üu toi}g1rre§ry*$rarchffino"* "
üu toi}g1rre§ry*$rarchffino"* "
t).1, :z g. trt L.t rlJ: J. ;J. ü u the intricate workings of this exceptional piece can be admired through the hinged kigätion WätCh,TyFS, 7:,':,': The model on which The LonginesAvrga : tion.säffi tffit1$m ffi#;.,is brrced,vras ä süPerh co+# on the,:§apphire,§tass baC . o,f The . toi}g1rre§ry*$rarchffino"* praeiSton and high .qüähty. foday, Longlnes presents this exceptional model whichwillno doubigo down in the Af., . :the, ..ättryred. fu ffi a@e, and, lefi their mark on history. Guaranteeinf F.ia$..Wll|l t.CO.l|e#ioh,,,,::,,,, i :,:,:,,,:, ,::i,, , ,:: The number LZ is without doubt the rnos!,1t+rking,, nu#eral .of ,vir[ue[tX1'. any #ätoh,,. The,Zrlrich,.wa[ahffiäkai. based. in La Chauide-Fonds, Roman Winiger, ;decl :p piesäni hG,,tr§t,$$12 wätch precrsion and quality, Longmes timepiecei an;essental pärt,of the equiprnent of winiger is .mnaii.af..the brand's nch heritage, At beginninf of the 20th century the name of Längines was closel11, 5§oCiated with, * .thi pibneeii,of avlation lhosa: ;*e* and wornen : * the§e,,aviatol,s durinfi the.ir,exploits, appearance, quallty' and,preci*ion in.order.. to be sälecied by,äviätors: änd,,}ieär, the name «Type A-7» given by the U.S. tumy. Theirlarge diameter and fluted crown enabled them to be easily read and quickly manipulat*d, e,r.n if the pilot was *eanng .tttiCk..gt s1ihe,,angled black dral wiü nU erals aiso ensured easy: ur*buleace; lThe .,iaa&*$ iu..pbor,.ll§ht or, . aagle,of +,fu1wa§,.qpecull11,.6**igtra.*f the chronograph to b. *ott on the insrde :iof,thä,] CIdi:wirh.#e aiicräft's.lhstr,uments and the pilot could read the timepiece .with6na,m .,hts.ar,hgr,,a .,oi,ktung go of the controli. .rt*, elo$ance of The Lo ngines Av,tgä' tion Watch Type A-7 single push-pieCe chronogriph lnryediately catches the l ,iThg,,§te model,,on,i2:::Dederlber 20I.2,,, Ro:man älso, y-, particularly,, nd o,f eye. se,häs,.ä,diärnetef:.,of 49,.mm .An,:,haüges än.:L'7,8:8,,,caiibre,,::ä,:co rnnwheel movement developed exclusively for Longines. The vanous chronograph flunctions - starf stop and reset to zero can all be operated bypressing the single pushpiece setin the fluted crown. In imitation o[the aviators'tirnepieces, the dial is hrg* ....ffigtää *t 50; m, fu .;&|ana fu ..white *bicnümetals,,att;of*hi up th. exceprionalcharacter of this timepiece .I.ts..i1EeXrappeä*a*Ce,is en änced ou bracelet) sont confi6s en sous-traitance dans les alentours de son atelier, plus precis6ment et dans 1a mesure du possible, dans un rayon de r,T ngt minutes ä velo. .the *affiruklng,tradition of oneltäarihaiif ieacheerlesmanu- factured., ould,c,,r-welvStqqepieces, with every! twelfth piece prwiding an op- ,po*t*nl,$,i€iebin1e,*e*L,a@scfe4ted. It was wrth the idea of offering mechani- .-*. r ex.,piod#ced rn small series and at an aflordable priCe (less than 5,000 francs) that Roman Wimger taunched this firstWHI2 model. Hii fiist design ongi und progr.r.". to fra .ä ,#$.dr assembly of every component needed for the case and the dral. Ani work he cannot do himself (engraving, applicauon of PVD and bracelet) is subconräCted close to Qu'est-ce qui rend cette premiöre creation hrs workshop, wherever possible within de Winiger si speciale? C'est le mode de Iecture:le chiffre 12 remplace en quelque sorte I'aiguille des heures, c'est lui qui fait office de repäre majeur, d'oü le nom \ /H12. En m6me temps,l'heure actuelle defile sur le bord superieur de la montre. Ceci explique pourquoi les chiffres sont dans un ordre inhabituel, ä contre-sens sur le cadran. Laffichage de la date est t.,:Thi§ nremi:,ihs11fus {di4},,was ati ..The . «dozen», since, The Longines Avigation Watch Type A-7 w,as,iilspired b, 1r.. modeis deireloped durirlc the,I930s thät,had,to meet extrernely of,vrew of ,string[nt iri@ foöm. rhe.point .i$1 , ,,: C'est dans 1e but de proposer des montres mecaniques en petites series ä un prix accessible (moins de 5'000 francs), que Roman Winiger a lance ce premier modöle WH12. A l'origine de sa premiäre creation, il y a des dessins, puis son travail de confection de chaque composant necessaire pour 1e boitier et l'affichage de l'heure. Tous les travaux qu'llne peut eflfectuer lui-mäme (grar,ure, pose de P\D What makes this fiisi Wiruger design so special? The manner in whlch it telb thä time: tiie,nü*bär,,,.lq,al;sehi-,,iepläCei thä hoü* ha*d,and,:is', täe .,mff oi, featu*e,, ,,,hence the mrne.ffi [ä..Thetüt141..time is read across the top edge of the watch, ,which explains w$1 ghe,*umäfäIs:äie in rägalement inhabituel. La WH12 est vendue en souscription ä 1'atelier Winiger llorloger. Elle est emballee dans un liwe photographique, qui trouve facilement sa place dans la biblio- thöque lorsque le proprietaire la porte. Ainsi l'emballage ne devient pas si vite un dechet. Le premier liwe est destin6 ä ötre complete par d'aulres. l I . ,,bv,&e.tachOrueter,scale,:ar..CI*nd.the:outer edge of the dial and the Breguet minute . . urd hout hands. the whole is mounted oh . .b1ä+k.,lal1ifiami,,$6,.. Fur,thbimore t . Franck Muller Vintage 7 Days Power Reserve La 7-Days Por,l,er Resen,e associe la precision esthetique d'un mouvement travaille dans ses moindres details, et la 24IANVTER ,Or' ffi "