Ecopolis Christian Center for Spiritual Development of Children and


Ecopolis Christian Center for Spiritual Development of Children and
Christian Center for Spiritual
Development of Children and Youth
VR Energie GmbH
Company “Vanguard Recycling Energy”
175202, Novgorod region,
Staraya Russa, No. 8, Slavic St.
+Fax: : 7 (81652) 59410
[email protected]
Christian Center for Spiritual Development of
Children and Youth Ecopolis
The centers will be established in each community at Ecopolis created to carry out activities with
a view to promoting a culturally developed personality. To achieve this goal, the center is named
for youth with a range of conditions under which there is a free and active christian development
of children and adolescents with spiritually oriented life experience.
In particular, this process includes:
• Spiritual and moral, religious education and training.
• Familiarizing children and young people in the liturgical life of the Church, promoting their
• Cultural and patriotic education and training.
• Psycho-social help and support young people.
Expected result of the Centre
The result of the Centre should be active and creative participation of spiritual and human
development in the church and public life.
In practice, the Centre's work will be along the following lines:
• The spiritual and moral education and education
• Psycho-social assistance and support to youth
• Support and development of educational and social initiatives
• Analytical and methodical work
• Support activities
Sunday school at each center
(the parish
The most important project of the Center for evangelization and catechesis is a
Sunday school. In addition to the spiritual and educational, ethical and catechist
activities, Sunday School will also conduct more methodical work.
In addition to traditional classes at Sunday school will operate a youth panel
"Theology Club”. This will be an interfaith project . It will be able to participate not
only Orthodox but also Catholics and representatives of other Christian confessions
and denominations, as well as those outside the faith: students and teachers from
various high schools, businessmen, engineers, intellectuals.
At the weekly meeting of the Club Agape will be the focus of the discussion of
various theological and ethical questions.
In addition to the fruitful creative meetings, the club is developing new ways of
working with young people. Every year the Sunday school will arrange for their
listeners 06/05 pilgrimage to holy places.
Creating a library online - portal for the Center. Electronic literature of theological
and religious-philosophical content in Russian, German, English, French and Italian,
as well as works of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church in ancient Greek and
Latin, the liturgical literature in Slavonic. Copying the materials will be carried out
with the permission of the copyright holders.
Union in the future with existing libraries.