Psycho-Technical Directorate
Psycho-Technical Directorate
Psycho-Technical Directorate Personality Psycho-motor Cognitive Man – Machine – System → Interface Hands on Practice Material for Candidates appearing for the post of Assistant Loco Pilot Containing: - Basic Instructions Sample OMR sheet Composition of Test Battery Practice Problems Tips & Essential Information Government of India – Ministry of Railways Research Designs and Standards Organisation 1|P a ge Asssiissttaant Loocco Pillot सहायक लोको पायलट How can tests help you? • • • • They will help you to show where your strengths lie. They have been chosen because the skills they involve are used in the job. The tests are carefully designed so that they are fair to all applicants. Taking tests will help you in adjusting on the job. यह परी ण आपके िलए िकस तरह सहायक हह?? • आपको पता चलता है िक आपकी मताएं या ह । • यह परी ण हल करने म उसी कौशल की ज रत होती है जो जॉब पर सफलता पाने के िलए ज री है। • इनका िनमा ण ब त सावधानी से िकया जाता है तािक वे सभी उ मीदवार के िलए िन प ह । • इन परी ण पर सफलता जॉब के साथ सामंज य सुिनि त करतीै।ह How can tests help us? • • • We get the right sort of people to do the job. Tests give us unbiased assessment of your strengths and limitations. People who do well on the test usually do well in the job itself. यह परी ण हमारेिलए िकस तरह लाभदायक हह?? • हम जॉब के िलए सही तरह के लोग िमलते ह । • परी ण से हम आपकी शि य एवं कमजोिरय का िन प मू ंकन या िमलता है। • जो लोग परी ण पर अ छा करते ह वे जॉब पर भी सफल रह ते ह । What sort of Aptitude tests will you have to take? The aptitude tests have been designed for various jobs in critical safety categories. You will be given the test battery, consisting of five-six tests, prescribed for the job you have applied for. Generally the tests are administered in groups of 35-150 candidates. They are required to answer the questions given in test booklets and mark the responses on OMR Answer Sheets. आपको िकस कार के केपरी ण देनेह गे? गे? संर ा कोिट के मह वपूण पद पर कम चािरय के चयनvfÒo` हेतुfRk परी ण का योग िकया जाता है। िजस पद के िलए आपने आवेद न िकया है उसके िलए िनधा िरत परी ण माला आपको दी जाएगी िजसम पांच-छ: परी ण ह गे । सामा यत: परी ण 35-150 अ यिथय के समूह म िदए जाते ह । अ यिथय को परी ण पुि तका म िदए का उ रओओ . एम. एम. आर. आर. उ र प पर देना होता है। How to record your answers Most paper-pencil tests require you to record your answers on a separate answer sheet so that they can be scored quickly. A sample of the answer sheet used by Indian Railways may be seen here. The answers are marked on the answer sheet by fully darkening the circles which go with your answers. Use a blue ball point pen. Remember you are not permitted to change your answer. For each answer, if more than one circle is shaded, it will not be evaluated. Do not make any stray mark on the sheet. आपको उ र कै सेदज करने हहA अिधकांश पेपर-पेि सल परी ण के उ र एक अलग उ रप पर दज िकए जाते ह तािक उनका मू यांकन शी ता से िकया जा। सके भारतीय रेल ारा योग िकए जाने वाले उ र प का नमूनाहां य देखा जा सकता है। उ र प पर उ र दिशत करने के िलए स बंिधत गोले को पूरी तरह भरना भरना होता है। नीले बाल वाइंट पेन का योग करना हैा तथ िदए ए उ र बदलने की अनुमित नह है। izR;sd mRrj ds fy, vxj ,d ls vf/kd xksys Hkjs x;s gSa rks mldk ewY;kadu ugha gksxkA mÙkj i= ij fdlh izdkj dk vfrfjDr fpUg u yxk,aA 2|P a ge Sample answer sheet for Aptitude Test अfÒo` fÒo`fRk परी ण उ र प का नमूना Write your Roll Number like this (viuk bl rjg fy£sAa ) vuqØekad Fill your answers like this (vius mÙkj bl rjg HkjsAa ) 3|P a ge Please Note • • • • • Your OMR Answer Sheet has spaces for writing your Roll Number, Answers to Practice Problems, Test Id. and Test Code for each test and Answers to main proper. There is separate answer space for each test of the battery. Space for practice problems given separately. Be careful to mark your answers at correct place. Only one circle is to be darkened for each answer. Do not make any stray marks on your Answer Sheet or Test booklets. Do not fold it. d`i;k /;ku ns%sa • • • • • vkids vks-,e-vkj- mÙkj i= ij vkidk vuqdez kad] vH;kl iz’uksa ds mÙkj] ijh{k.k vfHkKku ,oa dwV la[;k rFkk eq[; ijh{k.k ds mÙkj nsus dk LFkku fn;k x;k gSA ijh{k.kekyk ds izR;sd ijh{k.k gsrq vyx LFkku gSA izR;sd ijh{k.k ds iz’uksa ds mÙkj nsus ds fy, vyx LFkku fn;k x;k gSA lko/kkuh iwod Z lgh LFkku ij mÙkj fpfUgr djsAa izR;sd mÙkj ds fy, dsoy ,d gh xksyk Hkjuk gSA mÙkj i= ij fdlh izdkj dk vfrfjDr fpUg u yxk,aA mÙkj i= dks u e¨M+Asa Composition of Assistant Loco Pilot’s Test Battery (सहायक लोको पायलट dh ijh{k.kekyk ijh{k.kekyk eas fuEu ijh{k.k gS)a 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Memory Test (Le` Le`fr ijh{k.k) ijh{k.k Following Directions Test (funs funs’Z k le>us dh ;ksX;rk dk ijh{k.k) ijh{k.k Depth Perception Test (nw nwjh izR;{khdj.k ijh{k.k) ijh{k.k Concentration Test (,dkxz ,dkxzrk ijh{k.k) ijh{k.k Perceptual Speed Test (iz izR;{khdj.k xfr ijh{k.k) ijh{k.k Note: 1. The name of the tests shown here are only indicative. These may change at any time without prior notice. 2. Each test has separate Time Limit, which will be advised to you during test sessions. You have to solve test items and mark your answers within the prescribed time. 1. ;gka fn;s ijh{k.kksa d¢ uke dsoy ekxZn’kZu gsrq gSA ijh{k.k fcuk iwoZ lwpuk ds fdlh Hkh le; cnys tk ldrs gSaA 2. izR;sd ijh{k.k dh vYkx le; lhek gSA tks vkidks ijh{k.k l= ds nkSjku lwfpr dj nh tk,xhA vkidks fu/kZkfjr le; ds Hkhrj gh ijh{k.k dh leL;kvksa dks gy djuk gS rFkk vius mRrj fpfUgr djus gSAa Sample Tests - ijh{k.k®a ds uewus 1a. Test for measuring Memory - Le`fr ekiu gsrq ijh{k.k In this test you will be given a map to study and memorize buildings and other structures on it for some time, and then asked to indicate the location of these buildings on a test page. Study the following example for some time. bl ijh{k.k esa vkidks lM+d dk ,d uD’kk fn;k tk,xk ftl ij nh xà bekjrksa vkSj vU; lajpukvksa dks vkidks dqN le; rd ;kn djuk gksxkA fQj vkidks ijh{k.k i`"B ij bu bekjrksa dh fLFkfr bafxr djus dks dgk tk,xkA uhps fn, mnkgj.k d¨ dqN le; rd v/;;u djsAa 4|P a ge Example/ उदाहरण Study Map Look at the numbered houses below and find out the letter that corresponds with where each house was located on the study map. uhps fn, edkuksa d¨ ns[ksa tks la[;kvksa ds lkFk fn, x, gSa ,oa ml v{kj dks Kkr djsa tks uD’ks esa ml edku dh fLFkfr crkrk gSA Your answers for above sample items should be A, C and B. mijksDr mnkgj.k esa vkids lgh mRrj gksx a s dze’k% A, C ,oaa BA Practice problems - vH;kl leL;k,a : Study Page/ v/;;u i`"B 5|P a ge Test Page/ ijh{k.k i`"B 1 D A A C 2 B B A 3 A E A C B C D E B 4 E D B E A E A 5 A A C C C D B 6 E A E D D A C E B 7 C A 8 A C E B 9 E C E B C D A B A D B C 10 The answers for sample problems are A, E, A, C, B, B, C, D, D, A, A, B, E, C, C ,A, B, A, D and E respectively. vH;kl leL;kvksa dk mRrj Øe’k% A, E, A, C, B, B, C, D, D, A, A, B, E, C, C ,A, B, A, D vkSj E gSA 1b. Test for measuring Memory - Le`fr ekiu gsrq ijh{k.k In this test you will be asked to memorize Picture-Number combinations. After some time you will be asked to go to the test page, which shows the pictures in a different order. You will be asked to indicate the numbers that go with them. You may pick your answers out of the four options given for each picture. bl ijh{k.k esa vkidks fp=-vad ;qXeksa ¼tksM½+s dks ;kn djuk gSA dqN le; ckn vkidks ijh{k.k i`"B ij tkus ds fy, dgk tk,xk ftl ij Le`fr i`"B ds fp= fHkUu dze esa fn, jgsx a As vkidks mu fp=ksa ls lcaf/kr vad crkus gkax s As izR;sd fp= ds fy, 4 fodYi fn;s x;s gSa ftuls vkidks viuk mRrj pquuk gSA Example/ उदाहरण 75 42 64 28 93 17 6|P a ge Find your answers for the examples- mnkgj.kksa gsrq viuk mRrj pqusAa 1 A-39 B-93 C-58 D-24 2 A-56 B-42 C-98 D-55 3 A-64 B-46 C-78 D-62 4 A-68 B-41 C-17 D-64 5 A-14 B-52 C-49 D-28 6 A-24 B-31 C-75 D-59 You will note that the correct options for examples 1 to 6 will be B, B, A, C, D and C. vki ik,axs fd mnkgj.k 1 ls fy, 6 ds lgh fodYi B, B, A, C, D ,oa C gSA Practice problems - vH;kl leL;k,a : Study Page/ v/;;u i`"B 58 39 96 69 24 18 67 44 16 43 61 ☯ 56 36 65 21 90 14 52 19 89 7|P a ge Test Page/ ijh{k.k i`"B 1 A-56 B-18 C-58 D-84 4 A-56 B-24 C-59 D-55 7 10 13 16 19 A-39 B-56 C-58 D-24 A-65 B-42 C-90 D-45 A-65 B-94 C-53 D-50 A-65 B-42 C-19 D-15 ☯ A-25 B-76 C-21 D-30 2 A-96 B-64 C-78 D-56 5 A-68 B-41 C-39 D-46 8 11 14 17 20 A-44 B-46 C-78 D-62 A-90 B-16 C-67 D-73 A-89 B-68 C-43 D-92 A-68 B-41 C-14 D-64 A-14 B-25 C-69 D-59 3 A-56 B-58 C-67 D-59 6 9 12 15 18 A-14 B-52 C-49 D-67 A-24 B-31 C-75 D-36 A-14 B-42 C-99 D-43 A-24 B-61 C-57 D-56 A-54 B-16 C-67 D-52 The answers for practice problems are B, A, C, B, C, B, B, A, D, C, C, D, A, B, D, C, A, B, C and D respectively. vH;kl leL;kvksa dk mRrj Øe’k% B, A, C, B, C, B, B, A, D, C, C, D, A, B, D, C, A, B, C vkSj D gSA 8|P a ge 2. Test for measuring Ability to Follow Directions (funs funs’Z k le>us dh ;ksX;rk dk ijh{k.k) ijh{k.k In this test you will be given a pattern of letters to look at and will be asked questions about how certain directions will change that pattern. The answer to each question will be one of the letters in the pattern. You are to decide which letter shows the correct answer. bl ijh{k.k esa vkidks v{kjksa dk ,d lewg ns[kus dks fn;k tk,xk RkFkk blds Åij vk/kkfjr iz’u iwNs tk,axAs iz’uksa dk mRrj lewgksa esa fn;k dksbZ ,d v{kj gksxkA vkidks ;g r; djuk gS fd dkSu lk v{kj lgh mRrj iznf’kZr djrk gSA Example/ उदाहरण dkWye Column 1 2 3 4 5 iafDr Row 1 A B C D E iafDr Row 2 E A B C D iafDr Row 3 D E A B C iafDr Row 4 C D E A B iafDr Row 5 B C D E A Q. No.1. Which is the only letter that appears directly above A? iz’u 1- ,slk dkSu lk v{kj gS tks ‘A’ ds Bhd Åij vkrk gSA You will note that answer to this question is B vki ik,axs fd bldk lgh mRrj ‘B’ gSA Practice problems - vH;kl leL;k,a: dkWye Column 1. 2 3 4 5 iafDr Row 1 A B C D E iafDr Row 2 E A B C D iafDr Row 3 D E A B C iafDr Row 4 C D E A B iafDr Row 5 B C D E A Which alphabet appears to the right of C in Row II? dkSu lk ,slk v{kj gS tks iafDr 2. 1 II ds C ds nkbZa vksj vkrk gS? If Row I and III are written in reverse order then which alphabet will come below C in Row II? ;fn iafDr I vkSj III myV fn, tk,a rks iafDr II ds C ds uhps dkSu lk v{kj vk,xk? 9|P a ge 3. If ever, D appears to the right of C in Row IV then answer is the last alphabet of Row IV. If not, answer is the middle alphabet of Row III. iafDr IV esa D dgha Hkh nkbZa vksj vkrk gS rks mRrj iafDr dk vfUre v{kj gSA ;fn ugha rks mRrj iafDr dk v{kj gksxkA 4. 6. ds chp Which alphabet will appear to the left of alphabet above C in Row II? iafDr 5. III II ds C ds Åij okys v{kj ds ckbZa vksj dkSu lk v{kj gksxk? Which alphabet is above E of Row V? ,slk dkSu lk v{kj gS tks iafDr ikap ds E ds Åij gS? The answer to this question will be the alphabet that appears between B and E after reversing Row IV. bl iz'u dk mRrj gksxk og v{kj tks iafDr IV dks myVus ds ckn B vkSj E ds chp vk;k gksA 7. If all alphabets of Column II are reversed, which alphabet will come between E and B of Row II? ;fn dkWye II ds lHkh v{kj myV fn, tk,a rks iafDr II esa E ,oa B ds chp dk v{kj D;k gksxk? 8. If Row I and II are reversed which alphabet will come between C and A in Column III ? ;fn iafDr I ,oa II dks myV fn;k tk, rks dkWye III esa C ,oa A ds chp dkSu lk v{kj vk,xk ? 9. On moving from left to right in the first Row up to Column III and then downwards to Row III, which alphabet appears only once ? igyh iafDr esa ck,a ls nk,a dkWye III rd vkSj] fQj uhps iafDr III rd tkus ij og dkSu lk v{kj gS tks dsoy ,d ckj vkrk gS ? 10. Starting from upper left hand corner and going up to Column V and then coming downwards upto Row V which alphabet appears only once? Åij ck,aa dksus ls vkjEHk djrs gq, dkWye V dh vksj tk,a] fQj uhps dh vksj iafDr V rd vk,A og dkSu lk v{kj gS tks dsoy ,d ckj vkrk gS ? 11. If all the alphabets of Column V are reversed which alphabet will appear to the left of A? ;fn dkWye V dks myVk fy[kk tk, rks A ds ckbZa vksj dkSu lk v{kj vk,xk ? 12. If ever D appears immediately to the right of B in Row V answer is the second alphabet of Row I. If not, answer is the last alphabet of Row II. iafDr V esa D d“h Hkh B ds Bhd nkbZa vksj vkrk gS rks mRrj iafDr I dk nwljk v{kj gSA ;fn ugha rks mRrj iafDr II dk vafre v{kj gksxkA 13. On moving from right to left in Row III upto Column II, which alphabet appears below E ? iafDr III esa nk,a ls ck,a dkWye II rd pysa rks og dkSu lk v{kj gS tks E ds uhps vkrk gS? 14. Start from upper right hand corner and go towards left in such a manner as to reach the starting point. Which alphabet comes between second D and second B ? Åij nkfgus dksus ls vkjEHk djrs gq, ckbZa vksj bl izdkj pfy, dh ifjdzek iwjh dj fQj mlh LFkku ij ykSV vk,a tgka ls vkjEHk fd;k FkkA nwljs D vkSj nwljs B ds chp dkSu lk v{kj vkrk gS ? 15. The answer to this question is the alphabet that comes after first three alphabets of Row IV. bl iz'u dk mRrj gksxk og v{kj tks iafDr IV ds igys rhu v{kj ds ckn vkrk gS A 16. Which alphabet appears just above the alphabet to the left of fifth alphabet of Column V? dkSu lk v{kj dkWye V ds ikap os v{kj ds ckbZa vksj okys v{kj ds Bhd Åij vkrk gS? 17. If Row II is written backwards, which alphabet will come above C in Row III ? ;fn iafDr II dks myVk fy[kk tk, rks iafDr III esa C ds Åij dkSu lk v{kj vk,xk ? 18. Which is the first alphabet towards the left side of the alphabet just above the alphabet between D and A of row IV ? iafDr IV esa D vkSj A ds chp ds v{kj ds Bhd Åij okys v{kj ds ckbZa vksj igyk v{kj dkSu lk gksxk? 19. If Row III is reversed, which alphabet will appear below C ? ;fn iafDr III dks myV fn;k tk, rks C ds uhps dkSu lk v{kj vk,xk ? 20. Which alphabet appears towards the right of the alphabet just above the alphabet between B and D of Row V ? iafDr V esa B vkSj D ds chp okys v{kj ds Bhd Åij okys v{kj ds nkfguh vksj dkSu lk v{kj vkrk gS ? The answers for practice problems 1 to 20 are B, E, B, C, A, A, D, B, C, E, D, D, D, C, A ,A, E, E, C and E respectively. vH;kl leL;kvksa dk mRrj Øe’k% B, E, B, C, A, A, D, B, C, E, D, D, D, C, A ,A, E, E, C vkSj E gSA 10 | P a g e 3. Test for measuring Depth Perception - nwjh izR;{khdj.k ekiu gsrq ijh{k.k In this test you will see a pile of bricks with some bricks labelled A, B, C, etc. Your task is to count the number of bricks that are touching bricks of the pile that has a letter on it. All bricks are of same size and shape. vki bl ijh{k.k esa bZVksa dk ,d <sj ns[ksx a s ftlesa dqN bZVksa ij A, B, C vkfn fy[kk gksx kA mu bZVksa dh x.kuk djuk gS tks <sj esa mu bZVksa dks Nw jgh gSa ftuij ,d v{kj fn;k x;k gSA lHkh bZVsa leku vkdkj ,oa eki dh gSAa Example/ उदाहरण mRrj (Answer) A 2 B C D 3 3 4 For example, in the pile above the brick with an ‘A’ on it touches two other bricks, viz., ‘D’ and E. Brick B, C and D touch 3, 3 and 4 bricks respectively. mnkgj.k ds fy, mijksDr <sj esa ‘A’ okyh bZaV nks vU; bZVa ksa ‘D’ vkSj ‘E’ dks Nw jgh gSAa B, C, D v{kj okyh bZVa as Øe’k% 3] 3 vkSj 4 bZVksa dks Nwrh gSAa Practice problems - vH;kl leL;k,a: 1. Brick bZVa D A E B C Answer mRrj A 3 B 5 C 6 3. Brick bZVa C A B E D 2. D C B E Answer mRrj A 4 B 4 C 1 D 1 D 2 E 4 E 2 Brick Answer bZVa mRrj A 2 B 4 4. D E A Brick Answer bZVa mRrj A 2 B 2 C 3 C C 2 D 2 D 1 E 4 E 2 A B 4a. Test for measuring Concentration - ,dkxzrk ekiu gsrq ijh{k.k This is a test to find out how quickly you can compare two numbers and decide whether or not they are the same. If the numbers are the same, darken the circle ‘Y’ otherwise darken ‘N’ on your answer sheet. Do not make any marks on the booklet. Try to solve following practice problems. bl ijh{k.k esa vkidks fn;s gq, 2 vad lewgksa dh rqyuk djuh gS vkSj r; djuk gS fd dkSu ,d ls gSa v©j dkSu fÒé gSAa ;fn la[;k,a ,d lh gSa rks vkidks ‘Y’ okys xksys dks “juk gS vU;Fkk vkidks viuk mRrj] mRrj i= ij ‘N’ okys xksys dks “juk gSA uhps fn;s vH;kl iz’u gy djus dk iz;kl djsAa 11 | P a g e Example/ Example/ उदाहरण 1 2 3 4 5 589 2768 36463 712963 487562 = = = = = 589 2786 36462 712963 487652 The answers for above questions are ‘Y’, ‘N’, ‘N’, ‘Y’ and ‘N’. Åij fn;s iz’uksa ds lgh mRrj dze’k% ‘Y’, ‘N’, ‘N’, ‘Y’ vkSj ‘N’ gSAa Practice problems - vH;kl leL;k,a: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 48426 591075 935 835 596471599 9723174 4060 32768 2326489 138577 8379 652308 74639012 3042987 1296453 051786 8712534 68035 3419885 30987 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 38436 591075 935 885 896471369 9723174 4060 32768 2326489 188577 8379 652306 74039102 3042987 1286453 051768 8712534 63035 3419885 39087 The answer for practice problems are ‘N’, ‘Y’, ‘Y’, ‘N’, ‘N’, ‘Y’, ‘Y’, ‘Y’, ‘Y’, ‘N’, ‘Y’, ‘N’, ‘N’, ‘Y’, ‘N’, ‘N’, ‘Y’, ‘N’, ‘Y’ and ‘N’ respectively. vH;kl leL;kvksa dk mRrj Øe’k% ‘N’, ‘Y’, ‘Y’, ‘N’, ‘N’, ‘Y’, ‘Y’, ‘Y’, ‘Y’, ‘N’, ‘Y’, ‘N’, ‘N’, ‘Y’, ‘N’, ‘N’, ‘Y’, ‘N’, ‘Y’ vkSj ‘N’ gSA 4b. Test for measuring Concentration - ,dkxzrk ekiu gsrq ijh{k.k In this test you will find four groups (A, B, C & D) of digits. Your task is to find out the group of digits which contains a ‘6’. In case digit ‘6’ appears more than once, your answer will be ‘E’. bl ijh{k.k ds izR;sd iz’u esa vadksa ds 4 lewg (A, B, C & D) fn, x, gSAa vkidks ;g irk djuk gS fd fdl vad lewg esa ‘6’ dk vad vk;k gSA ;fn fdlh iz’u esa ,d ls vf/kd vad lewg¨a esa ‘6’ dk vad vkrk gS rks vkidk mRrj ‘E’ gksxkA 12 | P a g e You will note that the correct answers for the above example are B, C, A, D & E. vki ik,axs fd Åij fn, mnkgj.k esa lgh mRrj dze’k% B, C, A, D vkSj E gSAa Practice problems - vH;kl leL;k,a: 1. A. 72383514 B. 98734521 C. 12947685 D. 39587421 2. A. 1354931582 B. 2943587138 C. 7823945125 D. 4793268251 3. A. 7938210435 B. 5938204751 C. 8475210239 D. 3897104652 4. A. 250389417 B. 984057213 C. 358164072 D. 280157943 5. A. 47854323179 B. 98423563172 C. 31792428534 D. 21374894579 6. A. 4371652 B. 3759248 C. 5329741 D. 7486591 7. A. 587190234 B. 145782093 C. 346901287 D. 931520874 8. A. 297386431 B. 598381274 C. 753840192 D. 321984857 9. A. 84215073549 B. 13968250847 C. 39274270185 D. 45172023589 10. A. 89452801357 B. 17835250894 C. 29745140583 D. 48172096538 11. A. 3578210493 B. 7515820934 C. 8392102475 D. 7938105462 12. A. 872134059 B. 579432801 C. 407235816 D. 894125037 13. A. 3716524 B. 3248759 C. 7415932 D. 1659748 14. A. 215073549 B. 821396547 C. 39270185 D. 3520289 15. A. 78210493 B. 75193820 C. 21847502 D. 39710486 16. A. 587512693 B. 321578049 C. 283902457 D. 105402475 17. A. 58974321 B. 7689543 C. 23557842 D. 18943295 18. A. 78453678 B. 2015473 C. 34971086 D. 82075193 19. A. 13578280945 B. 83089452175 C. 14830297455 D. 14873820965 20. A. 2571682 B. 8955248 C. 278943 D. 4732015 The answer for practice problems are C, D, D, C, B, E, C, A, B, D, D, C, E, B, D, A, B, E, D and A respectively. vH;kl leL;kvksa dk mRrj Øe’k% C, D, D, C, B, E, C, A, B, D, D, C, E, B, D ,A, B, E, D vkSj A gSA 13 | P a g e 5. Test for measuring Perceptual Speed - izR;{khdj.k xfr ekiu gsrq ijh{k.k This is a test of how rapidly and accurately you can see objects in order to match them. Look at the first radio at the left. Which one of the five at the right is most nearly like it? Radio ‘B’ is the one. Look at the second radio at the left. Which radio at the right is most nearly like it? Radio ‘C’ is the correct answer. ;g oLrqvksa ds nks lsVksa dk 'kh?kzrk ,oa 'kq)rk ls feyku djus dh ;ksX;rk dk ijh{k.k gSA ck;ha vksj cus gq, igys jsfM;ks dks nsf[k,A nk;ha vksj fn;s x;s 5 jsfM;ks esa ls dkSu lk ck;ha vksj okys igys jsfM;ks ls lcls vf/kd feyrk gSA jsfM;ks ‘B’ lgh mRrj gSA ck;ha vksj fn, nwljs jsfM;ks dks nsf[k;sA nk;ha vksj fn;k x;k dkSu lk jsfM;ks blds fudVre gSA jsfM;ks ‘C’ lgh mRrj gksxkA Example/ उदाहरण Now find the radios most nearly matching the third and fourth ones at the left. You will find that the correct answer of radio No.3 is ‘A’ and that fourth is ‘D’. vki ck;ha vksj fn;s rhljs c vkSj Pk©Fks d jsfM;ks ls feyrs jsfM;ks Kkr djsAa vki ik,axs fd jsfM;ks la[;k 3 dk lgh mRrj ‘A’ vkSj jsfM;ks la[;k 4 dk mRrj ‘D’ gSA Practice problems - vH;kl leL;k,a: 14 | P a g e The answer for practice problems are E, D, A, B, E, C, A, B, D, C, B, E, E, A, B, C, B, C, A, E, E, D, B and C respectively. vH;kl leL;kvksa dk mRrj Øe’k% E, D, A, B, E, C, A, B, D, C, B, E, E, A, B , C, B, C, A, E, E, D, B vkSj C gSA WHAT CAN YOU DO TO GET BETTER SCORES? Before the Session • • Don’t stay up all night. Make sure you get a good night’s sleep. Give yourself plenty of time to reach the examination centre so that you don’t have to rush. At the Session • • • • • • • Listen carefully to the instructions. Do exactly as you are told. Don’t hesitate to ask questions. Think about each question before answering. Work quickly and accurately, as most tests have short time limits. Don’t waste time on difficult questions. Do not try to copy the answers of your neighbors as his question booklet is likely to be different from you. cgs rj vd a ikz Ir djus ds fy, vki D;k dj ldrs g\aS ijh{k.k l= ds igys • • jkr Hkj ugha tkxsAa lqf uf’pr djsa fd jkr esa vPNh uhan lks;Asa ijh{k.k LFky ij igqapus ds fy, le; ls pysa rkfd vkidks Hkkx&nkSM+ u djuh iM+As ijh{k.k l= ds nkSjku • • • • • • • funs’Z kksa dks /;kuiwod Z lquAsa Bhd ogh djsa tSlk vkidks dgk tk,A iz'u iwNus esa ladksp u djsAa izR;sd iz’u dk mRrj lksp fopkj dj nsAa tYnh ls vkSj lgh-lghs dk;Z djsa D;ksfa d vf/kdka’k ijh{k.kksa dh le; lhek cgqr de gSA dfBu iz’uksa ij le; u"V u djsAa vius iM+kslh ds mRrjksa dh udy u djsa D;ksfa d mldh ijh{k.k iqfLrdk vkils fHkUu gksxhA You may also visit our website vki gekjh osclkbV Hkh ns[k ldrs gSa 15 | P a g e