Design and FEA of a Recumbent Trike
Design and FEA of a Recumbent Trike
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol.7 No.11 (2012) © Research India Publications; Design and FEA of a Recumbent Trike *Er. Vikas Gulati, **Er. Sameer Mehta, *** Ankur Kashyap,*** Kartik Pawar * Department of Mechanical Engineering, Geeta Institute of Management & Technolgy, Kuruskshetra. [email protected], +91-98967-38032 ** Department of Mechanical Engineering, Geeta Institute of Management & Technolgy, Kuruskshetra. [email protected], +91-99911-14003 *** Department of Mechanical Engineering, Geeta Institute of Management & Technolgy, Kuruskshetra. [email protected], +91-97298-90050 **** Department of Mechanical Engineering, Geeta Institute of Management & Technolgy, Kuruskshetra. [email protected], +91-99969-12300 Abstract This paper presents the design of an eco-friendly human powered vehicle with a compounded electric drive system. The focus has been laid on the simplicity in design, high performance, easy maintenance and safety at very reasonable prices. Most of the components have been chosen keeping in mind the easy availability and reliability. This paper provides the details of components used, and performance parameters taken into consideration while designing the vehicle. This hybrid human powered trike is very efficient, ergonomically designed and can be proved as a better replacement of fueled vehicle contributing towards the environment sustainability. 1. INTRODUCTION Transportation plays a key role in overall development of the society both economically and socially. Nevertheless it has many spillover effects such as traffic congestion, safety, global warming and depletion of non-renewable sources of energy. Transportation assists in economic growth by making accessibility to resources and markets. In India there are presently close to 18 million petrol-powered two wheelers and about 1.5 million petrol and diesel powered three wheelers and there population is growing at a rate of about 15% per annum [1]. It is a common sight in India and in other developing countries that during traffic jams in congested areas of cities these vehicles produces tremendous air pollution. Therefore, the aim was to design a three wheeled human powered electrically assisted vehicle having simple, high performance, easy maintenance and safety at a very reasonable price, hence capable of replacing fueled vehicles contributing towards environmental sustainability. 2. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Human powered hybrid vehicles present the new milestone in the realm of "Green Technology". The vehicle that is cheap to buy, cheap to run and can be used from a track racer to a grocery seller everybody contributing towards a green environment. In literature, there are two available designs of vehicle: 2.1 Delta: The delta type of trike has one wheel in the front and two wheels in the rear. These types of trike can give its best in steering as it can have a zero turning radius. The power to the rear wheels of the delta trike ensures no slipping during cornering. 2.2 Tadpole: The tadpole type of trike has two wheels in the front and one wheel in the rear. Both the trikes have their pros and cons. But tadpole configuration always has certain advantages over the delta configuration in almost every field. Being a rear wheel driven configuration, the tadpole configuration will have all the tractive effort available from its share of the weight. Also because of the major weight on the front side of the vehicle there is much grip available for both steering and braking. Electrically assisted tadpole trikes are much more stable when compared during cornering. Delta trikes on the other hand has less front weightage due to which it can’t give its best in both braking and steering. Electrically assisted delta trikes are more unstable. After analyzing both the designs it is preferred to choose tadpole over the delta. 3. DESIGN METHODOLOGY The design methodology involved in the development of the trike design consists of mainly two steps which ultimately led to a design which is ergonomic, aerodynamic, highly engineered and easy to manufacture. The design methodology has the following two processes: 3.1 Recognition of customer’s need: Designing is indeed a research topic and needs high level of research and analysis of the current situation. It actually involves the recognition of customer’s need. This process includes various steps which are depicted below: Market research identifies customers and needs R&D creates ideas that are relevant to an organization's capabilities Needs arise from dissatisfaction Technology push 3.2 Definition of a problem task: After the successful completion of the recognition of the customer’s need, the definition of a problem task comes which includes the following steps: Design Specification Selecting product ideas Compiling & apply technical knowledge Identify resources International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol.7 No.11 (2012) © Research India Publications; Prioritize design goals & continue to refine 4. DESIGN OVERVIEW The vehicle has an innovative tadpole recumbent design which is aerodynamic, ergonomically designed so that it can be used for travelling far areas. The recumbent design of the trike enables the drivers to have a very comfortable ride at all times. The trike can also have an option of adjustable seats in order to cope with the different heights. The trike roll cage has been designed in order to enhance the overall safety of the vehicle in case of a front or roll over impact. The ergonomically designed side impact member prevents the drivers from any kind of side impact. The side impact can also be hydraulically opened to allow easy entry and egress of the driver. The trike is also equipped with both front and rear suspension system which provides a comfortable and smoother ride to the drivers. The braking system has been designed in order to have better stability of the vehicle during braking. The innovative transmission system gives a nice tractive effort by reducing any slip. Fig shows a detailed view of the concept trike. Fig. 2 Chassis 3D Views 5.2 Wheel Base and Track Width The wheel base and track width of the trike decides the steering geometry which is one of the most important factor that is to be considered while designing. The longer the wheel base the higher the high speed stability. But a much longer wheel base reduces the maneuverability. Therefore an optimum wheel base of 51.7 inches was chosen with an overall length of 88.3 inches. The wider the track width, lesser is the susceptibility of vehicle to capsize during cornering. However, if too wide, the vehicle becomes impracticable on most track lanes. Therefore, an optimum track width of 42.8 inches has been chosen. 5.3 Weight Distribution The trike has a 60/40 weight distribution i.e. 60% weight on the front and rest on the rear end. The weight distribution of a trike dictates how well it handles the applied load. More is the weight on the front wheel better is the cornering. However, too much weight on the front wheel causes the rear wheel to wear out during hard cornering. Therefore a trike with 60/40 weight distribution is optimum. The total weight of this electric trike is 65 Kg. Fig. 1 Trike 3D Model 5. TRIKE SPECIFICATIONS The recumbent trike has many innovative features which gives it an appealing look. It has an innovative USS Steering System (Under Seat Steering). The trike can be simultaneously driven by both human and electric power. The trike can accommodate two drivers ergonomically and safely. 5.1 Trike Frame The trike frame has been designed keeping in view the overall safety of the drivers. It was also kept in mind the various systems that have to be incorporated in the vehicle like suspension system, braking system, transmission system, etc. The frame of the trike resembles with the head of an alien. The trike has an innovative USS Steering system which allows both the drivers to steer the vehicle. This steering system has been used in order to give the drivers a freedom to ride the vehicle from either left side or right side. The chassis 3D views are shown below in the fig. 2. 5.4 Tyres and Rims Tires are the most important part in any vehicle design as they are the part which provides contact between the road and the vehicle. Road shocks are first absorbed by tires and then transmitted to suspension [4].The tyres are chosen in such a way that it must provide traction in all kind if surfaces without slipping. The trike has a tadpole configuration i.e. two wheels at the front and one wheel at the rear. The tyres at the front and the rear are tabulated below: Table 1: Tyre Size Position Front Rear Size 16 Inches 20 Inches The front part has 16 inches wheels which is responsible for the steering responsiveness and effortless steering. The rear wheel has been chosen precisely so that the targeted top speed can be achieved without any compromise in the COG of the trike. Therefore it has been chosen as 20 inches. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol.7 No.11 (2012) © Research India Publications; 5.5 Braking System The electric trike used mechanical disc brakes on all wheels which can be locked simultaneously as desired. The front two disc rotors are controlled by a double barrel lever which can lock both the front discs simultaneously to prevent any skidding or slip. This also prevents the toppling of the trike. The expected braking distance is 2 meters. The overall braking system is shown in the fig below. Fig. 5 Rear Dual Shocker Swing Arm Suspension 5.7 Steering System The trike uses an innovative Under Seat Steering System having a true Ackermann steering geometry. In this the inner wheel can have a maximum angle of 40 degrees so that outer wheel angle is 24.84 degrees. The steering system uses a 180 degrees bell crank in order to actuate the turning of the wheels through tie rods. The trike has an effective turning radius of 3.25 meters. Fig. 3 Braking System of the Trike 5.6 Suspension System A double wishbone or double A arm suspension has been used in the trike in front part of the vehicle in order to have a smoother and comfort drive. The trike also has a dual shocker swing arm suspension at the rear end. The combination of both the suspension system makes it a vehicle with proper handling and braking. The double wishbone suspension has a maximum deflection of 4 inches. Fig. 6 Steering Ackermann Geometry The steering geometry calculations are tabulated below as: Table 2: Turning Radius Turning Radius ( R ) Inner front wheel Outer front wheel Fig. 4 Front Double Wishbones Suspension The rear suspension has a maximum deflection of 4 inches which keeps the motor mounted in the rear part of the trike shock free and intact. Formula b/sin A * ((a-c)/2) b/sin B + ((a-c)/2) where wheel base, pivot center, track, inner wheel angle, outer wheel angle, Value 0.101 m 3.250 m b = 1.11m c = 1.098m a = 1.202m A = 40 degrees B = 24.84 degrees 5.8 Transmission System The trike can be driven by both the drivers. The trike is powered by both human and electric power. The drivers can power the vehicle using the two crank wheels in the front portion of the chassis. These two crank wheels deliver the power to the idler axle mounted in the rear part which ultimately drives the rear wheel through freewheels. The overall manual transmission has a 21 Speed Gear assembly. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol.7 No.11 (2012) © Research India Publications; cage has been tested for stress induced and deformation during front impact and roll over. These tests gave very important results which helped to estimate the factor of safety of the electric trike. Fig. shows the roll cage which was analyzed in ANSYS 13.0. Fig. 7 Overall Transmission System The electrical transmission of the trike consists of a PMDC motor and a flywheel. The PMDC motor is powered by a battery which is mounted in the front part of the chassis in an insulated compartment. The PMDC motor and flywheel belt drive also includes an alternator to recharge the battery. The PMDC motor and battery specifications are tabulated below: Table 3: Motor and Battery Specification S.No. PMDC Motor 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Battery 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ITEM SPECIFICATION Power Voltage RPM Max. Torque Max. Current Weight 0.5 HP (373Watts) 12 Volts 1500 24N-m 20 A-Hr 11 Kg Type Make Output Voltage Peak Current Weight SMF Battery Exide 12 Volts 26 A-Hr 10 Kg 6. FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS The finite element method (FEM) is a numerical technique for finding approximate solutions to partial differential equations (PDE) and their systems, as well as (less often) integral equations. In simple terms, FEM is a method for dividing up a very complicated problem into small elements that can be solved in relation to each other. FEM is a special case of the more general Galerkin method with polynomial approximation functions. The solution approach is based on eliminating the spatial derivatives from the PDE [6]. Although Finite Element techniques are used to model many different phenomenon, at Dynamic Analysis we specialize in modeling the response of systems to stress, vibration and thermal loads. The roll cage of the trike has been completely analyzed using the FEM analysis software (ANSYS 13.0) which ensures the overall safety of the drivers. Extraordinary measures were taken to make driving as safe as possible. Experience and responsible engineering have yielded nearly perfect safety record and driver confidence. The roll Fig. 8 Isometric View of the Chassis 6.1 FEATURE BASED MODELLING Solid modeling is a consistent set of principles for mathematical and computer modeling of three-dimensional solids. Solid modeling is distinguished from related areas of geometric modeling and computer graphics by its emphasis on physical fidelity. Together, the principles of geometric and solid modeling form the foundation of computer-aided design and in general support the creation, exchange, visualization, animation, interrogation, and annotation of digital models of physical objects. A solid model of chassis frame was prepared using weldments to convert 2-D sketch to pipe structure. Fig. 9 Geometry Used in FEA 6.2 MATERIAL SELECTION The FEM analysis of the complete chassis was carried out with help of analysis software (ANSYS 13.0). Figure 8 shows the geometry which was used for the analysis purpose. Material selection is a step in the process of designing any physical object. In the context of product design, the main goal of material selection is to minimize cost while meeting product performance goals. Systematic selection of the best material for a given application begins with properties and costs of candidate materials. For building the trike, the materials have been narrowed down to three metals; carbon steel, CroMo and aluminium [2]. The material selection criteria are tabulated below: International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol.7 No.11 (2012) © Research India Publications; Table 4: Material Selection Materi al O.D . (mm ) Thickne ss (mm) E (Gpa ) Sy (Mp a) Weigh t (Kg) per m 1018 25.4 3.05 205 365 1.68 1021 25.4 3.05 205 405 1.68 1021 28.5 7 1.65 205 405 1.09 1021 31.7 5 1.65 205 405 1.22 Best 1021 38.1 2.1082 205 405 1.86 Used for Main Member 1021 31.7 5 2.1082 205 405 1.53 OK Result Referen ce Used for Side Member Stiffnes s too low 6.3 MESH GENERATION Mesh generation is the practice of generating a polygonal or polyhedral mesh that approximates a geometric domain. The term "grid generation" is often used interchangeably. Typical uses are for rendering to a computer screen or for physical simulation such as finite element analysis or computational fluid dynamics. Three-dimensional meshes created for finite element analysis need to consist of tetrahedral, pyramids, prisms or hexahedra [7]. Those used for the finite volume method can consist of arbitrary polyhedral. Those used for finite difference methods usually need to consist of piecewise structured arrays of hexahedra known as multi-block structured meshes. The elements were given a tetrahedral connectivity. The details are tabulated below: 7. ANALYSIS Finite Element Analysis is a mathematical modeling technique used to determine the response of real structures to external (and sometimes internal) loads. Although Finite Element techniques are used to model many different phenomenon, at Dynamic Analysis we specialize in modeling the response of systems to stress, vibration and thermal loads. During the analysis the working stress units for stress are N/mm2 [3]. 7.1 FRONT IMPACT ANALYSIS (DYNAMIC AT 1G) The analysis of the chassis when it is subjected to an impact load from the front is called as front impact test. Front Impact test can be used to calculate both Displacement and Stress. Figure 11 and 12 show the results of the front impact analysis of the chassis. Figure 11 shows the stress induced whereas the figure 12 shows the deformation during the side impact test. From these analysis results, the maximum stress was found out to be 344.7 M Pa with a factor of safety of 1.37. Fig. 11 Stress Induced during Front Impact at 1G Moreover, the analysis shows that the maximum deflection was 0.0004mm during the front impact at 1G which yields a factor of safety of 1.37. Table 5: Analysis Statistics Connectivity TE4 (Tetrahedral) Entity Nodes Elements Statistics 76570 ( 100.00% ) Size 397615 76570 Fig. 12 Displacement during Front Impact at 1G Fig. 10 Mesh Generated Using ANSYS 13.0 7.2 ROLL OVER ANALYSIS (DYNAMIC AT 10G) To approximate the worst case scenario that the vehicle will see, research into the forces the human body can endure was completed. The research found that the human body will pass out at loads much higher than 9 times the force of gravity or 9 G’s [5]. A value of 10 G’s was set as the goal point for an extreme worst case collision. Figure 13 shows the results of the roll over analysis for stress at 10G. During the analysis International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol.7 No.11 (2012) © Research India Publications; point masses were defined at various loading conditions. The maximum stress induced was calculated to be 289.3 M Pa with a factor of safety of 1.16. [4] [5] [6] [7] Fig.13 Stress Induced during Roll Over Impact at 10G Moreover, the analysis shows that the maximum deflection was 0.007mm during the roll over impact at 10G. Fig. 14 Deformation during Roll Over Impact at 10G 8. CONCLUSIONS Complete design of an electric trike has been reported in this paper. The use of solid modeling helped to perform high quality design. Finally the chassis of trike was analyzed to evaluate its capability and endurance, and the results were monitored for further improvement. Extraordinary measures were taken to make the driving of electric trike as safe as possible. Experience and responsible engineering have yielded a near perfect safety record and driver confidence. This design of electric trike can be considered by the industries for mass production in order to replace the fueled vehicles contributing towards environment sustainability. REFERENCES [1] Anil K Rajvanshi, Electric and improved cycle rickshaw as a sustainable transport system for India, Current Science, Vol. 83, No. 6, September 2002. [2] Manpreet Singh Bhatia, Human Powered Trike, First National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (NCAME -2011), 20th -21st May 2011. 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