .
The Grid View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Modifying the Requirement Grid View . .
Filtering the Grid View . . . . . . . . . .
Go To Requirement . . . . . . . . . . .
Modifying Requirements from the Grid . . .
Modifying Requirement Responsibility on
the Grid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Saving the Grid View . . . . . . . . . . . .
Printing the Grid View. . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 14
Requirement Grid
Chapter 17
. . 133
. . . . . . . . 179
. . . . . . . . 180
. . . . . . . . 180
. 182
. 183
. 183
. 184
. 184
. 185
. 186
. 187
Signature Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Comparing Baselines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Chapter 27
Chapter 21
CaliberRM Vendor Add-In Module. . . . . . . . . . 255
Adding a Vendor Add-In Module to CaliberRM . . . 255
Enabling Other Integrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Requirement Viewer
Project Integrations
Drag-and-Drop File Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Requirement Viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Starting Requirement Viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Appendix A
CaliberRM Messages
Chapter 22
Document Factory
Export Tables
Project Tables . . . . . . . . .
User Tables . . . . . . . . . .
Group Tables . . . . . . . . .
Requirement Tables . . . . . .
Traceability Tables . . . . . . .
Security Tables . . . . . . . .
User-Defined Attribute Tables .
Other Tables . . . . . . . . . .
. 218
. 218
. 219
. 263
. 264
. 264
. 264
. 265
. 265
. 266
. 267
Appendix C
Chapter 23
Web Access
Overview . . . . . . . . . . .
CaliberRM Web. . . . . . . .
Using CaliberRM Web. . .
User Interface . . . . . . .
Menus . . . . . . . . .
CaliberRM WebView . . . . .
Using CaliberRM WebView
User Interface . . . . . . .
Menus . . . . . . . . .
Appendix B
How Document Factory Works . . . . . . . . . .
Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating Tables in Document Factory . . . . . .
Creating a Document Using Document Factory .
Running Document Factory From The Command
Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using the Commandline.ini File . . . . . . . .
Entering the Switches Manually . . . . . . . .
RM Export Object Formats
Appendix D
Document Factory Sample Templates and
Appendix E
CaliberRM Diagnostics
CaliberRM Diagnostics Tool . . . . . . .
Automated Support Assistant . . . . . .
Creating an Archive . . . . . . . . . . .
Archive Content Options . . . . . . .
Archive Delivery Options . . . . . . .
FTP Setup . . . . . . . . . . . .
Email Setup . . . . . . . . . . . .
Choosing a File Name and Location .
Archive Creation Option . . . . . . .
Create New . . . . . . . . . . . .
Append to Existing . . . . . . . .
Automated Archive Method . . . .
Chapter 24
Export To Microsoft Access
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Using Export to Access from the Menu . . . . . 231
Command Line Export . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Chapter 25
Importing Requirements from Microsoft
. 287
. 287
. 288
. 288
. 290
. 290
. 291
. 291
. 291
. 292
. 292
. 292
Appendix F
Chapter 26
RM Export and RM Import
RM Export . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Export Data for Import to a CaliberRM Server
Export Data for Import to Another Application.
Object Field Selection . . . . . . . . . . .
Export Directory Structure. . . . . . . . . . .
RM Import . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Import Using Data from a Typical CaliberRM
Export . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Performing an Advanced Import. . . . . . . .
Import Directory Structure. . . . . . . . . . .
CaliberRM Keyboard Shortcuts
Requirement Shortcuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
Requirement Description Shortcuts . . . . . . . . . 295
Appendix G
. 249
. 250
. 254
Chapter 1
About CaliberRM
CaliberRM is a powerful, state-of-the-art requirements management system that
enables project teams to deliver higher quality applications that meet end-user
specifications. CaliberRM enables teams to fully define, manage and communicate
changing requirements. Changes to requirement data are recorded and stored in
CaliberRM’s database, providing reliable and up-to-date information for effective
requirements-based application development and testing.
CaliberRM is comprised of the components listed below.
Requirements Management System
Controls administrative functions for CaliberRM projects
Document Factory
Generates customized documents from user-defined
Requirement Viewer
Provides a detailed view of a requirement without
launching the full product
StarTeam Toolbar
Allows you to launch CaliberRM, Framework Administrator
and Document Factory from the system tray
RM Import Utility
Imports a project from a file previously created by the
CaliberRM Export utility
RM Export Utility
Exports a project from CaliberRM into an ASCII file, which
can then be imported to another application
Diagnostic Tool
Provides current status information on server connectivity
to aid in troubleshooting, as well as an automated system
for reporting problems to Support
Help files for Framework Administrator, CaliberRM Client
and Web Client
The two main components of CaliberRM are the Framework Administrator and
CaliberRM. The Framework Administrator is the component that maintains
administrative information, such as users and groups. CaliberRM is the requirement
management component that administers projects, requirements and other CaliberRM
custom utilities. Additionally, there are several integrated third-party products that, as a
Ch ap ter 1: In trodu ctio n
whole, provide a complete solution to application life-cycle management, from
developing requirements to testing the application.
What’s New in this Version
The following table provides information on the new features and enhancements in this
Rich Text Formatting
Users can:
format requirement description text using rich text
insert and format tables in requirement descriptions.
insert images in requirement descriptions.
insert hyperlinks in requirement descriptions.
view the requirement's description on every custom
and system tab.
Import from Word
Users can import documents and retain original text
formatting, hyperlinks, images and tables contained
within the document.
Document Factory
When users produce a Document Factory document,
they now have the option of displaying the requirement
description information with text formatting, images and
Glossary Enhancements
Users can toggle between user-defined color
formatting and glossary term formatting in the
requirement descriptions.
CaliberRM Reports
The standard reports in CaliberRM and the Framework
Administrator have been converted to HTML.
The CaliberRM History and Discussion reports have
been combined with the Detail report.
The CaliberRM Specification report has been
Traceability Matrix
Users can now paginate matrix reports and export
them to XML format.
Automated Support Assistant
The CaliberRM Diagnostics Tool contains a new
feature called the Automated Support Assistant (ASA)
that automates the gathering of proper information and
data needed to solve customer issues.
Keyboard Shortcuts
The CaliberRM Windows client now supports shortcut
keys for creating, saving, deleting and moving
The CaliberRM Windows client now supports keyboard
shortcuts within the requirements description.
See Appendix F.
TestDirector Integration
CaliberRM supports TestDirector 8.0.
Technical Enhancements
The table below provides information on the new technical enhancements in this
Japanese Localization
Following on DBCS support and document translation,
CaliberRM has prominent client interfaces translated
into Japanese.
2 C a l ib e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Performance Improvements
Server optimizations have led to performance
improvements around common requirement-related
Additional Copy/Paste Support
The description field now supports copying/pasting from
MS Visio 2002, MS Paint, print screens or other
products that support the CF_DIB (bitmap) format of the
Parent/Child Requirement
Parent/child trace information is not created when you
create a child requirement unless you specify otherwise.
You can change this option on the General tab under
the Tools > Options menu.
Security Profiles
The List access type has been removed from security
profiles in CaliberRM. Upgraded databases will convert
List to None.
Document Factory
Users are prompted for a project name and baseline if
the Document Factory template does not specify them.
There is a new option when creating a Document
Factory document to create an .ini file for batch
reporting scheduling purposes.
Users can run Document Factory from the command
line without logging into the StarTeam toolbar.
Users can view open references in a baseline.
Administrators can now add and manage multiple
licenses per product.
Release Notes
The CaliberRM version release notes are automatically
Requirement Grid
In the Requirement Grid, the Responsible Modification
drop-down has been updated to allow easier switching
between Group and Member.
CaliberRM SDK
The CaliberRM SDK installs by default and is an option
on the custom install.
Requirement Viewer
The CaliberRM Requirement Viewer has been
redesigned and is now built using the CaliberRM SDK.
CaliberRM Documentation
The CaliberRM CD-ROM includes several forms of information to help you learn
The User Guide contains complete details about using CaliberRM.
The Installation Guide contains system requirements and instructions on how to install
Framework Administrator, CaliberRM, Spell Checker dictionaries, Web components,
CaliberRM Datamart & Datamart Explorer, and Network Install and Upgrade.
The Help System contains all the information in the User Guide, optimized for use
Sample Templates help you create your own templates for Document Factory.
Sample Databases allow you to log on to CaliberRM and learn its features and
functions in a non-production environment.
The CaliberRM Tutorial is a condensed version of the User Guide, designed to get
users started quickly in CaliberRM.
CaliberRM White Papers provide information on CaliberRM integrations and how to
use them.
Ch ap ter 1: In trodu ctio n
About this Manual
This manual provides detailed information about the CaliberRM tools and features and
is intended for use as a reference in everyday work. The chapters are presented in an
order that helps the new user understand the Framework Administrator and CaliberRM
quickly; starting with basic functionality and progressing to more advanced features.
This manual contains the following sections:
Administrator Section: This section describes the user interface, tools and
features of the Framework Administrator module. This section is comprised of
Chapters 2-8.
CaliberRM Administrator Section: This section describes the administrative
commands of the CaliberRM Client module. This section is comprised of Chapters
CaliberRM User Section: This section describes the CaliberRM user interface and
describes the commands, tools and utilities available to a CaliberRM nonadministrative user. This section is comprised of Chapters 12-28.
Appendices: This section contains additional supplemental information.
Glossary: This section contains a brief description of terms used in the Framework
Administrator and CaliberRM systems.
CaliberRM documentation assumes you have a working knowledge of Microsoft
Windows NT4 or 2000 operating systems and their conventions, including standard
menus and commands. If you are new to Windows, you can access Microsoft Windows
Help to get help with these techniques. To get help, select Start > Help from the Start
menu on the Windows desktop.
Conventions Used in This Manual
This manual uses the following typographical conventions and notations:
File > Open
Indicates cascading menu
Select File > Open Project to
open a project.
Used for menu names, menu
commands, button or field
Text to be entered.
Click the Details tab.
Used to direct your attention to
important information.
Used as parameter
placeholders. Replace the
indicated text with the
appropriate real name or
value when using the
Indicates that a step you are
about to perform may have
unexpected results.
4 C a l ib e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Note: The command
Calibrrm -p <project>
Borland Support
Borland offers a variety of support options. These include free services on the Internet,
where you can search our extensive information base and connect with other users of
Borland products. In addition, you can choose from several categories of support,
ranging from support on installations of the Borland product to fee-based consultantlevel support and extensive assistance.
For more information about Borland’s support services, see our web site at
From the Web site, you can access many newsgroups where CaliberRM users
exchange information, tips and techniques.
Refer also to the Borland Community site at It
provides access to lots of information, articles, code examples, and upcoming news
about CaliberRM.
When contacting support, be prepared to provide complete information about your
environment, the version of the product you are using, and a detailed description of the
For support on third-party tools or documentation, contact the vendor of the tool.
System Requirements
For details about the system requirements for CaliberRM, please refer to the
CaliberRM Installation Guide.
Through the support of Unicode character sets, CaliberRM provides character fidelity
regardless of language. You can now manage requirements in any language. Contact
your System Administrator for instructions on setting your regional settings.
Logging On
To log on to a CaliberRM component:
1 Select Start > Programs > CaliberRM, then select the component you want to
launch. The Login screen is displayed.
2 Enter your Server name, User name and Password. The default User name and
Password are admin.
3 Click Logon. CaliberRM launches the component and places the StarTeam Toolbar
icon in your system tray.
StarTeam Toolbar
The StarTeam Toolbar (referred to later as simply “the Toolbar”) is a component of the
StarTeam and CaliberRM products that enables you to log on to CaliberRM and
StarTeam using only one login. It makes it easier for you to log on to multiple servers
and to launch different programs from a single location.
The Toolbar is automatically populated with shortcuts for the tools of the StarTeam and
CaliberRM products that are installed on your workstation. Because the Toolbar uses
Ch ap ter 1: In trodu ctio n
the standard Windows program shortcut feature, you can easily add any other program
as a tool for quick launch.
The Toolbar enables you to:
Specify which portions of its user interface are visible (none, system tray only,
window only, or system tray and window).
Cache the user name and password used to log on to the StarTeam or CaliberRM
server, making it easier for you to log on to multiple servers, and reducing the
number of times you must log on to the same server to perform certain operations.
(There is even an option for using the same user name and password for each
server, so you do not have to log on to other servers where that user name and
password is valid.)
View the cached server/user associations.
Add program shortcuts as tools on the Toolbar, so you can easily locate and start
those tools. (You can also modify or delete an existing tool.)
Display the Toolbar’s help information or version information.
When you launch a component of CaliberRM, the Toolbar icon is displayed in the
system tray.
Toolbar icon
When you right-click the icon, a pop-up menu is displayed.
Click Open to open the main StarTeam Toolbar window, displayed below. You can
also double-click the icon to open the Toolbar.
Click a component name to launch the program.
Click About to view details about the Toolbar.
Click Exit to exit the Toolbar.
StarTeam Toolbar Window
The main Toolbar window enables you to change toolbar options.
Toolbar Options
Display systray icon: Determines if the StarTeam Toolbar icon is displayed in the
system tray. A check in the box indicates the feature is enabled.
Display expanded Toolbar at startup: Displays the full Toolbar window on startup.
A check in the box indicates the feature is enabled.
6 C a l ib e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Click an icon to launch a
Right-click to add a tool
Click to expand or
collapse the main
Click for help on
the Toolbar
Click to display the
About dialog box
Click to exit the
Hide from taskbar when minimized: Determines whether the StarTeam Toolbar
icon is displayed in the taskbar when the toolbar is minimized. A check in the box
indicates the feature is enabled.
Use same username/password for each server: Enables the Toolbar to use the
same username and password for each component. A check in the box indicates
the feature is enabled.
Server List: This displays all of the servers that are cached by the StarTeam
Toolbar. For each server, the product icon, Server Type, Host Name, Port, and User
Name are displayed.
Adding a Tool Shortcut
Note: The StarTeam Toolbar uses the standard Windows shortcut wizard for adding
tool shortcuts. Therefore, if someone other than yourself logs in using his/her Windows
user name and installs CaliberRM, the first time you log in using your user name, you
may not see any shortcuts on the Toolbar. You must add CaliberRM, its components
and StarTeam shortcuts using the method below.
Note: These tools are not available for single login, just quick launch.
To add a tool shortcut on the menu:
1 Right-click on the toolbar.
Ch ap ter 1: In trodu ctio n
2 Select Add Tool from the pop-up menu.
The Windows Shortcut Wizard is launched.
3 Enter the location of the executable you want a shortcut for, or click the Browse
button to navigate to it.
4 Click Next. The Select Title for the Program screen is displayed.
5 Enter a name for the shortcut and click Finish.
6 Right-click the toolbar and select Refresh Tools.
8 C a l ib e r R M U s e r G u i d e
The icon now appears in the toolbar and you can launch the program from the
StarTeam Toolbar.
new shortcut
Modifying a Tool Shortcut
To modify a shortcut:
1 Right-click on the tool icon of the shortcut you want to modify.
2 Select Modify Tool. The Shortcut properties window is displayed as shown on the
following page.
3 Make changes as necessary and click OK. The window closes and the changes are
Deleting a Tool Shortcut
To delete a shortcut:
1 Right-click on the tool icon of the shortcut you want to delete.
2 Select Delete Tool. The shortcut is deleted.
StarTeam Message Broker (MPX)
The StarTeam Message Broker, or MPX, allows you to publish information about MPX
events, such as creating or deleting a requirement.
Benefits of MPX include:
Ch ap ter 1: In trodu ctio n
Requirement additions appear in the requirement tree even if the parent node has
already been expanded.
Requirement deletions are removed from the requirement tree even if the parent
node has already been expanded.
Clients cache requirement data as it is retrieved from the server. The next time
those requirements are selected, they are retrieved from local cache. If someone
changes the requirement, the client retrieves the latest data from the server.
If the StarTeam Message Broker is not used:
CaliberRM will function without any issues.
you can refresh the project to see requirements that are added or deleted.
10 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
Framework Administrator Overview
Chapter 2
The Software Quality Management (SQM) Framework (Framework Administrator) is a
central communications framework for CaliberRM and integrated products. The
Framework Administrator controls administrative functions, including users, groups,
projects, licensing, security and automatic notification.
Before users can begin entering requirements into CaliberRM, you must first define
projects and set up users and groups in the Framework Administrator.
User Interface
The Framework Administrator contains four views, each of which allows you to perform
specific tasks. The views available are:
Project View
User View
Group View
User Connections Monitor View
Project View
The Project View lists all projects and displays specific information for a selected
project, including general project information, users and groups assigned to the project,
project baselines and project integrations. The Project View is shown on page 32.
Projects are discussed in more detail in “Projects” on page 31.
User View
The User View lists all users and displays specific information for a selected user,
including name, title, department, phone and fax numbers, email address, group
membership and password. The User View is shown on page 44.
Users are discussed in more detail in “Users and Groups” on page 43.
Cha pt er 2 : F r am ew ork Ad minist ra to r Overview
Group View
The Group View lists all groups and displays specific information for a selected group,
including name, description and members. The Group View is shown on page 50.
Groups are discussed in more detail in “Users and Groups” on page 43.
User Connections Monitor View
The User Connections Monitor provides information to CaliberRM administrators about
the identity and the number of connected users for the CaliberRM server.
The Monitor View is shown and detailed on page 28.
Within the Framework Administrator, there are six menus: File, Edit, View, Tools,
Report and Help. Each menu contains items that enable you to perform certain
functions. The menus are described in more detail in the following sections.
File Menu
The File menu contains several commands related to administrative tasks.
The commands perform the following functions:
New Project: Creates a new project.
New User: Creates a new user.
New Group: Creates a new group.
Save Settings: Saves the changes you have made to the selected project, user or
Admin: Displays the Admin sub-menu, that contains the following commands for
performing administrative tasks:
Account Restrictions: Displays the Account Restrictions dialog box, that
allows you to set parameters for password administration. See page 19 for more
Notifications: Displays the Notifications dialog box, that allows you to set
parameters necessary to enable automatic email notification. See page 21 for
more information.
12 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
Departments: Displays the Departments dialog box, that allows you to modify
the department list for users. See page 21 for more information.
Security Profiles: Displays the Security Profiles dialog box, that allows you to
create, modify and delete security profiles. See page 55 for more information.
Glossaries: Displays the Glossaries dialog box, that allows you to create,
modify and delete project glossaries. See page 38 for more information.
License Management: Displays the License Management dialog box that
allows you to configure and manage your user licenses. See page 23 for more
TestDirector Configuration: Displays the TestDirector Configuration dialog
box, that allows you to set up the host, database and login information for the
integration with TestDirector. The configuration properties are applied to all
CaliberRM projects. See “Enabling Other Integrations” on page 257 for
information about how to enable the TestDirector integration.
Select Enterprise Configuration: Displays the Select Enterprise
Configuration dialog box, that allows you to enable or disable the integration
with Select Enterprise. The configuration properties are applied to all CaliberRM
projects. See “Enabling Other Integrations” on page 257 for information about
how to enable the Select Enterprise integration.
Note: For information about setting up these integrations, please visit the CaliberRM
Customer Zone at
Save Settings: Saves system settings, including current view and item selected,
window size and window position.
Exit: Closes the Framework Administrator.
Exit and Log Off: Closes the Framework Administrator and logs you off of the
CaliberRM system.
Edit Menu
The Edit menu contains several standard Windows commands.
The commands perform the following functions:
Undo: Reverses the previous action performed.
Cancel Changes: Cancels any unsaved changes you have made and returns data
to its original form.
Cut: Cuts the selected text.
Copy: Copies the selected text.
Paste: Pastes cut or copied text into the space selected.
Delete: Deletes the selected project, user or group.
Cha pt er 2 : F r am ew ork Ad minist ra to r Overview
Find in Tree: Enables you to find projects, users and groups whose names meet
specified criteria.
Find in Tree
To search for a project, user or group:
1 Choose the Project View, User View or Group View, depending upon what you
would like to find.
2 Select Edit > Find from the menu. The Find in Tree dialog box is displayed.
3 Enter the name of the item you would like to find, or any portion of the name in the
Find what field.
4 If you want the search engine to find items with names that match exactly, select the
Match whole word only check box.
5 If you want the search engine to match names by case, select the Match case
check box.
6 Select the direction in which to search (Up from the currently selected item, or
7 Click the Find Next button until the item you are searching for is selected.
8 Click the Cancel button to close the Find in Tree dialog box.
View Menu
The View menu contains commands to specify the view you want to see.
The commands perform the following functions:
Projects: Changes the view to display the list of projects on the left, with project
information on tabs on the right.
Users: Changes the view to display the list of users on the left, with user information
on tabs on the right.
Groups: Changes the view to display the list of groups on the left, with group
information on tabs on the right.
Monitor: Displays the view selections for the User Connections Monitor.
User Connections: Displays the User Connections Monitor view.
14 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
Products Connections: Displays the Products Connections Monitor view.
Logout: Allows an administrator to log a client off the system.
Refresh: Updates project information.
Toolbar: Shows/hides the toolbar. A check mark indicates that the toolbar is
Status Bar: Shows/hides the status bar. A check mark indicates that the status bar
is displayed.
Tools Menu
The Tools menu contains various commands on four tabs. When you select Tools >
Options, there are four option tabs.
General Tab:
Save Settings on Exit: Saves system settings, including last view and item
selected, window size and window position, when exiting the Framework
Confirm Before Saving: Displays a confirmation dialog box that asks if you want to
save the project, user or group you have modified. This option is selected by default.
Communications Tab:
Normal Transaction Time Out: Determines how long, in seconds, the client waits
for a response from the server for normal transactions, such as displaying project
data. If you are running the Framework Administrator remotely, you may need to
increase this time by a few seconds.
Lengthy Operation Time Out: Determines how long, in seconds, the client will wait
for a response from the server for lengthy operations, such as running reports. The
time needed to build reports depends on the report selected and the amount of data
being compiled.
Network Diagnostics Level: Determines the level of detail presented when you run
the network diagnostics utility. You can use this utility to troubleshoot
communication problems. You should only change this option at the direction of
product support.
Appearance Tab:
Icons on Menus: Shows icons next to commands on the menus that have
corresponding toolbar buttons. This helps you recognize toolbar buttons.
Resize Windows While Moving Splitter Bar: Redraws the tabs on the right side of
the screen dynamically when you move the screen splitter. This may cause some
minor flickering on your screen while redrawing, depending on your computer’s
Cha pt er 2 : F r am ew ork Ad minist ra to r Overview
Date Format: Determines how dates are displayed. Format is determined according
to Windows settings that are specified when you select Settings > Control Panel >
Regional Settings > Date tab from the Windows Start menu.
Wizards Tab:
Use Wizards when creating new:
Projects: Determines if projects are created using the Project Creation Wizard or
Expert Mode. A check indicates the wizard is enabled.
Users: Determines if users are created using the User Creation Wizard or Expert
Mode. A check indicates the wizard is enabled.
Groups: Determines if groups are created using the Group Creation Wizard or
Expert Mode. A check indicates the wizard is enabled.
Modifying Framework Administrator Options
To change the Framework Administrator options:
1 Select Tools > Options from the menu.
2 Set the options as desired on each tab.
3 Click OK to save your changes, or click Cancel to exit without saving changes.
Report Menu
The Framework Administrator provides three standard reports: Project, User and
Group. The Report menu allows you to preview and print standard reports of project,
user and group data.
The commands perform the following functions:
Project: Displays the option to view or save the Project report, which lists all
projects with their data, including description and baselines. You can view it in your
default browser or save it as an .xml file.
User: Displays the option view or save the User report, which lists all users with
their data, including description, name, address, department, email address and
group assignments. You can view it in your default browser or save it as an .xml file.
Group: Displays the option to view or save the Group report, which lists all groups
with their data, including email address, description and users assigned. You can
view it in your default browser or save it as an .xml file.
To view a report, select the Open in default browser option button.
To save the report in .xml format, select the Save as XML option button, enter a name
for the file and click the Browse button to choose a location to save the file.
16 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
Help Menu
The Help menu displays options for accessing the Help system.
The commands perform the following functions:
Help Topics: Displays the Help system.
Using Help: Displays instructions for using the Help system.
Technical Support: Displays information about contacting technical support.
Borland Home Page: Opens an Internet browser and displays the Borland home
About Framework Administrator: Displays information about the SQM Framework.
Cha pt er 2 : F r am ew ork Ad minist ra to r Overview
18 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
Getting Started in Framework
Chapter 3
This chapter details the tasks an administrator must perform before users can begin
entering and managing requirements in CaliberRM. Other miscellaneous administrator
tasks are also described here.
Password Administration
To comply with corporate and government security regulations, CaliberRM enables
administrators to create and enforce user password policies. Password administration
is comprised of two sets of restrictions: enterprise level and user level. Enterprise
level settings set the policy for all user accounts. The exception is Password
Expiration. If you go to an individual user’s Password tab and set the password to
never expire, that option supersedes the Enterprise Password Administration setting.
To implement password policies, select a set of password restrictions from the
following options:
Maximum Password Age: specify the number of days a password is valid before a
user is required to change it.
Minimum Password Age: Allow password changes immediately or impose a
waiting period of a certain number of days from the date of the last change.
Password Uniqueness: Keep a history of used passwords. The password history
is used in conjunction with the minimum password age option, and protects against
multiple, repeated password changes.
Password Minimum Length: Set limits on how short or long a password is.
Enterprise Password Administration
To set the enterprise password options:
C ha pt er 3 : G e tt in g Sta rt ed i n F ra mew or k A dmi n i s tr at or
1 Select File > Admin > Account Restrictions from the menu. The Account
Restrictions dialog box is displayed.
2 In the Maximum Password Age box, select Password Never Expires if
passwords should remain valid indefinitely, or select Expires In and enter a number
between 1 and 999 to expire passwords in a certain number of days.
3 In the Minimum Password Age box, select Allow Changes Immediately to allow
users to change their password immediately, or select Allow Changes In and enter
a number between 1 and 999 to allow password changes in a certain number of
days from the date of the last password change.
Note: This setting is to protect against multiple password changes when Password
History is set.
4 In the Minimum Password Length box, select Permit Blank Password to permit a
blank password, or select At Least and enter a number between 1 and 14 to set the
minimum number of characters allowed.
5 In the Password Uniqueness box, select Do Not Keep Password History, or
select Remember to keep a password history of 1 to 24 passwords. Passwords that
are retained in the history cannot be reused.
6 In the Auto Disable box, select the Do not automatically disable user accounts
option button if you want users to be able to attempt to login an indefinite number of
times or the Disable users after n consecutive login attempts within a 12 hour
period option button if you want to limit the number of times a user can attempt to
login. See page 49 for information on how to re-enable a user once the account has
been disabled.
7 If Expires In is selected in Step 2, indicate the number of days between 0 and 45 to
begin warning the user in advance of password expiration.
8 Click OK.
Note: Enterprise Password Administration affects all users.The exception is Password
Expiration. If you go to an individual user’s password tab and set the password to
never expire, that option supersedes the Enterprise Password Administration setting.
User Account Password Administration
The user account password restrictions enable administrators to:
force users to change their password the next time they log on to a server,
prevent users from changing their password,
allow users to have passwords that never expire,
disable user accounts.
20 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
You can set password restrictions for a user account when creating a user, or you can
change an existing user account. For information about setting password restrictions
when creating or modifying a user, see “Setting the User Password” on page 49.
Setting Up Automatic Notification
Before automatic notification can be enabled, you have to set up the email system for
the Framework Administrator to use.
Note: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is the only mail system that Borland
To set Notification parameters:
1 Select File > Admin > Email from the menu.
2 Select the Enable check box. The Host, Port and Sender Address fields become
3 Enter the Host name.
4 In the Port field, enter the port used for the SMTP service. The default port setting is
5 In the Sender Address field, enter an email address. Notification emails contain the
email address of the user making the requirement change. If the user’s email is not
defined, CaliberRM displays the email address entered in the Sender Address field.
6 Click OK to save your parameters.
For information about enabling automatic notification, see “Enabling Automatic
Notification” on page 37.
When you create a user, you can specify the department to which the user is assigned.
You can add, modify or delete departments as needed, either from within the User
View, on the User Info tab or from the File menu at any time.
Note: Departments are used for information purposes only, and are not the same as
user groups, although they may have the same name. Use of this feature is optional.
Creating a Department
To create a department:
C ha pt er 3 : G e tt in g Sta rt ed i n F ra mew or k A dmi n i s tr at or
1 Select File > Admin > Departments from the menu. The Departments dialog box
is displayed.
2 Click the New button. The Create New Department dialog box is displayed.
3 Enter a name and description for the department. Click OK.
4 When you have finished, click Close to exit the Departments dialog box.
Modifying a Department
To modify a department:
1 Select File > Admin > Departments from the menu. The Departments dialog box
is displayed.
2 Select the department you want to modify and click the Edit button. The
department’s dialog box is displayed.
3 Make the changes and click OK.
4 Click Close to exit the Departments dialog box.
Deleting a Department
To delete a department:
1 Select File > Admin > Departments from the menu. The Departments dialog box
is displayed.
22 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
2 Select the department you want to delete and click the Delete button. A message is
displayed, verifying that you want to delete the department.
3 Click Yes to delete it, or No to save it.
4 Click Close to exit the Departments dialog box.
Security Profiles
The SQM Framework uses a default security profile that is sufficient for your initial
security setup. For instructions on modifying the default security profile and
customizing security profiles, see “Security” on page 55.
License Management
CaliberRM requires you to manage user license information for each product. This
enables you to fully maximize product potential.
There are three license specifications for CaliberRM users:
Named User License: This license is assigned to a particular user.
Note: If a named user attempts to connect from more than one machine, the
connection from the second machine is treated as a concurrent license if one is
available. If none are available, the user receives a No License Available caution
window and must try again later.
Concurrent User License: This license is assigned and available to a group of
users. For example, if your license dictates that you have 10 concurrent users, you
can assign as many users as concurrent users as necessary, but only 10 can be
logged in at a given time.
Not Authorized User License: This license is assigned to a particular user. An
unauthorized user is always unable to login.
Important Notes:
The Admin user is always a Named User for each product, but does not count
against the number of Named User licenses you have. However, if the Admin user
attempts to connect from more than one machine, the connection from the second
machine is treated as a Concurrent license if one is available.
The Framework Administrator and Diagnostic Tool do not count against your
number of licenses used.
The number of licenses purchased does not affect how many users you can create
in the Framework Administrator.
Information is located on the License Management dialog box. Select File > Admin >
License Management to access it.
Login Examples
The Admin user logs in from Client
Machine A, then logs in from Client
Machine B.
Machine A logs the Admin user in as a Named
User, without using an allocated Named User
license. Machine B logs the Admin user in as a
Concurrent User if a concurrent license is
available for the application. If not, the Admin
user receives a No License Available caution
window and must try again later.
C ha pt er 3 : G e tt in g Sta rt ed i n F ra mew or k A dmi n i s tr at or
Login Examples
A Named user logs in from Client
Machine A, then logs in from Client
Machine B.
The connection from Machine B is treated as a
Concurrent User license if one is available for
the application. If none are available, the user
receives a No License Available caution
window and must try again later.
A Named or Concurrent user logs in
the Framework Administrator or the
Diagnostic Tool.
No license key is used.
A Concurrent user logs in twice from
the same machine.
Only one license key is used.
A Concurrent user logs onto two
separate machines.
Two concurrent licenses are used.
Making License Changes
To make changes to your licenses by project:
1 Select File > Admin from the menu. The License Management dialog box is
2 For each licensed product you have, there is a corresponding tab that displays the
total number of unexpired Named User and/or Concurrent User licenses you have,
and a User ID and license designation for each CaliberRM user. The exception is
the CaliberRM Datamart tab, which simply displays the Keys button and the
Usages Report button.
See the table below for clarification.
License Key
License Key is required
after evaluation period.
To evaluate the product, leave
the key field blank or enter a
valid evaluation License Key.
CaliberRM Web
License Key is required
after evaluation period.
To evaluate the product, leave
the key field blank or enter a
valid evaluation License Key.
CaliberRM Datamart
& Datamart Explorer
License Key is required
to install.
To evaluate the product, enter a
valid evaluation License Key
during the install.
24 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
Important Notes:
• If the server contains an evaluation key (meaning year is not 9999), the server is
in evaluation mode. Evaluation mode means the server’s date cannot be
adjusted backwards by more than 2 hours. If the date is moved outside of the
grace period the clients will not be able to connect to the server.
• If you are using a previously supported version with production or evaluation
keys, and then upgrade to the latest version, a new 30 day evaluation period
will begin.
• If you are using a major version (x.0) with evaluation keys, then upgrade to a
minor version (x.1), the evaluation period does not start over.
• For a 30 day evaluation copy (blank license key) of CaliberRM, the number of
named and concurrent licenses is 500. This applies to new installations and
• Do not change the date on the CaliberRM server until you have a permanent
• Once a valid CaliberRM Datamart license key is entered, any user can run the
Datamart programs.
• Important Note for Customers Who Purchase Named User Licenses: Before
you replace an evaluation key with a permanent license key, for either an
upgrade or new purchase, please ensure you have assigned CaliberRM users
their Named User licenses and not exceeded the total number of Named User
licenses provided by your new key.
Example: You have 100 CaliberRM users, and made 50 of them Named Users
during your evaluation period. You then purchase 10 Named User licenses.
Before entering the new license key, reduce your 50 Named Users to the 10
Named User desired. Otherwise, your new license key will automatically
assign the 10 Named User licenses to the first 10 CaliberRM users from the 50
Named Users you selected during your evaluation period.
3 To change any user’s license key type, select the user from the list, and choose the
appropriate option button.
Note: Use the Shift key to select a range of users, or the Ctrl key to select additional
4 To add additional license keys or view your license keys and license key
information, click the Keys button. The CaliberRM Keys window is displayed.
5 To add a key, click the Add button. The Add Key dialog box is displayed.
6 Enter the license key and click OK. The key is validated and added to the server and
the license key list.
7 To remove a key, select it from the list in the CaliberRM Keys window and click the
Remove button. A dialog box appears, verifying that you want to remove the key.
8 Click OK to remove the key, or Cancel to retain the key.
Usage Reports
You can create usage reports that provide details about how often your CaliberRM
users log in, how long they stay logged in and more.
To generate a usage report:
1 Select File > Admin from the menu. The License Management dialog box is
C ha pt er 3 : G e tt in g Sta rt ed i n F ra mew or k A dmi n i s tr at or
2 Click the product tab for the product you want a report for.
3 Click the Usage Report button. The Usage Report dialog box is displayed.
4 Select the date range you want the report to display.
5 If you want the data grouped, select the Grouped By check box, and select a
method from the drop-down list.
6 Select the output:
• Open in default browser: Select this option to view the report immediately. Go
to Step 7.
• Save as XML: Select this option to save the file as an .xml file to view later. Go
to Step 8 on page 28.
7 Click OK. Your default browser opens and displays the usage report, as shown
The report displays a table with ten columns:
• User ID: The user’s userid.
• Client IP Address: The user’s IP address.
26 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
• Login Date: The date the user logged in.
• Login Time: The time the user logged in.
• Login Status: The login status of the user.
• Invalid Login or Password: The user could not login because his/her userid
or password is invalid.
• User Not Authorized: The user could not login to the product because he/
she is not a licensed user.
• Password Expired: The user could not login because his/her password has
• License Obtained: The user was granted a license, and logged in
• No License Available: The user could not login because there was not an
available license.
• License Type: The license type assigned to the user.
• N/A: Not Applicable, meaning the product does not support named or
concurrent licenses, such as Framework Administrator.
• Not Authorized: The user is not authorized to use CaliberRM.
• Named: The user is assigned a named user license.
• Concurrent: The user is assigned a concurrent license.
Note: The License Type is usually displayed as N/A. The exception is with a Login
Status of either License Obtained or No License Available, which is displayed as
Named or Concurrent.
• Application: The CaliberRM client application the user accessed. See the table
below for details about each product component.
• Log Out Date: The date the user logged out.
• Log Out Time: The time the user logged out.
• Duration: The amount of time, in hours, minutes and seconds the user spent
logged in.
Product Name
CaliberRM Win32 client
CaliberRM Web (Java – with add/modify capabilities)
CaliberRM Document Factory
CaliberRM Import
CaliberRM Export
CaliberRM Viewer
CaliberRM SDK (COM/Java API)
CaliberRM Web Viewer
CaliberRM Web Viewer – Web Viewer (Java - read only
Product Name
C ha pt er 3 : G e tt in g Sta rt ed i n F ra mew or k A dmi n i s tr at or
CaliberRM Datamart
Note: CaliberRM Datamart Explorer is not under License
CaliberRM Framework
CaliberRM Framework Administrator
CaliberRM Diagnostic Tool
8 If you selected to save the report as an .xml in Step 6, click the Browse button to
navigate to the location where you want to save the file.
9 Enter a name for the file and click Open. The file is saved.
10 Click OK to exit the License Management dialog box.
Moving the Usage Report Data to Microsoft Excel
Once you view your usage report, you may want to analyze it in Microsoft Excel.
To analyze your data in Excel:
1 Complete Steps 1-7, beginning on page 25, opting to open the report in your default
2 Select Edit > Select All from the menu.
3 Select Edit > Copy from the menu.
4 Open Excel and create a blank spreadsheet.
5 In Excel, select Edit > Paste. The data is filled in.
6 Adjust your spreadsheet as necessary.
User Connections Monitor
The User Connections Monitor provides information to CaliberRM administrators about
the identity, license information and the number of connected users to the CaliberRM
server, and for each product. The Monitor also provides a logout method for
administrators to log clients off the system.
User Connections View
To view information about individual users, select View > Monitor > User
Connections from the menu. The user list is displayed.
The User Connections view indicates the total number of users connected to the
CaliberRM server. Expanding the Active Users node shows a detailed list of
connected users including their IP Address, Product, License Information, personal
information, and more.
Press F5 to refresh the information.
28 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
Product Connections View
To view information about connected users by product, select View > Monitor >
Product Connections from the menu. The product list is displayed.
The Product Connections view indicates the total number of users connected to each
CaliberRM product. Expanding the Product Name node shows a detailed list of
connected users including their IP Address, Product, License Information, personal
information, and more.
Press F5 to refresh the information.
Client Logout
If a CaliberRM client crashes, gets locked or disconnected from the network, an
administrator can log it off of the system. This allows the administrator to free
resources immediately instead of waiting for the server to time out the connection. All
client resources being used are available for other clients to use. This includes
releasing the license, unlocking locks and freeing memory.
To logout a client:
1 Select View> Monitor from the menu.
2 Select the user connection you want to disconnect.
3 Select View > Monitor > Logout from the menu. The client is disconnected.
C ha pt er 3 : G e tt in g Sta rt ed i n F ra mew or k A dmi n i s tr at or
30 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
Chapter 4
A project is defined as work that you need to manage as a whole, such as an
application or system under development. Projects consist of several types of
information, including users and groups, requirement types and requirements. Project
administration is performed in the Framework Administrator and includes:
creating, modifying and deleting projects,
assigning users and groups,
assigning security profiles,
setting automatic notification,
creating, modifying and deleting project glossaries,
enabling project integrations.
The Project View contains a set of five tabs that facilitate administrator activities:
Project Info
Group Assignment
Project Baselines
External Traceability
Ch ap ter 4: Project s
Creating a Project
There are two ways to create a project: using the Project Creation Wizard, or using
Expert Mode. Expert Mode uses the dialog boxes for creating projects and is designed
for users who are already familiar with defining project information.
Project Creation Wizard
The wizard launches automatically when you select File > New Project from the menu
if you have selected that option in Framework Administrator Options. Select Tools >
Options > Wizards from the menu to verify that the wizard is selected.
To create a project using the Project Creation Wizard:
1 Select File > New Project from the menu. Step 1 of the Project Creation Wizard is
2 Enter a name for the project.
3 Click Next. Step 2 of the Project Creation Wizard is displayed.
4 Enter a description for the project.
32 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
5 Click Next. Step 3 of the Project Creation Wizard is displayed.
6 Select the check boxes to the left of the group names you want to assign to the
7 Click Next. Step 4 of the Project Creation Wizard is displayed.
8 Select the glossary you want to associate with the project from the Available list.
Note: Use the Shift key to select a range of glossaries, or the Ctrl key to select multiple
glossaries individually.
9 Click the Move Left button to move the glossary to the Selected list.
Note: To assign all the glossaries in the Available list to the Selected list, click the
Move All Left button.
10 You can arrange the order of the glossaries by using the Move Up and Move Down
buttons. The order of the list determines the order in which CaliberRM searches the
glossaries, and the color order that is displayed when there are identical terms in
multiple glossaries.
Ch ap ter 4: Project s
11 Click Next. The New Project Information dialog box is displayed.
12 Verify the information you have entered. If the information is correct, click Finish. If
not, click Back and make the necessary changes.
The project is created.
You can now modify the user list, assign a security profile and set automatic notification
for each group assigned to the project. See “Advanced Steps” on page 35.
Creating a Project Using Expert Mode
To create a project using Expert Mode, you must first define the basic project
information and assign groups.
Note: To create a project using Expert Mode, the option to use wizards must be cleared
in Tools > Options > Wizards.
Defining Project Information
To define the project information:
1 Select File > New Project from the menu. A new project is created and the Project
Info tab is displayed.
2 Enter a name and description for the project.
3 To save the project, select File > Save Changes from the menu. To delete the
project, select Edit > Cancel Changes from the menu.
Assigning Groups
Once you have created your project, you can assign groups to the project. Users in
these groups are then able to view and modify the project information as specified in
34 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
their security profiles. See “Security Profiles” on page 55 for more information about
security profiles.
To assign groups to a project:
1 Select the Group Assignment tab. The tab is displayed.
2 Select the box to the left of any group you want to assign. A check mark in the box
indicates that the group is assigned.
When you assign a group to a project, all of the users who are members of that group
are automatically assigned to the project. You can then modify the user list if necessary
to assign only specific members to the project. For more information, see “Modifying
the User List” on page 36.
3 To save the project, select File > Save Changes from the menu. To delete the
project, select Edit > Cancel Changes from the menu.
Advanced Steps
There are three advanced steps to assigning users and groups that you can perform
once you have assigned groups to a project: modify the user list, assign a security
profile and set automatic notification for assigned groups within the project. These
functions are accessed when you select a group from the Group Assignment tab and
click the Advanced button.
Ch ap ter 4: Project s
Modifying the User List
To modify the user list for the selected group within a project:
1 Select the group with the user list you want to modify.
2 Click the Advanced button. The Advanced functions are displayed.
The Assigned list contains a list of users assigned to that group within the project, and
the Not Assigned list contains a list of users not assigned to the project. All members
of the selected group are assigned by default.
3 To automatically add users to the project, select the Users assigned to the groups
are automatically assigned to the project check box. This option is a per project
selection. If you select this option, all users assigned to the group are assigned to
the project and the Assigned and Not Assigned selections are unavailable. If you
select this option, go to Step 6.
Any user that is assigned to a project that is not assigned to a group will no longer be
assigned to that project if this option is selected.
4 To remove users from the Assigned list box, select them and click the Remove
To add users to the Assigned list box, select them from the Not Assigned list box
and click the Add button.
Note: Use the Shift key to select a range of groups, or the Ctrl key to select additional
5 To display all CaliberRM users in the Not Assigned list box, select the Select From
All Users option button.
This allows you to assign users to the group for the selected project only, without
changing global group assignments. For example, the tester ajones may assist in
development for a specific project, but does not need to be added to the Developers
group to participate as a developer for that project only.
Note: If you create new users and assign them to a group that was previously assigned
to a project, you must modify the user list to move them into the Assigned list box.
6 To save your changes, select File > Save Changes from the menu. To delete
changes, select Edit > Cancel Changes from the menu.
Setting Security in a Project
To set access privileges for each group in a project, assign a security profile to each
group. For more information on creating security profiles, see “Creating a Security
Profile” on page 56.
To assign a security profile to a group within a project:
1 On the Group Assignment tab, select an assigned group from the group list box.
2 Click the Advanced button. The Advanced functions are displayed.
3 Click the Security button. The Security dialog box is displayed.
4 Select the security profiles you want to assign to the group. Profiles apply to all
users within the selected group, for the selected project only. If multiple profiles are
selected, the profiles are combined, and the least restrictive access level of all
selected profiles is used. If no profile is selected, the default profile is used to
determine access. See “Combining Security Profiles” on page 60.
5 Click OK to return to the Group Assignment tab.
6 To save your changes, select File > Save Changes from the menu. To delete
changes, select Edit > Cancel Changes from the menu.
36 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
Enabling Automatic Notification
Each requirement can have several individuals assigned to it as responsible users. For
example, the business analyst who created the requirement may be assigned
responsibility, as well as a developer, a tester and a manager.
When a requirement is added, modified or deleted, the responsible users must be
notified. Framework Administrator notifies all responsible individuals by email,
according to the notification configuration. However, not all assigned individuals need
to be notified of every change. Therefore, you can customize notification by group
within each project. Groups can receive notification if a requirement is added, modified
or deleted.
To use the notification process, configure the email notification parameters in
Framework Administrator (see “Setting Up Automatic Notification” on page 21). If these
parameters are not set up correctly, notifications are generated and queued until the
email system is properly specified.
To set automatic notification for a group within a project:
1 Select View > Projects from the menu.
2 Select the project with the notifications you want to change.
3 From the Group Assignment tab, select an assigned group in the group list.
4 Click the Advanced button.
5 Click the Email button. The Notifications dialog box is displayed.
6 Select the A New Requirement is Created check box to notify responsible
individuals of requirement assignments.
Select the A Requirement is Deleted check box to notify responsible individuals of
a deleted requirement.
Select the A Requirement is Modified check box to notify responsible individuals
of a modified requirement.
Select the A Discussion Item is posted check box to notify responsible users that
a new discussion item has been added. When a new discussion is posted or replied
to, an email will be sent to users assigned as responsible to the requirement, users
who have registered interest in the requirement and any other users who have
participated in the particular discussion thread.
Note: These options apply to all users within the selected group that are assigned to
the project.
7 Click OK to return to the Group Assignment tab.
8 To save your changes, select File > Save Changes from the menu. To delete
changes, select Edit > Cancel Changes from the menu.
Ch ap ter 4: Project s
Modifying a Project
To modify an existing project:
1 Select View > Projects from the menu.
2 Select the project you want to modify.
Note: When a project is being modified, the project list displays a lock icon on the
project, indicating that the project cannot be modified by anyone else at the same time.
3 Select the tab containing the information you want to modify.
4 Edit the project information.
5 To save your changes, select File > Save Changes from the menu. To delete
changes, select Edit > Cancel Changes from the menu.
Deleting a Project
If you delete a project, you cannot recover deleted data.
Note: Before you can delete a project, you must first delete all requirements in the
project, unassign all requirement types assigned to the project and delete all baselines
in the project.
To delete an existing project:
1 Select View > Projects from the menu.
2 Select the project you want to delete.
3 Select Edit > Delete from the menu. A message is displayed verifying that you want
to delete the project.
4 Click Yes to delete the project, or No to save it.
Project Glossaries
CaliberRM can contain multiple glossaries that allow you to define terms that are
specific to your organization’s projects. These glossaries are created by an
administrator in the Framework Administrator and maintained in CaliberRM. CaliberRM
Administrators create, define, delete and modify terms. Defined terms are
automatically color-coded in the requirement description as they are typed.
Creating a Glossary
To create a new glossary:
1 In Framework Administrator, select File > Admin > Glossaries.
38 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
The Glossaries dialog box is displayed.
2 Click New. The Glossary dialog box is displayed.
3 Enter a name for the new glossary.
4 Select a color for the glossary terms to indicate to which glossary the terms belong.
5 If you want to add a term, click the New Term button. See page 73 for more
information on creating terms.
6 Click OK.
The Glossary is created and added to the Glossaries tab. You can also import an
existing glossary to create a new glossary. See “Importing Glossaries” on page 40.
Assigning a Glossary to a Project
To assign a glossary to a project:
1 In Framework Administrator, select the project to which you want to assign a
2 Select the Glossaries tab. The tab displays a list of all of the selected (assigned)
and available glossaries.
3 Select the glossary you want to associate with the project from the Available list.
Note: Use the Shift key to select a range of glossaries, or the Ctrl key to select multiple
glossaries individually.
Ch ap ter 4: Project s
4 Click the Move Left button to move the glossary to the Selected list.
Note: Click the Move All Left button to assign all the glossaries in the Available list to
the Selected list at once.
5 Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to arrange the order of the glossaries.
The order of the list determines the order in which CaliberRM searches the
glossaries, and the color order that is displayed when there are identical terms in
multiple glossaries.
6 Click the Save button to save the project.
The glossary is assigned to the project.
Modifying a Glossary
To modify a glossary:
1 In the Framework Administrator, select File > Admin > Glossaries. The
Glossaries dialog box is displayed.
2 Click Modify. The Glossary dialog box is displayed.
3 Make desired changes.
4 Click OK.
5 Click the Save button to save the project.
The Glossary is modified. You can also import existing glossary terms to an existing
glossary. See “Importing Glossaries” below.
Deleting a Glossary
To delete a glossary:
1 In the Framework Administrator, select File > Admin > Glossaries. The
Glossaries dialog box is displayed.
2 Select the glossary you want to delete from the list.
3 Click Delete. The Deleting Glossary dialog box is displayed.
4 Click OK to delete the glossary, or Cancel to save the glossary.
5 Click Close to close the Glossaries dialog box.
Importing Glossaries
You can import a predefined glossary of terms into an existing glossary or a new
glossary. The import file must be an .xml file. See page 41 for a sample .xml file.
CaliberRM accepts all Universal Transfer Format 8 (UTF-8) characters.
To import a glossary:
1 Select File > Admin > Glossaries from the menu. The Glossaries list dialog box is
2 If you want to import terms into a new glossary, click New. If you want to import
terms into an existing glossary, select that glossary and click Modify. The Glossary
edit dialog box is displayed.
3 If creating a new glossary, enter a name and color.
40 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
4 Click Import. The Import Glossary Terms dialog box is displayed.
5 Enter in the name of the file you want to import, or click the Browse button to
navigate to the file.
6 Click OK. The terms now appear in your glossary.
Sample .xml Format
Exporting Glossaries
You can export an existing CaliberRM glossary to an .xml file.
To export a glossary:
1 Select File > Admin > Glossaries from the menu. The Glossaries list dialog box is
2 Select the glossary that contains the terms you want to export from the list and click
3 Click Export. The Export Glossary Terms dialog box is displayed.
4 Click the Browse button and navigate to the location you want to save the file. Enter
in a name for your file
5 Click OK. Your glossary is now in an .xml file.
Note: You can also print glossary information using Document Factory. See page 205
for more information.
Ch ap ter 4: Project s
42 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
Users and Groups
Chapter 5
A User is any person who has access to or uses CaliberRM or the Framework
Administrator system. Users can be developers, managers, testers, CEOs, and any
others in your enterprise. A user may also be defined just for the purpose of receiving
notifications about requirements. They do not need to actually use CaliberRM.
User information includes contact information for each user, including an email address
used for automatic notification. Users are placed in one or more groups and assigned
to projects and requirements.
Users and groups are defined in Framework Administrator and assigned at the project
and requirement levels as needed. The graphic below illustrates the hierarchy of user
and group lists from the framework level to the requirement level.
C ha pte r 5: U s ers a nd Group s
You may add users to a group in either the User View, shown below, or the Group
View, shown on page 50. You may also edit user information within the Group View.
User Access Levels
There are four levels of CaliberRM users:
Framework Administrator: Has special administrative rights in Framework
Administrator and in the Requirements Manager. Framework Administrators are
members of the Administrators group and only other Framework Administrators can
create them. Depending on their security profile, an administrator does not
necessarily have access to all user-level functions.
CaliberRM Administrator: Has special administrative rights in the Requirements
Manager. They manage tasks that are requirement-specific (does not include
baseline maintenance. See Baseline Administrator, below). CaliberRM
Administrators are created in the Requirements Manager by Framework
Administrators or by other CaliberRM Administrators. Depending on his/her security
profile, an administrator does not necessarily have access to all user level functions.
See “CaliberRM Administrative Tasks” on page 71.
Baseline Administrator: Performs all levels of baseline maintenance. This user
does not have to be a Framework Administrator or a CaliberRM Administrator. See
page 49 for information on making a user a baseline administrator.
User: Performs user-level functions. Has no administrative rights.
The features and commands available to each user are project and group-specific.
They are determined by the type of installation, security profile, requirements type level
and by the product integrations that are enabled in the project.
Creating a User
There are two ways to create a user: using the User Creation Wizard or using Expert
Mode. Expert Mode uses the dialog boxes to create users, and is for those who are
familiar with defining user information.
44 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
User Creation Wizard
There are four steps to creating a user using the User Creation Wizard. The wizard
launches automatically when you select File > New User, if you have selected that
option in Framework Administrator Options. Select Tools > Options > Wizards from
the menu to verify that the wizard is selected.
To create a user using the User Creation Wizard:
1 Select File > New User. Step 1 of the User Creation Wizard is displayed.
2 Enter a unique ID for the user.
3 Enter the first and last name of the user and specify the user’s title and department.
4 Click Next. Step 2 of the User Creation Wizard is displayed.
5 Enter the user’s phone, fax, email, pager and location information.
C ha pte r 5: U s ers a nd Group s
6 Click Next. Step 3 of the User Creation Wizard is displayed.
7 To assign the user to groups, select groups in the Not a member of list and click the
Add button.
Note: Use the Shift key to select a range of groups, or the Ctrl key to select additional
8 Click Next. Step 4 of the User Creation Wizard is displayed.
9 Enter the user’s Password and retype it for verification.
Note: If you assign and attempt to save a password that is inconsistent with the
Password Policy, you get an error message. For more information, see “Enterprise
Password Administration” on page 19. For a listing of error messages and their
meanings, see “Appendix A: CaliberRM Messages” on page 259.
10 Select one or more of the following options to set the appropriate user password
• User Must Change Password at Next Logon: Forces the user to change his/her
password at the next logon.
• User Cannot Change Password: Prevents the user from changing his/her
• Password Never Expires: Allows the user to have a password that never
• Account Disabled: Disables the user account.
46 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
Note: You cannot select the User Must Change Password at Next Logon and the
User Cannot Change Password check boxes at the same time. If you select these
boxes and attempt to save the information, an error message is displayed.
11 Click Next. The New User Information dialog box is displayed.
12 Verify the information you have entered. If the information is correct, click Finish. If
not, click Back and make the necessary changes.
The user is created.
Important! Once you have created a new user, you must update the user’s license
status before s/he can login to CaliberRM. To do this, select File > Admin > License
Management. Locate the user in the User ID column, and select an option for the
user: Named User, Concurrent or Not Authorized. Perform these steps for each
CaliberRM product the user needs access to. See “License Management” on page 23
for more information on licensing.
Creating a User Using Expert Mode
There are three steps to creating a user:
1 Defining basic user information
2 Adding the user to groups
3 Setting the user password
Note: To create a user using Expert Mode, the option to use wizards for creating new
users must be cleared in Tools > Options > Wizards.
Note: Once you have created a new user, you must update the user’s license status
before he/she can login to CaliberRM. To do this, select File > Admin > License
Management. Locate the user in the User ID column, and select an option for the
user: Named User, Concurrent or Not Authorized. Perform these steps for each
CaliberRM product the user needs access to. See “License Management” on page 23
for more information on licensing.
Defining User Information
To define the basic user information:
1 Select File > New User from the menu. A new user is created, and the User Info
tab is displayed as shown on the following page.
C ha pte r 5: U s ers a nd Group s
2 Enter the user information in the fields displayed.
Note: If the Department needed is not available in the drop-down list, you may edit the
list by clicking the Browse button. For additional information, see “Departments” on
page 21.
3 To save the user, select File > Save Changes from the menu. To delete the user,
select Edit > Cancel Changes from the menu.
Adding the User to Groups
If groups have already been created, click the Group Membership tab. See page 50
for instructions on creating a group.
To add the user to groups:
1 Select the group(s) to make the user a member of, from the Not member of list box.
Note: Use the Shift key to select a range of groups, or the Ctrl key to select multiple
groups individually.
2 Click the Add button to move the selected group(s) to the Member of list box.
Note: When modifying a user, a lock icon is displayed on the user list. This prevents
someone else from modifying the user at the same time.
48 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
3 To save your changes, select File > Save Changes from the menu. To delete
changes, select Edit > Cancel Changes from the menu.
Note: To remove users from a group, select the group(s) in the Member of list box and
click the Remove button.
Setting the User Password
To set the password the user must enter to log on, click the Password tab.
To set the user password:
1 Enter a password in the Password field.
Note: For security reasons, all characters of the password are displayed as asterisks
(*). If you choose to leave the password information blank, the user will be able to log
on without entering a password. Note that even a blank password is displayed as
2 Retype the password in the Retype Password field. If the two passwords do not
match, you are prompted to re-enter them.
Note: If you assign and attempt to save a password that is not consistent with the
Password Policy, you will get an error message. For more information, see “Enterprise
Password Administration” on page 19. For a listing of error messages and their
meanings, see “Appendix A: CaliberRM Messages” on page 259.
3 Select one or more of the following options to set the appropriate user password
• User Must Change Password at Next Logon: Forces the user to change his/her
password at the next logon.
• User Cannot Change Password: Prevents the user from changing his/her
• Password Never Expires: Allows the user to have a password that never
• Account Disabled: Disables the user account.
• User Can Perform Baseline Administration: Establishes the user as a baseline
Note: You cannot select the User Must Change Password at Next Logon and the
User Cannot Change Password check boxes at the same time. If you select these
boxes and attempt to save the information, an error message is displayed.
4 To save your changes, select File > Save Changes from the menu. To delete
changes, select Edit > Cancel Changes from the menu.
C ha pte r 5: U s ers a nd Group s
Modifying a User
To modify an existing user:
1 Select View > Users from the menu.
2 Select the user to modify.
3 Select the tab containing the information to modify.
4 Edit the user information.
5 To save your changes, select File > Save Changes from the menu. To delete
changes, select Edit > Cancel Changes from the menu.
Deleting a User
Removing a user removes that user from all attributes and responsibilities for
requirements. If you delete a user, you cannot recover deleted data.
To delete a user:
1 Select View > Users from the menu.
2 Select the user you want to delete.
3 Select Edit > Delete from the menu. A message is displayed verifying that you want
to delete the user.
4 Click Yes to delete the user, or No to save it.
Groups are collections of users with similar responsibilities (i.e., Managers,
Developers, Engineers, Marketing, etc.). Group information includes contact
information for each group and group members.
Creating A Group
There are two ways to create a group: using the Group Creation Wizard or using
Expert Mode. Expert Mode uses the dialog boxes for creating groups, and is for those
who are familiar with defining group information.
50 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
Group Creation Wizard
There are four steps to creating a group through the Group Creation Wizard. The
wizard launches automatically when select File > New Group, if you have selected
that option in the Framework Administrator Options. Select Tools > Options >
Wizards from the menu to verify that the wizard is selected.
To create a group using the Group Creation Wizard:
1 Select File > New Group. Step 1 of the Group Creation Wizard is displayed.
2 Enter a unique name and an email address for the group.
Note: This email address is used for information only and has no effect on notifications.
3 Click Next. Step 2 of the Group Creation Wizard is displayed.
4 Enter a description for the group.
C ha pte r 5: U s ers a nd Group s
5 Click Next. Step 3 of the Group Creation Wizard is displayed.
6 To assign users to the group, select users in the Not Selected list and click the Add
Note: Use the Shift key to select a range of users, or the Ctrl key to select multiple
users individually.
7 Click Next. Step 4 of the Group Creation Wizard is displayed.
8 To assign the group to projects, select projects in the Not Selected list and click the
Add button.
Note: Use the Shift key to select a range of projects, or the Ctrl key to select multiple
projects individually.
9 Click Next. The New Group Information dialog box is displayed as shown on the
following page.
52 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
10 Verify the information you have entered. If the information is correct, click Finish. If
not, click Back and make the necessary changes.
The group is created.
Creating a Group Using Expert Mode
There are two steps to creating a group using Expert Mode: defining group information
and adding users to the group.
Note: To create a new group using Expert Mode, the option to use wizards must be
cleared in Tools > Options > Wizards.
Defining Group Information
To define the group information:
1 Select File > New Group from the menu. A new group is created, and the Group
Info tab is displayed.
2 Enter a name and description for the group.
3 Enter a group email address if desired.
Note: This email address is used for information only and has no effect on notifications.
4 To save your changes, select File > Save Changes from the menu. To delete the
group, select Edit > Cancel Changes from the menu.
C ha pte r 5: U s ers a nd Group s
Assigning Users to a Group
To assign users to a group within the Group View:
1 Click the Members tab. The tab is displayed.
2 Select the users to add to the group from the Not Members list box.
Note: Use the Shift key to select a range of users, or the Ctrl key to select multiple
users individually.
3 Click the Add button to move the selected users to the Members list box.
Note: To remove users from a group, select the user(s) in the Members list box and
click the Remove button.
4 To save your changes, select File > Save Changes from the menu. To delete
changes, select Edit > Cancel Changes from the menu.
Modifying a Group
To modify a group:
Note: When a group is being modified, the group list displays a lock icon on the group
name, meaning that the group cannot be modified by anyone else at the same time.
1 Select View > Groups from the menu.
2 Select the group to modify.
3 Select the tab containing the information to modify.
4 Edit the group information.
5 To save your changes, select File > Save Changes from the menu. To delete
changes, select Edit > Cancel Changes from the menu.
Deleting a Group
If you delete a group, you cannot recover deleted data.
To delete a group:
1 Select View > Groups from the menu.
2 Select the group you want to delete.
3 Select Edit > Delete from the menu. A message is displayed verifying that you want
to delete the group.
4 Click Yes to delete the group, or No to save it.
54 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
Chapter 6
The security requirements for every company are different. A small company may
require minimal or no security, whereas a company with hundreds of users and
thousands of requirements may require multiple levels of security.
As an administrator, you must make a decision about what type of security your
enterprise needs. There are essentially two security models:
“allow by default”: this model allows everyone access by default, but the
administrator can restrict access using security profiles
“deny by default”: this model denies everyone access by default, but the
administrator can allow access using security profiles
Once you have determined which security method your enterprise will use, you can
modify the default profile or start creating new security profiles.
Security is disabled by default, and you must enable it on a per project basis. See
“Enforcing Security for a Project” on page 61.
Security Profiles
The Framework Administrator controls user access to CaliberRM through security
profiles. The Framework Administrator has a default security profile that you can use
initially. See the section “Default Security Profile” on the following page for information
on the default profile.
Security profiles are created in Framework Administrator, but security for a project is
enforced or disabled in CaliberRM. See “Enforcing Security for a Project” on page 61
for more information on enforcing security.
Security profiles:
are created, modified and assigned to groups in Framework Administrator.
determine in which requirement types group members can view, create, modify and
delete requirements.
determine what requirement attributes group members can modify.
Ch ap ter 6: Secu rit y
Default Security Profile
The default security profile provides immediate security for a project once you enforce
security for that project in CaliberRM (see “Enforcing Security for a Project” on
page 61). All requirement types are assigned to the default profile, and cannot be
removed. The initial default Access level is Create, allowing all users to create
requirements. The initial default Delete level is Owned, allowing only the user who
owns a requirement to delete it. You can change both of these levels at any time. For
each attribute assigned to the requirement type, access is initially determined when the
attribute is created, but you can modifiy it at any time.
Creating a Security Profile
There are four steps to creating a security profile:
1 Choose what Requirement Types are assigned to the profile.
2 Choose the Access level for each type, which determines whether group members
can see or create requirements of this type.
3 Choose the Delete level for each type, which determines what requirements of a
specific type group members can delete.
4 Choose which attributes to assign to each requirement type and set the
Modification level for each attribute. The modification level determines when group
members can modify the attributes.
Note: For detailed information on requirement types and attributes, see “Requirement
Types” on page 77, and “Attributes” on page 89.
Note: Assigning attributes to a requirement type within a security profile does not
automatically assign the attribute to the requirement type in CaliberRM.
To create a new security profile:
1 In the Framework Administrator, select File > Admin > Security Profiles from the
menu. The Security Profiles dialog box is displayed.
56 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
2 Click the New button. The Security Profile Editor is displayed.
3 Enter a name and description for the profile.
4 To assign the requirement types to this profile, select the boxes next to the
requirement types.
5 For the selected requirement type, choose the appropriate option button for the level
of Access. There are three access levels:
• None: The requirement type does not appear in the profile members’ lists.
• View: Profile members can see a list of the requirements listed under the
requirement type, and can see data associated with the requirement.
• Create: Profile members are able to create requirements in this requirement
Note: Requirement types that were assigned List access in previous versions of
CaliberRM are now assigned None access after upgrading to CaliberRM 6.0 or later.
6 For the selected requirement type, choose the appropriate option button for the level
of Delete access. There are three access levels:
• None: Profile members cannot delete any requirements in this requirement
Ch ap ter 6: Secu rit y
• Owned: Profile members can delete only the requirements in this requirement
type that they own.
• Any: Profile members can delete any requirement in this type.
7 Select the attributes you want to assign to the selected requirement type and click
the Add Attribute(s) button.
Note: Adding attributes to a requirement type within a security profile does not
automatically assign the attribute to the requirement type within CaliberRM.
The Add Attributes dialog box is displayed.
8 From the dialog box, select one or more attributes from the list. This adds the
attribute to the requirement type within this profile only. If you do not select an
attribute for the requirement type, the default profile is used.
Note: Use the Shift key to select a range of attributes, or the Ctrl key to select more
than one attribute.
9 Click OK to add the attributes.
Note: To remove an attribute, select it in the list and click the Remove Attribute(s)
10 For each attribute, choose the appropriate Modification access option button. This
option determines what attributes can be modified for a requirement of this type.
There are three access levels:
• None: No profile member can modify the attribute in this requirement type.
• Owned: Profile members can only modify the attribute if they own the
requirement of this type.
• Any: Any profile member can modify the attribute in this requirement type.
11 Click OK to save the security profile, or Cancel to exit without saving.
Modifying Security Profiles
Modifying the default security profile affects all projects.
To modify a security profile:
1 Select File > Admin > Security Profiles from the menu. The Security Profiles
dialog box is displayed.
2 Select the profile you want to modify and click the Edit button. The Security Profile
Editor dialog box is displayed.
3 Select the first requirement type in the list.
58 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
Note: You cannot clear requirement types or remove attributes within the default
security profile.
4 Select the option button for the appropriate Access level.
5 Select the option button for the appropriate Delete level.
6 Select the option button for the appropriate Modification level for each attribute in
the list.
7 Repeat Steps 3-6 for the each requirement type you want to modify.
8 Click OK to save the security profile, or Cancel to exit without saving.
9 Click Close in the Security Profiles dialog box.
Deleting Security Profiles
To delete a security profile:
1 Select File > Admin > Security Profiles from the menu. The Security Profiles
dialog box is displayed.
2 Select the profile you want to delete in the list.
Note: You cannot delete the default security profile.
3 Click the Delete button. A message is displayed verifying that you want to delete the
4 Click Yes to delete the profile, or No to save it.
Access Profile Examples
Users and groups may have different access levels in different projects, or more than
one access level in a single project. If individuals and groups have different access
levels in a single project, the access levels are combined and the least restrictive level
of access is granted.
Individual Access
The user bjones may have Create access in one project, but None access in another.
Group Access
The Marketing Department has the following security profile:
Requirement Type
Access Level
Delete Level
Owner Priority Attribute
Modification Level
User Requirements
Design Requirements
Project Tasks
Test Scenarios
Ch ap ter 6: Secu rit y
Members of the Marketing group can:
create requirements for both the Business Requirements and User Requirements
requirement types.
delete requirements for these types because they are owned by the group.
modify the Owner Priority attribute if they own the requirement in the Business
Requirements type, but can modify the Owner Priority attribute in the User
Requirements type.
only view data for the Functional Requirements and Project Tasks requirement
not see the Design Requirements or Test Scenarios requirement types in the
requirement list at all.
Combining Security Profiles
You can assign an individual to more than one security profile in a project. This
combined profile contains the least restrictive levels of access available between the
two groups. If neither profile covers the requirement type or attribute, the default profile
is used.
For example, the user bsmith may be in two different groups in one project and each
group may be assigned different security profiles. Bsmith’s security access is then a
combination of the two profiles, and she is granted the least restrictive level of
permission found in either profile.
A group can also be assigned more than one security profile in a project. This
combined profile contains the least restrictive levels of access available between the
two groups. If neither profile covers the requirement type or attribute, the default profile
is used.
For example, the Development group is assigned both the Developer and the Tech
Support profile.
Developer Profile
Access Level
Delete Level
Owner Priority Attribute
Modification Level
Business Requirements
User Requirements
Requirement Type
Functional Requirements
Design Requirements
Requirement Type
Access Level
Delete Level
Owner Priority Attribute
Modification Level
Business Requirements
User Requirements
Tech Support Profile
Functional Requirements
Design Requirements
Requirement Type
Access Level
Delete Level
Owner Priority Attribute
Modification Level
Business Requirements
User Requirements
Combined Profile
60 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
Combined Profile
Requirement Type
Access Level
Delete Level
Owner Priority Modification
Functional Requirements
Design Requirements
Members of the Developer group can:
view Business requirements,
create User requirements, delete those they own and modify the Owner Priority
attribute in that requirement type,
create Functional requirements, delete those they own, and modify the Owner
Priority attribute in that requirement type,
create Design requirements, delete requirements that they own, and modify the
Owner Priority attribute only if they own the requirement in that type.
Enforcing Security for a Project
Security profiles are created in Framework Administrator and enforced and disabled in
CaliberRM by individual project. You must have at least CaliberRM administrator
privileges to enforce security. Administrators can also modify security profiles in
CaliberRM. See “Modifying Security Profiles” on page 58 for more information.
To enable or disable security for a project, select the appropriate option button in the
Security area of the Project Info tab.
Ch ap ter 6: Secu rit y
62 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
Database Administration
Chapter 7
CaliberRM provides an automated system, called DB Manager, for performing
database administration. This feature simplifies and expedites many common
database maintenance tasks. The most common function is database backup,
described below. For information on the other DB Manager commands and their
functions, see the table on page 67.
If you are running backup tapes of the system, make sure they do not backup the
SQMDB directory at C:\Borland\CaliberRMServer\Versant\DB\SQMDB, or wherever
you installed the CaliberRM server. To ensure this does not happen, do not back up
any of the directories found at C:\Borland\CaliberRMServer directory, or wherever you
installed the CaliberRM server.
Terminal Services must be disabled on the CaliberRM server machine. If you attempt
any DB Manager actions, CaliberRM checks to determine if Terminal Services is
enabled. If so, an error message is displayed and the command action halts.
Database Backup
Important! Be sure to verify your backups periodically. Borland recommends that you
backup the production server and restore and test backups of CaliberRM project data
on a test system. Restoring and testing your backups helps to ensure that your data is
being backed up correctly. This does not require that you shut down the server.
1 Log on as the database administrator (DBA) to the machine where the database
Note: You can determine the DBA by opening a command prompt and entering dbuser
-list sqmdb.
Using the incorrect account could result in a backup file that contains incorrect or no
Note: The user name is case sensitive and must be exactly the same as used when the
database was created.
The install utility created a directory called \CaliberRM_Backup in the root of the drive
where you installed the CaliberRM server. This is the default (preferred) location for the
backup file.
2 Select Start > Programs > Command Prompt.
Cha pt er 7 : D at ab as e Ad mi ni s tr a ti on
3 At the prompt enter dbmgr -backup to backup the database’s data. This creates a
file called SQMDB.bak in the directory C: \CaliberRM_Backup.
4 Copy the file from the directory C:\Borland\CaliberRMServer\
Versant\DB\SQMDB to the folder C:\CaliberRM_Backup.
5 In the backup location (C:\CaliberRM_Backup) rename the file to include
the date of the backup, such as
Restoring a Database
Make certain the database you are attempting to restore was backed up using the
proper method described above.
Note: Database names are case sensitive.
1 Select Start > Programs > Command Prompt.
2 At the command prompt enter dbmgr -stop to stop the database.
To ensure the database is stopped after a dbmgr -stop command, the following four
processes are not present in Task Manager: caliber_srv.exe, cleanbe.exe, obe.exe
and sqm_monitor.exe.
3 Remove the existing database using removedb -rmdir [db name], substituting [db
name] for the name of the database you are restoring.
Example: removedb -rmdir SQMDB
4 Create a new database using makedb -g [db name], substituting [db name] for the
name of the database you are creating.
Example: makedb -g SQMDB
5 Overwrite the file with the corresponding backup file
you created in Step 5 above using the steps below.
a Copy the file that corresponds with the database directory
that will be restored to the database folder C: \Borland\CaliberRMServer\Versant\
b Delete the exiting in the database folder.
c Rename the file to
6 Select Start > Programs > Command Prompt.
7 At the command prompt enter vbackup -dev [path & file name for backup file] -
restore [db name], substituting [path & file name for backup file] for the correct
path and filename for the backup file and [db name] for the name of the database
you are restoring.
Example: vbackup -dev C:\CaliberRM_Backup\SQMDB.bak -restore SQMDB
a Answer no to prompt about applying logical log, if presented.
b Answer no when prompted to restore another level of backup.
8 At the command prompt, enter the command: stopdb [db name], substituting [db
name] for the name of the database you are restoring.
Example: stopdb SQMDB
9 At the command prompt, enter the command: startdb [db name], substituting [db
name] for the name of the database you are restoring.
Example: startdb SQMDB
64 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
At the command prompt, enter dbmgr -start to start the CaliberRM server.
Important! When moving a Versant database from Machine A to Machine B, you
should use the backup and restore processes.
Scheduling a Daily CaliberRM Database Backup
Note: The following procedure uses a Microsoft Windows utility that was current at the
time of this writing. Your process may be different. Please refer to your operating
system’s documentation for scheduling a backup.
To schedule a database backup:
1 Complete steps 1-2 starting on page 63.
2 Create a text file named BackupCaliber.cmd that contains the line:
dbmgr -backup drive:\CaliberRM_Backup\SQMDB.bak
substituting “drive” for the drive where the CaliberRM server is installed.
3 Save the file in the \CaliberRM_Backup\directory that was created during
4 Open the Control Panel.
5 Double-click the Scheduled Tasks icon.
6 Double-click the Add a Scheduled Task icon. The Scheduled Task Wizard dialog
box is displayed.
7 Click Next. The second Wizard screen is displayed.
8 Click Browse and navigate to C:\CaliberRM_Backup, or wherever the CaliberRM
server is installed.
Select BackupCaliber.cmd and click Open.
Cha pt er 7 : D at ab as e Ad mi ni s tr a ti on
10 Click Next. The third Wizard screen is displayed.
11 Select the Daily option button and click Next. The fourth Wizard screen is
12 Set the Start time, select the Every Day option button and set the Start date.
13 Click Next. The fifth Wizard screen is displayed.
14 Enter the Database user name of the CaliberRM database and the password.
Note: The vbackup utility and any scheduling software must be run under the account
of the user that created the SQMDB database. Vbackup will create an SQMDB file
66 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
under non-creator accounts, but the sqmdb.bak file will contain invalid data and cannot
be restored.
15 Click Next. The last Wizard screen is displayed.
16 Review the screen and click Finish to complete the addition of the task, or Back to
make any changes.
The task should now appear in the Scheduled Tasks directory.
DB Manager Command Switches
DB Manager uses command line switches to run each utility. The switches and their
usage are detailed in the table below.
All commands except for the Detailed Help command require that all users be logged
off of CaliberRM.
dbmgr –?
Detailed Help
explains the commands and switches
dbmgr –addvol
Add Volume
extends the size of a database as it
nears maximum capacity
dbmgr –backup
Database Backup
backs up your database
dbmgr –dropclass
drops unreferenced objects from the
database; needed after an upgrade
dbmgr –fix
Fix Links
repairs any broken links in the database
after you scan the database
dbmgr –free
Free Space
displays the amount of free space in the
database; useful for determining
whether the Add Volume or Optimize
Commands should be performed
Cha pt er 7 : D at ab as e Ad mi ni s tr a ti on
dbmgr –new <–sample or
–empty> <dbname>
Create Database
creates a new database ready for use;
the sample switch loads the Automated
Teller Machine sample database
dbmgr –defrag dbname]
increases the maximum capacity of
your database and places all data into a
single system volume. Also reorganizes
the data (much like a disk defragment)
for optimum performance
dbmgr –scan
Database Scan
scans the database for bad links and
prints the information
dbmgr –start
Start Database
starts a CaliberRM server and database
dbmgr –stop
Stop Database
stops a CaliberRM server and database
dbmgr –upgrade
Upgrade Database
upgrades the current database to the
current version; performed
automatically during an install
Creating a New DataBase Using DB Manager
You can create a new blank database or populate it with sample data using DB
To create a new database:
1 Log on as an administrative user to the machine where the database resides.
Note: This user becomes the database administrator (DBA) for the new database.
2 Select Programs > Command Prompt from the Windows Start menu.
3 Enter the following command, substituting “database name” with the name you want
for your new database.
dbmgr -new -empty database name
Note: If you want the new database to contain sample data, substitute - empty with
Increasing Database Size Using the Defrag Command
If your database is reaching maximum capacity, you have the option of increasing the
maximum capacity of that database and reorganizing the data.
To optimize your database:
1 Log on as the DBA to the machine where the database resides.
Note: The user name is case sensitive and must be exactly the same as used when the
database was created.
2 Select Programs > Command Prompt from the Windows Start menu.
3 Enter the following command:
dbmgr -defrag [new database name]
Note: You have the option of entering a new database name after -defrag if you want to
name the database. Otherwise, the system creates a default name that consists of
your current database name with an _n appended to the end, where n is a sequential
number (e.g. your_database_1).
68 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
CaliberRM Server Settings
Chapter 8
Server Control Panel
The Caliber RM server provides a control panel that allows you to configure your
Note: The control panel contains advanced options, that you should only change if the
server is not functioning properly and at the discretion of technical support. For
information about contacting support, see “Borland Support” on page 5.
To access the control panel, select Settings > Control Panel from the Windows Start
menu. Double-click CaliberRM Server. The CaliberRM Server Settings dialog box is
The properties that are set on the Global Properties tab are:
Database Name: Allows you to select another database if more than one exists.
Server Idle Timeout Time: Determines how many hours the server will remain idle
before it automatically recycles.
C ha pte r 8: C al i be rR M Ser v e r Set ti ng s
The properties that are set on the Logging tab are:
Start a new log file: Determines how often you want to start a new log file.
Log Buffer Size: Determines the number of traced transactions retained in
Log Directory: Determines the location of the log file.
Log Filter options: Determines the level of filtering you want. A check indicates the
option is selected.
Function Calls: When selected, the lowest level of filtering occurs.
Parameters: When selected, a medium level of filtering occurs.
Details: When selected, the highest level of filtering occurs.
Save log buffer option buttons: Determines when the log buffer is saved to the log
The properties that are set on the Server-Side Integrations tab are:
TestDirector Section:
Enabled: Allows you to enable the TestDirector integration. A check indicates the
integration is enabled.
Version: Allows you to set the version of TestDirector you are using.
Select Enterprise Section:
Enabled: Allows you to enable the Select Enterprise integration. A check
indicates the integration is enabled.
Note: For more information on how to setup these integrations, see “Enabling Other
Integrations” on page 257.
70 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
CaliberRM Administrators
Chapter 9
There are three levels of administrative functionality: the SQM Framework
Administrator, Baseline Administrators, and CaliberRM Administrators. Framework
Administrators perform the tasks particular to the SQM Framework and have access to
most CaliberRM functions. Baseline Administrators maintain baselines.
CaliberRM administrators are CaliberRM users that have special administrative rights
in the Requirements Manager. They manage tasks that are requirement-specific.
Depending on their security profile, CaliberRM administrators do not necessarily have
access to all user-level functions.
This chapter details the CaliberRM Administrator rights and tasks.
CaliberRM Administrative Tasks
In CaliberRM, selecting File > Admin displays the Admin sub-menu, which contains
some of the commands for performing administrative tasks.
Before users can begin entering requirements, a user with at least CaliberRM
administrative privileges must perform some administrative tasks to organize projects
and to group requirements.
These tasks include:
Creating and assigning user-defined attributes. See “User-Defined Attributes” on
page 91.
C hap te r 9: Ca libe rR M Adm in i strat ors
Modifying system attributes. See “System Attributes” on page 89.
Creating requirement types. See “Requirement Types” on page 77.
Modifying security profiles. See “Modifying Security Profiles” on page 58.
Assigning requirement types to projects. See “Setting Requirement Types Within a
Project” on page 84.
Creating other CaliberRM administrators. See “Creating CaliberRM Administrators”
on page 72.
Enabling requirements to be mapped or shared. See “Enabling Shared and Mapped
Requirements” on page 72.
Enforcing or disabling security for a project. See “Enforcing Security” on page 72.
Maintaining the glossary. See “Maintaining Project Glossaries” on page 73.
Creating CaliberRM Administrators
SQM Framework administrators or CaliberRM administrators create CaliberRM
administrators in CaliberRM. To assign CaliberRM administrators, select File > Admin
> CaliberRM Administrators from the menu.
The list of users is displayed.
Select the box next to the names of the users that should have administrator privileges
for all projects in CaliberRM.
Enabling Shared and Mapped Requirements
A CaliberRM administrator must enable shared and mapped requirements in
CaliberRM before a user can create mapped requirements.
To enable shared and mapped requirements:
1 From the project drop-down list, open the project containing the requirements you
want to share by clicking on the project name. The Project Info tab is displayed.
2 If the project that contains requirements you want to map, select the Requirements
in this project can be mapped to shared requirements check box.
3 If the project that contains requirements you want to share, select the
Requirements in the project can be shared check box.
4 To share and map requirements in the same project, select both boxes.
Enforcing Security
Security profiles created in Framework Administrator are enforced in the Requirements
Manager on a per project basis. You must have at least CaliberRM administrator
privileges to enforce security.
72 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
To enforce or disable security for a project, select the appropriate option button in the
Security area of the Project Info tab.
Enforce or disable
security for a project
Maintaining Project Glossaries
In CaliberRM, you can have multiple glossaries that contain project-specific terms.
Each project may have multiple glossaries assigned to it, with each glossary having a
color assigned to it. When a term is selected, the color indicates which glossary the
term belongs to. Project glossaries are created, modified and deleted in the Framework
Administrator (see “Project Glossaries” on page 38.) and terms are maintained by
CaliberRM Administrators in CaliberRM.
Creating and Defining a Term
To create and define terms in the glossary:
1 Select Tools > Glossary. The Glossary dialog box is displayed.
2 Select the glossary you want to add the term to from the drop-down list.
3 Click the New Term button.
Note: The following characters are not allowed in creating a term in
CaliberRM glossaries: !, ?, :, :, “, ‘, (, ), [, ], {, }, carriage returns, and line feed.
C hap te r 9: Ca libe rR M Adm in i strat ors
The Enter New Glossary Term dialog box is displayed.
4 Enter the new term and its definition.
5 Click OK. The term and its definition are displayed in the Glossary dialog box.
6 Click Close.
Note: You can also right-click a word in a requirement description to add it as a
glossary term.
Modifying a Term
To modify a term and/or its definition:
1 Select Tools > Glossary. The Glossary dialog box is displayed.
2 Select the glossary that contains the term you want to modify from the Glossary
Name drop-down list.
3 In the Type in the term to find section, enter the term you want to modify. The term
is highlighted.
4 Click the Modify Term button. The Modify Glossary Term dialog box is displayed.
5 Make any necessary changes to the term or its definition.
6 Click OK to close the Modify Glossary Term dialog box.
7 Click Close to close the Glossary dialog box.
Deleting a Term
To delete a term and its definition from the glossary:
74 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
1 Select Tools > Glossary. The Glossary dialog box is displayed.
2 Select the glossary that contains the term you want to delete from the Glossary
Name drop-down list.
3 In the Type in the term to find section, enter the term you want to delete. The term
is highlighted.
4 Click the Delete Term button. A confirmation dialog box is displayed verifying that
you want to delete the term.
5 Click Yes if you want to delete the term, or No if you want to cancel the deletion.
The Glossary dialog box is displayed and the deleted term is no longer available in the
6 Click Close.
C hap te r 9: Ca libe rR M Adm in i strat ors
76 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
Requirement Types
Chapter 10
Requirement types are high-level groups of requirements, typically classified by their
function (i.e., Business, Marketing, GUI, Hardware, Software, Testing, etc.).
Requirement type definition is an administrative task and requirement types are
available for use in all projects.
CaliberRM supports multiple requirement types so you can easily organize
requirements. For example, a project may contain marketing, system, usability,
software, coding and even testing requirement types. Requirements can be traced
between requirement types to facilitate prioritization and aid in impact analysis.
You can customize each requirement type using custom tabs and user-defined
attributes. This is helpful because it allows you to track the information you need for
each requirement type. For example, marketing requirements may need to track
customer demand for each requirement, while software requirements may need to
track estimated hours to implement. After you define attributes, you can assign them to
custom tabs in each requirement type as needed. To learn more about creating custom
tabs, see “Creating Custom Tabs” on page 85. To learn more about user-defined
attributes, see “User-Defined Attributes” on page 91.
Creating a Requirement Type
There are two ways to create requirement types in CaliberRM: using the Requirement
Type Creation Wizard or using Expert Mode. Expert Mode uses the dialog boxes to
create requirement types, and is for those who are familiar with defining requirement
type information.
Requirement Type Creation Wizard
Requirement types are created in the Requirements Manager. There are seven steps
to creating a requirement type through the Requirement Type Creation Wizard. The
wizard launches automatically when you select File > Admin > Requirement Types
and click the New button, if you have selected the Wizard option in the CaliberRM
Options dialog box. Select Tools > Options > Wizards to verify the wizard is
C hap te r 10 : R eq uirem ent T y pe s
To create a requirement type using the Requirement Type Creation Wizard:
1 Select File > Admin > Requirement Types from the CaliberRM menu. The
Requirement Types dialog box is displayed.
2 Click the New button. Step 1 of the Requirement Type Creation Wizard is displayed.
3 Enter a unique name and tag for the attribute.
The tag is used as a prefix for the requirement ID number, and helps identify
requirement types in the requirement grid and in reports. Typically, you would use a
short tag (SWR for Software Requirements, for example).
4 Click Next. Step 2 of the Requirement Type Creation Wizard is displayed.
5 Enter a description for the requirement type.
78 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
6 Click Next. Step 3 of the Requirement Type Creation Wizard is displayed.
7 Click the New button if you want to create a new custom tab for your new
requirement type. See “Creating Custom Tabs” on page 85.
8 Click Next. Step 4 of the Requirement Type Creation Wizard is displayed.
9 Choose the appropriate default access level for the requirement type:
• None: Does not allow users to see this requirement type at all.
• View: Allows users to see the requirements and their data, but does not allow
users to create requirements.
• Create: Allows users to see the requirements and their data, and allows users to
modify and create requirements.
Note: See “Creating a Security Profile” on page 56 for more information on requirement
type access levels.
C hap te r 10 : R eq uirem ent T y pe s
10 Click Next. Step 5 of the Requirement Type Creation Wizard is displayed.
11 Choose the appropriate default delete level for requirements of the new requirement
None: Does not allow the deletion of any requirements in that requirement type.
Owned: Only allows deletion to the requirement the user owns for that requirement
Any: Allows anyone to delete requirements of this type.
Note: See “Creating a Security Profile” on page 56 for more information on requirement
type delete levels.
12 Click Next. Step 6 of the Requirement Type Creation Wizard is displayed.
13 For each attribute listed, select the circumstances for modification. This determines
whether or not users can modify the attribute in requirements of that type.
None: Allows no modification to the particular attribute of the requirement type.
Owned: Only allows modification to the particular attribute of a requirement the user
owns for that requirement type.
Any: Allows any modification to the particular attribute for the requirement type.
Note: See “Creating a Security Profile” on page 56 for more information on attribute
modification levels.
80 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
14 Click Next. Step 7 of the Requirement Type Creation Wizard is displayed.
15 To select the projects you want to assign the requirement type to, select the box to
the left of the project name.
16 Click Next. The New Requirement Type Information screen is displayed.
17 Verify the information you have entered. If the information is correct, click Finish. If
not, click Back and make the necessary changes.
The requirement type is created.
Creating a Requirement Type Using Expert Mode
There are two steps to creating a requirement type using Expert Mode: defining the
requirement type and setting the requirement type’s default security access.
Note: To create a new requirement type using Expert Mode, the option to use wizards
must be cleared in Tools > Options > Wizards.
Defining the Requirement Type
To create a requirement type:
1 Select File > Admin > Requirement Types from the CaliberRM menu. The
Requirement Types dialog box is displayed.
C hap te r 10 : R eq uirem ent T y pe s
2 Click the New button. The New Requirement Type dialog box is displayed.
3 Enter a unique name and a description in the appropriate fields.
4 Enter a tag for the requirement type.
The tag is used as a prefix for the requirement ID number, and helps identify
requirement types in the requirement grid and in reports. Typically, you would use a
short tag (SWR for Software Requirements, for example).
5 Click the New button to create a custom tab for your requirement type. See
“Creating Custom Tabs” on page 85.
6 You can now set the requirement type’s default security access. See “Setting the
Default Security Access for a Requirement Type” below for more information.
7 Click OK to save the changes, or Cancel to exit the dialog box without saving.
8 Click Close in the Requirement Types dialog box.
Setting the Default Security Access for a Requirement Type
When you create a new requirement type, you can set its default security access. This
access determines whether users can add, modify or delete requirements of this type.
For more information on security and security profiles, see “Security” on page 55.
To set a requirement type’s default security access:
1 Within a selected requirement type’s dialog box, click the Default Access button.
The Default Access dialog box is displayed.
82 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
2 Select the option button for the appropriate Access level. Each option allows users
in the groups assigned to the default security profile the various levels of access
described below:
None: Does not allow users to see this requirement type at all.
View: Allows users to see the requirements and their data, but does not allow users
to create requirements.
Create: Allows users to see the requirements and their data, and allows users to
modify and create requirements.
3 Select the option button for the appropriate Delete level:
None: Does not allow the deletion of any requirements in that requirement type.
Owned: Only allows deletion of the requirement the user owns for that requirement
Any: Allows anyone to delete requirements of this type.
4 Select the option button for the appropriate Modification level for each attribute in
the list. This determines whether or not users can modify the attribute in
requirements of the type.
None: Allows no modification to the particular attribute of the requirement type.
Owned: Only allows modification to the particular attribute the user owns for that
requirement type.
Any: Allows any modification to the particular attribute for the requirement type.
5 Click OK to save changes, or Cancel to exit without saving.
Note: CaliberRM enforces security while creating a new requirement. You will be
unable to modify fields unless permission is granted by your security profile. See
“Security Profiles” on page 55 for information on security profiles.
Modifying a Requirement Type
Modifying a requirement type may affect other projects. This is a resource intensive
operation if there are many requirements in the type where an attribute is being
changed. You should not perform this on an active system since users may be
To modify an existing requirement type:
1 Select File > Admin > Requirement Types from the CaliberRM menu. The
Requirement Types dialog box is displayed.
2 Select the requirement type to modify.
3 Click the Edit button. The dialog box for the chosen requirement type is displayed.
Note: You may also right-click on the requirement type in the requirement tree and
select Modify in the pop-up menu to display the requirement type’s dialog box.
4 Modify the requirement type name, tag, description, security access and/or custom
For instructions on modifying security access, see “Setting the Default Security Access
for a Requirement Type” on page 82. For instructions on modifying custom tabs, see
“Creating Custom Tabs” on page 85.
5 Click OK to save the changes, or Cancel to exit without saving the changes.
6 Click Close in the Requirement Types dialog box.
C hap te r 10 : R eq uirem ent T y pe s
Deleting a Requirement Type
To prevent data loss in the current project, as well as other projects, you cannot delete
a requirement type that is in use in any project. This is a resource intensive operation if
there are many requirements in the type you are attempting to delete. You should not
perform this on an active system since users may be affected.
To delete a requirement type:
1 Select File > Admin > Requirement Types from the CaliberRM menu. The
Requirement Types dialog box is displayed.
2 Select the requirement type you want to delete.
3 Click the Delete button.
A message is displayed verifying that you want to delete the requirement type.
4 Click Yes to delete the requirement type, or No to save it.
Note: If the requirement type is in use in any project, you cannot delete it. You can,
however, remove it from use in a project (see “Setting Requirement Types Within a
Project” below).
5 Click Close in the Requirement Types dialog box. The requirement type is deleted.
Setting Requirement Types Within a Project
When you select a new project to work with, a dialog box is displayed asking you to
choose the requirement types for use in that project. You must choose at least one
requirement type before you can create requirements.
To set requirement types within a project:
1 Select a project to work with from the drop-down list or select File > Admin > Set
Requirement Types from the CaliberRM menu. The Project Requirement Types
dialog box is displayed.
2 Select the box to the left of a requirement type to assign it to the current project.
Note: Click the New button to create a new requirement type if the requirement type
you want is not listed (see “Creating a Requirement Type” on page 77).
3 Click OK to save changes, or Cancel to exit without saving the changes.
The requirement types you chose are displayed in the requirement list.
84 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
You may only remove requirement types assigned to a project if the requirement type
does not have existing requirements in that project. Otherwise, the requirement type
check box is disabled.
The Requirement Type View
After you have assigned a requirement type to a project you can select it and view the
details of the requirement type.
When you select a requirement type, the following tab set is displayed.
Description: A read-only description of the requirement type.
Custom Tabs: A read-only list of the custom tabs assigned to the requirement type
and the user-defined attributes assigned to the selected custom tab.
Summary: An editable text field that describes the requirement type for the active
Creating Custom Tabs
You can create and delete custom tabs with specific user-defined attributes in
To create custom tabs:
1 Select File > Admin > Requirement Types from the CaliberRM menu.
2 Select a requirement type from the Requirement Types list. The Edit button
becomes available.
3 Click Edit.
C hap te r 10 : R eq uirem ent T y pe s
The window for the chosen requirement type is displayed.
4 Click New in the Custom Tabs section of the requirement type window. The New
Custom Tab window is displayed.
5 Enter a name for your new custom tab in the Name field. The name should be 64
characters or less to avoid display problems.
Note: Click the Change Icon button and navigate to the icon you want to use to assign
an icon for your custom tab.
6 Select the user-defined attribute(s) from the Available list and click the Move Left
button to move the attribute to the Selected list. To choose all of the attributes in the
list, select the Move All Left button.
To change the attribute order, select attributes in the selected list and click the Move
Up or Move Down button.
7 Click OK. The New Custom Tab window closes.
8 Click OK to close the window for the requirement type and add the custom tab.
Note: Custom tabs are specific to the requirement type. Therefore, you must create a
custom tab for each requirement type that you want to contain a custom tab.
9 Click Close to close the requirement types window.
Note: User-defined attributes are assigned to requirements and displayed on custom
tabs. If you display the same user-defined attribute on multiple custom tabs in a single
requirement type, the user-defined attribute will be the same on all tabs. If you change
the data on one tab, the data changes on all tabs.
86 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
Deleting Custom Tabs
Once you have created a custom tab, you may delete it if necessary.
Deleting a custom tab may remove attributes from requirements of the affected
requirement type. If the attribute is on more than one tab in a type, the data is only
removed from the tab you delete.
This is a resource intensive operation if there are many requirements in the type where
a tab is being deleted. You should not perform this on an active system since users
may be affected.
To delete a custom tab:
1 Select File > Admin > Requirement Types from the CaliberRM menu. The
Requirement Types window is displayed.
2 Select the requirement type containing the custom tab from the Requirement
Types list.
3 Click Edit. The dialog box for the chosen requirement type is displayed.
4 Select the custom tab to delete.
5 Click Delete.
6 Click OK to close the chosen requirement type’s window.
7 Click Close to close the Requirement Types window.
Your custom tab is deleted.
Adding a Summary
The Summary tab provides a text area in which you may document information that
may be specific to this requirement type for the project it is assigned to. You can edit
this field at any time.
C hap te r 10 : R eq uirem ent T y pe s
88 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
Chapter 11
Attributes are characteristics that help define a requirement. CaliberRM supports both
system and user-defined attributes. System attributes are those that CaliberRM
automatically assigns to each requirement.
The system attributes that CaliberRM stores for each requirement are priority and
status. You can define the list of values for these system attributes, so you can use the
terms that best fit your organization’s needs.
User-defined attributes are those you create, define and assign to requirement types.
They can be one of several different types of data, including text, long integer, date,
boolean and users.
System Attributes
The system attributes that CaliberRM stores for each requirement are status and
priority. Each of these attributes allow you to choose from a list of values. For example,
the status list may contain the values “submitted,” “accepted” and “rejected.” Or you
may have levels for priority ranging from 1 to 5, or you may have terms such as “high,”
“medium” and “low.”
Within CaliberRM, you can also set an attribute’s default security access (see “Setting
the Attribute’s Default Security Access” on page 103).
Modifying a System Attribute
Modifying a system attribute’s characteristics in a project modifies its characteristics in
all projects, but not its value.
To modify a system attribute in CaliberRM:
C ha pte r 11 : Attr ib ute s
1 Select File > Admin > System Attributes from the CaliberRM menu. The System
Attributes dialog box is displayed.
2 Select the attribute you want to edit from the list, and click the Edit button. The
attribute’s dialog box is displayed.
Note: You cannot modify the name, type or description of system attributes.
Setting the Standard Options
Within CaliberRM, you can set certain standard options for the system attributes. The
standard options that can be set are:
Initial value: Determines the source of the attribute’s initial value: inherit value from
the parent requirement, use default value specified, or force user to enter a value.
Increment major revision number: Increments the major revision number in the
requirement’s change history when a change is made to this attribute (see
“Requirement History” on page 131). A check indicates this option is enabled.
Make requirement traceability links suspect: Changes all traceability links for the
requirement to suspect links when a change is made to this attribute. A check
indicates this option is enabled.
90 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
Customizing Values
To customize the values shown in the Single Selection List section of the system
attribute’s dialog box:
1 To rename a list item, select the item in the list and type in the new name.
Note: You may create a new list item by selecting a list item and clicking the Insert
Before or Insert After button.
2 Repeat Step 1 until you have renamed or created all the list items.
Note: To delete a list item, select the item in the list and clicking the Delete button.
3 Order the list items as desired by selecting items and clicking the Move Up or Move
Down button.
4 Select the default list item from the drop-down list.
Note: To set the default to blank, do not select an item in the drop-down list.
5 Click OK to save changes, or Cancel to exit without saving changes.
6 Click Close in the System Attributes dialog box.
User-Defined Attributes
A user-defined attribute is one that a user defines and assigns to a requirement type.
For example, GUI requirements may contain an attribute called “screen width” while
functional requirements may contain an attribute called “response time.” Each userdefined attribute contains several standard options that can be set, as well as options
defined by the attribute type. The standard options that can be set are listed below.
Initial value: Determines the source of the attribute’s initial value: inherit from the
parent requirement, use default value specified, or force user to enter a value.
Note: If you set to Force, a user must have security access to modify this attribute or
he or she cannot create new requirements of this type.
Increment major revision number: Increments the major revision number in the
requirement’s change history when a change is made to this attribute. See
“Requirement History” on page 131 A check indicates this option is enabled.
Make requirement traceability links suspect: Changes all traceability links for the
requirement to suspect links when a change is made to this attribute. A check
indicates this option is enabled.
C ha pte r 11 : Attr ib ute s
Attribute Types
User-defined attributes can be one of 13 different types of data, listed in the table
Attribute Type
A check box that allows true (checked) or false (cleared)
values only.
An edit box that accepts dates. All dates are formatted with a
4-digit year.
A spin box that allows you to choose from a range of values.
The duration time span (days, weeks, etc.) is displayed to
the right of the spin box.
An edit box that can accept any number value. Numbers are
rounded to three decimal places.
Long Integer
An edit box that accepts only integer values. Values can
range from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
Multiple selection
A list box that displays a list of items to choose from, where
multiple items can be selected.
Multiple selection
group list
A list box that displays a list of groups to choose from, where
multiple items can be selected. With this attribute comes the
option to limit the number of groups chosen, and the option
to allow selection from all groups, or only those assigned to
the list.
Multiple selection
user list
A list box that displays a list of users to choose from where
multiple items can be selected. With this attribute comes the
option to limit the number of users chosen, and the option to
allow selection from all users, or only those assigned to the
Multiple line text
An edit box that displays 1 or more lines and can accept a
maximum of 10,000 characters.
Single selection list
A drop-down list that allows you to choose a single selection
from the list.
Single text line
An edit box that can accept a maximum of 128 characters.
Single selection
group list
A drop-down list that allows you to choose a single group
from the list. With this attribute comes the option to allow
selection from all groups, or only those assigned to the list.
Single selection
user list
A drop-down list that allows you to choose a single user from
the list. With this attribute comes the option to allow selection
from all users, or only those assigned to the list.
Creating an Attribute
There are two ways to create user-defined attributes: using the Attribute Creation
Wizard or using Expert Mode. Expert Mode uses the dialog boxes to create attributes
and is for those who are familiar with defining attribute information.
Attribute Creation Wizard
There are five steps to creating an attribute through the Attribute Creation Wizard. The
wizard launches automatically when you select File > Admin > User Defined
Attributes and click the New button, if you have selected the Wizard option in
CaliberRM Options. Select Tools > Options > Wizards to verify the wizard is
To create a user-defined attribute using the Attribute Creation Wizard:
92 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
1 Select File > Admin > User Defined Attributes from the CaliberRM menu. The
User-Defined Attributes dialog box is displayed.
2 Click the New button. Step 1 of the Attribute Creation Wizard is displayed.
3 Enter a unique name for the attribute.
Note: User-defined attributes that have names identical to CaliberRM Document
Factory keywords cannot be used in a document. To avoid conflicts, the CaliberRM
keywords should not be used as attribute names. See page 205 for CaliberRM
4 Select the type for the attribute. See “Attribute Types” on page 92 for attribute type
5 Enter a description for the attribute.
6 Click Next. Step 2 of the Attribute Creation Wizard is displayed. The options
displayed at this step depend upon the attribute type you selected in Step 4.
7 For the selected attribute type, enter the parameters shown on the screen. Details
on each attribute type’s options begin on page 97.
C ha pte r 11 : Attr ib ute s
8 Click Next. Step 3 of the Attribute Creation Wizard is displayed.
9 Choose the appropriate method for obtaining the attribute’s initial value: inherit from
parent requirement, use default value specified, or force user to enter a value.
10 Click Next. Step 4 of the Attribute Creation Wizard is displayed.
11 If you want a change to the attribute to increment the major revision number in the
change history, select the appropriate check box.
12 If you want a change to the attribute to make the requirement’s traceability links
suspect, select the appropriate check box.
13 Click Next.
94 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
Step 5 of the Attribute Creation Wizard is displayed.
14 Select the option button for the appropriate attribute modification level. This
determines whether or not users can modify the attribute in requirements of that
None: Allows no modification to attributes of the requirement type.
Owned: Only allows modification to the attributes the user owns for that requirement
Any: Allows any modification to the attributes for the requirement type.
Note: You do not have to assign the attribute to a requirement type to change the
modification level for that type.
15 Click Next. The New Attribute Information dialog box is displayed.
16 Verify that the information you have entered is correct. If not, click the Back button
and make the necessary changes.
17 Click Finish. The attribute is created.
Creating a User-Defined Attribute Using Expert Mode
There are four steps to creating a user-defined attribute using Expert Mode:
1 Defining the attribute
2 Setting the standard options
3 Setting the attribute type options
C ha pte r 11 : Attr ib ute s
4 Setting the attribute’s default security access
Note: To create a user-defined attribute, the wizards option must be cleared in Tools >
Options > Wizards.
Defining the Attribute
To define the attribute:
1 Select File > Admin > User-Defined Attributes from the menu. The User- Defined
Attributes dialog box is displayed.
2 Click New. The New User-Defined Attributes dialog box is displayed.
3 Enter a name and description for the attribute.
Note: User-defined attributes that have names identical to CaliberRM Document
Factory keywords cannot be used in a document. To avoid conflicts, the CaliberRM
keywords should not be used as attribute names. See page 205 for CaliberRM
4 Select the attribute type from the drop-down list (see page 92 for descriptions of the
attribute types).
Setting the Standard Options
To set the standard options:
1 Determine the source of the attribute’s initial value: inherit from parent requirement,
use default value specified, or force user to enter a value.
2 If you want a change to this attribute to increment the major revision number in the
requirement’s change history, select the Increment major revision number check
3 If you want a change to this attribute to cause the traceability links to be suspect,
select the Make requirement traceability links suspect check box.
Setting the Attribute Type Options
Choose the appropriate attribute type from the following sections to finish creating the
attribute. Depending on the attribute type selected, the bottom of the User Defined
Attribute dialog box contains different options.
96 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
The boolean attribute creates a check box that allows true (checked) and false
(cleared) values only.
To set the options for this attribute type:
1 If you want the default value to be true, select the Default check box. If you want the
default value to be false, clear the Default check box.
2 You can now set the attribute’s access. See “Setting the Attribute’s Default Security
Access” on page 103.
3 Click OK to save changes, or Cancel to exit without saving.
The date attribute creates an edit box that accepts dates. All dates are formatted and
stored with a 4-character year.
Note: Select Tools > Options > Appearance to set the Date display format. You can
display the date using the Windows long or short date formats.
To set the options for this attribute type:
1 Enter the latest date you want the user to be able to select in the Maximum field.
Note: CaliberRM stores all year fields as 4 characters.
2 Enter the earliest date you want the user to be able to select in the Minimum field.
3 Select the Default option you prefer:
Current: the date the attribute is created
User Defined: a date specified by the user
Blank: allows a blank default date
4 You can now set the attribute’s access. See “Setting the Attribute’s Default Security
Access” on page 103.
5 Click OK to save changes, or Cancel to exit without saving.
C ha pte r 11 : Attr ib ute s
The duration attribute creates a spin box that allows you to choose from a range of
values. The duration time span (days, weeks, etc.) is displayed to the right of the spin
To set the options for this attribute type:
1 Select the appropriate option button to select the time span you want to use (years,
months, weeks, etc.).
2 Enter the minimum duration value.
3 Enter the maximum duration value.
Note: If you leave the minimum and maximum duration values at “0,” there will be no
minimum or maximum value.
4 Select the default duration value.
5 You can now set the attribute’s access. See “Setting the Attribute’s Default Security
Access” on page 103.
6 Click OK to save changes, or Cancel to exit without saving.
The float attribute creates an edit box that accepts any number value, with up to 3
decimal places.
To set the options for this attribute type:
1 Choose the minimum number value.
Note: CaliberRM rounds decimal values to 3 places.
2 Choose the maximum number value.
3 Choose the default number value.
4 You can now set the attribute’s access. See “Setting the Attribute’s Default Security
Access” on page 103.
5 Click OK to save changes, or Cancel to exit without saving.
Long Integer
The long integer attribute creates an edit box that accepts only integer values from
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
To set the options for this attribute type:
98 C a l i b e rR M U s e r G u i d e
1 Choose the minimum whole number value.
2 Choose the maximum whole number value.
3 Choose the default number value.
4 You can now set the attribute’s access. See “Setting the Attribute’s Default Security
Access” on page 103.
5 Click OK to save changes, or Cancel to exit without saving.
Multiple Selection List
The multiple selection list attribute creates a list box displaying a list of items to choose
from, with check boxes to mark selection. The order of the attributes in the list also
determines the sort order.
Click here to
create a new
You can also
click here.
To set the options for this attribute type:
1 Enter a new list item by clicking on the first blank line in the list box and typing in the
Note: You may rename a list item by selecting the item in the list and typing in the new
2 Repeat Step 1 until you have entered all the list items.
Note: You may delete a list item by selecting the item in the list and clicking the Delete
button. If a requirement contains the list item that you delete, the requirement will retain
that value, but you will not be able to apply the value to new or modified requirements.
3 Order the list items as desired by selecting items and clicking the Move Up or Move
Down button.
4 Select the default item(s) by selecting the box to the left of each item in the Default
Selections list.
5 You can now set the attribute’s access. See “Setting the Attribute’s Default Security
Access” on page 103.
6 Click OK to save changes, or Cancel to exit without saving changes.
Multiple Selection Group List
The multiple selection group list attribute creates a list box displaying the list of groups
to choose from, with check boxes to mark selection. With this attribute comes the
C ha pte r 11 : Attr ib ute s
option to limit the number of groups chosen, and the option to allow selection from all
groups, or only those assigned to the list.
To set the options for this attribute type:
1 In the left list box, select the box to the left of each group you want to include in the
selection list.
2 Set the maximum number of groups the user can choose in the Maximum groups
list box.
3 If you want the user to have the option of choosing from all groups as well as those
in the selection list, select the Can select from all groups check box.
4 Select the default group(s) in the right list box by selecting the box to the left of each
Note: If you want to select the default group(s) from all groups, and the Can select
from all groups check box is selected, you can select the Select from all groups
check box to select any user in any group.
5 You can now set the attribute’s access. See “Setting the Attribute’s Default Security
Access” on page 103.
6 Click OK to save changes, or Cancel to exit without saving.
Multiple Selection User List
The multiple selection user list attribute creates a list box displaying a list of users to
choose from, with check boxes to mark selection. With this attribute comes the option
to limit the number of users chosen, and the option to allow selection from all users, or
only those assigned to the list.
To set the options for this attribute type:
1 In the left list box, select the box to the left of each user you want to include in the
selection list.
2 Set the maximum number of users the user can choose in the Maximum users list
3 If you want the user to have the option of choosing from all users as well as those in
the selection list, select the Can select from all users check box.
100 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
4 Select the default user(s) in the right list box by selecting the box to the left of each
Note: If you want to select the default user(s) from all users, and the Can select from
all users check box is selected, you can select the Select from all users check box to
select any user in any group.
5 You can now set the attribute’s access. See “Setting the Attribute’s Default Security
Access” on page 103.
6 Click OK to save changes, or Cancel to exit without saving.
Multiple Line Text Field
The multiple line text field attribute creates an edit box that displays 1 or more lines and
can accept a maximum of 10,000 characters.
To set the options for this attribute type:
1 Choose the minimum number of characters.
2 Choose the maximum number of characters.
3 Choose the number of lines to display.
4 Enter the default text or leave blank for no text.
5 You can now set the attribute’s access. See “Setting the Attribute’s Default Security
Access” on page 103.
6 Click OK to save changes, or Cancel to exit without saving.
Single Selection List
The single selection list attribute creates a drop-down list box that allows you to choose
a single selection from the list. The user configures the items in the list. The order of
the attributes in the list also determines the sort order.
Click here
to create a
new item.
You can
also click
To set the options for this attribute type:
1 Enter a new list item by clicking on the first blank line in the list box and typing in the
Note: You may rename a list item by selecting the item in the list and typing in the new
2 Repeat Step 1 until you have entered all the list items.
Note: You may delete a list item by selecting the item in the list and clicking the Delete
button. If a requirement contains the value list item that you delete, the requirement will
Ch ap te r 11: At tribu te s
retain that value, but you will not be able to apply the value to new or modified
3 Order the list items as desired by selecting items and clicking the Move Up or Move
Down button.
4 Select the default list item from the drop-down list box.
Note: To set the default to blank, do not select an item in the drop-down list box.
5 You can now set the attribute’s access. See “Setting the Attribute’s Default Security
Access” on page 103.
6 Click OK to save changes, or Cancel to exit without saving changes.
Single Selection Group List
The single selection group list attribute creates a drop-down list box that allows you to
select a single group from the list specified. With this attribute comes the option to
allow selection from all groups, or only those assigned to the list.
To set the options for this attribute type:
1 Select the box to the left of each group you want to include in the selection list.
2 If you want the user to have the option of choosing from all groups as well as those
in the selection list, select the Can select from all groups check box.
3 Select the default group from the drop-down list box.
Note: If you want to select the default group from all groups, and the Can select from
all groups check box is selected, you can select the Select from all groups check
4 You can now set the attribute’s access. See “Setting the Attribute’s Default Security
Access” on page 103.
5 Click OK to save changes, or Cancel to exit without saving.
Single Selection User List
The single selection user list attribute creates a drop-down list box that allows you to
select a single user from the list specified. With this attribute comes the option to allow
selection from all users, or only those assigned to the list.
102 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
To set the options for this attribute type:
1 Select the box to the left of each user you want to include in the selection list.
2 If you want the user to have the option of choosing from all users, as well as those in
the selection list, select the Can select from all users check box.
3 Select the default user from the drop-down list box.
Note: If you want to select the default user from all users, and the Can select from all
users check box is selected, you can select the Select from all users check box.
4 You can now set the attribute’s access. See “Setting the Attribute’s Default Security
Access” on page 103.
5 Click OK to save changes, or Cancel to exit without saving.
Single Text Line
The single text line attribute creates an edit box that can accept a maximum of 128
To set the options for this attribute type:
1 Choose the minimum number of characters.
2 Choose the maximum number of characters.
3 Enter the default text, or leave blank for no text.
4 You can now set the attribute’s access. See “Setting the Attribute’s Default Security
Access” on page 103.
5 Click OK to save changes, or Cancel to exit without saving.
Setting the Attribute’s Default Security Access
When you create a new attribute, you can set its default security access. This access
determines whether users can modify the attribute in each requirement type. For more
information on security and security profiles, see “Security” on page 55.
To set the attribute’s default access:
1 Within the attribute’s dialog box, click the Access button.
The Attribute Access dialog box is displayed.
Ch ap te r 11: At tribu te s
2 Select the option button for the appropriate attribute modification level. This
determines whether or not users can modify the attribute in requirements of that
None: Allows no modification to attributes of the requirement type.
Owned: Only allows modification to the attributes a user owns for that requirement
Any: Allows any modification to the attributes for the requirement type.
Note: You do not have to assign an attribute to a requirement type to change the
modification level for that requirement type.
3 Repeat Step 2 for the remaining requirement types.
4 Click OK to save changes, or Cancel to exit without saving.
Modifying a User-Defined Attribute
Modifying a user-defined attribute’s characteristics in a project modifies its
characteristics in all projects, but not its value.
To modify a user-defined attribute:
1 Select File > Admin > User Defined Attributes from the menu. The User Defined
Attributes dialog box is displayed.
2 Select the attribute you want to edit from the list and click the Edit button. The
attribute’s dialog box is displayed.
Note: The options at the bottom of the dialog box depend upon the attribute type you
select in Step 2. See “Setting the Attribute Type Options” on page 96.
104 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
3 Edit the options you want to modify.
Note: To prevent loss of data, an attribute type cannot be modified once an attribute of
that type is saved.
4 Click OK to save changes, or Cancel to exit without saving changes.
User-Defined Attribute Ordering
Once you have created your user-defined attributes, you can arrange them in the order
you want them to appear.
Note: You must have CaliberRM Administrator privileges to arrange user-defined
attribute order.
To arrange your user-defined attributes:
1 Select File > Admin > Requirement Types.
2 Select the requirement type whose user-defined attribute you want to arrange.
3 Click Edit. The requirement type window is displayed.
4 Select the custom tab where the attributes you want to arrange are located.
5 Click Edit. The Edit Custom Tab window is displayed.
6 Select the attribute you wish to move in the selected list.
7 Use the Move Up or Move Down button to move the attribute higher or lower in the
8 Click OK to save the order.
Deleting a User-Defined Attribute
Deleting a user-defined attribute in a project deletes it in all projects. Before you can
delete a user-defined attribute, you must remove it from all custom tabs in all
requirement types in which it appears. This is a resource intensive operation if there
are many requirements in the type where an attribute is being changed. You should not
perform this on an active system since users may be affected.
To delete a user-defined attribute:
1 Select File > Admin > User-Defined Attributes from the menu. The User-Defined
Attributes dialog box is displayed.
2 Select the attribute you want to delete from the list.
3 Click the Delete button. A message is displayed verifying that you want to delete the
4 Click Yes to delete the attribute, or No to save it.
5 Click Close to close the User-Defined Attributes dialog box.
Assigning User-Defined Attributes to a Requirement Type
Modifying a requirement type in a project modifies it in all projects. This is a resource
intensive operation if there are many requirements in the type where an attribute is
being changed. You should not perform this on an active system since users may be
User-defined attributes are assigned to custom tabs in a requirement type.
Ch ap te r 11: At tribu te s
To assign user-defined attributes to a requirement type:
1 Select File > Admin > Requirement Types from the menu. The Requirement
Types dialog box is displayed.
2 Select the requirement type you want to edit.
3 Click the Edit button. The requirement type’s dialog box is displayed.
4 Select the custom tab you want to assign the user-defined attribute to and click the
Edit button. The Edit Custom Tab dialog box is displayed.
5 Select an attribute from the Available list and click the Move Left button to move it to
the Selected list.
Note: Click the Move All Left button to move all attributes to the Selected list at once.
In this database, you can also create a new user-defined attribute by clicking the New
button. If you want to create a new attribute, see “Creating a User-Defined Attribute
Using Expert Mode” on page 95. Once you have created your user-defined attributes,
you can click the Move Up or Move Down button to arrange them in the order you
want them to appear.
6 Click OK to save changes to the custom tab, or Cancel to exit without saving
7 Click OK in the selected requirement type’s dialog box.
106 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Requirements Manager Overview
Chapter 12
CaliberRM is the requirement management component that administers projects,
requirements and other CaliberRM custom utilities.
Depending on your installation, you will have all or a subset of the following
components in your CaliberRM menu. The table below lists the components in the
Typical user installation.
The Requirements Manager
StarTeam Toolbar
Provides a more convenient
launching applications
Help Files
Diagnostic Tool
Used in troubleshooting
Document Factory
Generates customized reports
Generates various pre-formatted
CaliberRM reports
CaliberRM Viewer
Provides a pop-up view of a
requirement without opening the
full CaliberRM client
Sample Documents
Sample data
User Interface
CaliberRM contains three views, each of which allows you to perform specific tasks.
The views available are:
Project View
Requirement Type View
Requirement View
When you start CaliberRM for the first time, you are prompted to open a project. Select
a project from the list and click OK. If you are setting up a new project, you are
Ch ap ter 1 2: R eq ui r eme nt s Ma na ger O ve r v ie w
prompted to select the requirement types for use in the project. You can also click
Cancel and select a project later from the project drop-down list. If you have used
CaliberRM before, your session opens to the last project you worked on before exiting.
When you select a project, the requirement types and requirements associated with
that project are displayed in the project tree.
The project tree is a Windows-like interface with expandable folders for projects,
requirement types and requirements. The tab sets, on the right side of the screen,
change depending on what is selected in the tree.
Project View
When you select a project in the tree, the following tab set is displayed:
Project Info tab: Indicates whether security is enabled or disabled and whether
shared and mapped requirements are enabled. These fields are read-only unless
you have administrator privileges. The description field displays a read-only project
description. Also provides a baseline description if a baseline is selected.
Discussion tab: Allows you to post and/or reply to project level discussions. For
more information on project level discussions, see “Project Level Discussion” on
page 169.
Requirement Type View
When you select a requirement type, the following tab set is displayed.
Description: A read-only description of the requirement type.
Custom Tabs: A read-only list of the custom tabs assigned to the requirement type
and the user-defined attributes assigned to the selected custom tab.
Summary: An editable text field that describes the requirement type for the active
Note: You must have CaliberRM administrator privileges to edit the Summary tab text.
108 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Requirement View
When you select a requirement, there are seven system requirement tabs used to
manage and store requirement data. The information contained on each tab is
discussed in the chapter “Requirements” on page 123. There may also be user-defined
tabs that are set up by your CaliberRM administrator when requirement types are
Details Tab
Validation Tab
Responsibilities Tab
References Tab
Discussion Tab
Traceability Tab
History Tab
In CaliberRM, there are nine menus: File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Requirement,
Tools, Report and Help. Each menu contains items that enable you to perform certain
functions. The menus are described in more detail in the following sections.
File Menu
The File menu contains several commands related to project level and administrative
The commands perform the following functions:
Open Project: Displays the Project dialog box, which allows you to choose from a
list of projects.
Open Baseline: Displays the baselines available for this project and allows you to
select a baseline.
Open Word Document: Opens an existing Word document and allows you to
create new requirements and reference links from within the document.
Admin: Displays the Admin sub-menu, which contains commands for performing
administrative tasks. See “CaliberRM Administrators” on page 71 for more
information on these features.
Ch ap ter 1 2: R eq ui r eme nt s Ma na ger O ve r v ie w
User-Defined Attributes: Displays the User-Defined Attributes dialog box,
which allows you to create, modify and delete user-defined attributes.
System Attributes: Displays the System Attributes dialog box, which allows
you to modify system attributes.
Requirement Types: Displays the Requirement Types dialog box, which allows
you to create, modify and delete requirement types and custom tabs within
requirement types.
Security Profiles: Displays the Security Profiles dialog box, which allows you
to create, modify and delete security profiles.
Set Requirement Types: Displays the Set Requirement Types dialog box,
which allows you to specify which requirement types are used in the current
CaliberRM Administrators: Displays the Administrators dialog box, which
allows administrators to specify which users have administrative privileges within
CaliberRM. This setting applies to all projects.
Baseline Administration: Displays the Baseline Administration sub-menu, which
contains commands for performing baseline management. See “Baselines” on
page 179 for more information on these features.
New Baseline: Displays the New Baseline dialog box, which allows you to
create a new baseline if you are a baseline administrator.
Baseline Properties: Displays the Baseline Properties dialog box when a
baseline is in use. If you do not have baseline administration privileges, the
information displayed is read-only.
Baseline Maintenance: Displays the Baseline Maintenance window for adding
or deleting requirement information in a baseline if you are a baseline
Print: Prints a detailed report for the selected requirement.
Export to Access: Exports data the user selects for the selected project to
Microsoft Access.
Import from Word: Displays the Import from Word Wizard, which allows you to
select a Word document from which to import requirements into CaliberRM.
Save Settings: Saves the CaliberRM settings to ensure your settings are the same
the next time you open your CaliberRM project.
Exit: Closes CaliberRM.
Exit and Log Off: Closes CaliberRM and logs you off of the CaliberRM system.
Also closes the Framework Administrator if it is running.
Edit Menu
The Edit menu contains several standard commands, including Cut, Copy and Paste.
110 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
The commands perform the following functions:
Undo: Reverses the previous action performed.
Cut: Cuts the selected text or requirement.
Copy: Copies the selected text or requirement.
Paste: Pastes cut or copied items in the location specified.
Find in Tree: Enables you to find requirements in the requirement list whose names
meet specified criteria. For more information on this feature, see page 134.
Search: Enables you to search all requirements in a project, requirement type or
sub-tree for a matching string in the requirement description. For more information
on this feature, see page 135.
View Menu
The View menu provides access to additional views of the requirement data and allows
you to view and hide toolbars.
The commands perform the following functions:
Back/Forward: Allows you to navigate between previously viewed requirements.
Refresh: Updates the information in CaliberRM.
Glossary View: Allows you to toggle between color-formatted user-defined text and
Glossary term text.
Hierarchical Numbers: Displays the hierarchical numbering scheme in the
requirement list.
Serial Numbers: Displays the unique identification number for each requirement in
the requirement list.
File Toolbar: Shows/hides the File toolbar. The File toolbar contains the Project
and Baseline drop-down lists. A check mark indicates that the toolbar is displayed.
Edit Toolbar: Shows/hides the Edit toolbar. The Edit toolbar contains the following
options: Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Find in Tree, Search Description, Hierarchical
Numbers, Serial Numbers and About CaliberRM. A check mark indicates that the
toolbar is displayed.
Ch ap ter 1 2: R eq ui r eme nt s Ma na ger O ve r v ie w
Requirement Toolbar: Shows/hides the Requirement toolbar. The Requirement
toolbar contains the following options: Create Requirement, Insert Before, Insert
After, Drag and Drop New Requirement, Delete Requirement, Save Changes,
Cancel Changes, Move Up, Move Down, Map/Unmap Requirement, Registered
Interest and Print. A check mark indicates that the toolbar is displayed.
Tools Toolbar: Shows/hides the Tools toolbar. The Tools toolbar contains the
following options: Spelling Checker, Document Factory, Glossary, Requirement
Grid, Traceability Matrix, Unread Discussions, CaliberRM Datamart Explorer,
Baseline Signatures, and any custom tools you create. A check mark indicates that
the toolbar is displayed.
SCM Toolbar: Shows/ hides the SCM toolbar. The SCM toolbar contains options for
using an SCM tool, if installed. A check mark indicates that the toolbar is displayed.
Text Toolbar: Shows/hides the Text Formatting toolbar. A check mark indicates
that the toolbar is displayed.
Status Bar: Shows/hides the Status bar. A check mark indicates that the toolbar is
Insert Menu
The Insert menu enables you to insert pictures, tables and hyperlinks into requirement
Format Menu
The Format menu allows you to format requirement description text.
Font: Allows you to change the font type.
Bullets: Allows you to add bullets to text.
Numbering: Allows you to add numbered lists.
Align Left: Aligns the text to the left.
Center: Centers the text.
Align Right: Aligns the text to the right.
112 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Increase Indent: Allows you to indent text.
Decrease Indent: Allows you to reduce the indentation level of text.
Requirement Menu
The Requirement menu contains several items related to requirement creation and
maintenance. This menu also allows you to change the order of requirements in the
Create Requirement: Displays the Create Requirement sub-menu, which contains
commands for creating new requirements.
Child: (Alt + Ctrl + N) Creates a new requirement as a child of the requirement or
requirement type currently selected.
Above: (Ctrl + Shift + N) Creates a new requirement before and at the same
hierarchical level as the currently selected requirement.
Below: (Ctrl + N) Creates a new requirement after and at the same hierarchical
level as the currently selected requirement.
Drag and Drop: Allows you to drag and drop a new requirement to any level in
the selected project.
Delete Requirement: (Ctrl + D) Allows you to delete unwanted requirements.
Save Changes: (Ctrl + S) Allows you to save any changes you have made to a
requirement, requirement type, or user-defined attribute.
Cancel Changes: Allows you to cancel any changes you have made to a
requirement, requirement type or user-defined attribute before you save those
Move Up: (Ctrl + Up Arrow) Changes the order of the requirements by moving the
selected requirement up.
Move Down: (Ctrl + Down Arrow) Changes the order of the requirements by moving
the selected requirement down.
Map/Unmap Requirement: Allows you to link or unlink a requirement description to
or from another requirement’s description.
Registered Interest: Notifies you of any changes that are made to a requirement
even if you are not assigned to the requirement.
Compare Requirement: Allows you to compare any requirement to another
requirement or requirement version.
to previous version: Allows you to compare a requirement to a previous version
of the same requirement.
to other requirement or version: Allows you to compare a requirement to any
version of another requirement.
Ch ap ter 1 2: R eq ui r eme nt s Ma na ger O ve r v ie w
Tools Menu
The Tools menu allows you to view the Requirement Grid, Traceability Diagram and
Traceability Matrix. You are also able to access the Document Factory, Glossary, SCM
commands, Test Wizard, Compare Baselines, Baseline Signatures and Unread
Discussions, as well as set system options using the Options menu item.
The commands under the Tools menu perform the following functions:
Spelling: Displays the Spelling dialog box, that allows you to check the spelling of a
requirement definition.
Document Factory: Launches the CaliberRM Document Factory, that allows you
to generate any type of up-to-date, customized specifications documents using
Microsoft Word templates.
Glossaries: Displays the global glossary in which you can view the definition of a
term in the glossary by hovering your mouse over it in the requirement description.
Requirement Grid: Displays the Requirement Grid, that shows all the requirements
in a filterable list.
Test Wizard: Launches the Test Wizard, that allows you to create tests for a
requirement. This provides an easy way to create tests from all of your requirements
by automating the process of creating tests in TestDirector.
Traceability Diagram: Displays the traceability data for one requirement in a
Traceability Matrix: Displays the Traceability Matrix, that shows all requirement
Unread Discussions: Displays the Unread Discussion List, that shows all unread
discussions for the open project.
CaliberRM Datamart Explorer: Launches CaliberRM Datamart Explorer, if
installed, that allows you to build advanced queries and analyses of project
Compare Baselines: Displays the Compare Baselines dialog box, that allows you
to compare the contents of two baselines.
Baseline Signatures: Displays the Baseline Signatures dialog box, that allows
you to view signature details, add signatures, view signature reports and compare
114 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Mapped Diagram: Displays the Mapped Requirements Diagram for the selected
Change Password: Displays the Change Password dialog box, which allows you
to change your password.
Source Control: Displays the Source Control sub-menu, that contains options for
using an SCM tool, if installed.
Options: Displays the CaliberRM Options dialog box, which allows you to set
system options for your CaliberRM client. See page 117 for details on CaliberRM
Changing Your Password
CaliberRM enables administrators to create and enforce user password policies. As a
result, you may receive messages from CaliberRM about your password. The following
table lists the password related messages.
Your CaliberRM logon password has
expired. Please choose a new password.
Click OK and enter new password
information in Change Password
dialog box.
Your CaliberRM logon password will expire
in n days. Do you want to change it now?
Yes - Enter new password in Change
Password dialog box.
Your CaliberRM logon password has to be
changed in order to logon. Please change
your password.
Change your password.
Your CaliberRM account has been disabled.
Please contact your CaliberRM
Administrator for more information.
Contact Administrator.
If you have change password privileges, you can change your password at any time as
long as your current password has met the imposed minimum password age, and your
new password conforms to the password restrictions.
To change your password:
1 Select Tools > Change Password. The Change Password dialog box is
2 Enter your current password in the Old Password field.
3 Enter a new password in the New Password field.
4 Verify the new password by retyping it in the Retype New Password field. If the
two passwords do not match, you are prompted to re-enter them.
5 Click OK.
If the password you are attempting to use fails to meet the imposed criteria, or if you
are not allowed to change your password, you will receive one of the following
You have entered either a duplicate or old
You have attempted to reuse an old
password. Choose a different password.
The password you entered is too short.
You have attempted to change your
password to one that is too short.
Choose a longer password.
Ch ap ter 1 2: R eq ui r eme nt s Ma na ger O ve r v ie w
The minimum password age has not been
met. You will not be able to change your
password now.
Your password is too young to change.
You do not have permission to change
your password. Please contact your
CaliberRM administrator.
You cannot change your own password
due to security settings.
Report Menu
The report menu allows you to preview and print standard reports of the requirement
data. For instructions on printing reports, see “Reports” on page 165.
The commands perform the following functions:
Detail: Prints the Detail Report, which lists all requirements in the project with their
data, including name, description, priority, status, owner and user-defined attributes,
discussion and history.
Status: Prints the Requirement by Status report, that lists all requirements by their
Responsibility: Prints the Requirements by Responsibility report, which lists all
requirements in the project sorted by the responsible user.
Help Menu
The Help menu displays options for accessing the Help system.
The commands perform the following functions:
Help Topics: Displays the Help system.
Using Help: Displays instructions for using the Help system.
Technical Support: Displays information about contacting Borland’s Technical
Support team.
Borland: Opens an Internet browser and displays the Borland home page.
About CaliberRM: Displays information about CaliberRM.
116 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
CaliberRM Options
Under the Tools menu, CaliberRM has several system options that you can set for
your client. The options are listed by tab order in the following sections.
General Tab
Save settings on exit
Saves system settings, including last item selected,
window size and window position, when exiting
Show unread discussion list
on start
Shows the Unread Discussion List upon launching
Mark reference documents as
“read only” after saving
Helps prevent others from modifying referenced
documents outside the CaliberRM user interface.
Confirm before saving
Displays a confirmation dialog box asking if you want
to save the requirement you have modified when you
select a new item. This option is selected by default.
Ask for comment when saving
Displays the Comment dialog box when you save
changes to a requirement.
Show reference-related
Displays a dialog box every time you create or remove
references to text within a document.
Single-click on selected
requirement initiates rename
Determines whether or not you can rename a
requirement in the list by selecting it and then singleclicking on it, as in Windows Explorer.
By default when creating child
requirement, create the trace
to parent
Automatically creates a trace between a parent
requirement and a new child requirement. Disabled by
Automatically detect
CaliberRM upgrades on
Allows users immediate access to available
CaliberRM upgrades, and provides a URL location for
accessing the downloads.
Hide Tabs Tab
Allows you to hide or display tabs for specific requirement types by selecting the box to
the left of the tab for each requirement type on the tab. A check indicates the tab is
displayed. Tabs hidden in a requirement type are hidden in all projects that use that
requirement type.
Appearance Tab
The options on this tab allow you to set the appearance of the following areas of
Icons on Menus
Shows icons next to commands on the menus. This helps
you recognize the toolbar buttons.
Multiline Tabs
Allows you to stack your requirement tabs so they are all
visible in the CaliberRM window.
Automatically download
and display all
requirement descriptions
When selected, images in requirement descriptions
appear. When unselected, alternate text (as specified
when inserting a new image) is displayed in place of the
Date Format
Determines how dates are displayed, in Windows Long or
Windows Short format.
Tab Options
Allows you to set the way your tabs are displayed.
Ch ap ter 1 2: R eq ui r eme nt s Ma na ger O ve r v ie w
Communications Tab
This tab allows you to set the following options.
Normal Transaction Time-out
Determines how long, in seconds, the client waits for
a response from the server for normal transactions,
such as displaying project data. If you are running
CaliberRM over a modem or slow connection, you
may need to increase this time.
Lengthy Operation Time-out
Determines how long, in seconds, the client waits for
a response from the server for lengthy operations,
such as running reports. The time needed to build
reports depends upon the report selected and the
amount of data being compiled.
Network Diagnostics Level
Determines the level of detail presented when you
run the network diagnostics utility. You can use this
utility to troubleshoot communication problems. This
option should only be changed at the direction of
Borland support.
Clipboard Tab
This tab determines what data is pasted to the clipboard based on the following
Paste Only the Copied
Pastes only the requirement that was copied.
Paste the Copied
Requirement & all Child
Pastes the copied requirement and all of its child
Allow User to Override
Default Behavior
Allows the user to override the default paste behavior
specified. If you choose this option, you will always be
asked if you want to paste child requirements even when
pasting a requirement that has no child requirements.
Directory to place
dragged requirement
Specifies the directory in which to place a dragged
requirement (.crm file).
Wizards Tab
This tab allows you to determine whether requirement types and user-defined
attributes are created using the appropriate wizard.
Requirement Types
Determines if requirement types are created using the
Requirement Type Creation Wizard or manually.
User-Defined Attributes
Determines if user-defined attributes are created using
the Attribute Creation Wizard or manually.
118 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Spelling Tab
This tab allows you to set options regarding the Spelling Checker. A check in the box
indicates the Spell Checker option is enabled. See below for more information about
using the Spell Checker.
Always suggest replacements
for misspelled words
If selected, the spell checker displays suggested
corrections for misspelled words.
Always check spelling before
saving Requirements
If selected, the spell checker checks for misspelled
words when a requirement is saved after any
Check spelling only if
Requirement description
If selected, the spell checker checks for misspelled
words when a requirement is saved, but only if the
description field has been modified.
Ignore words in UPPERCASE
If selected, the spell checker ignores words using all
uppercase letters.
Ignore words with numbers
If selected, the spell checker ignores the spelling of
words that contain numbers.
Ignore CaliberRM glossary
If selected, the spell checker ignores all words that
are contained in the CaliberRM glossary.
Dictionary options
Select the Edit button to add, change, or remove
words from your custom dictionary.
International dictionaries
Displays a drop-down list of all dictionaries installed
on your system. Select a language to use when
spelling is checked. The items in this list should be
spelled exactly as they are in the Available
Dictionaries section.
Using Spell Checker
The CaliberRM Spell Checker allows you to check the spelling of a requirement
description in CaliberRM.
Note: If CaliberRM is installed on a Japanese operating system, the Spell Checker is
There are four methods available for invoking the Spell Checker:
Select Tools > Options > Spelling to set the option to automatically check spelling
upon saving the requirement. The Spell Checker automatically checks spelling
when you click the Save button or select File > Save Settings from the menu.
Press the F7 function key.
Click the Spelling button on the CaliberRM toolbar.
Select Tools > Spelling from the menu.
When Spell Checker is invoked, the Spelling dialog box is displayed.
Ch ap ter 1 2: R eq ui r eme nt s Ma na ger O ve r v ie w
Spelling Checker Options
Not in Dictionary: Displays the misspelled word.
Change to: Displays the first word in the Suggestions list, or allows you to type in a
replacement word.
Suggestions: Displays a list of suggested replacements for the misspelled word.
Ignore: Click this button to ignore the misspelled word.
Ignore All: Click this button to ignore all instances of the misspelled word.
Change: Click this button to replace the misspelled word with the word in the
Change to field.
Change All: Click this button to replace all instances of the misspelled word with the
word in the Change to field.
Add: Click this button to add the word in the Not in Dictionary field to the Custom
Suggest: Click this button to populate the Suggestions list with alternatives to the
word in the Change to text field.
Options: Click this button to display the Dictionary Options dialog box.
Undo Last: Click this button to reverse the last change made by the Spell Checker.
Cancel Button: Click this button to close the Spelling dialog box without making
any changes.
Dictionary Options
CaliberRM enables you to create a custom dictionary of words. You may add, edit, or
remove words from your custom dictionary.
To add a word to the Custom Dictionary:
1 Click the Options button in the Spelling dialog box. The Spelling tab is displayed.
2 Click Edit. The Custom Dictionary dialog box is displayed.
Click the New button
Type new word here
3 Click the New button to add a word. A space is created for the new word.
4 Type in the word you want to add to the dictionary and click OK.
Note: To edit a word in the list, double-click it and make changes. To delete a word,
select it and click the Delete button.
120 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Cache Tab
Cache management in CaliberRM allows you to set limits on how much memory the
cache data consumes. The cache is used to keep local copies of frequently accessed
requirements. You may set one of the following to manage the cache on your client.
Allows CaliberRM to be limited only by available
memory. This is the default setting.
Never Cache
Instructs the CaliberRM to access the server for each
request for data. This setting minimizes memory
requirements for the CaliberRM client at the expense of
increased network traffic.
Allows you to limit the amount of cache that CaliberRM
uses on your computer.
Custom Tools Tab
Allows you to create custom tools specific to your CaliberRM project. Custom tools can
be created, assigned an icon you select and placed at a specific location on the
CaliberRM toolbar for accessibility.
Creating Custom Tools
To create a Custom Tool in CaliberRM:
1 Select Tools > Options from the menu.
2 Click the Custom Tools tab.
3 In the Menu Contents section, click the New button.
4 Enter a name you want to give your custom tool.
5 Enter the command, executable or document name you want your custom tool to
execute, in the Command or Document section, or click the Browse button to
locate the executable.
6 Enter any arguments you want to place on your command in the Arguments
7 Enter the directory from which you want your command to run in the Initial section,
or click the Browse button to locate the directory.
8 Select the Prompt for arguments check box if you want your custom tool to prompt
for the arguments you may have assigned in Step 6.
9 Click the Change Icon button if you want to assign or change an icon for your
custom tool.
10 Click OK.
The new custom tool icon is now displayed in the Tools toolbar.
Ch ap ter 1 2: R eq ui r eme nt s Ma na ger O ve r v ie w
122 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Chapter 13
Requirements are specifications that the application or system you are building must
meet. Requirements can originate from many sources such as business rules,
business process models, product marketing, prototypes, development meetings and
Before you can create requirements in CaliberRM, your CaliberRM administrator must
first create a project in the Framework Administrator, and create requirement types in
CaliberRM. Requirements are grouped according to their type.
Each requirement within a project has two numbers associated with it. One is the
hierarchical number, which is determined by the requirement’s placement within the
project tree or hierarchy. The hierarchical number changes as requirements are added,
moved or deleted. The other number is its unique ID (or serial) number. The serial
number does not change, regardless of the requirement’s position, and it is not reused
if the requirement is deleted.
In CaliberRM, you have the option of displaying multiple views of your requirement
data. One view is the Requirement Grid, which shows all requirements and their
attributes in a filterable grid. See “Requirement Grid” on page 139 for more information
on the grid. Another view is the Traceability Matrix, which shows how requirements are
linked together. See “The Traceability Matrix” on page 159 for more information on the
matrix. You can also use the Trace Diagram to view requirement information. See “The
Traceability Diagram” on page 156 for more information on the diagram.
Creating a Requirement
There are three steps necessary to create a requirement:
Defining requirement information
Assigning attribute values
Assigning responsible users
In addition, there are three optional steps: linking reference documents, creating
traceability links and defining the validation procedure.
CaliberRM enforces security while creating a new requirement, so you are not able to
modify fields that your security profile does not allow. Only fields that are enabled are
available for you to change.
Ch ap ter 1 3: R equ i re me nt s
Defining the Requirement
When you create a requirement, you have four options for the placement of the new
requirement. The menu option you select or the button you click determines the
Create Requirement: Creates a new requirement as a child of the currently
selected requirement.
Note: Parent/child trace information is not created when you create a child requirement
unless you specify otherwise. This is done on the General tab under the Tools >
Options menu. See page 117 for more information.
Insert Above: Creates a new requirement at the same hierarchical level and before
the currently selected requirement.
Insert Below: Creates a new requirement at the same hierarchical level and after
the currently selected requirement.
Drag-and-Drop New Requirement: Creates a new requirement anywhere in the
tree (that you have permission to create requirements) by allowing you to “drop” the
requirement in place.
To create a requirement and define the requirement information:
1 Select a requirement near where you want to create the new requirement and select
the appropriate option for creating a requirement from the Requirement menu
(Child, Above or Below), or click the appropriate Create Requirement button.
The new requirement is created. When creating a new requirement, the view does not
shift from the current tab.
2 Select the Details tab. Enter a name in the Name field and description in the
Description field for the requirement.
See “Requirement Descriptions” below for information on formatting description text,
adding tables, hyperlinks, or images to requirement descriptions.
3 Select the appropriate Status, Priority and Owner from their respective drop- down
Note: The default Owner is the user who created the requirement. You may assign the
requirement to someone else, but you may not be able to modify it again after it is
saved if you do not have security privileges to do so.
4 Save the requirement by selecting Requirement > Save Changes from the menu.
To delete the requirement, select Requirement > Cancel Changes from the menu.
The first time you save a requirement, that requirement is entered into the
CaliberRM database and a creation entry (Rev. 1.0) is made in the change history
record. Each time you change a requirement and save it, you may be prompted to
enter a comment about the change. The change and the comment are entered in the
change history record. See “Requirement History” on page 131 for more information.
To avoid unwanted change history data, fully define the requirement before saving it.
You can turn the Comment dialog box on or off through the CaliberRM Options dialog
Requirement Descriptions
CaliberRM displays the requirement description at all times, in a pane below the tabs,
and allows you to adjust the size of the description window. The size of the description
window in the Details tab is independent from all other tabs.
CaliberRM also allows you to format the text of requirement descriptions and add
tables, hyperlinks or images to requirement descriptions.
124 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Formatting Text
CaliberRM allows you to set a non-explicit, or default, font type for viewing and entering
requirements that do not have an explicit style set. Non-explicit text is used when you
create new or view existing requirements. The non-explicit font type is determined by
your browser font options. Explicit font type is font that you have changed within
CaliberRM using the Format > Font menu option. Non-explicit font can vary from
workstation to workstation, but explicit font cannot. See the graphics below for
Non-explicit font is
set to Arial on the
workstation, using
Internet Explorer
font Options. Font
can vary from
workstation to
The word “may” is set
as explicit font in
CaliberRM as Comic
Sans MS. It does not
vary from workstation
to workstation.
Note: The CaliberRM Document Factory uses the font specified in the template setup
for non-explicit text, but the font specified in CaliberRM for any explicit text.
To set the non-explicit font type:
1 Open your browser.
Note: Borland only supports Microsoft’s Internet Explorer.
2 Select Tools > Internet Options.
3 Click the Fonts button. The Fonts dialog box is displayed.
4 In the Web page font: section, select the Font type you want CaliberRM to use as
the non-explicit, or default, font type.
5 Click OK to close the Fonts dialog box.
6 Click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box.
To format explicit font in a requirement description:
1 Select (highlight) the text you want to format.
2 Select the Format menu option. You have the option of formatting the Font,
including Font type, Style, Size, Effects, and/or Color. You can add Bullets or
Numbering, Align text, or change the Indentation level. You can also use the
formatting toolbar options and buttons or keyboard shortcuts. See “CaliberRM
Keyboard Shortcuts” on page 295 for more details on keyboard shortcuts.
Ch ap ter 1 3: R equ i re me nt s
3 Select the option you want from the list. The changes are applied immediately, with
the exception of font changes. In that case, the Font dialog box is displayed.
4 Select the font options you want and click OK to make the changes, or Cancel to
cancel the changes.
5 Save your requirement by selecting Requirement > Save Changes from the menu.
To delete the requirement, select Requirement > Cancel Changes from the menu.
The changes are made. You can reset the font back to non-explicit using the same
method described above, selecting the non-explicit font type.
Glossary View
Since CaliberRM supports text formatting in requirement descriptions and the use of
color-coded glossary terms, CaliberRM has a feature called Glossary View. This
feature allows you to toggle between user-formatted colored text and glossary terms.
When viewing a requirement description, select View > Glossary View from the menu.
The color of non-glossary term words in the description revert to the default text color
(typically black), and any glossary terms are displayed according to the color specified
for that glossary by the administrator in the Framework Administrator.
Adding Tables to Requirement Descriptions
To add a table to a requirement description:
1 Place your text cursor where you want to add the table.
2 Select Insert > Table from the menu. The Insert Table dialog box is displayed.
3 Indicate how many rows and columns you want the table to have.
4 Indicate the width and height, in pixels or as a percentage of the window.
5 Indicate how you want the table aligned, the border width, the size of the cell
padding (the amount of space between the contents of a table cell and the inside
edges of a table cell; adding extra padding can prevent your tables, especially large
ones, from looking dense and crowded), and the size of the space between cells.
6 Click OK to add the table, or Cancel to cancel the addition.
7 To save the requirement, select Requirement > Save Changes from the menu. To
delete the requirement, select Requirement > Cancel Changes from the menu.
To add rows below or columns to the right of an existing table, right-click the row and
select Table > Insert > Rows or Columns.
To delete rows or columns from a table, select the row or column and select Table >
Delete > Rows or Columns.
126 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Adding Pictures to Requirement Descriptions
It is recommended that you use .jpg files whenever possible due to size considerations.
For example, an image saved as a .bmp file might be 2.25 MB, but the same image
saved as a .jpg might only be 173 KB.
To add a picture to a requirement description:
1 Place your cursor where you want to insert the image and select Insert > Picture
from the menu. The Picture dialog box is displayed.
2 Enter the name of the file or click the Browse button to locate the picture you want
to insert.
3 When you have found the file, click Open.
4 In the Alternate Text field, enter any text you want the user to see if the image is
unavailable or not viewable. This text is also displayed while the image is loading.
5 From the Alignment drop-down list, select how you want to position the image.
6 In the Border Thickness area, enter a number between 0 and 99 to add a border
around your image. The width of the border is in pixels.
7 In the Spacing section, for each option, enter a number between 0 and 99 to add
that amount of space (in pixels) around the image.
Note: For a description of each option, click the Help button, then click the option field.
8 To save the requirement, select Requirement > Save Changes from the menu. To
delete the requirement, select Requirement > Cancel Changes from the menu.
Adding Hyperlinks to Requirement Descriptions
To add a hyperlink to a requirement description:
1 Select the text you want to make a hyperlink (if you simply want to add a link, not
turn text into a link, place your text cursor where you want the link).
2 Select Insert > Hyperlink from the menu. The Hyperlink dialog box is displayed.
3 Select the Type of hyperlink you want by clicking the down arrow and selecting an
4 Enter the URL information in the text box.
Note: For a description of each option, click the Help button, then click the option field.
5 Click OK to create the hyperlink, or Cancel to cancel the addition.
Ch ap ter 1 3: R equ i re me nt s
6 To save the requirement, select Requirement > Save Changes from the menu. To
delete the requirement, select Requirement > Cancel Changes from the menu.
The hyperlink is created. The word is converted into a hyperlink and formatted into
blue, underlined font. To edit a hyperlink, click the hyperlink, then select Insert
Hyperlink to display the Hyperlink dialog box.
To launch a hyperlink, hold down the Ctrl key while you click the link.
To modify an existing hyperlink, right-click on the link or selected text and select
Assigning Attribute Values
User-defined attributes allow users to customize the data that is tracked and stored,
thus helping fully define the requirement. An administrator assigns user-defined
attributes during requirement type creation. The administrator also creates custom
attribute tabs when user-defined attributes are present. The attributes appear in the tab
set. Like other fields in a requirement definition, user-defined attributes must be
assigned values.
To assign attribute values to a requirement:
1 Select the requirement to which you want to assign values.
2 Click the tab that contains user-defined attributes. This tab varies depending on the
requirement type(s) selected for the project and the requirement type to which the
requirement belongs.
The tab displays all user-defined attributes for the requirement.
For a description of the different attribute types, see “Attribute Types” on page 92.
3 Make the appropriate selections for each of the attributes.
4 Save your changes by selecting Requirement > Save Changes from the menu. To
delete changes, select Requirement > Cancel Changes from the menu.
5 If the Comment dialog box is displayed, enter a comment about the change and
click OK.
Assigning Responsible Users
Users that are accountable for the completion of a requirement are assigned
responsibility for that requirement. Typically, several individuals are assigned to each
requirement. For example, the business analyst who created the requirement is
128 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
assigned, as well as a developer, tester and manager. When requirements are
changed, the users assigned to them are notified in order to keep development on
track. Administrators enable Automatic notification in the Framework Administrator.
See “Enabling Automatic Notification” on page 37
To assign users to a requirement:
1 Select the requirement to which you want to assign users.
2 Click the Responsibilities tab. The Responsibilities tab displays project groups
and member selection boxes.
Note: The lists are limited by the group membership assigned for the project in
Framework Administrator.
3 Expand or collapse a list by clicking the plus (+) or minus (-) sign to the left of the
group/member name. A gray check box next to a group indicates that at least one
member of that group has been selected.
4 To select all members of a group, select the check box to the left of that group.
To select only certain members of a group, select the check box to the left of each
member you want to assign.
Note: To display users first in the tree, select the Display in Member/Group order
check box. To assign a user that is a member of multiple groups, but only as a
responsible member of one of those groups, select that group’s check box.
5 Once a user is assigned, CaliberRM notifies that person by email of specific events,
as defined in Framework Administrator. See “Setting Up Automatic Notification” on
page 21 for more information on automatic notification.
6 Repeat Steps 3-5 to assign users from each group as needed.
7 Save your changes by selecting Requirement > Save Changes from the menu. To
delete changes, select Requirement > Cancel Changes from the menu
8 If the Comment dialog box is displayed, enter a comment about the change and
click OK.
Note: You can also assign users from the Requirement Grid. See “Modifying
Requirements from the Grid” on page 143 for more information.
Validation Procedure
When you create a requirement, it is often helpful for testers to know how to verify that
the requirement is implemented properly. Therefore, CaliberRM allows you to type in a
Ch ap ter 1 3: R equ i re me nt s
validation procedure for each requirement if you want. The validation procedure is “free
form,” meaning the procedure can be any form you want, from a paragraph to a
numbered list of steps.
To define the requirement validation procedure:
1 Select the requirement for which you want to define the validation procedure.
2 Click the Validation tab. The tab is displayed.
3 Type the validation procedure in the Validation Procedure field.
4 Save your changes by selecting Requirement > Save Changes from the menu. To
delete changes, select Edit > Cancel Changes from the menu.
5 If the Comment dialog box is displayed, enter a comment about the change and
click OK.
Copying Requirements
To copy an existing requirement:
1 Select the requirement you want to copy.
2 Select Edit > Copy from the menu.
3 Select the requirement to which you want to paste the first requirement.
4 Select Edit > Paste from the menu to paste the copied requirement. The copied
requirement is pasted as a child of the selected requirement.
If the Allow user to override default behavior option is selected on the Clipboard
tab in the CaliberRM Options dialog box, the Paste Children? dialog box is displayed.
Click the Yes button to paste children, or No to paste only the copied requirement.
The requirement is copied. The new requirement is assigned a different serial number
than the original requirement.
You can also hold down the Ctrl key, click on the requirement you want to copy and
drag and drop it into the desired location.
Modifying a Requirement
To modify a requirement:
1 Select the requirement you want to modify.
Note: If you are not authorized to change the requirement, the data fields are disabled.
2 Select the tab containing the information you want to modify.
3 Edit the requirement information.
As soon as you begin editing the requirement, CaliberRM automatically locks it to
prevent someone else from modifying it at the same time. The requirement icon in the
requirement list appears with a lock on it. The lock remains in place until you either
save your changes or cancel them.
Note: Modified requirements display an asterisk (*) to the right of the field to indicate
that a change has been made to that requirement field. See “Field Changed Indicator”
on page 131 for information on this feature.
4 To save your changes, select Requirement > Save Changes from the menu. To
delete changes, select Requirement > Cancel Changes from the menu.
5 If the Comment dialog box is displayed, enter a comment about the change and
click OK.
130 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Field Changed Indicator
When you make changes to a requirement, an indicator (*) appears on the right side of
the field you have changed to indicate that changes have been made to that field.
Field Changed Indicator
You can right-click on the indicator to view a toolbar, which allows you to revert the
change to the field’s original setting by clicking the Revert button, or close the toolbar
by clicking the Close button.
Revert Close
Note: Data on the References tab and the Traceability tab is not revertible; you have
to change it back manually.
Requirement History
CaliberRM maintains a history record for each requirement. The history record assigns
revision numbers and keeps a list of changes for each revision. All changes made to a
requirement, including changes to specific attributes, the requirement description,
status, priority and more are recorded in the requirement’s history.
Viewing the History Record
To view the history of a requirement, select the requirement and click the History tab.
The history record is made up of two parts: the Revisions list and the Changes list.
The upper window contains the Revisions list. Each entry in the revisions list contains
the following fields:
Rev #: When a change is made, CaliberRM automatically updates the revision
number. The change may cause a major or minor revision number change. An
administrator determines this when attributes types are defined.
Date/time: The date and time the change was made.
Changed by: The userid or name of the person who made the change.
Comment: If a supporting comment is entered at the time the change is saved, it is
displayed here.
You can sort the revision list in ascending order by revision number, date/time, user or
comment by clicking on the appropriate header.
Click the header a second time to sort in descending order.
Ch ap ter 1 3: R equ i re me nt s
The first entry in the list is the requirement creation entry. It is assigned a revision
number of 1.0.
Revision list
Major and minor
List of changes
for each revision
The bottom window displays a list of Changes for the revision selected in the upper
window. Entries in the change list contain the following fields:
Attribute: the changed field
Changed from: the original data
Changed to: the new data
Viewing Change Detail
Select a change in the list and click the Detail button or double-click on the change to
see all details about a particular change in one view.
The History Details dialog box is displayed containing the revision number, the date
and time changed, the user who made the change, the user comments about the
change, the field changed, and the original and new data for the field.
132 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Comparing Requirements
You can compare requirements three ways: to previous versions of the same
requirement, to another requirement, or to any version of another requirement, and
print a report of the comparison.
Comparing a Requirement to a Previous Version
To compare versions of the same requirement:
1 Select Requirement > Compare Requirements > to previous version from the
menu, or right-click on the requirement in the requirement tree and select that option
in the pop-up menu.
CaliberRM compares the current version of the requirement with the previous version
of the requirement, and displays an .html file that informs you of the number of
2 Click OK. You can now see the differences between the two versions. The
differences are identified by shaded rows and a red arrow to the left of the
attribute(s) that differ.
3 Select File > Print and follow normal Windows printing procedures to print the
Comparing a Requirement to Another Requirement or Version
You can also compare a requirement to any version of another requirement.
To compare a requirement to any version of another requirement:
1 Select a requirement you want to use for a comparison.
2 Select Requirement > Compare Requirement > to other requirement or
version from the menu, or right-click on the requirement in the requirement tree and
select the option in the pop-up menu.
The Compare Requirements dialog box is displayed.
3 Select the requirement you want to compare to from the requirement tree or, select
the requirement version you want to compare to from the Requirement Version
drop-down list.
The requirement that you choose to compare to appears in the Requirement 2 section
of the Compare Requirements dialog box.
4 Click OK to continue with the comparison, or click Cancel to discontinue the
CaliberRM compares Requirement 1 with Requirement 2, and displays an .html file that
informs you of the number of differences.
Ch ap ter 1 3: R equ i re me nt s
5 Click OK. You can now see the differences between the two requirements. The
differences are identified by shaded rows and a red arrow to the left of the
attribute(s) that differ.
6 Select File > Print and follow normal Windows printing procedures to print the
Changing the Requirement Order
You can change the requirement order three ways:
Using the commands in the Edit menu
Using the buttons on the toolbar
Dragging and dropping the requirements
Using the commands in the Edit menu or the buttons on the toolbar, you can move
requirements only within the parent. You cannot change the hierarchical level of
requirements using the toolbar buttons, nor can you move a requirement to another
requirement type. Using drag-and-drop, you can move a requirement anywhere you
want, even to another requirement type.
Note: You must have Create level access to move a requirement into another
requirement type, and Delete level access to move a requirement out of a requirement
To change the requirement order using the commands in the Edit menu, select the
requirement you want to move and select Edit > Move Up or Edit > Move Down from
the menu.
To change the requirement order using the toolbar buttons, select the requirement you
want to move and click the Move Up button or Move Down button.
To change the requirement order using drag-and-drop:
1 Click the requirement you want to move and hold down the left mouse button.
Drag the requirement to the location you want to move it.
• If you want the requirement to move up one hierarchical level, drag it above its
• If you want the requirement to move down one level, drag it on top of the
requirement you want to be its parent.
• If you want to move the requirement to another requirement type, drag it to the
desired location within that requirement type.
Note: When moving requirements to another requirement type, only user-defined
attributes that are common to both requirement types will retain their values.
3 When the requirement is in the location you want it, release the left mouse button.
The requirement is moved and the hierarchical numbers are automatically updated.
Searching for a Requirement by Name
To search for a requirement:
1 Select Edit > Find In Tree from the menu.
134 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
The Find in Tree dialog box is displayed.
2 Enter the name of the requirement you would like to find, or any portion of the name
in the Find What field.
Note: The Find function only searches for text in the requirement list. It does not
search requirement descriptions.
3 If you want to search for a requirement by name, select the Name option button. If
you want to search for a requirement by ID number, select the ID number option
4 If you want the search engine to find requirements that match exactly, select the
Match whole word only check box.
5 If you want the search engine to match requirement names by case, select the
Match case check box.
6 Select the direction in which to search (Up from the currently selected requirement,
or Down).
7 Click the Find Next button until the requirement you are searching for is selected.
Searching for a Requirement by Description
You can match a text string to one in the requirement description to search for a
requirement. You can search the entire project or you can narrow your search to a
requirement type or a requirement sub-tree.
The Search Description dialog box allows you to input the string you are searching for
and tells CaliberRM where to search.
The choices in the Search from drop-down list are based on what is currently selected
in the requirement tree.
To search for a requirement that contains a matching text string in its description:
1 Select Edit > Search Description from the menu. The Search Description dialog
box is displayed.
2 Enter the text you want to search for in the Search for field.
3 Select the project, requirement type, or requirement you want to search in the
Search from drop-down menu.
4 Click Search.
Ch ap ter 1 3: R equ i re me nt s
The search results are automatically displayed in the Requirement Grid. Click on the
requirement to show the requirement description. All Requirement Grid functionality is
See “Requirement Grid” on page 139 for instructions on how to use the Requirement
Deleting a Requirement
If you delete a requirement, you cannot recover deleted data.
To delete a requirement:
1 Select the requirement you want to delete.
2 Select Requirement > Delete from the menu.
A message box is displayed verifying that you want to delete the requirement. Child
requirements, if present, are deleted as well.
3 Click Yes to delete the requirement and its children, or No to save it.
4 If the Comment dialog box is displayed, enter a comment about the change and
click OK.
Displaying Requirement Identification Numbers
Each requirement within a project has two different numbers associated with it. One is
the hierarchical number, which is determined by the requirement’s placement within
the project tree or hierarchy. The hierarchical number changes as requirements are
added, moved or deleted.
The other number associated with each requirement is its unique serial (or ID) number.
The serial number generally does not change, regardless of the requirement’s position
within a requirement type, but it will change if you move a requirement to a different
type. It is not reused if the requirement is deleted. Serial numbers are composed of the
requirement type tag and a number. For example, Business Requirement types may
have the tag “BR.” Serial numbers for Business Requirement types may have the “BR”
tag as a prefix for the serial number.
To display the requirement hierarchical numbers, select View > Numbers >
Hierarchical from the menu. The hierarchical numbers appear in the requirement list.
To display the requirement serial numbers, select View > Numbers > Serial from the
menu. The serial numbers appear in the requirement list.
136 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Registered Interest
Registered Interest is a feature of CaliberRM that allows you to receive email
notification that a change has been made to a requirement, even if you are not
assigned as a responsible person for that requirement.
To register interest in a requirement, select the requirement and click the Register
Interest button on the toolbar.
You can also right-click on the requirement in the requirement list and select Register/
Unregister from the drop-down list.
The requirement that you registered interest in now displays an icon indicating that you
will receive notification of any changes made to this requirement.
If you want to unregister interest in a requirement, repeat the steps above and the icon
is removed.
Ch ap ter 1 3: R equ i re me nt s
138 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Requirement Grid
Chapter 14
The Requirement Grid is used to display a set of requirements. The grid view includes
the requirement type, tag, name, status, version, priority, responsible users, owner and
many other attributes. You can also select a requirement and view its description in the
lower pane of the Requirement Grid.
The appearance of the information on the grid can be changed by hiding and
rearranging columns. The requirements can be filtered in the grid to show only those
meeting the filter criteria. The modified view can be saved and printed.
Opening the Requirement Grid
Select Tools > Requirement Grid to open the Requirement Grid. The Open
Requirement Grid dialog box is displayed.
There are four ways to display a requirement grid:
To View all the requirements in this baseline select this option and see “View All
Requirements in this Baseline” on page 140.
To Open a previously saved requirement grid view select this option and see
“Open a Previously Saved Grid” on page 140.
To Specify search criteria select this option and see “Search for Specific Data” on
page 141.
C ha pte r 14 : Re quirem en t Grid
To display the requirement hierarchy numbers in the grid select the Retrieve
Hierarchy Numbers check box. Using this feature may slow performance.
View All Requirements in this Baseline
When you select this option, all requirements in the open baseline are displayed on the
grid. Click a column header to sort the grid in ascending order, and click the header a
second time to sort in descending order.
Note: Sorting on a single selection list user-defined attribute sorts items by display
order within the List Box Contents for that particular UDA.
Open a Previously Saved Grid
Note: For information on how to save a grid view, See page 144.
To display a previously saved view:
1 Select File > Open from the Requirement Grid menu. The Open dialog box is
2 Select the file to open.
3 Click Open to display the view, or Cancel to exit without displaying.
140 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Search for Specific Data
Note: Specify search criteria is another way of launching Search Description. See
“Searching for a Requirement by Description” on page 135 for more information.
To search for specific criteria:
1 Enter the text in the Search for field or select the text from the Search for drop-
down list.
2 Enter the name of the project, requirement type or requirement you want to search
from in the Search from field, or select this information from the Search from dropdown list.
3 Click Search. The Requirement Grid opens and displays the search results.
The Grid View
Click on a header to sort the grid in ascending order, and click on the header a second
time to sort in descending order.
In the grid view, select View > Always on Top from the menu to have the Requirement
Grid always display on top of other windows.
In the grid view, select View > Refresh from the menu to refresh the Requirement Grid
To display gridlines, select View > Grid and select either Horizontal or Vertical.
Modifying the Requirement Grid View
You can move and hide columns in the Requirement Grid view. You can then save this
view for display in the future.
To move the columns, click on a column header and hold down the left mouse button
while dragging the header to the desired position. An arrow head is displayed as you
move the header, to show where the column will be placed. When the column is in the
desired position, release the left mouse button and the column is moved.
To hide a column from the Requirement Grid:
1 Right-click on the header of the column you want to hide.
2 Select Hide Column from the pop-up menu.
Note: The column is not deleted, just removed from the view.
To return hidden columns to the grid:
1 Choose a location for the column.
2 Right-click on the column header next to the desired position.
C ha pte r 14 : Re quirem en t Grid
3 Select Insert Before or Insert After in the pop-up menu. The Insert Column dialog
box is displayed.
4 Select the column to be added.
Note: If all columns are already shown in the grid, there are no options to select in the
Column field.
5 Click OK to add the column, or Cancel to exit without adding the column.
Filtering the Grid View
You can filter columns in the Requirement Grid to display only the information you want
to see.
To filter a column in the Requirement Grid, do one of the following:
Right-click on a column heading, then go to Step 2 (quickest method),
Select View > Filter from the menu, then go to Step 1, or
Click the Filter button, then go to Step 1. The Custom Filter dialog box is
1 Select the Column you want to filter from the drop-down list.
2 Select an operator from the first Conditions drop-down list (i.e., begins with, equals,
greater than, etc.).
3 Enter the text to filter on, or select from the drop-down list if applicable.
4 Select the And or Or option button and repeat Steps 3 and 4 to enter a second filter
condition if desired.
Note: And displays the requirements that meet both criteria. Or displays the
requirements that meet one or both of the conditions.
5 Click OK to filter, or Cancel to exit without filtering.
142 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
The filtered grid is displayed. The filtered columns are displayed with a filter symbol in
the header.
Filter Indicator
To return to the original view, click the Remove filter button. All filters are removed.
Go To Requirement
To go to a requirement in the project:
1 Select the requirement in the Requirement Grid list.
2 Select Edit > Go To Requirement from the menu, click the Go To Requirement
button, or double-click on the requirement.
The Details tab of the selected requirement is displayed.
Modifying Requirements from the Grid
You can modify information on the Requirement Grid. You can modify all system and
user-defined attributes, with the exception of Type.
To modify information on the grid:
1 Select a requirement in the list.
Note: To select a group of requirements, select the first requirement, hold down the
Shift key and select the last requirement. All requirements in between will be
automatically selected. To select multiple individual requirements, hold down the Ctrl
key and select each requirement. Changing a requirement name is automatically
disabled when multiple requirements are selected.
2 Right-click on the attribute you want to update.
Note: When modifying multiple responsible users simultaneously on the grid, the dropdown selection box displays users assigned to the requirement selected last.
See“Modifying Requirement Responsibility on the Grid” on page 144 for more
A selection window is displayed allowing you to Modify or Go to requirement.
3 Select Modify to change the attribute. A drop-down list appears displaying the
values that you can assign, or you have the option to just change the value of the
C ha pte r 14 : Re quirem en t Grid
If you modify an attribute with multiple requirements selected, all selected requirements
will be modified to the same value. If you do not want the attributes to have the same
value, select requirements and modify the attributes individually.
4 Click on the new value from the drop-down list to assign the value.
5 Click the Save button to save your modification.
Modifying Requirement Responsibility on the Grid
To assign and unassign responsible users on the Grid:
1 In the Grid, select the requirement to which you want to assign users.
Note: To select a group of requirements, select the first requirement, hold down the
Shift key and select the last requirement. All requirements in between will be
automatically selected. To select multiple individual requirements, hold down the Ctrl
key and select each requirement.
2 Right-click in the Responsibilities column and select Modify. The Responsible
Users drop-down list is displayed.
Note: When modifying multiple responsible users simultaneously on the grid, the dropdown selection box displays users assigned to the requirement selected last.
3 Select the check box to the left of each user you want to assign to the
requirement(s). You can select all members of a group by selecting the check box
next to the group. A gray check box next to a group indicates that at least one
member from that group is selected. Select the appropriate option button to
alternate between showing groups first, then members, or showing members first,
then groups.
4 Click Done in the Responsible Users drop-down list.
5 Click the Save button to save your changes.
To unassign users, clear the check boxes of the user(s) you want to unassign.
Note: When unassigning a responsible user across multiple requirements, make sure
the last requirement selected contains that user. The drop-down selection box displays
users assigned to the requirement selected last.
Saving the Grid View
After you have finished filtering and rearranging the grid view, you may want to save it
for future use.
To save the Requirement Grid view:
144 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
1 Select File > Save As from the Requirement Grid menu. The Save As dialog box is
2 Enter a file name for the view.
3 Click Save to save, or Cancel to exit without saving.
Printing the Grid View
When you have finished filtering and rearranging the Requirement Grid, you can print a
report of the data.
To print the Requirement Grid:
1 Select File > Print from the Requirement Grid menu. The Report Setup dialog box
is displayed.
2 Click the Export button to export the report to an .xml file. The Export Report
dialog box is displayed.
a Enter a File Name.
b Click the Browse button to choose a location in which to save your file.
c Click OK. The file is saved.
3 Click the Preview button if you want to view the report before printing.
4 Click the Print button. Print using normal Windows printing operations.
C ha pte r 14 : Re quirem en t Grid
146 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Shared/Mapped Requirements
Chapter 15
Shared Requirements
Many times the same requirements are used for multiple projects. Often these
requirements must meet specific standards that are precisely described in the
requirement description field. Some of these descriptions are very lengthy. Using the
shared requirement function, you can share these requirement descriptions among
projects. This allows you to easily create, modify and update common requirements
while eliminating repetitious typing where errors can be made. Sharing requirements
ensures that requirements common to more than one project are consistent from one
project to another, or within the same project.
How Shared Requirements Work
The terms mapped and shared are used to define the shared requirements process. A
shared requirement is one whose description other requirements use as their own. A
mapped requirement is one whose description is linked to a shared requirement.
A typical use of shared requirements is detailed below.
Project A - Shared
Requirements Enabled
Project B - Shared &
Mapped Enabled
Project C - Mapped
Requirements Enabled
Requirement 2 in Project C is mapped to requirement 2 in Project A
Project A contains a set of frequently used requirements. Projects B and C use some of
the requirements defined in Project A. Instead of re-entering or modifying lengthy
Ch ap ter 15: Sh ared /M app ed R equ ire me nt s
requirement descriptions in Projects B and C, you can use the shared requirement
function to map requirements from Projects B and C to those in Project A. Now
changes and updates made to shared requirement descriptions in Project A are
automatically made in Projects B and C. The example also shows that Project B is set
up to share and map requirements, which allows requirements to map to shared
requirements in the same project. Specifically R4 is mapped to R2. Projects B and C
show that requirements can map to more than one project.
The following rules apply to requirements that are shared or mapped:
Only the information contained in the description field of the requirements is shared,
not the other attributes, history or traceability data.
Description fields of mapped requirements are disabled and you cannot edit them
If mapping is disabled or disconnected, the description becomes independent and
you can edit them. In essence, it is no longer a mapped requirement
You can share, but not map, requirements that have key references
You cannot share mapped requirements
You cannot map shared descriptions
Enabling Shared Requirements
To use shared requirements, an administrator must first enable this functionality at the
project level.
To verify that shared requirements are enabled for the projects you want to share and
map, select the Shared Requirements check box on the Project Info tab. This is
accomplished by completing the following steps.
1 From the project drop-down list, open the project containing the shared
requirements by clicking on the project name. The Project Info tab is displayed.
2 Verify the following information in the Shared Requirements area of the Project
Info tab.
Note: If you do not have administrative rights, the options are disabled.If sharing and/or
mapping is not enabled for your project, contact your CaliberRM administrator.
In the project that contains the requirements you want to map, verify that the
Requirements in this project can be mapped to shared requirements check box
is selected.
In the project that contains requirements you want to share, verify that the
Requirements in the project can be shared check box is selected.
To share and map requirements in the same project, verify that both boxes are
Mapping a Requirement
To map a requirement to a shared requirement:
148 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
1 Open the project that contains the requirement whose description you want to map.
2 Select the requirement to map or create a new requirement and leave the
description field blank.
3 Select Requirement > Map/Unmap Requirement from the menu. The Mapped
Description dialog box is displayed.
4 Select the project that contains the requirement whose description you want to
share from the Project drop-down list.
5 Expand the requirement list, locate the requirement whose description you want to
share and select it.
6 Click the Map/Unmap Requirement button on the toolbar in the Mapped
Description dialog box.
The shared indicator is displayed to the left of the shared requirement’s name in the
requirement list.
7 Click the Save button to save your changes, or click the Cancel Changes button to
cancel your changes.
8 Close the Mapped Description dialog box.
CaliberRM returns to the open project. The requirement description field for the
mapped requirement is disabled.
CaliberRM keeps track of mapped and shared requirements and allows you to view
them in a diagram. See “Mapped Requirements Diagram” on page 150 for more
Unmapping a Requirement
To unmap a requirement:
1 Open the project that contains the requirement whose description you want to
2 Select the requirement to unmap.
Ch ap ter 15: Sh ared /M app ed R equ ire me nt s
3 Select Requirement > Map/Unmap Requirement from the menu.
4 Select the project that contains the shared requirements from the drop-down list in
the Mapped Description dialog box.
5 Select the requirement currently shared with the requirement selected in Step 2.
6 Click the Map/Unmap Requirement button on the toolbar in the Mapped
Description dialog box.
7 Click the Save button to save your changes, or click the Cancel Changes button to
cancel your changes.
The shared indicator to the left of the shared requirement’s name in the requirement list
Mapped Requirements Diagram
To keep track of shared and mapped requirements, CaliberRM provides a way to view
them in a diagram. Given a shared or mapped requirement, the graph displays the
shared requirement and all requirements that map to it.
To display the Mapped Requirements Diagram, select a shared or mapped
requirement in the tree and select Tools > Mapped Diagram from the menu.
The Mapped Requirement Diagram window opens and displays the mapped and
shared requirements.
Requirement with
shared description
Requirements with
mapped descriptions
The functionality provided in this window is described in the table below.
Menu Item
Toolbar Button
Zoom > In or Out
Zoom in or out 25%
Zoom > Point
Zoom in or out 25% and make
a new center point
Zoom > Percentage
Drop-down Box
Select zoom percentage
Zoom > Rectangle
Draw a rectangle and zoom to
View > Tag
View/hide all object tags
150 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Menu Item
Toolbar Button
View > Name
View/hide all object names
View > Project
View/hide project names for
each object
File > Print
No Button
Print the diagram
About the Diagram
The Mapped Requirements Diagram is a tree-like structure. The root of the tree is the
shared requirement which is underlined in green, and the nodes of the tree represent
the mapped requirements. Requirements in the diagram have three identifiers that can
be switched on and off using the view/hide buttons on the toolbar. They are:
the requirement serial number
the requirement name (default setting)
the project name
You can move objects around in the graph to more easily view the objects of interest.
To move an object, click on the object and drag it to the desired location in the diagram.
Double-clicking a requirement opens the Properties dialog box.
Right-clicking on a requirement displays a pop-up menu containing two selections: Go
to and Properties. Go to selects that requirement in the tree and displays the Mapped
Requirements Diagram for that requirement. Properties displays the Properties
dialog box, shown above.
Ch ap ter 15: Sh ared /M app ed R equ ire me nt s
152 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Chapter 16
About Traceability
Changing an object whether it is a requirement, a test step, or a section of source code,
can potentially require changes in other elements of the project. CaliberRM supports
requirement traceability to allow you to see relationships between requirements and
other related development and testing information. Linking related objects together
helps to ensure that changes are implemented correctly at all levels.
Requirements can link to:
any requirement in the same project and across projects,
tasks, topics and change requests in StarTeam,
test sets, tests and test steps in TestDirector,
use cases, classes, methods, packages and business processes in Select
Software Configuration Management (SCM) objects,
other objects supported by custom vendor add-in modules
When you create a traceability link, CaliberRM automatically creates implied links to
other requirements that may be affected. For example, if there are direct links between
a software requirement and a GUI requirement, and between the GUI requirement and
a coding requirement, there is also an implied link between the software requirement
and the coding requirement. Implied links are displayed in the Traceability Matrix as
dotted arrows.
When a requirement is changed, links to other objects become suspect. Suspect
traces are an indicator that other objects might be affected by the changed requirement
and should be reviewed. Suspect traces are indicated in the Traceability Matrix by a
red arrow with a red question mark centered on the arrow.
You can view the Traceability Matrix to see all traceability links at a glance (see “The
Traceability Matrix” on page 159), or you can view the Traceability Diagram to see the
traceability links for a specific requirement (see “The Traceability Diagram” on
page 156).
Chapter 16: Traceability
For information about traceability with a product integration, see the applicable white
paper located on your CaliberRM product CD-ROM in the Integrations\Integration
White Papers directory.
Creating a Traceability Link
Traceability links are described as traces from an object and traces to an object.
To create a traceability link:
1 Select the requirement you want to link to another requirement.
2 Click the Traceability tab. The Traceability tab is displayed.
3 Click the Modify button. The Open a Project dialog box is displayed.
4 Select a project and click OK. The Traceability Modification dialog box is
5 Click the plus sign (+) to expand the requirement list.
6 Navigate the list until you find the requirement to which you want to link.
Note: Right-click the requirement in the list and select Properties to view requirement
7 Select the requirement in the list and click the Trace From or Trace To button.
8 Repeat Steps 6-7 until you have created all of the traceability links you need for the
selected requirement.
154 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
The trace link indicators appear in the requirement list.
Trace from
Trace to
9 Click the Save button.
10 If the Comment dialog box is displayed, enter a comment about the change and
click OK.
11 You can close the Traceability Modification window and click the Close button in
the top right corner to return to the Traceability tab, or you can leave this window
open if you need to create traces for other requirements.
The requirement trace links are displayed on the Traceability tab.
Traces From
being traced to
or from
Traces To
12 To save your changes, select Requirement > Save Changes from the menu. To
cancel changes, select Requirement > Cancel Changes from the menu.
Modifying Traces on the Traceability Tab
To modify trace link information from the Traceability tab:
1 Select a requirement and click the Traceability tab.
2 Right-click on an object in the Traces To or Traces From area. The following
options appear in the pop-up menu.
The following commands are available:
• Modify: Opens the Traceability Modification window.
• Go To: Navigates to the Traceability tab of the requirement you have selected.
• Remove: Deletes the trace.
• Make Suspect: Makes the link a suspect link.
3 Select a command and save the changes to the requirement when finished.
Chapter 16: Traceability
Deleting a Traceability Link
To delete a traceability link, do one of the following:
If you are working on the Traceability tab:
1 Select the requirement with the link you want to delete.
2 Right-click on the trace you want to delete and click Remove.
If you are working in the Traceability Modification dialog box:
1 Select the linked requirement’s project from the drop-down list.
2 Click the plus sign (+) to expand the requirement list.
3 Navigate the list until you find the requirement whose link you want to delete.
4 Select the requirement in the list and click the Trace From or Trace To button.
5 To save your changes, click the Save Changes button. To cancel changes, click the
Cancel Changes button.
6 If the Comment dialog box is displayed, enter a comment about the change and
click OK.
7 Click the Close button in the top right corner to close the Traceability Modification
dialog box.
The Traceability Diagram
Changing a requirement can dramatically impact project flow. The Traceability
Diagram, or Trace Diagram, allows you to quickly analyze an individual requirement to
see how the change has impacted its relationships with other objects in the project.
Viewing the Diagram
To view the Traceability Diagram for a specific requirement, select Tools >
Traceability Diagram from the menu, or the click the Traceability Diagram button on
the toolbar. These items are only available when a requirement is selected in the tree.
The Traceability Diagram window opens and displays the traceability links to and from
the requirement selected in the requirement tree.
156 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
The following table describes the diagram menu items and toolbar buttons.
Menu Item
Toolbar Button
Zoom > Center
Zoom in or out 25%
Zoom > Point
Zoom in or out 25% and make
a new center point
Zoom > Percent
Drop-Down Box
Select a zoom percentage
Zoom > Rectangle
Draw a rectangle and zoom to
View > Tag
View/hide all object tags
View > Name
View/hide all object names
View > Project
View/hide project names for
each object
File > Print
No Button
Print the diagram
The selected requirement is located in the center of the diagram and underlined in
green. Other objects in the diagram include requirements, Select Enterprise,
TestDirector and SCM objects that are represented by their associated file type icon.
The trace to objects are located to the right of the target, while the trace from objects
are located to the left. The arrows represent the direction of the trace.
You can move objects around in the graph to more easily view the objects of interest.
To move an object, click on the object and drag it to the desired location in the diagram.
To more easily recognize objects in the diagram, there are three identifiers that can be
switched on and off using the view/hide buttons on the toolbar. They are:
the object serial number,
the object name (default setting),
the project name.
Requirement Objects
Requirements are represented in the diagram by the requirement icon. Double-clicking
a requirement node selects it in the requirement tree and makes it the focus of the
Right-clicking a requirement displays a pop-up menu containing two selections: Go to
and Properties. Selecting Go to selects that requirement in the tree and displays the
Traceability Diagram for that requirement.
Chapter 16: Traceability
Selecting Properties displays the requirement Properties dialog box.
Suspect Links
Suspect links are indicated by a red arrow with a black question mark centered on the
Suspect Links
Circular Traces
A circular trace occurs when an object traces back to itself directly or indirectly. When
CaliberRM detects a circular trace, the diagram for that branch stops and the circular
trace indicator is displayed on the diagram, as shown on the following page.
158 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Circular Traces
The Traceability Matrix
The Traceability Matrix is used to display all the trace links in one view. You can modify
the Traceability Matrix to show only the links you need to see. There are several
options for modifying the matrix view: filtering by project and object, viewing
requirements by tag only, viewing only row-to-column or column-to-row links. You can
save the view you have modified and print a report of the data selected.
Opening the Traceability Matrix
To open the Traceability Matrix window, select Tools > Traceability Matrix from the
menu, or click the Traceability Matrix button on the toolbar. The Traceability Matrix
window opens and displays the last active matrix view (if it was saved) or the default
The default view contains all requirements in the open project in rows and columns.
The direction of the arrow indicates the direction of the trace. You can modify the view
to see the trace links that interest you.
Chapter 16: Traceability
The Matrix View
There are many options for viewing the Traceability Matrix. The following table details
the matrix options, toolbar buttons and their functions.
Menu Item
Toolbar Button
Edit > Auto Size
Sets the column width
View > Refresh
Refreshes the matrix data
View > Always on Top
Displays the matrix on top of all
open windows
View > Requirement by
Allows you to view requirements
by their tag instead of their
View > Row to Column
Displays objects in rows as
tracing to objects in columns
View > Column to Row
Displays objects in columns as
tracing to objects in rows
View > Implications
Displays implied links
View > Vertical
Allows you to toggle between
vertical and horizontal column
headings. Vertical is the default
View > No Traces
Displays requirements without
traces as dark gray in the rows
and columns
View > Object Icons
Displays objects icons in rows
and columns
View > Filter
Displays the Traceability Filter
dialog box
Saving Traceability Matrix Views
To save the Traceability Matrix view:
1 Select File > Save from the menu. The Save As dialog box is displayed.
160 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
2 Select a location to save your file.
3 Enter a File name for the view.
4 Click Save to save, or Cancel to exit without saving.
Open a Previously Saved Matrix View
To open a saved Traceability Matrix view:
1 Select File > Open from the Traceability Matrix menu. The Open dialog box is
2 Select the view you want to open.
3 Click Open to display the view, or Cancel to exit without opening the view.
Filtering the Traceability Matrix
You can filter the Traceability Matrix to show specific objects, including requirement,
test, modeling and SCM objects. The filter requirements option allows you to display
information from multiple projects. Requirements from projects to which you do not
have administrative privileges appear on the matrix but are labeled as “secured.”
To filter CaliberRM requirement objects:
1 Select View > Filter from the menu. The Traceability Filter window opens to the
CaliberRM Projects tab.
Chapter 16: Traceability
2 Select the project to appear in the rows, then select the project to appear in the
3 Select the requirement types to appear in the rows, then select the requirement
types to appear in the columns.
The items you select are listed in the Rows Filter and Columns Filter areas at the
bottom of the Traceability Filter window. These are the items that will appear in the
4 Select the Files tab.
5 Select the file types to appear in the rows, then select the file types to appear in the
6 Click OK. The filtered view is displayed.
Modifying Trace Links in the Traceability Matrix
To create, modify or delete traceability links within the Traceability Matrix:
1 Locate the requirements on the matrix that you want to create, modify or delete a
link between.
2 Double-click on the matrix square that corresponds to both requirements. The Trace
dialog box is displayed.
The requirement listed in the From field is the row requirement and the one in the To
field is the column requirement
3 Select the Traces option button to create a trace link.
Select the Suspect Trace option button to make an already active trace suspect.
Select the Does not trace option button to delete a trace link.
4 Click OK to make the change, or Cancel to exit without changing.
If any implied links were created due to the change, they are displayed on the matrix.
5 To save your changes, select File > Save Traceability from the menu.
Printing the Traceability Matrix
When you have finished filtering and rearranging the Traceability Matrix to display only
the data you want to see, you can print a report of that data.
To print the Traceability Matrix:
1 Select File > Print from the Traceability Matrix menu.
162 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
The Traceability Report Setup dialog box is displayed.
2 If you want the report paginated, select the Add Page Breaks check box.
3 If you want to export the report to XML, click Export. The Export Report dialog box
is displayed.
a Enter a File Name.
b Click the Browse button to choose a location in which to save your file.
c Click OK. The file is saved.
4 If you want to preview the report before printing, click the Preview button. The
Matrix is displayed in a browser.
5 Click the Print button. Print using normal Windows printing operations.
Note: To move the information to Microsoft Excel, select (highlight) the text and select
Edit > Copy from the browser menu, then Edit > Paste from the Excel menu. It is not
recommended that you use the Export to Microsoft Excel feature.
Chapter 16: Traceability
164 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Chapter 17
CaliberRM provides three standard requirement HTML reports: Detail, Status, and
Note: CaliberRM also supports the CaliberRM Document Factory, that enables you to
generate customized documents using Word templates. See “Chapter 22: Document
Factory” on page 195 for more information.
To generate a CaliberRM report, select Reports from the CaliberRM menu, then select
the type of report you want to generate.
Detail Report
The Detail report lists the details of selected requirements in the open project or the
details of an individual requirement. Details include: name, description, priority, status,
owner and user-defined attributes. You also have the option to view Discussion and
History information.
To view a Detail report for multiple requirements:
1 Select Reports > Detail from the menu.
C ha pte r 17 : Re port s
The Detail Report Setup dialog box is displayed.
2 Select the requirement type you want to include in the report, or select all types.
3 Select the sort order for the requirements: alphabetically, hierarchically or by tag.
4 If you want requirement Discussions and/or History displayed, select the check
5 To export the report, click the Export button. See “Exporting Reports” on page 168
for detailed information about the Export feature.
To display the report, click Print Preview. The report is displayed in your web
6 Select File > Print from the browser menu and follow normal Windows printing
procedures to print the report.
To view a Detail report for an individual requirement:
1 Select the requirement you want to view details about.
2 Select File > Print from the menu. The Detail Report Setup dialog box is
3 Select the check boxes of the details you want to appear in the report.
4 To export the report, click the Export button. See “Exporting Reports” on page 168
for detailed information about the Export feature.
To display the report, click Print Preview. The report is displayed in your web
5 Select File > Print from the browser menu and follow normal Windows printing
procedures to print the report.
166 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Status Report
The Status report lists all requirements in the project sorted by status.
To view a Status report:
1 Select Reports > Status from the menu. The Requirements by Status Report
Setup dialog box is displayed.
2 Select the primary and secondary sort fields in the drop down lists.
3 If you want to include requirement descriptions, select the Include description field
check box.
4 To export the report, click the Export button. See “Exporting Reports” on page 168
for detailed information about the Export feature.
To display the report, click Print Preview. The report is displayed in your web
5 You can print the report by selecting File > Print from the browser menu and
following normal Windows printing procedures.
Responsibility Report
The Responsibility report lists all requirements in the project and is sorted by
responsible users.
To view a Responsibility report:
1 Select Reports > Responsibility from the menu. The Requirements By
Responsibility Report Setup dialog box is displayed.
C ha pte r 17 : Re port s
2 Click the Include description field check box to include the description text in the
3 If you want to include all CaliberRM users, go to Step 6.
If you want to select specific users, click the Select Users button to display the list
of available users.
4 Select the users you want to include from the Available list.
Note: Use the Shift key to select a range of users, or the Ctrl key to select multiple
users individually.
5 Click the Move Right button.
Note: Click the Move All Right button to move all users to the Available list at once.
6 To export the report, click the Export button. See “Exporting Reports” on page 168
for detailed information about the Export feature.
To display the report, click Print Preview. The report is displayed in your web
7 Select File > Print from the browser menu and follow normal Windows printing
procedures to print the report.
Exporting Reports
To export a report to an .xml file:
1 In the Report Setup dialog box, click the Export button. The Export Report dialog
box is displayed.
2 Enter a File Name.
3 Click the Browse button to choose a location in which to save your file.
4 Click OK. The file is saved.
168 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Group Discussion
Chapter 18
CaliberRM enables project teams to provide feedback on requirements and projects
through the Group Discussion feature. This collaborative feature enables team
members to enter and reply to comments to help define, refine and prioritize
There are two levels of discussions:
Project level discussion messages and replies are stored by project on the project
Discussion tab.
Requirement level discussion messages and replies are stored by requirement on
the requirement Discussion tab.
Project Level Discussion
Project level discussion is available for each project. You can access it by selecting the
project name in the requirement list and clicking the Discussion tab. See “Reading a
Message” on page 171 for more information about reading messages.
Requirement Level Discussion
There are three ways to determine if a requirement has an unread discussion item:
the unread discussion indicator in the requirement tree
the unread discussion list
the unread discussion indicator associated with the message entry on the
Discussion tab
C ha pte r 18 : G ro up Di s c u s s i on
Unread Discussion Indicator
When a requirement has a discussion item that has not been read, an unread
discussion indicator is located to the left of the requirement name in the requirement
list. When you read the message, the indicator disappears.
Unread Discussion List
The unread discussion list is a list of requirements that have unread messages. You
can set CaliberRM to automatically display this list when you open a project.
To set this option:
Select Tools > Options from the CaliberRM menu. The Options dialog box is
1 Select the General tab.
2 Select the Show unread discussions upon loading projects check box.
3 Click OK.
When you open a project in CaliberRM, the Unread Discussions dialog box appears if
there are any unread discussions in the project.
Click the header to sort by
Requirement or Owner.
Click the header in the Unread Discussions dialog box to sort requirements by name
or owner. Select the Only show Requirements that I own check box to see only
those requirements that you own.
To read an unread discussion:
1 Double-click the requirement that contains the message you want to read, or select
the requirement in the list, and click the Select button.
CaliberRM displays the requirement with the unread discussion.
2 Select the Discussion tab and read the message. For information about reading
messages, see “Reading a Message” on page 171.
After reading the message, you can go back to the Unread Discussion List and select
another requirement.
You can turn off this option at any time by clearing the Show unread discussions
upon loading projects check box.
170 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Viewing the Unread Discussion List
If you prefer not to have the unread discussions list display automatically upon opening
a project, you can still view unread discussions.
To view unread discussions at any time while you are logged into a project in
1 Select Tools > Unread Discussions. The Unread Discussion List dialog box is
2 Double-click the message you want to read, or select the message in the list, and
click the Select button.
CaliberRM displays the requirement with the unread discussion.
3 Select the Discussion tab and read the message.
Reading a Message
The Discussion tab displays all messages posted for the selected requirement. You
can sort messages in ascending order by subject, author or date by clicking on the
appropriate header. Clicking a second time sorts messages in descending order.
Unread messages on the Discussion tab have an indicator that is illuminated green.
Once you have read the message, the indicator becomes gray.
To read a message:
1 Click the Discussion tab for the requirement with the unread message.
2 Select the message you want to view from the list displayed. Click the plus sign (+)
or minus sign (-) to the left of the subject to collapse or expand replies.
The text of the message is displayed in the message text area at the bottom of the tab.
Replying to a Message
To reply to a message:
1 Click the Reply button. The New Reply Message dialog box opens with the subject
field filled in automatically.
2 Type your message in the message box.
3 To post your message, select File > Post Message from the New Reply Message
window menu. To exit without posting the message, select File > Close from the
New Reply Message window menu.
Posting a New Message
To post a new message:
1 Select the requirement for which you want to post a message.
2 Click the Discussion tab.
C ha pte r 18 : G ro up Di s c u s s i on
3 Click the Post New button. The New Message dialog box is displayed.
4 Enter a subject in the Subject field.
5 Enter a message in the message box.
6 To post your message, select File > Post Message from the New Message window
menu. To exit without posting the message, select File > Close from the New
Message window menu.
Updating The Message List
When you select a requirement, its group discussion list contains all current messages.
However, if a message is added while you are in the Discussion tab, you may not
automatically receive that message.
To update the message list, click the Refresh button on the Discussion tab.
172 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Document References
Chapter 19
CaliberRM uses Document references to provide additional information for a
requirement. Referenced documents can include a specifications document, meeting
notes, a screen shot or anything else that might be of use in defining or understanding
CaliberRM supports an unlimited number of document references for each
requirement, and can support any file type with an associated application, such as
Word, Excel, Power Point, graphics files, HTML files, URLs so you can reference a
Web site and more. CaliberRM also allows you to enter a text reference, so you can
reference a book, periodical, or anything that is not online.
There are two types of document references. Key references and non-key
references. A key reference might be the source document from which a requirement
is derived. You can link text within the reference to become the requirement
description. Key references must be Word documents. CaliberRM supports Word 97
and 2000. Each requirement can have only one key reference. Non-key references are
simply supporting documents related to the requirement.
You can copy and paste or drag and drop documents from Windows Explorer or
selected Word text onto the References tab in CaliberRM to create new references.
Note: Document References should be stored on the network on a shared drive. Users
can use a mapped network drive or a universal naming convention (UNC) to access
the file.
Creating a Document Reference
To create a document reference for a requirement:
1 Select the requirement for the reference.
C hap te r 19 : D ocu me nt Re fe re nce s
2 Select the References tab.
3 Click the New File button. The Add Reference Files dialog box is displayed.
4 Select the file(s) you would like to add.
Note: If you want to add a file other than a Word document, change the Files of Type
selection to All Files.
5 Click the Add button to add the file(s) to the list.
6 If the reference is a Word or Excel file, you can link to specific text or cells within the
document (see “Linking Text Within a Reference” below).
7 To save your changes, select Requirement > Save Changes from the menu. To
cancel changes, select Requirement > Cancel Changes from the menu.
8 If the Comment dialog box is displayed, enter a comment about the change and
click OK.
Linking Text Within a Reference
When you create a reference to a Word document, CaliberRM allows you to link
directly to text within that document. When you open the document within CaliberRM,
the selected text is displayed automatically, regardless of its location in the document.
The text you select becomes the reference description. If the reference is a Word
document, and is set as a key reference, this text also becomes the requirement
174 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
To link document text within a reference:
1 Click the New File button. When the Add Reference Files dialog box opens,
choose a file and select the Open Immediately option button.
OR, if you want to link text within an existing referenced document,
Double-click the document reference in the list on the References tab.
Word opens in the right window. The CaliberRM toolbar is displayed in the status bar,
making both CaliberRM and Word menus available. See the graphic below for
Word menu
Referenced Document
Note: This works the same for Excel files.
2 Select the text in the document to which you want to link.
3 Select Requirement > New Reference from the menu.
Note: To delete a link to document text, select the linked text and select Requirement
> Delete Reference from the menu. If you delete a link to text in the document, the
reference document is removed from the list.
4 To save the document, select File > Save from the menu.
5 To close the document, select File > Close from the menu.
The text linked to is displayed as the reference description. If the document is an Excel
file, the cells linked to are displayed as the description.
To create multiple links to text in the document, repeat Steps 2 through 4. Each link is
displayed as a separate document reference.
6 To save your changes to the requirement, select Requirement > Save Changes
from the menu. To delete changes, select Requirement > Cancel Changes from
the menu.
7 If the Comment dialog box is displayed, enter a comment about the change and
click OK.
Setting a Document Reference as the Key Reference
When a document reference is set as the key reference, the linked text associated with
that reference automatically becomes the requirement description.
Note: You cannot edit the description when it is a key reference.
C hap te r 19 : D ocu me nt Re fe re nce s
To set a document as the key reference:
1 Right-click on the document on the References tab.
2 Select Set as Key Reference in the pop-up menu.
Note: If another document is set as the key reference, the key reference is
automatically transferred to the document you have selected.
3 To save your changes to the requirement, select Requirement > Save Changes
from the menu. To delete changes, select Requirement > Cancel Changes from
the menu.
4 If the Comment dialog box is displayed, enter a comment about the change and
click OK.
To clear the key reference, right click on the key reference document and select Clear
Key Reference from the pop-up menu and save the change.
Creating a Text or Web Reference
You can add additional information as a text reference for a requirement, or add a web
reference for the requirement on the document references tab.
To create a text or web reference:
1 Select the requirement for the reference.
2 Select the References tab.
3 Click the New Text or New Web button, depending on what you want to create.
4 In the pane at the bottom of the tab, enter the information you want for the
5 For a web reference, place your cursor in the pane and hit the Enter key to open a
browser displaying the web reference.
6 To save your changes to the requirement, select Requirement > Save Changes
from the menu. To delete changes, select Requirement > Cancel Changes from
the menu.
7 If the Comment dialog box is displayed, enter a comment about the change and
click OK.
Creating a Requirement from a Document
CaliberRM allows you to open an existing Word document and create requirements
from the document. This is helpful when there are existing requirement documents you
want to incorporate into a CaliberRM project. When creating a requirement from a
document, several options are available:
creating a requirement with the text specified as a key reference
creating a requirement with the text specified as a non-key reference
creating a requirement without a reference to the document
importing a group of requirements (see “Importing Requirements from Microsoft
Word” on page 235 for more information).
If you have specified the Initial Value of an attribute as Force User To Enter Value,
you will be forced to enter this value for each requirement as it is created, allowing you
to create only one requirement at a time. Have your Administrator temporarily change
the attribute’s Initial Value to Use Default Value or Inherit From Parent before
176 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
creating multiple requirements from a Word document. See page 96 for more
information on this attribute value.
To create a requirement from within a Word document:
1 Select a requirement type or requirement.
Note: The new requirement is created as a child of or inserted before/after the selected
2 Select File > Open Word Document from the menu.
As shown on page 175, Word opens in the right window of CaliberRM, and the menus
and toolbars change to Word menus and toolbars. The CaliberRM toolbar is displayed
in the status bar making both CaliberRM and Word commands available.
3 Select the text to use as the requirement description.
4 To create the requirement, perform one of these steps:
• To create a new requirement without a reference to the document, click the
appropriate Create Requirement button at the bottom left side of the screen.
• To create a new requirement with the selected text as a non-key reference, hold
down the Shift key and click the appropriate Create Requirement button at the
bottom left side of the screen.
• To create a new requirement with the selected text as a key reference, hold
down the Ctrl key and click the appropriate Create Requirement button at the
bottom left side of the screen.
The new requirement is created, and you can create additional links to text within the
5 To save the document, select File > Save from the menu.
6 To close the document, select File > Close from the menu.
The selected text becomes the requirement description. You can finish defining the
requirement (see “Requirements” on page 123).
7 To save your changes to the requirement, select Requirement > Save Changes
from the menu. To delete changes, select Requirement > Cancel Changes from
the menu.
8 If the Comment dialog box is displayed, enter a comment about the change and
click OK.
Viewing Document References
You can view document references in the current baseline, or in a baselined set of
To view a document reference, in a current baseline, simply double-click the reference
on the References tab. If the referenced file is a Word or Excel file, the file opens in the
right window of CaliberRM. The CaliberRM toolbar is displayed in the status bar,
making both CaliberRM and Word or Excel menus available.
All references in a baseline other than the current baseline open outside of CaliberRM.
Other files are opened in the program specified for that file type.
C hap te r 19 : D ocu me nt Re fe re nce s
Modifying a Referenced Document
Modifying a referenced document outside of CaliberRM may affect links. For this
reason, it is recommended that you place all documents related to the project in a
secure directory.
To modify a referenced document:
1 Double-click on the document to modify.
As shown on page 175, Word opens in the right window of CaliberRM, and the menus
and toolbars change to Word menus and toolbars. The CaliberRM toolbar is displayed
in the status bar making both CaliberRM and Word commands available. If the
document is another file type, CaliberRM starts the associated application in a
separate window.
2 Make changes to the document as needed.
3 To save Word or Excel documents, select File > Save from the menu. Save files of
other types within their associated applications.
4 To close Word or Excel documents, select File > Close from the menu. Close other
applications normally.
5 To save your changes to the requirement, select Requirement > Save Changes
from the menu. To delete changes, select Requirement > Cancel Changes from
the menu.
6 If the Comment dialog box is displayed, enter a comment about the change and
click OK.
Deleting a Document Reference
Note: Deleting a document reference does not delete the document itself, just the link
to it.
To delete a document reference:
1 Select the document reference to remove.
2 Click the Remove button on the References tab, or right-click on the document and
select Remove in the pop-up menu.
A message is displayed verifying that you want to delete the reference.
3 Click Yes to delete the reference, or No to save it.
4 To save your changes to the requirement, select File > Save Changes from the
menu. To delete changes, select Requirement > Cancel Changes from the menu.
5 If the Comment dialog box is displayed, enter a comment about the change and
click OK.
178 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Chapter 20
Baselines allow you to label a set of requirements at specific versions. Baselining is an
optional feature. You must have baseline administrator privileges to create, manage
and delete baselines. For instructions on making a user a baseline administrator, see
page 50.
CaliberRM also features the Electronic Signature for Baselines functionality. This
optional feature allows certain users, called signatories, to electronically sign a locked
baseline by entering login credentials. For more information on this feature, see
page 185.
You can view baseline information in the Framework Administrator. Select the project
that contains the baselines you want to view and select the Project Baselines tab.
The tab displays information about each baseline:
Baseline Name: The name of the baseline.
Initialization Date: The date and time the baseline was initialized. Dates are
displayed using the CaliberRM appearance setting for date format. To change the
appearance, select Tools > Options > Appearance tab.
Last Modified Date: The date and time of the last modification made to the
Lock Status: Indicates if the baseline is locked or unlocked. Only a baseline
administrator can modify an unlocked baseline. You cannot manage or unlock a
locked baseline.
Date Locked: The date and time the baseline was locked.
C ha pt er 2 0: Bas e l i ne s
Creating a Project Baseline
Creating a baseline defines the baseline’s characteristics, not its contents.
You can create baselines in CaliberRM or the Framework Administrator.
Creating a Baseline in CaliberRM
In CaliberRM, you must be a baseline administrator to create baselines.
To create a baseline in CaliberRM:
1 Select File > Baseline Administration > New Baseline. The New Baseline dialog
box is displayed.
For each baseline, there are three tabs that contain information about the baseline:
Properties, Signatories, and Signature Meaning.
2 On the Properties tab, enter a name and description for the baseline.
3 If you want all users that are assigned or interested in a requirement to receive
email notification when that requirement is added to or removed from the baseline,
select the Send Baseline Maintenance Change Notifications via Email check
Note: The Lock Baseline check box is disabled when creating a new baseline. It only
becomes enabled after you initialize the baseline. See “Initializing a Baseline” on
page 183.
4 Select the Signatories tab.
180 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Note: Baseline signatories are only required if you are using the Electronic Signature
for Baselines feature. For information, see “Electronic Signatures for Baselines” on
page 185.
The tab displays a list of people, called signatories, who can sign a locked baseline.
5 Click Modify to add users to the list. The Add Baseline Signatories dialog box is
6 Select the users you want to add as signatories for the baseline:
• To select signatories from existing members of the project, select the Members
of this baseline’s project option button.
• To select from signatories in an existing baseline, select the Signatories of the
following baseline option button. The baseline drop-down list is enabled.
Select the baseline that contains the signatories you want to add to the new
The top pane contains all members of the project or existing signatories from an
existing baseline. From this list, select the check box next to the users names’ you
want to add as signatories. The bottom pane provides a preview of the signatory list.
Note: Use the Shift key to select a range of users, or the Ctrl key to select additional
7 Click OK.
8 Select the Signature Meaning tab.
Note: This step is only required if you are using the Electronic Signature for Baselines
feature. See “Electronic Signatures for Baselines” on page 185 for more information on
this feature.
Each baseline has attached to it a list of signature meanings for electronic signatures.
Each baseline must contain at least one signature meaning value. When a user “signs”
a baseline, s/he selects a signature meaning for the signature. The default signature
meaning is Approved. All existing baselines created prior to version 5.1 receive the
Approved signature meaning, and all new baselines default to the Approved
signature meaning.
Note: The Approved signature meaning does not appear in the list until you select OK.
9 To create a new signature meaning, select a signature meaning in the list, and click
either the Insert Before or Insert After button.
10 Enter a name for the signature meaning in the blank list entry. Select a signature
meaning and click the Move Up or Move Down button to rearrange signature
meanings in the list.
C ha pt er 2 0: Bas e l i ne s
Click here to
create a new
You can also
click here.
Note: To delete a signature meaning, select the signature meaning in the list and click
the Delete button. You must have at least one signature meaning. CaliberRM does not
allow you to delete the last remaining signature meaning from the list.
11 You can also import the signature meaning list from another baseline. To do so,
click the Import button. The Import Signature Meanings dialog box is displayed.
12 Select a baseline from the drop-down list.
13 Click OK.
14 Click OK to save the new baseline.
15 Click the Save button to save the project. The New Baseline window closes
automatically and the new baseline is listed in the Baseline drop-down list on the
Creating a Baseline in Framework Administrator
To create a baseline in the Framework Administrator:
1 Select View > Projects from the menu.
2 Select the project for which you want to add a baseline.
3 Click the Project Baselines tab.
4 Click the New button. The New Baseline dialog box is displayed.
5 Complete Steps 2-15, starting on page 180.
182 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Initializing a Baseline
Once you have created a baseline, you must initialize it. That is, you have to populate
the baseline with requirement information. You must be a baseline administrator to
initialize a baseline.
To initialize a baseline:
1 In CaliberRM, select a new baseline from the Baseline drop-down list or select
File > Open Baseline from the menu. The Initialize a Baseline dialog box is
2 Select the desired baseline to initialize from the Starting point drop-down list.
3 If you want to baseline the current state of the project without performing baseline
maintenance, click OK.
If you want to perform baseline maintenance, select the Proceed to baseline
maintenance after pressing OK check box, then proceed to the section “Modifying
a Baseline” on page 183.
Note: When a baseline is initialized or modified, traceability, references, and discussion
are not baselined.
Modifying a Baseline
In CaliberRM, you can add or remove requirements from a baseline, or change the
version of a requirement associated with a baseline. You must be a baseline
administrator to modify a baseline.
Note: Some baselines may have been locked. For security reasons, you cannot modify
locked baselines.
To modify a baseline:
1 Initialize a baseline as described above.
2 Select File > Baseline Administration > Baseline Maintenance from the
CaliberRM menu.
C ha pt er 2 0: Bas e l i ne s
The Baseline Maintenance window is displayed. It contains the requirement tree with
check boxes next to the requirements contained in the baseline.
3 Select or clear requirements as desired. Selected requirements are included in the
baseline. A check indicates the requirement is selected.
Note: You can also select a different version of a requirement by right-clicking on it and
changing the version number to the version you intend to baseline.
4 Click the Save button in the Baseline Maintenance window to save your modified
Note: When a baseline is initialized or modified, traceability, references, and discussion
are not baselined.
Locking a Baseline
Once you lock a baseline, you cannot unlock it. The Lock Baseline check box
becomes disabled once you select it.
Once you have completed all baseline maintenance, you can lock a baseline. Once
you lock a baseline, you cannot make modifications to it. However, signatories can sign
the baseline, modify signatures, and assign meanings to it once it is locked. You must
be a baseline administrator to lock a baseline.
To lock a baseline:
1 In CaliberRM, select a baseline from the Baseline drop-down list.
2 Select File > Baseline Administration > Baseline Properties from the menu. The
Baseline Properties dialog box is displayed.
3 On the Properties tab, select the Lock Baseline check box. The Lock Baseline
warning is displayed.
4 Click Yes to lock the baseline, or No to cancel the action.
5 Click OK. The baseline is locked and the Lock Baseline check box becomes
When a baseline is locked, all signatories for the baseline receive email notification
informing them the baseline is ready to be signed. Signatories added after a baseline is
locked also receive notification.
Deleting a Baseline
You must be a baseline administrator to delete a baseline. You cannot delete a locked
184 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Note: You must clear the requirements and requirement types from the baseline before
you can delete the baseline. This is accomplished using baseline modification. See
“Modifying a Baseline” on page 183.
To delete a baseline:
1 In the Framework Administrator, select View > Projects from the menu.
2 Select the project that contains the baseline you want to delete.
3 Click the Project Baselines tab. The baseline list is displayed.
4 Select the baseline you want to delete. The Delete button becomes enabled.
5 Click the Delete button. A message is displayed verifying that you want to delete the
6 Click Yes to delete the baseline, or click No to keep the baseline.
7 Click the Save button to preserve the deletion.
Electronic Signatures for Baselines
Baseline signatures are the electronic equivalent of a “sign off sheet” that is used to
approve a set of requirements prior to development work taking place.
Baseline signature functionality is accessed using the CaliberRM Tools > Baseline
Signatures menu item.
Selecting this menu item displays the Baseline Signatures window.
From this window, you can view details about a signed baseline, add a new signature,
view and print signature reports, and compare baselines.
Depending on the status of the signature, the signatures are displayed in various colors
and font styles:
If you have signed the baseline, your signature entry is the window text color,
usually black. You can double-click the entry to view signature details.
If you have not signed the baseline your signature entry is the window’s text color
and bold. You can double-click the entry to add your signature.
If another user has not signed the baseline, his/her signature entry is gray and bold.
If another user has signed the baseline, his/her signature entry is the window text
color, usually black.
C ha pt er 2 0: Bas e l i ne s
Adding a Signature
To sign a baseline:
1 In CaliberRM, select a baseline from the Baseline drop-down list, or select
File > Open Baseline from the menu.
2 Select Tools > Baseline Signatures from the CaliberRM menu. The Baseline
Signatures window is displayed.
3 Click the Add Signature button.
Note: The Add Signature button is only enabled if the baseline is locked and you are a
signatory for the baseline.
The New Signature dialog box is displayed.
4 If you want to add or change your title, enter it in the Title box.
5 Assign a Signature Meaning to the signature using the drop-down list.
6 In the Authentication section, verify your User ID and enter your Password.
7 If you want to add a comment, enter it in the Comment box. The maximum length
allowed for a comment is 5000 characters.
8 Click OK. The Baseline Signature warning dialog box is displayed, verifying that
you want to sign the baseline.
9 If you do not want to receive the warning in the future, select the Do not show this
warning in the future check box.
10 Click OK. Your signature now appears in the Baseline Signatures window.
Signatories can sign a baseline multiple times, however, once a signature is added you
cannot replace or delete it.
186 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Signature Details
You can view the details of baseline signatures using the Details button in the
Baseline Signatures window. Select a signed baseline in the list and click the Details
button to display the Baseline Signature window.
The window displays information about the baseline, such as the project, the version of
the baseline, and dates the baseline was initialized, locked and signed. It also displays
signature information such as the signatory, the signatory’s title, signature meaning
and comments.
Signature Reports
Select the Signature Report button in the Baseline Signatures window to view a
report of a baseline’s signatures. The report is launched in your web browser.
The report is sorted using the same sort order as the signature list in the Baseline
Signatures window.
C ha pt er 2 0: Bas e l i ne s
You can also view signature information in reports using the CaliberRM Document
Factory. See page 205 for more information on this feature.
Comparing Baselines
You can compare baselines to review baseline changes or project progress.
To compare two baselines:
1 Select Tools > Compare Baselines from the CaliberRM menu. The Compare
Baselines dialog box is displayed.
Note: You can also select Tools > Baseline Signatures, then click the Compare
Baselines button in the Baseline Signatures window to access the Compare
Baselines dialog box.
2 Select the two baselines you want to compare from the respective drop-down lists.
3 Click OK. A comparison of the baselines is displayed in an .html file, shown below.
4 To show the requirements in a grid, select the Show Grid check box.
5 You can select one of three ways to view the data:
• Show Baseline Comparison: Displays differences according to the hierarchical
structure of the requirements.
• Show Only Baseline Differences Grouped by Requirement Type: Displays
differences by requirement type.
188 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
• Show Only Baseline Differences Grouped by Difference Type: Displays
differences by difference type.
• Missing: A requirement exists in one baseline, but not the other.
• Moved: A requirement has been moved.
• Moved and Versioned: A requirement has been moved and is a different
• Versioned: A requirement is a different version.
6 Select File > Print and follow normal Windows printing procedures to print the
C ha pt er 2 0: Bas e l i ne s
190 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Requirement Viewer
Chapter 21
Drag-and-Drop File Creation
CaliberRM allows you to use a drag-and-drop operation to create a file shortcut from a
requirement. Drag a requirement outside of the requirement tree window and drop it
into any window that accepts an Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) file (for
example, Microsoft Word or a web browser such as Internet Explorer or Netscape
Navigator, etc.) to create the file shortcut.
The file created is associated with the RM icon and has the requirement’s name as the
file name and a .crm file name extension.
The file contains the ServerName, ProjectID and RequirementID.
You can also use a drag-and-drop operation to move a previously created .crm file into
a project. To move a .crm file, click on the file and drag and drop it into the desired
location in the requirement tree.
Select Tools > Options from the CaliberRM menu and modify the file location
specified on the Clipboard tab to select the directory in which the file is placed.
Note: Depending on where the file is dropped, you can create a link to the location
where the .crm file was actually created (that is, the destination location on the
Clipboard tab).The Windows Temp Directory is the default location for the .crm files.
When you double-click on a .crm file, CaliberRM is launched and the requirement is
displayed. You can also reassociate your .crm files to automatically launch the
Requirement Viewer.
Requirement Viewer
Requirement Viewer is a utility that can open a .crm file and provides a “quick view” of
a requirement.
Note: Although it is not necessary to log in as a CaliberRM client to use Requirement
Viewer, you must be logged on to the CaliberRM server where the .crm file is located.
C hap te r 21 : R eq uirem ent Vie we r
Starting Requirement Viewer
To launch the Requirement Viewer:
1 Navigate to the location where you installed CaliberRM. The default location is C:\
Program Files\Borland\CaliberRM.
2 Locate the CaliberRMViewer.exe file and double-click it. The Requirement Viewer
window is displayed.
3 Open a .crm file by selecting File > Open Requirement.
4 The Open dialog box is displayed. Navigate to the location of the .crm file you want
to open. Click Open.
5 If you are not logged on to CaliberRM, you are prompted to do so.
When the selected file opens, the requirement information is displayed.
From this window, you can:
Select File > Open New Requirement to open a requirement file.
Click the Login button to log in to CaliberRM.
Click the UDAs button, or select View > Expanded from the menu to view a
requirement’s user-defined attributes.
Click the Launch CaliberRM button, or select File > Launch CaliberRM to start
CaliberRM. CaliberRM opens and displays the project containing the specified
requirement and the requirement selected.
192 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Click the Refresh button, or select Tools > Refresh to refresh the requirement
Click the Help button to launch the CaliberRM Help System.
Select File > Print Requirement to print the requirement. The requirement is
displayed in a browser, from which you can print the requirement using standard
Windows printing procedures.
Select File > Print > Page Setup to launch your default HTML editor so you can set
up how you want your requirements to appear before you print them.
C hap te r 21 : R eq uirem ent Vie we r
194 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Document Factory
Chapter 22
The CaliberRM Document Factory enables you to generate any type of up-to-date,
customized specifications documents using Microsoft Word templates. In Word, you
can create templates containing fields that correspond to CaliberRM requirement
attributes. You can then use the CaliberRM Document Factory to populate the template
with data from any project. Using filter criteria in the template fields, you can even
specify what requirement data is included in the document. Document Factory
generates .doc, .txt and .rtf files.
How Document Factory Works
The first step in generating a Document Factory document is to create a Microsoft
Word template. Templates contain any printable data you want to appear in the
document including column headers, labels and page numbers. Templates also
contain Document Factory commands, keywords and operators.
Commands control the selection, order and grouping of the requirements in the
Keywords are placeholders that correspond to CaliberRM project and requirement
information. They specify the data that is put into the document. You must enter
them in a template exactly as they appear in CaliberRM.
Operators allow you to apply very specific criteria when searching for groups of
You can format your template to create the look you desire including tables of contents,
headers and footers and page numbers. You can apply most character and paragraph
formatting available in Word to the entire template, including the keywords. When the
template is complete, you can run Document Factory to populate the template with
data from a project.
Note: The CaliberRM Document Factory uses the font specified in the template setup
for non-explicit text, but the font specified In CaliberRM for any explicit text. See
“Formatting Text” on page 125 for more information on non-explicit and explicit text.
There are several sample templates included with CaliberRM. If installed, they are
located at C:\Program Files\Borland\CaliberRM\Samples (or wherever you installed
CaliberRM). There are also many sample templates and output in “Document Factory
Sample Templates and Outputs” on page 273.
C ha pte r 22 : D ocu me nt F acto r y
Document Factory uses a set of special commands referred to as $Commands to
populate and format the document. The $Commands are non-printing and do not
appear in the completed document. Some commands, like $Begin_list/$End_list, are
used in pursuant process lists of information, such as a list of traceability links or a list
of users responsible for a requirement. $Commands alone do not place data in the
document. You must use them in conjunction with keywords.
Note: $Commands are not case sensitive, and uppercase letters are not required for
proper operation; however, adopting a formatting style and using it consistently adds to
the readability of your templates.
page 197
Specifies the project name for the
page 197
Specifies the baseline to use for the
page 197
A command loop used to include baseline
signature information. Used with signature
page 198
Marks the beginning of a section. Most
commands must be enclosed in a
page 198
Marks the end of a section. Must be used
page 199
Specifies that only data that meets the
criteria specified by its arguments is
included in the section.
$SORT{ }
page 200
Specifies the order requirements are
page 201
Specifies the maximum number of levels a
section will be indented.
page 201
Specifies how far, in inches, each level is
page 201
A command loop used with keywords to
produce lists. Data is pre-formatted. Must
be used with $END_LIST.
page 201
Marks the end of a list. Must be used with
page 202
A command loop used with history revision
keywords. Allows you to format the data.
Must be used with $END_HISTORY.
page 202
Marks the end of the history revision loop.
Must be used with $BEGIN_HISTORY.
Valid only
if $BEGIN_
is used
page 202
A command loop used with history
changes keywords. Allows you to format
the data. Must be used with
page 202
Marks the end of the history changes loop.
Must be used with $BEGIN_CHANGES.
page 202
A command loop used with the traceability
keywords. Allows you to format the data.
Must be used with $END_TRACES.
page 202
Marks the end of the traceability loop. Must
be used with $BEGIN_TRACES.
page 203
Performs calculations on specified
196 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
page 204
A command loop used to format
requirement discussion data. Used with
discussion keywords. Must be used with
page 204
Marks the end of the requirement
discussion loop. Must be used with
page 204
A command loop used to format project
discussion data. Used with discussion
keywords. Must be used with
page 204
Marks the end of the project discussion
loop. Must be used with
page 205
A command loop used to include glossary
information. Used with glossary keywords.
Must be used with $END_GLOSSARY.
page 205
Marks the end of the glossary loop. Must
be used with $BEGIN_GLOSSARY.
page 205
A command loop used to apply a
Requirement Grid filter within a section.
$Project{ }
This command specifies the project to be used for the document. If you are creating a
project-specific template, you may want to include this command in your template. If
you do not include this command in your template, Document Factory prompts you to
choose a project. The project name must appear the same as it does in the project
drop-down list.
Note: You can only specify one project in a template.
$PROJECT{Order Processing}
$Baseline{ }
This command specifies the baseline used in the document. If a baseline is not
specified, the current version of requirements is used. If you specify a baseline, it must
be initialized in CaliberRM before Document Factory can reference it. The name must
appear as it does in the Baseline drop-down list.
$BASELINE{Version 1.0}
You can include baseline signature information in Document Factory using these
commands in conjunction with baseline keywords. You should only use the
$Begin_Signatures/$End_Signatures command outside of a $Begin_Section/
$End_Section loop. See page 213 for a list of $Begin_Signatures/$End_Signatures
The syntax is shown on the following page.
C ha pte r 22 : D ocu me nt F acto r y
<<first_name>><<last_name>>, <<title>>
These commands are used together to specify a section. A section typically contains a
set of requirements of the same requirement type, but sections can be based on other
criteria as well. The arguments in the $Filter command determine the group of
requirements included in a section. If you do not filter on a particular set of
requirements, Document Factory uses all requirements in the project. The keywords
that can be used in a section are listed on page 206.
Rules about a section
A template can contain many sections; however, you can not have a section within a
All $Commands except $Project, $Baseline, and $Begin_Signatures/
$End_Signatures must be used within in a $Begin_Section/$End_Section
There can be only one instance of each type of command in a section.
$FILTER{type = ‘Business Requirements’}
$CALCULATE{keyword1 * keyword2 as result}
198 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
$Filter{ }
The $Filter command is used to specify the group of requirements included in a
section. It must be the first command in the section. If no $Filter is used, Document
Factory includes all requirements in the project.
$Filter commands are expressed as:
expression1 compare operator expression2 where:
Expression1 is one of the following keywords:
user-defined attributes
Compare operator is one of the following operators:
priority = high
Greater than
risk > 50
Less than
number of days < 30
Greater than or equal to
risk >= 75
Less than or equal to
total time <= 10
Not equal to
owner <> asmith
Matches a pattern
name like *xxx*
Not Like
Does not match a pattern
tag not like ‘BR’
In a range
limit between 10 and 50
Not Between
Not within a range
total not between 5 and 10
In a set
number in (‘1,2,3)
Not In
Not in a set
serial not in (88,89,90)
Expression2 is a keyword value expressed as:
Text string: expressed as ‘Business Requirements’
Numbers: integers or float expressed as Number of Days = 50
Dates: expressed as date = #11-22-01#
Boolean: expressed as yes or no, no quotes
You can use wild cards in searches that use the like condition. The wild card
characters are listed below:
% (percent sign)
A string of characters of any
length, or possibly no
characters. Also used to
represent multiple characters.
ser% – String beginning with ser
_ (underscore)
One character
_ _ _ d – Four characters ending
with a d
‘ ’ (single quote)
One digit
Name like ‘ digit year
Range of characters
[m-s] – String starting with a letter
between m and s
C ha pte r 22 : D ocu me nt F acto r y
Outside a range of characters
[!m-s] – String starting with a letter
before m and after s.
[%] or [ _ ] or [#]
Placing a special character in
brackets means to take it
literally rather than giving it a
special meaning
You can combine search conditions by using the following logical operators:
and – both expressions must be true to return a value
or – either condition must be true to return a value
$FILTER{type = ‘Business Requirements’}
Other examples of $Filter commands are shown below:
$FILTER{priority = ‘high’}
$FILTER{status <> ‘accepted’}
$FILTER{priority = ‘high’ and status = ‘accepted’}
$FILTER{owner = ‘smith’ or owner = ‘abaker’}
$FILTER{date = #11-22-01# and status = ‘accepted’}
$FILTER{risk between 50 and 100}
$Sort{ }
The $Sort command determines the order in which requirements appear in a section.
Keywords used as arguments in the $Sort command can be labeled as ASC for
ascending order or DESC for descending order. Ascending is assumed if neither is
$FILTER{type = ‘Business Requirements’}
The $Sort command can also be used as shown in the examples below:
$SORT{priority, start date, owner}
$SORT{priority ASC, start date DESC}
200 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
If multiple arguments are used in the sort list, requirements are sorted first by the first
argument in the list. If there are multiple requirements meeting that criteria, they are
then sorted by the second argument, and so on.
The following keywords can be used in a sort command:
user-defined attributes
Note: You cannot sort on: description, validation, references, responsibility, traces,
text-field UDAs, User List UDA, Group List UDA or Multiple Selection List UDA.
$Indention_Level{ } and $Indention_Size{ }
If $Indention_Level is specified, requirements in the section are indented according to
their hierarchy in the tree. $Indention_Level specifies the maximum levels deep the
section is indented. $Indention_Size specifies how many inches each indent is. Since
projects may contain many hierarchical levels, it is a good idea to limit the number of
indents. You can only use these commands in conjunction with a $Sort{hierarchy}
$FILTER{type = ‘Business Requirements’}
The $Begin_List/$End_List command provides a pre-formatted display of data that
appears in list format in CaliberRM. This applies to <<references>>,
<<responsibilities>>, and Multiple Selection User-Defined Attributes. Using these
keywords without enclosing them between the $Begin_List/$End_List commands
results in the data presented in a comma delimited format. The keywords used with this
command are listed on page 208.
Note: You can format the information with bolding, underlining, etc.
C ha pte r 22 : D ocu me nt F acto r y
$Begin_History/$End_History and $Begin_Changes/
A history record contains two sets of lists: a list of revisions and a list of changes for
each revision. Two command loops are required to process the lists in the history
record. $Begin_History/$End_History instructs Document Factory to loop through the
history revision list, while $Begin_Changes/$End_Changes loops through the list of
changes for each revision. Using this set of commands, you can customize the content
and the look of the history data in your document. The keywords used with these
commands are listed on page 209.
$FILTER{type = ‘Business Requirements’}
Changed Field:<<field_changed>>
From:<<from_value>> To:<<to_value>>
$Begin_Traces/$End_Traces( )
You can customize the content and the look of the traceability data in your document
using the $Begin_Traces/$End_Traces command.
$Begin_Traces/$End_Traces takes a string of identifiers that specify the trace and
object types you want to be include in the document. There are three categories of
Trace direction: to or from traces
Trace type: direct or implied
Object type: requirement, TestDirector (to traces only), Select Enterprise and SCM
The option string can contain a combination of identifiers. The identifiers can be in any
order and separated by any type of separator.
The table below details the trace identifiers.
To traces
From traces
Direct traces
Direct and implied traces
Requirement objects
202 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
TestDirector sets
TestDirector tests
TestDirector test in set objects
TestDirector step objects
TestDirector step in set objects
Select Enterprise Business Process
Select Enterprise Package Objects
Select Enterprise Class Objects
Select Enterprise Class Method
Select Enterprise Use Case Objects
SCM objects
All objects
If no option string is supplied, Document Factory assumes the following default:
$Begin_Traces(To_Traces,From_Traces,Direct_Traces, All_Objects)
The data extracted for each object is determined by the keywords used within the
command. The applicable keywords are listed on page 209.
$Calculate{ }
The $Calculate command instructs Document Factory to perform a mathematical
calculation on the specified keywords. You must format the arguments to $Calculate as
keyword1 [*+-/] keyword2 as result. Keyword1 and keyword2 are separated by an
operator (multiply [*], add [+], subtract [-], divide[/]), then the word “as” followed by the
result. Result is any name that you want to use. It can then be used elsewhere in the
document like a keyword to display the results of the calculation.
You can only use one $Calculate command in a section, but you can specify several
calculations in one $Calculate command separated by commas.
$CALCULATE{days + overtime hours as total_time}
Number of hours: <<total_time>>
C ha pte r 22 : D ocu me nt F acto r y
You can format the content of your requirement discussion information using the
$Begin_Discussions/$End_Discussions command and certain keywords. You can also
use the $Indention_Level and $Indention_Size for indenting discussions. See
page 210 for a list of $Begin_Discussions/$End_Discussions keywords.
$FILTER{type = 'Functional Requirements'}
<<hierarchy>><<name>>( <<tag>><<id_number>>)
Project Discussions:
Tag: <<discussion_req_tag>>
Subject: <<subject>>
From: <<from>>
Is Read: <<is_read>>
Date: <<discussion_date>>
Body: <<body>>
You can format the content of your project discussion information using the
$Begin_Project_Discussions/$End_Project_Discussions command and certain
keywords. You can also use the $Indention_Level and $Indention_Size for indenting
discussions. See page 211for a list of $Begin_Project_Discussions/
$End_Project_Discussions keywords.
Note: The $Begin_Project_Discussions/$End_Project_Discussions command does not
have to be used in a $Begin_Section/$End_Section.
$PROJECT{Order Processing}
Project name: <<project>>
Project description:
Project Discussions:
Subject: <<subject>>
From: <<from>>
Is Read: <<is_read>>
Date: <<discussion_date>>
Body: <<body>>
204 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
You can format the content of your glossary information using the $Begin_Glossary/
$End_Glossary command and certain keywords. See page 212 for a list of
$Begin_Glossary/$End_Glossary keywords.
$PROJECT{Order Processing}
User name:
Project name: <<project>>
Project description: <<project_description>>
Term: <<Term>> Definition: <<Definition>>
You can apply a Requirement Grid filter to your Document Factory reports using the
$RGVFile command. If a $Filter command is used in the same section as the $RGVFile
command, Document Factory combines the two queries. If a $Sort command is used in
the same section as the $RGVFile command, the resulting document will display data
from both commands, in an order determined by which command is used first in the
When using the $RGVFile command, you do not need to specify the project in the
template. Document Factory will use the project specified in the .rgv file you are using.
If you do specify a project in the template, it must be the same project in the .rgv file.
$RGVFILE{C:\Program Files\Borland\CaliberRM\All Requirements.rgv}
<<hierarchy>><<name>>( <<tag>><<id_number>>)
Keywords are placeholders in the template that correspond to specific fields in a
CaliberRM project. Document Factory replaces the keyword in the template with the
actual data from its corresponding field. Some keywords correspond to a single entry,
while others correspond to lists of data. Keywords must be enclosed by brackets, e.g.
Keywords are also used as arguments to some $Commands. When used as
arguments, keywords are not enclosed in brackets.
Note: User-defined attributes that have names identical to CaliberRM keywords cannot
be used in a document. To avoid conflicts, these keywords should not be used as
attribute names.
C ha pte r 22 : D ocu me nt F acto r y
Global Keywords
The following keywords are global, meaning they can be used anywhere in the
document, including headers and footers:
The name of the project
The description of the project
The ID of the user creating the document
The graphic below shows how the global keywords relate to the fields in CaliberRM.
$Begin_Section/$End_Section Keywords
The following keywords are requirement-specific. You can only use these in a section.
The requirement type
The requirement hierarchy number
The unique ID number
The requirement status
The requirement priority
The requirement description
The requirement type tag
The requirement name
The project version number
The requirement owner
The validation procedure
<<UDA Name>>
Any user-defined attribute; you must enter
these exactly as they appear in CaliberRM
<<Calculated Field Name>>
Result of a $Calculate command
All history data for a requirement
All traceability data for a requirement
The drive, directory and the file link for all the
document references assigned to a
The list of all users responsible for the
206 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
The userid of the user who created the
The date/time that the requirement was
The graphic below shows how some of the $Begin_Section/$End_Section keywords
relate to the fields in CaliberRM.
F. <<description>>
G. <<name>>
H. <<version>>
I. <<owner>>
J. <<tag>>
$Begin_Signatures/$End_Signatures Keywords
You can only use these keywords within the $Begin_Signatures/$End_Signatures
command loop.
The <<signatures>> keyword used alone produces a pre-formatted list of baseline
signatures formatted as:
<<signature_date>><<signature_time>><<first_name>><<last name>><<meaning>>
the signatory’s title
the signatory’s first name
the signatory’s last name
the signatory’s user ID
the signature meaning
the signatory’s comments
the date the baseline was signed
the time the baseline was signed
C ha pte r 22 : D ocu me nt F acto r y
The graphic below shows how the $Begin_Signatures/$End_Signatures keywords
relate to fields in CaliberRM.
G, H
$Begin_List/$End_List Keywords
The following keywords are used to generate lists of information.
Used within a $Begin_List/$End_List
command; extracts the document reference list
for a requirement, found on the References
The keyword is used within a $Begin_List/
$End_List command; extracts the
responsibilities list for a requirement; found on
the Responsibilities tab.
Multiple Selection UserDefined Attributes
Any multiple selection user-defined attribute
can be used in a $Begin_List/$End_List
$Begin_History/$End_History Keywords
The <<history>> keyword extracts all history data for a requirement.
$Begin_History/$End_History scans each entry in the revision list and extracts data for
the keywords specified in the template.
These keywords can only be used within the $Begin_History/$End_History command
Major version number
Minor version number
Date of the change
Time of the change
208 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Logon ID of user who made the change
First and last name of user who made the
Reason for the change
$Begin_Changes/$End_Changes Keywords
$Begin_Changes/$End_ Changes scans each entry in the changes list and extracts
data for the keywords specified in the template.
These keywords can only be used within the $Begin_Changes/$End_Changes
command loop.
Attribute - what changed
Old attribute value
Current attribute value
The graphic below shows how the $Begin_History/$End_History and
$Begin_Changes/$End_Changes keywords relate to the fields on the History tab in
E, F
A, B C, D
A. << major_version>>
B. <<minor_version>>
C. <<datestamp>>
D. <<timestamp>>
E. <<userid>>
F. <<user_name>>
G. <<comment>>
H. <<field changed>>
I. <<from_value>>
J. <<to_value>>
Revision List
Changes List
$Begin_Traces/$End_Traces Keywords
The <<traces>> keyword extracts all trace data for a requirement.
The following keywords are used to extract and format specific data. You can only use
these within a $Begin_Traces/$End_Traces command.
Tag number of trace to or from object
Name of trace to or from object
C ha pte r 22 : D ocu me nt F acto r y
Indicates whether the trace is suspect
Indicates pass/fail status (TD Only)
Indicates whether the trace is a direct or
implied trace
Indicates the direction of the trace
The project in which the requirement being
linked to or from is located
The graphics below show how the commands and keywords for traceability relate to
the traceability fields in CaliberRM on the Traceability tab and in the Traceability
The <<traces>>
keyword extracts all
trace data for a
$End_Traces scans
each entry and
extracts data for the
keywords specified
in the template.
$Begin_Discussions/$End_Discussions Keywords
The <<discussions>> keyword extracts the list of all requirement discussions. Data
includes the requirement tag, discussion subject, the user who initiated the discussion
and the discussion date.
210 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Note: You do not have to use the <<discussions>> keyword within a
$Begin_Discussions/$End_Discussions command loop.
The following keywords are used to extract and format specific data. You can only use
them within a $Begin_Discussions/$End_Discussions command.
the requirement identifier; includes the type
tag and id
the subject of the discussion
user who initiated the discussion
indicates if current user has read the
date the discussion was saved
the message text of the discussion
$Begin_Project_Discussions/$End_Project _Discussions
The <<project_discussions>> keyword extracts the list of all project discussions. Data
includes the discussion subject, the user who initiated the discussion and the
discussion date.
Note: You do not have to use the <<project_discussions>> keyword does not have to
be used within a $Begin_Project_Discussions/$End_Project_Discussions command
The keywords below are used to extract and format specific data. You can only use
them within a $Begin_Project_Discussions/$End_Project_Discussions command loop.
the subject of the discussion
user who initiated the discussion
indicates if current user has read the
date the discussion was saved
the message text of the discussion
The graphics on the following page show how the commands and keywords for
discussions relate to fields in CaliberRM.
C ha pte r 22 : D ocu me nt F acto r y
*applies to requirement discussions only
$Begin_Glossary/$End_Glossary Keywords
The <<glossary>> keyword extracts a pre-formatted list of glossary information. This
keyword outputs all glossaries assigned to the selected project in their specified order.
Data includes glossary terms and their definitions.
Note: You should not use the <<glossary>> keyword within a $Begin_Section/
$End_Section command loop.
Note: You do not have to use the <<glossary>> keyword within a $Begin_Glossary/
$End_Glossary command loop.
The following keywords are used to extract and format specific data. You can only use
them within a $Begin_Glossary/$End_Glossary command.
the name of the glossary
the term
the term’s definition
212 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
The graphic below show how the commands and keywords for glossaries relate to
fields in CaliberRM.
Creating Tables in Document Factory
Once you are familiar with commands, keywords, and creating Document Factory
templates, you may want to include more complex formatting, such as tables. Tables
provide a neat, efficient way to display your output data. You can add tables to your
templates to include tables in your Document Factory documents.
1 Start with a simple template, like the example shown below.
2 Place your cursor before $End_Section. Select Table > Insert > Table from the
menu. Add a two row table with three columns.
C ha pte r 22 : D ocu me nt F acto r y
3 Add $Begin_Section through $Sort (including the space after $Sort) to the first
column of the second row.
From this
to this
4 Add column headings and corresponding attribute keywords, as displayed in the
graphic below. In the example, <<name>>, <<status>> and <<description>> are
Note: The column headings and attributes are highlighted only to show you where they
are placed.
5 Select Tools > Options from the menu. On the View tab, under Formatting Marks,
select the Paragraph marks check box.
6 Click OK.
7 Highlight the paragraph mark after the $Sort statement. Select Format > Font from
the menu. On the Font tab, under Effects, select the Hidden check box.
8 Click OK. The <<name>> keyword moves up to the $Sort line.
Note: If you do not hide the last paragraph mark, each requirement is printed in a single
row table.
9 Repeat Step 5 to hide the remaining paragraph marks.
10 Select the entire first (heading) row and select Table > Heading Rows Repeat from
the menu. This ensures that each new page has a heading row.
11 Select the second row and select Table > Table Properties from the menu. On the
Row tab, make sure that the Allow row to break across pages check box is not
12 Click OK.
214 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
13 Click File > Save As from the menu. Save your document as a .dot file, which you
can use to run Document Factory.
Final Template
Creating a Document Using Document Factory
To create a document using Document Factory:
1 Select Programs > CaliberRM > CaliberRM Document Factory from the Windows
Start menu.
C ha pte r 22 : D ocu me nt F acto r y
If you are already logged onto CaliberRM, go to Step 3. If you are not logged on,
CaliberRM Document Factory prompts you to log on.
2 Enter your Server name, User Id and Password and click Next. Step 2 of the
CaliberRM Document Factory is displayed.
3 Select a file from the list in the Template box. The drop-down list allows you to
make a selection from the most recently used templates. By default, there are five
files in the list. This number is determined by your administrator.
Click the Browse button to navigate to the desired template file. The default location
is C:\Program Files\Borland\CaliberRM\Samples.
You can open the selected template to check it or make any edits before running
Document Factory. Click the Word icon next to the Template box to open the
selected template file in Microsoft Word.
4 In the Save Document As box, enter a path and name for your new document, click
the Browse button to navigate to a previously created document, or leave blank.
Note: Click the Word icon next to the Save Document As box if you want to open the
selected Word file.
216 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
5 Click Next. Step 3 of the CaliberRM Document Factory is displayed.
6 Choose the date format that you would like to use: Short Date or Long Date.
7 Choose Once for the method of replacing fields if the template contains only one
occurrence of each keyword used. This option replaces only the first instance of the
If you use a keyword more than once in a section, choose the Multiple option to
replace all occurrences of the keyword with the actual data. This option replaces all
instances of the field, but takes longer to process the data.
8 Click Next. Step 4 of the CaliberRM Document Factory is displayed.
9 Choose the data from which you would like to create the document:
• Use data from the active project. If you choose this option, you can also choose
to save the current data to use again with a different template.
• Use previously saved data.
10 If you want to create a file with an encrypted password that you can use for
scheduling, select the Create a configuration file only check box. This creates the
file commandline.ini that you can use to run Document Factory from the command
line or placed in a batch file for scheduling purposes. See “Using the
Commandline.ini File” on page 218 for more information. If you choose this option,
Document Factory does not create a Word document from your template, but
creates the .ini file only.
C ha pte r 22 : D ocu me nt F acto r y
11 If you want to display the requirement descriptions in HTML format, select the
Requirement description will include formatted text, tables and images check
12 Click Finish. If your template does not specify which project and/or baseline to use,
you are prompted to select them.
The CaliberRM Document Factory processes the data.
Note: If you used a template that did not specify the project or baseline, you are asked
to choose both during this processing phase.
13 When the data has been processed, the CaliberRM Document Factory asks if you
would like to open your document. Click Yes to open the document, or No to save
the document without viewing it.
Running Document Factory From The Command Line
You can run Document Factory from the MS-DOS command line, allowing you to set
up scheduled document generation. For example, you can set Document Factory to
produce a detailed specifications document at the end of every month, or a high-level
report of requirement status at the end of every week.
There are two methods you can use for running Document Factory from the command
line. You can use an .ini file that contains the necessary switches to run Document
Factory from the command line, or you can use a command prompt in which you enter
the switches individually.
Note: When running Document Factory from the command line, the program does not
use the StarTeam toolbar to log you onto the system.
Using the Commandline.ini File
1 Select Start > Programs > Command Prompt to get to a DOS command prompt.
2 At the prompt enter: cd Program Files\Borland\CaliberRM, to change the directory to
where the Docfactory.exe file resides.
Note: Change directory to that of your CaliberRM executable file if different from above.
3 If the commandline.ini file is in the directory with the docfactory.exe file, at the
prompt, enter the following command:
docfactory -autofile (you can also enter docfactory /autofile)
218 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
If the file resides elsewhere, enter the following command, substituting the location of
the file for “path”:
docfactory -autofile <path>\commandline.ini
You can also enter docfactory -autofile -yes if the file is in the CaliberRM directory.
Entering the Switches Manually
Note: When manually entering the switches for running Document Factory from a
command line, the template must contain the baseline name to prevent manual
intervention of the command.
1 Select Start > Programs > Command Prompt.
2 At the prompt enter: cd Program Files\Borland\CaliberRM, to change the directory to
where the Docfactory.exe file resides.
Note: Change directory to that of your CaliberRM executable file if different from above.
3 At the prompt, enter the following command:
docfactory /Project <project> /Template <template> /SaveAs <filename>
/Merge <o> /Date <s> /Server <server> /User <user> /Password <password> /Auto
/Project <project>: The name of the project. If the project name consists of more than
one word separated by spaces, the name must be enclosed in double quotes, e.g.
“Automated Teller Machine.”
/Template <template>: The path and name of the template.
/SaveAs <filename>: The path and name of the file to save as. This file can be a .doc,
.txt or .rtf file. If the project name consists of more than one word separated by spaces,
the name must be enclosed in double quotes.
/Merge <o>: Indicates the merge method used. The <o> instructs Document Factory to
replace the fields just once (the default). Using <m> replaces multiple fields.
/Date <s>: Instructs Document Factory to use the Short Date format. If not specified,
Document Factory uses the Long Date format.
/Server <server>: The name of the CaliberRM server to obtain the data from.
/User <user>: The user ID to use for logging on to the server.
/Password <password>: The user password.
/Auto <YES/NO>: Instructs Document Factory to not just fill in the values for you, but
to actually run the Document Factory and terminate when complete. If you enter no,
you will get the Document Factory screens.
docfactory /Project “Automated Teller Machine” /Template
/SaveAs ATM.doc / Merge o /Date s /Server dagobah /User asmith
/Password mypass /Auto YES
C ha pte r 22 : D ocu me nt F acto r y
220 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Web Access
Chapter 23
CaliberRM has two tools that enable you to manage your requirements using the Web:
CaliberRM Web and CaliberRM WebView. Each of these tools allow project teams to
connect to a CaliberRM server through a standard browser.
Note: To use either CaliberRM Web or CaliberRM WebView, you may be required to
download the Java Plug-In.
CaliberRM Web
CaliberRM supports a full-featured browser-based Web client except the following:
All CaliberRM administrator functionality (File > Admin)
Traceability Matrix (Tools menu)
Reports (Reports menu)
Document Factory (CaliberRM System Toolbar and Tools menu)
Export to Access (File > Export to Access)
Importing Documents from MicroSoft Word (File > Import from Word)
Custom Tools (Tools > Options)
Drag and Drop requirements out of CaliberRM
External integrations are limited to read-only data. For example, TestDirector
objects appear in the Traceability Diagram and Traceability Tab. You can right-click
on a TestDirector object and view its details. However, you can not create new
Using CaliberRM Web
To access CaliberRM Web:
1 Open Internet Explorer.
Chapter 23: Web Access
2 Enter the name or IP address of the server you want to connect to in the Address
field. You can browse to the URL of the Web server where CaliberRM Web is
installed instead if you prefer.
Note: If your CaliberRM Administrator has changed the location of the CaliberRM Web
index page or has moved the links to a custom page, you need to enter that location
The CaliberRM Web index page is displayed.
3 Click the CaliberRM Web link.
Note: You may be required to download the Java Plug-In.
The first time you attempt to use CaliberRM Web, the following window is displayed.
4 Click the Always button. The Login screen is displayed.
222 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
5 Enter your CaliberRM server Host, your User name and Password in the
appropriate fields.
6 Click Logon. The system verifies your information, and logs you on to the server.
You are now in CaliberRM Web and can perform most of the tasks you can perform in
the standard CaliberRM client.
Refer to page page 221 for a list of features that you cannot use in CaliberRM Web.
User Interface
The CaliberRM Web user interface is similar to that of the standard CaliberRM client.
You can view all CaliberRM tabs and access most of the standard CaliberRM project
information; however, the menu options are limited and exclude all items listed on
page 221.
The CaliberRM Web menus have some of the same options as those in the standard
CaliberRM client. All of the options are detailed in the section “Menus” on page 109.
The File menu allows you to open a new project, open a baseline, refresh the project
data, and exit the Web client.
Chapter 23: Web Access
The Edit menu provides the same functionality as the standard CaliberRM client.
The View menu allows you to view the hierarchical or serial numbers and specify which
toolbars to display. A check mark beside a toolbar option indicates that it is selected.
The Insert menu enables you to insert pictures, tables and hyperlinks into requirement
descriptions. See “Adding Tables to Requirement Descriptions” on page 126 and
“Adding Pictures to Requirement Descriptions” on page 127 for information on how to
perform these actions.
Note: The options may be slightly different than for the Window client.
The Format menu allows you to format requirement description text.
224 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
The Requirement menu provides the same functionality as the standard CaliberRM
client. See page 113 for details about these options.
The Tools menu has some of the same functions as the standard CaliberRM client, but
it does not contain options for certain features and integrations. See page 114 for
details about these options.
Note: The CaliberRM Appearance tab has an additional option to set the default font
for CaliberRM.
CaliberRM Web Options provides an additional tab called Add-In that allows you to
add additional dictionaries for the Spelling Checker feature.
Chapter 23: Web Access
Adding and Removing Dictionaries
You can add or delete dictionaries for use with the Spell Checking feature.
To add or remove dictionaries:
1 Select Tools > Options from the CaliberRM Web menu.
2 Select the Add-In tab.
3 Click Add. The Add Dictionary dialog box is displayed.
4 Select a dictionary and click Add, or double-click the dictionary to add it.
5 Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for additional dictionaries you want to add.
Note: Although you can add multiple dictionaries, you must specify only one dictionary
when using the Spell Checker.
6 Select the dictionary you want the Spell Checker to use and click OK.
7 To remove a dictionary, repeat Steps 1-2. Select the dictionary you want to remove
and click Remove.
8 Click OK when finished.
The Help menu provides the same functionality as the standard CaliberRM client. See
page 116 for details on these options.
CaliberRM WebView
CaliberRM WebView allows project teams to review and collaborate on requirements.
Users can enter comments about the requirements using the Discussion feature. This
feature helps revise and prioritize requirements.
CaliberRM WebView provides easy access to the group discussion feature for those
who may provide valuable input to the project, but do not need fully functional clients.
226 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Using CaliberRM WebView
To access CaliberRM WebView:
1 Open Internet Explorer.
2 Enter the name or IP address of the server you want to connect to in the Address
field. You can browse to the URL of the Web server where CaliberRM WebView is
installed instead if you prefer.
Note: If your CaliberRM Administrator has changed the location of the CaliberRM
WebView index page or has moved the links to a custom page, you will need to enter
that location instead.
The CaliberRM Web index page is displayed.
3 Click the CaliberRM WebView link.
Note: You may be required to download the Java Plug-In.
The first time you attempt to use CaliberRM Web, the following window is displayed.
4 Click the Always button.
Chapter 23: Web Access
The Login screen is displayed.
5 Enter your CaliberRM server Host, your User name and Password in the
appropriate fields.
6 Click Logon. The system verifies your information, and logs you on to the server.
You are now in CaliberRM WebView and can view requirements and enter discussion
User Interface
The CaliberRM WebView user interface is similar to that of the standard CaliberRM
client. You can view all CaliberRM tabs; however, the menu options are limited. With
the correct permissions you can post messages in the group discussion. For
instructions on entering group discussion messages, see “Group Discussion” on
page 169.
CaliberRM WebView does not allow you to create or edit references, view the
requirement grid or the traceability matrix.
228 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
CaliberRM WebView contains some of the same menus as the standard CaliberRM
client. The menus have many of the same options as those in the standard CaliberRM
client. All of the CaliberRM menu options are discussed in detail in the section “Menus”
on page 109.
The File menu allows you to open a new project, open a baseline, refresh the project
data, and exit the WebView.
The Edit menu allows you to search for requirements.
The View menu allows you to view the hierarchical or serial numbers and specify which
toolbars to display. A check mark beside a toolbar option indicates that it is selected.
The Tools menu gives you the option to view unread discussions, view the Baseline
Signatures window (administrators only) change your password and specify the look
and feel of CaliberRM WebView through the Options dialog box.
Chapter 23: Web Access
Under the Tools menu, CaliberRM WebView Options provides an additional tab called
This tab allows you to add additional dictionaries for the Spelling Checker feature.
See “Adding and Removing Dictionaries” on page 226. for information on adding
The Help menu provides the same functionality as the standard CaliberRM client. See
page 116 for details on these options.
The options on the toolbar are: Refresh, Open Project, Open Baseline, Back/Forward,
Find in Tree, Show Hierarchical Numbers, Show Serial Numbers, About CaliberRM,
Unread Discussions, Baseline Signatures, and Mapped Diagram.
230 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Export To Microsoft Access
Chapter 24
You can export CaliberRM project data to Microsoft Access. Select which tables you
want to export from a list of available tables. The data is exported into Access table
Note: See “Appendix B: Export Tables” on page 263 for the complete list of available
tables to export.
There are two methods for exporting project data:
by selecting File > Export to Access from the menu,
by running Export to Access from the command line.
Using Export to Access from the Menu
To export data:
1 Select File > Export to Access from the menu. The Database Export Setup dialog
box is displayed.
C h a p t e r 2 4: E x p or t T o M i c r o s o ft A c c e s s
2 Select the check box to the left of the table(s) you want to include for export, or clear
the check box to exclude the table. The default setting is to export all tables. To view
the fields in a particular table, select the table.
3 If you want to show the relationship between the tables, select the Join check box.
4 If you want to export requirement descriptions as plain text, select the check box.
5 Click Export. The Save As dialog box is displayed.
6 Navigate to the destination directory of the file and enter a file name and type.
7 Click Save.
CaliberRM exports the data into the file and format you have specified.
Command Line Export
You can run CaliberRM from a command line to initiate an Export To Access process.
When executed from the command line, all tables are exported. You can use this
command in a batch file to run exports in off-peak hours.
To execute an Export To Access process from the command line:
1 Select Start > Programs > Command Prompt to get a DOS command prompt.
2 At the prompt enter: cd Program Files\Borland\CaliberRM, to change the directory to
where the Caliberrm.exe file resides.
Note: Change directory to that of your CaliberRM executable file if different from above.
3 At the prompt, enter the following command:
CaliberRM -export <none> -project <projectname> -filepath <filepath> -host
<hostname> -user <userid> -security <password>
-export: Used to signify that a command line export to Microsoft Access is being
executed. No value is needed, but this switch must be present to start the export.
-project: Indicates the project from which data is exported. If this switch is not present,
the last project used is the default.
-filepath: Used to select the file path to place the database generated from the export.
If this switch is not present, the data is placed in the Windows temporary directory with
a file name of CaliberRM.mdb.
-host: Used to enter the host or server name for logon purposes. If this switch is not
present, the last server logged on to is used by default.
232 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
-user: Used to enter the user name for logon purposes. If this switch is not present, the
last user name logged on is used by default.
-security: Used to enter the password for logon purposes. If this switch is not present,
the password from the StarTeam Toolbar is used.
-textplain: Used to specify whether to export requirement descriptions as plain text or
as formatted text. A parameter of yes exports the description as plain text. A parameter
of no exports the description as formatted text. The default is no.
-join: Used to join table is Access. The option is turned on by default. To turn off, add
-join no to the end of the command line.
The switches are case sensitive and are processed from left to right. Only the first letter
of the switch must be present for it to be processed. A switch can be preceded by a ‘-’
or a ‘/’.
While the export is taking place, CaliberRM remains minimized and a status window is
When the export is complete, you are prompted to open the database.
C h a p t e r 2 4: E x p or t T o M i c r o s o ft A c c e s s
234 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Importing Requirements from
Microsoft Word
Chapter 25
You can import requirement names and descriptions from a Microsoft Word document
into a CaliberRM project using the Import From Word Wizard.
The Import from Word process requires the following information:
the Microsoft Word file name (e.g., Requirements.doc).
the requirement naming convention. You can either import requirement names or
have Import from Word automatically assign the requirement names. Import from
Word uses the document name as the base name followed by an incremental
number for each requirement.
requirement names if the requirement names in your document are in the same,
specific format. You can format requirement names three different ways:
Paragraph style: you can use default paragraph styles (e.g, Heading 1, etc.) or
custom paragraph styles (e.g., Requirements, etc.).
Delimited text: Import from Word uses the set of delimiters (e.g., commas, tabs,
etc.) you specify.
Keywords: Import from Word can recognize multiple keywords.
The requirement description format. If you are importing requirement names by
paragraph style, you can extract the text between paragraph styles used for
requirement names to import requirement descriptions, or indicate a paragraph style
for requirement descriptions.
Note: If you are importing names using delimiters or keywords, requirement
descriptions can only be imported by paragraph style.
Supplied with this information, Import from Word analyzes the Microsoft Word
document and extracts the requirement information. When completed, Import previews
the new requirements before placing them in the project tree.
Once you have reviewed the new requirements and made any necessary changes, you
can select the location for the new requirements and save them.
Ch apt er 2 5: Im po rt ing Re qu ire men ts fr om Micr oso ft Wor d
To import a Microsoft Word document into CaliberRM:
1 Select File > Import From Word from the CaliberRM menu. The Import from
Word wizard is displayed.
2 Enter the path and name of the Microsoft Word file, or click the Browse button to
navigate to the file.
3 Select the appropriate option button to indicate how you want to import requirement
descriptions: with Formatted text, tables and images or using Plain text.
4 Indicate how you want to name the requirements. Select either the Retrieve the
requirement names from the document option button, or the Automatically
name the requirements using a base name and a sequential number option
5 Enter a base name. If you do not enter a name, Import from Word uses the
Microsoft Word document name as the base name by default.
6 Click Next.
7 If you are importing requirement names by style, from the top pane, select the
paragraph style(s) that are specific to requirement names. Styles define the
236 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
appearance of various text elements within the document, such as headings and
body text. The styles listed are those found in your Microsoft Word document. You
can select any or all styles from the list.
8 In the bottom pane, indicate how to recognize requirement descriptions:
• Import all text between the above selected Text styles as the requirement
description: can only be used if you are importing requirements names by
• If you are not importing requirement names by style, select the Import only the
Text styles below as the requirement description option. Select the styles that
are specific to requirement descriptions.
9 Click Next.
10 If you are importing requirement names by paragraph style, select the Import all
text, ignoring delimiters option button.
Select the Only import text enclosed in the following delimiters option button.
The Beginning and Ending fields become available. Enter the beginning and
ending delimiter in the appropriate area.
Ch apt er 2 5: Im po rt ing Re qu ire men ts fr om Micr oso ft Wor d
11 Click Next.
12 If you are importing requirement names by paragraph style, select the Import all
text, ignoring keywords option button. Go to Step 14.
If you are importing requirement names by keywords, choose the Only import text
containing the following keywords option button.
13 Enter the keywords in the available field, separating each keyword by a comma.
Phrases containing these keywords will be imported as requirement names.
14 Click Next. The Import from Word wizard begins processing the document. Once
processing is completed, Import from Microsoft Word displays a list of new
requirements for each criteria that was met, as shown below.
Note: Import from Microsoft Word also creates child requirements based on the
paragraph style hierarchy in your document.
238 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
You can right-click in the preview tree to make any or all of the following changes:
• Delete a requirement.
• Rename a requirement.
• Show or hide vertical and/or vertical lines.
• Select either the name or description field, then click once to place the cursor in
the field to edit it.
• You also have drag-and-drop functionality in the preview that allows you to
move the new requirements and place them in any desired order.
15 Click Next once you have reviewed the new requirements and have made any
necessary changes. The CaliberRM requirement list is displayed.
16 Select a requirement, then select one of the following options: Insert Above, Insert
Below, or Insert as Children to choose the location for the newly created
17 Click Finish to complete import. The Import is Complete dialog box is displayed.
18 Click OK.
Ch apt er 2 5: Im po rt ing Re qu ire men ts fr om Micr oso ft Wor d
240 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
RM Export and RM Import
Chapter 26
You can use using the RM Export and the RM Import utilities to export and import
project data. These utilities enable customers to move data from one CaliberRM server
to another.
RM Export
You can export a project or requirement information from a CaliberRM server into an
ASCII file. That file can be imported into the same or another CaliberRM server and
other applications.
Note: You must be a member of the Administrator group to export CaliberRM
The export utility provides a way of selecting requirements, requirement types, users,
groups, user-defined attributes and project information, referred to as objects, for
export. After an export, a log file is created that contains information about what was
exported and any error messages.
The export utility creates a separate ASCII file for each type of object exported. You
specify the name and path for the exported data. The export utility creates a directory
or “data set,” using the name and path specified. It then creates individual files for each
type of object exported. The exported data contains object names only and does not
contain coded data. The data files adhere to a particular format that is covered in detail
in “Appendix C: RM Export Object Format” on page 269.
It is possible to create a data file in the correct format for import using programs other
than CaliberRM’s export utility. If the import utility is used to import data created by
programs other than CaliberRM’s export utility, it is the user’s responsibility to ensure
that the data is accurate and properly formatted.
It is possible to import corrupted or incorrect data with the import utility. Borland
strongly recommends that you back up your database before using the import utility.
Borland is not responsible for the results of importing data created by programs other
than the CaliberRM export utility.
Ch ap ter 2 6: R M E x port an d RM Im port
Export Data for Import to a CaliberRM Server
To export data from a server for later import to the same or another CaliberRM server:
1 Select Start > Programs > CaliberRM > RM Export from your Windows
Note: This feature is only available if you chose a Custom installation when you
installed CaliberRM, and installed this feature.
The Logon Information screen is displayed.
Note: This window does not display if you are already logged on to CaliberRM.
Proceed to Step 3.
2 Enter your server Host name or IP address, User name and Password.
3 Click Next. The Profile screen is displayed.
4 Select the No profile needed option button, or the Use a previously stored
profile option button if you have previously created a profile that you want to use.
5 Click Next. The Export Option screen is displayed.
6 Select the Yes, pre-format the export for a CaliberRM import option button.
Note: The option to customize the export is made available to advanced users who
want to import requirement data into a different application. For more information on
242 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
building a customized export, see “Export Data for Import to Another Application” on
page 244.
7 Click Next. The Select Object screen is displayed.
Note: When you choose the pre-format option in Step 6, selecting certain objects at this
step results in others being automatically selected, as shown in the table below.
Export Selection Dependencies
Automatic Selections
By default, the Requirements object is pre-selected and is all that is required for
importing into another project.
Exporting a project does not export baselines, departments or requirement history.
Note: If you click the Project Descriptions object, only Project Descriptions are
exported. RM Export exports descriptions for all existing projects in the current
database. These projects are created during the import if they do not previously exist.
Borland recommends that you export the Requirements object only and manually
create the project in which to import. RM Import offers an option to create a new project
during the import process.
Ch ap ter 2 6: R M E x port an d RM Im port
8 Click Next. The Data Set screen is displayed.
9 Create a name for your data set. Click the Browse button to navigate to a desired
location in which to save your data set. A folder with this name is created and
appended to your data set path. If you would like to save this profile for use later,
click the Save Profile button and select a location in which to save it.
Note: The Advanced button changes your delimiters and qualifiers that separate your
data within the export/import files. This is not recommended for an export that you will
import into CaliberRM. See below for more information on this aspect of the feature.
10 Click Finish. The Export screen is displayed. You are prompted to select a project
from which you would like to export data.
11 Select a project from the Select Project screen drop-down list and click OK.
The export completes.
12 Click Close.
You can now use the Data Set to import information to another server or to another
Export Data for Import to Another Application
To export data for import to another application, complete the following steps:
1 Complete Steps 1-5, starting on page 242. The Import Option screen is displayed.
244 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
2 Select the No, I will customize my report option button.
3 Click Next. The Select Objects screen is displayed.
4 Select the object(s) you want to export.
5 Click Next. The Object Selection Option screen is displayed.
Ch ap ter 2 6: R M E x port an d RM Im port
6 Select the Yes option button if you would like to customize your export in more
detail. Click Next, and go to Step 1 under the section “Object Field Selection” on
page 247.
Choose the No, I accept the default field selections option button, click Next, and
continue with Step 7 below.
The Data Set screen is displayed.
7 Create a name for your data set and the data set path. Click the Browse button to
navigate to a desired location. A folder with this name is created and appended to
your data set path.
8 If you want to change your delimiters and qualifiers, click the Advanced button. The
Advanced Settings screen is displayed.
9 Select the delimiters, qualifiers and date/time formats you would like in your export.
The options you select are displayed in the window so that you can see how the
information is separated.
10 Click OK.
11 If you would like to save this profile for later use, click the Save Profile button in the
Data Set screen, and select a location in which to save the profile.
12 Click Finish. The Export screen is displayed.
13 Select the project that contains the objects you want to export from the Select
Project screen drop-down list and click OK.
246 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
The export completes.
14 Click Close.
You can now use the Data Set to import information to another application.
Object Field Selection
If you chose to customize your object fields in Step 6 on page 246, complete the
following steps:
1 Click Next in the Object Selection Option dialog box. The Select Fields screen is
2 Select an object from the drop-down list, then select the fields you would like to
export or clear any you do not want to export. Complete this step for each object
type that you are exporting. See “Appendix C: RM Export Object Formats” on
page 269 for information about the object fields you can select.
3 Click Next.
4 Complete the export by following Steps 7-13 starting on page 246.
Export Directory Structure
An example file directory structure of a data set after an export is shown below.
Ch ap ter 2 6: R M E x port an d RM Im port
Export.log File
This file is a record of what was exported and where it was saved. It is referred to as
the Export Log. The first record of the export file is a header that describes the format
of the records to follow.
Export_Info.txt File
Each object field exported from CaliberRM is delimited by commas ( , ) and the text is
qualified by quotations ( “ ”). This file is a record of the type of delimiters and qualifiers
used during your export.
Group, ReqType, Requirement, UDA, User .txt files
These files represent the data that was exported for each object. All files do not have to
be present.
RM Import
You can specify the path and name of the import data to import a project or other
objects to a CaliberRM server. This is normally a directory created by RM Export.
The import data contains object names, not coded data. But the files used for import
must adhere to a certain format. These formats are detailed in “Appendix C: RM Export
Object Formats” on page 269.
When you import certain objects, objects of other types can be created by the import
utility as needed. The utility attempts to recreate the object as it existed in the original
data; however, if the data is not available, an appropriate object with the correct name
is created automatically. For example, if bsmith owns an imported requirement, the
import utility searches the import data for a definition for bsmith. If bsmith does not
exist, a user id bsmith is created automatically with minimal data.
The utility currently creates (if necessary) the following objects in the manner stated
Users: any new users in the User.txt import file are added to the list of users in
Framework Administrator.
Groups: any new groups in the Group.txt import file are added to the list of groups
in Framework Administrator.
Projects: any new projects in the Project.txt import file are added to the list of
projects in Framework Administrator and CaliberRM.
Requirement Types: any new requirement types in the ReqType.txt import file are
added to either new or existing projects.
Requirements: any new requirements in the Requirement.txt import file are added
to either new or existing projects.
User-Defined Attributes: any new user-defined attributes in the UDA.txt import file
are added to the list of attributes available for assignment to custom tabs.
The utility currently modifies (if necessary) the following objects in the manner stated
Groups: modified to include the new users belonging to those groups in the import
Projects: modified to include the new groups that are assigned to those projects in
the import file.
System Attributes (status and priority): modified to include any new values for
status and priority that are contained in the import file.
248 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Import Using Data from a Typical CaliberRM Export
Baselines, departments and requirement history are not available for an RM Import.
To import requirements into a project in CaliberRM using data from a previous
CaliberRM export:
1 Select Start > Programs > CaliberRM > RM Import from your Windows
workstation. The CaliberRM Logon dialog box is displayed.
Note: The logon window does not display if you are already logged on to CaliberRM.
Proceed to Step 4.
2 Enter your server Host name or IP address, User name and Password.
3 Click Logon. The CaliberRM Import Utility screen is displayed.
4 Enter the path of the directory that contains the files to be imported, or click the
Browse button to select the directory containing the data set.
Note: When importing requirements that contain images from one CaliberRM server
machine to another, the paths to the ImageCache folders must be the same on both
machines for the requirements to import correctly.
Note: Selecting the Advanced check box allows you to match data in your import files
to fields in CaliberRM. For example, if user bjones exists in Project A, but you want
user tjohnson to replace bjones in Project B that you are importing to, this feature
allows you to replace bjones with tjohnson during import. For information on
performing an Advanced import, see “Performing an Advanced Import” on page 250.
Ch ap ter 2 6: R M E x port an d RM Im port
5 Click Next. The CaliberRM Import Utility-Select Project screen is displayed.
6 Select the Import to an existing project option button and select a project from the
drop-down list, or choose the Import to a new project option button and create a
new project name.
7 Click Finish. The CaliberRM Import Utility-Importing screen is displayed and
importing begins. The utility searches and matches all of the project data.
8 When complete, click Close.
Note: Importing may be a lengthy process if there is a large amount of data to import.
Importing should be done during low-use hours to avoid impacting other users.
Performing an Advanced Import
To perform an Advanced import:
1 Select Start > Programs > CaliberRM > RM Import from your Windows
workstation. The CaliberRM Logon dialog box is displayed.
2 Enter your server Host name, User name and Password.
Note: The logon window does not display if you are already logged on to CaliberRM.
Proceed to Step 4.
3 Click Logon. The CaliberRM Import Utility screen is displayed.
250 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
4 Click the Browse button to navigate to the directory that contains the files you want
to import.
5 Select the Advanced check box and click Next. The Select Import File screen is
6 Navigate to the Import file you would like to import by clicking the Browse button.
This is usually a text file contained in a data set created using RM Export.
7 Select the type of file you are importing from the drop-down list box.
8 Click Next.
9 If you selected a Requirement import file in Step 7, you are prompted to choose a
project or create a new project in which you want to import the requirements.
Note: When importing requirements that contain images from one CaliberRM server
machine to another, the paths to the ImageCache folders must be the same on both
machines for the requirements to import correctly.
Ch ap ter 2 6: R M E x port an d RM Im port
10 Make a selection and click Next. The information is parsed, and the Delimiter
screen is displayed.
If the text in the information parsing box is not set up as columns as shown above, the
delimiter and text qualifier do not match those that are specified for the import. Set your
delimiters and text qualifiers in the file using the drop-down list boxes until columns are
displayed. If you choose delimiters or qualifiers that are not valid, you get an error
11 Click Next.
If you chose to import a User import file in Step 7, go to Step 12.
If you chose to import a Group import file in Step 7, go to Step 15.
If you chose to import a Requirement, Requirement Type or UDA import file in
Step 7, go to Step 18.
12 The CaliberRM Import Utility - Group screen is displayed.
This step allows you to match or replace any groups that are assigned to your projects.
For example, if the Administrators group exists in Project A, but you want the
Engineering group to replace Administrators in Project B that you are importing to,
this feature allows you to replace Administrators with Engineering during import.
13 To match or replace a user, select the user you want to match from the left panel,
then select the replacement user from the right panel and click the Move Left
button. Complete this step for all users you want to match or replace.
252 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
14 Click Next, and proceed to Step 18.
15 The CaliberRM Import Utility - User screen is displayed.
This step allows you to match or replace any users that are members of each group.
For example, if user jwilson exists in Project A, but you want user bjeffereys to
replace jwilson in Project B that you are importing to, this feature allows you to replace
jwilson with bjeffereys during import.
16 If you want to match or replace a group, select the group you want to match from the
left panel, then select the replacement group from the right panel and click the Move
Left button. Complete this step for all groups you want to match or replace.
17 Click Next.
The Importing screen is displayed.
The utility searches and matches all of the project data.
18 Click the Import button to import the information. The utility imports the data as a
log file to the data set you selected in Step 4.
19 Click Close.
Note: Importing may be a lengthy process if there are is a large amount of data to
import. Importing should be done during low-use hours to avoid impacting other users.
Ch ap ter 2 6: R M E x port an d RM Im port
Import Directory Structure
The original data set that is used during the import process now contains a log file
called Import.log that contains information about what objects were imported and from
An example file directory structure after a CaliberRM data set import is shown below.
See “Export Directory Structure” on page 247 for details about the other files in the
254 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Project Integrations
Chapter 27
This chapter details the steps required to include a vendor add-in to CaliberRM.
Please visit for sample programs and
technical documentation on the CaliberRM SDK.
For information on setting up the TestDirector, Select Enterprise, SCC, or Estimate
Professional integrations, please visit the CaliberRM Customer Zone at, or contact support.
CaliberRM Vendor Add-In Module
The CaliberRM Vendor Add-In Module allows you to create integrations between
external applications and CaliberRM.
The add-in module is a registered COM server that acts as a communication bridge
between the CaliberRM client and an external application. It provides the ability to
create traces to external objects and view external object information from the
CaliberRM client.
Adding a Vendor Add-In Module to CaliberRM
To add a vendor add-in module:
1 Open Framework Administrator and select a project.
C ha pt er 2 7: Project I nte grat ion s
2 Select the External Traceability tab.
3 Click the New button. The New Integration dialog box is displayed.
4 Enter a unique Vendor Name (this name appears on the Traceability Modification
tab), Library Name (the first word in the COM component’s ProgID), Configuration
File location and choose an icon.
Note: To browse for the file, click the Browse button. To view the file, click the
Notepad button.
5 Click OK to create the new integration.
The new integration is added to the Disabled list for all the projects in the CaliberRM
6 To enable the integration, select the integration in the Disabled list and click the
Move Left button.
Note: Click the Move All Left button to add all integrations at once.
The following images are examples of a MS Project add-in module.
256 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
The Add-In menu option appears in the Traceability Modification window.
Click the View Builder button to invoke the add-in server’s view builder.
Enabling Other Integrations
Note: Before you can enable and add TestDirector, Select Enterprise, Estimate
Professional or SCM tools, you must configure your system. For detailed instructions
about configuring and using these integrations, please visit,
or contact support.
1 Open Framework Administrator and select a project.
2 Select the External Traceability tab.
3 Select the integration you want to enable from the Disabled list and click the Move
Left button.
Note: Click the Move All Left button to can add all integrations to the Selected list at
C ha pt er 2 7: Project I nte grat ion s
258 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
CaliberRM Messages
Appendix A
Error Message
Can't Establish
Connection. Sorry, your
client is incompatible with
the current servers.
The client you are connecting with is out of date with the
server. Most likely the server has been upgraded and
your client now needs upgrading.
Invalid user ID or
You cannot log in because the user ID or password is
User not authorized.
The operation failed because you do not have the
security privileges required for the operation.
No available license.
The operation failed because there are no more licenses
The term could not be
added, because it already
exists in the glossary.
You tried to add a term to the glossary that already
The term does not exist in
the glossary.
You tried to look up a term in the glossary that doesn't
exist. Someone must have deleted it.
The baseline already
exists.You are trying to
create a baseline that
already exists.
You are trying to create a baseline that already exists.
The object requested is
currently locked by [name].
The specified user has the requirement or other object
locked. You cannot modify the object until it is released.
You have entered either a
duplicate or old password.
You've tried to change your password to one that is the
same as your old password or one of you old passwords.
The password you entered
is too short.
You've tried to change your password to a password that
is not long enough. Use a longer password.
The minimum password
age has not been met. You
will not be able to change
your password now.
You cannot change your password because it is too
You do not have
permission to change your
password. Please contact
your CaliberRM
You cannot change your own password due to security
Ap pe nd ix A: Ca libe rR M Messa ge s
Error Message
Your CaliberRM account
has been disabled. Please
contact your CaliberRM
Administrator for more
You cannot log on because your account has been
Your CaliberRM login
password has expired.
You will have to choose a
new password.
You cannot log on because your password has expired.
Your CaliberRM login
password has to be
changed in order to login.
Please contact your
CaliberRM Administrator
for more information.
You must change your password before continuing.
The requirement being
linked to is linked to
another requirement.
Please choose a different
requirement to link to.
You cannot map to a requirement that is mapped to
another requirement.
The requirement you are
trying to delete has other
requirements linked to it.
You can't delete a shared
You cannot delete a shared requirement.
The requirement you are
modifying is currently
shared with another
requirement and cannot be
shared again.
You cannot map a requirement to more than one
A child or descendant
requirement is reserved.
The operation failed because a child or other descendant
requirement is currently locked.
Requirement type cannot
be deleted because it
contains requirements in
one or more projects.
You cannot delete a requirement type that has
The object is in use.
The operation failed because the current requirement or
other object is in use.
The baseline is locked.
The operation failed because the baseline is locked.
The object is locked.
The operation failed because the requirement or other
object is locked.
The object has been
moved or deleted.
The requirement or other object requested no longer
Warning Message
Your CaliberRM
license will expire in n
Your CaliberRM license is about to expire.
Your CaliberRM login
password will expire
in n days. Do you
want to change it
Your password is about to expire.
The requirement
version does not exist.
You requested a requirement version that does not exist.
Depth out of range.
The client passed an invalid argument to the server.
Requirement ID
already used.
The client tried to create a requirement with a duplicate ID.
Invalid list position.
The client passed an invalid argument to the server.
260 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
General Message
Unknown attribute
CaliberRM cannot recognize the type of an attribute.
User not logged in.
The operation failed because the connected user is not
logged in.
Last transaction may
be incomplete, please
check your work.
Due to network or server difficulties the last operation did not
Invalid Filter type
The server could not understand the request. Contact Borland
The database
rejected a request.
The database rejected a request.
The object is not
Your operation failed because the requirement or other object
was not locked first.
Unmatched user
defined type and
The client sent the server a mismatch of data.
An error has occurred
in a plug in adapter.
Some error occurred with a plug-in adapter.
CaliberRM Internal
Error: 93-U
Some error unknown to the system has occurred.
Ap pe nd ix A: Ca libe rR M Messa ge s
262 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Export Tables
Appendix B
Project Tables
Project Group-Security Profile Map
Field Name
Field Name
Project User-Security Profile Map
Project Baseline Map
Field Name
Field Name
A ppe nd ix B: Exp ort Ta ble s
User Tables
User Groups
Field Name
Field Name
User-Group Map
Field Name
group _id_number
Group Tables
Field Name
Field Name
Requirement Tables
Requirement Change
Requirement Revision
Field Name
Requirement Type-UDA Map
Field Name
264 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Field Name
Requirement Info
Field Name
Requirement Type
Field Name
Traceability Tables
Trace From
Trace To
Field Name
Field Name
Security Tables
Security Profile
Field Name
Security Profile-Requirement Type
Field Name
Security Profile-UDA
Field Name
A ppe nd ix B: Exp ort Ta ble s
User-Defined Attribute Tables
UDA Boolean Info
Field Name
Field Name
inherit_inital_value_from _parent
UDA Duration Info
Field Name
mandatory_set_on create
UDA Float Info
Field Name
UDA Group List Default Info
Field Name
UDA Group Info
Field Name
Field Name
UDA Long Info
UDA Group List Selection Info
Field Name
Field Name
UDA User List Default
Field Name
UDA Multiple Selection List Default
Field Name
266 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
UDA Multiple Selection List Info
UDA User List Selection Info
UDA Single Selection List Info
Field Name
Field Name
UDA Text Field
Field Name
UDA Text Line
Field Name
UDA User
Field Name
UDA Date Info
Field Name
UDA Values
Field Name
Other Tables
Field Name
Field Name
Custom Tab-UDA Map
Field Name
A ppe nd ix B: Exp ort Ta ble s
Document Reference
Field Name
Custom Tab
Field Name
Field Name
Field Name
268 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
RM Export Object Formats
Appendix C
Each object that is available for export has within it various fields that you can choose
to further customize your export. Each of these fields correspond to a field in
CaliberRM. The objects you can select and their respective fields are detailed in the
following tables.
Project Field Format
the name of the project
the project description
the email address associated
with the project
the groups assigned to the
the requirement types assigned
to the project
Requirement Field Format
a sequence number that
identifies the requirement in the
import file; not imported, but
used for establishing traceability
determines the hierarchical
structure of the requirements
the type of the requirement
the name of the requirement
the requirement description
the requirement owner
the validation procedure of the
the status of the requirement
Ap pe nd ix C: R M E x port Obje ct F o rm at s
Requirement Field Format
the priority of the requirement
document references assigned
to the requirement
responsible members from each
group; has the following format:
items the requirement traces
items the requirement traces to
the values for the user-defined
attributes assigned-has the
following format:
Requirement Type Field Format
the name of the requirement type
the description of the requirement
the tag associated with the requirement
custom tabs
the custom tabs assigned to the
requirement type-has the following
User Field Format
the user’s ID
the user’s first name
the user’s last name
the user’s email address
the user’s department
the user’s primary office location
the user’s phone number
the user’s fax number
the user’s pager number
the groups the user is assigned tohas the following format: group1|
270 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
UDA File Format
the UDA description
the type of UDA
indicates whether a change
creates a new major version;
if no, displays as a 0 in the
text file, if yes, displays as a
indicates whether the
attribute’s initial value comes
from parent requirement; if
no, displays as a 0 in the text
file, if yes, displays as a 1
traceability links
indicates whether a change
makes traceability links
suspect; if no, displays as a 0
in the text file, if yes, displays
as a 1
not used for import
value required for new
describes the attributes for
that type of UDA-format is
the name of the UDA
* To be properly formatted, this file must be created by an running an export. Borland
does not advise generating this file by any other method.
Group Field Format
the name of the group
the group description
the email address associated with
the group
the members of the group
formatted like: user1|user2|user3|
Ap pe nd ix C: R M E x port Obje ct F o rm at s
272 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Document Factory Sample
Templates and Outputs
Appendix D
Sample Templates
This appendix contains sample templates with their corresponding output. Most of the
templates are partial templates to show how a particular command or operator works.
The generated documents have been edited to display the first entry of the generated
document due to size restrictions. All of the templates reference the sample project
called Automated Teller Machine.
Sample Number
Template Description
Template 1, page 274
Full template using many commands.
Template 2, page 276
Filter example using the logical and with the in comparison
Template 3, page 276
Filter example using logical and with the between
Template 4, page 277
Filter example using the like comparison with a wildcard.
Template 5, page 278
Filter example using the like comparison and the logical or
with multiple wildcards.
Template 6, page 279
Shows how to use the <<history>> keyword.
Template 7, page 281
Shows how to use $Begin_History/$End_History.
Template 8, page 282
Shows how to use the <<traces>> keyword with default
Template 9, page 283
An example of how to use $Begin_Traces/$End_Traces
with a specified string of identifiers.
Template 10, page 276
An example of the $Calculate command.
Ap pen dix D: Do cum ent F act ory Sa mp le T e mpla tes an d Ou tp ut s
Template 1
$PROJECT{Automated Teller Machine}
Business Requirements
$FILTER{type = ‘Business Requirements’}
<<hierarchy>><<name>> (<<tag>><<id_number>>)
Change History
Revision <<major_version>>.<<minor_version>> on <<datestamp>> by
Item Changed:<<field_changed>>
Changed From:<<from_value>>
Changed To:<<to_value>>
<<Trace_ReqTag>> <<Trace_Name>> <<Trace_Suspect>> <<Trace_Direction>>
274 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Output 1
Business Requirements
1 ATM Alerts (BR77)
The ATM shall maintain alerts as to the operating status.
Change History
Revision 1.0 on 11/18/99 by CaliberRM Administrator
Revision 1.1 on 11/18/99 by CaliberRM Administrator
Item Changed:Owner
Changed From:admin
Changed To:abaker
BR78 Replenishment Alert TO Direct
HS96 ATM Machine TO Direct
SS100 Cash Depletion Rate TO Direct
SS101 Paper Depletion Rate TO Direct
SS102 Status Query TO Direct
SS103 Alert Signal TO Direct
BR79 Tamper Alert TO Direct
SS104 Tamper Signal TO Direct
Template 2
$PROJECT{Automated Teller Machine}
$FILTER{type = ‘Business Requirements’ and id_number in (89,
<<hierarchy>> <<name>> (<<tag>><<id_number>>)
Project Version: <<version>>
Ap pen dix D: Do cum ent F act ory Sa mp le T e mpla tes an d Ou tp ut s
Output 2
Business Requirements
1 ATM Alerts (BR77)
Project Version: 1.1
Business Requirements
8 Capacity (BR89)
Project Version: 1.1
Business Requirements
9 Deposit Transaction (BR90)
Project Version: 1.1
Business Requirements
10 Transfer Transactions (BR92)
Project Version: 1.1
Template 3
$PROJECT{Automated Teller Machine}
$FILTER{type = ‘Business Requirements’ and Start Date between #06-01-00#
and #09-01-00#}
<<hierarchy>> <<name>> (<<tag>><<id_number>>)
Project Version: <<version>>
Start Date: <<Start Date>>
276 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Output 3
2 24x7 (BS80)
Project Version: 1.1
Start Date: Monday, August 07, 2000
3 Verify Balance (BS81)
Project Version: 1.0
Start Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2000
4 Accessibility (BS82)
Project Version: 1.1
Start Date: Saturday, July 01, 2000
5 Receipt (BS84)
Project Version: 1.1
Start Date: Thursday, June 29, 2000
Template 4
$PROJECT{Automated Teller Machine}
Automated Teller Machine
$Filter{type='Business Requirements' and hierarchy like '1' or hierarchy like '1.*'}
<<hierarchy>> <<tag>>
Ap pen dix D: Do cum ent F act ory Sa mp le T e mpla tes an d Ou tp ut s
Output 4
1 BR ATM Alerts
The ATM shall maintain alerts as to the operating status.
1.1 BR Replenishment Alert
ATMs shall send an alert to the IT department when the ATM needs replenishment. When the ATM has less than a 4 hour supply of cash and receipt paper,
under normal depletion rates, the ATM will notify the IT department so the appropriate service person can be dispatched.
1.1 HW Power Supply
There shall be a power supply capable of supporting a 110 volt input and a 3 Amp
load or 220 volts and a 5 Amp load.
1.2 BR Tamper Alert
ATMs shall send an alert to the IT department when the ATM has been tampered
with. In the event that the ATM is opened without the key and security code, the
ATM will alert the IT department immediately so the appropriate action can be
Template 5
$PROJECT{Automated Teller Machine}
$FILTER{Name like ‘*ac*’ or Name like ‘a*a’ or Name like ‘*s’ }
<<hierarchy>> <<name>> (<<tag>><<id_number>>)
Owner: <<owner>>
Status: <<status>>
Project Version: <<version>>
278 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Output 5
Business Requirements
1 ATM Alerts (BS77)
Owner: abaker
Status: Submitted
Priority: High
Project Version: 1.1
Business Requirements
4 Accessibility (BS82)
Owner: sbowman
Status: Accepted
Priority: Low
Project Version: 1.1
Hardware Requirements
1 ATM Machine (HS96)
Owner: wpeterson
Status: Accepted
Priority: High
Project Version: 2.1
Software Requirements
11.4 SF Capacity (SS114)
Owner: vcarter
Status: Accepted
Priority: Medium
Project Version: 1.2
Software Requirements
14 Withdrawal from Account (SS118)
Owner: wpeterson
Status: Submitted
Priority: Medium
Project Version: 1.1
Template 6
$PROJECT{Automated Teller Machine}
$FILTER{type = ‘Business Requirements’}
<<hierarchy>> <<name>> (<<tag>>)
Ap pen dix D: Do cum ent F act ory Sa mp le T e mpla tes an d Ou tp ut s
Output 6
1.1 Replenishment Alert (BS)
Revision #: 1.0
Changed by:admin
Date/Time:Thursday, November 18, 1999 12:56:22 PM
Revision #:1.1
Changed by:admin
Date/Time:Thursday, November 18, 1999 02:13:46 PM
From Value: admin
To Value: gjones
Revision #: 1.2
Changed by:admin
Date/Time:Thursday, November 18, 1999 04:37:40 PM
From Value: gjones
To Value: abaker
1.2 Tamper Alert (BS)
Revision #: 1.1
Changed by:admin
Date/Time:Thursday, November 18, 1999 02:13:44 PM
From Value:admin
To Value:jandrews
280 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Template 7
$PROJECT{Automated Teller Machine}
$FILTER{type = ‘Business Requirements’}
<<name>> (<<tag>>)
Rev#: <<major_version>>.<<minor_version>>
Date: <<datestamp>> Time:<<timestamp>>
User: <<user_name>>
Changed Field: <<field_changed>>
From: <<from_value>>
To: <<to_value>>
Ap pen dix D: Do cum ent F act ory Sa mp le T e mpla tes an d Ou tp ut s
Output 7
Replenishment Alert (BS)
Rev#: 1.0
Date: 11/18/99 Time: 12:56:22 PM
User: CaliberRM Administrator
Rev#: 1.1
Date: 11/18/99 Time: 02:13:46 PM
User: CaliberRM Administrator
Changed Field: Owner
From: admin
To: gjones
Rev#: 1.2
Date: 11/18/99 Time: 04:37:40 PM
User: CaliberRM Administrator
Changed Field: Owner
From: gjones
To: abaker
Tamper Alert (BS)
Rev#: 1.0
Date: 11/18/99 Time: 12:58:24 PM
User: CaliberRM Administrator
Template 8
$PROJECT{Automated Teller Machine}
$FILTER{type = ‘Business Requirements’}
<<hierarchy>> <<name>> (<<tag>><<id_number>>)
282 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Output 8
1.2 Tamper Alert (BS79)
SS103 Alert Signal Requirement Automated Teller Machine Direct TO
SS98 Service Mode Requirement Automated Teller Machine Direct TO
BS77 ATM Alerts Requirement Automated Teller Machine Direct FROM
SS104 Tamper Signal Requirement Automated Teller Machine Direct TO
2 24x7 (BS80)
SS98 Service Mode Requirement Automated Teller Machine Direct TO
SS102 Status Query Requirement Automated Teller Machine Direct TO
Template 9
$PROJECT{Automated Teller Machine}
$FILTER{type = 'Business Requirements'}
<<hierarchy>> <<name>> (<<tag>><<id_number>>)
Requirement Tag: <<Trace_ReqTag>>
Trace Name: <<Trace_Name>>
Trace ObjectType: <<Trace_ObjectType>>
Trace_Project: <<Trace_Project>>
Trace_Suspect: <<Trace_Suspect>>
Trace_Directimplied: <<Trace_DirectImplied>>
Trace_Direction: <<Trace_Direction>>
Ap pen dix D: Do cum ent F act ory Sa mp le T e mpla tes an d Ou tp ut s
Output 9
1.1 Replenishment Alert (BS78)
Requirement Tag: SS99
Trace Name: Replenishment Prediction
Trace Object Type: Requirement
Trace Project: Automated Teller Machine
Trace Suspect:
Trace Direct/Implied: Direct
Trace Direction: TO
Requirement Tag: SS100
Trace Name: Cash Depletion Rate
Trace Object Type: Requirement
Trace Project: Automated Teller Machine
Trace Suspect:
Trace Direct/Implied: Direct
Trace Direction: TO
1.2 Tamper Alert (BS79)
Requirement Tag: SS103
Trace Name: Alert Signal
Trace Object Type: Requirement
Trace Project: Automated Teller Machine
Trace Suspect:
Trace Direct/Implied: Direct
Trace Direction: TO
Template 10
$PROJECT{Automated Teller Machine}
$FILTER{type = 'Software Requirements'}
<<hierarchy>> <<name>> (<<tag>><<id_number>>)
Project Version: <<version>>
$CALCULATE{Low Effort + Expected Effort as TotalEffort1}
Low Effort:<<Low Effort>> + Expected Effort: <<Expected Effort>> = Total Effort
284 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Output 10
ATM SOFTWARE Requirements
1 Service Mode (SS98)
Owner: fsandifer
Status: Submitted
Priority: Medium
Project Version: 1.1
Estimates: Low Effort:4 + Expected Effort: 5 = Total Effort: 9
2 Replenishment Prediction (SS99)
Owner: jandrews
Status: Accepted
Priority: Medium
Project Version: 1.1
Estimates: Low Effort:5 + Expected Effort: 9 = Total Effort 14
3 Cash Depletion Rate (SS100)
Owner: amitchell
Status: Accepted
Priority: Medium
Project Version: 1.1
Estimates: Low Effort:12 + Expected Effort: 15 = Total Effort27
4 Paper Depletion Rate (SS101)
Owner: gjones
Status: Submitted
Priority: Medium
Project Version: 1.1
Estimates: Low Effort:2 + Expected Effort: 5 = Total Effort 7
Ap pen dix D: Do cum ent F act ory Sa mp le T e mpla tes an d Ou tp ut s
286 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
CaliberRM Diagnostics
Appendix E
CaliberRM Diagnostics is comprised of two components: the CaliberRM Diagnostic
Tool and the Automated Support Assistant (ASA).
The CaliberRM Diagnostic Tool allows you to test the connectivity between your server
and clients.
The Automated Support Assistant automates the gathering of required information and
data needed to troubleshoot and resolve CaliberRM support incidents.
CaliberRM Diagnostics Tool
To run the Diagnostic Tool:
1 From the Windows Start menu, select Programs > CaliberRM > Diagnostic Tool.
2 Select the CaliberRM Diagnostic Tool tab.
3 Enter the name of the Host (the server on which you want to perform a diagnostic
check), your User name and Password in the appropriate boxes.
4 Click the Run Diagnostics button. The diagnostics check begins, and the results
are displayed.
Click the Save Results button to save the results as a text file. You can print the
results before calling support, emailed to support or compared against the results of
other tests to resolve problems and discrepancies.
5 Click Exit to close the Diagnostics Tool dialog box.
Automated Support Assistant
The Automated Support Assistant (later referred to as simply “ASA”) performs a series
of tasks designed for ease of use and decreased troubleshooting and problem-solving
time, saving valuable productivity time.
App en dix E : C alib erRM D i agn ost i cs
The ASA provides a simple means to bundle captured log files, diagnostic output,
system files and logs into a .zip file specified through the ASA interface. You can then
automatically send that archive file support, in an e-mail or using FTP.
Users can also enable client or server logging for a specified and configurable
timeframe, during which CaliberRM passes information to the logs as normal. The
applied ASA settings are adjusted and monitored until the duration of the configurable
timeframe has elapsed. When the timeframe expires, the ASA automatically compiles
and collects the specified data into the archive, and then sends the information to
CaliberRM Support using a specified delivery method. The server log settings are then
reset to their previous settings.
Creating an Archive
The ASA is only available on a CaliberRM server machine. Select Programs >
CaliberRM > Diagnostic Tool from the Windows Start menu to access the ASA. The
Automated Support Assistant (ASA) tab is displayed.
There are four steps to creating an archive (.zip file):
1 Select Archive Content Options.
2 Set or confirm Archive Delivery Options.
3 Choose a File name and Location (optional step).
4 Select an Archive Creation Option.
Archive Content Options
Select the checkboxes next to the Archive Content Options you want the archive to
contain. See the table on the following page for details about each option.
288 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
See page 291 for information about using manual vs. automated archive creation.
Server Log Files
Manual: Prompts you to select the Server
log files to include in the archive.
Automated: Only the log files modified on
the current day are added to the archive.
Database Files
Manual/Automated: The database is
backed up with vbackup procedures and
the resultant output are included in the
archive file.
Listdlls output
Manual/Automated: If listdlls.exe exists in
the lib directory, this program is run and
generates a unique output .txt file. The file
is automatically added to the archive.
Database Logs
Manual/Automated: LOGFILE and
Versant.log are added to the archive.
Additional Files
Manual: Prompts you to select additional
files to include in the archive. This option is
used for Document Factory Template files,
screenshots, or any other files.
Automated: This option is ignored.
System Info (Windows)
Manual/Automated: ASA checks for the
existence of MSInfo32.exe. If it exists,
Windows Diagnostics is run, and the
results are output to a unique file and
automatically added to the archive.
CRM_DBTool output
Manual/Automated: If CRM_DBTool.exe
exists in the lib directory, the -d switch is
run and output to a unique txt file. This file
is automatically included in the archive.
Diagnostic Tool results
Manual/Automated: The CaliberRM
Diagnostics tool is run and the results are
output to a unique file. This output file is
added to the archive. These diagnostics
are equivalent to those found on the
CaliberRM Diagnostics Tool tab.
Client and Document Factory
Log Files*
Manual: Prompts you to select Client and
DocFactory log files.
Automated: Log files from the current day
are automatically added to the archive.
System Logs
Manual/Automated: The Dr. Watson log,
System log, and Application log are added
to the archive.
* Note: Unless you are running the client and/or Document Factory on the
server machine you are attempting to capture client log data for, client/
Document Factory logs are not generated during the session. You can map a
drive to a client machine that may have more meaningful logs and use the
manual option to point to the correct logs.
App en dix E : C alib erRM D i agn ost i cs
Archive Delivery Options
Select the option button for the delivery option you want to use, then click the
appropriate Setup button.
See below for FTP Setup.
See page 291 for E-mail Setup.
FTP Setup
Once you click the FTP Setup button, the FTP Setup dialog box is displayed.
There are default settings, so it is not necessary for you fill in the dialog box, although
you may want to check with your IS team to ensure there are no firewall issues to
consider. If you do need to change the settings, the changes are saved to the registry
and applied immediately.
If you want an email sent directly to CaliberRM Support after the FTP posting, select
the Send E-Mail to CaliberRM Support post FTP check box. This alerts support that
a new archive has been delivered. If you do not want the default email address for the
FTP notification, you can change it using the E-mail Step button.
Note: If FTP is desired do not change the option button selection, just select the
E-mail Step button and change the Send To email address.
If you have changed the FTP settings, then decide to use the default settings, select
the Use Borland FTP Defaults check box.
Note: The User ID is CSGuest, and the password is Guest.
Click OK when you are finished.
290 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Email Setup
Once you click the E-mail Setup button, the E-Mail Setup dialog box is displayed.
There is a default Send To email address, so it is not necessary for you fill one in.
In the Send From field, enter a valid email address on your email server to designate
the sender of the emails.
In the Mailer Host field, enter the machine name or IP address of your mail server.
If you have changed the default email setting, then decide to use the default setting,
select the Use Borland Defaults check box.
Choosing a File Name and Location
If you want to change the Archive Path and Filename, click the Browse button. In the
Save As dialog box, navigate to the location where you want to save your archive and
enter a name for it, then click Save.
If you choose not to rename your file, the default naming convention is used:
If you choose not to change the location of the file is:
c:\Borland\CaliberRMServer\Logs (or wherever you installed the CaliberRM server).
Continue with “Archive Creation Option” below.
Archive Creation Option
There are three ways to create an archive, two of which are classified under the
Manual Creation Method: Create New and Append to Existing. The third method is
the Automated Archive Creation, which allows you to setup a timeframe in which log
files are captured, then sent automatically to CaliberRM Support.
App en dix E : C alib erRM D i agn ost i cs
Create New
1 From the Manual Archive Creation section, click the Create New button. The
Archive Comments and Additional Options dialog box is displayed.
2 Select the New option button or the Existing option button if you already have an
incident number.
3 If you want to automatically send the file to support without viewing it, select the
Auto send archive to Borland check box.
If you want to view the file before sending it to support, select the Open file after
creation check box.
4 Enter any comments, notes or messages you want to include with the archive.
5 Click OK. The archive is compiled.
Append to Existing
1 From the Manual Archive Creation section, click the Append to Existing button.
The Open dialog box is displayed.
2 Navigate to the location of the existing archive and click Open. The Archive
Comments and Additional Options dialog box is displayed.
3 Select the Existing option button. The Incident # field appears.
4 Enter the incident number.
5 If you want to automatically send the file to support without viewing it, select the
Auto send archive to Borland check box.
If you want to view the file before sending it to support, select the Open file after
creation check box.
6 Enter any comments, notes or messages you want to include with the archive.
7 Click OK.
Automated Archive Method
The Automated Archive method only contains the latest client and server log files. See
the table on page 288 for the contents included in the archive file.
To use the Automated Archive method:
1 Set the Duration that you want log files created for, in Minutes or Hours, selecting
the appropriate option button. The duration must be more than 10 minutes, but less
than 12 hours. The default duration is 60 minutes.
292 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
2 If you want a prompt to enter comments for the archive, select the Prompt for
Comments check box.
3 Click Activate. The Activate button turns into a De-activate button, allowing you to
cancel the archive creation. If you cancel the process, server log settings are
reapplied on the server and the archive is not compiled.
During activation, the CaliberRM Server Logging settings are set to capture the most
Once the duration expires, the archive is automatically sent to Borland’s CaliberRM
Support team using the chosen delivery method, FTP or email.
App en dix E : C alib erRM D i agn ost i cs
294 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
CaliberRM Keyboard Shortcuts
Chapter 27
CaliberRM supports keyboard shortcuts for requirements and requirement descriptions
for ease of use.
Requirement Shortcuts
Keyboard Stroke(s)
Ctrl+ N
Creates a new requirement below a
selected requirement.
Creates a new requirement above a
selected requirement.
Creates a new child requirement for a
selected requirement.
Saves changes to a requirement.
Deletes a selected requirement.
Ctrl+<Down Arrow>
Moves a requirement down the
requirement tree.
Ctrl+<Up Arrow>
Moves a requirement up the requirement
Requirement Description Shortcuts
These apply only to the Windows client.
Keyboard Stroke(s)
Right Arrow
Moves the cursor one character to the
Left Arrow
Moves the cursor one character to the left.
Down Arrow
Moves the cursor down one line.
Up Arrow
Moves the cursor up one line.
Ctrl+Right Arrow
Moves the cursor right one word.
Ctrl+Left Arrow
Moves the cursor left one word.
A ppe nd ix F : C alib erRM Ke ybo ard Sho rt c ut s
Keyboard Strokes
Moves the cursor to the end of the current
Moves the cursor to the start of the current
Page Down
Moves the cursor down one page.
Page Up
Moves the cursor up one page.
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the
Moves the cursor to the end of the
Tab or Shift+Tab
Moves the cursor position forward.
Shift+Right Arrow
Extends the selection one character to the
Shift+Left Arrow
Extends the selection one character to the
Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow
Extends the selection right one word.
Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow
Extends the selection left one word.
Shift+Up Arrow
Extends the selection up one line .
Shift+Down Arrow
Extends the selection down one line.
Extends the selection to the end of the
current line.
Extends the selection to the start of the
current line.
Shift+Page Down
Extends the selection down one page.
Shift+Page Up
Extends the selection up one page.
Extends the selection to the end of the
Extends the selection to the beginning of
the description.
Selects all elements in the description.
Deletes the selection or, if there is no
selection, the character to the left of the
insertion point.
Deletes the whole word to the left of the
insertion pointer, not including the space
Copies the selection to the Clipboard.
Pastes the contents of the Clipboard to the
current location.
Cuts the selection to the Clipboard.
Deletes the selection without placing it on
the Clipboard.
Toggles between inserting and overwriting
Finds text within the description.
Displays the context menu, if any
(equivalent to right-clicking the
Displays the Hyperlink dialog box. Must
have text selected for this shortcut to work.
Toggles bold formatting.
Toggles italic formatting.
Toggles underlining.
Increases paragraph indent.
Decreases paragraph indent.
296 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Keyboard Strokes
Prints the current requirement description.
Moves out of the description tab and back
to the current tab.
A ppe nd ix F : C alib erRM Ke ybo ard Sho rt c ut s
298 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
Appendix G
Attributes: Characteristics that help define requirements. For example, all
requirements contain the attribute “Priority,” indicating the priority of the requirement.
CaliberRM supports both system and user-defined attributes.
Automatic Notification: A feature of CaliberRM that provides email notification to a
user that a requirement that s/he is assigned to has changed.
Baseline: A static snapshot of a group of requirements or a project at specific versions
or a specific point in time.
CaliberRM: A collaborative, Internet-based requirements management system that
enables project teams to deliver higher quality applications that meet end-user
Custom Tabs: A CaliberRM feature that allows a CaliberRM Administrator to create
and delete custom tabs that contain user-defined attributes.
Custom Tools: A CaliberRM feature that allows the user to create custom tools, such
as a link to Word, specific to a CaliberRM project. Custom tools can be created, given a
user-chosen icon and placed at a specific location on the CaliberRM toolbar for
Enterprise: Generally refers to the entire global organization. In terms of CaliberRM
security, enterprise level restrictions set the policy for all user accounts. User account
settings allow you to supersede global settings on specific accounts.
Export/Import Projects: A CaliberRM feature that allows the user to export a project
from a server into an ASCII file for import into the same or another server. The user can
also specify the path/name of the import data from a directory that the export facility
created to import a project to a server.
Field Changed Indicator: The indicator represented by an asterisk (*) that is displayed
next to fields that have been changed for a requirement in CaliberRM.
Framework Administrator: Controls all administrative functions related to projects,
users, groups, security and automatic notification.
Glossary: A CaliberRM feature that allows the user to create, define and store projectspecific terms.
Group: A group is a set of users with similar responsibilities (i.e., Managers,
Developers, Engineers, Marketing, etc.).
Appendix G: Glossary
Hierarchical Numbers: These numbers, displayed to the left of the requirement name,
are dynamic and are determined by the requirement’s placement in the requirement
list. For example, for each requirement type, there is a requirement numbered 1 whose
children are numbered 1.1, 1.2 and so on.
Project: Any application or system under development. Projects consist of several
layers of information, including users and groups, requirement types and requirements.
Reference Documents: Documents that CaliberRM stores that provide additional
information for a requirement. Referenced documents can include a specifications
document, meeting notes, a screen shot or anything else that might be of use in
defining requirements.
Registered Interest: A CaliberRM feature that gives the user the option to receive
email notification when a change is made to a requirement to which the user is not
Requirements: Specifications that the application or system being built must meet.
Requirements can originate from many sources such as business rules, business
process models, product marketing, prototypes, development meetings and more.
Requirement ID Numbers: These numbers, also called Serial numbers, are displayed
to the right of the requirement name. These numbers are static and are automatically
generated by CaliberRM. Each ID number is unique in the system. If a requirement is
deleted, that ID number will not be reused.
Requirement Types: High-level groups of requirements. Requirement types are
typically classified by their function (i.e., Marketing, Functional, GUI, Software, Testing,
Select Enterprise: An object modeling tool from Princeton Softech.
Security Profile: Determine access privileges. These profiles are then assigned to
groups within each project through the Framework Administrator.
Serial Numbers: See Requirement ID Numbers.
Signatories: CaliberRM users who can sign a locked baseline
Software Configuration Management (SCM): Development tools that track changes
and provide version control for source code or other file types.
System Attributes: An attribute that CaliberRM automatically assigns to each
requirement. System attributes that CaliberRM assigns are Priority and Status. Users
set the values for these attributes to define requirements.
TestDirector: A test planning and management tool from Mercury Interactive.
Test Wizard: A CaliberRM feature that allows the user to create tests for any
requirement by automating the process of creating tests in TestDirector.
Traceability: CaliberRM supports requirement traceability to allow you to see
requirement relationships easily. Requirements can trace to or trace from other
requirements, as well as object modeling and test entities. Suspect links, which
indicate a change in a requirement that may affect other objects, are shown when a
requirement is changed.
Unread Discussion Indicator: An indicator in CaliberRM that notifies a user when a
requirement has a discussion item that has not been read.
Unread Discussion List: A pop-up list in CaliberRM that shows all unread
discussions, allowing the user to view all requirements in the currently selected project
that have unread discussions.
Unread Message Indicator: An indicator that notifies the user of an unread message
on the Discussion tab of a selected requirement or project. The indicator is illuminated
green when the message has not been read. Once the message has been read, the
indicator becomes gray.
300 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
User-Defined Attributes: An attribute that a user defines and assigns to a custom tab
in a requirement type.
User: Any person who has access to and uses CaliberRM or the Framework
Administrator system. Users can be developers, managers, testers, CEOs and others.
User Identity (ID): The display of a user’s name and department assignment in a tool
tip box when the cursor is placed over the user ID in the Framework Administrator or
Validation: Validation procedures help determine how to test the application to ensure
that the requirements are implemented correctly.
Appendix G: Glossary
302 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
baseline signatories 181
baseline signature 186
hyperlinks to requirements 127
pictures to requirements 127
tables to requirements 126
vendor add-in module 255
administrative reports 16
administrative tasks 71
administrators 71
baseline, creating 49
creating 72
attribute data to requirements 128
glossary to project 39
responsible users to requirements 128
attributes 89-106
creating 92
deleting 105
in requirement type 105
modifying 104
options 96
ordering 105
overview 89
security access 103
system 89
types 92
user-defined 91
wizard 92
automatic notification
enabling 37
setting up 21
daily 65
database 63
baselines 179-189
adding a signature 186
administrator, creating 49
comparing 188
creating 180
initializing 183
modifying 183
overview 179
project 41
signatures 185
administrators 71
dictionary 120
menus 109-116
options 115, 117-121
overview 1
project view 108
reports 165-168
requirement type view 108
requirement view 109
SDK 255
user interface 107
wizards 118
CaliberRM Administrators 71-75
creating 72
tasks 71
CaliberRM reports 165-168
detail 165
discussion 167
exporting 168
history 167
overview 165
responsibility 167
status 167
CaliberRM server settings 69-70
server control panel 69
CaliberRM Web 221-226
accessing 221
menus 223-226
options 225
user interface 223
CaliberRM WebView 226-230
accessing 227
menus 229-230
options 230
user interface 228
changing your password 115
circular traces 158
client logout 29
baselines 188
requirements 133
control panel 69
copying requirements 130
attribute 92
baseline 180
baseline administrator 49
CaliberRM administrators 72
custom tool 121
database 68
departments 21
document factory report 215
document references 173
glossary 38
glossary term 73
group 50
projects 32
requirement 123
requirement file 191
requirement type 77
security profile 56
traceability link 154
user 44
crm file 191
custom tabs
deleting 87
custom tools, creating 121
backup 63
In de x
backup, daily 65
creating 68
increasing size 68
moving 65
database administration 63-68
db manager 63
db manager 63
command switches 67
project information 34
requirement 124
requirement type 81
user information 47
custom tabs 87
department 22
document references 178
glossary 40
glossary term 74
group 54
project 38
requirement 136
requirement type 84
security profile 59
traceability link 155
user 50
user-defined attribute 105
departments 21
creating 21
deleting 22
modifying 23
detail report 165
diagnostic tool 287
dictionary 120
discussion report 167
discussion see group discussion
document factory 195-219
commands 196
creating a report 215
keywords 206
overview 195
running from command line 218
sample templates and outputs 273-285
document references 173-178
creating 173
creating a requirement from 176
deleting 178
key 173
linking text 174
non-key 173
setting key reference 175
edit menu
CaliberRM 110
CaliberRM Web 224
CaliberRM WebView 229
Framework Administrator 13
electronic signature 185
email notification
enabling 37
setting up 21
automatic notification 37
mapped requirements 72
304 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
other integrations 257
Select Enterprise integration 70, 257
shared requirements 72
TestDirector integration 70, 257
enforcing security 72
error messages 259-261
export tables
baseline 267
custom tab 267
department 267
discussion 268
document reference 268
glossary 268
group 264
project 263
requirement 264
security 265
traceability 265
user 264
user-defined attributes 266
export to Access 231-233
from command line 232
from menu 231
export, RM 241
CaliberRM reports 168
glossary 41
traceability matrix 163
field changed indicator 131
file menu
CaliberRM 109
CaliberRM Web 223
CaliberRM WebView 229
Framework Administrator 12
requirement grid 142
traceability matrix 161
group 14
project 14
requirement by description 135
requirement by name 134
user 14
formatting requirement descriptions 125
Framework Administrator
menus 12-17
options 15-16
overview 11-17
project view 11, 31
user interface 11
wizards 16
glossary 38
assigning 39
creating 38
creating a term 73
deleting 40
deleting a term 74
export 41
import 40
maintaining 73
modifying 40
modifying a term 74
glossary view feature 126
group discussion 169-172
posting new message 171
project 169
reading messages 171
requirement 169
unread indicator 170
unread list 170
group view 12
groups 50-54
add users 48
assign users 54
assigning to projects 34
creating 50
deleting 54
modifying 54
report 16
wizard 51
help menu
CaliberRM 116
CaliberRM Web 226
CaliberRM WebView 230
Framework Administrator 17
hierarchical number 123
hierarchical number,displaying 136
history report 167
hyperlinks, in requirement descriptions 127
ID numbers, requirement 136
displaying 136
implied links 153
import, from Microsoft Word 235-239
import, RM 248
glossary 40
signature meaning 182
increasing database size 68
initializing a baseline 183
integrations 255
key reference 173
keywords, document factory 206
license changes, making 24
License Management 23
locking a baseline 184
logging on 5
CaliberRM Web 221
CaliberRM WebView 227
logout, client 29
mapped requirements
enabling 72
mapped requirements diagram 150
mapping a requirement 148
meaning, signature 181
importing 182
CaliberRM 109-116
CaliberRM Web 223-226
CaliberRM WebView 229-230
Framework Administrator 12-17
Microsoft Access, export to 231
Microsoft Word, import from 235
baseline 183
department 23
glossary 40
glossary term 74
group 54
project 38
requirement 130
requirement grid 141
requirement on grid 143
requirement type 83
security profile 58
system attribute 89
trace 155
trace in matrix 162
user 50
user list 36
user-defined attribute 104
monitor, user connections 28
view 12
database 65
requirements 134
enabling 37
setting up 21
requirement hierarchical 123
requirement serial (ID) 123
displaying requirement 136
attributes 96
CaliberRM 115, 117-121
CaliberRM Web 225
CaliberRM WebView 230
Framework Administrator 15-16
changing 115
messages 115
setting 49
password administration 19, 19-21
enterprise 19
user 20
pictures, adding to requirement descriptions 127
In de x
requirement grid 145
traceability matrix 162
product connections view 29
project 38
project view
CaliberRM 108
Framework Administrator 11, 31
projects 31-41
assigning groups 34
baseline 41
creating 32
defining information 34
deleting 38
discussion 169
enforcing security 61
integrations 255
modifying 38
modifying user list 36
overview 31
report 16
setting requirement types 84
wizard 32
reading messages 171
registered interest 137
report menu
CaliberRM 116
Framework Administrator 16
report preview 145, 163
administrative 16
detail 165
discussion 167
group 16
history 167
project 16
responsibility 167
status 167
usage 25
user 16
requirement file
creating 191
requirement grid 139-145
filtering 142
go to requirement 143
modifying 141
modifying requirements on 143
opening 139
overview 139
printing 145
saving 144
search 141
view 141
requirement menu
CaliberRM 113
CaliberRM Web 225
requirement types 77-87
access level 83
attributes to requirement types 105
creating 77
defining 81
delete level 83
deleting 84
306 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e
modification level 83
modifying 83
security access 82
setting within a project 84
summary tab 87
view 85, 108
wizard 77
requirement viewer 191-193
starting 192
assign attribute values 128
assign responsible users 128
change detail 132
changing order 134
comparing 133
copying 130
creating 123
creating from document 176
defining 124
deleting 136
descriptions 124
discussion 169
displaying ID numbers 136
history 131
history record 131
mapped 147
mapping 148
modifying 130
overview 123
registered interest 137
search by description 135
search by name 134
shared 147
unmapping 149
validation 129
view 109
responsibility report 167
responsible users 128
RM Export 241-248
export directory structure 247
for CaliberRM import 242
for outside application 244
object formats 269
overview 241
RM Import 248-254
advanced import 250
import directory structure 254
overview 248
using RM Export data 249
requirement grid 144
traceability matrix 160
SDK 255
for group 14
for project 14
for requirement by description 135
for requirement by name 134
for user 14
security 55-61
access in requirement type 82
access levels 57
delete levels 57
enforcing 61, 72
modification levels 58
overview 55
security profiles 55
combining 60
creating 56
default 56
deleting 59
examples 59
modifying 58
Select Enterprise
enabling integration 70
setting up 257
serial number 123
displaying 136
server settings 69-70
server control panel 69
attribute options 96
attribute security 103
automatic notification 21
document as key reference 175
requirement types in project 84
security for requirement type 82
security in a project 36
standard attributes 90, 96
user password 49
shared requirements
enabling 72, 148
overview 147
details 187
reports 187
signature meaning 181
importing 182
signature, adding 186
signatures 185
spell checker 119
dictionary options 120
standard options
system attributes 90
user-defined attributes 96
StarTeam Message Broker 9
StarTeam toolbar
adding a tool 7
deleting a tool 9
modifying a tool 9
options 6
Starteam toolbar 5
status report 167
suspect traces 153, 158
system attributes 89
customize values 91
modifying 89
standard options 90
tables, in requirement descriptions 126
enabling integration 70
setting up 257
toolbar, Starteam 5
tools menu
CaliberRM 114
CaliberRM Web 225
CaliberRM WebView 229
Framework Administrator 15
creating a link 154
deleting a link 155
implied links 153
modifying traces 155
modifying traces in matrix 162
overview 153
suspect traces 153
traceability diagram 156
viewing 156
traceability matrix 159
filtering 161
opening 159
printing 162
saving view 160
unmapping a requirement 149
unread discussion
indicator 170
list 170
reading 171
usage report 25
user connections monitor 28
user connections view 28
user interface
CaliberRM 107
CaliberRM Web 223
CaliberRM WebView 228
Framework Administrator 11
user list
modifying 36
user password
setting 49
user view 11
user-defined attributes 91-106
boolean 97
creating 92
date 97
deleting 105
duration 98
float 98
in requirement type 105
integer 98
modifying 104
multiple line text field 101
multiple selection group list 99
multiple selection list 99
multiple selection user list 100
options 96
ordering 105
security access 103
single selection group list 102
single selection list 101
single selection user list 102
single text line 103
standard options 96
types 92
wizard 92
users 43-50
add to groups 48
assign to group 54
creating 44
In de x
define information 47
deleting 50
levels of 44
modifying 50
report 16
responsible 128
wizard 45
validation 129
vendor add-in module 255
adding 255
product connections 29
user connections 28
view menu
CaliberRM 111
CaliberRM Web 224
CaliberRM WebView 229
Framework Administrator 14
requirement change detail 132
requirement history 131
requirement number 136
traceability diagram 156
unread discussion list 171
web access 221-230
CaliberRM Web 221-226
CaliberRM WebView 226-230
overview 221
attribute 92
group 51
project 32
requirement type 77
user 45
CaliberRM 118
Framework Administrator 16
308 C a l i b e r R M U s e r G u i d e