Lakeside Leisure
Lakeside Leisure
FALL 2009 Lakeside Leisure A Publication by The City of Rowlett Parks and Recreation Department In this issue: Parents Day Out Youth Basketball Senior Programs Special Events Big Boo Bash October 23 Page 21 Little Kickers Information on Page 12 972-412-6170 | WELCOME Mayor John Harper - Welcome With temperatures cooling down and children back in school, I invite you to check out some of the great fitness amenities and programs available for all ages at the Rowlett Community Centre. First, I must boast about the 2,500 square foot fitness room. This incredible room is designed to provide members with a total body workout. Get into shape with free weights, strength machines, multifunctional equipment, treadmills, elliptical and upright and recumbent bikes. Personal trainers are available to craft a perfect workout. There are two full-size gymnasiums, one of which features an overhead walking track, and two racquetball courts, all of which provide wonderful cardio workout opportunities. So with the cooler temperatures making it much more pleasant to get out of the house, please make a point to visit your Rowlett Community Centre and check out this amazing facility, explore the fun programs and classes, and become part of this active and vibrant amenity right in our own backyard! Staff Contacts Administration Sr. Administrative Assistant………..……..…972-412-6145 Dianne Zachary [email protected] Parks Parks Manager…………………………...…....…972-412-6264 Tim Hightshoe [email protected] Special Projects Manager………………....…972-463-3946 Jennifer A. Gomez [email protected] Parks Foreman…………………....……………...972-412-6263 Al Krajc [email protected] Recreation Recreation Division Manager……..…....….972-412-6265 Heath Olinger [email protected] Athletic Programs Manager………….....….972-412-6289 John Evans [email protected] Community Centre Supervisor……....…...972-463-3952 Mauralee Boersma [email protected] Recreation Coordinator………....……….…..972-412-6147 Sandy Beffa [email protected] Wet Zone General Manager………....…..…972-463-3948 Kyle Embry [email protected] Parks and Recreation Contact Information Rowlett Community Centre 5300 Main Street……………….………..972-412-6170 Wet Zone Waterpark 5304 Main Street …………………..……972-412-6266 Administration Office 4701 Rowlett Road………………..……..972-412-6145 Park Maintenance 4732 Industrial……………….…...………972-412-6264 Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Ken Romaine Karen Scholz Norman Scown Norman Tsao Parks Maintenance Team Jonathon Ferguson Keith Hall Richard Belcher James Bonner Travis Brown Adrian Guevara Bob Hewitt David Hewitt Alan Reitmire 2 Wayne Baxter, Chair Debby Bobbitt Lonnie Cornwell Jeff Jenkins Ronald Miller Community Centre Team Catherine Bavelaar Jake Herring Craig Huston Larry Porter Joni Voelker Chase Chlebak Blake Holder Julie Jones Sela Thornton FALL 2009 Explorin gli Youren fe’ssimplepleas joyment isourre ures. -VisionS ward! tatem Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s entof Recreati the onDepa r Parksan d tment ADULT PROGRAMS......................................................8-10 Our Mission: TO PROVIDE QUALITY CUSTOMER CARE FOR OUR ATHLETICS....................................................................15-16 COMMUNITY BY OFFERING THE BEST CHOICES FOR PARKS & RECREATION SERVICES, PROMOTING A SAFE, FUN, FAMILY ENVIRONMENT WHILE CREATING MEMORIES AND A SENSE OF HOME. CITY NEWS/LIBRARY........................................................22 FACILITY AMENITIES......................................................6-7 Program Registration FACILITY RESERVATIONS..............................................4-5 Onlineregistrationisavailable formostprograms. FITNESS PROGRAMS......................................................8-9 toregisteronline.VisaorMasterCardare requiredforonlineprogramregistration. Directionsforonlineregistrationareonpg17. ONLINE REGISTRATION DIRECTIONS.........................17 PARKS.............................................................................20-21 Walk-inregistrationisavailableduringnormal businesshoursattheRowlettCommunity Centre.Pleaseseepage6forhoursof operationandaddress. PRESCHOLL PROGRAMS..........................................12-13 SENIOR PROGRAMS..................................................18-19 SPECIAL EVENTS...............................................................23 YOUTH PROGRAMS...................................................10-14 Customer Care and Program Refunds TheRowlettRecreationDivisionhasa“satisfaction guaranteed”policyforprogramsandservices.Ifapatron orguestisunhappy,wewilldoourbesttoresolvethe situationtothecustomer’ssatisfactionbyprovidinga creditorissuingarefund. Refundsarenotgrantedforchangesinpersonalschedules afteraclassorprogramhasbegun.RCCmanagement reservestherighttoreviewallrequestsforrefunds. RCCstaffandmanagementwillworktoensureyour satisfactioninourprogramsandevents. Phone-inregistrationisavailablefor householdsthathavepreviously registeredattheRowlettCommunity Centre.Pleasehaveacreditcard availabletoexpediteregistrations.Call972412-6170forphone-inregistrations.Ifyou havenotpreviouslyregisteredwewouldbe gladtofax,mailoremailtheformsneededfor registration. Statement on Inclusion ItisthepolicyoftheRowlettRecreation Departmenttomaintainitsfacilitiesin conformancewithallapplicablelocal,state andfederallawsandregulations,including theAmericanswithDisabilityAct.The CommunityCentremaydevelopandenforce suchrulesgoverningthephysicalfacilitiesas maybenecessarytocarryouttheselawsand regulations.Attendanceandmembershipis opentotheentirecommunitywithoutregard torace,age,sex,sexualorientation,religion, nationalorigin,politicalaffi liation,orphysical ormentalability. Rowlett Parks & Recreation - 972.412.6170 3 FACILITY RESERVATIONS OurSpaciousRoomsAvailableInclude: Room RoomA RoomB RoomC RoomD Size 1,086sqfeet 1,475sqfeet 1,194sqfeet 915sqfeet Capacity 60 80 60 50 * Allroomscanbecombinedintoonelargespace. Weddings Dining,Dancing,Sipping, Enjoying! From the moment your guests arrive, they will appreciate this beautiful one-of-a-kind setti ng as theyrejoiceinyourhappinesswith you.Whateveryourheartdesiresis possibleandwithinabudgetrange thatyoucanlivewithhappilyeverafter. •Ourtable,seatingandkitchen facilitiessupportbuffet-style meals,formalseateddinners ortraditionalcakeandpunch service. •Withapermitandon-duty offi cerorchampagnethatyou purchaseandsetup. •Dancethenightawayona woodendanceflooridealforDJ’s orsmallbands. •Showoffyourownpersonalstyle andtastewithyourown decorations. 4 Celebrations Business Birthdays,anniversaries, reunions,babyandbridal showers… Ourfabulousmeeting setti ngwillhelpyouachieve aproductivegathering. The reasons to celebrate are unlimited, and so are the options for guests young and young at heart. Dancing, karaoke, games or professional entertainment? There’s plenty of space for whatever your crowd will enjoy in this beautiful, care-free setti ng. Guests can step outside for fresh air and stroll along the trails your specialroomoverlooks.Ortakethe wholegangoutsidetothemassive lawnforgamesorrompingaround atourKidsKingdomplayground. Withsereneviewsofthetreesand skyasabackdrop,andafreshcup of coffee or cool drink in hand, yourattendeeswillrelaxandfocus onyourpurpose. Everything you need to facilitate a smooth, worry-free meeting is available: •Tables&Chairs-ForClassroom orConferenceTableStyle Seating •AudioVisualEquipmentis availablefora$50fee, equipmentavailable includesdropdownscreen, overheadprojector,andsound system. •Speaker’sPodium •KitchenFacilities FACILITY RESERVATIONS Book a Room With a View. Our friendly and courteous staff is available to assist from your initial tour to making reservations and coordinating the details of your gathering. •Reservations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis and can be made up to nine months in advance of the date of your event. •Rooms may be reserved both during and after normal business hours Monday - Saturday and on Sundays. •A deposit is required to secure your room rental. Rooms and Amenities Rental Rates Resident Regular Business Hours $30/hr $60/hr Non-Business Hours $40/hr $80/hr Room Deposit $100/room $100/room Kitchen $20/hr $30/hr Kitchen Deposit $75/hr $75/hr Dance Floor $200 $200 Set-up charge (over 100 guests) $25 $25 Rental Rates Non-Resident Alcohol Permit Fee (must have police officer present) $50 $50 Audio/Video Equipment $50 $50 Sound System $25 $25 Table Cloths $8 $8 Park Pavilions Pavilion Pavilion Capacity Community Park 8500 St. Andrews 50 – 75 Herfurth Park 4601 Centennial 30 – 45 Springfield Park 5501 Antioch 25 – 50 Shorewood Park 9101 Woodlake & Williams 10 – 15 Pecan Grove Park 5300 Main St 50 - 100 Wet Zone Pavilion, Oct – April Only 50 – 75 Playground Restrooms Electricity Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes * Pavilion capacity does not reflect seating capacity. Pavilion Rental Fees (per hour): Resident Non-Resident $15.00 $30.00 Each Additional Hour $7.50 $15.00 Pavilion Deposit $50.00 1st hour $50.00 Rowlett Parks & Recreation - 972.412.6170 5 ROWLETT COMMUNITY CENTRE Membership Information Rowlett residents may receive the resident membership rate by presenting two forms of identification establishing Rowlett residency. Membership is valid for one year from date of purchase. Please present your membership card at the front desk each time you visit the facility. A $5 daily drop-in fee will be assessed when the membership card is not presented. Replacement cards can be purchased for $5. Guests 17 years and younger must have a release form signed by a parent or legal guardian before being issued a membership card. Use of the Rowlett Community Centre is available for Rowlett residents and non-residents. Children ages 6 and under must be supervised at all times by a guardian over the age of 16 years. Annual Membership Fees: Annual Pass Type Age Resident Location and Hours of Operation 5300 Main Street | Rowlett, TX 75088 972-412-6170 Hours of Operation: Monday–Friday Saturday Sunday 6:00am – 9:00pm 8:00am – 6:00pm CLOSED Fall 2009 Holiday Closures: Thanksgiving Christmas New Years Resident Monthly EFT Wednesday Nov. 25 at 5:00pm Thursday 26 - Friday 27 CLOSED Thursday 24 - Saturday 26 CLOSED Thursday 31 at 5:00pm Non-Resident Non-Resident Monthly EFT Individual 16 – 59 yrs $72 $7.20 $144 $14.40 Family 7 and up $216 $21.60 $425 $42.50 Youth 7-15 yrs $25 $2.50 $50 $5.00 Senior Individual* 60 yrs and up $10 $144 $14.40 Senior Activities Only** 60 yrs and up $5 $10 Corporate 16 – 59 yrs NA $140 Guest/Drop-in Fee 8 yrs and up $5 $5 *Senior Individual Membership includes access to all facility amenities and free senior programs. **Senior Programs Activity Membership provides access to free senior programs and the walking track only. 6 AMENITIES Fitness Room The Rowlett Community Centre features a 2,500 sq. ft. fitness room. This room is designed to provide members with a total body workout. Equipment includes free weights, upper and lower body weight machines, multifunctional equipment, treadmills, ellipticals and upright and recumbent bikes. The Fitness Room is available to members and guests 16 years and older. Youth ages 14 – 15 must be accompanied by parent/guardian. Indoor Track The indoor track is available during all operating hours Two Full Size Gymnasiums Plus... Free Wireless Internet Locker Rooms with Showers Programs for the Whole Family Meeting Rooms Courts are available for use during regular business hours. Open-play schedules will be posted at the Community Centre front desk. Racquetball Courts Non-reserved court time will be made available on a first come, first served basis, in 30 minute increments. Children ages 7 to 15 years of age may use the court when accompanied by a person 16 years or older. Patrons may obtain guaranteed court time by paying a $5/ court reservation fee. The courts may be reserved for one hour intervals, up to 3 days in advance. Reservations will be forfeited at 10 minutes past the start time. Racquets, racquetballs and protective eyewear are available for rental at the front desk. Radio Control Flying Memebership Radio Control Flying Club membership application forms can be obtained by going online to or at the RCC. In order to obtain a membership the application form must be signed by a club officer. After printing the form or collecting it from the RCC, please mail to: Rowlett Radio Club Attention: Treasurer, P.O. Box 2842, Rowlett, TX 75030 for the required signature. Form must be accompanied by a copy of a current AMA membership card. Once the form is signed by a club officer, bring the form to the Rowlett Community Centre to obtain a city issued flying club permit. The permit fee is $15.00 per year. Child’s Play Drop-In Playtime Program Ages: 6 months to 6 years Child’s Play provides a stimulating environment for your child to explore, play and interact with other children while you enjoy the benefits of the Centre. We feel that children should enjoy their experience at our facility as much as their parents! Fee: $3.00/ per visit, per child or $20.00/ ten visit punch card. Hours of Operation: M/W/F 8:30-11:30am and M/T/TH 5:00-8:00pm Rowlett Parks & Recreation - 972.412.6170 7 FITNESS How To Read The Course Schedule: 321007-D M/W 12/14 -12/30 course code day of week dates of class 5:30-6:30pm $30 time fee Day of the week indicated as: M - Monday T - Tuesday W - Wednesday TH - Thursday F - Friday S - Saturday Paramount Fitness Programs Class and training times are set up on an individual basis. For more information and pricing please call Paramount Fitness at (214) 850-5680 or visit: Personal Training Ages: 14 years to Adult Certified personal trainers are available for individual, couple and small group training sessions. Introduction to Weight Training Ages: 16 years to Adult A certified personal trainer will spend 30 minutes introducing you to the Fitness Room equipment. Fee for this program is $15. Accelerated Fat Loss Program This program is designed to help individuals shed those unwanted inches and keep them off. The purpose is for members to learn proper resistance training exercises, increase lean body mass to boost metabolism, adopt good eating habits and determine proper exercise intensity to maximize fat loss. Our program consists of the following: A comprehensive fitness assessment, 8 personal training sessions, and 1 nutritional guidance session. 8 Spin Class Ages: 12 years to Adult Instructors: Leanne Best Burn 500–800 calories in 1 hour! Spin class improves endurance, increases strength, builds muscle tone and reshapes your body. This fast paced, fun class will push your endurance to the next level. Get noticeable results from this choreographed, cardio cycling workout. 321007-A M/W 9/21-10/14 5:30-6:30pm $40 321007-B M/W 10/19-11/11 5:30-6:30pm $40 321007-C M/W 11/16-12/9 5:30-6:30pm $40 321007-D M/W 12/14 -12/30 5:30-6:30pm $30 Fitness Fun for Seniors! Ages: 60+ Instructor: Sonya Davis Loosen up those stiff joints, get that heart pumping and yes...sweat a little! The program will take you through a series of exercises, stretches and strength training while listening to your favorite music selections! This is a free program for all RCC Senior members and $5/drop-in fee for non-members. Thursdays 9:30-10:30am Free/$5 The Rowlett Community Centre is looking for qualified and innovative instructors for preschool, youth, teen and adult classes. Submit a class proposal for consideration for future sessions! Come by the Community Centre to pick-up a Class Proposal Packet or email Sandy Beffa, Recreation Coordinator at [email protected]. FITNESS Online registration information on page 17 Yoga Boot Camp TuesdayYoga Instructor:DeeLancaster 321006-AT9/22-10/13 9:30-10:30am$24/$8 321006-BT10/20-11/10 9:30-10:30am$24/$8 321006-CT11/17-12/8 9:30-10:30am $24/$8 321014-AM/W/Sat9/28-10/31 6:00-7:00pm(M/W)and7:00-8:00am(Sat)$225 Ages:16yearstoAdult Yogawillimprovebalanceandstrengthenyourmuscles, jointsandspine.Allposeswillbemodifiedtofitthe individualneedsofyourbody.Releaseyourstressand tension;trythefirstclassforfree.Registermonthlyor drop-indaily. SaturdayAMYoga Instructor:JanKidd 321006-DS8/29-9/1910:00-11:00am$24/$8 321006-ES9/26-10/17 10:00-11:00am$24/$8 321006-FS10/24-11/14 10:00-11:00am$24/$8 321006-GS11/21-12/12 10:00-11:00am$24/$8 Yogalates Ages:16yearstoAdult Instructor:DeeLancaster MixYoga,Pilates,balancemovesandstrengthtraining tocreateatotalbodyworkout.Yogalateswillstretch, strengthen,tightenandtonetheentirebody.Stretch bandswillbeusedforresistancetraining. 321008-AM/W9/23-10/197:45-8:45pm$40/$8 321008-BM/W10/21-11/167:45-8:45pm$40/$8 321008-CM/W11/18-12/97:45-8:45pm $35/$8 321008-DT/TH9/22-10/155:30-6:30pm$40/$8 321008-ET/TH10/20-11/125:30-6:30pm $40/$8 321008-FT/TH11/17-12/105:30-6:30pm $40/$8 Ages:16yearstoAdult Instructor:TracyPayne Burncalories,getstrongerandincreaseyour cardiovascularendurancewhilehavingfun.Boot CampwillbeleadbyaPersonalTrainerwith25 yearsofexperienceinthefitnessindustry.Body compositiontracking,nutritionalguidance,encouragementandsupportisallincludedfortheentire5 weeks.Formoreinformationcall903-521-2106or [email protected]. 321014-BM/W/Sat 11/16-12/19 6:00-7:00pm(M/W)and7:00-8:00am(Sat)$225 Ages:16yearstoAdult Instructor:SonyaDavis Jazzerciseistheworld's leadingdance-fitnessprogram.Jazzercisecombines elementsofjazzdance,resistancetraining,Pilates, yoga,kickboxing,andmoretocreatetrulyeffective programsforpeopleofeveryageandfitnesslevel. Pleasebringanexercisematandwaterbottleto class. 9:30amMonday,Wednesday&Friday 6:15pmTuesday&Thursday 8:30amSaturday JazzerciseFees: MonthlyEFT $32 8WeekPass$80 Walk–InClass $10 AllregistrationishandleddirectlythroughJazzercise instructors.Forregistrationoradditionalinformation,pleasecallSonyaat972-412-7080. Child’s Play (drop-in child watch) Hours: M/W/F - 8:30-11:30am M/T/TH - 5:00-8:00pm $3/visit or a 10 visit punch card is $20 Rowlett Parks & Recreation - 972.412.6170 9 PROGRAMS Adult Beginning Racquetball Ages: 16 years to Adult Instructor: Michael Pravitz Group racquetball lessons for beginning players. Learn the fundamentals, strategies and rules of racquetball or just polish your skills through practice. Each class will involve instructional and practice time. Max 4 students. 320801-A T 9/22-10/13 6:00-7:00pm $24 320801-B T 10/20-11/10 6:00-7:00pm $24 320801-C T 11/17-12/8 6:00-7:00pm $24 Tae Kwon Do Ages: 5 years to Adult Instructor: Bobby Blakley Learn the art of Tae Kwon Do in a fun atmosphere! Discipline, teamwork and physical fitness skills will be taught in every class. The instructor, Bobby Blakey has 17 years of teaching experience. Attend class one or two nights a week. Ask about the discounted class prices for multiple participants in the same family. Program Fee: $20/month (1 class/week) or $40/ month (2 classes/week). No class will be held on 12/24 and 12/31. 310201-A T/TH 9/22-10/15 7:30-9:00pm $20/$40 310201-B T/TH 10/20-11/12 7:30-9:00pm $20/$40 310201-C T/TH 11/17-12/10 7:30-9:00pm $20/$40 310201-D T/TH 12/15-12/29 7:30-9:00pm $10/$20 Citizens Police Academy Rowlett Police offer an 11-week Citizens Police Academy. Adults ages 21 and up will learn about the Rowlett Police Department operations. The Academy will meet on Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 10:00pm. For more information, please call 972-412-6242. Citizens’ Fire Academy Rowlett Fire Rescue offers a free 7-week Citizens’ Fire Academy to our residents every fall. This action packed, hands-on class is targeted at adults in the Rowlett community who will participate in an in-depth, insider’s view of the services provided by the City of Rowlett Fire Rescue. For more information, please call Fire Administration at 972-412-6230. 10 Jujitsu Ages: 12 years to Adult Instructor: Duane Ethington Jujitsu is an explosive and effective system that offers the opportunity to learn easy and applicable methods of protecting yourself. United States Martial Arts Hall of Fame instructor, Grand Master Duane Ethington brings Iss-Hogai, an American Jujitsu to the RCC. No class will be held on 9/5 and 9/7. Program Fee: $20/month (1 class/week) or $40/month (2 classes/week). 320202-A M/S 8/24 - 9/26 $20/$40 320202-B M/S 9/28 - 10/24 $20/$40 320202-C M/S 10/26 - 11/21 $20/$40 320202-D M/S 11/23 - 12/19 $20/$40 Monday class times are 7:00-8:30pm & Saturday 10:00-11:30am First Aid / CPR Class Ages: 16 years to Adult Instructor: Rowlett Fire Rescue Rowlett Fire Rescue sponsors an American Heart Standard First Aid and CPR class for adults and teens approximately every 3 months. The fee for this training is $30 per participant. For more information or to register for the next class, please call Fire Administration at 972-412-6230. Child Seat Inspections Got a new baby? Got a new car seat? The Rowlett Fire Rescue has 3 certified firemen that can install child car seats. Call the Fire Administration office at 972-412-6230 and let us make sure your seat is properly installed. Anyone can register for programs, you do not have to be a member of the Rowlett Community Centre to participate in programs. PROGRAMS Creepy Crafts Ages:5to7years Instructor:RCCStaff Kidswillhaveahowlinggoodtimemakingcrafts, listeningtostories,musicanddecoratingcookies. 310012-AS 10/17 10:00-11:00�m$5 All Star Sports Ages:5to7years Instructor:RCCStaff Eachweekadifferentsportwill beintroduced.Classincludes instruction,practiceandfree playinafunenvironment. 310708-AT10/6-10/27 7:15-8:00pm 310708-BT11/3-11/24 7:15-8:00pm $30 $30 Drama Kids Ages:6to11years Instructor:TriciaFoster Doyourkidstremblewhentheyhavetogiveabook report?Aretheycreativethinkers?Doesyourchild needtodevelopmoreself-confidence?DramaKids InternationalInc.isaworld-renowned,proven curriculumandhasbeendevelopedover25years. Eachsessionistaughtbyacertifiedteacherandis designedtobuildself-confidenceaswellasstrong speaking/actingskills.Classparticipantswillgainnew skillsandshowimprovementinpublicspeaking, creativethinking,acting,leadershipabilities, self-confidenceandselfesteem.Specialparentdays andperformanceopportunitiesarealsobuiltintothe! 310004-AT 310004-BT 9/8-10/27 6:30-7:30pm $100 11/3-12/15 6:30-7:30pm $75 How To Read The Course Schedule: Ages:6to10years Instructor:RCCStaff Paint,create,squish,dab,moldanddoodle!Watch thecreativegeniuspouroutofyourchildaswe createartworkusingavarietyofmedia.Each sessionwillfeatureanewvarietyofprojects.An afternoonsnackwillalsobeprovided.This½day programisscheduledonschoolholidays.Please registerpriortothefirstdayofclass. 310306-A 310306-B M M 12/21 1:00-5:00pm $20 12/28 1:00-5:00pm $20 Angel Ball SpecialAngelswithSpecialNeeds!Childrenwith specialneedsupto21yearsofageareinvitedto participateingymopenplay.Angelsarewelcometo playduringanyofouropenplaytimesbutwehave alsoreservedaspecialtimetoallowfullaccessto thegymwithoutovercrowding.AngelBallwillmeet thefirstThursdayofeachmonthfrom6:30-8:00pm inGymB. 311111-A 311111-B 311111-C TH10/1 6:30-8:00pm TH11/5 6:30-8:00pm TH12/3 6:30-8:00pm $4 $4 $4 Youth Racquetball Ages:10to16years Instructor:MichaelPravitz Groupracquetballlessonsforbeginning players.Learnthefundamentals,strategiesand rulesofracquetballorjustpolishyourskillsthrough practice.Eachclasswillinvolveinstructionaland practicetime.Max4students. Beginning 321007-D M/W 12/14-12/305:30-6:30pm$30 coursecodedayofweekdatesofclasstime fee Dayoftheweekindicatedas: M-MondayT-Tuesday W-WednesdayTH-Thursday F-FridayS-Saturday Holiday Break Art Zone 320707-ATH9/24-10/156:00-7:00pm $24 320707-BTH11/19-12/176:00-7:00pm $24 Intermediate 320707-CTH10/22–11/126:00-7:00pm $24 Rowlett Parks & Recreation - 972.412.6170 11 PROGRAMS Little Athletes (Parent & Child) Ages: 3 to 5 years Instructors: RCC Staff Little Athletes is a parent and child sport class for 3 – 5 year olds that teaches skills needed for soccer, baseball and football. It is a great way to spend more time with your children, help them develop sport skills and have a terrific time. 310707-B T 10/6-10/27 6:30 - 7:15pm 310707-B T 11/3-11/24 6:30 - 7:15pm $30 $30 Move-n-Groove Ages: 3 to 5 years Instructors: RCC Staff Toddlers will have a great time in this class. Half the class will be spent in the gym playing games and sports. The other half will be in the arts and crafts room drawing, painting and listening to stories. 311105-A M 10/5-10/26 10:00 - 11:00am $30 311105-B M 11/2-11/23 10:00 - 11:00am $30 Little Kickers Soccer Ages 3 to 5 years Instructor: RCC Staff This five week instructional program is for kids who are interested in playing the awesome sport of soccer and having fun! Basic soccer skills will be covered. Positional play and practice games will be played the last two weeks of the program. T-shirts will be provided to all participants. Location: Springfield Park (3-4yr) 310706-A TH 9/17 - 10/15 (4-5yr) 310706-B TH 9/17 - 10/15 5:30 - 6:15pm $35 6:30 - 7:15pm $35 Big Boo Bash Details on Page 23 Don’t miss this great family event! 12 Parents Day Out Ages: 3-5 Nance Instructor: Debbie The successful Parents Day Out program is back for the it’s second year. Children will be introduced to numbers, letters, colors, and shapes through music, stories, arts, crafts, environmental education, and physical education. Each month will have a theme that will incorporate fun learning. The Parent’s Day out program is scheduled on a monthly basis and the rate varies due to holidays. No class will be held on 11/26 and 12/22-12/31. Children are welcome to participate as soon at they turn 3 years of age. Participants are asked to bring a change of clothes and a lunch everyday. Snacks are provided. For more information or to schedule a facility tour contact Sandy Beffa at (972)412-6147 or email [email protected]. 310501-A T/TH 9/1-9/29 9:00-1:00pm $121 310501-B T/TH 10/1-10/29 9:00-1:00pm $121 310501-C T/TH 11/3-11/24 9:00-1:00pm $91 310501-D T/TH 12/1-12/17 9:00-1:00pm $78 PROGRAMS Baby Signs Workshop Ages: Parents of babies and toddlers Instructor: Melanie White This workshop shows parents the many benefits of incorporating practical signs into daily life. We’ll discuss how to teach babies signs for things like eating, drinking, sleeping, etc. Parents will also learn the history and research behind the Baby Signs movement. Included with this class is the Baby Signs parent kit so parents will have everything they need to put together a personalized plan to get started signing with their babies. For more information, check out classeswithmelanie. 310003-B TH 9/17 7:00-8:30pm $50 Sign, Say & Play Class Ages: 9 months - 2 years Instructor: Melanie White This parent/child class is a fun and entertaining way for parents and babies to learn signs together through theme-based songs, games, books and activities. Each class also includes a parent education component, with important concepts to help parents learn more about their child’s cognitive, literacy, and language development. Included with the class is The Sign, Say & Play Kit so that each participant will have the materials necessary to reinforce the signs they learned in class at home. For more information, check out 310003-B TH 9/24-10/29 9:00-10:00am $120 ABC FUN Ages: 3-4 Instructor: Melanie White This parent/tot class introduces little ones to all 26 letters of the alphabet. Through a variety of songs, stories, flash cards, coloring, and craft activities, students will become familiar with both uppercase and lowercase letters. 310003-A TH 9/24-10/29 10:15-11:15am $50 Dinosaur Dynamos Ages 4-6 Instructor: Melanie White Young dinosaur lovers will participate in a variety of fun, hands-on games and activities to boost their knowledge of these astonishing prehistoric animals. Each day, the class focuses on a different theme: naming dinosaurs, meat eaters, plant eaters, flyers/ swimmers, fossils, and babies. 310002-A TH 9/24-10/29 11:30-12:30pm $45 Five Little Pumpkins Ages: 3 to 5 years Instructor: RCC Staff Five Little Pumpkins will be filled with fun, songs, games, decorating cookies and making crafts. Kiddos will have the opportunity to participate and learn using a variety of fun learning techniques. 310008-A F 10/16 10:00-10:45am $5 310008-B S 10/17 9:00-9:45am $5 Rowlett Parks & Recreation - 972.412.6170 13 PROGRAMS Warrior Athletic Club Basketball Ages: 10 to 17 years Instructor: Steven Turner The Warrior Athletic Club - Athletes for Success Program promotes essential life skills through an athletic scheme. Many young people today are neither challenged nor have the necessary skills to take them out of their stage of mediocrity and into the next level of achievement. The Warrior programs are designed to enrich the mental, physical and confidence of each athlete. We provide the opportunity to develop their speed & agility, train and compete in basketball tournaments and leagues. Members have access to classes, events, camps, the book club, field trips, community service and games lead by Steven Turner. Membership fees are $25 a month. For more detailed information please call Steven Turner at 469-951-3478. Monday Night Workout – 45 minutes of core and agility training with 60 minutes exposure to the concepts and strategies related to the fundamentals of basketball; shooting, ball handling, passing, defense and rebounding, in a competitive environment. Each athlete will be assessed and work out with players of his or her skill level. 310702-A M 9/28 - 10/19 7:00-8:30 pm $25 310702-B M 10/26 - 11/16 7:00-8:30 pm $25 310702-C M 11/23 - 12/14 7:00-8:30 pm $25 Wednesday Night Workout - 45 minutes of core and agility training with 60 minutes exposure to the concepts and strategies related to the fundamentals of basketball; shooting, ball handling, passing, defense and rebounding, in a competitive environment. Each athlete will be assessed and work out with players of his or her skill level. Advanced Skills Class. 310704-A W 310704-B W 310704-C W 14 9/23 - 10/14 7:00-9:00 pm $25 10/21 - 11/11 7:00-9:00 pm $25 11/18 - 12/9 7:00-9:00 pm $25 Dribble, Dish, and Swish Contest Ages: 7-12 Boys and Girls Date: Saturday, November 7 at 9:00 a.m. at the RCC Fee: Free Participants will compete in the fundamentals of dribbling, passing, and shooting a basketball in a contest of skill and ability in preparation of basketball season. Youth Basketball Skills Clinic Are you ready for basketball? Jump start the season by brushing up on your skills! This Clinic will introduce the proper mechanics of defense, offense, ball handling and the rules of the game. Clinic will be taught by Warrior Athletic Club founder, Steven Turner. Ages 7 to 9 years - 9:00am to 12:00pm Ages 10 to 12 years - 12:30pm to 3:30pm 310602-A S 11/21 9:00am-12:00pm $25 310602-B S 11/21 12:30-3:30pm $25 For more information on athletic leagues or programs please contact John Evans at 972-412-6289 or [email protected] ATHLETICS Rowlett Youth Basketball League Adult Leagues Men’s Flag Football League The City of Rowlett Parks and Recreation Department hosts registration from September 1 21 for the 8-on-8 league. Games will be played on Saturdays in September-November at Springfield Park. The 8 week season culminates with the Champion qualifying for the TAAF State Championships. League fee is $320/team. Ages 7 to 14, as of September 1, 2009 Men's Basketball League League Fee: Resident $60 Non-resident $70 The Rowlett Parks and Recreation Department is proud to offer the Rowlett Youth Basketball League. Practices begin in December and league play is scheduled from January - February. All participants receive a Mavericks jersey and a participation trophy. All practices and games are scheduled at the Rowlett Community Centre. Registration Information: Registration must be completed at the Rowlett Community Centre Monday through Friday, 6:00am 9:00pm, or Saturdays from 8:00am - 6:00pm. Please be prepared to submit a copy of your child’s birth certificate at registration. All participants must register by Nov. 30th. Coaches will contact participants with practice, team and game information after the registration deadline. For more information please call 972-412-6170. Registration dates for the Youth Basketball League are: November 2-30 The City of Rowlett coordinates a Winter Men’s Basketball League. Registration for the winter league is December 1–31. League play is JanuaryMarch. League fee is $365/team and league games are played on Monday nights at the Rowlett Community Centre. Co-Ed Volleyball Leagues The City of Rowlett coordinates Power and Recreation Co-ed Volleyball leagues. Winter registration is December 1-31. League play is January – March. League fee is $185/team and league games are played on Friday nights at the Rowlett Community Centre. Coaches Needed! For the Youth Basketball League Do you love basketball? Do you want to make a positive impact in your community? New this year: Share your love of the game with a Youth Basketball team! Online registration is available if you know the participants jersey size. Participants will be given the jersey size that is listed on the registration form. Jerseys are available for viewing at the RCC. New participants will be required to provide a copy of their birth certificate PRIOR TO NOVEMBER 30. The Rowlett Youth Basketball league depends on volunteer coaches. Individuals are encouraged to sign up to coach a team. Forms are located at the RCC or online at Rowlett Parks & Recreation - 972.412.6170 15 ATHLETICS Youth Athletics Youth Basketball Rowlett Youth Baseball & T-Ball Rowlett Youth Soccer Rowlett Girls Fastpitch Softball Rowlett Hockey Association Tennis (Buddy Walker Jr. Tennis Program) Swim Team Adult Athletics Basketball Flag Football Volleyball Kickball Softball Ages Gender Phone Website 7 thru 14 Boys & Girls 972-412-6170 One season per year: Fall registration in November. Season begins in Dec. 5 thru 14 Boys 214-662-8727 Two seasons per year: Spring registration in Jan. Fall registration in Aug. 4 thru 18 Boys & Girls 214-607-4681 Two seasons per year: Spring registration in Dec. Fall registration in June. 7 thru 18 Girls 972-220-9834 Two seasons per year: Spring registration in February, Fall in August. 5 thru 18/Adult Boys & Men 972-333-0532 One season per year: Fall registration in September. Season begins in October. 7 thru 18 Boys & Girls 972-272-4293 [email protected] Contact Buddy Walker for more information. 5 thru Adult Boyd & Girls 972-412-6266 Contact Wet Zone Waterpark for more information. 18 thru Adult Men 972-412-6170 Three seasons: Summer registration in May., Fall in Aug., and Winter in Dec. 18 thru Adult Men 972-412-6170 Two seasons: Spring registration in February. Fall reg. in September. 18 thru Adult Co-Ed 972-412-6170 Three seasons: Summer registration in May, Fall in Aug., and Winter in Dec. 18-Adult Co-Ed 972-412-6170 One season: Spring registration in March 16-Adult Men & Co-Ed 972-475-9988 Four seasons: Spring registration in Feb. Summer in May, Fall in Aug. Winter in Dec. Youth basketball and swimming are the only sports that are directly administered by the Rowlett Parks and Recreation Department. All other youth sports associations are independent organizations who contract for use of City park facilities or use other facilities. Contact Information in this publication is provided as a service for the various associations. TAAF Region VII - The Rowlett Parks and Recreation Department is a proud member of the Texas Amateur Athletic Federation. For TAAF Region VII information, please visit 16 ONLINE REGISTRATION Registering online is easy as 1..2..3.. OnlineregistrationisavailableforthemajorityoftheprogramslistedintheLakesideLeisure.Thefollowing arestepstohelpguideyouthroughtheprocess. 1.Gotowww.rowlett.comandclickononlineservices. 2.ClickontheCommunityCentreProgramRegistrationbutton. 3.Enteryourloginandpasswordthenhitthesigninbutton.Thefirsttimeyoulogin,yourhousehold IDistheloginandthepasswordisyourzipcode.IfyouarenotsurewhatyourhouseholdIDnumber ispleasecalltheCommunityCentreat(972)412-6170andfrontdeskstaffwillbegladtogiveyouthe number.Afterloggingonforthefirsttimeyoumaychangeyourloginandpassword.Ifyouhavenot previouslyparticipatedinactivitiesthroughtheParksandRecreationDepartmentclickonthe NewUserAccountButtonandentertherequiredinformation. 4.Clickonthesearchbutton, then activitybuttonandfromthereyoucanselectyoursearchmethod.A searchcanbemadebyprogramnumber,programtype,oradvancedsearch.Onceyoufindtheprogram clickonitandfindthesectionyouwant.Enterthefamilymemberyouwanttoenrollintheprogramand hit addtocart. 5.Aliabilitywaiverwillappearonthescreen.Pleasereviewandclick“Iagree”ifyouwishtocontinue.A checkoutpromptwillbeshown,andyouwillneedtoclickonyesandsubmit.Afterhitti ngthesubmit buttonaquestionwillask“Howdidyouhearabouttheprogram?”Afterenteringtheanswerhitthesub mitbutton,andthenyoucancontinueshoppingorproceedtocheckout. 6.Entertherequiredpaymentinformationandclickgo.Aconfirmationreceiptwillbeavailabletoprintfor yourrecords. 7.Don’tforgettosignoutwhenfinished. Waterview Golf Club Selectedasoneofthe“Top10”golfcoursesin theDallasareabyAvidGolferMagazine. Bookyourtournamentornext groupoutingtoday! DanHaag,GeneralManager DanielBoley,Superintendent TommyJ.Bean,DirectorofInstruction 9509WaterviewParkway Rowlett,TX75089 972-463-8900 17 Rowlett Parks & Recreation - 972.412.6170 SENIOR PROGRAMS Fitness Fun for Seniors! Senior Holiday Luncheon Ages: 60+ Instructor: Sonya Davis Loosen up those stiff joints, get that heart pumping and yes...sweat a little! The program will take you through a series of exercises, stretches and strength training while listening to your favorite music selections! This is a free program for all RCC Senior members and $5/drop-in fee for non-members. The City of Rowlett Parks and Recreation Department would like to invite all Seniors to the annual Holiday Luncheon. Lunch & desert will be served. Don’t miss out onthe great food, socializing & door prizes. 331106-C T 12/8 $4 Thursdays Bureau of Engraving & Printing in Ft. Worth 9:30-10:30am Free/$5 Tea and Crumpets With Mimi This is a must attend event! Mimi will offer a morning of entertainment and laughs as she talks about computer dating. Mimi is a puppet and she will be accompanied by her saucy French maid, Babette. Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP by calling 972-412-6170. Wednesday 11/18 10:00am AARP The AARP Driver Safety Program is the nation’s first and largest refresher course for drivers age 50 and older that has helped millions of drivers remain safe on today’s roads. It is designed to help you tune up your driving skills and update your knowledge of the rules of the road. Learn about normal agerelated physical changes, and how to adjust your driving to allow for these changes. Pre-registration is required. To register call the Rowlett Community Centre at 972-412-6170 and pay by credit card, go to the Community Centre, or register online at Fee: $14 for Non AARP Members $12 for AARP Members Please bring your membership card to the class. 331000-A W 10/7 8:30am-12:30pm. The Bureau of Engraving is responsible for the design, engraving and printing of all U.S. paper currency. A world leader in printing technology, the bureau also produces portions of U.S. passports, materials for Homeland Security, military identification cards, Immigration and Naturalization Certificates, White House invitations, Treasury obligations and other U.S. securities. On the tour, you’ll see millions of dollars being printed and the various steps of currency production, beginning with large, blank sheets of paper, and ending with walletready bills! Trip participants will stop for lunch, however the cost of lunch is on your own. The minimum number of participants need for this trip is 30. The bus will depart the RCC at 8:30am and return to the RCC around 3:30pm. 330901-A Th 9/17 $22 Dallas World Aquarium Experience nature’s adventure at The Dallas World Aquarium. The facility is home to a unique display of flora and fauna from five continents, 14 countries, three oceans, numerous seas and rivers. Explore the Aquarium at your own pace. There are two restaurants on site for lunch. Program fee includes transportation and admission fees to the Aquarium. The bus will leave the RCC at 10:00am. 330901-B Th 10/15 $16 Choctaw Casino Trip Have a fun day at the Choctaw Casino in Durant, Oklahoma. We will leave the Rowlett Community Centre at 8:30am and arrive at the casino at 10:00am. Participants will receive $10 in casino cash, $10 in blackjack match play and a $5 meal voucher to use at any food area in the casino. The bus will leave return to the RCC around 4:00pm. 18 330901-C Th 11/5 8:30-4:00pm $10 PACE People with Arthritis Can Exercise – a program sponsored by the American Arthritis Foundation to help improve the quality of life of those with arthritis. This free program is offered every Tuesday at 1pm and Friday at 9:30am. Dinner Social Come join us for a monthly Pot Luck Dinner Social at the Rowlett Community Centre. Different themes every month. This is held on the second Thursday of the month and starts at 5:00pm. Please bring a dish to share. September 10 - Luau Party October 8 - Octoberfest November 12 - Texas Barbeque Lunch Around Town Meet with local seniors at restaurants on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 11:30am. This is a great opportunity to meet people and visit with friends. September 22 - Amelia’s in Rowlett October 27 - Double Dave’s in Rowlett November 24 - Baker’s Ribs in Rowlett Digital Photos Class Learn how to download and edit digital photos. Please pre-register, class size is limited. 330002 M 11/9 10:00-11:00am Table Talk Come together to play assorted games or just to socialize. Monday & Friday from 11:30am - 4:00pm. Snacks are provided every Monday. You are encouraged to bring snacks to share on Fridays. Baked Goods Baked goods that are donated by Tom Thumb are available on Mondays at 9:30am in Room C. SENIOR PROGRAMS Coffee & Donuts Fresh donuts provided by Rowlett Donuts every Tuesday (except 4th Tuesday of each month) from 8:45 – 10:00am. Birthday Parties Once a month we celebrate Birthdays! The first Wednesday of the month a birthday cake will be provided, but please bring a sack lunch. The party begins at 10:00am. Computers Laptop computers are available at the RCC on Fridays from 9:00-11:30am. One-on-one computer assistance is available at the RCC from a volunteer Computer Program Facilitator. If you would like to schedule a one-on-one help session please call 972412-6170. If you would like more information. To volunteer as a Computer Program Facilitator please contact Heath Olinger at 972-412-6265 or [email protected]. Senior Health Check This free service is provided by the Rowlett Fire Department, the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 8:30-10:00am. A firefighter will be available to take blood pressure and blood sugar readings. Bridge Social Bridge every Thursday, 10:00am-3:00pm at the Centre. Bring your own sack lunch. For more information call Ann Etheredge, 972-412-0588. Meals-On-Wheels Available on Monday and Friday, 11:30am-12:30pm. The cost of the meal is $3.50 per person. Please sign-up 1 business day in advance at the RCC front desk or call 972-412-6170. Volunteers are needed for the Meals-On-Wheels program. If interested contact Mauralee Boersma at 972-412-6170. Rowlett Parks & Recreation - 972.412.6170 19 PARK FACILITIES FREE BRUSH & LIMB CHIPPING Rowlett residents can drop off limbs and brush at the Parks Maintenance Facility, 4732 Industrial, Rowlett, TX. February through November on the following schedule: THURSDAY & FRIDAY 7am-3pm SATURDAY 7 am - Noon Sep 24-26 | Oct 29-31| Nov 19-21 Dec 28-31 | Jan 4-9, 2009 Note: Location is closed on official holidays 20 PARK LOCATIONS FREE MULCH! Rowlettresidentsmaypickupfreemulchatanytime at4732Industrialoratouralternatesitebehindthe WetZoneWaterpark. Rowlett Parks & Recreation - 972.412.6170 21 CITY NEWS/LIBRARY DART Blue Line Extension Under Construction Design is underway for Blue Line Light Rail to downtown Rowlett. The Proposed DART Rail Blue Line to Rowlett is a 4.5 mile extension from Downtown Garland Light Rail Train (LRT) station to the proposed Downtown Rowlett LRT station. The project, scheduled to open in December of 2012, will consist of 4.5 miles of light rail tracks along the existing Missouri-Kansas-Texas (MKT) railroad corridor. For more information about the DART Blue Line to Rowlett, simply go to President George Bush Turnpike Extension Well Underway This is an exciting time for the City of Rowlett. Not only do we have the Eastern Extension of the President George Bush Turnpike under construction through the City, but we have the DART Blue Line Light Rail coming soon as well. The Eastern Extension of the Bush Turnpike will connect Interstate Highway 30 to the existing President George Bush Turnpike (PGBT) at Firewheel in Garland. It is part of the Loop 9/State Highway 190 corridor envisioned in the 1960s. Construction on the approximately 9.9-mile corridor began in October 2008 and is scheduled to open to traffic in late 2011. Please go to www.rowlett. com and click on the PGBT icon to view a map of the turnpike corridor and to learn more about the PGBT Eastern Extension or go to and click on projects. Library Programs Adults Knitting Club – 3rd Tuesday of each month GED – September 14th to December 10th – GED tutoring will be offered on Mon. and Wed. evenings from 7-8:30 pm and on Tues. and Thurs. from 10:30 am-12 pm. Stop by the reference desk to register. Computer Classes for Seniors The Rowlett Public Library offers free computer classes for Rowlett seniors in conjunction with the Rowlett Senior Advisory Board. Classes meet 8:30 to 10 am and participants should be able to attend all three days. Classes are limited to 18 participants and registration is required. To register, call 972-412-6161. Basic Computer – September 15th, 16th, and 17th Email – October 6th, 7th, and 8th Internet – November 10th, 11th, and 12th 22 Rowlett Public Library 3900 Main Street | Rowlett, TX 75088 972-412-6161 Hours of Operation: Monday-Thursday Friday-Saturday Sunday 9:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Closed Story Times at the Library Babies: Mondays at 10:30 am & 11:30 am Toddlers: Wednesdays at 10:30 am Preschoolers: Fridays at 10:30 am @ McDonalds – The second Tuesday of the month at 10:30 am (Highway 66 & Rowlett Road) @ McDonalds – The fourth Tuesday of the month at 10:30 am (Lakeview Pkwy, between Chiesa & Dalrock) Story Time at Chase Bank – The third Thursday of the month at 10:30 am (Highway 66 & Dalrock Rd) Family Saturdays - September 19 at 2pm Take a field trip to “My Weird Library” based on the Dan Gutman “My Weird School” series. Free tickets will be available 9/1. 4th Annual Halloween Spooktacular - October 17 from 2-4 pm Play a variety of spooky games, enter the Haunted Mansion, and eat yummy treats. Wear your Halloween costume. Free tickets will be available 10/1. Come and go activity. 3rd Annual Pumpkin Painting Contest - October 1 - 16 Pick up an information sheet beginning September 1. Denman Family Gospel Group - November 14 at 2pm Enjoy hymns and country music. Free tickets will be available 11/1. Gingerbread Houses - December 12 at 2 pm. Decorate a graham cracker “Gingerbread House” with frosting and candies. Free tickets will be available 12/1. Programs for Teens (Grade 6 and up) Booktalk – The first Friday of the month at 4:15 pm starting September 4th Teen Club – The second Thursday of the month at 4:15 pm starting September 10th SPECIAL EVENTS Downtown Special Event Series Veteran’sDay Celebration Movies on Main 3900MainStreet|7:00pm September11,18,25 Grabablanketandheadoutforthreeunforgettableevenings ofcinemaunderthestarsonMainStreet!Packapicnicto enjoyontheRowlettLibrary’sfrontlawnbeforethemovie starts.Thereisnoadmissionchargeandopenseatingstartsat 7p.m.Gamesandfunbeforethemoviebeginsatdusk. Veteran’sPark|3944MainStreet WednesdayNovember11at3:00pm JoinusatVeteran’sParkaswe recognizeandhonorourlocalVeterans. TherewillbeaspecialconcertonSeptember25thbythe LakeshoreSymphonicWinds. CELEBRATE THE HOLIDAYS ROWLETT STYLE! NowShowing: 9/11:Bolt,SponsoredbyCatalystChurch 9/18:RemembertheTitans,SponsoredbyCatalystChurch 9/25:KungFuPanda,SponsoredbyRowlettMartialArts Center Saturday, November 21 DowntownEventSeriesSponsors: LakePointeMedicalCenter|Chick-fil-A FirstStepChiropractic|ButlerPlumbing SilverLeafResorts Big Boo Bash Downtown Rowlett on Main Rowlett Turkey Jerky & Main Street Holiday Parade and Festival! Rowlett Turkey Jerky 5k Run/Walk All runners, joggers and walkers are invited! The race is sponsored by the City of Rowlett and Crown of Life Lutheran Church and benefits the Rowlett Youth Athletic Association (RYAA) and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. 8:00am start. October 23 at the Rowlett Community Center 6 - 9pm $5 per person Activities Include: Bounce House | Carnival Games | Smore’s Cookie Decorating | Haunted Hallway Join the Noon Exchange Club as they host the 23rd Annual Holiday Parade on Main Street. Parade begins at 10:00am and don’t forget to sign up for the parade at Tree Lighting Ceremony Tickets go on sale September 1 at the RCC Thursday,December3 DowntownRowlett JointheDowntownRowlett Associationastheyhosta TreeLightingCeremonyin DowntownRowlett. For more information on special events go to Rowlett Parks & Recreation - 972.412.6170 23 For Holiday Specials check out Fall 2009 Your Enjoyment is our Reward! PRESORTED STANDARD US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 242 ROWLETT TX Return address: 4000 Main Street, Rowlett, TX 75088 Postal Patron