Weapon of Choice


Weapon of Choice
Weapon of Choice
Saturday 29 th January 2011 , 12.00pm – 1.30pm – Coram’s Fields
Youth Centre, 93 Guildford Street, WC1N 1DN
Sunday 30 T h January 2011 , 12.00pm – 1.30p m – Community Room
(buzzer 10), Foundling Court, Brunswick Centre, WC1N
Pan Intercultural Arts , a London based arts charity pioneering for social change are
proud to announce the next phase of Weapon of Choice, a performance project examining youth
issues. Weapon of Choice is looking for participants to join its dynamic
youth theatre
group . Participants will receive training in devising a performance, facilitation and conflict
resolution skills as well as improved communication and presentation skills and the chance to be part
of an innovative cutting edge youth led theatre group. Participants will need to be able to commit to
two rehearsal sessions per week with a tour of performances across London from Januar y
August 2011 . Participants will receive travel and refreshment expenses for every session
No previous acting experience or performance skills necessary – just enthusiasm and commitment to
be part of London’s next big thing on the theatre scene! The audition will be an informal workshop
with Project Directors, Zephryn Taitte and Angus Scott Miller.
For more information or to refer a young person in your organisation please contact the PAN office on
0207 833 2111 or email [email protected]
Com m un i ty R oom : From Russell Square tube station, cross the road to Tescos, turn right,
cross the road and go to the first entrance (brown door) of the flats in front of you (white building),
buzz Room 10.
Cor am’ s F i elds : (93 Guildford Street, WC1N 1DN) From Russell Square tube station (6 minute
walk), turn right, follow the road around the park which will lead to the main entrance. The Youth
Centre is the grey door.
If you can’t find u s please call 07949595945
The project is funded by the Big Lottery, St Andrews Holborn Charity and the Unite Foundation.
Pan is a registered charity no. 295324 and company limited by guarantee no. 2015893