August 7th Bulletin - Church of the Visitation
August 7th Bulletin - Church of the Visitation
MASS/MUSIC TODAY’S MASS Bell Song: All People That On Earth Do Dwell #309 The Catholic Church Of The Visitation 8462 General Puller Highway P.O. Box 38 Topping, Virginia 23169 Phone:(804) 758-5160 Fax: (804)758-0676 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: Entrance Song: Rain Down #614 Glory to God #915 Liturgy of the Word First reading/page 198 Responsorial Psalm: Blessed the people the Lord has chosen, chosen to be his own, Second Reading Gospel Acclamation: Stay awake and be ready! For you do not know on what day your Lord will come. Gospel/Homily Nicene Creed /page 9 Prayers of the Faithful: Response:-Lord hear our prayer Liturgy of the Eucharist Offertory: The Sacrifice of Praise #552 Holy: #918 proclaim your Death, O Lord, until you come again. Lord’s Prayer: page 26 Lamb of God: #923 Communion: Vine And Branches #364 Meditation: This Body Of Christ #358 Recessional: In The Day Of The Lord #579 CHURCH ACTIVITIES, ORGANIZATIONS, AND SACRAMENTAL EVENTS Below is a condensed list of such items. For more details, consult our Ministry Catalogue or contact the Ministerial Head pictured on the WELCOME TREE, located on the wall outside of the kitchen. Church Hours PARISH COUNCIL MINISTRIES Worship/Liturgy, Eileen O’Brien Justice & Peace, Eileen Wagner Religious Education, Barbara Hollingsworth Parish Life, Peg Meushaw Adult Ed/RCIA, Louise Petralia Pastoral Care, Lynne Richardson Administration, Page Wittkamp Young Adult Representative-open Finance, Ray Kostesky Sunday Mass 9AM Wednesday Mass 9AM Thursday Mass 9AM Parish Office Hours 9AM-2PM Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Pastor, Gerald Kaggwa Church Secretary, Andrea Moore Webmaster, Mike Dreelin FINANCE COUNCIL Ray Kostesky-Chairman Tom Bliley John Charbeneau Lisa Forte Debby Harriman Fritz Sitterding PARISH COUNCIL Charlie Costello Lynne Dreelin Linda Gray-Chairperson Lee Hollingsworth Dave Marchant Brendan O’Brien Stephanie Selmer-Secretary Kathy Swinehart Lynn Vajda Gospel: Luke 12:32-48 First Reading: Wisdom 18:6-9 Second Reading: Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19 ASSIGNMENTS GREETERS: Lynne Dreelin, Pat Marchant & Chris Tutak USHERS: Tom Shoemaker, Larry Tewey, Stephanie Selmer, Lee Hollingsworth & Don Delangrane ALTAR SERVERS: Joe Sychterz COMMUNITY LEADER: Gary Richardson LECTORS: Memorial Acclamation: When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup, we 19th Sunday In Ordinary Time August 7, 2016 August 7, 2016 BAPTISM, MARRIAGE: Please contact the parish office to arrange an appointment for celebrating the sacrament of Baptism or Marriage. CATECHUMENS: RCIA invites people of all ages interested in becoming Catholics through Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. Contact the parish office. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING: Celebrated 2x a year-Spring & Fall or by appointment. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Held during Lent and Advent as well as by appointment. Please call the parish office. SICK CALLS: Please call the Office at any time. We will also bring Holy Communion to anyone who is unable to attend Mass. HOLY DAYS: Please call the office for times or check our website. PRISON MINISTRY: Please call the office if you are interested in helping. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Knights of Columbus meet the third Wednesday of each month beginning with the Rosary at 5:45pm and the meeting starting 6:15pm, followed by a social with wives and guests at 7:15pm. Everyone is welcome. The KOC are willing to provide transportation to any church activities. Call Grand Knight Gary Richardson, 776-0949. VISITATION SINGERS: You are invited to sing at Dockside Nursing Home and Riverside Convalescent Center one day a month(3rd Wednesday). We start off with a short practice at Visitation and then sing at both facilities. We will bring one or two guitars and any available singers to entertain the residents, singing hymns, light songs they know, and songs for the season. For information, call Carol McCormack at 804-725-1656. KNITTING MINISTRY: A loving ministry that meets every 1 st and 3rd Monday (10am at the church) each month, weather permitting. Please call Lynne Richardson 776-0949. FOOD PANTRY: Our church supplies food/toiletries to the Cryer Center to provide help to the community as needed. Items may be dropped off in the baskets provided, as you enter church. RECYCLABLE CANS: Church of the Visitation recycles cans, with profits going to church ministries. Bring your aluminum cans to the bin outside, by the playground. Chuck & Carol Walsh EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Lynn Vajda, Steve Forte, Jack & Louise Petralia & Marie Suyes Music: Leaders: Carol McCormack/Matt Ponish Cantor: Sal Messina COLLECTION COUNTERS: Brendan & Stephanie Wednesday: August 10th Reading 1: 2 Corinthians 9:6-10 Gospel: John 12:24-26 Thursday: August 11th Reading 1: Ezekiel 12:1-12 Gospel: Matthew 18:21-19:1 OFFERTORY COLLECTION FOR July 31, 2016 Collection: $ 2,242 Second Collection: Total Offertory Collection Year to Date $ 11,410 Total Budget Projection: $ 10,980 Our second collection today is for Faith Formation. We did not sign any principal checks this week. BUILDING FUND As of July 2016: $543,067 FATHER JOHN BODDIE SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of our pastor and friend, Fr. John Boddie, from whom flowed love and kindness to all who knew him. May his soul rest in peace. Money from these ads are used as scholarships given to the youth of our church. Please make your checks payable to THE FR. JOHN BODDIE SCHOLARSHIP FUND. Checks and ads can be deposited in the church office. The charge per space is $100. Thank you for your continued support. The Scholarship Committee Website for scholarship application: “DOC” JONES Since 1970 BE A KNIGHT Pre-Treated New & Used Auto & Truck Parts Junk Cars Removed Hours 9AM-1PM Closed Monday/Sunday/Holidays/Raining Days Contact: Grand Knight Gary Richardson 804-776-0949 2183 Twiggs Ferry Rd., Hartfield, VA 23071 Phone: (804) 776-6900 Cell: (804) 512-9210 Toll Free: 800-552-4035 24 hour Towing OUR LADY OF THE BAY COUNCIL 11210 DELTAVILLE MINI STORAGE DRY STORAGE UNITS 4x6 to 12x28 804.814.8736 16314 General Puller Hwy, Deltaville, VA Mother Theresa’s ANYWAY prayer People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some false friends and true enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; build it anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; give the world the best you’ve got anyway. You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway. Breathe in Love, Exhale Peace. Application deadline: March 3, 2016 WE SALUTE THE YOUTH OF OUR CHURCH AND THEIR IMPORTANT JOURNEY Carmen & Joe Brinkley FATHER GERALD KAGGWA We welcome with joyful hearts our new priest, Father Gerald Kaggwa! He would like us to call him Father Gerry. Father Gerry was born in Uganda on October 15th, 1962 to a large and loving family including 4 sisters and 9 brothers. His love of learning led him to studies outside of Uganda for the greater part of his life—to Kenya, England, Tanzania, Italy, Germany, and the United States. Along the way, Father Gerry earned higher education degrees in Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies. He also managed to pick up a few languages: Luganda, Italian, Swahili, Spanish, German (reading) and English. After attending seminary in London, England, Father Gerry was ordained in 1990. Before coming to the United States, Father Gerry was both Rector and Principal of a college in Tanzania for 14 years, until 2013. In Virginia, Father Gerry served as Parochial Vicar of St. Bridget Church in Richmond. After that much loved job, he was honored to be named as Pastor for a cluster of three Virginia parishes: St. Catherine of Siena in Clarksville, St. Paschal Baylon in South Boston, and Church of the Good Shepherd in South Hill. Like Church of the Visitation, these three parishes are all mission parishes with many parishioners who are retired. While there, Father Gerry worked very hard and with great success to raise money for their building campaigns as well as their Living Our Mission campaigns. It is our privilege and our joy to have Father Gerald Kaggwa as our new Pastor. UPCOMING EVENTS *Today-Father Gerry’s First Sunday Mass *September 13th-Parish Council Meeting 7PM MARK YOUR CALENDARS Mark your calendars for Saturday morning, September 24, from 8-12. COV will be hosting a community seminar for “End of Life Planning.” Make life easier for those you will leave behind when you make that journey to your final “Home” by planning now. Guest speakers will cover topics such as: Estate Planning Overview; When and How to obtain Hospice care; Funeral Home Services; Planning your Memorial/Funeral Service; Matters of Probate. T t Registration will be limited. COV Parishioners will have first opportunity to sign up. After August 14 we will be advertising to the Middlesex community. Please contact Lynne Richardson (776-0949) if you are interested in registering and/or helping with set-up, take-down, breakfast food, greeting guests and speakers, or other jobs that will come up. R R GOLF TOURNAMENT REPORT As you know, half of the proceeds from the annual Golf Tournament are dedicated to community outreach. The Tournament Committee has decided to give donations averaging $500 to the following causes: Parish Pence, Laurel Shelter, Riverside Hospice, YMCA’s Bright Beginnings, Hands Across Middlesex's Food Pantry and Backpack Buddies’ programs, Christmas Friends, and Habitat for Humanity. CONFIRMATION Don and Sandi Delagrange d G K b s A i C a were officially welcomed into the Catholic Church and Confirmed last Sunday. Congratulations! MARK YOUR CALENDARS Hands Across Middlesex and COV will be jointly sponsoring a yard sale on November 19th. More information will be coming soon. S a o ADDRESS FOR Fr. ROBERT AND Mr. WIGGLES Roberts Cummins 725 Brunswick Road Portsmouth, VA 23701 E ATTENTION MINISTRY HEADS At a Diocesan Conference yesterday we received a manual entitled Emergency Procedures for Catholic Parishes. It will be in place in the rear of the church, and we ask all ministry heads to be familiar with its location and content. T SCRIPTURE REFLECTION BE READY Faith is based on witness. Abraham and Sarah had faith because God kept his promises and they saw his works. The people in exile had faith because God kept his promises and they remembered his works. Our faith requires remembering God’s works with our ancestors. They lived and died in the light of the resurrection of Jesus—the way, the truth, and the life leading to the New Jerusalem, our heavenly homeland. We must stand ready to meet the Lord when he returns! Maranatha! Text, Philip J. Sandstrom, STD © 1999, OCP. All rights reserved Next Week: 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time An unsettling truth Reading I: Jeremiah 38:4–6, 8–10 (Jeremiah in the miry cistern) Reading II: Hebrews 12:1–4 (God’s treatment of his sons and daughters) Gospel: Luke 12:49–53 (Jesus’ mission of division) Key Passage: Jesus said, “Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division!” (Luke 12:51) Adult: When has your taking a strong stand on a moral issue created division rather than healing in the short term? Child: Is it important to do the right thing even if others are angry as a result? Why or why not? VISITATION SINGERS We were 12 strong singing at the two nursing homes two weeks ago. Flags were a-waving as we sang Patriotic Songs thanks to The American Legion Post 83 in Mathews and also a thank you goes out to Madisen (granddaughter of Skip & Lois Kramb) who played the SWALLOWTAIL JIG on the violin/fiddle. Stanley and Mary Keen (residences) said Higher Ground was beautiful. Gerrie was funny holding the doll for the resident next to her. The resident on the other side of her sang every song with us and Junior's (resident) face was so expressive while we sang YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE. I think HOUND DOG and BLUE SUEDE SHOES, thanks to Elvis and Carl Perkins, were a definite hit. Carol McCormack Pastoral Care CARE NOTE “Overcoming Loneliness After Loss” Reach out to friends. Trust that the pain will pass. “Our loss can become our gain-a blessing that is born in pain.” Take one take heart ~ Give one give hope Care notes are located in the vestibule. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS Nancy Dunlop, Arlene Toler & Ed Mahoney PARISHIONERS: Tom Bliley, Chris Henkel, Jennifer Miller, Betty Hodge, Nennie Lennon, Rose Lohr, Ann Melvin, Jack Jensen, Ellen Demavres, Rudolf Wijdoogen, John Sobieski, Laurie King, Tom Mangrum, Ingrid Borden, Celina Knez, Sherry Bryant, Barbara & Bernie Bernhardt, Becky Nunn, Rita Blommel, Laura Tewey, Toni Traynor, Bill & Linda Gray, Dick Zimmerman, Herman Beckstoffer, Peg Meushaw, Carol & Art Smith, Bill & Mary Alice Marks, Tom Shoemaker, Allen Hines, Joe Edwards, Pat & Lee Reamy, Tom Shepherd, Janine Jaboulay, Anne Paparella, Carole McPherson, Maryanne Grubbs, Jeanne Lessner, Tyra Freed, Colin Walsh, Beryl O’Connor. FAMILY OF PARISHIONERS: TO SUPPORT OUR YOUTH, THEIR DREAMS, & OUR FUTURE. In Loving Memory of Alma and Fritz Sitterding Supporting Our Youth Believe There is Good in the World. Ad space available Lisl Bollana, Greg Dreelin, Patricia Yon, Natasha Walsh, Jeff Tutak, Chris Hodge, Ruth Heunemann, Audry & Scott Cronacher, Georgia Morgan, Gene Ruark, Cathie Sobieski, Alice Young, Margaret Hock, Kenneth Gage, Josette Chmiel, John Calvin Barnard, Brent Wilkings, Bill Dawson, Robert & Timothy Wilkins, Sandra Bush and children, Gabbard & Geilow families, Virginia & Al Talke, George & Sylvia Zimmerman, Charles & Sandy Alter, Andy & Iris Hetzer, Amanda Moore, Buddy & Jackie Moore, Linda & Corky Price, Fr. Alan Clute, Mike Gorin, Becky Holloway, Fr. Bertin Samsa, Carroll Ciurczak, Ellen Parker, Denis Popp, Michelle Gray, PJ Schwedler, Jerry Howerton, Terry & Kathy Reamy. FRIENDS OF PARISHIONERS: Father Dan, Bill Ashworth, Sharon Rumsey, Bill & Sally Penfield, Caleb Chowning, Mike Rios, Gretchen, Maribelle Dunlop, Jon Gorman, Jim & Linda Morris, Joan & John Rychtarik, Charlie & Scott Prietz, Katie Kruz, Russ & Mary Lou Mank, Linda Cryer, Elizabeth Panzer, Joey Coker. If you need to add to the prayer list please call the office, email, or leave a note in the box outside the office, remember to put family or friend by their name. BULLETIN BOARD INFORMATION See bulletin board (in the old administration hall, across from the kitchen for more info.) *Office for Persons with Disabilities/*Diocesan Job Vacancies *Monthly Diocesan Christian Formation -Newsletter *Catholic Engagement/Marriage Encounter--Schedule *LOM Newsletter *Free Health/Dental/Pharmacy Clinic-Accepting New Patients *Annual Catholic Women’s & Men’s Conf. Sept 10 & 24th *Singers’ Workshop Sept 17th *Catholic Charities Newsletter *Lower United Methodist Church Revival Aug 7-11th *Bishop’s statement regarding Catholics in Public office *Office of Asian Ministry Announcement *Office for Evangelization Event Update Lynne & Gary Richardson For the love and blessings of Christ given through vocations. Thank You Lord Art & Carol Smith SUPPORTERS OF OUR YOUTH SCHOLARSHIPS Frank & Geri Lohr III Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Hartz Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cox Don Tyrrell Anne & Charlie Costello Ann O’Connor Melvin Lee & Pat Reamy John & Vera England Richard & Mary Sue Dougherty Mollie McMurtrie Leonard & Pat Paul In Support Of Our Youth Curtis and Nancy Dickinson We Support The Youth Scholarship Fund. In Support Of Our Youth John & Carol McCormack The O’Keefe Family In memory of Daniel Nolte A child without education is like a bird without wings! Ad Space Available Nennie Lennon Telephone: (804) 794-4080 In Loving DR. ROBERT W. SCHERRER OPTOMETRIST Memory of Tony Meushaw P.O. Box 118 13445 Midlothian Turnpike Midlothian, Virginia 23113 Peg Meushaw Office Hours: By Appointment “God will make a way When there seems to be no way God works in ways I can not see God will make a way for me” “Throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” -Mark Twain J & L Petralia Marilyn and Fernando Atienza IN GRATITUDE TO ALL THE SOLDIERS, SAILORS, AIRMEN, MARINES AND COAST GUARD MEN AND WOMEN SERVING OUR NATION RIVER BIRCH Nursery, Florist & Gift Shop Rt. 33 Locust Hill, Va. 23092 (804)758-2316-Nursery 758-3522—florist 758-8814—gift shop In Memory of Bob Hartman My Love of My Life Jenny In Support of Our Youth! “Get Fresh With Us.” TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS J & W SEAFOOD ISLAND SEAFOOD DELTAVILLE, VA 804-776-9740 GWYNN’S ISLAND, VA 804-725-4962 In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of John G. Baker Father “Bob” Nash In Loving Memory Of Supporting Education and our kids Johnny Johnston Jack & Laurie King In loving memory of Marty Hawksworth We support our youth and their education. Tom & Sharon Hawksworth Ron & Georgia Beville In memory of Church Dog, “CHRISTIAN” In Loving Memory of One of God’s Angels In Memory of Bruno Tassone “Charlotte” Min Tassone & Family Best wishes to all the youth at Church of the Visitation Mary Virginia & Tom Bliley By All the best to our Church Youth. Bill & Ann Melvin In Memory of David Richard Suyes III Ad Space Available “Ricky”