Getting together


Getting together
No.59 JULY 2010
Talk of the Town
- page 2
Song in their hearts
- page 3
Football rules
- pages 4 & 5
Vale Rosemary Beth
Rem, Harry
Salzwedel - page 6
Getting together
At last: Gembrook-Cockatoo Football Club president Steve Goodie receives the
Tschampion’s Cup from Woori Yallock president Phil Martin, the first time the
Brookers have taken the inter-club trophy in many years. The club is having a
great season and the win capped a great month. More - pages 4 and 5.
GEMBROOK Township Committee aims
to lead a community event late next
month designed to bring together the
community in one gathering to discuss
common issues and hear about common concerns.
“We thought we could put on a
community afternoon,” committee
president David Nickell said. “We’re
aiming to have a guest speaker talk
about getting the best deal out of your
rates notice, plus a short movie about
the Transition Towns movement and
how other small communities are
working to become more sustainable.
“All Gembrook community groups
would also be given an opportunity to
introduce themselves to the rest of the
The committee discussed the event
at its June meeting and is in the
process of deciding details.
Talk of the Town - page 2
Gembrook Times is published
11 times a year by volunteers.
Planning meetings are held
monthly. Community
contributions and assistance are
welcome For information,
contact Greg Videon (see below).
Available at IGA Plus Liquor
supermarket, Gembrook Post
Office and newsagency and at
partners and other businesses,
or in colour at
PO Box 28, Gembrook 3783
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Holiday fun
on wheels
CARDINIA Shire’s MYBus is braving
the winter chill to bring activities to
town over the school holidays.
The youth bus will visit Gembrook,
Cockatoo and other towns over the
holidays providing free activities for
ages 12 to 25.
There will be a range of craft and
cooking activities and scooters and
skateboards can be borrowed for use at
the skate park.
MYBus will be at Gembrook
Leisure Park on Wednesday, July 7 and
Cockatoo skate park, Pakenham Road,
Cockatoo, on Wednesday, June 30.
Rebecca Funk and her daughter Piper Sessions will run from 11am to 4pm.
Excursions with a winter theme,
were rugged up against the cold when
snow trips to Mt Baw Baw,
Cockatoo Gembrook Guides joined
their Outer East Region sisters for the ice skating and arcade games, are on
the shire’s activity program for child2010 Year of the Girl Guide Chain of
ren aged 11-16.
Campfires event at Kallista. Huddled
For details and consent forms visit
with mugs and camp blankets, the
the youth services web page at
Guides joined others worldwide to
create a chain of campfires around the
phone 1300 787 624.
Talk of the Town provides a news summary of issues
dealt with by the Gembrook Township Committee
Debate gets on the road
THE speed limit in Main St and the state
of nearby VicRoads-managed roads
was discussed at the June Gembrook
Township Committee meeting.
The township committee will take
steps to establish a working dialogue
with senior VicRoads staff and resolve
these issues in the coming months. We
welcome any concerned residents to
come along to future meetings and
help, as past experience has shown it
takes strong local lobbying and pressure to get a result out of VicRoads in
our area.
The committee has also noted con-
Hair & Beauty
Shop 1/89 Main St, Gembrook
5968 1090
cern over the proposed Cardinia Shire
Council rates increase and budget. It is
important for us to continue to build
the strength of our voice in the Hills, so
please come along and lend your support.
Gembrook Township Committee
meets six times a year at 7.30pm on
the second Tuesday of the month at
Gembrook Community Centre.
The next meeting will be on August
10. All are welcome. For
information contact David Nickell,
ph 5968 1400.
FREE partline foils with every
permanent colour
FREE treatment and head massage
with every hair cut
With a song in their hearts
The Gembrook Singers performed at the Cardinia Shire reception for National Volunteer Week.
WHAT does a gathering of local
retirees, school teachers, well-being
practitioners, farmers and business
people have in common? The love of
In May the Gembrook Singers featured as the main entertainment for the
Cardinia Shire volunteers’ reception at
Cardinia Cultural Centre as part of
National Volunteer Week.
Nearly 200 volunteers from across
the shire enjoyed the Gembrook
Singers’ rendition of a variety of show
tunes, a capella, Australiana and popular songs, showcasing the group’s
harmonies and concordance under the
direction of pianist Les Whitehead and
conductor Jean Eckersley.
The Gembrook Singers were
formed in 2006 and have sung at several regular community events such as
Carols in the Park, Anzac Day and
Australia Day ceremonies, as well as
for senior citizens and Probus groups
in the shire.
But as enjoyable as it is for group
members, performing is not their primary focus. The singers, who meet
each Thursday evening, do so for the
sheer fun of coming together with others who love to sing and share a little
social time crooning while expanding
their musical horizons and learning
some of the skills of group singing.
Once each month, the group has a
social evening when, over supper and
through song and music, they share
mirth and merriment, fun and frivolity.
Music, and in particular singing, is
well known for raising one’s spirits,
improving overall well-being and
helping to develop and deepen a sense
of community.
The Gembrook Singers has a spe-
Sun, June 27 - Gembrook Market, Puffing Billy station, 9am.
Tues, June 29 - Gembrook Business Group meeting, Community
Centre, 7.30pm.
Sat, July 3 - Community Centre working bee, Community Centre,
10am. All welcome, ph 0417-740 409.
Wed, July 14 - Friends of Gembrook Park annual meeting, Puffing
Billy station, 7.30pm. Contact Merle, ph 5968 1011.
Sun, July 25 - Gembrook Market and community clearance sale,
Puffing Billy station, 9am.
Sun, September 26 - Gembrook arts and crafts festival. Contact
Peter, ph 5968 6613.
Every Wednesday - Gembrook Bowls Club, Community Centre,
7.45pm. Contact John, ph 5942 7217.
Every Thursday - Gembrook Singers practice, stage area,
Community Centre, 7.15pm. Contact Jean, ph 5968 1325.
First and third Monday - Craft day, Craft Cottage, Redwood Rd,
10.30am-1pm. Contact Rose, ph 5968 1955.
Second and fourth Monday - Spinning, Craft Cottage, Redwood
Rd, 10am-3pm. Contact Hanna, ph 5968 1403.
cial place among community groups
because of its ability for considerable
outreach. New members are always
welcome and those who have joined
recently now regard the group as an
integral part of their weekly activities.
Most of the group are not trained
singers and many are ordinary folk
who are never likely to grace the
Australian Idol stage. However it’s
remarkable how good a group who
sings together regularly can sound,
under the guidance of a dedicated and
skilful musical director like Les and
performance conductor like Jean.
Readers who would like to join the
group or simply listen are welcome
when the group meets at 7.30pm
Thursdays at the Community Centre in
Pakenham Rd next to the skate park.
Inquiries can be directed to Jean, ph
5968 1325, or Peter, ph 5967 7000.
Market sale
THE Gembrook Market community
clearance sale will be held at the market of July 25, not June 27 as reported
in last month’s Times. The market
committee apologises for the error.
Groups wishing to hold a stall or
inquire about terms should contact the
stallholder coordinator, ph 0437-664
At last month’s market AGM all
office holders were re-elected. It is
expected that the position of sustainability educator will be resumed this
year in order to support the market’s
sustainability theme and provide
information to market visitors.
Park friends meet
THE Friends of Gembrook Park will
hold their annual meeting on July 14
at 7.30pm at the Puffing Billy station.
For details contact Merle, ph 5968
Footy rules as the
Appliance dangers
AS WE head into the depths of winter it is
incumbent on the Gembrook brigade to jog
your memories about a couple of issues
regarding the season’s fire hazards.
It almost seems wrong to warn about fires
when it’s cold, wet and windy outside, but in
truth fire brigades are called more often to
house fires in winter than in summer.
Faulty appliances, overloaded power
boards and circuits, faulty or illegal and nonapproved wiring as well as faulty chimneys
are over-represented in the causes of such
As clothes dryers are brought back into
service, they also feature among the prime
causes for fires. As clothes are dried they give
off a surprising amount of fibre, which accumulates as fluff or lint. An overloaded lint
filter allows the overflow lint to enter the
cavity of the dryer’s cabinet which houses the
As the fluff accumulates near the element
you have all three components (heat, fuel and
oxygen) for a fire. Find out how to clean your
dryer’s lint filter and try to remember to
clean it before each drying session. Your life
may depend on it.
Above: The
Channel 31 team
had the best view
of the action.
Left: Craig Clarke
took on the Upwey
defence in the
aerial battles.
Below: If you
don’t mind
Warm blankets
ON A freezing night there is nothing more
welcoming than the cosy warmth of an electric blanket. However the blanket should be
turned off as you get into bed.
A normal over-blanket or doona should
be used to maintain warmth rather than
leaving the electric blanket switched on.
If the blanket is left switched on there is
the potential risk that as you move during
sleep you may unintentionally damage the
wiring of the blanket and cause a short circuit and sparks that could start a fire in the
bed. Hardly the sort of situation anyone
would welcome.
By the way – it’s also a good idea to quickly check the connections and wiring every so
often during the blanket’s period of use, just
to make sure nothing has been damaged.
SINCE the last edition of the Times the
Gembrook brigade has turned out to one
motor vehicle collision in Cockatoo and an
early evening house fire in Grey Road,
Gembrook. Despite the speedy responses of
the crews the house was fully ablaze when
they arrived on the scene.
Harry Salzwedel
From page 6
vegetable and berry. The lounge
room abounds with books on a
wide range of topics as Harry
enjoyed researching how to
grow, compost and produce
food. Each season had its task,
whether it was pickling cucumbers, making jam or preparing
sauerkraut. Harry kept the
family in homemade yoghurt.
Harry was an active member
of Club 52, formed by all who
emigrated on the same ship.
Hanna feels that her busy ventures in the community were
possible through his support.
Harry passed on in May.
Hanna and Sue thank everyone
who provided flowers, cards,
best wishes and support.
boys and girls are kicking on
LAST month was big for
Gembrook-Cockatoo Football
Club, including the day community television Channel
31’s Local Footy Show came
to town at the club’s invitation. The TV crew was given
a warm welcome but unfortunately the weather was not
equal in its hospitality.
The Channel 31 crew,
headed by Daryl Pitman and
Ian Bennett, were in town to
video the big game between
the locals and Upwey-Tecoma
on June 5.
The day was cold and misty
at first, giving way to rain just
after 3pm and by 4pm gloomy
conditions necessitated flood
lights. The match held great
promise as both sides were
vying for top position, the
Brookers leading YVMDFL
Division 1 on percentage.
Despite being competitive
until three-quarter time, the
home side fell behind in the
Right: Back in
town for the past
players day were
300-game veteran
Don Saunders
and former
teammate Neil
Below: The flag
veterans of 2000.
final quarter and the visitors
notched a 17.7-109 win over
the Brookers’ 12.8-80.
The match highlights were
a prominent feature when put
to air on June 11.
At last month’s past players
day, veterans of the 2000 premiership side were honoured
as the Brookers took on Woori
Yallock in superb conditions.
The Brookers, who can still
count 2000 veterans Mat
O’Neill, Tristan Whytcross
and Max Croaker in their
ranks, kicked away in the third
quarter to win 16.14-110 to Under intense pressure from the South Mornington
Brookers centres Rochelle Appleby reaches the ball while
grabbed back top spot and Hailey Clarke moves in to assist.
took the Tschampion’s Cup
back from the Tigers for the
first time in many seasons.
The women’s side, in its
first season, was held scoreless in the home match against
a powerful South Mornington
combination at the end of
A mark is taken in defence by Aleesha Brindley of
Gembrook while fellow defender Claire Pond is ready
to accept a handball or rebound. Katelyn Cartion and
Nicole Gough move in to provide backup.
Claire Pond gives a handball under
pressure to team mate Katelyn Cartion,
while Jemma Iacono moves to create
an avenue forward.
HARRY Salzwedel came to
Australia in 1952 from
Berlin, Germany on a ship
with 600 other young men
to work for the Victorian
Harry worked for the
railways for 44 years. Little
wonder that Harry started
each day with a walk along
the Puffing Billy track,
where he’d pass this time of
day with the folk he regularly met on the way.
On a trip back to Berlin
in 1958 Harry bought his
wife Hanna back to
Australia. To be closer to his
work and for daughter Sue
to have a horse, Hanna and
Harry found and bought
land in Gembrook.
They built the first house
in Le Souef Rd, which was
then a spud paddock, and
Beth Rem,
took up residence in 1973.
The road was at times
impassable by car so Harry
would park at the fire station. Wearing farm boots he
walked along the rutted
muddy road and would
change into work shoes
before driving to work.
Harry loved living in
Gembrook and soon converted the spud paddock
into an amazing masterpiece
in permaculture. The property supports chooks, a
compost processing area
and netted plots for growing
every conceivable fruit,
Continued page 4
ROSEMARY Beth Rem, who
died at the end of May, was
an inspiration to many
people in and around Gembrook. She devoted herself
to the art of basket making
and formed the Basketry
Institute of Australia, growing in Gembrook many of
the plants required to weave
into baskets. She was noted
for her good heartedness
and willingness to help sensitively those in need.
In 1999 Rosemary became a founding member of
Friends of Kurth Kiln and
was an active committee
member for many years in
the roles of heritage officer
and secretary and was elected vice-president in 2006.
At Rosemary’s funeral
Alfred Klink, on behalf of
the Friends of Kurth Kiln,
paid tribute to her long
involvement in the group.
He spoke of her unbound
creative spirit and wholehearted participation in
whatever she undertook.
Over the years she
demonstrated basket making and displayed her creative weaving at the Kurth
Kiln Heritage Festivals.
Rosemary, although getting
quite frail, still managed to
come to this year’s festival
and put some of her imaginative baskets on display,
sharing her knowledge and
expertise with visitors. Her
motivation and input will be
missed by the Friends.
Sacred Heart Church, Main St - Mass is at 9am each Sunday, followed by a cuppa. A great time for a chat. All are
welcome. Contact 9751 2141 for baptisms, marriages or the sacramental program. During June three children were
confirmed. It was a beautiful ceremony. Gospel and Life meetings continue locally every second Thursday. Please
call 5968 1278 with any queries. Love to see you there.
St Silas’ Anglican Church, corner Main St and Launching Place Rd - Services are held on the first Sunday of
each month at 9am. This is followed by socialising over refreshments. On Trinity Sunday a happy occasion was
enjoyed when St Silas’ celebrated the 66th anniversary of Fr David Chambers’ ministry as a Melbourne diocesan
stipendary reader in the Parish of St John’s, Bentleigh. This led to him being made a deacon in 1951 and ordained as
a priest in 1952, both at St Paul’s Cathedral. As a retired honorary priest Fr David has ministered to us at St Silas’
since Pentecost 2004. There was a full church – 58 people in all. The generously donated collection has been sent to
Nepalese children to contribute to their welfare. After the communion service a fabulous lunch was served.
Gembrook Community Church, corner Mountain and Ure roads - Services are held each Sunday at 9.30am,
followed by socialising over refreshments. All are welcome and we will be happy to meet you.
Proud founding sponsors of the
Gembrook Times
Liquor store: 1/83 Main St,
Gembrook, ph 5967 7122
Come and say hi to the new owners Andrew and Margie Spark. We thank you for
choosing to shop with us and welcome any comment or feedback you may have.
Supermarket: 85 Main St,
Gembrook, ph 5968 1878