0415 February 6 2011 (Read
0415 February 6 2011 (Read
The Parish of Saints Cyril & Methodius A Family of the Eucharist Rev. Francis X. Gaeta, Pastor February 6, 2011 “Have no fear for what tomorrow may bring. The same loving God who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day. God will either shield you from suffering or give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations. ~ Francis de Sales ~ February 6, 2011 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time The Pastoral Staff We Celebrate the Lord’s Day Rev. Msgr. Thaddeus Rooney Pastor Emeritus The Holy Eucharist Saturdays Sundays 5:00 pm 8:00 am 9:30 am (Family Mass) 11:00 am (Choir) 12:30 pm 4:30 pm Vietnamese Mass in Auditorium 6:00 pm (Teen/Youth) Weekdays: Monday through Friday 7:00 am, 8:30 am, 12:15 pm Saturdays 8:30 am Holy Days Eve of Holy Day 5:00 pm Holy Day: 7:00 am, 8:30 am, 12:15 pm 7:30 pm Pastoral Associates Mrs. Virginia Conzo, 667-6264 Director of Religious Education Mrs. Joan Gillespie, Ext 105 Director of Parish Social Ministry Mr. Timothy Leitch, 667-6230 Youth Minister Deacon Philip A. Mills, Jr. Ext. 110 Pastoral Associate for Administration Deacon James A. Murano, Ext. 127 Director of Liturgical Music Sister Susan Snyder, CSJ, Ext 133 School Principal Parish Support Staff Mrs. Elizabeth L. Hughes, Ext. 111 Sacrament of Baptism: Baptism is celebrated Saturday at 12:30 pm and Sunday at 2:00 pm in our parish. Godparents must be practicing, church-going Catholics. Please call Marianne to make arrangements. Bookkeeper Ms. Joan Ann Loring, Ext. 122 Parish Secretary Ms. Jane Evans Parker, 242-6718 Thrift Shop Manager Sacrament of Reconciliation: Confessions are heard every Saturday afternoon from 3:30 pm to 4:45 pm, and after the 12:15 pm Mass each weekday in the Church, and at any time at the Parish Center by appointment with a priest. Ms. Anna Rose Regan, Ext. 112 Bulletin Editor Mrs. Marianne Saffran, Ext. 115 Baptism Coordinator/Sacramental Recorder Mr. Bill Young, Ext. 150 Sacrament of Marriage: Plant Manager Deacons Deacon John F. Fitzpatrick, Ext. 124 Deacon Charles F. Huber, Ext. 125 (Retired) Deacon James A. Murano, Ext. 127 Associate Pastors Rev. Caetano F. Costa, Ext. 168 Rev. Lee Descoteaux, Ext. 121 Rev. Chrysogonus Nwele, Ext. 167 Rev. Francis D. Sang, (Retired), Ext.170 Rev. Vincent Schifano, Ext. 163 Pastor Rev. Francis X. Gaeta, Ext. 120 Parish Center Parish Center Fax School School Admissions 667-4044 667-6237 667-6229 Ext. 133 Arrangements should begin at least six months in advance, and should be made prior to making plans for a reception. Please call the Parish Center. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick: This sacrament is celebrated at the 8:30 am Mass each Saturday for those planning to enter the hospital for surgery or some other serious treatment and for others who have need of the sacrament. Anyone who is homebound may call the Parish Center to arrange for the celebration of this sacrament. In an emergency, please call the Parish Center any time. Parish Center Office Hours: Monday through Friday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Religious Education Outreach Outreach Fax www.sscyrilandmethodius.org Page 1 - 415 667-6264 243-1649 243-1584 Music and Liturgy Youth Ministry Thrift Shop www.sscmweb.org 667-4044 667-6230 242-6718 Saints Cyril and Methodius Parish Deer Park, New York BREAKING OPEN THE WORD Reflecting on next Sunday’s Gospel BEFORE Mass can bring so much more meaning to your experience of Liturgy. Each week we print the following Sunday’s Gospel with questions for reflection and discussion. ENJOY! Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 13, 2011 ~ Gospel: Matthew 5:13-16 Jesus said to his disciples: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place. Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so will be called least in the kingdom of heaven. But whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the kingdom of heaven. I tell you, unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” “You have heard that it was said to your ancestors, you shall not kill; and whoever kills will be liable to judgment. But I say to you, whoever is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; and whoever says to his brother ‘Raqa,’ will be answerable to the Sanhedrin; and whoever says ‘You fool,’ will be liable to fiery Gehenna. Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar, and there recall that your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there at the altar, go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift. Settle with your opponent quickly while on the way to court. Otherwise your opponent will hand you over to the judge, and the judge will hand you over to the guard, and you will be thrown into prison. Amen, I say to you, you will not be released until you have paid the last penny. “You have heard that it was said, You shall not commit adultery. But I say to you, everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one of your members than to have your whole body thrown into Gehenna. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one of your members than to have you whole body go into Gehenna. “It is also said, Whoever divorces his wife must give her a bill of divorce. But I say to you, whoever divorces his wife~unless the marriage is unlawful~causes her to commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery. Again you have heard that it was said to your ancestors, Do not take a false oath, but make good to the Lord all that you vow. But I say to you, do not swear at all; not by heaven, for it is God’s throne; nor by the earth, for it is his footstool; nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. Do not swear by your head, for you cannot make a single hair white or black. Let your ‘Yes’ mean ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No’ mean ‘No.’ Anything more is from the evil one. God’s wisdom often seems to be the opposite of what we are conditioned to think. Jesus said that if you want to be great, you must put others first; if you want to win a conflict with your neighbor, you have to win him over with reconciliation. What Jesus says is not just to follow the rules because it is our duty, but follow rules in a loving and compassionate way. It is not enough to just follow rules while harboring anger toward someone, but we need first to go make peace with our opponent. To live the Good News, we should practice forgiveness. No matter how hard we try, there will always be a void if we withhold forgiveness. Together we can model life-giving action for one another, and help each other give and receive forgiveness in our daily lives. REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Consider what Jesus described as “you have heard” versus what he preached. What is Jesus’ priority? Is there one commandment that cause you to stumble? Think of a way you can practice the “spirit” of the law. FOR FAMILIES AND CHILDREN: Can you remember a time when you were certain you were right, but found out later you were wrong? What did you do? Have you ever forgiven someone who had done something unkind to you? How did you feel after you forgave the person? Page 2 - 415 February 6, 2011 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time A Message from Fr. Lee February 6, 2011 My Dear Friends, As you all know by now, our beloved Fr. Frank retired as pastor of our parish on January 1. We will all certainly miss him. His love for us all is genuine and there is no one who could ever lead this Family of the Eucharist with a more compassionate and fatherly heart. Having lived with him for the last three years I can say to you with all sincerity that he truly has a priestly heart - a heart that is one with the heart of Jesus Christ. He has touched all our lives in ways that we could never describe. By way of an update, Fr. Frank has been in close contact with the Vicar for Senior Priests at Saint Pius X in Amityville. Saint Pius X is a residence for the retired priests of our diocese. It is located near the Dominican Village retirement facility and it is on the grounds of the motherhouse of the Dominican Sisters of Amityville. After consultation with his family and after a great deal of prayer and discernment, Fr. Frank has decided that he would like to live at Saint Pius X along with his brother priests with whom he has served throughout the years. Fr. Frank will be living once again with Monsignor Rooney!!!! With all of that being said, Fr. Frank and his family have started to move him to Amityville this week. As I'm sure you know, Fr. Frank loves to hear from his Family here at Saints Cyril & Methodius. While visitors are not permitted while he makes the transition into his new home, he certainly welcomes any letters, cards, or well-wishes that you would like to send. If you would like to write to Fr. Frank, you can either send your correspondence to his attention in the parish center where I assure you it will be personally delivered to him on a regular basis, or you can send it to him directly at the following address: Fr. Frank Gaeta Saint Pius X Residence for Senior Priests 565 Albany Avenue Amityville, New York 11701 I know that you join me and my brother priests - who have had the privilege of living with this wonderful priest for so long now - in wishing him well as he moves on to this next stage of his life. And as always, I ask that you please keep him in your prayers. Sincerely yours in Christ, Page 3 - 415 Saints Cyril and Methodius Parish Deer Park, New York Spiritual Bouquet for Fr. Frank Gaeta On the Occasion of the Feast Day of Ss. Cyril and Methodius Join in creating a Spiritual Bouquet to be presented to Fr. Frank in celebration of the Feast Day of Ss. Cyril and Methodius (February 14), our Patron Saints. A Spiritual Bouquet is the collection of private devotional acts and prayers chosen and performed by one person for the benefit of another. In this way, we can express our love and gratitude for all the love and service Fr. Frank has poured out to us. The rainbow is a sign of the covenant I have between me and all mortal creatures that are on the earth.” Genesis 9:17 The finest blessings God can give are what I ask for you. His Love ~ His Peace ~ His Happiness on earth and in Heaven too. I, _______________________________________, offer the following devotional acts in thanksgiving for the gift of Fr. Frank to the parishioners of Ss. Cyril and Methodius. Masses Holy Communions Holy Hours Our Fathers Hail Marys Rosaries Visits to the Blessed Sacrament Acts of Charity Divine Mercy Chaplets Other Love from, Page 4 - 415 February 6, 2011 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time MARCH FOR LIFE January 24, 2011 @ 4:50 am 7ºF Our Church was lit up and ready to warmly welcome all who signed up for the bus trip to Washington, D.C. Once again, Fr. Lee was gracious enough to celebrate Mass. His homily consisted of quotes from Our Holy Father, John Paul II, in reference to respect for the human person. They were stirring words which prepared us for the rest of the day. We arrived at our nation’s Capitol to a balmy 23º. Then on went the hats, gloves, scarves, and lots of TOASTEE TOES and HAND WARMERS. Our Pro-Life politicians and religious leaders encouraged us to keep up the fight to defend the unborn. After the march, we met at St. Joseph’s Church on Capital Hill and were greeted by Bishop Peter Libasci, who is always there with words of hope and courage. The young people in our group were able to witness our democracy at work and they shared that they were very pleased with their decision to participate. They were moved when they saw small children and thousands of students from elementary to college age, marching for life. It seems that every year, more and more of our country’s youth are joining forces. They came from all parts of the nation in one of the worst winters. This day was truly a blessing. It was also a stark reminder of the challenge that continues in our nation. Thank you to Boyd Caratozzolo Funeral Home for providing us with goodie bags, and to those who prayed the rosary after the 12:15 pm Mass. We certainly felt your prayers and support. Thank you also to Suzanne M. Guerriero-Walsh for her generous offering, which certainly helped with the cost of the bus. God bless you all. God Bless America Annette Arena Page 5 - 415 Saints Cyril and Methodius Parish Deer Park, New York STEWARDSHIP Saints Cyril and Methodius Mission Statement Ss. Cyril and Methodius is a welcoming Catholic community open to all with Jesus and Eucharist as our center. Through our celebration of the Gospel message, we embrace with compassion all individuals equally as God’s children. As a church community, we continue the building of God’s Kingdom of justice by accepting the challenge of the Gospel through faith, hope and love. We spread God’s love to all whom we come into contact, truly serving as Jesus’ body on earth. In the first reading, Isaiah urges us in the name of the Lord to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless and clothe the naked. If we do so, he assures us, the Lord will hear and answer our cries for help in time of need. OUR STEWARDSHIP PLEDGE: THREE HOURS TO THE LORD ●One hour in prayer each week ●One hour in service to others each week ●One hour’s wages financial support of our parish family Last Sunday our weekly collection totaled: $25,163 The same weekend last year was: $22,564 We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who labor fore the benefit of others and whose witness gives glory and praise to our Father in Heaven. We thank the families who lovingly used envelopes last weekend. Parish Financial Summary Week of January 30, 2011 Weekly Budget $25,000 Weekly Collection +/- $25,000 + Year to Date Mass Attendance Attendance Last Year Automated Giving Monthly Weekly $25,163 $ 163 $32,862 3,192 3,443 $ 2,070 $ 23 Thank you for your continued generosity. We have had a lot of snow this winter, if you haven’t noticed. We’ve been very blessed to have our own wonderful Parish Trustee, Nick Keller, do our plowing with our Parish truck. Unfortunately, due to all the snow, the transmission had to be replaced at a cost of $1,650. We also needed to replace part of the plow at a cost of $240, and replace the two front tires and get a wheel alignment at a cost of $260. Our snow removal budget is quickly dwindling. Bill Young, Mark Ruf and José Portillo, along with Nick, have done a wonderful job removing and moving the snow. Thank you for your patience, and please pray for warmer weather. Sharing Gifts Through the Catholic Ministries Appeal “The Gifts We Have, We Are Given to Share.” As stewards, we choose to live our lives in thanksgiving to our generous God. The CMA allows us to share our gifts in many different ways; through prayer, through gifts of time and talent and by sharing our financial resources. More than 550,000 of our sisters and brothers receive support and assistance from funds shared through the CMA each year. The Catholic Ministries Appeal is Stewardship in Action! www.CatholicMinistriesAppeal.org One Faith, One Hope, Many Gifts Page 6 - 415 February 6, 2011 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 7 - 415 Saints Cyril and Methodius Parish Deer Park, New York Page 8 - 415 February 6, 2011 GraceWorks Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5648 Hammock Isles Drive, Naples, Fl 34119 ~ E-mail: [email protected] Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ February 6, 2011 ~ CYCLE A www.graceworkspublishing.com BEING SALT AND LIGHT ~ The Text: Isaiah 58:1-10; Matthew 5:13-16 Religion, or better said, the practice of religion, is a fascinating and, at times, maddening study. Open the Bible to almost any page and you will meet people just like you and me. Like them, and like us, motives get mixed and values confused. Like them, and like us, what we think God expects of us and what we expect of God seldom find agreement. Like them, and like us, we confuse the doing of religious acts with being men and women whose faith informs the way we do life. Simply put: practicing a religion may or may not have anything to do with living the values and faith of that religion. Such was the challenge facing the people during the life of the prophet Isaiah and the time of our Lord some 500 years later. Though centuries separated Isaiah and Jesus, human nature remained the same just as it does today. To be specific, the people of Isaiah’s day appeared to be adept at fulfilling their religious obligations. They appeared before the Lord at the Temple, they fasted as their faith taught, and they used all the expected words and behaved in all the expected ways they believed would please God. But with all their religious behaviors, they failed to live out the higher moral and ethical demands of feeding the poor, housing the homeless, and caring for society’s lowest and least. Their ritual behavior was perfect; the living out of their faith’s essence was a complete failure. Into this void walked the prophet Isaiah with a word from the Lord. Through the prophet, God called the people to fast in ways that would “loose the bonds of injustice” and to “share your bread with the hungry.” If they would transpose their ritual acts into righteous behavior, God promised a new day would break into history unlike any other. “Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up quickly. Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry for help, and he will say ‘Here I am.’” Jesus said much the same thing in the Sermon on the Mount. Throughout this most memorable of all sermons, Jesus reframed what it means to be a person of faith. In today’s lesson, our Lord echoes Isaiah’s vision of the day when God’s people would be the light of life to the whole world. Our call, said Jesus, is not to talk about religion or even act in religious ways. Rather, we are to be salt and light, God’s presence in this stale and darkened world. What does it means to be salt and light as Jesus taught? First, being the salt of the earth has a preservative quality that keeps the world from spoiling. Chefs tell us that salt brings out the full flavor of food. Our doctors tell us to lay off the salt shaker because it contributes to having high blood pressure. But in Jesus’ day, salt was one of the world’s most valuable commodities. Wars were fought over salt, and the rights to mine it, in salt-rich territories. As a preservative in a day before refrigerators and freezers, salt enabled food, particularly meat, to be edible for months. To put it bluntly, we of faith are to have a preserving, sustaining quality about our lives that keeps the world from becoming a rotting mess. We who follow Jesus Christ bring a preserving, life-giving dynamic to others that looks like spiritual humility and acts like reconciling love. “Salt of the earth” believers take up the hard work of bringing peace where there is war and comfort where there is sorrow. Rather than returning insults with cursing, we who claim our Lord as Teacher, and the gospel as our guide, know full well the rotting, stinking mess sin makes of life, but we choose to go another way. Being the salt of the earth champions the gift of life in Christ knowing we are dead without him but fully alive following him. Second, being the light of the world places us as leaders among the human family. Just as a city built on a hill cannot be hid or ignored, we of faith are to build our lives knowing the world in which we live is lost without leadership’s light. In the same way, said Jesus, no one “lights a candle and hides it under a bushel basket, but places it on a lamp stand, and it gives light to all in the house.” The lack of leadership in our common, societal life may be the most pressing need we face as members of the human community. Every place we turn – be in the body politic, business, education, health care – we seem to have a lack of credible, trusted leaders. Truth be told, more than a few of the men and women offering to serve as leaders either lack leadership skills or come to leadership with fringe ideas that simply don’t make sense. Frustrated and angry, we complain about leadership but rarely find the courage to do anything about it. Jesus calls us to be the light of the world. His summons is not suggesting we charge into the public arena, waving the “Christian” banner as if we were self-appointed messiahs. To the contrary, he calls us to be a presence in society that lifts up the values he taught. The kinds of changes we desperately need today will only come to be when men and women have their hearts changed by the person of our Lord Jesus Christ. Here is a call to action, a summons to be and become persons of integrity, humility, and grace. Our task in being salt and light is a summons to life-changing, grace-giving attitudes informing every relationship. At work, being salt and light refuses to give ear to malicious gossip or lewd and tawdry humor. Among our neighbors, being salt and light looks like taking up the work of ethnic dialogue and racial reconciliation. Being salt and light sounds like understanding and feels like empathy when fear mongering and vitriol would be our natural reaction to social strife. What I am suggesting today is not easy and, quite frankly, few may take up the challenge. But for those who deeply believe our Lord’s way of love is the way of life, there is no other option. More than ever before, we of faith must stand with Jesus Christ in being the people of grace and truth he calls us to be. Let’s stop talking about how bad our world is and start being salt and light in the power and love we find in our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Page 9 - 415 Saints Cyril and Methodius Parish Deer Park, New York The Blessed Virgin Mary invites all her children to “Pray with Their Hearts” to her Son every Monday evening after the Novena. . The Prayer service will take place in the Msgr. Rooney Parish Center Chapel after the Novena. This week will be Jesus Rosary. Ephesians 4:32 And be kind to one another, Tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. Are you seeking a deeper walk with the Lord, or to enrich your prayer life & have fellowship with other people who love the Lord? If so, come and join us as we pray and praise the Lord through Scripture and song. The “Love of Christ” charismatic prayer group meets each Tuesday in the Pulice Senior Center from 7:45 to 10:00 P.M. All are invited to join us in prayer or praise. At the end of each meeting, there will be prayer teams to pray over those who are in need of prayer. Bring a Bible; bring a friend. For more information call Lucille at 586-2438, or Charlie at 667-4673. RCIA CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Do you want to learn more about the Catholic Church? Are you thinking of becoming a Catholic? Perhaps you are just curious. Are you an adult Catholic who has not received First Communion or not been confirmed? For information call the Msgr. Rooney Parish Center at 667-4044. Thursday, February 10 Team 8 ~ $4,600 Friday, February 11 Team 1 ~ $3,600 Attention Seniors: Next Business Meeting & Social is Tuesday, February 8th, at 2:00 pm. Members must wear their badges to the monthly meeting and any other functions in the school. Sign up for craft programs and bus trips after the business meeting. Deposits required for future trips. Exercise classes Monday & Wed. from 9:30 am. Armchair exercise at 10:00 am Tuesdays. Tai-Chi Tues. & Wed. 10:30 am. Bowling on Tuesday at 12:30. Art class on Wed. at 1:00 pm. Craft & Sewing Class on Thurs. at 9:30 am. Exercise Class Fri. at 9:30 am via videotape. Line Dancing on Friday at 10:30 am. Card Games on Friday at 12:00 pm. Senior Meeting on Tuesday at 2:00 pm. No Video Exercise or Line Dancing this Friday. For information call Jean Kirschenheiter, President at 661-8873. For Trip information call Mary Pulice, at 667-7371. Tune in to “Religion & Rock” with Fr. Jim Vlaun Sunday 7:00 am to 8:00 am on WBAB 102.3 FM or 95.3 FM on Long Island’s East End. Listen on Saturdays at 11:00pm on Sirius Radio, Channel 159, the Catholic Channel and at 11:00 pm on XM Satellite, Channel 117. Listen online or for more information go to www.religionandrock.com or at “Religion & Rock” on ITUNES. Don’t forget to tune in to TELECARE, Cablevision 29 or Verizon FIOS 296 or visit Telecaretv.org for the Best Catholic Television! HELPFUL PHONE NUMBERS Life Center of Long Island 243-2373 Long Island Women’s Coalition 666-8833 Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk 360-3606 Child Abuse 439-0480 Daytop (Substance Abuse Treatment) 1-800-2-DAYTOP Brighter Tomorrows 395-1800 The Retreat (Domestic Violence Hotline) 329-2200 Birthright 821-9727 Seabury Barn 331-8817 Catholic Charities (Food Stamp Info) 789-9546 Fidelis (Family Health Plus) 1-888-343-3547 Good Shepherd Hospice 465-6300 Hope House Ministries 473-6030 Alcoholics Anonymous 24-Hr Hotline 669-1124 Suicide Prevention 1-800-SUICIDE Marriage Encounter 1-866-499-6354 Retrouvaille 1-800-470-2230 Page 10 - 415 February 6, 2011 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions Monday, February 7 7:00 AM ~ William Bausbacher 8:30 AM ~ Eileen Derenthal 12:15 PM ~ Filomena Sidote & Mary Pulice Saturday, February 12 8:30 AM ~ All those enrolled in Our Lady’s Novena Mass Novena Mass in honor of Our Lady Anointing of the Sick Confessions: 3:30 pm to 4:45 pm Tuesday, February 8 7:00 AM ~ Carmen Quiboloy 8:30 AM ~ Jean Vannelli 12:15 PM ~ William Walsh & Peter Murray Wednesday, February 9 7:00 AM ~ Eileen Derenthal Margaret & Phil Black 8:30 AM ~ Eileen Derenthal 12:15 PM ~ Joseph Cianci & Troy Langan We Celebrate the Lord’s Day 5:00 PM Saturday, February 12 Jerry O’Grady & Family Richard J. Daoust, Sophie & George Kassick Thursday, February 10 7:00 AM ~ Special Intention 8:30 AM ~ Gloria Gorski 12:15 PM ~ Rita Perrone SUNDAY, February 13 8:00 AM ~ Holy Name Society Jerry O’Grady & Rodolfo Forcina Friday, February 11 7:00 AM ~ Margaret Rogers Louise Compitello 8:30 AM ~ Lenore Westgate Thomas Martorano, Sr. 12:15 PM ~ Louise Grande Paul F. Hildenbrand 9:30 AM ~ Edward Blank, Sr. Pasqualone Ruggiero 11:00 AM ~ Martin Duffy Our Parish Benefactors 12:30 PM ~ Filomena Sidote Patricia M. Kenney 6:00 PM ~ Ss. Cyril & Methodius Parishioners Carl Antonio Sampogna LITURGICAL MEMORIALS Liturgical Memorials are available each week to celebrate a blessed event or to remember with love our beloved dead. DONATED THIS WEEK ~ February 6 to February 12, 2011 EUCHARISTIC BREAD AND WINE ~ Available ALTAR CANDLES Available CANDLES AT THE BLESSED MOTHER’S SHRINE Forever, Your Prayer Group In Loving Memory of Mary Pulice, ALTAR FLOWERS In Loving Memory Filomena Messina, Love, Louis Pluchinotta and Family TO MEMORIALIZE ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE PLEASE CALL THE MSGR. ROONEY PARISH CENTER AT 667-4044. THE OFFERING: ALTAR CANDLES AND CANDLES AT OUR LADY’S SHRINE $25; BREAD & WINE $50, ALTAR FLOWERS $50 PER VASE - $100 FOR BOTH Page 11 - 415 Saints Cyril and Methodius Parish Deer Park, New York Sunday, February 6 10:30am to 11:30am 2:00pm to 5:00pm 4:00pm to 5:30pm 7:00pm to 9:00pm Family Life Mass Hospitality CYO Vietnamese Mass Youth Group Wednesday, February 9 Father Behan Hall Msgr. Riordan Gym Church Msgr. Riordan Gym Pulice Senior Center Angels of Hope Bake Sale All Weekend Monday, February 7 9:30am to 12:00pm 5:00pm to 9:45pm 5:00pm to 6:00pm Seniors CYO Rel Ed Lvls 2-6 6:30pm to 7:30pm Rel Ed Lvls 2-6 7:30pm to 8:00pm 7:30pm to 9:00pm 8:00pm to 10:00pm Novena Focus Facilitators Meeting Pray with the Heart Prayer Gr 8:00pm to 10:00pm Rosary Altar Society Baby Shower Seniors Seniors Business Meeting Stewardship Meeting Rel Ed Lvls 2-7 5:00pm to 10:00pm 6:00pm to 7:00pm CYO Rel Ed Lvls 2-7 8:00pm to 10:00pm 6:30pm to 7:30pm Love of Christ Prayer Group Rel Ed Lvls 2-7 7:30pm to 9:30pm School Board Meeting Angels Choir Rehearsal CYO Rel Ed Lvls 2-7 6:30pm to 7:30pm Rel Ed Lvls 2-7 7:30pm to 9:00pm KofC Drill Practice Church Msgr. Riordan Gym Classrooms/Father Behan Hall Classrooms/Father Behan Hall Father Behan Hall Thursday, February 10 1:00pm to 4:00pm Pulice Senior Center Msgr. Riordan Gym Classrooms/Father Behan Hall Classrooms/Father Behan Hall Church Good Shepherd Room Msgr. Rooney Parish Center Chapel Father Behan Hall Tuesday, February 8 10:00am to 12:00pm 2:00pm to 4:00pm 4:30pm to 5:30pm 4:30pm to 5:30pm 4:15pm to 5:00pm 5:00pm to 9:45pm 5:00pm to 6:00pm Pulice Senior Center Father Behan Hall Good Shepherd Room Classrooms/Father Behan Hall Msgr. Riordan Gym Classrooms/Father Behan Hall Pulice Senior Center Classrooms/Father Behan Hall Good Shepherd Room 2:45pm to 5:00pm 4:30pm to 5:15pm 5:00pm to 9:45pm 5:30pm to 6:15pm 6:00pm to 11:00pm 7:00pm to 8:30pm 7:30pm to 9:00pm 7:30pm to 9:30pm Exposition of Blessed Parish Center Chapel Sacrament After School Yoga Pulice Senior Center Rel Ed Lvl 1 Classrooms CYO Msgr. Riordan Gym Rel Ed Lvl 1 Classrooms BINGO Father Behan Hall Basic Moral Theology Course Room 101 Contemporary Choir Rehearsal Church RCIA Pulice Senior Center Friday, February 11 12:00pm to 4:00 pm Seniors 5:00pm to 9:45pm CYO 6:00pm to 11:00pm BINGO Pulice Senior Center Msgr. Riordan Gym Father Behan Hall Saturday, February 12 10:00am to 4:00pm 12:45pm to 9:00pm 6:00pm to 10:00pm CYO Photos CYO Father/Daughter Mother/Son School Dance Pulice Senior Center Msgr. Riordan Gym Father Behan Hall Sunday, February 13 10:30am to 11:30am 2:00pm to 5:00pm 4:00pm to 5:30pm 7:00pm to 9:00pm Family Life Mass Hospitality CYO Vietnamese Mass Youth Group Father Behan Hall Msgr. Riordan Gym Church Msgr. Riordan Gym Pulice Senior Center Rosary Altar Society Bake Sale All Weekend HOME VISITATION FORM Please fill out the form below for anyone who should be visited at home. Please Print Name:____________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________ Town:________________ Phone Number:_________________________ Person Requesting:________________________ Do you wish the sick person’s name to be placed on the Prayer List in the Bulletin? YES_____NO_____ Please mail or drop off at the Msgr. Rooney Parish Center, place in collection basket on Sunday, or simply call 667-4044 Page 12 - 415 February 6, 2011 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH MINISTRIES DIRECTORY If you are interested in serving in any of these ministries please contact the leader listed Altar Servers Alumni Association Anna Ortiz 667-4044 Nicole Congro (nee:Colangelo)667-6229 940-1880 Kathy Liegey (nee:Hornik) Angels of Hope Linda Schook 940-1575 Baptism Preparation Parish Center 667-4044 Baptism Program Marianne Saffran 667-4044 Bereavement Fr. Lee Descoteaux 667-4044 Bingo Anna Ortiz 243-0256 Catholic Ministries Appeal Al Monahan 667-1342 Jean Puszcz 586-5965 Choir (Adult) Dcn. Jim Murano 667-4044 (Angels) Dcn. Jim Murano 667-4044 (Folk) Tim Leitch 667-8043 Consolation Fr. Lee Descoteaux 667-4044 CYO John Giebel 893-0948 Daughters of Mary Mercedes Rivera 586-3236 Extraordinary Ministers Mary Indelicato 667-2998 Family Life Liturgy Debbie Calascione 667-4044 Finance Council Deacon Phil Mills 667-4044 Funn Razing Carol Tannehill 667-2147 Girl Scouts (SSCM) Linda Laucella 667-4044 Andrea Tarsitano 539-4857 Greeters Helen Neveroski 586-5572 Holy Name Society Tom DeGregorio 274-5975 Knights of Columbus Phil G. Maniaci 667-7166 Our Lady of the Rosary Council #4428 Columbiettes Grace Rapuano 940-0859 Lectors Primo Fiore 667-6162 Anna Rose Regan 667-4044 Liturgical Environment Anna Rose Regan 667-4044 Marge Pasqualone 667-5513 Liturgy Committee “Love of Christ” Prayer Gr. Maintenance Committee Ministry of Praise Nocturnal Adoration Soc. Parents’ Association Parish School Board Parish Social Ministry Pastoral Care Pastoral Council Penny for the World “Pray with Heart” Prayer Group Pre-Cana RCIA Religious Education Respect Life Rosary Altar Society Samaritans Senior’s Club Shepherds’ Table Small Christian Comm. Stewardship Time Out for God Thrift Shop Ushers Website (Parish) Welcome Neighbor Youth Ministry Services Page 13 - 415 Fr. Lee Descoteaux Lucille Sciabarrassi Nick Keller Joan Gillespie Grace Dillon Claire Werner Rita Austin Joan Gillespie Joan Richter Marianna Kump John Ammirati Annette Arena 667-4044 586-2438 667-4044 243-1649 667-4044 (516) 662-0758 422-2256 243-1649 491-7321 254-4355 875-0074 661-9109 Joe and Donna Breslawski Dcn. John Fitzpatrick James Fagan Virginia Conzo Bob Walsh Marianna Kump Annette Arena Jack Coyle Jean Kirschenheiter Ron and Mary Pulice Pat Berberich Kerry Brennan Sandy Cresciullo Jane Evans Parker Tom O’Brien Anthony Polizzi Pat Berberich Tim Leitch 667-4044 667-4044 586-8508 667-6264 667-4044 254-4355 661-9109 667-0039 661-8873 667-7371 669-3306 586-6294 254-2851 242-6718 254-6473 586-4429 669-3306 667-8043 Saints Cyril and Methodius Parish Deer Park, New York DAILY READINGS Monday, February 7 Genesis 1:1-19; Mark 6:53-56 Tuesday, February 8 First Bann Genesis 1:20-2:4a; Mark 7:1-13 Wednesday, February 9 Second Bann Genesis 2:4b-9, 15-17; Mark 7:14-23 Fernando Gomez & Keri Walters Thursday, February 10 Third Bann Genesis 2:18-25; Mark 7:24-30 Friday, February 11 Salvatore Mari & Lucy Chu Genesis 3:1-8; Mark 7:31-37 Saturday, February 12 Genesis 3:9-24; Mark 8:1-10 Mary L. Pulice George Alvin Bryant Florence P. LaMonica Olga Wilson Mary Grace Oropallo Ronald P. Malone, Jr. Wanda Heavey, Rose Riportella, Salvatore Crimi, Jayne Totan, Sadie Piazza, Nicoleta Skoljarev, Elvira Devivo, Lolita Siong, Helen Stuono, Rose Mancini Sampson, Dolores Oliveri, José Barreiro, Terry Steffan, Donna Bishop, Agnes Musalo, Roseann Pisculli, Angelo Alaimo, Albert Barone, Donald Martino Shaun Richard Carlson Thomas Robert Iovine Lorenzo Matura Ayden José Schaus Matthew Joseph Scrivano The 2012 Mass Book will open Tuesday, February 22, 2011 At the Parish Center EACH SCHEDULED MASS MAY HAVE TWO MASS INTENTIONS PRAY FOR THE SICK Before you place a name on the weekly prayer list, please be sure to get permission from the person for whom you are requesting prayers to publish their name in our bulletin, and be prepared to give your own name as the person requesting prayers. Names will remain for three weeks, and forwarded on to Ministry of Praise for homebound to continue to pray for those in need. Christ’s Peace, Anna Rose This excludes the Saturday 8:30am Mass, as this Mass intention is for Our Lady’s Novena Mass only. Mass offering is $15.00 Our Lady’s Novena Mass is $10.00 Purgatorial Mass Card is $10.00 Last Sunday of each month. There are still Masses available for 2011 Page 14 - 415 February 6, 2011 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Dear Parishioners. February is here and so is the SNOW. Let’s hope the rain comes and washes away the snow and out comes the sun to dry up all the rain and the--- ---- ------- sounds familiar! It sounds like the ITSY BITSY SPIDER. ☻This year for some reason everyone seems to be suffering from a Cough. It lasts for several weeks. In a study at Pennsylvania State University, 2 teaspoons of thick, dark brown honey was more effective than cough medicines at limiting the severity and frequency of a cough in children. ☻SAFETY INFORMATION FOR SENIORS Always ask for identification before you let someone you don’t know in your home. Don’t overload electric outlets. Never use candles or open flames for illumination. Never leave electric heaters and hot plates unattended. Check electric cords for visible damage. Cracked and frayed cords are dangerous. Keep appliances unplugged around water…appliances immersed in water can cause a lethal electric shock. ☻Saturday February 5, 2011 we will be open from 10:00AM until 12:00 Noon for those people who cannot come during the week. This will not affect our current clients. If you know of anyone wanting to come that day please have them call 243-1649 in order for us to inform them of what is necessary to join our Program. FOOD PANTRY NEEDS VERY LOW Peanut butter & jelly Cookies Canned Stew Shampoo Conditioner Deodorant Paper towels Napkins Juice Boxes Cookies Crackers Chile Potatoes (boxed) Mac & cheese LOW Side Dishes Pancake Mix Pancake Syrup Beans canned & cello Tissues Crackers Jello & Pudding Mix God Bless you and God Bless America Joan Gillespie and the Outreach Volunteers Ss. Cyril and Methodius Thrift Shop 139 Bay Shore Road, Deer Park, NY (631) 242-6718 Our Hours Are: Monday through Friday: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Saturday:10:00 am to 3:00 pm Donation Hours: Monday through Friday 10:00 am to 3:00 pm Saturday until 2:00 pm Page 15 - 415 Saints Cyril and Methodius Parish Deer Park, New York SS. Cyril & Methodius Catholic School Make your family part of our family From Nursery through Grade 8 “We offer academic excellence in a faith filled environment while preparing our students for ‐Certified teachers with advanced degrees ‐Computer Lab with classroom Internet (wireless access) ‐ Distinguished Scholar Program ‐ Gifted and Talented Program ‐AIS (Academic Intervention) ‐Remedial Program ‐Free prep for Catholic HS Entrance Exam ‐In‐school Dance Program with free recital ‐Accelerated Math Program ‐Middle School Mock Trial Program ‐Science Lab ‐Spanish program ‐Chinese program (Rosetta Stone) ‐Student Organized liturgies ‐Student Council ‐Drama program with annual production ‐Band ‐After school program (including sports and drama club) ‐Tomorrow’s Hope Diocesan Scholarship ‐Full service cafeteria Catholic Education Loan Now Available through Oceanside Christopher, The Catholic Credit Union Affordable Financing for Religious Education! Elementary and High School Tuition! We’re here to help you provide the best education for your children. Call (516) 620-8002, and ask for Marie Rullo Or Call Diane at Ss. Cyril and Methodius School at (631) 667-4044, Ext. 133, for further information. Call today (631) 667-6229 X133 to learn more about our school. Or Register your child today by filling out the form below and dropping it off in the school office. Student’s Name Parent’s Signature Grade Home Phone 105 Half Hollow Road Deer Park, New York 11729 Monday ~ Friday 7:00 am to 4:00 pm VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.SSCMWEB.ORG Sister Susan Snyder, Principal Fr. Frank Gaeta, Pastor [email protected] Page 16 - 415 February 6, 2011 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY BABY SHOWER FOR LIFE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2011 8:00 P.M. in the Father Behan Hall The Life Center is in need of crib sheets and toiletries such as baby shampoo, lotion, wipes, soap, diaper rash cream, etc. “EVERYONE IS WELCOME” YOUR BABY GIFT IS YOUR ADMISSION SS. CYRIL & METHODIUS PARISH AUCTION Saturday, March 5, 2011 Large Chinese Auction & Silent Auction 7:00 pm-8:15 pm Live ‘Sotheby Style’ Auction begins 8:30 pm The SS. Cyril & Methodius Auction is a major fundraiser for the Parish and the success of the auction is very important. If you or someone you know can provide us with a donation, we would greatly appreciate it. We begin cataloging items to be auctioned in February, and will accept donations until February 28, 2011. If you have any questions, you can contact Claire Werner at (516) 662-0758 Reserve your seats now. There is limited seating capacity. Some of the items to be auctioned include Brooklyn Cyclone tickets, Four Park Hopper passes to Disney World, home décor items, wine tasting tours from several Long Island wineries, sports memorabilia, and several familyoriented attractions. Great items continue to come in daily. $15.00 admission includes Beer, Wine, Soda, Food, Coffee and Dessert. Complete the below information, enclose payment and send into the School Main Office Attention: Auction Committee-Ticket Sales Name: Telephone Number Address: No. of Tickets Check Number Amount: Please print the name of each person attending so we may pre-register them for the event: Include the name of each person attending, and contact phone number, provide your name at the door to receive your paddle. Cash, checks and credit cards are accepted as payment the night of the Auction. Alcoholic beverages will be served, therefore no one under 21 years of age will be admitted. If you cannot attend the Auction, please consider being a patron. All patrons will be listed in the program. Page 17 - 415 Saints Cyril and Methodius Parish Deer Park, New York Saint Patrick’s Day Bingo Celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day by enjoying a Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner while playing Bingo. We will play our Thursday Night, $4,600 program, which includes two (2) $1,000.00 jackpots. Saturday, March 20, 2010 at 6:00 PM $48.00 per person includes admission, 9 on combo package, dinner, dessert, coffee and soda. We will also have one Early Bird, one Late Bird and one Quickie at an additional cost of $1.00 per sheet. For reservations or further information, contact Anna Ortiz at 243-0256. Rev. Msgr. Thaddeus Rooney Ss. Cyril & Methodius Golf Outing Timber Point Country Club, Great River Sponsored by Mangano Funeral Home, Inc. Thursday, June 2, 2011 12:30 PM Barbeque and Registration ~ 2:30 PM Shotgun Start 7:30 PM Dinner & Cocktails $150.00 per person for Golf, Barbeque, Green Fees, Beverage Cart, Dinner & Cocktails $55.00 Dinner only Prizes include: Closest to Pin, Closest to Pin Second Shot, Longest Drive (60 and over, 60 and under). Sponsors need for Driving Range~$300; Beverage Cart~$800; Golf Carts~$900; Tee/Greens~$110; Dinner~$900; Barbeque~$900; Individual Golf Flag~$150 We are in need of people to help plan and run the Golf Outing. If you are interested in helping or for further information please call Dcn. Phil Mills (631) 667-4044 Ext. 110 Page 18 - 415 February 6, 2011 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Best Friends Forever Sunday Family Life Ministry Cordially invites adults and children to invite their best friend to celebrate 9:30 am Mass together as one big Parish Family Sunday, February 13, 2011 Celebration of the Feast of Ss. Cyril & Methodius and St. Valentine For those children who do not yet have a BFF, please bring your favorite stuffed animal to Mass Following Mass, join us in the Fr. Behan Hall for a special hospitality Family Life/Liturgy Team Today is Sunday, February 6, 2011 The Roth Family will lector at this morning’s Mass Hospitality is being hosted by the Squirettes Welcome to all third and fourth grade students Let’s Think Baseball!! Join our Parish Family on Sunday afternoon, June 5, 2011, game time 1:10 pm, Citi Field Stadium as we cheer When they take on the Atlanta Braves Let’s celebrate Mass together and then meet at the Stadium!! Reserve your tickets TODAY Name_______________________________________ Phone Address_____________________________________ No of Tickets Amount Enclosed_________ ($25/ticket) Return the tear-off with your payment (payable to Ss. Cyril & Methodius) on or before February 28, 2011. Please place your reservation and payment in a sealed envelope, marked “Family Life” and bring to the Parish Center. Page 19 - 415 Saints Cyril and Methodius Parish Deer Park, New York 2011 RETREAT- FEBRUARY 25-27 Bring a friend!! St Joseph’s Retreat Center Information in the breezeway after Mass today. Permission forms available on the Youth Ministry Bulletin Board. Call Tim Leitch at 667-8043 for more information. All 8th-12th graders are invited. Last year was a sell out. Apply early for this great experience! February 6th- No Meeting February 13th- Youth Group Meets 7-9 pm YOUTH GROUP– for 8th-12th graders in the Senior Center near the gym. Youth Group meets every Sunday evening af ter the 6:00pm Mass until 9:00pm Come and sign up to take part in this year’s Passion Play which will be held at Dominican Village on 4/14/11, Palm Sunday, 4/17/11, and Good Friday, 4/22/11. Speaking and non-speaking parts are available for children of any age. **Please note: if your child would like a speaking part, they must be available for all performances** Help bring the story of the cross and crucifixion of Jesus to our Parish Family by signing up on Sunday, February 13th in the Fr. Behan Hall (Auditorium) (Rehearsal schedules will be given out at that time) Page 20 - 415 February 6, 2011 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Altar Servers Mom’s Night Out February 12 and 13 Schedule Tuesday, February 15, 2011 Fr. Behan Hall (Auditorium) 7:00 p.m. – 9 p.m. 5:00 PM MASS SATURDAY Kaitlyn Binder ~ Megan Cain Alissa Pellegrino ~ Kelly Scanlon Family Life Ministry invites women of all ages to join us for conversation and socialization 8:00 AM MASS SUNDAY Dillon Hughes ~ Skylar Marinos Haley Pratt ~ Noelle Roth All are invited to contribute to our refreshment table…the theme being Valentine’s Day 9:30 AM MASS SUNDAY Andrew Digiacomo ~ Kelsey Heyne Stephen Lew ~ Victoria Sulenski 11:00 AM MASS SUNDAY Alanna Balbi ~ Cassie Levitt ~ Kerry McCarthy Julianne DiPalma ~ Christina O’Dea Bring a friend!! 12:30 PM MASS SUNDAY Maria Napoli ~ Gemma Nicholson Michael Zabbatino ~ Daniela Zabbatino 6:00 PM MASS SUNDAY Grace DeDora ~ Mary Hovanec Jonathan Hovanec ~ Luke Porcari MANDATORY ALTAR SERVER TRAINING Ss. Cyril & Methodius participates in the Stop & Shop A+ Bucks program. To date, we have earned $341.04 with 111 participants. It’s free and easy to register! All you need is a Stop & Shop card. Go to www.stopandshop.com under the “Our Stores” section, click on A+ Bucks. Just fill out the registration information and pick SSCM as your designated school. Or, you can call 1-800-366-2668 and register over the phone. Then, shop as usual using your Stop and Shop card. We get credit for every purchase you make. The program is not limited to SSCM Parishioners. Ask your family and friends to sign-up, too. The more participants we have, the more money we can raise. Thank you for your support! Friday, February 11 at 5:00 pm Saturday, February 12 at 1:00 pm In the Church This training will last approximately one hour and is mandatory for all new Altar Servers Page 21 - 415 Installation Mass Sunday, March 13 at 6:00 pm. Saints Cyril and Methodius Parish Deer Park, New York $35.00 PER PERSON SS. CYRIL & METHODIUS HOLY NAME SOCIETY IS SPONSORING A 6 HOUR COURSE Saturday, February 26, 2011 in the Father Behan Hall from 9:00 am-3:00 pm COFFEE AND BAGEL BREAKFAST AT 8:30 AM DONATED BY MANGANO FUNERAL HOME. PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE HOLY NAME SOCIETY And mail to Mr. Tom Saccardi 223 Irving Avenue, Deer Park, NY 11729 (631) 667-2476 Save on your insurance and/or receive a point reduction on your license NEW STATE LAW LIMITS CLASS SIZE TO 40, NO WALK INS PLEASE SO HURRY! FIRST-COME, FIRST SERVED! HERO SANDWICHES AT 12:30 PM St. Valentine’s Day is Monday, February 14 Ss. Cyril & Methodius Gift Card Program Birthdays, Anniversaries, Weddings, Showers, even Groceries Everyone needs to buy groceries, so before you go to the supermarket, come and buy your gift cards. You pay nothing additional, and our Parish receives approximately 5% . This is an excellent way to support Ss. Cyril & Methodius. Call ahead to make your purchase at the Parish Center, and we will be happy to have your order ready. We offer gift cards for the following stores: Supermarkets Restaurants King Kullen Pathmark Shop Rite Stop & Shop Waldbaums Applebee’s Chilis Dave & Busters Dunkin Donuts Ruby Tuesdays Starbucks Barnes & Noble Bed Bath & Beyond Blockbuster Video Children’s Place Gap/Banana Republic/ Old Navy JC Penney’s Kohl’s Lowes Macy’s Payless Shoes Tanger Outlets Pharmacies Panera Bread Home Depot Walmart CVS Rite Aid Walgreens Others Green Wave Car Wash Special Order Forms for Disney and Regal Cinema Page 22 - 415 February 6, 2011 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Is God call you to the Diaconate? Why not attend, with your wife (if married) A Morning of Discernment Seminary of the Immaculate Conception Huntington , New York Saturday, February 12 From 9:00 am to 12:00 noon For more information or to register, Please contact the Office of Deacon Formation (631) 424-8360 or [email protected] Columbiettes Past President Joan Gillespie will be honored at a Testimonial Dinner on Saturday, February 19 from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm, at Our Lady of the Rosary, Knights of Columbus Council, 759 Long Island Avenue, Deer Park. $30.00 per person includes a roast beef dinner, wine, beer & soda; DJ and Roast. Please contact Barbara Lukenovich 243-0497, Grace Rapuano 940-0859 for tickets & additional information. Please contact Barbara if you wish to be included in the program. ATTENTION SENIORS Dues for 2011 membership in the Ss. Cyril and Methodius Senior Club is now due postmarked and payable until March 31, 2011 Please make a check for $12.00 per member, payable to “The Senior Club” Mail your check and Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope to Rose Gatto, 15 Ithaca Street Deer Park, NY 11729 If you bring your check to the meeting, please put it in an envelope, along with a self addressed stamped envelope, and your membership card will be mailed back to you. Continuing the Marian Healing Ministry of Fr. Dennis Kelleher CSsR there will be Healing Mass at The Immaculate Conception Center, Douglaston Parkway, Douglaston on Tuesday, February 8. 7:00 pm Rosary, Mass and Healing Service. Celebrant: Fr. Augustine Fernando assisted by deacons John Dennehy and Michael Vicinanza. Music by Ton Owen. For more information contact Immaculate Conception Center at (718) 229-8001. This winter, warm up your relationship…Join a Marriage Encounter weekend. If you would like greater depth, growth & enrichment in your relationship, you'll love what a Marriage Encounter weekend can do for you! Upcoming weekend February 11 thru 13. Registration is limited. Call (866) 499-6354 or visit www.wwmeli.org or e-mail Ron & Chris Morasse [email protected] for information Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Bishop McDonnell #1403 65th Annual Communion Breakfast Saturday, February 26 at 9:00 am Mass Church of St. Joseph, Babylon Breakfast to follow in the O’Connell Room. $18.00 per person. Guest Speaker is Sister Theresa Rickard, O.P., “Finding God in the Ordinary.” For Reservations: Call Mary Lou at 422-9544 or Debbie at 321-9853. On Sunday, April 3, 2011, couples married fifty years or more are invited to a special Mass to be celebrated by Bishop William Murphy at the Church of Saint Lawrence the Martyr in Sayville at 2:30 pm. Please pick up your registration card at the Parish Center, fill it out and return it to the Parish Center in time to reach the Diocese of Rockville Centre no later than March 17. Approximately one week before the ceremony, information regarding the day will be mailed to you. There will be another celebration in the fall for those who may find that more convenient. If you have any questions you may call (516) 678-5800, ext. 207. Angels of Hope is hosting a Mohegan Sun Trip Saturday, February 19. $40.00 Casino Bonus Package ($15.00 Food Voucher; Two $10 Free Bets and One $5.00 Free Bet), includes breakfast donated by Mangano Funeral Home, Deer Park. 7:00 am Breakfast in the Pulice Senior Center; 8:00 am Bus leaves Ss. Cyril and Methodius. Reservations call Linda Schook 940-1575. Page 23 - 415 Saints Cyril and Methodius Parish Deer Park, New York On Thursday February 17, 2011 the Knights of Columbus will host their Annual Clergy Night. Each year the Knights honor the Clergy of Deer Park for their service to our Community. We will hold the Clergy Night at the Knights of Columbus 759 Deer Park Avenue Deer Park, at 7:30 pm. Refreshments will be served. For further information contact Buddy Gillespie 631-7741284 Good Samaritan Hospital Needs You! Good Samaritan invites Eucharistic Ministers to bring Communion to patients in our hospital. The days of greatest need are Wednesdays and Sundays. The gift of your presence once a week or once a month would mean a great deal to our Catholic patients. Call 376-4103. For Women Who Are Exploring Life Choices Find out more about women religious...about our larger role as a congregation... meet some inspirational women willing to share their paths with you. Don’t miss this informative series created by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Brentwood. “Claiming Your Power in a Changing World” is a compelling series that will take place on : February 6, February 27 & March 27 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm at St. Patrick’s parish, Emmaus Room, 280 Main Street, Smithtown. Mark your calendar. Please bring a friend for an afternoon filled with information, inspiration, refreshments & best of all, new friends. To register or more information, contact Sister Kerry Handal, CSJ at [email protected] or (631) 2731187, ext. 42 Course on Saint Paul Rev. James M. McNamara Tuesday, March 29, April 5, 12 and 19 8:00 to 9:30 pm at St. Joseph Church in Babylon. Do you know someone who is hurting from an abortion? The Life Center of Long Island invites you to attend a healing weekend retreat Friday evening until Sunday afternoon. Our first English Healing Retreat will be on FEB. 25-27, 2011. For information contact: Deacon Frank Gariboldi at e-mail: [email protected] or (516)523-0586. All communication is strictly confidential. To learn more about Rachel’s Vineyard call or look online www.rachelsvineyard.org 1-877-HOPE-4-ME Retrouvaille is a peer ministry. Couples who have had problems in their own marriages and have recovered from those problems share their experiences with couples in troubled marriages with the hope that they too will see that their marriage can be saved. Thousands of couples all over the globe have found hope, help and healing by participating in the Retrouvaille program. It is a deeply personal and private experience shared between a husband and wife that can help a couple to reconnect and go on the lead a happy and fulfilling life together. For more information for the upcoming weekend that begins on Friday, February 25, at the retreat house in Doughlaston, Queenes, please call 1 (800) 470-2230 and you will be connected (confidentially) to an experienced couple from Long Island/Metro Retrouvaille who can help. 2011 PSAT/SAT EXAM PREP COURSE For May 7th SAT Exam will be held on the following Saturdays: March 12, 19 & 26 and April 2, 9 and 16., from 9:00 am to 11:30 am in Marian Hall of St. Dominic High School. Course Fee of $250. includes textbook. Please contact Mrs. Mascia (516) 922-4888, Ext 5351 This course is offered free, but your RSVP to reserve your seat is essential. Please contact Jane Zollo 669-0068, ext 159, or e-mail Jane at [email protected]. This four-week course develops four themes Fr. McNamara identified while on sabbatical, studying the writings of St. Paul; 1) Paul’s Personal Journey; 2) Justification Through Faith; 3) Eschatology (The end times and eternal life); 4) Church. Each evening will consist of a presentation followed by a Q &A segment. Each session would last no more than 1 1/2 hours, & would aim to bring the theology & spirituality of St. Paul to anyone seeking to grow in faith. Page 24 - 415 ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY BAKE SALE Saturday, February 12 and Sunday, February 13 after all Masses