Happy N
Happy N
The Paulding Area’s Family Lifestyle News Magazine Our Town July 2011 Hiram s Dallas s Cedarcrest s New Hope PERMIT #2397 TAMPA, FL PAID PRESORTED STD U.S. POSTAGE Our Town y p p a H day h t r Bi ca! i r e Am For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • [email protected] PAGE VISIT US ONLINE AT OURTOWNFAMILY.COM S TUDIO DANCE, INC. is excited to announce their 10th dance season! They are a premier provider of dance education for ages two to adult. They offer morning, afternoon, evening and weekend classes in Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Pointe, Hip-Hop, Modern, Lyrical, Creative Movement, Tumbling and Zumba. Studio Dance, Inc. specializes in preschool dance and holds the largest number of preschool classes in the area. In addition, they have nine competing dance companies: Starlet, Mini, Juniors, Intermediate, Teen, Senior, & Senior Elite “Edge,” “The Vibe,” & “The Force.” The dance teams have won numerous awards and Studio Dance, Inc. has been named “All Star Studio.” Studio Dance, Inc. is owned and operated by Kristen Senecal. Kristen has been dancing for over 30 years, and a teacher for 22 years. It is because of her passion for dance that she desired to open her own dance studio so she could share it with the families in Paulding. Both Kristen and her husband taught school in Paulding, County and have lived here since 1997. They have two children. Studio Dance, Inc. opened their doors in July 2002 with 130 students and doubled in size the very next year. They started with one teacher, Kristen, and currently staff 10 qualifed, talented teachers. Since opening, they are in their second location which added more dance space. Kristen is very grateful to her students and their families for their continued support for these first nine seasons, and she is thrilled to see what the future holds for Studio Dance during their 10th season and beyond. Register now for fall classes. Studio Dance, Inc. is located at 104 Greystone Power Blvd. Suite A & B in Dallas. Visit them on line at www.studiodanceinc.com or call 770-5054900. Going into our 10th season! Now Registering for fall classes! Ages 2-Adult Recreational & Competitive Programs Ballet Tap Jazz Creative Movement Tumbling Lyrical Modern Pointe Hip Hop Zumba 770-505-4900 104 Greystone Power Blvd. Suite A & B Dallas, Ga 30157 www.studiodanceinc.com PAGE For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • [email protected] Our Town Our Town For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • [email protected] PAGE in this issue... The Paulding Area’s Family Lifestyle News Magazine Our Town Hiram s Dallas s Cedarcrest s New Hope Publisher/Editor: Jules Williams / Teresa Parrish Graphics and Design Our Town Media Group, Inc. Straightaway Designs - Website Photography April Estes Reflective Images Photography Contributing Writers: Amr Agha, M.D. Carol Baccus Leisa Bailey, Ph.D. G. Bolton Melissa Cummings Rachel Paxton Charles M. Pesson, M.D. Jack Singer, Ph.D. John Smith Melisa J. Verch Our Town Media Group, Inc. www.OurTownFamily.com Our Town is published and direct mailed monthly to prestigious homes in the Paulding County Area. Opinions expressed by the editorial staff are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher. Our Town reserves the right to edit and or reject any editorial or advertising content. Our Town is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the cost of the space or for the validity of claims made by advertisers. Entire contents, including ad design created by Our Town Media Group, Inc., copyright 2011, belong to Our Town of Paulding. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden in any media without prior written permission from the publisher. About the Cover...............................................................5 Health & Fitness: Melanoma: Are You at Risk?..............6 Family Focus: Getting Children to Bed............................8 Calendar of Events..................................................11, 15, 22 Relationships: The Value of a Sincere Apology..............12 Home Improvement: Patio Misting System..................16 Medical: Smoking and Your Bones..................................19 Home & Design: Decorating with White......................20 Finance: A Penny Saved...................................................2 1 Outdoor: Boating Safety.................................................23 Community: River of Life................................................24 Recreation: Lawn Games................................................25 Special: Days of Our Lives................................................26 Feature Photographer: April Estes..................................28 Letter from the Editors....................................................28 Pets: Green Tree Frogs.......................................................29 July Crossword................................................................30 What’s Cookin’: Red White & Blueberries...................30 O ur T own M agazine P.O. Box 614 Hiram, Georgia 30141 Telephone: 770-222-2699 Fax: 770-222-4646 Email: [email protected] PAGE 4 HUDDLE THE For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 Follow us on l [email protected] l OurTownFamily.com Our Town about the cover Happy Birthday, America! O n this month’s cover we are honoring the 235th birthday of our great nation. To help us celebrate are several of Paulding’s young residents. They are from left to right; Megan Warlow, Logan Whitaker, and Kyla Whitaker. Up to $1,500 Instant Rebate on Trane High Efficiency Systems 10% OFF REPAIR Kyla and Logan Whitaker Kyla, age 8 and Logan, age 6 are the children of Alisha and Caleb Whitaker of Dallas. They have a younger brother, Mason who is age 4. Kyla is very intellectual and won 9 awards in her school this year. Logan loves to play baseball, and is currently ranked 4th in Paulding County among the 5-6 year olds. He’s made the all-star team two years in a row. Both Logan and Kyla were on the all A Honor Roll this year at their elementary school. Megan, Logan & Kyla Alisha is a life long resident of Paulding and is a stay home mom. She is very excited to be starting nursing school in the fall and looks forward to becoming an RN. Caleb works for Scofield, LLC where he helps build and maintain the machines used for the production of concrete stains. This fall, he too is going back to school with plans to become a Doctor of Pharmacy. Little Mason will also begin school for the first time, so all the Whitaker’s will be in school this fall. They are a very devoted family and love spending time together at the lake or by the pool. They are very sport oriented and spend a lot of time at the ball field. But once a week, they have a family game night usually playing UNO. We’re here for you. 25 Hours a Day, 8 Days a Week. FREE 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED l Fast, Affordable Service l Certified Technicians & Installers 10% Senior Citizens Discount on Repairs ESTIMATES On Replacement Systems 770-443-1821 For more specials & coupons call or visit us online at www.RagsdaleAir.com It’s Hard To Stop a Trane GA Reg. #401776 Megan Warlow Megan, age 5 is the third child in her family and is the fifth generation of lifetime Paulding women residents still living; including Megan’s sister Rachael, her mother Shannon, her grandmother Cathy Andrews Gardner, great-grandmother Barbara Hicks Andrews, and her great-great grandmother Virginia George Hicks. Her parents are Shannon and Donny Warlow. They were married in 1996 at the New Georgia Baptist Church, which happens to be the same church Shannon’s parents were married in 1978. Donny works at Georgia Pacific as a production planner, and Shannon caters with her Aunt Lori Bomar’s business - Atlanta’s Finest Catering, as well as working for Darden Restaurants. They have two more children, Rachael age 12 and Collin age 9. The Warlow’s are very supportive of each other. Shannon, Rachael and Megan enjoy horseback riding and spend many hours a day with their horses. Donny and Collin prefer their own interests which include any type of sports or hunting. As a family they enjoy spending time at the lake or the beach, or just enjoying a quiet moment together. We want to say a very big THANK YOU to the Whitaker, Warlow and Estes’ families for taking the time to organize this special shoot. They found some beautiful vintage outfits, accessories, and even make a REAL cake! Also, we appreciate the wonderful props, including the beautiful red velvet sofa. Everything was perfect! Advanced Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center Serving Paulding and Douglas Counties GENERAL DERMATOLOGY Same Week Appointments Available l All Skin Disorders l Acne l Eczema l Warts l Moles “nevi” l Psoriasis l Rashes l Hair and Nail Conditions Basal Cell Carcinoma Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignant Melanoma Mohs Micrographic Surgery l Highest Cure Rate l Skin Cancer Screening l l l l ABC&D’s of Melanoma Detection ASYMMETRY C COLOR BORDER D DIAMETER A One half unlike the other Back Left to Right: Landon Estes, Collin Warlow, Racheal Warlow, Kyla Whitaker Front Left to Right Easton Estes, Mason Whitaker, Marlow Estes, Megan Warlow, Logan Whitaker SKIN CANCER SPECIALISTS B Irregular, scalloped or poorly defined Varies from one area to another - shades Other Cancers Greater than 6mm (size of a pencil eraser) Board Certified Dermatologist 770-577-0808 A Friendly, Caring Atmosphere With A Personal Touch Our Town For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l [email protected] l OurTownFamily.com PAGE 5 health & fitness Melanoma, Are you at risk? By Amr Agha, M.D. Advanced Dermatology, P.C. W ith warmer weather comes more time in the sun, and that increases the risk of skin cancer. Everyone enjoys the sun; it feels good, helps our bodies produce Vitamin D and is beneficial for some skin conditions. However, it is also believed to be a contributing factor to the development of Melanoma, a potential lethal skin cancer that arises in cells called melanocytes. Melanoma is not always caused by the sun though. It can develop at any age and anywhere on the body. This includes skin that may never have seen a single ray of sun. Stages of Malignant Melanoma Your genetics may also influence your risk for melanoma. About 5 to 10 percent of melanoma cases are inherited. When two or more family members have developed melanoma, it is important for all of those patient’s close relatives (parents, sisters, brothers, and children above the age of 10) to see a dermatologist and be examined carefully for irregular moles or any signs of melanoma. Melanoma usually occurs in adults, but it may occasionally be found in children and adolescents. Because mela- noma usually begins on the surface of the skin, it often can be detected at an early stage with a total skin examination by a board certified dermatologist. Melanoma is best treated when it is detected early because it can spread quickly through the lymph nodes or distant organs. Melanoma is the leading cause of death for women aged 25 to 35, excluding accidents. Detection of melanoma in early stages can be life-saving. can appear as a pre-existing mole that changes. Benign skin lesions can usually be differentiated from malignant ones by each of the following properties, which can be remembered by using the mnemonic A.B.C.D.E. Asymmetry – when one half does not match the other half. Border ragged. Color brown. irregularity – the edges are notched or Variation – varied shades of tan, black or Diameter – greater than 6 millimeters Evolving – change in size, shape or change of color. We hope that you will find this information helpful. Should you develop a suspicious growth or patch of skin or notice a new or changing mole, please call to request an appointment with a dermatologist as soon as possible. The best prevention for melanoma is to reduce the amount of time spent in the sun, especially during certain hours of the day and to protect your skin at all times while in the sun. Self exams are extremely important as well. Checking the skin regularly for any signs of the disease increases the chance of detecting melanoma early. Melanoma can appear on the body as a new mole or Dr. Amr Agha is a Board Certified Dermatologist and Skin Cancer Specialists at Advance Dermatology, P.C. If you have questions or need an appointment, call their office at 770-739-7546. All American BBQ FREE FOOD Patient Appreciation Day cornerstone c h i r o p r a c t i c July 3 -All Day! Inflatable Grilling hamburgers and hot dogs Initial Exam and any necessary X-rays $25.00 for New Patients Dr. Jared Key Dr. Daniel Roberts 770.439.7765 5886 Wendy Bagwell Parkway n Suite 301 n Hiram, GA 30141 PAGE For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l [email protected] l OurTownFamily.com Our Town of Georgia Don’t Let Allergies Spoil Your Fun! Center for Allergy and Asthma LOCATIONS: Bremen Hiram 306-B Laurel Street Bremen, Georgia 30110 Phone: 770-836-7987 5604 Wendy Bagwell Parkway Unit 913, Bldg 900 Poplar Pointe Professional Center Hiram, Georgia 30141 Phone: 770-459-0620 Carrollton 825 Dixie St. Carrollton, Georgia 30117 Phone: 770-836-7987 Villa Rica Tanner Medical Park – Villa West 690 Dallas Hwy, Suite 101 Villa Rica, Georgia 30180 Phone: 770-683-4050 Visit Our Website for DAILY LOCAL POLLEN COUNT www.caawg.com Peachtree City 19 Eastbrook Bend Peachtree City, Georgia 30269 Phone: 770-836-7987 NEW LOCATIONS! Smyrna 562 Concord Road Smyrna, Georgia 30082 Phone: 770-836-7987 HIRAM EMORY/MIDTOWN Emory/Midtown/Atlanta 550 Peachtree St, Suite 1785 Atlanta, GA 30308 Phone: 404-844-5340 Newnan 37 Calumet Parkway Building F, Suite201 Newnan, Georgia 30263 Phone: 770-683-4050 Allergy & Asthma Specialists Board Certified Eugene S. Hurwitz, M.D. Sonia Kamboj, M.D. Randy Stoloff, M.D. No Waiting for Appointments! Providing compassionate and comprehensive care to women of all ages, from pediatrics to post-menopause. l Well-Women Exams l Abnormal Pap Smears Evaluation and Treatment l Hormone Replacement Therapy (Bio-identical) l Infertility Evaluation/Intrauterine Insemination l Contraceptive Counseling l Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Evaluation l Office Procedures (Essure, Cryo-Ablation) l Laparscopic Surgery 1690 Stone Village Lane, Suite 401 Our Town Mojgan Khatami, M.D. Dr. Khatami is currently welcoming new patients. She is board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology. A graduate of Georgia Tech, she received her Medical degree from the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta, where she completed her residency. Easy access from Acworth/Dallas/Hiram Kennesaw, GA 30152 l For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l [email protected] l l (770) 427-2533 OurTownFamily.com PAGE l family focus 3698 Largent Way Suite 201 l Marietta Conveniently located across from The Avenue West Cobb How to Get Your Children... to Go To Bed By Dr. Jack Singer E stablishing a good nighttime routine can be difficult for families with children of all ages. If you start introducing a routine early, your kids may be more likely to stick to a routine later in life. Establishing a routine that keeps your household running smoothly can be a challenge at first, but doing so will result in that peace you desire and deserve. Keep in mind that you are the adult and the children are children. They are not in charge of the household. You are. Z Z The Importance of Sufficient Rest We all need sleep in order to function well. An important part of your nighttime routine is establishing a consistent bedtime. Enough sleep is vital for your success and the success of your children. Set them up to experience life’s victories by planning for enough rest. We provide an environment where kids can have a fun and happy dental experience while receiving the very best dental care available. Come tour our state of the art office with with themed rooms representing each continent from around the world. Establish a routine that your children can expect to experience at the same time every day. For instance, if your “getting ready for bed” routine takes approximately 1 hour and you want your children in bed by 8 o’clock, you’ll want to consistently start your nighttime routine around 7 PM. Nighttime Activities Set up a sequence of activities that you do in the same order right before bedtime each night. That way, your children know what to expect and when it’s time to wind down for bed. Michael A. Rossitch, DDS, MS, PC Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry 770.420.6565 1 www.RossitchPediatricDentistry.com Next, build some special bonding time into your routine. Younger children might enjoy an evening walk in the stroller. It might help to relax them and become drowsy. Older children may appreciate some one-on-one time with mom or dad. Sometimes just letting them chat away while you listen attentively may be what they need to relax. 2 Play & Party Center 3 Z Read to your children right before bedtime. Choose a shorter book if your kids are younger. Your children will soon look forward to story time and recognize this as a signal that the day is coming to an end. Sing a lullaby or say goodnight to your children in your own special way. Your children will remember the evening routine for a lifetime, and will likely carry it forward in life with their own children. In addition to providing structure and a way to lower the stress level in your home, your evening routine will show your kids that you love and appreciate them. And this will provide you with some very precious memories after they are grown. 4 Summer Break Mother’s Morning Out & Parent’s Night Out! Call for info! Z First, start your nighttime routine with hygiene. Begin with bath time, and allow a little extra time for play. Make the bedtime routine as fun as possible for your children. After bath time, have your children brush their teeth. Bring in this ad for 10% OFF 5 Weekend parties and $2 OFF Admission Z Finally, ensure your children use the bathroom just before being tucked in for the night. This eliminates an excuse to get up, and provides another signal that bedtime and sleep time have now arrived. Z Multiple Nighttime Routines If you have multiple children of different ages, it’s still important to establish a routine. While your children will be going to bed at different times, you can still use those times to bond with each other and wind down for the evening. Plan your routine to accommodate multiple bedtimes if necessary. Older children can also help with some of the younger ones. The important thing is that everything gets done in an orderly and consistent manner, and that your family takes time to be together. 3, 6 & 12 Month Passes Now Available! 770-693-2669 2483 Cedarcrest Road, Acworth 30101 doodlebugsplay.com PAGE For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 Bless your family by establishing a nighttime routine. Stick to it in the beginning, and you’ll soon notice that the routine is second nature. Automatically, you’ll be bonding every night and getting everything done with a minimum amount of stress. Begin experiencing the order and peace that you deserve by starting a nighttime routine today. Dr. Jack Singer is a licensed Clinical, Sports and Industrial/Organizational Psychologist, author, trainer and consultant. l [email protected] l OurTownFamily.com Our Town TransformingYourSmile! Quality Family Dentistry l Insurance Friendly l New Patients Welcome l Adults, Children & Families Welcome l General & Cosmetic Dentistry l State of the Art Equipment & Facility l Payment Options Available 95 $ New Patient Exam & Xrays Valid for Patients without Insurance. Expires 7-31-11 FREE Whitening for Life Program with New Patient Exam & Prophylaxis 770-439-6844 Azita Bahrami, DMD 76 Highland Pavilion Court s Hiram, GA s 30141 (Highland Pavilion Shopping Center) Our Town For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l [email protected] l OurTownFamily.com PAGE PAGE 10 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l info@ourtownfamily l OurTownFamily.com Our Town calendar of events July 2011 ***PLEASE NOTE – Dates, times and locations are always subject to change prior to printing. For the full Calendar of Events visit the website OurTownFamily.com. LOCAL GROWN FARMER’S MARKETS– Two Locations Hiram Market, Tuesdays 3pm-7pm, Ben Hill Strickland Park, Hiram Dallas Market, Fridays 3pm-7pm, corner of Hwy 92 and Hwy 120 Fresh produce and vegetables, seedlings, fresh flowers, fresh breads, pickles, jellies, honey, fresh eggs, and much more! 4TH ANNUAL FIREWORKS CELEBRATION - Ben Hill Strickland Park July 2; Saturday 6pm-10pm CITY OF HIRAM Salutes the Stars & Stripes. Live music from GLOW. The fireworks begin at dark. For more info visit cityofhiramga.gov. PAULDING COUNTY WRITERS’ GUILD* July 5; 1st Tuesday of the month; 6pm-8pm The PCWG meets at the Starbuck’s café in the Target store in Hiram. For more info call Dana Freeman, 678-662-1948. SCREENWRITER’S GROUP* July 5; 1st Tuesday of the month; 3pm Visit on line and email for location info, www.GeorgiaScreenWriters.com. PARENTS OF PRODIGALS - Mt. Calvary Baptist Church* July 6 and July 20; 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month 7pm-8:30pm A Christian group for parents who are struggling with the problems that arise from having a prodigal child. MCBC is located at 287 Mt. Calvary Road in Marietta. Call 770-424-4387 for more information. MOM’S CLUB OF DALLAS AND HIRAM* July 7; 1st Thursday of each month 10am – Bethany Christian Church MOMS (Moms Offering Moms Support). Meetings are held at 3264 Villa Rica Hwy (Hwy 61) Dallas. For more information email [email protected]. MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)* - McEachern United Methodist Church July 7 and July 13; 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month; 9:30am – 11:30am Open to moms with children ages birth to kindergarten. Meet in the Oaks Hall building and child care is provided. For more info call 770-943-3008 ext. 1260. RACCOON CREEK MUSIC FESTIVAL – Raccoon Creek Music Park July 8 and 9; Friday and Saturday For artists and ticket info visit www.raccooncreekmusic.com or contact Wendell & Rene’ Hardy at 770.943.2721 or [email protected] PRIME TIME DANCE* - Paulding County Community Center in Dallas July 8; 2nd Friday each month 7pm-10pm Country & Western, oldies, line dancing. Ages 40+, $5/at door. Benefitting the Paulding Senior Center. Couples & singles - 54 Industrial Way, Dallas. 770-443-8873 PAULDING GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY* – Old Dallas Courthouse July 9; 1st Saturday of the month Meet in the Historical Research Library in the old Dallas courthouse. Membership $15/year. The Library is open Tues., Thurs., Fri. and Sat. from 9am to 3pm and on Wed. 10am to 3pm. For more info email [email protected]. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL - North Paulding Baptist Church July 10-15; Sunday – Friday 6pm – 9pm “Big Apple Adventure” NPBC located at 54 Braswell Mountain Road, Dallas. (Dinner will be served) For more info contact Crystal Levstek 404-642-9684 or email levstek@ bellsouth.net. PARTY RENTAL, LLC Reserve your future fun today! 404.242.8285 / 678.383.3803 NW ATLANTA MOMS OF MULITIPLES* – North Metro Church July 11; 2nd Monday of the month 7pm Club for families with or expecting twins, triplets, etc. Special events, Mom’s Nights Out, etc. Visit website for more info NOWAMOM.org or call 678-404-0034. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL – Fortified Hills Baptist Church, Dallas July 11-15; Monday to Friday, 9am-Noon Kickin’ it Old School VBS open to children age 4 through 5th grade. FHBC is located at 4705 E Paulding Drive. Visit fortifiedhills.com or call 678.363.7720. Family Owned & Operated Fully Licensed & Insured www.allbouncedaround.com [email protected] calendar of events continued on page 15 Our Town For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l Inflatable Slides l Moonwalks l Concession Rental l Tables & Chairs l info@ourtownfamily l OurTownFamily.com $10 OFF ANY Large Moonwalk or Slide Rental Cannot be combined with other offers. Must present coupon. PAGE 11 relationships The Value of a Sincere Apology B Parbhoo & Staff eing an imperfect person living in an imperfect world it is helpful to develop an appreciation for the value of a sincere apology. Anyone can behave badly and embarrassment or shame about poor behavior can prevent asking for forgiveness for thoughtless, rude, or inappropriate actions. It is no fun to experience the discomfort and feelings of vulnerability when asking for forgiveness, but a sincerely expressed and accepted apology can return a relationship to a good emotional place. We have a culture that is neglectful in insisting on a sense of personal responsibility. There are many who avoid any sense of accountability for actions and never accept the possibility of having done wrong. A core element of an apology is that it must be heartfelt. One must accept responsibility for how another was hurt; rather than how you were hurt, or how you were provoked. For a sincere apology, full responsibility must be accepted for your own actions. Other important components of a sincere apology include a focus on the consequences of your behavior rather than your intent. Significant hurt can occur even if you didn’t mean to cause it. Don’t make excuses. An apology is not an explanation. That can come later By Leisa A. Bailey, Ph.D. techniques to effectively deliver appropriate apologies improves relationships. Just as in expressing and experiencing love – there are different “languages” to say “I’m sorry” for having hurt another. if appropriate. Learn! Apologizing and then repeating the bad behavior is worse than not apologizing. There are various types of offenses were apologies are important. Superficial or thoughtless blunders such as accidentally bumping into someone or cutting into a line; interpersonal affronts between friends or neighbors where rude or even disgraceful behavior in a moment can color or change the comfort level in the relationship; improper or unethical behavior with business colleagues; volatile interactions between family members; and possibly most significant, in intimate relationships where we often can be our most careless and hurtful. All of these relationships have opportunities where apologies are important. Whenever a relationship has been damaged and potentially changed because of a hurtful interaction, a sincere apology can go a long way to accomplish a repair. This book identifies these five distinct basic languages of apology: Expressing regret. This focuses on the emotional hurt and is an admission of guilt for causing pain. Accepting responsibility. This apology must admit fault and requires experiencing vulnerability. Making restitution. For some, wrong acts demand justice and need efforts to make amends. Genuinely repenting. Some will doubt the sincerity of an apology if there is not clear indications to change future behavior by setting a desire for and realistic goals for change. Requesting forgiveness. This apology language focuses on the need for forgiveness and a sense that the relationship is fully restored. Gary Chapman, author of the bestselling book on the individual ways (languages) used to express love or feel loved, The 5 Love Languages, wrote with psychologist Jennifer Thomas the 2006 book: The Five Languages of Apology. Chapman and Thomas assert that each person has a preference of what is needed so that any apology can be experienced as sincere and can be accepted. When one receives an apology that is not “speaking” your apology language, chances are you won’t fully accept it or even recognize it as an apology. Learning the Saying you are sorry can seem awfully difficult but apologies mean a lot. It is a way to move forward in a relationship and not stay stuck in negativity. It takes strength and courage to offer a sincere apology. “An apology is only egotism’s wrong side out.” ~Oliver Wendell Holmes Dr. Bailey is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in Marietta. Visit www.marietta-psychologist.com or call 770-428-6698 or email [email protected]. Your comments are welcome. Confidence begins with a Smile Exp. 2/28/11 n n n n Exp. 2/28/11 Family Dentistry State-of-the-art facility Orthodontics available Most insurances accepted New Patient Special Dr. Dharmesh Parbhoo, DDS 49 Hosiery Mill Road Dallas Located in River Point Commons in New Hope 770.445.1314 PAGE 12 www.lifesmilesofnewhope.com For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l $ 99 [email protected] l Includes X-Rays, Comprehensive Exam, Cleaning Does not include periodontal cleaning or scaling Exp 7/31/11 OurTownFamily.com Our Town ONLY $20 TO ANYONE WHO NEEDS HELP BUT HAS NEVER BEEN TO A CHIROPRACTOR BEFORE (Or Hasn’t Been In A Long Time) Dear Friend, If you’ve ever thought about going to a chiropractor but you’ve hesitated because you weren’t sure it was right for you please read on… My name is Dr. Erin Arnold. I would like to show my heartfelt thanks to the community by kicking off the summer with the announcement of Community Health Week. It’s my way of saying THANK YOU to the people who have been so helpful and mean so much. I hope this will benefit you and yours. I have agreed to “give away” (to anyone who asks for it) $200 worth of my services for only $20. That’s right-$20. In the years that I have been practicing I have helped many people in the North Georgia area feel better and live healthier, more productive lives through chiropractic care. I would now like to introduce you to the many benefits my profession has to offer. For instance, chiropractic care may be able to help you if you are suffering from any of the following conditions. l l l l l l l Low back pain Neck Pain Migraines Sciatica Herniated discs Degenerated discs Shoulder/arm pain And a whole host of other problems, ranging from TMJ to carpal tunnel. These symptoms can be caused whenever the vertebrae in your spine are out of alignment, because this “misalignment” directly affects your nervous system. Fortunately, if you are suffering from such problems or similar conditions right now, they may be relieved or eliminated by proper chiropractic treatment (commonly called “adjustments”). So if you’ve always wanted to “check out” chiropractic care and see what is in it for you, now is the best time because….. Right now $20 will get you all the services I normally charge my new patients $200 for! What does this include? Everything. Take a look at what you’ll get…. l An in-depth private consultation about your health and well being. l A chiropractic spinal examination…. l A set of specialized X-rays to determine if a misalignment in your spine is causing your pain or symptoms… (NOTE: Nobody gives these kinds of X-rays FREE. They would usually cost $100)… l An analysis of your X-rays and spinal exam results so we can see what needs to be done to help. l Helpful literature that shows how your body works and why you experience pain… l Answers to all your most probing questions about chiropractic care and what it can do for you…. The appointment will not take long at all. And like I said, we normally charge $200 for this (most of which just covers the cost of the set of X-rays). But now, as a part of this one time offer, you can come in and find out for certain if you need chiropractic care and how it can help you eliminate the pain you are feeling. Before you come in, though, you’ll probably want to know a little bit about me. So let me tell you…. MEET THE DOCTOR Prior to obtaining my Doctor of Chiropractic Degree at Life University in Marietta, GA, I received my B.S. degree in Biology. I am nationally and state board certified in Chiropractic and Physiotherapy. I am one of the few doctors in this area that is certified and performs specific Activator analysis technique for the treatment of degenerative discs, scoliosis, herniated discs just to name a few. I have happily donated my time to organizations such as MUST Ministries, YWCA (Domestic Violence Shelter for Women), and Ross Memorial, just to name a few. I am very proud to be a wife and mother of 2 beautiful daughters and a member of Liberty Church in Marietta, GA. DOES CHIROPRACTIC REALLY WORK Absolutely! When you come in I’ll provide you with studies that show why chiropractic is a preferred method of treatment. But what provides the best “proof” on how well chiropractic works is what our patients say about it. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS What brought me to New Life Chiropractic Center was my GREAT, GREAT PAIN. Chiropractic has helped me because my pain has subsided, I can get out of bed and off of the sofa. I move better with less pain and I am more of a “happy camper” these days. Better yet, my husband isn’t as stressed knowing that I am getting better. Everyone that works here is very supportive, caring and friendly. In one word…FANTASTIC!. Thanks, Lois Diehl ALLERGIES AND FATIGUE I started seeking chiropractic help for allergies, fatigue and backaches. Chiropractic has helped my problems diminish. I can exercise more, sleep better and just enjoy life. I know that chiropractic is essential for overall well-being and that is why my entire family is under care here. Now that I am happier, my family is also, happier. The doctors and staff here are really gentle and caring. Thanks for your help, Bridgett Dunk LOW BACK PAIN AND KNEE PAIN I came to NLCC because I was having intense pain in my back that affected my right knee. I could hardly walk downstairs or bend my knee. I have a bad scoliosis and I have seen improvement in my back, my walking and walking on the stairs. I can now help my husband Dick, who had a stroke with much less strain and pain. Coming to NLCC is like coming to a “healing room”, the Lord Jesus is honored and exalted in the atmosphere. Thank you, Mary Maness SCIATICA I came to NLCC with pain in my low back due to two “crushed” discs. Now that I have been under chiropractic care I can take walks, get in and out of bed and get out of my chair. I have less pain and I do not have Charlie horses anymore. My family is happy because I do not complain as much and I can do things without hobbling around. I love coming here! Sincerely, James Wood Paid Advertisement Copyright Total Practice Management International. Our Town For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l info@ourtownfamily l SCOLIOSIS I was having pain in my hip, knee and leg all the way down to my ankle. The pain kept me up at night! The pain is now almost entirely gone and a good night sleep has returned! I never realized how wonderful it was to sleep! I was amazed at how quickly I responded. I have had chiropractic care before but never such a gentle progressive healing. Thank you for your help! Phyillis Waddle GUARANTEE OF GREAT SERVICE Obviously we can’t guarantee results. No one can. But there is one guarantee we can give you and that’s a guarantee to accept your case only if we truly feel we can help. LIMITED TIME OFFER Obviously, with an offer like this we can’t afford to do it for very long. So we’ve picked the dates of Jul. 1st-15th. If you would like to take us up on our offer and see what chiropractic can do for you, all you have to do is call our office and set up an appointment. Call our 24 hour help line @ 678574-5678 and tell the receptionist you’d like to come in for the Special Introductory Examination during Jul. 1st-15th. I expect to get flooded with appointments for this event, so please call me as soon as possible to be sure that you don’t miss out. Thank you very much, and I look forward to helping you get rid of your pain so you can start living a healthier, more productive life. God bless. Sincerely, Dr. Erin Arnold, D.C. New Life Chiropractic Center 3451 Cobb Parkway Suite 6 Acworth, GA Call Today 678-574-5678 OurTownFamily.com PAGE 13 CNA This is Your Hour...Make it Count! Certified Nursing Assistant Program $25 OFF Paulding County’s ONLY Private Certified Nursing Assistant Program - Convenient Location! Verano l (with 15 Years in Business clases que $25 Off Registration l Experienced Instructors se ofrecen joining fee & EFT sign-up) en español l All-Inclusive Program - No Hidden Fees! l Exciting 3 Week Course Disclaimer: Offer valid at l Also Serving Floyd and Bartow Counties Call Today! with Joining fee & EFT Sign-up l Offer valid at participating locations for new customers or those who haven’t attended in 6 months or longer. Joining fee and auto-payment registration required. Other restrictions may apply. Expires7/31/11. In Dallas! FREE Starbucks Gift Card to the first 10 new customers! CPR with Mickey Registration of Dallas - Cheryl Burke Two-time Champion Dancing with the Stars Day and Evening Classes Available Corner of 278 & 61! participating locationswithfor Schools in Rome and Cartersville Evans Mill Drive, Suite 704 new customers or those110 who Corner of Hwy 120/Dallas Hwy & Macland Road haven’t attended in 6 months or longer. Joining fee and autopayment registration required. Other restrictions may apply. jazzercise.com 770-893-8906 1-800-FIT-IS-IT Blissful Bites 770-573-2448 cprwithmickey.com EMPOWERED2CHANGE, LLC COUNSELING CENTER “Providing Inspiration for Your Transformation” “Food to Impress Without the Stress” Our Mission is to provide professional and compassionate counseling services that motivate and inspire you to transform your life. l l l l For all of your catered affairs, no special occasion required! Mention Our Town ad and get 10% off your first order! Counseling for children, teenagers, adults, families, couples and marriage. Commercial/Private and Medicaid Insurance Plans Accepted. Flexible Self Pay Plans Available. Early morning and late evening appointments available. 678-602-9709 Call to Schedule Your Confidential Appointment Today! (404)386-6036 Lesa Brown www.blissfulbitesonline.com Become a fan or friend at facebook.com/blissfulbites 5604 Wendy Bagwell Pkwy., Ste. 812 Hiram, GA 30141 (Within the Poplar Pointe Professional Center) www.empowered2change.org Email: [email protected] Follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/Empowered2Change Singleton Orthodontics Now Open in HIRAM! * Dr. Singleton’s actual patient Dentistry by Dr. Jessica Morin Dr. Doug Singleton and family. KENNESAW - 3104 Creekside Village Dr. l Suite 401 WEST COBB - Kroger Shopping Center across from The Avenue PAGE 14 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 Photo by Sherri’s Portraits *NEW LOCATION! Hiram @ Chick-fil-A/Walmart 92/278 l [email protected] l 770-974-3633 OurTownFamily.com Our Town more calendar of events Calendar of events continued from page 11 3rd ANNUAL WOLFPACK SUMMER BASEBALL CAMP July 12-15; Monday – Thursday 8am-Noon, - North Paulding High School North Paulding Baseball Diamond Club, players and coaches would like to invite you to the 3rd Annual Baseball Camp. The Camp is open to all rising 1st through 8th graders. The cost is $100.00/player. Reserve your spot! Registration and camp information is available online at npwolfpackbaseball.com. THE DALLAS BURNT HICKORY YOUTH ASSOCIATION GOLF TOURNAMENT July 13; Wednesday 9am Shotgun Start – Bentwater Golf Club Proceeds from this 1st Annual golf tournament benefits the youth baseball program for the children in Burnt Hickroy and Dallas. $75.00 per player or $300.00 per team. Sponsorships available. For more information contact Jeff Hope 404-583-6734. PAULDING COUNTY RIVER OF LIFE - Dallas First United Methodist July 13-17; Wednesday - Sunday *See page 24 for more information River of Life offers spiritual growth and fellowship while assisting the elderly, handicapped, and economically disadvantaged with home repairs. Spend 3 days at the worksites while enjoying music, worship, and fellowship in the evenings. To participate or make a tax-deductible gift, contact Dallas First UMC at 770-445-2509, call Chuck Posey at 770-443-2230, or visit dallasfirstumc.org. Upcoming A Tribute to The Dallas Theater is proud to present… Jeff Brewer and the Impossible Dream in THE JEFF BREWER SHOW: A Tribute to Elvis The fantastic Elvis tribute artist, Jeff Brewer, returns to the Dallas Theater for his annual show! Jeff’s fans return to see him perform each year and if you are new to his show, buy your tickets early —this show will sell out! Outstanding performances by true professionals, Jeff Brewer and the Impossible Dream make the music of the 1950’s come alive today! PAULDING PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB* – Downtown Dallas July 14 and July 28; 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month; 7pm Meetings are held at 122 Main Street in Dallas. All photographers welcome. Monthly competitions, field trips and more. [email protected], the website is pauldingphotographyclub.org. Reserve Seats! On Sale Now! $18.00 advance tickets, $20.00 at the door Tickets on sale now at the Dallas Theater Box Office Sept 23rd-25th COMMUNITY MAKEOVER – Engage Atlanta July 21-24; Thursday to Sunday The Community Makeover is a weekend of community service by over 65 churches in Paulding, Cobb, Polk, Fulton, and Douglas Counties. Everyone is invited to join us for a night of Celebration as we wrap up this incredible weekend on Sunday night July 24th, at 7:00pm in the Sam’s Club parking lot in Hiram. To participate or for more info visit engageatlanta.com or contact Paul Richardson at West Ridge. THE PAULDING LITERACY COUNCIL* – Paulding Chamber July 22; 4th Friday of the month; 10am Meetings held at the Paulding Chamber. Seeking new members, volunteer tutors, and adult students who would like to learn to read. For info call 770-445-4511. GEORGIA CLASSIC RIDES “BLOCK PARTIES”* - Downtown Dallas July 23; 4th Saturday of the month; 5pm – 10pm Georgia Classic Rides block party and car cruise. Beautiful cars, great people, and family fun! For membership and photos visit georgiaclassicrides.com. PANDAMANIA VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL - Freedom Church July 28-31; Thur–Fri 6pm-8:30pm, Sat 10am-4pm; Sun 10am-2pm Come experience God’s WILD love for you. Hosted by Freedom Church; 474 Hiram Sudie Rd, Dallas. Visit www.groupvbspro.com.vbs/ez/freedom or call 404-643-8183. Open to PreK thru 5th grade. AWBA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT July 29-31; Friday through Sunday The American Wheelchair Bowlers Association is holding their national championship tournament at Paulding Bowling Lanes located at 1132 Harris Road, Dallas. Friday: Team Registration, Saturday:Opening Ceremony, and Sunday:Awards Banquet. For more info call Harold Bowman 770-443-1096. calendar of events continued on page 22 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 Elvis Saturday August 20, 2011 8:00pm ALZHEIMER’S AND DEMENTIA SUPPORT GROUP* July 14; 2nd Thursday of the month; 6pm-7pm Meetings are open to the public and are held at the Aspen Village Sales Office located at 59 Hillside Trace, Suite 117 in Dallas. Next to Hibbett Sports. For more information on this event call Kara Marinko at 770-445-3594. Our Town Events The Jeff Brewer Show: WRITERS CRITIQUE GROUP – “WRITERS OF LIKE MIND”* July 13 and July 27; 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month; 6pm – 7:30pm Call Hank Somma for meeting location. 678-414-6146 or muse@lightband. com. PAULDING 45 & OVER SINGLES CLUB ACTIVITIES* July 15; 2nd Tuesday of each month 6:30pm – Ryan’s in Hiram Contact Lynn Mitchell at [email protected] Box Office open Mon, Wed, Fri 3PM-6PM & Sat 9AM-1PM 208 Main Street 678-363-0813 Tickets Available Online, via phone and at Our Box Office l Fri. & Sat. at 8pm, Sun. at 3pm The Dallas Theater welcomes PlayRight Productions in Smoke on the Mountain: A Musical. Let us take you back to a simpler time, 1938, where you become the congregation of Mount Pleasant Baptist Church. The seven member ensemble cast is accompanied by three bluegrass virtuoso “cousins” on fiddle, bass, guitar, and mandolin as they perform over twenty of the best gospel tunes ever written. They will delight you with: Church in the Wildwood, Wonderful Time Up There, No Tears in Heaven, Jesus ls Mine, There is a Fountain Filled with Blood, Bringing in the Sheaves, Smoke on the Mountain, and numerous others. In SMOKE ON THE MOUNTAIN, the musical talent is surpassed only by the side splitting hilarity of these characters. With its universal appeal and strong message of redemption it’s no surprise SMOKE ON THE MOUNTAIN has become one of the most widely produced shows in the country. The PlayRight Productions presentation of this hilarious, kneeslapping and toe-tapping production is a must-see! Discounts: students with I.D. (or children under 18), military with I.D., Seniors age Main Level 2PM 62 PM and -up, and groups of ten or more tickets Regular $25 & Discount $20 12 purchased Tickets May Be All Children MUSTtogether. be Balcony at the Dallas Theater Box Office by an Adult Regular $18 & Discount Accompanied $15 Purchased and on our website. Tickets: email: [email protected] www.dallastheater-civiccenter.com Check our website for more Theatre l Dance l Concerts l Film l Comedy upcoming events! Performing Arts in the Heart of Paulding! [email protected] l OurTownFamily.com PAGE 15 www.WoodsPoolService.com home improvement 770-529-7641 Enjoy... Beating the Summer Heat with a Patio Misting System By John Smith J ust think was a pleasant experience it would be to sit on your patio and enjoy the greenery in the garden, or more exciting than hanging out with friends during the summer evenings. However, living in the south that’s known the heat and humidity can certainly spoil the summer’s patio evenings. However if you consider installing a patio misting system, you’d be sure to outsmart the scorching heat. Usually, the temperature in the covered patio is comparatively less than the direct sun. Once you have installed a misting system, you would be amazed by the cooling effect it gives to the patio. The patio misting systems are specially designed to provide comfort from the sweltering summer heat. They help to achieve a drop in temperature between 25 to 30 degrees. For experiencing maximum cooling effect, the patio cooling systems are installed at least ten feet off the ground. The working process of patio misting systems is really simple. In the misting system, water is sprayed out through specially designed nozzles to create a mist. These water drops instantly evaporates as their diameter is relatively small. As a result of the evaporation the surrounding air temperature is reduced within seconds and leads to the cooling of the atmosphere. If your misting systems are kept at least ten feet off the ground, a fine water mist would be produced and this enables instant evaporation. Due to this working process the misting systems work best in places with little humidity. Dry heat is the ideal operating environment for the cooling systems as the mist would be easily evaporated with less resistance. The maintenance of the patio misting systems is generally simple. The cooling systems are equipped with an automatic drain valve through which the mist line is drained properly when not in use. This system is really important as it help to prevent the calcium deposit that would accumulate in the spray nozzle which in turn would affect the operating of the system. It would be better to remove the nozzles and clean them once in a month. The cleaning would depend upon the frequency of the usage. AB IRRIGATION While purchasing the misting system, it is better to go for a high quality one costing in the range of $1,200 to $3,000. This is because the cheap mister would only serve as sprinklers and it would simply wet you than cool the air. Yet another advantage of using patio misting systems is that it deters the movement of flying insects and keeps away mosquitoes, wasps, moths and even spiders. As the misting systems produce fine droplets of water, it sticks to the body of the insects and they become immobile. So these creatures are repelled from the area where there is a misting system. Moreover, the patio misting system would also bring down the dust level and reduces odors that usually prevail during the summer season. The cooling systems are cost effective and can also be considered as the best cooling alternative. LLC l Residential & Commercial Irrigation l Free Estimates l Spring Start-ups & Complete System Analysis 404-520-2656 PAGE 16 With a quality patio misting system installed in your house, the summer would be no time to hide indoors. You can enjoy the sizzling summer season by relaxing in your “cool” patio. [email protected] For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l [email protected] l OurTownFamily.com Our Town Professional Landscape Design and Installation Residential and Commercial l Licensed and Insured FREE Estimates! Financing Available! 678-421-4763 770-864-2852 $250 OFF any install of $2500.00 or more Must present coupon. Offer Expires 7/31/11 Retaining Walls l Sod/Seeding l Plants/Trees l Irrigation Installation & Repair l Drainage/Erosion Control l Patios/Walkways l Ponds/Water Features l Fireplaces/Fire Pits l Outdoor Living l Fencing l Landscape Lighting l Clean-up Jobs l Concrete l Pinestraw/Mulch & more! l www.stoneedgelandscapes.com FREE Single Vinyl Chain Link Wood Trellises Decorative Metal Custom Gates Arbors Standard Walk Gate with Every 100 Feet of Fencing Installed Applies to Wood and Chain Link ONLY Some Restrictions Apply Call for details. No more metal frames for wood gates! Try the New Sag Stopper. Installed on all wood gates. Free for a limited time only. Patent Pending Residential ~ Commercial 7131 Hwy 78 Suite G Winston, Ga. 30187 770-942-9770 FREE ESTIMATES FINANCING AVAILABLE www.advancedfencingsolutions.com Our Town For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l [email protected] l OurTownFamily.com PAGE 17 Most people think of allergy symptoms as just sneezing and itchy eyes. But what they don’t realize is that the symptoms and health effects can be far worse. Who gets allergies? Most people first get seasonal allergies as children or young adults. The prevalence of allergies is lowest in children under 5 years old and can peak in the early school years and early adulthood. People with the following identified risk factors are also likely to suffer from allergies: l Family history i.e. Mom or Dad with allergies, asthma, or eczema l Male Sex l Birth during the pollen season l Firstborn l Early introduction of formula and food l Early use of antibiotics l Maternal smoking exposure in the first year of life How do allergies develop? Most seasonal allergies are caused by pollen and mold spores. Perennial allergies (or persistent) occur year round. Most people breathe in these substances without a problem. But, when a person has a seasonal allergy, his or her immune system sees that substance as harmful to the body and starts a cascade of events that leads to symptoms. Seasonal allergies are life long, but sometimes symptoms can get better or worse over time. Is pollen one of the most common environmental triggers for allergies? When a patient is constantly exposed to an allergen, it can lead to persistent nasal inflammation. The result is continued and frequently more severe rhinitis symptoms with lower amounts of allergen exposure. They may have heightened sensitivity to other irritants such as smoke, pollution and perfumes. Allergies occur in association with a number of other disorders that include asthma, eczema, allergic conjunctivitis (allergy eyes) and sinusitis. It is also strongly associated and most probably causally related to Eustachian tube dysfunction, thus leading to certain ear infections, sleep disorders and lack of smell. There is also an association with increase in migraine headaches. Paid Advertisement What symptoms can I expect with seasonal allergies? Seasonal allergies also called “hay fever” consist of a group of conditions that cause sneezing, stuffy nose, runny nose, cough, postnasal drip, irritability, fatigue and itchy eyes. They can occur at various times during the year. Symptoms vary with season and/or exposure to the underlying allergen. 11% of patients have seasonal symptoms only 33% have perennial symptoms with seasonal exacerbations 56% have perennial symptoms Perennial allergic rhinitis is associated with nasal symptoms that are present, by definition, for more than 2 hours a day for more than 9 months of the year. Perennial allergic rhinitis reflects allergy to indoor allergens like dust mites, cockroaches, or animal dander, although aeroallergens may cause perennial allergies in the subtropical regions that have long pollinating seasons as well as mold and dust mites. Are there new advancements in allergy treatment that we should know about? Affected individuals have significant impacts upon their quality of life and allergies are frequently under treated. There are four general principals for management of allergies: l avoidance of allergens and triggering factors l use of appropriate medications (anti-histamines, nasal steroids, leukotriene modifiers) l evaluation of need for immunotherapy (“allergy shots”) l patient education and follow up Symptoms can be prevented, especially if they occur at the same time each year, by speaking with your doctor. It may be suggested that you start your medicine a week or two before that time of year. Also, for example, if you’re allergic to pollen you should stay inside during that time of year when your symptoms are at their worse, keep the car and house windows closed and use air conditioning instead, take a shower before bed to rinse off the pollen and wear a dust mask when outdoors. Dr. Mitzi Rubin - WellStar Medical Group, Family Practice in East Cobb The Games Auctions Raffles Prizes Newnan, GA 8TH ANNUAL CLAY SHOOT TEAM: $600 (4 Shooters per Team) INDIVIDUAL: $150 Ammo included SATURDAY 8 AM Sign-in - Lewis Class AUGUST 27 Registration includes: Individual or Team Entry Register Today! Friday Night, August 26th FLOOR IT Beef & Bonfire Dinner Silent Auction 7-9 PM Online at www.pauldingchamber.org or call 770.445.6016 Hosted by: PAGE 18 Hospitality Sponsor For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l Ammo Sponsor [email protected] Saturday, August 27th Audrey’s Breakfast Jim ‘N Nicks Restaurant Lunch l OurTownFamily.com Our Town medical Smoking and what it does to Your Bones FAITHFUL GUARDIAN TRAINING CENTER Become an EMT in less than 6 months! By Charles M Pesson, MD I t has been documented for years that smoking is bad for your general health. It causes a marked increase in the risk of lung disease, including cancer, and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulminary Disorders). In addition to lung disease, there is also an increased risk of heart disease and hardening of the arteries, also known as peripheral vascular disease. In fact, smoking is the leading avoidable cause of morbidity (sickness) and mortality (death) in the United States. Records show that 500,000 deaths annually are directly attributed to smoking in the US, and millions more worldwide. l l l Local Classes Experienced Instructors Financing Available EMT and Paramedic Classes Star t Soon! Congratulations Graduates! So maybe you know the damage smoking causes the heart and lungs, but do you know what smoking does to your bones? Call Now.... This Could Be You! Research shows that smoking has negative effects on your entire skeletal system. Medical studies have documented a long list of the harmful effects that smoking has on the musculoskeletal system including decreased bone density (also known as osteoporosis), a high risk of lumbar disk problems, lower back pain, disabling leg cramps, higher risk of sustaining hip and wrist fractures, and high risk of failure of bone fusion in fractures and grafts. This is evidenced in one recent study which showed that 50% of smokers suffered from low back pain compared with only 20% of non-smokers. www.EMT-NOW.com 770-214-2252 Smoking also has an adverse affect on wound healing after surgery. On top of that, there’s evidence of an increased risk of postoperative infection as well. The list of negative effects like these goes on and on. That’s why current data clearly shows that a smoker should consider stopping smoking before and after surgery. But how does smoking actually cause all these harmful side effects? Well, wound healing, for example, is compromised by the nicotine in cigarettes, which causes a decreased blood flow in the local tissue. The nicotine constricts the blood vessels that deliver oxygen to the tissue to just 25% of their normal diameter. An adequate amount of oxygen is vital in the formation of mature collagen, which serves as the glue that helps close a wound. So when nicotine is in your body, chances are you’re not getting all the necessary oxygen so wounds struggle to close. Oxygen is also critical in bone healing, so when those oxygen-delivering blood vessels are constricted, nutrients that are needed for bone healing are significantly diminished. This is yet another reason why it takes more time for fractures to heal in smokers than nonsmokers. In fact, one study, looking at a specific wrist fracture in 54 patients, showed 95% of the non-smokers healed compared with only 68% of the smokers. The average time of healing was 2 months longer in the smokers! With evidence like this, I’m sure you’re beginning to see why it is extremely important that smoking is stopped as soon as an individual sustains any type of fracture. Continued smoking will result in a decreased likelihood of complete recovery, lengthened time spent healing, and generally an increased chance of an unsatisfactory outcome. So what are you waiting for? Why not stop? Well, it’s easier said than done. There are chemicals in cigarettes, namely nicotine, that are extremely addictive so it can be quite difficult to stop smoking without the assistance of a healthcare professional. However, there are medications available that help curb the urge to smoke while the body goes through the necessary withdraws from the effects of nicotine. So why risk it? It’s never too late, many of the harmful side effects of smoking are reversible. So seek the help of your health care provider and fight your addiction. Work towards a having a healthy musculoskeletal system! Your bones will thank you. Dr. Charles Pesson is an orthopaedic surgeon at Pinnacle Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine Specialists. OurTown For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l [email protected] l OurTownFamily.com PAGE 19 White: with home & design Decorating The Hottest Cool Color this Season By Melisa J. Verch W hen I mention a room done in primarily white or cream what is your reaction? Ahhh, that is beautiful or ohhh that is high maintenance? Is it the basis for an exciting room or is it boring? No doubt, upholstery in white or cream can be a magnet to foods such as cherry popsicles or chocolate pudding. You definitely want to be prudent in where you use such furnishings. Rooms where the children and grandchildren primarily play should be filled with stain hiding fabrics. No matter what the color, the excellent stain resistant fabrics available today allow you to wipe away most accidents. Washable slip covers also allow you more freedom with the colors you can use in a child friendly room. However, life is not all about child proof decorating. That is just a season of life for those with children. For singles and empty nesters it does not have to be a consideration. These homeowners are free to set the stage for a beautiful room filled with a color that has names like milk, chalk, eggshell, alabaster and cream. The trick to using these shades of white in your decor is to combine them with hits of other colors. Cover your sofa with one creamy fabric and add two chairs to the room in another fabric that has a different tone and texture. Complete the look with throw pillows in a favorite color. Lamps and accessories should pick up these colors and move the eye around the room. Some of the home decor magazines have featured white furniture with oversized pillows and accessories in a strong color. I especially love the trendy deep pink accents. By featuring pink in the pillows and a few other inexpensive pieces then it is very easy to change them when you fall in love with another color. Your white furnishings are like a little black dress. Always a classic but can be changed with the seasons and years. Play around with colors until you find the ones that make you happy. White and black are a sought after combination in decorating, enhance these by adding small amounts of an accent color. Bone and gray make a quiet soothing combination but when you add touches of yellow you will give it more personality. Royal blue and white never goes out of style, neither does girly pink and white. An elegant but fresh combination is plum and cream with touches of green. If you love the throw back look of mid century modern then white decorating works well for you. How about flanking the fireplace of your den with two white leather or vinyl sofas? Orange and turquoise are the colors that come to mind when you think of the groovy decor of the times but other colors fit the style too. An icy blue and lettuce green are a calm combination to use on the walls and in accessories. For a bit more energy in the room, pull in red, black and yellow. Modern art that emphasizes these colors will give the white space a focal point. White and its sister colors are a great starting point for your next home update. Have fun with it. Do not be afraid of it. But to be safe, you may want to ban the ketchup from the room. PAGE 20 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l [email protected] l OurTownFamily.com Our Town finance Bookkeeping*Tax Service A Penny $aved is a Penny Earned “Complete Financial Therapy” Scott A. Flanagan l SAF, LLC www.flanaganaccounting.com Business and Individual Income Tax Services lBusiness Bookkeeping Services lSpecialized Business Consulting Services l ELECTRONIC FILING AVAILABLE By G. Bolton B eing frugal or pinching pennies is a lifestyle. I grew up with the premise of “a penny saved is a penny earned”. For me it was very natural. Before I buy anything, groceries, a television, or a new computer, I compare prices and options. If you stop to think about the concept, it makes a lot of sense. Why overpay for something if you don’t have to? Don’t fall into the trap that the cheapest is always the best buy or the most frugal, because often times it isn’t. You want quality for your money as well. So look at the price and look at the features. Compare the two and make up your mind from there. The cheapest may not be the best value for your hard earned dollar. You want to purchase a product that will last and give you the value you are seeking. Just because it is cheaper, it is not always the best product. Specializing in Home Based and Small Businesses! Call Today for a FREE CONSULTATION Evening and Saturday Appointments l Over 25 Years Experience 770-505-9304 (770) 505-9355 – Fax l [email protected] Conveniently Located in Dallas, GA There is another trap out there; the item you are looking for is “ON SALE”. Take some advice and do comparison checks at other stores before you rush out and buy. Look at other sale flyers, call stores that might carry the item, go online and look up the product. If you know the brand name or item number, put that in and chances are good that the search engine will bring up the company and several options of where you can buy it. All I am saying is take a few minutes to make sure the item “on sale” is the product you’re seeking and has all the bells and whistles that you desire for the best price. I tend to stock up on things, especially groceries. I admit, once in a while I go overboard, if it’s a really good buy. I never buy more than my family will use, or there’s room for in my cupboards. I also watch the expiration date. If I am not going to use the product in that length of time, I am careful about stocking up. If you belong to a warehouse club, be careful there as well. Usually you can only buy in bulk and it may be more than you really need or want, for that matter. Also weigh the cost of the membership fee to see if you are really saving money. Go shopping with a list. Don’t buy something just because it’s a really good buy or just because you have a coupon. Although clipping coupons can save you money, it’s only a savings if it’s for an item you actually use. Buying something you don’t use or just because it’s a great buy, isn’t good value for your money. Also, when you are shopping for groceries, try generic brands. They’re usually made by the same company that puts on the major brand label. Also look above or below the eye-level shelves for best prices. Major brands pay the stores to be put at eye-level. Being a penny-pincher or being frugal is simply the practice of looking for ways to save money without sacrificing your life style. You can be frugal and not have to go without what you want and need. You just figure out how to pay less. Master Electrician ElectriServ, inc. Licensed l Insured l Bonded 25 Years Experience Commercial l Residential 770.222.5160 Our Town For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l [email protected] l OurTownFamily.com PAGE 21 even more calendar of events calendar of events continued from page 15 KIDZART CAMP – Earl Duncan Park; Paulding Meadows Pavilion July 25-29; Monday through Friday, 9am – Noon Participant’s ages 6 to 11. Register at any Paulding County Park location Mon– Fri from 8am-5pm. $116.00 registration fee includes materials. KidzArt is a nationally recognized drawing program with a fun curriculum. 770-505-3885. FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL August 3; Wednesday PAULDING CHAMBER - GEORGIA POWER LUNCHEON Paulding County Senior Community Center August 4; Thursday 11:30 to 1:00pm Mr. Lewis Miller, Executive Director of Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport. $20/members, $25/non-members(Prepaid; $5 more at the door). For info visit pauldingchamber.org or call 770-445-6016. MOVIE UNDER THE STARS – White Oak Park August 5; Friday 7pm-10pm Bring the family out for an old fashion movie night. Movie showing TBA. Call 770-445-8065 for more information. CRAFT SHOW/YARD SALE - Hickory Heights Baptist Church August 6; Saturday 9am-4pm Yard Spaces $10.00/Craft Space $25.00. HHBC is located at 221 Dabbs Bridge Rd, Dallas (corner of Dabbs Bridge Road and Hwy 61N). For vendor info contact [email protected] Orange Beach, Alabama 8th ANNUAL RAGSDALE HEATING & AIR 2011 CLAY SHOOT Blalock Lakes, Griffin Georgia August 26-27; Friday and Saturday Get your teams together for the 8th Annual Paulding Chamber Clay Shoot to benefit the Paulding County’s Star Student Scholarship Fund. Contact the Paulding Chamber at 770-445-6016 PAGE 22 PAGE 22 BEACHFRONT CONDO The Enclave Perfect for that n 4 Bedrooms family vacation! n 3 Baths n 1800 Square feet! n Ground level unit with gorgeous view of beach n Gate to pool is steps away n Indoor and outdoor pool n Wireless internet n Great location near shopping and restaurants! n More! TOTS TO TWEENS CONSIGNMENT SALE August 26-27; Friday 9am-8pm and Saturday 9am-Noon Everything you need for your family; strollers are welcome. Sale to be held at Sandy Plains Baptist Church 2825 Sandy Plains Road in Marietta. For information, visit NOWAMOM.org or call 678-453-6993 or email [email protected]. 2010-2011 CONCERT SEASON AUDITIONS for WADCS Now to September The West Atlanta Douglas Choral Society is holding season auditions for the upcoming season’s Christmas and Easter Concert. Rehearsals are Tuesdays from 7pm to 9:30pm at the DCHS For more info on WADCS, visit wadcs.org. ANGEL FOOD MINISTRIES - Hickory Heights Baptist Church HHBC is a host site for Angel Food Ministries Food Boxes. HHBC is located at 221 Dabbs Bridge Road, Dallas. For more info visit hickoryheights.org. SUMMER PROGRAMS – Paulding Parks & Recreation For a complete list and deadlines, visit paulding.gov. __________________________________________________________________________ ***Email events to [email protected], Deadline is the 10th of the month. SPACE IS LIMITED! Put Calendar Event in the subject line. RESTRICTIONS APPLY. More information and photos available online: vrbo.com VRBO #301854 601-442-5752 / 601-597-6537 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • [email protected] For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l [email protected] l OurTownFamily.com Our Town Our Town outdoor BOATING SAFETY By Melissa Cummings D uring the summer one thing is certain, thousands of boaters and anglers will be out enjoying the state waters. According to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, last year there were 135 boating accidents and 16 boating incident related fatalities in Georgia, and conservation rangers made 139 boating under the influence arrests. “For many people, the summer is the perfect time to be out on the water with family and friends,” says Col. Homer Bryson, DNR chief of Law Enforcement. “In an effort to keep everyone safe, we encourage boat operators to stay sober and alert, and know Georgia’s boating laws before heading out on the water.” DNR offers the following safety rules for boat and personal water craft (PWC) operators: n Designate an operator. Do not drink and operate a boat. n Take a boating safety course. To take a boating safety course, visit wwwgoboatgeorgia.com. n Know Georgia’s age requirements for boat and PWC operation. Minimum boat operator age requirements Our Town are based on the age of the boat operator and the size of the vessel. For a complete listing of what ages can legally operate what type of vessel, visit www.goboatgeorgia. com and select “Boating,” “Boating Regulations” and then “Who can operate a boat?” or contact a DNR Law Enforcement office. n Wear a life jacket. Children under 10 years of age are required by law to wear a life jacket while onboard a moving boat. n Don’t overload your boat with people or equipment. Check on the capacity plate for the maximum weight or the maximum number of people the boat can safely carry. at night. Check lights before it gets dark. n Watch your speed. The 100-foot law applies to ALL size vessels and prohibits operation at speeds greater than idle speed within 100 feet of any vessel, unless overtaking or meeting another vessel in compliance with the rules of the road. PWC operators also should be aware of these additional safety rules: n Do NOT jump the wake of another boat. n Pay attention to your surroundings and make sure you stay well clear of other vessels. n Make sure everyone who operates your PWC is aware of boating laws and how to safely operate a PWC. As the owner, you can be held responsible. For more information on boating safety, visit wwwgoboatgeorgia.com. or call a DNR Law Enforcement office: Northwest Georgia (770) 769-9680. Contributed by Melissa Cummings, the Communications/ Outreach Specialist at the Georgia DNR, Wildlife Resources Division. n Use navigation lights at ALL times when on the water For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l [email protected] l OurTownFamily.com PAGE 23 community July 13-17, 2011 D allas First United Methodist Church is now in its 13th year of hosting River of Life here in Paulding County. This year’s River of Life will be held July 13th-17th during which time volunteers from across Georgia and neighboring states will come together to serve our community by providing home improvements to those in need. Disabled clients are provided with ramps to enter and exit their homes. Fresh paint revives a home that may have been neglected for decades. Leaky roofs are repaired. Extreme yard work is performed. Lives are changed. Over 150 youth and adult participants will work at sites throughout the county. The participants take great pleasure in getting to know their “clients” as the fellowship becomes just as important, if not more so, than the shingles placed, or nails hammered. Following each day on the worksite, teams go back to the church for dinner, recreation, and a time of worship. Many others help by preparing and serving meals, transporting volunteers to and from worksites, delivering sup- plies, and providing fellowship to others. Many local businesses also participate by donating or discounting food, ice, office supplies, and building materials for this charitable community event. The River of Life looks to be another successful event in 2011. Last year 12 teams worked at 16 sites and were able to complete 5 wheelchair ramps totaling 230 feet, build a deck, paint a home, paint a porch, repair a roof, install hand rails, build a gazebo, install a fence, and perform yard work. This year the hope is to take on even more projects. There is a place for you, regardless of how little experience or time you have to devote. If you or your organization is interested in participating or donating tax deductible contributions, please contact the Dallas First United Methodist Church office at 770-445-2509 or Chuck Posey at 770-443-2230. Visit www.dallasfirstumc.org for more information. YOU WILL BE BLESSED! Why Advertise in Our Town? Our Town is the only direct mail community publication that stands out from the rest with beautiful covers of local families in an OVERSIZED format. Our Town has a long shelf life. With informative articles, calendar of events, and Trinity Chapel Academy 4665 Macland Road Powder Springs, GA 30127 678-831-1062 www.trinitychapelacademy.com monthly crosswords, all designed to keep OT in your home and on the coffee table all month long! Our Town is affordable! Take advantage of our full color, larger ads at competitive prices. OT also offers complimentary, professional ad design! Our Town has 4 editions to serve you. Paulding, West Cobb, Smyrna/ Vinings and Gwinnett. Call or email us today and watch your business grow! Our Town is delivered directly to your target audience. We mail to homeowners and businesses in your own neighborhood. Folks who shop, dine or use your services without having to travel far. Excellence in Education With A Kingdom Focus Our Town is locally owned and operated. We are proud to service our clients personally! 770.222.2699 PAGE 24 PAGE 24 n [email protected] n Grades K5 – 12 n After School Care Program n Laptop Program n Athletic Program n Art, Music, Spanish, PE, Computer n Financial Aid Available n Fully Accredited n Low Student/Teacher Ratios n Ask Us How Income Tax Dollars Can Be Used for Tuition! For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • [email protected] For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l [email protected] l OurTownFamily.com Our Town Our Town recreation We go the extra mile – one yard at a time. Lawn Games for Summer Family Fun Pro Green Lawn By Rachel Paxton ummer is a great time to play lawn games outside with your family. There are many affordable games available to choose from, and most games are portable so you can take them camping or to the local park for large gatherings of family and friends. The last time I went to Wal-Mart, I found all of these lawn games for $20 or less. S Ladder Ball has been very popular for the past couple of years. The game comes with two “ladders” and balls that are attached together with short nylon ropes. Each rope has a ball on each end. Each player gets three of these ropes to throw at a ladder. Points are based on which rung of the ladder the rope wraps around. This game is fun for all ages. For young children you will have to let them stand really close to the ladder so they can hit it, but even adults have a great time playing this game. Our services include: Magic Mitts & Rally Ball - This game is a little different but fun. It is only $5 and is KEEP PAULDING BEAUTIFUL two games in one. It comes with two mitts that have Velcro on one side of them. Each player wears a mitt and you throw a ball back and forth to each other, using the Velcro to catch the ball. The game also comes with two flat paddles and a rally ball to hit back and forth to each other. • Croquet - When I was • Our Town Our Town $80 678-229-7405 Horse Shoes - This is the classic game of horse shoes, also $19 at Wal-Mart. It comes in a portable carrying case so is easy to take along with you to wherever you want to play it. Rachel Paxton is a freelance writer and mom of five. For resources for the Christian family, including parenting, toddler and preschool activities, home schooling, family traditions, and more, visit www.Christian-Parents.com. Weekly & Bi-weekly Service starting as low as n Grass cutting Per month! n Lawn seeding n General maintenance Locally owned company n Tree and shrub care for 14 years. Serving all n Landscape design of West Georgia n Fence/rock wall construction n Mulching beds n Fertilization www.progreenlawnmanagement.com And more! $19 at Wal-Mart. It is the classic bean bag toss game. It comes with two collapsible platforms that each has a hole in them to throw bean bags through. This game is also suitable for children of all ages. Even toddlers will love this game. Our 1 year old loves running up to the platform and dropping the bean bag through the hole. This game comes with a portable carrying case. The platforms have removable legs and everything folds up and fits in the bag so you can take it with you. This game can also be played in the house. It is great for rainy days! Hopefully these lawn game ideas will inspire you to go out and do something fun with your family this summer. Kids love to spend time with their parents, and lawn games are a great way to spend time together and have some fun at the same time. Whether you want to spruce up your yard for that upcoming barbeque or create a professional, manicured look for your office building, put our experienced team of landscape professionals to work for you. Lawn Care Package Bean Bag Toss I just picked this bean bag toss game up the other day. It was only a child, croquet was one of my favorite lawn games. It was one of the only lawn games that my family played together, and I always looked forward to when my parents got it out for us to play. Wal-Mart also has an inexpensive portable version of this favorite game. This game is great for children that are old enough to be able to use a mallet to hit a ball on the ground. The object of the game is to be the first to hit a ball through a series of wickets that are set into the ground. Not many people actually have the time or patience to tend to their landscaping. Thankfully, Pro Green Lawn is here to help. Ever wonder what to do with recyclables? Here is some helpful recycling information we found which will help keep our planet and our community GREEN! • • • • • • • • • • • • Office Paper: includes any NON-glossy paper such as notebook paper, envelopes, post-it notes, and printer paper. It also includes non-corrugated cardboard. All three public libraries accept these items. Newspaper: All three public libraries, WalMart, the Dallas Park-N-Ride (across from Chattahoochee Tech), the Kroger in Hiram, the Water Department ( Macland Road location ONLY), and many schools accept newspapers in their parking lots. Corrugated Cardboard: The Dallas Park-N-Ride accepts it. Please flatten and remove all polystyrene peanuts and/or other packaging material before placing in bin. Magazines: All magazines as well as glossy paper. (INCLUDING YOUR BELOVED OUR TOWN MAGAZINE!) The Dallas Park-N-Ride and many local schools accept them. Telephone Books: Telephone books are typically delivered between mid-May and mid-June. Bins are placed at the three public libraries, the Dallas Park-N-Ride and sometimes a fifth location. These bins are placed a week before the earliest delivery date and for an additional two weeks after the latest date of delivery. The Dallas Park-N-Ride bin remains year-round. Aluminum Cans: Cans are accepted at the Dallas Park-N-Ride location. Please empty and rinse the cans. Please check with your neighborhood schools for aluminum recycling as well. Nickel-Cadmium batteries: These are accepted at WalMart and Home Depot. Polystyrene foam trays: These are accepted at Publix. Scrap metal: Accepted at the Paulding County Landfill. Scrap metal includes old appliances, bikes, grills, lawn mowers, and much more. Scrap tires: Accepted at any tire dealer for recycling, although they will charge for this service. Motor oil: Recycle at places like AutoZone and Advanced Auto. Auto Batteries: Many stores that sell them accept your old battery for recycling. Old Cell Phones: These are accepted at the Paulding County Water System Facility located at 1723 Bill Carruth Parkway, Hiram, some local schools. Please verify with school’s administrative staff. Waste Paint: Duron Paint in Hiram sells a product called Waste Paint Hardened- This product may be purchased for around $ 3.00 and can be put in unwanted paint for absorption for disposal. For more information on recycling, you can contact the “Keep Paulding Beautiful” office at 770-443-0119. www.keeppauldingbeautiful.com For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • [email protected] For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l [email protected] l OurTownFamily.com PAGE 25 PAGE 25 special feature By Carol Baccus and Teresa Parrish L ike sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.” That has been the trademark voiceover of NBC’s longest running daytime drama, Days of Our Lives, since its debut on November 8, 1965. To this date, you will hear the voice of original cast member, Macdonald Carey introducing you to an hour long drama that is so much more than a television show. This past November, Days of Our Lives commemorated its 45th year. As part of the show’s celebration, members of the cast have been touring the country promoting a new book, Days of Our Lives 45 Years: A Celebration in Photos, authored by Greg Meng and Eddie Campbell. The book is perfect for any Day’s fan. The authors have put together over 250 pages of photos that tell the journey of Days history from 1965 to the present. It’s full of never before seen photos of cast, crew, sets and the inner workings of the show that has been enjoyed by millions for these 45 plus years. fan is the actors themselves. Most are not afraid to be themselves and show true appreciation of their fans and giving back to the community. While in Atlanta, the cast made several stops to the NBC affiliate here, radio stations, and a trip to visit the Veterans Hospital. In other stops on the book tour, they participated in Habitat for Humanity in Florida and Louisiana. During their appearance at the Peachtree Village Int’l Film Festival, the cast did interviews with the media (including Our Town), answered questions, and posed for pictures and autographs. All of them were very generous with their time and responses. There was an overwhelming consensus they felt a sense of honor for being on a show that is so rich in history. It was very clear from all the actors that Days is a family and they enjoy “the best cast and crew in the business.” They were quick to share the credit of the show’s success with the writers, crew, and producers as well as their fellow cast mates. While being fortunate enough to speak to the talented cast, the most impressive quality was their appreciation of the show and their joy of being a small part of a television treasure. They were gracious and positive toward all the fans that had made the journey to say hello and take a quick picture. It was clear that the cast enjoyed meeting their fans as much as we enjoyed meeting them! Recently the book signing tour came to Atlanta. The cast made two appearances; the first at the Peachtree Village International Film Festival at Studioplex Studios in Atlanta and the second in Suwanee where they were overwhelmingly greeted by in excess of 2,000 fans. Many fans waited up to five hours to meet their favorite Salem residents, and none were disappointed. The actors on the tour included Nadia Bjorlin(Chloe), Crystal Chappel (Carly), Galen Gering (Rafe), Bill and Susan Hayes (Doug and Julie), Atlanta native – Chandler Massey (Will), James Reynolds (Abe), and former head writer Sheri Anderson and the author of the book, Greg Meng. Days of Our Lives is set in a small town with all the trials and tribulations that people face (and then some). At its core, it is about family and love and life. It is about continuity and taking care of our community. After all, isn’t that the way it should be in OUR TOWN? Days of Our Lives is in a wonderfully unique situation where there are multi-generational fans. Most fans can share a story of how they started watching the show with their mothers or grandmothers. Days fans are remarkably loyal; a trait that is recognized by most in the entertainment industry. A large part of why it’s easy to be a loyal **In addition to the 45th anniversary book, Bill and Susan Hayes have collaborated on a double memoir called, Like Sands Through the Hourglass. Sherry Anderson, former head writer, has a series of Days of Our Lives novels that pick up where the soap leaves off with some of our favorite couples such as John and Marlena. The first in the series is A Secret in Salem. Visit days45online.com for more information. The Peachtree Village International Film Festival, will be August 18-21, 2011 in Atlanta. For more information on this event visit www.pviff.com JULY CROSSWORD SOLUTION PAGE 26 PAGE 26 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • [email protected] For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l [email protected] l OurTownFamily.com Our Town Our Town $100 $100 OFF OFF START-UP I LOST 45 lbs in 4 Months!! several 45 failedlbs dieting I heard about Synergy Medical Centers. Their program IAfter LOST in attempts, 4 Months!! was different. It allowed me to see results quick, which kept me motivated. With the help of the After several failed dieting attempts, I heard about Synergy Medical Centers. Their program doctors and supportive staff, my eating habits and lifestyle changed. I was not only able to was different. It allowed me to see results quick, which kept me motivated. With the help of the lose weight, keep it off. My has been amazingchanged. and I have never better... doctors and but supportive staff, mytransition eating habits and lifestyle I was notfelt only able to lose weight, but keep it off. My transition has been amazing and I have never felt better... BEFORE BEFORE Medical Weight Loss that Works! Medical Weight Loss that Works! l Physician Supervised Weight Loss l FDA Approved Medication Physician Supervised Weight Loss FDA Approved Body Medication l Computerized Fat Analysis Computerized Body FatOnsite Analysis l Medication Dispensed Medication & Dispensed Onsite l Nutritional Exercise Counseling * Nutritional & Exercise Counseling l hCG Therapy l hCG Therapy* *Disclaimer: hCG has not been demonstrated to be effective adjunctive therapy in the treatment of obesity. There is no substantial evidence that it increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that not it causes a more attractive or effective “normal” adjunctive distributiontherapy of fat, orin that it decreases *Disclaimer: hCG has been demonstrated to be the treatment of the hunger andisdiscomfort associated withthat calorie-restricted diets. loss beyond that resulting from obesity. There no substantial evidence it increases weight caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or “normal” distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restricted diets. New Patients Receive START-UP $100 Off New Patients Receive any START-UP $100 OffPackage. May not be combined any START-UP Package. with any other offer. May not bein combined Expires 30 days. with any other offer. Expires in 30 days. Synergy Medical Centers Synergy 3889 Medical Cobb PkwyCenters NW Acworth, 30101 3889 CobbGA Pkwy NW (Across from QT Wal-Mart) Acworth, GA& 30101 (Across from QT & Wal-Mart) FREE FREE CONSULTATION CONSULTATION Call....1-800-NEW-SELF Call....1-800-NEW-SELF www.synergymedicalweightloss.com www.synergymedicalweightloss.com Kiss Kiss your your lines lines Goodbye Summer Summer Special! Special! Botox $8 per unit Botox $8 per unit Juvederm XC Juvederm XC $379 per syringe $379 per syringe Free Free Consultation Consultation 1-800-NEW-SELF 1-800-NEW-SELF Synergy Medical Centers Synergy Medical Centers 3889 Cobb Pkwy NW • Acworth, GA 30101 3889 Cobb Pkwy NW • Acworth, GA 30101 Our Town Our Town (Across from QT & Wal-Mart) (Across from QT & Wal-Mart) For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • [email protected] For For Advertising Advertising information information Call Call 770.222.2699 770.222.2699 l l [email protected] [email protected] l l OurTownFamily.com OurTownFamily.com PAGE 27 PAGE PAGE 27 27 A pril Estes is a Paulding County native and has lived here her entire life. She is a 1998 graduate of Paulding County High School where she met and dated her high school sweetheart, Michael Estes, until they were married in 2002. She has been married to “the most wonderful man in the world” for nearly 9 years and has been blessed with 3 more loves of her life; Landon age 5, Easton age 3 and Marlow age 1. Michael is a Paulding County Firefighter and has been with the PCFD for almost 7 years. April went to Kennesaw State University and graduated in 2002 with a BBA in Finance. After graduation, she began her career at a local bank where she worked in Commercial and Construction Lending, while acquiring her Residential Real Estate license as well. A couple of years later, she had her first son who forever altered the direction of her life. Although she always had an interest in photography, this is where her passion grew while trying to preserve and capture every sweet little moment. She began classes at the Showcase School of Photography and officially opened her own photography business, Reflective Images Photography in 2007. April is a creative on-location photographer and specializes in maternity, newborns, toddlers & children, senior portraits, families, engagements and weddings. She has truly found her passion and is so thankful for the business God has blessed her with, the friendships it has allowed her to develop, and the opportunities it has provided for her family. Reflective Images Photography www.reflectiveimagesphoto.com/blog 770-363-7986 from the editors feature photographer APRIL ESTES L ast month, we helped sponsor the 2011 Georgia Military Softball Tournament that was played at our own Mt. Tabor Park. For those that didn’t know, it was the FIRST time that any military softball tournament had been played on “civilian” soil. This really says a lot for Paulding County, and the commitment our leaders have to making our community better. Paulding has a great future because of them. We would like to say a very special THANK YOU to Bill Slaughter, of 29 Promotions, for thinking that a Military Softball Tournament would work in Paulding, and then for putting it all together. We were so glad to be a part of it. There were teams from all over the state of Georgia and several from neighboring states. All branches of the military were recognized and it was truly an honor for us to sponsor and be at this event. To see these teams of military personnel, the men and women who are willing to stand between us and our enemies, was a true honor. At Our Town, we give thanks to all the men and women, and their families who are serving and who have served our great country and fought to protect our rights and freedoms. We wish a very Happy Fourth of July to YOU and all the wonderful residents of Paulding! Thank you for your support and… GOD BLESS AMERICA! Teresa & Jules See photos from this event on our Facebook page. There is a link directly from our website, ourtownfamily.com. While you are there please “Like” us and get Our Town updates! Become an Our Town Fan on ! A congregation committed to reaching people for Jesus through a blending of traditional and contemporary methods of worship, Bible Study, discipleship, and relationship building ministries Sunday Morning Worship 9:00am Blended Service 10:15am Sunday School 11:30am Contemporary Service Kevin McKoy, Senior Pastor 3566 Veterans Memorial Hwy, Lithia Springs, Georgia 30122 770-948-2126, Prayer Line: 770-948-7200 www.fbcls.org PAGE 28 PAGE 28 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • [email protected] For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l [email protected] l OurTownFamily.com Our Town Our Town G reen Tree frogs are one of the most well-liked pet frogs. These are simply wonderful and enchantinglooking animals. With their benign character and distinct qualities, there is no question why many people have them as pets. Qualities and Behavior Just like other tree frogs, the Green Tree Frog features toe discs on the tips of the toes and hands. The fingers and toes have huge expanded discs within the ends and the feet are entirely webbed. A pair of large parotid glands extend back from the eye on to the shoulders. The thighs differ from yellow to maroon, and the eye is a light gold. Its skin is smooth and is vivid green to a dull dark olive green in color on top, and the bottom shade could differ from white to brownish white or pinkish. They generally have a number of white spots in the corner of their mouth to the bottom of their forearm. Green Tree Frogs can grow to 4 inches for females, while adult males are a little smaller at 3 inches. They can lives up to sixteen years. These tree frogs are wonderfully curious and have definite individual personas and antics. There are quite big ones and also tiny little ones that stick to the surface and regularly look longingly in a particular area. Like many frogs, Green Tree Frogs call and produce “warking” noises not just to get a mate. They’ve also been noticed calling to advertise their location outside the mating time, usually after rain, for reasons that are even not sure to scientists. Diet The Green Tree frog’s diet comprises of spiders, crickets, lizards, roaches, and other frogs. Yet when in captivity, it can even eat tiny mice. It catches its food with its strong jaws, and often will use a hand to push the food down. Habitat Green Tree frogs reside in several habitats. They are regularly found around shower blocks, water tanks and toilets. Though they adapt well to human habitation, the natural habitat on ponds, creeks and trees are more ideal for their biological character. It can be mind boggling nonetheless these natural habitats are little by little vanishing due to the fact properties are developed on land that’s been cleaned. It favors cool damp places and, especially in more dry spots, and will often use human habitation for refuge. Green Tree Frog as Pets Prior to deciding to adopt them, it is essential to consider some important issues: Available for Adoption: pets of the month pet page Green Tree Frogs BOBBI (DOB ~4/9/2009) is a female Manx/Siamese mix who was transferred to our organization from a middle Georgia rescue organization. BOBBI is brimming with personality, and is a very sweet, affectionate, loving, and playful girl who would love an opportunity for new family to call her own. She will provide lots of love and loyal companionship for years to come! BOBBI would be classified as a “dimple rumpy or rumpy” Manx - having no tail whatsoever, but rather a small indention at the base of her spine. BOBBI is spayed, up-to-date with vaccines, negative for Feline AIDS/Leukemia/Heartworms, microchipped, dewormed, has received flea and ear mite preventative, and is eligible to receive at least 30 days of prepaid pet health insurance at adoption. BOBBI’s adoption fee is $125.00. To see all our cats available for adoption, please visit www.fancyfelinerescue.org; then call, 678-522-2152, or email us, [email protected], to schedule an appointment to meet your new family member! Fancy Feline Rescue of the South is a non-profit, no-kill rescue organization dedicated to individual attention and excellent care to homeless cats, working hard to find them good homes. GABBY This is Gabby. She is a 4 year old Boxer. She is sweet and loves to play. She also is a bed hog. Gabby Send us a Photo of Your Precious Pet! Email as “Pet of the Month” with Short Bio to [email protected] GRANDE This patriotic pooch is ready for a nap after a fun-filled day at Lake Wedowee! Grande l First do some online research, so you can acquire the knowledge that is required to make you and your Green Tree frog have wonderful lives together. It is important to remember that you are completely responsible for your frog’s environment. l Never overfed them. One problem commonly related to keeping this species as a pet is overfeeding; Green Tree frogs tend to grow to be obese if overfed. In the wild, exertion of energy is needed for a frog to capture its prey. l Ensure they’ve adequate room to move. An unused fish tank makes an excellent terrarium. Online resources or even your local pet store can help you decide how much water and other “décor” the frog will need while in his oasis. Hiram Animal Hospital Established 1985 Full Service Medical & Pet Care Facility l Emergencies accepted l Laser Surgery and therapy l Radiology and ultrasound l They can make lots of noises long in to the night and establishing an ideal terrarium is one important plan you ought to prioritize so they can survive and continue enchanting more people. Our Town Our Town l l l l Senior citizen discount Multiple pet discount Boarding indoor/outdoor Professional grooming 770-439-1117 David Carpenter, DVM l Wendy Meeker, DVM Chris Johnson, DVM 1019 Douglasville Hwy., Hiram l 1 mile S. of Walmart on Hwy. 92 Open Daily 7 am, Sat. 8am-12pm l www.hiramanimalhospital.com For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • [email protected] For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l [email protected] l OurTownFamily.com PAGE 29 PAGE 29 what’s cookin’ crossword Across 1. The great unwashed 6. Brought into play 10. Ices 14. Incurred 15. Auto parts giant 16. Very dry, as wine 17. Convex molding 18. Ball of yarn 19. Bit 20. Smooth and sweet 23. Either 24. Cold shower? 25. The ___ epoch 27. At liberty 30. Sauce 31. Nestling 32. “Back in the ___” 35. Motherless calf 39. Mosaic piece 41. North Georgia 43. Buzzing PAGE 30 PAGE 30 44. Buddy 46. Command to a dog 47. Big galoot 49. “Desire Under the ___” 50. Be that as it may 52. Parasites 55. 3.141592 56. Euro-American money 61. Auspices 64. Doctor Who villainess, with “the” 65. Of wine 66. Cork’s country 67. Beethoven’s “Archduke ___” 68. Colonoscopy 69. Knocked off, in a way 70. Furnace output 71. Ratty place Down 1. Formal dance 2. Cleanse 3. Carbon compound 4. Informal discussion 5. Go bad 6. “I give up!” 7. To show respect 8. Fencing blade 9. First appearance of daylight 10. ___-Wan Kenobi 11. Away 12. Sleep on it 13. Gawk 21. Leg part 22. Close relative of frogs 26. Where clothes hang to dry 27. Greek cheese 28. Bakery selections 29. “___ of Eden” 33. “Casablanca” pianist 34. Same old, same old 36. Highlander 37. Any thing 38. Congers 40. Clear, as a disk 42. Basil-based sauce 45. Windex ingredient 48. __ of July 50. Plural of 8 51. Watch 53. Dostoyevsky novel, with “The” 54. Little people 57. Pink, as a steak 58. Again 59. “The ___ of the Ancient Mariner” 60. Cicatrix 62. Anger Red, White & Blue-berries!!! Blueberry Cobbler with Sugared Star Shortcakes (Serves 10) 2 pt. fresh blueberries 1/2 cup granulated sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1/8 teaspoon almond extract 2 (12-oz.) cans refrigerated buttermilk biscuits 1 tablespoon coarse sparkling sugar Sweetened whipped cream Preheat oven to 400°. Combine first 4 ingredients in a medium saucepan. Cook over medium-high heat 5 minutes or until bubbly and sugar dissolves. Remove from heat. Separate biscuits, and flatten each into a 3 1/2-inch circle. Cut with a 3-inch star-shaped cutter, and place on a lightly greased baking sheet; sprinkle with sparkling sugar, pressing to adhere. Bake at 400° for 8 minutes or until lightly browned. Place 1 biscuit on each serving plate. Spoon blueberry mixture over half of biscuits; top with remaining biscuits. Serve with whipped cream. All American Pound Cake 1 1/2 cups fresh blueberries, washed and divided 1 cup sliced strawberries 1 package (10 3/4 oz.) frozen pound cake 1 container (8 oz.) whipped cream cheese 3 tablespoons powdered sugar 2 tablespoons orange juice Slice frozen pound cake lengthwise in three layers; arrange in a single layer on a cookie sheet with top layer cut side up. In a bowl stir together cream cheese, sugar and orange juice until well blended. To assemble cake: Place bottom layer on a serving plate; spread evenly with a third of the cream cheese mixture. Arrange a third of the blueberries evenly over cream cheese. Repeat with center slice of cake. Place top layer cut side down; spread with remaining cream cheese mixture. Decorate cake to resemble an American flag using remaining blueberries and the strawberries. Blueberry Blintz (Serves 12) Batter: 1 cup milk 1/4 cup cold water 2 large eggs 1 cup all-purpose flour 1 pinch salt 1 tablespoon sugar 3 tablespoons melted butter In a blender or food processor, combine milk, water, egg, flour, salt and sugar. Blend until batter is lump free, about 15 seconds. Add melted butter and blend for another 5 minutes. Refrigerate batter for at least 1 hour. Blueberry Filling: 1/2 cup sugar 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon diced lemon zest (optional) 1 1/4 pounds washed, stemmed blueberries Confectioners’ sugar In a large saucepan, combine sugar, cinnamon, lemon zest (if using), and blueberries. Allow the mixture to come to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 2 min. Remove from heat. Lightly coat an 8-inch pan cooking spray. Pour in 1/4 cup batter and swirl until the bottom of pan is completely coated. Cook 30 to 45 seconds and flip to cook an additional 30 seconds. Remove to a plate and cover with a paper towel to prevent drying. Repeat with the rest of the batter. To assemble, place 1-2 TBSP of berries on the lower third of the pancake. Fold the bottom up to cover the filling. Fold the two sides in toward the center. Roll the pancake ending with seam side down. Repeat with remaining pancakes and filling. Heat the same pan over medium heat and add butter to fry each side of the blintzes for about 2 minutes until crisp. Remove to a serving place, garnish with blueberry sauce and confectioners’ sugar. Makes 12. For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • [email protected] Our Town For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l [email protected] l OurTownFamily.com Our Town 52,000 Square Feet of Family Fun! Located on the corner of Hiram Acworth Hwy & Dallas Hwy Beat the Heat and Celebrate Your Birthday with Us! Invite 10 or more guests and be in a drawing for a Free $100 grocery or gas card! Offer expires Sept. 1st Monday Special 99 C BOWLING ALL DAY! Laser Tag l Bumper Cars l 20 Traditional Lanes l 14 Boutique Bowling Lanes with 7 - 120” TV Screens & Couch Seating l Arcade with Over 120 Video & Redemption Games l Keno l Texas Hold’Em l Karaoke l Full Service Coach’s Corner Cafe 678.965.5707 www.starsandstrikes.com Our Town Our Town Tuesday Special ARCADE BUMPER CARS & LASER TAG 1/2 OFF! ALL DAY! Bring in this ad for Bring in this ad for EVERYDAY game of LASER TAG & BUMPER CARS this Summer! 1 FREE game of BOWLING this Summer! Must present ad. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Expires 9/1/11. 1 FREE Must present ad. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Expires 9/1/11. For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • [email protected] For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l [email protected] l OurTownFamily.com PAGE 31 PAGE 31 PAGE 32 PAGE 32 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • [email protected] For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l [email protected] l OurTownFamily.com Our Town Our Town
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