St. Philip Neri - St. Albert the Great Parish
St. Philip Neri - St. Albert the Great Parish
St. Philip Neri - St. Albert the Great Parish St. Philip Neri Church - 3101 Van Buren St. Alameda, 94501 Phone: (510) 373-5200 Fax: (510) 522-8123 Mass schedule: Monday-Saturday 8:30 am Saturday Vigil 5:00pm Sunday 9:00am and 11:30am Holy Days: Vigil 6:00pm & 8:30 am St. Albert Church - 1022 Holly St. Alameda, 94502 Phone: (510) 373-5220 Fax: (510) 522-8123 Mass schedule: Monday-Saturday 7:30 am Saturday Vigil 5:00pm Sunday 8:00am and 10:30am Holy Days: 7:30 am & 6:00pm St. Philip Neri School TK-8 1335 High St. Alameda, 94501 Principal: Jessica Murray 521-0787 Pastor: Fr. Robert Chinnapan, mf (510) 373-5201 pastor Parochial Vicar: Fr. Kuriakose Nadooparambil, mf (510) 373-5202 [email protected] Parish Website: SPN office hours Mon - Fri: 9am - 4pm SA office hours: Mon - Fri 9am - 12nn Staffed by the Missionaries of Faith since 2008 For Baptisms: call the Parish office first for interview with the pastor or associate Parish registration & preparation class are required. Individual Confessions: call 373-5201 or 373-5202 for appointment Saturday Confessions : SPN - 3:30-4:30pm SA - 4:00-4:30 pm For Weddings: call priest at least 6 months in advance, parish registration & preparation classes are required . LITURGY CORNER Take Up the Cross The cross has been a Christian symbol of self-sacrifice and redemption from at least the fourth century. The cross leads processions and is venerated with incense. A cross with a corpus is to be on or near the altar during Mass, which helps us relate to the sacrifice Jesus made for our salvation. The Cross celebrates Christ’s victory over death and sin and is a symbol of triumph. Through prayer we encounter the God who never forsakes us, who strengthens us to face our daily crosses, and who encourages us to be faithful. ST. PHILIP NERI- ST. ALBERT THE GREAT Alameda, CA June 19, 2016 Effective July 1, 2016, the Diocese of Oakland will implement a new Safe Environment training called VIRTUS for both parish and school. After July 1, TRAINING WILL NO LONGER BE AVAILABLE ON SHIELD THE VULNERABLE. Therefore, ALL VOLUNTEERS will have to train using this new system. We will provide a date and time for a workshop to train all volunteers. Please check the bulletin for future announcements. If you have any questions, please call the office (510) 373-5200. Welcome the Stranger update As time goes by and we are still unable to secure an apartment for this lovely little family, we are not giving up or losing hope. We are disappointed again and again in this competitive market and are especially disheartened to hear the owners say, “No foreigners can apply”. Reminds some of us of the welcome our own relatives received when they first arrived. We have co-signers willing to take responsibility for a lease, together with the newcomers. Meanwhile, these immigrants are still in the hotel, safe and comfortable, although eager to have their own space. We greatly appreciate all the financial support from parishioners that allows us to provide for them. Volunteers have found the dad a small job as well as potential work using his skill as an interpreter. He now has a donated bike and all necessary equipment and is able to get around town on his own. We have people taking them to needed appointments to qualify for some benefits they are eligible to have. Members of the local Afghan community are also befriending them. Our volunteers are supplying food and any other immediate need. We remain hopeful in looking for housing and have supplies of furniture and household items ready. If anyone knows of an apartment to rent, we will be happy to hear about it. We pray for blessings to all who continue to support with prayers as well as financial help. There is a general meeting of all the volunteers scheduled for June 22 at 7:00 PM at St. Joseph Elementary School. Please contact Anna Rossi, [email protected], with aid or questions. EVENTS AT ST. PHILIP NERI EVENTS AT ST. ALBERT THE GREAT Choir - Mondays Children’s Choir practice at 3:30 - 4:15pm, SPN Church Wednesdays Youth Choir practice at 6:30 - 8pm, SPN Church Thursdays Adult Choir practice at 7 - 8:30 pm , SPN & SA Church Centering Prayer & Lectio Divina - 1st & 3rd Tuesday at 7:30 pm, Rectory Knights of Columbus - 2nd Wednesday at 7:00 pm, Rectory Basement Direction for our Times - 2nd Thursday at 9:00 am, Church Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament - 1st Fridays at 9 am - 5 pm, Church 3rd Order Carmelites - 3rd Saturday at 9:00 -12 nn, Annex ICF Branch #10 - 1st Thursday 7:00 pm, Hall Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts - various groups Our Lady’s Prayer Group - Meets Wednesday at 4:30-6:00 pm, Church Divine Mercy - Tuesdays at 6:00 pm, Church Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena Wednesdays at 6:30 pm, Church SPN-SA Parish Outreach - Meets 2nd Thursdays at 9:00 am, Parish Hall St. Vincent de Paul Society - 2nd Sunday at 9:00 am, Rectory Meeting Room Mass of Anointing - 1st Friday at 9:30 am Legion of Mary - Fridays at 5pm, Rectory Rosary Makers - 3rd Saturday at 8:00 am, Hall ST. PHILIP NERI- ST. ALBERT THE GREAT Alameda, CA Page 3 The SPN/SA Parish is looking for volunteers to join our Children’s Faith Formation (CFF) program. CFF conducts religious classes between 10:15am to 11:15am on most Sundays from September to May at the SPN school. We have between 80 to 100 students each year being taught by a cadre of wonderful religious teachers called Catechists. We are looking for catechists at all grade levels from K to 7th grade. If you love working with children and would love to bring the Word of the Lord to them, think about joining our program. Please contact the Coordinator, Jesus Romero, at [email protected] or call him at (510) 373-5218 if you have an interest or have questions. Are you coming from another Christian tradition? Are you a Baptized Catholic and have not completed your full initiation into the faith; either missing First Communion and or Confirmation? I would love to hear from you! Contact Suzy Silva at the RCIA office (510) 373-8217 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. The Outreach Ministry Bake Sale is on June 18 & 19! Celebrate Father’s Day weekend with some treats! Home baked items can be dropped off at the SPN office on Friday, June 17 before 4pm or to either church before the 5pm mass on June 18. Thank you! O Mary, conceived without sin, Pray for us who have recourse to you . The Legion of Mary will conduct a membership drive at St. Philip Neri Church on June 18 & 19 after all masses. Active members will be outside the church to recruit new members. We pray for our sick … Florence Harvey, Phil Dietz, Daniel Fenzl, Charles Saraspi, Guillermo Gonzalez, Roberto Pellegrino, Bill Mossholder, Julie Kennedy, Pearlene Wanigatunga, Lillian Layante, Rick Magarian, Bill Heck, Reneé Ragucci, Fran Najor, Teresa Hert, Jo Marie Mendoza, Sharon Ramos, Mabelen Sanford, Sr. Christine Patrinos, SNJM, Sr. Betty Shields, SJNM, Joe & Siony Piatos, Froilan Ampil, Bridget Kanady, Arnel Alano, Paula Rolleri, Nicholas Toth, Arvil Flippin, Maureen Mondello, Fr. Jim Sloan, Joan Pruden, Lorin Kroska, Sherry Crevani, Florence Bachmann, Steve Tao, Mario Galetto, David Truong, Bernard & Catherine Welz, Fr. Matthew George, Lourdes Hartrick, Joyce Edwards, Ed Murray, Erma Skinner, Barbara Janowski, Jun Saraspi, Esperanza A. Boglosa , Aurelia A. Alcontin, Pat Medaglia, PeggyRourke-Nichols, Mike Rourke, Juan Garcia, Karol Turner, David McNamara, Nathan Roco, Raul Macatangay, Dina Fazio, Sharon Brunetti, Juanita Estrellas, Ofelia Osalbo, Dolores Dejager, Luke Mars, Paul McCormack, Richard Goodman, Juner Valencia, Louis Garcia, Patrick Glynn, Donna Thomas, Betty Spingola, Rick Freitas, Shirley Morrison, Maggie Hobson-Caracciolo, Trudi LeDruillenec. We pray for all our military personnel in harms way especially Nicholas Argueta. ST. PHILIP NERI- ST. ALBERT THE GREAT Alameda, CA Page 4 St. Albert the Great St. Philip Neri June 18 - 26 June 18 - 26 8:30am Sat. June 18 5:00pm Denise Maddix † Bob Steimer † Paula De Paiva † Sun. 9:00am Vicente Dumon June 19 11:30am Legion of Mary Sat. June 18 7:30am 5:00pm Special Intention For All Fathers Sun. June 19 8:00am For All Fathers 10:30am For All Fathers Mon. 7:30am Andres Diaz † Tues. 7:30am Pearl Cho † Wed. 7:30am Mariano & Elayda Relevante † Mon. 8:30am Carolina & Sylvia Tues. 8:30am Ben & Renata Perata † Wed. 8:30am Papa & Mama Caviglia † Thurs. 8:30am Albert & Jeanne Boothby † Thurs. 7:30am Corazon Morales † Fri. 8:30am Jewel Pinter Fri. 7:30am Gil & Naty Pelegrin † 8:30am Sat. June 25 5:00pm Eda Cervelli † Dennis Latzy † Sat. June 25 7:30am 5:00pm Concepcion Serafica † Remy Santos † Sun. 9:00am June 26 11:30am Nestor Gangcuangco † People of SPN-SA Sun. June 26 8:00am People of SPN-SA 10:30am Marie & Maria Femminis TODAY'S READINGS READINGS FOR THE WEEK First Reading -- Zechariah foretells the Messiah (Zechariah 12:10-11; 13:1). Psalm -- My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God (Psalm 63). Second Reading -- There are no distinctions or divisions; we all belong to Christ (Galatians 3:26-29). Gospel -- Peter proclaims Jesus as the Christ; Jesus speaks of his great suffering to come (Luke 9:18-24). Monday: 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Ps 60:3-5, 12-13; Mt 7:1-5 Tuesday: 2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36; Ps 48:2-4, 10-11; Mt 7:6, 12-14 Wednesday: 2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Ps 119:33-37, 40; Mt 7:15-20 Thursday: 2 Kgs 24:8-17; Ps 106:1b-5; Mt 7:21-29 Friday: Vigil: Jer 1:4-10; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17; 1 Pt 1:8-12; Lk 1:5-17 Day: Is 49:1-6; Ps 139:1-3, 13-15; Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57 -66, 80 Saturday: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Ps 74:1b-7, 20-21; Mt 8:15-17 The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass (c) 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. ICF Branch #10 Barbecue and Bocce All are welcome to attend the annual barbecue and bocce on Thursday, July 7 at Lincoln Park. Bocce to be played from 4 - 7pm. Dinner of hamburgers and hotdogs, sides, drinks and dessert will be served at 6pm. Children $5, adults $10. Guests may bring lawn chairs. For reservations and further information, contact John Zugnoni (510)523-8005 or email: [email protected] by 9pm on Saturday, July 2. Payment in advance by check payable to ICF Branch 10 may be dropped off at the church office. ST. PHILIP NERI- ST. ALBERT THE GREAT Alameda, CA Page 5 Dear Parishioners, One of the questions to parents during infant baptism is “You have asked to have your child baptized. In doing so you are accepting the responsibility of training him/her in the practice of the faith… Do you clearly understand what you are undertaking? The answer is always “We do”. Parents have shared the gift of human life with their children and, through Baptism, have enriched them with a share in God's own life. They have the duty to nourish it. Their faith, their attitude toward other human beings, and their trust in a loving God strongly influence the development of the child's faith. Parents are catechists precisely because they are parents. Their role in the formation of Christian values in their children is irreplaceable. They should speak naturally and simply about God and their faith, as they do about other matters they want their children to understand and appreciate. Parents are also the most effective catechists of prayer for their young children. They know what their children are capable of understanding and can easily teach their children basic prayers and the fundamental attitude of prayer. By praying frequently with their children at special moments during the day and especially by praying with them at the Sunday Eucharist, parents introduce children into the prayer life of the Church. By incorporating prayer into everyday family experiences, parents teach their children by example. Their witness encourages their children to call upon God as their Father who loves and protects them; to look to Jesus, their Savior and brother, who leads them to the Father; and to acknowledge the presence of the Holy Spirit, who dwells within their hearts. Children ordinarily enjoy listening to their parents read to them and tell them stories. Reading stories from Sacred Scripture combines both these simple activities. Just as children learn their family histories through stories told by their parents, they learn about the Catholic faith as their parents introduce them to the person of Jesus and the beauty of the word of God and tell them the story of Mary, the Mother of God, as well as of the lives of the Saints. While the catechesis offered within the family is ordinarily informal, unstructured, and spontaneous, it is no less crucial for the development of the child's faith. In a certain sense nothing replaces family catechesis, especially for its positive and receptive environment, for the example of adults, and for its first explicit experience and practice of the faith. The catechesis of infants and young children nourishes the beginnings of the life of faith. Let every parent remember the promise they made during the baptism, to train their child in the practice of the faith. Wishing you an abundance of God’s grace and peace, Fr. Robert K Chinnapan ST. PHILIP NERI- ST. ALBERT THE GREAT Alameda, CA Page 6 PARISH STAFF Suzann Silva , RCIA Coordinator 373-5217 … [email protected] Cathy Morales, Youth Ministry Many thanks to the SPN-SA Adult Choir who have tirelessly shared their talent and the gift of music to our parish throughout the year. 373-5216 … [email protected] Your efforts are well appreciated! Jesus Romero, CFF Director 373-5218 … [email protected] Lydia Cho, Music Director Lydia Cho Music Director 373-5219 … [email protected] Jenny Feliciano, Office Administrator and Bulletin Editor 373-5215 … [email protected] Margaret Mariani, Office Support & Facilities Coordinator 373-5230 Anh Truong, Parish Bookkeeper 373-5214 … [email protected] Jessica Murray, SPN Elementary School Principal 521-0787 PARISH PLANNING COMMITTEES Adult Faith Formation Meets bi-monthly on last Tues. at 6pm CHAIR: Diane Bustos Finance Council Meets bi-monthly 1st Wed at 5:30pm CHAIR: Sandy Goya Liturgical Committee Meets 2nd Monday at 6:30pm CHAIR: Diane Bustos Pastoral Council Meets 2nd Tuesday at 6:30pm Co-CHAIRS: Henry Ramos & Jeanne Decker St. Vincent dePaul Conference assistance to the needy call 373-5226 CHAIR : Jim Lee Our Music Ministry has done an amazing job in inspiring & lifting our spirits at mass with their voices and music. However, upkeep of our instruments are also vital. We are asking for a donation of a piano cover to conserve our beautiful piano at St. Philip Neri. If you have a talent in sewing, quilting, or would like to give a monetary donation to go towards buying a new one, please call the office at (510) 373-5200. Thank you to those who have contributed toward purchasing a cover. We appreciate your generosity! Upcoming 2nd Collections June 25 - 26 Holy Father’s (Peter Pence) Bereavement and Support Ministry call 373-5208 July 2 - 3 Parish Improvement June Votive Candles at St. Philip Neri In Memory of Alice M. Chavez (until December 2016) In Memory of Denise Maddix from Joe & Catherine Cervelli (until June 2017) Weekly Goal $10, 300.00 Plate Received 9,303.10 ($ 996.90) ADS Thank you to the Knights of Columbus for preparing & cooking the BBQ lunch for our Altar Servers and Confirmation candidates! June 5, 2016 Our Annual Garage Sale will be on July 22, 23 & 24, 2016! We are having a blow-out sale! If you need it, we probably have it. We have hundreds of household items, loads of quality furniture pieces, lots of children’s toys, and clothing for all ages… too many other items to mention. We need MEN & WOMEN to help on sales day! Hope to see you there! CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Philip Neri-St. Albert the Great Parish 3101 Van Buren St. Alameda, CA 94501 PHONE 510-373-5200 CONTACT PERSON Jenny Feliciano EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] SOFTWARE: Microsoft Publisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 7 PRINTER HP Laserjet 5 TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday 5pm SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION - June 19 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT - 7 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS : Split order EACH WEEK send 250 to St. Philip Neri 3101 Van Buren St. Alameda, CA 94501 94502 AND send 250 to St. Albert the Great 1022 Holy St. Alameda, CA
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