CTA Presenter: Anita Benitas, IFT Program Consultant
CTA Presenter: Anita Benitas, IFT Program Consultant
Good Teaching Conference (South) Teacher Driven Change: New Opportunities Lead to New Possibilities CTA Presenter: Anita Benitas, IFT Program Consultant F O R E D U C ATO R S A N D C H A P T E R S IFT GRANTS THE CTA INSTITUTE FOR TEACHING PRESENTS 7KH,QVWLWXWHIRU7HDFKLQJLVDFQRQSURÀWIRXQGDWLRQ IRXQGHGLQE\WKH&DOLIRUQLD7HDFKHUV$VVRFLDWLRQ $FFRUGLQJWRLWVPLVVLRQ “The IFT works to create better teaching and learning conditions in all schools and to create teacher-driven solutions that help struggling students and schools, reduce the high school dropout rate and close achievement gaps.” ,)7%2$5'2)',5(&7256 Dean E. Vogel Eric C. Heins Mikki Cichocki-Semo E. Toby Boyd Jim Groth Eric Enriquez Michelle Ramos Liane Cismowski Beverly Tucker CTA President CTA Vice-President CTA Secretary Treasurer CTA Board Liaison CTA Board Liaison Teacher, Hayward USD Teacher, Covina-Valley USD Principal, Mt. Diablo USD CTA Chief Counsel– Retired For additional information please visit ZZZ7HDFKHUGULYHQFKDQJHRUJ IFT GRANTS F O R E D U C ATO R S A N D C H A P T E R S The CTA Institute for Teaching has established a competitive grant program for CTA members and chapters to support strength-based, teacher-driven reform for students and public schools. The grant application process is open to individual &7$PHPEHUVVPDOOWHDPVRIHGXFDWRUVDQGDIÀOLDWHG local chapters. Applications can be submitted from January 1, 2014 through April 30, 2014. The awards will be announced in June 2014. Detailed grant information can be found on the IFT website-ZZZ7HDFKHUGULYHQFKDQJHRUJ- by clicking on the grant link. &RPSHWLWLYHHGXFDWRUJUDQWVZLOOEHDZDUGHGLQ DPRXQWVXSWR &RPSHWLWLYHFKDSWHUJUDQWVZLOOEHDZDUGHGLQ DPRXQWVXSWR $OODSSOLFDWLRQVPXVWUHÁHFWLQQRYDWLYHHIIRUWVWR achieve school & district reform and be strengthbased and teacher-driven. Applications must specify how the proposal is strengthbased, how it will improve teaching and learning conditions and how student outcomes will be improved. QUESTIONS? Please contact the CTA Institute for Teaching 5333 Mission Center Rd., Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92108 Phone: 619-683-3990 Fax: 619-683-3994 'LFN*DOH,)70DQDJHU3URJUDP'LUHFWRUGJDOH#FWDRUJ 0HUUL%RVWRQ,)73URJUDP6SHFLDOLVWPERVWRQ#FWDRUJ 12 IFT Grant Projects in Region 3 Associated Pomona Teachers Tyra Weis, President / Susan Shaw, Coordinator Zooming into Literacy through the Arts $20,000 This project is designed to be used with Pomona’s After School Education and Safety Program (ASES) and will provide ASES teachers and frontline staff with professional development and curriculum to prepare students to utilize technology and actively participate in their communities. Students will use the Outside the Lens (OTL) curriculum which is designed to transform the way young people use photography and digital media. Student projects will culminate with an exhibition where students present their findings to family, friends and the community. Inglewood TA Peter Somberg, President / Kelly Iwamoto, Coordinator Parent University $20,000 The goal of this project is to create a strong family-school-community partnership in Inglewood and to empower parents to work together and be a model of inter-dependence for their children. Educating parents on school governance structures and how they can become a part of the decision-making process is a key element of the Parent University. The program will focus on Oak Street and Bennett-Kew Elementary Schools. It will work from the belief that children and their families have the strengths and resources to support students to ensure their success. Lennox TA Julie Smith, President / Roy Lopez, Coordinator Community Strengths: Multiculturalism, Bilingualism, Creativity & Innovation $20,000 This grant proposal focuses on the correlation and integration of Language Arts, the Visual and Performing Arts and Social Science at Moffett School. Its academic, linguistic and cultural goals align with the Common Core Standards to promote creativity, innovation and bi-literacy. This proposal serves to affirm an on-going emphasis of strengths over deficit-based thinking in the school community. It is designed to promote opportunities for group work, project-based learning, goal setting, journal writing and student portfolios, as well as increased parent involvement. Lennox TA Julie Smith, President / Maria D. Fernandez, Coordinator PTA Volunteers Leadership Project $12,400 This project is designed to increase the commitment from school-community stakeholders for the teaching and learning process at Moffett Elementary School. Specifically, it addresses a request from parents that they receive training in math skills, as well as English literacy. The project is designed to provide a series of five Math Institutes in consultation with the UCLA Parent Project. When students see their parents getting and giving help, they will be more likely to ask for support when they need it and to support others, as well. TA of Norwalk-La Mirada Kelly Rush, President / Norma Williamson, Coordinator ϭ