Dear All, The reason a rangoli is drawn at the entrance of a house is
Dear All, The reason a rangoli is drawn at the entrance of a house is
1 LMOIS—VBSE Newsletter-3. Anything you do, good or bad, reflects on the entire universe. In this consciousness if you continue to work, and strive in your spiritual life, the world will automatically become a better place - P Rajagopalachari 79, Pallavaram Road, Kolapakkam, Chennai 600 122. [email protected] Sensitivity, Creativity, Health, Nutrition and Spirituality 2014 News from Lalaji Memorial Omega International School (LMOIS), Chennai, about Value Based Spiritual Education (VBSE). One of the great tenets or principles of all religions has been that in the heart of the human being, God Himself resides. God can better be sought for in the midst of one’s own heart. Babuji Enthusiasm means to put God into you. My Master said, “God cannot be known because He is not an object. But His presence can be felt”. Everything in nature speaks of the presence of God...The whole universe is His creation and He is in every atom of it. Dear All, Everything that you need is already in you, in your heart, so you should turn to your inner Self for satisfaction and happiness and learn to live happily whatever life has in store for you. The reason a rangoli is drawn at the entrance of a house is because of it‘s calming effect on a visitor who is just about to enter into the house. It manifests into vibrations (brainwaves) in the visitor‘s mind, putting him at ease, making him comfortable and happy. Designing of the kolam helps in the increasing of the creativity. The rice flour of the kolam powder can also be considered as the food for the ants and the other insects. When the people bend their body for the kolam designing the back bone is bent in one such position which is one Yogasana that is more powerful and keeps the back P. Rajagopalachari bone of the ladies very healthy and fit. When the people think about the solving of the sikkal kolam and the other kolam designs the thinking power and the creativity of Kindness in giving cre- the people is also increased. ates love. Thank you, VBSE Team Truth is one, Sages call it by different names. 2 LMOIS—VBSE Newsletter-3. Anything you do, good or bad, reflects on the entire universe. In this consciousness if you continue to work, and strive in your spiritual life, the world will automatically become a better place - P Rajagopalachari Happiness in itself is real existence. Really speaking, happiness alone exists and all else, namely sorrow etc., is nothing but illusion. Happiness is not Everything can be used creatively, even the scrap papers. This is anywhere outside.—Lalaji what V Madhumitha of VI G shows, by her creativity and patience by putting together bits of papers to remind us Krishna. 3rd Std students came up with the idea of bringing nature, animals, food grains and creativity all together to show their sensitivity with living beings. Treating the nature as it is and respecting them is a way to find divinity within heart. Bala Mira 7G shows her sense of wonder and expresses it through her art skill in these beautiful sketch works... Always keep your mind as bright and clear as the vast sky, the great ocean, and the highest peak, empty of all thoughts. 3 LMOIS—VBSE Newsletter-3. Anything you do, good or bad, reflects on the entire universe. In this consciousness if you continue to work, and strive in your spiritual life, the world will automatically become a better place - P Rajagopalachari The most important human endeavour is striving Sensitivity for morality in our actions. Our inner balance and I am very sensitive to others even our very existence depend on it. Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity But more than me, the sensitive person is my mother. to our lives. I concentrate on other's thoughts Albert Einstein I emphasize myself and help people a lot If others need help, I will be there I wish to always show love and care. I always play my games all fair If someone hurts, I can not bear I enjoy my life and make others to do so My attitude is nice others say me so Someone needs help, I am the first one to go When no one tends to help nor say help I am very sensitive not to myself I secretly help others, just like Santa's self. Creatively approaching the health and nutrition topic with our school Dance teacher Ms Shilpa Mam. STUDENTS ARE ALWAYS SENSITIVE &CREATIVE IN THE WAY THEY PRESENT THEIR VBSE PROJECTS Students show lot of interest in decorating the boards allocated for VBSE Dept. Teachers seeing such a decoration. Judge with the heart, for the heart is par excellence the instrument for verification of the truth. 4 LMOIS—VBSE Newsletter-3. Anything you do, good or bad, reflects on the entire universe. In this consciousness if you continue to work, and strive in your spiritual life, the world will automatically become a better place - P Rajagopalachari You know well that we are never separated. We are connected to one another by a kind of luminous thread. Your heart perceives it, even if your mind forgets it. Babuji Happiness! have you ever wondered that this small world can change your life forever with a small gesture of smile? No right, have you ever thought what happiness really is? What it can do to you? What it can do to others? What your heart feels when you are happy? It is the feeling of joy and enthusiasm, it creates a new world around you full of satisfaction and contentment. To others it creates a positive and lively environment, such an environment makes your heart feel nourished with a sense of gratitude and amazement. "There are thousand ways to be sad and a thousand ways to be happy - The choice is yours" Finding happiness is as easy as cripping about sorrows, you don't need reasons to smile as you might not get them in your materialistic life. Be happy with what you have and what you get and think about the positive side of everything... Seems a bit difficult, but nothing is impossible to achieve....Vatsala and Jayanthi VIII E I have learnt a lot from this school. Before coming to this school, I disrespected elders many times and others used to come to my home to complain about my behavior to my parents. When I joined this school, I learnt what is love? I learnt to obey, respect everyone equally. Many times I was left alone (while eating). I used to sit alone. But then I started to feel good alone. I roamed the whole school daily. I felt like I am with nature. And then I get back my confidence, which I lost when I was alone. In this school there will be always a power, or force which pushes you to do the right things. The atmosphere here is filled with lots of love and positive things. The staffs, workers (all like helpers, caretakers, drivers, laundry helpers) everyone are good. They made me feel happy. I had such a wonderful 8 years experience. Blessings are always present from the Divine Master. D Hariharan XII B I never laugh at anyone, if they fall, I‘ll take them to health room. I will speak truth always. I will take the garbage which down and put it in the dustbin. I help, share, care each other. If there is a problem, I solve it. I do all the activity in peace, justice and wisdom. “Service and sacrifice are the two main instruments with which we build the temple of spirituality, Love of course being the fundamental basis” -Babuji I remember in Shahjahanpur, you know, once I was in bed at 10:30 without food and Babuji woke me up and gave me food. He said, “You have gone to bed hungry.” I said, "How did you know?" He said, "I felt it." P. Rajagopalachari Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional. Our life in this body is essential. It is in this life, in this existence that we can and must seek our goal. 5 LMOIS—VBSE Newsletter-3. Anything you do, good or bad, reflects on the entire universe. In this consciousness if you continue to work, and strive in your spiritual life, the world will automatically become a better place - P Rajagopalachari CIS visit to Lucky Thai Illam -Ms. Thenmozhi, who runs the home for senior citizens, told us that an old lady who stays there knew only Gujarati and used to cry at times not able to express her feelings as language was a barrier .One of our student, Aryan , std VII spoke to her in Gujarati which brought smile in her face after a long time. She also felt that any of our birthday‘s or special days could be celebrated along with these grandpas and grandmas who needs our love, care and support. Mother Teresa requested The Nobel banquet in her honor, be canceled." She wanted $7,000 cost of the banquet to be used to feed the poor in India. Nobel officials offered to donate $7,000 and also hold a banquet; Mother Teresa held fast, asking that whatever money was available to honor her be donated to the poor. We must follow Mother Teresa‘s example to first help our needy people before our expensive birthday, wedding celebrations. Heritage Quiz on the country was conducted by VBSE Department to make students of 8th std to get themselves aware of the country‘s monuments and heritage. It was well supported by teachers who helped in conducting the event. Winners team from 8F were awarded books. Creativity is God’s gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. 6 LMOIS—VBSE Newsletter-3. Anything you do, good or bad, reflects on the entire universe. In this consciousness if you continue to work, and strive in your spiritual life, the world will automatically become a better place - P Rajagopalachari To promote the idea of Global Citizen, CIS students came up with many wonderful programmes at Ashram which was well appreciated and attended by devotees. Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam was well reminded by activities. Good work, Good way of spreading positive thoughts and feelings. Good initiative for the betterment of World—Ravi and Sai It was really good & writing my duties were quite difficult, thanks for giving an opportunity to learn my duties—Venkatesh T P I should not judge people so easily. I need to open up. Just love all unconditionally—Ramya We participated in 3 activities and all of them made us understand a vital fact that all of us are same and it was nice to learn from younger ones—Anusha M A We the volunteers of Children Center from Ashram got so many ideas from these children. It was happy to see them. We like to have these children more often here to visit us. Thank you. The children are wonderful and as such the activities. The activity of chocolate as the soul and wrapped as different bodies was too good. Keep it up. Shweta (Ahmedabad) It was very enlightening the way I was explained about changing ‗Greed‘ into ‗Caring for others‘ was exemplary and really thought provoking, aptly practical, worth following way. Great and moved me to tears. Master bless these children. Roopa (Chennai) Respect nature and others—Bring changes in others by my own attitude of respect & love. My duty in my neighbhourhood – to know all my neighbours be concerned by them and helpful when needed. My duties to my town are to respect the laws of the city and for the World it is to Pray and Meditate to bring peace, to live according to love principles. ‗Think Globally and Act Locally‘ to me means - Have a wide vision, unlimited thinking of the consequences of my own actions towards all. But do what I can at my level, where I am—around me—doing tangible things, concrete, possible.— Designe Veronique I am … My duty is to lead a family life with love, harmony. I am from Manapakkam—Brotherhood, Community. The city is Chennai—Follow rules, co-operation, togetherness. In India—Be responsible citizen, follow laws, Be United. World Citizen—Work as one humanity, Create Love, Tolerance. ‗Think Globally and Act Locally‘ to me means - Think on the lines of what will make this world a better place with love. Then think what you need to do at your place (starting with home, office, school) to make that work.—Mahesh Below we share some of the responses of the participants who changed a negative word to positive word in a chain of thoughts. Disappointment > Patience > Will Power > Understanding > Compassion > Sincere Acceptance > Love Cruelty > Hurt > Pondering > Understanding > Respect > Love Hatred > Hurt > Pain > Prayers > Acceptance > Tolerance > Patience > Love Jealousy > Change Attitude > Being Happy for other person > Improving Relationship > Brotherhood > Love Frustration > Acceptance > Tolerance > Compassion > Love Imagination is more important than knowledge. 7 LMOIS—VBSE Newsletter-3. Anything you do, good or bad, reflects on the entire universe. In this consciousness if you continue to work, and strive in your spiritual life, the world will automatically become a better place - P Rajagopalachari Though I always adored the ashram and the beautiful aura of peace which the ashram‘s air holds, I have always been disappointed that I never got to experience an abhyasis child‘s day in the ashram. But on world citizen‘s day, I was filled with contentment and joy as I watched those kids laugh, play happily and totally involved in our activities. I loved in interacting with them too. Vinutha Venkatesh VIII B Before the program we prepared for all the activities, we split into groups of four or five. We planned out what we were going to do and made posters for our group activities. As soon as we went there , we put up our posters , set up the books for reading. All stalls were ready within half an hour. Abhineeth Ganesh VIII B I wasn‘t very interested during the preparation stage but after reaching the Ashram, seeing children having fun with the activities we planned, I became more interested towards this program. I interacted with them. It was nice to see their smiles. I really enjoyed being there and I hope I can visit there again... Joowan Yoon VIII B We participated in three activities and all of them made me understand a vital fact that all of us are the same and it was nice to learn from younger ones. Anusha M.A ( Participant) Very good activities were held which were well organized to convey the message...(I am a world citizen) Bhagyashree Patil It was really good and writing my duties were quite difficult, thanks for giving an opportunity to learn my duties... Venkatesh T.P (feedback on who am I? Activity) We got so many ideas from children .It was very happy to see them .We like to have Omega kids come often here to visit us. -Volunteers of children center at Ashram Great show! Great children! Great Organizers -Kudos to the children‘s enthusiasm. Students and teachers did an excellent preparation for the show. It was well planned and executed by all. We hope to continue such activities more often. There was fun and entertainment for those visiting the Ashram. Children were not left behind they too were given papers and colours to come with their own message. Children‘s art work on Global Citizens are here. Sensitivity is being conscious of what is happening to us, not necessarily of what is happening around us. 8 LMOIS—VBSE Newsletter-3. Anything you do, good or bad, reflects on the entire universe. In this consciousness if you continue to work, and strive in your spiritual life, the world will automatically become a better place - P Rajagopalachari Questions to God Why can‘t you be seen, but can be heard and solve our problems? How are you able to see whatever is going on around the world? How are you everywhere? How many forms have you taken? How long have you lived? My garden of roses There is a place in my heart I love to go. And watch the big red roses grow. B Riya VI A - IGCSE I went there once, I went there twice, How are you? Next time I went, I realized that this place was nice. How can you be immortal? Do you know all secrets of everybody? A place of peace and calm, no noisy crowd around. How can you fly? And the flowers say to me ―To be yours, we are proud‖. How can you create living beings and the whole universe? When I go there, I know what is right, Oh God! What is wrong, and what I must fight. Oh God! You shine like gold I escape into this place when I made a mistake, What a shimmering light, you have The garden says to me ―To speak the truth, its never too late‖ Oh God! I go to this place when I‘m feeling sad, Oh God! But my pretty little garden would not let me feel bad. How are you Immortal? The golden ocean I know you have a secret garden, just like me, Full of souls! Where pretty roses grow and only the good is seen. How can this creativity happen? I know it is there, deep down your heart, Oh God! Grashim VI A – IGCSE Night Moon The moon comes every night to peep Through the window where I lie… I feel to be sleepy but I don‘t I watch the moon slowly go by. And she never makes a sound! She stands and stares! And then she goes… To the house which is next to me, But I pretend to be asleep! Down come the rain...waking me up! I peeped through the window Beautiful crystal ball is shining! To set your goal, it‘s a very good start. Saranya Raju VI B - IGCSE Religion People follow different religions. Some say we are all born to die. My question is if we are born to die then what is the point of living? Christianity says you live to make yourself useful and sustain the earth's glory. As per my view all religions are essentially pointing to one reality. Meaning, their languages and presentations may be different but the view of every religion is the same. Earth's glory lies in the hands of men and women. They are the ones who can regain earths glory and bring it back as it was once. Religion is the one that teaches man to sustain the glory of the earth. Every religion says when a person makes mistakes in life, then one day he realizes that it turns out to be a step towards success.—Ronald IX F The glow take me to sleep again! The sweet dreams take me to a deep sleep. Kavya Janga VI F Always try to be alert to what is happening and sensitivity will develop. 9 LMOIS—VBSE Newsletter-3. Anything you do, good or bad, reflects on the entire universe. In this consciousness if you continue to work, and strive in your spiritual life, the world will automatically become a better place - P Rajagopalachari We thank VBSE department for giving this golden opportunity to make food for our beloved teachers and helpers. Juhi and Surabhi VII C I realized that how tough it would be for my mother only when I prepared food today.....I should be grateful to her. Sarveshwar VII F I felt happy. My heart was filled with love on seeing the happiness in their (akkas, teachers) faces.... K. Akash VII F Cooking and serving with love and gratitude .... has become a part of our school culture now. This is our way of thanking teachers and Akkas who have been helping us all throughout the year. This was a memorable moment… D. Priyamvada VII C Students of 9th std were taken to our school Kitchen to get a feeling and experience what it is to work there. It was a good revelation as few of their thoughts are shared... It was really a good experience . I don‘t do these things in the home and escape from my mother. But after doing these works in school I started helping my mother in home. We learn many such values from our school. D Harini IX A It was a very different and wonderful experience. I liked to pluck out mint leaves. I had never done it before. It was really good to do something with my friends. I really enjoyed doing it. I used to feel very bad going to kitchen, but this experience made me realize that I was wrong. Nishu IX A I thought we were going to cook chapattis, kurma and other important foods. But was disappointed when made to peel vegetables. It was really hot in the kitchen. I lifted a lunch box which was really heavy, and at that time I realized it takes a lot of confidence, hard work, endurance and stamina are needed to work and cook in the kitchen. - Sanjeevi IX A Dr Suguna gave an important lecture on the It was a nice experience. I enjoyed it. I could feel that the workers work so hard balanced, nutritious food and the importance of taking breakfast without skipping it for a healthy for making food. I am happy that I could do a small help to them. life. R Dhanusha IX A A truly peaceful mind is very sensitive, very aware. 10 LMOIS—VBSE Newsletter-3. Anything you do, good or bad, reflects on the entire universe. In this consciousness if you continue to work, and strive in your spiritual life, the world will automatically become a better place - P Rajagopalachari Omega Adopts A Govt School An initiative by Mr P R Krishna, Chairman of Lalaji Memorial Omega International School has resulted in Omega adopting the Government High School in Kolapakkam, Chennai. As a part of a continuous process of improving the infrastructure and materials, a new block of class rooms has come up in the school premises. Students of Omega accompanied by Dr Bhavani Shankar, the Senior Principal and the team of VBSE Dept visited the school on Wednesday, 26th March 2014. T-Shirts, note books and other stationery items were given to the school children in the presence of Mr K P Yesupadham Village President. During the coming academic year, a regular academic transaction will result in the students of the school visiting Omega for the lab work and Shri Sunder of Saranalayam with some of the children from other activities. Saranalayam visited our school, sharing his experiences with our students. Students shared contributions collected for Omega Giveaway campaign. Here below are some simple short responses of students(8 & 9th std), for the question, Spiritual- ity what it means to you? Meditation, Listening to melodious music, Inner Peace and Calmness, Relax and not to involve in too many things, Way of life Helping, Caring and Sharing, Repeating of Slogans/Mantras, Prayers to God Follow Master, Constant remembrance of Master Path to God, Seeing the divinity in others and in ourselves, Be a member of Sahajmarg Be the Spirit(soul), Silence ,All religions are same. My VBSE Lessons We went to the Saraswathy statue to talk with flowers. We learnt how to get rid of fear, about being honest. Before I was first in class, I was always very humble and very not mean And my heart was in every way clean But all this I did not do It was the voice which made me move The voice was always ready with advice And it sounded deep and nice I think the voice is my soul And I will follow it till I reach my goal. Sridivya VI G We learnt the water prayer with positive thought. We learnt about kindness, Citizenship, My self, Creativity & Sensitivity and Peace. Jyoshitaa and Vasudha II E I should be kind with my family. I should be discipline in my class. I should obey teachers. I want to be a good boy. I should share things with everyone. I should be kind and make my parents happy. Thank you. D Sambhav Jain II E While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us. 11 LMOIS—VBSE Newsletter-3. Anything you do, good or bad, reflects on the entire universe. In this consciousness if you continue to work, and strive in your spiritual life, the world will automatically become a better place - P Rajagopalachari We should love our animal friends, but not at the expense of our sisters and brothers Lets ask ourselves each time we spend money how we can better the lives of our fellow brothers and sisters on the roads and extend our feelings towards their sufferings first. When our sisters and brothers are taken care, we can extend our help towards our animal friends. Sacrifice, in my understanding, means never thinking of yourself. P Rajagopalachari Full form of VBSE is value based spiritual education. I learnt so many values like, Random acts of Kindness, Truth and Wisdom, Health and Nutrition and love and compassion, etc.Even I learnt we should helpp each other, we should share, we should also be kind to others. Every values I learnt from the story or paragraph. I like this VBSE because it has a meaning for every value. T Kavya 2H I like my VBSE class I like my VBSE class very much.First of all I was very bad like saying lies, I won't study, I will not have peace, I wil be acting very bad to other people, when I am trying to do something and if its not coming I won't try it again, I will just leave it. But now a days I am totally changed. I won't say lies, I will study nicely and get good marks. Now I am having always Peace, I will help others, I won't act bad to other person, when something is not coming for me I will be trying it always. I will act kindly to other person. So thats why I like my VBSE class and teachers. Thank you for teaching me VBSE. V Amrutha 2H Children answers to ‘My experience with God’ and ‘If God appears what will you ask’ Not only me, but every being on this earth is experiencing God. God is everywhere and he respects everyone. God is not Shiva or Allah, thus these are words to call hi. The true way to experience him is not to worship him, but to believe in you, because he lives in you.—Praveen VI G I want to ask God, why does life have ups and downs? I want to know why God can‘t give us happiness all the time. Everyday when I sit for the 9PM prayers I feel something very divine in me. When I questioned my Dad about this, he told me that divinity is the presence of God. Thus I can say that I have experienced God.—Aakanksha Srivastava VI G I experience God in every day life. Every day morning before coming to school I pray to God. Whenever I pray my wish comes true and I am sure it will come true for everyone. Bastian VI D I have experienced God in my grand parents. Whenever any problem comes they always support me. J S Ruban Rai VI D I had gone to a castle ruins in Estonia with my mother and sister. For fun I ask my sister to carry me but she was not able to carry for more than couple of seconds. Me and my sister climbed very high but I slipped on the ladder and hit my head on a very sharp rock. When my sister saw this she carried me four stories down without stopping. Luckily, it was not a deep cut. From that time I have treated my sister as my God, it also shows her love and affection for me. Kaustubh Prabhakar VI D I experience God every time I see & meet master. His eyes are so deep that I get lost in them whenever I look into them. He seems to look into or through me. His face is so divine that it is almost impossible to take my eyes off when I look at it. I even experience God when I enter the Chennai Ashram meditation hall. It has some kind of positivity that if I close my eyes, it is almost impossible to open them. These things are so divine that I believe God is there. After my birth, my mother had an operation and she was saved. So the that Doctor is my God. Once while travelling in a train, an electric pole fell on it. It would have given a shock to the while train and everyone would have died but the pole did not have electricity and the whole train along with us was saved. I think this is all God‘s grace. — Lakshmi VI D My parents are God for me, because they make me to study, help me. God helps in the way of my parents and God is with me always.. One night in my home my parents went out. I was there in the house, I said to God I want to see you. After 10 minutes my parents came home. I thought Parents are God.—S Hari Priya VI D I am daily experiencing God in the form of my father, mother, brother, friends, teachers and others. They are taking care of me every second and help me in so many ways. The Great God is inside me, so I have experienced God and there is a special evidence for this. One day I told my mother, I am riding the cycle, but she said no, but I went to ride cycle, after 5 minutes I got a big hurt and I realized that my mom acted as God. In Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna told ‗Each one will face the consequences of their own actions‘.— G Sarvesh VI G Sensitivity can be developed only by forgetting the self and thinking of others. 12 LMOIS—VBSE Newsletter-3. Anything you do, good or bad, reflects on the entire universe. In this consciousness if you continue to work, and strive in your spiritual life, the world will automatically become a better place - P Rajagopalachari Thirukkural What Profit have those derived from learning, who worship not the good feet of Him who is possessed of pure knowledge? Thirukkural 2 Anxiety of mind cannot be removed, except from those who are united to the feet of Him who is incomparable. Thirukkural 7 How can he be possessed of kindness, who to increase his own flesh, eats the flesh of other creatures. Thirukkural 251 The nature of discipline consists, in the endurance of the sufferings which it brings on himself, and in abstaining from giving pain to others. Thirukkural 261 TRUTH IS ONE, SAGES CALL IT DIFFERENTLY SERVICE TO MAN IS SERVICE TO GOD LOVE IS GOD He is the only adorable one to me: I have none other. My tongue has left off impure words, it sings His glory day and night: Whether I rise or sit down, I can never forget Him; for the rhythm of His music beats in my ears. Kabîr says: "My heart is frenzied, and I disclose in my soul what is hidden. I am immersed in that one great bliss which transcends all pleasure and pain." THERE is nothing but water at the holy bathing places; and I know that they are useless, for I have bathed in them. The images are all lifeless, they cannot speak; I know, for I have cried aloud to them. The Purana and the Koran are mere words; lifting up the curtain, I have seen. Kabîr gives utterance to the words of experience; and he knows very well that all other things are untrue. While I was in college, I remember the lectures given by the highest authority of a Jesuit institution Rev Father Rector Kalathil of St. Joshep?s college, Tiruchirappalli, Southern India. Every Monday, he will take a class for an hour. He used to talk about good human beings present and past and what makes a good human being. In this class he used to give lectures on personalities such as Buddha, Confucius, St. Augustine, Califa Omar, Mahatma Gandhi, Einstein, Abraham Lincoln and moral stories linked to our civilizational heritage. In the moral science class, Father Kalathil used to highlight the best aspect on how the great personalities have been evolved as good human beings through parental care, teaching and companionship of great books. Even though these lessons were given to me in 1950?s during my college days, they inspire me even today. It is essential that lectures are given by great teachers in schools and colleges, once a week for an hour on civilizational heritage and derive value system. This may be called as Moral Science Class that will elevate the young minds to love the country, to love other human beings and elevate them to higher planes. Friends, recently, an incident which took place in Harali village, Kolhapur District in Maharashtra. When I was about to get down from the stage after finishing my lecture and interaction, a young boy about 18 years of age, held in the arms of his mother cried to meet me. The polio affected boy could not walk, but he was strong in will power. He told me, "My name is Shailesh and I am from this village Harali. You told us to have a dream. I am here to tell you my dream. I am a chess player. I will work very hard and someday I will become a Grand Master". I wished Shailesh all the best, who has a strong will power and said 'You will succeed. Definitely, God is with you.? Dear friends, the message is the "Will power can defeat any problem". Where there is righteousness in the heart, There is beauty in the character. When there is beauty in the character, There is harmony in the home. When there is harmony in the home. There is an order in the nation. When there is order in the nation, There is peace in the world. Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Silence is Golden; it has divine power and immense energy.
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