The Historic New Orleans Quarterly Vol. XXXII Number 4
The Historic New Orleans Quarterly Vol. XXXII Number 4
The Historic New Orleans Collection Quarterly VOLUME X X XII N U M B ER 4 FA L L 2 0 15 R OLL AND GOLD EN: Art of Recovery EV ENT C A L ENDA R E XHIBITIONS & TOURS CONCER T S IN THE CO UR T YAR D All exhibitions are free unless noted otherwise. The fall concert series will feature Gal Holiday and the Honky Tonk Revue (September), Banu Gibson (October), and Little Freddie King (November). CURRENT Fridays, September 18, October 16, and November 20, 6–8 p.m.; doors open at 5:30 p.m. 533 Royal Street $10 admission; free for THNOC members S CREENING OF ALL THE KING’ S MEN Join us for a free screening of this 1949 classic as part of our programming for the exhibition From Winnfield to Washington: The Life and Career of Huey P. Long. One of the show’s curators, Amanda McFillen, will introduce the film. Saturday, September 19, 2–4 p.m. Williams Research Center, 410 Chartres Street Free From Winnfield to Washington: The Life and Career of Huey P. Long Through October 11, 2015 Williams Gallery, 533 Royal Street It’s Only Natural: Flora and Fauna in Louisiana Decorative Arts Through November 28, 2015 Boyd Cruise Gallery, 410 Chartres Street Curators will lead walk-throughs of the exhibition every Tuesday, noon–1 p.m., through November 24. Join photographer David G. Spielman for a fascinating discussion about THNOC’s latest title, The Katrina Decade: Images of an Altered City. Lunch will be provided. All participants are expected to have read the book prior to the meeting. The Katrina Decade: Images of an Altered City Through January 9, 2016 Laura Simon Nelson Galleries, 400 Chartres Street Friday, September 25, and Saturday, September 26, noon–2 p.m. 533 Royal Street $15 for those who register before September 19, $25 for those who register September 19 or later. Registration is required. Please call (504) 523-4662 or email [email protected]. Rolland Golden’s Hurricane Katrina Series: A Selection Through January 16, 2016 Williams Research Center, 410 Chartres Street FINE PRINT B O OK CLUB SE SSIONS TE X TILE D O CUMENTARY S CREENING Coton Jaune—Acadian Brown Cotton: A Cajun Love Story documents the history of handspun Acadian cotton blankets and the women who made them. After the screening, the filmmakers and other scholars will lead a discussion of Acadian weaving traditions. Saturday, October 17, 9:30 a.m.–noon Williams Research Center, 410 Chartres Street Free; reservations are recommended; please contact [email protected] or (504) 523-4662. LE S COMÉ D IENS FR ANÇ AIS LEC TURE In commemoration of Louis XIV on the 300th anniversary of his death, this annual event will take the form of a musical journey honoring the Sun King. Narrated by THNOC curator Howard Margot, the concert will feature musicians Daniel Lelchuk, Joseph Meyer, Jaren Philleo of Lyrica Baroque, and harpsichordist Pierre Queval. Monday, November 16, 6–7:30 p.m. Williams Research Center, 410 Chartres Street Free; reservations are required; please call (504) 523-4662. LEC TURE AND B O O K SIGNING Nicholas J. Meis will discuss his book New Orleans Hurricanes from the Start, coauthored with David F. Bastian, which examines the development and effects of major storms throughout New Orleans history. This event is being presented in conjunction with the exhibition The Katrina Decade: Images of an Altered City. Saturday, November 21, 2–4 p.m. 533 Royal Street Free PERMANENT Louisiana History Galleries 533 Royal Street Tuesday–Saturday, 9:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Sunday, 10:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. The Williams Residence Tour THNOC Architectural Tour 533 Royal Street Tuesday–Saturday, 10 and 11 a.m., 2 and 3 p.m. Sunday, 11 a.m., 2 and 3 p.m $5 per person Groups of eight or more should call (504) 598-7145 for reservations or visit UP COMING An Architect and His City: Henry Howard’s New Orleans, 1837–1884 November 18, 2015–April 3, 2016 Williams Gallery, 533 Royal Street At Home and at War: New Orleans, 1914–1919 December 9, 2015–May 7, 2016 Williams Research Center, 410 Chartres Street GENER AL HO UR S 533 Royal Street Williams Gallery, Louisiana History Galleries, Shop, and Tours Tuesday–Saturday, 9:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.; Sunday, 10:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. 400 and 410 Chartres Street Williams Research Center, Boyd Cruise Gallery, and Laura Simon Nelson Galleries Tuesday–Saturday, 9:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. D The Historic New Orleans Collection Quarterly ON THE COVER: The Spirit Returns 2007; acrylic on canvas by Rolland Golden, painter The Historic New Orleans Collection, acquisition made possible by the Diana Helis Henry Art Fund of The Helis Foundation, 2008.0109.11; joint ownership with the New Orleans Museum of Art, the Sydney and Walda Besthoff Fund, 2007.113.10 CONTENTS O N V I E W/ 2 Two exhibitions chronicle the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in different ways. FROM THE DIR ECTOR An Architect and His City sketches a portrait of New Orleans during the highs and lows of the mid-19th century. Off-Site One of the great things about working at a place like The Collection is our variety of activity. Exhibitions close and events come and go, but the horizon is always full with new content and fresh ideas. In July we said goodbye to one of our most affecting exhibitions, Purchased Lives: New Orleans and the Domestic Slave Trade, 1808–1865. The show garnered critical acclaim, national-news coverage, and our third-highest attendance total ever. More than 1,000 visitors came to see it in its final weekend alone, and the comments we received in the exhibition guest book were truly humbling. As we said goodbye to Purchased Lives, though, we were busy preparing for three new exhibitions that opened in late summer. Two of them deal with Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath, one through the documentary photographs of David G. Spielman. The other features paintings by artist Rolland Golden that we acquired after the storm with assistance from The Helis Foundation. And, for the first time ever, we mounted a decorative arts exhibition in conjunction with our annual New Orleans Antiques Forum. It’s Only Natural: Flora and Fauna in Louisiana Decorative Arts marks the first multidisciplinary decorative arts show drawn entirely from our own collections, as well as the first exhibition by our curator of decorative arts, Lydia Blackmore. The Antiques Forum sold out completely, and we always enjoy bringing together such excellent speakers with an enthusiastic audience. Though we create a steady stream of events, exhibitions, and publications, some parts of our operation are simply irreplaceable. At the end of June we said goodbye to Senior Curator/Historian John T. Magill, who, in addition to serving as resident expert on myriad aspects of New Orleans history, formed a huge part of our institutional memory. I wish John an excellent retirement and thank him on behalf of the entire staff for being an invaluable colleague and friend for so many years. —PRISCILLA LAWRENCE E DUC AT ION/ 7 A suite of new lesson plans connects New Orleans to its Spanish heritage. R E SOU RC E S/8 THNOC to launch a new digital collection of needlework textiles. C O M M U N I T Y / 10 On the Job Staff News Recently Retired Become a Member On the Scene Focus on Philanthropy Donors A C Q U I S I T I O N S / 18 Acquisition Spotlight: an 18th-century manuscript exposes France’s contingency plans for Quebec. Recent Additions ON V IEW Disaster Response E X HIB ITI O N The Katrina Decade: Images of an Altered City Two shows at The Collection capture artistic and documentary views of the 2005 levee breaches’ aftermath. Through January 9, 2016 Laura Simon Nelson Galleries, 400 Chartres Street As New Orleans and the Gulf region observed, in August, the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and the floods that followed, The Collection mounted two exhibitions that examine the aftermath of the disaster in strikingly different ways. The Katrina Decade: Images of an Altered City features stark black-and-white photographs, by David G. Spielman, of houses, lots, and structures affected by the storm. Rolland Golden’s Hurricane Katrina Series: A Selection presents colorful, expressive artworks from one of the region’s most acclaimed contemporary painters. Whereas Spielman strives for objectivity and verisimilitude in his images, Golden’s paintings mine the teeming pathos and vulnerability of the city as it struggled to recover. “They’re both based on observation, but David’s work is, certainly by perception and by his own statements, designed to be neutral,” said John H. Lawrence, director of museum programs. “Rolland Golden’s pictures put you in the scene, as it were. Golden was almost like a painting machine following Hurricane Katrina. The subject and the Free E X HIB ITI O N Rolland Golden’s Hurricane Katrina Series: A Selection Through January 16, 2016 Williams Research Center, 410 Chartres Street Free A B 2 The Historic New Orleans Collection Quarterly D C recording of his feelings about it are just an incredible expression of his energy as an artist and his feelings about what happened.” The Katrina Decade grew out of Spielman’s book of the same name, which THNOC published in July, and the Golden paintings’ acquisition was made possible by the Diana Helis Henry Art Fund of The Helis Foundation. THNOC shares joint ownership of the works with the New Orleans Museum of Art. One of the paintings was a gift to the two institutions from the artist. Together, the two exhibitions represent the duality of recovery, one experienced by many residents as they worked to resolve myriad practical problems while carrying heavy emotional burdens. “What [Spielman’s] images can tell us is that although a tremendous amount of recovery has happened in the last 10 years, there is still a lot to go,” Lawrence said. “With Golden’s work, people can react to them in a very wide range of feelings and emotions.” —MOLLY REID A. Elysian Fields, Land of the Gods 2006; acrylic on canvas by Rolland Golden, painter acquisition made possible by the Diana Helis Henry Art Fund of The Helis Foundation, 2008.0109.5; joint ownership with the New Orleans Museum of Art, the Sydney and Walda Besthoff Fund, 2007.113.5 B. Death by Drowning 2007; oil on canvas by Rolland Golden, painter gift of Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Golden, 2008.0109.14; joint ownership with the New Orleans Museum of Art, 2007.119 C. West Bank, 2014 photograph by David G. Spielman 2015.0225.13 D. Seventh Ward, 2011 photograph by David G. Spielman 2015.0225.17 E. Helicopter Hands 2006; acrylic on canvas by Rolland Golden, painter acquisition made possible by the Diana Helis Henry Art Fund of The Helis Foundation, 2008.0109.8; joint ownership with the New Orleans Museum of Art, the Sydney and Walda Besthoff Fund, 2007.113.8 E Fall 2015 3 ON V IEW Growing Up Together In An Architect and His City, THNOC traces the development of Henry Howard’s career alongside the bustling expansion of New Orleans during the 19th century. A E XHIB ITI ON An Architect and His City: Henry Howard’s New Orleans, 1837–1884 November 18, 2015–April 3, 2016 Williams Gallery, 533 Royal Street Free NE W FR OM THNO C Henry Howard: Louisiana’s Architect by Robert S. Brantley with Victor McGee; photographs by Robert S. Brantley and Jan White Brantley The Historic New Orleans Collection and Princeton Architectural Press, 2015 $60, hardcover, 8.9 × 12 inches, 352 pages, 330 color images ISBN: 978-1-61689-278-4 Now available at The Shop at The Collection,, and local booksellers 4 The Historic New Orleans Collection Quarterly One of the 19th century’s most prolific architects, Henry Howard (1818–1884)—designer of iconic buildings such as the Pontalba buildings flanking Jackson Square and the plantations Madewood and Nottoway—called New Orleans home for nearly 50 years. During this time, the Irish native established his career, left an indelible mark on the landscape of Louisiana, and witnessed the growth of one of America’s greatest cities. The Historic New Orleans Collection will examine New Orleans as experienced by Howard in its upcoming exhibition An Architect and His City: Henry Howard’s New Orleans, 1837–1884, which opens November 18 at THNOC’s Williams Gallery. When Howard arrived in New Orleans in 1837, the city was the third-largest in America and facing an economic crisis and a yellow fever epidemic. Over the next several decades, from the boom of the antebellum years through the upheaval of the Civil War and Reconstruction, Howard’s fortunes paralleled those of his city. “Howard’s career coincided with a period of great change for both New Orleans and the design profession in which he worked,” explained John H. Lawrence, director of museum programs. “You have the consolidation of New Orleans’s various municipalities occurring in 1852. From 1836 until 1852, there was a single mayor but three different councils, one for each municipality. After consolidation, there was only one council.” The city also grew, with the upriver annexations of the City of Lafayette, Jefferson City, Carrollton, and across the river to Algiers. With such an increase in size, the city provided plenty of opportunities for builders and designers. One section of the exhibition will display tools of Howard’s trade, such as building manuals and design guides. Howard was one of the first professionals to operate solely in the arena of design, rather than serving as contractor as well as architect. As Lawrence explained, at that time, “the profession of architect as we understand it today was only just coming into being in the United States.” A. Canal Street, north side [700 block] (detail) 1873; architectural elevation by Marie Adrien Persac, delineator 1958.78.1.6 B. St. Charles Hotel 1850; pencil and watercolor bequest of Boyd Cruise and Harold Schilke, 1989.79.344 C. Lafayette Square, New Orleans, Louisiana between 1825 and 1899; wood engraving gift of Harold Schilke and Boyd Cruise, 1959.159.1 D. The Cotton Exchange 1873; wood engraving by John William Orr, draftsman 1974.25.3.204 B A companion to the new book Henry Howard: Louisiana’s Architect (THNOC and Princeton Architectural Press, 2015), this exhibition will give special consideration to the city’s architecture, urban growth, and municipal improvements. Featured items will include maps, rare books, and manuscripts, as well as contemporary photographs by Robert S. Brantley, the architectural photographer and author of the newly released Howard book. —TERESA DEVLIN C D Fall 2015 5 ON V IEW OFF -SITE The Portage’s Progress The following are holdings that have appeared outside The Collection, either on loan to other institutions or reproduced in noteworthy media projects. Louis McFaul selected 13 THNOC images for an exhibition tracing the history of the Carondelet Canal, which replaced New Orleans’s founding portage route from the bayou to the river. The canal was filled in by the mid-1930s. The Pitot House is mounting the show, which runs through mid-October 2015, to commemorate the in-progress Lafitte Greenway, a bicycle and pedestrian path on the former site of the canal. Spanish Fort bath house 1923; photograph by Charles L. Franck Photographers The Charles L. Franck Studio Collection at The Historic New Orleans Collection, 1979.325.6367 Author Carol McMichael Reese will include six images from THNOC’s Charles L. Franck Studio Collection in her book Longue Vue House and Gardens: The Architecture, Interiors, and Gardens of New Orleans’ Most Celebrated Estate (Skira, 2015), to be released this November. Dillard University refectory photograph by Charles L. Franck Photographers The Charles L. Franck Studio Collection at The Historic New Orleans Collection, 1979.325.1923 6 The Historic New Orleans Collection Quarterly The New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA) and Louisiana State Museum borrowed one work from The Collection for the exhibition Pierre Joseph Landry: Patriot, Planter, Sculptor, on view at NOMA October 16, 2015–March 20, 2016. Seaman’s Allegory ca. 1834; carved wood by Pierre Joseph Landry, sculptor 1950.34 Operating room in Flint-Goodridge Hospital 1932; photograph by Charles L. Franck Photographers The Charles L. Franck Studio Collection at The Historic New Orleans Collection, 1979.325.1033 Bruce E. Baker and Barbara Hahn reproduced four THNOC images for their book The Cotton Kings: Capitalism and Corruption in Turn-of-theCentury New York and New Orleans (Oxford University Press, 2015), due out this October. By Dawn’s Early Light: Jewish Contributions to American Culture from the Nation’s Founding to the Civil War, an upcoming exhibition at the Princeton University Art Museum, will feature three objects from THNOC’s holdings. The show will be on view February 12–June 5, 2016, in Princeton, New Jersey. Steamboat loaded with cotton from The Picayune’s Guide to New Orleans New Orleans: Picayune Job Print, 1904 97-381-RL Locket with photo of Louis Moreau Gottschalk (detail) between 1867 and 1869 1979.144.1 E DUC AT ION Tracing the Spanish Tinge For the ninth year, THNOC and the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra are working together to connect educators and students to Louisiana’s musical history. This past February, the ninth installment of Musical Louisiana: America’s Cultural Heritage, The Collection’s annual concert series with the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra, investigated the centuries-old musical and cultural connections between New Orleans, Spain, and Spanish-speaking places in the Americas. Following the concert, the education departments of THNOC and LPO began the work of turning the concert material into resources for teachers and students, something they have done since Musical Louisiana’s inception in 2007. Taking inspiration from the detailed program notes, written by Williams Research Center Director Alfred E. Lemmon, as well as from the music itself, the two institutions produced a two-part bundle of lessons that “examine New Orleans and the Spanish world through different disciplines, with music, history, and culture creating an enriching opportunity for experiential learning and listening,” said THNOC Curator of Education Daphne L. Derven. Geared toward seventh- to ninth-grade students—though easily adaptable to other levels—the “New Orleans and the Spanish World” lessons, six in all, offer different points of entry for educators based on the dominant subject matter: some of the lessons are more music-focused, whereas others are more applicable to social studies and history classes. Regardless, all the lessons are designed for flexible use, so that a music teacher can feel confident using the more history-focused plan, and vice versa. THNOC’s contribution examines the history of Louisiana as a former Spanish colony and New Orleans’s relationship with its neighbors in the Americas. In creating LPO’s portion of the guide, Amanda Wuerstlin, director of education and community engagement for LPO, drew from the music performed at the concert. In the lesson focusing on Hector Berlioz’s Roman Carnival, students are directed to create a “listening map” that diagrams the piece’s many changes in mood, tempo, instrumentation, and dynamics. The lesson involving “El Choclo (Tango Criollo)” by Ángel Villoldo teaches students to recognize and perform the distinctive habanera rhythmic pattern. The lesson plans are available on the education pages of THNOC’s and LPO’s websites, and their release coincided with the start of the fall semester, giving teachers time to incorporate the material into their curricula. In addition, an educator workshop scheduled for Saturday, October 3, at the Wdilliams Research Center will allow THNOC and LPO to share their lessons with area educators in greater detail. —ERIC SEIFERTH A A. Mexican Music 1889; sheet music Junius Hart, publisher 86-1724-RL B. The Tango ca. 1947; watercolor-on-paper float design by Alice Peak Reiss, designer gift of School of Design, 1996.67.12 B Fall 2015 7 R ESOURCES Points of Interest Forthcoming digital collection of needlework images includes the oldest known sampler in Louisiana history. A A. Sampler (detail) 1815; embroidery by Pauline Fortier Sarpy gift of the Leon Sarpy family, 2004.0030 8 The Historic New Orleans Collection Quarterly Scholars, collectors, and fans of women’s textile arts will soon have the ability to study, from the comfort of their homes, The Historic New Orleans Collection’s rich variety of needlework samplers, landscapes, and figure compositions, collected primarily by THNOC cofounder Leila Williams between 1935 and 1965. A group of more than 40 needlework pieces, dating from the 18th through early 20th centuries and including the earliest known Louisiana sampler still in existence, has recently been digitized, and the images will be made publicly available on THNOC’s website. Needlework presents special challenges for digitizing. “People need to be able to see individual stitches and the details,” said Melissa Carrier, the THNOC photographer who digitized the majority of the collection, “so you have to get it just right.” Those who think of embroidery as essentially a two-dimensional art are mistaken: one mixed-media piece—a favorite of both Carrier and of Decorative Arts Curator Lydia Blackmore, who initiated the digitization project—boasts nubbly three-dimensional tree trunks and leafy branches, fashioned from chenille, which rise an inch above a landscape featuring two figures rendered in stitches and watercolor on silk. The figures gaze upon a paper cupid attached to the silk. “It’s like a shadowbox,” Carrier said of the early-19th-century piece. “It’s ahead of its time.” The three-dimensional pastoral scene, like many works in the collection, sits in a frame under glass and cannot be scanned but must be photographed in situ. “Shooting through glass is hard,” said Carrier, who used a Hasselblad H4D camera. “Glass has warps, bubbles, scratches, shadows, and reflections,” which obscure the fine stitches crucial to understanding and appreciating needlework. Many pieces are too large to capture in one photograph, and Carrier was sometimes required to take and merge as many as four images. “Most of these works were made to be framed,” Blackmore explained. “The frame and the embroidery are one object—you can’t separate them.” The pieces are usually anonymous, and curators can only guess where and when a work was made based on its subject and style. “We need to have pictures of the back, too,” Blackmore said. “Most of these are likely in their original frames. Sometimes there are notes about the title or shop [where it was sold]—or sometimes wallpaper or newspaper on the back—that tell more about its past than we can tell from the front.” The earliest known sampler made in Louisiana is neither framed nor anonymous: the artist helpfully stitched her name, the date, and her age: Pauline Fortier (later Sarpy), at the Convent of New Orleans, December 8, 1815, age 10 years. Created as part of her education at the Ursuline Convent School, the sampler was discovered folded up in a family armoire. B. Pastoral scene with chenille trees between 1800 and 1830; embroidery The L. Kemper and Leila Moore Williams Founders Collection, 1973.31 C. Children at play mid-19th century; embroidery The L. Kemper and Leila Moore Williams Founders Collection, 1973.70 B Birds, keys, and other subjects typical of samplers share the field with items more specific to her convent education: a ladder, an incense burner, altars, and a cross. While the pieces in Leila Williams’s collection tend to be representative of the genre— florals, pastoral scenes, and allegorical figures—Blackmore said she found herself drawn to those more out of the ordinary, such as a mid-19th-century interior scene in which two girls tickle a sleeping boy’s nose with a feather. A rendition of a curious abstract painting, atypical for its era, hangs on the wall above the children and invites the viewer to wonder what it depicts. Carrier enjoyed working with the mixed-media pieces, both for their aesthetic qualities and for the challenge they presented. “The hard ones were fun, like figuring out a puzzle,” she said. The most difficult piece to digitize was an allegorical scene with four women dressed from different centuries. “The thread is so fine,” Carrier explained. “I had to get the camera really close to get things like the cheekbones and the jewelry, the detail of the sandals. The woman is breastfeeding, maybe? I had to go back and do it again—I wasn’t happy the first time.” A needlepoint depiction of a beggar, created in 19th-century New Orleans, presented a 21st-century problem: the thick worsted wool used to create the stitches resulted in squares that behave like pixels when the image is rendered digitally. The result was a disruptive moiré pattern in the image. The solution was to take several photographs at very close range and merge them. The embroidery project was “different from what I’m accustomed to shooting,” Carrier said, pulling up an elaborate 19th-century landscape on her monitor. “Look at the texture. Someone went to all that trouble to make the side of a cliff—you want people to be able to appreciate all that work.” —THNOC STAFF C Fall 2015 9 COMMUNIT Y ON THE JOB Amanda McFillen POSITION: Associate director of museum programs, on staff since 2007 ASSIGNMENT: Co-curate the exhibition From Winnfield to Washington: The Life and Career of Huey P. Long A. Bloody Sunday—Sept. 8, 1935 February 14, 1994; ink cartoon by Preston Allen “Pap” Dean The Anna Wynne Watt and Michael D. Wynne Jr. Collection, 2013.0027.2.172 B. Revolver belonging to George McQuiston steel, wood The Anna Wynne Watt and Michael D. Wynne Jr. Collection, 2013.0310.2.2 C. “Long Shot, Assailant Slain” from the New Orleans Times-Picayune September 7, 1975; facsimile reproduction of September 9, 1935, edition The Anna Wynne Watt and Michael D. Wynne Jr. Collection, 2013.0027.2.163 As someone who loves our region’s history, I enjoy my role as associate director of museum programs, because I continually learn more about the people, places, and events that shaped New Orleans and the Gulf South. My role includes exhibition A 10 The Historic New Orleans Collection Quarterly and programming work: I help organize our annual Williams Research Center Symposium, film screenings, lectures, field trips, book signings, and more, and I also help curate exhibitions from time to time. This past year I had the chance to work on the exhibition From Winnfield to Washington: The Life and Career of Huey P. Long with my two fellow curators, John H. Lawrence, director of museum programs, and Matt Farah, museum programs assistant. First we decided how we would organize the exhibition as a team. Since we knew we wanted to focus on Huey Long’s life from childhood through his death, and not just on his 17-year political career, we divided the exhibition into three sections. John curated the section on Long’s early life, Matt covered his political career, and I curated the part that dealt with his death and legacy. I began researching and surveying our holdings to see what kinds of material— objects, photographs, paper ephemera—we had related to Long. Thanks to recent donations, we have some wonderful new material, such as a great candid photograph of Long sitting in the amphitheater of his S TAFF NE WS beloved Louisiana State University, and a revolver and suit jacket that belonged to Long’s bodyguard George McQuiston. We borrowed several items from Tulane University, the University of New Orleans, and Louisiana State University, including a Share the Wealth Society enrollment card and a handwritten death threat. I also contacted the WPA Film Library and was able to obtain four short newsreel clips that feature Long at various public events. I’m happy that we were able to feature these clips in the exhibition because he was a very powerful speaker, and it’s easy to see why people were drawn to him and why he was so successful in gathering public support. Once John, Matt, and I had chosen our objects for the exhibition, we worked with our registration and preparation departments to design the installation and coordinate the movement of artifacts within the museum. The preparation department uses software that allows us to create 3-D models of our galleries and our objects so that we can work together to plan the layout well in advance. Once our text panels were written we sent them to editors in our publications department to be reviewed. The most important qualities that we want in our written text are accuracy, brevity, and consistency in style. Our editors reviewed the labels and gave us feedback, and we worked together until the text panels and labels were ready to be printed for the exhibition. Finally, once the exhibition was mounted, John, Matt, and I met with our docent staff to walk through the exhibition and answer any questions they had about the objects in the show. The docents begin learning about each exhibition long before it opens to the public, so that they are very familiar with the topic and able to answer any question a visitor might have. New Staff Christopher L. Deris, associate preparator. Dale Gunnoe, head preparator. Karyn Murphy, development associate. Jenny Schwartzberg, education coordinator. Heather M. Szafran, reference assistant. Eric Tallman, security manager. B I also planned programming for the general public that related to the exhibition. On July 12 we screened the documentary 61 Bullets, which explores the circumstances and aftermath of Long’s death, and held a panel discussion with the filmmaker, Yvonne Boudreaux, as well as two of the film interviewees, Michael Wynne and Alecia Long. On September 19 we’ll screen the 1949 classic based on Long’s career, All the King’s Men. From Winnfield to Washington will be on display through October 11, and I hope you can come to The Historic New Orleans Collection to see it. Creating an exhibition goes far beyond the work of a curator, or curators. It’s truly a team effort. —AMANDA Changes Susan Eberle is now collections processor. Matt Farah is now museum programs assistant. Robert R. Gates III is now associate preparator. Kara B. LeBeouf is now associate preparator. Publications Erin M. Greenwald published a review of Brett Rushforth’s Bonds of Alliance: Indigenous and Atlantic Slaveries in New France in Louisiana History 56.2 (spring 2015). Robert Ticknor, reference assistant, has taken up responsibility for writing the history feature in French Quarterly magazine. For years, the articles were written by Senior Curator/Historian John T. Magill, who recently retired. MCFILLEN Honors In May 2015, Lauren Noel, marketing associate, earned a master of arts degree in English, with a concentration in professional writing, from the University of New Orleans C Listening on the Edge: Oral History in the Aftermath of Crisis (Oxford University Press, 2014), co-edited by Senior Curator/Oral Historian Mark Cave and Stephen Sloan of Baylor University, was awarded the Oral History Association’s 2015 Book Award. Cave wrote the introduction, as well as a chapter related to The Collection’s oral history efforts following Hurricane Katrina. Fall 2015 11 COMMUNIT Y a bachelor’s degree in 1969, he pursued a master’s degree, also at UNO. Magill credits Professor Joseph Tregle for encouraging him to study New Orleans history. “I’ve always loved the histories of cities,” he said. “From the time I was a kid, I loved the history of San Francisco and other major cities like London and New York, as well as Honolulu, where my great-aunt lived, and Auckland, New Zealand, where my mother was from. What interested me about New Orleans was not its overall history but how it grew and developed.” Magill’s longtime colleague and friend Pamela D. Arceneaux, senior librarian/ rare-books curator, elaborated on Magill’s fascination with the development of urban infrastructure: “John has a real interest in sewerage, paving, drainage—you know, the yucky, unglamorous stuff—how buildings are built, how they are serviced, the develRECENTLY RE TIRE D opment of electricity, the transferral from kerosene lamps to gas to electric power.” Magill was hired as a curatorial cataloger For the past 30 years, “Ask John Magill” has by The Historic New Orleans Collection been the default response among THNOC in 1982, specializing in the cataloging of staff members to queries about New photographs. Because of his familiarity with Orleans history. “John’s vast knowledge and the urban development of the city, as well instant recall of much of the city’s history as a burgeoning interest in fashion history, is matched only by the wide range of his he became adept at identifying the dates interests: urban history, population moveof photographs by sight. At his retirement ments and census counts, city infrastructure party, Judith H. Bonner, senior curator, (both above and below ground), the growth reminisced about this distinctive skill: “If of retailing, neighborhood development, I showed a photo to John and said, ‘This Mardi Gras, plagues, and disasters, to cite street scene is dated 1916,’ he would say, just a few,” said John H. Lawrence, director ‘No, that can’t be 1916; the air-conditioning of museum programs. So, when the staff unit didn’t go on top of that building bid a happy retirement to Magill in June, it until 1917.’” was with gratitude for his many years as an From his first days at THNOC, Magill invaluable resource to both the public and immersed himself in The Collection’s his colleagues. holdings. “There was no such thing as a Born in New Orleans, Magill was raised computer when I arrived here; we barely in California. When his father retired from had a card catalog,” he said. “I’d play the United States Navy, the family moved guessing games with the photography back to New Orleans in the early 1960s, holdings: could I identify the picture withand Magill entered business school at the out looking at the back? And progressively University of New Orleans (then LSUNO). I became more knowledgeable about our “I wanted to go into advertising, but I strug- curatorial holdings.” gled in my business courses,” Magill recalled. Magill’s colleagues and the larger “My advisor pointed out, ‘You do really well community quickly came to appreciate in these history courses, of which you’re this knowledge. “Sharing what he knows taking too many.’ So, I dropped out of busi- is one of John’s most admirable qualities,” ness and went into history.” After receiving Lawrence said. “His sharing has occurred John T. Magill 12 The Historic New Orleans Collection Quarterly throughout his THNOC career, in gallery talks; television, radio, and internet appearances; book clubs; professional meetings; and almost every other type of gathering that brings people together for the appreciation of Louisiana’s history.” As Magill rose through the ranks—from cataloger, to head of the Williams Research Center’s Reading Room, to senior curator/ historian—he built lasting friendships with his colleagues. “I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like John,” said Arceneaux. Maclyn Le Bourgeois Hickey, curatorial conservation coordinator, remembers her first encounter with Magill fondly: “The day I met John Magill, July 21, 1987, is the day he became my friend, and so he remains.” Magill’s retirement promises to be filled with academic and personal enrichment. He will continue to serve as a researcher for the Carnival organization Mystick Club and will become the historian for a local social club. He has several writing projects in the works and one dream book project: a history of New Orleans from 1880 into the 1930s. “I feel that is when the New Orleans that we know today was really evolving,” he said. His colleagues have plans for him as well: “His daily presence at The Historic New Orleans Collection will be sorely missed,” said Erin M. Greenwald, curator/historian. “I wish him the best of luck in this next phase of life and look forward to a continued friendship punctuated by long lunches at local restaurants.” —MARY M. GARSAUD John T. Magill and longtime colleague Pamela D. Arceneaux, senior librarian / rare-books curator, clink glasses at Magill’s retirement party in June. Participants in the New Orleans Antiques Forum’s preconference tour explored the picturesque Hilaire Lancon House, located on Bayou Teche in Franklin, Louisiana. MEMB ER SHIP LE VEL S Founder Individual $35 Founder Family $65 Full membership benefits Family memberships are for one or two adults and any children under 18 all residing in a single household, or for one member and a guest. Merieult Society $100 Full membership benefits plus: • a special gift Mahalia Society $250 Full membership benefits plus: • a special gift • private, guided tours (by appointment) Become a Member B ENEFIT S OF MEMB ER SHIP All members of The Collection enjoy the following benefits for one full year: • complimentary admission to all permanent tours and rotating exhibitions • special invitations to events, trips, receptions, and exhibition previews • complimentary admission to the Concerts in the Courtyard series • a 10 percent discount at The Shop at The Collection • a subscription to The Historic New Orleans Collection Quarterly HOW TO JOIN Visit and click the Support Us link or complete the enclosed envelope and return it with your gift. Jackson Society $500 Full membership benefits plus: • a special gift • private, guided tours (by appointment) • free admission to all evening lectures Laussat Society $1,000 Full membership benefits plus: • a special gift • private, guided tours (by appointment) • free admission to all evening lectures • invitation to annual gala Bienville Circle $5,000 Full membership benefits plus: • a special gift • private, guided tours (by appointment) • free admission to all evening lectures • invitation to annual gala • lunch with the executive director Jack Pruitt, Janine Skerry, and Tom Savage at the 2015 New Orleans Antiques Forum NOR TH AMERI C AN RECIPRO C AL MUSEUM PRO GR AM Members of the Merieult, Mahalia, Jackson, and Laussat Societies and the Bienville Circle receive reciprocal benefits at other leading museums through the North American Reciprocal Museum (NARM) program. These benefits include free member admission, discounts on concert and lecture tickets, and discounts at the shops of participating museums. Visit for more information. Fall 2015 13 COMMUNIT Y A B I Henry Howard Launch C D ON THE S CENE On June 9, The Collection celebrated the release of Henry Howard: Louisiana’s Architect, copublished with Princeton Architectural Press. I. Dorothy Ball and author/photographer Robert S. Brantley J. John Adcock, Mercedes Montagnes, Robin Riedlinger, and Tootsie Burk Forum Fans and Heralding Howard K. Will Widmer and Jeanne Firth L. Tana Coman, John Menszer, and M. L. Eichhorn Antiques Forum Over four days in late July/early August, decorative arts lovers gathered for the 2015 New Orleans Antiques Forum. E A. Anne and Ron Pincus B. Paul Leaman and Marilyn Dittmann C. Hunt Slonem and Annette Blaugrund C D. Ellen Denker and Bradley Brooks E. Nanette Shapiro and Neal Alford F. Beth Carver Wees, Michelle Erickson, and Rob Hunter G. Keil Moss, Andrée Moss, and Ceil and Tom McGehee J F H. Katie McKinney, Jennifer Rebuck, Caryne Eskridge, Hannah Boettcher, and Philippe Halbert 14 The Historic New Orleans Collection Quarterly G K H L FO CUS ON PHIL ANTHROPY Jeanne Williams Jeanne Williams’s family tree is like a magnificent live oak, one she’s explored with tireless curiosity and prideful ownership. She knows, for instance, that her ancestor Louis de la Ronde accompanied Iberville on his 1699 voyage up the mouth of the Mississippi River—it says so in Iberville’s own journal from the expedition. In the parlor of her uptown New Orleans home are impressionist paintings by her great-great-aunts, Emilie and Marie de Hoâ LeBlanc, who were among the first Newcomb Pottery artists and whose faces and hands were immortalized in plaster by Ellsworth or William Woodward (only the signature “Woodward” is inscribed on the back). In The Collection’s Counting House hang the two oldest known portraits of French colonists in Louisiana history, her relatives Pierre Denis and Marie Madeleine Broutin de la Ronde. Williams’s love of family and history suffuses her work, home, and recreation; she sees herself as a bearer of the knowledge gathered and preserved by previous generations. “Learning my roots, for me it’s a very visceral thing,” Williams said. “I feel attached to the earth, I feel that history, and I think it’s my purpose to carry that on.” Williams’s affection for history and genealogy started in childhood. One of 14 children—she’s number seven—she was born in New Orleans and grew up primarily in the Carrollton neighborhood. Her paternal grandmother, Fabiola Pilié, lived one block away, and she was a font of genealogical knowledge. “I grew up with the history of my family,” Williams said. “My grandmother would share stories with me, and I absolutely loved it.” Pilié gave her children carefully researched family trees, written out in a tabular format with generations extending left to right. There, one can see the names of Ignace Broutin, who came to Louisiana in 1725 as a royal surveyor and designed the original Ursuline Convent, and Pierre Denis de la Ronde, fils, one of the signers of Louisiana’s first constitution. Williams’s pride in the de la Ronde branch of the family led to a formative experience following her graduation from Loyola University, where she majored in history and education. Knowing that she wanted to become fluent in French, she decided to learn the language in the country itself, in the town of her de la Ronde ancestors, Tours. She arrived with little more than “the name of a school where foreigners could learn French,” and, after staying in a hostel for a while, met an older couple, Jean and Ginette Blanc, who, though extremely formal in manner, instantly felt like family. “From the first moment, it was a match made in heaven,” said Williams, who still keeps in touch with Jean, as Ginette has passed on. The experience prompted Williams to become a tour guide when she returned to New Orleans. “I came from Europe really wanting to learn more about my city and state,” she said. Her love of history abided through the busy years of getting married, moving to Hawaii, Washington, DC, and back home to New Orleans, and raising four children— Emilie, 34, Conrad, 33, Courtney, 29, and David, 27, all of whom she discusses with the same excitement and pride she has for her forebears. Williams has been and is still active in many historical and literary organizations, including the Daughters of 1812, which has commemorated the Battle of New Orleans with a wreath-laying ceremony for over a century, most recently this January, with British diplomats in tow for the 200th anniversary of the battle. “I was one of the youngest when I joined [the Daughters], but I loved it because I love learning,” she said. “Every meeting I went to, I’d learn something about my family history or New Orleans history.” Williams brought her zeal for learning to The Collection when she became a volunteer, in 2006. Common Routes: St. Domingue–Louisiana was her first exhibition, and she quickly fell in love with the institution. “I love working with The Collection,” she said. “The people are wonderful. They do everything first class, and they are exceptionally good stewards of everything they have responsibility for.” “History is a series of links in a chain,” she said. “It’s important that someone in each generation makes sure that the chain isn’t broken.” —MOLLY REID Plaster casts of Williams’s great-great-aunts, Newcomb artists Emilie and Marie de Hoâ LeBlanc Fall 2015 15 COMMUNIT Y D ONOR S April–June 2015 The Historic New Orleans Collection is honored to recognize and thank the following individuals and organizations for their financial and material donations. Jane Adams Jackie Brice Marie Louise de la Vergne Samson Alexander Dr. Andrea Starrett Brown Susan B. Deckert Anonymous Elizabeth and Kemper Williams Brown Patricia C. Denechaud Dr. E. Ramon Arango Pamela D. Arceneaux Jeanne M. Ardoin Geraldine P. Aucoin Jacqueline Provosty Avegno Tiki and Arthur J. Axelrod Jenny Bagert and Dave Sobel Clinton Bagley Karan Bailey Judy Bajoie Baptist Community Ministries Björn Bärnheim Jeanette and Robert Barras Baskerville Lawrence E. Batiste Joan W. and Roland Becnel Deena S. Bedigian Judge Peter Beer Col. and Mrs. Joseph Bekeris Aimée and Michael Bell Marjorie P. Belou Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel V. Benjamin III Susan and Stephen Bensinger Myrna B. Bergeron Cheryl M. and Dixon B. Betz Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beyer Kellie Martin Bieber Christopher G. Bird Eric R. Bissel Stanley Blackstone C. J. Blanda Drs. Erin Boh and Corky Willhite Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Bonner Jr. Alice Robichaux Bonneval William E. Borah Isabelle and Lester Bourg Angela Bowlin Nina Bozak Mrs. Philip Breitmeyer II Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Bruce Jr. Kathleen L. and Richard A. Derbes Frances M. and John M. Bruton Ana-Maria C. Dobrescu Tootsie Burk Linda Donnels Mike Cafferata and Mark Monte Nancy Donnes Amelia M. and Neil C. Cagle Judith S. and Jeffrey R. Doussan Cahn Family Foundation Inc. Elizabeth A. Drescher Donna Kay Campbell Shirley G. Cannon Margaret M. Dziedzic and James Marunowski M. Nell Carmichael Garrity Print Solutions, A Harvey Company Hotel Monteleone Karen Walk Geisert and Gene Geisert Mr. and Mrs. R. Andrew Jardine Patricia and Jeremy Gelbwaks Melissa A. Gibbs Jean M. and James H. Gibert George D. Gibson Henry W. Giles Jr. Virginia C. Goodwin and Tim Gilbride Judge and Mrs. Henley A. Hunter Michael S. Jones George E. Jordan Madeline and David Jorgensen Peter Colt Josephs Jeanne and Mark Juneau Evie M. and A. Keith Katz Dr. Nina M. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Pat Gootee Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Killeen Priscilla and Nathan Gordon Nancy Kirkeby Marianne Green Kristine Kolva-Bartleson Janice Donaldson Grijns Ronald G. Kottemann James Emile Guercio Corine Kuehlthau Dr. and Mrs. Valentine Earhart Russell B. Guerin Carole and George Kulman Marilyn D. Carriere J. Peter Eaves Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Hall Jenny and Barry L. LaCour Charles Case and Phillip St. Cloud Bernard E. Eble III Rhonda S. Hall Jon G. Laiche Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Edwards Steven Halpern Nora Nolan Lambert Louise N. Ewin Dr. and Mrs. William Hammel Elizabeth M. and James C. Landis Deborah Fagan Margot E. Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Langley Rodolphe Chamonal Sonny Faggart Mrs. Roger P. Hanahan Heidi and Samuel Charters Col. and Mrs. Walter G. Fahr Rebecca and Wayne Hanley Dr. Margot C. LaPointe and Roger Zauel Chris Christian and Rick Ellis Kay Fallon Mrs. William K. Christovich Dr. Ina J. Fandrich Ronald Harrell and M. Christian Mounger Sarah Churney Jean M. Farnsworth Rosemary Ciaccio Michael Fedor Jerald L. Clark Sheila Ferran Mrs. John F. Clark III Susan Clements Dr. Terrance “Terry” and Merle Fippinger College of DuPage Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fitzpatrick Gary Hendershott Linda and Martin Colvill Helen Flammer and Raúl Fonte Polly and Dan Henderson Mr. and Mrs. James P. Conner Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jude Flanagan The Herman and Seena Lubcher Charitable Foundation Inc. Joanna and Carl Foltz Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hernandez Maison Dupuy Dr. R. Fortier-Bensen and Sylvia Bensen Kevin Herridge Mamsie and John Manard Judith Talbot Heumann Mr. and Mrs. Barry M. Fox Dr. Donald R. Hickey Drs. Jamie M. Manders and James M. Riopelle Earl J. Higgins Angela Crowder Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington Dave Crowley Gregg J. Frelinger Dr. and Mrs. Gregor Hoffman Nora Marsh and Julian Doerr Mutter Dr. Sammy R. Danna Dr. Phillip F. Fuselier Nancy A. Hogarth Kimball P. Marshall, PhD Joe Darby Laura Fussell Mona H. Hollier Edward F. Martin Dr. A. C. Davis Jackson R. Galloway Lanier L. Hosford James A. McAlister Jan E. Davis Betsie Gambel Susan K. Hoskins Gretchen McAlpine Eileen M. Day and Alan J. Cutlec Lesa Gamble Hotel Management of New Orleans C. James McCarthy III Cesar A. Castillo Janice and John Catledge Colleen M. Coogan Donna Capelle Cook and Tony S. Cook William C. Cook Asta V. Cotonio Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Cox Jr. 16 The Historic New Orleans Collection Quarterly John H. Lawrence Elsie L. Layton Martha Harris and Morgan Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H. LeBlanc James Harvey Lorraine LeBlanc Cameron Hatch Pierre LeBrument Capt. Clarke C. Hawley Lili LeGardeur Sam Hazell Justice Harry T. Lemmon and Judge Mary Ann Vial Lemmon History Antiques and Interiors Henri M. Louapre Dr. J. Bruce Lowe Cynthia C. Lucas Howard M. Margot Donald M. Marquis Celia and Colin L. McCormick Brooke Randolph Sticking Up For Children Tribute Gifts Drs. Georgia McDonald and Andy Mayer Sherman Raphael Elizabeth Stout Lenora Costa Stout Dr. Graham J. McDougall Jr. Adrienne Mouledoux Rasmus and Ronald C. Rasmus Tribute gifts are given in memory or in honor of a loved one. Deborah Rebuck Jenepher Stowell Ceil and Thomas C. McGehee Bank of New Orleans in memory of Lissa Christine Capo Adrian McGrath Leslee K. Reed Mary Lee Sweat Adelaide W. Benjamin in memory of Elizabeth Nicholson Fischer Robert E. McWhirter Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Reed Frances Swigart Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Bonner Jr. in memory of Lissa Christine Capo Virginia B. Meislahn William Reese Jim Tapley Marcie duQuesnay, Ralph Cox, and Members of Bourgeois Bennett LLC in memory of Elizabeth Nicholson Fischer Evelyn Merz and John Berlinghoff Dr. James L. Reynolds Milling Benson Woodward LLP Dr. Frederick A. and Suzanne Rhodes III Jennifer A. Mitchel and Scott M. Ratterree Nijme Rinaldi Dick Molpus Robert E. Rintz Elizabeth P. Moran Carolyn and Louis N. Ritten Matthew B. Moreland and Marshall C. Watson Jr. Florence Robinson Mary Martin Morrill Ruth S. Rosenthal Cynthia D. Morris and Thomas R. Klei Dr. Marianne and Sheldon L. Rosenzweig Roxanne Mouton Royal Antiques Ltd. Dr. Gordon H. Mueller Virginia Dare Rufin Lilian and John E. Mullane Eva Rumpf Patricia Murphy Marilyn S. Rusovich Craig W. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Russ Jr. Patricia Mysza and Alan Freedman Elizabeth H. and John H. Ryan Katherine B. Nachod Neal Auction Company Inc. The New Orleans Advocate Cynthia L. Nobles Teri and Randy Noel Phoebe O’Brien William W. Rosen Sylvia Ryan Gordon Sandrock Mary Satterlee Alvin Schaut Juliane Deare Schexnayder Dianne Schlosser Mr. and Mrs. William M. Tebow Patrick Thibodeaux Sheryl L. Thompson W. Howard Thompson Mr. and Mrs. James W. Thornton Sandra Douglas Campbell in memory of James R. “Reggie” Campbell David N. Capo in memory of Lissa Christine Capo Jaimee Carreras in memory of Lissa Christine Capo Lawrence J. Torres Jr. Center for the Study of the Black Belt, the University of West Alabama, in honor of Kevin T. Harrell, PhD Maria Michele Triche and Richard Bretz Deborah C. Conery in memory of Elizabeth Nicholson Fischer Julia Triplehorn Wade Trosclair Mr. and Mrs. John J. Uhl Mary Ann Valentino Joseph Bayer Vella Julie Vezinot Mary Vicroy and Pat Whelan Colette D. Villere-Ford Audrey Voelker Eleonora B. Vogt Carl M. Corbin Jr. in memory of Elizabeth Nicholson Fischer Debbie and Rick Courtney in memory of Lissa Christine Capo Claudia J. D’Aquin in memory of Lissa Christine Capo Margo Delaughter in honor of Jennifer Navarre Coaina and Tommy Delbert in memory of Lissa Christine Capo Terry and Mike Fontham in memory of Lissa Christine Capo Linda, George, and Paul Hebbler in memory of Lissa Christine Capo Lanier L. Hosford in memory of Elizabeth Nicholson Fischer Claudia K. Kheel in honor of Mallory Taylor and John H. Lawrence Chad Leingang in memory of Lissa Christine Capo William E. Wadsworth LSU Health Science Center Foundation in memory of Lissa Christine Capo Dolores J. Walker LSUHSC School of Medicine in memory of Lissa Christine Capo Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ward Dominic Massa in memory of Lissa Christine Capo Dr. William W. Waring Emily McCulloch in memory of Lissa Christine Capo Leo Watermeier Elfriede S. Westbrook Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Moerschbaecher III in memory of Lissa Christine Capo Josette and Brad White Frances N. Salvaggio in memory of Lissa Christine Capo Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. O’Keefe Florence and Richard Schornstein Dr. Joseph F. O’Neil Jane Schramel Walter H. White III Leslie D. Schroth in memory of Lissa Christine Capo Martin B. Oramous Lisa Schwartzberg Dwayne Whitley William Solomon in honor of James and Carolyn Solomon Carol Osborne Betty-Carol Sellen Catherine A. Whitney Shyrlene and Michael Oubre Naif Shahady Marylyn Geiser Wiginton St. Charles Ave. Association’s board members in memory of Lissa Christine Capo Mary Kay and Gray S. Parker Annelies J. Sheehan Frank Williams Robert H. Staton in honor of Judith H. Bonner Mrs. Godfrey Parkerson Dr. Alan E. and Joan Sheen Jason Williams Effie M. Stockton in memory of Elizabeth Nicholson Fischer Patrick F. Taylor Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Siegel Noël B. Williams Dr. Gene F. Pawlick Leatrice S. Siegel Shelly Wills Lucile and Harry Trueblood in memory of Elizabeth Nicholson Fischer Donald Payne Lindy and Jon Silverman Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Wilson Chadwick Pellerin Kate Simister Edie and John M. Wilson Judy D. and Sidney L. Pellissier Norma and Bob Simms Nancy T. and Charles C. Wilson Robert S. Perkin Dr. Vaughan Baker Simpson Dr. James M. Winford Jr. Dr. William J. and Joan R. Perret Diana Smith Dr. and Mrs. William J. Woessner Ashton Phelps Jr. Gayle B. Smith Nancy G. Wogan Capt. Robert Phillips and Juan Barona Patricia and Edwin Soulier Jack Hamilton Working Southern Foodways Alliance Toni Wright Judith and Frank S. Pons E. Alexandra Stafford and Raymond M. Rathlé Jr. Melody Young and Steven D. Martin Demetrius Porche Harriet and Norm Stafford Darlette and William Powell Tom Stagg Karen L. Puente Howard C. Stanley Linda and Corky Pugh Dennis Stark Phyllis Raabe and William T. Abbott Anne D. and Richard B. Stephens Carlton Polk Officers and directors of the Whitney Bank in memory of Elizabeth Nicholson Fischer Bookplates Donations are used to purchase books that will be marked with a commemorative bookplate. Mrs. William K. Christovich in memory of Richard J. “Dick” Brennan Sr.—Louisiana Eats! The People, the Food, and Their Stories, by Poppy Tooker (Gretna: Pelican, 2013) Mrs. William K. Christovich in memory of Frances Collens Curtis— Old Limoges: Haviland Porcelain Design and Décor, 1845–1865, by Barbara Wood and Robert Doares (Atglen, PA: Schiffer, 2005) Mrs. William K. Christovich in memory of Mary S. Fitzpatrick—New Orleans, Days and Nights in the Dreamy City: Locals Share Their Favorite Places, by Mary Fitzpatrick and Virginia McCollam (New Orleans: Preservation Resource Center, 2013) Clare B. and John A. Stewart Jr. Fall 2015 17 ACQU ISIT IONS Related Holdings ACQ UISITION SP OTLIGHT When France Was Down, a Scheme to Move Quebec South Quebec, Fur Trapping between 1860 and 1899; wood engraving by Alfred Rudolph Waud, draftsman 1977.137.18.410 i,ii Pierre Clément de Laussat Papers 1693–1835; manuscript collection MSS 125 Carte Du Canada et de la Louisiane Qui Forment la Nouvelle France et des Colonies Angloises 1756; engraving with watercolor by Jean Baptiste Nolin Jr., publisher 1982.18 Villars Family Papers 1668–1934; manuscript collection 95-3-L Acts of the Royal French Administration concerning Louisiana 1717–1771; manuscript collection MSS 268 18 The Historic New Orleans Collection Quarterly Essai sur les moyens de transporter à la Louisiane la Peuplade du Canada . . . . 2014.0352 In 1758, things were not going well for France’s colonial enterprise in Canada: halfway through the French and Indian War, she had already lost Acadia (Nova Scotia) to the British and, in spite of recording an important military victory that year at Ticonderoga, had good reason to fear further territorial losses. This 40-page manuscript essay documents the little-known historical fact that the French, guarding against the possibility that they might lose their Canadian colony altogether, had a contingency plan for moving the entire French Canadian population south into both the upper (Illinois Country) and lower (Mississippi Delta) provinces of Louisiana. The two known variants of this manuscript are both in the French National Archives: one 10-page version and one similar in length to The Collection’s. The unsigned author, likely a minister or other high official at court, stresses in his arguments the considerable size of the French Canadian population: the 1739 census had counted 39,683 inhabitants, a number that he estimated to have risen to well over 53,000 by 1758. (By contrast, the population of Louisiana did not reach 48,000 until 1795.) The author notes with pride how the relatively small French Canadian population had held out so long against the British, with their standing army of 10,000 men and North American population of at least one million—these were colonists worth saving! Nevertheless, the document provides clear evidence that the French feared the loss of their stake in Canada. These fears and more were realized in 1763 when France, having already ceded Louisiana to Spain, was forced to cede all of Canada to Great Britain. The author viewed the migration of the Quebecois as necessary to prevent British expansion westward; provide needed agricultural products; and expand commerce and preserve the beaver-pelt trade. The author RECENT AD D ITIONS Louisiana Purchase Announcement, Bicycle Songs, and Merieult’s Trade Woes acknowledges that authorities will have to persuade inhabitants to leave their homes by appealing to their patriotism and their distaste for English customs and religion, and by extolling the advantages of living in a milder climate with greater agricultural opportunities. According to the plan, the Canadians would be offered a large number of inducements to move south, including generous land grants, complete freedom of trade with Indians, exemption from taxes and fees, the rescinding of certain trade monopolies, and the permission to sell Louisiana tobacco in France. In the most surprising incentive mentioned in the document, colonists would have been able to form deliberative assemblies to ensure equitable distribution of their privileges, with a special deputy at court who would voice their opinions and complaints to the Minister of the Navy. This arrangement would have given them a much more fair and democratic existence than any of their brethren in France at that time could have hoped for. Compelling as this document is in its broad strokes, it is often most fascinating in its details: the lament that France spent five million pounds a year importing tobacco from Holland and England; the admission that French sea captains charged double the going rate to transport slaves to the New World; and the suggestion— clearly unsubstantiated—that silkworms, cochineals, and camels would all thrive in the Louisiana climate. Several of the observations on flora and fauna—not all of them chimeric—match almost verbatim reports made by French Louisiana officials to the new French intendant, Pierre-Clément de Laussat, more than 40 years later. Did these clichés originate with the early French naturalists and writers of travel memoirs, then make their way to Laussat’s era via retransmission in documents like this one? —HOWARD MARGOT Despite the gravity of the news related in this broadside, there was still space available in the lower right corner for three Baltimore merchants to promote their wares. Broadsides printed on large sheets of paper were meant to disseminate information quickly, were intended for wide distribution, and were soon discarded. These ephemeral announcements rarely survived past their immediate release, and no other extant copies of this one are known. —PAMELA D. ARCENEAUX Carta de las Costas de . . . el Golfo de Mexico 2014.0250 Telegraphe Extraordinary 2014.0039 This rare Spanish admiralty chart of the Gulf Coast dates to 1846. The extent of the map runs from the old province of Nuevo Santander, in northern Mexico, along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico to St. Joseph’s Peninsula in northern Florida. Despite its publication date, the engraving itself must have been completed prior to the United States’ annexation of Texas, in December 1845, because “Republica de Texas” appears in the northwest corner of the map. The longitude and latitude of the entire northern Gulf Coast is used to delineate the various bays and rivers detailed in the engraving. Bays from the northern Gulf Coast of modern-day Mexico and southern Texas—Corpus Christi, Matagorda, and Galveston—are included, along with a The Telegraphe, a newspaper published in Baltimore between 1795 and 1807, issued a special broadside extra on Saturday morning, October 22, 1803. Less than 48 hours earlier, the United States Senate had formally approved the Louisiana Purchase Treaty, immediately doubling the size of the young nation as well as obtaining the strategically important port city of New Orleans. This recently acquired special issue is likely the second printing of the momentous news, preceded only by the printing of the treaty in the capital city’s leading newspaper, the National Intelligencer, and Washington Advertiser, on October 21. Entitled Telegraphe Extraordinary, the broadside states, “Yesterday at about 5 o’clock, P. M. the Senate ratified the LOUISIANA TREATY; twenty four votes in the affirmative, and seven in the negative. . . . We congratulate our fellow-citizens on the prompt approbation given by the Senate to this important act.” The full text of the treaty follows, giving the names of its architects, Robert R. Livingston, James Monroe, and François Barbé-Marbois. Fall 2015 19 depiction of the Rio Grande delta. In and around Louisiana, the chart shows details of the Sabine River and its delta, as well as the Mississippi River from Natchez to the delta below New Orleans. The map includes depth soundings, coded by water color and clarity, throughout the portion of the gulf shown, but the majority cluster around the Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida coasts. The soundings surrounding the Mississippi River delta and Mobile and Pensacola Bays must have been especially helpful to seamen navigating those waters. —MATT FARAH Bicycle Sheet Music 2015.0159 praised the healthful pleasures and independence of bicycle riding. The cyclist’s life, as depicted in “The Wheelman’s Song,” is “one unfading spring /Green and blooming till its close.” One of the recently acquired pieces, “The Bicycle March” (2015.0159.4), written by Laurent L. Comes in 1892, is “respectfully dedicated to the New Orleans Bicycle Club.” The club, organized in the 1880s, had more than 80 members in 1892, when it built a clubhouse at the corner of Baronne and General Taylor Streets. The event was important enough that Mayor Joseph Shakspeare came and laid the cornerstone for the building, and the dedication ceremony was written up in the Daily Picayune. It seems likely that the sheet music was produced to commemorate that event. This acquisition complements The Collection’s scrapbook from the Louisiana Cycling Club (98-62-L), a different bicycling group in New Orleans active around the same time. was seized, her private cargo, a shipment of cochineal dye—red pigment derived The development of the bicycle in the from insects—was allowed to remain in second half of the 19th century had a Merieult’s possession, provided he deposit in profound impact on the society and culture the city treasury a promissory note equal to of those pre-automobile decades. Providing the dye’s value. Unfortunately, the tropical a healthy and enjoyable way to exercise, not climate—and a considerable delay between to mention a relatively inexpensive method —ROBERT TICKNOR the time of the property’s seizure and that of of transportation, bicycles prompted the its release—caused much of the perishable growth of a subculture of enthusiasts, called Jean-Francois Merieult Petition to the cargo to spoil and lose more than half its wheelmen, who organized rides, held races, Duke of Santa Fe Regarding Business value. Hoping to find a more favorable trade and formed cycling clubs. During this time, Losses environment in a neutral European port, before the advent of radio, sheet music 2014.0289 Merieult subsequently shipped the remainwas a common means of bringing popular ing cochineal dye to Hamburg. When a song into the American home. The recent While traveling in France in 1808, promisecond ship, the Tanner, made the return acquisition of 18 pieces of bicycle-themed nent New Orleans merchant and slave trip to Vera Cruz, the new Spanish viceroy, sheet music shows how the two trends trader Jean François Merieult (1756–1818), Félix Berenguer de Marquina, illegally merged for a short time around the turn for whom The Historic New Orleans seized its cargo, the contents of which are of the century. With titles such as “The Collection’s Merieult House was built, not specified in Merieult’s letter. Pretty Little Scorcher” and “The Crackajack met the Duke of Santa Fe, Miguel José de Traveling first to Madrid and then to March and Two Step,” these songs often Arzana (1745–1826), a former viceroy of Paris in search of restitution, Merieult New Spain who was then serving as Spanish contended he was the victim of unfair ambassador, based in Paris. Two years later, trade practices and government corrupMerieult wrote to Arzana to seek his aid tion. Spanish officials, feeling Merieult had in securing reparation for financial losses already profited handsomely, quickly tired sustained while attempting to ship goods of his pleas for additional relief, yet Merieult through the port of Vera Cruz. struggled for years to convince foreign offiMerieult and his business partners had cials to compensate him for his losses. been responsible for the shipment to Havana Merieult’s letter to the duke complements of $150,000 in government funds aboard other related holdings, including his certifithe brigantine Martha. The vessel departed cate of citizenship (2008.0100.29), a legal Vera Cruz but, in order to evade a British statement he gave at the US Consulate in blockade, took refuge in the Mississippi Paris (2008.0100.26), and an illustration by River, where Juan Ventura Morales, intenBoyd Cruise of the Merieult House, which dant of New Orleans, ordered the currency serves as The Collection’s Royal Street to be offloaded and deposited in the city entrance (2004.0078.2.4). —M. L. EICHHORN coffers. While the Martha’s public cargo 20 The Historic New Orleans Collection Quarterly The Historic New Orleans Collection Quarterly Dar Pelgar (detail) 1878; needlework by Rosa Klock gift of the Director’s Residence, Tower Grove Park, 2010.0228 EDITOR Molly Reid DIRECTOR OF PUBLICATIONS Jessica Dorman HEAD OF PHOTOGRAPHY Keely Merritt ART DIRECTION Alison Cody Design The Historic New Orleans Collection is a nonprofit institution dedicated to preserving the distinctive history and culture of New Orleans and the Gulf South. Founded in 1966 through the Kemper and Leila Williams Foundation, The Collection operates as a museum, research center, and publisher in the heart of the French Quarter. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mrs. William K. Christovich, Chair Drew Jardine, President John Kallenborn, Vice President John E. Walker E. Alexandra Stafford Hilton S. Bell Bonnie Boyd Fred M. Smith, Emeritus and Immediate Past President EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Priscilla Lawrence 533 Royal Street & 410 Chartres Street New Orleans, Louisiana 70130 (504) 523-4662 | [email protected] ISSN 0886-2109 ©2015 The Historic New Orleans Collection Fall 2015 21 Kemper and Leila Williams Foundation Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage PA ID 533 Royal Street New Orleans, Louisiana 70130 A D D R E SS SER V I C E R EQ U E S T ED FROM THE SHOP Turn kitchen prep into a main event Husband-and-wife team Mandy Simpson and Daren Sumrow of New Orleans Woodworking are the artisans behind Nola Boards, first-class cutting boards made from domestic and imported hardwood. Each piece features an eye-catching design and is conditioned with food-grade mineral oil and beeswax for a smooth finish. C Atchafalaya, $130 The Shop at The Collection T H E H IS TORI C N EW OR L EA N S CO L L E CT I O N Marigny Triangle II, $94 533 Royal Street, in the French Quarter Tuesday–Saturday: 9:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Sunday: 10:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. (504) 598-7147 Shop online at