Chapter “J” - GWRRA of Michigan


Chapter “J” - GWRRA of Michigan
Region “D”, Chapter “J”
“Cascade Wings”
Jackson, Michigan
8 Issue
August 2014
Big Winners at the
Michigan District
Convention Rally
Chapter J
Larry and Karen Bradley
Cascade Wings
Chapter J Cascade Wings
“Our 31st Year of “Fun, Safety and Knowledge”
1997 Michigan GWRRA Chapter of the Year
1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, & 2008 Rider Ed.
Chapter of the Year
 1st Place Ticket Selling Chapter for the Bike
Raffle from 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998,
1999, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,
2008, & 2009
 2nd Place Ticket Selling Chapter for the Bike
Raffle 2000, 2001, 2010, and 2011
● 3rd Place Ticket Selling Chapter for the Bike
Raffle 2012, 2013
Visit or Join Chapter “J” at
Cascades Wesleyan Church
1404 Rowan St
Jackson, MI 49203
Chapter “J”
News Website Address:
For those of you who still have not visited the Chapter J
Website, please do so immediately.
You will be impressed. It is easy for you to link to National,
Michigan District, and Region D, as well as all of Chapter
J's events. With just a click of the button, all this information is at your fingertips.
Region D
Visit us on
Facebook at Goldwing J
The 1st Sunday of the Month
Social Time @ 5:30 pm
Gathering @ 6:00 pm
Next MONTHLY Gathering is
Sunday September 14, 2014
Where to Look
J website Face Book, meeting place, time and day
Region—District—South East Chapters
Chapter J CD—Assistant CD’s, & Staff
Article(s) from your CD & Chapter Rider Educator
Articles from the Chapter Staff
Chapter “J” Articles—Member (s) of the Month—Chapter Flyers
Calendar, Chapter J Activities Calendar,
Mark your Calendars, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Other Stuff
Classifieds, Advertisers, COY, and IOY
Cascade Wings
GWRRA Region D
GWRRA Michigan State Staff
Southeast Section
Region D Directors
Lee & Kay Tieche
[email protected]
Michigan District Director
Bob & Kim Scott
Michigan District
Rider Educators
Bruce & Melissa Thayer
[email protected]
Michigan Assistant
District Directors
South East Section
Bruce 734-740-7847
[email protected]
Bob & Nancy Natter
Advisory Team
Larry Terryn
(H) 586-786-6807
[email protected]
Rider Education Ambassadors
Jan & Ron Smith
Audrey Holmes
[email protected]
South East Section Chapters
Chapter C—Monroe
Floral City Wings
Chapter Directors
Tim and Pam Hanson
[email protected]
Meetings are the 1st Saturday of the month. at
9 AM at the The Little Brown Jug
Chapter J—Jackson
Cascade Wings
Chapter H2—Taylor
Down River Wings
Chapter Director
Gary Lawrence
Downriver Wings meet the 4th Tuesday of
the month @ 6:30 pm for dinner and 7:30
meeting located at: Leon's Family Dining
Chapter S2—Detroit
Motor City Wings
Chapter Directors
Lonnie Reynolds
[email protected]
We meet the second and fourth Saturday of
the month at 10 AM at Kerby's Koney Island
Chapter Directors
Tom Taylor
[email protected]
Meetings are generally the first Sunday
of the month at Cascades Wesleyan
Church located at 1404 Rowan St. in
Jackson, MI. Social hour starts at 5:30 6:00 PM. Gathering begins at 6:00 PM
- 7:30 PM( or as close as possible).
Come out and join us for a good time.
Chapter W—Adrian
Maple City Wings
Chapter Directors
Ken and Patti Kintner
[email protected]
Chapter meetings are held at 9:00 AM the
second Sunday of every month at the UAW
Hall in Adrian
Chapter H—Livonia
Livonia Area Wings
Chapter Directors
Contact Bob and Nancy Natter
[email protected]
The monthly gathering is the first
Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm Check
Newsletter for location.
Chapter R—Charlotte
Eaton County Wings
Chapter Directors
Alise and Emmett Swan
[email protected]
Chapter R meets the fourth Saturday of the
month at 9 AM at the Charlotte Church of
Chapter W2—Wayne
Wandering Wings
Chapter Directors
Gary and Margo McMillin
[email protected]
Our monthly gathering takes place at 7:30 PM
on the third Tuesday of each month at Big
Boy Restaurant, 6360 Wayne Rd, Westland
Contact CD for next Breakfast location.
Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge
Cascade Wings
Director & Assistant Directors
Chapter “J”
Assistant Directors
Michigan District
COYs 2014
Gary and Carol Williams
[email protected]
Chapter “J” Director
Tom Taylor
[email protected]
Chapter “J”
Assistant Directors
Jeff & Terri Curtis
[email protected]
Chapter Rider Educator
Jim Herron
[email protected]
MEC Coordinator
Web-site Coordinator
Don Czarnecki
[email protected]
Chapter Treasurer
Lori Norkey
[email protected]
Ride Coordinator
Newsletter Editor
Mary Dodge
[email protected]
Newsletter Member
of the Month Reporter
Julie Hoover
[email protected]
Raffle Ticket Coordinator
2007-2008 GWRRA
Michigan Recruiter
Louie Schippers
[email protected]
Activities Coordinator
Sunshine Person
Randy Lea
[email protected]
Monica Rodman
[email protected]
Goodies Coordinator
Chapter J Orientation Coordinator
Gordon and EllaMay Rudolph
[email protected]
50/50 Ticket Sales
Whoever Wins
Chapter J Brag Book
Peggy Owens
[email protected]
Chapter J Café Hosts
Larry & Cindy Wacker
[email protected]
Welcome and
Visitor Greeters
Sue Rinehart
[email protected]
Chapter Photographer
All Chapter J Members
for Fun,
Cascade Wings
News from Chapter “J”
From Tom
Chapter J Director
AUGUST, already!!! Wow, the riding season is just
flying by and…based on all reports many of you are not
letting it go to waste. It’s a great time of year to be a
Goldwinger and more importantly a member of
We have a lot of events going on with opportunities
to ride and have fun. I’ve enjoyed the summer so far
and am looking forward to seeing you all on our future
rides and events. Sate Rally? Midnight Ride? Hatchet
Faster Horses, really? With all that alcohol I don’t
know how they could be considered fast!! I’d like to
give a special thanks to everyone that came out to see
what this event was all about so the Chapter can make
an informed decision about our participation next year.
Faster Horses or the Race or… something else??.
Given this last minute opportunity a group of us decided to give it a try. We had a good time and learned
a lot about the event. We were given an all access 3
day pass, $18.00 in meal vouchers, bottled water,
some snacks/fruit, camping and $100/person to the
chapter for working 1- 10:30 am to 8:30 pm shift driving
the trams.
In my opinion, working all 3 days is a little too much
however…working 1 day and enjoying the rest of the
venue would be great idea for next year. However, as
you will learn, this is not a NASCAR organized event.
The rules are a little looser and that creates a few more
safety challenges driving a tram. Nothing we have to
decide on now but when we do we have the folks below with some firsthand knowledge to help us make the
decision. Thanks everyone you did a great job, made
the chapter proud and…added over $2,000 to our bank
Gordy & Ella May Rudolph,
Dale Duncan,
Tim Reamers,
Tom Manyard,
Gary Williams
Jeff & Terri Curtis,Larry
Karen Bradley & Family
I’d like to offer a special thanks to Karen and Larry for
providing dinner (tri tips) for us all on Friday night and
breakfast for us on Saturday. (Note: I included Larry’s
name to be polite as Karen did all the work and Larry
helped with the eating part). I’m sure Karen did more
as the weekend progressed but it seems I needed a
few days in the hospital so I missed the rest of the
weekend. Thanks guys!!!
Our state rally is over and congratulations to Larry
and Karen for being the BIG WINNERS and coming
home with the GRAND PRIZE. Gary and Carol had many
hats, and one was running a mini version of our Burn
Camp Challenge at the rally. Since I didn’t make it this
year, I’m not sure who was there from Chapter J to help
Gary and Carol, but I’m sure they had a lot of help. I still
want to thank every one who helped and met our obligation
to cover Security. Thanks for being there.
What’s next? Well, I’m glad you asked.
There’s a lot more fun coming our way, keep an eye on the
calendar and your bike ready to roll!!
Ride Safe. Ride Often.
Tom Taylor aka Yellow Wing
Chapter J Director
From Jim and Kathy
Chapter J
Rider Educator
Look Twice Save A Life - A 'Take Two' Twist
Looking twice to make certain a motorcycle is not 'hiding in
plain sight' as you turn left, change lanes, pull out of a
driveway or cross an intersection is sound advice for us all.
It's a phrase I encourage everyone to share with our
non-riding friends and co-workers. Recently 'signal mirrors'
was a topic in this article. The intent was that we consider
installing these devices to amplify our lane changing intentions to overtaking motorists. The truth is that even with
reasonable caution at times the blind spot will suddenly be
filled and a signal mirror might trigger a tap on the brakes
from a stealthy aggressive speeding commuter.
Of course they might NOT, so here's the 'Take Two
Twist' (bad pun intended). Despite the fact that the stock
mirrors on a Gold Wing are excellently engineered to provide a superior view when compared to so many other
manufacturers and models, blind spots ARE extremely
tough to eliminate. For this reason, in the ARC training
course the 'head check' step is emphasized. Us humans
are engineered with eyes forward and a pivoting neck, we
did not get those compound eyes given to insects.
So let's 'do the twist' with that pivoting neck and Look
Twice to check that blind spot is still clear before changing
lanes. Whether riding solo or yes even in a group, a head
check is ALWAYS a critical step before executing your maneuver. Remember, Group Rides require a heightened
level of focus and alertness where the basics are even
more important because they protect you AND your
These steps also apply to your 4 wheelers,
PLEASE turn your head and look,
don't just rely on your mirrors.
Jim and Kathy Herron
Chapter J Rider Educators
Cascade Wings
From Gary and Carol
Chapter J Assist Directors &
2014 Michigan District COYS
I want to applaud Chapter J ACD's Jeff and Terri for
their articles during the first half of the year. I never realized how easy we had it when we were writing about
future events! This keeping up with sharing about
things we've all done is much harder to me! As I looked
at the list of things since mid-June to write about, I realized that because of the timing of when others wrote
articles, most of it was covered last month. Oh well, you
still get my perspective of those events. Haha!
As you saw the picture in last month's newsletter, it
was a great day for a ride to the Lugnuts game. We
were not able to attend, but it sure looked and sounded
as if everyone had a great time. I think we'll all be looking forward to doing it again next year. Thanks Jeff &
Terri for organizing it, and for Randy leading the ride for
Next came our Wednesday ice cream ride that Cal
led. We had 4 trikes and 3 bikes on that ride. We had a
couple of 'second seat' visitors that night, too. It
seemed like they had a good time right along with the
rest of us. Thanks Cal, for filling in for Jeff & Terri.
Next came a last minute dinner ride to Zukey
Lake. Gordon and Ella May planned and led this
ride. We had seven on 2 wheels, two on 3 wheels, and
three on (in) 4 wheels join in the fun for a total of 21
people. We were first-timers for going there. It was
very nice. Good meal, good prices, and friendly wait
staff. Of course, I particularly liked winning my dinner
for free, simply based on being last served! Nice surprise, and thanks to the chapter. Oh, and they have a
great covered walkway for waiting out storms, and I
mean storms. That was some lightening! But it eventually let up and we were able to head to Hell for Ice
Cream. Everyone should eat ice cream in Hell at least
once! Did I mention that all three of these rides were in
the same week?!?! Way to keep active and give
choices for rides, Chapter J!
Next up was Wing Ding. Gary and I left on June 30
and arrived the 1st to watch the International Couple of
the Year Selection. The others, Tom, Don & Ivy, Jim &
Kathy and Lori came over on the Badger and arrived on
the 3rd. Just in time for Gary's 61st birthday. Thanks
everyone for making it such a nice evening! They also
came back by way of the Badger. I wish we could
have. Maybe someday. We had intended to go north
and cross over the U.P., but the weather for all of Wisconsin and the U.P. was 'red' for dangerous
weather. So we headed south and took a couple days
at leisure coming home.
I know there was another ice cream ride in there,
too. My understanding was 5 bikes went down to the
Udder Ice Cream shop on U.S. 12. Funny thing is,
when Gary and I were coming home from Wing Ding,
we passed it and mentioned how that would be a good
ride, not knowing they had already done that! Great minds
think alike, right?!
We had a great gathering on the 13th. Thanks to
Gord and Mona for sharing his Retirement Cake. Happy
Retirement Gord! Also thanks to those who agreed to
drive trams for Faster Horses. By getting our foot in the
door there, we may be able to lesson our drivers for MIS
next year, and still come out ahead financially. In fact, as I
write this, Tom, Gary, Dale, Tim, Tom M., Gordon, Larry
and possibly others are out there driving! Tomorrow and
Sunday there will be more driving. These extra finances
are helping us to give back more to YOU! I'm looking forward to more surprises in giving back to the chapter this
year. You all deserve it!
Also since the gathering, I've gotten myself 2 new
sets of wheels. One set in the form of a purple (of course)
walker to help me get out and about more than I have
been able to. The second set in the form of a new
van. The Sorento got turned back in and I opted to go
back to a van. I missed having the room that a van provides, plus now I have a place to carry the new
walker. And with the five grandkids getting so big, they
needed the extra room, too. They may have fit into the
Sorento, but it wasn't fun.
I'm looking forward to sharing next month about the
Red Green MI Rally/Convention that I trust YOU are attending!!??!! Remember, we're throwing out the 'been
there-done that' and going with 'I choose to have
fun!' Yep, WE CHOOSE!
Be blessed,
Gary and Carol Williams
Chapter J Assistant Directors
2014 MI District Couple of the Year
From Gary and Carol
2014 Michigan District COYS
Since our last article, life has been a whirlwind of fun and
travel. Gary and I attended, once again, the Couple of the
Year Day Camp that the Indiana MEC's hold. It was a
good reminder for us, plus we were able to share with
other couples about our adventures as we represent all of
you as your Michigan couple.
Our own Chapter couple, Jeff and Terri, were not able
to attend due to the seriousness of Terri's mom, Eileen's,
health at that time. We do offer our sincere condolences
to the family at Eileen's passing. We did have Eddie and
Charlene from S2 there. It was a fun, informative day that
was topped off by the awesome pot luck dinner we had.
You'll need to ask Eddie about his chicken dish. What a
We also had a lot of fun as the 'other' Gary and Carol
were there representing Indiana. We met them there at
the camp last year when we were all Chapter couples. You know, sometimes Couples of the Year are
(Continued on page 7)
Cascade Wings
tempted to say 'just' the chapter couple, when that distinction is really the first and most important and most
treasured of all titles! It was impressed on us, and we in
turn would like to impress on you, that the Chapter Couple of the Year is such an HONOR. As the saying goes,
your chapter KNOWS you and still CHOSE you! They
recognize who you are as persons and what you have
done for the chapter. So please don't dismiss yourselves as 'just' the chapter couple. You Rock Jeff and
Our next big adventure was the same destination
as many of you, Wind Ding in Madison, WI. We arrived
just in time on Tuesday for the International Couple of
the Year Selection. (Literally, we registered and arrived
just minutes before the selection process began.) This
was the first time viewing the international selection
process for us, and we were very much rooting for Rudy
and Linda Copeland from Region D. Although they
would have had our vote, had we been allowed to vote,
the selection went to another couple. Congratulations to
your new International Couple of the Year, John and
Barb Pons from Region F!
Aside from working at the pre-registration table on
Friday, we spent a lot of time in seminars. Well, that is,
one four-day long seminar for Gary, and I went to several by myself during the week. This Wing Ding was
only our second, but definitely the better one as I swallowed my pride and borrowed a walker. It ended up being such a blessing as I was able to walk more, and
more quickly, and then sit as needed. That entire venue
was so large, I fear I never would have budged from the
registration area had I not had it. In fact, I realized how
much I've been missing out on by not being able to walk
any distance, and I now am the 'happy' owner of my
own walker. It's even a shade of my favorite color, purple.
Gary also spent quite a bit of his life standing in the
J & M line. You see, in our hurry to get registered and to
the ICOY selection on time, Gary accidentally ripped the
head set out of his helmet. He had set his helmet on the
seat to help me, and then just grabbed it to put in the
trailer. However, his cord decided to get itself caught,
and didn't want to move when Gary picked up the helmet. What a mess. So after the ICOY was over, he
stood, and stood, and stood in line. When it was finally
his turn, the gentleman looked at his helmet and said,
'Sorry, due to a lawsuit, I can't work on a Fulmer helmet.' Gary started to turn away, wondering what now,
when the man said 'But I can give you the parts and you
can do it yourself.' And he did GIVE him the parts, including the tool needed! Then J & M did it again for us
when I took my helmet in because my microphone only
works once in a while. Fully expecting to pay for it as
they had to replace a bad cord, the man's answer was
'no charge, thanks for being a customer.' We were very
thankful for J & M customer service.
Gary also celebrated his 61st birthday while at
Wing Ding. We had a great time celebrating with
friends, Tom, Don, Ivy, Jim, Kathy and Lori, at a local
Madison steak place. You chose your own steak from a
cooler, cooked it yourself over an open fire and paid for the
privilege! Really, it was a great place, beautiful atmosphere and very good food. Thanks, friends!
It still amazes me on how we can walk around a place
with over 8,800 people there, and hear people call our
names and say hi. Hugs abound from those you may see
only a few times or even only once a year. Being your MI
District Couple of the Year, being a part of the GWRRA
family is so much fun and so rewarding. Thank you again
for this honor.
Since we've been home from Wing Ding, we did have
the opportunity to travel to J2 for the installation of their
new CD's and ACD's. Seems their 'losing' their current
CD's to another State Staff position?! Congratulations to
all! And thanks to Louie for traveling with us!
By the time you read this, our Red Green MI Rally/
Convention will be over. Perhaps you're still laughing at
some of the things you saw there, or smiling about a particular memory of an event. You could still be patting your
stomach from all that good food from the Friday night dinner, or from a particular food vendor you like. If you're a
Chapter couple from any year, we trust you enjoyed getting together with the others at the reunion. Once a COY,
always a COY!
We truly hope you shared your thanks and appreciation to all those on state staff that are stepping aside. (If
not, it's never too late to say thanks!) We trust you welcomed those coming on board the staff. If you enjoyed
something particular about the weekend, share those
thoughts. If you didn't like something, carefully and respectfully share that opinion as well with the staff. Don't
grumble and complain to anyone and everyone who will
listen. Be kind and constructive with your criticisms; be
loud with your compliments. We're all a part of this, so
share your ideas. (And be aware, what you share could
become your responsibility...ask Gary! HaHa!)
We hope you all keep riding, keep riding safe, and
enjoy your rides!
Be blessed,
Gary and Carol Williams
517.262.0896 or 517.262.6314
[email protected]
Friends for
Fun, Safety,
and Knowledge
Cascade Wings
From Jeff and Terri
Chapter J Assist Directors &
2014 Chapter J COYS
Well, we have a busy month coming up. Can you believe August already? Hope the Michigan Rally was on
your “To Do List” this year. That started the month off.
Now that we’ve already breezed past the Burn Camp
Parade and busting a gut on the 4th Annual Curtis
Corn Roast we’re ready for dessert.
How about ice cream on the 14th?? Who knows
where we may go… If you haven’t made an ice cream
ride this year, try to get in on the fun. We’ve gone as
far as Jonesville to the “Udder Side” and as close as
Grass Lake’s “Lovin Spoonful”. Rides usually last 45
minutes to an hour, give or take.
Then on to the Mighty Mac August 15th for the Midnight Ride. There may be a few of us that choose to
ride during the day Friday instead of late at night, but
we’re not getting old! Thanks to Cheryl Fetterman for
setting up the motel rooms every year and making our
bon fire and turtle watching newsworthy events. It’s
always fun to drive up to Paradise that weekend for
Kettle Corn and blueberries, not to mention the craft
show. We wouldn’t be surprised if a few Wings went
out for a nice ride to “somewhere” during that weekend.
Thanks to all the members that are helping support
Chapter J by shuffling fans at the MIS race August 16th
and 17th. Although, we’re not sure it will be quite as
exciting as the Faster Horses weekend. Ask some
Faster Horses workers for more details. Did anyone try
the “Foam Pit”?
For anyone interested, Chapter C2 is having a Veteran’s Ride on Saturday August 23rd. Thursday August 27th will be the last Ice Cream ride for August, just
before the Labor Day festivities. Kim and Charlie
Brown have organized a great lineup of events the past
few years and no doubt it will be another great weekend at Portage Lake for those that are going. Expect
to see some of Chapter J’s canine family members as
a few have been added since last year’s event. Even if
you don’t camp overnight still come for the fun and
food! Hope to see you there.
A few more events to keep in mind: Knights of the
Hatchet is September 5th through the 7th and the Region D Rally is September 11th through the 14th at the
Nobile Co. Community Fairgrounds in Kendallville, IN.
Also on the 14th is Chapter W’s Toy Run in Adrian.
All that plus our Chapter J Gathering at 5:30 pm for
social hour, meeting starting at 6:00 pm.
There’s a lot going on so get out and ride… safely.
Jeff and Terri Curtis
Chapter J 2014 Couple of the Year
Chapter J MEC Coordinator
(be sure it’s current)
From Don
Website Coordinator
Hi! Folks
The Newsletter and updated Quick List is ready.
Quick List
J webpage
Michigan GWRRA
Don “The Don” Czarnecki
Chapter J Website Coordinator
Mary Dodge
Newsletter Editor
Hi! Everyone
Well July went by with a flash, and now August is here.
What a month it’s going to be for me. First is the Midnight
Ride on the 15th thru the 17th, then on the 20th I leave for
the Quilt Show in Grand Rapids for 4 days. By then you
should be getting ready for the Labor Day Camp Out that
Kim and Charlie have planned. That should send August
out with a bang.
KAREN, for being the big winners at the Michigan District Convention Rally, and he sold the winning ticket
too. Way to go. Of course everyone was a winner by just
attending and participating. Remember these Rallies can’t
succeed without you. So be sure to mark your calendar for
(Continued on page 9)
Cascade Wings
the next one. OH! I think that would be the Region D
Rally in Kendallville, Indiana.
Be sure to catch up on what you missed in July
from Carol and Gary’s article, and see what you can be
enjoying with future events from Jeff and Terri’s article.
They really do a great job of keeping you informed of
all the activities that are available. You can always join
them in writing an article of all your journeys. Just a
little one would be fun to read.
Have a great month and ride safe
We were even served glasses with you know who’s name
on them. They wouldn’t let us take them or buy them
Still all is going smoothly, but only the end of day 4
Day 5
We left Oklahoma City in the Rain but soon the sun
was shining again. We were heading for Weatherford, OK
to another Quilt Shop, taking Route 66 where we could.
Only getting there to find the Quilt Shop was out of business. So sad. We decided to pass on the Oklahoma
Route 66 museum and take in the Route 66 National Museum (all 8 states),
in Elk City, OK.
24 Days 24—7
with you know who
Part two
Day 3
We left Lebanon, MO, with me driving on Route 66 to
Springfield, MO where there were 2 Quilt Shops, actually 3 but I only spent $$ in 2. We decided to take I-44
to Joplin, MO (small Quilt Shop) as Route 66 was getting harder to travel.
We then entered Oklahoma, heading for the Will
Rogers Museum and Birthplace in Claremore, OK. We
didn’t get there in time, and decided to stay the night
and go the next day.
We had nice weather all day and no you know what
again, but it is only the third day,
Day 4
When we got up there were severe storm warnings
so we decided to wait a
little while, and it
started to clear up, so
we headed for the “Will
Rogers Museum”.
What a great Legend
that has been preserved. If you are ever
anywhere near Claremore, OK it’s definitely a must stop
and see.
We left there and headed for Tulsa OK, taking
Route 66 when we could. Of course there just happened to be a couple Quilt Shops there, but can you
believe I didn’t spend any $$, I know amazing. Then on
to Oklahoma City, again taking Route 66 when and
where we can. Even in Oklahoma City they have a Quilt
Shop, and again no spending
$$. I must be getting to much
sun. Now it’s about 5:30 pm
(central time) so we decide to
stay the night, and look for a
place to eat. What do you think
we found “Louies Sports Grill”,
of course we had to eat there.
Above are just a few pictures that we took in this museum. It is well worth the time spent, and it brings back
lots of memories for some of the things you see that have
been well preserved. Again there
was a Quilt Shop here in Elk City, but
unfortunately it also was out of business. We headed for the U-Drop Inn
in Shamrock, TX but it looked like a
storm was coming so we only took
pictures, and headed for the “Devils
(Continued on page 10)
Cascade Wings
Rope Museum” (all Barbed Wire statues), unfortunately
we didn’t get there in time to go through it. (5 minutes to
late). So on to Amarillo to spend the night. Arriving just
before the lightning, thunder, and lots of rain came in.
We were nice and cozy in our room.
Another smooth day traveling with you know who.
Day 6
Leaving Amarillo in the sun shine, getting a little
warmer every day, but we are in you know who’s truck
with air. Oh I forgot before we left Amarillo there were 3
quilt shops. The first one is small but really nice, Here I
found some fabric to go with the my nephews (Lance)
quilt. I have his name this year for Christmas. The
second shop was really great and very well organized
and of course “you know who” found someone to talk to,
go figure. The third shop was really nice too. They had
a sale room for Batiks at $5.00 a yard (only quilters
would drool over this). Of course I added a few to my
Since I had spent most of the morning in quilt
shops, you know who was getting a little to warm, but he
soon looked a little more cool when we headed for the
“Cadillac Ranch”. The gift shop was just before the
Ranch where all the Cadillac’s are standing in the
ground.. We stopped at the Gift Shop and took some
just before the New Mexico Border. How sad it was to see
this motel. I’m sure at one time it was a great place to
spend the night. Even the town was no longer there.
Louie took a picture of the Motel what there was left of it.
We entered New Mexico heading for you guessed it
another Quilt Shop in Tucumcari, NM. The Quilt Shop was
nice and the Owner gave me some fabric (called a Fat
Quarter) with the “Blue Swallow Motel” on it This town is a
must to put on your list if you are coming this way. It is all
about Route 66. We decided to spend the night here.
Well after we finished dinner and was heading back to our
motel, it started to rain, and then hail. We tucked into a
deserted gas station with a canopy to wait out the hail.
Wnen it had finally quit we headed to our motel. On the
way most
of the
and when
we got to
our motel
the ground looked like it
had snowed. The next
morning I turned on the
news and we found out
pictures of 3 Cadillac’s . We really wanted to walk out to
that within a 15 mile rasee the Cadillacs standing on end, but it had rained the
dius around us were 3
night before, and it was really
tornados. How lucky
muddy and wet. So we stayed
were we. The sun was
in the truck and just took picshining and it was going
tures. I guess you can take a
to be another beautiful day.
paint spray can and put your
Still having a great time and no difference of opinions
name on them, or some graffiti. with you know who, and seeing some beautiful country
It was a little disappointing that that we wouldn’t ordinarily see if we hadn’t made this trip.
we didn’t get to do this. As you
Day 7
can see in the picture of how
Among the news about the Tornados was also news
muddy it was. Of course we
that Severe Storms, and possibly Tornados were in the
didn’t pack any boots or waders Santa Fe and Las Vegas, NM area. Just where we were
just in case we needed them.
headed, which was part of Route 66. Since we were lucky
this time, we decided to bypass this route and head on to
Albuquerque, NM, Since it was Sunday only 1 of the 4
Quilt Shops were open. On to Gallop to the “Badlands 66
Grill. When we got there it wasn’t open. Decided to stay
the night , we are in mountain time now, really messing
with our minds. Not sure where we are headed tomorrow,
but will look at my list in the morning.
Again another uneventful day with you know who.
(to be continued)
We headed on to our next stop on my itinerary
which was the “First and Last” Motel in Glen Rio, TX,
Cascade Wings
Secret Buddies 2014
“You Know Who”
Love the weekend rides, Randy Lea put together a
Upper Michigan ride with a small group of friends, Jack
& his wife (friends of Randy’s from Charlotte) Monica
Rodman and myself.
We left at 6:45am Friday morning and met up at the
Hitching Post for breakfast, and then a stop for fuel in
Clare, and then lunch at about noon in St Ignace at a
(SUB WAY), then turned West across Upper Michigan,
after about 300 miles we arrived in Paulding , MI
(Central time zone) and to Randy’s surprise there was
NO MOTELS, but not giving up he found us rooms at a
Casino in Watersmeet, MI.
We had dinner and while I crashed in our room
(guess the 580 miles tired me out) the rest of the group
went to see the “Paulding Lights”, they said the lights
were “Erie”, but beautiful, I did not even hear Randy
come in the room at 11:30pm.
Saturday we
drove to the
Bond Falls,
they are one of
the best kept
secrets in
Michigan, and
we all thought
they were the
best Falls we
have seen in
Michigan, we
followed Bond
Falls road up to 28 and back east across to St Ignace
and spent the night at the K Royal Motel (which Chp J
had spent a few year s ago) after doing dinner and resting, we went back down town to a ice cream place and
watched a GREAT fire works show over the bay.
Sunday morning with the weather still GREAT, we
headed home with a stop in Clare for fuel and lunch at
Arby’s. Another safe fun trip and got home about
2:00pm and time for a nap HA HA
Hi! Chapter J Ladies
Being a secret Buddy, whether you’re on the giving or receiving side is lots of fun, and a special way that you can
choose to acknowledge someone in your own special
manner. Lots of opportunities, for “day brightners”, warm
fuzzies, and feel goods”, and who couldn’t use some of
these in our every day life!
Please send Mary Dodge any Thank You notes you
would like the sendee to have and she will put them in the
Newsletter. We will reveal our Secret Buddies at the December 2014 Christmas Party.
Have Fun and keep your SECRET BUDDY guessing.
Smiles and Hugs
Julie Hoover
Dear Secret Buddy—Thank You so much for my note book,
and gift card to Maggie Moo’s. I have never been to Maggie
Moos, so can’t wait to go there.
You’re the GREATESt
Mary Dodge
Hope all is well in the
Chapter J Family this month
Chapter J would also like to extend
our deepest sympathy to those member’s
and their families who have
lost loved one’s this month.
If there is anyone we have missed, we sincerely
apologize for Chapter “J”. Please let Monica Rodman at 517-262-8386 or [email protected] know
if there is anyone we need to send a card to.
Chapter J Gathering
September 14, 2014
(aka—”you know who”)
Cascade Wings
Cascade Wings
Cascade Wings
Cascade Wings
Cascade Wings
All Rides leave from East Side Meijers and West Side Meijers
(unless otherwise noted)
TGIS Dinner Rides TBA
“ Ice Cream Ride’s are Here”
August 2014
Mi District
MI District
MI District
Burn Camp
Corn Roast &
chp J
Midnight Ride Midnight Ride
Midnight Ride
Chp C2
Veterans Ride
Labor Day
Details for all rides/events are located
in this Newsletter,
Chapter J 2014-2015 Charity
“Great Lakes Burn Camp”
Cascade Wings
Chapter J Activities Calendar
August 2014 thru October 2014
Ice Cream Rides are here
Departure and Arrival Times TBA (depending on destination)
September (Cont)
Jul 31 to
Aug 03
Michigan District Rally
Midland, Michigan
Sept 14
Chp W
Toy Run
See flyer on page 13
Aug 09
Great Lakes Burn Camp Parade
Meet at West End Meijers at 9:00 am
Sept 14
Aug 10
Annual Corn Roast
Aug 14
Doe Run
ContactTerri and Sue for more info
Sept 20
Chapter C Annual Soup Dinner
See flyer on page 14
Chp J Gathering
Sept 24
5:30 pm-6:00 pm Social Time
6:00 pm-7:00 pm Gathering
Leave East End Meijers @ 6:30 pm
Sept 27
Chp W2 Sock Hop
See flyer on page 15
Ice Cream Ride
Oct 05
Free Fun Run
Chapter D Hosting
Leave East End Meijers @ 6:30 pm
Aug 15-17
Contact Cheryl for more info
Aug 16—17
Aug 23
Chapter C2
Veterans Ride
Aug 27
Leave East End Meijers @ 6:30 pm
Aug 30 Sept
Contact Kim Brown for more info
Sept 05-07
Chapter H Ontario Campout
Need your passport
Sept 11
Ice Cream Ride
Sept 11-14
Sept 19-21
At Jeff and Teri’s
4:00 pm
Bring passing dish
Chp J August Gathering at Jeff
and Teri’s after Corn Roast
Chp J Gathering
5:30 pm-6:00 pm Social Time
6:00 pm-7:00 pm Gathering
Midnight Ride
Oct 09
Oct 11
Ice Cream Ride
Oct 12
Labor Day Camp Out
Oct 29
Ice Cream Ride
Ice Cream Ride
Leave East End Meijers @ 6:30 pm
May be the last Ice Cream Ride
Picnic & BBQ & Camping
@ Gord & Mona Bergum
Bring passing dish
Chp J Gathering
5:30 pm-6:00 pm Social Time
6:00 pm-7:00 pm Gathering
Ice Cream Ride
Leave East End Meijers @ 6:30 pm
May be the last Ice Cream Ride
Still coming this year
Chapter J Appreciation Dinner
Leave East End Meijers @ 6:30 pm
Chapter J Christmas Party
Region D Rally/Convention
Noble Co. Community Fairgrounds
Kendallville, IN
See flyer on page 12
Dinner Rides
More Fun Stuff
Cascade Wings
Great Lakes Burn Camp Parade
August 09, 2014
Birthdays, Anniversaries,
and GWRRA Member date
* GWRRA Life Time member
Leave West Side Meijers @ 9:00 am
Corn Roast
Chapter J Gathering
Chapter J
August Birthdays
Member Since
23 Cheryl Fetterman
26 Mary Dodge
31 Jeff Curtis
Sunday August 10, 2014
Place: Jeff and Teri’s
Time: 4:00 pm—Corn Roast
Time: 6:00 pm—Chp Gathering
Bring passing dish
Let Louie Know if we missed
your Birthday or Anniversary
Ice Cream Rides
Chapter Recognition
August Anniversaries
None that I know of
Thursday—August 14, 2014
Wednesday—August 27, 2014
July 2014 Drawing Winners
Midnight Ride
Bike Raffle Tickets
Larry Bradley
August 15—17, 2014
50/50 Ticket
Larry Bradley
(contact Cheryl for more info)
Chapter Pride
Ron Smith
August 17, 2014
(contact Tom for more info)
None that I know of
Chapter C2 Veterans Ride
August 23, 2014
Power Sport Gift Certificate
Mary McGrew
Tim Rimers
Chapter J Labor Day Campout
August 30—September 01, 2014
(contact Kim for more info)
Cascade Wings
For Sale
1992 Gold Wing Interstate– Blue—63,336 miles, Factory CB with Rider Intercom and AM/FM w/ AUX , Oil,
maintenance, brakes, and fluids, running boards added,
front and back for comfort with heal/toe shifter. Tires
and Brakes all new. Also comes with a Garmin GPS
unit and all the software that is also integrated into the
sound system. Safety lighting: Headlight has a pulse
beam , and the rear has Wig-Wag brake lights. Blue
LED lighting added, mounted under the front cowling,
and the saddle bags. A rollaway custom tool box
matches the bike, full of items such as manuals, LED
lights, spare parts, cycle lift for servicing, oil wrench,
mounted coat rack , tire repair kit, gage visor, first aid
kit, many more extras. A Coleman Caboose Trailer
custom painted to match. The custom hitch has a plug
and play cooler rack for day trips. Clothing, helmets,
rain gear, cold weather gear, and GWRRA Chapter
I am asking $6,800.00
Buy or Sell
Something Here
For Sale
2002 Orange 1800 Honda Goldwing Trike w/
Motortrike Kit installed by Just for Wings, 58,000
miles, lots of extras.
$20,000.00 or make offer
Call 517-764-3893 or [email protected]
For Sale
1995 Honda Goldwing — 168,000 miles and 1998 calf
$4,500.00 Firm
Call 517-581-1574 in Rives Jct. MI 49277
Call Scott Allen @ 734-426-3655 ext 18 or
[email protected] or
Support our Advertisers
They Support Us
Advertise Here
Cascade Wings
Jeff & Terri Curtis and Rich Fetterman
2014 Chapter “J” 2014 Chapter “J”
of the Year
of the Year
Our Facebook address is
Goldwing J
MONTHLY Gathering is
September 14, 2014
Michigan District COY
Gary and Carol Williams
Region “D” COY
Rudy and Linda
Visit Chapter “J” on the
Internet, and Facebook
Our Web Page address:
International COY
John and Barb
Region D, Chapter J
PO Box 306
Rives Junction, MI 49277
Monthly Gathering @ 6:00 pm
Social Time @ 5:30 pm
The 1st Sunday of the month,
@ Cascades Wesleyan Church
1404 Rowan St.
Jackson, MI 49203
Social Hour
5:30 pm—6:00 pm
6:00 pm—7:30 pm

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