Questionnaire - Berman Jewish DataBank
Questionnaire - Berman Jewish DataBank
Interviewer Init.: Tel #: ___----- Editor Init.: -- Coder Init.: Area Date: The Jewish Federation of South Broward 1990 Demographic Study . I am calling on behalf of the population study for the South Broward Hello, my name is Jewish Federation. We are interested in interviewing households with one or more Jewish persons. We are not asking for contriiutions. The information will be used to identify needs and to plan better services. Your answers will be completely anonymous. Was anyone in your household born or raised as a Jew? IF No: Are there any Jewish persons or persons who consider themselves Jewish living in this household? IF NO ONE IS LElf’ISH: Thank you very much for your help. l..~ow many months of the year do youusually 12 98=Varies 2.. For how many JWrS Years IF HERE 3.. 99=DK/NR have you (lived/been spending part of the year) in Sooth Broward? (Year 19_) 7 OR LESS 99=DK/NR 3. Probably not 4. Definitely not 9. DK/NR do you plan to become a year-round 5. When resident? Years 6.. (Year 19_) MONTHS: Before you moved here, did you come here oo a part-time basis? ? L 1. Yes 99=DK/N=R Will you definitely, probably, probably not, or definitely not become a year-round resident of Broward County? 99=DK/NR IF HERE 8+ MONTHS: In what city and state do you spend the remainder of the year? Varies 4.. live in South Broward? LZtive + 9: DK/NR 7.. IF YES: Years For how many years? (Year 19_) 99=DK/NR DemoGRnPRlor 8. Now, including yOUrSelf h ow many people live in your (Florida) household? 9.. Please tell me the relationship of the 10.. How old are you? And your other people in the household 9=DK/NR _ to you. ? (Under 20. 20-24. 25-29. 30-34. 35-39. 40-44. 45-49. 50-54. 55-59. 60-64. 65-69. 70-74. 75~ if necessary) a male or a female? 11.. ASK IF NOT OBVIOUS: 12. Please tell me the first name only of everyone in your household starting with yourself. Relationship Adult R 2 3 4 13. What IS Respondent Sex Child M F M F _MF M is the highest ? 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 99. What was the highest degree obtained by And your I. High school diploma 2. 2-vear colleee degree 3. 4-iear college deiree 4. Master’s degree 5. Ph.D. 6. Reg. Nurse F grade or year ia school completed by you? And your Record I to I2 13. College freshman 14. College sophomore 15. College junior 16. College senior 17. l-year post grad IS. 2-year post grad 19. 3-year post grad 14. Name Age Name Age 1 2 3 4 Sex MF MF MF Adults Children 4-year post grad 5-year host grad 6-year post grad l-year post grad g-year post grad No formal schooling DK/NR YOU? Adults ? 9. Law IO. Other professional Il. None 99. DK/NR 15. Has any (adult) io your household attended any school person) attend part time or full time? or college in 1989? 1. Yes Who? I. Part time 2. Full time 3. graduate school 4. vocational school 2. Ei&$_ 9. RE$;$$$$ GO T: NEXT PAGE I I ~________________--___________________________----________________________________~ 2 19.. Iawhat m m 20. mn 21.How Mother state or country were your parents born? And your (husbaod’s/wife’s) parents? many of your grandparents were born in the U.S.? 22. mm And your husband/wife’s Father Mother Father DK/NR = 9 DK/NR grandparents? = 9 4? In what state or foreign country (were you/was PERSON) born? ? And your Children IF FLORIDA: 24..Were 1. 2. 3. 4. 9. (you/PERSON) born in Broward Dade or Palm Beach County? Other DK/NR Children IF NOT BORN IN USA: 25.What year did (you/PERSON) come to this country? 26. What was the primary language you spoke iIl 1. English 2. Spanish 3. Russian YOUr home 7. Other 4. Yiddish 5. Hebrew 6. English and Yiddish R 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 when growing up? (Please specify) 9. DK/NR 27. Would you say that your ability in speaking Yiddish is: Fair 2. Good 3. 4. Poor 1. Excellent 9. DK/NR 28. Were (are) both your parents Jewish or did they consider themselves Jewish? 1. 2. 3. 4. 9. Both Jewish Father Not Jewish Mother Not Jewish Both not DK/NR 29.. 3 5. or do you not speak Yiddish at all IF MARRIED: And your (husband’s/wife’s) 1. Both Jewish 2. Father Not Jewish 3. Mother Not Jewish 4. Both not 9. DK/NR parents? 30 . Does everyone in your Household currently consider him/her Jewish? l.Yes *,~/ 9: DK/NR 31.Who is not and what religion are they? 1. Catholic 3. None 5. Other 9. DK/NR 2. Protestant 4. Two religions ? 9. DK/NR / 33. Who was not and in what religion were they raised? 2. Protestant 1. Catholic 3. None 9. DKfNR 4. Other \L 34 . In 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 Children R I 2 2 3 3 4 El 4 Children what religion are your children being raised? 2. Protestant 1. Catholic ;. ;p;cm,“,4. Two religiops 6. Jewsh 9: DK/NR i4SK FOR ANYONE WHO WAS iyOT BORN OR RAISED JEWISH IS CCJRRENTLY JEWISH R Adults IF NO: +j..> Children Adults : 34. f?UT 1 : I ! Did you (did person) i formally convert to Judaism? 1. Yes 2. No 9. DK/Nti Adults Children ~___________~~-~~~--1---------1-----~~~~~-~~~~---~--~~35. (Have you/Has PERSON) ever I- received any formal Jewish education ia the past? (such as Sunday or afternoon Hebrew school) 1. Yes 2. I@ ,.... 9. m$&?+ Go to Next Page3 \ 4 4 Children 1. All day school 2. l-day/week 3. 2,3-day/week 4. 4.5 days/week 9. DKfNR 5. Other 37 . How many years of formal Jewish education did (you/PERSON) receive? (99=Bar/Bat Mitzvah) (98=Confirmation) 38 . Is your chil; cor;sently enrolled? 9: DK/NR 2. No Children R I 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 I Yrs Currently Enrolled 2 Yrs Currently Enrolled 3 Yrs Currently Enrolled 4 Yrs Currently Enrolled Adults 39. Hive you (has PERSON) been ~~~~,J’~~,s enrolled in any in the past 3 years? 1. Yes 2. No 9. DK/NR FI ~~~~~~~wish L 1. Yes 2. No 3. Maybe 4. DK/NR 3 4 41. NOW,areyou: -+I2 . (Please in participating in a college certificate program in Jewish Studies sponsored by Brandeis University? stop me when I reach your category.) How much would you be willing to pay for a brandeis-sponsored coarse in Jewish Studies? 2. $1 - $49 i 1. Nothing 4. $100 - $249 i 3. $50 - $99 9. DK/NR I 5. %250+ I 43. And Are you: , yor1. married for the first time -- GO 2. widowed 3. divorced 4. separated 5. or never married 9. DK/NR R , 2 4 r____________________________________________________-______________________________________ ;_____‘___________________________-_____-____-___~ IF EVER DIVORCED: 46. In what religion was your former husband/wife raised? :I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~ii:i_i~,l~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ggglgg Adults 48. How IR 2 \F NOT JEWISH: convert before or during your 4. Other 9. DK/NR 6. Jewish old (were you/was PERSON) when lvou were /PER&N was) first married? 1. Yes 2. No 9. DKtNR -------1 I 9. DK/NR 2. Before I 3. During I L_______________________________________~~______~~_~~ 49 . What is the month and year of (your/PERSON’S) (most recent) marriage? Adults Month R 2 I 1 3 4 4 I- Year I I I I I I I 1 I I r_‘_________________--__ a________--, ____________________________________________________________---________________ ASK AB?HJE ALL FEMALES AGE 18+ b0 lw=gouP= PERSON) I Adults IFILlVEONEORMOREEORN CHILDREN: I I I bl. I -1 -: I I r_________‘________‘_----- -~~-~~~~~~~_____~~~______________~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-, ASK IF RESPONDENT IS FEMALE AND UNDER AGE 45: , I p3.. How many (more) children do you expect fF I+ 54.. Do you plan to HAVE any children p.. DK/NR = 9 to HAVE in your lifetime? j I I 4 within the next 3 years? 1. Yes 2. No 9. DK/NR DK/NR = 9 How many (more) children do you expect to ADOPT in your lifetime? 56.. 2. No 9. DU/NR k’F I+ D o you plan to ADOPT any children within the next 3 years? 1. Yes :__________________________- _~~~_~_~~,______,_______,____I~_____________~~~~~~~_~~~~_______~~~~-___-~~___~-~~~ ASK IF EMPLOYED: Adults Adults 58 . Are you employed in: I I. working full time 2. working part time I. Broward County IR 2. 3. 4. 5. 2 Dade & Broward 6. Florida & Outside 9. DK/NR 3 4 what year did (you/PERSON) a few days? Dade County Elsewhere in Florida or Outside Florida last work for pay, enfor Adults I 0.For what kind of business or industry (do you/did you/does PERSON/did PERSON) work? Adults R 2 3 61. What kind of work (do/did you/does did PERSON) do?PROBE FOR OCCUPATION OR JOB TITLE. 6ZWhat (are/were) your most important activities or duties? Adults R 2 3 4 4 Adults R- 2-- 3_ 4- 64 . Have you been unemployed and looking for work at any time in 1989? And your _? 1. Yes 2. No 9. DKfNR 66. Was anyone 1989? 1. Yes 65 JF YES: How many weeks were spent looking for work or waiting to be rehired? Adults I IL in your household hospitalized in 2. No 9. DK/NR 2_ 3_ 4_ 1 Adults and Children How many nights (have you/has person) been f$talized during 1989? Adults Children Adults Children 69. Does this !?%?:~da~~~e%; ;::: of physical, mental. or other health condition which has lasted for six months or more, which would limit or prevent R I_ 2_ 2- 3- 3- condition require supervision or assistance on a daily basis? 1. Yes\ R 1 JF YES: Could you currently use a service where omeoae came to your house to care for this person Me you went to outsIde actwtles Hayes 71. 2.No Did anyone who lived in your household pass away in 1989? 1. Yes ’ 3.Curr\ntl?yusing 2. No 2. Own 9. DK/NR 1. Rent 72. Now, Do you rent or own your residence? 73.. What is the name of your condominium, housing 74.. ASK IF NECESSARY: development, 75. 76 . How Do you live in a: DK/NR = 99999 77.. Where do you expect to be living in 3 years? I. Different place in same neighborhood 2. Different neighborhood in Broward County -Which neighborhood? 3. Palm Beach County 4. Dade County 5. Other USA -- Which state? 6. Outside the USA -- Which country? _ 7. Undecided 9. DK/NR likely is it that you will move in the next 3 years 1. ~~~~i~~!$efy .^.,~, ,;; 2. ~~~~~~~t,i!ike~~~ ; “dK”/;t 9. DK/NR 1. Single Family Home 2. High Rise 3. Townhouse 4. Other apartment complex or neighborhood? What is your zip code? (_/_) all likely \ 7 78. IF FLORIDA: 79. In what COUIl@’ Before you moved to Broward County, where did you live? State 80. Country What year did you move into your current residence? 81. What did you live? (99 = WHOLE LIFE: 19 GO TO Q. 82) was the rip code at your last previous address? ASK CITY IF ZIP CODE IS UNKNOWN: CITY 82. Are you registered to vote? 1. Yes 2. No ?4i;;;.Jc~“h;!F LEsS MoNTHS y LL’. DK’NR IF NO: Do you intend to register to vote in 1990? 9. DK/NR 2. No 1. Yes 83.. 2: Dade County 5. Outside Florida 4. Elsewhere 9. DKfNR in Florida RElIGlOUSfITTlTUDES fMD FRCIGTIC~S 85. Now, D o you (or does someone in your household) always, usually, sometimes, ALWAYS a. Light candles Friday night .......... b. Participate in a Passover Seder ....... .c. Attend a Succoth (Saccas) celebration USUALLY or never? SOMETIMES NEVER 1 1 s 2 . 1 ; : 3 4 d. Stay home from (work/school) on the High Holidays ............. e. Fast on Yom Kippur ............... f. Put oa Tefillin ................... 1 1 g. Light Hanukkah candles 1 ........... 1 h. Have a Christmas tree ............. i. Attend Christmas dinner ............ 1 1 j. Attend church ................... k. Celebrate Easter ................. I 1 i_____-__________________-____________-________________; 86.. Do you keep kosher? 1. Yes// /2. No 9. DK/NR ’ i 88.D0 you have a mezuzah on your front door? 1. inside the home 2. outside the home, or / # I 1. Yes I I 87.1sthat: 3. both? 2. No 9. DK/NR 9. DK/NR IF HAVE MALE CHILDREN: 1 have 8: Did your i 1. ritual circumcision(BRIS) 2. non-ritual circumcision at a hospital, ! 3. circumcision at a hospital with rabbi present I 4. or none at all? /:--:I j 5. In hospital, but had ceremony at 8 days 9. DK/NR L___________~~___-~~~~-~-~~_~~~_~-~-~~-_~~~~~~~~~_~______________________________________~~~~~~~_~________________, Children 189. 90. Do you consider yourself: 1. Orthodox 2. Conservative 3. Reform 5. Reconstructionist 6. Not Jewish 7. Other B 4. or Just Jewish? 9. DK/NR 91..How 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. frequently do you attend synagogue services? Never Never, except for weddings and bar mitzvahs Only high holidays, weddings/bar mitzvahs A few times a year About once a month 6. A few times a month 7. Weekly 8. Several times a week or more 9. DKfNR i 92. Was your (most recent) wedding ceremoay performed by a: 1. dabbi 2. Judge or Justice of the Peace 3. RabPi and Christian clergy ;: g;;rtlao clergy I I L______~~---_~~~------r__________________________===~=~============~~==========~~======~=~===~======~===~============____i IF CURRENTLY ______. SINGLE: 93.How important is it to YOU to marry a Jewish person: 1. very important I 2. somewhat important I 3. somewhat unimportant I 4. very unimportant, or I 9. DK/NR 5. would you rather not marry a Jewish person? _i :_____________________-____________________________________________________________________________________ / I 94. How important is it to you that your children or grandchildren marry Jews: 1. very important, 2. somewhat important, 3. somewhat unimportant 4. very unimportant, 5. or would you rather they did not marry a Jewish person? 9. DKfNR 99. Has(Have) your ehild(ren) attended a Jewish-sponsored education? 1. Yes 2. No 9. DKINR 9 camp or other forms of informal Jewish 100.AW 1. Yes2. No paying dues to a synagogue? y~u currently 9. DKINR __________________________________________~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-----r_________________________-________----__ IF SYNAGOGUE / MEMBER: ~~~~;:s,~h~~~~~~~~tin 103.. IF NOT A BROWARD 1. Broward ,,,,,,,.,,,.,..,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,~~~~C~robably, 2. ~~~~~~~~~_i~~::.~~~ probably not, or definitely not 3 ~~~~~~~~smh~~~~j~ become a paying member of a Broward County synagogue in the 4. Two locations future? 9. DKINR 1. Definitely 2. Probably 4. Probably not 3. Maybe 5. Definitely not 9. DK/NR I __________________-________~_-~~~~~~_________~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _____---_-------c--v_______Ir_____----~-_--~------ ___~_________________~~_-~~~~~-___~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~-~~~~-- 1IF NOT MEMBERS bo4.. At any time since becoming an adult? have you br any member of your household been a patid up member of a sy I 1. Yes I 4 I I I I IOSJF~~~T Toya;;;t 1. 2. 3. 4. 9. 9. DK/NR 2. No h06 *Will+you definitely, probably, probably not, or efinitely not become a paying member of a synagogue pn the future? synagogue in Broward or Broward Dade Out of south Florida Two locations DK /NR 107.IF DEFINITELY OR PROBABLY: Will that be in Dade or Broward County? ’ ] ~_~ ,.,. .~~.~, ,,,... _,.....,.. l........ :.:~:.~.~~:~:~:.~~:.j:.:.:.:.~.:~.:.:.:.~~ :.>*:,:*.: .:.:e/ , t::ioefinrteI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,.,.. ;.;..~..~~..~,.~ .I. .:.:.:.: ..:; , I 1 3. Maybe 5. Definitely not I , I I Why did 108.. i 1. j 4. : 7. / 9. 4. Probably not 9. DK/NR you (not join a synagogue/drop i gi;;;h$orida your synagogue membership)? 2. Not religious enough 3. Too expensive Not interested 5. Not like formalized religion 6. Just moved here Too far 8. No synagogue of my denomination in my area Disagreements with people at local synagogue 10. Other 11. DK/NR Kids too old 110. (PI ease stop me when I reach your category.) How much would you be willing to pay for synagogue memb&ship, in&ding High Holiday ~tickets. 5. $500 - $749 I. Nothing 9. $1,500 - $1,749 6. $750 - $999 10. $1,750 - $2,000 2.$1 -$99 7. $1,000 - $1,249 I 1. Over $2,000 3. $100 - $249 8. $1,250 - $1,499 12. DK/NR 4. $250 - $499 10 SERVICES 111. Now,Are 112. In 1989, did you (or anyoae in your household) use any services or programs provided by: you very familiar, somewhat familiar, or not at all familiar with: Very Some Not Fam Fam Fam a. Jewish Family Service . . . . . . 1 b. David Posnack Jewish Community Center (JCC) . . . I c. Sooth Broward Jewish Federation . . . . . . . . . . 1 D YESNO DK 1 Excellent Good Fair Poor DK 2 3 9 I 2 3 4 9 2 3 9 I 2 3 4 9 2 3 9 I 2 3 4 9 2 3 9 I 2 3 4 9 2 3 9 1 2 3 4 9 2 3 9 1 2 3 4 9 2 3 9 I 1 2 3 4 9 d. Office of Jewish Education . . I e. Community Relations Committee (CRC) . . . . . . I f. Jewish Home for the Aged at Douglas Gardens . . . . . . . . I g. Joseph Meyerhoff Senior Center (S.E. Focal Point) . . . I I 2 9 I I IF ANY 65 OR OLDER~ 114 . In1989, did any 115 household help: 113. Would you rate the quality of services provided by as excellent, good, fair, or poor? 116. W&s it provided Did they receive the help? member over 65 need by’ a Jewir agency? Needed No Received No Jewish ; : No a. Getting around inside the home . . . . . . 1 b. Preparing meals . . . c. Using stairs.. . . . , . . . . . . .. . d. Shopping e. Getting to the doctor 117. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :# . . . . . . . . . . . ..~ 118. : I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Is there anyone in your household 2 2 2 z who has Alzheimer’s disease? : I 2 I. Yes 2. NO ; : 9. DK/NR Is 2. somewhat likely 3. somewhat unlikely 4. very unlikely Adults -- 65 + 121.How : it very likely, somewhat lik&Iy, somewhat unlikely, or very unlikely that you would pay aboo, $80 per month for a years to help support a nursing home for the Jewish eldixly? I. very likely =!jiiz; I I;ig;z 9. DK/NR Adults 65 + r many days per week on the average do you see friends or family members? DK/NR 122..Io 1989, did aoy household member need: 123.Did they No a. Marital, family, or individual coonselling . I b. Help in finding a job or choosing an occupation . . . 1 Received Jewish No I 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 If you needed would you very much prefer, somewhat prefer, have no preference, or rather not use Jewish-sponsoied services? a. individual or family counseling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 b. job counseling and placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I c. care for persons with Alzheimer’s disease . . . . 1 2 d. recreation and social programs e. preschool . . . . . . . . . . . f. camps for children . . . . . g. day care for children . . . . . h. after school care . 2 2 for teenagers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 Have no Preference : :: g;hne;Jewish agency :: gN;te;JeJeWish agency : 3 3 4 4 3. Family/friend 9. DK/NR 12 ; 9 : If you needed help for an elderly parent or spouse, who would you call? 1. Jewish agency 4. Private practitioner : 4 3 : 3. Family/friend 9. DK/NR DK 9 : 3 : 2 If you needed help with a family problem, who would you call? 1. Jewish agency 4. Private practitioner Rather Not use : 4 4 4 1 1 1 i. long-term care for the elderly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 j. help for disabled persons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 131. No 2 Very Much Somewhat Prefer Prefer 130. by a Jewish agency? Needed 129. 124.Was it provided receive the help? ; 9 9 ; 132.How many automobiles, 133. iOng How in vans, or trucks are leased or owned by your household? mhtes _ (IF 0: TO Q. 134) would you be willing to drive to reach a: ASK IF EMPLOYED: a. Synagogue b. Jewish Community Center c. Counseling services DK/NR DK/NR DK/NR d. Restaurant DK/NR DK/NR DK/NR e. Theatre and concerts f. Health club 134.. How many times has anyone in your household 135.. How did mission, a trip with a synagogue ASK IF RESPONDENT UNDER AGE 60: h. Preschool DKfNR for children been to Israel? 0 1 2 3 4 5 or more (IF 0: GO TO Q. 136) DK/NR = 99 go to Israel? On (your/his/her) own, on a charter, on a Federation/UJA or other Jewish group, or how? (Circle all that apply.) l.Onown 2. Charter 3. Federation/UJA mission 4. Synagogue or other Jewish group 136.. DK/NR 8. Work 5. Lived there 3+ months 6. Born there 7. Educational wp;t$qely 4. probably not 5. definitely not 2: probably 9. DK/NR 3. maybe be interested in visiting Israel in the next 3 years? 137..Do you strongly approve, approve, disapprove, or strongly disapprove oE Strongly Strongly Don’t Approve Approve Disapprove Disapprove Care DK a. Supporting organizations that send money to Israel . . . . . . . 1 b. Political activity, including lobbying, oa behalf of Israel . . . I c. U.S. support of Israel through arms sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 3 : ; : i 4 9 d. U.S. support of Israel through economic aid . . . . . . 1 e. Sending U.S. military personnel to Israel if Israel’s security is threatened . . . I 2 3 4 9 2 3 4 9 138. Please answer YES, NO, or DON’T KNOW to the following statements. Yes a. The Jewish Federation of South Broward raises funds for Israel . . . . . . . . . . . b. The Jewish Federation of South Broward raises funds for local services and oeeds . . . I I No 2 2 13’*’ ow much anti-Semitism would you say there is in Broward County? ??2ert deal 2. a moderate amount 3. a little, or 4. none at all 9. DK/NR 140. How much anti-Semitism in your lifetime? , . a~~g~~~~~~~~~~~~ . Did you personally experience any have you experienced anti-Semitism 2. ii~iod~~~~~~~~~~~ jl:tes 3. ~g~~~e~,i_o-i_i~~~ 1..,~~~~;~~..~.;.~.~~.~~ 4. none at all 9. DK/NR LL in Broward in 1989? 2. No 13 9. DK/NR DK ; soomioonmois 142.Now, H ow I’k I eI y is it that you would meet people with similar interests and life-style Not at All Somewhat Very Likely Likely Likely a. at (work/school)? ............................ b. at a synagogue? ............................. d. at a Jewish Community Center? ................. I 1 : 1 2 3 e. through other Jewish organizations or clubs? . . . . . . . . 1 f. through non-sectarian recreational . . . . . . . 1 activities or health clubs? . . . . . 2 3 2 3 1 2 3 : : g. through gay/lesbian social groups? ............... h. within a group of interfaith couples? ............. i. through family or friends? ..................... 143. Of DK I 1 your three best friends, how many are Jewish? 0 1 2 3 9=DK/NR menln 144..Now, do ( you receive or ! regularly pick up a local Jewish I newspaper? 1. Yes 41 145.IF YES: Which ones: Jewish newspapers? 1. Jewish Advocate DK/NR=99 I 2. Miami Jewish Tribune I 3. Jewish Journal I 4. Jewish Floridian 5. Jewish World 6. Hallandale Digest 7. JCC Newsletter L_____9_~~~~_~_______________________________________________________________ -2. No 9. DK/NR 147.. Would you like to receive (or continue to receive) a local Jewish newspaper? 1. Yes 2. No 9. DK/NR 148..How do you rank the quality of the Jewish Advocate? 3. Fair 1. Excellent 2. Good 4. Poor 9. DK/NR 149..(PI ease stop me when I reach your category.) How much (would you be/are you) willing to pay for a yearly subscription to a Jewish newspaper? 1. Nothing 5. $75 2. $10 6. $100 9. DKINR 3. S25 4. $50 l%Which 1. 2. 3. 4. local newspapers do you read? Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel Hollywood Sun (Sun-Tattler) Miami Herald Fort Lauderdale News 151.Which two radio stations do you listen 152.Do you own a VCR? 1. Yes 2. No 153. 5. Broward Review 6. Hallandale Digest 7. Other to most often? 9. DK/NR Which three TV shows do you (and your husband/wife) (1. Soaps 2. News 3. Sports watch most often? 4. Games) 14 ORGfMlZRTIO~RlMERWERfllIFS/JOO 154. Are YOU(or 2. No someone in your household) currently a member 0f any 9. DKINR IF HERE -I/ l%.Whieh 7 OR LESS MONTHS 156. Is that membership in Broward, Dade, or someplace else? one(s)? Any others? lroward Dade 1 2 f 2 2 1. B’nai B’rith 2. Hadassah 3. ORT 1 4. Jewish Federation 5. Brandeis 6. Synagogue clubs Elsewhere 3 3 3 2 DK/NR 9 9 9 9 : : 3 2 3 1 : : 9 10.Other 1 2 11. Other 12. Other f : : 3 ; 9 f 7. National Council for Jewish Women 8. Jewish War Veterans 9. Jewish Community Center 157. Jewish organization? ; ; : Were you (or was someone in your household) ever in a leadership position in any Jewish organization? 1. Yes 2. No 9. DKINR 158. Are you currently a member of a Jewish Community Center or YMHA? ~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I 1.r 2 No/i 9. DK/NR 159. IF YES: . IF NO: Has any member of your household participated in any activities of the JCC in south :r:;dint;;;;t3r;;rsNR 161 . What are the reasons you do not belong to a JCC? What is the single most important reason? (For mosf importam, Which one? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. circle entire answer. not jusr *i Too busv with other thinns 1. South Broward (David Posnack) Find nothing of interest 2. Fort Lauderdale (North Broward) (Soref) Too far away/transport problem 3. North Dade (Michael-Ann Russel)(Dade) Unaware of JCC activities 4. Other Health 9. DK/NR Just moved here, plan to investigate Activities I need in condo clubhouse Participate Jewishly in other ways Too extensive j lb. Other I 11. DK/NR L______________________________________________________ (Please stop me when I reach your category.) How much would you pay annually for a JCC membership? 162. 1. 2. 3. 4. Nothioe $1 - sti $100 - $249 $250 - $499 5. 6. 7. 9. $500 - $999 $1,000 - $1,249 $1,250 - $1,500 DKfNR 164. 163. on the average, how many hours per month doYOU volunteer oo behalf of Jewish IF MARRIED: 165. 166. on 1. Yes hours per month IF MARRIED: 167. 2. No 9. DK/NR And your (husband/wife)? household make a contribution to any 9. DK/NR GO+0 Q. 179 171 .Did you or anyone in your household make a contribution to ANY Jewish Federation in 1989? I.yes- non-Jewish 99=DK/NR 99 = DK/NR (synagogues), and 17&F YES: (Please stop me when I reach your category.) Excluding dues and Israel Bonds, about how much did your household contribute to ALL Jewish charities in 1989? 7. $5,000 - $9,999 ; $1 - $99 8. $10,000 - $24,999 3: %I00 - %499 9. $25.000 - $49.999 4. $500 - $999 10. %5b,OOO-~$94,999 5. $1,000 - $2,499 Il. $100,000 OR MORE 6. $2,500 - $4,999 12. DK/NR 1. Yes 2. K# 99 = DK/NR d o you volunteer on behalf of organization meetings). 168,Wbat is the total amount you spend annually on dues for (all Jewish organizations), (Jewish Community Centers)? Do not include donations. % 169. Did your Jewish phi1 TO JEWISH And your (husband/wife)? the average, how toany organizations? (Please include attendance at any non-Jewish I HOURS Were you contacted in 1989 to do any volunteer work for a Jewish organization? organizations? (Please include attendance at any Jewish organization meetings). 99=DK/NR II ZERO IF ORGANIZATIONS: c IF YES: 172. Which 2. 88 ones? 1. South Broward 2. Fort Lauderdale 9.DK/NR 1 4. 3. Miami Other GO TO Q. 178 )F GIVE TO OTHER FEDERATION 173-tPlease stop me when I reach your category.) About how Jewish Federation in 1989? I :: $1 - $99 3. 4. 5. 6. $100 $500 $1,000 $2,500 $499 $999 - $2,499 - $4,999 8. $5,000 7. $10,000 - -$9,999 $24,999 9. $25,000 - $49,999 10. $50,000 - $99,999 11. $100,000 or more 12. DK/NR 16 much did your household contribute to the ,_______________________________________________~~~~~~~~~______~~___________~~~~~~~~~_~~_~~~----~~~~~~~~~~----- IF GIVE TO SOUTH BROWARD FEDERATION: 175.Did you give as a result .74.(Please stop me when I reach your category.) rbout how much did your household contribute to the ioath Broward Jewish Federation in 1989? !I i. i. i. i. $1 - $99 $100 - $499 $500 - $999 $1,000 - $2,499 $2,500 - $4,999 176, 7. $5,000 - $9,999 8. $10,000 - $24,999 9. $25,000 - $49,999 10. $50,000 - $99,999 11. $100,000 OR MORE 12. DK/NR Did (you/your wife) make a gift to the Women’s Division of the South Broward Federation in 1989? 1. Yes 2. $@ GO% 9.DK/NR NEXT PAGE of a: 1. mailing 2. 3. 3. 4. telephone call event or function in person solicitation, some other way? 177JF ; 3: 4. 5. 6. or YES: Was that: $1 - $99 $100 - $499 $500 - $999 $1,000 - $2,499 $2,500 - $4,999 7. $5,000 - $9,999 8. $10,000 - $24,999 9. $25,000 - $49,999 10. $50,000 - $99,999 11. S100,OOOOR MORE 12. DK/NR 178. What are the reasons you did not contribute to the South Broward Jewish Federation in 1989? What is the single most important reason? (For most important. circle entire answer, not just #) 1. Give in another city 2. Cannot afford to 3. Do not like federation 4. No particular reason 5. Gave to different organization 6. Other 180.1~ YES: Were you contacted in 1989? 1. Yes 2. &$ + GO TO NEXT PAGE 9.DK/NR L. IF YES: Were you contacted for your 1. Yes contribution to the Jewish Federation by: 9.DK/NR 1. mail 2. @$ 2. telephone 3. in PERSON, or GO%0 NEXT PAGE 4. some other way? ._________________________________~~~_~_________~~~~~~~~~______~~~~~~~~_~____~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 179. H ave you ever been contacted by the Jewish Federation of South Broward for the purpose of making a contribution? 181. ____________________‘-__________________-__________________________________________________________________----_~ #F NOT GIVE TO ANY FEDERATION IN 1989 j 182. Have you ever given a donation to a Jewish Federation or UJA Campaign? I 1. Yes 9.DK/NR 2. $@ I I GO TO NE% PAGE I L___________________---------____________________~~~~~~~~~______~~~~~~____~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----~~ 183. Please stop me when I reach your category. Was the largest 7. $5,000 - $9,999 :. $1 - $99 8. $10,000 - $24,999 3: $100 - $499 9. $25,000 - $49,999 4. $500 - $999 10. $50,000 - $99,999 5. $1,000 - $2,499 11. $100,000 OR MORE 6. $2,500 - $4,999 12. DK/NR 17 gift you ever gave to a Federation: tI I I 0 I I I I 184 *In any one year, have you (or anyone in your household) ever made a contribution of $1,000 or more to a building fund, Israel fund, or other special Jewish fond raising campaign (excluding Israel Bonds)? 1. Yes 2. No 185. orer t h e past Jewish charitable 9.DK/NR 3 years, has your giving to What is the major reason it (in/de)creased? causes 1. Increased awareness of need 2. Change in income 3. Special solicitation 4. Death in family 5. Peer nressure 6. Took trip to Israel 7. Unusual expenses 8. Other 9. DK/NR 3. remained the same? 9. DKfNR 187.0 n t h e wh oIe, would you rather see more of the money collected by the Federation used for needs here in Broward County or used for needs in Israel and overseas? :: 2. Israel and Overseas Broward County Whatever Federation thinks best I88.Did you buy any Israel bonds in 1989? ) 3. About equal 9. DKfNR S.As it is now 189. IF YES: Was your 1989 Israel bond purchase: 1. $250 - $499 2. $500 - $999 3. $1,000 - $4,999 1. Yes 5. $10,000 - $24,999 6. Over $25,000 9. DKfNR 4. $5,000 - $9,999 190. Have you ever made a contribution IIeVer 1. Yes 191. 1%. in response to a telephone Cd from a charity that you had contributed to before? 9.DKfNR 2. No Have you ever made a contributioo in response to a m&g contributed to before? 2. No 9.DKjNR 1. Yes f rom a charity that you had IM%!r H are you heard of the Jewish Community Foundation of the Federation? 1. Yes 193 .Do 2. No you have a will? 9.DKlNR A194 .IF YES: Have you made provision for any charity in your will? 1. Yes 1. Yes -- Next Page 9.DK/NR 2. No 2. No I & 195.WouId L / you consider making provision for any charity in your will? 1. Yes 2. No 9.DK/NR 9.DK/NR 196.1s veryimportant, somewhat important, or not at all important in your decision to make to Jewish organizations? Not at All Very Somewhat Important DK Important Important 9 2 a. The purpose of an organization . . . . . . . . . I ; 1 b. The efficiency of an organization . . . . . . . ; : 3 1 c. How you were treated by the contact . . . . . . contributions d. The type of e. The Jewish f. Your friends g. Your ability individual contacting tradition of giving and associates give . to give . . . . . . 1 1 .............. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . h. Tax deductions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 i. To help the poor and needy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 197 . DI‘d your household contribute to any non- Jewish philanthropies or charities 1. Yes 2. No 198. in I989? - I percentage 199. What-@ 200. of your household’s FOSS 99 = DK/NR What percentage of your philanthropic : ; : : ; 2 2 ; ; IF YES: Pleasestop me when I reach your category. Was it? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9.DK/NR : I. %5,000 - %9,999 8. $10,000 - $24,999 9. $25,000 - $49,999 10. $50,000 - $99,999 11. $100,000 or more 12. DK/NR $1 - $99 15100- $499 $500 - $999 $1,000 - $2,499 $2,500 - %4,999 income do you believe should be given to charities? dollar goes to Jewish philanthropies? 99 = DK/NR 201. Please tell me if you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements. Strongly Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree DK Agree a. No matter how much I give to a Jewish organization, 2 4 they never think that it is enough . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 3 b. I would volunteer time if someone asked me to. . . . . . . . . . 1 ; ! c. Most of my friends give to Jewish charities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 : : 9 d. Jewish organizations really appreciate my contribution, 2 4 no matter how small . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 e. I only hear from Jewish organizations 4 2 3 when they ask for money. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 202.How much, on average, d;e;qyOOur@gusehold spend in restaurants each week for non-business 1. Nothing 2. Under $10 8: $50 IS99 3. $10 - $19 9. More than $100 4. $20 - $29 10. DK/NR 5. $30 - $39 203. At what grocery store do you shop most often? (Which 1. Publix--Hallandale Beach Blvd 2. Publix--Taft Street 3. Publix--Young Circle 4. Publix--Hollywood Mall 5. Publix--Sheridan Street 6. Publix--Miramar 7. Publix--University (Pembroke) 8. Publix--Hiatus (Pembroke) I9 9 9 purposes? ?) 9. Publix--Flamingo (Pembroke) 10. Albertsons--Hallandale Il. Albertsons--Pembroke 12. Other 204.Atwhat mall do you shop most often? 1. Aventura 4. Galleria 2. Broward Mall 5. Hollywood Fashion Center 3. Diplomat Mali 6. Hollywood Mall 7. Fashion Mall (Macy’s) 8. 163rd Street 9. Other 205l.Do you I. 2. 3. 4. 5. (or does someone in your household) have a American Express Card 99=DK/NR Mastercard 99=DK/NR Diner’s Club 99=DK/NR Visa 99=DK/NR Discover Card 99=DK/NR owmuch 206.11 would you say that you spent on vacations last year? 207.(Please stop me when I reach your category.) How much do you think your (house/condo) 1. Under $50,000 2. $50,000 - $99,000 3. $100,000 - $149,999 4. $150,000 - $249,999 208.Does $ would sell for if it were for sale? 5. $250,000 - $499,999 6. $500,000 - $1 million 7. More than $1 million 9. DK/NR your household get most of its income from: 1. a salary or earnings front a business 2. social security and pensions, or 3. interest and dividends from savings and investments? 4. Other 9. DK/NR 209. (Please stop me when I reach your category.) Please tell me what your household income was in 1989 before taxes. Was it: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Under $5,000 %5,000 - $9,999 $10,000 -$24,999 $25,000 - $49,999 $50,000 - $74,999 $75,000 - $99,999 7. $100.000 - g149.999 8. %ISO;OOO- $199,999 9. $200,000 - $249,999 10. OVER $250,000 11. DK/NR 210. Please think about the total ra Iue of your home, automobiles, household belongings, and all your personal financial resources. Was your total Net Worth in 1989: 1. Under $100,000 2. $100,000 - $249,000 3. %250,000 - $499,999 4. %500,000 - $1 Million 5. $1 Million - $4,999,999 6. $5 Million - $9,999,999 7. $10 Million - %24,999,999 8. $25 Million - $49,999,999 9. Over $50 Million 10. DKINR Thank you very much for your cooperation. My supervisor may call back to verify that I completed this interview. 20