west fargo high school parent meeting
west fargo high school parent meeting
WEST FARGO HIGH SCHOOL PARENT MEETING August 3, 2016 Parents only need to attend ONE of the parent meetings each school year. Coaches will still be having individual parent meetings for their sport. All meetings are 6pm in the theatre. WEST FARGO ACTIVITIES OFFICE Jay DeCann Activities Director [email protected] 701-499-1804 WFHS AD Purpose Statement: Lead Packer Activities with Integrity & Passion with the development of Relationships to foster a culture within our activities programs that everyone in West Fargo will be proud of. Tonya Vetter Administrative Assistant [email protected] 701-499-1806 PURPOSE OF MEETING Establish a positive line of communication between students, parents, coaches, and the activities office. ATHLETIC TRAINING Tom Peterson ATC, Terra Billiet ATC Forms: Physical – Last page only Green/Risk – Concussion acknowledgement Risk of Injury Notification Authorization for Treatment HIPAA Medications: Any types of emergency medication should be given to AT. Environment: We will monitor the weather. HYDRATE AND COOL DOWN! CONCUSSION No helmet will prevent concussion Self-reported symptoms ImPACT KEEP HOME FROM SCHOOL IF HAVING SYMPTOMS Contact Athletic Trainer. We will notify Assistant Principal and Counselor. Teachers are understanding! Conservative approach to recovery CONTACT INFORMATION Email [email protected] [email protected] Phone 499-1826 Hours Open at 2PM TONYA VETTER-ADMIN ASSISTANT Participation Fees-$50 high school level and $30 at the middle school level. This is due prior to first contest/game/match. Can pay after tryouts. Family max of $200 per school year, grades 712. Club sports or Park District activities do NOT count towards this. Please keep your receipts. Athletes MUST be in school the last 3 periods prior to any games or practices. Exceptions for a Family funeral/emergency or a medical appointment (must bring a note from the doctor to the main office.) Adult passes for the year are $80 Student passes are $30 for the year These are good at home events for BOTH high schools, but NOT at tournaments. West Fargo Senior Citizens, ages 60 and older, can now get a FREE pass! They must complete a form and return to the district office to obtain their free pass. They CANNOT obtain the free pass at the schools or games. Non-WF seniors-$30. NCAA CLEARINGHOUSE Planning to play collegiate sports?? Juniors you will want to register now! Check it out on the web! http://www.ncaa.org www.eligibilitycenter.org (register) Schedules-The link is on our home website: www.west-fargo.k12.nd.us. Sign up on the rschooltoday site for any updates or changes in the schedules. 50-50 tickets are available in our office. Must count the money and get two signatures on the form. You can turn the 50-50 money into the ticket sellers at home events, or to me. Captains’ parents can contact me to obtain a purchase order for use of the fundraising $’s for banquet or team meals, etc. AFTER the head coach has approved the purchase. End of season gifts to coaches-can NOT be gift cards due to IRS regulations • Our logo is trademarked. There are authorized vendors who are allowed to reproduce our logo. Contact your coach or Activities Office BEFORE printing anything to be sure you are using an approved vendor. • This powerpoint presentation will be available on the website: west-fargo.k12.nd.us under WFHS and then select Activities PACKER BACKERS-TROY OTT-PRESIDENT Encourages all parents and fans to be members Last years’ membership totals: 234 Families, 29 Corporate members Last years’ donations to groups: just under $50,000 Supports ALL co-curricular activities at the High School-not just athletics. New membership form. Each paid membership receives 2 items with the option to purchase additional items (decals, tshirts, yard signs) Visit our website for membership form www.wfpackerbackers.com Facebook, Twitter and email [email protected] Corporate sponsors: Green Club $300 and White Club $150 NDHSAA Rules & Regulations -WHITE FORM Students MUST be in 5 hours of class time in order to be eligible. A block class would count as 2 hours, except for when the student travels to Sheyenne for a class. Only counts as 1 hour due to travel time. NDHSAA Rules & Regulations -WHITE FORM New Addition for 2016-17 CODE OF CONDUCT CITIZENSHIP Student-participants need to keep in perspective their role as active members in the co-curricular program. It is important for them to be good role models and ambassadors for the school community and to the younger students who admire and are influenced by their actions. Participants need to demonstrate proper respect to all persons, property and the law on and off school premises. As a student participating in co-curricular activities at West Fargo Public Schools, I understand and accept the following responsibilities: I will respect the rights and beliefs of others and will treat others with courtesy and consideration. I will be fully responsible for my own actions and the consequences of my actions. I will respect the property of others. I will respect and obey the rules of my school and the laws of my community, state and country. I will show respect to those who are responsible for enforcing the rules of my school and the laws of my community, state and country. A student whose character or conduct violates the Student Code of Conduct or is suspended or expelled from school is not in good standing and is ineligible for a period of time determined by the building administrative team. RISK WARNING AND CODE OF CONDUCT GREEN FORM TRANSPORTATION WFPS will transport students to and from events. Parents may elect to sign out THEIR son/daughter at the event to ride home with them. Coaches will have this form available for parents to sign. Exceptions can be made if parents contact the Activities Director 48 hours prior to the event. There are occasions where the student may need to drive themselves to and/or from an event. (ACT testing, College visit, etc) Coach-Parent Relationship FREE WEBINAR FOR PARENTS: ROLE OF PARENTS IN SPORTS WWW.NFHSLEARN.COM/ Please visit our website to view our Co-Curricular Student & Parent handbook, which has been updated this fall: www.west-fargo.k12.nd.us/district/activities PARENT-COACH COMMUNICATION GUIDELINES PURPLE FORM (KEEP) GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE In any activities program, problems can arise. In many cases these problems are simply due to poor communication. In other situations the problem may be more serious. Communication is critical in the fostering of a quality experience for our student/athletes. For these reasons it is necessary to follow the proper chain of command. These guidelines do not include concerns about the mental, physical, or emotional well-being of the student. If a parent has a concern about any of those areas, please contact the Activities Director immediately. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Step 1: Player/Participant direct contact with the Coach/Director Step 2: Parent direct contact with the Coach/Director after a minimum of 24 hours have elapsed Step 3: Parents direct contact with the Activities Director Step 4: Parents direct contact with the High School Principal Step 5: Parents submit a written complaint to the Superintendent; a proposed solution must accompany the complaint. Step 6: Complaints that are unresolved at the Superintendent level, may be brought before the school board by notifying the Board in writing. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE • Coaches and student athletes will be informed whenever the activities director is contacted regarding their program. (email, phone call, face to face) Anonymous complaints will not be recognized. Students will be included in any and all meetings with coaches and the activities director. Please allow 24 hours after any game or contest before starting any grievance procedure. PARENTS’ GROUPS •Meals during season 1 preseason 1 EDC 3 during season 1 State •Fundraising-Captains’ parents be sure you are communicating with the head coach to see what has been approved. •Deadline to submit the fundraising request form for fall and winter sports September 1. •For Spring sports the deadline is December 1. Funds raised MUST be turned into Tonya for deposit into the sport’s fundraising account. Review of last years message: Goals vs. Purpose FEAR OF FAILURE WHAT IS FAILURE? IT'S THE REASON WE SUCCEED... "I'VE MISSED MORE THAN 9000 SHOTS IN MY CAREER, I'VE LOST ALMOST 300 GAMES, 26 TIMES I'VE BEEN TRUSTED TO TAKE THE GAME WINING SHOT... AND MISSED... I'VE FAILED OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN IN MY LIFE... AND THAT IS WHY I SUCCEED." -MICHAEL JORDAN Failure is the stepping stones to success. Failure is your ………… First Attempt In Learning Failure is a great teacher. One of the best, in fact! It’s how you deal with failure that defines who you really are!! Goals Help Us Win: • Games • Conference titles • State championships • The great thing about failure is that it provides you with a second chance. • You get the opportunity to pick yourself up Definition of Goal once again, come back stronger and make another The attempt. result or achievement toward which effort is directed or aimed, Every obstacle is a destination. an opportunity. • Failing at something is a temporary occurrence. It does not mean that one will fail at everything or all the time. What is important is that one learns very quickly from Definition of Goal each failed attempt. The result or achievement toward which effort is directed or aimed, a destination. • When one succeeds after failing first, it makes one humble, patient and hopeful. It teaches one to be determined, purposeful and calm. Definition of Goal Parents Role 1. Focus on your child’s effort, hard work and preparation, regardless of the outcome. Definition of Goal 2. Emphasize the life skills learned in sports — confidence, teamwork, responsibility and handling pressure and adversity. 3. Try to be calm, relaxed and positive to model how your child should act. Parents Role 4. Provide healthy encouragement that is Definition of Goal sincere. 5. Avoid disciplining your child for mistakes made during a game, but do discipline them for poor behavior and bad sportsmanship 6. Avoid comparing your child to other children. We perform our best when we focus on ourselves and our improvement; help your child do just that. PARENT MEETINGS Golf-Aug 3; WFHS Room 112C NOW Volleyball-Aug 18; 6:30pm WFHS Theater Football-Aug 3; WFHS Theatre NOW Soccer- Aug 10; 7:30pm; Lodoen Field Tennis- Aug 3; WFHS 152C NOW Swim & Dive- Aug 3; Band Room NOW Cross Country – Aug 3; 5:30pm; WFHS Band Room