2003 - Delta Chi Fraternity


2003 - Delta Chi Fraternity
Delta Chi
Summer/Fall 2003
Blazonry of the Delta Chi Coat of Arms
“Quarterly, first and fourth, three martlets volant sable, 2 and 1, second and third gules, a battle ax
bendwise crossing a scimitar blade pointing upward, saltirewise proper. Crest: On a wreath of the colors the
badge of Delta Chi proper. Motto: LEGES.”
From The Past
Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint
from the March 1930 Quarterly. L. G.
Balfour was a member of Sigma Chi
Fraternity and its 29th Grand Consul. He
was the founder of the Balfour Company
and president of the NIC in 1941. His
interpretation of Delta Chi’s coat of arms is
based on heraldic standards and reflects
both our general compliance with those
standards and his lack of knowledge of our
secrets/terminology. His article also reflects
that the more things seem to change, the
more they stay the same.
Dr. Francis W. Shepardson, president
of the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, sounded
the keynote of the trend of thought in
progressive fraternity circles at the last
Interfraternity Conference when he said,
“We must get back to our altars.” This
is a natural reaction to the situation we
are facing today as a result of the modern type of fraternity house, patterned
as it is along the lines of a social club. In
the evolution of this building program
to meet the ever-changing conditions
of fraternity life the undergraduate
fraternity man has lost many of the
charming experiences which he enjoyed in the more intimate association
with his fraternity brothers which the
old house provided. And with this
tendency toward the club life has been
lost a little of that mystic something
known as fraternity spirit.
In the definite attempt to circumvent
the disadvantage of modern conditions
a greater emphasis is being placed upon
the ritual, involving as it does the idealism sponsored by the fraternity as well
as stressing a better acquaintance with
the auxiliary symbols used in this work
such as the fraternity badge, the pledge
pin, the coat of arms, et cetera.
2 ∆X Quarterly Summer/Fall 2003
In order to better understand the advantages which a more thorough knowledge of the armorial bearing of Delta Chi
will give, we are going to relate something concerning the background of this
important piece of insignia. We will
show how it originated and why the
idea was sponsored by the American
college fraternities. We will also explain
as fully as permissible the technical composition of the Delta Chi escutcheon itself, and finally compare it with the arms
of several other fraternities of international membership.
Heraldry developed with and out of
a system of mediaeval military aristocracy which reached the highest point of
its perfection near the end of the seventeenth century. The history of that time
revolved about the feudal system which
intimately touched every phase of life,
including not only the religious and economic structure of society, but social life
as well. Because of the inadequacy of
governments, (the national concept had
not met with the acceptance that we af-
ford it today) the lords of the manor
were supreme in their domains. Each
banded together his vassals, sometimes
with those of other lords to do service
for the kind, although more often each
lord fought independently and as he
willed. Under the lords or nobles were
the knights, and these fighting men were
considered the gentlemen of the times.
Book knowledge was confined to the
monasteries and culture was known
only at the royal courts.
The knights were the champions of
right. They defended religion and went
on long and ofttimes dangerous crusades to wrest the Holy Land from the
Saracen. When not engaged in such
campaigns, nor even in tournaments,
they spent their time in diligently running to earth roving bands of outlaws
which infested the country. The knights
wore mail armor as a protection in combat and when thus encumbered lost
much of their identity. In order to restore this lost identity and to distinguish
friend from foe they decorated their
shields with whatever devices their
Inside the Quarterly
Volume 100 No. 2
Armorial Bearings
Campus Scene
Chapter Luminaries
Alumni Chapters
DELTA CHI QUARTERLY (USPS 152-660) Published quarterly at Iowa City, Iowa by The Delta Chi Fraternity. Editorial and
Business Office at P.O. Box 1817, 314 Church St., Iowa City, Iowa
52244. Periodicals Postage paid at Iowa City, Iowa 52244 and at
additional mailing offices. Printed by The Ovid Bell Press, Inc.,
Fulton, MO. One-year subscription $10.
Summer/Fall 2003
15 Keeping in Touch
15 Farewell & Parting
16 Chapter Directory
ADDRESS CHANGES: Send all notices of address
changes to Delta Chi International Headquarters, P.O. Box
1817, Iowa City, IA 52244-1817. Phone: (319) 337-4811;
FAX: (319) 337-5529; e-mail: [email protected]
Editor: Raymond D. Galbreth, MO ’69. Please visit our
website at www.deltachi.org!
minds might fancy. These devices
formed the basis for the coat of arms
design. Later, when the crown assumed
the right to grant arms to worthy and
loyal henchmen, the designing of this insignia was developed into more or less
standard form or coat of armor.
As the number of those eligible and
worthy of the coveted honor of carrying armorial bearings grew, it became
necessary to formulate definite rules
for applying charges, tinctures, ordinaries, et cetera, in heraldic compositions so that order might be maintained in an ever increasing and complicated array of arms. It was true that
many achievements were awkward
and did not conform to the recognized
standards of the day. On the continent the designing of armorial bearings never reached the classic stage
that the heraldic succeeded in establishing in England, so we look to English
heraldry for our inspiration and rules
in designing this important insignia for
the American college fraternity.
Just as the system of heraldry was
used to represent the stamp of culture
and refinement in the past, so American
college fraternities have availed themselves of its use to represent the courtesies and the stamp of gentlemanly conduct as exemplified in the idealism and
rituals of their organization.
The Greek letter fraternity system
is older than our own federal government but its adaptation of heraldic de-
vices is comparatively a recent development. The arms of Beta Theta Pi were
designed about 1869; those of Phi
Gamma Delta in 1879; those of Delta
Tau Delta in 1888 and Sigma Chi approved their armorial bearings in 1889.
The Delta Chi coat of arms was designed
in 1890, but altered several years later.
In presenting any armorial bearings
it is customary to make a drawing either in full color or, if the reproduction
is to be made in monotone, to represent
these colors by tricking. In tricking, the
colors and metals used in the composition are clearly indicated by notation, or
they are indicated by a standard dot and
line system. The artwork is called the
emblazonry and the accompany description is the blazonry.
Before we can blazon the coat of
arms of the Delta Chi Fraternity, it will
be necessary to briefly explain some
of the essential details concerning heraldic achievements.
A coat of arms usually consists of a
shield or escutcheon, above which is
shown a helmet, draped in a mantling.
Above the helmet is the crest consisting
of the torse and some device representing the crest proper. Under the shield is
usually placed a motto inscribed upon
a ribbon. (See Figure 2). On the more
formal arms, and especially those of the
nobility, are shown supporters on either
side of the shield, but in common with
other college fraternities, the Delta Chi
arms are abbreviated and consist only
of the crest, escutcheon, a tie uniting them,
and a motto ribbon.
The heraldic shield as shown in Figure 2 had certain definite areas or points
which were named. 1, 2, and 3 constituted the chief portion of the shield-1, the
dexter chief-2, middle chief, and 3, the sinister chief-dexter being the right hand side
of the shield and sinister the left hand
side of the shield. 4 is the honor point, 5
the fess point and 6 the natal point. 7, 8,
and 9 represent respectively dexter base,
middle base, and sinister base.
The shield was divided into one of
several recognized patterns by partition
lines. The most noteworthy of these
lines are listed to the right of Figure 2
and are: engriled, unde, wavy, indented,
embattled, potente, invected, nebule,
dancette, ragule, and dovetailed.
The divisions of the shield or patterns
formed by these partition lines were: per
fess, or an equal division of the shield
with a fess or horizontal line; per pale, by
a pale or perpendicular line; per bend
with a bend or an oblique line running
from the dexter chief to the sinister base;
per bend by a sinister bend or a line running from the sinister chief to the dexter
base; per chevron by a chevron line and
quarterly by a combination of the per fess
and per pale lines.
Beside the divisions with ten ordinaries or major charges which were applied
to the shield, namely the chief, a pale, a
bend, a bend sinister, a cross, a saltire cross,
a chevron, a pile, and a quarter. In addi-
∆X Quarterly Summer/Fall 2003 3
tion to the ordinaries there were many
charges consisting of flowers, both natural or proper and conventionalized; animals and parts of animals; birds, fish,
implements of warfare and in fact the
representation of anything which was
of interest in mediaeval times.
The several portions of the shield, the
ordinaries and the charges were shown in
color on the emblazonment. When shown
in monotone the heraldic metals and colors were indicated as follows: argent-silver-without any notation; or gold by
equal-spaced dots; gules-red-by equalspaced horizontal lines; azure – blue-by
equal spaced vertical lines; sable-blackby solid areas, or more often by horizontal and vertical lines crossing at right
angles; purpure-purple-by equal-spaced
oblique lines running from the dexter
base to sinister chief and vert-green – by
equal-spaced oblique lines running from
the dexter chief to the sinister base. Beside these
colors and metals were
furs and other devices.
The division per pale is
shown in figure “A”-per
pale, argent, and or. In figure “B”-[per fess, gules,
and azure. In figure “C”quarterly, sable, and argent.
Figure “D”-per bend,
purpure, and vert. Figure
“E”-gules, a chief, argent.
Figure “F”-quarterly, sable
and azure. In figure “G”per chevron, sable and vert.
Bearing in mind the methods of division as well as the various charges and
coloration possible, we will blazon the
arms of the Delta Chi Fraternity and explain the terminology employed.
Blazonry of the Delta Chi Coat of Arms
Quarterly, first and fourth, three martlets volant sable, 2 and 1, second and
third gules, a battle ax bendwise crossing a scimitar blade pointing upward,
saltirewise proper. Crest: On a wreath
of the colors the badge of Delta Chi
proper. Motto: LEGES.
Inasmuch as the terms of heraldry are
derived mainly from the old Norman
French and are peculiar to heraldry just
as the terminology of law, architecture,
et cetera, are appropriate only to those
professions, it is necessary to elaborate
to some extent so that the blazonry may
be more readily understood. As already
mentioned, English heraldry is used as
4 ∆X Quarterly Summer/Fall 2003
the source for the design of practically
all the armorial bearings used in this
country. However, the English were
strongly influenced by the French due
to the invasion under William the Conqueror. French, the language of the conquerors, became the polite language of
the day and so it naturally followed that
when arms were granted they could
only be correctly described in the actual
terms used by those in power and thus
we account for the strong French influence in the blazon. This peculiar terminology is still followed.
Quarterly: Quarterly indicates that
the escutcheon has been divided into
four equal parts by two lines-one horizontal or fesswise and the other vertical
or palewise. The divisions so formed
are numbered from left to right for clearness’ sake, 1 and 2 above and 3 and 4
below. Quartering in this fashion often
enhances the beauty of the design because
it permits of a more flexible handling of
the charges, giving emphasis by repetition in quarters 1 and 4 and 2 and 3.
First and fourth denotes that the
charges next mentioned appear in the
first and fourth quarters of the shield.
Or: Or is the heraldic term for gold.
The fact that it is mentioned next in
the blazonry indicates that gold is the
basic color of the first and fourth quarters. Or is the color of the sun, of light,
of ambition, and nobility of purpose.
it constitutes a most appropriate background for the gold.
Three Martlets Volant Sable: Three denotes the number of martlets shown.
Martlets were peculiar heraldic birds,
which invariably were shown without
feet. Here they are depicted volant, or
in flight, indicating that they represent
three high or the principal ideals or aspi-
rations of the fraternity. They are colored
sable, or black, denoting that as such they
are secret, revealed only to the initiate.
2 and 1 is the heraldic way of expressing the fact that the first two ideals have
a deeper significance than the third.
Martlets are beautiful symbols typifying the three most revered and inspiring principles of the Delta Chi Fraternity. Emblazoned upon the golden
background they suggest to the initiate
the many opportunities which lie on
every hand to exemplify the noble ideals which were revealed to him at the
altar and which he has vowed to champion in his daily life.
Second and third like first and fourth,
indicates the two remaining portions of
the field which have been tinctured.
Gules-the heraldic word for red, the
color of courage, of daring, of the
strength to endure and to carry through
any undertaking once
begun. The fact that the
second and third quarters are shown gules is
symbolic of the courage
with which they will
strive to attain the full significance of their attributes in the face of opposition and ridicule.
A Battle Ax: This implement of warfare was a favorite charge with the
heralds. In actual practice it was used not only
by the foot soldiers or
yeomen in battle, but by the servants of
those in authority whose duty it was to
enforce the laws or edicts of the kind.
In later days the battle ax bound with
reeds was called a mace which is even
to this day emblematic of law and order. The battle ax is shown
Bendwise, or in oblique position, which
permits it to be crossed with a Scimitar,
the blade of which is pointing upward.
These two implements form a Saltire
Cross, similar to the letter “X”. Because of
their position they undoubtedly allude to
two principles of secondary importance.
Proper means that the charges so described in tinctured in their true or
natural colors.
Crest: This is one of the most important parts of the entire armorial bearings.
In fact, so important has the crest become that the word is frequently used
to indicate the entire coat-of-arms while
in the case of Delta Chi it is merely that
part which appears above the shield, including the torse. In the days of the Crusades all knights, when dressed in armor, were so similar in appearance that
it was necessary for them to choose
some character and attach it to their helmet in order that they might readily be
distinguished from the enemy in battle.
Especially was this true of the leaders.
That very essential practice has resulted
in creating the element of importance
with which the actual crest is regarded.
On a wreath of the Colors: This heraldic phrase refers to the torse or the crest
wreath which, shown in profile, is represented by six divisions in a twisted
link chain-like effect, composed of first,
the color of the metal and second, the
principal color in the escutcheon-the
two colors alternating. We read in the
old romances, in Mallory’s Morte
d’Arthur and elsewhere, of valiant
knights who in battle or tournament
wore the favor of some lady or even the
lady’s sleeve upon their helmets. The
knight simply took the colors, ribbon,
handkerchief, or whatever the lady’s
favor might be and twisted it in and out,
or over and over the fillet which surrounded the joining place of crest
and helmet. The accidental result of twinning a favor with a
turban of the East produced the
conventional torse or crest wreath.
As the conventional slashings of the
lambrequin hinted at past hard fighting
in battle, so the crest wreath hinted at
dangerous encounters and services rendered to and in the favor of ladies-love
and war being the primary occupations
of the perfect knights of romance. In
consequence, this device has become a
fixed and definite part of all heraldic
achievements and it is an unalterable
rule in British heraldry that the torse
shall be included in the arms and most
often is of the principal metal and color
of the field. The torse, then, is symbolic
of the romantic aspect of group life and
stands for the honor and respect which
the fraternity man has for womanhood.
Many fraternities, however, read into
the torse the fact that the six divisions
represent six links in a strong chain of
friendship and thus the
often symbolized
t h e
spirit of fraternity, or
The Badge of
Proper: This is
golden Greekletter Delta
superimposed over the
Chi of
larger size and often containing in its
central point the representation of the
white carnation-the flower of the fraternity. It carries the connotation of all that
a fraternity man holds dear.
Motto: Long before heraldry became
an hereditary institution the motto constituted the war cry of the clan, or more
specifically the call of the lord of the
manor to his knights. However, when
arms were later granted by the crown
to famous and noble families, the motto
was inscribed upon the motto-ribbon
displayed beneath the shield and
ofttimes represented the ambitions or
characteristic phrases associated with
those particular families. In American
college fraternities the heraldic bearings
often carry the Greek-letter fraternity
name, while in the arms of Delta Chi the
Latin word leges is used.
Delta Chi was originally founded by
those who were preparing for the profession of law and it was not until 1918
[1923] that the fraternity took on a
purely social aspect. And so the motto
– leges – hearkening back to the days
when law was the aspiration of the initiates, is still used.
The border of the shield is embellished with a representation of rivets
which were used to hold the several
laminations of the shield together thus
affording greater strength in the protection of the knight. While such decoration has no official heraldic significance,
it does carry the idea that the Delta Chi
Fraternity affords strong protection to all
those within its bond.
When the fraternity
man is once acquainted with the
wealth of tradition which lies
behind the coat-of-arms of his
fraternity, and he becomes thoroughly conversant with the secret symbolism therein employed, he cannot but
live a better life and be a better man by
ofttimes being reminded of it. By associating it with his personal adornment,
whether it be on a fraternity ring or
charm, or as a gift from a friend, he is reminded of the idealism which binds him
to his fraternity-a priceless heritage known
only to the chosen few.
Editor’s Note: The coat of arms shown above appeared on the cover of the Quarterlies printed from the first issue in April 1903 though
the February 1905 issue. The fourth quarter of the shield contains a representation of mail that was worn by knights of old. In response
to the 1930 article reprinted here, Roy V. Rhodes, Cornell ’01 wrote that he and his college roommate, Fraser Brown, Cornell ’00 were
the “... co-authors and orginators of the fraternity coat of arms.” He went on to state, “This was in the spring of 1899 and not 1890 as
as indicated in Mr. Balfour’s article and I know of no previous coat of arms for the fraternity.” [While not a coat of arms in the normally
accepted sense, Delta Chi had been using the “Hand and Key” emblem developed by Founder Peter S. Johnson since its first year of
existence.] Rhodes also stated, “Some slight changes were made a few years later by whom I do not know. I had nothing to do with
it and I don’t think Fraser Brown had either. One of these changes was the addition of a lot of what appear to be rivets around the edges
of the shield and which do not, in my opinion, improve the appearance. Another change was the placing of the martlets in profile
instead of from a front view in flight. I believe we adopted the front view because that is the way they are shown on the arms of Sir
Edward. For practical reasons we omitted the usual helmet and united the crest and helmet in one great insignia of the fraternity –
the Greek letters, ∆ and Χ, with the torso between the shield and the crest instead of in its usual position above the helmet.”
A more complete version of Roy V. Rhodes’ 1930 letter may be found under the History section of www.deltachi.org.
∆X Quarterly Summer/Fall 2003 5
Abra brothers displaying their Delta Chi pride!
Paired with Pi Beta Phi for
Greek Week, we placed high in
several events and finished the
week with one of the best swaps
we had all year. In March, we
had our first Parents’ Day since
we’ve been back and had a catered lunch on our patio.
Sean McCarty was recently
inducted into Order of Alpha, a
Greek honor society. Gary
Barnes was named to a second
term as High School Leadership
chairman. Marcus Stacey was
elected vice-president of the
College of Engineering Ambassadors. Michael Collins was
elected as Senator of the College
of Arts and Sciences. Michael
Cumby recently founded the
Kayak Club, and has been
named as the president. Seth
Collins was tapped into Jasons.
Please send your email update
to: [email protected].
Appalachian State
Spring 2003 marked the first
semester of deferred recruitment. We held a goal-setting
meeting at which we listed what
we wanted Delta Chi to be and
do during the semester. We had
a great time at our Sir Edward
Coke Semi-Formal in Hilton
Head, SC. We resurrected the
“Trippin Rastafarian” mixer
with the Kappa Deltas, and we
mixed with Alpha Delta Pi at
which the theme was “Kiss me
Delta Chi, I’m A-D-Pi-rish.” To
end the year we held our
“Reading Day” party with the
brothers of Theta Chi.
6 ∆X Quarterly Summer/Fall 2003
For our community service
we worked on a Habitat for Humanity house, painted the
Watauga County Hunger Coalition building and built a doghouse for the Watauga Humane
Society. Chad Ray and Matt
Gordon coached a youth league
basketball team consisting of
eleven 5 th and 6 th graders
through the Watauga Parks and
Recreation department.
We had fierce competition in
the playoffs for intramural softball and ultimate Frisbee.
Under the leadership of
House Director Steve Wymer,
the house is in great condition
and much improved in safety.
This will be great for the house’s
full capacity this fall.
We owe our success to Steve
and “DD” Michael Woolbright.
We are only one semester away
from the re-application process
to get recognition back from
Greek Life, and with all 65
members working together, we
will achieve our goal.
Arizona State
It is official! We are now a
chapter. On May 10th we hosted
a banquet at the Camelback Inn
for family, friends, and alumni.
In February, almost 25 brothers attended our Regional Leadership Conference at Cal Poly
and enjoyed a great weekend of
meeting brothers from other
chapters in Region II, learning
about the fraternity, learning
how to make the most of their
experience, and developing our
respective chapters. We were selected to host the RLC in 2004!
We have moved to the top of
philanthropic events. In Kappa
Kappa Gamma’s and Delta
Gamma’s philanthropies we
placed 1st in skits and took 2nd
and 1st overall, respectively. We
placed 2nd overall in Alpha Chi
Omega’s philanthropy.
In intramurals, we dominated in the sports we participated in: Basketball, 3rd overall;
Bowling, 3rd overall; Softball,
2nd in Greeks and 3rd overall;
Soccer, 1 st in Greeks and 3rd
overall; and Volleyball 1st in
Greeks and 3rd overall.
This past summer there were
many events that helped us introduce potential associates to
Delta Chi. In June we went to a
Braves game, in July we attended Six Flags and in August
we held our summer lake party
at Lake Martin. Please send
your email update to
[email protected].
Bowling Green
Losing by only a few seconds, we took third place in the
Beta 500. This philanthropy is
a pushcart race around a 1/8mile track and is the cap-off
event of Greek Week. For Greek
Week we were paired with Chi
Omega. Other events that we
participated in were the Greek
God/Goddess, Greek Olympics
and the Survivor Game. We did
win the Most Spirited Chapter
award with Chi Omega.
For spring we added seven
associate members, almost doubling our size. We sold raffle
tickets and gave away a photo
session, with the proceeds going to our troops overseas.
Other fund-raisers in the works
are Cow Chip Bingo, and GO!
Fundraising scratch packs. We
held our annual AIDS Awareness Week, giving away information packets and free
condoms in the Student Center.
Other philanthropies included
a Throne-A-Thon at which
brothers sat on two toilets in the
center of town for 24 hours collecting donations, with proceeds benefiting the local
D.A.R.E. program. In May, we
held our eighth annual Golf
Tournament and had a turnout
of 40 brothers and alumni.
Things are really improving!
Cal Poly
Forty-two people played in
our annual alumni golf tournament, which was capped off
with a dinner and reception at
the Madonna Inn. We also had
some fun exchanges with
Kappa Alpha Theta and AOPi.
We took first in Greek Week
and second in IFC sports. We
won the soccer championship
by winning a shootout during
the championship.
Our White Carnation celebration was held in San Francisco on a yacht that circled the
bay. To top off the evening, it
was announced that our chapter will have a house next year.
We had a strong recruitment
with 23 men. We also had the
honor of initiating the members
of the Oregon State Colony.
We had a great turnout for
our parents’ weekend during
which everyone enjoyed a catered dinner and a great slide
show. We also hosted a great
Alumni Weekend. In April we
held our White Carnation Formal in South Lake Tahoe.
Socially we were busy, holding functions with Alpha
Gamma Delta, Gamma Phi Beta,
Sigma Kappa, and Alpha Phi.
For community service, we
participated in Adopt-a-Block
to help beautify our city. In addition, we did a canned food
drive and participated in Bowling for Kids Sake to benefit the
Boys and Girls Club.
Colorado State Colony
We ranked third amongst
all fraternities and sororities
with new members.
We made brotherhood a focus with Brotherhood Chair
Todd Shinn holding events
from football to in-line hockey.
Most notably, we attended a
professional football game.
To end the semester, we
joined with the Colorado
Colony and had our spring formal in Breckenridge. During
the formal, we began a new tradition with the “roasting” of the
Delta Chi Man of the Year. This
year the honors and “roasting”
went to Tim Ulrich.
We participated in the 4th annual Husky Midnight Marathon, which is the largest charity event run by Greek Life. The
dance marathon benefits the
Children’s Miracle Network.
We anxiously await our
move into a 15-man house
in Greek Village.
Spring brought a number of
exciting events as well as 10 initiates. Improvement in this
year’s rush was due to the incredible involvement of four
alumni, Steve Galbreath ’00,
Dale Espich ’51, Mike Rossi
’02, and Chris Stephen ’98.
We again made the trip to
Gatlinburg, TN for our Senior
Formal. Dinner was held at the
country’s most-visited aquarium
and included an under-the-tank
tour as well as dancing on the
riverside veranda. From high
class to high seas, our return
from Tennessee found us hosting our annual Hawaii 4-0 party,
featuring a local band and a
popular DJ as well as an active
volcano in our backyard.
We completed our semester
with a newly revised scholarship program, headed by
sophomore Nate Nichols. As
the beginning of the next
school year quickly approaches, we are not only
planning an even better rush
but a monumental 75th Anniversary Celebration on November 1st. We hope to see
many alumni return.
In Duquesne Carnival, “The
Gobstopper,” written by Jeff
Wickert and directed by Jeff
Bucci, received excellent reviews. The story line included
a cast of characters from our favorite gangster movies with a
sweet twist. Gobstopper is the
head of the candy mafia. The
talent of D Chi and G Phi B impressed the judges, coming in
first place overall. The
Gobstopper himself, Steve
Wesling, won best actor. “The
Gobstopper” also took home
Best Costumes, Best Script and
Alumni Choice Awards. Chapter Sweetheart Jen Jarzynka, of
Gamma Phi Beta also won Best
Supporting Actress.
To raise money for the Nick
Isaacs Endowment Fund, we
held our annual rose sale for
Valentine’s Day, as well as an
online March Madness pool.
Spring Formal was held at the
Penn Scenic View. This year’s
Chapter Founders’ Day included a speech by Steve
Bossart, “CC”, and a silent auction that also benefited the Endowment Fund. This semester
$3,175 was raised for the Fund.
Delta Chi won Best New Member Education, 1st place Carnival, 1st place Greek Week,
Chapter Officer of the Year:
Jacob Becker, and Greek Merit
Award went to Jeff Bucci at the
awards banquet. The carpenters
of D Chi got together with Father Tim Hickey to construct a
deck on Laval House, a landmark at Duquesne where the
Holy Ghost Fathers reside.
This year, we are definitely seeing the perks of being financially sound.
Alumni Weekend is going to
be November 7 th-9 th. The
Alumni Room has been completely renovated, and it
Colorado State Brothers in Estes Park enjoying I-Week.
changes the interior of our mansion quite a bit.
Philanthropy is making a difference as usual. We recently
helped build a deck for a close
friend of the chapter. She was
appreciative of the hard work.
We are living up to the expectations of being named “Organization of the Year.”
Our fourth annual January
Jams, a concert put on with the
help of the Office of Student
Leadership and Activities, Student Activity Fund of Student
Government, and The Student
Affairs Programming Committee, made for a tall task for a
chapter of only 22 brothers. Our
duties included gathering and
budgeting funds from the various other organizations listed,
as well as selecting the band,
handling the stage, sound, and
lighting set-up and tear down,
as well as providing security.
Congratulations go to Sean
Menz, who was runner-up for
the Greek God competition and
Nick Riccio who was runnerup for Gannon’s Mr./Miss GU
competition. Paul Gradl received the Chapter’s Outstanding Alumnus Award and also
received Gannon’s Greek
Alumnus of the Year Award.
For Gannon’s Springtopia,
we sponsored a “Hole in One
for your Heart” putt-putt challenge event with proceeds going to the American Heart Association. We also participated
in Gannon’s first Relay For Life
walk to raise money for cancer.
Georgia Southern Colony
Chico brothers at their White Carnation Formal.
Delta Chi has returned to
Georgia Southern! Last fall we
initiated 47 founding fathers. A
special thanks to the brothers
from Georgia Tech for making
the trip and performing the
ritual. We initiated three more
members this spring. We were
busy with many philanthropy
events and outings, including
an awesome rafting trip to the
Occonee River in Tennessee. We
sent our entire executive board
to the Regional Leadership Conference held in Atlanta. The semester was topped off by placing 2nd overall in Greek Week.
Georgia Tech
Our annual Greek Week was
highlighted by victories in
Greek Sing and Tug. The long
hours of practice proved successful, as our Greek Sing act
was the one to beat. The even
greater achievement during
Greek Week was our appearance in the finals of Tug. Historically winning only one
match, we won four in a row to
make the finals, knocking off
many traditional heavyweights.
Lastly, we had the highest
G.P.A. for the second year in a row.
Our house improvements focused on increasing its occupancy rate. We have a new
stove and put wood paneling in
the main room. A brother donated a big screen TV, so we
have had numerous Movie
Nights at the house.
In Greek Week we came in
second to the PIKEs after a close
battle and winning last year.
Last fall, we assisted in running a soccer game for home
schooled children. For Founders’
Day, we were honored to have
“AA” Charles Mancuso as our
keynote speaker. We have also
received the honor of hosting
the ’04 Region VIII Conference.
∆X Quarterly Summer/Fall 2003 7
have participated in every team
sport and most of the individual
sports. We are planning to build
a horseshoe pit behind the
house, so we can dominate in
that sport next semester.
In extracurricular activities,
Zach Hauser and Sheldon
Bucl were both elected to student senate. Three members
are also on the Kansas State
Lacrosse Team.
DePauw brothers and dates enjoying themselves at their formal.
Our spring social calendar
included exchanges with Kappa
Alpha Theta, Alpha Chi Omega,
Alpha Gamma Delta, and Pi
Beta Phi, as well as our formal
at Eagle Ridge Resort in Galena.
Our Annual Block Party was
held May 3rd.
We continued to spend free
weekends at Swan School, a local home for individuals with
multiple disabilities. In total
we’ve volunteered over 300 service hours and have found the
experience to be quite rewarding. Other philanthropic events
this semester included Sigma
Kappa’s Volleyball Tournament
and Delta Zeta’s “Crazy Bowl,”
as well as Gamma Phi Beta and
Pi Beta Phi’s Spaghetti Dinners.
We are anxious to show off
our new wood floors, oriental
rugs and burgundy leather furniture at Homecoming on October 4th. We are planning an
alumni tailgater at the house.
Please e-mail “E” Chris Costas
at [email protected]
about the event. Include your
name, address, phone, class
year, and any other information.
We organized two new annual events. The first was an
Easter egg hunt for underprivileged kids in the community.
This year we joined with the
women of Gamma Phi Beta and
had a great time. Activities included singing, an Easter egg
hunt, decorating cookies, and
even a spontaneous food fight.
The second was the Hawk Trot
5K run/walk through campus,
followed by a barbecue. All of
8 ∆X Quarterly Summer/Fall 2003
the proceeds went towards
helping underprivileged kids.
Again, we paired up with
Gamma Phi Beta. Almost every member was a part of the
race, be it running or working
at the various stations. The participation we received from the
rest of the community was
shocking. Many of the 100 runners were faculty members
and administrators.
On May 3rd we held our annual May Meeting at which
scholarships and awards were
handed out to deserving members. Alumni also came back to
reunite with each other and to
meet the new members.
Kansas State
This semester we had a
bowling function with Alpha Xi
Delta and a game night function
with Kappa Kappa Gamma.
We also held our Earthball Philanthropy with Kappa to raise
money for the Headstart program in Manhattan.
We are paired with Kappa
Sigma, Kappa Delta and Sigma
Lambda Gamma for Homecoming and have already had a
barbecue together so we could
get to know each other.
Some major house improvements include repainting two
hallways and our stairwell,
along with several new pieces
of equipment in our kitchen. At
our Alumni Banquet in April,
we went to the spring football
game and had a prime rib dinner at the house. The alumni
bought us a new lawnmower.
Our mom’s weekend raised
$1,700 for house improvements
by having an auction with items
donated by the moms.
In intramurals we are currently in softball playoffs and
Our housing board is going
to purchase our house! We will
finally have a place to call our
own. We also were able to hold
onto the highest overall GPA.
Our annual semi-formal was
held at the Bavarian Inn in
Frankenmuth. Members and
alumni were able to share in
such great experiences as dancing to “The Chicken Dance” and
mumbling the words of
“Friends in Low Places.”
Our ten-man associate class
was the largest since our founding. Their project consisted of
designing and making signs for
all the apartments and thus assigning each a unique name.
We racked up quite a few
philanthropy hours already this
term, and we have had some
fun brotherhood events such as
movie nights, comedy club
nights, and other events to help
strengthen the Bond.
We had 38 in attendance at
our retreat at Camp Tapico.
We helped our alumni build
a deck on our house and repair
our driveway. We had our 36th
annual Indian Party, which is a
three-day event. This year we
cooked crawfish on Friday and
ribs on Saturday and had bands
on both Thursday and Saturday
nights. On Friday we participated in the RELAY FOR LIFE.
Louisiana Tech
Along with the KAs, we
hosted our annual spring pig
roast which was attended by all
of the sororities. Many alumni,
parents, and friends attended
our annual crawfish boil on
May 3rd. It started with a great
softball tournament where the
actives played the alumni. On
the morning of the boil, a golf
scramble and skeet shoot were
held. Everyone enjoyed the day
playing volleyball, eating crawfish, and listening to live music.
Alan Watts ’03, is the first
from our chapter to be a Leadership Consultant for Delta Chi.
On a patriotic note, we have
had some associate members
activated for military duty since
the war in Iraq. We are proud
of these guys and hope they
make it home safely.
Our Over-The-Top philanthropy had many participants
and raised over $500 for the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. We
continue to do “Adopt a Highway” and “Adopt a Block” to
keep our city clean. For Dad’s
Day we played an 18-hole
scramble at the Houston Woods
Golf Course and finished off the
day with an excellent rib dinner
made by our new cook, Cindy.
For our formal we stayed in
huge, beautiful chalets with
large hot tubs and pool tables
in Gatlinburg, TN. Thanks to
generous donations from our
alumni, we have remodeled
three more rooms and the common areas. Our chapter is proud
of our 22-man spring class!
Devoting our time to recruitment and social events paid off,
as we added 12 new men and
are looking to add another ten
in the fall. We are also remodeling our kitchen and study room.
Embry-Riddle brothers hanging out at the beach.
Mississippi State
We were able to set up a
wireless network with DSL in
our house, which has provided
an inexpensive internet connection. Our annual Wet ’N’ Wild
party was once again a success,
with a number of alumni returning to visit over Super Bulldog Weekend to feast on 400
pounds of crawfish and see the
100-foot slide in the front yard
again. We are also proud of the
men who took home first place
along with the ladies of Kappa
Delta in Tri Delta’s Frats at Bat.
Our White Carnation Ball
was again held in New Orleans
in March. A new addition to our
schedule was a Catfish Fry with
the ladies of Delta Delta Delta
and Zeta Phi Beta and the
gentlemen of Phi Beta Sigma
this April, further improving
our relations with NPHC organizations. This fall marks the
40th anniversary of our founding and we will hold celebrations on the weekend of the LSU
football game, September 27th.
For our first spring class in
four years we initiated two men.
We kept the semester going by
winning the Greek intramurals
for basketball and softball. Our
annual trip to New York City
was made by ten brothers to
help to feed the homeless. We
also had a canned food drive,
which raised nearly a half-ton
of food. We wound the semester down with our movie night
and our Second Annual Father
Art Luncheon. The luncheon
was another success, and many
alumni had a great time in honoring our past “BB”.
We initiated 17 brothers this
past spring!
We were pleased to see many
alumni at our annual Alumni
Weekend in April. Reports from
Joe Viviano ’88, President of the
Alumni Association and from
John Kruse ’89, President of the
Sir Edward Coke Inc. Housing
Corporation followed. The ABT
also announced the formation
of the Parents’ Association.
Chapter awards were then presented. Alumnus of the Year
went to Jack Huggans ’60.
Huggans was also introduced
as the new housefather. Parent
of the Year was presented to
Jane Wise. Special awards for
service were presented to Jim
Sharrock ’84, and Kirsten
Kennedy for work on the ABT.
Last semester we participated in Greek Week with
Sigma Alpha Epsilon and
Gamma Phi Beta. We also held
numerous events, from our annual paintball tournament to
the St. Louis Cardinals outing,
to help improve brotherhood.
We capped the semester off with
our annual White Carnation
Ball at the Lake of the Ozarks.
Throughout the year the
House Corporation will be continually running a capital campaign for house improvements.
We dominated Greek Week
this year as overall winners. J.B.
Hutchinson was named Mr.
Greek Week. Also, our advisor
for over thirty years, O.J.
Carson, was named advisor of
the year. We also proudly took
home the most campus/community involvement award.
We worked the annual Boy
Scouts of America Camporee
this year and had a great time
cooking, setting up tents, and
just overall volunteering.
We took second in intramurals
and finished second in grades.
We held our annual “Pig Roast”
alumni gathering, with brothers
and alumni enjoying great food
and a golf tournament.
New Haven
We pinned seven associates
this spring. We also participated
in many community service activities, such as beach cleanups
at the local beaches. Another
event we enjoyed was becoming teachers for a few days
teaching inner city kids grades
K-3 in Bridgeport. We taught
two different sessions, one session a week, and we taught the
kids about things like money,
the community and government. Another big event that we
always do is sponsor the Red
Cross and hold a Blood Drive
at which we were able to get 60+
pints of blood. We also volunteered every few Sundays at a
local retirement home.
For our fundraiser, we made
calendars featuring our members. Each month was a different collage from Homecoming,
our Golf Tournament, our softball game and other events.
Illinois brothers enjoying a day at Swan School.
New Mexico State
At the beginning of the year
we were awarded with the
highest GPA; this is a first for us
but hopefully not the last. Two
members were elected to IFC
executive board; Francisco
Cornidez as secretary and
Jonathan Nichols as rush chair.
Our annual Disco Inferno
Date Party was a blast as MC
Keith Spolar was a hit yet
again. We all had a great time
barbecuing, bowling and just
hanging out at our Parents’
Weekend. A Parents’ Association will soon be started.
We finished 5th overall in
Greek Week out of 14. The high
note was our tug team’s run for
a championship although we
finished in 2nd place.
Ryan Brown was honored
with “Brother of the Year,”
“Leader of the Year” and “Executive Member of the Semester.”
Northeast Missouri
We recently helped start the
Brian Archibald Agency Account, which is an organization
helping to raise money for a
Truman State alumnus fighting
cancer. We have already helped
raise $2,000 of the $3,000 needed
for Brian’s medical bill, and we
will continue to raise money
above our goal to help the fight
against cancer. Our active presence in this organization has really helped our reputation on
campus and has changed the
perception of Delta Chi and the
Greek system in the eyes of
many different non-Greeks.
Northern Colorado
We participated in many
community philanthropies, excelled in Greek activities, and
hosted the Regional Leadership
Conference for Region IV.
Every semester we hold a
food drive for the Weld County
Food Bank. We were able to
raise over 1,500 lbs. of food. We
also read to schoolchildren at
Dos Rios elementary. The
school then asked us to help
put together an end of the year
carnival for the kids.
For our first place finish in intramural football, Denver Broncos’ cheerleaders greeted our
team. This was a big hit in the
chapter! Also, we were able to
take first place in Greek Week.
Northwest Missouri
As usual, we have had a
strong showing at all intramural events and are trying to repeat as champions. Our National and American teams took
third and fourth place in basketball and volleyball this trimester. Several alumni and undergraduates attended our alumni
event “Running of the Dogs” at
the Kansas City Woodlands.
In Greek Week we took second
in banner and ultimate frisbee
and first in volleyball. Past “A”
David Whitacre was honored at
the Greek Week awards ceremony with the Lifetime Achievement Award for his dedication to
the Greek community.
First, we have seized the opportunity to return a piece of
our history to present prominence. A grandfather clock,
gifted to Northwestern’s Law
School by our original chapter
on April 8, 1903, now resides in
the house, recently celebrating
its 100th birthday.
Our Associate Member program celebrated another perfect
year, initiating all 23 members
of the Zeta Class, continuing our
tradition of 100% retention of
our rush classes. Just after initiation, our new brothers
painted “The Rock,” a tradition
at Northwestern, to commemorate their new affiliation.
∆X Quarterly Summer/Fall 2003 9
During the year we participated in community service
projects ranging from helping at
grade schools to “adopt-a-spot”
cleanups. Everyone was glad to
have our help, and we were glad
to serve our community.
We won several awards this
year. We received “the minimum standards membership
award,” “the minimum standards risk management award”
and “the highest overall GPA.”
Northwestern’s Zeta Class paints “The Rock.”
Our floor hockey team made
it to the finals for the third time
in the past four years. Spring
quarter brought two major philanthropy events: 2003 Foosball
Tournament, co-sponsored with
Sigma Phi Epsilon and the
Undergraduate Premedical Society benefiting the American
Cancer Society; and Sand Sculpture, co-sponsored with Alpha
Chi Omega and benefiting
Chicago’s Children’s Memorial
Hospital’s “Wish Foundation.”
Ohio (Columbus, Ohio)
We hosted the second annual
Undergraduate Student Government (USG) debate at
Reynolds Lodge. Ryan Frazee
moderated the debate, which
included all of this year’s Presidential/Vice Presidential candidates as well as candidates for
Greek Senator. The event was a
positive and productive event
for all involved. Our house was
packed with students from all
over campus and the Greek
community, as well as parents
and others. Four of six candidates for president were Greeks,
and all candidates presented
well-thought-out platforms
with which to help the Greeks.
The debate was featured in the
campus newspaper, The Lantern.
Oregon State Colony
We’re back! After leaving in
1999, Delta Chi has returned to
the OSU campus. A founding
father class of 18 members was
initiated with much excitement.
What better way to show
that we’re back than to get the
highest G.P.A. with a respectable 3.177. This was a great surprise to the SPEs, who had taken
this honor the last six years.
The house is going through
$170,000 worth of renovations.
10 ∆X Quarterly Summer/Fall 2003
Alumni and colony members
are working hard together to get
the house prepared so that we
can move in this fall.
Parker Snyder ’03 is spending his summer trekking 3,600
miles across the country in an
effort to raise awareness for
abused and neglected children.
Parker touched his rear wheel
in the Atlantic Ocean on the
coast of New Hampshire on
May 15 th and is crossing 14
states on his trip to California.
Along the way, Parker is promoting his cause by contacting
local news agencies, participating in rallies, and giving
speeches on the issues of child
abuse and neglect.
Adam Kasick and Nick Watt
had another impressive showing at Purdue’s annual Grand
Prix on April 25th by earning 3rd
and 5th place respectively. During Grand Prix week, we got
great use out of our new patio
and newly landscaped front
yard. Plans for house improvements this summer include central air for the entire house; new
carpeting upstairs; and a fully
renovated first floor with a new
formal room, larger entryway,
and new dining area.
In intramurals, Brent Becker
and Greg Yashewski won the
doubles tennis championship,
and our soccer team took runner-up in the intramural tournament and also won this year’s
Alpha Gam soccer cup.
We have made extraordinary efforts in our alumni relations, and for the first time
we have a functioning ABT.
We were also able to establish
a House Corporation.
We welcomed many new
members and also had some of
our older brothers come back to
become actives once again. We
moved into our new house, and
we are loving it! In sports, we
took 5th in basketball, 3rd in arena
football, 4th in soccer and tied for
1st in floor hockey.
We also showed up strong in
numbers for the Region II Conference. Sixteen brothers made
the seven-hour trek to San Luis
Obispo and had a great time.
Rhode Island Colony
There are 31 enthused, excited, anxious and determined founding fathers who
are ready to make this the
best fraternity on campus.
Although this is only our first
semester as a colony, we have
established ourselves on
campus and throughout the
Greek community.
Our first Greek Week impressed us, as well as other fraternities and sororities. Although most of our time was
committed to establishing the
first colony of Delta Chi at the
URI, we participated in every
event. In fact the first event, the
torch race, was won by Delta
Chi! We also participated in a
community cleanup and volunteered our time on Welcome
Day to help incoming freshmen.
Community service and philanthropy are top priorities for us.
We are currently busy talking to and building relations
with alumni around the area.
Delta Chi at Bryant and its
alumni have been great helping
us get off on the right foot.
The semester’s highlight was
our first annual formal banquet,
with over 45 undergraduates
and alumni in attendance.
We continued our involvement in Dance Marathon, a
charity event held annually at
Rutgers. Delta Chi involvement
varied from canning to collect
money to volunteering as security staff for the event.
In sports, our basketball
team overcame an injury to a
starter and still made the
play-offs. Jan Arceo and
Stephen Paskovich placed
first and second respectively
in the tennis tournament.
We also welcomed five new
members this semester, as well
as Robert Cobb and John Austin as alumni initiates. Robert
and John are Jersey City Firemen and were among the first
responders to the World Trade
Centers on 9/11. These two
men provided the keynote addresses at the Region VII Conference and were then asked to
join as alumni members.
Alan Hargreaves (left) and Fred Weixeldorfer posed for this photo
on July 15, 2003 in Iraq. Alan is in the Air Force, and Fred is in the
Army. Alan was serving as the “B” last spring until he received
orders to depart to the war in Iraq. Fred was “F” during the past
fall trimester until receiving orders sometime during our Winter
Break to leave for Iraq in early January.
South Dakota Colony
Our annual March of
Dimes walk was a learning
experience. The newer members got to bond with the upperclassmen all in the interest of charity, allowing us to
become a much closer group.
However, the weekend had
only begun; the following
night many of the members
volunteered to set up and
clean up after a major concert
on campus. This included
loading, unloading, and setting up the stage.
In February, we held several
brotherhood events, including
dinners, basketball games and
candle-pass. Most of our chapter also attended the Region III
Leadership Conference, hosted
by the Southwest Texas Chapter. In March, many of our
brothers went to South Padre
Island for spring break. At
the end of March, we took
first place in Greek Olympics.
Our intramural basketball
team made it to the finals
once again and ended up
third place overall.
We started a scholarship in
honor of a friend of ours who
passed away last year in an automobile accident. This scholarship will be awarded to students from our area wishing to
attend Tarleton.
For this special time in our
history, we held our 15th Anniversary White Carnation Ball in
Fort Worth. Our “80’s Five Dollar Prom” mixer with AGD was
held a few weeks later. With
April coming to a close, we held
a philanthropy event at the local foster home where, along
with a sorority, we held an Easter egg hunt for the kids there.
To end the semester we, including many of our alumni, attended the “15th Annual Larry
Joe Taylor Music Festival and
Chili Cook-off” in Stephenville.
Southwest Missouri Colony
We were paired up with
the ladies of Alpha Delta Pi
Sorority for our first Greek
Week appearance. After participating in every event and
winning the largest event, the
Greek Jam Dance Competition, we won First Place overall! This inspired our
colony’s motto for next year,
“First Year, First Place.”
Another first we achieved
was in Kappa Sigma’s philanthropy. Despite our numbers,
we donated more clothing than
any other fraternity on campus.
Also, our numbers are
vastly improving with one of
the biggest spring rushes on
campus, during which we
initiated six new members.
Rush Chairman Patrick
Doran is working on a summer rush to aid us this fall.
Also, former “A” Alec Lee
now holds office on IFC as the
Vice-President of Academics.
Syracuse Colony
While four brothers drove to
New Orleans to support the
University’s basketball team at
the Final Four, several others
packed into the Carrier Dome
to watch the game on a large
screen television with other SU
fans. While in New Orleans,
our brothers even ran into
brothers from Marquette,
showing that the brotherhood
really is nationwide.
We were also active in the
community. Brothers participated for several weekends in
a Habitat for Humanity project
that helped build a house for
a single mother in the area.
Brothers were responsible for
things like siding, sanding,
and painting walls.
We decided that the end of
classes did not need to cause the
end of brotherhood events for
the active chapter. Deciding
that the summer would be an
excellent opportunity to gather
together in other cities where
many of the actives are originally from, the chapter put together a series of events
spaced out over the summer
break to keep those not living in Austin involved. In
June we traveled to
Galveston, where we rented
a beach house for the weekend. This was the third year
in a row that we have done
this event, and its success has
increased every year. In July
the chapter traveled to Dallas,
where one of our members
was gracious enough to lend
us his house for the weekend.
Barbecuing by the pool always
proves to be a good time. In
Rhode Island brothers pose for their first Quarterly photo.
August, we brought everybody back to Austin for the final event of the summer.
Once again, the highlight of
our spring was our Alumni
Weekend. This year, nearly
forty alumni returned to
mingle with the brothers.
We also participated in many
philanthropic activities. We
helped cook at the local V.F.W.,
helped at an after-school art program at Prairie Heights Elementary, held our 3rd Annual Bikea-thon to benefit Turning Point
Homeless Shelter, and participated in many other smaller
activities, ranging from parking
cars for a Literacy Coalition dinner to holding our first Car Bash
to benefit the Red Cross.
For intramurals, we had
teams for both basketball and
volleyball. In volleyball we
made it to the final tournament.
Toward the end of the semester,
we held a retreat for the broth-
ers in order to review our semester goals and see what
needed to be improved for next
semester. The retreat was
headed up by “A” Dave Wertz.
To start the retreat, the brothers
went to a local Chinese, buffet-style restaurant. Toward
the end of the night, we held a
round table discussion on
chapter pride and other topics.
We initiated 14 new members, the highest on campus. We
currently have five brothers
serving as student senators,
three E-board members of the
Student Alumni Association,
one on campus crusade, the
school’s Entertainment and Programming Director, and the Student Body Vice President. Also,
three brothers had their original
artwork and poetry published
in UNLV’s first ever literary
magazine, including Ben Sakin,
who was the Associate Editor.
Continued on page 14
Syracuse brothers watch the NCAA semifinal round game against
Texas from the Carrier Dome.
∆X Quarterly Summer/Fall 2003 11
Chapter Luminaries
Brett Goodman ’04
Colony: B ro t h e rhood and Recruitment Chrmn., ”F”,
and AMC
Organizations: ASUC Judicial
Comm., Univ. Judicial Comm.
Major: Political Science
Minor: English
Corey Cameron ’03
Chapter: S o c i a l ,
Rush, and Byron
Cherry Chrmn.;
Community Service; Brother of
the Year ’03; Brother of the Semester Fall ’02
Organizations: Intramural
Sports, College Radio State DJ,
Phase 2 Orientation Leader
Major: Communications and
Political Science
Honors: Gamma Beta Phi, Phi
Delta Sigma, Dean’s List
Eric Woolfitt ’03
Chapter: “E”, Recruitment
Chrmn., Philanthropy Chrmn.
Organizations: IFC Recruitment
Chrmn., American Marketing
Association, Intntl. Bus. Assoc.
Major: International Management and Marketing
Minor: Economics
Honors: 2002 Active of the Year,
Dean’s List
Phil Travis, ’03
Chapter: “A”, “C”,
AM Coordinator,
Social Chrmn.
Organizations: Player’s Theater,
University Housing
Major: Speech Communication
and Theater
Minor: Psychology
Honors: Mace and Torch, Order
of Omega, Dean’s List
Anand Sokhey ’03
Chapter: F o u n d ing Father, “B”,
Scholarship Chrmn.
12 ∆X Quarterly Summer/Fall 2003
Organizations: Student Rep. to
Academic Affairs Council,
Honors Program Mentor, Order of Omega
Major: Political Science and
Studio Art
Honors: Phi Beta Kappa,
Rhodes Scholar nominee,
McGaw Fine Arts Scholarship,
Awarded Graduate Fellowship in Political Science at
Ohio State, Denison Presidential Medal, Published three
times in scholarly journals,
Presented papers at three professional conferences
DiMiceli ’03
Rush, Brotherhood, and Fundraising Chairman
Organizations: IFC Secretary,
Ski Club
Major: Social Policy
Minor: Political Science
Honors: Strub Merit Scholarship
Portugal ’03
Chapter: H i s t o rian, Public Relations
Organizations: Captain of football and rugby teams
Major: Aircraft Engineering
J e r e m y
McCullough ’03
Chapter: “A”;
B ro t h e r s C o m m i t t e e C h a i rman; Recruitment, Sports,
Finance, Scholarship, Social,
Public Relations/Charity
Committee member
Organizations: Interfraternity
Council President; Beta Beta
Beta, Science Honor Society;
Order of Omega
Major: Biology – Pre-Med
Honors: Dean’s List
Shane Owens ’03
Chapter: Tug-ofWar Coach, Tshirt Committee
Wrestling Club Captain,
Founder and President of Tech
Corps, Omicron Delta Kappa
Leadership Honor Society,
President’s Scholars Program,
Freshman Fall Retreat leader
Major: Electrical Engineering
Minor: Spanish
Honors: Graduated with Highest Honors, James G.
Wohlford Co-op Scholarship,
Alumni Association Student
Leadership Award
Landon Baines ’03
Chapter: “A”; “C”;
Rush, Social, and
Chrmn.; Associate
Member Educator
Organizations: Greek Week CoChair, Political Science Club,
Model United Nations Club
Major: Political Science
Minor: Pre Law Option
Justin Scharber ’04
Chapter: “A”, “E”,
AMC, Regional
Conference delegate,
Undergraduate Representative for
Housing Corporation
Organizations: IFC delegate, Vice
President, and President; Students for the Exploration and
Development of Space; Ground
Station Chrmn. and V. P.
Major: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Honors: Andy Hill Scholarship,
Tennessee Vocational Scholarship, Who’s Who
Heimgartner ’05
Chapter: “E”; “F”;
Rush, Ritual, and
InterFraternity Council Rep.;
Hasher; 2000 National Convention delegate; Jackson Leadership Conference attendee
Organizations: ASUI Community Relations Board Vice President, Young Republicans Club,
Order of Omega
Major: Pre-Radiology
Honors: Dean’s List
Cronlund ’03
Chapter: “A”; Social, Special Events
Chair; Fraternity/
Sorority Living the Ritual
Award; 2003 Brother of the Year
Organizations: SPCA volunteer,
Circle K International volunteer
Major: Finance
Minor: Economics
Zac Cook ’03
Chapter: Earthball,
philanthropy, and
rush participant
Mortar Board National Senior
Honor Society, Engineering Student Council Vice President,
University Career Fair Committee, Kansas State Collegian columnist, Board of Student Publications, Inc., College of Engineering Student Senate Rep.,
2001 Engineering Telefund student coordinator, Student Body
President 2002-03
Major: Biological and Agricultural Engineering with Environmental Engineering option. Also
majored in Natural Resources
and Environmental Sciences
Honors: Alpha Mu Engineering Honorary
Matthew Joseph Juszczyk ’07
Chapter: “E”, Historian
Organizations: Order of the Arrow 3rd Vice President: Administration, Publications Chrmn.
Major: Electrical Engineering
Minor: Acoustics
Honors: Dean’s List
Ciaramella ’06
Chapter: P h i l a n thropy and Brotherhood Chair
Ryan Stinson ’03
Organizations: Louisiana Tech
Engineering Society, Lady
Techster Dream Team
Major: Chemical Engineering
Honors: John L. Elfervig
Justin Klein ’03
“C”, AMC
Organizations: Vice
Membership Development for
the Interfraternity Council
Major: Kinesiological Sciences
Michael Provencher ’03
Chapter: “C”; “E”; Outstanding
“C” Award; Junior IFC Rep.; Regional Leadership Conference
Planning Comm.; Scholarship,
By-Laws Revision Chrmn.; IFC
Rush Counselor
Organizations: Civil Air Patrol
Deputy Squadron Commander,
Senior Programs Officer, Logistics Officer, Financial Officer,
Emergency Services Officer,
Transportation Officer, Testing
Officer, Aerospace Education
Officer; Arnold Air Society Silver Wings/AFA Liaison Officer,
Deputy Squadron Commander,
Squadron Commander, Area V
Commander, National Board of
Directors; AFROTC Recruiting
Officer, Special Projects Officer,
Director of the Drill Meet, Flight
Commander, Support Group
Commander, Inspector General
Major: International Business
Minor: Aerospace Studies
Honors: AFROTC Scholarship,
MSU Academic Excellence
Scholarship, AFROTC-MSU 4year Room and Board Scholarship, College of Business and Industry Dean’s Scholar, National
Dean’s List, Delta Chi Educational Foundation Leadership,
and Civil Air Patrol National
Academic Scholarships
Glasscock ’03
Chapter: “E”, Rush
Chrmn, IFC Rep.
Major: History
Honors: Daniel J. Muckenthaler
Scholarship, Senior of the Year
Michael Cafaro ’04
Chapter: “D”; “E”;
Rush, Fundraising,
Scholarship, and
Internet Chairmanships; Historian
Organizations: Student newspaper photography editor,
Major: Computer Science
Honors: Dean’s List, Golden Key
Honor Society
Karl Schroeder ’03
Chapter: “D”, Soccer and Volleyball Coach, Intramurals Leader,
Organizations: Golden Key, Omicron Delta Kappa, Freshman Elite,
SGA Senator, Order of Omega
Major: Chemistry
Minor: Biology
Honors: CRC Press Award,
Health Professions Award,
Chemistry Elite, Who’s Who
Among College Students, National Dean’s List
Brian Severs ’03
Chapter: “A”, “E”,
Ritualistic Chrmn,
Community Service Chairman
Organizations: InterFraternity
Sorority Council Vice President
Major: Criminal Justice
Minor: Psychology
Honors: Delta Chi Educational
Foundation Leadership Scholarship Fall 2002
Whitacre ’03
Chapter: “A”, “B”,
House Manager,
IFC, Rush Chrmn, Memberat-Large Chairman
Organizations: Spotlight
President and Vice President, Omicron Delta Kappa
Leadership Honor Society,
Team Leadership
Major: Business Management
Honors: Outstanding Leadership Award, All-Greek Lifetime Achievement Award,
Delta Chi of the Year, Outstanding Greek Man
OHIO (Columbus)
Johnston ’03
Chapter: “A”, “D”
Organizations: IFC
President, Dir. of
Scholarship, Expansion Comm.
Head, Rep. on FMA Student
Board of Trustees, Greek
Progress Review Board member, Greek OWL Coordinator
Major: Electrical and Computer
Honors: Dean’s List, Electrical
Engineering Dean’s Award
Scholarship, Order of Omega
Adam Sadowski ’03
Chapter: “A”; “D”; AMC;
IFC, Scholarship, Communication Comm. Chrmn.
Major: Finance and Marketing
Honors: 2001 Most Valuable
New Initiate, 2002 and 2003
M o s t Va l u a b l e A c t i v e ,
Gentleman Scholar Award,
graduated Cum Laude
R. Charles Robbins ’05
Chapter: “A”, “F”, Rush Chrmn.,
Brotherhood Chrmn., Greek
Week Representative
Organizations: Greek Ambassador, Pre-Medical Society,
TAMSA Service Organization,
IFC Member
Major: Biomedical Science
Minor: Business and Chemistry
Honors: Dean’s List
David Wertz ’03
Chapter: “A”,
“D”, “F”, AMC,
Steward, Assistant House Manager, Student Senate Rep.,
IFC Representative
Organizations: Skull and
Bones, ACJA, Handgun
Team, Crime Scene Investigation Team, Psychology Club,
Student Senate Vice President
Major: Criminal Justice and
Athletics: Baseball
Braydich ’03
Chapter: “A”, “D”
Organizations: IFC President and
Vice President, American Marketing Association
Major: Business Marketing
Honors: Order of Omega
Daniel Baker ’04
Chapter: “A”, “B”,
“C”, Rush Chrmn.
Organizations: Volunteer youth basketball coach
Major: English
Minor: Comparative Literature
Rani T. Hamasni ’04
Chapter: “C”, Webmaster, Web
site Designer
Organizations: InterFraternity
Council Public Relations
Chrmn., Residential Council
Communications Executive
Major: Health Sciences
Minor: Psychology
∆X Quarterly Summer/Fall 2003 13
Arizona Valley
Western Ontario brothers at their White Carnation Formal.
Continued from page 11
This year we had the first
ever Delta Chi Family Weekend
and hope to carry on the tradition throughout the years. In
this year ’s Alumni versus
Brothers football game, the
brothers edged out a last second victory and earned bragging rights for the year.
This year ’s Kings Krown
philanthropy raised nearly
$60,000. We also won an
award for best philanthropy
for Ally’s Prom Closet.
Virginia Commonwealth
We hosted the Region IX
Leadership Conference with
over 130 in attendance. During
the regional conference, we had
three honorary initiates, including Tim Justice, Vic Routsis,
and Anthony Martinez, for
their continued dedication to
Delta Chi. The Regional Leadership Conference could not
have been successful without
the hard work of Matthew
Braydich, Hamoon Hadavand,
and all the brothers.
This year was highlighted by
having the highest G.P.A., our
first annual parents’ banquet,
and Jeremy Rosen winning Mr.
Greek VCU for the fourth year
in a row. We also send our
prayers to Lucas Ecker, who is
in service to his country.
West Chester
With winning the IFC cup,
placing second in Greek Week,
and having the largest associate
member class in the spring,
Delta Chi at West Chester is on
its way back to the top. Working extremely hard with finances, rush, intramurals and
fixing up our house, brothers
were seemingly always grin14 ∆X Quarterly Summer/Fall 2003
This past October, our petition to establish an Alumni
Chapter for all alumni living in Arizona was granted!
We wish to keep our chapter focused on fun events for the
alumni, wives and families. Please come to an event or at least
keep in touch. Brotherhood only gets better with graduation!
Our first annual golf classic was sold out and a great success. We have Cardinals games as well as dinners planned
for the future. Visit www.azact.com/deltachi to keep informed about our events. Congratulations to Harvey Gibson,
Arizona State ’02 for winning the Tempe Chamber Volunteer
of the Year Award. Great job Joe Benzing, Ferris State ’96
and Todd Mastrorilli, Radford ’97 for placing second in The
Every Kid Counts Celebrity Golf Tournament.
ning this year. There has not
been a day gone by, where one
of us has not been proud to say
“I’m a Delta Chi.”
Western Ontario Colony
The academic year started
with the eight members of Beta
class and another four members
for the Gamma class in the second semester. Throughout the
year we held various charity
events for the Alzheimer’s Association and participated in
various social events within the
Greek community, such as the
AGD Greek games and the Mr.
Greek competition held by Alpha Phi. The Greek games include various events such as
Sumo Wrestling, Arm Wrestling, and collecting money for
charity, in which all the fraternities compete. Delta Chi, displaying all our skills and talents, won the title!
The 2003 White Carnation
Formal brought together over
90 alumni and guests for a spectacular night of brotherhood.
The night was started with the
initiation of our Gamma class
at Toronto’s Courthouse. The
night then progressed to one
of Toronto’s finest restaurants,
The Rosewater.
Our web site has been revamped by Rani Hamasni to
include pictures of all our
events, a guest book for the
alumni and guests, and a section that allows brothers to
purchase our clothing. This
will be a great tool for recruitment and communication
with the alumni.
Elliott Chun has accepted a
position at our Headquarters as
a Leadership Consultant.
We encourage you to visit
our web site at www.delta
Golf Chairs Russ Gunther, Iowa State ’89 and Todd
Mastrorilli, 97 with Gamma Phi Beta Sorority volunteers.
Capitol Area
On Sunday, April 27, a party of twelve assembled for the
sixth annual “De;ta Chi at the Races” picnic.
This year’s event took place at the Middleburg Hunt Point
in the beautiful village of Middleburg, VA. The wonderful scenery and perfect weather provided an ideal backdrop for the
annual invasion of the hunt country. This event is a tailgate picnic on the outside rail of a steeplechase course. The races are
held in the British tradition across a cross county course requiring horses and riders to navigate a series of obstacles.
Brothers who participated this year were: Pat Bowling,
Johnstown ’81; Pete Korch, Johnstown ’84; Jim LeVan,
Johnstown ’80; Mike Magri, Johnstown ’84 and Bill Moran,
Stanford ’55. Wives, significant others, and family members
joined in the festivities as well. The group enjoyed great food
and conversation all day long as the throughbreds jumped fences
at breakneck speed only a few yards away.
A great day was had by all and we are already planning
another event in 2004.
Brothers and guests at “Delta Chi Day at the Races.”
Scott Ellman ’99, married to
Kelly Junk on August 30, 2003.
Thomas Frantz ’92, twins, a
daughter Leah, and a son
Drew, on May 21, 2003.
Kevin DeLine ’95, married to
Laura Holley on April 5, 2003.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Richard Head ’94, a son, Ethan
Robert, on July 25, 2003.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Troy Errthum ’95, ason, Tanner
Matthew, on July 27, 2003.
Jeffrey Girling ’00, married to
Alison Girsch on June 21, 2003.
2nd Lt. Charles C. Larson ’03,
married to Laurel Erickson on
June 14, 2003.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Todd Stover ’96, a daughter,
Anna, on July 15, 2003.
Brad Fenwick, FAC received
a Congressional Fellowship.
Ryan Thomas Evans ’00,
married to Summer Anne
Alford on May 30th, 2003.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Michael Bresnahan ’93, a
daughter, Mary Katherine, on
May 17, 2003.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Larry Walker ’97, a daughter,
Hannah, on June 24, 2003.
Chris Landman ’93, married to
Jennifer Dean on May 17, 2003.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Stan
Hays ’96, a daughter, Lauren
Elizabeth, on March 11, 2003.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Quinn E. Eddins ’94, a
daughter, Miranda Claire, on
August 1, 2003.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Darren Inverso ’97, a son,
Nathan Joseph, on July 16, 2003.
Paul Alati ’92, Director at
Absolute Recreation Management, was named vice
president for the Board of
Directors of Oregon Sports
Hall of Fame in Portland, OR.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Tom Massey ’88, a son, Micah
Gideon, on June 2, 2003.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Steve Clark ‘95, twin daughters,
Mackenzie Jean and Makayla
Rae, on March 13, 2003.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Harry
Redman ‘97, a son, Tristan
William, on April 8, 2003.
Ryan George ‘00 married to
Sue Anne Redelberger on
September 14, 2002
Bryan Young ‘02 married to
Kyle Sewell on October 12, 2002
Barry Aronson ’99, was
presented the Silver Beaver
Volunteer Award of the Boy
Scouts of America, March 7,
2003 from the Northeastern
Illinois Council.
OHIO (Columbus)
Born to Brother and Mrs. Don
Mason ’98, a son, Jonathan
“Jack”, on June 4, 2003.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Jason Barry ’99, a daughter,
Brooke Elizabeth, on February
12, 2003.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Keith Taylor ’97, a son, Ryan,
on April 26, 2003.
Daniel Beaver ’02, married to
Vanessa Clark on May 24, 2003.
Born to Brother and Mrs. David
M. Smith ’95, a son, Samuel
Jamison, on February 22, 2003.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Jason Megginson ’96, a son,
Drew Ryan, on July 26, 2003.
Travis Hertenstein ’01,
married to April Ealey on
July 12, 2003.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Craig
Sengl ’89, a daughter, Megan
Christine, on July 7, 2003
These men have lived amongst us for a time, and we have been honored to call them
Brothers. Now they are gone and we bid them a fond farewell at this parting.
Otto Rohwer ’27, June 19, 2002
Robert H. Todd ’64,
March 2, 2001
Peter Paul Barizon ’61,
December 7, 2002
Russell C. Page ’79,
January 18, 2002
Rep. Bob Stump ’51, June 20, 2003.
Bob served
four terms in
the Arizona
House of
Representatives, 19591967, and
five terms in
the Arizona
Senate, 1967-1976. He served as
President of the Arizona State
Senate, 1975-76. Bob was then
elected to the U.S. Congress in
1976, where he served until his
retirement in January. He was
Chairman of the House Armed
Services Committee and was
Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans Affairs from 1995
to 2001. Congressman Stump is
the only Member of Congress
who will have a street in Arlington National Cemetery named
after him in recognition of his
service to veterans.
Henry R. Fechtman ’34,
June 1, 2002
Dr. Paul N. Stewart ’60,
July 24, 2003
Jeffrey S. Belding ’71
James R. Whitlock ’47,
May 26, 2002
J. E. Crossley ’54, June 24, 2003
Bart Boris-Blaisdell ’00
Harold Pete Thomas ’50,
December 15, 2001
John M. Wuest ’50,
October 25, 2002
Lawrence Sheridan ’56
Dr. Michael V. Vance ’68,
July 8, 2003
OHIO (Columbus)
James F. Barns, Sr. ’40,
September 21, 2002
Richard H. Shurmer ’44,
June 17, 2001
Dale T. Kaiser ’49, July 31, 2003
Roger S. Umphers ’29,
December 31, 2001
John V. Graham ’50,
March 6, 2003
Carson R. Rackley ’51
Leslie A. Voss ’52,
June 16, 2001
Marion B. Salmon ’55,
July 24, 2001
Ronnie Spencer ’02, July 27, 2002
Spencer S. Hoopman ’32
Howard Boone Lodge ’35,
October 5, 2001
Christopher A. Pollack ’03,
June 2003
David A. Rodriguez ’03,
June 10, 2003
Dr. Clayton R. Grimstad ’47,
July 2, 2003
Walter E. Vincent ’50,
February 13, 2001
Robert E. Hardwick ’48,
March 27, 2003
Easton R. Roberts ’34,
July 22, 2003
Jay Castilla ’86, May 1, 2003
Leonard W. Sachs ’61
John D. Bratina ’89,
December 19, 2002
William C. Bell ’68, May 23, 2003
John K. Buehl ’60, June 23, 2003
K. Karl Makope ’00,
July 25, 2003
∆X Quarterly Summer/Fall 2003 15
Address ____________________________________
City _______________________________________
State _____________________ Zip ____________
E-mail _______________________
Send your mailing label with new address to:
The Delta Chi Fraternity, International Headquarters
P.O. Box 1817, Iowa City, IA 52244-1817
Phone: (319) 337-4811 FAX: ( 319) 337-5529
ALABAMA —Univ of Alabama-Tuscaloosa—PO Box
11127, Tuscaloosa, AL 35486
ALBERTA — Univ. of Alberta — Box 165 SUB, Univ.
of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2J7
AMERICAN — American Univ. — 4400 Mass Ave. NW
Box 18, Washington, D.C. 20016
APPALACHIAN STATE — Appalachian State Univ. —
Box 9084, Boone, NC 28607
ARIZONA — U. of Ariz. — 1701 E. 1st St., Tucson, AZ
AUBURN — Auburn U. — 530 Biggio Dr., Auburn, AL
AUGUSTA — Augusta Col. — 2500 Walton Way,
Augusta, GA 30904
BALL STATE — Ball State University
BEHREND — Behrend Col. — 3316 Buffalo Rd, Erie, PA
BOWLING GREEN—Bowling Green St. Univ.—1217 E
Wooster, Bowling Green, OH 43403
BRYANT — Bryant Col. — Box 3289, 1150 Douglas
Pike, Smithfield, RI 02917
CAL POLY — Cal. Polytechnic State Univ. —
P. O.Box 15633, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406
CALIFORNIA UNIV.-PA — California Univ. of PA —
PO Box 516, California, PA 15419-0516
CENTRAL MICHIGAN — Central Michigan Univ. —
906 S Main St., Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858
CENTRAL MISSOURI —Central Missouri State Univ.
— Unit D Fraternity Complex, Warrensburg, MO 64093
CHICO — California State Univ. - Chico — PO Box
4932, Chico, CA 95927-4932
CLEMSON — Clemson Univ. — Drawer D, Univ. Station, Clemson, SC 29632
CONNECTICUT — Univ. of Conn. — %Mike Marandola,
Univ of CT, 10 Huskey Cir. #201D, Storrs, CT 06269
CORNELL — Cornell Univ.
DENISON — Denison Univ. — P.O. Box 0594,
Granville, OH 43023
DEPAUW — DePauw U. — 912 S Locust St., Greencastle,
IN 46135
DUQUESNE — Duquesne University — 600 Forbes Ave.,
Pittsburgh, PA 15282
EAST CAROLINA — East Carolina Univ.—422 Martin
Luther King Dr., Greenville, NC 27858
EASTERN ILLINOIS — Eastern Illinois Univ. — 1012
Greek Ct., Charleston, IL 61920-4200
EMBRY-RIDDLE — Embry-Riddle Aeron. Univ. —
538 S Ridgewood Ave., Daytona Beach, FL 32114
FERRIS STATE — Ferris State Univ. — 805 Campus Dr.,
Rankin Ctr. Rm 233, Box 155, Big Rapids, MI
FREDONIA — SUNY-Fredonia — SA Office Stu Ctr SUNY, Fredonia, NY 14063
FROSTBURG — Frostburg St. Univ.— Box 213 Lane
Ctr., FSU, Frostburg, MD 21532
FULLERTON — California State Univ.- Fullerton —
2100 Associated Rd., Fullerton, CA 92631
GANNON – Gannon U. – 510 Myrtle St., Erie, PA 16501
GEORGIA — Univ. of Georgia — 677 S Milledge Ave.,
Athens, GA 30605
GEORGIA TECH — Georgia Institute of Tech.— 170
Fifth Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30313-2512
GORHAM STATE — Univ. of Southern Maine — 23
Preble St., Gorham, ME 04038
HAYWARD — California St. Univ.-Hayward — PO
Box 55032, Hayward, CA 94545
HOBART — Hobart Col. — 574 S Main, Geneva, NY
HUNTSVILLE — Univ. of AL-Huntsville — 606 C S
Loop Rd., Huntsville, AL 35805
IDAHO — Univ. of Idaho — PO Box 3076, Moscow, ID
ILLINOIS — Univ. of IL — 1111 S First St., Champaign,
IL 61820
INDIANA — Indiana Univ.
IOWA — Univ. of Iowa — 309 N Riverside Dr., Iowa
City, IA 52246
JACKSONVILLE STATE — Jacksonville State Univ.
— PO Box 3062 JSU, Jacksonville, AL 36265
JAMES MADISON—James Madison Univ.—MSC 3518,
Harrisonburg, VA 22807
JOHNSTOWN — Univ. of Pittsburgh -Johnstown —
Box 0288, UPJ, Johnstown, PA 15907
KANSAS — Univ. of Kansas — 1245 W Campus Rd.,
Lawrence, KS 66044
KANSAS CITY — Univ. of Missouri at Kansas City
KANSAS STATE — Kansas St. Univ. — 508 Sunset,
Manhattan, KS 66502
16 ∆X Quarterly Summer/Fall 2003
KENT STATE — Kent St. U. — 312 E Main., Kent,
OH 44240
KETTERING A— Kettering Univ.— 1700 W 3rd Ave.,
Flint, MI 48504
KETTERING B — Kettering Univ. — 1700 W. 3rd Ave.,
Flint, MI 48504
L.S.U. — Louisiana State Univ.
LAKE FOREST — Lake Forest College — 555 N Sheridan
Rd., Box D1, Lake Forest, IL 60045
LIVINGSTON — Univ. of West Alabama — Drawer CC,
Livingston, AL 35470
LONG BEACH — CSU-Long Beach — 1067 Grand Ave.
#1, Long Beach, CA 90804
LOUISIANA TECH — LA Tech Univ. — 201 Everett St.,
Ruston, LA 71270
MANKATO — Minnesota State Univ. — Mankato —
1300 Warren St., Mankato, MN 56001
MARQUETTE — Marquette Univ. — 1615 W Kilbourn
Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53233
MARYLAND — Univ. of Maryland — 4423 Lehigh Rd.
#356 , College Park, MD 20740
MIAMI — Miami U. — 131 E Withrow, Oxford, OH
MICHIGAN STATE — Michigan St. Univ. — 101
Woodmere Ave., East Lansing, MI 48823
MINNESOTA — Univ. of Minnesota — 1601 University
Ave. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414
MISSISSIPPI STATE — Mississippi State Univ. —
Drawer GK, Mississippi State, MS 39762
MISSOURI — Univ. of Missouri — 111 E Stewart Rd.,
Columbia, MO 65203
MONTCLAIR — Montclair State Univ. — Stu Ctr Box
103 SGA Off, Upper Montclair, N.J. 07043
MONTEVALLO — Univ. of Montevallo — Drawer AC,
Montevallo, Al 35115
NEW HAVEN — Univ. of New Haven — PO Box 8937,
West Haven, CT 06532
NEW MEXICO STATE— New Mexico St. Univ.—PO
Box 3893, Las Cruces, NM 88003
NORTH CAROLINA STATE — North Carolina St. Univ.
NORTHEAST MISSOURI — Truman State Univ. —
904 S First St., Kirksville, MO 63501
NORTHERN ARIZONA— Northern Arizona Univ. —
318 S Humphreys, Flagstaff, AZ 86001
NORTHERN COLORADO — Univ. of No. Colorado —
1803 10th Ave., Greeley, CO 80631
NORTHERN ILLINOIS — Northern Illinois Univ. —
1114 Blackhawk, De Kalb, IL 60115
NORTHERN IOWA — Univ. of Northern Iowa
NORTHWEST MISSOURI — Northwest Missouri
State Univ.— 219 W Second St., Maryville, MO 64468
NORTHWESTERN—Northwestern Univ.—619 Colfax
Ave., Evanston, IL 60201
OHIO (Columbus, Ohio) — Ohio State Univ. — 191 E
15th Ave.,Columbus, OH 43201
OSHKOSH —Univ. of WI at Oshkosh — 911 Wisconsin
St., Oshkosh, WI 54901
PENN STATE — Penn State Univ. — 424 E Fairmount
Ave., State College, PA 16801-5714
PURDUE — Purdue Univ. — 501 Russell St., West
Lafayette, IN 47906
RADFORD— Radford University— Box 6898 Radford
Univ., Radford, VA 24142
RENO – U. of NV -Reno –PO Box 13219, Reno, NV
ROWAN — Rowan University — 5 Eben St., Glassboro,
NJ 08028
RUTGERS— Rutgers University—17 Union St., LLC,
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
SACRAMENTO — Calif. St. Univ.-Sacramento
SOUTH FLORIDA— South Florida University— CTR
2432, 4202 E Fowler Ave., Tampa, FL 33620
SOUTHEAST MISSOURI —Southeast Missouri State
Univ.—825 North St., Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA — Univ. of Southern California — 920 W 28th St., Los Angeles, CA 90007
SOUTHWEST TEXAS — Southwest Texas State Univ. —
PO Box 2500, San Marcos, TX 78666
STEPHEN F AUSTIN—Stephen F Austin Univ.—Stu.
Act. Box 13021 SGA Station, Nacogdoches, TX 759623021
TARLETON — Tarleton State Univ. — Box T-1557,
Tarleton Station, TX 76402
TEXAS — U. of Texas — 711 W 26th St., Austin,TX
TEXAS A&M — Texas A&M Univ. — PO Box 9864,
College Station, TX 77842
TRI-STATE – Tri-State U. – 112 S Darling, Angola, IN
If undeliverable send notice
on Form 3579 to
The Delta Chi Fraternity
International Headquarters
P.O. Box 1817
Iowa City, IA 52244-1817.
New Address (Please Print) ❏ Home ❏ Work
Name ______________________________________
TROY STATE — Troy State Univ. — PO Box 820633
TSU, Troy, AL 36082
UNLV—Univ. Las Vegas—Box 452008, 4505 Maryland
Pkwy., Las Vegas, NV 89154-2008
VALDOSTA — Valdosta State Col. — PO Box 1142,
Valdosta, GA 31603-1142
Univ.— 907 Floyd Ave., Box 52, Richmond, VA 232842032
VIRGINIA TECH — Virginia Polytech. Inst. and St.
Univ. —560 Cinnabar Rd, Christiansburg, VA 20473
WASHINGTON — Univ. of WA — 1819 NE 47th St.,
Seattle, WA 98105
WASHINGTON STATE — Washington St Univ. — 800
NE Monroe St., Pullman, WA 99163
WEST CHESTER— West Chester Univ.— 202 Sykes
Union Bldg., West Chester, PA 19383
WEST VIRGINIA TECH — West Virginia Inst. of Tech.
— 621 First Ave., Montgomery, WV 25136
WESTERN ILLINOIS — Western Illinois Univ — 721
Wigwam Hollow Rd., Macomb, IL 61455-1029
WESTERN MICHIGAN — Western Michigan Univ. —
1711 Fraternity Village Dr #3., Kalamazoo, MI 49006
WHITEWATER — Univ. of Wisconsin-Whitewater —
P. O. Box 115 , Whitewater, WI 53190
WINDSOR — Univ. of Windsor — 408 Indian Rd.,
Windsor, ON, Canada N9C 2M4
WYOMING — Univ. of Wyoming
ABRACADABRA—Univ of Calif-Berkeley—2721
Channing Way, Berkeley, CA 94704
ARIZONA STATE—Arizona St Univ.—Sun Devil Inv.
Ctr, PO Box 873001, Tempe, AZ 85287
COLORADO—Univ. of Colorado—1135 11th St.,
Boulder, CO 80302
COLORADO STATE—Colorado St. Univ.—Lory Stu.
Ctr., Office of Greek Life CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523
GEORGIA SOUTHERN—Georgia Southern University—
PO Box 8097 GSU, Statesboro, GA 30460
MICHIGAN— Univ. of Michigan— 1705 Hill St., Ann
Arbor, MI 48104
OREGON STATE— Oregon State Univ.— 16 Memorial
Union, Corvallis, OR 97330-5004
RHODE ISLAND— Univ. of Rhode Island— PO Box
1941, Kingston, RI 02881
SOUTH DAKOTA STATE— South Dakota St. Univ—
USU 065 Box 2815, Brookings, SD 57007
SOUTHWEST MISSOURI— Southwest Missouri St.—
901 S National, Off. Stu. Act., Springfield, MO 65806
SYRACUSE—Syracuse Univ.—303 University Pl., 228E
Schine Ctr., Syracuse, NY 13244
TAMPA—Univ. of Tampa—401 W Kennedy Blvd., Box
P, Tampa, FL 33606
WEST GEORGIA—St. Univ of West Georgia—PO Box
10008, Carrollton, GA 30118
WESTERN ONTARIO — Univ. of Western Ontario —
333 Grangeover Ave., London, ON N6G 4K8
WILLIAM & MARY—College of William & Mary—PO
Box 5871, Williamsburg, VA 23188
ARIZONA VALLEY—Pres. Russ Gunther, IAST ’89,
942 S. Ash Ave. #112, Tempe, AZ
BLUEGRASS — Pres. Stephen Meyer, Jr., Louisville
’92, 9107 Hurstwood Ct., Louisville, KY 40222-5743
CAPITAL AREA—Pres. Michael G. Magri, Johnstown
’84, 1406 Crescent Spot Lane, Frederick, MD 21703
CHARLOTTE AREA—Pres. Bobby L. Dewrell, Troy St.
’95, 12203 Provincetowne Rd., Charlotte, NC 28277
COLUMBUS — Pres. Paul Bohlman, Ohio State ’70,
4932 Donegal Cliffs Dr., Dublin, OH 43017
DALLAS/FORT WORTH — Pres. John Gioffredi, Iowa
State ’78, 6500 Greenville Ave #700, Dallas, TX 75206
HAMPTON ROADS AREA— Pres. Clifton C. Hicks,
OD ’93, 8133 Walters Dr., Norfolk, VA 23518-2345
ILLINOIS — Pres. Scott Christensen, IL ’84, 27175 Henry
Ln., Barrington, IL 60010-5955
LOS ANGELES — Pres. Ron Pacini, So. Cal ’55, 2233
Lee Ave., Arcadia, CA 91006
SEMO ’94, 3633 Western, Alton, IL 62002
THREE RIVERS — Pres. Darnell Sherman, Johnst ’87,
880 Second Ave., Freedom, PA 15042
SOUTH FLORIDA — Pres. Michael Agnello, Mich. St.
’81, P. O. Box 827, Palm Beach, FL 33480-0827
TORONTO Pres. John Dean OsgH ’66, 15 Seaburn Pl.,
Toronto ON M1S 1M2