TABLE OF CONTENTS Hours of Operation . . . . . . 2 General Conduct Rules . . . . . 3 Weapons Policy . . . . . . . 4 Hotel . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Registration . . . . . . . . . 5 Operations . . . . . . . . . 5 Volunteers . . . . . . . . . 5 Consuite . . . . . . . . . . 7 Anime Detour Merchandise . . . . 7 Dealers Room . . . . . . . . 8 Artists Alley . . . . . . . . . 9 Art Show . . . . . . . . . 9 Charity Auction: Japan Relief . . . 9 Cosplay Competition . . . . . . 10 Cosplay Photoshoots . . . . . . Guests of Honor . . . . . . . Gaming Rooms . . . . . . . Gaming Grids . . . . . . . Manga Reading Lounge . . . . . Fan Meet-Ups . . . . . . . . Programming Grids . . . . . . Programming Descriptions . . . . Room Parties . . . . . . . . Video Grids . . . . . . . . Video Descriptions . . . . . . Staff List . . . . . . . . . Thank You and Sponsors . . . . Convention Maps . . . . . . . 11 12 15 16 18 18 20 22 38 41 44 54 55 56 From the Desk of the Chairman Detour Con-goers, Stop. Can you hear that? It sounds like thunderous footsteps are coming closer. What could it be? I think I see a giant. My stars, were the Mayans right? Could this be the end? Could it be the cute, but ever destructive, Pikachu? Could it be the towering Godzilla? No! It’s Anime Detour: It came from Japan! This year has been a busy one for us. We now have space in the Sofitel next to us for more programming wonderment. We’ve brought back Nabeshin and his afro to make us all smile. And most important, you all are coming back. While this may seem like another year of Anime Detour, for me it is much more. Having been to all but one Detour, I can tell you it’s a special place. That one year I missed I was in Japan, living what many would believe to be a dream come true, but I missed something. That something was Anime Detour. I “took the Detour” and it followed me all the way to Japan. In every town, city, or place I went there was a picture of me in an Anime Detour t-shirt. When I came back from Japan the first thing I did was go to a meeting to see what had happened to my favorite convention. To my delight, it wasn’t a barren wasteland that had been destroyed by Japanese monsters. In fact it was quite the opposite. I saw all my friends, working hard to create an event that means so much to all of us. You can help out too. If you’re in between panels think about volunteering. There’s plenty to do. Head on over to the volunteer room, by the Garden Court, and see what you can do for Detour. As a bonus you may end up with a really cool wall scroll, or those DVDs you’ve been wanting from the dealers room. However, it’s not just about the prizes; you’ll be following a long line of previous members that have truly been a part of this convention and ensured its success. It’s how I got started here at Detour. So, if you came here from Michigan, Texas, Japan, or even Minnesota please enjoy Anime Detour 2012. If the Mayans are right, it may be our last. But if they are wrong, I look forward to seeing you next year for our tenth year anniversary! Sincerely, Stephen Gifford, Jr. Chairman of Anime Detour Hours of Operation Registration Grand Ballroom Coat Check, 2nd Floor FRI:10:00am - 9:00pm SAT:9:00am - 3:00pm SUN:12:00pm - 4:00pm Dealers Room East Hallway Ballroom and Verandas, 2nd Floor FRI:2:00pm - 8:00pm SAT:10:00am - 6:00pm SUN:10:00am - 4:00pm (Sponsors get in 1/2 hour earlier) Anime Detour Merchandise Room 114, 1st Floor FRI:11:00am - 8:00pm SAT: 11:00am - 8:00pm SUN: 11:00am - 4:00pm Cosplay Competition Registration: Grand Ballroom Foyer FRI: 12:00pm - 6:00pm Orientation: Grand Ballroom SAT: 9:00am - 10:00am Rehearsals: Grand Ballroom Saturday Afternoon--Times TBA at Orientation Workmanship Judging: Grand Ballroom Foyer Times TBA at Orientation Greenroom: Grand Ballroom Foyer SAT: 3:00pm - 9:00pm Seating / Preshow: Grand Ballroom 6:15pm Cosplay Contest: 7:00pm - 9:00pm Gaming Rooms Room 215, 2nd Floor FRI: 8:00am - SUN: 8:00pm Console Gaming Atrium 4, 2nd Floor FRI: 3:00pm - SUN: 3:00pm Board Gaming, Card Gaming, RPG 22nd Floor FRI: 3:00pm - 12:00am SAT: 10:00am - 12:00am SUN: 10:00am - 3:00pm Volunteers Manga Reading Lounge Operations Room 101, 1st Floor FRI:9:00am - 12:30am SAT:8:30am - 12:30am SUN:9:30am - 4:00pm Atrium 4 Foyer, 2nd Floor FRI:12:00pm - 6:00pm SAT:10:00am - 6:00pm Consuite Grand Ballroom West and Center, 2nd Floor Bloomington, 2nd Floor Edina, 2nd Floor Atrium 3, 2nd Floor Atrium 6, 2nd Floor Plaza 1, 1st Floor Plaza 2, 1st Floor Plaza 3, 1st Floor Plaza 4, 1st Floor Bordeaux, Sofitel Dijon, Sofitel Lyon, Sofitel FRI:1:30pm – 2:00am SAT:9:00am – 2:00am SUN:10:00am – 6:00pm Rooms 115, 116, 117, 118, 218 FRI: 11:00am - SUN: 5:00pm Artists Alley and Art Show Plaza 6, 1st Floor FRI: 12:00pm - 8:00pm SAT: 8:00am - 8:00pm SUN: 8 :00am - 12:00pm Art Auction Plaza 6, 1st Floor SUN: 1 0:00am Auction Charity Auction Silent Auction Plaza 6, 1st Floor FRI:12:00pm - 8:00pm SAT:8:00am - 8:00pm Live Auction Garden Court, 1st Floor SUN: 12:30pm 2 HOURS Programming Video Rooms Atrium 1, 2nd Floor: Guest of Honor Atrium 2, 2nd Floor: Request Room Atrium 7, 2nd Floor: New and Featured Atrium 8, 2nd Floor: It Came From Japan FRI: 11:00am – SUN: 4:00pm Convention Information and Rules General Conduct Rules 1. All state, federal, and local laws and curfews should be adhered to during the convention. If something is illegal outside the convention, it is illegal INSIDE the convention. 2. DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR WILL NOT BE TOLERATED: Anime Detour reserves the right to revoke membership badges for any reason. Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to, things such as: fighting, harassment, damaging or misusing convention/hotel property, stealing, roughhousing, and causing injury or harm to another or yourself. 3. To reemphasize, NO HARASSMENT WILL BE TOLERATED - SEXUAL OR OTHERWISE: Anime Detour is an event that promotes the diversity of our community. We accept anyone who comes in the spirit of good will and participation. 4. Convention members are to follow instructions given by Anime Detour staff members. If a staff member asks you to stop doing something, please stop doing it immediately or security will be notified. If you are asked to move, please move out of the way. 5. If you bring something to the attention of staff, it should be something that involves physical injury, property damage, theft, or a violation of one of the other rules. Personality conflicts and private troubles will not be with dealt with by convention staff, unless it becomes disruptive to other members. 6. NO SLEEPING IN HALLWAYS OR CONVENTION SPACES: If you want to sleep, you will need to make arrangements beforehand. No exceptions, we will wake you up and ask you to move. 7. NO UNDERAGE DRINKING! If you are serving alcohol in your room you MUST card! If we catch you serving alcohol or other illegal items to minors, or if you are a minor and are caught drinking, your badge will be pulled and the Bloomington Police will be involved. 8. NO CLOGGING UP THE HALLWAYS! We have small hallways in the DoubleTree, and they get even smaller when you stop to chat with your friends. Please move to an out of the way area to have your conversation. This also pertains to people posing for cosplay photos. Please move out of the flow of traffic when posing for photographs. An area for photoshoots will be made available in the Garden Court. Security will be circulating in an attempt to keep hallways relatively passable. Continual violations and repeat behavior will force us to pull your badge as per order of the Fire Marshal. 9. Please pick up after yourself. Please give the hotel housekeeping staff a break by picking up after yourself and others. Treat the hotel staff and property with respect. 10. NOISE: Please keep it down during the late night hours. Your fellow convention members are trying to sleep. 11. LOST AND FOUND: All lost items should be taken to Operations (Room 215). If you have lost an item, report to Operations to see if it has been found. 12. BADGES: Badges MUST be visible at all times. Anyone found without a badge in the convention area will be handed over to security. Registration is important; it ensures that we are able to stage this convention and helps ensure a fun and safe environment for all our members. 13. Please respect the badgers, and show them your badges when they ask. The badgers are volunteers who are helping make the convention better. If we catch you hassling the badgers, we will pull your badge and escort you out of the convention. 14. ENFORCEMENT: If you observe another convention attendee breaking the rules and/or if another convention member is creating a disturbance, please report this occurrence to a nearby security member or Operations (Room 215) . 15. EMERGENCIES: In the event of a medical emergency, please contact convention or hotel staff for assistance or dial 911. CONVENTION RULES 3 Weapons Policy Cosplay guns must be clear facsimiles and be holstered or at your side when you are not posing for pictures. Weapons must be tied, or peace-bonded, at all times. For peace-bonding questions and materials, please visit Operations or consult with cosplay staff. Anime Detour does not allow guns and other projectile weapons on the premises. Projectiles include, but are not limited to: bullets, pellets, water, lasers, and paintballs. If it has a firing mechanism, it is not allowed (Exception: bows are allowed, as long as you have NO arrows or similar ammunition.) Projectile weapons that have had their firing mechanism altered/removed are also not allowed. Use common sense; respect your fellow attendees. Items that are confiscated by security might not be returned to you. Live steel should be left in the sheath (or scabbard) and peace bonded at all times. No fighting! This includes sparring and play fighting. Hotel The most simple rule is this: Don’t break the hotel. These nice people are kind enough to host us this weekend and it would be rude of us to damage anything. If you need something from the hotel, contact the front desk by dialing “0” from your room phone. If you have a problem or need help with a hotel issue, go to Operations (room 215) and tell them you need the hotel department. Anime Detour’s hotel department is available 24 hours, helping Detour’s staff, members, and the hotel all have a smooth weekend. SLEEPING IN PUBLIC AREAS: Sleeping in public areas of the hotel (including the video and programming rooms) is prohibited. If you are found sleeping you will be asked to go to your hotel room to sleep. If you do not have a room, please either stay awake or go home. SMOKING: By hotel policy, smoking is prohibited in all of the official spaces Anime Detour inhabits, including all of the party rooms and sleeping rooms. Smoking is not permitted within 25 feet of any entrance, exit, open window, or ventilation intake. SIGNS: You may post non-adhesive signs with beige masking tape on painted or wallpapered walls, tile, and metal in approved areas. The removal of any other type of adhesive is damaging and will be treated as vandalism by the hotel. If signs are posted using any other kind of tape, they will be removed and taken to Operations. The rules about where we can put up flyers are driven by the hotel and are sometimes tweaked from year to year. If you have any questions about where it is and isn’t OK to place your flyers, please stop into Operations and ask. PETS: No animals except working animals. If there are special circumstances speak with operations for possible permissions. SOLICITATION: No sales are permitted outside of the Dealers Room and Artists Alley. ROOM REQUESTS: If you have a problem with your reservation or room that the hotel is unable to correct, please visit Operations and ask to speak with our hotel team. They will listen to your problem and advise on what the next steps could be. PARKING INFORMATION: Although there is a significant amount of parking at the DoubleTree, parking is still limited. Please carpool or use mass transit if possible. If you are staying at a hotel near the DoubleTree, please leave your car at your hotel and walk over to the convention. Please leave parking nearest the DoubleTree for disabled, hotel guests, and convention dealers. Please remember that hotel guests NEED to be able to park their cars. MASS TRANSIT OPTIONS: The 540 bus stops just outside the DoubleTree and connects to the Mall of America where you can connect with busses to all parts of the metro area as well as the light rail. Most convention activities take place between 9:00am and midnight, so using the bus is a realistic and inexpensive option. 4 WEAPONS POLICY/HOTEL INFO Registration You are responsible for your own badge once it has been picked up. If you lose your badge, you can get it replaced for a non-refundable $40 fee. Your name must be in our system in order for us to issue you a new badge. Badge replacements will not be processed outside of normal hours. Registration Grand Ballroom Coat Check 2nd Floor FRI: 10:00am - 9:00pm* SAT: 9:00am - 3:00pm* SUN: 12:00pm - 4:00pm *Pre-registered individuals may pick up their badges in operations after registration closes. Your badge is for you only. You may not sell, rent, or otherwise give your badge to another person. You may transfer your membership (and your badge) to another person by visiting the registration counter, filling out a transfer form, and paying a $5 fee. Transfers must be approved by a member of registration staff before being processed. Anime Detour reserves the right to spot-check badges for validity. Transfers will not be processed outside of normal hours. Pre-registered individuals may pick up their badges in operations after hours. Be one of the first members of Anime Detour 2013 by stopping by the registration counter on Sunday from Noon – 4 PM and pre-register for Anime Detour 2013 for the lowest price possible, $40! Please refer to department signage for badge pickup procedures and additional policies. Operations Welcome to Anime Detour, dear con-goers! You may be filled with questions, concerns, or just plain curiosities - both in the convention at large, and the operations department itself. Operations is here to fulfill many of your con-going needs: Questions about programming or locations, first aid supplies, general convention information, etc. We are here to oblige you in these regards! Please feel free to stop by Room 215 on the second floor and pick our brains for what you seek (please, no zombies)! Volunteers Thanks to all of our volunteers for making Anime Detour happen. Without you we wouldn’t be here and it’s not too late to join in on the fun and help out. You’ll find us in room 101 manically plotting ways to find more consuite badgers. So if you’re curious about how Detour is run, want to give back or find yourself with a few free hours and nothing to do we’re not opposed to bribing you with candy and prizes to do our bidding. Volunteers Room 101, 1st Floor FRI: 9:00am - 12:30am SAT: 8:30am - 12:30am SUN: 9:30am - 4:00pm REGISTRATION/OPERATIONS/VOLUNTEER 5 6 Consuite Come one, come all! Grab a snack to keep you going until you can get a real meal without missing all the fabulous fun of the con. We’re on the lower level by the pool entrance. We have hot rice and cold pop, peanut butter and jelly, chips, sweets, and even some fresh fruit. If you’re nice and your timing is right we may even have ramen. Remember, the consuite is a snack room. Make sure you grab a real meal or two each day. The hotel will have some great deals going on hot, filling food and you won’t even have to step outside. If you do want a break, step across the parking lot and you’ll find some old favorites. Keep in mind, lots of people will be coming through. Stay and relax as you eat if you’d like and then move on. Someone else needs a spot to stop awhile and eat too. If you want to hang out longer volunteer and earn cool goodies! Speaking of volunteering – did you know that if you volunteer you can get into a special consuite? That’s right! Vol-Con has meat and cheese sandwiches, breakfast in the morning, and a greater variety of snacks and foods. So go see the folks at volunteers for more info and fuel up for the con. And always remember to help keep consuite clean by picking up your trash. Anime Detour Merchandise Did you pre-order a shirt? Are you trying to come up with a way to show your friends how much you LOVE AD? Do you love to buy cute and one of a kind items for very reasonable prices? We are here to help with all this and more! We have high quality computer bags, adorable coloring books (with crayons), durable metal water bottles, AD lanyards, unique buttons, and of course T-SHIRTS! The only place to get your AD t-shirts for this year, last year, and whatever else we have in stock for drastically reduced prices! Don’t miss out on some great items, we’re located pool side in Room 114 on the first floor, but if you can’t find us, just ask any of the friendly staff to point you in the right direction. Our supplies are limited, so check us out today! CONSUITE/MERCHANDISE 7 Dealers Room Anime Detour is a special place and everybody who attends holds dear memories of their experience. You can commemorate your Anime Detour experience by finding the one thing you didn’t even know you wanted to buy in Anime Detour’s dealers room! Whether it be plushies or body pillows, beach towels or statues, you’ll always find something good in Anime Detour’s dealers room! Dealers Room East Hallway Ballroom and Verandas, 2nd Floor FRI: 2:00pm - 8:00pm SAT: 10:00am - 6:00pm SUN: 10:00am - 4:00pm Sponsors get in 1/2 hour earlier Dealers Room Rules Shoplifting will not be tolerated. Getting caught stealing will result in the revocation of your badge. Please be considerate of others, no pushing or shoving. Please provide proper photo ID with proof of age when purchasing adult materials. Do not take photos in the Dealers Room. If you are taking or posing for pictures you will be asked to leave the room. Do not be disruptive while in the Dealers Room. Anime Detour reserves the right to remove people from the Dealers Room for inapropriate behavior. There will be no coat or bag check. The following items will not be allowed into the Dealers Room: large bags, excessively large cosplay items (swords, wings, etc.), coats, anything else deemed obtrusive by dealers staff. Anime Detour is not responsible for any item(s) lost, stolen, damaged, incinerated, mechanized, gooped on, etc. VERANDA HALLWAY OVERLOOKING POOL AREA V1 V6 V10 V14 V18 V22 V26 V7 V11 V15 V19 V23 V27 V8 V12 V16 V20 V24 V28 V9 V13 V17 V21 V25 V29 MAP KEY V2 V3 HALLWAY NEAR ESCALATORS V4 V5 G11 G15 G19 G23 G27 G31 G12 G16 G20 G24 G28 G32 G13 G17 G21 G25 G29 G33 G14 G18 G22 G26 G30 G34 FUNimation 8 DEALERS ROOM G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G9 G10 G7 G8 V1-V3 Fast Food Anime V4 Da Vinci Scientifica V5 Dealer Homebase V6 Contact Lens Company V7 Bar-1 Studio V8 JPNTOYS V9 Tasty Peach V10, V11 KMK Designs V12, V13 Scoundrelle’s Keep V14 Guest V15, V16 Anime Klub V17 Felix Needleworthy V18 Otaku-no-Yen V19-V21 Bowen Dragon V22 Ravenwing Wearable Art V23, V24 ToysLogic V25, V29 Media Blasters V26-V28 Anime Pavilion G1-G3 Pawstar G4, G5 Zombie Buddy G6-G8 Wizzywig G9, G10 Toadhill Shops G11, G12 Source Comics & Games G13, G14 TOMODACHI G15, G16 Halolz G17, G18 Mad-Gear G19-G21 Eagle Anime G22 OTP LLC G23 G24-G26 AnimeStuffStore G27-G29 Asylum Anime G30, G34 Anime Sekai G31-G33 Anime Pop Artists Alley If you ever wanted to meet some of the talented artists attending Anime Detour then you have found the right place. Come visit these artists and see the fine creations they are selling! You may purchase their artwork during Artists Alley times only, no outside selling allowed! Artists Alley is located in Plaza 6. Art Show Artists Alley / Art Show Plaza 6, 1st Floor FRI: 12:00pm - 8:00pm SAT: 8:00am – 8:00pm SUN: 8:00am – 12:00pm (Art Show Ends 8:00pm SAT) *Check-in from Noon, Plaza 6 **Art Auction Sunday, 10:00am, Plaza 6 Located in Plaza 6 just by Artists Alley is the art show. The art show displays art by your fellow anime/manga fans. You can also place bids to purchase the art, or if the item is quick sell you can buy it outright! Any piece that receives three bids will be sent to the art auction, where you can battle it out live with other fans to bring home the piece of art that has won your heart! The art auction will be held on Sunday at 10:00am in Plaza 6. Remember if it does not go to auction the last bidder is responsible to purchase the art piece, so be wise with your bidding. NOTE: Artists, please remember to pick up your artwork between 9:00am and 12:00pm on Sunday. Unclaimed artwork will not be returned after the convention. Anime Detour is not responsible for shipping any unclaimed artwork to artists. Charity Silent Auction Plaza 6, 1st Floor FRI: 12:00pm - 8:00pm SAT: 8:00am - 8:00pm Charity Auction-Japan Relief Anime Detour would like to announce that the proceeds from our annual charity auction will be donated to The American Red Cross to support the “Japan Relief” effort once again. The charity silent auction will be held in Plaza 6 next to the Art Show on Friday (12:00pm – 8:00pm) and Saturday (8:00am – 8:00pm). There will be many rare Garden Court autographed items available, as well as membership and SUN: 12:30pm hotel packages for Anime Detour 2013 for you to bid on. Also, thanks to how much everyone has contributed the last few years, our guests have placed a few priceless, one-of-a-kind items in the auction. The bidding will begin on Friday and continue through Saturday night when the art show closes. Some items will be on display only until the live auction. The live auction will be on Sunday at 12:30am in The Garden Court. See what offers we have brought this year! Come bid! See our wonderful guests of honor auction off these items for charity. Remember, all winning bidders must pick up their items before the art show closes on Sunday between 8:00am and 12:00pm or the item will be forfeited and go to auction. Charity Live Auction The American Red Cross name is used with its permission, which in no way constitutes an endorsement, express or implied, of any product, service, company, individual or political position. For more information about the American Red Cross, please call 1 800 HELP NOW or email [email protected]. Please help and donate for the support and help of all those affected by the tsunami in Japan. ARTISTS ALLEY/ART SHOW/CHARITY AUCTION 9 Cosplay Competition **Registration for the competition is located in the Grand Ballroom foyer near main registration** Cosplay Registration: Grand Ballroom Foyer 12:00pm - 6:00pm, Friday Orientation: Grand Ballroom 9:00am - 10:00am, Saturday Rehearsals: Grand Ballroom Saturday Afternoon--Times TBA at Orientation Workmanship Judging: Grand Ballroom Foyer Times TBA at Orientation Greenroom: Grand Ballroom Foyer 3:00pm - 9:00pm, Saturday Seating / Preshow: Grand Ballroom 6:15pm Cosplay Contest: 7:00pm - 9:00pm Anime Detour welcomes all of our cosplaying attendees! Our cosplay masquerade competition is a chance for you to perform for the convention and show off your costumes! Those wishing to participate in the cosplay masquerade competition are required to turn in all materials (forms and music) at our registration table and attend orientation. Registration: At-con registration is located in the Grand Ballroom foyer. Forms will be provided. Orientation: At least one member of each entry group must be present. Attend this session if you have been wait-listed. Stage rules, presentation, and safety will be covered. All forms and music are due at this time. Rehearsals: Skits will run-through presentation on stage. Times will be assigned at orientation. Tardiness will result in disqualification. Skits should have been rehearsed elsewhere before on-stage rehearsal. Walk-ons may test the stage shortly before seating begins. Workmanship Judging: Bring all reference materials with you at this time. Times will be assigned at orientation. Tardiness will result in disqualification. Greenroom (Grand Ballroom Foyer): All contestants must sign-in between 3:00pm - 6:30pm. Greenroom will close half an hour after the awards presentation. General Costume Policies 1. Please be respectful of all convention attendees. 2. Please keep your costumes to a PG-13 rating. No lewd or vulgar comments on costumes are permitted. 3. No costume is still no costume. (No nudity.) 4. Do not have any sharp objects on your costume. 5. Photography must be taken out of the flow of traffic. Do NOT clog hallways. 6. ALL weapons must be peace-bonded, holstered, or appropriately marked... NO ammo allowed! 7. Senior staff and security have the final word on inappropriate costumes. 8. If you have a question/problem with/about a weapon or prop: See security staff. 9. If you have a question about the appropriateness of a costume: See cosplay staff. 10 COSPLAY CONTEST Cosplay Photoshoots Who doesn’t love having their picture taken in costume? We are here to help you do just that. From scheduling photoshoots to running around with cameras we help document the con and your costume for Anime Detour. All photos we take will be posted to on the Anime Detour Flickr account after the convention. The southwest corner of the Garden Court will be available for photoshoots and there will again be a photo studio in Stevie Ray’s. Please see the sign outside Stevie Ray’s for times and photographers. Due to the overwhelming demand and limited space for photoshoots the space will be split for two groups at a time. Two locations within the southwest corner of the Garden Court are listed to differentiate between the groups. There should be a larger group and a smaller group scheduled together so as not to have too many people there at a time. Friday Location 1 Saturday Location 2 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm Location 1 Location 2 Alice in the Country of Hearts Homestuck Doctor Who Disney Resident Evil/Horror Pokémon DC vs. Marvel vs. Capcom D.Gray-Man 1:00pm 1:30pm Fullmetal Alchemist 2:00pm Ouran High School Host Club 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm Valve Toriko Adventure Time Katekyo Hitman Reborn Final Fantasy 7:00pm Bleach 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm Gundam Vampire Knight 7:30pm 8:00pm Hetalia Puella Magi Madoka Magica 6:00pm 6:30pm Durarara!! Pandora Hearts Kingdom Hearts Fruits Basket Vocaloid Naruto One Piece Blue Exorcist Team Starkid Miyazaki Black Butler Legend of Zelda Star Driver Soul Eater Inuyasha COSPLAY PHOTOSHOOTS 11 Guests of Honor Shinichi Watanabe “Nabeshin” is known to anime fans as a larger- than-life, iconic figure with an outrageous sense of humor. He has directed comedy anime series such as Excel Saga, Nerima Daikon Brothers, and Puni Puni Poemy, all of which feature frenetic pacing and appearances by his animated alter ego, a mysterious, recurring character with an afro and distinctive outfit who is tangential to the story. Nabeshin has also served as series director for The Wallflower and Tenchi Muyo! GXP, and he can be found in these series as well, in cameo or supporting roles. Nabeshin has been quoted as saying that he places great importance in making viewers laugh. Stating that he values laughter as much as tears, his preference is to motivate viewers to have fun and enjoy a show. He reasons that his success stems from provoking the same, strong emotional investment—in a humorous way—as a traditional, sentimental story does. Nabeshin has also written lyrics for the opening songs of Excel Saga and Tenchi Muyo! GXP, and has served as storyboarder and episode director for a variety of other anime series. Christopher Ayres has been working professionally in theatre, television, and film since the age of six. He currently works as a voice actor for FUNimation Entertainment and a voice actor and director for Sentai Filmworks. As an ADR director, his credits include: EF~A Tale of Memories, EF~A Tale of Melodies, Night Raid 1931, The Nerima Daikon Brothers, Xenosaga: The Animation, Magikano, and The Wallflower. As a voice actor, Chris is best known for his roles as Kei Kurono in Gants, Frieza in Dragon Ball Z Kai, Arthur in Tears to Tiara, Suitengu in Speed Grapher, The Covenant Commander in Halo: Legends, Prince Soma in Black Butler, Yaminami in Peacemaker, Takada Shingin in Sengoku Basara, and Sid in Devil May Cry. He can also be heard as Wagram in the Square-Enix video game The Last Remnant. Chris also works as a professional fight director and has enjoyed bringing his workshop “Mock Combat for Cosplay” to many conventions. You can learn more about Chris by visiting his website Greg Ayres can usually be found rockin’ out somewhere, whether animated or not. From the loud-mouthed Hideki in Nerima Daikon Brothers, to Koyuki in Beck, he’s always glad to shake things up a bit. He’s thrilled to be able to add the roles of Uesugi Kenshin in Sengoku Basara, Seikechi Tayama in Oh! Edo Rocket, and Abe in Big Windup to his list of roles. When he’s not in a booth with headphones on, you can usually find him sporting headphones of another variety behind “the decks”. From packed rooms at anime conventions to the legendary stage of The Knitting Factory (NYC), Greg never misses an opportunity to share his love of music with anyone who will listen. Greg is thrilled to be back at Anime Detour this year, and really looks forward to seeing you on the dance floor. Josh Grelle is a native Texan who was raised on stage and in the art studios of central Texas. He performed on stage at the Tin Building Theatre for over 15 years prior to starting work for ADV Films and FUNimation Entertainment. Josh is known for playing the outrageous Taishi in Comic Party: Revolution, Kyohei Takano in The Wallflower, Kouchi Hayase in Linebarrels of Iron, and Akisha in Shikabane Hime. Other roles that Josh has voiced include Chaos in Tsubasa Chronicles, Hatake in Big Windup!, Ox Ford in Soul Eater, Edward V in Black Butler, and Lithuania in Hetalia: Axis Powers. Recently, Josh was involved in the much anticipated HALO: Legends project, playing the role of “Haka” in Production I.G.’s “THE DUEL”. Josh was also ADR Script Writer for the comedy Magikano–which he also provided voices for–and Assistant Writer for Moonlight Mile. In addition to voice acting he worked in the comic book industry as a freelance colorist doing “the grunt work” for Marvel Comics and a few other studios around the world. Clarine Harp was first cast by FUNimation Entertainment in 2003 to give life to the character of Tweedledee in Kiddy Grade. Since then, Clarine’s talents have been featured in a broad range of roles: Hetalia Axis Powers (China), Burst Angel (Sei), Samurai 7 (Sanae), Speed Grapher (Ginza), Negima (Kaede), Shin chan (Miss Katz), Witchblade (Asagi) and RIN ~Daughters of Mnemosyne~ (Laura). Clarine can also be heard in El Cazador de la Bruja, Claymore, JyuOh-Sei, Trinity Blood, Beck, Romeo x Juliet, Yu Yu Hakusho, Fullmetal Alchemist, Case Closed, Evangelion 1.0, D.Gray-man, Bamboo Blade, Aquarion, Origin - Spirits of the Past, Mushi-Shi, Suzuka, Ouran High School Host Club, Ghost Hunt, One Piece, and many others. Out of the booth, Clarine spends her time producing DVDs for FUNimation, tending to her horde of rabbits and proudly spreading the gospel of sock knitting. She is also the inspiration behind the character Aubrey, a regular cast member on the popular web comic, Something Positive. 12 GUESTS OF HONOR Kyle Hebert is a Los Angeles-based voice actor whose credits include Bleach (Aizen, Ganju), Gurren Lagann (Kamina), Naruto (Kiba), Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (Ryu), and X Men Arcade (all male voices). He is best known as the Narrator and Teen Gohan from Dragonball Z. Other notable roles include Soul Eater (Masamune), Ouran High School Host Club (Kazukiyo Soga), Fullmetal Alchemist (Vato Falman), Tales of Symphonia (Richter Abend), and Star Ocean (Dias, Arumat, Crow). Kyle also provides voices in numerous video games including Final Fantasy XIII, World of Warcraft, Devil May Cry 4, Dynasty Warriors, and James Cameron’s Avatar. He offers voice acting script workouts for beginners over Skype. For more info visit Taliesin Jaffe started his career as a child actor appearing in films such as Mr. Mom and 2010, and television shows such as She’s the Sheriff. He then went on to work as a voice director and script adaptor for animation and video games and has been involved with the production of shows such as Hellsing, ROD the TV, NieA_7, BECK, Hellgirl, Monster, and Romeo x Juliet. He has also directed the English voice over for several games including the Street Fighter IV series, Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes, and Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Taliesin has also worked as a voice actor. Some of his more notable roles include Blanka and Adon (Street Fighter IV), Darion Mograine, Admiral Ripsnarl and the Devourer of Souls (World of Warcraft), Edge (Final Fantasy IV), Flash (Mortal Kombat vs. DC), and Takeya (DearS). Allison Keith-Shipp is a native Houstonian who began acting professionally at the age of 10. She is probably best known for her role of Misato Katsuragi in Neon Genesis Evangelion. Other credits include: Cat Girl Nuku Nuku as Nuku Nuku, Blue Seed as Sakura Yamazaki, Dirty Pair Flash as Lilly, Puni Puni Poemy as Newscaster, RahXephon as Cathy McMahon and many more. Allison is thrilled and honored to be attending Anime Detour this year, as she has been off the convention circuit for quite some time while raising her “Chitlins”! When she is not recording with FUNimation, she can be found back in Texas teaching part-time, attending little league baseball games and soccer games, and wiping snotty noses of the two most precious children in her life...her 8 year old son Noah, and 3 year old daughter Riley! She is so excited about meeting everyone at Anime Detour. Carrie Savage is so happy to be returning to her favorite US convention…Anime Detour! Carrie currently resides in sunny Los Angeles, but still loves all the folks in Texas, and hopes to be studying theater in New York soon! Carrie has voiced characters in shows such as Ikki Tousen, R.O.D. the TV, Paranoia Agent, Tsubasa Chronicles, xxxHolic, Witchblade, Trinity Blood, Shin Chan, Solty Rei, Rumbling Hearts, Moon Phase, and more. She has also voiced characters in several video games. Carrie has background in theater and is very small time film actress. She loves traveling around the world helping struggling children and adults in locations such as Mexico, the Philippines, Africa, and some parts of the US. Her latest trip was to Uganda, where she stayed in a tribal village way out in “The African Bush”! Carrie truly, truly can’t wait to see everyone again at Anime Detour! Don’t forget to save your money for the charity auction! Let’s see what kind of records we can break this year! Ian Sinclair is a lifelong comic book, cartoon, and video game fan who got his start doing voice work when he visited FUNimation Studios as a college student in 2004. His voice acting credits include: Dallas Genoard in Baccano!–a show which he assistant directed, Toraji Ishida in Bamboo Blade, Douglas Rosenberg in El Cazador de la Bruja, Sobi Nakajima in Linebarrels of Iron, Akoz in Casshern Sins, Kaoru Seo in Sekirei, Shinze Kamiu in Shikabane Hime, Liam in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Marc Cole in Spice and Wolf II, Toyama in Oh! Edo Rocket, Bora in Fairy Tail, Romano in Hetalia, Bardroy in Black Butler, and most recently Ryner Lute in Legend of the Legendary Heroes. As a director, Ian has worked on Initial D, Spice and Wolf II, both seasons of Black Butler, and a few others he can’t talk about...yet. Additionally, Ian can be heard in numerous radio/TV spots and as the voice of Baron Flint in the video game, Borderlands. GUESTS OF HONOR 13 “YTCracker” Bryce Case, Jr. is a rapper, former cracker, and internet entrepreneur. YTCracker began producing rap music in 1998 in the genre that has since become known as nerdcore hip hop. YTCracker is a self-proclaimed “jack of all trades”, also making a name for himself as a professional disc jockey, computer programmer, graphic designer, and webmaster. Kristofer “Phade” McCormic is the creator of, the site considered to be THE place to go when you want to know anything and everything about Anime Music Videos (AMVs). With his new family, he is stepping down as the website “go-to guy.” He will be returning to Anime Detour this year bringing a whole new exciting batch of AMVs for your viewing pleasure. Tadao Tomomatsu is a wonderfully talented actor, comedian, and entertainer. Tadao has appeared in both movies (Inspector Gadget) and on TV (Banzai, Heroes). Some of his most well known talents are his quick sense of humor and a wide range of voices. Ask him to do his Louis Armstrong, you’ll never be the same. His talents led to his participation in theater productions and discovering a love for the field of entertainment. For Tadao wrote, directed, and produced numerous daily shows and segments for the world’s first 24 hour live streaming internet station. He has also worked doing in-house editing, field production work, camera work, and interviewing. In his role “Mr. Shake-Hands Man” for the internationally syndicated United Kingdom/USA Gameshow, Banzai, Tadao has been able to employ all of his varied talents. For more information about Mr. Tomomatsu visit his website at Studio O.N.Y. started out in 2004 as a married couple doing artist alley tables at conventions in the midwest. Richard and Shannon Townsend had worked as freelancers with several companies, most notably with A2 press on the Tabletop RPG Book “Teenagers from Outer Space: The Landing”. During their time as a small art studio, one young fan had asked them to turn their original characters into a weekly web comic. It was from this pleading that their weekly web comic “Otaku -no- Yen” (geeks without money) was born. In early 2010, the studio brought on long time friend and artist Kimberly Pridemore as a collaborative member. Now that the studio has upgraded, the trio have begun work on a bold new comic project to be released in 2012 among other comics in the works from all members. Guest Signing Schedule Friday 3:30pm - Clarine Harp, Kyle Hebert , Nabeshin 8:30pm - Greg Ayres, Taliesin Jaffe, Carrie Savage Saturday 1:30pm - Chris Ayres, Josh Grelle, Allison Keith-Shipp, Carrie Savage 7:30pm - Chris Ayres, YTCracker, Tadao Tomomatsu 9:00pm - Clarine Harp, Kyle Hebert, Ian Sinclair, Nabeshin Sunday 1:00pm - Greg Ayres, Josh Grelle, Taliesin Jaffe, YTCracker 14 GUESTS OF HONOR Gaming Rooms Console gaming is located in Atrium 4. Rhythm games, fighting games, shooters, and all manner of electronic insanity can be found here. Board gaming, card gaming, and role playing are located on the 22nd floor. Locate warriors of the mind, or enjoy a nice quiet place to relax and hang out with your fellow con goers. Gaming Rooms Console Gaming Atrium 4, 2nd Floor FRI: 3:00pm - SUN: 3:00pm Board Gaming, Card Gaming, RPG 22nd Floor FRI: 3:00pm - 12:00am SAT: 10:00am - 12:00am SUN: 10:00am - 3:00pm GAME ROOM RULES 1. Take care of your own stuff. Convention staff are not responsible for your items. 2. Clean up after yourself. If you set up a table a certain way, bring gaming materials, or rearrange anything, put it back the way it was when you arrived once you’re done. 3. No food or beverages allowed. 4. No adult themed gaming or adult language. 5. Table space priority goes to scheduled events. Feel free to use empty tables for open gaming. TABLETOP GAMING EVENTS Pokémon DS League Challenge The Pokémon DS League Challenge is a weekend long event. Please try to attend the panel on Friday at 3:30pm to register and to get the full rules for participation. You have three days to collect eight badges and then challenge the Elite Four. Beware! The elites are titans this year! On Sunday, there are two tournaments to enter as a part of this event. If you beat the Elite Four, you will be entered into the Titan Cup Challenge to determine the Titan League Champion. If you are unable to beat the Elite Four, don’t fret! You can still enter the Titan League Conference. Pokémon DS: Team Rocket’s Pallet Town Brawl Tournament This event is unaffiliated with the Pokémon DS League; participation in one is not required for the other. Bring your own DS and Pokémon to participate. Rules: Pokémon Little Cup. For full rules, see Team Rocket of North America on Facebook. Time: Friday 9pm. Location: Atrium 4. Prizes sponsored by Eagle Anime. Console Gaming Tournaments All console gaming tournaments are located in Atrium 4. Win a trophy, win a gift card, win an… entire console! Console tournament prizes are sponsored by Level Up Games. They are AWESOME! Level Up Games 609 Marie Ave South Saint Paul MN 55075 (651) 493-9176 GAMING 15 FRI 2202 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm MtG: Standard 6:30pm Constructed (16) 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm MtG: Modern (16) 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm SAT 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm Red Dragon Inn (8) 3-Dragon Ante (6) Battlestar Galactica: Basic (6) Munchkin Quest (6) 2204 Chez Dork (6) Yu-Gi-oh! (16) Vegas Showdown (5) Dungeon Quest (4) 2202 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm MtG: Standard Draft (16) 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm MtG Legacy 8:30pm Constructed (16) 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm SUN 2203 2203 Collateral Damage (4) 2204 Munchkin (6) Battlestar Galactica: Advanced (6) Dominion (4) Yu-Gi-Oh! (16) Whack a Cat Girl (4) Settlers of Catan (4) Go Talisman (6) Runebound (6) Yu-Gi-Oh! (16) Resident Evil Deckbuilding Game (4) 2202 Betrayal at House on the Hill (4) 2203 2204 Whack a Cat Girl (4) MtG: Standard Draft (16) 16 GAMING Twilight Imperium (4) S.P.A.N.C. (4) Ticket to Ride (4) Yu-Gi-Oh! (16) Shogi Dominion: Intrigue (4) 2205 2206 2207 Street Fighter X Tekken Open Gaming D&D 3.5: A1 Slave Pits of the Undercity (8) 2205 League of Legends (PC) 2206 FRI Atrium 4 Soul Caliber 5 2207 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm Smash Bros. Melee 7:00pm (GC) 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm Pokémon DS: 10:00pm Team Rocket’s Pallet 10:30pm Town Brawl 11:00pm 11:30pm SAT Atrium 4 D&D 3.5: A2 Secret of the Slavers Stockade (8) Golden Eye (N64) Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 D&D 3.5: A3 Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords (8) Open Gaming Guilty Gear Mario Kart (N64) Starcraft (PC) Rock Band 2205 D&D3.5: A4 Dungeons of the Slave Lords (8) 2206 2207 Atrium 4 Open Gamimg Smash Bros. Brawl 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm SUN 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm Pokémon DS League 1:00pm Finals 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm GAMING 17 Manga Lounge Manga Reading Lounge Youkoso! Hennepin County Library, Saint Paul Public Library, and MELSA welcome you to the manga reading lounge. Relax, read some manga, and find out what your local library has to offer for otaku. Check out to find out about Hennepin County Library’s teen anime and manga clubs and events, and don’t miss Anime Prom on May 12, Lantern Festival in July, and Shinigami Ball in October! To find out what’s coming up for teens at St. Paul Public Library, visit Atrium 4 Foyer 2nd Floor FRI: 1 2:00pm - 6:00pm SAT: 10:00am - 6:00pm Fan Meet-Ups Is there a panel you wanted to see that didn't end up on the schedule? Are you looking to meet fellow fans of that show you like? We've got a place for you! The Lyon room in the Sofitel has been set aside for fan meet-up events and last minute panels on Friday and Saturday during convention hours. To reserve an hour long block of time, go to the Garden Court in the DoubleTree and find the sign up board! Limit 2 one-hour long time blocks per person. First come, first served. Online Schedules and Mobile Apps Want to keep up with all the great Anime Detour events online or on your phone? Visit our online schedule at to plan your weekend and connect with other fans. If you’ve got a smartphone, download the Anime Detour app by searching “Anime Detour ConPanion” on the iPhone App store or in the Android Marketplace. 18 MANGA LOUNGE/FAN MEET-UPS/ONLINE SCHEDULES 19 FRI Ballroom Bloomington Edina Atrium 3 Atrium 6 Plaza 1 1:30pm Intermediate 2:00pm Cosplay Chess Chicks Dig Giant Mawaru About Studio Mock Combat Amigurumi! Prep Panel Robots: Season 3 Penguindrum OnY 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm Pokémon DS Shiny Sailor Choose Your Live Mathematics in Cosplay Chess One Piece League 2012! Moon Musicals Action Anime 4:00pm 4:30pm Opening 5:00pm Ceremonies Setup BoysLove Dating Death Note Anime Match noitaminA Furrydom 101 Game Discussion Game 5:30pm Opening Ceremonies 6:00pm 6:30pm Clear the Room! Ouran High Swap Your 7:00pm School Host Fandom Loot Masquerade Anime Cash Cab Anime Twin Cities The Wallflower (Year 3) Dance Lesson Panel: The Sequel 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm Learn More Princess Don’t Judge an Masquerade Ball Life in Japan Iron Cosplay Anime by its Cover About Cons Jellyfish 9:00pm 9:30pm Clear the Room! Dance Setup 10:00pm Anime Court Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Cultured Vampires DON’T Anime Match (16+) Behind the Card Geek Sparkle Game (18+) 10:30pm 11:00pm Dance 11:30pm (until 2:00am) Avoiding Con It’s Not Hentai if You Don’t MOUSERCISE Yuri 2012 Super Hero Time! Draw the D*ck! (18+) Drama 12:00am SAT 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:00am 12:30am Ballroom Bloomington Edina Atrium 3 Atrium 6 Plaza 1 Cosplay Orientation Competitive Pokémon Battling Children’s Card Games Forever! Fanfiction Panel You’ve been SHAFTed Brony Panel Fullmetal Alchemist Photography During a Convention Mutual Q&A with Nabeshin What and How is Fursuit? St. Olaf Taiko Anime Dating Game! Introduction to Stage Makeup Neon Genesis Evangelion About JASM AMV Contest Arch Nemesisis... The Wonderful Bad Cop Cosplay isis World Of Disney Judging WTF YouTube! DVD and Blu-ray Production Panel Comic Book Legal Defense Fund It Gets Better: Anime Detour Clear the Room! Cosplay Setup/ Rehearsals Cosplay Seating (6:15) Beginning Mock Combat The Big Three: 2012 Shinto and Buddhism Geek Partnership Kingdom Hearts in Anime Society 10th Anniversary Behind the Scenes DJ’ing with the Stars The Mikage Seminar One Piece Panel “On Epic” HetaHistory Otaku: The Next Generation GREATEST PANEL Cosplay Contest IN THE WORLD! Prank Time Make a New Anime Plan Jeopardy! The Great Debate Magic: The Gathering Panel Tokusatsu Politics in Japan Ancient Spice: Hetalia Bright Falls Something About Mary Sue PANELSTUCK Yuri Panel (18+) Lucky or Lunch? Fushigi Yuugi: Analysis Redux The Dark Future of Gunnm Paper Rehab Horrors of Anime VI (18+) Pimp Your Art Minecraft Werewolf Game Haters Gonna Hate Horrors of Dubbing II (18+) Clear the Room! Dance Setup Dance (until 2:00am) Key: 20 FRIDAY/SATURDAY GRID Guest of Honor Panel Plaza 2 Plaza 3 Plaza 4 Dijon Nobody Watches FLCL: Do You Know Creative Writing Awesome AMVs What it Means? This Anime 101 It’s a Wonderful Wonder World Let’s Believe Heroes My Little Pony: Jeopardy Is Magic Digimon Through the Ages 02 Anime Clubs Unite! Romance of the Scandinavia and the World Mayhem Three Kingdoms Princess Jellyfish CraftGames with A Awesome AMVs stravaganza Penguin 3 Clear the Room! Clear the Room! Karaoke Setup Yaoi Oh Boy Speed Dating: (18+) Straight (18+) Yaoi, Yuri, Hentai Speed Dating: Gay/Lesbian (18+) (18+) Forever NotAlone (18+) Karaoke (until 1:00am) Art Jam (until 2:00am) The Anime De-Tour! Touhou Project! Derryb the Based God Panel Ninja Warrior! Plaza 2 Plaza 3 Plaza 4 What is this Otome Land? Forum Meet and Greet Taking the A Out of AMV Vongola Primo’s Beauty Secret Crash Course to Podcasting Hetalia: Crack or “Iron Pen” Canon 2.0 Drabble Contest Teach Yourself Japanese! AMV Contest Showcase Dijon History of East Asia Nerd Knitting and Crochet Tattoos and Pompadours Tiny Lolita Hats Collecting on a Budget! Arashi The Mice Will Crossplay Coloring Corner Club All Things Kuro Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple Anime For Grownups Crossover in Furry and Anime Art Crafty Fun Time Awesome AMVs Cooking Up Anime Returns Clear the Room! K-Pop Showcase Maximum Weeaboo Magazine (18+) Hetalia-Female Nations Gender for the Mature Fan (18+) Asian Ball Jointed Doll THE FANDOM (18+) All I Know I Learned from Hentai (18+) Jackpot!: A Devil May Cry Panel Art Jam (until 2:00am) The Tower of Druaga Karaoke Setup Karaoke Key: Manga for Grownups Stargate vs. Farscape Sofitel Bordeaux Lyon FRI 1:30pm 2:00pm Down the Rabbit Hole 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm Comedic Timing 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm Weiss Schwarz Training Camp 5:30pm FAN MEET-UPS 6:00pm (Use the signup 6:30pm board in the 7:00pm ANTI.Thesis Garden Court to Cosplay Dance! reserve a spot) 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm Doctor Who 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm Crash Course to Webcomics 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm MANga 12:00am Sofitel Bordeaux Lyon 9:00am Kemono Anime 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am EPIC Make-Up Time! 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm Shenanigans! 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm ReBoot Fan Panel 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm Time Travel and You 3:30pm FAN MEET-UPS 4:00pm (Use the signup 4:30pm From Toonami to board in the Adult Swim! 5:00pm Garden Court to 5:30pm reserve a spot) 6:00pm Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm Guess That Gender! 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm LoDN 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm Blasters, Sabers, and Metal Bikinis 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:00am 12:30am SAT Guest of Honor Panel FRIDAY/SATURDAY GRID 21 SUN 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm Ballroom Bloomington Edina Atrium 3 Misora Taiko Duel Monsters 101 The American Anime Industry Wig Styling Studio 101 Kaishin Dojo The Vocaloid Dancing Hour Artist Connect and Critique Cosplay Sociology FUNimation YGO: The Good, the Bad, and the Duelists Japanese Lolita Fashion Shiny New Anime Unconventional Cosplay Methods Fanfiction Contest Awards This Panel Will Last Exactly 5 Minutes Assassin’s Creed: Detour Animorphs: The Return Clear the room! Anime Feud Anime Improv 3.0 Closing Ceremonies Setup Closing Ceremonies Programming Descriptions Special Panel Notices CLEAR THE ROOM!: Please clear the room immediately following the panel you’re at to make way for the next event! Thank you for understanding. 18+ Rules: Entry into any 18+ panel will require a state issued photo ID as well as your badge. Please have these ready for the badger outside the programming room before entering. LIGHT AND HAZE EFFECTS: Some Grand Ballroom events at Anime Detour will contain the following: Moving, flashing, color changing lights and theatrical non-particulate, hypo-allergenic haze. If you have a history of severe asthma, seizures, or are in any way photo-sensitive, it is recommended that you do not attend these programs. Friday Programming Intermediate Combat for Cosplay Mawaru Penguindrum Bloomington Room (DoubleTree) Friday, 1:30pm Atrium 3 (DoubleTree) Friday, 2:00pm Already mastered the basics of mock combat with Chris Ayres? Join the intermediate course to learn some new moves. Chris Ayres INITIATE SURVIVAL STRATEGY! Listen up all you worthless human beings who won’t amount to anything. Attend the PenguinDrum panel. Revolutionary Jo, belindabird Cosplay Chess Prep Panel About Studio OnY Grand Ballroom (DoubleTree) Friday, 2:00pm Atrium 6 (DoubleTree) Friday, 2:00pm Orientation for those who have signed up to be in Cosplay Chess. This panel is intended to touch base with everyone involved and for setup. Ammy Talk with Shannon and Richard about their studio and current projects. Studio OnY Chicks Dig Giant Robots: Season 3 Plaza 1 (DoubleTree) Friday, 2:00pm Edina Room (DoubleTree) Friday, 2:00pm Come learn to crochet animals and inanimate objects with cute faces on them. Attendees will learn the basic stitches needed to create their own amis. Soon, you’ll be making your own little friends! Caitiebear Last season the panel was left a desolate wasteland by the Anti-Spirals, the Glorft, the Angels, and the Word of Blake. But not even that can stop us. Aoirann, Shadowfox061, Zakanakai, Dovahkiin 22 SUNDAY GRID/FRIDAY PROGRAMMING Amigurumi! Atrium 6 Plaza 1 Weeaboos: Then and Now Plaza 2 Plaza 3 Art and College! Iron Artist Cel Painting State of the Industry D.Gray-Man Sew Your Own Chibi Plush! Gender Roles Improv 101 Prosthetic Makeup Shin Megami Tensei The JET Programme Night Raid 1931 Overdone Cosplay The Vocaloid Panel Anti-Bootlegs Panel Cosplay Q&A Knowledge Share Anime Fandom Nostalgia Hour Plaza 4 SUN 10:00am Awesome AMVs 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am AMV Viewer’s Choice Awards 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm AMV Contest Awards 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm Anime Detour Postmortem 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm Werewolf Game 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm Nobody Watches This Anime Cosplay Chess Plaza 2 (DoubleTree) Friday, 2:00pm Grand Ballroom (DoubleTree) Friday, 3:30pm Anime has a lot of big name shows everyone knows about. In this panel we’ll expose you to some fantastic anime that are not mentioned very often. Triceraglocks, AnarchyOpteryx Heroes vs Villains. This year will be a showdown like no other! Come watch (and cheer for) your favorite characters in this live human chess match! Ammy, Groom, Pip Pokémon DS League 2012! FLCL: Do you know what it means? Bloomington Room (DoubleTree) Friday, 3:30pm Plaza 3 (DoubleTree) Friday, 2:00pm Come and talk about FLCL, and let us answer all your questions to the best of our abilities. bakurako, Andrew Awesome AMVs We’re back! 8 gyms, 4 Elite, 3 days, 2 tournaments, and 1 GREAT weekend! Learn the rules and register! (Attendance HIGHLY recommended for all participants.) Echo, GBZero, odouls, Davrick Plaza 4 (DoubleTree) Friday, 2:00pm One Piece Videos in Spring / Capturing the feeling, sure / We’ll show you the stuff. Kris “Phade” McCormic Edina Room (DoubleTree) Friday, 3:30pm Creative Writing 101 Join our guests of honor as they talk about their roles in this long running fan favorite. Carrie Savage, Greg Ayres, Chris Ayres Dijon (Sofitel) Friday, 2:00pm Shiny Sailor Moon Musicals Learn about all the ways in which character design can go wrong, how to fix them, as well as creating a realistic world to put them in. Dr. Arke, Fade Atrium 3 (DoubleTree) Friday, 3:30pm Down the Rabbit Hole Come learn about these long-running, sparkly musicals, their history, influence on each other, and all things kira-kira! I-zuki, Shuu-san Bordeaux (Sofitel) Friday, 2:00pm Live Action Choose Your Own Adventure Alice in Wonderland has been a cultural phenomenon since 1865. We’ll discuss why, as well as how anime and manga deepen our understanding of this classic. Break, Cheshire Atrium 6 (DoubleTree) Friday, 3:30pm Join us as the audience brings to life a favorite from our childhood, turn to p. 54! Rob “Vash” Lewis SUNDAY GRID/FRIDAY PROGRAMMING 23 Mathematics in Anime noitaminA: Not Just Animation Backwards Plaza 1 (DoubleTree) Friday, 3:30pm Edina Room (DoubleTree) Friday, 5:00pm Attitudes/abilities: Sailor Moon and Soredemo (math avoiders); Skuld (Ah My Goddess) and Squid Girl (young math geniuses). Math content: DeMorgan’s Laws (True Tears), recursion (Kiddy Grade), Fields Medal (Squid Girl) Math ed: fractions (Only Yesterday) Eric Gossett noitaminA is a TV timeslot dedicated to showing anime series that don’t fit 90% of anime. We’ll show works such as Eden of the East, Shiki, and Ano Hana. Calyrica, Triceraglocks, AnarchyOpteryx It’s a Wonderful Wonder World It may have been released in 2006 but Death Note is still at large as one of the deeper anime out there. Rich with symbolism, join the discussion! Near, Light, Watari Plaza 2 (DoubleTree) Friday, 3:30pm Blood Dupre + Elliot March tell you what’s goin’ on in the Country of Hearts. Talk, ask questions! We’ll play games; you could win a delicious prize. Psy, Unger Let’s Believe Heroes: A Tiger & Bunny Panel Plaza 3 (DoubleTree) Friday, 3:30pm What is it about T&B that makes it appeal to many different kinds of fans? Let’s discuss what we love about this fun, action-packed dramatic anime. Not sure what T&B’s all about? Watch the premiere Friday at 8:00pm in Atrium 7. Jessi Silver, Revolutionary Jo, Dareon7, The Shadow King My Little Pony: Jeopardy Is Magic Plaza 4 (DoubleTree) Friday, 3:30pm Come play an MLP-themed Jeopardy game with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy! Prizes and fun for everypony! Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy Dokugaku no Nihongo: Teach Yourself Japanese! Dijon (Sofitel) Friday, 3:30pm Come learn tips and tricks as well as study techniques in this panel about how to teach YOURSELF Japanese from a 5-year study-athome student! eggchan Comedic Timing Bordeaux (Sofitel) Friday, 3:30pm Mr. Shake Hands Man 2 and friends give you some pointers on improving your comedy. Tadao Tomomatsu, Allison Keith-Shipp BoysLove Dating Game Bloomington Room (DoubleTree) Friday, 5:00pm Hey BL lovers! This panel is made for boy x boy love, so let’s pair up our beloved male characters. Fun Q&A and a mini-date-improv at the end! shenwei 24 FRIDAY PROGRAMMING Death Note Discussion Atrium 3 (DoubleTree) Friday, 5:00pm Anime Match Game Atrium 6 (DoubleTree) Friday, 5:00pm Based on the popular fill-in-the-blank TV game show that ran from the ‘60s through the ‘90s. Ayingel, Rose Forschen, Elyse Limpert, Tori Parks Furrydom 101 Plaza 1 (DoubleTree) Friday, 5:00pm Learn about the exciting furry culture, what makes a furry, and if you may be one as well. We’ll do Q&A, have fun, and maybe learn something too. Sike Redwolf, Flip Digimon Through the Ages 02 Plaza 2 (DoubleTree) Friday, 5:00pm Remember when Digimon was way cooler than Pokémon? Help us relive the good old days by remembering the greatness that is Digimon! Study up! Venar, Luraia Anime Clubs Unite! Plaza 3 (DoubleTree) Friday, 5:00pm Don’t have an anime club at your school? Wanna start one? Come listen to the Anime MSUM officers talk about anime fandoms in a college setting! Madam Kitten, Lakota Bealieau, Genelle Gardner, D-chan, Eliza, Tasha-chan Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Epic China Plaza 4 (DoubleTree) Friday, 5:00pm The historic novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms inspired many anime, manga, and video games series. Learn about epic battles, noble heroes, and villainous warmongers. Seoul Man, Waffles Scandinavia and the World Mayhem Masquerade Dance Lesson Dijon (Sofitel) Friday, 5:00pm Bloomington Room (DoubleTree) Friday, 7:00pm We’ll discuss Humon’s comic, Scandinavia and the World, including likes/dislikes and what we’d like to see. We’ll have games and a competition. Impkat, Brandurr Weiss Schwarz Training Camp Bordeaux (Sofitel) Friday, 5:00pm Like anime and card games? Think the SOS Brigade could take down EVA Unit-01? Come learn how to play Japan’s latest franchise vs. franchise card game. Taro Opening Ceremonies Grand Ballroom (DoubleTree) Friday, 5:30pm The Anime Detour staff welcomes you and our guests to the 2012 convention! Important information will be conveyed amongst silliness. Trust us, you want to be there. [Please clear the room after this panel.] Anime Detour Staff Ouran High School Host Panel: The Sequel Edina Room (DoubleTree) Friday, 6:30pm Welcome to our extravagant soiree! The Ouran High School Host Club has opened its doors. Be hosted! Eat noms that won’t hurt you! NYAH Productions Swap Your Fandom Loot (Year 3) Atrium 6 (DoubleTree) Friday, 6:30pm Is your anime/manga/gaming booty no longer dear to you, collecting dust? Trade your stuff with other fans for new (to you!) shinies! New set-up this year! San, Toleka-chan Princess Jellyfish Craft-stravaganza Excited about the formal ball and want to learn some basic dance steps? We will be teaching the cha-cha and the waltz. Partner and formal dress not required! torra, yetanothercatgirl Anime Twin Cities Atrium 3 (DoubleTree) Friday, 7:00pm Did you know that Anime Detour is the annual convention for Anime Twin Cities? Come learn about the convention’s parent organization and hear about some of the upcoming events we’re planning year round. Damarra Atkins, Kevin Ehrler, Lauren Ganann, Kim Hofer, Anton Petersen, Jo Thomsen The Wallflower Plaza 1 (DoubleTree) Friday, 7:00pm Four guys are given the opportunity for free rent in a mansion, but there’s a catch! Talk about this series with our guests of honor. Nabeshin, Chris Ayres, Greg Ayres, Josh Grelle Games With A Penguin 3 Plaza 2 (DoubleTree) Friday, 7:00pm Wow, it’s been 3 years! We’ll play games, eat cookies, and have a good time with a large fluffy penguin! Join us for more Honey I Love You, Telephone, Frogger, and HUGS! [Please clear the room after this panel.] The Penguin Awesome AMVs Plaza 4 (DoubleTree) Friday, 7:00pm Summery splendor / Another video slot / See stuff go kaboom! Kris “Phade” McCormic Plaza 3 (DoubleTree) Friday, 6:30pm The Anime De-Tour! Love Princess Jellyfish? Come join me to make your own Clara stuffy to love. Materials are all provided, just bring your love of cnidarians. Panel is limited to 30 participants. [Please clear the room after this panel.] Clarine Harp, Sully Dijon (Sofitel) Friday, 7:00pm Learn all about the Anime Detour Japan tour the Anime De-Tour! Evan Miller of PacSet Tours will discuss the tour and answer questions. Evan Miller Anime Cash Cab Bordeaux (Sofitel) Friday, 7:00pm Grand Ballroom (DoubleTree) Friday, 7:00pm Test your knowledge of anime and earn as many prizes as you can before time runs out! Contestants will be chosen at random from the audience. Anime Detour Staff ANTI.Thesis Cosplay Dance Local group ANTI.Thesis Cosplay will be doing an anime dance to “Me, Myself, and NicoNicoDouga” in our Vocaloid cosplay. We hope you will enjoy! ANTI.Thesis Cosplay FRIDAY PROGRAMMING 25 Masquerade Ball Otaku Speed Dating: Straight (18+) Grand Ballroom (DoubleTree) Friday, 8:30pm Plaza 3 (DoubleTree) Friday, 8:30pm Here’s another chance to dance! More formal than the rave, the masquerade ball is here to show off your dressiest cosplay! torra, yetanothercatgirl Anime Detour is proud to host its first-ever speed dating event, allowing fans to mingle with other single con-goers in a fun, laid-back environment. Liza, Alex, Andy, Eric Learn More About Cons and Japanese Culture Touhou Project! Bloomington Room (DoubleTree) Friday, 8:30pm Dijon (Sofitel) Friday, 8:30pm New to conventions? Want more info? We’ll go through a slide show (with props), hand out Pocky, and answer questions about the con, Japanese language, and culture. The Penguin Princess Jellyfish Hang out with the magical girls of the Touhou world! Talk about your favorite characters, bands, and artists. Or screw around and do whatever. Welcome! Chenkari, Lacey O’Leary, Casey Cruz, Rachel Dietz, Darlene Gonzales Edina Room (DoubleTree) Friday, 8:30pm Doctor Who a.k.a. the Panel of Rassilon Geek girls, doujinshi, and crossdressers, oh my! Discuss this new series with some of the people who worked on it. Clarine Harp, Ian Sinclair, Josh Grelle Bordeaux (Sofitel) Friday, 8:30pm Life in Japan Come join other fans of this BBC show for some history, speculation, and trivia…there will be prizes! holynarf, Fenix Atrium 3 (DoubleTree) Friday, 8:30pm Karaoke An open discussion on life in Japan - study abroad, teaching, cultural quirks, and more. Evan Miller Iron Cosplay Atrium 6 (DoubleTree) Friday, 8:30pm Want to build costumes from a random pile of junk in a Project Runway-Meets-Last-Minute cosplay contest? Only imagination and creativity required! Bring your group of 5 to compete for prizes. Gu, Janessa Adelmeyer Don’t Judge an Anime by Its Cover Plaza 1 (DoubleTree) Friday, 8:30pm Why is this game back again? Because anime companies keep making wacky openings and endings. [Please clear the room after this panel.] DeadLegato, Jessi Silver Yaoi Oh Boy! (18+) Plaza 2 (DoubleTree) Friday, 8:30pm We’re back, and more “subtexty” than ever! We talk about the ins and outs of yaoi, history, and what makes us tick as fans. Open discussion = very yes Nathaniel, Maria, Sari Plaza 4 (DoubleTree) Friday, 9:30pm I want to… SING! Anime Detour Staff Anime Court: Second Session (16+) Bloomington Room (DoubleTree) Friday, 10:00pm Want a second season with more filler and less plot? Accuse your favorite characters of crimes against you or humanity. Court is now in session! Kazoo, Marluxia Yu-Gi-Oh!: Behind The Card Games Edina Room (DoubleTree) Friday, 10:00pm ATTENTION DUELISTS! Let’s talk Yu-Gi-Oh! in a way we’ve never discussed before! Season 0, fandom, and the return of the Wall O’ Shipping! Racecar, A.G., Maxwell The Cultured Geek Atrium 3 (DoubleTree) Friday, 10:00pm Join us for a discussion on meta-geekery where we take a look at what it means to be a geek as it relates to anime, manga, and other genres. Chris, Lara, Margo Vampires DON’T Sparkle Atrium 6 (DoubleTree) Friday, 10:00pm That’s right...we said it! Join us as we take a look at everyone’s most loved/despised vampire genre. Don’t miss it! Rob “Vash” Lewis 26 FRIDAY PROGRAMMING Anime Match Game (18+) Super Hero Time! Plaza 1 (DoubleTree) Friday, 10:00pm Atrium 3 (DoubleTree) Friday, 11:30pm Based on the popular fill-in-the-blank TV game show that ran from the 60’s through the 90’s. Ayingel, Rose Forschen, Elyse Limpert, Tori Parks It’s super hero time! Let’s talk about Kamen Rider, super sentai, and other programs. deadw8, Dareon 7 Yaoi, Yuri, Hentai: All Things Good Part 2 (18+) Avoiding Con Drama the Vash Way Plaza 2 (DoubleTree) Friday, 10:00pm Atrium 6 (DoubleTree) Friday, 11:30pm We’re back for another year! Let us answer your questions about yaoi, yuri, and hentai. Hopefully we’ll all come away learning more about the subject. bakurako, Ren Mackree Con drama is an ever present and negative part of the con experience. Come and learn to avoid it and not let it disturb your weekend...the Vash way! Rob “Vash” Lewis Otaku Speed Dating: Gay/Lesbian (18+) Plaza 1 (DoubleTree) Friday, 11:30pm Plaza 3 (DoubleTree) Friday, 10:00pm Join me as we journey into the mind of the criminally demented Kazuo Koike. You’ll learn something and be totally offended at the same time! fightbait Anime Detour is proud to host its first-ever speed dating event, allowing fans to mingle with other single con-goers in a fun, laid-back environment. Liza, Alex, Andy, Eric It’s Not Hentai if You Don’t Draw the D*ck! (18+) Dijon (Sofitel) Friday, 10:00pm Forever Not-Alone: A Singles Meet and Greet (18+) Plaza 2 (DoubleTree) Friday, 11:30pm You kids like anime, so you might like the man known as Derryb. He’ll answer questions. Hijinks may ensue, so WATCH OUT! It’s Derryb the Based God’s Panel Derry.B!, Eric Udner, Anthony Resch, James Rasmussen Screw the statistics, nerds can and will find their lurvs. All ages and orientations welcome to make new friends...and maybe more! Sagira, MugMug Art Jam Crash Course to Webcomics Plaza 3 (DoubleTree) Friday, 11:30pm Derryb the Based God Panel Bordeaux (Sofitel) Friday, 10:00pm What to focus on, and what to avoid. A primarily informational course for those interested or getting started in the webcomics industry. Fes Works Dance Grand Ballroom (DoubleTree) Friday, 10:30pm You get to burning! (On the dance floor.) Anime Detour Staff Artists of all skill levels are welcome to show up, hang out, and sketch to their heart’s content at this late night event. Anime Detour Staff Ninja Warrior! Dijon (Sofitel) Friday, 11:30pm Come and talk about the world’s hardest course that has gotten a global following. bakurako, Andrew Stiernagle MOUSERCISE: It’s Exercise With A Mouse Bloomington Room (DoubleTree) Friday, 11:30pm Rave line too long? Burn that excess energy with radical dance moves as you follow along with Mickey Mouse, Beyoncé, Willow Smith, and more! T3H FIVE Yuri 2012 Edina Room (DoubleTree) Friday, 11:30pm Come and talk about what’s new in yuri since our 2011 panel. We’ll have some fun discussions! Calyrica, Matt, Marth, Dragonflyfaerie FRIDAY PROGRAMMING 27 Saturday Programming Cosplay Orientation Anime Detour Forum Meet and Greet Grand Ballroom (DoubleTree) Saturday, 9:00am Plaza 3 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 9:00am Going to be in the cosplay competition? YOU MUST ATTEND THIS PANEL! We will discuss the rules and when you need to be in the greenroom. If you have been wait-listed, come to the orientation. If someone doesn’t show up, you get their spot. Anime Detour Staff Are you a member of the Anime Detour forums? Curious to see if those people you’ve been conversing with on the internet look anything like their icons? Show up, hang out, and chat at this open forum meet and greet! Anime Detour Staff Introduction to Competitive Pokémon Battling Plaza 4 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 9:00am Bloomington Room (DoubleTree) Saturday, 9:00am Come enjoy fan-made music videos from the other side of the spectrum! From Doctor Who to Star Trek to other sources from all over the globe. Revolutionary Jo Overwhelmed by the idea of EVs, IVs, Natures, Characteristics, and Stat Distribution? Hone your competitive edge and get a few DS battles in. FjordPuncher Taking the A Out of AMV Kemono Anime Children’s Card Games Forever! Bordeaux (Sofitel) Saturday, 9:00am Edina Room (DoubleTree) Saturday, 9:00am Come one, come all, to AD’s own Yu-Gi-Oh! spin-off panel! Whether you love GX, 5D’s, Zexal, or all three, all are welcome! Misty Lola This panel focuses on the sub-genre of anime known as Kemono. We will look at the reasons for this style of storytelling and the genre’s evolution too. Sike Redwolf, Procyon Fanfiction Panel About the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund Atrium 3 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 9:00am Grand Ballroom (DoubleTree) Saturday, 10:30am Anything goes in the world of fanfic, where canon is what you make it! Heather Bufkin Learn about the CBLDF and how it’s relevant to you as an anime fan. CBLDF, Greg Ayres, Studio OnY You’ve been SHAFTed Beginning Mock Combat Atrium 6 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 9:00am Bloomington Room (DoubleTree) Saturday, 10:30am What do Madoka, Bakemonogatari, and Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei have in common? They’re made by SHAFT. We’ll discuss all sorts of anime this studio has made. Calyrica, Triceraglocks, AnarchyOpteryx Learn to beat up your friends the safe and responsible way with fight director and stage combat teacher, Chris Ayres! Chris Ayres Brony Panel Edina Room (DoubleTree) Saturday, 10:30am Plaza 1 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 9:00am A discussion of the series (manga, animes, and movies) and the fandom that has become so popular since its original debut. Kuri-Kara, Greed, Solarchos, Hawkeye, Lavi, Nerine, Fullmetal Come join the herd for the fist ever Detour Brony Panel! Discuss the show that has become an overnight sensation. There’ll be music and maybe games. RHF, Mehally, oshova750, Xaeldz the Nobody Fullmetal Alchemist Photography During a Convention What is this Otome Land of Which You Speak? Atrium 3 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 10:30am Plaza 2 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 9:00am This panel will discuss taking photos at a convention with tips for better shots. We will focus primarily on camera phones and point-n-shoots. Josh Spotts, Drayke Larson, The Shadow King Curious about Otome games? Peek into the fandom, hear about the latest games, discover the joy of drama CDs, and don’t forget the seiyuu! Raffle with cool items too. Psy, Unger 28 SATURDAY PROGRAMMING Mutual Q&A with Nabeshin St. Olaf Taiko Atrium 6 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 10:30am Grand Ballroom (DoubleTree) Saturday, 12:00pm Ask *real* Nabeshin about Nabeshin-directed anime (Excel Saga, Puni Puni Poemy, Nerima Daikon Brothers, The Wallflower, etc.), his job as a director in Japan, his afro and anything else! Nabeshin will also ask questions to the audience. Nabeshin What and How is Fursuit? Plaza 1 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 10:30am This panel will explain fursuits and answer questions on construction, wearing, and technique. We’ll discuss acting and how to handle fursuiters. Sike Redwolf, Kai Fraxius, Cresil, Flip Vongola Primo’s Beauty Secret Plaza 2 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 10:30am As the Mafia Boss of Vongola, it’s his duty to help his fellow cosplayers protect their skin and inherit the power of MakeUp. Patau Yang, Xia Thao Crash Course to Podcasting Plaza 3 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 10:30am More people are jumping to podcasts to gather and share information. Get a leg-up in how to get started. Your face for radio works in podcasting! Fes Works, fightbait, Kyle Hebert AMV Contest Showcase Plaza 4 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 10:30am The AMV Contest is a popular event! Unfortunately not all the submissions we receive can make the final cut. Regardless, Anime Detour would like to showcase the hard work our contestants put into their entries. Stop by and see some awesome AMVs that we would have loved to include, but weren’t able to. Anime Detour Staff History of East Asia: China, Japan, and Korea Dijon (Sofitel) Saturday, 10:30am East Asia is home to 3 countries with great cultural, economic, and political influence. Learn how their histories and cultures have become famous worldwide. Seoul Man, Wombat-socho EPIC Make-Up Time! Bordeaux (Sofitel) Saturday, 10:30am Learn the tricks to use for that flawless makeup, from basic cosplay to crossplay, to characterspecific make-up, to special FX! Adnarim, Ammy, Eryn Sophia The St. Olaf Taiko group is gonna BANG ON THE DRUMS ALL NIGHT. Well, not all night. And probably not *at* night. Come anyway, hear some taiko. St. Olaf Taiko Anime Dating Game! Edina Room (DoubleTree) Saturday, 12:00pm Rules are simple: One contestant will ask our 3 mystery otakus 3 questions to figure out their anime characters! Players will be chosen at the panel! Lithuania, Raven_Night, TheSkippingReaper, nerine_2010 Introduction to Stage Makeup Atrium 3 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 12:00pm This panel will teach the techniques of character makeup for stage and masquerade. Bill Hedrick Neon Genesis Evangelion Atrium 6 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 12:00pm Join the voices of Misato and Kensuke as they talk about their involvement in this classic and sometimes infamous series. Allison Keith-Shipp, Greg Ayres About JASM Plaza 1 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 12:00pm Learn about the Japan America Society of Minnesota and some of their year round events. Japan America Society of Minnesota, Nabeshin Hetalia: Crack or Canon 2.0 Plaza 2 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 12:00pm For those who attended “Hetalia: Crack or Canon,” here’s a better constructed skit with more madness! Shizu-Chan, Rachael, Nicole, Hannah, Peter, Jasmine, Toni, Sammy, Mary, Siiri, Ashley, Drew, Sydney, Gianna, Annie, Anne Iron Pen” Drabble Contest Plaza 3 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 12:00pm Stretch your creative muscles by writing a 100word fanfic based on a surprise prompt! The winner will be announced at Closing Ceremonies. Heather Bufkin Nerd Knitting and Crochet Dijon (Sofitel) Saturday, 12:00pm Bring your latest knitting or crochet project to show off/work on. If you want to learn, bring some supplies--we can get you started! holynarf, Fenix SATURDAY PROGRAMMING 29 Shenanigans! Tattoos and Pompadours: The Yakuza Bordeaux (Sofitel) Saturday, 12:00pm Plaza 2 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 1:30pm Hilarious stories from conventions past! Kyle Hebert, Tadao Tomomatsu AMV Contest (Almost) everything you need to know about the history and culture of Japan’s criminal underworld. Eric Frederiksen Grand Ballroom (DoubleTree) Saturday, 1:30pm Tiny Lolita Hats Anime Detour 2012’s annual, Anime Music Video Contest! Come and watch the submissions of fellow fans on the big screen. Contest winners will be announced at a special panel on Sunday. Anime Detour Staff Plaza 3 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 1:30pm Arch Nemesisis...isis: Anime Villain Panel Plaza 4 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 1:30pm Bloomington Room (DoubleTree) Saturday, 1:30pm Want to support the industry but not make your wallet cry? Glean tricks of the trade for collecting in the otaku world on a realistic budget! San Darkchild, Badger Anime has the best of the worst villains. Come see what makes ‘em tick, discuss favorites and dumbest moments. Xana Let’s make some tiny lolita hats! Limited materials-first come first served. DeadLegato, Eryn Sophia Otaku Media: Collecting on a Budget Arashi: Creating a Storm Throughout the World The Wonderful World Of Disney Dijon (Sofitel) Saturday, 1:30pm Edina Room (DoubleTree) Saturday, 1:30pm If you like sparkles and rainbows, join the party! eggchan A look at all things Disney--from the three caballeros to princesses, to Kingdom Hearts’ impact, and the upcoming movies--plus trivia! Nerine, Chesh, Aftie, Eriol Bad Cop Cosplay Judging Atrium 3 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 1:30pm Want an honest critique on your cosplay? We’ll give an honest review and give you tips to improve it. Be warned; we will not hold any punches. I-zuki, Shuu-san WTF YouTube! Atrium 6 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 1:30pm Come and see the dark, depraved, and downright weird side of YouTube...and get a good laugh while you’re at it! Rob “Vash” Lewis DVD and Blu-ray Production Panel Plaza 1 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 1:30pm Discuss the more technical aspects of producing DVDs and Blu-Rays. Whether you want an insider’s look into the process, or are just curious about what goes into a making that DVD on your local video store’s shelf, this is a great panel to attend! Clarine Harp, Taliesin Jaffe 30 SATURDAY PROGRAMMING ReBoot Fan Panel Bordeaux (Sofitel) Saturday, 1:30pm ReBoot was the first fully CGI television series. A dedicated fan-base fueled its return from death at least twice. Warning: Incoming Fan Panel. Fes Works It Gets Better: Anime Detour Grand Ballroom (DoubleTree) Saturday, 3:00pm Join panelists as they discuss the It Gets Better Project, sharing their stories first, and later inviting you to share your own. [Please clear the room after this panel.] Rin, Jayson Stob, Greg Ayres The Big Three: 2012 Bloomington Room (DoubleTree) Saturday, 3:00pm A panel dedicated to the three biggest shounen manga: Naruto, One Piece, and Bleach. Fans of all or one are welcome! Broric, Kyle-kun, Charles Shinto and Buddhism in Anime Edina Room (DoubleTree) Saturday, 3:00pm The panelists will discuss how Japan’s most prominent religions are reflected in anime and manga, as well as some basics for those who may be unfamiliar. Jessi Silver, Lady Une The Geek Partnership Society Cosplay Setup/Rehearsals Atrium 3 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 3:00pm Grand Ballroom (DoubleTree) Saturday, 4:30pm Hey, who are those Geek Partnership people? What are they up to? Geek Community Center?! Find out here. Theodore Berquam You are in the cosplay masquerade. You must set up and rehearse. This is the time to do it. Anime Detour Staff Kingdom Hearts 10th Anniversary Bloomington Room (DoubleTree) Saturday, 4:30pm Atrium 6 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 3:00pm What is it like to be the boss? Find out what’s necessary to go from concept to finished product with industry insiders. Josh Grelle, Tadao Tomomatsu, Ian Sinclair, Taliesin Jaffe Kingdom Hearts has entertained us for ten years. Join us as we look back and talk about the past, present, and future of this beloved game series. Xion, Arkham, LuxyNumberX, DoodlePanda, zerokiryuu, nerine_2010 Behind the Scenes DJ’ing with the Stars Prank Time with Rainbow and Pinkie! Edina Room (DoubleTree) Saturday, 4:30pm Plaza 1 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 3:00pm Tired of nonstop dubstep? Learn to drop the bass with DJ veterans Greg and YTCracker. Greg Ayres, YTCracker WELCOME TO OUR TOTALLY AWSOME PANEL! Everypony should attend! There will be cupcakes, songs, and laughter! Rainbow Dash!, Pinkey Pie~ :3 When the Cat’s Away, the Mice Will Crossplay Plaza 2 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 3:00pm Interested in crossplay as a newb or veteran? We’ll help you enhance your crossplays and answer questions on makeup, binding, and hair. Ladies and gents welcome! Raven_Night, Toshiro, Dante Frikin Kaiba, The Hero Coloring Corner Club Plaza 3 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 3:00pm Come color with other coloring book friends! There will be music, anime coloring sheets, and friendly friends! You won’t want to miss this party! Magzie, Vicrawria All Things Kuro: A Black Butler Panel Plaza 4 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 3:00pm Learn and discuss the inner workings of one of our fav anime/manga, Black Butler! Dani, Chibi, Rebecca, Adam The Mikage Seminar Atrium 3 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 4:30pm The continuing adventures of the panel for all the Revolutionary Girl Utena diehards who STILL can’t stop talking about this show. This year: Remasters! Revolutionary Jo, Lady Une Let’s Make a New Anime Plan with Nabeshin Atrium 6 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 4:30pm Nabeshin will ask attendees what kind of new anime they want to watch and draw his image on the screen using an e-tablet. Nabeshin Jeopardy! Plaza 1 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 4:30pm It’s just like the show, but the questions are about all types of anime/manga (new and old school). Team up with friends and win great prizes. Miziki, The Awesome Mallory Anime For Grownups Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple Plaza 2 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 4:30pm Dijon (Sofitel) Saturday, 3:00pm This is a panel where only the truly strong gather to discuss anime. Josh Grelle, Carrie Savage Back for our third year, we discuss and recommend anime targeted towards fans who are outside the teenage otaku demographic. Jessi Silver, Eric Frederiksen Time Travel and You Crafty Fun Time: Stuff and Things Bordeaux (Sofitel) Saturday, 3:00pm Plaza 3 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 4:30pm Have you discovered time travel but aren’t sure about the do’s and don’ts? Wondering about the ethics? Come to our informative panel. Aoirann, Shadowfox061, Zakanakai Forgot to bring a costume? Just want to make some crafts? Come make stuff from all of Anime Detour’s leftover workshop materials from years past. DeadLegato SATURDAY PROGRAMMING 31 Awesome AMVs Crossover in Furry and Anime Art Plaza 4 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 4:30pm Plaza 2 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 6:00pm Seasons keep changing / Autumn brings even more vids / Muffle your coughing Kris “Phade” McCormic Let’s analyze the growing intersection of anime and furry art. Examples from comics as well as various artists and techniques. [Please clear the room after this panel.] farellemoon, Kiradin, bar1scoprio, sike_redwolf Jackpot!: A Devil May Cry Panel Dijon (Sofitel) Saturday, 4:30pm Whether you’re a gamer, anime fan, or another form of DMC fan, please join us for a fun discussion of our favorite half-demon action hero! Misty Lola From Toonami to Adult Swim! Bordeaux (Sofitel) Saturday, 4:30pm Do you want to sit in a room and watch old Toonami promos and laugh about the good ol’ days? Good! fightbait One Piece Panel “On Epic” Bloomington Room (DoubleTree) Saturday, 6:00pm COME ABOARD AND BRING ALONG ALL YOUR NAKAMA TO THE One Piece panel. General discussion, Prizes, MANGA SPOILERS! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! -The Marines Aokiji Kuzan, Tashigi, Captain, Boa, Zorro HetaHistory Edina Room (DoubleTree) Saturday, 6:00pm Time for a little lesson in history, Hetalia style! We’ll spend time discussing historical events and how Hetalia can be educational AND funny. Romano Otaku: The Next Generation Atrium 3 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 6:00pm Got little ones? We’ll talk about raising the next otaku generation. When is a kid ready for anime, manga, conventions, video games, etc.? Hunter Gren, Sanctity The Great Debate Atrium 6 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 6:00pm Never been to Debate? It’s a free-form debate of everything anime/Japan. If you’ve been? You know what kind of madness to expect, kids. ^-~ Evan Miller Cooking Up Anime Returns Plaza 3 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 6:00pm Demonstrations of some of the wide aspects of Japanese cuisine. From basic and traditional staples of Japanese meals to the newer fusion flavors. Chef Pug K-Pop Showcase Plaza 4 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 6:00pm Learn what influenced and inspired world famous Korean performing artists like Big Bang, Girls Generation, Rain, and many more. Stick around for music videos! Seoul Man Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings Bordeaux (Sofitel) Saturday, 6:00pm Come talk with our guests of honor about this series loosely based on the Sengoku era of feudal Japan. Chris Ayres, Greg Ayres, Taliesin Jaffe Cosplay Seating Grand Ballroom (DoubleTree) Saturday, 6:15pm Are you having fun in the line yet? Stop reading your programming guide! Converse with the people around you! A little socialization won’t kill you. ...or will it? Anime Detour Staff Cosplay Contest Grand Ballroom (DoubleTree) Saturday, 7:00pm Come see fellow fans show off their costumes on the stage! Anime Detour Staff THE GREATEST PANEL IN THE WORLD! Bloomington Room (DoubleTree) Saturday, 7:30pm Magic: The Gathering Panel Don’t feel like going to the cosplay contest? You could listen to me spout nonsense instead. fightbait Plaza 1 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 6:00pm Tokusatsu: Power Rangers and Beyond Do you play Magic? Do you go to tournaments? Do you have no idea what they mean by “cantrips?” This panel is for you! Let’s talk “cardboard crack!” [Please clear the room after this panel.] ddrfr33k, Synystergates Edina Room (DoubleTree) Saturday, 7:30pm 32 SATURDAY PROGRAMMING Explore the world of Tokusatsu (Japanese live action special effect shows) and its relationship to anime and manga, past and present! UltraMatt Politics in Japan: From Daimyo to Diet PANELSTUCK Atrium 3 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 7:30pm Atrium 6 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 9:00pm A brief overview of Japanese political systems from the pre-Shogunate period through the Meiji Restoration and the MacArthur constitution of 1947. Wombat-socho Maximum Weeaboo Magazine (18+) Wondering WHY there are cosplayers covered in GRAY with CANDY CORN on their heads? This panel is about HOMESTUCK. The MUSICAL NATURE and PRIZES make it sound RIDICULOUS. Awesome Ashley, Superflous Sara, Killer Kay Plaza 2 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 7:30pm Yuri Panel (18+) Or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Make Fun of Our Own Fandom. Come add to our unwarranted self-importance! Bolt Vanderhuge, Bob Johnson, Punch Rockgroin, Gristle McThornbody Plaza 1 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 9:00pm Hetalia: Female Nations Gender for the Mature Anime Fan (18+) Plaza 3 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 7:30pm Know about yuri but not sure what’s out there or what’s good? Come join us! We’ll show you! And you may get a treat! Dragonflyfaerie, YuriPaddle, Marthwmaster Plaza 2 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 9:00pm There are very few female nations in Hetalia, but that doesn’t mean these women should be ignored. Join Hungary and the gals and see why not. Hungary Want to join our usual conversation on gender but focus on the more adult implications? Keep it smart, funny, interesting- no need to keep it clean. Margo, Lara, Chris McEwen The Tower of Druaga: The Sword of Uruk Asian Ball Jointed Doll Show and Tell Dijon (Sofitel) Saturday, 7:30pm Plaza 3 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 9:00pm Join our guests of honor to discuss the sequel to remake of the 1980s epic fantasy RPG, Tower of Druaga: Aegis of Uruk. Carrie Savage, Josh Grelle, Clarine Harp Lets talk about ball jointed dolls! Everyone and anyone interested is welcome! Fishay, DeadLegato Manga for Grownups Guess That Gender! Dijon (Sofitel) Saturday, 9:00pm Bordeaux (Sofitel) Saturday, 7:30pm Is it easy to tell the difference between anime girls and guys? Find out, and play a game that will challenge your expertise forever. Hannah Hallman Ancient Spice: Hetalia Bloomington Room (DoubleTree) Saturday, 9:00pm Anything’s possible at the Ancients Panel. We’re on a trojan horse. The Old World Bright Falls: A Discussion of Alan Wake Edina Room (DoubleTree) Saturday, 9:00pm Heard of Alan Wake but weren’t sure about playing it? This panel will take a look at its story and soundtrack. We’ll also have tips and tricks! Alan Wake There’s Something About Mary Sue Come hear about new manga that appeals to manga fans outside the teenage demographic. Jessi Silver, Eric Frederiksen LoDN Bordeaux (Sofitel) Saturday, 9:00pm The League of Disposable Ninjas is an organization promoting the influence of ninja both historically and in pop culture worldwide. -01-, -03Karaoke Plaza 4 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 9:30pm I want to… SING! Anime Detour Staff Dance Grand Ballroom (DoubleTree) Saturday, 10:30pm I feel love reflection! Anime Detour Staff Atrium 3 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 9:00pm RP and fanfic are important in anime/gaming. Many do it, but do they do it right? We’ll teach you what NOT to do! This panel may discuss adult topics. Evanyell, Noctum SATURDAY PROGRAMMING 33 Lucky or Lunch? Bloomington Room (DoubleTree) Saturday, 10:30pm Stargate killed Farscape (focus on SG-1 only). Michelle Roby, Emilie Bailey, Lacey Petty The zombie apocalypse is upon us! What should you do when a zombie comes knocking at your door? Join our specialists as we go through tips and tricks that will help keep you alive! Sike, Nexus Blasters, Sabers, and Metal Bikinis Fushigi Yuugi: Analysis Redux Pimp Your Art Edina Room (DoubleTree) Saturday, 10:30pm A Marxist/Feminist analysis of one the most beloved (or reviled) shoujo animes of all time: Fushigi Yuugi! Bishounen welcome! Xana The Dark Future of Gunnm: Battle Angel Alita Atrium 3 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 10:30pm Also known as Battle Angel Alita, Gunnm is a post-apocalyptic manga. We’ll talk about this sophisticated tale of dark humor, gore, vampires, and one hot cyborg. I-zuki, Shuu-san Paper Rehab Atrium 6 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 10:30pm Got a trading/collectible card game addiction? Come talk about YuGiOh, Pokemon, and Magic. We may discuss out-of-print titles and make your addiction worse! deadw8 Horrors of Anime VI: Death and Rebirth! (18+) Plaza 1 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 10:30pm MadnessMark drove his car off a cliff into a sea of babies and died. Luckily, he taught me how to show clips of bad anime to drunk people first. fightbait THE FANDOM (18+) Plaza 2 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 10:30pm These are the reasons why you are afraid to call yourself a fan. Share and hear survival stories through the worst and best universes of the fandoms. T3H FIVE Art Jam Plaza 3 (DoubleTree) Saturday, 10:30pm Artists of all skill levels are welcome to show up, hang out, and sketch to their heart’s content. Anime Detour Staff Stargate vs. Farscape Dijon (Sofitel) Saturday, 10:30pm A friendly discussion of the benefits and detractions of two wonderful sci-fi series. and whether or not 34 SATURDAY PROGRAMMING Bordeaux (Sofitel) Saturday, 10:30pm There are many life lessons one can take from Star Wars...these are the one’s you DON’T want to tell. Rob “Vash” Lewis Bloomington Room (DoubleTree) Sunday, 12:00am Artists + art fans! Come talk about your work/ inspirations! Tell us who you’re following on DevArt, etc. Time will be provided for book/print trades. Evan Miller Minecraft: The Three Creeper Moon Edina Room (DoubleTree) Sunday, 12:00am Late night Minecraft panel. Come and share your Minecraft stories, talk Redstone, share your works (flash drive or disk), and join us for some goodies! customheat, GBzero, michglich2 Werewolf Game Atrium 3 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 12:00am Join us in lynching villagers and werewolves to keep Detour safe. Vivi, Hippo Haters Gonna Hate with Team Rocket North America Atrium 6 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 12:00am Mad about Zubats on you even with Repels? How about Team Rocket Grunts every ten steps? Problems at the Game Corner? Vent your rage against TRNA!. Boss Giovanni, Admin Rollout, Admin Kat Soup Horrors of Dubbing II: A New Hope! (18+) Plaza 1 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 12:00am If you think the 4Kids One Piece dub was bad, you’ve got another thing coming. Join me as a play clips of the worst dubs in the history of anime! fightbait All I Know I Learned from Hentai (18+) Plaza 2 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 12:00am From Hentai to Twilight and everything in between, nothing is safe. Strap yourself in, bring the brain bleach, and leave good taste at the door… Rob “Vash” Lewis Sunday Programming Misora Taiko Cel Painting Grand Ballroom (DoubleTree) Sunday, 10:00am Plaza 3 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 10:00am Wake up Sunday morning with some high quality taiko drumming from local group, Misora Taiko. Misora Taiko Duel Monsters 101 Spend some time relaxing and painting mock anime “cels.” Draw your own, or trace our templates. Limited supplies, first come first served. DeadLegato, Jessi Silver Bloomington Room (DoubleTree) Sunday, 10:00am Awesome AMVs Confused by the YuGiOh card game? Recent Duel Academy grad Jaden Yuki will help make the card game simple and easy to learn. Jaden Yuki, Professor Tomato Plaza 4 Sunday, 10:00am The Evolution of the American Anime Industry Kaishin Dojo Edina Room (DoubleTree) Sunday, 10:00am Grand Ballroom Sunday, 11:30am Bandai Entertainment is practically dead! Media Blasters laid off 60% of it’s staff! Now FUNimation is suing Sentai! Look how far we’ve come! fightbait The Kaishin Dojo returns for a live demonstration of their expertise, featuring steel swords and bokken (wooden swords). [Please clear the room after this panel.] Kaishin Dojo Wig Styling Studio 101 The Vocaloid Dancing Hour Atrium 3 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 10:00am Bloomington Room (DoubleTree) Sunday, 11:30am In recent years, cosplay wig styling has become less of a craft, and even less of an art. Learn about different supplies, techniques, and what to look for in potential wigs. Usagi_MoonC Come on down to the vocaloid dancing hour and see your favorite vocaloids perform classic dances. Stop on by and see how vocaloids break it down. Hipster Len, Magnet Len Iron Artist Edina Room (DoubleTree) Sunday, 11:30am Atrium 6 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 10:00am Touch base with and get to know other artists in the community, and bring forth your best work to gain comments and critique from your peers. Balnibarbi, Dubslider Artists battle it out on stage by creating a work based on a secret ingredient. Come for the shenanigans, stay to see whose art will reign supreme! Chairman Kaga Weeaboos: Then and Now Plaza 1 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 10:00am Exploring Westerners’ fascination with all things Japan (or Japan-esque) in this fun, irreverent jaunt through history. Margo, Cora, Dersu, Capitan Art and College! Plaza 2 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 10:00am Thinking about going to college for art? Have a lot of questions? Art students answer questions, give advice, and will look at work!! Madam Kitten The wintry showtime / Vids are all special snowflakes / No more Linkin’ Park! Kris “Phade” McCormic Artist Connect and Critique Cosplay Sociology: Why Do We Dress Up? Atrium 3 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 11:30am A fun and open panel discussion about cosplayers/costumers and their ways. Audience participation encouraged. Eryn Sophia State of the Industry Plaza 1 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 11:30am Come for an in-depth discussion of the anime industry and its current state of affairs. Greg Ayres SUNDAY PROGRAMMING 35 D.Gray-Man Improv 101 Plaza 2 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 11:30am Plaza 2 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 1:00pm Akuma, Noah, Exorcists, Finders, and Scientists are all welcome. We’ll talk plot, relationships, characters, and manga v. anime. Lavi, Kuri-Kara, Nerine, Neah, Cross, Ultramatt, Solarchos, Nyne, Allen Walker, Lenore This training session on the basics of improv comedy is REQUIRED if you want to be on stage for Anime Improv. So show up, k? Evan Miller 2012 Viewer’s Choice Awards Plaza 3 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 1:00pm Plaza 4 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 11:30am Prosthetic Makeup, Or: How to Pick Your Nose’s members have voted for the best music videos of the year. Come see the winners! Kris “Phade” McCormic This will cover (with demonstrations) the basics of how to make or what to buy when you want to wear three-dimensional makeup. Bill Hedrick Anime Feud AMV Contest Awards Grand Ballroom (DoubleTree) Sunday, 1:00pm We surveyed a hundred anime fans, can you guess the most popular answers? Contestants will be chosen from the audience to compete for prizes! Anime Detour Staff Plaza 4 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 1:00pm FUNimation The winners of Anime Detour 2012’s AMV Contest are revealed at this special presentation! Stop by to see the winning entries or claim your prize if you’ve won! Anime Detour Staff Bloomington Room (DoubleTree) Sunday, 1:00pm Anime Improv 3.0 What’s upcoming from FUNimation? Get your news straight from the source at this industry panel! FUNimation YGO: The Good, the Bad, and the Duelists Edina Room (DoubleTree) Sunday, 1:00pm ATTENTION DUELISTS! The Trio is back for another year of Yu-Gi-Oh! Trivia, candy, and CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES! IT’S TIME TO DUEL! Racecar, A.G., Maxwell Japanese Lolita Fashion Atrium 3 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 1:00pm Open panel discussion about our likes/dislikes, experiences, and loves of the fashion! Audience participation encouraged. Eryn Sophia Sew Your Own Chibi Plush! Atrium 6 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 1:00pm Join Jen-neko as she goes over step-by-step instructions on how to make your own chibi plush! Free instruction comic and pattern provided! Jen-neko Gender Roles Plaza 1 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 1:00pm Join our discussion, now returning in its fourth year, surrounding all things gender in anime, manga, and nerd culture. Margo, Lara, Xana, Chris McEwen 36 SUNDAY PROGRAMMING Grand Ballroom (DoubleTree) Sunday, 2:30pm Anime Improv gets a makeover! It’s new! It’s improved! It’s insane! Wanna perform? You MUST attend Improv 101. Evan Miller Shiny New Anime Bloomington Room (DoubleTree) Sunday, 2:30pm Come learn about the very best anime to be broadcast in Japan within the last year, from the panelists who’ve watched it! Jessi Silver, Eric Frederiksen Unconventional Methods Of Cosplay Edina Room (DoubleTree) Sunday, 2:30pm Giant pokéballs, cardboard cactuars, paper wings, horse heads? Impossible costumes, props, hair, and accessories made in the most unlikely ways! T3H FIVE Fanfiction Contest Awards Atrium 3 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 2:30pm Awards for the full-length fanfiction contest will be given out at this special panel. Writers and readers welcome! Heather Bufkin Shin Megami Tensei Animorphs: The Return Atrium 6 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 2:30pm Atrium 3 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 4:00pm He ho! Can you hear that? That’s the sound of the world ending. Grab your envoker, pick a side, and remember: Peaceful Days are over. Let’s Survive. Aoriann, Zakanakai The JET Programme Animorphs is being re-released! Lets get together, discuss the story and possible continuations, what we liked/disliked, and maybe play a few games! DarkAlchemistNinja, Lady-Ra Plaza 1 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 2:30pm The Vocaloid Panel Find out about the Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme, the most prestigious English teaching exchange program in the world! Xana Atrium 6 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 4:00pm Night Raid 1931 Welcome to the wonderful, musical, and virtual world of Vocaloid. The panel will consist of trivia, Q&A, and videos. But mostly videos. Aoriann, Zakanakai Plaza 2 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 2:30pm Anti-Bootlegs Panel Learn all about this new international thriller featuring Chris and Greg’s mom. Greg Ayres, Josh Grelle, Chris Ayres Plaza 1 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 4:00pm Taking Overdone Cosplay and Making Them Cool Plaza 3 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 2:30pm Feel like you’re seeing your character everywhere? Want to stand out? We’ll discuss making props, using trends, and acting the part. Q&A and budget cosplay too! The Penguin Anime Detour Postmortem Plaza 4 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 2:30pm What went well? What could be improved and how? Looking for a feedback form? Show up here and express your opinion. Anime Detour Staff This Panel Will Last Exactly 5 Minutes: A DBZ Panel Bloomington Room (DoubleTree) Sunday, 4:00pm Planet-exploding fun filled with power-ups that last 5 episodes! Yep, we’re talking about Dragon Ball Z! You remember it, but does it hold up? Find out! I-zuki, Shuu-san Assassin’s Creed: Detour Edina Room (DoubleTree) Sunday, 4:00pm Nothing is true, everything is permitted. Do you live by the creed? Test your knowledge, play games, win prizes, and discuss the future of Ubisoft’s flagship game. Lenore Take a stand against the bootleg anime industry! Bring your bootlegged items and we’ll find a way to get rid of them! Learn to spot them and don’t be fooled again. Luraia, TimeFlux Cosplay Q&A Knowledge Share Plaza 2 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 4:00pm Ask questions to your fellow costumers and help answer their questions. What do you want to know? What cool tips can you share? DeadLegato Anime Fandom Nostalgia Hour Plaza 3 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 4:00pm Join us as we revisit the days of small conventions, OVAs, VHS, and “fifth-gen” fansubs. Topics include what anime was hot, fandom then, and more. Evan Miller, Jessi Silver Werewolf Game Plaza 4 (DoubleTree) Sunday, 4:00pm Join us in lynching villagers and werewolves to keep Detour safe. Vivi, Hippo Closing Ceremonies Grand Ballroom (DoubleTree) Sunday, 5:00pm The staff thanks our guests, members, and especially our volunteers for a con well done. Anime Detour Staff SUNDAY PROGRAMMING 37 Room Parties Room Parties are back, with a VENGEANCE! Parties are open to all registered con-goers. Be sure to thank the hosts, because they’re awesome. Room 102 PopDroid: The Doctor is in Room 110 The Geek Partnership Society FRI: 8pm-12am / SAT 8pm-12am Join the Droids for a night of dancing. We will have dubstep and trance playing all night long with our resident DJ. Dress as your favorite doctor and try some of our delicious syringes. FRI: 7pm-12am / SAT: 6pm-1am Hey, we are back, bringing with us all that which is geeky. Join us for fun, games, animation, and mini-cupcakes! Room 103 FRI: 9pm-2am / SAT: 9pm-2am Inspired by “Avatar: The Last Airbender” (anime NOT movie), Uncle Iroh’s will be a quiet refuge in the hectic con- a place to have a nice cup of tea, conversation, and a place to just relax. Hosted by Uncle Iroh and Aunt Wu. Dragon Ball Z FRI: 8pm-12am / SAT:8pm-12am Come join us in an exciting dragon ball scavenger hunt. Meet us in our party room for snacks, Dragon Ball Z episodes, party games, prizes, and more!! Room 104 Party on the Sunny-GO Room 123 FRI: 7pm-9pm and 10pm-12am SAT: 11am-1pm and 10pm-2am We will watch One Piece, talk One Piece, and have a meat lunch on either Saturday or Friday. TRIVIA times are expected to change as programming comes out. 21+ after 10pm. Room 124 Room 105 90’s Party FRI: 8pm-12am / SAT: 6pm-10pm Room 125 Let’s go back to the 90’s again and enjoy cartoons, video games and toys from our childhood. Only this time we party harder at night as the last two hours each night is 21+. Room 106 AniMinneapolis FRI: 9pm-2am / SAT: 9pm-2am Join AniMinneapolis 2012 for the best room party ever, and experience freedom from boredom firsthand. Room 107 Maid Cafe FRI: 7pm-12am / SAT: 10am-8pm Come enjoy tea and snacks with our adorable maid staff! We are also taking donations for Feed My Starving Children; 100% of proceeds will go to this wonderful operation! Room 108 CONvergence FRI: 8pm-2am / SAT: 8pm-2am Come join your friends from CONvergence for a preview of the party to come. Right on this very spot July 5-8! Room 109 Sogen Con VIII: Into The Future FRI: 7pm-12pm Come and enjoy an evening of fandom celebration, music, and more. You may even get a taste of what Sogen Con has to offer this year! 38 ROOM PARTIES Uncle Iroh’s Tea House Castletown Repairs FRI: 4pm-9pm / SAT: 9am -9pm Shield dented? Tunic burned? Sword damaged? Come pay Link and Zelda a visit at the Castletown Repairs party room! We’ll have you fixed up faster then the flash of a deku seed! 221C Baker Street FRI: 6pm-12am / SAT: 7pm-12am You’ll find no consulting detectives, exciting mysteries or games afoot here. Just a spot of tea and... shoes. Room 126 Vertical Rise.ORG FRI: 8pm-3amm / SAT: 8pm-3am Online gaming community helping players get the most of their time spent online. Join us in our party room! Food, drinks, games, and more! Room 127 Purple Monkey Dishwasher FRI: 8pm-12am / SAT: 8pm-12am A fun room party with dancing games food and prizes! All ages and all anime interests welcome! Room 128 Ah! Real Zombies FRI: 5pm-9pm / SAT: 5pm - 9pm Zombie video game playing and zombie movie watching galore! Room 129 Biohazard FRI: 6pm-10pm / SAT: 6pm-10pm We welcome you to stop by and enjoy Thriller Bark episodes, music, and games. Our famous Zydrate shots and Cherry Ba-bombs rise once again for your enjoyment (21+). Room 130 My Little Pony: Parties are Magic FRI: 6pm-3am / SAT: 6pm-3am Come party with the ponies! There’s music, games, Pinkie Pie’s secret stash of cupcakes, and Derpy has “mail” for everyone. After 9pm the room goes 21+, because the ponies go a little crazy! Room 131 Introduction to Modern Dance FRI: 9pm-3am / SAT: 6pm-10pm and 2am-4am Room 209 AiKon’s Tea Room and Yaoi Bedtime Story PJ Party Trance, techno, dubstep, and pop! Industrial, EBM, and all that rocks! A fusion of lights and hardcore dancing - experience the modern club scene! FRI: 2pm-1am / SAT: 1pm-1am Come visit us for tea and sweets in our tea room by day. Then get dressed in your best PJ’s for cocktails and the interpretive yaoi bedtime story stylings of Uncle Jennah by night. BYOB for story time. 21+. Room 201 Harajuku District Arts and Crafts FRI: 6pm-10pm / SAT: 1pm-3pm, 6pm-10pm We will be providing markers, colored pencils, crafts (blank slap bracelets, paper fans), paper, a relaxed place, a coloring contest, and more! Room 202 Waffles for Hope FRI: 2pm-4pm and 7pm-9pm SAT: 2pm-4pm and 7pm-9pm Serving waffles to all hungry con-goers! Why? Deliciousness! AND the Child’s Play charity! Come nom, visit, help needy kids, and game with us! Room 203 Eagle Anime Fairy Tail Party FRI: 9pm-1am / SAT: 9pm-1am Drop by the guild and catch up with old friends, pick up a new assignment, and hone your skills at the Eagle Anime Fairy Tail party. Room 204 WIZZIWIG’S WIZZYFIZZY CANDY PARTY FRI: 8pm-12am / SAT: 8pm-12am Wizzywig is launching a new snack website: WIZZYFIZZY. Help us celebrate with a party featuring samples of weird and unusual Japanese snacks. Room 205 Anime World Expos FRI: 8pm-1am / SAT: 8pm-1am Everyone loves free food and a party! Stop by AnimeWorld Expos’ party room for free food and drinks! Who knows, we might have a special guest or two! Room 206 Church of God Poring FRI: 10pm-1am / SAT: 10pm-1am Based on the church from Ragnarok Online! Music and drinks Friday night! Saturday night we’ll be having “con-munion!” Come taste the flavor of God Poring! Sunday morning there will be free breakfast type things! Room 207 Quad Cities Anime, Inc. FRI: 6pm-2am / SAT: 4pm-12am Anime Fusion Party. Open to All Ages. Snacks and beverages. Room 208 Gaylaxicon 2012 SAT: 8pm-12am / SAT: 8pm-12am Gaylaxicon returns to the Twin Cities in October! Prepare for the Gaypocalypse with the North Country Gaylaxians! Room 210 Kemono Crossing FRI: 6pm-12am / SAT: 10am-4pm and 6pm-12am Celebrating the Kemono genre of anime as well as furry fandom. The party will look at many similarities and the few differences of the two in both in art and costuming. Event hosted by Room 223 Anime Kindergarten FRI: 12pm-4pm / SAT: 12pm-4pm Welcome to Anime Kindergarten! The only place featuring coloring books, crafts, nap time, and much more - all with an anime twist! We’ll be playing games with juice boxes and animal crackers. Come have fun and remember: act your shoe size-not your age. Room 224 Black Order of Amestris FRI: 7pm-12:30am / SAT: 6:30pm-1am We welcome all who are fans or want to know about D.Gray-Man and FMA. We’ll have free refreshments and even a couple contests and games. Come in cosplay or not, all are welcome! Room 225 Jet Set Odori Party Bingo Hall! FRI: 9pm-5am / SAT: 8pm-6am A free for all party room, blasting out classy tunes from video games and entertainment to groove the night away with! Room 226 Detour Live FRI: 6:30pm-10:30pm / SAT: 6:30pm-10:30pm Live Nerd bands! Dance Party! GAMING! Come spend some of your Anime Detour experience with Detour O.G.’s! Feat. The Style Biters and Guest. Room 227 Karaoke Crypt FRI: 9pm-3am / SAT: 9pm-3am It’s karaoke American style at the Karaoke Krypt. Sing pop and rock classics into the wee hours while surrounded by monsters and a custom light show. Become the mic, at Karaoke Krypt. Room 228 Distractions at Detour FRI: 8pm-12am SAT: 8pm-12am SUN: 9:30am-4pm Music And Anime. Movies And Drinks for the Adults ( 21+) ROOM PARTIES 39 40 Video Rooms The video rooms are located in Atriums 1, 2, 7, 8. The “It Came From Japan” room features blocks of 2 to 3 shows that share common elements. In order to show a greater variety of shows, we will be limiting most titles to 4 or 5 episodes. There may be times where we stop an episode that has just started if we get there late when changing discs. We appreciate your understanding. Anime Detour is proud to be hosting 5 premieres this year, courtesy of FUNimation and Viz Media. Check listings for times. Video Room Rules 1. Do not touch the video equipment. If there is a problem, please notify video personnel. 2. No sleeping in the video rooms. If you are caught sleeping in the video rooms you will be asked to leave. 3. Please turn off cell phones and laptops. 4. Be courteous, and do not talk during the programs. 5. Have photo ID available if asked to verify your age. 6. Do not leave children unattended in the video rooms. 7. Do not block the aisles. 8. Please pick up after yourself when leaving. 9. Follow all instructions by the attending personnel. FRI Tenchi GXP (11:00am) Hayate the Combat Butler (1:00pm) Evangelion 1.0 (2:45pm) Chaos;Head (6:30pm) Vampire Knight: Guilty (8:15pm) Mardock Scramble (11:00pm) xxxHolic (12:45pm) Toward the Terra (2:30pm) Cowboy Bebop (4:15pm) The Girl that Leapt Through Time (6:00pm) El Hazard, The Wanderers (7:45pm) Atrium 1: Guest Video Room Atrium 2: Request Room Atrium 7: New and Featured Atrium 8: It Came From Japan Atrium 7 Atrium 8 New and Featured It Came from Japan Durarara!! (11:00am) Needless (1:15pm) Blue Exorcist (3:00pm) Night Raid 1931 (4:45pm) School Rumble Second Semester (11:00am) Baka and Test Summon the Beasts (12:45pm) Maid Sama! (2:30pm) Shattered Angels (4:15pm) Puella Magi Madoka Magica (6:15pm) ICE (6:00pm) PREMIERE: Tiger & Bunny (8:00pm) Loups=Garous (8:00pm) Twelve Kingdoms (9:15pm) Trigun: Badlands Rumble (9:45pm) Abenobashi (11:00pm) Tsubasa Tokyo Revelations (11:15) Kanokon: The Girl Who Cried Fox (9:45pm) Yamada’s (11:30) Ecchi Hellsing Ultimate (10:00pm) Fullmetal Alchemist (11:00am) Room/Themes: After the End Evangelion 2.0 (4:30pm) Atrium 2 Request Room FRI: 11:00am - SUN: 4:00pm Back to School 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm Atrium 1 Guest Video Room Hours of Operation FRI 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm VIDEO GRID 41 SAT Heaven’s Lost Property (12:15am) Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne (3:45am) Bamboo Blade (7:45am) Dragon Ball Z Kai (9:30am) Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn (3:00pm) ef: A Tale of Memories (9:00pm) Ga-Rei: Zero (10:45pm) 42 VIDEO GRID Prince of Tennis (10:00am) Summer Wars (11:45am) Soul Eater (1:45pm) Moribito (3:30pm) Tales of the Abyss (5:00pm) Revolutionary Girl Utena Remastered (6:45pm) First Squad: The Moment of Truth (6:30am) Kimi Ni Todoke (7:45am) The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (9:30am) Redline (11:15am) PREMIERE: Black Butler Season 2 (1:00pm) PREMIERE: Legend of the Legendary Heroes (2:45pm) Hetalia: Paint it White (4:30pm) .hack//Quantum (6:00pm) The World God Only Knows (7:30pm) FLCL (8:30pm) PREMIERE: Heaven’s Lost Property: Forte (9:15pm) Baccano! (11:00pm) Vampire Bund (11:00) Pokémon Movie 13 Zoroark Master of Illusions (4:45am) Spice and Wolf 2 (6:30am) Our Home’s Fox Deity (8:15am) Samurai 7 (10:00am) Hero Tales (11:45am) Bleach: Fade to Black (1:30pm) Naruto Shippuden Movie: Bonds (3:00pm) MSG 00: Awakening of the Trailblazer (4:30pm) Star Driver (6:30pm) Allison & Lillia (8:15pm) Sound of the Sky (Sora no Woto) (10:00pm) Jellyfish (11:45) In the Army Now Clannad: The Motion Picture (7:15pm) Gurren Lagann (8:15am) Haruhi-chan and Nyoron! Churuya-san! (5:15am) Ranma 1/2 (3:00am) Giant Robots Tower of Druaga: Sword of Uruk (5:00pm) Kyou Kara Maou (6:00am) Kobato (3:30am) Shonen Jump Fairy Tail (1:15pm) The Law of Ueki (4:15am) Tsubasa Tokyo (11:15pm) Yamada’s First Time (11:30pm) Tsubasa Spring Thunder (12:45am) Rurouni Kenshin Reflection Rosario + Vampire (1:15am) (1:45am) Lucky 7 Hetalia: Axis Powers Season 2 (11:15am) Basilisk (2:30am) Atrium 8 It Came from Japan Deities of Our Lives Full Metal Panic! (6:15am) When They Cry (12:15am) Atrium 7 New and Featured Old School Sekirei (2:00am) Atrium 2 Request Room Ecchi 12:00am 12:30am 1:00am 1:30am 2:00am 2:30am 3:00am 3:30am 4:00am 4:30am 5:00am 5:30am 6:00am 6:30am 7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm Atrium 1 Guest Video Room SAT 12:00am 12:30am 1:00am 1:30am 2:00am 2:30am 3:00am 3:30am 4:00am 4:30am 5:00am 5:30am 6:00am 6:30am 7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm SUN Atrium 1 Guest Video Room Atrium 7 New and Featured Baccano! (11:00pm) Vampire Bund (11:00pm) Elfen Lied (12:45am) High School of the Dead (12:45am) Peacemaker (3:00am) Ouran High School Host Club (6:30am) Hidamari Sketch x Hoshimittsu (11:30am) Genshiken (3:15am) Gravitation OVA (5:00am) Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad (6:00am) K-on! (7:45am) Broken Blade (8:30am) The Wallflower (9:30am) PREMIERE: Okami-San and Her Seven Companions (11:15am) Antique Bakery (11:15am) Eden of the East: King of Eden (1:00pm) Arakawa Under the Bridge (1:00pm) Eden of the East: Paradise Lost (2:30pm) Squid Girl (2:45pm) Say What? Bakuman (1:45pm) Katanagatari (6:00am) Welcome to the NHK (1:30am) Pretty Boys Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings (9:00am) Angel Beats! (4:15am) Princess Jellyfish (11:45pm) Battle of the Bands Yu Yu Hakusho (4:45am) Darker than Black Season 2 (2:30am) Atrium 8 All Good Things Uncomfortably Close to Home 12:00am Ga-Rei: Zero (10:45) 12:30am 1:00am The Sacred 1:30am Blacksmith (12:30am) 2:00am 2:30am 3:00am Corpse Princess 3:30am (3:00am) 4:00am 4:30am 5:00am Monster (4:45am) 5:30am 6:00am 6:30am 7:00am Haibane Renmei (6:45am) 7:30am 8:00am 8:30am Excel Saga 9:00am (8:30am) 9:30am 10:00am Kaze no 10:30am Stigma 11:00am (10:15am) 11:30am 12:00pm xxxHOLiC the Movie (12:00pm) 12:30pm 1:00pm Tsubasa Movie (1:00pm) 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm Rideback (1:45pm) 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm Atrium 2 Request Room SUN 12:00am 12:30am 1:00am 1:30am 2:00am 2:30am 3:00am 3:30am 4:00am 4:30am 5:00am 5:30am 6:00am 6:30am 7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm Video Ratings System All Ages, TV-Y, 3+, 7+ Generally acceptable for children. No nudity, possible mild violence. 12+, 13+ May contain violence, brief nudity, and mild language. May suggest sexual situations, but no situations are shown. Parental discretion advised. 15+,16+,17+,TV-MA Strong violence and strong language. Prevalent nudity may be contained within the picture. Sexual situations or sexually suggestive imagery may be shown. Ratings Disclaimer The following listings are provided as a convenience to the convention membership only. Anime Detour is not responsible for the accuracy of individual ratings provided by the manufacturer. Anime Detour does not set ratings or pre-screen titles for content. What may be acceptable content for some people’s values may not be for others. Please use your personal judgment in selecting shows that you or your children would like to see. VIDEO GRID 43 Video Descriptions FRIDAY VIDEO Tenchi GXP Atrium 1 Friday, 11:00am (Sub, 13+, 119 min) Galaxy Police Academy cadet Seina Yamada has the worst luck - but blundering into pirate ambush after pirate ambush, Seina is just the right man for the job when it comes to hunting pirates! Fullmetal Alchemist Vol. 2 Atrium 2 Friday, 11:00am (Dub, 13+, 96 min) Ed takes, and passes, the State Alchemist exam, but it is overshadowed by a tragedy that Ed and Al are unable to prevent. Meanwhile, a scarred man with a tattooed arm is hunting State Alchemists. Durarara!! Atrium 7 Friday, 11:00am (Dub, 13+, 123 min) Mikado has started school in Ikebukuro, Tokyo. However, the city is about to erupt with events both mundane and supernatural - and Mikado is more closely connected than he knows. School Rumble Second Semester Atrium 8 Friday, 11:00am (Dub, 13+, 97 min, Back to School) The students of Class 2-C can’t agree on what to do for the School Festival. Akira provides a solution to the dilemma...A battle to the death! xxxHolic Vol. 2 Atrium 2 Friday, 12:45pm (Dub, 13+, 97 min) Yuko has a solution to any customer’s needs. Whether a rain sprite looking for her friend or a housewife addicted to the internet, if they truly want aid, Yuko and Watanuki can help! Baka and Test - Summon the Beasts Atrium 8 Friday, 12:45pm (Dub, 14+, 100 min, Back to School) At Fumizuki Academy, status is won through battles between avatars powered by academic ability, with the nicest rooms and resources going to the victors. Filled with slackers, can Class F succeed? Hayate the Combat Butler Vol. 5 Atrium 1 Friday, 1:00pm (Sub, 13+, 98 min) The school superintendent wants Hayate to join her Battle Butler Corp of Darkness, and is willing to manipulate Nagi to force him to do it! Will Hayate save the day? 44 FRIDAY VIDEO DESCRIPTIONS Needless (ep 1-4) Atrium 7 Friday, 1:15pm (Dub, 14+, 101 min) In the destroyed section of Tokyo known as the Black Spot, humans with special powers battle against a corporation that has begun to target them for experimentation. Toward the Terra Atrium 2 Friday, 2:30pm (Sub, 13+, 100 min) Mankind has abandoned the Earth to find a new home among the stars. Young Jomy, on the verge of adulthood, has begun to exhibit unusual abilities... Abilities which now force him to become a rebel. Maid Sama! (ep 1-4) Atrium 8 Friday, 2:30pm (Sub, 14+, 101 min, Back to School) Student President Misaki has turned Seika High School around and forced the slovenly boys there to clean up their act. But she has a secret that could ruin her reputation: she works at a maid cafe! Evangelion 1.0 Atrium 1 Friday, 2:45pm (Dub, 14+, 98 min) Shinji Ikari was abandoned by his father at a young age. Now his father wants him to fight against creatures known only as Angels. Blue Exorcist Atrium 7 Friday, 3:00pm (Sub, 13+, 100 min) Rin, son of Satan, has vowed to defeat his father. To do this, he joins True Cross Academy to become an exorcist. Half-demon himself, does he stand a chance? Cowboy Bebop Vol. 3 Atrium 2 Friday, 4:15pm (Sub, 13+, 99 min) Something is picking off the crew of the Bebop one by one. Will they stop the menace before it gets them all? Then, a lead on his ex-girlfriend, Julia, leads Spike into another meeting with Vicious. Shattered Angels Atrium 8 Friday, 4:15pm (Dub, 14+, 93 min, After the End) After the world is devastated, the city of Academia is built upon the ashes. The end is only the beginning, though, as Kuu encounters the Absolute Angels, powerful beings who must feed on life force! Evangelion 2.0 Atrium 1 Friday, 4:30pm (Dub, 14+, 113 min) Shinji and Rei are joined by two new Eva pilots, Asuka and Mari. The four of them fight to protect the world against the Angels, but will they be able to save themselves? Night Raid 1931 Atrium 7 Friday, 4:45pm (Dub, 17+, 87 min) Shanghai-based Sakurai Kikan is a clandestine organization of people with psychic powers. Together, they work to thwart conspiracies born from the ashes of World War I. The Girl that Leapt Through Time Atrium 2 Friday, 6:00pm (Sub, 13+, 99 min) Makoto discovers she has the ability to leap back in time. With every leap, she alters the fate of those around her. She soon discovers that her abilities are not limitless. ICE Atrium 8 Friday, 6:00pm (Dub, 13+, 113 min, After the End) All the world’s men have been wiped out by a mysterious plague. Of the surviving women, some turn to hedonism to pass the time until the end. Others, though, fight for a new future... Puella Magi Madoka Magica Atrium 7 Friday, 6:15pm (Sub, 13+, 100 min) Adorable magical Kyuubi approaches Madoka with the opportunity of a lifetime! Now a magical girl, Madoka learns it’s not quite what she expected. Chaos;Head (ep 1-4) Atrium 1 Friday, 6:30pm (Dub, 14+, 107 min) Delusion and reality blur as social recluse Takumi becomes involved in a series of bizarre murders. Conspiracies pile up as the New Generation madness spreads across the city. El Hazard, The Wanderers Atrium 2 Friday, 7:45pm (Sub, 13+, 91 min) Science whiz Makoto accidentally transports himself and several others into a world called El-Hazard. There, they all play key roles in the war between the Humans and the insectoid Bugrom. Tiger & Bunny Atrium 7 Friday, 8:00pm (Sub, 13+, 100 min, PREMIERE) In Sternbild City, superheroes are sponsored by corporations. Veteran superhero Wild Tiger has always preferred to work alone, but now he’s been assigned a hotshot rookie as a partner! Loups=Garous Atrium 8 Friday, 8:00pm (Sub, 13+, 102 min, After the End) When a virus devastates the world, the survivors retreat to the safety of an on-line existence. When a group of girls tries to meet in real life, they find someone is murdering children. Vampire Knight: Guilty Atrium 1 Friday, 8:15pm (Dub, 16+, 100 min) Yuki’s mission to protect the Day Class from the vampires of the Night Class is jeopardized, both by her conflicting feelings for Zero and Kaname, and also by her own mysterious past. Twelve Kingdoms Atrium 2 Friday, 9:15pm (Sub, 13+, 100 min) Youko has never felt like she quite fit in this world. When a stranger reveals a world where she does belong, though, her life doesn’t get any easier! Trigun: Badlands Rumble Atrium 7 Friday, 9:45pm (Sub, 14+, 91 min) Outlaw Gasback has a beef with the town’s mayor. The mayor has plenty of hired guns at his back. And Vash the Stampede? He’s in the middle of it all, of course! Kanokon: The Girl Who Cried Fox Atrium 8 Friday, 9:45pm (Sub, 16+, 100 min, Ecchi) Kouta has just moved to the city. There, he meets Chizuru and Nozomu, gorgeous fox and wolf spirits who would like nothing more than to get into his pants! Hellsing Ultimate Atrium 1 Friday, 10:00pm (Dub, 16+, 50 min) The Hellsing Organization has been protecting England from undead Freaks for over 100 years. Their secret weapon is Arucard, a powerful vampire bound to serve Integra Hellsing. FRIDAY VIDEO DESCRIPTIONS 45 Mardock Scramble: The First Compression Atrium 1 Friday, 11:00pm (Dub, 17+, 66 min) Teenaged prostitute Rune Balot narrowly survives a brutal murder. Now cybernetically enhanced, will she help her benefactors solve the string of murders that almost included her own? Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi Vol. 2 Atrium 2 Friday, 11:00pm (Sub, 17+, 73 min) Sasshi’s and Arumi’s romp through alternate universes continues, as they contend with cavemen, gangsters, and Alliedoccupied Japan! Will they ever find their way home? Tsubasa Tokyo Revelations (OAV) Atrium 7 Friday, 11:15pm (Dub, 13+, 86 min) Sayoran, Sakura, and their companions arrive in a devastated Tokyo. There, they learn that their quest is nothing like they thought it was. B Gata H Kei: Yamada’s First Time (ep 1-4) Atrium 8 Friday, 11:30pm (Sub, 17+, 99 min, Ecchi) Yamada has finally made it to high school where she can realize her dream: 100 sexual conquests! Inexperienced herself, she turns to virgin Kosuda as a warm-up, but things don’t go as planned... SATURDAY VIDEO Heaven’s Lost Property Atrium 1 Saturday, 12:15am (Dub, 17+, 100 min) Tokimi has an angelic android granting his every wish. But when every wish is as perverse as his, chaos is sure to ensue! When They Cry Vol. 2 Atrium 2 Saturday, 12:15am (Sub, 16+, 118 min) Keiichi learns of the dark history of the curse of Oyashiro and the Watanagashi festival. When people begin to die in bizarre ways, he begins to search for a way for he and his friends to survive! Tsubasa: Spring Thunder (OAV) Atrium 7 Saturday, 12:45am (Dub, 13+, 57 min) Trapped in Fai’s homeland, tremendous sacrifices are required to continue their quest. Will they be in time to stop the machinations of Fei Wong? 46 FRIDAY/SATURDAY VIDEO DESCRIPTIONS Rurouni Kenshin Reflection Atrium 8 Saturday, 1:15am (Sub, 17+, 95 min, Old School) Kenshin, the wandering samurai, has finally found a place to call home, and a family to call his own. Nonetheless, his troubled past drives him away from his loved ones. Will he return? Rosario + Vampire Atrium 7 Saturday, 1:45am (Dub, 17+, 98 min) Yokai Academy is a school for monsters trying to blend in with humans but humans are not allowed. Good thing human Tsukune has gorgeous monster girls looking out for him! Sekirei Atrium 1 Saturday, 2:00am (Dub, 17+, 100 min) Luckless college ronin Minato’s life is turned upside down when he becomes the master of a beautiful fighter named Musubi. He must collect other gorgeous babes to fight for him in the Sekirei Plan! Basilisk Atrium 2 Saturday, 2:30am (Sub, 17+, 96 min) Two rival ninja clans have fought a bloody war for many years. A forbidden love has blossomed from the carnage. Will their romance survive, or will one die by the other’s hand? Ranma 1/2 (ep 66-69) Atrium 8 Saturday, 3:00am (Sub, 13+, 93 min, Old School) Ranma has been a thorn in the side of Happosai, perverted founder of his school of martial arts, once too often. Can Ranma prevail when Happosai renders him weak as a newborn kitten? Kobato Atrium 7 Saturday, 3:30am (Sub, 13+, 100 min) Kobato is on a mission to ease all of the pain and suffering in the world. Her half-human companion Ioryogi plans to see if she’s worthy of the magic flask that can do just that! Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne Atrium 1 Saturday, 3:45am (Dub, 17+, 150 min) Rin Asogi is an immortal private detective. As Rin struggles to unravel the mysteries that surround her an eternal being named Apos seeks to butcher her and devour the memories of her many lives. The Law of Ueki Atrium 2 Saturday, 4:15am (Sub, 13+, 94 min) Ueki is chosen for the Battle of the Supernatural Powers. His power is turning trash into trees. If he wins, Ueki will be able to choose any talent he desires. Pokémon Movie 13 (Zoroark Master of Illusions) Atrium 8 Saturday, 4:45am (Sub, ALL, 95 min, Old School) Legendary Pokémon are on a rampage in Crown City! Ash and his friends must figure out why Zoroark is on a rampage, before it’s too late. And why has the mysterious Celebi returned after twenty years? Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya and Nyoron! Churuya-san! Atrium 7 Saturday, 5:15am (Sub, 13+, 67 min) Tsuruya’s epic quest for cheese continues, as the SOS Brigade focus on balloon animals, cherry blossoms, and the sinister being known as Santa Claus! Kyou Kara Maou Atrium 2 Saturday, 6:00am (Sub, 13+, 125 min) Yuri Shibuya gets the swirlie of a lifetime when a close encounter with a toilet sends him to another world! Upon arrival he is chosen to be the next Maoh of the Mazoku. Can he lead them to victory? Full Metal Panic! Atrium 1 Saturday, 6:15am (Dub, 13+, 91 min) Teenaged sergeant Sousuke Sagara is far more at ease with a live grenade in his hand than a textbook, but his youth has landed him the duty of covert bodyguard for high schooler Kaname Chidori. First Squad: The Moment of Truth Atrium 7 Saturday, 6:30am (Sub, 13+, 75 min) In the early days of World War II, a squad of superpowered teenagers opposes an SS officer who plans to raise an army of Crusaders from the dead to serve the Nazi cause. Spice and Wolf Season 2 (ep 1-4) Atrium 8 Saturday, 6:30am (Dub, 14+, 95 min, Deities of our Lives) Lawrence and Holo continue their journey north toward Holo’s homeland. They meet Amati, a merchant of Lawrence’s guild who is immediately smitten with Holo. Will he win her away from Lawrence? Bamboo Blade Atrium 1 Saturday, 7:45am (Dub, 13+, 100 min) Toraji hopes to save his Kendo club by recruiting a star pupil. Unfortunately, Tamaki, a sword prodigy, is also an anime addict. It will be a challenge to get her away from the TV and into the dojo. Kimi Ni Todoke Atrium 7 Saturday, 7:45am (Sub, 7+, 100 min) Socially ostracized Sawako starts to emerge from her shell when she meets Shota, the only one to treat her like a normal girl. Gurren Lagann Vol. 2 Atrium 2 Saturday, 8:15am (Dub, 14+, 97 min) Team Gurren travels to locate the headquarters of the Beastmen. As they face off against one of the enemy’s generals, they pay an unexpectedly heavy price. Our Home’s Fox Deity (ep 1-4) Atrium 8 Saturday, 8:15am (Sub, 13+, 100 min, Deities of our Lives) The Takagami brothers are protected by a mischievous fox spirit named Kugen. Along with shrine maiden Ko, they participate in extraordinary supernatural adventures! Dragon Ball Z Kai Atrium 1 Saturday, 9:30am (Dub, 13+, 100 min) With Goku still recovering from his battle with Captian Ginyu, Krillin and Dende gather the last Dragonballs! Vegeta and Frieza are closing in fast, though - will they be in time? The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya Atrium 7 Saturday, 9:30am (Sub, 13+, 99 min) Kyon has wished for a normal life since becoming associated with Haruhi. When he wakes up one day to find the normal world he desired, his wish is put to the test. Prince of Tennis (ep 1-4) Atrium 2 Saturday, 10:00am (Sub, ALL, 100 min) Ryoma Echizen is a tennis prodigy. When he joins the middle school tennis team, his skills are put to the test as he fights to justify his position on the team! SATURDAY VIDEO DESCRIPTIONS 47 Samurai 7 Atrium 8 Saturday, 10:00am (Dub, 13+, 104 min, Lucky 7) Young priestess Kirara sets out to recruit samurai to protect her village from marauding cybernetic bandits, once samurai themselves. Will she succeed, or will her village die for their hubris? Hetalia: Axis Powers Season 2 Atrium 1 Saturday, 11:15am (Dub, 17+, 120 min) The Baltics join the fray as the zany conflict between the Allied and Axis powers continue! Redline Atrium 7 Saturday, 11:15am (Sub, 15+, 102 min) Redline is the biggest, most deadly racing tournament in the universe. Hotshot JP hopes to make his mark, but conspiracies, organized crime...or love, may be his undoing. Summer Wars Atrium 2 Saturday, 11:45am (Sub, 13+, 114 min) Math whiz Kenji is most at home in the popular virtual world of OZ. When a rogue AI threatens the world, he’s forced to work with others to solve the dilemma especially since he may have caused it! Hero Tales (ep 1-4) Atrium 8 Saturday, 11:45am (Dub, 14+, 100 min, Lucky 7) Deranged Shogun Keiro is devastating the land as he searches for a legendary sacred sword to attain godhood. Standing against him are seven warriors, incarnations of the stars themselves! Black Butler Season 2 Atrium 7 Saturday, 1:00pm (Dub, 14+, 125 min, PREMIERE) While young Ciel’s soul is ripe for the harvesting, the time is not yet right. A new abyssal butler is in town, and he’s not satisfied with his own dull master he wants Ciel, as well. Fairy Tail Atrium 1 Saturday, 1:15pm (Dub, 14+, 100 min) Four young wizards of the infamous Fairy Tail guild team up to seek their fortune! Will their inexperience cause these wizards-for-hire to do more damage than good? 48 SATURDAY VIDEO DESCRIPTIONS Bleach: Fade to Black Atrium 8 Saturday, 1:30pm (Sub, 13+, 90 min, Shonen Jump) The Seireitei has been destroyed, and Rukia has been kidnapped! Worse, the Soul Reapers have lost all memory of both Ichigo and Rukia. Can Ichigo solve this mystery? Soul Eater Atrium 2 Saturday, 1:45pm (Sub, 14+, 100 min) Death the Kid and his partners Liz and Patty investigate the ghost ship Nidhogg, to put an end to its rampage on the high seas! Meanwhile, Stein has become suspicious of nurse Medusa... Legend of the Legendary Heroes Atrium 7 Saturday, 2:45pm (Dub, 14+, 100 min, PREMIERE) As war brews between Roland and Estabul, Ryner, bearer of the cursed artifact known as the Alpha Stigma, sets out with his beautiful companion Ferris to find the Heroic Relics. Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Atrium 1 Saturday, 3:00pm (Dub, 13+, 120 min) After a tenuous peace, conflict explodes once more in Universal Century 0096! Banagher meets Audrey, who wishes to stop the war, and ends up piloting the new weapon system known as the Unicorn Gundam! Naruto Shippuden Movie: Bonds Atrium 8 Saturday, 3:00pm (Sub, 13+, 90 min, Shonen Jump) Ninja from the Land of Sky, thought long destroyed, have begun to attack the Hidden Leaf Village! On their way to combat this new threat, Naruto and his friends encounter the rogue ninja, Sasuke. Moribito Vol. 2 Atrium 2 Saturday, 3:30pm (Dub, 13+, 75 min) The Empire may have held a funeral for Chagum, but Balsa knows they won’t rest until he’s actually dead. She has a plan to give them exactly what they want. Hetalia: Paint it White Atrium 7 Saturday, 4:30pm (Sub, 15+, 90 min) The Allied and Axis powers must stand together to thwart the alien invasion of the Pictorians, with all the world’s colors on the line! Mobile Suit Gundam 00 the Movie: Awakening of the Trailblazer Atrium 8 Saturday, 4:30pm (Sub, 13+, 120 min, Giant Robots) As the new government of the Earth Sphere Federation prepares for a new, peaceful era, a race of living-metal shapeshifters throws all into chaos! Can Setsuna and his fellow pilots save the day? Tower of Druaga: Sword of Uruk Atrium 1 Saturday, 5:00pm (Dub, 14+, 125 min) Jil and his team have reached the final conflict with Neeba, Kaaya, and Shadow Gilgamesh! Reunions and betrayal mark the exciting conclusion to the Tower of Druaga saga! Tales of the Abyss Atrium 2 Saturday, 5:00pm (Sub, 13+, 100 min) War is brewing between Kimlasca and Malkuth. Luke von Fabre is drawn into this conflict when a mysterious woman named Tear attacks General Van, a master swordsman he admires. .hack//Quantum Atrium 7 Saturday, 6:00pm (Sub, 14+, 78 min) A trio of new players to the MMORPG known as The World begin a startling new adventure after an encounter with a mysterious entity known as Hermit. Star Driver (ep 1-4) Atrium 8 Saturday, 6:30pm (Sub, 13+, 97 min, Giant Robots) Peaceful Southern Cross Island holds an ancient secret - a secret that comes to light when Takuto washes ashore. A secret society that seeks to control giant machines called Cybodies is on the move. Revolutionary Girl Utena Remastered Atrium 2 Saturday, 6:45pm (Sub, 16+, 94 min) As a young girl, Utena was rescued by a prince! She vowed that one day she herself would become a prince and help others as she was. Now, at Ohtori Academy, she has a chance to do just that. Clannad: The Motion Picture Atrium 1 Saturday, 7:15pm (Dub, TV-PG, 96 min) The life of Tomoya, a delinquent in the making, turns around when he meets sickly Nagisa and the two form the Drama Club. Others with troubled pasts join one by one, and the healing can begin... The World God Only Knows Atrium 7 Saturday, 7:30pm (Sub, 14+, 100 min) Keima is a legendary master of Dating Sims. But with no interest in real girls, will his skills be enough to exorcise spirits by making real girls fall in love? Allison & Lillia (ep 1-4) Atrium 8 Saturday, 8:15pm (Sub, 14+, 101 min, In the Army Now) Roxche and Sou Beil have been at war for as long as anyone can remember. Fighter pilot Allison and her companion Will, though, have embarked on a journey that may end the war once and for all! FLCL Complete Collection Atrium 2 Saturday, 8:30pm (Sub, 14+, 151 min) Naota is a normal kid living in a normal town where nothing strange ever happens. Well, except maybe for the weird woman who brains him with an electric guitar, causing robots to leap out of his skull. ef: A Tale of Memories Atrium 1 Saturday, 9:00pm (Dub, 17+, 100 min) A chance meeting between Hiro and Miyako leads childhood friend Kei to worry about her relationship with Hiro. She vows to prove she is the only girl for him! Heaven’s Lost Property: Forte Atrium 7 Saturday, 9:15pm (Dub, 17+, 100 min, PREMIERE) Tomoki was just getting used to living with two troublesome angeloids who want to grant his wishes. Then a third arrives - who wants to kill him! Can Ikaros and Nymph protect him? Sound of the Sky (Sora no Woto) (ep 1-4) Atrium 8 Saturday, 10:00pm (Sub, 16+, 97 min, In the Army Now) As a child, Kanata was rescued by a beautiful military bugler. She vowed to follow in the soldier’s footsteps and become a bugler herself! Can her optimism weather a world at war? Ga-Rei: Zero Atrium 1 Saturday, 10:45pm (Dub, 17+, 100 min) Raised as sisters, Kagura and Yomi fight as a team against supernatural menaces. When one is possessed by a dark spirit, can the other raise her sword against her? SATURDAY VIDEO DESCRIPTIONS 49 Baccano! Vol. 2 Atrium 2 Saturday, 11:00pm (Dub, 17+, 99 min) The violence on the Flying Pussyfoot continues as the monstrous Rail Tracer continues its rampage. Meanwhile, we are given a glimpse into the past, and the origin of the elixir of eternal life. Dance in the Vampire Bund Atrium 7 Saturday, 11:00pm (Sub, 17+, 100 min) Childlike Mina Tepes, Queen of the Vampires, has revealed the existence of her kind. Her goal is to establish a Bund where Vampires can live safe from the persecution of humans. Princess Jellyfish Atrium 8 Saturday, 11:45pm (Dub, 14+, 100 min, Uncomfortably Close to Home) Jellyfish-obsessed Tsukimi lives with similarly hobby-obsessed roommates. Their cozy no-men-allowed setup is shattered when a drag queen decides to make them all famous! SUNDAY VIDEO The Sacred Blacksmith Atrium 1 Sunday, 12:30am (Dub, 17+, 142 min) Dark secrets from Luke’s past are revealed when he’s asked to craft the ultimate sword. Meanwhile, the cloaked figure begins his final assault on the city in pursuit of the Demon Swords. Elfen Lied Atrium 2 Sunday, 12:45am (Sub, 17+, 125 min) Lucy, a mutant with deadly psychic powers, escapes from a laboratory in a rampage of violence. Her memory lost, she is found and taken in by Kouta and Yuka. Her dark past will soon catch up to her... High School of the Dead Atrium 7 Sunday, 12:45am (Sub, 17+, 100 min) When the zombie apocalypse arrives, a group of high schoolers learn what it takes to survive in a world gone mad! Welcome to the NHK (ep 1-4) Atrium 8 Sunday, 1:30am (Dub, 15+, 95 min, Uncomfortably Close to Home) College drop-out and social shut-in Sato has figured it all out: the NHK is a conspiracy to create hermits like him! Knowing is no cure, though - but perhaps a nosy girl named Misaki can help? 50 SATURDAY/SUNDAY VIDEO DESCRIPTIONS Darker than Black Season 2 Atrium 7 Sunday, 2:30am (Sub, 17+, 98 min) The masked killer Hei fights to save the life of the young Russian girl Suo, opposed by Contractors and the mysterious Section 3. Corpse Princess (Shikabane Hime–Kuro) Atrium 1 Sunday, 3:00am (Dub, 17+, 100 min) Devastated by their mutual tragedy, Makina and Ouri must learn to work together if they are going to stand a chance of facing the dark cabal of Shikabane known as the Seven Stars. Peacemaker Atrium 2 Sunday, 3:00am (Dub, 15+, 93 min) Tetsunosuke Ichimura seeks the aid of the Shinsengumi to avenge the slaying of his parents. However, the Shinsengumi are as bad as his parents’ killers. Will he seek revenge? Or become a Peacemaker? Genshiken Atrium 8 Sunday, 3:15am (Sub, 13+, 101 min, Uncomfortably Close to Home) Sasahara has figured out what college club to join: The Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture - in other words, a club about cosplay, gaming, anime and dojinshi! Angel Beats! Atrium 7 Sunday, 4:15am (Dub, 14+, 102 min) After death, an organization of teenagers rail against the heavens for their short, unfair lives. Opposing them is the enigmatic Angel, dedicated to making them all vanish... Monster Vol. 2 Atrium 1 Sunday, 4:45am (Dub, 17+, 121 min) The pursuit of the serial murderer leads Dr. Tenma to Heidelberg, where he learns that university student Nina Fortner may have closer ties to the murderer than she knows. Yu Yu Hakusho Atrium 2 Sunday, 4:45am (Sub, 13+, 95 min) Yusuke Urameshi is a goodfor-nothing delinquent. In saving a child’s life at the cost of his own, however, he earns himself another chance at life, and a new career as a Spirit Detective! Gravitation Lyrics of Love OVA Atrium 8 Sunday, 5:00am (Sub, 16+, 59 min, Battle of the Bands) Shuichi can’t focus on his lyrics because Yuki is even more distant than before! If Shuichi can’t get back on track, it could be the end of the band. What will become of his relationship with Yuki? Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad (ep. 1-4) Atrium 8 Sunday, 6:00am (Dub, 17+, 97 min, Battle of the Bands) Koyuki was an ordinary student until he met local rocker Ryusuke. Koyuki’s life starts to change as he struggles to learn guitar and join Ryusuke’s band. Katanagatari Atrium 7 Sunday, 6:00am (Sub, 13+, 150 min) Yasuri is the seventh generation master of an ancient sword art. His life is changed when Shogunate official, Togame, hires him to help her find twelve legendary katana. Ouran High School Host Club Atrium 2 Sunday, 6:30am (Dub, 14+, 140 min) The antics of the Ouran Host Club continue! What is Haruhi’s weakness? What is her father like? How far will the boys go to keep Haruhi in the club? And what fool stands between Honey and dessert? Haibane Renmei Atrium 1 Sunday, 6:45am (Dub, 13+, 91 min) Born from a large cocoon, Rakka is greeted by a group of girls with wings and halos - they are Haibane, like her. What are the Haibane? What exists beyond the wall that surrounds the city? K-on! Atrium 8 Sunday, 7:45am (Sub, 13+, 100 min, Battle of the Bands) The Light Music Club is too low on members, and about to be disbanded! Fortunately, there’s new Freshman, Yui. She may not have musical experience, but she’s easily bribed with snacks! Excel Saga Vol. 2 Atrium 1 Sunday, 8:30am (Sub, 17+, 97 min) Mountain climbing, swimming, and bowling - Excel will do whatever it takes to serve Il Pallazo! Meanwhile, the Department of City Security tries to invade ACROSS headquarters... Broken Blade Atrium 7 Sunday, 8:30am (Dub, 14+, 161 min) In a world where children are born who can control quartz, Golems are the ultimate weapon. The only hope of a kingdom embroiled in war is Rygart and his unusual Golem. Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings Atrium 2 Sunday, 9:00am (Dub, 14+, 150 min) The joint campaign against Oda Nobunaga continues! Will any sacrifice be enough to defeat such an implacable foe? Nobunaga lives up to his name as the Demon King... The Wallflower (ep 1-4) Atrium 8 Sunday, 9:30am (Sub, 14+, 100 min, Pretty Boys) Four pretty boys must turn their benefactor’s horror-movieobsessed Gothic niece into a beautiful young lady, or get jobs and start paying rent. There can be no worse fate! Kaze no Stigma Atrium 1 Sunday, 10:15am (Dub, 14+, 100 min) Kazuma, master of Wind, and Ayano, master of Fire, don’t get along. When a sinister website begins unleashing demons upon Tokyo, though, they’ll have to learn to work together! Okami-San and Her Seven Companions Atrium 7 Sunday, 11:15am (Dub, 14+, 100 min, PREMIERE) Ryoko “the Wolf” Okami is the leader of Otogi Bank, a group for helping classmates out of fixes. When shy Ryoshi confesses his love to her she blows him off - so he joins the Bank to prove himself! Antique Bakery (ep 1-4) Atrium 8 Sunday, 11:15am (Sub, 16+, 96 min, Pretty Boys) Salaryman Keiichiro suddenly quits his job and opens a bakery. Envisioning a wait staff of cute girls, he instead winds up with a staff of attractive men. It’s still a recipe for success! Hidamari Sketch x Hoshimittsu Atrium 2 Sunday, 11:30am (Sub, 13+, 125 min) Now veterans of Yamabuki Art School, Yuno and her friends get to welcome two new freshmen into Hidamari Apartments! What quirks and eccentricities will these newcomers add to the group? SUNDAY VIDEO DESCRIPTIONS 51 xxxHOLiC the Movie: A Midsummer Night’s Dream Atrium 1 Sunday, 12:00pm (Dub, 14+, 60 min) Yuko and her servants attend a mysterious auction. As guests begin to disappear one by one, they must solve the mystery before they join them! Tsubasa the Movie: The Princess in the Birdcage Kingdom Atrium 1 Sunday, 1:00pm (Dub, TV-PG, 35 min) Sayoran and his friends travel to a kingdom encased in a gigantic cage. There, they must help princess Tomoyo defeat the evil usurper who wishes to corrupt the kingdom for his own ends. Eden of the East: King of Eden Atrium 7 Sunday, 1:00pm (Dub, 17+, 81 min) Mr. Outside’s deadly game continues, as Saki searches for Takizawa who disappeared after saving Japan from destruction. No one is safe yet, though, as the conspiracy grows. Arakawa Under the Bridge Atrium 8 Sunday, 1:00pm (Sub, 13+, 100 min, Say What?) Obsessed with paying his debts, Ko Ichinomiya ends up promising more than he should to Nino, a strange woman who lives under a bridge. She and the other bridge-dwellers will turn his life upside-down! 52 SUNDAY VIDEO DESCRIPTIONS Rideback Atrium 1 Sunday, 1:45pm (Dub, 14+, 150 min) When an injury ruins Rin’s stage career, she joins the Rideback Club, a club devoted to riding robotic motorcycles. Then, a revolution begins against the tyrannical government, and Rin’s talents are needed. Bakuman Atrium 2 Sunday, 1:45pm (Sub, 13+, 150 min) When artist Mashiro confesses to his crush, she proposes a bargain: He will become a manga artist and she will voice a character in an anime based on his manga. If that happens, she will marry him. Eden of the East: Paradise Lost Atrium 7 Sunday, 2:30pm (Dub, 17+, 85 min) The Selecao make their final moves as the great game finally draws to a close. Who will emerge victorious in the endgame? Squid Girl (ep 1-4) Atrium 8 Sunday, 2:45pm (Sub, 7+, 104 min, Say What?) Squid Girl has had enough of mankind dumping all that garbage into the ocean. Her crusade to conquer the world will not be stopped! At least, once she gets out of debt to the Aizawa sisters... 53 Anime Detour Staff Stephen Gifford, Chairman Kim Hofer, Treasurer Heather Bufkin, Division Head Dan O’Leary, Division Head Jayson Stob, Division Head Artists Jayson Stob (Head) Christina Facchin (Sub-Head) Tristan Anderson Tim Dubis Kevin Ehrler Jeff Fahland Dustin Hanson Holly Hendrickson Bill Murashie Consuite Michelle Clark (Head) Seamus Kirwin (Sub-Head) Jennifer Bergk Firbaelvan Carnes Cassie Jahn Theresa Jahn Laura E. Johnson Michelle Kruta Cat Lane Jules Mohr Kat Pepmiller John Pieper Ann Randolph Joe Swanson George White Jr. Sarah Wilks Cosplay Eryn Hildebrand (Head) Nathaniel Wilson-Grady Dave Benhardt Theora Hildebrand Dealer Services Emily Kringle (Head) Rebecca Schrom (Sub-Head) Amy Roach Gaming Jeffrey Stenzel (Head) Matt McMillan (Sub-Head) James Trainor (Sub-Head) Patty Boris Brian Hagen Jason Horning Uriah Johnson Ryan Juel Antoine Kennedy Dan Lee David Echo O’Donnell Connor Thomas O’Doubhlain Robert Setter Jourdan Vivier 54 STAFF LIST Guest Services Anton Petersen (Head) Megan Brown (Sub-Head) Megan Petersen (Sub-Head) Ryan Benike Michael Byrne Jan DeSirey Tom Hogan Linda Petersen Jody Wurl Hotel Joshua Spotts (Head) Ted Berquam III Liz Hernandez Chris Lettermann Danielle McKay Anna Shirley Andy Tso Logistics Matthew Hoffman (Head) Ben Amundson (Sub-Head) Courtney Dietzmann Cheri Hoffman Sarah Nelson Marketing Programming Jo Thomsen (Head) Lori Fischer (Sub-Head) Laura Graves (Sub-Head) Evan Miller (Sub-Head) Alan Berkner Heather Bufkin Alexandra Howes Alex Mei Michelle Peterson-Reisdorff Jessi Silver Jeannette Wallen Registration Scott Saniti (Co-Head) Clarissa Bauer (Co-Head) Andrew Benson Andrew Bopp Mike Bopp Val Campion Janette Dunder Matt Floeder Jen Gustason Cynthia Malinowski Aries Marquin Jacob McCue Mike Nicchetta Tegan Rolek Sari Hagen (Head) Jennifer Paul Sasha Porter Holly Hendrikson (Staff Artist) Dian Huynh (Staff Artist) Joni Jensen (Staff Artist) Jessi Silver (Staff Artist) Room Parties Merchandise Tech Micah Snead (Head) Rachel Gemlo Allie Hastay Christian Kirmeier Katelyn Matthes Rebekah Snead Olivia Taylor Jon Tuinstra Nakita Venus Holly Spotts (Head) José Rivera (Sub-Head) Lindsay Savage (Sub-Head) Jim Spurrier Nyree Spurrier Damarra Atkins (Head) Paige Bierbrauer Jay Curry Deb Lovely Amanda Maus Hanna Spike Joey Undis Patrick Andrle (Co-Head) Erick Hofer (Co-Head) Kale Ganaan (Co-Head) Dawn Ahrens Kelly Andrle Samantha Cozort Kraig Finney Richard Glidden Warren Hollabaugh Heather Hovind Andrew Janssen Erin Koon Jermey Meyers Chris Picotte Michael Pooler Steven Radabaugh Jesse Rock Kristin Thompson Photography Video Operations Kraig Finney (Co-Head) Jay Curry Danielle McKay Andy Murphy Brian Jonas (Co-Head) Aaron Ziegler (Co-Head) Sari Hagen Nathan Hoemke Joni Jensen Aaron Vander Giessen Volunteering Lauren Ganann (Co-Head) Andrew Lunceford (Co-Head) Marian Gagliardi Hope Kronen Hanna Spike Emily Stewart Andy Tso Webteam John Koniges (Head) Andrew Lunceford TJ Hildebrand Jesse Homa Karl Jakober Ryan Juel Scott Saniti Security Matt Paulson (Co-Head) Rin Schwartz (Co-Head) Charlotte Nickerson (Sub-Head) Dan O’Leary (Sub-Head) Rob Conde (Sub-Head) Alan Berkner (Advisor) Ben Amundson Jennifer Bergk Travis Bergren Chris Bloom Emily Braun Andy Breth David Chamberlain Dan Comstock Ben Daley Jake Dent Lorien Downing Skylar Dunn-Sperling Samantha Fox Steve Gagner Justin Gorres JayColette Herald-Gordon John Hermonsturter Samuel Hoska Nicholas Jibben Amy Johnson Andy Johnson Erica Johnson Jeremiah Johnson Laura Johnson Jerry Keohen Charles Lange Emma Langemo Chuck Lindemann Dillon Lunceford Kelly McLaughlin Michael Nicchetta Ashlee Plath Sean Repp Sean Roddy David Runkle Karen Runkle Christopher Schmidt Shastina Smith-Dominguez Margaret Thompson Nikita Venus Victor Vo Thank You and Sponsors The chairman and staff would like to thank the following people who became sponsoring members of Anime Detour 2012: Logan Bodnia Kari Hager Jeff Lindberg Rose Rea Community Mike Bopp Jenna Hamlar Ben Lindstrom Trevor Reischel Sponsors Kyle Bongard David Bruck Jay Curry Kale Ganann Lauren Ganann Mikey Hochhalter Chris Kilpatrick Darell Lubahn Timothy Maahs Amy Roach Damien Rossi Nicole Rossi Rachel Sommerfeld Janica Tanner- Fahrlander Sponsors Kenneth Abts Richard Adams Kit Almen Hunter Andresen Rachel Attebery Brittany Barthel Danielle Beauchene Holly Berg Stephan Bergeson Landis Bleeker Evan Braaten Andrew Brickman Brian Burke Andrew Carleton Nicolas Carnes Christopher Carroll Sara Castro Cassandra Clark Joe Cleys Todd Crego Christina Cummins Joshua Cummins Pascale Darbonne Chelsea Derrick Robert Doss Dennis Egan Lindsay Emert Matt Estenson Michael Estenson Christina Facchin Michael Fliger Amber Focht Justin Frederiksen Steven Gagner Seth Gilman Caitlin Ginther Sarah Gregory Jason Hanson Severina Hein William Hein Tony Henderson Tyler Herman Travis Hildebrand Erin Hochhalter John Hokenson Warren Hollabaugh Amanda Inman Sarah Janssen Jeffery Jasan Zach Jensen Keith Jipson Brandon Johnson Davianne Jones Kenneth Justiniano Miles Kastella Todd Knight Katherine Koch John Koniges Mitchell Kruse John Lash Daniel Lee Ray Lehman Kristie Lehman Jason Leib Domonic Lue Amanda Madill Chris McConnell Brandie Mehr Brian Mogged Sara Mohn Megan Momany Johnathon Moore Michael Moriarty Ashleigh Morgan Faith Mosher Amber Murphy Sam Nelson Hoa Nguyen Hongfa Norasingh Andrew Nowak Keighley Null Joseph Nyberg Tyler Oxton David Parish-olson Michael Paul Jennifer Paul Matthew Paulson Khannaroth Phay Christopher Picotte Bryan Pierce Jessica Rea Sarah Relander Kavah Rezaie Baqi Salahud-din Scott Saniti Matthew Sexton Christina Shirley Jennifer Sonneman Justin Stillson Josh Thelen Betty Tisel Timothy Torzewski Peter Torzewski Haide Tryon Jose Tryon Andy Tso Cary Van Heel Alexander Van Raam Elijah Ward Steven Webster Carol Whitson Katie Wuollet Jenea Ylinen Abigail Ziesmer Donald Zimmerman Donald Zimmerman We would also like to thank the following companies for their contributions: Aniplex USA, Bandai, FUNimation Entertainment, Manga Entertainment, Media Blasters, NIS America, Right Stuf International, Section 23 Films, Sentai Filmworks, and Viz Media Local fan organizations who advised us, encouraged us and whose members help as volunteers or staff include: Geek Partnership Society, SFen--which sponsors MarsCon, SF Minnesota--which sponsors Diversicon Last but certainly not least, we’d like to thank our hosts, the management and staff of the DoubleTree Bloomington Hotel. Program Book Credits Editors: Sarah Hagen, Brian Jonas, Alex Mei, Sasha Porter, Jennifer Paul, Jo Thomsen Graphic Design: Sarah Hagen Cover Illustration: Jennifer Paul Illustrations: Holly Hendrickson, Joni Jensen, Brian Jonas The Anime Detour 2012 Program Book is Copyright © 2012 by Anime Twin Cities, Inc. All rights reserved. The Anime Detour logo is the property of Anime Twin Cities, Inc. No portion of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the express written consent of Anime Twin Cities, Inc. Don’t forget to Like us on Facebook: and follow us on Twitter:!/animedetour THANK YOU AND SPONSORS 55 56 MAPS