Where we give glory to God for everything as we become
Where we give glory to God for everything as we become
https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M5bfcf00b1e658bbd05cdc1f176c34a9eo0&pid=15.1&H=147&W=160 Where we give glory to God for everything as we become intentional disciples Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Pius X Catholic Church 201 EAST BAYOU PARKWAY / P.O. BOX 80489 LAFAYETTE, LA 70598-0489 Office (337) 232-4656 Fax (337)233-9468 www.stpiusxchurch.net Office Hours Mon.-Thurs. 8 - 4 (lunch12-1) Fri. 8 - 12 PARISH PRIESTS REV. STEVEN C. LEBLANC Pastor REV. JOEL FAULK Associate Pastor DEACONS DEACON PHILIP LIZOTTE DEACON SAMMY RUSSO PARISH COUNCIL Kenneth Werther, Pres., Matt Hebert, Vice-Pres., Cheryl David, Secretary, Sammy Russo, Helen Dauphin, Brad Hamilton, Angelle Pearce, Annette Hebert, Glenda Laughlin, Trustee, Jim David, Trustee July 10, 2016 ST. PIUS X PARISH Mission Statement OUR CHURCH AT PRAYER Saturday Mass Sunday Masses 5:00 pm 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 am. 5:00, 7:00 pm Weekday Masses 6:20 am First Saturday Mass 7:30 am SACRAMENTS St. Pius X Catholic Church enables all who seek Christ to hear the Gospel and live their faith as good stewards. In living the Good News, centered in the Eucharist, we bring Christ to others so all may live in freedom and grace. Baptism 2nd and 4th Saturday: 2:30 pm Baptismal Preparation Class is required. Call the Parish Office for more information. Reconciliation Saturday: 3:30 to 4:30 pm 6:00 to 6:15 am Before weekday Mass . For other times, call the Parish Office Matrimony Contact the Pastor at least SIX months before the tentative marriage date. Anointing of the Sick Call the Parish Office. PARISH OFFICE CATHOLICS RETURNING HOME Mrs. Debbie Hebert, Business Manager/Acct. Mrs. Barbara Abshire, Pastoral Asst. Mr. Ashton Mouton, Jr., Evangelization Minister Mrs. Rose Mary Corman, Secretary Mrs. Judy Hoffmann, Receptionist Mrs. Barbara Boudreaux, Coordinator of Sacramental Programs Mr. Blake Paul Harson, Education Minister Mr. John Ray Perkins III, Youth Minister Mrs. Karen Melancon, Music Minister Mr. Kevin Martin, Organist Deacon Phil Lizotte, R.C.I.A. Director Ms. Schuyler Kleinpeter, Advancement and Stewardship Director Ms. Mallory Wainwright, Sacristan Mr. Edward Baudoin, Maintenance Director Catholics Returning Home is a six- session support program which assist Catholics in returning to active practice of the Faith. Returning to a personal relationship with God is a challenging step for most people that have been inactive. STAFF AND MINISTERS Mrs. Angela Fangue, Hospitality Ministry Mrs. Jamie Wagnon, Homebound, Needy Ms. Diane Touchet Hospital Ministry Mr. Jesse Gary Nursing Home Ministry Mrs. Ednamae Sahuc, Children’s Sodality Mrs. Jackie Richard, Pro-Life Coordinator An Invitation to Return Home to the Catholic Faith CATHOLICS RETURNING HOME A MINISTRY OF COMPASSION AND RECONCILIATION Invite someone you love today. August 15 - Sept. 26 Call the Ashton Mouton for more information, at 296-6713. The program provides a welcoming venue for Catholics who have not been connected to a faith community where: Their stores of pain and hurt can be told. They can be helped to feel comfortable participating in the worshiping community. Their concerns and questions can be met or directed to appropriate people. They feel accepted. The program can be broken down by the following schedule: Week 1 – Welcome, overview and sharing of stories Week 2 – Returning Catholics – why do they leave? Why do they return? Discussion and sharing Week 3 – The Church today – Changes since Vatican II Week 4 – Walking through the Mass Week 5 – Sacrament of Reconciliation Week 6 – Not the end but the beginning – The Creed: What Catholics believe The CRH website is www.catholicsreturninghome.org . CRH is recognized and approved by the USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops). For more information or to sign up call Ashton Mouton at (337) 296-6713 or email: [email protected] . Or you can just show up! Next Sessions will be held starting Monday August 15th - September 26th (Skipping Labor Day) from 6:00pm-7:30pm in the Annex building in Conference Room B. Free App St. Pius X ST. PIUS X CATHOLIC CHURCH LAFAYETTE www.stpiusxchurch.net Page 2 Altar servers enjoyed an afternoon of fun June 29, with Father Steve and Father Joel. They were treated to an outing at the Kart Ranch for serving this past year. We join Father Steve and Father Joel in saying thanks for each altar server and their family that supports them, serving the St. Pius X community so faithfully. Please remember them in prayer throughout the year. Parish News & Upcoming Events BAPTISM PREP SEMINAR The Sacrament of Baptism is the first step affirming our intention to belong to Christ and to live our life in a Christian community. We emerge from the waters of Baptism filled with the Spirit initiated into a life-long journey of faith. Parents are required to attend a Baptism Preparation Seminar prior to their child’s Baptism. The next seminar will be held on Saturday, July 16 at 9:00 am in the Annex Meeting Room. It is recommended that parents attend the seminar before the birth of their baby. Registration for the seminar is required. Please call Barbara Boudreaux at 258-0340, to register. SECOND COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND A second collection will be taken this weekend for the Catholic Communication Campaign . This collection communicates the Gospel through Catholic social media activities and enriches our faith through podcasts, television, radio, and print media. Half of all proceeds remain in our diocese and support local needs, so please b e g e ne r ou s i n th i s c o l l e c t io n . The CCC is how we share our experience of faith, worship and witness. STM CHEER CLINIC The St Thomas More cheerleaders will be holding a summer cheer clinic July 25th - 29th for all children entering Pre- K though 8th grade. Online registration for the clinic is now available on the STM school website at www.stmcougars.net. under "SUMMER CAMPS" or for more information, please contact Rachel Labruzzo at [email protected]. STEWARDSHIP OF FINANCE July 3, 2016 Envelopes …(251)…..….....$26,879.00 Online Giving…(108)……….….. 5,745.00 Loose Checks/Cash.(80)…….… 9,104.00 Total ……….…...…..……...… $41,728.00 Mission Club.…………………..$1,493.00 Capital Campaign Pledges / Pledges Collected $6,588,025.47 / $5,217,611.06 FIRST COMMUNION St. Pius X Church is now accepting applications for children wishing to make their First Communion in the spring of 2017. We will begin on Thursday, September 22, 2017 with a mandatory parent meeting. At least one parent must attend this meeting. There will be one more parent meeting in January which is also mandatory. Besides what the children will learn as part of their religious instruction at St. Pius School and PSR program, there will also be preparation taking place in the home for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. At these meetings you will be receiving the materials needed for sacramental preparation at home. Registration can be done online on the St. Pius X website, www.stpiusxchurch.org. A calendar of events can also be found on the church website. A copy of the child’s baptism certificate is required regardless of where the baptism took place. BABY BOOT CAMP Lafayette is bringing it’s popular Strollfit class to St. Pius this summer. Strollfit is a 60-minute total body workout for moms with one or two stroller-aged children (ages 5 and under). Our stroller fitness classes cater to all fitness levels: pregnant moms, new moms recovering from pregnancy and conditioned moms. Moms must be at least 6-weeks post-partum (8-weeks following a C-Section) to participate. Classes include cardio drills, strength training exercises, ab work and stretching to increase overall fitness. Classes will be offered free to moms who are registered parishioners of St. Pius Church on the following Tuesdays from 9:15am-10:15am in the Parish Activity Center: July 19 and July Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic July 10, 2016 26. Space is limited to 10 participants. For more information or to reserve your spot, email [email protected] (Mandi Hebert). All classes are taught by nationally certified fitness instructors. GENTLY WORN SCHOOL UNIFORMS ARE NEEDED School Uniform Outreach will continue to collect and process used uniforms for the coming school year, to be distributed to needy children in the Lafayette Parish Schools. Please bring your children’s outgrown uniforms to church ASAP and place them in the School Uniform Outreach container provided in the vestibule of Church. Uniforms will be processed for the 2016-17 school year. The need is great! We request your help in this Ecumenical Effort. Youth Sizes 4 -20 AND All Adult Sizes are needed: Shirts: Red, white, and navy blue, black and green Pants/Shorts: Navy blue, black and khaki - traditional style ELECTRONIC GIVING We offer electronic giving as an easy way to support our parish. It is convenient for you and provides muchneeded consistency for the church. You have total control of how much and when you would like to support. Please visit our website at www.stpiusxchurch.net or use the Quick Reader (QR) code to locate the giving page where you can set up both recurring and one-time contributions. Thank you for your generosity! St. Pius X Catholic Church is blessed to have a Vocation Chalice Ministry. Today the family of faith or know Nicole & Darren Strother someone who is? will receive the Vocational Chalice at the Call our RCIA Director, Deacon Phil at 337-232-4656. Sunday 9:30 a.m. Mass. Please join them this week in prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. www.stpiusxchurch.net Page 3 Prayer & Worship Mass Intentions July 9 - 16, 2016 Saturday 5:00 p.m. Joey Garzotto; M/M Freddie Waguespack; MM Wallace Waguespack & Family; M/M Felix Robichaux & Family; Gerald James Merchant; Romain (Theo) Laborde & Family; Simon & Ella Gilbert; Maria Gia-Thi-Nguyen; David Dugas; Cleve Landry; Darrel Landry; Jeremiah Jude (Jerry) Cormier; Merlin Colbert; Dolores Colbert-Perrot Sunday 8 a.m. George Magnon Jr.; M/M George Magnon Sr.; M/ M Elmo Broussard Sr.; Steve Bergeron; Special Intentions (2); Helen K. Dominick; Kathleen B. Fleming; Dr. Ladis Lazaro III; Dr. & Mrs. L. Lazaro II; M/M E.R. Sellers; Ada & Hubert Hebert; Jeremiah Jude (Jerry) Cormier; Merlin Colbert; Dolores ColbertPerrot Sunday 9:30 a.m. Willa & Barbara Sellers and Heloise Baudoin; Norman P. Foret; Gwen Richard (Anniversary); John Easley; Elita & Odilon Richard; Samuel Joseph Russo; Jim Moreau; Jeff Moreau; M/M Issac Venable; Sylvan Manuel; Jeremi Ron Gary; Curt & Greg LeBlanc; Cleve Landry & Family; Gerald Merchant; Frank Guidry; Sandra Alexander; Holy Souls in Purgatory; Deceased Members of F.O.S.S.; Special Intention Sunday 11:00 a.m. The St. Pius X Parish Family Sunday 5:00 p.m. Jeannine LeBlanc; Bella LeBlanc; Eunice Bernard & Families; Allen R. Bares; Cora & George Bienvenu; George & Georgina Baquet; Jack Dalton Mouton; Charley Rose Beasley; Anna Peck; Tony Johnson Sunday 7:00 pm. Monique Meaux; Verlie Boudreaux; Theresa Champagne; Maria Gia-Thi-Nguyen; Al Leonpacher Monday 6:20 a.m. Maria Gia-Thi-Nguyen; Jeremiah Jude (Jerry) Cormier; Merlin Colbert; Dolores Colbert-Perrot Tuesday 6:20 a.m. LeRoy Trahan (Birthday); Special Intentions (2); Verlie Boudreaux; Maria Gia-Thi-Nguyen; Jeremiah Jude (Jerry) Cormier; Merlin Colbert; Dolores Colbert-Perrot Wednesday 6:20 a.m. The Holy Souls in Purgatory Thursday 6:20 a.m. Jeremiah Jude (Jerry) Cormier (20th Anniversary); Merlin Colbert; Dolores Colbert-Perrot; Norma Jean Miller (Anniversary); Gertie Theriot; Maria Gia-Thi-Nguyen; M/M Arthur Hebert; Paul H. Hebert; Perry Hebert; Joan Bellefontaine; M/M P.T Burke; M/M E.W. Bellefontaine Friday 6:20 a.m. Maria Gia-Thi-Nguyen; David Dugas; Jeremiah Jude (Jerry) Cormier; Merlin Colbert; Dolores Colbert-Perrot Saturday 5:00 p.m. Norma Jean Miller (Birthday); Joey Garzotto; M/M Leno Garzotto & Family; M/M Baptista Garzotto & Family; Fernand Andre & Family; Gerald James Merchant; Romain (Theo) Laborde & Family; Simon & Ella Gilbert; Maria Gia-ThiNguyen; Jeremiah Jude (Jerry) Cormier; Merlin Colbert; Dolores Colbert-Perrot July 10, 2016 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings for Today First Reading — Heed the voice of the LORD. It is something very near to you, already in your hearts; you only need to carry it out (Deuteronomy 30:10-14). Psalm — Turn to the Lord in your need, and you will live (Psalm 69) or Psalm 19. Second Reading — All things were created through and for Christ Jesus (Colossians 1:15-20). Gospel — To be a neighbor, show love by treating others with mercy, as did the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Readings for the Week Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Is 1:10-17; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Is 7:1-9; Ps 48:2-8; Mt 11:20-24 Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Ps 94:5-10, 14-15; Mt 11:25-27 Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Ps 102:13-14ab, 15-21; Mt 11:28-30 Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Is 38:10-12abcd, 16; Mt 12:1-8 Mi 2:1-5; Ps 10:1-4, 7-8, 14; Mt 12:14-21 Gen 18:1-10a; Ps 15:2-5; Col 1:24-28; Lk 10:38-42 Clergy Weekend Please Pray for these Mass Schedule Priests This Week July 16 – 17, 2016 Sun. Rev. Jerome Frey Saturday 7 – 16 Mon. Rev. Brian Garry, SJ 5:00 pm Fr. Steve LeBlanc Tues. Rev. Taj V. Glodd Wed. Rev. James Goeke, SJ Sunday 7 – 17 Thurs. Msgr. Richard Greene, VE 8:00 am Fr. Joel Faulk Fri. Rev. Michael Guidry 9:30 am Fr. Joel Faulk Sat. Rev. Mitchell Guidry 11:00am Fr. Joel Faulk 5:00 pm Fr. Steve LeBlanc Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and 7:00 pm Fr. Steve LeBlanc all the priests of this world. Sanctify them. Presider is subject to change. Altar flowers may be donated in memory of a loved one. Call the Parish Office 232-4656. Heal and guide them. Mold them into the likeness of Your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. May their lives be pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. MEMORIALS The Sanctuary Candle will burn in memory of Jeremiah (Jerry) Jude Cormier (20th Anniversary) The Perpetual Adoration Candle will burn in memory of Bob Belaire (24th Anniversary) impurity through hands-on mercy. No sympathy for Jesus’ scandalous hero. Samaritans were religious apostates and political enemies. Jesus challenges them—and us—to seek God’s presence not only in liturgical beauty but in a fellow traveler’s self-inflicted misfortunes. See God’s presence even in someone outside the law, July 10, 2016 whose hands-on mercy springs not from religious obligation but from the heart’s instinctive Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time goodness. Since Jesus became our “Good Samaritan” despite our foolishness and sins, Could anyone object to Jesus’ supreme lesson who are we to ration our mercy? “Who is my in mercy, the parable of the Good Samaritan? neighbor?” (Luke 10:29). The next person we Jesus’ devoutly religious audience certainly did! see who needs hands-on mercy! No conditions, Scant sympathy for anyone foolish enough to no limits, no exceptions. Especially in this Jubitravel crime-ridden “Jericho Highway” alone. lee Year of Mercy, Jesus commands, “Go Much sympathy for priest and Levite, hurrying to and do likewise” (10:37). assigned temple ministry, unwilling to risk ritual —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Jubilee Year of Mercy Perpetual Adoration Perpetual Adoration Testimony Of Favors Granted “Thank you for helping my brother find a job.” “Thank you Lord for sending me the relationship I was seeking and praying for.” To participate in this ministry, sign up online at www.stpiusxchurch.net then click on Adoration on the left side of the screen or use the Sign up cards that are available at the Chapel entrance or in the church vestibule, call 232-4656 or email [email protected]. Have a great summer ! 2016—2017 Registration available at: http:// www.stpiusxchurc h.net/psr-1st-8thcatechism New ADULT LEGION OF MARY GROUP BEGINNING When: Ages: Where: Contact: What: Every Friday 6:00-7:30pm 18 + Conf. Room A, St. Pius X Ashton Mouton 296-6713 www.stpiusxchurch.net go to Blog and Facebook Pass On the Good News! What good news? – The Good News of Jesus Christ and our Catholic faith! Over 120 children, grade 1 through grade 8, will sign up this fall to learn more about Jesus and the Catholic faith. You can help them learn and grow by becoming a catechist for Faith Formation. St. Pius X PSR classes are offered on Monday evenings through the school year, from 5:20 to 6:40. As you nurture the faith of our young, you will learn and grow as well! As one long-time catechist put it, “I learn so much from the children!” We provide you with training, materials, and support. PSR begins August 22. If interested or for more information, contact Blake Paul Harson at 232-4656. 2016—2017 Around the Diocese DI V O RC E R E C O V E RY P R O G R AM The Office of Marriage and Family Life offers a 6-week divorce recovery program for those who have suffered from divorce/separation. Our next series will begin July 10, 2016. Please visit our website, www.diolaf.org/ divorcerecovery to register or to find out more information. HOLY HOUR FOR VOCATIONS – Monday, July 11 Please join us for our monthly “Holy Hour for Vocations and for the Spiritual Renewal of All Priests” on Monday, July 11 (due to Fourth of July Holiday), from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at St. Patrick Catholic Church, 406 E. Pinhook Road. Recitation of the Rosary begins at 5:30 p.m. Deacon Ken David of Holy Cross Catholic Church, Lafayette, will lead the Holy Hour. All are welcome to join in these prayers for vocations and perseverance of vocations to the priesthood and religious life, sponsored by the Serra Club of Lafayette. THE JOY OF LOVE: Exploring the Heart of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation. A Day of Reflection for married and Engaged Couples with Fr. Bryce Sibley and Kyle & Missy Polozola. It will be held on July 16, 2016 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at Our Lady of Wisdom Church and Catholic Student Center, Lafayette. Check in: 8:00 am. Cost: $75 per couple and it includes lunch. Must pre-register by July 13. Register/more information at [email protected] and www.ourladyofwisdom.org/joyoflove MARRIED COUPLES: SEEN AT CHURCH “Marriages may be made in heaven, but the maintenance needs to be done on earth.” The Catholic Church is affirming and supporting you in your chosen vocation—Marriage. Take advantage of this great gift to enhance your relationship and enjoy a love-filled weekend away together at the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next available WWME weekend is at the Tracy Center In Baton Rouge on July 22 - 24, 2016. For more information, visit LAMS-WWME.org or call Jack & Angel LeBate, (470)297-8560 or [email protected]. DePorres Street, Broussard, LA 70518. Our theme is “Faithful, Fearless and Fruitful”. Keynote Speaker will be Rev. Roy Lee, Ph.D., of the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Cost is $25.00 per person and includes lunch. Registration Forms are available by calling St. Joseph Catholic Church (337-837-6218) and will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis through Thursday, August 4, or until sold out. Registrations will be not accepted at the door. This Conference is sponsored by St. Joseph/St. Anthony Catholic Church, Broussard, Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church, Lafayette, and St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Breaux Bridge, in conjunction with Bowman Francis Ministry. For more information, please call Fr. Thomas James, SVD (337-380-9713). ADDITIONAL TRIP ADDED: ST. MARY CHURCH LOCAL PILGRIMAGE BUS TRIP for Jubilee Year of Mercy After selling out their Bus Trip in April, St. Mary Church, Lafayette, is offering an additional one-day Pilgrimage Bus Trip on Thursday, August 11, to visit Pilgrimage Sites in the Diocese of Lafayette designated by Bishop Michael Jarrell to reflect on the Father’s mercy and how we can emulate that mercy in our lives. We will attend 7:00 a.m. Mass at St. Mary Church (419 Doucet Road, Lafayette), then depart at 7:45 a.m. from St. Mary parking lot, returning about 6:00-6:30 p.m. We will visit, take tours and have our booklets stamped at the Carmelite Monastery; St. Martin de Tours Catholic Church, St. Martinville; Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church, Henderson; Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto and St. Leo Catholic Church, Leonville; Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church, Opelousas; Our Mother of Mercy Catholic Church, Church Point; Our Mother of Mercy Catholic Church, Rayne; and Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Lafayette. Each person will receive a booklet “Merciful Like the Father”; inside you will find the Prayer for the Year of Mercy which we will pray at every location, and we will have our booklets stamped at each site. Lunch (included) will be at Little Big Cup in Arnaudville. To secure a reservation, $70 registration is due to Barbara Thibodeaux by July 11. For complete details and registration information, please contact JoAnn LeJune at St. Mary Church (981-3379) or Barbara Thibodeaux (235-3240). 2016 BLACK CATHOLIC MEN’S CONFERENCE Please join us for the “2016 Black Catholic Men’s Conference” to be held on Saturday, August 6, 2016, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 EUCHARISTIC PROCESSION Along Bayou noon (with lunch) at St. Joseph Catholic Teche will be held, in honor of the Arrival of the Church (Bishop Perry Learning Center), 232 St. Acadians, on Monday August 15, the Feast of July 10, 2016 the Assumption. It will begin with Holy Mass, celebrated by Bishop J. Douglas Deshotel, D.D., at St. Leo’s in Leonville at 8:00 a.m. A procession will end at the Landing at 9:00 a.m., and the Boat Procession will depart at 9:30 a.m. There are stops along the way and the evening ends at Evangeline Oak in St. Martinville, followed by a procession to St. Martin de Tours for Benediction. For more information, contact Fr. Michael Champagne, cjc at (337) 394-6550, or [email protected]. YEAR OF MERCY PILGRIMAGE TO NEW ORLEANS: A DAY JOURNEY OF PRAYER AND FELLOWSHIP – Saturday, August 27, 2016 Take this special chance to join a unique pilgrimage for the Year of Mercy to New Orleans with Father Bryce Sibley, Pastor of Our Lady of Wisdom Church & Catholic Student Center, on Saturday, August 27. You will travel by motor coach for a day pilgrimage with 50 others to enter through the Doors of Mercy and fulfill the Jubilee Year Plenary Indulgence. We will start our journey early with breakfast and visit three of New Orleans’ most interesting faith-filled stops for private tours and Mass. Highlights include The National Shrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, The Shrine of Blessed Father Seelos, Immaculate Conception Historic Church, and lunch at Borgne (a Chef John Besh Restaurant). A donation of $250 secures your spot. Register early! We must have a minimum of 35 pilgrims to make the trip, so please invite all your friends to come along, too. For more information, please call the Church Office (232-8742) or purchase your ticket(s) online at www.ourladyofwisdom/ pilgrimage. MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT WITH JIM SCHELLMAN *Save the Date* for a day of formation for married couples to deepen their marriage covenant in Jesus Christ. Inspired by the Catechumenal Model of adult formation, couples will have the opportunity to focus their hopes, dreams, worries and sufferings on Christ. The full day of workshop will be held on Saturday August 27, 2016. There will be more information in the coming month. UPCOMING DIRECTED RETREATS — Jesuit Spirituality Center: Silent Individually-Directed Retreats. Register at jesuitspiritualitycenter.org or call (337) 662-5251. Mon., July 18 or Thurs. July 21 Mon., Aug. 1 or Thurs. Aug. 4 Mon., Aug. 22 or Thurs. Aug 25 PLEASE PRAY FOR THESE SEMINARIANS THIS WEEK Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Mr. Noah Delatte Mr. Brent Didier Mr. Phillip Domingue Mr. Blake Dubroc Mr. Casey Dugas Mr. John Dugas Mr. Adam Fenstermaker Prayer for Seminarians Lord Jesus Christ, we pray for these men whom You have called to discern priesthood. We beg Your continued blessings on our Diocese and families. Call forth even more men of generous spirit and fervent love whom You desire for this holy work. Amen. St. Joseph, pray for us. PARISH REGISTRATION IS IMPORTANT July UNIVERSAL: Indigenous Peoples That indigenous peoples, whose identity and very existence are threatened, will be shown due respect. EVANGELIZATION: Latin America and the Caribbean That the Church in Latin America and the Caribbean, by means of her mission to the continent, may announce the Gospel with renewed vigor and enthusiasm. To register your children for Religious Education To qualify for sacramental preparation (Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, Confirmation, Marriage) St. Pius Elementary School enrollment status To have a giving record of your donations Called to Serve TIME LECTORS 5:00 PM Stan Hymel, Jerry Greig PARISH ACTIVITIES Perpetual Adoration Call Parish Office Bible Study Mon. 5:10 PM & 6:30 PM Tues. 9:30AM Wed. 9:30 AM (Fall & Spring) Thursday 9:00 PM & 6:30 PM Child Care/Babysitting Sun. 9:30 & 11:00 AM Children’s Church Sept.- May 9:30 AM Choir Practice Wed. 7:00 PM Knights of Columbus 1st & 3rd Thurs: 6:30PM Novena to Our Lady of Prompt Succor Sat.: 4:30 PM Parish Coffee Last Sun.: AM Masses Legion of Mary Tues. 4:00 PM Blue Army Rosary Group Mon.: 6:00 PM Patriotic Rosary Group Tues.: 6:00 PM St. Elizabeth Seton Rosary Group Wed.: 9:30 AM Pius Senior Organization (PSO) 3rd Thurs.: 11:00 AM Women’s Guild Quarterly Weekend of July 16 – 17, 2016 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS July 16 Expadie Laperouse, Claire Thom, Evelyn Landry ALTAR SERVERS Carson Quebodeaux July 17 8:00 AM Bubba Montesano, Dolores Zenon Kelly Suire, Phyllis Comeaux, Jackie & Carl Richard, Sally Dooley, Tony Compagno Samuel and James Stonecipher, George Merhej 9:30 AM George Kragle, Angelle Pearce Tere Adams, Brian Bertrand, Dan & Lisa Killeen, Phil & Michelle Devall Ryan Killeen, Joshua Billedeaux, Jack Rozas, Javier Harson 9:30 AM Children’s Church Vacates until September 2016 11:00 AM Eric Guidry, Rick Cambre Chuck & Donna Briley, Troy & Connie Benoit; Millie Dufrene; Lori Guidry Patrick & James Paul Gandy, Quinn Viator, Noah Pritchard 5:00 PM Cecile Dupre, Al Lasseigne Taylor & Yvette Davis, Ryan Becker; Julie Howell; Jean Kiesel; Ray Tregre Garrett Hebert, Christian Fontenot 7:00 PM Tana Trahan, Ann Billeaud Frances Fenstermaker, Lisa Bernard, Greg Mier Nina McManus, Ashton Young July 11 - 15 6:20 a.m. Andrew & Alex Comeaux, Logan Stinson www.stpiusxchurch.net Page 9