February 2013


February 2013
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • February 2013
The Best of The Southwest Weekend:
Scottsdale & Sedona, Arizona
Porsche Oil Leaks
AUSPUFF Contents
The Best of The Southwest.........................15
Porsche Oil Leaks ........................................22
Monthly Reports
President’s Column ........................................4
From The Editor’s Desk..................................4
Camarillo Breakfast Meeting ........................7
Santa Barbara Breakfast Meeting ................9
Member Anniversaries & New Members ..24
SBR Events Calendar.....................................3
Rusnak Porsche Service Clinic ......................5
Murder Mystery Train - Fillmore .................11
Central California Coast Weekend Tour .....12
California Festival of Speed ........................19
Santa Barbara Region Rally School ............20
Camarillo Autocross ....................................21
58th Annual PCA Porsche Parade ...............30
Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors.....2
The Tech Page .............................................22
Down the Road............................................26
Zone 8 Listings ............................................27
SBR Breakfast Maps ...................................27
The Goodie Store ........................................29
Ordering SBR Name Badges .......................29
SBR Classified Advertisements...................31
Directory of Advertisers ..............................31
The Last Word .............................................32
On The Cover
SBR cars on the scenic road to Sedona
during the Best of The Southwest
weekend. Photo by Ted Lighthizer
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • February 2013
The Best of The Southwest Weekend:
Scottsdale & Sedona, Arizona
Porsche Oil Leaks
Der Auspuff, which translates as “the exhaust,” is the official publication of the Santa Barbara Region, Porsche Club of America. Chartered regions of PCA are granted permission to reprint
any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and Der Auspuff (with the exception of copyrighted material). Any statement appearing in Der Auspuff is that of the author, and
does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Santa Barbara Region, its Board or Appointees, the Der Auspuff Editors, or its Staff. The Editorial Staff reserves the right
to edit all material submitted for publication. Deadline for submittal of material to be considered for Der Auspuff is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication.
Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors
[email protected]
[email protected]
Vice President
[email protected]
Goodie Store
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Past President
[email protected]
Santa Barbara Region Board Appointees
[email protected]
Advertising TED LIGHTHIZER [email protected]
Archives JAMES OLDHAM [email protected]
Autocross DAN BYERS [email protected]
STEVE DOLL [email protected]
Concours ROBERT WATT [email protected]
Distribution CHET & JOAN YABITSU [email protected]
[email protected]
50th Anniversary NADINE TRACY [email protected]
Insurance JAMES EDWARDS [email protected]
P.M.S. NOLA FORCE [email protected]
Public Relations NICOLAS LIAKAS [email protected]
Rally DOREEN PANKOW [email protected]
R.U.F. JOHN & JEANNE MCNAIR [email protected]
[email protected]
Safety WILLIAM GRISWOLD [email protected]
Webmaster RANDY FISHWICK [email protected]
SBR Events Calendar
[email protected]
February 2013
Director [email protected]
Contributors JOHN ALFENITO
Sir Speedy Printing
1161 Calle Suerte, Suite E
Camarillo, CA 93012
Yearly Advertising Rates
Price is for 12 monthly issues, black & white only.
Four-color, as available, rates on request.
Full Page (7.5 x 10 inches) $1700.00
Half Page (7.5 x 4.75 inches) $850.00
Quarter Page (3.5 x 4.75 inches) $575.00
Business Card (3.5 x 2 inches) $300.00
Deadline for submission of ad copy is the 10th
of the month preceding the month of publication.
Graphic assistance available at no charge.
Please support our advertisers: We welcome
commercial ads in Der Auspuff. They help
support our club, and we encourage you to make
your first call to those who help us enjoy our
great hobby. Let them know you saw their ad in
Der Auspuff. We also encourage you to promote
your own business by becoming an advertiser
yourself. For information, please contact:
Ted Lighthizer
[email protected]
PCASBR is online:
The President’s Column
Doreen Pankow
reat news!! The Santa
Barbara region won
the 2012 Zone 8
Region of the Year Award,
announced at the Zone 8
banquet and recognition
party held on January 19th.
Our Region put on the most
events of all the Zone 8
Regions which included 40
one-day events and three
multi-day weekend tours.
Our Community Service/
Charity involvement in 2012
was exemplary with our support of the Special Olympics, two toy
drives in December, and for hosting the Tire Rack Street Survival
School for teens in October. I want to thank our 2012 Officers and
Directors as well as our participating volunteers and members for
all their efforts and contributions that allowed us to hold so many
successful events. Congratulations also to SBR members who won
the following Zone 8 awards: Concours: Street Class 2 - Dick
Douglass; Autocross: 1st Place: Michael Furnish; 3rd Place: Doug
I expect many of you are ready for another exciting drive
this month, so on February 16th, Steve Kaller has organized
a picturesque 70-mile drive to the Palms Restaurant in
Carpinteria where we’ll enjoy a full-course meal and grill our
own entrées. Also on Saturday, February 23rd, you are invited to
a complimentary Service Clinic at the all new Rusnak/Westlake
Porsche dealership. Service Manager, Sam Abergel, will once
From The Editor’s Desk
Mike Pomerantz
just love the Porsche Club
slogan “It’s not just the cars,
it’s the people.” Every time
I hear it or see it, I just love it!
It really does describe what this
club is all about. Therefore, I
would like to have a place where
we can highlight the members
and their cars. It’s very true that
there are so many awesome
people in this club, but it’s the passion for the cars that originally
brought us together. Well, that’s true for most of us, with a couple
of exceptions, but I’m not mentioning any names here.
One of the new things I’m planning for upcoming issues is a
monthly section for a “Member Photo Gallery.” This will be the
place in the magazine to highlight various members with their
cars. After all, since this is a car club, it would be nice to have
again be our host for this day of free Porsche inspections. This
Service Clinic will be held from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. for PCA
SBR and Central Coast members.
I want to thank you for all your contributions to our 2012
charity, the Special Olympics. We held a raffle at our Membership
Brunch in June and staged another raffle and silent auction at our
Holiday Brunch in December. A total of $2,550 was collected,
which will be split between the Ventura and Santa Barbara
chapters of the Special Olympics. Checks will be distributed to
both chapters at our February breakfast meetings.
I am delighted to announce that we have just filled the Porsche
Mademoiselle Society (P.M.S.) Chair position on the board. Nola
Force, who lives in the Santa Barbara area, agreed to fill this
vacancy while we were on the trip to Scottsdale. Besides being a
pilot, she now serves as a business consultant, paralegal and coach
for her own consulting practice called Creative Solutions. So
ladies, we can again look forward to more fun outings together.
Please note the 2013 by-laws have been finalized and are posted
on our SBR website at www.pcasb.org. If you haven’t been to
our website, it’s well worth taking the time to explore it. All our
event fliers are posted on the website, so you can print them
out and mail them to the appropriate host for any upcoming
event. The site also contains links to PCA National and PCA
Zone 8 websites. You can even order a name badge or see current
and back issues of SBR’s Der Auspuff magazine back to 2006.
Additionally, concours, autocross and rally results are available
from 2009 to the present. We are fortunate to have such a talented
Webmaster, Randy Fishwick, who maintains and updates our
website on his own time.
Lastly, don’t forget your sweetheart on Valentine’s Day!
more content featuring the members and their cars (Porsches
only, of course).
My idea would be to include three or four photos on a page
submitted from different members. Members would submit high
resolution digital photos with captions about their cars. Captions
should include the usual year and model specifications, and list
any highlights, modifications, or other noteworthy comments
about the car(s) in the photo. Photos can be taken either with or
without the members in the photo.
It will be a place every month where we’ll have a chance to see
each other’s pride and joy Porsche in print. It will be a nice way
for the membership to learn more about each other’s cars, and to
highlight both the cars and the people.
Please submit your photos and captions to the Der Auspuff
editor email address on page 3. Please keep captions to 25 words
or less. So when you are cruising around on all of the great events
coming up, keep an eye out for that awesome picture of your
prized Porsche to submit to Der Auspuff. It’s not just the cars, it’s
the people!
Camarillo Breakfast
January 5, 2013
New Year Off To
A Flying Start
spectacular morning greeted our happy group as we
assembled at the Way-Point Café for the first meeting of
2013. Newly elected President Doreen Pankow welcomed
everyone, officially kicking off her leadership position with the
Two outgoing board members, who had not been present at
the Holiday Brunch last month, were called up to be honored
and awarded for their past efforts. Advertising Manager Don
Kuckenbacker and Editor John Alfenito were thanked by President
Pankow, and were each given an engraved token of the club’s
appreciation for their years of service.
Membership Chair Sue Kinsling gave us the attendance figures
for the day: 115 members and guests, driving 64 Porsches. She also
introduced new member Jeff Maxon from Ojai. Jeff has a brand
new 2013 Carrera S.
Activities Chair Barry Weinstein reminded everyone of the many
activities on this year’s schedule. Barry urged those wanting to take
part in both the February 16, 2013 Palms Restaurant Dinner Drive
and the March 16, 2013 Fillmore Murder Mystery Train Excursion
to get their reservations in right away. Both events are expected to
sell out soon.
Barry also introduced
Rusnak Porsche Westlake
Service Manager Sam
Abergel. Once again, Sam
has arranged for Rusnak
to host a complimentary
Porsche Service Clinic, this
one to be held Saturday,
February 23, 2013 at the
dealership. It’s a chance to
have your Porsche examined
by a trained technician at
no charge. Plus, there will
be free refreshments and Rusnak’s Sam Abergel
guaranteed discounts on
any recommended service or repair performed within 30 days
of the event. The Central Coast Region has also been invited to
this clinic, so please call the dealership for an advance, no cost
appointment for your car. Call Tanya at (805) 496-6500, Ext. 5997
to grab your spot.
Outgoing Advertising Director Don Kuckenbaker accepts his
award of appreciation from new President Doreen Pankow.
Before closing the meeting, President Pankow mentioned
that the chairmanship of the Porsche Mademoiselle Society
(P.M.S.) is now vacant. Anyone wishing to step up and fill this
position should contact any board member. Also, Doreen gave
an acknowledgement to our morning’s “gate keepers” Dick Lange
and Howard Rubenstein. If you’d be willing to “man the gate” at an
upcoming Camarillo Breakfast, please let Doreen know.
Despite the slightly chilly temperatures, it was a wonderful
gathering of our membership to start the new year with a smile. =
Please introduce yourself to new SBR member Jeff Maxon of
Ojai. Maybe he’ll give you a ride in his 2013 Carrera S.
Santa Barbara Breakfast
January 12, 2013
Non-Travelers Have
Fun On The Wharf
he sun was out, but even the chilly morning and a stiff
breeze didn’t stop everyone from “talking cars” on the pier
in front of Moby Dick’s restaurant. Since many of the SBR
regulars were attending “The Best of The Southwest: Scottsdale &
Sedona, Arizona” weekend getaway, there was a smaller than usual,
but very enthusiastic group at the Santa Barbara Breakfast meeting.
Former treasurer Jim Brown chaired the meeting in the absence
of the “traveling” board members. Jim promoted several of the
upcoming events on the SBR calendar; first was the Scenic Dinner
Drive to the Palms Restaurant in Carpinteria on Saturday, February
16th, second the Service Clinic at Rusnak/Westlake Porsche on
Saturday, February 23rd, and third the Fillmore Murder Mystery
Train Tour/Luncheon on Saturday, March 16th. Jim advised that if
you are interested in attending these activities, get your reservations
in today as they will likely sell out. Several fliers were passed out at
the meeting.
Jim Brown and Barbara Hill filling in at the meeting. Thank you!
Porsches all lined up on the pier in front of Moby Dick’s restaurant.
Please welcome new member Ron Justin.
Barbara Hill, filling in for Membership Chair Sue Kinsling, told
us there were 33 attendees and 22 Porsches on the pier. Barbara
welcomed new member Ron Justin to the breakfast. Ron drives
a Porsche Cayman. Also attending the breakfast was returning
member, Michael Doyle, who owns two Porsche 356s.
It was another successful Santa Barbara Breakfast, made more
enjoyable with good friends and camaraderie. =
Welcome back returning member Michael Doyle.
Since 1972
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Sweet, sweet 1958 Speedster
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Memorial Day Weekend
May 24-27, 2013
Explore Morro Bay &
California’s Central Coast
ome join us for a fun-filled
trip to Morro Bay and the
Central Coast over the 2013
Memorial Day weekend.
Morro Bay’s most distinctive and
recognizable landmark is Morro
Rock, also sometimes called the
“Gibraltar of the Pacific.” It is the last
of a line of long-extinct volcanoes
formed about 23 million years ago,
which include nine peaks ranging
from San Luis Obispo to Morro Bay.
These peaks are aptly named the
Nine Sisters because they are all in
a row, and in close proximity. At
a height of 576 feet, Morro Rock
has been an important marine
navigational aid for over 300
years. It’s also a bird sanctuary and
home to nesting Peregrine Falcons.
Morro Bay Estuary provides a
nourishing habitat to more than
250 species of birds and over two
dozen endangered and threatened
In Morro Bay, you can browse
boutiques and shops, or play golf
on the world-champion ocean front
Morro Bay Golf Course adjacent
to the hotel. Discover a coastline
of dunes, paddle down a silent
estuary to spy on beautiful and rare
birds, or sail into the wild Pacific
just beyond the breakwater. Morro
Bay is also a great home base for
visiting the rest of San Luis Obispo
County. The world famous Hearst
Castle is just a short drive north
of Morro Bay, past the charming
towns of Harmony and Cambria. To
the east, you will find local wineries
offering tastings of the famous
Central Coast varietals.
Morro Rock
We’ll depart Friday May 24th from
Santa Barbara and travel North on
US-101 to enjoy the beautiful views
of the coastline before turning
inland. At San Luis Obispo, we’ll
head northwest on the CA-1 to
our first stop at the Morro Bay
Rock to stretch our legs. Then
take a short drive to enjoy lunch
at the Embarcadero Grill while
overlooking the bay. Following
lunch, we’ll take a scenic back
roads drive to the Tolosa Winery
& Vineyard and indulge in tasting
some of the Central Coast wines.
Then we’ll drive back to the Inn
at Morro Bay, our home for the
weekend, where you’ll have time
to get settled in before dinner.
We’ll enjoy cocktails and a gourmet
dinner at the Windows on the
Water restaurant while watching
the sunset.
On Saturday morning, you’ll
be free to explore the area on
your own before meeting for
an early afternoon tour of the
Piedras Blancas Light Station in
San Simeon. You can tour the
town of Morro Bay or drive up to
Cambria, a magical seaside village
tucked amongst towering pines.
Here, you will find art galleries,
excellent restaurants, an oldfashioned saloon, boutiques and a
great boardwalk along Moonstone
Beach. Or drive up to San Simeon
and tour the Hearst Castle. There
is also a great viewpoint to see the
birthing grounds of elephant seals
about two miles before the Piedras
Blancas Light Station.
On Sunday morning, we’ll drive
to the Montaña de Oro (Mountain
of Gold) State Park, which is just
southwest of Morro Bay. The park’s
name comes from the golden
wildflowers that bloom in the
Piedras Blancas
Light Station
spring. This park features rugged
cliffs, secluded sandy beaches,
coastal plains, streams, canyons,
and hills, including the 1,347-foot
Valencia Peak. The best-known
beach is Spooner’s Cove, across
from the campground. Wildlife
in the park includes black tailed
deer and the black oystercatcher.
We’ll take a 2 ½ mile round trip
easy hike on the Bluff Trail where
you’ll enjoy spectacular views of
the bluffs overlooking the ocean
and experience the beauty of the
spring flowers in bloom along the
flat hiking trail.
The Inn at Morro Bay
We’ll then head over to Avila
Beach via Perfumo Canyon Road
which takes you up over the top of
the mountain
winds its way
down to the
ocean. Avila
Beach is often
the warmest
the county,
beneath scenic
Point San Luis.
This seaside
town’s attractions include two piers,
ocean-view restaurants, deep-sea
fishing, mineral springs, and an
Hearst Castle
original Victorian lighthouse. At
the end of the Hartford Pier, you
can enjoy lunch at the Olde Porte
Tolosa Winery
Inn which is known for its fresh
seafood or dine at the Fat Cats Café
near the Hartford pier entry.
You can spend the rest of the day
exploring Avila Beach and Pismo
Beach or return to Morro Bay
for shopping, hiking or golfing.
Cocktails and a group dinner will
be held that evening in the Orchid
Room at our hotel so you can just
relax at the end of the day and
enjoy the company of your fellow
club members.
The fee for this trip is $145 per
person which includes a lunch and
two dinners including gratuities
and tax, a wine tour, a light station
tour and the activity fee. Interested
parties please contact Doreen
Pankow at dpankow@sbcglobal.
net to reserve a spot.
ur annual January getaway
began Friday, January 11 when
33 people in 17 cars braved
early morning temperatures
in the 30s to meet in Moorpark prior to
departure for Scottsdale, Arizona. The very
cold weather had everyone appropriately
bundled up for our drivers’ rendezvous.
We had a smooth drive through L.A. and
Palm Springs and really only hit some traffic
as we headed into Old Town Scottsdale to
the Hyatt Place, our residence for the next
three days. We were joined in Scottsdale
by the Kallers, Brovskys, and Galloways to
bring us to our complement of 39 people.
Friday evening, after checking in and
getting settled, we left the hotel as a group
and walked to the lively Cien Agaves cantina
(also located in Old Town) for our welcome
dinner buffet. Everyone enjoyed a delicious
dinner which included ceviche, enchiladas,
tacos, and fresh guacamole. The restaurant
provided us with our own room and bar,
and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves
while renewing old acquaintanceships and
making new friends.
We were all happy to welcome Kathleen
& Bob Wulf, Joan & Liam Murphy, and
Arlene & Doug Braun on their first multiday trip with the club.
Saturday morning after a brief meeting
in the lobby, we departed as a group for the
beautiful red rock town of Sedona, about
one and a half hours north of Scottsdale.
Again we were blessed with clear, very cold
weather as we began the climb to Sedona,
which is situated at 4400 feet. As we gained
elevation we saw many Saguaro cacti along
the beautiful stark mountain passes. For
a while it looked like we were headed into
some serious weather with large, dark,
billowing clouds overhead, but our luck
held, and we arrived at the Enchantment
Resort without any rain or snow.
The Enchantment Resort is eight miles
from the center of Sedona, nestled amongst
the monolithic red rocks. It is truly a fivestar establishment, and we were treated to
a lovely meal with a menu prepared and
presented especially for our group. We all
had beautiful views of the surrounding
natural beauty.
After lunch we were on our own to
explore the many attractions within easy
driving distance of the resort. Several
cars headed first for the Chapel of The
Holy Cross, which is a beautiful edifice
Continued on page 18
ON PAGES 16-18
Continued from page 15
overlooking the valley. The entire wall in
the back of the altar is glass, providing a
stunning and awe-inspiring view. This is
a very spiritual place with its native style
crèche and interesting modern Stations of
the Cross.
Many others of the group went to the
charming Tlaquepaque Shopping area
with its many galleries, jewelry shops,
and native artisans. Several other people
departed for the quaint old town of Jerome,
which is perched on a hillside with lots
of art galleries and interesting stores. Of
particular note is Nellie Bly Kaleidoscopes,
the largest dealer of such in the U.S. The
stunning array of kaleidoscopes ranged in
price from under $100 to several thousand
Another group headed for Montezuma’s
Castle, a National Monument just south of
Sedona. We all admired the cliff dwellings
constructed by the Sinagua culture in the
1100s. It was originally thought that Aztecs
built the cliff dwellings, hence the name
Montezuma’s Castle.
On Sunday morning, 31 of us gathered
for a group picture before departing
for Taliesen West, the winter home and
workplace built by Frank Lloyd Wright,
one of America’s greatest architects. We
learned about many of Mr. Wright’s design
techniques, such as narrow entrances
with low ceilings which open into broad,
inviting spaces. We saw his personal living
quarters, his office and the campus that is
a functioning school of architecture. We
also learned of the many innovations Frank
Lloyd Wright created (but didn’t patent),
such as track lighting, indirect lighting,
and the placement of seating to enhance
acoustics in a room. It was a fascinating
tour enjoyed by all.
Sunday afternoon was free to enjoy
the shopping and other attractions of
Scottsdale. Some of our members took the
opportunity to tour the massive tents filled
with classic cars being set up for the annual
Barrett-Jackson car auction.
For our final get-together, we one again
walked as a group to the Arts District
of Old Town to Café Forte for dinner.
This charming bistro-style restaurant is
normally closed on Sunday, but opened
especially for our group. We had a delicious
selection of appetizers, entrées and dessert
to choose from, and the pleasure of the
intimate atmosphere all to ourselves.
There was much interesting conversation,
camaraderie, and laughter.
Everyone agreed our trip to Scottsdale
and Sedona was fun and interesting, and a
great way to usher in the new year. =
Nellie Bly ,the largest kaleidoscope store in the U.S.
Sedona’s Chapel of The Holy Cross
Jeanne & John McNair, whose hard work made this great
weekend adventure possible!
Saturday, April 20, 2013 • 10:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. at Schneider Autohaus
2703 De La Vina St., Santa Barbara, CA 93105
Join us for an introduction to rallying designed to prepare drivers and
navigators for participation in Time-Speed-Distance (TSD) Road Rallies,
the type of rally run throughout PCA Zone 8 and at Porsche Parades.
We’ll begin with a classroom session for an hour or so followed by a short practice rally.
We will end up at Max’s Restaurant in Santa Barbara for lunch and a critique.
Participants will need note-taking materials and a watch
that can be synchronized with a master timepiece.
All participants must pre-register - contact Joe Schneider at
[email protected]
Event cost only $5.00 per team.
Zone 8 • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region
Entry Fee: $85.00 per driver, includes lunch.
Make checks payable to PCA/SBR for $85
The Tech Page
here is a commonly accepted
notion among car enthusiasts:
“All Porsches leak oil.” Porsches
are certainly capable of leaking
oil, especially the older air-cooled cars.
However, it is entirely possible to repair
said oil leaks, get rid of the cardboard
drip pad underneath your Porsche, and
keep your local parking lots clean. In this
month’s tech article, I will briefly explain
the common causes of oil leaks and outline
specific oil leaks and their respective
repairs by Porsche model.
What’s that on the floor?
The number one cause of engine oil leaks
is worn out gaskets and seals. Age and heat
cycles take their toll on oil seals and gaskets,
and they tend to harden and shrink. The
result will be an oil leak, and the severity
of the leak depends on its location on the
engine and whether there is oil pressure
behind the leak.
Oil can also leak past newer gaskets and
seals due to improper installation and/
or sealing surface preparation. Clean, flat
sealing surfaces and proper gasket and seal
preparation and installation technique are
critical in keeping your engine and garage
floor clean and dry. It can be expensive and
time consuming to repair some oil leaks on
Porsches, but it will help keep the underside
of your car clean, and help to keep oil out of
our creeks and the ocean.
The severity of oil leaks are often
overestimated based on the size of the oil
stain on the ground underneath the car. A
typical “drop” of engine oil can easily spread
into a coin-sized spot, and several drops
can form a pool of worrying size. While it
is advisable to check the
engine oil level if any oil
leaks are noticed, it must
be said that there are over
35,000 “drops” in a typical
quart of oil. An engine oil
leak would therefore have
to be sizable or long term
to lower the engine oil level substantially.
It is often assumed that one cannot
switch to synthetic oil in an engine that has
previously run only conventional motor
oil because of the presumed danger of oil
leaking from every engine orifice after the
switch. This notion has been perpetuated
over the years but is outdated. It is true that
early formulations of some synthetic oils
were not compatible with some original
oil seal material, but the vast majority of
older engines have either been rebuilt with
newer-style seals that are compatible with
synthetic oil, or at least have had most of
the leak-prone seals replaced.
Many of these engines have been
rebuilt at least once by now, and possibly
several times. Repeated disassembly and
reassembly can take its toll on sealing
surfaces and sheet metal parts, and
improper repair work can result in leaks.
The sheet metal oil sump plate is the
source of one of the most persistent
356/912 engine oil leaks. This part is often
warped and distorted from dozens of
removals and reinstallations, and perhaps
an over-tightening of the fastening nuts
along the way. It is recommended to use
nylon locking nuts and thread sealant on
The number one cause of engine oil leaks
is worn out gaskets and seals.
Synthetic or semi-synthetic oils are
perfectly acceptable for early Porsche
engines, and are often superior to
conventional oils. It is important to select
the correct weight of oil (15W-50 or 20W50 in our mild climate for air-cooled
engines and for 924/944/968/928, 0W40, or 5W-40 for newer Porsches) and be
sure that the oil contains enough anti-wear
The original Porsche flat-4 engine and
its VW-based cousin in the 914 have
the dubious distinction of establishing
Porsche’s reputation of being “road oilers,”
but this is unfair. These engines are a
minimum of 45 years old, and many of
the leaking examples are simply due to
gasket and seal age. Most of these cars are
no longer driven daily, and engines that
sit more often than they are run are much
more likely to have gaskets harden and leak
the portion of each mounting stud where it
threads into the engine case. We also often
find one of the sump gaskets missing (there
are two) or out of order.
The pushrod tube seals are another
common oil leak spot on these engines.
These seals can leak when the engine is not
running as they are at the bottom of the
engine. Common leaks when the engine
is running include valve cover gaskets, oil
filter housing lines, and the fuel pump and
tachometer drive seals.
911 1965-89
The air-cooled 911 engines are more
complex than their 4-cylinder forebears,
and therefore have more places for oil to
escape. A relatively common and sudden
leak is from the oil pressure switch at the
rear of the engine (towards the front of the
car). The switch can suddenly burst, and the
resultant oil pressure leak can quickly drip
onto the exhaust and cause smoking and
the remote possibility of fire. The O-ring
for the in-engine oil cooler thermostat
is adjacent to the oil pressure switch and
can cause a similar, if less sudden, leak.
These items are usually replaced at the
same time. This is a relatively easy repair in
early carbureted engines and in the ‘80s 3.2
Carrera engines, but is almost impossible
without engine removal in the interim CIS
‘74-’83 cars!
Other common 911 oil leaks include
valve cover and timing cover gaskets,
rocker arm shafts, oil return tubes, the
intermediate shaft O-ring on the front of
the engine, the #8 main bearing (engine
disassembly is necessary to permanently
repair), and front and rear crankshaft
seals. The external oil lines that run to the
external oil cooler can also leak where the
rubber hose section is crimped to the metal
hose ends.
Porsche’s front engine, water-cooled
sports cars should have all of the front
engine seals renewed whenever the
timing belt is replaced. When the timing
belt is removed and reinstalled, the front
crankshaft and camshaft seals are disturbed
and will often leak thereafter if not replaced.
Oil pan gasket leaks and camshaft housing/
valve cover gasket leaks are also common
on these engines.
O-ring seals at either end of each bolt can
leak, and engine disassembly is necessary
to remove and replace these O-rings.
Porsche’s water-cooled sports cars do not
have quite as many places from which oil
may leak as their air-cooled predecessors.
The most notorious leaks on early Boxster
and 996 engines are from the rear crankshaft
seal (also known as the rear main seal).
When these engines were new, variances
in manufacturing tolerances meant that
the end of the crankshaft was not always
perfectly concentric within its bore in the
engine case. Oil would continually leak
past the rear crankshaft seal, even if the seal
was replaced. Porsche replaced a number
of engines under warranty for this issue,
and the vast majority of these defective
engines are now out of circulation. Porsche
also redesigned the rear crankshaft seal
several times, and revised its installation
The 964 and 993 of the 1990s share the
same basic engine design with earlier aircooled 911s, but with many detail changes.
Therefore, they are capable of their own
unique oil leaks. The magnesium valve
covers of the 964 are prone to warpage,
causing oil leaks that are only repairable by
valve cover replacement. The 993 switched
to plastic valve covers and timing covers.
These can also warp, but oil leaks from
these are more often due to hardening of
the rubber profile gaskets from age and
heat. Improper installation of 993 valve
covers will guarantee repeated oil leaks.
The 964 and 993 engine design eliminated
the internal oil cooler and the separate
oil pressure switch of the earlier engines
and their respective potential oil leaks.
These late air-cooled engines are prone to
oil leakage from the engine case throughbolts. These bolts not only help to hold the
engine case together, but they also provide
an oil return passage through the case. The
Boxster Rear Main Seal
procedure. Rear main seal replacement
on these engines requires a special tool
to check crankshaft concentricity in the
bore (the engine needs replacement if this
precision tool does not fit), and another
special installation tool.
Another common early 986/996 engine
oil leak is from the spark plug tube O-rings.
This oil leak is often mistaken for valve
cover gasket leaks (the valve covers actually
use special sealant instead of a gasket and
rarely leak). Plastic tubes with O-rings
on each end seal each of the spark plug
bores in the valve cover and cylinder head.
These O-rings harden with age and leak
oil, often onto the exhaust, if the leak gets
bad enough. My shop generally replaces
the spark plug tube O-rings with each
spark plug replacement as a preventative
measure. Porsche eliminated these O-rings
in 2002 on the 996 and in 2003 for the 986
Boxster and made the spark plug tubes
integral to the valve covers.
The 997 GT3 engines can have their
own unique rear main seal issue, despite
the engine case being related to the earlier
air-cooled engines. Porsche determined
that they could gain a whopping three
horsepower at high engine speeds if the rear
crankshaft seal was installed backwards
compared with traditional orientation, due
to more efficient air scavenging from the
crankcase. Unfortunately, the backwards
crankshaft seal will only effectively do its
job when the engine is running and the
crankcase vacuum is holding the sealing lip
in place. Oil can seep past this seal when
the engine sits without being run for a
period. Porsche has replaced many of these
seals under warranty, often to no avail. Not
all 997 GT3s exhibit this symptom, but
the only permanent repair besides driving
your GT3 every day is to forgo three HP
at the top end and install a rear crankshaft
seal from the 997 Turbo, which is installed
facing the “correct” way.
Finally, the Cayenne and Panamera
engines are largely free of oil leaks so far,
with early Cayenne V8s being known more
for coolant leaks from plastic valley pipes
and water pumps. The valve cover gaskets
can leak oil, and the Turbo models can
“sweat” oil from the breather connection on
the bank one turbocharger, which Porsche
says is normal. Who says that all Porsches
leak oil? =
Chris Andropoulos is the Service Manager
and a technician at Schneider Autohaus in
Santa Barbara (a Der Auspuff advertiser).
Chris is a lifelong Porsche “nut” and is
fascinated with and knowledgeable about
all Porsches, from 356s to the latest GT3s.
When he’s not racing his daily-driven 944
Turbo at PCA and POC track events, he can
be found enjoying the beaches, ocean,
and mountains of beautiful Santa Barbara.
Membership Page
Porsche Club of America
SBR Member Anniversaries
31 Years
Michael & Peggy Moore
26 Years
Dan & Pam
24 Years
John & Karen Reid
7 Years
Bob Crystal &
Margaret Glenning
Jeri Deane & Carol Ghens
Tom & Ann Romig
6 Years
Phillip & Diane Johnson
5 Years
William & Max Sluiter
Todd & Catherine Gerch
Carlo & Suzie Minassian
Richard Pidduck
Mohsen & Roxane Rabiee
Lawrence Young & Sara Head
17 Years
4 Years
Roland & Joyce Leveque
John Bolitho
13 Years
3 Years
22 Years
Lee & Jeffrey Buhr
21 Years
Michael & Delaine
Beth Wehrmeister &
John Grusd
James & Jerri Ann Parrish
William Sandlin
Steven & Susan Buckley
Ronald Trueman &
Ronald Trueman, Jr.
Carl Waldman
2 Years
Gerald & Sara Dalgleish
Cathy & Richard Sarte
Timothy & Debbie Gandy
Cameron Grade & Holly Traina
John Hart
Stephen Haydon-Khan
Raymond & Darlene
Michael Schaible
Rod & Jarrod Sprague
Mara & Monte Wilson
9 Years
1 Year
12 Years
Todd & Saranda
10 Years
Alex & David Borla
William Coghlan & Lisa Ready
Brian & Shannon
Steve Madsen
Darrell Manginelli
Steven & Ben Reden
8 Years
Lloyd & Larry Martinez
Christopher Clarke
Pat Devaney
John Edison
Michaela Reid
John Vasi
Chad & Ester White
Thank you for renewing your membership and continuing
to choose to be a part of the Santa Barbara Region. Please
remember that you can log-on to the PCA.org website to change
your membership information in order to continue to receive your
event emails and Der Auspuff. We hope to see you at a breakfast
meeting or an event soon.
Sue Kinsling,
Membership Chair
Santa Barbara Region
New Members & Transfers
New Members
Transfer In Members
Roger & Scotia Alves
2011 Panamera
Robert & Patty Duarte
Oak Park
1960 356
From California Central Coast
Marco & Tony Gerace
North Hollywood
1974 911
David & Judy Jones
Naples, FL
2008 Carrera
Frangina Spandau
Santa Barbara
1989 Carrera
Mark & Mary Jacobs
1986 944 Turbo
From California Central Coast
Denise Jawad & Larry Wendell
Thousand Oaks
2000 Boxster
From Monterey Bay (MBY)
Down The Road
SBR’s Upcoming Events & Dates of Interest
February 16
February 23
March 16
April 5-7
April 19-21
April 20
April 27
May 11
May 24-27
June 22
July 4
July 13-14
July 20
August 17-19
August 24
September 7
September 21
September 28
October 13
October 26
Backroads Drive to The Palms Restaurant
Rusnak/Westlake Porsche Service Clinic
Lunch on Fillmore’s Murder Mystery Train
Zone 8 Festival of Speed
Long Beach Grand Prix
SBR Rally School
Camarillo Autocross
El Camino Real XXX, Boucher/Schneider Rally
Central California Coast Weekend Tour
Santa Barbara Poker Run & Picnic Lunch
City of Santa Barbara 4th of July Parade
Ventura Motorsports Gathering
17th Annual SBR Chili Cook-Off
Rolex Monterey Motorsports Reunion at Laguna Seca
Progressive Dinner
Pre-Concours Detail Clinic at Lavaggio
Camarillo Autocross
Luncheon Tour of The Getty Museum
37th Annual Concours d’Elegance
Van Nuys Airport Tour of Firefighting Air Fleet
Some dates tentative.
For everything SBR - event updates,
activity fliers, membership information,
name badge order forms, ‘Der Auspuff’
online, event photos, and much more, visit
our website.
The Zone 8 Page
Zone 8 Calendar of Events at: http://zone8.pca.org/calendar.php
For details on any listed Zone 8 event visit the sponsoring region’s website
Zone 8 Representative
Tom Brown
[email protected]
Zone 8 Staff
Autocross Chair
Chief Driving Instructor
David Witteried
Scott Mann
[email protected]
[email protected]
Club Race Coordinator
Concours Chair
Vince Knauf
Joe Nedza
[email protected]
[email protected]
Time Trial/DE Chair
Dave Hockett
[email protected]
Ken Short
[email protected]
Rules Chair
Russell Shon
[email protected]
Rally Chair
Revere Jones
[email protected]
Skip Carter
[email protected]
Linda Cobarrubias
[email protected]
Zone 8 Region Websites
PCA Zone 8
Los Angeles
Orange County
CA Central Coast
California Inland
Santa Barbara
Golden Empire
San Diego
Grand Prix
Las Vegas
San Gabriel
Southern Arizona
Santa Barbara
SBR Breakfast Locations
Moby Dick Restaurant
Way-Point Café
The first Saturday of each month in Camarillo...
The second Saturday of each month in Santa Barbara.
SBR Board of Directors Meeting
January 9, 2013 - 6:30 p.m.
Ameci’s Restaurant, Thousand Oaks
The January dinner board meeting was
held at Ameci’s Pizza and Pasta Restaurant
in Thousand Oaks. Present were: Nick
Liakas, Ted Lighthizer, Steve Kaller, John
Alfenito, Michael Brovsky, James Oldham,
James Edwards, Doreen Pankow, Brian
& Linda Rubino, Mike Pomerantz, Barry
Weinstein, Chet & Joan Yabitsu, John &
Jeanne McNair, Steve Doll and Dick Lange.
$918 in the postage account which should
cover February and March mailings.
The following reports and discussions
were presented:
Goodie Store: Total sales through
January 5, 2013 are $1032 including home
Holiday sales of $818. The Goodie Store
donated $199 worth of merchandise to
the Holiday Brunch. Board approved $138
reimbursement for previous purchases.
Secretary: The November 2012 board
meeting (there was no December 2012
meeting) minutes were approved as
Vice President: No report.
Treasurer: Steve Kaller reported on the
following financial statements for 2012
year-end: (1) ending balance sheet, (2)
balance sheet previous year comparison,
(3) profit & loss, and (4) profit & loss
previous year comparison.
Membership: During the month of
December, 6 new members joined our
region and membership stood at 696 at
yearend. December’s membership is the
same as last month’s.
Activities: The following events are still
open and available for participation – Best
of the Southwest to Scottsdale and Sedona
(January 11-14); Back Roads Dinner Drive
to The Palms Restaurant (February 16);
Rusnak Westlake/Porsche Service Clinic
(February 23); Murder Mystery Luncheon
Train Ride (March 16). Fliers were posted
in the December 2012 and January 2013
Der Auspuff.
Editor: No report.
Distribution: The January 2013 issue
was mailed out on January 2, 2013 at a cost
of $325 for 716 copies. This left a balance of
Advertising: Ted Lighthizer has
successfully transitioned the books and
records from Don & Linda Kuckenbaker,
and invoiced our current advertisers for
their 2013 ads. In addition he is following
up on several new leads.
Insurance: Certificates of Liability
have been requested, filed and sent out to
event coordinators for January (Best of
the Southwest to Scottsdale and Sedona)
and R.U.F.’s trip to the Ellwood Butterfly
Rally: No report.
Concours: No report.
Autocross: No report.
Archives: No report.
Webmaster: The contacts page was
updated with our latest board members
and the new chair positions. Additional
updates were made to the Calendar page
for the upcoming events.
Safety: No report.
P.M.S.: No report.
R.U.F.: On January 17, R.U.F. will have its
first outing of the year to visit the Goleta
Butterfly Grove. February’s trip is in the
planning stage.
50th Anniversary: No report.
Public Relations: No report.
Past President: The current and past
president met with representatives of the
Santa Barbara Auto Group to discuss their
support of our club in 2013. Details are
being finalized.
President: The Holiday Brunch was
sold out, and we have had lots of requests
to return to the same location in 2013.
All our members brought toys to the
brunch, which were delivered to the Unity
Shoppe on December 18th. We also raised
an additional $1600 for our charity, the
Special Olympics, from both the raffle and
the auction, bringing our total contribution
to $2550. The total will be split between the
Ventura Chapter and the Santa Barbara
Old Business:
The following Chairperson appointments
were approved by the Board:
Advertising – Ted Lighthizer
Concours – Robert Watt
Public Affairs – Nicolas Liakas
P.M.S. – Volunteer being sought
New Business:
The Board approved a deposit of $500
to secure the La Cumbré Country club
for our 2013 Holiday Party to be held on
December 15th. The next Board meeting
is scheduled for March 13, 6:30 p.m. at
Ameci’s Restaurant in Thousand Oaks.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
The Goodie Store
Support The Club.
Shop The Goodie Store!
JUNE 23–29
American Global Standards ...........14
Aswell Trophy ...............................14
Automotion .................................IBC
Paul Bancroft Roofing....................14
Gary Betz Enterprises ......................8
Walt Branscome, SBAG ...................8
California Tire Company ...................8
Bob Campbell’s 356 Services ........10
Joseph Carastro, D.M.D., M.S. .......14
Coachcraft ....................................10
Courtesy Body Shop ........................8
Stephen F. Doll ..............................10
DSR Audio ......................................6
Steven Z. Freeman, CPA ................14
Lynn Kuchera, Troop Real Estate .....14
Los Angeles Dismantler.................10
NAI Capital ...................................10
Neil McAuliffe ..............................25
MKS Performance.........................14
North Hollywood Speedometer ........6
RS Enterprises ..............................14
Rusnak Westlake Porsche ............ IFC
George Rasher ................................6
Santa Barbara Auto Group .............BC
Schneider Autohaus ........................6
Strauss Law Group..........................8
TC’s Garage ..................................10
PCA/SBR Classifieds
Want to reach even more readers? Post your ad on our Facebook page.
1991 964 911 CARRERA 2 TARGA – FOR SALE
One (family) owner since new, Grand Prix White/Black Int, 38k mi, 6-speed manual, All-Leather Seats, Cruise Control, Air, Blaupunkt
AM/FM/CD w/ aux input, new Michelins, battery keeper, Schneider Autohaus maintained. All service records + original window
sticker available. $26,600. [email protected] 805-689-2686. (1/13)
One owner, always garaged at home and at work, never raced or tracked. Fantastic condition! 6-speed manual, Carrara White,
black leather interior, Power/Heated seat packages, BOSE high-end audio package, 19” wheels with brand new Michelins, 50K miles
driven and service up-to-date to 60K. Price: $49,900. Jeff Parkhurst 805-479-1304 (01/13)
Sparco 996 Harness Bar, Silver, model 30004S, complete with all hardware and instructions. Almost new condition except for small
scratch on “Sparco” label. New $449, selling for $349 + shipping.
Factory short shifter lever and console assembly, part number 986.424.010.03. $250 + shipping.
Contact David at [email protected] or (805) 963-5848. (12/12)
Red with Black interior. Engine rebuilt top and bottom by Jason Duarte (805-643-1041). Very clean. Beautiful. Runs great. New
front tires. New battery. 141,000 miles. $41,000. PCA member. Dave (805) 338-0508 or [email protected] (11/12)
Four wheel lug locks with key. 996 programmable key (2 button, will need new blade). Standard 996 tool kit. Plastic 996 front
radiator fan surround. 996/Boxster+ black floor mats, set of four. Late model 996+ car jack with foam surround. Also, bra for 356.
For info, pics, prices, contact Rich at (818) 324-3457 or [email protected] (10/12)
Four used 996 Turbo rims (8/18 front, 11/18 rear) hollow spoke. $1400, or best offer. Two used 997S rear rims (11/19). $400, or best
offer. Also, new 997 Turbo lip spoiler, black $100. Call Bobby at (805) 708-3855 or [email protected] (10/12)
Looking for a used, driver’s-side Sport Seat to use in early Porsche 911/912. Contact Peter Raftery at (805) 339-0441 or
[email protected] (10/12)
White exterior with black interior. Seats were covered for protection. Upgraded A/C, upgraded chain tensioners, added oil cooler
under right fender for additional cooling. Original paint, clean, no rust, excellent condition. Runs great. 147,000 miles. $23,000.
Call Merle (760) 952-1108. (06/12)
Der Auspuff accepts classified advertising limited to 50 words or less for Porsche cars, parts, and Porsche-related items. Ads are
free to PCA SBR members in good standing and will run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads are free to other PCA members in
good standing as space permits and will also run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads will be accepted for non-members as space
permits for a fee of $10 per month, per ad. Please notify the Editor if sold. Der Auspuff is not responsible for the accuracy of any
ad or claims made by advertisers, and does not warrant or guarantee the condition of items offered for sale. Der Auspuff reserves
the right to edit or refuse to print any ad it deems inappropriate. Please submit ads directly to the Editor at [email protected]
Next Month In
The Best of The Southwest
...the last word
Must Be The Strong, Silent Types
Linda Lange tries to strike up a friendly conversation with a couple of Sedona residents.