post 40 dispatch - American Legion Post 40


post 40 dispatch - American Legion Post 40
January 2014
“Your Friendly Post On The Treasure Coast”
810 South US Highway 1 Fort Pierce, Florida 34950
(772) 461-1480 Phone
(772) 461-4876 Fax
From Our Commander:
I hope everyone had a nice holiday. I am sorry we ran out of food
on Christmas, but we had a much
larger crowd than we expected.
Thank You, to Brenda, Libby
and Vinnie for helping with the
meal. It seems like I am always
thanking the same people, but volunteers are not responding to our
pleas for help.
Let me tell you a little story about George.
George was always there when we asked. When
people were asked to help, their answer was to
call George. Well George got tired and went
home. Now what are we supposed to do? The
moral of this story is we are wearing our few volunteers out. Please volunteer if you can.
The Legionnaire of the Month is Vinnie Cassamasse. Vinnie is not even a member of our
Post, but he is like George. He is always there.
Our First Vice John DiMenna resigned from
the E Board. He will be missed. He was doing a
great job. Our Second Vice does not wish to
move up, so the position will remain open until
the next election.
The Pearl Harbor ceremony was very nice.
Thanks to Dee Sheppard for all her hard work.
As always, if you have questions or concerns,
please call me at the Post.
Tom James
First Vice
Second Vice
Third Vice
Dan Kenney
Mike Powers
Pat Bland
Finance Officer
Albert Porter
Marty Krause
Judge Advocate
Mike Watford
Service Officer
Joe Schwartz
Pat Bland
Sergeant At Arms
George Gray
Past Commander
Roger Rhodes
Executive Board
Rich Johnson
Executive Board
Ken Kettering
Executive Board
George Lodowski
Executive Board
Joe Schwartz
Executive Board
John Souza
Thank You and God Bless.
For God and Country
Tom James
The Post 40 Dispatch is published monthly by
Stephen N. Gladwin Post 40 American Legion
810 South US 1, Fort Pierce, Florida 34950
Visit Us Online
Email: [email protected]
Fun Times At Post 40
From The S.A.L.
Our SAL Dinner for January 7th will be prepared by
Al Hughes. We will be serving: Roasted Pork Loin,
Scalloped Potatoes, Sweet and Sour Sauerkraut, a
Vegetable, Salad, Apple Sauce, Roll and Butter and
Pineapple Cake.
Please stop by the Post and enjoy a great meal.
We are going to send a letter to all members of
Squadron 40 by the end of January. Please take the
time to read the letter as it contains important information and a chance for you to receive a nice little
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
2nd and 4th Tuesday Every Month
6:30 PM
Every Friday Evening
Come In, Join The Fun And WIN!
Thank you,
Fred Butler
Lunch By Adele
Served From 11 AM to 2 PM Monday - Friday
S.A.L. Squadron 40 Officers
First Vice
Second Vice
Steve Poutier
Fred Butler
Roger Rhodes
Classic BLT Sandwich
Turkey Club Sandwich
Chef Salad
Ham & Cheese Sandwich
Finance / Adjutant
Fred Butler
Sergeant At Arms
Keith Conn
Sliced Chicken Sandwich
Past Commander
Fred Butler
Tuna Salad Sandwich
Ed Sheubrooks
Reuben Hot Sandwich
Judge Advocate
Email Submissions To: [email protected]
Show Me The Money
at Post 40
1 And 3 Thursday Every Month.
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Cheese Steak Hot Sandwich
Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Shrimp Basket
Chicken Tenders
Tossed Salad
Similar In Play To MEATO
With Better Prizes
See Helen For Details
Most Items Served With Your Choice Of
We Look Forward To Seeing You Here
Full Menu Available At Post 40
French Fries or Chips
American Legion Auxiliary
From Auxiliary Unit 40 President
Auxiliary Unit 40 Officers
Greetings Ladies,
I hope your holidays were great.
Mine were as my children came to visit
from New Jersey.
Our family at the Post was well taken
care of for Christmas. (Food, Tree &
Gifts) The Post was open on Christmas
Day for those who had no one to be
with on Christmas Day.
We had a get together for the Volunteers to Thank
them all on December 22nd. It was very nice, Thank
New Year’s Eve was wonderful, everyone wore
their finest. We had a marvelous dinner by Al Hughes,
and danced the night away, welcoming in the New
I hope you all made a resolution for the New Year
and plan to keep it. I know I did, to help our veterans.
January starts a new year and we are planning a
50’s night on the 25th. So get out your poodle skirt
and saddle shoes, practice the twist and the jitterbug,
and we all can pretend we are back when we were
young and carefree.
The Auxiliary Dinner this month will be Chicken
Cordon Bleu by Denise and Dave, thanks guys.
A very Happy Birthday or Anniversary to those in
the month of January.
I can always be reached on my cell phone or at the
Pray for our men and women protecting our freedom.
For God And Country,
Edie Porter
Monthly Outdoor Flea Market
1st Saturday of Each Month
From 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Post 40 will be holding monthly Outdoor Flea Markets on the
first Saturday of every month in the NE Parking Lot
$10.00 will get you a space with 1 - 8’ table
Reserve your spaces in advance if you want to guarantee your
spaces are all together
Stop by Post 40 @810 S. US 1
To pay for and reserve your spaces
Edie Porter
First Vice
Connie Schwartz
Second Vice
Brenda Willis
Pat Kettering
Lorraine Dienes
Joan Smith
Dee Sheppard
Sergeant At Arms
Libby Piersall
Asst. Sgt At Arms
Executive Board
Maggie Casterlin
Executive Board
Sandy McDonald
Executive Board
Nancy Moore
From Auxiliary Unit 40 Chaplain
A New Year’s Prayer
May God make your year a happy one!
Not by shielding you from all sorrows and pain,
But by strengthening you to bear it, as it comes;
Not by making your path easy,
But by making you sturdy to travel any path;
Not by taking hardships from you,
But by taking fear from your heart;
Not by granting you unbroken sunshine,
But by keeping your face bright, even in the shadows;
Not by making your life always pleasant,
But by showing you when people and their causes
need you most, and by making you anxious to be
there to help.
God’s love, peace, hope and joy to you for the year
Joan Smith
Get Your Newsletter Or Calendar At
Email Submissions To: [email protected]
Post 40 Volunteers
Thank You, We Appreciate Your Help…...
John Albert
Jack Bowman
Craig Brown
Phyllis Burk
Fred Butler
Vinnie Cassamasse
Adele Chambers
Eileen Cotler
Lynn Davey
Lorraine Dienes
John DiMenna
Al Fleming
Dorothy Galeone
Judy Hardiman
Vickie Hartlaub
Dave Hilleman
Denise Hilleman
Tom James
Rich Johnson
Chris Kafka
Patty Kafka
Ken Kettering
Pat Kettering
Marty Krause
George Lodowski
Libby Piersall
Albert Porter
Edie Porter
Steve Poutier
Mike Powers
Tina Powers
Helen Raiman
Don Reitmeyer
JR Remington
Judy Remington
Connie Schwartz
Joe Schwartz
Dee Sheppard
Dan Simcox
Joan Smith
John Souza
Roxanna Stlutz
Marilyn Tagliaferri
Brenda Willis
Robert “Lefty” Woshnick
Jerry Zalben
From Ken Kettering:
SUNDAY, January 5th & 19th, 10 AM
FRIDAY, January 24th & 31st 7:00 PM
If Your Name Was Omitted From The Volunteer List Above, Please Contact The Person In Charge Of The Event For Which You Volunteered. We Are Only Listing
Volunteers Submitted From The Previous Month, As Submitted By The People Running The Various Events At The Post. We Are Keeping The List Current And Everyone Whose Name Was Submitted As A Volunteer For The Previous Month Is Listed Above. We Apologize If Your Name Was Missed.
Post 40 Boosters
January 2013
Dan Simcox ***
Roger Nettles ***
Robert A. Van Natta ***
May 2013
February 2013
Dorothy Stefanovich
(Memory, Husband Ed)
Thomas Taylor
William H Turner
June 2013
March 2013
C.H. “Chuck” Thiess
Joan Cox
(Memory, Husband Tom)
July 2013
Larry Burns (11/2014)
September 2013
October 2013
Robert Foote (03/14)
(Memory, Thomas Carnahan)
April 2013
Larry & June Bresnahan (04/14)
August 2013
Dorothy Stefanovich (2/14)
(Memory, Son Larry)
November 2013
Judi Harrison
(Memory, Daughter Rhonda)
December 2012
Joyce Moody-McGraw (1/14) **
(Memory, Mother Ethel)
Stephen N. Gladwin
American Legion Post #40
810 S. US Hwy 1
Ft. Pierce, FL 34950
Or Current Resident
Place Label Here
January 4
Reuben Sandwiches For Lunch
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
January 11
Steak Dinner
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
January 25
50’s Dance
6:30 PM - ???
Mon - Fri
Lunches By Adele
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Breakfast Every Sunday, 8:30 to 11:30 AM
Tuesday Night Dinner 5:00 to 6:30 PM
1st S.A.L. - 2nd Tues. by Ladies Auxiliary
King Of Diamonds - Every Wednesday 7:00 PM.
Kitchen OPEN
Texas Hold’em - 4th and 5th Friday Of Each Month, 7:00 PM
Friday Fish Fry 5:00 to 6:30 PM.
Bingo 6:30 PM
Tuesday Night Dance Music 6:30 to 10:30 PM.